- - it, straight forward; caring for no one save ":liiniitif; and very intnetaal in engagements.— `:.lf Others are notpunetual they arelus enemies. Never will he baled ;, an& if-,croesed he,, will turn upon you and have revenge.: strange' mixture is ha, and large:hearted to his friends: In - the same proportion do ;I*On:33e - ore vary, as to the color affilkipd'Of tlMir . huir; atid.fonn this, ear resider,'May:betrcedthe.natirre of Gto subjects themselves. 'llavoYOu. - ..rtn hour to -while away I Instead of you hands, run tires' over the hair, of your neighbor, and ;.*tw.tfat...somota.muu. he is- r oc.it he be. .a, 110.11 Mind.l say man ; for woman is wisely . ; able problem—beyond all iut, whether magic or not tonic. ,Tlie : trnth.of _wisdom being in the hair, as "well es .the hend T has been generalli - knoWn, though not'withu conviction - of its.importance. The ;:pisOfil . -minister, when he snifetifies the grhpriirst invokes p, blessing upon the' hairet tha hee'd,'asihe highest, part' - il = - The faithful , betrothed seeks ever a lock for :licekeeping - .; - for - by that she , can: study, the ...heart:anditstreaSures.' -, • : - • Some whose hair . will - betray their faults, • *over! it, with a favprahle win:, and thus . en ' .deivOr,te . themselves off' for respectable - Beware Of such ;- for. wigs - Cover a mul titude of evils! A lfonks ant anchorites of small souls, and still smaller ,brains, distrustingtheirstory-t:1 1 - ' ini7,..hliir:„Croli their locks;and then Come forth as prophets and teachers; saying study has `caused their baldoesa • • • ' • Bold falsehoods!. Beware of these also! De- Utah saw the outline of Sarepsons character, , mirrored . upon the surface of , his hair- 7 -all glassy as it was. She wished him harm; and picked his loeks--as • the-real stronghold of • the am. : Such are ever the properties of the The head itself;, may receive, temporary, .4ii'stortions. and be unsolvable. The hair - ran always be unravelled. That is thehearts mir ' ter. -• Cif."Yursuo.N. artificial Leather. The,.Portanaouth (N, .H.) Journal says ;-,-+ A eiareesp . ondent, who recently visited Abington, US - that going into,n,shop a few d ,ys ago, he witnessed another triumph of art skied and guided by science. 'A 'steam engine of .4 or f.iTitt. horse poWer is erected grinding • up the eaipi, and 'shaving of leather which have . betel burnt or throWn away. These `are ' . grand powder-resembling! coarse thin powder-is then mixed v.itlf tnin. gams anti other-substances, so thoroughly ,ITLmt the whole mass becomes a kind of Melt. t• 1 Tither. Ina, 'short thee this dries a little; ' tA roll ed' Oat to the desired thickness—per . le .ps one tiventvLfourth of an inch.; It is- now ;quite bulidandit is%aid to be entirely tvater. proof.' . - • . - • - O'i Paltini - the iinestioe whether it was c. 1,1 utiauflcturer cut- several strips a 4 Lg.-brig nml . half an inchwide,mhich our in yr. n :tit endeavored in. vain to break. - This r Mw rai!iinoed leather will.tnako • good middle -,inteq. for slines, and, perhaps . inner soles; and ,w4rild-hti very diwable'round the shafts of a cArriali:r;er io any place-where mere chafing is atf 400 avar. desired. It is supposed it would I for, bands for some kinds of machine `ry, an.FlVill doubtless be used Or many other parifos , :e. A Patent has been secured, and the artiele until stion,Lbef:in market and in use. _ :State...Lunatic Hospital. , • Th , . Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital h hettn'ppeneclfcr the reception of patients, and a law have already been received. This is 0:8 4 of the most meritor ions institutions ever erecteA at -Abe expense .of :our Statoiand we Jeltare / to say., that: it "soon take rank kv - th any similar institution in' the country. *04 , , ex!wir.lice•Of Curwin, in the philadet. institutioi, under Dr. kirkbride, and the bi , zi - receinetidation he received from that tat. gentlemtli, isa . guaranteethat our State i.. will n 4 fall behindthose of any our -sistis.States. • • : -'.`..ere is on.: matter, however, connected wit. 4 :Vie opening ef this institution, which ro e %lir - 8 the greatest care on the, part of these Living eontlid 'Ofit; and;the whole community ahoulii unite in nn 'effort - to place it in a.slavor i Ositign as-:possible In respect to :the rAar.cteeof he patients.. By the census ta bile it appeats mint there are in our•Com_mon •.Ve:ilth - something like two thousand 'in ne p 4rslas. A. large portion Of these are con -firmed e_m•s of inSanity of long standing, and in all pribability, aine;tenths of them are whol iy. incurable, _ , . . . _ 'Yo fill up the hospital with these, would be i;i tiny disathantageous and improper; and so saiiitied was',eur 'Legislature of this fart .I.latt•provision. was made by. law, that the man; ,&gers of this institution should have the privi ! .I.,ge of Aiscrijninating, and,.should give the I..,ret.rence to'itie*uiost, recent cases. Circtilars imle,P , en prepared by . the physician, and - are 4;entluat, to all milking application, intended to i.Vct the; trot' condition:of, each patient, and toore who way. be unsurcesiful in obtaining ;:intission foin taelifriends, 'should be. satisfied ' that the Miiiiigers have done that whicir is Vest: for the Whole-community- • . : We a re, hy.,the report of the New --York York As- Oen, thatBl6 patients were treated for insan eilorini; the past year, and rill of these re' dischargtd cured, and 51 improved.=— TIM% it will be Seen that more than one oat of-every five Tea titre& . ' - „Sow if our institution is enabled to receive the Most recent cases, all experience goes to riovithe a large portion of them will be cur ( eiery rear:Ant if it should unfortunately snpen that a large portion - of-it} patients were . ; lit_nuil confirmed cases- of insanity; but few cores vokiht b.l etfrcted, and the character of for usefulnees; would be ?'acatly :impaled. 4 - •- . • The public.shonld.'always bear in mind that tire ; meat -ohjeet.was to. restore the .Wandering, i.4elleitt ,- of tin utifettimate chiais and fit them r r.thp , itifih Of tire; and that this 18- a rreatercliMity.tiMemitely miniatering, to the gottetertwefiucerable patients. . . •• . • 7t0605-lietrutira Destinv -716 Nilie'Revolutionary -Move • The bidieitiieie - e.ri, that, znother riph per rerriter,r.i4'irbolit 16 be tiTested from B.rpablie - :ef,Ateilen.„ The M Liberatom" k?0:111ed, arein the field, and, hare, thus far let alth slendi Success, The' ehances_ are tipir object will'be geifieved, rind that a of- Madre," will be The fate of Mexico would seem . foret.liadowiA in this movement and, in t.its;other,events.of,the years , past which led ", the Less ` .2-first - tif Texas then Of California. illreViirteriblintr to pieces as one of the great ' , mow" oft he; New, World. Ber last vigor. ,Irts ; e4o - et inl3iel,w4y - ofresidence WaS prob. 71 .ty'llearieln tlieivaiof 1840. O n that, peed: • s ' o n ganta'Ainin headed heir=ides, ana she I' vrt - i't all the Weans athertommand to drive lio.elt the trobps of.',the lidded Btates. Nev. haedfal.?,ef , awn eompiratively a, jkj over-ranfloine,ofhez most. prosper -4;•4 raid in - stripy Ora levi"thousands, I the veryliteut Of ter tern!. sfp~Arid took pcisseisionzdhe.e - oapitol. Soon , f ,*e r Gen,,Arhita Wati elected tir, thefreskien; 4 *-',Nittl,-an 411. Avits wade to restisclinte the v .;pliraftirtii46l:,orthi)ltepablic:*: Tor a time thrriand a hope was itidnlged trt gt.4OA, try.h shorn 'of her. fair • pro „ • ILtiatn,:wod , tr,atill.be, able to recav,er -.-, 1 44,11f tiv , ,forpler, glory. 'end thad retain a sti . ixisitiorramong the - nations of the • v trth. Bat this hoPO' luta hooti f44l'hnsilonfhis popularityinnd_ot the.last Aipl.olitml:4leilri•e9l"4l*l3ll, hew niiF r % mks; seemed to bo - the - cirdert9f thm - duf. Abend of adventurerit - *Moreover entered upon - a new levolution, - the object,as already stated, being to establish the Republic of the Sidle Madre; and dritheir preliMivary„stepS, they_bad - been:coinpletelk'auccessfed.'",Thus another Vertien..,Of 'her . territory about to be';.wreite4 .-- froni. - . the Ittefoublie„ , It embraces three StateSall bordering Mt 'the Rio. Grande, and extends ''eves. tr.*of 'lend threetimes as large ns:New 'York, imd••=eon taining a population of, 450,000 Souli. The parties to, this movement -arei the dis 13atisfiedat home, and the restless.frOnvobroad, The dis Contented, within the' ,Ilexican and the ndvetibtrous tlom "the Border States of .the the Union. 'What are likely, to be OM, results? Fist, , Independenee,—then, the organization of a distinct Government, and possibly. - annexation to the United States.—, The Statesmen of Mexico must see. the con dition of.ntlidrs, ancLhe.nnxiousto„evoidit. That how can this be_ done I They'. lack - the ability in every point of view. Their Treasu: rye is exhatisted, their leaders are - eorruPt, 'their people .are feeble.' Santa Anna' is the inanswho;.for many years,. has ,exhibited any thing. like, vigor, and his day of power...and popularity appeare 'to be • over. ilfexico can- Mat govern and keep in order her - oWn i Statea, much less sucemaully~ resist an army of lad-, vcntmers and . invaders. • And.. yet, - perhaps, there is no portion of the globe that abounds with richer resources, ar that is better calcu lated; for the liaPpy'liemes of. millions of he .man beings. The-fault appears to be, in 'the race. -And thus. the Republic wouldimenrto be. doomed.- Trict by tract and State by State-.:-her territortes are wrested from her grasp—and the chances' . that a century bencei and even' leas, the . Mexican Repablie will live only.in, hiStory..—Lancesterien. Tr.B @EtrEgNIAT. " The Iligot Eisenlotion inlorthern Penn'a 1,632 COPSES UIf:CH lA. S. B. & - E. B. CHASE; Vorrolcs. • ' MONTROSE; P 4:, Thursday, October t 3, IS 1. A row Reflootions The Election has come. and gone,—the.gn 7 h,ernatorial contest is endediind the Democm. cy of the Commonwealth are triumphant... 7 The questiOn.has been decidecrwhether Penn= sylvunia should, relapse . inth the embrace of AlioFederala party, and so deeisiveAnd emphat ic has that question been answered, that there is left no chance for mistaking the rear senti ment of the voters of- the - Cornmonvealth.- - PennsylVania is a democratic State, and by no process of correct reasoning can she• be made to appearotherwise; ,Therelas, ric presniner to saymever been, a gubernatorial contest since the organization of our govemmen't,the resultof which has, told more correctly the position and strength Of the litre great ,political •parties.,- ; $ Each has been led on by a candidate,who re= eeived the unanimous - nornination of his party; each candidate put •forward,the p'rinciples which he entertained ; and both have c discuss. ed those principles before ' the people of the .State. Great efforts have been made by the leaders of the respective, parties ; the voters have discussed the issues involved withoritre. straint, and the verdict 'given is the result of intelligent deliberation And intelligent action. 'No blind enthusiasm has swayed the •opin ions or.dazzled the judgment of the Electors. No issues have been forced , upon the people that have not been "understood.-..N0 secret currents tare worked an-imPerceptibloehange in the opinions of the .public ; and the result, —a proud one for the Democracy of pennsyl. vania, and of thew_ hole conntry,—is as solemn as it is, potential, because it is the expression of the will of, a great sand intelligent, people, acting , in the • capacity •of Self-rulers. • The 'voice that, has spoken silently, through the bar. tot-bet caum.from th&heart of the of this noble old Commonwealth,—.it was the voice of free men and its mandates Must . be obeyed. ,••••• • - • j Another has becn, added to - the list of Dein= emetic triumphs,: such: triumphs • as .Thomas Jefferson achieved, when, after a long -and ail dtions.strfiggle, the principles mid notions al government.'elucidated by. his master mind, were proclaimed the ase,endMit.. He, the Lath -er of American Democracyi set forth.; truths and principles that.- had ever been regarded as fictions and "sophistries, and, witli'd -mind far in advance of the age in which he lived, lie enforced them home to the hearts of his coun trymen from whence , they, have descended to their childrenidown to the present day.- ; ‘• . Back to that period in the pagt do We look' . with pride, as the natal-day of our. triumph's; and as the dawn of air - eventful era in the' his:, tory of man... Second only in importance the Declaration of Rights, and a Connterpak, in fac:, - of that, was the endorsement of Jeffer son's principles, as be Wcold apply them to the administrative Policy Of the government, by the voice of the American people. Wel point to .that, and a long line•ofswrcessive tones in nation and State,- for the vindication of our policy..,We Point to the triumphs trf the past, to-the causes that produced them; for an-explanation to The victories of the present' • -That' Pcnturyli'ania'should renew, her fealty to Deemeracy with still greater Itsaurance,.at this time,. giadderus many - hearts, -and *proves that no ;circumstances can effectually alienatel her from the faith of herfathers.' She returns now like an estr:inged; child, bounding ' with joy to . the embrace rind Imam :of ,'a; one; endeared by - all the _reminiscences ;of ;youth; and consecrated by the fondest remenbrances. In her proud Metrepidis asseinbk'tl that hero; band who proclaimed ;to the the rialita of Man and their `diteinifiatkii that they should! be •vindicated..,: , The peop* of ,Pentl-' sylvania ^were the fist to receive the 'chart of freedom When it was ,given Call, and first to respond . to its Call, and Me first to u-Swpar by that to live, by ibatia4ter."‘. Her' drank in the .best bleod--of the Revolution,—tho lives i ots' .her gallant Sons were.bravely periled ;- r en" iho altar of .their countri %Vint their blood poured,'M4. Numer ous were -the fields that•witnessed their valor, their patriotism, their devoil, to the:causesf their .iluntor.; and ypiley_Fprge7alli ever4ltv witawg! their sufferings unshaken:par pose ! 4irkesirt,g4 - vritY wad dui : the, ev Jutioile—her forint' entNeie staked in its dark:, • - :68lb:stirs ' "no - nerve relaxed; no puipoier vial!. ed and no cheek..blanched 6 vittlt fear. Iler a PraYer for that was a universal sup. plicatio;, that Itnihed thti yoice i t f the Tory in her-s Land ,, :and ;nisei! tlio: 'bold, 1 earts of . he? 'country's:foe: l'he:birtli-placti.of her country's fteedotn.rtherriiht ond _Petent arm of its de fence:OM - stood' by,;-1.14 side of Washington and saw the final triumph of her cause. And when that was secure, and a t ind reverence for antiquated notions had misled the rulers'of the nation and crippled the expiMding genius of freedom under A4cos,- she Mt flew, to the 'atandard.of Jefferson, and,in an ther great but -bloodle&s , battle, won a-' great but bloodless victory! '.. , . • - ,-- ~ Years have rolled On since t at triurnph,and in.. rapid-Oct:6.Blon she has corded others, till t44.witnesses her.-standing before the altar:of-our-Union yet true to lerself, true to leifirst principles, true .to he country. and Aho . Deumenitie party. With a ch a State as the Keystone to the arch of thi gfeat coded emcY.;--rwith such a peopleM3 hers, unflinch ing:in purpose, unwavering in he hour"of our country's peril, wo may look toithe future with the fullest confidence that Ottr Country has yet to see her brighiestzlory, as We look, back to 1 thespast for_ her proudest triumphs. - ' - ..Tdr.TanipbelL. This gentleman, one . ot .. eur nominees for SupremoJudicial!toners, and liy the one of the most worthy in the whole catithigue of names presented by both .parties, .although.l Somewhiit behind his ticket in Philadelphi'a,.as is also Mr. - Lewis, is . doubliesS elected. 7 lire say deonbtleia elected, beJanse the Whigs have been glorying hi his supposed defeat, and the Choiee of. Mr, COUlter in his place, but weihave Seen nothing fet to satisfy us that:Mr. Camp bell haS not a 114 ii majority in the State: We expected ; that,..the..conabined .foree of Whigs and Natives, with all their power con centrated forthe defeat.of . one man, would af fect; materially, his vote in the city and county of Philadelphia: His nominatien brought forth a perfect ,howl fronithe,Whig Press, and,wel coming' to their. embrace.: the ;Church-buining party of,philadeiphia„..unparalieled efforts have been .breiuglitto ! bear a,ainst him. „ lire 'confi dently believe that he will be sustained by the official . vote ef,th State ;that) ; his triumph will be Complete, and - his relentless .and .unprinci pled enemies will be yelled ln.ehame and dis -grace; • • .ll : We point with , pecullar pride to •Alr..Camp belfs majority . in thir i iounty. He stands here in advance of his ticket, and to our mind this is the most conclusive evidenCe that the heart I ofourDeteeeracTis all right.' : , . In several counties, in thei- interior. of .the State, iwe notice - that Mr. .Campbell has run ahead of his'ticket and until we see the offi cial vote of the State confirming the rumor of his ,defeat, -shall . we . believe; that he is. not P. S. The Pennsy/rattian Monday con. cedes-Ma: CAMPBELL'S defeat- In the north. eat and western counties, he gets the full par ty vote ;, but in Phil'a.„Datiphin, Lancaster, Northumberland, and others' n that vicinity he runs greatly lkhind his ticket. • • The.Next.Lisislature• . The Whigs and Native Arnericans by their base coalition, which we exp l oded* before the election in part, have iiictedfire Native Mem hers of the. .Legislature, and! the Senator' in Philadelphia county. The Democrats elect . six ,llembers. The ltbuse Will probably stand 46,Whin Native Americans; and 54 Democrats: In the Senate 16 DeinocratS and 17 Whigi with_the. one Native.l The Demo'cmts v ill have a Majority on joint ballot of seven: •We hope every body witl be satisfied in this county now, who kind s which party sympa thise With that detistable'faction,Lthe Native Americanse; They exist principally hi Phild= delphia, and year'after year an in thii eleition we see them ineet in Comition ground and unite their ticliet with the Whige., receive; as a-voa 'aideration- for their. votes for a vhigh office in the Commonwealth, the =support of Wlyiai for less important offtces; and then all join •voices in the imiza over their triumph,' and the defeat of;be "Democrats . by their unsanc= tified bargain:"• Natutalized 'citizens - or Sus: spiehannal rememberithis of the `Whig 'party; The Majorities in the'Cowity- By the olEcial vote. which we publish in an- ogler part of this paPer, the following . majdfc ties Pppear':—`, :Bigler over Johnston, 692; Cloter 'over Strialtut, 832; 'Camphell, hi,gtiest•on our Judi it:LA ticket over; loweit on tile,. Whig, 1076; :Wilmotover Elwell,:1029; Warner Over, Summers, 17461 Boyle over]Stunkers, 1654. Boyle and Minter have the largest majorities on the ticket.' Reckhow - OVer Smith, 844, over - Wincheetr, - 163;. Eldred ,over" Gardner, 927; Ward over Titrarty; 350; Langdoit over cholsen, 437; Hancoc 'over' TevAabury, 227 ; !hitch ,oier SiMmons, For Auditor, James E 'hall' 2103, titid for COrOtter, Win IL Boyd 2429: I Metsrti,lteckhotvand 3fe tertare elected to reprennt this`District in .the - ' next;Legisla tit re, by handsome majorities,lthe latter' reeniv ing 991 over Smith in this ionnty, and 910 over:Minehister. WrostriGßEsussxl7.—Tort Sixth Annual Catalogue of this nourishing llostitutiOn, loca ted at Jilogston, Ps., has been kindly sent us by the' Nelson A. M. It eshibibi nSummory.of .117 'students, ' within the yast year; ATI the new'year, opened with brigliti prospects of increased success. For portierthuurOf its advantage !studies Arc.; we refer to.our,sidvertising columns. Tnoisolv4_ 7 oo%-,:Bou:ttvell '3fasi,i 7 s ag s ,' 10) and . s oth. a4l*(3,=a"4- 2'l4l4.N°Ve ' a s a dny , • • iltThe.'Bostria Post learno.that there is an riri,: eratantlin4 sazion e g all.; tha I Gotiernorri in = = the Union to aoilointihe above 'day for the obart - . *ante of the:annual holiday.'' - - -- .. z' . jarrt! e olui, Peraoena!i, ( *i° ,l o4Yes7buSim. ;wos9ov-' Out Of the Paity. _ The following resolutioni was unanimously adopted at the meant Frau Soil Convention in r. 11Resoivea, Tliiiz as;* Hon. S. P. 7 QUM, Senator in Congress from this State, has for. tderly'withdmwn from ear party ;•whilewe re- girot this'cours Undtliat - it may not belnjuri oni to the , • eacnii, we feel it to be our duty to , the public that• we do not hold eurselveis - responsible for his official acts, or recognize him as our representatite. The' Cincinnati •EifiriiirZr, isrelaion „ this resolution, says that Senate!. Phase 'lately off dreised a letter to the editor Of the TOledo' Republican, in which he"declares his intentiOn .to support the. ticket nominated by the pemo. oiatic State Convention,' which= metat bus On the 6th of August, and given: hts reasons therefor at length. !Me is,therefore, read out of the party?' ~ • . DEATH OF RICHARDSON, THE ATIMAti TEA-r vra.t.En.—James Bichardson, the celebrated and enterprising African traveller, died the 4th of DisOlitast, at a - small village c.alled Un gurutaa 'six drty's distant from Kauka, the cap. ital of He was overcome by illness superiduced by intense - haat. His body, wrafe. ped in 'lnnen. and covered with a carpet,,WlM , borne to a grave which was dug tour feet deep, under the shada of a large tree, cloie to the tbllOwed by all the. principal Sheicis and people °Vibe &strict. The Sultan of Borno'u haat given orders that all respect and -honor shall be paid to theill-fated British Mossns. Crtasa t—Mutability is stamped upon all terrestrial objects.; and it would seem that instability has long been taking lessons from Natures, sys tem and laws. ' Now this may all be well enough when improvements to en. large human happinCss is the direct and only design. Sameness•from year to year, in any thing—in every thing, as well as in dress, pro ' dices satiety; and an inkling arises in the hu man breast for , something new, in mode or fashion. This is surely not reprehensible, but otherwise ; and; if caprice and fancy were not, 'and never had• been, allowed to thrust judg ment and common sense one. side—if reason had ever been at the helm—if the true means of promoting happineis had all along been sought, as in ngriculture and the arts--the present generation had free from much of that amount of deformity, imbecility, (ifs easennd sorrow, to' which life 'seems to be heir to.. Is it indeed too late to consult , rea son, and. to correct errors ? . Shall grumblers and jeerers,and those who make it their busi ness to jest, to ,grin...and to squib at every, change in society, without regard to merit or defect, hinder that reformation imattire which reason and judgment approve and applaud?. Tie Whole design of Clothing, may be sum :tried up in one word--happiness, or the corn 4Ort of the wearer. Sin introduced a physical :change in our nature ; 'and, for the mitigation of attendant trials and sorrows clothes' were given, not to excruciate and torture, but to bless. Has this - design' been folloWed out l Is it.evenlmltated now ? ' In many respects it is not. In men's attire; 'ease and conveni ence is generally consulted. As the seasons change, men chinigo the amount Of attire,while women do not as much. Men cast off theirs clothes 'tti tricot the circumstances.of exercise and temperature ; - ,while such is the form of woman's dress, withAecency she cannot. I have seen, women cooking at. he stove, toiling at the wash-tub and the wheel in mid-summer, under that amount of cloth which men cannot sustain and labor, in the shop or on the:farm. The bulk, the weight and the length :would be equally.opplesilve. Innll places, on all occa sions and 'under all circumstances their present mode of dress is exceptionable and improper; and the more it is for appearance; as iiitfie_so cial circle and at church, the worse it is. Just contemplate, if you please, a young lady dress ed in her meetingattire, bound-and. girted by artificial thongs, almoit to, suffocation,: and bound about the ancles' with fettOrs, or 'what I is equivalent, a superabundant quality of long tmdcuntbrous Clothing:- her form is distorted 'and tortured into 'another -Shape than that which Natant gave; every step is painful,' -and the fatigue of travel ing_a half mile to' and from the place of,worship, is equal to what a week' of labor would product:l.in an easy dress.; This is all fashionable—Of course admissible'; but is itsensible, except the pain? Is It not in re. alit} , self-abuse; and-as such; sinful ? 'Ai home her clothes, 'and' her' person to a certain extent, are always in danger of fire, water, dirt and grease. And in . the kitchen she must be ever on ber guard, lest her clothes be in her cookery, - Lir her cookery on'' her clothes, and always, where Libor is done, she is in fear that her gown, &c.,will imbibe some thing from .the floor,to the injury of the clothes and repute for neatness., : Evey stoop or bend brings her dress in contact with the floor or earth, to, sweep, mop and scour., She mustbe alive . with circumspection, :how , much soever the hody may be distressed: .and if the men intrude with shoe or boots, perehanee, un brushed, her brow indicates an infraction of good feeling—at least be is reminded, her clothes are in danger, and he may be tacitly upbraided for an inferential avant.of good feel , ing to see her toil and scrtib. Now, I'm 'no enemy to clean floors—l am pleased with such beeause they display. female taste' and _neat ness. _ But I.do _think it unnecessary to raise a temperate blu iter,when actual and necessary Itibor introduces - to the lady's clean floor a moalcura of earth, beoanse it may perchance adhere to gatinents,wlfich_ are writs too long. The better way would be to _supply their place with those which, would lessen danger: I am no advocate for the Bloomer Costume, 'l3'? nor. any other - partioplatmode of dress. Many are the modes which might be adopted,:ebaite, ind free trOm torture, which female ; ingenuity and art c 4 4suPPly4o early out, the - design of dress. I never: saw a &Mon without oppOserk. but, who eventually became admirorat -,,,Let the change in attire be what it_ may, Opposition wilt=come: bat; should it be conducive to ease; liealth and enjoyment, :applause will' be much more_than eommeasiirafe. This is an :tact improvement; And .mal, it era, long be said thatthe ladies of these g. al:have laid aside their eliiioaild fetters, 'aid have :Assumed a costume every; way fitted to the condition Ind bat*OW o lneo , . 4trat LON.- ' MEENS Foe the Democrat IMMO Death otHoii. Wni. E. Little. We extract the following notice of the 'death of this gentleman, from, the ipliet Signal GMs. Eittlinnts'anOn OfGeOrP . e and Another of It. B.' , l;ittleEsc 'of Montrose. Many of oufciti ,,,, zens ',will remember the deceased,lhough,for the past twelivorifteen years he hae.resided in Nciithern Illinois; where' it will be , seen, he had became eminent in his profession, 'and prominent in the affairs of the State. ...Ens. Doc. "it is with' heartfelt sorrow and regret that we have t perform the Melancholy - duty 9f recording, this week, the death of our estima ble fellow citired Hon. E.-Little..He died nt his residedce, in this place, on the morning - of the 30th ult., aged 34 years and 5 'months. . • ~His, funeral was .attended by. the .members of the,Bar of this and some of the adjoining counties;hathe-MitSons:and'Oddl'eflewg 0-f this place had Lockport, both of which, frater nities he was a member,.•accompanied his re mains. to their last resting 'place.. An appro priate :and eloquent funeral discourse, was preached by Rev: Win. of Charles, on the occasion.. The deep solemifi ty which prevailed over the imniense_concourse of people pre - sent, is evidence of , the high es teem with which the deceased was regarded in this community. ' " • Mr. Little hadheenon,gaged in the praetice of law in this, place, for the'past twelve years; and had risen to an eminence in his profession seldoni. reached. His brilliant and towerOg eloquence, and grofound judgMent, rendered him one of the first 'advocates in the State. For Several years he represented this'Repre sentative district in our State Legislature; and his talents—his unflinching devotion to princi ple—hie Sagacity as a statesman-,his magnan imity, gave him great influence in. the body of which he was 'a member. As a politician, he was enthusiastiially devoted • to the cause of the masses--a firm andlinwavering demo crat; but his candor and meanliness in the.en forcement. of his political views won the res pect of even his opponents. It was impossible to know him without respecting and admi ring him—hence 'his popularity among all classes. And, had - his days not been cut short eventually,,he would have risen to the highest honors in the State. - • But, far boit from us to attempt to write an eulogiumupon the Character of the deceased at this time. We could not..do his memory justice it we would. We, have known him long and :intimately, and to us his friendship and sympathy has been extended in many try ing scenes. And when we beheld his remains I shrouded in the drapery of the tomb, and gaz, ed fur the last time upon - his features, coldly fixed in death, we realized the fact.that a near friend had gonend that we, too, with the more intimate relatiVes and friends; had reason to weep over this afflicting dispensation of Di vine Providence. s• His errors- 7 for all men have errors—:were so trivial that thcy.will cease to be remembered, while his virtueshis nobleness of soul—his patriotism—hiS devotion to his friends—are embalmed in th hearts of his se- qimintances. le his own stricken family the blow has fall en with greatest force—the domestic eireld is broken,. the husband and father hag been re moved forever. His devotion and affection for his family was oneof the most admirable traits of hii character;—and what is there that so el evates a man as the - tenderness of his domes tic feelings. The bereaved relatives, - while theywept, over their crushed prospects -and hopes, have the consoling assurance that he leaves an untarnished name,' the memory of which will exist with the* history 'of our State. In the death of -Mr-Little, hots forcibly'nre ,we reminded . that morality is stamped upon the dwellers of the earth, How painful true is the solemn , fact, that "All—all must die !" whatever.be their :hopes and aspirations ;; and how true that '• • •• - • la the %edit elite -ire ate Sri death." - His deathleaves a blank in this community' —in the . field .of polities—in the legal proles sien of northern IllinOis—in the State at large, which cannot well be filled. Peace to his ash. Death of Commodore Warring- We have:Alio mournful duty, says .the Re public of Saturday, last; of announcing the deatirof. Commodore Lewis Warrington,,' of the United State's. Nary, who that at his rest , denCein this city .yesterday_ morning, , in, ,the 69th year of his . 13ge' Commodore. Warring ton was a native of Virginiii, and is his" Orly years gniduated xvith credit at William and. Mary. College, in. that State.. He entered the navy on_tbe,6th of January, „WA.- tied : was' commissioned as'a postOptain on the -22:d of NeVemher, - 1814. no lwaSithe third._ efffeer on the .nat'al list. "Coinmedore. Warrington distinguished himself by' higallant Conduetin the-late var,.-especially. in the: engagement betiveen,the Peacock and , At . the time , Of his death he Wari_chief of the Ordanee Bureau.,: Though•of dauntless Courage -ender graVe demeanor in command, not :amore feel lug. or geporens-hearted man' : ,ever .breathed; and his honor Was - *Rhea spot.: - - His funeral will take'pinao, mono* (Toes= day) at noon, at which time his remains will bo conveyed with-military honors froniSt.,: , John's. cherch to, the congressional burying. ground, Whence ' - we 'undCrstand they .be subse quently' removed tO.the.family vault, near Nor folk, Virtfinia.' • • ' • Laekawanna and Westernßail. The work on this road, having been com pleted in the early part of the week, a train of oars--containing .the President and Board. of Directors—passed over the- line, from Great Bend to Semnton, on Wednesday afternoon lask—leaving the former place at 4 o'clock, P. M., and arriving in Scranton at half past 5, th same evening. rA,largo concourse of the-citi zens of the Valley assembled at the splendid Depot, to witness this first arrival; and as the cars approached tho station ' they were wel coated with the loud - voice' of the cannon and still louder cheers from thecrowd of spectators. During the evening speeches were made by va rions gentlemen connected with the enterprise; and congratulations offered between the citi zens of Weitein New York and theLackawa na Valley, in antieipatiow of the good which was bound to result to them, respectively, by means of the intimnte eonnection now openeil to them, through the con+fetion'of the Lack mann and Western' Railroad. And; indeed, the importance'of this road to the' Mining in terests and general prosiierity of the Lackawa na coal field, will be incalculable,--as it opens an entirely new .market, of .nuch vast, extent, that all the industry -considerable as ; it is— that is now employed in developing the mine ral retiodries, whichlie in the bowels of our mountains, will notbe adequate to:supply the demand for. them, whteh Will - soon be eroded in Western. New York.. We :understand the celebration of the open ing of the road,- has been pcistpciried for the i present, chiefly on account of the lack of nee: weary accomedations ; tint that so soon as this can be remedied, a general invitation will, be extended to the 'citizens of the Lackaivault Valley,,And others interested,, to unite in 'an .excursion over, the road..%-earbOtidate 34 ans: Tin LAST raoci.sraszies.--The last p'rciela: matietimluett Gov.Johuston will issue• witliie one ord_erfng . a Day ,of Thanksgivitag,.io No vezal)er next.., If - he' had issued it instead' the 'Budciriifroclaination it ;would' doubtless have done blufinerogood. . , -". : Blajlrities for Governor. Johnston. Bigler. I . 528 "Allegheny,* I 2811 Armstrong, • Beaver, - Alnulford,*' Beats,* Bedford,* -Bucks,* Butler, - Blaif* Cambria,*, Carbon,* Centre, Chester,* Clarion, I Clearfield, I Clinton* Columbia,* Crawford, -Cumberland; Dauphin,*..... Delaware,* Elk, -- , Erie,* Fayette, - .Frunklin,*• Fulton,* - Greene, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jefferson, • I Jtmlata, Lancaster, Lawrence,. k Lebanon,* `e' Lehigh,* Luzerne,* Lyceming„* '• 31clieala, ,* 3fercer, Monroe, . Montour,' Montgomery! Northampton,* Northumberland,* Perry, Philadelphia city. & Co.* 2759 Pike, Potter, ' Schuylkill s Somerset,; Susquehanna,* Ting a , . • Venaugo e l Warren, • Washington, Wayne, Westmoreland,* Wyoming, York, ,1000 552 *Those Kith stAr (*) OSTICiAL 13th Judicial Distact”!--Official. Wilmot. Elwell. 4076 2792 2529 \ 1492 360 - 298 Bradford, Suscpiehana; Sullivan, 6955 '_4580 4580 Tot4l, 1111mbt's majority 2375 Official flethrns for Representa. tives•_ Reekhow. Skylert. Windleiter. Smith: Susquehanna, 2545 2692 1782 . .. 1701 601. 1033, 1043 - 525 Sullivan, 49—, 482 55 , ;18 Total, - 3615 4210 .• 2880 -- 2244 More Haiana Iteihs Mrs. Patterson, of Mobile who went to Ha vanna in order to procure the pardon of her son, Charles A. Downer, arrived too late to see him, as he had already sailed'with the oth er.prisoners to Spain. She secured a promige from Captain Gen'eial Concha that her: son I should be pardoned, and orders have accord ingly been transmitted to• Spain ibr his imme. (Hate -release. - The liberation of so monk 'or: the Cuban prisoners encourages the hope that arrange ments may speedily, be effected for the release, of the whole. The Captain General ,states that if the Spanishyesidents at New Orleans are idemnified for the losses - sustained at•the hands of the mob, there'will be no obstacle to the:immediate release of all the prisoners npon a proper application to the Court , of Madrid.: It is said that Mr; Owen, the Consul, hat ob. Mined the pardon of Mr. Reeves'of Geergia, nephew of Gov. ToWns, and that Miami Kee-. nam of Mobile,: : released through the intercession of Mrs:, Patterson. ..The Hunga-, rian..Colonel Blumenthal will lilso,be .set,at liberty. - A subscriptiOn is in progress at Havanna and other parts of Cubai , for the indemnity of these who.have, rendered] distinguisheffservices-in the entire destruction of the piratical invaders.' The laggregate on -the Ist of, October bad reached $1184163.% The day before the sailing of the Ripe . , thir ty-fiVe native' patriots were. bronglitinto lia vixen, from the interior, and, were also shipped for Spain. Nearly all Of the members of the Cuban et. pedition hare now been accounted for; in the published lists of; the dead, the prisoners transported to Spain, and the invalids.-in the hospital. . ! . . . . Sitar Is THE Era.-44011. F. Catlin. and . Col. J. H. Dimock‘ of Pennsyliania, rode ; out last week to Rush River to View the country and angle for trotit,'•ura . on their return en eountereil in a groite a large wolf, who 0 gnashed his teeth and howled," and was dis. posed' to stand his ground, and contendfor his rights as a roamer of .the: forest, Wheri Col. Dimoek. nothing" daunted, 'drew 'big double: barreled pistol, and; us he - stood with big mouth open, gave hint a ball to swallow which.he did not relish quite as Well as he wohld their fine string of trout; ,then 'apProaehe& and,Shot him in-the eye, when he yielded up his life and the two travelers again pursued theirjoiirney. --St. Croi.r.hourrer, Sept. 25.- • SERIOUS -Acme:cr.—An accident" occulted at Scranton; on. Thursday,last, inconsequence of the passenger train' on-the :Lackawanna ei Western Railroad running into a itit'of trucks, which had' been used itr transporting tails from the rolling mill to :the branclvioail, leading to the mineS, on thoivestern side of the-river. A young man from 4thica„ whose name wo are unable - tb learn, was the only person injured. He happened to by `standing on theplatform of the forward car. when the concussion took Once. and. was crushed between that; and the. baggage car. The platform en which he was standing WAS completely, demolished, andlhe end of the:Jar stove to plecesCarbonaie Transcript. -- 1 - , , .PNOBANLNANTIQUITI"OF GOLD'AIINING IN CAusoriltri. r -About t iiute . abeverthe town of Pantield or lower, trosft of Sui teria Creek Idessrs..Parmly. Whitiorbilei engaged in - mining in'a flat; at - the depth of five feet.from the surface, disonvered.a res tra or such aa is,tll)W used in-grinding quartz. There is.eyery appearanbe of this strati havingboen used as_a ; quantity of crushed Siena Was!foliiut in it. , Extensive Veins- of gold,beitring quartz,litid rich ray.' have‘hOon found.in tins'.vicinity; near one of . whieb;ivorked Bidelaw,Ahis !elide/ i 6 to beieeeit..=-&4ctatnente = - The trial, of john ht. Thurston for th e mirder of Ation. QarilB9;iTeb. 7 ; 1 851.; Co t , meticed' on the' 13th inst.; at Ovego,• ona created midi intereSt,, messrs. A. I)lupgei, Eay.is. E B.3;reet and _Hon. Joshua A. Spencer, dounsel for the People; :and: John' J.lailot, Geo.' S. c 3 ,4, „.aff 9 ti: it S. Dickinson for the defence... Thdefence.is insanity. We learn by p r i m , advises that the Jury. have conVicted hint GE6RGIA:ELEctioN.,--The Stab .eleetion Georgia has resulted in the eleCtion of 11 014 Cobb, Unionist, by about 14,0p0. Tile Coe. gressional Delegation stands* Union eei two Secessionists.. 236 • 30 38 4705 1309 700 285 1017 300 182 kitithetArniY•irt the Plat _Th e rejnperance cause is still pro . gr en ; 2l another. piatffirm is laid. Thu dlona Union No. , 3'7, of. the - Daughters of Temper. twee was instituted in this place on the kb of September, by D. 0; p. s ; N etizad titist. ed by D. G. C.,Ntitt of Tht.ro. !Owing are - the officers for the present qu ilt? Mrs. M. A. Eldridge, P. .4.; Airs. It, , 4,k s biiry, Sr A.; MSS 11:-. E. Teuttbzy. R. S.; Mrs. Henrietta Kent, A., ft, a ; um it A. Nnthenion, P.. 5.; Airs, •Naney .Terdisbal, T.; Miss It: M . ..Torhsbury, M 9 .41 ,i3 3 Pratt, A. C.; MisS Tewki.3bary, G.; D. mr:. Saunders. A. G. . 1504 . . 1700 546 \ 350 200 We ,expect - this Union * willbe:nn . erer rious aid in the cause; prosp.rity ly crown our expectations, and'-peace willw a home arnoll,g l us. - • Yours,lac, AGRICULTURAL Mamma To, be held at Harrisburg: on tho9a c ao A and 31st of October.' Now the turmoil of politici is over, j tak my bretheren of the press MI give me filth aid, inviting the farmers ofPennsylvanit attend the first exhibition of the Penult. vania s State Agricultural Society,' Ihe Committee of-Arrangements b ill laid out and enclosed the ground asithebill board fence, and erected the necessary blest pens. coops, itc: , They willalsobt re erected semi) days before the cornmeal/t et t of the exhibition, the six largeltentstlit were used at the Rochesterfiiii. Tha k i t will be seen that the necessary arrangemeos have Wert made,_ and the CoMmittee tree their Agricultural friends throne:6mil l State, will at-ail themselves of the pririlep otbecoming - members of the: society, ti exhibiting stock; implenierits, articles d home industry, and the pridticts of fii farm, the garden and dairy: The ladies are also invited most* * larly to send in the products of theirindes try and skill, for Which siiitabliv dation have been provided, 1 : the first day mina hot merlin of the Society and_ judges will be adMittei; on the second;and. third - days , there cull 6 a general admission.:- The ploughing mid Will take place on Friday the 31st, ale clock, A. M.; and the, address will heti. livered, by Hon ANDREW STEYESSOI of Virginia, at 1. 41ock of tht day., . - - Persons:will be in attendance, on tFi ground. to take charge of stock, Zze.,froti the 24th October. - taro Persons wishing to enter artieleift the exhibitian; : eari, address ' me upon th subject, and presedt their 'articles toil' Committee - Wore the openiag of the uli• bition. 159 260 1700 518 801 /523 911 1150 2035 200 1060 22211 • 30791; Oct. 15, 1351: Editors will confer a favor.on the Said! and.nadvance the .interests of.agricalturell giving 66 above an,iesertion. - Bishop Potter's ApPointments Scranton, Oct. 28th, '7 o'clOc:k, Pit Springville,- . " 29th, 11.. . . Montrose, ," ; ,P. X Pike, - ". 30th,.10/ j , ," £ll. New . Milford,' 30th, 7, i " , ZERTIITZI: • - In- - Hartford,.Conn., oti , X . Vednsday the Itt di! of Pctober, by Rev. Dr. Tnio.4ll, Mr. ifircEnT of New Milforo,; Pa., and lEn MARY 4. cnrcost : ;"of the fanner itze. In Rush,' on the 14th Inst.i...Ruzaarnt ° "daughter of Robert .and . Matilda Reynac aged, 11 months and 10'days. WOQDRUPPSACADTIMY - • .At Dimock ..Susquehanna Cann:glad& I WILL again•be openedfor the reception of lickah 31onday the 13th et Oet. neat, under Wino 'nate ekleg9 4 . ll P. AVILLARD Pi 61[150n, Tftb b aenipetene arvivtance necessary. Thoadvantageapr this ingltution, with vgiel ny health lull -roars' intlueneeir resin Km ter mos t devirableto waits who wish Mind then chNW abroad for instruction. • • ••••• • ! • ! Every fl ell ity will be nfforied by the, inhablarn the accomtnodatioh 'ofstudents In regard to ! The academic year is 'abided into four (marten e '2 ' weeks each.— a vacation of two ! weeks issitd o l succeeding each 411atter::• I ruts — dTaition. . _ The sttidteant the prlnnur Dtptd.llo o l/ 1 , t ip qunitor, - - • Onmmou /comae:l3lc. pc"! qoatt e7 r 10 IlighefAcedetnle, , do' - I ClasSical, , • eneh,with ani other hranchee,• • . . tr . -Good board may be `olitained et $1 00, 0 11 . per week. For iloosto. to kher ileadepy , sPPllt° lbtr viva, . . 43z3 : _ . Admicustra tor's Notice. NOTICE la Izettl given that letters , o 1 admlula i ` LI hate been grunted to 4, o undersigned on WO of Nathatiarnold'ileeessetlr latent Great Ileadlos o Alt persona baslug unsettled accounts Rlth II t, ° of Ilpleaae adjust th*ClMO . ltlitlediately. LIARVEYEALL List. CLOS. ,Great ileittrOct ;214,851-43w 6 . . . • Auditor's Notice. HE undersigned au auditor appoint . ± OrphnneConrt of Susquekatine Ple initkitdistribation of the assets' irernais• t to. 0 : hands of U. T. StephensAdlninistrator itlo iota - of James Sherman, deceasid;ll sae!!! the duties of said appointment at kis of 6 saril! `rose on. Friday the .3401. :dor of •Noirmtec4 2 o'clock re P. M. 'At which.litoe and pkt, ci s!' tosted may attend. - • •- • 1 • tiO ' ''' •'' ' - •",‘ J.-C, 140iLEH , -:ltoutiese 0041. 184 . -43*4.-, - -.l' Now Milford Shawl- and Doll Goode. Emporium.... . , ,BURRI97 again ; 4 , n 1 4 4 kei' w ' a `enhAtied stock: of ; Winter ,144 aqatite'Shicila 451:.Ladies drew" Goodeaf too 'pie wild; pat tertia,atid Pticee reduced the city , panic telta appit 'the:mar et . ierteralupplive teethe Fs; %%ter trade la Dry Gmaii,,Grocriiriv o' c tea wore, 140 Nana, If ate *ad , Mate! Cr 9 & Rottea;.Boots '4; sho4. etc: ete.' , ol which he' Will Valihisi aa to si at;pricca that- cannot be beat Produce or approved cradiL.- - I W. Flolo..outi. Salt coastantly ea YliTliiiford Oct. 21, 1b51.-o°l " • A.S.-of ISIAO G: M*TisTLEY, ,Ac(ing
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers