a3ll' :41.1 E.VIIII 11187 to A _tidy Carried over Niagara._ Faits. NIAGARA FALES.; May 19, A h e y two years old, named Xames Me ow!, was c arried over the fails this mot- Ile was playing In a boardat Street's (gory, ea the Canada side, in company t' au elder brother :( their father saw mit t h e m, and c hided the elder ono, who sad when the Was precipitated daily jumped off, into thestreara. Ile soon got into the rap. id , and t t l e father hurried to rescue him hat in r ,m—tbe boy went over the Falls. Gre3-I,l`con4ePlation and horror prevailed col quarter, and this distrdssurg ihai in t has c aused such an excitement as sof ddoen n! a rises from such a Cause. Put few cos c f this kind have occurred at Niagara Arrival of the flanks Tbd American steamship Baltic !arrived; last evening from Livetiool, after a short ;age of ten days and seven hours. We bare dates from London to the fourteenth of nth. The nes is not very incr. no to mo a ; bat quite a panic has ealten place. ittl'iheleotton market, and there has been a sc rimi decline in prices Other staples r o unroind fair prices, and are not affected. The enthusiasm attending the great exhibi tion in London seems to have no abatement, but rather to increase from day to day. In rot, the whole attention of the people of Great Britain seems to be directed to this novel enterprise in behalf of thejndnstry of fbc l iorld, and of the tradesmen and resid tots of London. The political news from England and the continent is unimportant. A rumor had prevailed that King Ferdinand of the Two Sicilies, recently died * Suddenly of dropsy ; but the report has hot been confirmed. We find nothing new in the condition of France. The terkion of the constitution is still the great political topic.; but the advocates of that policy seem to gain but little ground. The new ministry of Portugal bas new the gaunt of,Salclanha at its bead, who ap pear.s.to have called only one of his former cnadjotors to his side. The Baron de— Francos, of the ministry of IS-I-S. and then of thelWar department, is now made Min ister of,the Navy. This new government, it is slid. has the elements of an early de cay it, and the probable successors are already named. It, should be understood that fhe Englieh have much profit front succei!sful intrigues with the government di Portugal. We -refer to our correspondence, and to -oar selections from European newspapers, !for a ‘ , .sriety of intelligence connected with 'fnreL i on nstinns and society.—N. Y. ler, aid Monday. Eptosion of the Echo Ncw-Ontatas, Wednesday, May 21. Accounts have just been received raf the trphision of the steamer Echo, at Bayou Sara, by which several persons were killed and wounded. The effect of the explosion was terrific. The venni. Pennywnrt was sunk a few IlaYs since in the Arkansas River. We liavenut ascertained whether any lives were dust. ! The President); Tour. • ALBANY, May 22. 'The President was handsomely received 3-stint-lay at Syracuse and Utica. Speeches , tvPre algae at both places. though the Pres ident., Lein~ very much fatigued : was nee essarly briefin his remarks. Along the irlialeiroute there was the utmost entbu4- :asm. Tery Late from licit -Orleans, Friday May 23—A.31. Dates fro the City of 'Mexico to May 3 have been received. Thee was great excitement about Tan antep4, in consequence of the bad treat ment which had been received by the Amer ican piFsengers p'er steamer Gold hunter. A treaty has been effected between the Cheraisma tribe of Indiana and the Mexi cans. • News from Washington: Saturday, May 2.4 th. The President and Secretary Graham ar rired here this morning in fine health. The Commissioners for review ing the Light House system are in session here and giving the subject a thorough examination. Harlow Case has been appointed by the President Collector at Sandusky, Ohio, vice John Youngs. Eight hundred thousand dollars of the 'Mexican awards remain unpaid, the most of which is enjoined. • The Treasury has paid $ 330,000 returned duties on Sugar. The • whole amount to be paid has not yet been ascertained. Pay ment ofreturned duties on Molasses will be made as soon as claims are reported on. WASERSGTOW, Sunday, May 25. - 'Noes. Sartiges, the French, Minister, ar rived here last night. A iiersonal enconter occurred between Messrs. bone and Dallas this morning at the National Hotel. Blows were freely in= terchanged by the parties until they were separated by their friends. It is reported that they left this morning for Bladensburg to settle the affair by a duel. Severe and Disastrous Storm. . , Mum' s, Pa., May 24th. A to l rrible hail storm occurred here yes terday; doing much damage to the crops apd fruit. The streams were also much swol len,, mill dams carried away, and windoWs and other property demolished. The stornh was the most severe that has ever visited us. • Destructive Vire at Philadelphia. PIIII.ADELPIIIA, Sunday, May 25. The large tbree-story stone steam flour ing mill, owned by the eiti, and situated be tween Market and Chesnut sty., next to the Schuylkill, was destroyed by fire, with all its contents, at 3 o'clock this morning. The loss is about $30,000, with insurance of onlys,'9oo. It was occupied bS John Freedly. rise frattylwellings and three' shops in Iliehmod tvera destroyed by fire at 2 o'clock this minting. Items by South Malt _ . BALTIMORE, Friday, May 23. s,Onthern Mail has arrived. Col- Aheraiirabie. Major RussPlL Lieitt. Lear ry, IMYo Orritveil of Now-Orledns from 13razos. - . Late Texas dates say that Lieut Crady had a fight with' the Indians, killing 9 and 1 prisoner, 'rho was subsequently - shot. The Indians were committing great de- predations near Goßad. - ` Col. Heide° was about to head an expe ditition to the Indian country to dumatni the stirrender of nll depredators: 3lnjaf Pratt has been killed by the Indians near san Patrice. Gov. Smith a prominent Texati, died near Los Am:6los lately*. Ile was. Gover nor under the Provisional Government. \ i, - \Cho crops *ti , Texas•liavelieon indeli:ln jured by rain .'. • . -• • . - Tfie cutter atiey arrived -zit Savann en Monday. • James o ltodgers, n sailor, was arrested in No‘•-Orleans for nautiny, on the ship Ken tacky, on Iter'passago ftotn . 13oSton. Diasvehusettm Electloti. • 1398T0N 1 Nonda3t, May 26... The election in the lid District has . : re; suited in the choice of .Hon, . Tent, Free Soil:. by .a piurality, of nbout 1,000 votes. From the lArtif Distriet, .31r Tnomtsort, Whig is chosen by a plurality not exceeding 150 votcs, few towns have been heard from in the VII th District indicating the election _of Ilenry•W. Bishop supported by-the coalition ' • BY TUE Potich.—N. R. Stim son and G. 0-..Thister - tditorS and.prOpiie . tors of the Erenin , . g were 'on Wednesday arrested by officers S. J. Smith and Elder; of the 'Lower Police 'Court, on complaint of Joseph Tr Gilbert,...Tr., one of the cditOrs of the Evening Post, residing at.No ctirtland- - st. who Charges the ac cused with having on the-19thinst..' . pub 7 lished tho Day-Book a wilful and miliC ioslibel on lila reputation. The libel in question is in a lengthy editorial article re lative to the 'difficulty hetWeen Mr. James Watson Webb of the Courier anti Enquir er:aUd N. P. Willis of the Home Journal. The bail under which the accused are hdfd to answer the charge is fixed at ,$5OO. SITOCKiNCI DRAWL nr HANCIINa.—We learn from the Canton Tireekl,y .Registir, that a little girl at school, near Macomb, in McDonough county, 111., came to a snden and most shocking death list week,, by her school mistress putting a handkerchief— around her neck and raising her from the floor until her neck was dislocated. Tho teacher had Accused the child of stealing a piece of money, and threatened to hang her if she did tibt confess the crime. The child persisted in itslnnocence, she proceeded to put her threat into execution, with.,the above mentioned result. SHOCKING ACCIDENT.---Oa Tuesday--= nightlast a youth in•the town of Freder icksburg, Va : , named Gideon Ilaxbab, was burned t--) death by the explosion of a bar rel of whiskey. the contents of which igni ted froth a candle in his hand. A Prtretons VILLAIN.—We take • from the Pittsburg Post the following account of the sentence of the two individuals named. In another article in ,the same paper, the editor says; "Duffey on his trip over to the penitentiary, sing the whole stay, while Johnson wept f' SENTENCED.—John . Duffey and Henry Johnson were yesterday brought into court to receive their sentences on the various charges,of crime of, which they have been convicted. John Duffey, whose real name. we believe, is Henry Cotton, and is about 19 years of age, - on being asked if be had anything to say, replied— " Nothing in particular_; if you pass Sen tence on me imtv it will not be the first tune it has been done." , He was then sentenced on two charges of hizhway robery—of robbing M'Knight and tiel her ; on the first ehargel he was sen tenced to G years in the penitentiary, and on second to 10 years. He_ had also been convicted on a charge of larceny. for which he was only fined 6.-.1 cents. During all this time Duffey appeared perfectly callous, I occasionally smiling. • After the sentence, the Jedge remarked that when the prisoner went over to the penitentiary it would be his policy to con= duet himself with propriety ; that he would find Major Beckham a most worthy and int manila gentleman, lint that no prisoner ever came into , his presence but feared him; that he could not be deterred in the perfor mance of his duty by the boldest villain, no matter how large he might be.' , .Duffey re plied— " Thank yen, sir . ; but him and me for it. I have seen several keepers in my time, but never met with oneyet that couldldo any thing with me."- The court then proceeded to pass sen tence on Henry 3:Anson, who gave signs of repentance—he wept bitterly The— court said'they sympathis.ed with him, and as be had acted throughout:asuman wbri scorned to tell a ha ; lealgtiilty , to the various charges when itc <kw] epperT tunity of inuitipl inghis thavicif Tor ,esmp% and—as there was yet a _hope - of reclaiming him, be would deal lighter with - him on that account. Duffey cried out— ". 0, I ought to take ' his sentence, I sup- pose." The prisoner was then sentenced; on a charge of arson in , setting ire to the board pile of Mr. Reeves, to the Penitentiary I for 6 years ; for the highway robbery of 19e her. S years, and for 3 larceny be was fined 61 cents. A charge of grand larceny, on which Duffey bad been convicted, had been over/ looked, and he was again - called upand sen tenced to 1 year„in th penitentiary. Duff ey said— • " Have you got any more; Judge;" and as they were going out of the room be said " that he had never seen a penitentiary yet that could keep him ; he had escaped from three." tAIOLEOA ON BOAR.D ; rn . 101113.;—Th0 steamer lotita; from - New' Orleans, .r.eached 1-the city yesterday- afternoon, havinglteen detained . sOme . Lours in rinarantine. We learn that shelves three 'days- on -her'-pas sage. and in the neighborhood of. Vicksburg, the ebole a broke out,.-and a irohired eabinM, 'boy Ben, a. valuable Servant. belonging to Cut: - *wart, and flentetta; tlideliao4rl maid ; owned -by' Mr:- 11.- . FinneY. fell vtetuui. to 4... The ladY - orthe Rev.. Dr.';Priin'e, a diitingnishid Presbyterian -- eler6man: - of of New firliirms, 'who was on. 'lds _way to ' 4 T4I -Assembly at this Pl4ges =MEI died after an illness oftwenty-four hours ; likeneii,Nr....MaUrieet Wright ; of Cumber land county, 111., 'Phase Irani the' only tal casbs. IThohody - of; Min. Primo was iro understand; landed at t heQuarantimi.— St. Liiitis .Unitm; May 15. - - To_ all -waom at may Concein. PHOComtnittee , dealring to take ` nplot of • tho .-1- - ..-Eini.s'll4.grorind all that base friends buried and no rave atones up tiro requested tuineet the Coniteittee'ou the ground otr r 'fitutsday afternoon of each'::ureelt during the . nitalth of Jane, common. cing ott: .Thuraday. Julie 4. Alsti'those that rould,filto lots tiro requested to cull on the Com tnittee.l • • -IL' R. LYONS. • - • - • A;BALDWIN. . - LINES. Iff niversaild 'rho i'emisylVania-State Convention of Uni vers:di:its will hold its annual session aalrook- Suk. county, on the first Wednesday and followin b er Thursday (4 and ti) of June next.-- Rev: Ni Stacy Was appointed to deliver the oe. ensiohal sertnon,!and Rev: 3: IL Campbell, al ternate:l All . fri4nds coming by the' N. Y. and Erie Rail Road, should atop at the Great Bend; from which place our friends will take : them to Brooklyn and baek, free of charge. A. B, GROSIL, Standing Clerk. Notice. The4.lectic botanic • Medico! Society will hold its annual meeting at the Court Himse in Montrose, Suite 10. - A general attendance is so licited.' Dr:Looniie will lecture upon the ;Wiwi. Das erects of Catem, ofi the human system. A.BRAHAH CHAMBERLIN, Sec. SiVadtreagni AXTatilo. - Mowraosc, 11137 22, 1851. Wheat, bosh. $l,OO a $1,12 I Salt, pr bbl. $1.70 Curs. .• Ido T. - 1. pr bush 1,05 Rye, " 00. 13. - teld Or pr 1,50 a 1,75 Oats, " ' 84 Gg Hay, pr ton, 5, 75 a 6,00 11ne1re0 - 35 a 40 Stimeeoalprton 500 a 5,50 Applo. green 20 ' .80 llutter,prU, 12u 14 •• dried 1,00 T.ar, 7 a 9 lleansjv bush 1, 06 a 1 , 12 . K rork,rpr hog - a Ineat fir pr bbl 5,73 a 6,001 Cldekens, pr '5 a 6 Turalto..pr lb 5 a S Geese faith " 40 a5O pro tkr 4oz 9 a 10 IPotatOespr bush - 80 a 62 10 a 12 Timothy seed" 4.00 a Maple ;..zugur 8 a 0 Clover " 7, 5 0 a limns raiolkell B,a 9 I }lax ' " I,oan to at'a STHITTO etIITTIVe .c. Ylour, lien hi $4,61 a $4,67 I Outs plbusb. - SS a :,0 Corn 31r51 3,00 a , Barley •do ..• 05 a 1.00 1 %Int bush . 1,00 a 1,12 I pima 5,06 dr p 5,00 a 5,30 Corn do 66 a 73 Led pr lb 7N a 772 Rye do Si a Butter do • 12a 16 cgaiTiEv On the 20th inst., in LaMar, Clinton Co.,_Pa, by the Rev, Mr. Carrier, Mr.'Wta. D. Tnow- BRIDGE, of • Great Bend, this County, and Miss, Fusticis A. .FUEST, of the former place: • . .?fay i 24 at Wm. K.liatch's Hotel by 11.0% 0. Warren, lifr..Tosrxt STEriENS of Nich olson and MSS ESlELlNt'Cui.vnr. of Spring ville.: On the '2sth inst., by the Rev. J. B. 3feCreary, Mr. 4ZEL CARPENTER, of Vilityne Co., N.Y., to Mrs. ES ELINE CrIANDLER,Of Lenox, Susq. Co., I'a. May 2*.by Rev. IL A. Riley,iAmos N. Cox. ran of Auburn and Miss LynucE.Wunun, of Diinock. • 11T1( E.`6,ztotnortrzetilito. GROG: a ;; STORE, Corner of Court and WashingtOn sta MITE Stibscriher takes pleasure in announcing. to the I public, that in censer:tem . ° of the liberal patronage bestowed span this establishment the part year, -he has determined permanently to continue:the business in Bing hamton. The stock comprises erery style end quality or tlir..ekery in Re:meal use, far Table and Toilet Ware, Ira &Wilt be sold /u Aitaar by tho single Article. -.Also, a variety of CHLNA TEA SETTS, DINNER WARE, and Panty articles, such as Pinit Baskets, Card stands, 0,161;11036We.; 'Vases, 4"e,, together with a large stock of Gi..at:N.lLtlie. consisting of mat— pre,sed and plain Tumblers, Goblets, Ulnas, Decantcr, Fruit Bowls, Dishes. Napalm, Pitchers, Candlesticks, Lamps, Specie Jars, Tinetureliottles, Lamp Globes and Chhuneys of all d.e. Also constantly on hand, an asecrunent of Spirit, Lard, Solar, and Camphene Lamps, Girnm. doles, and IlailLanterns- Alas s large lot of _ LOOKING-GLASSES, Window natio, Tea Traya, Vaatere, Vidde 314tts; pla ted. German rilly - er and Brittainzfit Table and tea wymna, Taiga enttleryi&c.; aft of which !pin be Mid very low fir Catah. Vilth increawd racilltlea . rer busineas, and wire taitttng attentinn t 0 tLd saws of hia cnatnmera, the tun. dersigned hopes to merit the continued patronage of the ebnlinunity: . OWERACRE, Iment .:llingbarnton, Alay'rith.lßsl. • 23 nrn - drif July , - 18 bl. a L .RRANGEM ENDS will be made for the en .A;-..ll..tertainment, (ott the 4th of July next.) of a 'Lira° company at Grow & Brothers_neW, . Hotel. iti Millardsville, Suscfn. Co. Tiekets of invite.. tiOn wilt not be issued. We take this manor of extending a general invitation. = The Balt !teem will be under the direction of Alr.Bingfiam. Teacher of . Dancing: with a fine hand of Music. • - GROW 4. :BR O'S .. Proprietors May .651.-22tri N THE R ARRIVAL4A:EIirGOODS T J. WEBB desires to.otilitbsi attention of 11• purchasers to his slack xt NEW GOODS. jw.t !Ana received.. They have been. selected with particular reference to the wants end tastes of hie customers, whom he le giver most happy to serve and please. Call mil examine for yourselves. Montrose. May 2.9, '5l: 2 •.. 10000 o L r ß lo B. e . Seban%Tr n -G" d loth a s t a : c :1 1 1 t ; Goods, with some cosh „Mizell in by 3lontrose, Moy29, 'St.:. M.-C. TYLER. - litusweilts Mineral Paint. ASVFlllttOlt artleig for painting oia brick, stone or tin. proof against Fire; Water and Weather, and tmcbaterrahle in its color.' It - mixes readily with oil or coropodtion,ana is a beautiful dark brown or Free Stone • color: • _ Faintretrea the premium at the, New York tate - Fait, in 16t?0 in eompeticlun with the Ohio Fireproof .alut, and several other kends or Mineral paint. as being .Uperior to a...y thing of the kiva now in nee •- For sale by Itia-trose :Vey - V 1851. ' ABEL TURAELL. Auditor's NOtice. TOE ttudersitmed 'an Auditor appointed IT the :IL Orphan's Court to distribute the assets remain. lug', in the.handi of John 'T. Sherer, Administra tor;of the estate of James Rlicrer, deed., will at. tend to that duty at the °Ride of Charles Avery', Earl.. on Friday, the twenty-sixth ditref June, at 2 o clock P;M., at which time and place all per sons interested may attend if they choose. J. C. MILLER, Auditor. Ilifintrose, May es, '.SL 2.2 4w I_ , g - ' - Estray AIIIE into thermclosure of the subscriber, on ILI or abopt the first.of 'May, inst., a red yearling Heifer, hind legs white up to the knee joint; white o the right aide in the flank, and marked on the c r. The owner will please -prove property, pay e amen and take her away. - J. GRAHAM. Bridaewater. , May 27,051. - 22 3w I ' , AIO'I I ICE II s hereby given to the Stack' holders in the 11-Montrose and Ilarford Plank Road Company, that an additional instalment of hive Dollars on each share of Stock enbacribed will be =finned on the Isth day, of Jane next: . . . • ;J. 11. SALISBURY, Tr. AI °rarer*, !Ifni 28, - 1851. ''inoeric;r7iii;ieiiinu l dnir 4 t, „„r.,fig.,,un,L,un,„4,,e, • jr 27; 1851.... new snpriy,of.Ladios and - Childrrn's Phoes—nliv) A hiegfaCuarpro Brogans, tleapelit lu tow!. tor rash at 'Stay W.-- • • , TWIRELL'ii* TILTS? rer.rtred a - fresit supply of Drugs,Muliciues.Puirus J 1 014.• Yana ciao, Tin Ware b.e. , May ' . - ' TURGELf,'S. saidef, for:roldio; iThiria 7 ,4ltwo, kJ -raftbon: 31z.u.ble. Pearls; "Ivory; Ortutineuts,"&e.—. -the Left A.hiug. for that. use erPriuYeati.kl—uutlaug the Article mrtoje t t As itimt us before toukeil , -1 1 / 1 4/ without jujnrir l 0 iaoke. Prl ea 25 cIe:TA..T Zar.:l o . . 'For f•ale by.. , A. Turner & Comßaars COMBINED , AfANAGERIE'AND ,, CIROtS .•-.. VILL 'over the Ihirniikh or lifentrafte, an Wednea.. V V day, June 11th. beetled by tlie_Ncsv York Blass . The atilmele nee thexci - .vrhich.rareezabitcd thr.ingle. ought the pri nci pal cl tic% of Enrepc by:qr. Yen rgh.- The pettbrinlmr Elephant Abdallab excites the wonder mid %tin ASO or every itidiithluel.'whO 11.1 s seen: MA pl most incredible Peitermancce. ' - The Eql/eStrian Trona° it? irithout its .saperbir In the . i knew) world, musing whieltis that Celebrated Six llonle Rider, N. It. Turtles; and that Clean of_all Clowns. J. Myers. Will exhibit at Montrose, on Wedues:ay that; tli 1 day 4)f J une.1851.- .. lloora npen at lg and 0 34. -- Performance!' commeneesl at 2 and P.M. Adullsslott 21 cts. Children under 0 years, half price. 22 21 . Medical Notice. MACE, M. D., recently from Philade!. J• phia,and a regular graduateof the Phila delphia College of :Medicine, respeetfulty . offer's his professional services to the inhabitants of Jack son and vicinity. (Mice: In the ,house formerly occupied by Dr. Whitney wherein, may be found unless professionally engaged: J. M. IILICK, M.D. Jaeln , an, 21Tay 20; P5l. —2.1a,2* TMITE etibteriliers would Inform their trim& alld,Cll4- 1 tomeue, that notwithstanding their severe lota by the late tire, they have obtained the- building recently occupied by dleoer.;. Lathrnp, nearly. opposite Searle F hotel. wiore they ore receiving n freeh supply of goods from New Verb', which together with their old clock sav ed irom the fire. give them quiti, •a general interment which they hope to be enabled Id- keergood. Necessity will compel them to sell mostly for ready pay. Also they mutt Noy to their customers that ere Indebted either to B. Sayre or 3.11. Sayre er Co., that protort nod inurtedi. ate settlement toast be mode of their a ccounts, notes is no this is the onirtnermi they - have to keep up their bits iness—‘. a friend in need. is n friend indOtd." The stove end Tin hraneh of their business, will Le carried on by B. Sayre & A. 1.. Webster, under the littu • of Sayto Webster. shop little below the brick house, MontrOse, May 22, 1551. S. 11. SAYRE JWINSTON & VERY have just. received a largo and well assorted stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, (ICON, ery, Hardware. Iron, Nails. Looking. Glasses, Boots...and Shoes. Ready blade Clothing, •Drugs, Medicine, Paints, Oils, Silver {rare,„leivelry, Clocks. Trunks. •lilats, Caps had Bonnets , ike.,which they are offering at the . follow ing very low prices, viz : Nails f,13.00 per Keg. Dice 5 ets. ler BLOB lbs. Sugarfar $l,OO, 'Thick Boots $1,75, Ervtich and English Broad Clod., front 158 to 2ns per yard, Can Is, Snlertitus 0.1 per lb., Lawn firm .av yard. Leaking Gins.** freer Is to $B.OO, Shawls from $l.OO t o $7,00. Our goals having been selected with - 'particular nix:lply, quality and style; we flatter ourselvor that lie ran please all who wayfarer us with a rail. and as for prices we are determined not tolie undersold by any in this market for cash or approved reedit. WANTED-1000 pound', Wont. '..t2.10 pair, nil wool seeks for which wavvill pay 25 ets. per pair, mid any quantity of Butter. Eggs and ” Phinde." gensrally. Garford, blay 12,1851. Lthrnries of ro volutocs for $. , 2,5t). do • ,75 svo Hymn Books Testaments &r. for sec by • : J. LynNia Fn• TRH American 'wryer and every trm's Form hook, a. very valuable work, containing. the. Law: and a Map sr each gate In the Union, tha correct me•hod of Book keepingand many vatuable tables .te. for wile by LYONS & SON. S ----- UOAlt. 1016 s for onodollar cash. to be hnd of Mar LYONS & SUN NAILS te ll ing nt only four dollars per keg for en sh by Lyons ZY. SON. DR. LATilitOP & Co. want. 20,000 111$. or wool. So pap it along., BoN wi Erni, lots of ftibkoms Lea.l. Linned and Lamp olla m , Mackerel, Iron and Nang at M. C. TYLER°. J.AMT,'S BROOKS, Physiciau l tutd Suraeon, nud dealer in Drugs, Medicines. Paints Oils, rlyea, &c. Corner of Church an Pine streets, opposite Col. F. Lush's, Great Bend: Pa. Medical Nonce. TACT.tuAYRE takes-this method to inform his numerous friends that he has succeeded in obtaining!the assistance of Dr. T. J. Wheaton, a well read Electie Physician to assist him in' his profession, and consequently he will no longer be under the paitiful necessity of sending so many of his-customers away to seek poisons fur their coal. adies. lla hopes.those owing him on old accounts will see the necessity of helpog him while now ho is unable to practice. Montrose. May 185 1.-2 Tw.G. . - • . Administrator's Sauce. LETTERS of Administration of the estate of Mary- W. Phinny tate of the Dom' of Dundaff, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to .2_ll indebted to the estate to call and settle - the tome svithout.delay. it -la I 1 persons haring demands against the estate' will please present them duly uttertect for Pettlemetit. PIIINNY, Adar. 151:vadat:I, May 9, 1851.-21 T HEinbgeriber is new reedy di AO% .r. -.0.- - Mg his spring stork of Goods. - .. consisting in part of bold and sit . - --- -, -- , ,..111 rer Englieh Lever {Catches, Gold I,p ° _ , i 4.; : i L y ( e . g F o a o l f. n l 0 4 y d s e , Silver ' 4: l L: g a i i k n A e e t p n il p e u:;,: : o t r . to 9 d e l o r t tic' ryG g warranted . o o l i variety a c ' ' r l ....- Ja•ro- breast pins, finger rings. ill 1 „. Inge, ) ) , ....... band, stone and box bracelets.cuff prns,-gold fob, guard and vest chains, gold 'tickets, of all sires, single awl double, gold Cud-silver spectacles, gold and - silver thimbles, peas, morels; watch keys, hell hb,d(e and slides,sliver plated ware. brittania ware, clocks. cht lr,y, Panty gomls, shell and buffalo cernabs, etc. Also - a large nesortment of.tilter spoons, forks, etU., 'warranted as good as cuin, (engraved gratis.) ()Wing ter the ineresso of the subscriber's business, no is enabled to ccl! . any ar ticle nIIII4IIEIO at a very -small advance from )lanufactur. ere and Importers' prises. thereby affording superior in ducements to tho , c wishing • to, purchase,la the variety cheapness and qualit y of his Goods, Watehegand time [Ace.< or everydeicription rpaired abactari-auted at- the thortert rmtiee end in the best manner. _ Di trglza ittto zs, Al ry 12, 'LI • , • : He G - DlELlNTirtAlnis ' Gin,ghamE, salaam' Cloths ; Ca? thaero CarpoA, Cheap at I.Y. & CIIAIVDGEItc. uot.TfitiO, N. 0. Itavanna. rou:d&T,l;iii 3 7l XX Coffer, Sugar, Teas, Snap Yeagt, POMICrft, Lt.llloll bSill p, Sporn and Tallow Can d ra. vamp Oil,-Gla Java and Rio Coffer, Pork. Mackerel, t etc-. cheap at ' Montrose, May, 7551. 1:V0:19 & OITANDLtit. WAILS, to 49 Penny Floor ean.l Finigblng hula Montrone, May 13. Lycts4&....etustuß6. •• • Lyons & son • • . REgPECTFULiY inform their friends and the pub% that they are]now openity , a handsome assortment of Dry Goods,'Croekery, IlLapare Groceries, Fish, Nails, pintails etc.,,trhicil they offer at their usual low pries. ; May la. _ . Stray - Hog the eistmeriber. s soinetime C AME [atoll° Inolocaro Of la April last, a aural/. rcd hog. The ofratlO i, regocotA o 1 to prove property, pay Cliargea 81.14 take it away • I. 4 priogyineMay TIIOB. - QTRAYtI) (run' the eutTeribi'r en Weibieidny, May 7, 1861, a re 4 cow , lull' durbana Inorn, 7 nr.S year. IYhocrer will return kal.l cow dr gile• information ullerfrelte luny to fund. shall 1.3 Ilberany:iewar46l. • Mont rate, May ltia-20eti. ; L StAnt:- . (lOW Peu and extension holders of ull. sizep VA aud - best - qualitiei for sale by . . - _ W'rttoWintlDOE.' / lAlt VET Ittmet,, tfurbreOix, Brooms I.,touv-wafe,' bafs ,SuPb..Putty.,Tott ware etc., by 11.6:T1.Er tk. READ. • 01110 t gelleta fialLortisuiut: of Atietsgoiu. ose0 1 & . , - I;AKJ"Sc EATON;4, LI 1. AT . CIIL rti PJAJ %VS j uht, reuen vett .i . " -- bricsr wit, by. . . • . 4 , r.Aliri & EATON. A•NoT.no: large int oftlie Bay :tale A.; Weis, xtut re cti v.eclat so, 310 , / Aluitt IVA 4nd 1...; Mto teiitSlWr yera. Aff:STLf.SC A • NE IV. ADVE; IL PIS E Ttl E NTS 'Notice. Goods bought for Cash. SUNDAY SCHOOL LOOKS ; Watches, Jewelry, &c. ACADEMICAL. ItIONTROSEi-PA: min:Trustees rt+aptttittili teditaiho rattle that afro Thini Tenn of the .tend tmle ye.srpf this Institatien 'till ennuarrace 0. , Tuei dny , ApriV,29th, With the' folledr. tog . ittiA D .1241 . 111101101 , ... .Prof. • • I'ittsvicA4. , . Abet .Wary J. Crawford,Prereptreis.•, • Tdr..L. Lorenzo Lynne. A. H., and lrfil en', Assistant Teachers In the: Aeudendi.and Classical MIOO Carelbirr Ditinutn;Enperintindent of tLe Pitata; , . . ry Department. .- • _ .• !Ulm Emily iliaeltinnil Teacher of stnele. (luitalt it. Iralter There nip tin re- acadonale . tVrtns the year. The first commenting nn the 1 t.,kikki, vof Sell.,or r A c'etiket The tirl on the 'it bday 0f.101111111'14 weeks, and thethird on Me ?Jib day. or /pi . (tft weekr- - - • - ' .Tli..re are; thus, vac:l6one in the Winter and stdinif Ot twalreelm each utubUttr or live weeks in the summer:, • PRICES OF TUITION. • , The studies nf the Prliaarypeparttn eat. 7,50 pyr year The flonnuntrileantirt4 of theAradernical - --- --- litepartrnerit, embroeine ilendiug,Npell- • tag, Arithinetir; Geography. • tunt Grammar, ' . 13,00, The tligheto.hiattehri; oT Eha litsulimte ' ' • - department, •, - ;„-- .18,00 " The studies of thr(tlAgir)i)Depritinent, Latin, .Greek an, French: With thor, oftheAeadentleal Depart creut,in whole. or part —. • ; • , ;11.00 'it " .. si with uSe of riano, ; 30,00 Drawing:lnd Painting, • ' 3A.A9 " 0 , 1'111211 , - - 13.00. • 4s. 1;.-the ile‘eirennd purro)Ra "e,.r.the Trtlxi°oA Lr apmnrinte disciplino..LY the course of et ndy purenrrd. by the thorourernees of the inetrireCOn lin pa rtv.l arid id th facilities furnished, to eecure for thil! A r4.41..my 0 bib etanding_nruong the Literary institutlona of the hind b. otar land. „ •,. N.ll. Pupils from nbrodd.wishlnir to tditnin board 6.1,3 receive direction to Mares byapplying to Alfred llniderni or W.ut.J: Mulford, coultnitter. - '" • ' Iton. 'Wni.JE.ctleV,President. , .dfutan - Montrose, Aprit 15,1830. r•• :Live: and let Live, • AT"PHE CHEM! READY PAY STORE. l'Ar D. Tnowisitruaß; i 0,,,v - receivio 7 new, and well selected ILQIINIMPIII of Dry tloodseGroceries, etc., which 1:6 efibis at lower ,prices from selliac on the credit rrystem. jog lasiness on the .ready pay system he is Mile to do justice to hitiivelf and his worthy patrops.tlat - Gerd it to their interest to :purchtige where 'they can do the last. I re would here make manifest his crateful feelings for the liberal internale.' re. ceived heretofore, and, reciprocate the. favor by ofi t .rov a morn extensive and desirable stock of Goods which may prove to the interest or those that look tint for No 1. • A Kixpenco saved is worth two earned.' Ilia .tnef; convlrt. , - 13 ntrt of :Staple rind Fni,ry Dry Gootiii, viz: Chin...mins, prinie, rlinwts, Cam bricks. ranialinge. Oaths, Vantiuga;rlibouri, qols and Uiihrellutz. Gandsums.--=Suattr, moluaars. tens, (a prime article creO selected Black and Gram: T....) Can dles. Popper. •Spice, Rice., Soda and Sttlaratits. (do,) Saatr, ,Tollacco_, Snuff. Cgars, Dyu-StufTs. Candy. Oi!ts, rtud Perfumery. HATR, CAN, & STRAW GQQDS —Kip mut Calf Rome, (of hood tonlity. n onrssiecuon of untlGtaitsrs Genie and Boys Stmes, CJlil &ens Shmls,and Slippsrs, Clocks Wutellos, Gold Rinzs. PIMP and CIuAT Stationni - y. nud Yitakve Notions, ynn cant lit n miss. Great Brad Apr,29tl( 1851. New o - ds• _ 1-11. i YOpiI&I,I c TTI r . i E:S stook of N sing n T e t cv Grind: nuad. of Dry Goods. Groceries, llardwore, :goer Pine Zinc: Nails, Glass, Sash Woialiai Wore Drugs nod Medicines, Paints, Oils, Fish, Flour and Salt. ; Also a first rato lot end gts:4 -ossortment of Ready Moqn Clothing, of almost all descriptions. Boots and Shoes, flts, Caps mei Bonnets and almost everything, usually found in u country Store. Our Cmtms must he sold, and shell be. at th. very lowest possible prices. Our friends ore invi ted to cull and look at ourstock. • Produce of most oil Mods, wanted hi exohange tor goods by the subscribers, - HAYDEN &-LITTLE. Now-Milford./Ilay Ist 1851. 'TIME subscriber tvould inform the public that h e re now e lutin g 111) in the old store of S. S. Mulford. welt of his stock of gOOthi he was enabled to sztce from the late destrnetine fire, where he will I 11 YCOMI:VG •Urninty 'lwo/folic- Company-- be , happy 'to wait on his Mends and customers. , 1.4 The invirrsi g ,frti agent for this *ell known -His stock of Clothing was principally waved t end long vsiablisited institution respectfully informs without material damage. A portion of his Hats , the pubtic that he trill r-verve applicatimrs for in :unbent's. A tolerable assortment of Mots and I summer atotitist kiss or dionaDe• by fire JoHnildingiki Sham as also, Rooks and Stationary, ik.c., If,. in- ' Goods; Furniture, &c. ..- B. it. LYONS, Agent. tends 'flaking his assortment complete in the dif. ! Mout•os... Apr. 4 .1,'51.• • -.--- ....-;.; tf " ' ferent branches of his business as Soon Its CifejW- i stauees• will permit ; and Mt takes this occttWli ; Tai/Oring• to tender his acknowledgetnents to those through I TOUN GROVES, the 'iviiit know% Tsilfir has whose kind aid so touch was saved which must '. l - 7 ngsin n"n 1 " his aill'''nrn"" in M"iltr"" to op. / 1 otherwise have been lost. , emte itt the above named business at thu old Auld t Tho,o indebted to the.entriteriher most-not s „ :directly , over Lathrop E r Dry, Goods store. trod the necessity he is under of making. imm e diate ; Would Offaitt-trittler his pertines to the publlC, and collections. uud lie indulges the hope that they will , elicits their patronage. - step promptly forward to dischnrgc such Hulk'', ; Making and cutting done in the most, approved nese; . GEO. VULLEIL l style of the age, and done on the shortest, as Montrose, May?, 18.1i1. " • - ' &nal •re ' . " Montrose, F.l). le, :ii: - . More Good Nests.- • ..,. Soy t 9 the World. Daguerreotype itooms. • - ZAKE & PATON, having adopted the Ready Pay ayo. i (Odd Feliving Hull, corner of Turnpike: and ton, which hay derided advantages overall others, . Chestnut area's.) , .- ... . both to buyers and tellers tin now otter to the Public , I..IIIAY'IN 0 Just return lir the city with e t, s o their their new extensive and cheap roPortmont, of Spring . triton plates , of •e : I Lndrala etc.; th li o n. tender= 'i. Goods, width have h ' een selected with great rata as toes{ - ' -, • an u re,x assured Mak hang. give satislac ion to* till beauty of style and durability of arlicle. Obi ',tack a who awl 3.' carreNn edition.". Aniong my new watiettot DRY GOODS ,of caeinc'may Ike found jenny Lind. Papier Maehe. and embraces upbeat variety of every description, Loewe yds. 1 Paury book vote& Please calf and e.xandr i e a p e ci nwn Prints froni 4c to Is per yd.; 1,340 yds heavy sheeting. , Pictures; ninon,- - Which Is u Crayini Dagtt-rrotwo taken Lawns Ispe 0! Alaparasl.s do; a great varietymerinoes, rota (toot's rut ehrotod - Dagnerreetype ofdenny l ind. eloths,silk veiiings. and a great variety of Ladies duets 1 Yours Aitisiteally, W.ll. LI.BANO. Goods. Also a large stork of , Afrttrose. don. 1h.1551. . .. r- .. ' • ' __ and. Split . " BONNETS.' ' 1 from 3,s to 20s. Ribbons ls tells Pr yd. .Alsa Grriceries, Crockery. 1100t , 4 and shoes of every description. Bert '. N eXcellent bhaved Shingles : article.. (warranted) kept tienstontly. .• priers paid for ill kinds of produce. - • . llt band and for %stet-14d at the shop of tile subscriber. Ilarfenl,May 7,1 , 551. .. . 344 miles - North nt lidltrose. en the Chewing° turnpike Administrator's Sale. ... ... .. -. Ikl - OTICI: is brrhy ..kiveu that in puranance of an order J. of the tirpliana Court of the County of linalurhanna there will he exposed to sale by public vendue, In the ton - m.lllp dr Great Ilend. two following described pie. een or part:cis of land kirdlite• In the sold tewtothip Great Urointy aforesaid: The trFthodnded es fel lowk to wit t beginning at ajaaple on the bank of the 811.inch:twin river, thenee neith hale degree , weld one hundred hird Fixty-eix perrhea a pont, theme north eighly-nlnv and a ittlf degrees entt one hundred arid perches. to a } t ext, thence aouth 1;110 half degreo t, pm. hundred and sixty lo.rehes toe beech on the bank of the su•ruelianna river, thew,: down roil none bank to the' piece of- beginning., eentaining one hund re d ' , li d cereis be the co Mc were or leki, belie s in•rtiy ininenred s andharing a ge,Od drreillog lionse t mom. out frdit tree,: ore thereon, Th.:l'l'l.lla. 1/00.11110111 till the north by land+ oil'. iitorontan, on the 'east by landri "of ttilitmu Arinpt rout and on the youth and we.t •by hind. nr der, tidal. linker, c.intaining flay acre, or 1.111, 1 1 1 ,11/01/itl: O to be lucid upon the prenitses the first , del erthed were on :Saturday the ith day nf tine, at I o'cloelt Nl.Te•ltel to Le thole htIONVII ouility of rate. 'nay 6.15''51 Washinltoti st New Gold Placer ! _Tremendous Exeltement Head of Napigation again ierined If ! t S mentioned last Wee gontla are still lA.rolliog in, and the'subsaliher would inform his ,cnannner 3, and the public . that ,he has made, nr. ringementi te;have goods from the city, stOvrtia and us his pnichasetruro mostly for eariqlici ixd,-- terininecl not to hu undersold ~ o r outdone'; by; any WM: or Lorin aroaakeepers this side of Sacramen to tactrwl;and with thanks for past favors, would,tanbtrespeetrally. invite one-and ull who buy for cash, ni well Mr those wink pajtkittsonably ort_tinte;to guru hint a - chance to suit please them. TYLE:/t. , 11/ouolige, ';.- - • Great Attractions, - . • • H a iuin c ro• le ,now . Itis gvuer.il supply oj • 06'040V -0 211m •Przu"; brad°, whlcte befunivi UP. usua)ly exteuriya and garticularly in iow, pri- CeS. tirld kilithof 1.11.11e6 Des! do WO% sununei p havlls and rallpt ti I:IN . Wit 1.1 a general iissurtmeniorftapin vw,, „w e b, will I,,,#ntil the 12104,f1a*Orabla 'New 'tray isra. • - tetws, titaiAtte.Fi 'Jung ,it Otareta,S.sp, re Mort juall °retied mid goia c heap. g , • Lyo s ; SON at " -'-- I; • ' , • and Puck lYilpßt Flt t aTr flor.1:111u(!u. 1?1.:;1%. , 11. t+ t onftt ItaLsllis ; ulau Or4µr,k &c. iL .just - , • ItISCEIILANEE tl,t~~ JiKSTATIIAN TAYLOR, Adiu'r SCELLANEOM ADVERT'S _ Farms for b 4. THL.:Pliter.:;:6l4lll'irtutt as 1 gent for i t i tist l l Tal6 ocm 1 Ica 1 1 , Sttstothantla codity, l'o. All.ho what to °Bel thelt property for sale can give atoll:tut! deserlpildu of their , Yarintror lAits alfollows : Noehbee of ;sere*, how Manyhaproted, and how watertd; geopilm o t; g re he g .k grafted or eOlAtnon frolt; other fridt trerti, and *bode tretw; htni , tat from Montrose and that MsarestaoltitAa , A Card, sdeant on the Now 'York , i!egriti BoUrhad.r pries and i -.terms of pay:Moat. I. ET „,,,, . , . , ... ...,' Estate,trill t 1, ..0ve prompt attention by calling , on or • i l la , . lllloo o l oerP . rilIV. thin orportatid3l or eiltNet addressing most Blootrose,Seisquehanna co unty, Pa. (tering their saucers thanks to their ctiatOrtarldt te.reolarcfant•efrom Mont:pile to I,lo l l rendliSfred o zenerally, 001 only for the verjb litiond patrarnage/ °nice olt"rorntaa Street, ddooto West of Montle* w twidoe , upon them n d It th" Puri N.Yrdtwdote , corner.l I also for tha tees of !hair plympatp....„ a t a g lliefollouldg I : armee:4l44s lenity offered far ta10: b eg t edt . o to p ay th e y b a p acamisera d ' b aits ,. No. 1,4 U ado,. 11' Itipmeed,liteaui llcrifssaild Baru. No 2,10) do '3O do , 1 do do ( 1844 ,or • N 0.41,100, de, 00 ...• 1 do d e , a; do' do srith is determination to ketp 5 eigiorgagpatigl a or, •No. 11, so , do ate CIO 1 4 0 i sp ourucent of • good 0001318,1thicb will toYeadOciat N 0.7, Moto., Wsrblinnsoand'Ut• _,, as favorable terms for Csh,. PattneAso oporthrrdi Nn• l3 ` 141 nrr " °7sl ° ll)r°f°4 ' rtnu".4l34ll° and 14r13 ' credit, its gun tar 601104:it. etty oft 06466114 A-• so. 9. 5:4‘ ito 35 .do do do de - • ^ - . ,„'11:8 19,2 do al 4do do do do Mead thitr lido of tha 011 Y. N., Tl', , do do and Lot DEIVTLEY tj , liralio. ~ ....12 int) neres,o Inaproeed -homed houso unit harm m Antrom. J o. 8. i t gi o 3. 1 .1i. 11 0 do IN.O co do do do - 7, , --- 7 . 10 . 14. ow d, , 50 d o , •do - der do new Arai el . N,,..11. Ins du SO do & de, Mr t .... 1 1 1, LS No. 17.11.10 do' 75 if,/' do do „fo prirAPT yet, Rica 5 eta. for pound, •Se a _ No 1 1 1 112 do SO dff do do Ot) 1U CC. Saleratna 7 'cts.,,, Candles ittir cur., L uz ' No• 1%1100 do 1 50 do - dr , d° d° • 1 1 41 sins 19. b con% for ctuith juat opened atict TO . NO. '2 .145 do 1110 do do do dr. , ~,,.. h .. _ ' . Litic)ris & SON, N 0.01.100 dr, 1201 •do do " d° I --,...7,-.2L. N 0.02.0 lai do 45 do • do do do i leo 21 41 do 10 do •fo do 11 ° I New ♦tatablishment No 11 - 4.2 r 2 do :Ida de do do, " 1 T N••. V 1 121 do too do d" ', l " , 11/1 secret of sweeessbe bud oe .., ppoiiierp In A errs ho, 21.. Po to 14n do 11^ u° I measure. to keeping the pulll is apprised of Othe's glestsw• 5, , , 20 1 t semi. go. it 1.4 w 111.111 1.101 dw o /": _ ... / tic , eluded the Mad af moos anOwaresli e limo* Cow • • N . WI , . 111,...r, ti 3 0 ,1 improved, rrsmo Lou.* tarn swauently. the mid, rellrue u begs bouety to state, No 31 .1 .175 do 1,10 " " 7 th &ring Cued up a recta' ?warty appotlt.- leilla .0 N o 31,181 do 05 " " " . tlins,itraold stand, wad pue.based a choice 41.104,2100*$ 911 No. 31.101 , do 135 0 " . 1 . 1 ° um do 6n —.— - I eavi>galliitlititiry - No. 34 140 do 100 " " " " I. o. :11, l'in 50 . , I . " In Y aw Volt fordosolvointolstlieg of tea, on o? , mu t ,. 1 , 0. ,,,,,. 3 ,,,, d „ Iv; .. 0 it . ses,Oorfee, TolmecoAemaklng abd chewing, 1 11cs,1 1 tpt or is. 17. 190 do 140 . ey .• ... 1514 , ”, 14 tarch,Clorpl&leroturt.pingtt ti.rittraget tient w N o .33 120 d o NY. ," " " it. 1 Pipes. 9uutS,Soap, ClMes. Codfish. I,lo4lleTe,sllthr N0.2-I 171 ,ii, on do do ;to dc, itaNttio,uround Bock Saltin sacks for Dairy apd Idiot ...,4.1 to b ,) 11 do de do ,10 ' 0.0 Also, *Warfel) of BOtanle Medicines, each rut t'or, ... .., , 0 .42 2' do 11,5 d o di. du 1 do I - lowillot., at, Invaluabl e remedy for eolde; No. o tiro v., 41 ':+ do ,• 4.1.1 do do do i Drop., Igo t'herry Metric. !Mod Wart. Cough Mitred ~ .1 , 4 1 It 1 .1, 0 , 14 , do .10 .I'. Noll( VoiteLlg Cordial, Ground Sli p pery . Slu t St. kr., Al t• `.„l :m.0.:. ,1, fin prot,d, risme log o o dud Nom t otw',lch ape oth rod to illepoblio +it es ft teanatite•pito?, c 54 ',a.. 5001 or roady pay, either 11, cash, Orsitt, Butter, ( I te. No. 47 2041 do duil7o.lo At , di , , ),,t,t , ..4.4., .GI ran be obtained decal., re • Als.l.l,avtpn A. it -1 , . • roil; id. • %ring* to I,..reltioe 4.11v,et tho alms e p it „ ito l „.. _ .. 1 , ,.., g.. lop ch. numb, i. an obtain a fiVideseription . mon t rose, net 10.105 v. , 1 ..51.11t11.141 D AL+ NEB II SLP tt IN -------- --- .. Nos' Goods. • , *itro.... 1 ' 1.. 0 etober. IVA --I iti , - N- -- - r ---"'-- - --- - --` i At the head fir NariNizinn-for mart laYels. - et:r and popular zehool book,' A Lt. kinds of goodoisuany kept la it country mine', C OMortritii‘itre , 5U3131 All t' oru %It Eit.la 1, ISt. 1. ", t, . V,gll63,l',"„4.l7;esurrt,'iratt'.l,,,,l3,l7,,'"read TONY, t.. ~. ihor with a grots it A pi' I:- o r D 'etc., (I b e offered t ery low fortho r. it'dy-oall awl st.e'. I IeIIED i'l7.t.-11 \a. ta 0111011 ts mown!, ,1 On epitoon of I If flAl'Ill.:N 31. Y TllOl f .IGY N.vrtatm..l fth ' ut " . "' Ard 17 ' 1 '''' l ' ........ ill. °•Tir .. E.ll --... . Pit talk ed 11Olts and - I.lhOttirdi rim, PIIIII)80PliY, (.;E N nit ALAWPRON -1 ra tivrit; Ohio hove good emeo,•d Loom and ON•4.1,1.10, to OILY tind DILI'S it 1i.t.)0 I-. .ll poFOrtf. will do well 10 bring, th , en to theta:l 1 , lieu. as Wu ore a • SEWN ; to I , llTellok. let 0 1), a elealvtely Adopted and mod in U... Publi, set, on. of Piiiivdeipido S. S. Je/Nr:S & t'o., I iilikliers. , 11A VI/I.N is I.irri.s. S. w. Cot. Fourth nod If , ei , tits., 11111 , 1 I f 1 tilliNN Feeds Stint res 10thesteraarlleft Seed , jltel Tetielort and :'boot 010=144 .•i , add r.../nn lit,. re to • LA , •poled tom t, real° ey J. LA ONO .I, SON 0 o eft paut, will be turniihtd with rot& o 111 a. 50.40510 • 4,i4 1) VI. , lOU 1 ... k r ii no ennip ,, t ,,,,,, ortnient of n..k, and ltd ( iz e .. 1;1 4 1- teu rr u tst. issit.ti t t.o . d ,, t,s e • Jost Optin 4 "ma s. it mosey Ml.'. at th , • Lowtt t Pelt .3 - m 1 L. i" Pet" CIL 7 . lllroNs & soN . -- - .--.--..--..--.---.--.--..„., , .• . rllti I: Pabst obi rs gratefully 111. 1i11t,15 it • Ciao Vogt i ------- ' j Nemo and would re spot., fully roll the attention , A NEW lot of Ladtes Rubbers-, 'Ruskin; '& fI to all persons who trash to but goods einem to cullJ. 11 , - •fkltere , -ialso geuttettietra ll'obLiera, Pint a ni their storo tin., door east of Om Brick corner,aud 1 , , OPP• &e .i just regoi%cd dry ..,,, ezu fff 11l 4. their stock of amnia. I3IINTLEY & itTiAtait A cementl assortment o( Dry Goods, rri.ekert • II irdwure, 11ollow -wore. (;rovero s. curet iron tied tin ware, atoyea and suite tritticilliv tool. , sin tidy on Mind, mid orders for Mi. eoprer. told sheet iron it ure, promptly 'wended In D. R. 1.4. ritaor & CO. Itionfrose. April-29th. I'lSt. BEWARE ! THE Public are hereby eapeesully iianrinnea naaioet paying. high prices fur Goods. ' It lii• ivlg no longer neeeseary , —as .„ POST & PITTS Are now receiviiig one bt,t . laockp or now. the. county Of llty (;0,1d., Groceries. Crockery. Cars. .R..say mth. Clothiliz rte. Which O A srlliii ull for ready pay at priCPB Ita lOCV nit tfl flt` torrieh on who examine the goods. Aloe. 'stoics). lerr her , •ope. r May 1-ith, Executors', Notice;- • "- w EitEAS LettiTal 'n.sdnittecaltrf. - tetwthe of littrrirt N. 11'.10;•.&rettortf t rate of the hortm ; 4lt of I l utitl3tFatart- • fi,ert el:noted to the Nulp4 . 7 . ri4 • .r , pi•rsons e , eStat will makeiintlitqlutte iterstinichwittp desnatiar rithtint . q. esiute presrut lhetn fog ' ELISql.k I'IiINS Diriplafr. April :W. . , in wr nearDasitlrnuebero (Jude 1,1&60.1 It. IV 7AtLEf... • Bele Leather T HE PuhFerthera are nowpttriqtrod to fittntidi Pole LL !matter in any 4noutity of. Watt it. (1 , 0..5 retionthe rure ng the manefaet urea , pric'ese, The3o she Diele want of a fingt rate artlele at leepprices. ere tegeefte4 re, eull ex hn.l'airtine our stank. lIAT,DEN & 1.1)714:, Neer 1h read. JA/I. 2M11.147, 01111IMER vtittP a yucielly, al's! fine en4a.h.rf Qum.tartan , of that nice hlitek Ureadeloth for-Fate j 11.111 1 .• tew. he . M C. TYI.F.R. ( 1 1 A it krr LNG., mattg and niattilig, lit • - • 100 Barrels Pall', also 11111 suck' Ground York Pa. 1,1, washed. a most urtirlo cluirrilivii at , ;.- INGijt:ll,A., 11fI „ Rio nitlit Jura ra.eviv,thtfirf Pm rmfr ebehl, by • TROWItIIIDOL - Valuable AlediclneN.. - • N no..rtlactit eoiirml ley ft it ! t. of 1:1/e u nut tI r rttet urn. Hpritiththil It ing4 britlV I,ifNuttetit., Pain , •orinumml. xperifin Pour Lliteantent, Ityrkratiro Ilaial. Nu ! op, Wrqterzwen. Ctunaronn. aakarat. Artisn t nut) for Vali iky • . ner.l3.lwio. 1 T. N. BGI.T.Ait p. • NEW G L. 1 , 04 t` n.: aro now receiving, fl , nuf Now .1 . 4)!* u . • tine nmortment. of New thugs auited to ,the Auvon twy , Wee fur Fatuou t enrol N. Ne' I: -- Mint of fato oust wcuh. Sinnttnote, Aprit . New Thutgs „ 113 FT reeeive.l by tiea uloseriVpr,thigar..oolToo.Yobtuvo .1 Sall. Broad &,tli, Sheeting, potting. , be nqiil OP Inw n, *ha ging, seittadmit. llntitroso.Srnt.lo, /559.) • .. I.I.:t.:.TYLEIT,. • .• VLOUIt and suit for eale at: •': Water Cure. mount I, , tospect . lirtzter 'Mee E . stabiixAmtnt, Bin ffitalturi Ci); N;:r .itiodanittia le deltniittitUrriewied at the bitso or the mountain front within it takes Ito po rn o' and view of ithe initenongn amt Sl2l. q uvit UM* rl sera V* te tirti rich PI hd pc-44110 T valileo. - The!. Otte' bi wit Niel to Mite rernilloa- an 4, fttist; meet of Patients— The tnetlinin Lao hven stmeestrnt In tteetiritm Owe old-anis C. IC litemott, Into nt !yew York viuswittnit. expettenne itt lipiropattit 1R suilletent •itsrantini In the vatibta 4C this 'lnstitution 'that. 'they willies abundantly. easel . Ali Intim, ikr,..on. 'm a / 4 4w businesS trenst. be - FA , ' dressi4 to Dr. . Dorsett at thtTatit. • Cominnalcatimut kat) . be iceliill ttmt 07. gi,opt _ DRY GOODS. (HBO_ Eitqs. Lateiit•Artlimi of Iliestlaikido.-' Sidea cocci lla a am sod geurral:stocii 01 g0 0 1:0 , at We ate tbe sttentlou Me ?bete who with to buy good! cheap-tor ail Ilatidy , d4Ul do lab to call dspa:: • . , .)tit LATIIIIk/P,* VO. • oi:caber TO, VISO • • 'LI . • ``‘VANTRll—pct4 iteekingt, Wapitis l'ism Mike beaus, Irtax sect!, Cud glidrida orproatuis. • - DA , bATIFiOPA 470. 1., .. 1 / N kb an d sh Irci naP: ; , outol a r3' a - ia " ' s i .1 a an/ugh'snds.peryd.-- J.LYONS.Io 6WI. r:Oirthindls n — " " " nd oteby •.•Lyosit 01/1.RD.1.211. y of Hooke just received , at LYONS Ar..gON jJoW eupp 4ew . lois, • A fresh supply just opsisls . g, .ftud, be. "Mu-area! initially low prises. ' I.TONS & PON. • ( 1 11A1113 Oardarsectla ty L. 3 • . LYONd 011Antlat, NDTICES, MISCELLAIIICOVS, Take notice. _ porsofts indebted to the_ orihserfbet, es pocially by hook account are requerted td et.• t. , ml to the oettlenient of the sone, althea forthoi• iltionceiias time onfricierit has been Elven end 'more omit oot be expected. REX,: SAM& Mareh 25th. 1851. • 'T for ado I . .t be etit i t Ti t Zk to o l f el fi rt ale k T( Cape etc! ti:ether with the - nPimaory tools 30 fi sttnri '. fo e enrrying on the• Batting brarmesn. ' Any 'perm* wishing to engage in bustreart a poll apportnnity i as nnw prefentrtl. • U B BL1)11ED. March 26, '5l. - . • , ..-- Ake Notice. 4 LL persons iudebted'to old .firm - of T ij; 11. L - 11 Ilaydea, aro relocated to (fall, end mettle the same us it has becornuteeessary totive an wilt clams arranged .intinelTillely; the Rooks apd Notes fond ' the subscriber, at the stora of Hayden, ei; TRACY.SAYDI4 New Milford, March 51.5, '3l-131t. , Net , and Valuable' Inve ntion . . _ . Volt rideing Icrtiering; Carriage' Tops. Thitstilotcri• berhaa procured the right foraetting oil dressy tops with Goddanl'a patent handle for pairing and lomat, the rain° bya allgbt exertion with into hand uhila IdttiPie hi the etreinge and worild Wallet the' priblio -to call spa exniribni this trathabfu itereaventent at his earrings:nal, trlg dabllrhmevt In Muumuu. ' ,A 1,61 1851. • • • •-• • . - • . ILitst - ••rrilE accounts of the late ilrm,of .Eldleed & Niisedmlbe pout be settled. those Indebted can settle erlth the Seems until the [Lest 14 . et' Vey meat. atter theft' tcla7 - iow() with a Justice • - nntrclo. Aptllls, TM. r '." • - JEW 0000131u/1 recettril and tor pie try_ 1.1 • • . - • - • .I..Lowsailetta. • wrommimmis...ll SHEETI3 • • •• • • sn w btfure By • • .. Zeroes* ikort O RANGER & Lemons:A—A fresh Vat, just,re,:. a 0 for. sale by the baud* dozen, or sine°, ale*, reighte jot in". • Afro Sunni; We o.on'e Calf Liao Bootee for- tetchy. ' • • BULLARD. _ - _ CLovEit ancribuothy Eeedtbr sale by - A' . • NEW 'eupiq of goods In j A Aohric43 piaterno, zyceive4, tt;ig ‘,J dtty,snd fur safe cheaply .• • - . • tuartay & Itg..4b. CIIN,TS per pai . t. will greairTfor ....fdt)a up quantlir of good rroelon socks at • /If • - Pest arts. jt 011,045. . • .60k4i • • etock 44'sp!Ing . 67+0s 4t. stmott,,,n,nr • - ,• _ • • PLASTFR PLASTER 1 ----- ltm tnnft slnntoy'', toue atyuga. for !Otte (treat. Arne Prpot.-16nen. ' By 14 . 1.- 1/21.4t211. 'tl.o‘4o - SEED . ttitANTED kiget ILIn4, for p.tle by. ENTLEAIE.N ',Mil* to tou) Cloth* tOrllt taro ir )1 , 114 g T n thing. •Alll *ell toexll et • • aoLLTR. 00111Fitzli and ?Ur:keret , Oerobee llTS'ittttr.—Pleurrel.Poetrir, tont, vort ex!. f ic .„ 4 , 4 , ,, 0 0 . I.Ar.Pr.catral,olllPetrter, . A fr. Fit supp y 111 tlicwttru A Jost op . vut.%l *lid Tilt pale by .. , ~. '). ri6Nr , &ROM Ti'itAti AiridiiTiligiliCiSlattitTWA — iFF.TiF R . 1 t.01,1 , , , ,tiy. • - , , . , .iirptin al Ciposintrit. AN . 1 . 1 D 0 0,0110 In:label of Owe. 'lO 000 borjr 010 of Ryo and. Corn for whie.h ttto glitas price wiltbO paid in caeb or trade 631 - •n. to VC Co. EW,E L MY, hi usicut lusts UM P (Tifiiii.ry. • e K !beninr* mue ASS kutilerk •re- - . 1 1 . ° at , 6.„,ATA by I - 13itito. oafish. " 4 um Trau , • • Qurxrdwari viols • —Tait r.. t 6 end Co. 1141;Esad Limed Oil. PiGts;,. a geed es— PartTiviTtia - " D; U Lcanfl . - .XATAN?ED-61?ny satiogood cgat its exchluagor v r-ficiptoria nod crudity.; 3findie;9o, Jan.l3;-18,514 . • , . , 670() trine-ill those. °pulp . cs. timpsof sr oast ti kitrds oftio: at, ' 1141,0'16 .. ;~. Fzzra el - 417i2 short,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers