gRD'D'eUgiT•kCSRCTX II . Mainfrose May, 29„.10i31. • karirtmaixotom. Odd IP•elloWs lathe United States. - I ismnoy -friitir the city papers; the' fol.. lnwinq entrant from the Oration of E. L. 13radigirtsq.,1 delivered at. the recent nelebratibre at Frankford, of the Annivers .ary•of tliestablishment of OM Fellowship Arneqm : ' l- Tho - pkogress of the Seeley on the per ton o tis ontinent oceoptedby our Free C InOtitutiens,:doring the lastthird of a cen tury, hoslheon'tntlst interestinq and won derful. _ ft ivonldrequika mime eloqueuti tengtM elan Mine, and monk greater space of tune than I can now claim to attempt its I depletien!" 'ittrott. of you have, however-wit nessed itl; for in that progress you have pan...lces borne a part. Not to speak of greasr. things - , nearly' all of you can rem em - I bl3r when ;no coal warmed us—nn gas Ugh-. I -tea us--do pLony paper' imparted to all the' me ;s—no omoilius rolled along the streets—on locomotive thundered alOng the ' Iron rod'fitto steamboat • walked like a thing! eflite."-•the•waters of the Great Lake! or Mighty Ocean—no lightning had become fatnilier messen,ger, and no common'sehool flitted the child at:the podrest citizen for the duties of Altura sovereignty Very Many of you can well remember, When he . ..was a dating traVeller, entitled to poetic license, Who visited the wilderness of-the ;North.west Territory, of swamps of the 3Bsedssippi, and when Minesota . Utah, Cal ifornia:, and Oregon, now familiar as house held words, were no better known than are the wastes oldie New Continent recently , :teen amid the frozen waters of the Antar tie Ocean at the present day. s What u wonderous change, has cnme over tho Scene in a single generation! The pop. , - ,nation of the Uoited,States has, in interval' trebled, itself, add its Empire of Religion 'Tow has {extended from the Atlantic to the Paeifia Olean, commanding the commerce IX the whole Earth, and 'bringing modern *history \and civilization into contact with .the menders and traditions of the elder ages of the World. nese marvels of social progress tvhch most of us have witnessed, although vastly greater than were ever con . eeived by the powerful imagination of Ar abian Fiction, Noma it portrayed the gorge - ,ons,ereations of the Magic Lamp, halm all been svreught by a mightier spirit than_ that, which obeyed the behests of . -Aladdin.— That potent spirit is Human - Fraternity, the aninioting prittelite of the vast brother- I boon of Fellows, who call 71.0 man) master, sone one, and all men brethren, and - whose Natal Day on this Continent, we now' coMmemorate. Thirty-two years ago, there catne together, in the City of Balti more,-in:the sister State of Maryland. a lit tle company of men of respectable charac `tei but of no extraordinary influence in societyplfor the' pnrpose of forming, the first Lodge ;if Odd Fellows in theUtited States of America., _At their head was an individ • nal, at that time unknown to fame, but pos sessed of far-sighted ' sagacity, of sound ' judgment, indomitable energy and high mor al !mime.. There was loot little promise of more than social intercourse and benefit, In. the circumstances of their meeting. An ' upper chamber of moderate dimensions and .110 pretension, easily. accommodated.the as semblage, which was then and there toga rised by Thomas Wildey. as Washington ' Lodge ; No. 1, of Maryland. Such was the - first manifestation of Odd 'Fellowship in .A.merita, on the 26th day of April, 181 g. - it lamk\hoyrever, like an Acorn, sown in ani Oak bearingsoil, which speedily germinates - and stiowsitielf in upper air and light '-_Assnektett Aeorrygrews into the lofty and tride-tranehing Oak and became a monarch, , \ in a &rest of offspring, tie did Maryland . : Lodt4 with a much more-rapid growth be fflt,' on the fifteenth day of May, 1824, • the Gaiandl,odge of thq.United States, with isido-spread and prgterons jurisdiction over the States of New York, Pennsylvania. -and Maryland, and an assured promise of still wider extension and greater prosperity. The :111-Seeing Eye, which watched so graciously the cradle of Odd Fellotvship, now l'ooks down upon its three thousand Rretheren,_with their weekly offerings, con . seciatett by love to God and love to man, Messing this fair land, from. the river St..l john, of Maine, to the... Rio Grande, of TexH - as, and rime the Atlantic to the PaCific.l The living Fountain of Benevolence, which' thirty-two years since was opened-in Wash-1 • - ington Lodge has swelled ,into a mighty river, ministering annuallT to the necessi ties of twenty-five thousand sick brethren, • and litrating - on its broad bosom a vasttreas ure of one: million and . a half of dollen; sp. o ficable to the healing of the sick, the her ial of the dead, the relie.f, of the Widow, and the education of the Orphan.". . The last Half Century. t 1 114 Philadelphia. Ledger referring to the Vast stridei which the mind of the -world hae ,iakin in scientific investigation, and the achievinents it has effetted during . the last'half century. gives the following sum mary of the last 50 years.. Before the year 480(1 there was not a steamboat in etas . vow) and the, application of steam to ma thintry ,was unknown. Fulton' launched the first steamboat-;.in 1807. Now there are three thousand steamboats traversing the Waters of America.' and -the time saved ,in travel ie equal to 70 per sent. The riv , ors PI every country in the- world, nearly, are I traversedjhy Steamboats In 1800 there was not a single railroad in the World. • In ;the V. 1 .• States alone there are now 5:7,97 milts of railroat *costing $286.000.- -00 Q to build:and about '2.2,000 miles of - *road in England and America. The lo oraotive will now .*ravel inns many.bours, Iliqttint which in 1800 required as many 'dais to nocOmPlisli - In 1800 - it took weeks to,.eonvolr intelligence betweeh - Philadelphia and Neve- Orleins ; pow it can, be accom plished iolni - autes through ,tlie' • zeziaph, which only had its begining in 1848.. V44.11%111 was d igeovered in March, 1800. The electro magnet In. 021 - Elcetioty. ..pirig was discoveredn*4s Sfew yeari3 ago. press, capable of printing is ten thousand envies aa- boar, is a very re -3 via Allies:miry, but of a. most important aracter Gas , light was. unkeown:_ ins ispi, tit ow st ery..eityand town.of any pre ' ken ee - al'etilited , with it, and wo ",liave the anTi6Cancement ore still greater disoovery by whioli boa, and motive power may . , be all, produced from 'sister'. with 'scarcely‘ any ease: 'Dwane communipated to the world his beautiful invention in 1839.. Gun cotton and clib.treforin are disceveries but,of a few years old. Astronomy has added a number of new planets to the solar System.' Agricultural ;chemistry . his enlarged' the i domain of knewledge in that important , branch of seinetfic research, and ; mechanics have increased the facilities for production, and' the Means of accomplishing an amount of labor which far trinscends• the ability united'manuid effort to accomplish. The triumphs achieved in 'this last branch of discovery and invention, are enough . to mark the last half. coati:o as that which has., most contributed to augment, personal comforts, enlarge the enjoymenis and add to the blessings. SMALL MOUTH, ONE HUSEIAND—LAROE• Tivo.—Old Gov. L , of Vermont. i was one of the most inveterate joker of the early times, in wnich he figured. Ananyc dote is told , of him, which has never been 1 . related in print, and never can be,perhaps, with much effect; but we will try it.l One fall as he was returning from the legisla ture on-horseback. as usual at that day, ho *as hailed from a house by a garrulous old maid, who had often annoyed him with questions respecting public affairs. I '! Well; Governor," `said she„'comiog out ;towards the road, " what new laws have you pissed at Montpelier, this timer " Well one rather singular law among the rest," he replied. " Dew tell ! Now, what - is, it, Govern or I" asked the excited (pietist. " Why, that the woman in each town who has the smallest mouth, shall be war ranted a husband." " Who}, who !" said the other, draWing up her' mouth to the_ smallest compass; " what a queer curicu s , lur that is!" ,t• Yes but we have 'paused another .that beats that=the woman who has the largest mouth is to have two husbands." " Why, wham?" exclaimed the old maid. instantly relaxing her month and stretching it wider and wider at evpry; syllable— " what a mmarkahle law that is; when does it come - in force, Governor r At. this the Governor put Spurs to his horse and vanished. , Kt.:CT - LEDGE. 4 ! One fountain tnereo."s (says filtss Bremer, ”whose deep vein has only just begun to throw up its silver drops- j 1 among mankind—a fountain which will al flay the thirst of millions, and will 'give to those who drink from it peace and joy. it, its knowledge; the. fountain of intellectual ctiltiiation, which fives health to mankind (makes dear his vision. brings joy to his life land breathes over his soul's destiny a deep r repose. Go and , therefrom,, thou whom fortune-has not favored, and thou will soon feel thyself rich Thou:mayest, forth into the werld'and find thyself every : where at home; thou canst,eultivate thy self in thine own little-chamber; thy friends I are ever around thee,and earryit.g wise cen t VerSatiOns with thee—nature, antiquity, heaven. are accessible to thee." 'A BEAR STORY.-. 1 day or two since, as Mr. Solmob Reed, of Dorset, Vermont, was cutting-wood, at some, distance from his house,a very large bear stole up behind, and ordered him to stop., He let fly his axe at Bruin, but it missed; and Bruin iii turn let fly at him. Solomon then seized a clap, and laid the blows upoti his shaggy! advenpary so heavy that it broke, and he began to think be should have to knock - un- I tier. Not having the wherewithal to knock'. him witb,-be-made use of his ft-ts, expee:l ting every moment that he should be coin- [polled to cave in. .A dreadful hug followed; and the two . rolled over on the ground like,' la couple of wrestlers in a ring.. Not liking tri - bcar it in this' fashion, Solomon, by a desperate effort, got Bruin under him, hol- I ding his head, down, and sittit g plump astride of the beast. The latter, !lingerer. Soon began to "bear" up, and all at once tnok to . hialeels like an infuriated bull, Solmon-all the while astride, and compelling i the-bear-to follow his own nose, with as, light „deviation of his jaivs from a straight, line as possible. On they drove 4 a furl ous rate—the rider and the ridden—the former endeavoring to make a bridle out of the fear's' ears, and the hear striving . as hart to make a bit Out of the man's arm.— Sotiimon began to fear,-at the rate he was going,. that his steed was fait takin him in to a whole nest of bears, and probly solilo quized. , - 1 . , Better to Bear the Ills we have. "Than to fly to others that we know riot of." While=in this predicament, Mr. Reed's son I happened . to overtake them,en their journey, and settled all uncertaintiei by immediately. knocking the bear in the head with his axe. Mr. Solomon Reed, got some scratt:hes in the scuffle, and Bruin's fit carcass 'to baot ; Which, by the way, he immediately silted down for family use.—Lowell courier. [ .'To Vittost BELONGS TDE CREDIT 4, Or 1 HAVIN*DINEOTERED TUE MAGNETIC EL- I GUAM AND STEAM POWER ? -A French let- I ter writer at Paris says :—" I' am compelled ! to claim for the =anis of Prance the die ' eovery of ttvo - of the most wonderful things of the age — test of the magnetic telegraph and that steam power._ The first! of these discoveries. according to the :nest correct and lawful documents, was made in 1779, by WI engineer, named Lomond.; and it is mentioned in the book of Arthur Young, en titled, "Travel in France—London, MI," ITho second was bade by itliaorin‘ another French engineer ; in 1769. L- ThLs sabant had made a locomotive, which was powerful . enough to cary four persons, and ho showed it in their presenie o} the Duke (if Chniseuil, Iwho SSW ' then Minister of War. ,Theng,li i those two discoveries have - been per by Watt and Morse, I. think it is good to " render unto Comer the things ' which are ' Casa:. s2.' - DITRABIIITZ OP WOOD.—The piles en der the London Bridge bavo been driven 500 years, and upon examining tiler') in 1846 they were found to be little decayed. They, are principally; elm. Old. Savoy Place in the city of London, was Wilt 050 years !Igo, iind the . wooden_piles consisting of oak, elm, beech and chestnut were found upon recent examittatina to be ,perfectly - sound. Of the , durability, of timber, in to wet state, the piles of the bridge; tJuilt by Emperor Trojan, over.the Danube, afford a striking 'example: One of these piles. Was taken up; and fottud to . be petrified'to the depth/3f of mi . -inch ; but the rest of the wood'. was not different from its fanner state, though it bad been driven 1600 years. MUUM'grintl. . I' .Bunkum Baseum. Snst.opened; whit 10,000 Caringities, and prforms in - Leater. • Ream - ;. among Nvii;Ob .wn,si be fond TWO . JIVE BOAR CONSTRICTORS, , Mail and ' • ; ALso !! sA S TRIPED. ALGEBRA STIIP BBSRES ! A FAIR OF SHUTTLE COCKS, an ono SHUTTLE llLN—alive ! TUB! SWORD. '‘ITITCLI GEN. ,WELLING= TON F rr WITWAT TIIE BATTLE OF WATEBLOGI whose' is six feet tong end broad in proportion: ,• watt! - • • A ENORMOUS BATTLETAILSNAIK - —a regular whopper 1! - AND! THE TUSBES OF A HIPPOTE*IUSE ,1 • TOGETHER WITH A BENGAL TIGER: SPOTTED; LEP ROSY! GREAT MORAL BPECTACLE MOUNT VESUVIUS !!, PAST ONE. Seen opens. Distant Moen. View of Bey a Naples. A thin smoke - riles. It is the Beginning of the Zetiction. ! The 'Naples Sulks begining to travel. Yeller fire f 'Hewed by silent thunder. Awful consternation.—Suthin rumbles ! It is the• Maintain preparing' to Vomiek 1 They call ou the Fire Department. It's no vse Flight of stool piegqins. A cloud of im penetrable smoke hang over the fated city, t, through witchsthelNaples are seen makit.' tracks. Awful explosion of bulbs, kurba, torniqueo,,pinwhels, serpent iles, and tour ; billen spirals !! The Moulting Laver le ! gins to squash out': ! • END OF PART ONE COMIC SONG. Beedle, .... .111 r Millet. LIVE INJIng• ON THE SLA.CIi WIRE Lite Injun i .... Mr. Mullet,. ORLIGATORIRS Or TUE COATUCO FIA, B SIGNOR V10.311 - OELLI. Signor Ceriuicclli, ... .. Mr. Mullet. In the emits° of the evening will be an ex hibisbuti of Exileratin' Gass! upon a Lai:- tin I . liglabena ! Laifin , liiobbena Mr Mullet 0, PART TWO • BE . y of ' aples lummated by, Bengola Lites. The la \ a gusting down. Through the smOke is seen the city iu a state of coo l flagration. The last family ! "Whar is lour,M•ents'l!" k red-hot stone of ele- ! ring tons weight falls onto'em, and mashes% I cm, The bear-headed father soentleSs!befoic the statoo of the Vergin Denuthoirg ! ! TDE 1101. E TO CONCLUDE IV ITA A GRASI) SHAKSPEARING PHYROL;. IGNEOUS DISPLAY OF FIREWURX! Maro!ott Bulbs, changing to a spiral weels witch changes to the Star of our Union after too hutiful picas of red lites ; to. So -1 . Ish with Busting into a Brilliant Porspira !tion !I ; Daring the performance a Nn. of Poplar Airs will he performed on the &total' /id - die and Bag Pipes, by a real Highlan der. Seal IliOdander, . .. . Mr. Mallet• Any 1 , 4 making a u 14,5 mill be injected to-t;l,eo-t! As the Think= Museum is Temperance, no drintin' aloud • but any one can find the best of Tickers in the Saloon beim. 3dm igsioii 25 Cents: children on the usual terms.—Knickerbocker Magazine. DEmocf s tAcv IttonT.—The - democratic party :were abused - by the Whigs because tnq opposed the National Mink. We have a Whiff national administration now, but we hear of no advocates for a bank-' The democratic party were unrelentingly abused for advocating the independent treasury hill. Mr. Fillmore's administra tion does" not propose a substitute, nor do the whigs oppose the measure. The democratic party have been abusedl for opposing a high tariff, and Henry Clay' ; recently declared that he would not even, propote to alter the essential principles of' the tariff , bill of 1846. The democrats were abused for standing' firmly by their country in sustaining the Mexican war. The Whigs took up one of thmleading men in the prosecution' of the: war and elected him President. • The democrats have been abused for secur ing important additions to our territory.— There is ant a Whig in the land who now I dares to preps° ,the surrender of this samel territory. Here are the few facts that prove the gen eral of the democrats to ho right and just, and they prove tOo that the w,bigs are generally svrong.—Hartford Times. A SU/A.IIT Boy.—' Mother, why does Pa call you honey ?' 'Because., my dear. he loves 'me.' • No, Ma, that isn't IL' , What isit, then, dear?' , know.' • Well,. what is it ?'. Wby, because .you have so mach mill) on your head—that's why.'. Put this child to bed.; he's getting too smart.' man's wedding day is called his "bri daliday." The orthography of that word is wrong—h shOuld be written .. 6r!i d die day. A philosopher in New-Orleans has dis covered-that much of the sicknessia that city is owing to bad, health, The following is a copy of a sign upon an Academy for teaebinglonth in one of tbo western States.:—. • EUTAW{ AND Hugas, e , CLWOL TEACH• Ens. Freeman teaches tho 8010 and— Huggs the Girls.. An old - "revolutioner" says that of all tbe solemn lxmribe ever saw, 'that occu pied in going home one' dark night from the widow Beaesafter being told by her daugh ter Sally that he, "needn't' come again" was the most awful. Let go that jib--let go that jib, arrics," sbouted the captain of a down east sloop to a rintband, in as quall. • ' l l oinks touching' yer jib!" returned Jonathan, indignantly, as be thrust his hands lbow:deep to his pockets. . e ° _ "TIM DMODIAIV'' PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAP SHIRHINO BY &Chase; ED.T0,,13 ANDS PROPRIETORS. TERMS.—On DOIAIAR AND FIFTY alum per anntun, cosh in advance, or two dollars if not paid until the coast' the year, or time of subscription. No paper will be discontinued until arrearages aer paid, - escept at the option of the l'abhshenl. All communications mustbe roar nu) to re ceive attention. All letters connected with the office, should be directed to S. 13. & E. B. CHASE, Montrose, Sun. Co., Pa. Editors' office over 111. C. Tyler's Store: RATES OF Airt.vEpTislNG. One square, (12 lines or less,) 3 insertions, $lOO -Euef, subsequent insertion, • - Ono square, 3 months, - 2 50 " " 6 months, - 400 Business Cards, 4 lines or less, - 3 00 Yearly Advertisements, not over 4 squares. 37 09 One column, one year, - - - 30 lio Yearly Advertilers will be rettricted to the bu siness in which they are engaged. 1? The Publishers, having a largo assortment of Job Printing Materials, are prepared to execute all kinds of JOB WORK with neatness and des- Patch. 11 .! BLANKS of every description constantly lon hand, or primed, to order. gmgiam OnT-0. JOUN U. DIMOCK, Attorney at 4,tics*. Office on Turnpike street, one door west of the old negistcr Printing Office, Non rost,Pa. M. L. ITREEspELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW,' Great Bend, Pii.s—Office with Col. F. Look PETER: DECKER, ESQ. AVIN been appointed by 00T' Fish, of New York, as Lt s Commissioner for that State to take the proof and acknowledgement of Deeds and other instrurnente. attend to busincsa.calls in tliat capacity at his office at Great Bend, Pa. Sept..lo,lBso:—ly S. S. WEIi4OIIIESTERi, ATTORNEY AT LOST, Tunkhannock, Pa., Office in Stari?s f,irick now DR• G. M. GAMBLE. ' FSIDENCE in the house form aly the rerhltoce Samuel Dune, deceased• Ilarford, December 25, 185 Ce J. N. SCOT r &A:0. LIVERY AND EXCHANGE STABLE Montrose, Pen&A. PETER STEVENS, Cabinet and Chair Mater; carries on the business In all its various branches and on' a large scale, et the old stand of Sint tbs,B tevens and Avety. E. B. & S. B. Ch ASE . ATT07.1137. .A.T ITT MONTROSE. PA. (Office over Tyler's Store.) r. B. cumw S. LYONS & SON. DEALER Dry Goods, Hardware. Crockery, Tin Woe Groceries, Rooks, Av. .tiso eariiee,on the Mink Binding Business. Public Arenue, Montrose,; Pd. C. IT. SIEMONS. - BOOT MO SHOE MAKER REPAIRER (Slinp over A. D.ll.briA:ASantilitry Imp.) aratAnraMe SHAVING & HAIR - DRESSING SALOON, Searle's Building next door to the Post Office, Montrose, Pa. ul2tf ". MISCELLANEOUS suLE LpATHEit Tin areprepared to sell Itessrs. E. A. 0. Pratt's mil li ebrated bole Leather at N. Y. Cltiprices—having an agency. Dealers can be accomodate...l with nouperior article,frern oneto one thouund sties at prices hereto ore ontierinl of in this count=y. Oct. 1, 1850. , ISAAC L. POST Is CO. New Goods j A tBEL TIIrtitELL is now receiving dlarge and deslrn, assortment, of GOODS (comprising neariyererythlng ranted in this market,)which willbe sold extrontlyLOW for CAM or may pay. My assortment may be classed u port ns follows Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Groceries, Dry Goods, Hard ware, Slane-ware, Glassware, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Stlter Spoons. Spec jades, Musical Instruments, Trusses, Medical inorunterds, Li4unrs, Perfumery, Mirrors, Stationery, Brushes, Shoes, Toys, Yankee Notions,', Thankful for the liberal patronage and stthrtantialen eonragentent hitherto received, I hope 'to merit and re eeire a continuance of the same. ABEL TURUELL. Montrose, 0ct.24, to o .41:leresh - Stoik of Clotliin„i OF Hats and Caps. (spring lashion)Gents, Ladies and : Bops Boots and Stales, also, Capmal Letter Paper, by the Beam or less quantity, Wall and Curten Paper and Ilonler,,l nks, Pictures and Picture Frames, Books Panel Stationery, Fishlna Tackle,, just received and fur sale nt small profits forreatly pay, and ready pay ma!, April 3.laa. O,EO. FULLER. Flax Seed. A NY quantity of Max Seed wanted in each ange for Oro 21 eeriev or Cull by !. 'N..BULLAILD. • Oct. 23. EMPIRE Long Simgrin, Palmettos, and plain De Lane of nil colorn nt I TYLER'S. SALT by the bbl.ior load at ' D. R. L. &Co LOUGUS and Seitipme for sale by LYONS fr. gIIANDLER VAP Powders and lint Pills for oss cnilougg • Merriman's New Saloon A MEItitIMA.II respectfully announces to the public, ti. that be has removed his Grocery and Sal Lon to his new htdiding opposite Spade's Ilotel.whlch he has fitted ap, in a style unsurpassed, for the accommodation of those who may thinkhim deserving oftheir patronage.— Ilis rooms. for gentlemen, - are spacious and ele gant; and in addition be has famished, in appropriate style, two room s expresssly forthe accommodation of la dles. No effort'. will he wanting on the part oftbp proprieto to m .ke his WOOD *pleasant resort. : uontmss. Nov, 14, IFi5O-46m0. • Perfumery, Fancy Soap &c. tin:NCl' Bandaline. Triple Extract.' Mamma? 011,(0x Marrow Pomade, Dears' Oil, Bairy's Trieopherousi and other fixings tor the hair. Military sharing 803 P, Walnut Oil do White Bars, Almond Mid Swaim Soap, simerler articl ea for the Toilet, to be round et Montrose, October 28 . 1850 j.I,yoNS& SON. A 1,500 doz. Woolen ees, 20,000 yds. Wantetr”- Ylannel, 33.000 tingle's Oats, 5.000 Sheep Pelts, aoy quantity of Wheat, Corn, Ilya and But. ter &e. , , - JOIIRSTON & VERY. Ilarford, 0et.15,1850. I • Furs! 'Fisre: (IASI! paid for Fox, Miuk, illookrat, Martin and U Coon akin% by • M. C. TYLER. Montrose, Dec. 19,1850. . The People's Friend T. T.'PONVOSi of Ithaca, N.Y. PAIN DESTROYER AND nEALINO EXTIIAC7.-rAn EXtraci from the shrub called Witch-hazel. nad purell from that, with the exception of a little Aleobolto preserve ft. It wi IL cure alltocal pain and inflainations, 'old sores, fresh wounds andbrubses, Pttes,nnd, all diseases of the bowels of a chronicaature, tooth.acbc, ear-ache and an excellent remedy foe females, he. It Is truly what It professes to be, People's Providence has scattered along the rugged paths of life manytbinge thatconeribilte greatly to the comfort and happiness of every body . ; beam' their great value, and wellvinay they be called 'friends the People,' ' One word here tognaid. against A man' by the name ofSpenaer, has manufactured and offered for sate a sperione article called the Coryll Ilxtrad,—that woutdbe extract of the hasel•rint:.—the genuine Is as white and as pure ai water, while the spurious article is colored,wbieb enables the p übliet o distinguish. tronegenuine,buttbosemarked Ptiod'sPainDestroyer Whf. It. IIATCII,Illoitrose; andstore.keepers and me. I dtelnedealersgenerally,Agents , - A NEW supply of JEWELRY. and Watches at cost for cub, at TERRELL'S. 1851. ........... _,_.. _ CLOCKS, WATCHES, J.gNYELltir&d: ' . 'Great. Bargaihs 1 Ail.; -.- I TANI' ItiLlii 'would say 4;4! - 14. to the eitirens. of Motitrose z..... -- ....- and rlcinity; that ha has just re• i -• :-. --- . ,5 11111. tartlet' from New York with the 1 , 4 - - l' f .,. largest, richest and best - selected , ..:., T , (.. assortment - of .111 a&c he 1.. , p 1 . :...Z, Jewelry,. Silver -w a re, ) Rt. , - ~..4 - '.t g dm. evert/eters offered in Ding. -....,_ ,„.,,,, beaten: The tib.rre goods were ;NV , ...._ -.. • - l o u g htfp r cash, and will be sold at the loweat;priceoind all articles warranted as reeem mended, . NJIS —Particular attention paid lb repairing , 0 1 l kinds of Watches and Jewelry. '• a:r. Con rt's t reel, nearly oilpoalte thel'horilx gotel. 'Bingfiamtiin - , 0et.10,1850. :. : L. CANFIELD. The iGood That, Ua Comet quit: subscnbor halt this 'lei returned from New Fork .L with a large and well. select." assortment of Goods to which bey tOuld call the eitturitlon of his fricn rig had the advantage of 23 years experience In this vii- age, he Batters himself that he well understands the tastes and wants of his patrons. Amorighis stock will be found upwards of 40 different stylesof Gehl Anil Silver Lever and Lepine Watches; Gold Vest,Fob rind Guard Chains; Band Bracelets , Box and Stone do; Pens and Pencils; Thimbles, Spectacles. Belt (looks ' ooks and Slides Watch Keys,. Lockets, Breast Pintr;Finger Ring!' and Ear Rings. Marge assortment of Silver Spoons. Forks, Batter Knives, Cups, Napkin Mugs, Thimbles, Pemholders and Spectacles. Also, an extensive variety of Plated Waco Tlz: Castors, Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, Fruit Stands, Snuffers and Trays, TOW: Backs, Spoons and yorks,and a full variety of Cutlery, Fancy Articies,Clocks, etc. These Goods having been selected with great care, hothwith revel" tonnality, prier and style, the subserl. her Is confidant that he will give satisfaction to all who may favor him with theirpatronage. _ ' ALFRED J. EVANS, Washington-at. Binghamton, Nor. 7,1850. - - Lover Watch, and Minute Automata Mechanis. J . A. SINGLETON (Pupil of I,lihetiond, the Paten. ••• tee, and late with R. Roskell, Liverpool.) Clilioso• 1161;811., and -PATENT LUVEU WAITIII MArgtIVACTURER. Ifi compliance with numerous influential, and earnest aolidtations to remain in Montrose, I' have consented, on condition that I meet with that encouragement and ap proval which it shall be my constant study and Interest to merit:. In addition to the 'Manufacturing Department,/ A. S. undertakes etre - dually to REPAIR every description of Geneva Musical Tableaux. Repotting anti other watches; together with Automata Mechanism, however complex. The disagreeablejarring so prevalent In spiral mosicattol on justly complained of, thoroughly eradicated, morepar ticularly vs In Musical Boxes. It Must be admittedthat, in connection with, and In addition to theoretical knowledge. or it speculative ac qualittance,it is indispensiblyrequisite the animal should i.e practically familiar with the complex nature of that delicately minute description of machinery referred to Thisqualification, and this only. renders the artist cora -1 petent to accomplish with mathematical accuracy. - If upwards of forty years' assiduous and practical per severance in the construction of various approved escape ments for the more accurate means of measuring, Time. in conjunction with unique speelmensof Automata now in his possession. together with the high patronage en joyed. preponderates in the'seale of scientific approbation then J. A. S. unostentatiously presumes, he has some pretenalons to the confidence of those honoring him with. the rcommends. , N-li—l occupy a window in the Drug arid Variety Store of Mr. Abel Ttirrell. i Montrose, Match 0,1851 tikliSh — Patent Levers TME Subscriber has this day received another invoice or his superior Patent Lever IVATCHE.S, made ex pressly for him by the celebrated Joseph Johnson, Liver pool. The subscriber Is prepared to case thu above Watches in any pattern, or quality of gold. as customers may wish, If those on hand should not suit. - Also just received a large lot of Silver Anchors, and Lepines; ail of which will be sold at the lowest Cash prieeS, and warran ted to give satisfaction. ALFRED J. EVANS, Binghamton. March :IL 'Si. Washinet , ti st _ _ ifi.1.16 nil Glair. Thuile been encouraged by the very liberal patrol:lngo ritelved, to fill up my stint, with the largest and best nsseriment or goods ever yet brought to this market— Init: way be found everything belonging to a Jewelry and faircystore, G loz.Cloelts 0-Watches. of every description. Burning Fluid. paribrand.common Lampe, which at this time is the bet thing in use fur a good and cheap light. You can find them only at TRUE'S. Montrose, November 20.1550. • S. B.- CRAPE _Notice to ROilroad Mon. Tiff:subscriber has this..ley received another Invoice of English Patent Lever %Vetches. per Atlantic. These Watchex are from the mannfacotry of Joseph Johnson, Liverpool, made expressly ;to_ order for the subscriber, with Lis name engraved On them, with especial reference to the wants of Railroad Agents and others. wishing, per fect time. They are in heavy sliver cases, and will be cusel in gold. of any style and quality, to order. Binghtuaton, Washington-ft.-49 A. J. EVANS. • iyEßCElANT'StlandingOil,Traskrs iitagneticOintment Cod hirer Oil, To wnsend's SarraParill a. Vauglin's Li thont riptic, chenek'sUalsam,Scraiin's Panacea.all of Dr. Jayne's Medicines.Dalley's Pain Extractor, Pain Killer. Dillow's !leave Euro. and most of the approved Patent Medicines of the day, kept constantly on band by BtNTLF,Y tc READ. 200 Oz, Silver Ware. CONSISTEgiI of Table, Dessert Tea, Cream, Mustard. `and Salt. Spoons; Sugar Shovels, Sugar' Tongs. Table and Dessert Porks,lbatter Knives ok.e., warranted eval to coin. [Engraved gratis,) by A. J. EVANS. 567 Piec es. ... — 7Silver %Vero plated and Dir Man Silver condsCng of i Table, Tea, Desert. Cream and Mustard Spoons, Salt and Sugar Shoe els. Fork sSt a., Engraved gratis ' at L. CANFIELD'S. QILVER Spoinm.Forks and Kulres, warranted the best manufactured in America, at TRUE'S. Tm: lut, of the 6 der. 20e Clocks Ig- gone but more o the game sort is on the way to Truti's Jewelry shop. Watches, Jewelry &e erlIE Subscriber has received an addition to his 1 stock of Jewelry, ccmsistin. of Gold Fob and Guard Chains. Lockets,,Finger tines, Ear Ring , Breast Pint=. Silver Chains, Gold Thimbles, Gold Pencils and Pens,. &c., &c. to which he would in vite the attention of his friends. A.J. EVANS, Binghamton, March 3, '5l Washington et Watches! Watches ! /lOU:land Silver, Lover and Lepincs full jeweled and VI nlaln,n large assortment at the Very lowest prices and warranted: Binghamton, Oct. 14,1650. L. cksvrELD. • • • The Richest 4' LIELECTIONof Breastpins, Earrings and Virzi? Rings rjOrer ogered In Binghamton, by A. J. IIyANS. TATC/Iffg - and othe7jewelry in quantities V tb suit purchasers by D.TROWBRinGE. Gold Lockets. • QINGL hand 'Double of eteiy nice, by O. Blnihaniten.) A. J. F.VANS, Washiceon-st - - Some Verp Fine . fIOLDU'ATCHES perfect time keepers. Alen On Icatthes,allquantities,by A. J. EVANS. Gold Chains LiOCKETS. Thimbles, Specks, Pen and Pencil Caere a fullest , ortment at L. CANFLELD'S, NEW ARRIVMS Burritt 14 o lt r iLiall-Iteceipt of his rallfitoek of 'Liptchls unusually largo and complato in Fancy and St' wap Dry Goods, Groceries,. Crockery, Hardware, Iron and Nails, Boots and.Shoes,_ Cooking, Parlor and Shop Stoves, Bulled° Robes, Hats, Caps; &c. including in particular, al urge and splendid as sortment of uallunto;ig. u)tau.tam eyDva)g9 and Winter Long Shawls, to all nf which he would invite the attention of all who erewishing Goods of the beat styles, and at prices that cannot be beitt,for cash of pro dune of all•kinds,lnclnding Woolen So eks.Flann el, Pork, - Gtaln, 1p any quantity. New Slitford, Nov. 7.1850: N. B.—Coarse and Weiterl Salt, and flour kept con flatly on hand. Still Rolling the New Goods-in At the Head ofgliiiihraitsomis MITE subscriber Is receiving heavy shiptnials,or almost every kind of 00Orls which hole offering very cheap for the ready john, Ac - le would tenderhln warmest thanks to the public,and experially to those whe have bean Metal la the bestoW. ment math patronage ' and who seem to feel and act; that the Merchant needs Ms pay some time during this century, and,ho would most respectfully Ica. routinu anceof ttreirfavors. - At. vryhea. -Montrose,Novemberl4,lBso. . FALL -GOODS. - • - ISAAC L. POST 41. CO. ' ABR just receiving a splendid lot- of PALL GOODS.— Our customers can Sod at the old stand almost any thing they desire atfairprlces. • New Goods. • infiteriber Is again receiving a 1 Tall and Winter Moods. viense call andel/mine. Montrose, 0et.213,1850. - . 11. J. WElitt. And tllltheyeAnnn! . 1890 YD'ecoefii,lll.'d.d..3C7,n,grlrdlyDaitne pri t just r :'LAKE + EATON'S. The highest priCes paid' for all kinds of ‘Ve are after eniP' L & II afford, Nov. 9.Bth, '50., DRY GOODS ST(IVES, HMO WARE,' Zzi - - - -• , stoves, Ware, and.Plpp, livEY Stone State Ait 'liight cooking stove, fot, lill burning Wood or coal, the beet in use. Rough and Ready dontilos.oven cooking stove. Elevated do , do :do - Premium- •: • -.. do: . do Victoria • - do! do do, do i Empire State. do do • I Clinton.,Air Tight do' 20 Sizes and kinds or Parlor Stoves for wood of coot. • 4 Sizes of G pinto .StoVes. .. • • . and. Mod StoveS for shops, BOW houses' the beat - - Culver, brace, tin and iron' stove were. • ' - Russia, English, and American Stove - Pipe:" Stone, Tin, and Zinc tithes, f e., for sale by the 100, doz., or single, at the Eagle W Foundry Wpol. ' • I ILSON Co Montrose, Nov. 2.G. • " • EAGLE PoUNDAY! Ware Rooni in LOtis Chandler's! long, A-gerieial ;issortionnt of Cooking, Parlor. Shop and Coal Stoves, ,Stove pipe, ElboWs; Zinc, Sheet Copper, BrasS,Vire, Bar Iron, • Nail Rods, round & square CaSt Steel all - round A- square - • - Iron, all Sizes, Side llill Green Sthard, Excelsior.; Genesee 4 , IVorsterPlows,Straw Cut- . I : ters, Corn Shelleri,Saic Arbors, _, Morticing Machines, Mill Cranks, • Balance lVheels, POts; Dish Kettles, Spi ders, Tea Kettles Waffle Iron's,Um brella Stands,Punzps, Lead Pipe, Shingle Machines, Scrapers, Sleigh Shoes, Jack Screws, 4.c. 4c. . l All,ltinds of Castings on band or minds to order— also, Tie, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware on hand. or Made to ardor. ITAON & CO. Meutrose,Nev. 5,1850. New Milford Stave Depot - IDS T :3OO, tj 01.11111 ITT har just received is Dew asardtment of (1. Stores, incicalint the utort approved kinds. of Air Tlght,and cora:non enol;.int, Parlor. arid Shop Stoves. ittusiaand continuo pipe, Sheet fron.und Zinc, Stove Tubes, &e. to which the attention of ros 71 parches• cr. , . and the public Is Invited, and which will be told at rosy - low pricun.fnr cash or approved credit. September, MO. Stove, Tin an 4 Copper Ware. THE subsCribers have just purchased a large I stock of o ves. Tin and Copper Ware, .which they op'er to the public 'as cheep as the cheapest., D. R. cATiiROP Montrose, Dec. 10, ,1050. The best • STOVE out ! • TliE 'keystone State' Air-tight Cooking Stove, manufactured and for sale by WlLsori & co. NEW GOODS: . LIONS Ja . VIIANDLEILIt • . Montrose and Lanesboro', A RE now receiving a large and splendid assortment of Goods, which will be sold cheap for each. Shectings, Shirting, Ticking, Batting. Waddlng, Dril lings, Cotton and IN oolen Yarn, Carpet and. Knitting Yarn, Broadcloths and CasYmicres, Carpets and Carpet Thigs, Trnnks,lilack.lituo and Green Umbrellas, Japitu'd Ware, Cr .ckery nod Glass Ware,llardware, &c._ GROCERIES. Crushed. pulverised and N. 0. Sugars, Coffee, Molasses, Black and Green Teas, Pork, MacLerel,Codtish, Candles, spices, &c. • BOOKS 4- STATIONERY. - Wears receiving a Iwgeassoi tment ofall Lindy r f schoo Dooks.(En4lish, Latin. French, Greek and German) Hi. ble 11Istorles, Miscellaneous Works, Medical Rooks, Cards, TO•SUO and Note Paper, &c. &c. Those n want of Books and Stationery will please give us a call, as we utend to sell cheap for cash. STOVES AND IRON WARE, I Cooking, Parlor. Shop and Coal Stoves. Pipe, Elbows, Store Ware. Iron Scrapers, Plows, Cornshollent, straw cutto s, Plow Points, etc., at Lancaboro'. PORK. SALT 4. FLOUR. by the bbl, or otherwise:—Candles by the box or 11t--also, Nalls,Glas6, Paints and Olis. ' ' S'ARS . ..4 PA RILLA. Old Dr. Jacob's,i. P Townsend's, and Sand'canna. parilla —75 cents per bottle. LYONS & CHANDLER. Montrose and L nastier& Nor 7 1550. 131atehly's Plows TITE subscriber would Inform his friends and the pnb Ife. that he is now manufacturing tho celebrated BLATrIILT PLOWS at the old stand of D. Post. Side Idon, Wayne Co.. Ching-ton county. and Skinner,. Eddy plows and Castinmon hand Repairing done on short notice. Having made an arrangenaent with a ma chinist, be Is prepared to make and fit up most kinds of machinery on short notice and on reasonable [arms. Montrose. February9l%lsA. 11.11. MILLS. TR6N---EnTilish add ‘S - ii 7 edt 5, surer. bars. ruitahlio. Drag Teeth by S. If. SAYRE & CO A gocnTsecond hand coaxing gave, also a geon neu - rut 11 ter, for eale,Chcap at• tannELL'a DLOUGlllS.—Binghamtan.lllontrnsetSklnnerA tidy I. and Mntt and FalleesPl oughs and CastlngA,ccnOtant yan hand by , , S. 11. SAYKE do CO. _ . CLOTHING. BOOK§.IBoTs, &c Notice to the Public.. New Seasonable Fall and -Winter - Goods at the Great One Price Store of L. S. LENTIEIIII4 Great Bend, Pa. BEGS leave to take this opportunity of tendering his sincere thanks to his friends and customers, far the generous patronage they have extended to him; and at the some time Inform them that he has just returned from New York with 'a very largo and choice selection of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Also afresh and erten siveassortment of Grcceries,Provisinns, Boots had Shoes, Eats and' Cap', Hardware, Crockery, Ace., Drugs and Medicines, which will be sold for cash and produce at a very small reliance, at prices which defy all cbmpetition. Flour, Pork,Fish, Salt,vrtolesale andretail,--be would also remark that he adheres strictly to the system of al ways n !ming the lowest price at first thereby givitigthe , came advantage to allwho may favor him with their pat. renege. Great Bend Clothing Store. • , The largest, best end cheapest assortment of 'Ready ' Made Clothing in the Village of Great Hotel, Pa., Broad. Cloths. Doe Skins,Casslmeres and Vesting! of all qualities anitablefor the Fall and Winter Traile,which be offers at inch prices satisfy any one that this is the place for them t i deal. in consequence of thegreat increase of hi b nsinesolle has been obliged to greatly enlarge his steel:, which he now offers to his friends end the public for ex nmination, iontident that in on doing they willfind seine. thingto their advantage. The subscriber has Made are rangements to manufactitre clothing In all Its various branches, and Is now prepared to sell the same, warrant ed to hear inspection. iCittstom,work and' crating done at the latest style and aliortest tiotice,- , alltinds of tail.' ors' trimmings furnished and for sale. Donot forget ! the spat. Store nearly Oppinite the Mansion House. - Great Bend,'Sept.,lBso, • , L. S. IMITEIIL , Boots & Shoes ! • AGOOD assortment of Coots lc Shoes, embnicing lilen'scoarse and line Boots, Boy's liciot'sandShocs, Woman's and nisars ditto—also Clothing ; • . _ Embraclog a grearstrli-ty of Overcoats, Sacks, Twecds, km, a large variety of Vests from six shillings upwards, and a good assortment of Pants, Shirts, Drawers, add Wrappers—ditto' • : • - • Hats.& Caps, . - Silk and-Fur Trate ; Plush. Fdr, nalair, Cloth and glas. ed Caps, fall Tashi one, for men, hots and children. • • -•• Books &, Stationery School and illiscellaneortsßooks, Staple , and Fancy Sta- tionery, Inks, titiodands; Pontacks, Penknives, and a great variety bf fancy articles too numerous to anima- Inte,just received at Fura.r.u , s, ' First door abovo Searle's nolo. Montrose, Oct. 25,1859. . . Books! . Books AtrkW autiptiolliooksjunt , received; includine all the kinds lived in the New Academy, ,Also Draw lan. Music; Letter and Cap Paper, et the Immo prim. - - J. LP ONS . br. PON. Valuable Books ITTON'S tally Bible Illustialons; Emerson's Exials, AportaliensPtigm bt Taylor t neviext tho 31 , 41ran' K War by Girermare, Booy. 'at Forms, 111146ry ache Reformation; etrt, CO, 3;LYONS is BON. gerdiCOOL BOOICS. . GENERAL nesortrnOnt of School Books v,ltiolo 11 , sale or relate by LYONS..O. CHANDLER. Montrose, N0V:9 . 40; "50, Boots Shoes,l NEW -.- atIPPIY af .aentleinaa'a nta and Calf.iloots and Lad Wit ants, Shots. and SOnnetajast rPeeic. . • Sept. JHAO.. c. . . '.GEO, FULLER, - rrEAS j a prima article at prices tomtit . the iputl- 1. ity, and purchaser. For sale by W. D. TUOWDRIDGE, --- r4anae of doors, co Irtine 7 wing.,,Jyty 8 'Ramapo - iii..Paierseii iniillPikte r , - . , sou & iladsoit River R .11,.3t 16 R. Cl' Ar D S . 1 - Leave Suilern'iDepot at Leave liewoiork at . v 6 o'eloek 30 min.! -A. DI: 7 o'clock 30 ago. • p . ,, , *0 " BO Iola: P.' 31. .6 . " 65 35 mla. tuln. p A. . - - - &411 , 1UA I". TUAlltlx.. Leave Stsfern's Depot; :j Leave New-York. 0 0 o'clock 31 min. -A.M. - 6 o'clock . ' , ' ' #O, oa theatrical or the iie trains going Ban. p.v. I'AVIrEILISOIII TItAeNS: 4',rarePatersonat ' - Leare 4retc•York. 7 o'clock. A. M. 31arket.ct. 7 o'clock 30ialn. A. 34 83 " '..rat'a Dep. 9 - .. SO .!, . 12 ," ' 31. '.. -..: ' i " I: p. N I 434 -" P. 51. '.. 0 - 3 .. '!. 15 .r. - 7 .. - 1 . - 3.larket•st. 5. - .$ 48 .f , .... /4 1. 1 ,1 1 i DA- V • T.p..AINO. • . . L%are . Paterson of . I Idorelifik-Tork at• o'clock A. al.- arerket.4l. j 9 o'clock ,I 11; P. al PaPti lacnot, 0 " p.l l On Monilaymorningrthe tint tralh (cam &moo will learn at 7 :25 min. or on the arrival oc the Port Jain I Thu IGO M. end 545 o'clock P. !Aar, from ant York. wilt not stop at any Mallon north otratersua, cept Rock Road and Hohokue. • p The train,. which leave New pot at 734 A /I and tv PDf time to meet the Erie trains, morning venlng.oolnp,,Weit, at SullemaDepot 'Atigont22;lBso :ALBANY. & BUFFALO, New York &,-Erle,.Ctiyuga & us. quehanna Ran Roads, Seneca • and CapagaLakpar . EVEIty.BODYISMARKET LINE r .i. ll l 4 :l l l l. ;:fr. er i, a t it t r h e e n fo ow pf l e p y g a p i.ed u t i o , r i ec ii el! Buffalo, Atmoi, ituarkt—Ber•co, emu, na, Genera, Dreslon, Oild. all, Donde'', Landlned,r erron, Bavaria, 31iltoort, liontehend", Cormag, lazy Factorytille,Spring Port, lielltlet's Yerry, Amon, Itt.4 ea, Candor, Owego, , UlllOl2, Binghamton, Great Bels Laneshoro', Deposit, and Ilattenck, everyday la tke ireet (Sunday' excepted4and eontinuenith regularity 'Noe l out theteaaon. They will attend to forwarding the nu to the New York 'Market; whereit willrfeelre the pence. al attention of experienced "alma en, who will attend 4 thc gelling of the MUM!, and return the proe'idain Boa,. aide fontlaat either of the above points, to thefoiktia g perpor,"_;_ llotinle,Storrhottre Dew Attica.Stortitur of IleardSyford; Bataria,StorebonieofLoclns A. Enid, Denton, Storehouse of Daniel ,SePherson; Botherto Store of Fairbankr Eldredge; Canandagns, Oihe Walter Corcoran ; Geneva, C. Lawrence; Dresden km hence of Whitney &Monett; Ovid,Yerinson & Spran g Lodi; Dundee Landino, Storehonse of T. Tuthill JelTNiml, office ;or E. 0. Norton, on the Tier, Timm onlee of J. Y. Nieto"; 3ltitporf. store' of J. ,ft ; Son Geode. oplee of J. A. Ferrell; Coming, , store of 'Ka.) Arnold; storehonre of Thurman k Ingtrin Factoryvilie,' store of,. Charles Shephetd; Belithe Perry; Nurora,"t ore of 11. & G. P.3lorgan; Ithara,eo or P. 11. Drake; Candor. More of S. Barager; Onrete,, flea of Nathaniel ; Union. 'tore of V. N; Ilinghamton, office of James Sisk; Great Rend, eV , F. Chorehill; Lanesboro'. rffle e of Y A. Ward; Detin ' , ore of Eurign k Dean; Ifeneock, sime of Anhui k. Beeves. .r N. sisK.Shilutitdon. IY WIIITNEY, Drertten, GEO. P. 3IONELL.. do. ELLS, Owego MIXNTS.--Ttugalo, De nry Daw; Attica, Thomas Is: ford; Batavia, Lucius , A. Smith; ' Bergen, Daniel MePh T . eon; Rochester ; Fairbanks k Eldridge; CADMIttql; Wit IterCorcoran : Geneva, C.Larrence;Ovid, Pe rri , & Sprague; Lodi; Dundee Landing, Tuthill ta170.; ferenn, F.. 0 Norton ;,llarana, Stull; Iforaebeada, .1. A. Ferrell; Corning, Wor. mold; Elmira, Thurman & inghram Factoryvfle,e Shepherd; Aurora, U. & G. I'. 3lnig6n , Ithaca.?. p, Drake; Candor, S. forager; Union, .fleen• Great Bend, F. Churchill; Lanenboro% P. A.lVart; t,En sign A; Dean; Ilan cock, Alllstin &Pones. , capt.. James isk, Willeimerintend the bnelners throighout the vi',;, De. and receive and fill all oidera for . • lira conks, Eritiir Fish. Oyster; &c. a. which will be boned nt the Invent wbotes.ile New York, and forwarded to any of 'the abort Ind Depots. . IWew Stage Arrangement at Great fiend. , I Tnv: torn Daily tines of Stages from Great Ittin Montrose will hereafter leave 'he hadroad C. C. Smith lathe immediate vicinity of the Depot, Oa. lows: At 4A. :if. and 6P. ML, on the arrival ottbstk road trains from New York. mussing thmt:o lew 31ELO to 11.1Mitroge. whence a Dell liner runs In Clllll,tl therewith to Sprlivville Tianlhanneek anciDllkesista. another via. :if cholsoli, Faetoryvllle, Ableron Crstr, Providence and Hyde Park to Eerantania4Kthese ram being along the line of the lemtFta Gap iltillread.) turning..the stage leaves Serantonla at 4A M., ma t through the above places to Montrose, wheitee the ire leave in tine' to reach the Great Bend Deet befutik trains goina - F.ust. ' , Alf°, tk Daily line leaves Smith's Railway lintel nth arrival • f the noon train from the West for Carlete:: na. Sucamerevllle,liew Milford, Garrard, Lincritivet , o , daft. • • TIIIIESDEL I; Great Rend, Jan. 22.1551. Stt MISCELLANEOUS .ADVERTISFOri. 11311.410 - COPA . .. Dn.s. CRAIN, German Physician, inkes thimen. 0.1 or informing his friends and the pubic in race. that hu by located in the village, of Owego, Omani Tioga, unit has established a permanent office on Wert over Gulburt's store, and is ready to attend too, business in the line of hit profession. lilt superior method of arriving at a correct dims In disease, and .hit - tanparalelled success In trestintai various diseases Incidental to the human sytem,co especially those of an acute, subacute, throttle, or re placated character, are all thati is ner.essary feral's tea fur to the invalids and diseased of every char:Werner> tie him to the confidence of a dlecrimmating public. is the benefit of those unacquainted with his meta practice he would emy that he describes disease in { chemical end microscoplealexamination cram Ii rin Persons mss send or bring their trine in a ele2o least two ounce) vial, th.' first in the monaing prem!! and an a record is keptof all the cases examined& name and ago of the patient are also requlret le charge i. made for examining a case where no mefimi taken.' , Ilismedicines are principally selected from the Ton. bleliingdom, and are administered according to IN Ge man Botanic Practice. lie would also add, that he }tans at last made an L.,* ant discovery in relation totreating diseases of se:* taus origin - or Cravat. This is a singular may consislin crysta Inc grains, of a gritty blot h, but not distinctly visible upon a close alatainsticv,ait I may consist in Irregular shapcd.transparent CMCLTO•I sufficiently large to be readily distinguished by thst! and denominated calculi. - The preparation that ho has introduced Inv& dissolving and holding In solution, calculotts, Grit tious concretions. which Is the- FM:free - of Irritsticti very often extensive intimations of the Urinary oP thereby allowing the same to escape.. , References am be had at his °Med: •mperyarget In all the Western counties of the Stat cf lieall. V ennsylbouta,llllehigan, &e., ?be. had been. rea ,o l_, o die by the most skillful Phymians, hearing et ft" availng themselves of .his skill have been rota good health. The great German Untied) , for Yemao, strtctions, Worn-Es, Croup and Dyientery. may 1010 found at the 011 ice: k IL S. L. Owego, Jan. 22,1851, 41? A ETROMA Y-11IE Celebrated Di. C. W. Baia .flPrefessor of Astrology. Aitronotny,phienov ol, ~.Geonzancy, combined with CONJURATION„ Denim/ den, °Mae No. 11 - LOCUST Ptreet, rbiladephis, Ibis services to the citizens of Montrose. Ile butte consulted by all the crowned beads of Europe, ate joys a higher reputation as an Astrologer then El° living. Nativitles calculated aCcording to Geemzzlim Ladies $3,. Gentlemen $5. Persmns ,at a distarzetz have their nal irides drawn by sending the date tO day oftheir birth. All letters containing the aloft' will receive immediate attention, Ziativities sent o part of the world written • en duiable raper • sal 01 prepared to Makerise of hispower, by conjure - bet °z' of. the following topics:--Courtslupotdriee given tea anccessfulencemplisleuent of a wealthy maniage,ll i ' thipower to redeem - such as ore given to the nee is bottle; And for nil C2iCs of hazard, and for the wee ofatelen nr lost property, and the ptirchasing tf tickets. , • Tbowande of the abore named cases butio done in Cairn - 3r and Its vicinity. and in the VnitoliMi to the full satisfaction of nil. 10,00 bletivites oscripezhnve been'east during the 'last four here. Letters will answer every purpose, and well as to call in person, and the mall is now 54 re yens peed not fear to bruit money . thtengh Office. Dr. Debacle receives from 600 to 1000 kr"' monthly.and has never missed ciao. All lettetzel l , relielonslyattended to if pre.paid. Ent partitu 10 at the•Demonrat oMce midget tut Astrological Maw C. •. • 7i - tom:lst st. abjure Eighth, Ebillider., 'W'Bo particular. tti mention this Post. t tiMee. cwhi and State., 41017 r------- ---:--------'--- :, S5O IVo?tiroltrTo-gri-uT6Vdll:24,l,lrntlfZt),o ,-;'. under Marone, no matter how long standing or 0a.. 4 ;_ Strienn sax are invited to hisPrivateltoems, Si %,' o ,'+', SEVENTH at., Phila., without fear of interrstto' f other pationtS. Stratigna and, others who birchen! fortunate in the selection of a - physidan Iv ligna' call. Those who haveinjuredthetruelvertiri elitte are alsoinrited. • - •'..• ~ . .-. -7- . ' Itasn axe lisrbecr.—The attlted wonla de-4 reflect before. trusting their health , lutppincii , „...‘ many eases their lives, In the hands of physiblalu'' `e. rant of this class of 111111ildiell. It ls eettainly lat , for one meat° understand all the ills the humm„R: are subject to. ' Etttry.Tespeetable physician by culler branch, tn wbitaiehe Is• more successful 11°,. ; .: brother professors; CM to that be devotes on 6 - time and StclolYe Yuana ow Paac, exelusivelr dercited to tlet_ 4 _.; told treatmerit of diseases of th e seausl organs. 11 - ..,, with ulcers upon the body; throat. note, et legihlr, ' the head ,Or ,bones, mercurial rbeumatiml, ftri64 gravel, irregolaritlece , disease arlia'ng front yoathr , s _ cessea or impuritiesuf tbs. blood, whereby the e,.::, .than has becente enfeebled, enables IMT:cotter ol l ' . , SPEEDY ABLISF to all who may place thecasel! t. his care. - Pills, trig beit Temedyforililltoutiattarkiest r atittl kt exTieriuncel farliald by - C. 144txwi• Dr; Prril i ro% 17404TEt CITRANV i C P.P I 0 7 .144tlit /4 Mustrqd, LAtet raptc,lwin .1 ,„, . r tv ac 4 ter Atilt by • I' •• 3 .1.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers