marked to the Itlinistee.thatthe U. S. 00.,Vere ' to Cafl ? ` Nyie di w . beter beforoeninhasliee \ - - ' lest institutions 'feint : - ' - ',iee make is:dined to a stet° of future -existe'e,rtiore-northern route tkin by the Ze m k e fh ' ' b, --- et . eked/effete= the envenomed *shaft of tho eswilltend• - tektettobacco inbette r e Peii attacknentio, munic „ r. • • - , . . --' °fl e ' `0! that conflict with thee*. e"t e fell° '-°' . • - e 1-- -e• ei , -- :y , - . „ r o erevie s mete would hold' him responsible for th 4.eeitiatte.e e • : s to -• of ,A ; ... , r tfr i e it . , „oar , -.-. b utl , l lo•ie Obi - -e we ' re e elenithreer Cenral pacle tong may herhnoreteesen N OW oricei . otter market awaits the his - "e:eleemberer I Tile. Prug r° ee .• - statesmen generally,, ,et -e . , ., ~ , sed le t o e . -- ole ."M'eanticipate tha s - - ner in which he discharged hie•dietieseeindetheee 'eleEtherisige, tinelthe Grocery of I . • . •' 5O , 9 -- try,leiveiheen peg theaccepeed area Of,* ,i nemelie,lneekeen , with gat! 0 timid re-. , .. . , ~ t neply - a n t h eers or fie would ceonsequerity lei at liberty to dime. r• ••-'• e- --• •• i - sped e sonsdaughters , • co o • D ie* p arty .. e ., -;,„.- ~... • .. .e• , ~ es .., , e sp .hy the Sons . .and of that beau- Kent tobacco will r a e P 11 -- e -- T - eventually • ' 7 this " 14 . ;se - e. his own seefetery . . , • e ' " - -et' ' ...a -.. ... -' -' A - hit' ' t t some of the titotil nauree • • Kossuth then, we :should say, was a demo- , , . , This minister returned his remientetiVenclase s- • -o l'i ' • most affectionately' In rlclhe change will . • 'l. -Y; 311.11 , Oa . fd'als° ." ;isit. - . YO tt will ! ) --cl: 113 - are . t -B . ' :- P . c,. • -'' ~-. .- .-., - -., therm-isle %men one loves so. we ::, eomy .. , ee .- • • - ' . ---....... - '-':-gu . - tv 7 - ".mut a ' ii - r - 'l'rather than federalist or an own beloved.,c u hymen I , Y _ Po ,be a total steep „ • ,_ nowledgments, but before inking, a% final . leave- . e ''''' - i?T'ZI(X_ tillefayttaVir o _ .." ' you cratic repub lean, , e . , .. . tender a few wor d s -,. or par ti nß advice. . You there _ are so many causes - operating to i 5 e,,,,, first attention as from their superior assort- ultra:democrat. He seems to believe, with have, my dearly beloved friends, Min.:pushed , the slaughtering of hogs in New York, i r , s e; sought ins especial advice in regard tea young ,• la 4 lla -6 ta ~ :7!" . , ea pitices,-at all - events they are wort th - I' - ' meats and ireirior prices,they arefirst entitled - , most of the thunders of the American gentleman teen in the service of the • State e The Lartert Circulation In Nor ern tun a m . . - _.. ‘-' e ' nsti :_ the joiltl of yew birth, endeared An, y9u., by A crones to Cincinnati or Pittsburge: Tbet•e D e patemeiteuirdishe nits 'lazed ereceinmetidee - . --e-- • - -eu- leeie bripirEi - Widigiiiir„ -- . '7....t6:4_0,ur attention eed - Parr° °° g e • 'Be -BUr C: 18 AntiOnithat•the Vowel' of governmen t should t ' thousand fond reminiscences, to seek eti these beg dm be transported at a Mot expert e single dishmt shore's that 'remuneration for industry while many parts of it can be made vilea t l e ' - . - serhi . ,, fi,' in prefetence to being :confined : eV a ' ed by the (then) Secret a ry. - ell. 'Jackson . ._._ _. __. __ ___,,,,.... 7 e.... _ .. ..,. , . , try them 7 _ , . .." .be distribeted through local admimetra nem ....- . promptly said, "I advise ,you, sir, not to take - 1 B_l3 de e'• . 11 , yryotiFi! ? Dl r. " eirth e majority for 'Farwell ( .0_ 0 . of Hungary, : and Veil toe Often denied at home. You are here, Which is of no value livestwane Tix e , that man, he is not a good judge of preaching." ; t---- presented here with a boundless field of, prof.. fresh portion of the meat fetches mile te . "' -table employment, and -every inducement to ' cents a pound in Cincinnati, while her e a ..° The Minister - stoma-puzzled; and obsetved.. s -es- -.-. -..111.0=2.05/E, .. ~ . where th ere was kind legislature in. this election, and each district, or county, was something Of this . that ehe objeeteen needed explaneelen. '. - _. : • Governor or. Wisconsin . I.e about 2,001 , The ' ' ' • ----- • , question of Banks carried, , s ... s , , , . . . persevering industry'. - You are received and : Worth fourteen.... There the.ofral is f IS on -' . ticontest f Labor' . . sort, and has probably -led Kossuth to his c . welcomed into the giant American &miler "with : ue, hem it is.not mr unimportant 'R ene el d this result. In t e e•. , , , "Lam sebleete glee lt,". sale': the bid hereeitid. e ~ e-.ll"butrellai; Pio, - wembei i .l . 3 e 111351 p ' roduci: .- -• . . , . ._ he time exclaimed: "On last Sabbetli inorphig ,-------- . , -bone, and: sinow..e-affildiet wealth, the fors . democnith am inclined-to'oneseentraleauthoriee ; •feelings of sympathy, kindness i arid frienie e . York is the beet market for, the, disp o w • err I ' aftentiededivinie - service - in the met„l4dis e t' - - -- e" The-result- in iteNvi Toxic.- .- - victions. On ttio' other' hand', the continental . . - "'....ther s t ands but 'a small ,clmelces: - 1 eelkal la - ti-man or them, itideed; to a single 'repro- iihip• D Attei a few years yeei - b - ede r iii,e Citizens - - The salted Meat and ii great sae i ng - oeopt .si of this great republic, _whose vest •threitorial 1 8 obtained by its coming Abe - tiorthem ro t E P ide ee ° P 4- !. bit , re : I t i i i . se t thi s it Y•e; T e ll e cre -pL u a t e s s ,As i sl e nera llyth e !d ase , the mit - Neater) , - - trampled in th e dust by ,th o . power of Capital sentative body, without Ate executive heed-- extent abounds in all the inateriale Of mineral, to its prieeing southward to NewOrleale, e ed ''' ' a ' auamas p lj k"g setill ' ll-- ' - ''' ...-.4*-- ; . NowYerk•"terlis Oa to bniDethocrithellis" ' ' .' .Th ' tOf the Democratic determine . of freight is, leather-hides upped endless. Detbies of Parlielerz erleeefe- the. ablest .P4lPit' m a . , - ~ _. _ . . , _ s. and payeege. e rest . tic' throulh which ,the y . propose that the; People - . shout both and enforce their wifie.. agriculttual and conunercial: wealth; the ave. be reshipped for 'New York '.. All this arff . to honor and tame are • liberally thrown ing trade will thus be secured to the west( oratersenAtiterice. . Seated in le pew near me, 041. ' After two ref, rejoicing among, t i c k et i s e i ecte & . , . . ~. Lebserved tins identical young man, apparent:Le . thelvele s ._; a n„ - er , - ti s ee te ne e p en t 1 110;100 E 11R . . The American people' have long since set-1 Open to you and: to Your children; and to im. . line of ruin:tads. _Ono: of the largest rpe g lypiotteietiees .15,..tellere .e _ s epn e ` thee s -',dere su f e l, l °"'e. themielves fortheirdefeabreverneheie else,'• ~ ~ tuis been chosee U. S. Senator. • Mr. Jones is _Lines C. Jones, ExeGoventor of Tennessee • tied theireepinions on these adverse demeerate le thetifies, end rifler an experience - of sixty: to prevent your attaining the highest social •er" downward... Theline of ttistErie e e e,,, peditheitt (save of yoni Own cieatiein)oeists tuMetie.eatee ,inrO, eifo x _ -• e s ere".7. r, f r P, i , - ,1 . . A -- ,, u , 5 ,, ,, i they - rev : eke t 6 other mernitee when, le and oa I. Wleo de beateifon....James K. years, prefer that which . distributes, to ;elute% and dvie distinction, and will you any longer his become the seat of ' merry new tes te e - " es. Ile* when-14W the e ""e.• - •'''''" as eee'esere" .- ''' ' 1 - °' ' 'n" . ' ir. a th r ' 3 •.: which concentrates power.; ..At least that pore permit - those o lost-of the sermon mind, the preacher '`, '•• - i . behold... thee - forma ; New York had gonee-em-• Polk the-contest for Governor 4 . opportunities to pass un- Bark is abundant for tanning purPoseead a e - et And what ehilik:Yon,:tleleerten: aPetert• i i nelatig else.' TheY all thek eii the smatee then, -- - Robert - Toombs km been efeeted . U.S, Sen. tion Of teem, who Opposelhe extension Of the ' Improved.? .or e mther, will you not, bee, ate*, ' facilitieseef eonveynince to mark e t b a y erm ! -- with,Oatiatantaata assurance; proneusie4-thaee - ~, s . fedwral 'influence, have d one e re with a solid leg self.reapect, and acquiringehlibita suited td extended the tanning business in_ that j 4, , and now are indulging in the most /%13briollf1 1 afar in Georgia. ire has previous l y 1,111 u an d a primelating . earnestness ;of conviction - ' your new position, aspire terellecelionoralike tion•--N- 1 ,"- Pee l ; - - • ' e • , sermon all froth, and Prefessor Harbin - a heni.,, immin , .-, am:the.most p . i . eouis siaiiitigt ,_ .., ~ . seat • - Congress as aWhig, but Greeley wont that ouisystein is impregnable to law assaults, 'on the lane your birth met of Your adoption ' . l . • .. : , , - . . bug. `_ , l tool:- the. 4bert,Y of . 811 3 413 - t•:' bins-1 gB ' . '• " ' .. J. ' ' • ' ' ' ' 28 ' ' ' • -, • ~ ,i ' abe t from withiteor from without, 'My Young Mans Yen- ore 0 lligthog, rurielf •ffeav °FeeleYee e , , ~. ----! . ,' . ciwtrbita now. , ~ .„ , . -.. BO lofig as, I implore you, as - I would with my dying Pennsylvania Leedatiy e . o And'novree oteemed the ---, *The Whig iticeeideney in the Count:eh( of • • -. • . the theory of local' and state rightseshalla be '",breath, to discard forever those foolish divis- • ,•- - s e i s i on , Is e •- . - ' veniteibleold.nian• his °le. lit UP - :W..itY intenSe. MU State is brolime. i The resnit of ourSElece• .„: -:' • 2. • 1 -' ' x-- 133, Court" , .-- - - f llif II a dhered to in the practical adthinis-' s ons - those insensate q uarrels-those factions : - .. e . .. • but little Wien. Our oply dangers, h ere tof ore, broils '(too Often, ales, .the fruits of intempete '--:: : - . ,SENATE. .. (Wednesday evening) animation Ilecet essueedelMy - elear ai,;, .that ii, non is as nearly ri , meth, b. tie .as it , . ould. . Up to this e ,s, neinewho is not a batter. judge Of, - Preaching., well be; and Yet we !Lavelle effect heen beaten has been. dene. The Commonwealth vs. -Are' arisen- froth the assumptions of federalism, and. ance) I,n which your, country Is disgraced; the, • Ph lid Bel .; . • Ir l a e l y- 47111/1 , wall than that, is wholly neat 'lash° Ynne ePeloPane Welk full - y*ll.llf thOvotes,cast et this election •••• - S eet,e - cli ted for Perjury hes beenhie . if these can be corrected and restrainedethere pellet:lurid order of iociety violatede'and the Wm. A Ciabb 4 ' \ .'•. - ~ " ee lime T Andhesides,e he added;, - "its lie nem the, Were enst by Whigs,eve have lost a ,mmonty. -. - e . vine w in c . e . is no•reason w y e n hth 'nciple of our institu-: - laws of beaven trampled on .and outraged.- 2 pee • - ' . iladelphia.county-Teomasea P p ro digy th oSectetary of State represents Siiip _of the State Officers ihitsen, and thus lore the and, - . , ea . the Defen d an t convicted. The Cowl lions could not be ma ei to embrace the whole - 01r, how painful is the: contrast. 'betsveen the'. Th IL Forsyth, S 0 er • . . non, ern,. _ e eere , . _Wheelie': would he less anxious en. confer s kis • cientrol of the Cape! Boardee , ~e - . aigmfied a determine ion . .. te ' to sentence the lad. worlds Indeed, it is not enthusiastic 't o ; look: feelings which generate those foolish local an-, fem.* •e . •,- lime. •ea ..... • IA therbe anxious ' • - , • will • : • bane upon you _ho . , The House of Representatives pmts. to the House of Refuge. T ' ' f m'ard-to the time when, in the developments imosities amongst the cowrie') inhabitattes of . 3. eseee frome .i: l e . j The Irian:merit vs. 0 . . . . • - . • , e IT , ones. 1 to retain thein niiiiself.". The .President's - ad., -• of civilization the nations of the earth will a country, the entire area of which would but , 4 Chester Delaware-it . f , it e le! he lit b' ' d .- W1 • - ' D The BA I '-• Ur Blake, - Sown, Dalton' MeDan. :.. 5 ly stand 65 ugs to 63 Democrats. te .y . caner , , ' - num. one gran rope le, . 'd ' - br end vet preeerve form an inconsideritble section of emir of the 5: Berk H Mli '' ' l'i. -.4 71°°11T"' of "lime ' ' u-cilve- -4 " t " . " ..e-lis 3. ti ' . '• ' ' •--'••1 t. al i r Cons iracy in the makkg• and - their national characteristics and. tendencies hingerStetes of the :Union, and that broad end ` s- enry.A. u lvnbere • doreand. theyoung, _man's eubse_querit eireer Seenth is a tie; nt lamitenant.Gov. Church, a,le s, e eo . P . _ 6. Bucke-Be4. Malone. Was e,entinued' distinct . ' ' • ' e • . ' • • : comprehensive spirit of atnoti stn which makes oft ienand fay proved thet the General's es-, Denmerat, Will havelhe casting vete, so tleA' passing of counterfeit money,. , 1 , . th . . , . . .7. Lancaster and Lebanon-E. C p ' timale of hiseliaracter, Albeit; founded upon a brunch in iffeet will be ours. -- .. till next sessions, Aylesworth not appearing .We are clear, 1 Kossn entertains the every' inhabitant of tins mighty republie- e . 6, 16 : 7 , - ;* E. Ki nzer ,:*- . • ar. 001 4 61011 Place laeldeate Was aOhath alau l'i cor e , ".. We ' the . result i New York w i th account of sickness. Pretty deaf sickness point to e resu nwi on ace a hav e ascribed to hire, that his Pike. from the Atlantic to the Pacific-from. Heine - 8. - Noithemberland ' and Dadeine_r• e views we other le aders of Euro ie will be to Californin-glory, in the named en Ameri-- c K n k e i* •••-- • . . - -. 1 - ride and gretificatien equalled ' only. by . that for the coanty of Susquehennae, - P • • : ' AbontSlloo elle° o • 13 (1 • 1 ' ' citizen. -- ' ' ' beneficial-certain yso far as regents Ine own can, i . ~ . . .- , 9. Northampton end Lehigh-Conmd Shi, -Notr,sG ,- Past- , Wm. , r. -Johnston., e informed have already been expended in geurown" CenemOnwereth. Our party has we are • , I bi d - country, which has been so long accustomed • : Friends and fellowoonntrymen- now i is yet Governor. '.. ' - snlone been scattered in fragments , and rent . .in these ceses. . . . - '• el freedom . Nor are we Buie that you a reluctant, a fleet farewell. A few hours ~ to teemem e .st. 10. Carbon, Monroe, Pike d W • ' an ai tle ....E . user . . , . . of the French ' more will separate -me 'limn the .hospitable w ... H ain ik e * , . , We observe that an attempt is being made - by internal dissension, that we hail with joy . L MeDaniels, jr., was put on trial yesterday th e difficulties in he or g anization . . , ' br would net be removed by a met hodshores of America threver. I carry with .me , - it 'Adams and Franklin --Thomas c aws j d acquitted, reP° 'e to prejudice the' public mind, agaiiist the in- the return of former achievements and past .aftemorn for counterfeiting„ an .. f res ct which should scatter . the power-cenjeeted at •to "'the poor old ceuntry," feelings o ye 12. York-Henry Fulton. coming'weministration .of Col. Bigler, in rele-. glories,. when a 'battle fought in the Empire - Witham • • Blake is now on trial for Anion, in • rough the several departments inteoun. and attachment for: its people. that neither 11 Cumberland and Perry.-Joseph ne tionai the I' 11 last May tries. Branch Canal. ,Itis a eged Stete was a yietory gained by the Democracy. the firing of Montrose . , , . Paris til - ' moment the 'effect time nor diitince can obliterate. Citizens of '- . • - -te tries. leeve imagine for a mome . 14. Centre, Lvcoming, Sullivan tuad Cleee. - that the work was suspeeded cm seen las the , We have fully tested the truth there, that a . , „- this t if 11 governors and state the United States-4 fervently pray that the _ in is coen ry, a our Wm: F. Paclier. - . •' • --- . 212,110ra university. leoislators were dispensedevith, rind the entire Almighty Disposer it human events,ut whose ' - 15 Blair Cambria and H t' d .; ii, Sato eleition was over, and that. the - laborers: house,divided against itself =not ahead; and , ' . . f- . Th 'll b • ' tio on Tuesday legislation of 'the states and townships, Ninth hands are the destinies of nations .? may contin. • ' GM Mg Oth. L ' • • ' • • . ero wi ean examine n aro suddenly tanned out. of empkyrnent the the,' while the Past tem ,been a continned mimes- IlicAfurtrie. . , , , - ' tof all the oflicere necessary to tie those blessings and favors which you have the appointment , approach of. winter. and are crowding our sion of Whig victories, the -Present- speaks - - and Wednesday, and-declamation on Wednes. carry it out, were remove to c d t the tOf Wash- 'ea() long enjoyed--enat your progress in every 16. Lueeree, Montour, and: Colurnbe-e. streets without prospect of employ This N ovember - 25th and L'eth. day afternoon,ingo t ', we shall get some id e a o : e i f y the 'over e remte and public virtue y keep pace with .IL Buckale i v- . •-' - - ' ' ro 'heticall of the Future. .: We may safelyl7. Bradford, Suquelianna end W,yozoine. - ' -P 'unexampled pr osperi t y- th a t ou and - croaking is in bad taste , from a party with . P•P - Y • The . Alpha Epsilon society will have an eae - 'whelnaing difficulties which beset ni centralized - your whom alone rests the responsibility 'a having,, say that Now York h as returned to her firstchildren b ever true to Idbition on Wednesday evening. e government. How long could popular I eke- your children's may e . George Sanderson. . . , , _the 18 Tioga, I'otter.:3l l Kam,Elke Cleareas by the interference of its chief. limited an ap- 'love,-the Empire. andthe Keystone are wed without b come the great destiny that awaits you, and to me tions ;last, in such a country, wit e . . . and Jefferson-John W, Guernsey proplietion so that the work cau d o be 'Wood' tied in a Union html an. sacred ,-an alliance ' ' Wood! 'Wood! . mug civil wars? What ~ . indescribable cerrup. spirit of those institutions under the fostering . : prosecuted. Without suspension, ; end , Which .pa tronage? ' care of which you have so rapidly progressed. 11 elereer, Venungoe and • Wimen-Jol e that h as its sk ength in the affections of the These of our subscribers who have prom's. tion is inevitable to such extensive _. ~, would have been suspended some time since, • . . . . , • What force but that of a 'standing army could s May your country . , . . y kill til the hand f H o g e. ',. • • - e . ex en eo . ht it yet, people for principles, and institutions, promul- ed us Wood and have not broug i yen, but for the indefatigAble exertienis of Wm. B. , . , . b, „ execute such a complicated series of laws'- succor to the helpless exile, afford an asylum , rd 2O. Erte end Crawford-semen IL Mee, Fes•ren, and the co-operation of .a Demo cratic gated and established by the fathers of the - would oblige us much by ringing us some What legislation' could meet such diverse and to theiperseented, and ii home to the oppress. 21. Butler, Ileavetand Laiesence.--4111jes ~ . , . Kasten, A. Robertson. '-"• ' ' ' .• - ~ . State Treasurer . - • ' e , Republic. ~., . • ' - iMmediately. ' h er future distinct interests without Meeting gross injus. ed-eand thus i nsepara bl y connect h , ' But Whishriffie - off the responsibility, what- e n ' , , fe , „ee. tice and provoking incessant revolts I But 'a destiny with the interests of universal, 22 Alleeheny-James Carothers. - human- • e What more-po t e nt 'and overshadowing yin. . - 23 Washington toad GreenC.ieellanoll le. ' be, from . Gee. Johnston for ins- e" a""" this weekwinch leads t these results is nothine. ity. • : ' ' - 'e"i: * * pee' We publish a small system o . the work 2 He is yet Gil - veneer; tie , pending: • • - • ir ' • d d for theand meas. 'cation owo . nee , policy : rather than none. The lath rainshave probe. • ''' Citizens f the United States, itiiii beloved ' - -" .l° . ' ' - - ' - - - • less than a despotism, call et by what 'name ,o e ... . e „. n _,__, , . e ,_,. e. _ _., e ,,..._ „ _ 1 The tongue ~• much &toe s at any tune siege his inauguration ores of our party titan we have • bly raised the streams, so that our furnishers you pleasee-.N. le Post. ' - countrymen-again, adieu! May heaven pour'. „,fe e ,"ve,"'" l f e r"wle , rw°, "•"u'ersete - , use Alt the credit ee resuming the North Branch of Argutnent - may be silent to all assaults, for - favored Lind, is l'e u ' p arac . s e - ''e • ' '-; : I ss on our . its b e Inns y 5. tr I n di ana d a erie . 2 'Arms ong, un a n- ' will be able to fill their contract promptly in - Canal has hes e e _been , giveil him, because it w ee nt e r'S the Occarrences ofthe past few weeks are, of e , - - MA' A MUMMY . the 1 prayer f . 81""m.!'`Ilir`"g his administration, he e--- '' themselves,the most unanswerable roofs of ' a- ''' esemeeeee es. ' tum Meyers • - , . -- , PAMI333. alLigl• J. LI"La ' Your devoted and afrectionate friend, '- - - • '- - this honor in hisspeech at this place, and by .. , y . , The distinguished philanthropist, Rei f The, ~ - , , Thema/um 31ATEP.w. . - :: 26. Juniateenliffiin and Union-Eli &le. way of a clincher, it was asked why it was not .. the correctness (Sod party's position before , . HABBIBDURG, Pa.,Noy. 14. - *bold .Mathene sailed for Liverpool in the _ _ , , 27. Mean:meet:tad and Payette--Jotal Farlandee ---- - .- - . resumed under a democratic administration.- the couiatry. The policy . of our' patty inland ' - The diawing for the term each Judge of steamship Pacific e , The following is I. vale- Erie =woad slid its Prospects. . 28. s c h ny ikill e _ce ci e ce F in n ey, , - • ; • - . , _ , Tireethere: - .64, - that it was commenced under . to t hi s e oe ke era th en C a lif orn i a , a treasure, of • the Supreme Court, recently elected, is to ,„,„„_, . : , • ' 1 ' The company hate, within the last few days, , • • -.-- Gee. Johnston's administration, was conclusive • ~ -1 fi e ld, I .. t i n geed wealth whose fee t oo lepl aee en this c ity t o . c ky. - Jeremiah, . " 1 """! ' ; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, that he alone did it . Then why is he not re. B ° " 4 ° " unparalleled wealth, • - S. Black drew the three years term, and is To the Citizens o e -St at e s • f the UTT removed from their temporary offices, in Wall . . .sponeible for its suspension' lk is yet Gov. ,minuitaires, willies, and rivers; weer toadiedt ' •. , consequently, the Chief: Justice fors that term. • -_: • _ -.. F • . -• J. street, to new ones erected on their premises, Adams; David' Mellinger. ,erwsr,nuii will be until the third Tuesday of by • the oi g er of the Arehethists and to glitter Ellis .Lewis drew six years, and will follow • DELILLY BELOVED =ENDS .-My -Mission,- • ' • ' their z Allegheny; John , ILlcClushey, Jaintsl:o, ..Tnisuary next. Why...has be sespe - nded this with thin riches of Golconda. Three years and Jiidge flinch, as Chief Justice. I. B, Gibson , amongst yo u closes to•day. . I cannot take my at the foot of Duane street. opposite pier. G. B, Assokton,.T. Penny, J: Miller: ' -work 1: wstiy has he ceased_ to be . exec • - ged • that fa'' land is peopled by tens of thousaiads, drew rde° Years. ' Welter :IL •Loevrie drew final dpartnro from the shores tif your great , The pier which extends six hundreie fee.t hi- --• • • - .. _ •-• . . fromomploymept so many - leborere, as win- . - try. , . . twelve years, and Richard S. Coulter (Whig) • andprosperous country, without . publicly re- _to the river, is rented- from the Corporation. Armstrong, tt a rtoil, „ Pa J 7 v. , J. t tei, is coining on ; thus eepriying Them of -she adds smother to the h at of Democratic drew the - full term of fifteen years. d m dee and Ltefue a predation of ' • ' ted •Wt • t t faeini* • RhaY ' Re7uulds ug ulP ' Vl ' ' ‘ Ise ' cm. nig y p The premises; erec in . e.s s ren, . s , . , Beaver, -Butlere and Lawrence; Mee tee‘miene _of subsistence, their families and. triumphs, and great and. freeber voiee iiheard • The first election to fill a vacancy, created I g th• d r P t *stk t• .-s -the generous sympat iy, e e Ica e a ei ion, . eery extensive, and form one the pier, are _ Dung,an,. Samuel Hamill" .1. R. : H7's . little ones '.l - • Is he viniliclive - because of Ins . and heeded in the Councils of the natione e - . by law, will be that of Judge Blac k ,. and will and the unremitting kindnesswhich I have es block, extending,, from Duane street to Heade.- Bedford, Felton and Ctuebna k aP. defeat, atu,s;esojved- to vieit his wrath upon Truly . efittine; that golden California should - be for fifteen years; and the succeeding elec- Per ieneed in every section of thud vast union. ' these , dependent laborers for voting as they ~ ,.i. '''" . , the l ong . t ; tions will be in the order of Ihe shorter terms, The noble reception which you have sponta. •On theoomer of R:eado and West streets is Schell, John Kem.., _ •_ _ pleased? and to strike a fatal blow at the fur. 'Meek nrsti-ePeeelaim the un't in me long ca as th ey stand above. ' ' - I d d t ' k I• - • • - neous y ren ere to nit ranger, own mere, y the company 's emigrant orrice, the control or „. , ; .. Barks; GeOrgeDeugler, Isaac Yost, LC. Evans, Jacolaßeifenyder. , • - tier prosecution efee work:for which he pro. ,alirenie Of victories ac hi eve d by the D emocra t. , - • -as an humble missionary in the cause of more e wh i ch they retain ie their own hands.. They . BIM'S and linnteagdou; Seth R. ASA . • al reform, proves the devotion of your people fesseil e so,gpae at,taehmepti ,Gov• Johnston le party this fall, and little marvel that the --KosFath's Pepubilearuscv 'r ' - t 'W BSith: ' '. - • make no contracts with egiigran agents or In. • nt • • •, 1 ~ , 1 • in this matter proves himself to he what wan ' Keystone and Empire eimild hear and re. It is evldent from the tone of the French to the interests, of humanity, however ; feebly chargedeagOinst him-that he was the 'friend : . . chum toned, and has endeared America and runners; but • deal individeally with the erne. . Bradford i . -.•.-.. J. . . _ _. . of etie,,C.inal just meter as he could =kr:emits - spend. The f - t •f f D eti Press, that the R-eublicans of • end. • The Elections, from one ex remit o . emocr c . .eir. b P I b th dt* t In tie' th .• 1 d . .e• h - Buck ' ;' h "h.e. Shulll 49. aath at i t'•,'l• L '''"‘ er peop eto me y a ousan les oo se. grant. is,. ,ey wise y epart rom te dby the dor uttermce Thou h the renewed at.. - - • - • -• - d . 'by it, mid no,furttier; while the vetirii is go. . the Union to, the other,---we may esey . properly• France were considerable' diiaPPeette cre f . . g Thomai. - ee• ' • practice in other railway companies, an pre- . Carbon mind Lehigh ; David Lamy, %Villa ing PP:4. is held ep as the only Male that :, from ocean to ozeur; have been o continueed . . tenor of K, , osseth's speeches in E n gland.ri His tacks of a painful end insidious malady, have ,_, _ • . - would'ever • . resnmed the eanel;l. tint as line of sueeeeees to the . Democracy and defeats . elaborate praises of that nation, Teen ps they --. rendered it impossible that I could (without I.C" .ts f h f the 'o • Lilly jr -e- - •:• - the emagran from much o e imp se• , , • . • • , , . tion to which they ere liable in. dealing with Centre ;X EL Blair •• . e s . , seen . ailtbe _lltiiiir., VMS prey with, l Sll4 service imminent danger to my life) make those pub. • „„ es to the Wing s. Almost everywhere and on all - may be deserted the sturdy indephidence .. re exertions which were never spared by me -- intermediate parties. _ - : Chester, 'Alin Acker, ',W.n's GA 'Jag ' ii, : -, l " ) ,,e lou g°' r e q ui r e - 4 ' a ° t h u caa 4 L I ..---- - e • ' ' “:, ' A* • I d ral free ii irit Of its eople, fro not * I the d f health and of m vigor,l et .. The emigrant cars are also under the special James. .• - _ , , • , - • num ' ' icil • 'et vernot • i 123 - occasions - have the lat t er been : route., til e •an gene r p P . . in e . days omy . . yv pe . . „., t,1214 .1;{ o ,er is y. Go , , ..,„ _ , , , 7 ,no moie to do - with the office than an ether • clinging - to,lfoce,"---their last Ihme-ethey navel merited by the English gove tf • , . namen siluch in thank Heaven I hate been Instrumental, ln • . . , . . . .. . . , . , _ eitizep; • When belies, arid His to•de,his du- - abandoned the Empire .in despair and. fell' to _' spite of its beesteend . professions, is • ythin,g ding .0 to the ranks of temperance over 600 00 - are required to pay them their undivided ot e. he. . _ _ ee- tentione This branch of their businees hei - en- C li nton, Lycoming„ and potter; e. B. RI. -tee-tow:ads, this great, werk, in hastdeng its . . • other' .. . disciple s in America . - I have been mu cheer. completion, them end, pot till "teeth's ee , re, , . devouring even . - . . •,. ' hula pure or liberal govertanent. N r does • .I be en opened a few weeks,yet the traffic is bett, &IL Kitborn. • • • . : • ea during the past week, by the receipt, of let- _,Y . ~- - ' e ~ • - Columbiainid - 31 tours Ti!' Juke-in. b . - . 'VW . the past; has lei:meth mention the word Republic " any of t s from all of the States, bearing. an tereaeY' Very large . ' • ' oponsitite to the least extent: at present the • ' The policy of the ege, in o . . . . hi, his , .. ru,.. . er parts . , . . .. . en , _ „1. re,sprinfehilityisupon the shoulders of the gen- been to come :Ina - any' themselves' to every • .hia, numerous Addresses, w e sex . . . impeachable testimony to the strict fidelity • . gT . P . , A eat ortion of the premiace well here-let, .. Crawford, G. Merriman, . Ransom- len„ withwhich this volun obligation is ob. - tletrien who is hooored with: resuminge•tine . faction. and .everjr: haolated interest. They 'fusel to accept of a banquet f rom the ntral swi j , . tale'. e. -- • • as they are far greeter than the wants of the eley. .-.' - • _ , . „work, furnished the. money, and all thee is now • have practiced this till their party is Made up Democratic' Committee, Which repres ts the served.. I nee . d scarcely add,. that vut e ma d company e - a. company. The lento of office's' in very spa. ' Cumberland; LEHI - 8 Bonham, R. .it az . , _ wanted_ ee prperve his well-earned lathe, is to ' e which eenrF. ••' together '' • the duties religion inculcates, . . .. cious, and comprises 'every convenience for ' derion. ob Les\ . ' ' ' ' - t as a • • - - 'carrying on the business of the company with , Dauphin, James Freeland. Jae . . r 11 P utplexiens of opinion•that exist in the ' rascals of England, is regarded, sin . , . fork. over.? little more moneer e e,7lowende •o•a- - 0 . . . . ~ .. , with peace plenty, domestic comfort, health, . _ . . . . , . , . . have'followed' • - .Thnikeng,. ~, , .. . •• country, nail now tney, are, - spine to Wee 'their_ hestile,at e ked asan indlireient eep e: on. and happinessk. everywhere in s in itself, including a printing office for print.. . • Delawaree , John ale BrootnhalL , .. • , Inn' the tunetables and other papers requisite ' Erie ;, C - W. Kelso,' A. 'W. Bane. , ,• , , , and'. Jceeeb Ge - - . • • - . -__ , party:out id' existence by warring the discord- , - But, the great Han,gariari lit'll , . - • , . , ~.' , .... . for the company a purpose -a bindery - for : Privetee and, Westmorel , _ _ ` Whig View .of the ~ Election :in ant elementhof which it is comPosed,.becanse .to be jellied too hastily, his position e Eng... I canrietonnt this opportunity of manna , , Hook, A. el. ne• Peaking its own troeks-a ruling machine and '' fey, L. L.. 8, igelSUr, ..f.'• W. Ho .Penns ylvarde.. -': ',. --- . -•• ha together The y land • - e r re : he has had Bp. ai 01,;. .my grateful testimony to: the generous' an : a ticket MlWllfadogi all of which,' me ne :de•-- - . Franklin ; Darla .Mereloy, A. GA/deice . 7 : . ~ , -, -. .f • all could not unite in ha rmony . y . , is a. peculiar- ' . . - valuable coOperation vrhich I have received, e_ Illellety 'York ;Cosner and g•eeeleer 01 hate eetted'Abolitionism till that bas destroy. , jeets in going thither ethul his opimo e ought in the proseentiori of thy Mission, front. the , suocervean eConomv both or ti a ' - • - - Fi 'b • B e • -• ' ' me an mone . • etc er roc . . _ .. . , , F444,,,,.145t.-.-4en - ly pror„laiais its ley at J O 4 ll - . eiehe beait 'of the natty - preiperond they now to be talienleom the vrhole course tenor public press of, America; • Whatever may be e freig tis conv,eye fre urges rom the --- , Indiana - Alexander illeconnee. pier to Piermont ,- The passengers - - now ' • lir P II C _Le Hnmxl , b are ,• • Lancaster; ose; DIVT IS ' • • st •! : •C i'aaereit e -:- •••• -'-' ' -• •- . ' :- begin to le;e1 the destructive Prime of their • 'or his life, Mthei than from kolated . p es be ' the party or sectional :differences that separaia passed exclusively over the New Jersey ,Cene' er er C. Walton, B. E Martin, Beet 94 . The c our i ee e re - gar d s th e def ea t o f J o h ns t one _. d . - • ~i i •- i - - - i . • • - .- F Imparts -z those influential expositors of public opinion, , tree Railroad. , .;. ... ~ • ~ , . • . , , . , tactics, an reap the nature consequence o extemporaneous speeches. or our o , ena - ceemplebee - extinguislithent of the hopes ' b • eine eill things t ill that b chance the believe, that Lois an essential re 11 bliean, 11 recognized, in the'sini le principle which I . . , a • P .e: . :In the course of next miring It is' proposed '' Lebe non ; „ken C.. Sett:er. of 'therefrietids of Gem - Scott. The - journal . 'IT , 0 a wen ~ Y. . y we,, , enunciated, a common en. fraternal nre. 'to lay a double track forthe first ten•milesof-e Lnzerne •S. S. Benedict, J.,W. Itheale , AMA some. They have' flirted with Na-aiid that too on better and more-use • d prm e ion • mad netine. m that Chnshan spelt have, - says ee --• ' .... .'.• -• ' e s - • - Mee' ----.- _... • --_ • . . I - „ . , . e -. 0 . - -..-. . • e roa rom iermon ,an or one. un . r th df P' " t df - ' At Aed • '' ' • ;MeV eellut , thene -is stifle another lessee eauglite tiviettifilithey have become filat,ivieed, Old pie-, efples thin most then- Who claini . same with searceiy an seception, ever treaty lender., - Mercer ' Verimige, ;and - Warren e • , and fifty miles from Elmira, to receive the ~ , L. 1 , 1. 31 , Grece s,,,, eel' s j a pe. ed their valuable support and -advocacy i to the. the whigi by - „their recent defeat in Peensyl. forced to fold. o their embrace . e men o, a . , , e . . - . __ . traffic from many breech roads, which here :"" a g ar " sieilatinfOlike It lietent Gemini - Scott can- , 'the legion -for the highest office in the gift of -. -It should be remembered that Koss h . went cause ea ,temperance, emphatically the cause f ' •"with the Erie,• • including' form a Junct i on i . , on e . • • Mifflin; John Ross - - • • . net' bi!eliered titi' the', presideiteee hi - 1852. -, he people' t thole) States. What wonder- to England with two purposes in vi: ; first= .°, tit f virtue, and driotism • If. the 'affection- -q Heft. infportant connection . . , _ with a coal ' mine A - ' • 2 d Plc eII lonroe an ie • enrY " y %lid kindness , ortho 'Ameri. • C W Gabe G.? Ftderg ' Hissionathationbfthe mune convention witieli t, '' o • ' ' • -' to utter' his 'gratitude to, that- genero s eland' " Y of the read ' • Monteomery ~ .. , -. double track over these pertions _, _ e , . , . es - A a 9 peo n :l:have at AIL times been geteiousl ' ' neiribiefonGoviiinorJehricitoneffectualTy &eve thated.efeat general mei ens:saheb:en:lg, shoeuld „ ter its adive sympathy in his street es ad- :I n tended , to me during my tour, hoer ;tried; will bp sufficient for a year or twe to' cinne ; : of th European liberal move t whe more 1 ",/,'F,T• llit - tr i iiim ; mi•stle•si Meyers, e, eie. W N • frenehim eveseesnethern State, and rendered' finallY, overtake tient!' in POliticeas in mor- - misfortinese and seciand,-to• consult . . 'the , ____. 'stesse has this noble isslist become as butane will be eventually necessary elopes tee -, es le P e rtb be I d • Wiliam Selmer- .-. ' o inn 188, • 1 e-id:IS:W : 18 that bOtßilte lit possibly re- alt, there - _ taut one path can safely be leaders t ii i. nsiness 'Of the road- in. • - th eriod - a °reached for my dinartare l• How eelteeethey - Seatithier4 au O poi peorie• ,We therefons at • e e b' t-- " eta •te t be ad ptel fate collected theie on the epoliey itf eir fa. - ° P , t i en . ~ s _ k . th efeasee• ' - ' ' " • '' ' ; • mice preehamedthet Ms euediss wes out of. . - tentl . lb s ecde - "The Riaht eviil , tu r ° Pr°Ceedlags- In either-capacity A was can I- fine • gauge to •tnan e generous, , The receipts cif the road 'we understandAro• - Philadelphia eity ;C. O e heie.J. . 'the queition;fiCett if lie ' were' 'certain 7 . Of the. camas . ./.- 141 -, ; .- .-a . 4 ."L .„ ' ',' , - natural as it was pepper, thet. he •sh.ld f 1 the high-smiled, the - -noble Henry _Clay ;my - - . " s , G.. ReHe r e, /R e nankin:. . , slow sufficient" to warrant tut eiglie per cent. ee- dee t rested. advocat - isetesofP - eipsylviiiim, - Oido ' mad Ne:sr • York.' triuMpb eveervtlerer am PreemPlie Wilt lime ....- grateful. toEngtandeind cthifess that • . titude• friend' Te ' tity dearly cheriehed amnia] dividend, and it will not be very- long:" Philadelphia calla/. Soloman Demereen - .kiffiv "eta* kepeat'thet even "fa* ' ' ' '" - .iiii e e reeent , down ad opposition d erect a monument to • With charactenstie warmth and it •,i also , Hot'. - I the . - f . , CAD express o measuye o .Goodwin,l% before the stock Will be wholly : out of the Rubicon; ec , re. • e _, °bile:Aloe trethe benevolent-William Core. ' - IL Seeder : Henry Runlet:Taos. L. elute' eleitiees'liie - 'Whig .P.irree r 'tie'a seeeeedek ile He 'worth ind whiny '• te. - -.- • *dents if be Che"ed de 6 e* -he ''' t° ' m o Y ran o tt t We hineton l to. th üblie splrited market for speculators. The Quantify of,stock _ r„ _ , 1 „,....,„ icer R ue , le 'OW arid Perin - sv,lvataa, - Sieneral Scott!Could ' • - - - -' - _: , hit= efforts on the Continent, thitt h hould a- - ,f ' ill ' th s e• He - G e • e li 11 Ito our' in specuiative hands *as never - so little as ate qmieer. R. zynttieretee. ee ,eesee. e reiteheinebeenthe emiffidate,of our jentY, with _.a m iitr - -If •' . - 13 Dir awry 9 , make no enemies by -their remature ' • lose art g an lan . tropic enry !mac y PEW BEIIIILIIII IL. BULLBE. the 'present' moment- .The _payment of the - 'W. " I - . Di u„e r , B ernar d ite oreereisenableepeiaspecthof imecess. Bat de. - • - mere t_pnrices E. K. Collins and Robert , No - ii , is the time When fanners aidebout lure, Much leas provoke the ostnity i a gove dividend in January and the continued in- ' Schuylkill; Stepnien ee L. ~ . . Kermitt ?to the amiable and gifted archbishop ". • . ' • • - hey ' -'' : - - '•' . ' ' :'-, - ' • • tented as see have teen in these, two i gniat - . - anunent whieh he hoped to neon& to his crease Mello earnings of the, road, (for the ..- se z :* le e e ese a nee r e e ne... tbe s eei te party, eio f doing up,.their Fall ond Wetter stalling, rind plans. ' Ten days intercourse with 'th states- • 'fN()w Yeiik, whose delicate and unremitting :. winter menthe will snow a large . increase of. . , S o merse t, George'•Motory. under'tlie mane of Scott, that defeat. prita ete hi ehose interesten'thesewhen money is scalee. men of England will enable him to fo some - - attention will never be forgotten by his lionor. Sluum S ullivan •St-WYeergagi i,° • met ilei e epietertion Obis being' - Our mindidate ~ - . as new, a little saved is weeth the ii-tilik To - opinion as to the path thee mean to p uo in • a l est? to the host of kind friends in this 1 ee c e ly g in Philadelphia, Beaton, Albany, New Or. freight after the close of navigation,) will place . ?Nue _ tl• , ;. - the toad on a permaient bagde of striii , igth and,,•.•HeanSw sllosils. , ./Vur foi :kiielltenideney-in 1 , 1355. tVe nay Of IL 11 . th • t ; • 0 , D tread - • . t i mtt f ufs • th e " co ming con t es t s . o f .. p uro p e , leans, St. Loni ' Cincenuiti ; and --through the 'prossierity. ' • .• .. - -.. Tic s ivii •leteetil l ° e s .t a .,W* & arm - _ e reseeetise oe Wm , elders to the, gratitude of ' a es° , lmia . id e' r Y ' s Ica ' ara - has done so; it is evident that }aids- policy.- ~,7 •The opening f of this road will lead fellation. • Union and Jnetate • ele ...,.. thoretem e eiliaire'people fier his . eernees in Nes, that they Can "make &good profit" by calling ,la to give me needless offenees : ' has 's • ' eresponded t M Clay's-' . o L ap mon, who .tent revolutions in our -internal trade. The , mathiegtou; Hugh Craig; Jan :lie* • ' ' • • pea/ and in their farewell presentshue° fur. iceetind Ott& merits . as a Man; but, looking ',. on We 'ryler; IL L . Webb; Laffirep & co, , That he , means to confer with Max ei and s• ' •- • har ter of th reght already indicates the --' • ' ' • .1 Hubbell ' I f "d ' d ' generosity e " an - • - • W • Thomas e••• ' deo , nished a memorm o aratatu ean generosi . -- at'Vet - -eleaPleeis Mi . emirate. candidate, weSia --.. BeetleY &,Beeed OrPitte & - WaMer. -- . .All - et Rollin, on rho political eimPoiglv 3 of' ' year, too highl . tipepreciataby the abject' of 1 their coming change. A.few . • days since one thou. ' ' a Y"' K ra ft, j MeAn • :cclingioisenithiit whO„ Sl'e aPable of judging' i t h a e ed e a ' s e e d is - ' •-.. we Ore leettiesupetose on the authori 'of the - ,•, - - •• • , - . •- . . e oven= ve r supp the are gen- sympathy solicited tem deeply ' y engraven. • York; Gearge , amok :sand barrels : of beef,. which . had , eome trout 4..„, icidei IL efereset,„ - ' -it s e, • ' 1 4 143 / 1 / 06-12 htte&I talizt 6 t rfist. the eerenction I •• `e - • • . offieers or the Mississippi; and Uat ' effect . syl lr a h" art t b k I d ' ' Clump, arrived by the Ede, Railrom,' auk . -ia . ... , - It-is '.-. tlemanly and obliging That to aominelehim le .th"toertelefeat. ; .ligutg dealing, find no person - • on is a oa ac now e ged an the•back. - lii b-bt f ' th existen - • "' - ' ' • eine....o, Rohe; "" of unit ',conference will be to strete n and - . .• . . wc,n or a c..e •of tlunfacility, Dentherate in Roman- 'Ts "'b.' r - - '- '''' ' ' ' ' '' 8 • - - • 'tied lumen sanctioned ny conventionnu ;nage. - -- is • t119. Y- 61c " :4 - the P e OP l e - -' , M alaital° C tr l ua P e te . ` e havin g ti ed' ' m g .t° -11°. ' , t ° a t'Y B r ea t eca t ent , . consolidate the. republican moveme .we bi-: , P - ~. -- , • . • - bers el e '''' ;would have gone to t. Louis tind New Orle- • . , e __. , _ s e e ,. _ e e s „, i mp . toniTa'ed 'that with -theeti :.the Jinn* -is far ,''• shOuld visitelonteoseveithoutgivthgtliiaboye neves on the strength pf :10 - I'nown , ignetar There are enlOtiOni eimtitude to 6 Intense eine. 11, /8 ID porleatidtobacco that the Oat. levee In Bla . .7 ' ,_ obeys *ter, and that they ikilf•sintahloP !ogee eee' s fii:st Cane: . Dit - iso;nnd our wind fo - yo' a- 'V as & * Wens. Koieinth luta no where , trued ' for language "to, convey ; were it otherwise, - est ebangeitill take - Tame. -Tobacco hae rib- ,:-ale mashed thee (e) --- -: • ,_ e• . for the heisidenti, ;who:Dentate hie' devotion 1 wilt not . - -.1,...... 4 _, 7 , , ' s.democrit, in the European • use of - gladly woufd I attempt to, give expression to se comelorward'in large qinintities from .. ~ -....r. , _ -_-_-_,..„„„- - ,- , ., etiathelkio.l3,feUiinftdonedivewhola ivir. t , wujP,P aw .1,, e1n .,.._ _P t y,____. °T, ',,'"'" 44 "'-„„1 .. -,' - ' the term, but his life: eeives that W symprie ~ my profound thanks to my gifted and amiable tricky, and when the :Arend' between Lonis.„ ' ~. -e,„ - eRECATtre I4I . - =`, , Jerstie ling,telo'ok for,Support'to• reeneerhee 'openly i - . In Iner 'lay Pe, e : ewer fee newt, . . ,manee thies, as hie hopes, azo wholly with' , muse semnitrywoman, 'Miss Catharine Hayes, , ,Never ..- ville and Coyinghnkand the line ef: the road ~ _- .. - .....„-, , „lee e r , ar " I V? •'. ' I ... ovovetheir deeennulatiem ter egitate - nPen 00 1 cleldileg• - th e'eti l ana e _ Imme a s 0 1 , ..., " emist'ame'' ettorthe PeoPlet end thatbe hasea-de oated - will I forget the sympathy felt by that noble. - between Cleveland ad Dui/kirk-is coippleted ..- SCsaiit, . , ,e,,z :, ,_,, 'l_, qiiistion-ffeeitveie . , „. - WitkivieW to a - ee - Peei.°f:' George,Fuilei;PrMeninnin tk Petrick;:oteidl ' :and Macon:ma hatred - OfdeePotieuehe y firm; - taiededledy, or the spontenedes generositY' the qii.sittity 'wilt be ' unich . iperoased.. , The . House, :'1 . ~etti , . •ee ' ' 01 . ,,,,,ifie'rl':' _ ~',:,- a i th e Swe et o fee ee - e e r i t p, - - and as - it " , ..while his remarks at :_etelAhatipton w, - timt ~ (se chtheeteristic of her Irish heart) WM& - course of baffle - Will„then be frota „Louisville, --.- \ ,-..-;- -: '-^". •-- ' 7 ' -I ' 4 " (in ve ls Ple :4 'is .' it B str ' s - vilit ' ''the • heiW're s' e A.,' . .. - ,,A. - .,'• - ' ii• il • t'- f h. t 1,,,,,,..' e n ; 1m ., A , ,,- •` ' ----- „ ee ho hes'considered•politics in theligh • fitiliel-- proMpfener recezi-gratebil and..stibstential: 'Cincinnatl, Caluinbui, Cleielerid, Daiiiiirkeind,, s ~-,,, . : , e . 5....., ..• . ':thet - thiieleetierietien ofeelie Webitieweileliesilk l' ... " .77. ' ... .i i ,..., -:-7 ,„ ; . 4 :71 _ Ls - . 7, 4 ,.,'''' 1... " ..4. .. Tr ,7L"' ? ,,..7 ' - -eaceo and. is PrePared,therefere,'.to apt the , compliment.e Never firifirthicrtioble Oct be fine "'thence by Erie 11.01r0a4 to N0w:...Y.041!-- - Tiiii. ,-: , '-,-.• :, ,-.-- -'-, . ' iiio§tit O - t• r ' "'- '' •- ' - - ."r nro w 'ulivuuk t""Lau 1 `" ' n " . . 14- ' -- - f bil ' ' . . - ttee b Father ISLatiniw. tgol when his earl . heat of A ,southeniallitiatp ielejurious - to both '. : - eee --'•' ' , -- e releAle. „P. eeerytteatertieminsylvei.e elet4.,Tin .. • ,r, - . .. .. , , who ':•rMQ- , ' - , '"';'''''':'-''''''..' l ''' - '-";:i! - " , '''..! ~'-:'iT (,•,:',- '• - ';'i:,,i , iiiit*:,, , ,i'fili t a ' 'Aid eheverepeqeeee, ne ilealereerie, e eilis diethirof ientrelizedgoveiinnen • - d liiseepilnrinlagels - overeWhen'llta atewardahlp c0n.... tebecen t4ln porif.., . Wpm great, cooi . neeas-o!, a. pop. xe,l.JtroaltYlt. _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers