TOWNSHIPS Apolace*, Auburn, Bridgewater, B r ooklyn,, Cboconut, Clifford, Dimock, • Dandatr, Franklin, Forest Lake, Friendsville, Great Bend, Gibson, Burford, Harmony, \ Herrick, \ Jackson, -Jessup, Lenox, Liberty, Lathrop, Montrose, Middletown, New Milford, Rush, ;Springville; Silver Lake, 'Thomson, 2815 2123 2789 1957 2837 2849 2772 2835 2827 1862 1881 1871 1881 1773 . • Da. Regular Democrats marked thus, [l' Whigs, thus,[t] Independent thus, [f] i. , • , Administrator's Nonce.. five rods to a stake and stones ; theme dowu the EXelteMent New. '2: , ' , , • Look at This' ! _ . , L /FAYETTE BURR MILL - STOBB 111191111; • s y ted av u en a tli be at . le d t e t r4m eni o c f d ad o m u in ib lo o tzt t i a o t n e creek Seventeen and a half rods to a ;take •; thence Flour! , ITE. Co-putnership or Wickham & Stone, is this day riP 1E es o t he irat T h i e li s ! b t ,.c e ri s b,. t N wo e u w id i ! f B rm y p fri, r ., !s a , d .- - N roTicE is sena . D .:subscriber having made enotber raise bay Just Qupgapttig • trt•e..iim i ittoier from Neer.vb ea t by tea. e TaRY • -e ' ir: ' er Bin b Ta g isle a ta or Diwors toirsinpeeelts,...l te n sie rods to a stak e at the corner o f t h e horsing. been to er e , yore,ach•cting 3 v h ey great eariety of 1.7 barrel for wale lowly -AL C. TYLLR. . , e etial scant:ads watt sea eatate will ground, from thence westerly five rods twelve and almost all kinds of Goods, which be ould moat respr. e t- 31 eitinae Out. 16 ISM: A. dissolved by mutdal er:meet. The notes and ac- ...1_ the pliblie in general. that they have • just ne. Tt l ... E ss r : t -I n li t E h llt t, S23 4 l TEDi formerlY Perihelia ter 0110 counts of said tient are in the hands of A hira Wickham r p ee ' l ,.:l l l4 a 7 a s u sai t i l' eimmediatela• J. c• aI IR CTIA- 3 °• a half feet to a stain at another corner of the fullyinvite his frieeds and thepubli generally t 0 130, e a -..--- _____ ...._ k AA yette .13 , urr i, MUl stone, Idaus t v uereto I' L it BIECIIA.E.D. nd gore= themselves accordingly- Ferri move a' a All persons ladebted to said firm are reqeured to obit and turned froth New York with u large end exteneive oi a w. i daataa . settle walsout delay. It et desed that those who have sleek of GOODi, embracing every article in the (Urn' hi; tre - nds and li th .l e .. p ' u l blie rn ‘e gett - Ttal eu ,itta ' li t u h u l d ia, burying ground ; thence northerly thirteen and a m o p, too siiesoorte orjed.e. Watohesi ~,...,,, Oct 161851-44e5 AL C. TYLER. 'half rods to a stake near the meetiug !loose ; Montrose,4une 10, 1831. ON sale a Selection of Oeneva aniLEngllth Lever, ea, eentraeted to Pee in peiddce tills fall slieuld deliver the established e • pine Vertical and other escapements In gold and sil- same In payment at as early, a date as possible. Alt'ac- • ------------EifraYr• thence three rods and five feet in a westerly di. counts that tentalo unsettled •after the lst of Dt-C. beet t h at i 3 c ß al G i u OT . & SHOE LINE- BURK 31ILL STONt 31ANUtAC'TORI reation•to a stake ; theuee to the road centre see- ' New G oo . _ ver eases. Now a word to my vary nernemusfriends .and _ , Aim into the inetomre of the snbacriber about the nil burned without discreaunation. e tor in pus market • and having i ' ' ' Imghamton- N ' " 1., lati .lal of rept. Si% Sheep. three black and three .en rods - thence by the centre /flee road wiz cud the public in general. Permit doe toms that my eery wilt receiveJ by the subscriber a i new and large as- long experience has enabled me = select each Watches ,B e & STONE , made urretngeinents with the manufactures to for- ' Irv' veils. Thera-and shiCh4l rep:meth to prove proem:- s , a half rods to the place of beginning, allPPe.sed to sortment of Rend made Clothing, Boots & Shoes. , as that , lo Me credit led the Purchaser a Mating service. The allbscribee will continue the mercentßebusittese at ward additional eupplies, whenever wanted , aud WILLIAM SIIELP. ehlon Bats UM', Lari lettee and wraPahig rat It should be borne In mind that , Importers In general the old stand wherebewill be will sell goods Mr ready pay on, 1 . _' ' 1 __. , . . sr aril ha theemeay. I heart. on lial --rail and a half arise,h th _ contain three e e same More pen by theream or teas quantity. 1 Ile tram ant will keep censtautly on Windom good an as- itt each prices tis will enuble us to sell much low- ra‘Lcires sr Brut . are not always Watch tankers but a ante or merchants. Aud wolicits a shareof their patronage. .E 4 7411 fa •or less, all itnproted. - - - Unveiling and coramon Trun ks, a taw single and don it- Under these iarninsentees I select ccc * oollitur i t r oepor Li cc a e can se goods at Pea s °emu VIZ, our optimal IS tea, ‘ e _now Lie Burr Mill Stories, as also a large supply, of Esoitts an, rat 81317T'S. 4 sarares-a pure article Izi pound . ers Also, In other bounded fll -, bi le alum Germ fancy Stationery Rooks Combs Brut hes> mcnt and no { tare ts permittesl ' /leave until taken to mu jug. ters t333l l im eu! as u f eta m be , Could . t in en th y t co h untrY stir and nat. er than ever befeie sold •ii Mott trote, Being pitte •l h ' k ' .i• t• le I lie villhae o constantly unhand 'largest oh ofVen sr Alw-Eflerressiag Compound, for raising, lad le eras o owe, toev.: - K , • • ~ . , 1_ ... . . apart, extunin'ed and reenleted fit for the wearers pocket. ginning at the centre of the road on the same car- F rre !y 4 a c rt ' id es ' to ream rous to mention, least LO per cent leas than they can be bought . for at any woas „f the people better than-thole Whn are in Ruin stones, Rho French Burr Illodui,lnaltlng cloth; ta east wiliest yea...a a all which ha A %written %cannot green for two years sealant tsexcepted. store= the county on credit, oIIMA It ICKELL,II. h . h . vir td / r d . ten en wire and Platter Paris. i. , itioaeolavder, by the use of which much r t nor of the above described land and running in des.,. - -os to sell for ready pay, and consequeutly as • ' cheaS Repairs &e. liours of business from 7A. 31. to 7P. M. Friendaville, Sept. eh, 'Zil 40 4w ------- - ---- tames wiry to say, instils!!! of givi ug a list of work , ot t r omelet e wou. t iere ore eern It only The undersignal antlieir bit Mends tad the pribilal labor stir:libel; o rased - end 110 is done tot elate Far ale by A TUBB ELL the centre of the road in nu -- e...terly, direction to as the cheapest,' ff not ehroper. 1 J. A. SINGLETON, Valuable Farm for Saleand • that h no t faithfully . %cent!. all orden,entruseereq A. leer dozen pair wouLENSficEs wanted. --- prices, that ' ids caree. not only In quality, but In prices °radicles Cure _ the east line of the meeting house lot • thence Near e, o rr _ 8,. 184,, PUBLIC VBNDUE. , _ donmetion is defied, lashed, and solicits their kind patrcnage. . . , . sHERIFFs s A TM-% • parallel with the west hint of said land to the GEO. FULLER , ~,,I TuE following property via bested at public venduo at RE subscriber filers for sale his faun, situated In f t. ' Brooklyn town.lap, ousquehanna County, near the Helm by letter will be executed with' as Meek enri north line ; thence on the north lite to the north B V ham ofn am of Vern Es, issued Wolof rover's Ink manufactory. the house ,if the late Jasp.r Leomls, deed., in the Lackawanna and ire-Item Railroad, containing 80 I intpectien solicited, . and as che4pley as when purcluisersare on the irpe „1.- . .; the Court of Commod Pleas of Susquehan- west corner to a stake and stones; thence on the RE3IO V E I) T'o township of Auburn, Sue 'a. co., on S turday, Nov. ler. ac of land, with 65 acres under troprovinont, aell Millers and Millwrights are requeited - to tall bad nowt Ps Monty, to me directed and delivered. I wall Weeit iine el a southerly direction to the place of ' ' 1891, to commence :anti o'clock, A_ 31 : I seen of 6 watered with springs. Saha farm boa good bat, And satisfolction guarantied ! - ne-his neck and ITorkaaanehip. ' , exeassmpohlic wale, at the Court House in Mon- beginning; containing three acres, be the same • NO 14.1 , RACE STREET, rs old m yea . , _ arcs, 1 span of matched yearline Celia; 2 douole wogons.l two horse harnesss. lone horse hat- thereon and three tome orcharde• and aitegether Is a very desirable location:roe any one ' vrishiog to purchase ' IMPORTANT TO SIIOEIIIAIIETRS' 1 JOHN W. gt/14,1WAN. - * Itinghatoton,dttlY.lB3/. - ' ' 3 ° ' trate an Saturday the 15th day of November more or less, one dwelling; house and one barn (Between Fourth and Fifth, opposite Crows St.) . new, I saddle andbridlo, 1 sleigh, a full set of Penning a good farm, , We keep'also on hand heinloek tanned sale heath. • nen, all that certain piece and palest of Teed thereon and all improved. 1' Sri JL A D ELPF,111.4.. ntensils,6 year.ings, 6 calves, a quantity of sheep,l cow, Tais -sseo and the balance In yearl s - • 2 ' ,lb trout of hay, 250 bushels /green 2a bushels of beans, twith ' I , read at dAt e - e• • i • • , - ri , down,. ,, „ . I' P 7 er . i i nes ~ in eta f bk me, Morocco a arms i _ for Slik - - - - ' since king endiving in the township of great Also one other lot hounded •on the north by IVItEttE the Proprietoris extabled, increased fa- 10 b a .1, 41 , a rn methy r „ er , d; , 200 t s ,m,het, of , cuttg. men annual interust. ...ant .or sale at ni i s Biu e •-; i, -11 ' Li ig . dam , ...It e ads. Pegs, eiand-stones,,,, irlIE anbseribers will act as *grata forth. 8 Deld, , a the County of Susquehanna, bounded lauds of . Fach Ressiguie, east by lands of Fitch ' . ~ ;,.° l `ll:sti'du l g-tderFer°,,illfotruanc"°l 7 2F'fa'a Tr .ten5......A credit will be gam, with good security A. Ssi werniaCile Shoe-knives, Peg- th , lits, flu tome ma, Pincers; I sate ofßeel ratate-Stums Houses and Lotit-10l Lai described ea follows, to wit: on the vomit ttessiZuie , uouill by Med of slid Ressignie, aim This Ink is 110 W so well established 1p the guod opinion : n ee! i n n o b t f i c i s o t t4 sr b f 2 o n llc e gt 3 For ad , l ;ire ole than $lO • On Saturday the Zth day of Neeember nett. thefolloe. Rasp,. lucks, Ki: ono 'F'rench Shoe Teo:s of every fed in Saupleharina county, Pa. All who, wish lei idle hi hind at A. T. Troabralp and E. Skin- west by land of C. Edwards, Daniel Brundage, dad amtidence of the American Publ y le i that it is smocely ' i than $5O andnot more thTurslBoo,Bl6B.rtioArithe sameari; riga P o r ws "Pe ei t La ta o wl en t e;l l l T' ss ari s i g en i l t a v i s i a a rm e t..„l l in:' description, 83334 Crlll3po, WAX, Shoe.thread, Boat their paiperty for sale can give a adnute dekeripthen ter; on the east by lend of E. I% Yount.; •on t h e and Hamilton Bonner, containing fifteen acres of ;a7t e A r . ta t :Cs ' iiii :07:o h :l u n g e i t ' t l y 1 :: sap . r at iu th i e :n u ll ' : cu; sums more than $lOO, 9•130133114. NEWTON ' T.ANE• grain, ho ' uschold furniture, &c., .t.e. - --••- ' webb, el-hull. Baslong,Sto. •- - . ta+ t r y F ' ltms°l Let '. 22 ICdl v ic h ', Number lit'aerlta. hilf ' ma improved. ana how watered; Buildiript Eltebattli oath by land ores. T. frowleidee and E. 'Young,' wild land, be the same more or tees . thus secared strati not be abased. 1/4 _. AL , i p, re.. i the same and piece, and upon t he tame TER333 ....Ail 1131312 over $5. 6 montbs credit will be l P.alo3llllaro'fil sire respect tulle solicited to exam- grated or common frhit i other frtdt tries, ,iftti dada . sad oh the west by land of the Steam 51111 Com- Also one other lot bounded as follows, to wit : fa ' adlition to the various kinds o• writing Ink. be T eM.L e a ' '• ;asp ° e B r l =T e rg Y bee'7l.l%l:°l',.%Zifeon`f give n : er n°, 1 1 3 y i ee 6 a s e;a cr i i . di t vrAhrgiolotsecoriti.. ins our etoek before purehusing, me our tools and trees; how far from Alobtrose, and this nearest polkt t ea eh called, eneteming one hundred and see- b •ginniag on tne centre of the bridge aerogs the also mertchtros v Altrantrne ri e nz 7l filreti?..erialtriinfi horse imam, horse rate. it reeking stove. 1 straw ant- 'ma va • 3 , { ERKT E ''' findings are all ' , elected by one who underetands 7 ( It•po o t r o p n ay t m he dn li t. ev A iii w rk tm ac wi E s et i Mroad a trint 3121 acres, he the same more or. less, teacher Be n creek' thence south 2 de g' 'we°l ' ele " / P" - \ i, , w may irrnt,•s.• "4' as 10:111" 4 0 its fawn ..-, itaa'Sealing . tler ' 1 aa her ''' . harness' 1 bun au,l secretary 1 settee. liireUdYwiilido 11;1011.111111gae ", beds, two bedsteads, one table. 4 ehalrs.l stand, 1 the bow IItES. ritOro dUCCIiy 0p0533C7 &Ur a 3 Dote!. Estate, wille r calve prorapt attention by calling on - , e , l ia , apperiemoees , sae framed hou,s‘ one cites dowp the said creek to the centre of the ryi,,,. well adapter. for Dratgest and eaters , at a real A LARGE assiortment, of latest styles, just received Don't forget the p aee. , • addressing mist Siontroee, Susquehanna eotaity.P . l. ~ clock, one tookisig &mama a quantity of Chewy lumber. , .4 . juERRINH N . C. - .r Convey:nee frum afontrbse to the peon:devilry, of and for sale at a quell advance for ready pay.- eam•d barn an) sheds , sae wagon house. 2 or , Tmalthannock creek, thence along the centre of low miesein large °emelt quantltiee. a Snail TUTTLE Eieeutrit. s and next door to J ni/ge Tyler's , . BOOTS sod SIIOES. •chards and about 60 acres improved. • the Berne north eight and three-fourth de g• east Orders adaressed to JOS PR E. ROVER, Anbarn, Sept 33, 133 1-1093. Manufacturer, Also one other piece nr parcel or land pituate elet l en perches to a corner in mill creek, thence ;ceatga .. Nb 144 Rare Street, Flax Seed.' ' Zne. Calf and Morocco Men's s nee-Women's Eileen, -- in the wine townehip turd county aforesaid:bone- north ten and three-fourth drg. west Se perches Between 9th fr. eithooposite Crown St., A' qnant ity of Flax Seed wanted in excite n treior oro coarseand fine-Misses, Bois eadChildren's oboro. The The subscr:her Would also t h in k hi e „ merlins The foltowingFarrnsand Lotsarenowottgalfersotell , _ PM LABELPIIIA. La Bert lot la :outlaw! probably the cheapest receised ,No s 1, 40acres,30 Improved,Frante Rome sad Bari ded ouddesenbed as follows, to wit: beglowne. to scorner in the creek road, thence along said caries oe Cash by I. N. BULLARD. friends for the liberal pattern:we he has received . . 4^ m 3 . since the fire. e No 2, 80 do 50 do sold • do ' do nape( io the north east corner of the let of Will- road west to the place of beginniaz. coutaimuff • - , j Oct. 23 for the last four years. hoping that lie may still N 0.3,100 do 60 do do, do, era f. il - adley, on the east side of the Cochee- oue hundred -nod foor perches, be the same more - ' New Goods. merit it share of their patronage us he intends to Noe 4, 100 do 50 do sold do do ' r -los and Great Bead Turnpike Road, and cunning or lees, together with the appartenancea, one ' Cloaks; Watches, &,lewelry, Pamphlet laws. DRINTS, Lowns,3lnghanne slimmer le!leaCaraimeit, ' keep his Eating Saloon acid Grocery as heretofore. 10.6.70d0 40 do do do ' No. 6.96 do 35 do ' dia `' rid barka haul the fence n. the direction of the small' dwelling house and all improver!. Musical Boxes ~‘. Aerlitians. ItajOTICE is hereby given that the Pamphlet Laws of 2- tjarPt ter 41, - o Cheap atLYOXS & CHANDLEan. ... Sept . l 8,'51-tf ' A. 'AI Ell1:131.21N. iNe. 7, Store, Warehouseand Lot. . i d #aleyis lot, seventy Met to a corner Taken in execution at the suit of Johnston & 'a. .111 the Seeelon of 1851 aro seta day received • end are Plows. . . , No.B, 145 acres 76 improved, &tuned house and '. REP/414ED •... iltAll4-31SZD ay.l. aED WABBS, b . ,_ . 1 ; ed , b hist' V To Dalrytnen atiaters, Iso.o. su,t; do 35 do sold do do thence in a southerly tourve en t line peed/el VerY CS• aT- L"Trellee• Southilihroa, Pa.. ra'-'dY r°r "tn u"°n "1 ;•! s ii e n t iLl it il ta c gr r o e tki• eln , . F. B L ',Tell - LET'S Mai for sale cheap for cash at the atOre or li. J. 13 EBB Valuable property fur, Sale. No.lo g. do do . ,do do with the line of fenee on the east Side of said _ ALSO 42 fl ' ' - 1 Proth's office ? 3fontroFe, Sept 22,1851 July 24,185 a No. 11, gold do do, wad IA • - ` Turnake Road, tweety-five Teet to a carer ; All that certain piece and parcel of land situate , A FARM ofloo acres sittate in Bride, an to, tewaPhip . two. te, 100 aeres7o mereved,framed Vous* and ma ; , .a. Sitsquelaanna County and stnte of temp-Iran= of ' • a. 13, 340 do eoa do tie do do thence twenedsseiE Tcrepke Road in a line pint- lying and being in the township of Jackson, lathe - liver id oodsl • Administrator's Notice. A NEW supply Of go,ds it I. 160 eerier. of which Is under good it:Trott toeat N0.14,D6 do 60. do sold do do do VI& with the first described line Seventy feet ; county of Sh•sqaehanua and state of Pennsylvania, rrITE - Subscribers take pleasure In sanonneleg to . • . ' Turret's. The farm is well designed for a dee-y.lllld IS 10pable 4• - , h 0.10,168 do 60 „do do , do do ` thence in a line parallel with the second described bounded and described as follows to wit: on the -A their cuatataers and the inblic, that thq Lave cow T ETTEII.9 onadministratfon of the wale of James N E' W- f _ ARRIVAL ceding to caws during Ammer and router. end e art or it is well nate rut. The bundlers and land aro very . , ,No. 10, 120 do 65 do sold d 6 , do . do • fine or the mid road Ince, twenty-five feet to the north by lands of John Griffis, on the rest b Ireceived their seceded mappleef , Al Clark, deed, late of y aria n , . % • su.imka Goops , . the township of Great Bend, Marine been grant ed to the Undersignot4 notice Is hese- , No. 17? 100 do 76 'dO di? tO II • do good condition end the liners, uLich are of stone 1 14 19112 do 80 do i do wr, de place of beglntline, coutaicing, seventeen hundred of widow Houghton. and on the south and west then they - e be air' n total indebted to the estate to call and settle . 11 BURRITT has jest received a new end superior and rails are alsoao. d. There ore tv.o large bann upon ;Nen, 200 do 150 do . dO 42. do embracing ala Mr etoele and Pea lrarrYfor on the samewithont ielay, and all peeve a baring demen t ia. • assortment. of oria Ety feet, be the same mere or lass, teewther by landa of Lewis _llirsh, containiug three acres, the premises. besides a granary and orD‘tBft it shed :N0.20.145 Jo 100 do do' do do knit e ti e sa vz rfore as kept, y e as ad Saheb thee offer . sale .against the estate will please present them duly West- and winter Goods, , far cattle. 1 hree or I c reeds tract ull olgrafthfrurta - I No. 21,190 do 120 do . do do de mai the eppettenances, one framed house and a n be the same more or less, together with the rep -- 1 , : j% lo say other establisnment in ed for settlement. DAVID TROMAS, ildner. improved, ttcluding 'an elegant variety et Ladies Dress 0 Dods; Win sued other fruit trees. purtenances, one seta mill, and all improved. ' the ennnty. 'I3MTLEVfeItEAD. Great ik. n d , a e s..4, igia..,4l* 1 , Na. 22, 00n do 46 do do ,do do 'ter Long , Shawls, new style Bonnet Ribbons, Banter Said farm has a yerypleasent and desitablit locatlen No. ^, 45 do so 40 do , d o do fakes is execution et the tadt of Nelson C. Taken iu execution at the suit of E. T. Yonne Montrose, June 10,3651. I I 4 ,, Young • Dissolu on 'ti . yaps, Staple Goode &r. of the most desirable styles, about two mills from Montt-ore. tLe Count, scat at rue. No. 24. 232 do 225 de dtt do Wane rs. Chules C. Smith. vs. Nathaniel Hill, - which havln been urellased a a , iehenne eouut • and be i 9 i e • . o s - ''','• , g p t the late 1 sew prices, qi ,n, aum I r flea- ths Leggetts No_ .5, 124 do 100 - -do •do do , ALSO C. ;if GERE, SherifE FIRST IN I.IAIig.F.T . Fr /I E Co-partnership heretofore existing he- ant be sold unusually low. Gap liana to which 'berets!: Pleuk Bonilla tires No. 26,190 do 140 , do ,' do • alet All th at e•rti " „ • 1-yr - a r.l f - % I - 1 ir , 0 JL tween Me undersigned hatrtbis day beet" dig- New Milford, Rept.2,o, 1351. _. of cotnpletion, end i every convenieot to meetings awl .-__ N ° , 7, 80 Ccd • d 4 in piece or parcel of yam lying Sherifr's Office, Montrose, i INLT - LI solved by mutual cousent. R. F. JAIIIESON. tsTltAlit-ii . schools, and mechanics. , . N 0.23,11 acres 1 00 Ulf FILM and awaiting, _ and bele I Oct. 23, A. D. 1851. i , • IA ,AU v V Ur 1.....0,1 .I-/ 0 ' also another Valuable Farm adjo tag the , above, eon. g . n the township of Lenox iii the count ' IN 20 14 e 0 to d *gash notatitarlf et hirre-heiwat en 6 Slate or Penn ' , 1 ' b Y x . H. WE BB RAS just returned from N. C. BISSELL. CAME into the enclosure of the subscriber 01 the lath tainina 200 acres of which df.o urns fa Itll der a high N . o * act' 1, . 15 a d reinp je , ~, 0 ,, at value, oun- s dad and described es follows, to th -- 1./SQUEILANNIes. County, in.-_--Clarissa Fair NEW YORE, with a fine .11/otitroee, Oct. 16. 1851--42-3 w. of august last, a toe years old steer ; or a dark led fr ,, te ar edrii% WlOl3. teen it there Is si large Janine I No:31:136 de o j)5 •"", 't h east, and west, by heis of Sem w eeTEl on al t s he "r ' child, by her !nit friend, Frederick B Temke. Ft°81"8Fall goods, which he offersfoe sale to those who a - cater with the tip cram tad white. The owner can have ihrellinc house ; and out buntline" to erirreraond and r. No.-W. 180 do 135 n It" _it a on the south • (; elated, and _. wILL PAT for them, at aglow rates as can be reasona- Syes over the Left. the sameby calling non the subscriber , . proving proper. lithe orehard. • at ii well watered end fenced and cilnal. No, m,1%) do fip 45 • 311. is a' n !airy vs. stiles Fairchild. In the court of ' Gene ty, and paying chime:. ' Alma Buitoigg. rattly eilalit, dto dairy ptirpeses. , hbt lends of I. IL". Dead, caute i w bly asked: Not fergeting due than to each of his _., No. 04.150 du. 100 ee te '. es .1 lame a , ems, be the game morn 1 ut .." neon Please of said comity, of, April Tenn, 185 , 1, 'friends, SUI have be-etofore beaght de °lbiza and paid X . l - 0-BISSELL haviug purchased the inter-' Dissioel4 Sept. 31, 1811-40w3• eitid preleirty o ill be sexton reasonable term& aP. No 04 . 150 30, in co :as at ' With the appanenau or !Es, together ~. ~,„, ~ s u F • hild W b b for dint be invites them to "COME GAIN." J.. 11 • est of R. F. Jameson in the Talton hu - Coati!' tbe purchase mute. may remuin upon Dee Nn-3d. 310 do 170 si ' ""i .' " • prayed• Ces ' Om ' saw mill and all inl' ""u- '8 . "8 aire .- "888 a 88 Pae. Ili t ' o e 10th 1351 ' lig. 11 SPRINGVILLE ACADENCk '• Motto-age to salt the ruches e• Ha in Divorce was isened to April Tertn, 1851. cin 7S e e e P ' e • - - .._ a taws, can be found at the shop formerly occdpied lIE F 1 • ' • A - I ti n - 1 , T' i t,' • 1 I Po. in, 100 de 140 . 1 t ," ." " T e tte • m of this, Institution will commence lino pp ma on my e net. e erlionel eor ,y letter to ja0....8. 170 do 100. “ al es et Monday tbe 22d day of September, ir,st., ender th e 'lon, wie..lown aor It. J. Steen at 31ontrese. u said No. 33 175 do 00 do diti de -M e Takeo i a "eetnion at th .I, of Pierson ,1 which was deity returned non 'eat ineentete, and -- WYOMING S 3 Tifia MM .— Ja-vaoin & Bissell i , . . . . Name re. Isaac M. Doned.mi thereon an alias subpoena,was iesaed In said cause Kingston Lase*nd county, Pd. 1 Having receive instruction from 'Ma. G. C. tome of _ county. and any further anteater,p that way Equip. see. .10 so do -45 do . do: do Me ALSO returuabla to August term, 1851, upon the return IRIS Institution has oao of the mbst desirable tom- Scott or NeW York htl Idlers himself that he s Rev. A. H. Sioat, A. M. ..., -fli 1 ,,,,,, nr.—t'1er, - No. 41-212 do 160 do told do do dfr. , • .. so - 42 72 do 50 do do de die Ail that certain or which, proof was made to the Said court that the timis in Northern Pennsylvania, Ringston hiss quiet, Car l Bflif, all who may favor him with their cue- The year will comprise four A.caderple terMa of twelve ' FOR 8 , :,,..2..7 No-43, 4 said.: - do do do piece or parcel or land s't t l ire•aud • - No. di 138 do 011 ,do dia , de do beteg in the township' ofGrea ' Ina e said Sdies Fairchild could not be foetid as my plea ant and salnbriourvillage, one mile West of Wilkes- ham. Full and winter Fashions for 1851 and 1852 weeks each. TiE , coo • • L Bend in • t barer, and accessible by daily stages from all parts of the s,, .• d 't - N. C. BISSELL. ' ;PRICES OF TUITION. No. 45 800 do , 200 do der ! do -do ~.• metre •, . at) of ausinehana bo d d ' bailiwick. ' t - , country. She school nes now behn ita operatien fovea J"" 1, tollowe,. wit. be . . an e and described 16 18.51-42-m3. e Prlrdery Depirtfaent enibracinii Readink, Wriffna ! , Montrose Livery Stable: . N 4,46, 120 aorei SOlmprotred,frame house aed lerdiff , ', a ...ffiiillter at th Thin notice is therefore to require vou to sp. years, dating which Its patronage has btien liberal and XonUuse, Oct. , lb 111 Ai b • I G . ' epe ng, r t suet c, cogrephy. end hratrnar,e2 bu TH Rm.; H orses, , , owl & I ll"'=M. _ .. Janet a. a lot ownea d ' e sent 1 west pear before the Judges of the said Court ,on the constantly bemusing. •1 The big rite haaiiches °fitted:4nm) pepartnieut, a. co .N.. 47'200 do 170 do t 110 , do 'do Brown, i and occupied by Ebenezer Threngh the munificence of ITM.Seetkuut. Eeq., an Do you }lcar. 0 le•alca•Departmeiti, ; 50 • P Three Open Iluggierc. • No , 40 83 do CO do do ; .rip: -do a ' I° the Pnte n n b • third ilionday of November next to answer said a , Pn t a east , side of the additlotudS =fancy b hiding 40 by 49 feet, snd three eta. , ... French arid Drawieg, each, . . ot 00 No so S 3 do 63 do ,do,• ; - do dO . "ye t u and Great Bend Turnpikecomplaint 4-c. C. M. GHRE Sheriff. • ries high. hair just hern completed, and by the liberality 11 WING located myiell near Harvey trws- Q u CnVered B . • ruowg thence Ludt from Road, and o g ' 0 I; b ,li r a ' • by , rio g the unadiet min obtain a fulideseelptloo - . , Those who wish to prepue for C lle - e Teaching, er !I -- - 'Tay, • • N.8.-Persona desiring ter purehossny et the abovil; ne said road re - Sheriff's office, 'Montrose, Sept. 17.1851.1 tO of Iron! T4ba Bennett, the school Is new fultiltAed with ffing's, On the nutlet of Heart Lake ; 1 woula th active duties of Ilte H . , will here dad every neeessar • y -One it 111 s f gg' ,n. meth lama maid Brown's I nee on the . l:valuable and extensbe library. cutirely new. The . , ID IV tilt why want their work done right; h e lp. ! . 37 atia _, _ ALFRED .111,DIVIN. antler of said B ' ot one hundred feet to I h end, Phltotophical and Astronomical Apparatus r r e 1 t•en Wa u • '- One Spring , , gg st. Itontroge, Pa. October,lBso,:-44tf., e d. . town s lot; them. • Proclamation. 1 ,of the InFtituthm to remuded, by all Mato Imre knowl- that I can be found there at all times; toady and , iIItOCERIV.4, N tr. User .Cruebed, Powdersd d e 1 nveuett in a linel .0 111 a 1301:1th 7. Two Skvighs, 1 • , edgeuilt. as eta bleb order, end ample for full exPern willing to do all hinds of work, in the shape of A..A Coffee,Sugar;Terts So a :p BB Yeast, Powders, Lemon Pde Road fence a xt pare lel with the said Turn= the • Hon. WILLIA24 • .TE tOMP, I /3:1113t11 in Natural Scienee Ell lt - •b'• ' d d bl slrllP Speen' and Tan .04 candler, Lamp 011, Glees, Java Three Cutteig' i.etee in a weat , at iy . feet to a alai/ and stoner , h „ fel . at *mit itiz,. in asap MI wartauta e nian- 2 , s iew Th e e . Board oflustruction for the enlali . 3gyear awl Isla Coffee, Pork, Mackerel, Salt etc-, cheap at , It d r etlea • I ° W Presiilent of the Court of Oyer and Ter- ner. - - /I "ntreee,MaY , /8•51. riff/FS& Cij &mime'. 01112 pi/ie,1161)8 , . ; VII li. e ari d r ; i e ,in a ine parallel - actibed line one hu dmuter, General .Tail Delivery, COUrt of Quarter Mier . ttettbees aiellso . asa A.ll l -, N. B. No cure valeta)... - - - -- One Sot Team Harness, tile line of said Ruud r ti red feet ton s • . . element! of the Peace and Goart of Common Pleas PRINCIPAL. ~,,al '. Bridgewater Oct. 15 1851. NEW THING . ' S i, ~ ro tstbed • • , thencej thence in a i directioa in a line w' and Orphilu's Court in the Eleventh Judicial Dig- Elev. Y ous., : c ." -i n ith o'it• ""''' ' 11. F. NEiVTON. ( - 111ANGES, Fresh Teas. Bunch Itamina, Ea tenet Of 0110 Sett-t,arriago gs arimge; se . said road fence • Tee cher of ancient Ltuaz eget. , , V./Lemon, Castile Soap, Family washing powdtrs,2oll. Three Sim+) Ilarn6e, - Yr et. to the !nee of UO , : . • tnct composed of the Creamier; oft Susquehanna, - Phillpir. wirers. 4.-11., . ... t c Curratna, Broadten ha, &a. Celt 3,0011 at steadied feet of 1 °'"ing' "Illaiumg ' 'l%lol Caudle ajuet received ead fcaisale by bier With the sum ' and be the seine more or len, Luzerue and l'i , gaming; and the Ilons. M. G. Tv-' Teacher of Mathemutics. : e. ' Eitrayed. 31entrope,dept.3 '5l. • C TYLER'S. I ' qall Ile 111 idle Blankets.. Slegingleg, egc. ". .$ addle ; , . Lao** A CffAstatra. dat. , , renew:we e % Qua f ramed LER. and Gass. TINGLEY, Assoc i ate *fudges in sous- now. C. It. liar soya , rIAME into the inclosure of {Be Subscriber on kior about the &scot' Oct. a three yetirs old red The above properly nth be sold very eb,•ap en. ember. —....- _, DATNTeIig. braes. Medielhee, uye aitugs, - 71 - 4ersiio t. titan e eerie. and all improved . quebauna Gount3r, have issued their precept, bear- Teathu° l sa . turel Selene°. CARPV,TING,matta end matting, at Corn and Oats at (deep prices. in executione ' Au ast in the year/; oar James W. West-Task , . _ . ' , :2; D. ti,1113;11S &Pa, . 1, erY• Window Sash, Class mad Putty.' freshydeort. -love nod Andre IT at the suit o f Di ns T . ing date the 26th day of -g ~ Ailment peal ,. 1 _ , e other with a tamp around her bead. Th e o ut e r - ~, r • matrose September Si, 0351 an tr - even°. end always on band. - IIENTLEY,fir. IlltAb. , Itutbrd w • Brow vs. Lafayette Lord. one thousand,, eight hundred and firty-oue ; „ „, e e ,,„,_ ` t - - is requested to provo properti , . pey Charge's iind Auditor's Notice. - ' „ . tAla: assortment of Dreedebnbt, S',lteen.itt and to me directed, foritolding azourt of Over and '"" ° ''"'''' llev '"'"'` .9 4 d, Ai ~: AN NEW GOODS. it Testifies, nnd bummer a etsinuet reeePred • 1 true . Preceptress, est Tea ce of °dem Languages take her away. OS REAM rr WE undersigned baring been appointed by be read rieht be - 11F11117,ET & It AD Ey a alit of L. ALSO Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in the Brie- Nine Esth .Ist - ti C O ct.s 1851-4° 3 CT VI. r.e , 1 hocount, ct. , -W * JL tho Orplitine Court of ...usquehanna County, rO.,..drel?!Zil",f• fe TPA, .0. 9. '" 9 ‘67' 4 1 .'fft. I , " . / 4 .‘,.._ e, ~, T. Pa,. burned end directed as ough of Montrose County of Susquehanna, on Assistant Teacher orate"' m Languages. ' ail Auditor to make distribution of the risseto in ''''' a ~,.. ..3 ...,11 ..4 16.14, .... c,,,,) AU A,,,ar tit aill sn poly 03 anektreiand codfish Suet opsnai A ltE now re-miring. 41 to and .leslrttae stock of Amid ter 'Me at D.R.' Lesenuelli & Co. ' ee Cat csrt ai the third Monday a n d Novemh. ..rnext, (it brine the Sirs-Jane :N. , N ofteona _, I • ash ,' in lie - a tract or Parcel of laud sit f il l o hands of the Adm'r o Cornelius Rynearenn a.. - .it-•,s,t, AND W I I .;Te 4: 1;430e a. in the ei ; unt ar 'll'hiFa or nosh and Bridgewater, 17th day): , -,, - Teacher of Bosom:. rah Painting. $2OOO WANTIKO._ VIRE Proof paint at tolls dollawsperbuthlnd lit ' • '!treats .2, ' r r Sus quehanna and state o g r e P t ater, N oTies la Bengal , on ,„ i a Th e ,c oa „ aa. J ur i. :draw S. A i tire . u.go o f fi tisi ' 'DY tbe subscriber. chic is now mowing to get up his deed, among the legal heirs , ot said decedent ,, conslatiog of their usual variety cr Dry Goods, Groceri e s , ' . 1 - 1 . . . D D.! tatetteer A CO; 1. Creeirerv. Bit:Aware. Prue. bleilielpes Painti4.olla.Dea• B. r nou batted ThEs or' T.I3E PEACE AND CONWrnninne of said Genu- "An f tbabove7 d i a- l e ai th sehmA Al fan stock, be offers to his nuteerous customers his Will attend to the duties ofhis appointment, nt toe - w ''' - ' 1 n TIAII.AOII Pennines Poplins Lawns ends east: Wows t. 4 bounded and described . as *. • ° a - ° `" lT 'l tin '' t*ne * °°4 '''' dth W°r° ' ".°ll ` "a° ' us 6 ' D 4 Dre 0 d ' f ' d h ' 1 ' , o au ; b eion . ty of, Susquehanna, thai they be then end there the whole ereath day except the Toiler pr Drawing nod S rg , _., to . r p es an OMt 0 • • le i • q., ,o° crow ,on yieb, Leather, boots vac{ shoes, loeldeg gluesec a tind 9s• ss oo it Oat opened Y - _ , to stendine lung at a heuflock sink any tinnier establishment, In Menem m hew York. Tide F r i platen, sa,h, gals, avid putty, hate, cape, earpeting: ell . , DENTLIII SG R Praa 4 liezadar line eol lbe Creek inte - e ' in their proper persons, attwo • o'clockr in the afterr Mr, Westlake. The former %levet.* nth a eortli aof - a old and Silver arch is ' ho hl"ain g a eolith e n s ?fleeting the °ld ofsaid d-th b dl• " - cock day t her as May be necessery, and the lat.' aleckce'l °°, 41 part, •••• t tr All persons bovine. claims Imam acid fund will 010119 , ''''n and window Pai•vr; cl"km. wat"e' "well"' C - L - CT - H — D - R E SS 1 N 6 te a English patent Levers, onus erre wportatton,wanwit e d . tee l * , di ennuo ,. poets ay, wi tew recce fl • tiquistbonli N teaches opebelf ur e ach day. The yahoo wilt perceive silver peens, meshed rootromonte. te rilanery, bo.hes, them at that trine or he debarred aliment. tht l.s eartuto n h oe h et , "` eerier to awe ever offered In his C0U1331• Goldand oresent ''' and other remembrences •to do those things which that by hie arnutgemerd the echool is:under the MaPer• 8U - - •488. all of which thee egarea the most fa vomble tetras. . • . ••• • - g‘ sv, ..,,, „, .., eeu franc fl. Ross • • . ton andltratroctiou of a very full board of teacher, Silver anchor levers and Lepines, Cold nornets, Tithe. ter.- Il if FRAZI tR , Auditor liontrese Oct 1 1351. t /MIX anirtriter leant preparesaterduost cloth en tb e tt „ . , ''',. ' u n ~ ne T e I v cry ; thence south 643 deg to thetr offices appertoin to be done. And those end ." - the Trttstees confidently believe pat no pals will him' , fF eeta . eTec a' Brecin P t "' Braeelhtt 'Eaceinges Finger ' rif 0r 2 185. Iw4.L - '.- - t_...._ -- 1, --- ' - h - - - --- :-- A shortest nmfee awl in theneatalt ortyin, trim It af ALI K\ L ur kvolvere. don I end single arrelled cia- la rents and wavanted well done.. Poidu___ a res waken Id• eeratr . cp Or a and seven perches toneat . ~ who are boons! by reeogu;zauces against the Prin. be pa dt tette" - thorough "foga Col/Pine Yana rentila,eest,ltuardand rob theme, ' • ar'tragF• P ' ' ' 1-- - most lat,eovement of Seising °- . . _ ~,eses . t ot e , o Al. ° , oath Oriel:, tlroributa. log "cm fix, a eri n a i 't • 0 N • IDDDITTIILL• a 4 AI v to k (dr II W ea a Sea. lei r ,,;`" el le7routh 67 de a ' - °'" oners that nre or shall be in the Jail of said (lentil- , al s tile " c' ll Promo rail 9 . - ' 1 , r.eye, . sm. a errs e , re? are,com. Jenne; Notice. Therrecan, liedir.dins,seeppeaders. Indio ltubbero, '7 „ ' 'S ep t24 83 1 '. I . .• • . tenth t g. e.tat fifteeu perches fi 'llissik '° a Post ; thenne o 1 ihe ..,, s ty -of Susquehanna, are to be then end there, Lifi, The ueceissary expensesofthis Lustitution are tower:, P ever" rade/eh that Doe, warranted pm e els own, , carpet boke, etc.past received and for patella, • I SC' UP . , 1 1.-toOtne, _ 1 , „, , *to, 'Tuition_ exeluslee tit on emental bratiehes, from $3 • full eseortment *rented wen, in every variety. Fan. I IiERERY forbid all persons hierintribarlorlnOt iinsTI.EY 6 - REAP. ‘, . a.... '-•' E $• - 13 ,3 , ,. , :etches. t o , hi tch t a " 4 prosecute against them ne will be just. cy Goods, Clocks, Cutlery, Combsotic. . t i , a ; •n c ,,, i'' . to th e Era mentioned ire ; rheoce west Dated -at 111 rd t On 10 A f IMPD • - n ism en. •.J ET ATVs. ' or trustiugi my aon Ebenezer Butler, as 1 will ' - Nxr o .turs mimeo. Lemma 11114 vannia.foriiif7at' wAT C H - . , tie hundred a enhoned lauds., con- • ruontrotie, tne zitu any au beptember, 37ia peedoten, and fuets2,so per an rem- - ' . pay no delue,of his contracting ,efier thitedate: he ..lEr ice Cream, cookery, etc., for Foie by ,• _ •, • ~ ~ ~ ,• 2- , , , , fintl th e a i,„ , ere'', With allowances &in the year of our fird, one thousand, eight bun e The dLselpline of the institution Combines raildnewll ith tim tl3 , DENTLEy & n,EAD, G REAT.r.h..,I,. irk the_ plitill, Or nOllll._nninni OW PMes tee Z e _ mere or less, together •n I e l' dred and fift y-inae, ' - • l with thumiert Inettletang ininni/• morel and leer:tots e e 0 uy I • . having left Hie, u about my knowledge, or pernust _ DEN T y ter Wa - ches at J. A. EINOLETOs A Co INS° 41% end Kitrecir etdi. to. ---- ---- il _ , nad ee - F e 'l ° 0 framed wit.. toe ap. ho nird barn 39 Cm ' - \ C. 61.6,E'RE. Sheriff: l r fiepVm iel ear. en'avesingiudustrA srl4"ler and Correct • lib2u ‘• E 74" zER IvillrlVEV. IT ' ' - 3 dtiaLtitit z _ nfitii: y CANFIELD woold say G bson Oet 4 1851-1° 3w. - , tdentrose, oer I,IBE. , `,... , ._ . T., a „ I ;soot 40 setae improv e d. ,' as Dr" _ - , Ttiepresent term or this 'Chad wit. eonatme all the 7 Ir. LI r' ol4B "Meratis Mewls end -2--- ,,,ii___,__ . ---!--!---- ,,.: . ; ILT . 4 , 2 .1. 1, ver,".4 -.: -. 7 ------ / -0 0 .§1 , Biarning Ftglit tole Sahib,. •-.. k ~ tr,i,7.11., Xernllolll at the suit of Zeta ~_ Q U.SQUEIIANNA COUNTY, 1t5....4.11ary A 234 of Dec. ant. Shriven are istlml.ted at any time, r. enetomers in ttontroseaudticin- - 4611. At-minis ' - bru,bll2B S' ANObtefa• iael, All U 14.90., --"-- ` ...LT ,'--'' - " I u " 21r/ILEt " - , n e 4 tteutor of tho l 'cr3', 0 . 1,, m i e b h er siezt r riond () n i t , L ew j s „ I , y r ; but the most imitable timer:or enterliz i s th e beginnin g . , ..., lit Ity, Ova he hes just returned g 1 - '' '- .. i r , .0 • ...., . as, IVil) and Testa. . ' Y or the mitl4te otesehtemr. There w 0 maysrish to at- - i ,4, ta m hew York kith *large ad. T :Ent 5e or Adin n °t Yntlbn or the eaote or shall/ fIE notes, ansl;acecidnts of Ville st• Shoremn ; • The Lag Voider - 4 „,... ~y, ~.„~,ed - tend the school thiougb the reriudn or the ,Volt and . 'se r eaten totilseatens,i 0 t .n.B Thema late_of Greatßend deceased, hating* be and mini 4. '*/ I no, anf Wio' , , .', -4° Io terra te ' VB. R us sel " r 3.1 count - f'A 1t " 1851 N27Tlth gb t th 191 ter w old de t t '' t.' ,Fcf- coniuttug or id, Y i l rr s h rftu s• e : graate4td the undersig°l"). °Pelee 16 I'l°6ll 16.411 4° T "i" • *til t ' are 1 " I" - ' i-ii L :-; T. DATINDTI. ibeireall ttiabittier, fa Abell titef . nun's. y, o pr . & ecru. , o.- . y o ow,. roe ou en, o e we aeaer es soon . - - '-- 9 it in 1 ditedta Ps* estate tomtit 0E ttletheermulaith. .. .iirrell . sq., svi ,ustructicius to collie! tnem p• . •,. a t reratnts,rointr menleWsit i .lrktAll .tirirt, a -' , ALSO „Lewis. I , llberearia subpoena in Diverce,wasisani.: os tr k te 2Or t lv e s Fl in ; ,.. , Th re 1114 , 1: a raw' li t tera ph 4e 5 i teaasffro, Cold and sheer !treks aud Leptne a t - i t ' - ' l aerroas h as i a l, dm ° , w d,,, ao h ia t el m 4 , 7 ,-- "' fun Jewell • a , ORTIIWITI - i. . - • . ', • - 1 8 P 8 i i„ pulp It z ,„ .ol a writ of p i. 37 „. „ , •ed to Arndt Tenn, 4851, which - wan 'duty returned 'gee "t 8 B ' B 8 t °I?"488 e SC SI 'Ma kW -- •" - e..C-' ''. a L'llwid Lain gadlirinird ant pl l cals. ph r •senr, them duly &Moffett for settle , a Sept.ll ' i hibltar '' a r. aa -} " I Ta ti lj r lt ia t ra i e s a iet Flu tda4P 3 teels offend si ' : "" all, 111116° '"Veral MM Car inrearlid and th II ' 6 ' "asisl"flidrteen "el / 4 5 cagi4nea ja"taintliciw ' ' . v " ta4.ll°l34* "' /Aeket *M nin- Meet DAVID THOMAS Ada% '' imltr° "' t4 ' /85/ ' : '••- .• stoutly;. a thum scr"" I 4l b- ' Doti . a ., , noli p of Gibson . ° ate tat in and being - • d . ~ereoti an itt a* Iga poeno.. ins April ilithlBs2. - ' e • blot, speck,' ITige, bracelelesilnger end .e 1 MP, Mar f e 'B ,3 0,,e ip Bziol,,_A•• •• a utlx. Bret - this -has not tog to our 1 t sof the `emir atuilln Inforeastlonnel4. pins, broaehes, armlet". ;mid end then card VMS pep '. Nan' en't "' t 3 -..."'"' '' - - ': - ••••• taw... . .2ts - • ...1.. ' : •- JOIN laings, Taller hIP jult,fee'd the!, - 1 4.4 b a , nin th e coat ., , r „, was, issue in stud cause returnable to August Catalogue , _ Ir: l e • I (meted area described as t- o tt u s ' al .''' Term . 185 open the return of 1" h tool ai re sole eari be bad by ad egjljv tbePrintipal,orelther and pencil mes, choral beadshoutiery, Perfumery, sit - 7 - XOl - 71 - ir Goodly ' 2gad lb si ' ' New raspy(' btOV uepot -- ' • A ojijeoorketc ' e • rAlatts& ittiimen w Grid), . i I _ VI/liar; M the cenlr r _ --- `"?'"o made to the maid t tour , t e at tbe said l'. 1 4ls ` i It ini ■ MI frill* With iff. lint, -evt Levrie ,N. BDUNDb, Sec'y. , 1 linen); forks, violist strings cloaks, w a ll e t s , p art lu nar , rr It 0...0b.). hoirs'a Iret of eitt.l te I's •...p f y . , -11 Sr i , • , 01, now pi „y e _ NO bet to Filch Rd '''' . th ? ?vild on ri te ,could b not efound tam y ba i li w i c k . -. Thie notice Kingston, oet 4, 1801- n - tt.7 1 i Needles, and faney goods, }Tatett Owen, toot s &edam. J Mock, qaltean aesortleent Of Fall corals, Consisting PU RR e„„ * ;;;,,,,, - j are a fi e w an d l ow . as. abierlty, Skin, mut mod tamer - .4.- ;. , )., it A. a..... :1 end inniii, , 88 ,1 the end Potter ~... 1 - i • • tertalstor theft's& P3' . the quontltY• the above sat be Of Dry Gonda, Groceries, Thirdware. tridiertubbenaßoota ilorrM two? Ceiniteg Pri ad shop aterea fpr 10*, eagle if you want coital Stipa tbs seep 16 - 41;; . `,1, ) twent y and .s r • luat lin e i n 0 h,n ,_ to t tore ore to require I You 1 . 11 uppenr before. the , ~,,,, , ,,,- , ,,,,.,t i , Thr w i t by , , , some; the lowest prices. D7' , Wittebes sod ameiry of and blbes, serene FOR CAlin t iniii ;fit gra thrill as low_ , irtiod ' and c B oal .1414411:W.0:e 11,, rI ., • a ll as i mos i rn i ro 'y e d• tohropte stbaii: -,. ... uoklut a al l rods tot he soota i Y judges of the 'amid - court on the third 31enday of' Yi`"‘" "'"' ore en On short torte° at the otdi steno elev. as any enscsan hl about t a pert of the *orbit Weise. kinds of air Tleht I.IVIO Oven, common sad curveted N. 1 1 :-_ 0 1.11161t don" , Sa MU" .1 ~'1 n.' A.nerie . '" '. 1.Jan02.5• - • ". Ds tete 4 Bite - • :' al4 ind ha° alai f nuock creek from M U IBI ehle Nitventber. neat to 11110 aa 1 • 44 John ertlserier bed er credit -' -' - t ro 4zt - Montrose Oct- I 101- loOsso %Alluvia"' orty . roi l l , - , -then ce op 411,, ' we" °aw l' atin ` 4C ''' - T, - WRI S ft RINGS -some ven•pretty attettoreteiver 7 °P5 ° 81"044,4724 ' 410 '" 14. Ertilhavn .ch. •- , whv r ilv r t . . 2 '• f , I ~,,, , / v el a &ft ,erbto t iverepine,l3llapt n4ll l Detlit9l2 . ...,, , ,' „- „ s t, , ~ .' i o for avers, ors arose.. evt. body I . leTubes fie. tilde 5•91114411 very to Ibf biskter it • . o oee iit ipioeder , •;# r - t ; . trout thence aeraa _ „ 0 , ,C. NI. O.ERE, Ottrilt 'it tht ta m ait t r . •eh Am 9 b y oet 16.101.. 71aosurs I .to creek ' 0.1. irrn r•r-- 1 " - - nit 8840 8 nnufaoto , . Cloche for tirto sou up Ito lead Otters and Attsrattisw Intro to can and bat, ... , • •.• 11. aiterita..- rd 1 k i, -.-- w 7 ,pli b igiggPri PIP $c f * 0 1 ,A t if , - . , netw - e- Nrinr•SB osenuosth Sept. 17;1851 ;at() ..P.lnOsatton Junso 1551 44 VASS (go • 4 toil 0 - .• 1 ,.. ~,,,,, gur g nt p ap a in tgg.. . •pr re era t. • - ...,- •- i •-• :' ,-,,- • , e bus gab editthOott la• , . , - COUNTY Goiernor, Canal Coin - ' niissioner to 0 'l:7'. 68 152 191 123 Judges_ Of the . SUPrenie..Ccrait. Flll7l 0. =* 73 - ;71 . 71 —7l: - ! 145 150 . 154 150• :154,; . 191":: 182 191- 89 11 5 .5 124- 126 124 114 •- •77 - 70 72 71 -18 1 132 132 133 183 95 is 113 ' 111- - :.115.114 65 ! 0 6 27., 28 28 30 73 73 :78 H 73'- 56 -70 66 68 ! 66 59 17 16 17 -17 17 1011 103 103 103 1 96 - 89 99 " ' 90 . : ' -.88.;.144 140 141:: ,140 ; 1.43 1. 96 140 ! 138 141 i 142 ; 69_ 73 73 73 73 1 52 _9B - _9B 98 98! 52 113 112 112 111 1 53', 203 ~.203 , 203 1 203 ! 18 111 'lO5 111 !. 109 26 60 ; 60 60 I _6o 1 25 65 55 68' 66 1 114 101., 92 - .-.92 1; 92 •H 21 143 - - 129 - 144 141 80 120 119 ; 122 ' 121 ! 58 79 ' 80 -• 79 80 1 142 ' 96 80 B5 • 84 I 62 ;75 ! 75 , 75 75 j 23 , . L . • „ President AkAisociate Representatives. J u d ge , -"judges. t 0 INS Cm t2L- Rffi .2 • " ry. . 44 • 55 75 113. 85. 179 85 117 10 - 50 34 128 1(1, ~100 11 28 87 41 28- 47 a 13 44 106 'B2 95 59 168 135 159 1 110 8 148 25 99 15 192 :90 121 38 63 103 65 12 85 126 210 •33.. 111 120 81 •48 95 26 81 aramg. am 10.640 , Wm - • •••••••••. dmmol••••• •••••••••••• dmo•••••... •••••••••• • ..; 00.•••• 2519 -1490. 2860 27681 , 1110-2545 2692 1701 - .1782 1758 . FOR . 81 125 /85 Sheriff. Pother:6- Register ..& Treasurer. CaliiniS' tary. liteeorder. sioner. I:4 P CI •..i 215 119 210 132 . 144 89 48'. 48 109 124- 159 98 . 33: 50 65 99 62 83 13 98. 104 149 56 , 118 27 - - 144 186 . 63.68 • as- 84 . 145 101 39' 145 89 46" 56 158 66 37 93 ' 125 162 106 103 143' 74 93 85 80 75 - 2685 2341 111 140 100 46 117 95 29 68 9t 191 92 63 52 2395, 1958 2590 1029':2299 Ell MEE _AtiBl4'-.061 7 '".' .-. - 41 r ~...:,,ier';;.::::. I e 4 o i ,=•• rs - Ag frl 110. 106 106 :;.;107 115 107. 52 : 130' 325' 96 - 98 27' 27 65 66 ,2Q ;20 ,103 'lO2 75, 75 t , 96. 97 . 140 ,137 67 47 94 , 95, 108. 110 ' 199 196 92:. :,94 59 61 - 41 82; 93 93' 117 126 106, 107 : 68' 82. 81, 'r 'l2 69 90 117 105 47 130 96 27 .57 10 'lO3 78 94 MI 164 70 83 i 67 i.;01:1 1 2403 =2429 31INEtt A t. FIRE PEO OT PAINT. by the bhi -or It:, fur'rore "• • - !2.111:11tRIVT.• • J. the colors aley Ire ebt 13I) front Ibis awl eitiorw from State to Flack et lets ,; thin hilt' the noon enoehrento twice ha valuable, 7411 th finest work. ' ; ;; -.; • NewNiltord, Elept, - 1tt,141. • ' . . , . • ~;.. , til , o 44_ P. ' * 1
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