llex••• --. deers much butler tudt:ttutsges_thett can be we :158,„here atrorded at the present time in the coin: . , the,as ty,On wrhich we alto suggest ADOtherS O F Sld f 4ti that erqsence of thelocation'inethe-road tk i wadronteeeeneecting directly.nearlyeeery town. ship in th e co oly with this pfaceare eiteddished t an d upon many of them doily, my is married , — N ot les than sit , mails :from vortous,parts of the au nty epos ett aretatie are ditily`deliyered nt our ra t office. In addition, to this.,,-ons.of theprinni. idrittleS of Telegraph, couoceting the great West with the East and the South, has st 'a heavy ex pense to the citizens of this place bend recently established here . In the co nrettiene.e ind itnpor- - tant adrantagesderiyed from this smirt..:O of spedy tornmerlicatiou" you share; witheut ' gru d g i n g on cut port. equally with ac . It is true. fellow -citizens, and we freely admit t h e f a ct, that yonr patronage raid t) usines.slins ely contributed to make our baton what it - is; t a m • , sa i ah il e we acknowledge this, we must be .. .per-1. 1 4 ta claim that'd has ever been oiu Mtn 'so to e'a. it ,,.., yon as to make the o bligations under which ~e feet , mutual. If in this we have failed; it ii o,,,,nisforOnt, certainly not the rebult of any de - s gn on our part.. • . . And now, we s hould close,this Address Were it n ot a manifest obligation on our part to d eny in express terms, enure of the wrong aspersions cast - spi n us by the resolutions of the Greai. feud. egoo' meeting. We explicitly deny any "jealiinsy . fn respect to pmspective populatipn the present prosperity and in the eastern part of-the coontY." We deny that the people of Montrose have ever "manifested their iadefitigable opposition to any and all internal improvement projects calculated to ,promote the interests" of the respectable Gentlemen who held thot n „ e ti n g. We again say, that there is not to be found any evidence of even the shadow of any such hostility. Ire regret that our friends who , held that meeting had not exercised n little ender 'reflection before so broad and unfounded a charge wee laid upon this community. We now feel— vee hare always felt—that with the prosperjty\of the county, out own prosperity was identifi'ed ; and if we have not done all we could, or been so pub. lie spir'ited-as we might have been, still. we olio]. le - sge It comparison with our.fellow-citirens in any ether part of the county, and most willingly ante mit ourselves to your unprejudiced judgment in this as in every matter. We profr to ha viillinz to bear onr full share nr the public liarthene v More than this, we feel aranred. yen will not demand at our hando.7— Should the properinithoritiesdeem it rper to re. build the public buildiiics, we are entirely willfilei to boar cot cull share, and if it could he fairly an. I errtaine4, we should net hesitate to submit to onr fr!loto-oitiv.no of the comity to decide what we melt to dn. We know the areal tnaeo of them on' loversot instice and would do no writ.* • The judzmont of that tribunal hpon, a fair hearimr of the ease, it manta be impo , siblejo obtain; and ne our friends io New Milford are malting an rippe7il_ . to tno Lecislahre, we are perfectly willin to cub. I in q thp wholerpzestien to them, and to-petition that Viewable body to ontharize suelfa tax to he toe• ied upon as far re•huildinz the Cohrt-trettie.: Jail. and Offiees .as they in their wlndom may deetni proper. S. S Vo;tord. E. W. Rose. P. 1). Warner. G. Z. Thmuel;. J. R. SaTutbury, Georce Keeler, F. Ariry, E. W. Hawley, - R. F. Inm•ann, B. 11 J.rnne. F. B. Chandler, Chao. F. Read. M. S . .B. Case, L. Searle, W. W. Smith, A .Stnith7Jr., J. Lyons, Gen. Fuller, Tleuj S. 173-nt ley,ll. J. Wehh.Abel Tune% 11enry Drinker, W. J. Mrard, A. Lathrop, A. Chnntt.rm, Om, ey Tyler. B. Satre, E. S. Pad:, Gen. V. 11..nr... ley, M. C. Teter, Wm. Foster, S. F. Keeler. A. Merriman, W. li. Boyd, A. Baldwin,' James Deans, Geo. Frick. F:LT•.F. The system of banking upon state stock which was established in New 1 4 'orlt, since-the I last monetaiy crisis, and has lin - d nought' btilt.! fair weather to test its merit, to the surprise of all reflecting men, has many friends. in the present legislature. Of ail the rotten schem,esi invented by ingenious financiers for cheLting the people with a blecices paper currency, may be set down as the most specious arid unsound. . A simple statetnent of the plan is Enough to show its unsifety. It is to bank upon our debts, and of course, the more we owe tile .more banking capital we have:-11 When the:craSh comes, as come it will, peri-; odleally, under all papqr systems, the specie' ccill have been driven out of the country paper money, the banks cannot redeem their! notes; the note holder knocks nt the State Treasury which is as clear of spechi as the ;banks; notes, stock, and nil are ecinally .worth .less, and the note-holder has no other consola- - ( tion than in the probable future ability of the •State.to pay after the collapse has drawn bielt ,our share of . specie to the country,. and the .debtor portion of the community has been ru ined. Who can doubt this who remembers when Pennsylvania stocks" would not sell 30 per cent, and when the general government sent an agent to Enrope ,in rain to effect - - loan! The J=ker, under this systim, arMv3 from r l.hapeople interest on his capit:l and interest ;on the notes he owes and puts 'in circulation. This will yield tau or twelve per cent-, whilst under our usury and tax laws the citi ..zen who loans his real money is allnived to .receive but about fire per cent. Is this just 'I Is it wise legislation to discriminate thus fa ,vor of the manufacturer of Paper money 3 . Gold is coming froiti California in such abundance as to disturb its relative vaine with _ - Is this a ti©e for hAating, the eutTen. vith paper issues—fa creating next' binks —for sending forth C a currency /hat costs noth ,iiig and has n 9 intrinsii'value, -and pan fraFO, no other effect but to .I?inish gold iron' circu lation and to misettle'still were its relation'to silver Where capital can Va used profitably there . it will go. No law can create capital, nor is it possible to make something, out of nothing-, Paper credits may circulate when business, .mores smoothly, but all esNrienie proves that the zoa/ent its immediate Convertibility info specie ceases, its value is gone and itts nothing bat lamphlack and rags . spoiled by being mixed. We would respectfully admonish democratic raemhera not to .be misled by the' public opin. ion which is matinbetured for the especiLn consumption of the legishtuter. It is elt . inter t :. ested corrupting cud selfish, 4 clamours for special legislation—for protection,. for new hanks, for free banking systems, for small pates and every wily deviee by which money pan be made without labor, and laixar; the bundatien of all we:iish. taxed,for the bon- efit of capital. Let them rei4itt ill time.-- they - will soon nein return to.tbeit,bonstitOc enter eopeitho, day of Tooboning, Vrhen the pi:mato ; oopl4i4o'ine!* Ithisleading theta Wilt riot bo pfesent to pte:ul;4l,itean.-- ~,,, __,._ SCAT:Cat -OF SILVM. .4.2 th -.:I.:10,1103. ~ FOtt- Snalt, Noirb.4--Tife latv's ot frade are - ,intrptr-f'" table.- One.of these TaWs is that-currencies of rinequa.lt.alne Will nottircniateiogether. The I most valuable' will be driven Out ,by Ib6'inii# worthless: Wo have deen.this,thing Duringredueeil, to-practice:several times., -the War : of I til2,_no loptpr." the last war," even' Coppers were driven froba eircuLitioriliy•thin-plaster 'The latterivere.' banished 'on - the-leturnrrit I -peace, and'the specie that every lodY. thonght harigtine forei•cr, returned and lilted o,lil,chLvi-1 hela of circulation, , In'. '--18'23 the, Passage•Pfi I the law prohibiting, the. circulation of notes' 1 unaer five dollars was followed with 'filo, re-; sults. The fiusp2nsio.n of the banks In-,''37,1 r..pe.lted the lesson, :Ina in that era of shinplas- 1 tars it was as didieult to 'get change- for one; : dollar or even' for a quarter as it is noip for tf; V. §hinplisters were 'again blnished rind net-1 urally as ell'ect,folloWs cruse, the sifrcie re-; turned, obeying the lams of trade; leaving ,mien it. IS'z''3 dot Wanted 'and 'returning when ityas. - . , - ' Atthistime silver is scarce, scarcer: it, is .said than gold; and Myetnission of stnill notes is asked for to remeby the evil: Can 'it be possible that any one, with our past , experi eneei can doubt that. this remedy will but n2...1 avate the diseaSe.. - - An issue of email noted will'driVe away what silver we have• left and witlfit the gol4 coin. No man pays out Pp& cie while he'has piper money. The. 'tura of trade cannot be changed or 'violated, by any neteven of the Legislature of Pennsylvania.—' If the Legislature Wish to :'de something to remeditheevil;3et them call ini the relief notes arid prohibit the issue - of any note under five dollars, awl we Shall have a sound curren cy- ; _and for the uses Of the working. classes - a metallic currency, which they may lay by if they haveit to spare tvithout the ifear of its 'b coming tfOrthless, through . the Olismattlge / ment or diBhoneSty of the preside 4; dire'etori & of the .13.mk Accident en.the Erie Railroad, On Thursday inoroiog, ati.:ut 4 o'clock. a most singular'aecidelt ,liappe+l on-the New York and Eric Ito al, the partie:- 'ars of' which we hare gathered from the lips of pa>sen_ets, and are as tollOwS: The train to which the neeillenti happened was the :2 E. at. txuress train fiOm pa , ?...enpos Isy Whiel;; riding all ui tit, reach'NeW Yoil: at 1.) A.. Yetiteraay. oehe•k, as did train was , going, Luting towatcn, eiet Mont, aF kl c speed of twettfy•tivU miles an hour, thil hintlurfst passenger - ear, e•mtti:d,),, ,, lietween 4hirty and orry i aSsNigerS, suddenly got tiff the track, br , le from io enaneetions..and bled with g,reat rialenre dawn an embank ment forty feet in height ; into the ware ricer ! • • The ear - rolled over and over in its pro -s,,ress'd wva the embankthent, breaking into many pieces_ the rLsti, flying off I.lone di timbers and pas songers all landing in'a heap the The, consternation and ennftiston;anionn passe:T.,crs-., Was of -entirsit, Fortunately the ear landud at tight ogle. with the river,. one 'end. being neat thei shote ; where the Water was only tWo feet deep. the other end where the water •was I five feet (lop. The accident was instantly known on the train. owing to the -sudden - ,j4k-wheti the ear became detached. - The train,was stoj, Ted instantly, and all the passeageis ran thwn to assist thosntsim had fallen into the water. .It seemed al most marvellous that any were saved hitt it is believed that not more than three or four are last.. All 'Hui - weidtaken out: were n•reatly bruised. _ . . Tile braketime - whet:Was, on this car, jumped cff, and fortunately.landinm, n .on - hiS' feet, he 11-eeivnci rin injury. This gallant. felipw seeing two litclw* .. ,.t.truggltvg in' the, - crater, one having ail. jaunt , chill!lie ' her ,i arms, immediately phlngeciiuto 4be‘freez•i iog, - elvtriem, _Mid - brought safely -to ilte' ; shore th,e ehild,-Wnryba4l bc:eoine s . eparateili' .I, from its T:l4l,er. 'Taliiiig 0$*1)1s - rattly Coat! Ihe wraplied it hastily ,e:hout thej child ,to i prevent - it from fie , Zing, 'and, reiurning to the river, secured tii.nipther and the Othei lady i from a watery-grave. -s, . • The night was iutensely. coldiHniul the clothes of all Who -were thrown .into the Ewa.,. ter,' became frpzen in two minutes: Tr= •• , frr; aeoident , toil: :piaci. .lelciedn.the: statiqns of Hawkins and ,Equinurtk 16 miles from New York.; . Tha train Was 'delayed moat tlttee hours. . • - . Not C?'f, the passengers iv ho were in the ill=fited car were so bruised 'as to- tic una:: , ble to walk -without' assistance;.: btit tint many had limbs broken: TWO gcLit men were left at Narrowsburgh, wbose recovery is considered dr6cl7tiliy firere they lacelated„. The ike4:lll . ent occurred:by' reason of some, deli , et: in . 016 rail; yylieh t,tiew• the r•aiiff theirnek. . r. nurder aful suicide. Roam:mei 'Jan. •8 r C , reneiPullig held aniiitiiiit upo .the Ibodies of illiss ,Satitli,Sharp Jind ..Tolm Er. i pretT., y'esierday, in Pel,field. ,Everat was la brother-to.law* of" Miss .Sherp, and bad for sayers', yeiirs bad illicit iutere urSe with bor., A man by the imam of Charles I I EfliVprd.s had lately liecotne /militate ''lvith ni.' 51173), which ,created al jealousy tin the part ofErciett, mini eonionl plated de- Istruetioit, - - 00 the evening Of :the' murder, he sharpened, up a jaek- - I,:iiife, and proceed ed to the .bouen of. Mr, r aciPbelt .7bere -Miss Sharp was. .... EdWards - ;vas, als)';at, Eampbell'#-bouse, Everett lurlfed about the. house, outside, watebing to -sac if Ed, I Warils indMias S. were .. iutlinittn..- ‘AbOut 18•O'clocitililie went, ..not.,of, the door, and I ; but a minute after a ecreain- was beard; ivtlien Campbell and Edwards went.out.indl f:mind .. .Miss Sharp's thrttt;seyerecl from ear I to ear and Everett in the same conditiOn Everett - was about 'forty years of 'age, midi i Miss Sharp abont thirty. - The. follotsingl toininunication *vias - found -.in' 'Everett,'s, pocket, byw4biali..• seems that bb ADilt , cta , ' plated his . o7n deitruetien : - 1 , , '4' My God, Sarah could II curer bclieve, I uoless . ..l,l4sepu%yltkuly::o*ds - sreci `O6l firceeli*lolilit4frik:ii n iiCtiii tutin-14 dtmiiiitilvitfirrildie icy ~ Kck tcaothisCit mO , so mucli,t, • s ‘iv God h d d ,:dfhall !` ktiour,py fetingaz 1. iee every :nu). Lion—ruoi, ..veheiClyou frirt.'cdr that Tiot t inado nTfCclingi mad,' andlor this .." , ' , ..: Teri TiagedleA tit 111, Orleans. Nzw•:o LX:c Japi27. This etty Was bket - Aventnt iseene , o . f two of the'most terrilife tragediee :that has oecurreilfei iparty:yd,ais. , 'Yuan. ;fah. an altere:lti.n_teeli plato. between two Men named _trritig„fon and Brl in which the lattet' i reeeived_ two fatal stabs, ortuSing almost inStant , Tire other dreadful occurrence took plebe , a ball One of the-party :tielted' 1 elope . iith Ileeelcini - an, answer in l i the negatitte, he immediatelY drew a piste' land shot her, dead on the_.appears t It ',that the parties had been previously en ',gaged to he - married, but, the parents_ of 'the, lady had 'strenuously opposed; the Robbery of Adam's . • Expcess: • BALTI3 - 101tE,. Jan:29. . . Tho express car of 31eF•irs. Mains Co, was entered'some time last evening during, its passage. from Philadelphia to this•eity,, and two kegs containing ,$5,000; each in :specie, was taken', therefrom. The robbery :was not discovere'triatittln.l'arrival of. the :train this morttin:' • •, Though the police have been most ~gent in their search, no cluelias yet,t;een ntitninid nf. the - robbers. supposed that-Abe koyi were stolen;while 'veyed sort,* tl/e Susgiteltanna. c 'There ;were five utlicr - kegs in the crates. The stolen,nneS Were not missed until the train reached this •cit,P.l Execution 'of butibar.. . • , j• Jan. 31., • Reuben Dunbar', V: who Murdered- David L.-Lister and Stephen Lester. on-Sat urday the 28th of s,epteMber last,' paid-the paid the penalty oft his ctinie on the scuff !Id his morning. A great number of -persons were Collected 'anlund., the jail, and Aim streets - leading tolit werc ertArded. The Artiller9 and Bailiess l .enrps were on duty a,..-ting:ttsthe_Sh'eriff"s fientinel. The Sher 7 itrs posse asseinbled at. the C ainty Clerk's office and 'pt4 vedette(' in a, body to the jail. I Ttie prNoner was. executed-, in the large 1 room' in the jail directly over lii cell.- He invade 3 1111) confession 'of his guilt, and ad ed the'jnstico of his sentence.. To show the stoie nature of the untiderer,it is atated that at nine - o'clock this !morning he sent messenger to the publisVer of his life and I ronfeision, written' by Rev. Dr. Beecher. flir a copy:ef it,-as ho said be -wanted to _ I peruse it: • . s 'pLecutlon or Mbcrt Bohan% AlptittN, N. '.,Jan. Q5-Albert Hallam who was convicted of theMarder' of Nathan Alder, n pedlar, was executed this morning in the jail yard, at 5 Minutes past-I.l.n'erk. Re protested his innocence to , the last mo :Meta. After the execution, for the murder of -Nathan. Alder, his brother ; 401 m 13ahan,jr. who.is=iundersentcoco,nf death, made a full Confession, of his knowle4 , o xwf .the murder to his counsel; published in a day or twO: The general )pinion_ is that JoluN4eiiiihdeliii,:bii:coattauted to • •iii,tlie. , West. , _, Jan._ ;: ~,..„ a vtrrackyr, e. The northern F art et' 'Dexterili lage, Michigan. was lrtrneti I last. : nigltt. The names g.} , the - sufferers .heard .from are : 0. M. Smith, Farrand St Brothi.r. llurn, ham Dennis, Warner Hay Is ,and Ewing Castello.. . . ; i • The _ Tremont Muse; et .taporta, Ind:, wasburptto the grimed, N•stertlaymorn-s ing:abont - 2 o'clock. together - with a small house w:ljoining. • The whole tinsioeig part of the town "waS vi gr.'et ditlger. particu larly the Whip;_printingi tifice, which was litetallyl.ensered with.ctederi fig' abotit two • hours,-'but,- was : finally, - *need: , The loss falls pr i tncipally op E. Treadway.. No in sprance: ' ' Panel- Robbery. ETILLADELVIIIA, J 1111,28. Akaander linag wife. ltiaiinda both : notorious in the Police annals of Nevi York anti •1 3 bilatielphja, for the infa tiitis species.of crime known as panel rob= -tiers, ere fully committed by.May%n Grit llo-day, in default . .. Of $l,OOO bail, to answer tn 'the, oh art*e - of robbing a gentle wait ,Nw York; in, this city:4n the month of Nara lat.l of $135 in - notes anti gob). • This , man and woman were arrested for ,tios tiffinee list" Pact:Faber. do- t?ctionl has byen the work of the active 'rig-- ultra:atm ....+TE.ponioxr measTEa.—Stifrito, .7 4 .30.—The steamer John Adams, from New Orleans, bound for CineinnatioCas sunk yes. terday, near Greenville.; In five,minutes after she'strrlek; the e..ibin parted from the hull and' br&:, ein two. Over 100 lives weredebt,including all the creek hands and ,firemen but two. • All the pain 'passengers tscaped.' • • gZ,Dletrt iltear.., Itteb. $1 lir . $1,12 :Cam, " 60 fire r ; " -60 ' • Oate, -" 85 .91 Buebat 33a 40 'I Apple , . green 20 a, 50' dried - Wane pr barb 1 5: 0 01i 1 21( Wheat tr . pr bbl 6,75 alp Turbiee:gr lb 5 a 8 I 341 yr dos lo • 12i gZE, iGiOt Bend on Tuesday evening the 118th ylt.;!lsyßev. L B. 31e.CreuryOlfr. L. G-INic.. Lr..4.nn and Xis, An. r. 1.1 Ca l inizit, both of , Jessup Hertopi on tile 20thlnit., by !Wiz C. Iva. ny NEWZLV , LT, ,BRAczn ; to . 7dirii Zoinn G. GATES, Great Elend an the 24 MO, by Petr_Detker Esti, & f uzz; 13nOrpT; to _?am _Mtn. Ass Jotmos, both of Groat Bond, - ' MED I riz Bridgewater oriihelet inst,, M. gains CoWARD , Aged , • -witoi .gzavi tragalimerdago.. .. .- ~..- ,-. , ,arms or Sale. ..!,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,..„,„„„,,,,,,,,,„ frire robUlibei. silU act u attiiillv the ; trdrattri T,1,,,'7. 4 , - ", - ,4 - =‘ , .._ - ........- ,. .- , . ,--.,, i 'swot' Poet Estate--yormsmoom end hots ..1 - ate. .: N ..', : .'‘ '',' ' VISUALVt ''.* . ••• '. n - , - ted lo 8 44 4°Olsodireount.T. - rat - Ittriboeftvhiet - offier - ‘ cri...:. .1 ,1-:,,. , ~ , •..:,;---, ',' t..... • • their p uper4y tot litiocast Oa andante de_tesitot:4l Ofl ritnrAlTrYildo• - ialtiabidoids attd H 01.,.0f PIP' : their Forma br Lot, aitollowa: ~Ntitolief of, say, bow I ' -L ;goy:AO ...1c,:i,.. a01d„.„,..A pnblic,yetidqe Will tin Ananyarilirovror. end new vtatetedrittittdhsget-Oroherd, i !held at the late iraftleace ort $. l /Wyjell; dea"adaidi -4rrafted . or rodit:n fruit ; otharfruit tram , and shads ; ill New At iliatti4,llBslls, pi Fitdot: tlfet 140) day I iTtrptil: f ern' N t oVt n .rrrettilifiAt2l tt _p= I I, offebruary d coirtmencing,o,tiin o l efoOr A. M. at ,fetantafittymena Alt *bod& toieJtonfotrwate lOW i which will; be offered for Ga l a t o tha hiqhmit bidder ! E. 1 4d..4,31,; 1 1-40.44** Protolit_ritlantlon ;tr. calling, aiti, p a „ 2 ,„, . „g ore at Atantrcr , o.'.tOtiorbi.indt4toarly. ro,.'. 1 :cl: COW Ittoiruy 'p. qh..aadrharit:lthd. - I g elypylter :. 11 3% . 1. 7 is l oetrunt gontruivlo thiloteselecifroe of 'breed ; alei2 DOritem tiolto,l two . : itorm,wozon. c hiiic.: , -... .. ;.. , .... , ~. :, , '-'” - ' --- - 1 1010 sleigh_,. flarnessea!doubl ,, ond sib,:tio VO4:flit' . tdeloti;Toitiolka st re et, ittoifi - 4kitt Of 'theiVrtei and other fOrmitig'atroiaa;',liouehold, furniture , qt,e,,,-,:,,-,,-.,„,i-; palms _, ; ,,, i ,,,,, ; , , ,,1,„ 1n .,,: i i,,,..,,,,,,.. ....,.. ipPludior several atopea;chlii fa dr.,mr--,, , ,-.. :,.. .. • ~ , ••=.5 4 .7' 1 ,, 4 9 a li. g.) i mpro ,.4 Rri i m - o :Th itise an 9 Lu r ni, TERM'S.—Less. thataiss,aaili in hond,..Foril .4.t 0 -,2, G - .. do. O. ~. do .t.-..., -., .--- ,do . Au . - ~ 1 SS tb Bltls,ootes at aix induthe ou ititevell o and„witi: .. - No:A 1100 'do ' , SO :;" dd'''-- y;-•,"I'do , " -• :i ':atio./... opittoved reOitrity; -- frinit'f,2sTo - .550; ?aid oVer - ' ' ''. ll ,. /4 ' 1 ,.:',,t Yr i t . : . 3 o ° l 1 - 'l:2, '-' - ',.. : : - - - i t;' ,f . ;. -1 '; 1 1 1 :, , --41.. e*F; oats yeai with ocites;&.e.,:,, air oforettoid.; : „;-,. ' ;' . .g: ... f 0 , 0,,; -w or o t Oug o t & t d tot; , - , ..i - , r; '• 2: -',. M. Id FIY LE RT:.: 5....t. E ..;• .. ~. ... •,.. h ,, ; i i ;11 ctc r te i r 75 trooros !tatOadiientio aid blink. 1 1, 1: •••''.. : ' •;;-.121. S. BEN'rtiE7l. il. , ) ..- ,r - ° *' ' . No. 9:62); do Pdo - '' do .. - 4O','.' ..; d o Nevr'llilloid, Jan. 31, - 1851, ,•. ' . No. „.),: , ,4, . .4,14 .. ~!4022', , Ltitr .;;: '. -!.. . ~: N . 0. 1 , ,. , , 7 ... .. ,- ; , .do do at_a tot . No.l2.lo,lnevet, LiirtfOialtitm ed h „," s°44d d b o vi3 ' N0.13;340. do'2oo .dc... .: u. 4 ' g ; , i_ - ., , , i; ..: N 0.14,63 ; do 59 do .::, .1 0 .- - ' ' 2 - • a - , No. 15, 183 do .01 'do ''', ''"..- 3o -: do f 1-;" ',..•'; '',l " f N6.m. ten Liuts 95 h o poyed, Mom bouts . lini 1 , N 0.17.100 do ,75 .do , dci ;- do . ,'; '4 O - N0.18.112' do SO --, do. -f:4O '1 1 0 i - ',... - Na' 10.290 do 1 50 -'.do .d0...., C0 ; u 0 - , No. 23,, 145. do 100 !'do: "' _ do''' do - - do 1 No. 21:103 , do 120.:',1 do - . d0..,' d 0 , ,, ' '',- •do ) No-22.0 1 X do 45 -: do .--.do ', -do ; do : No. 23.'45' 4,i 31 , do ' do' ' do ,:, _dcii • N 0 . 24. 212 • do. 225. do:-,- do -do.. -do N 0.25. 125 do' PM do • do ' ': j ito. -' do • N 0.29.178 do 140 do do .40 -••-. do. ' :N...3/. 89 do 45 ----dee = -- do ..- do ' ,do N 0.2.9: it nrres fr, 4 sew mill awl dwelling: • ' N • 23 . 13; aca".4 97 ilat,ioved, trona' tito*Po atil bat; . No. 3%479 d o .100 l{ . CI 4t ,„.. ,o, , - ' NO. 01.13. s do • 05'' -.i -'. .. ',-41 .. - . ti.. :. No, 31.131 do 135 ''t o . " - U No-21 10) d, e) .., . tt tt .µ - -'i'•' • 'No. 31. 150 do: 100 '. 1 i a'. ,- Is ' • No. 35, 151. .81 -, .. :a '.. .. ' •. i ; Nii.39. 31") do .. 770 '! ' ' ta' et- ti 'I •-t . 1 No. it7,,100 do 140- • ' .1. , • "'1 ' " NO. 38, 170, do 100 • ..• " ...0 .t . " No. 39 115 do 93 -43 -. • do - - dci '', ''', • dn. ; No. 49 131 do 46: di •_ „:".; dO do •.- do ' No. 41 212 do ' 150 'do Oft , :do.. do N. 14 —persona deldripg to porch/de layoff -tfib - above by g:*.ving the number eso obtain ii full ilaseriptlon. ' _ i i ;61.63ED BILD‘VIN. Montrose,Ps. Oetober.l3so,- , 44tf. - . ,ITiorttrose aura Harlor.l. Platras ATOTICE is tierehYi;;Sen tlint,in,pureltamin of 11 the act of assembly incorporating , the Mm tress and Ratford. Monk Rend „Cmnpeity: for subscription to the - capital stock of lid Coitt pany.willba oprOed •itL the, nom,- Seale, on Illoti.iy 24th.-01,Fcbriniry . 1854 and. retnain,opeu Until th e capital:stock: shall be subscribed as required bylaw. " Shares, :25 dollars. Tii" be paid par Ants on subsCrihing. Henry Drinker. • B: ' , 'F. B. Sti,;eter, ,Joub Tyler, .Leannrd Searle, S. Seymour. L , Posi. • • B. S. Betitlev,k , - • 'S. Sl. Sucre, - • Wm. J. - Muicotd, , D. D.; Levi B. qurnsey. • • :Commissioners. Montrose. Feb. 3, 1851.—L6w3. • . • issolullon. • TOE co•partneidtipheretonne exl . atipi between the subscribers - , under the name end firm of Lathrop &.Salieibury & Co.. mid also that of - La. throw &Gro . ver is dissolved by Mutual consent. and the whide busieess remains in the hands of S.. S. Grover, who will conduct the binines.iu future. A. LATIIROP, . J. 11. SALISBURY, _ . S. S. GIIOVER. 1851.-6w3. . ' _ Valentines JUST received at tho Book more, a optiindid to uf Valentines. GEO. FULLER. 110 t INN'S Justice uud-Mrtgististes' compnuiou—u .I.ll , ,ileiv supply just received. 3,1851. GEO.. FULLER.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS 6S' Liberty Street, N. Y. (Betu-ceu Rivadway and, Nassau) ARE now receiving 's. rich and b.notlful ass rtrnent oP Fancy Silt and MlWetly Geode, to which we wonol particularly invite the sit cutioa.l4 all (*Mit Purcbsters, and will make it on obpct for thorn .o ;lye tis a call, as we are determined to 1103 Our OF/OT' inent,for Cash, lower tha-1 ever In;ora Mitred in %Ws market. :Whiners can supp y tbernselvta with every article In their line. at about the Fret of Imp° tetton or Abction prices. tinny ur goockare manufactured ear, cs.ly for . our own sale, and cannot be surpassed for beauty or lowdi {ces - Rich list and van Ribbon.. alario v.ariety.- Silks and Satins for Bonnets.. ' ' • • Crape. • Crape Lien-e, Tarlidre's and Illusion Laces. Trimmings for h ats. Cape and DICAS/ 9. jenny hind Cons, Parry •inil 0. era [lead Dresses. abreidered Capes, ,Cr Pere. ct tic er d EMbrOldeird Edging', and Innt:riffles; Sales Nluslin. Thread, Brimi•cls, Vtdeneetne; Hit and Lisle Thn:ad Laeot, FanArvidered. Itere7r, and Plain Llnrn Cambric IRV. gloves and Mate, Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread and sowing ell tcearfs; Crar,te end Inese fftfe. • lanmett: Bonk Mnsine. end Didion T.eerna. Entbrredered. Damask and Plain Canton Crape Shate;s Afall nseor meat of Straw Coedr French end American Artifi , tial Flowers. With eilargevarietynet ma:an) atone. 'Aft wiehing to avold paving long priers Trill maim mo ney by eatdng an ent'sfying themeelves. 5 ras ; . . Clerk Wanted. . • 4017NG men that ran tr f•CrITATI3 , III3Oi 11. for hntrzty and temperance. ntrd re, steady and do.triens habits end .who has &peed natural basin ' s" Atencity. and sufficient !confirm. ran tlnd.empleyirrnti!n the Drnr and Vaecto Stern .t.f the sull•ceti.. , . au teagOli answerthole rep:ern:fent*. A lad of 15 or 16 yaire afeze. and ir:lo ham rime icnowledge,of Chemistry wried be preferred. ABEL TininELL. Montrose, Jan. WO. 1551- • . 11E.subscriberhnvipz disposed of his farm will Belt nt Auction on the prentipli in New -Milford; op Saturday, I,lle .Sth day - of yehruary next." the prom rfslri, '4, calves. I 51nrr; yenrs old Cabe 9 Sheep.'ll Hags. 1 Iluts.riy Wrideon.l cutter, I fanninp• mill. I set of double harness. 2 hersuf burs. -anti other raticles nio TIUM . PMTII , I to ne arum Sale le -. earn . menet- at &Clark A..? M. Terms.—All elms nnder 3 dollars cash. over 3 dollars ` 12 months cfidii -whir interest and approved speriritv. • - • ••••-• -.A. S. WALK.,ER. 'Neu , Milford. Jan. 29th. ISSI. > - .51,2tv • Tor-Zale„ • • MITE enlis . nrilrr ofrora for. IFOle ialthltfr tot J. '. - iiiil(tt . ..arrd'hcfiwe npnn it. aitnated in fho'borntwll of 111onorttS0,:ri.few ,rodo linnth oast' thi. Court ••tionsr; The,tnnatinn ia pito:wont and llioionikiii.paytnent Will kernado o a .v q ui .P. LINEA': -• • • . 5 Sic Newrratimem erit at Gr,cat Bend. - , I Trg two Daily. tines or Stares .fromGr , at_m;lia to hirenfter l' dtred „liere!et 0 - 0: Smith in the immediate.vienity of theDerot. Imre : 4 - .A:54 tincl the arrival nf read train* from - NetrYorlc.:neaaing thr tqfh New Milfptd to tree. "wheeer Pri.ltiff ' fel e. rneeen I therewlth In Springville Tnnitermeek and Nrillietherre.:! ' anther via: N rimlenn. Factervvillo- AVnginn Centro. Penvidened end Tlyde Calk te Serer - feria. ttl•ere Ph..CP bmn2 Anlig• the Dee of the teggete Gan Dr:Dread ) Pe. tnping. the glaze 4earee Eierentenia at 4 A -51.. pe:eing thrnitgll the AIM° nlneelft,n Itlentreee.-wheme-e the linen leave in 'lfi. to reach', the Great Deild Depot before the train. gn'e.t • ,- Alen. a Daily line Troves SndtWareilliny Trnfel en ;he arrive!the neon train rim the WetCarhendale . Vo2S..nranitrarilre-New'Slilford„llarrerd.Leniecand doff. : • • . , TRUESDELL dt G r. re . a.93c4 Jan.1:2,:15,51 •Noilce: • ALL prrn.aie Indrtted to thq Paint. of It •ojanahn foie, .derp,ecti, litcy, of CliffordtfWOFh!p:- " vifi piano - in snake imnikllate payment; and all havlog nny denowis amaniv Fred .cstate4, , till present 'amp to,tho.nabgeribev, 0 01 :7 at , tc4t .r a for ,vrttle''tellt: ulz.t com. A e.4ri . • ~qalo- t o, • •-•- Sole - Leather; quiz mabscrilers are' vow prtimied -aole J. Leather hi atIV quauthy nt Pratt (A.'s raanutar rure at the inatutheturera prlet i. Thnae whoarehlernot nf oloat rote,artlele, at. low pricea. ore re lueat gal to tall an ,' examine, our stock. - - . . 11.11NDEN & LITTLE. Jam, 25th. 1441 • smoked Iliants,and .Sho:4ldeml , , TEOSE who hale good raooxad barns and shouldeis to di posaat, will do well to brio; th m to the subgzi bora, as was sr a wiAtiprto plarqrase 20601b#, immediately, HAY!) EN & LITTLE. , tisriosk, FEB; 6,1851. 253. pr :bbl. 81.75 T.•Ti pr 55sh - .-154 B.ab4flrprtl 1,60 a 1.75 Hay. pr :lon. .5.75 a 00 Etnnrcoilprtairs,oo 05,74 Botta, pr,lb 12 a ,14 lArd.• • f!.• . 7AA 9 'Pork; pri 1100 " 5 a 5,5 g Vbickensi pr lb 5 a Geede Icath 4 ., • ,45a •50 . , O'ITCE is her by given, tha t by an' order of the OS N intone Coin t ortho Coliaty or Ons itiehisnivr, there sill baimposed to sale by politic veniluti on the premla s. late - the property' or WeereejAmgc diseased, in the toWnshlp of ttuill, on 'Friday, the 21a or Fam . ,jyr y ti w t at 2 o'clock, that 'Certain inessuagaulece or parcel of laud, sitan'ed in the township oVitustrsod County oflinsviehanoo, bon ' , dell on the north by rands of Obcdlsh)..athrop and lands formerly owned - by Samuel, Horton, on the ea 4 by lands of Themes Cope .on the south by lands.ofJoslth CHIC end on the wear by lands of Way...Lathro);:-"tontaining-ontt 'hundred Mod thirty nine acres and fifty-two perches, reserved from the MAO about one•fourth of en acre twat Imo !Malty burial groutid,tritti twolramedivelllnghouses; two tramp barns. jorslssulth clop, hose horn; alder mill, a good orchard and about eighty acres improved. Teems ,e 3040 IttleSie - . • 11A-rnErv,DErNattum,: Adger de fronts Kee er, WARTA Lting, Det'd. dan. , 10th,1831. - - ' 4 4w' irila: . . • . 'Administrators , - Notice .. . , ,-•:- , 11k1H7110F: Is hiereily4venthal letters utAlittnintStritten 1..‘ have ben grant.-4 • * the writer:ivied. In tho !canto of George K. Taylor dezessell, tato of Kush ,Townsf . fp,... AU persons Indated.to mild vast* will pines sott 015 44.12. without delay; end those tineton—dm Gads agabss said till ate are 'requested to present the Privy, ttaty ci. testa:, for settlement-1. D. En: EPSON. i ~..,... , -.•-- - - --.. • ,f. 51. raftesTrm, $ 7•7- 7 • Buell, Jan. :1,113'4. z:.. : . ~, :, • ~ ~., ...: .. few:, , Freeman, Hodges & Co. Auction. Adult alstratcir 9 iTz ale; EAGLg FOUNDRY! Ware Boom in 'Lyons 4- Chandler's Long Building. A grnerut asElortrnrot of Cooking, Parlor: ;Shop and 'Coal" Stares, Stove pipe, Elbows. Zinc. Sheet Iron, • ;Copper.'Brass,Wire, liar Iron, • Nail Iloda, round be squaros • Cast Steel' all sizes,. -" round if square Iron, all sizes, - ' - Side Hill Green Sward,. Excelsior, Genesee 4 , WorsterPlows.Straw Cut• ters, Corn' Shellers,Sata Arbors, - Morticing M . :whines, Mill Cranks; Balance Wheels, Pots, Disk Kettles, Spi ders, Tea Kettles, Waffle Irons, na , brella Staints.Punips, :Lead Pipe, Shingle Machines, Scrapers, Veigh . Nines, Jiick ScrOba; All kindo otSuonnzo on !mild Or made - to order-- 4 1 cl.'Cip, coppir dud Sheet IronWnro..an hood. Or mode to order. . . W I LSON .& CO. M.nttrqs;.. Nov. 5. 1!.?5f1. • Ntw- lilt m_rand !Wm Geodb • THE'soliecnbeis, (hating rtitered• tutu - etyma. nervhip) beg leave to ithoolidee to their friends and ticqhaintoneep.thus hey rho ylw found at the store, formerly occupied by 'l'..L' UHoyden, in New Milford, where 11141 hate tiow.just received, and will - be constantly renewing, a good town- - meta of . • • ' ' Staple Dry Opods, Groceries: - Provisions. Hardware. croeltery. Stove 4.. Sheet Iron Ware.Tllfedieilies„ - Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs;: 'Glass. Stove l'ipe,,•4litc, 4 . 4., which we will µill el the very lowest possible price. We are taw rt•O,ivinz a etnntiunntlnn-n1 of .Bradymade-Clatkin kt. f all' kinds. Dirge, Shoes, Hats, and 'Caps, all, of which we ! will sell eery low. , ' ~'• - IL Flour (by the : sack 'or barrel ) and Salt, alwittlion houti.';: , : • • -• • • Ph.ono call examine rot efourtment, os we shun be ItftripF 'to !dintv Our goods at , any time, whothor you'intkiisporotittsing noi, strict. nitration, to bnoiniOo. nnif ntak4lltin.best eudenii oralo..oooee,Nee hope, to , roertti end receive u bb. erel shiire of. public patrujutm: f: titXYDEN. •18.AC:Ei ‘' —e • .or . onpay"l K 4M. - ." Vranted iMmedlatels!:, :NY 'Auaniily oY alt kii}ll4 nl prodner. Including 23.41Gruile;.Pork, P, , tato , 444,BuLtrr. Gerd, .Hides //..ttiloW6uiliatitd Wood. dr4 We . p y two shilling* . good . socks; - so 6401 eh•.!li filmy,' Pit rail fir • 1- itt%oft Getterai .Greatilead TE trr, 14:3 f lti(lit steed wittipu aleer yards of the Depot, in a sty . te un surpos.e.4 Irn'ots propinkl In receive and - itntertant. tds frhAult. - S.;uetta wdl bo.coareyed to and from the, Cara frco of cbaritc.: and overe ritfoci et.setif ,. ftcitdr com fort'and •coavkiidenctr- Thotatablistiettstagtatiow start from lc a tanna.4 sthieh learn upon the arrival of tlia (,rent tru "hin ttActud •,an'excenAth entent Sr ant.r.:by..tli;_ Trumdcit,.!arhero horsrfantl paittingth can be hall at alt Nance, uo_Tenttotiable tetras. • - •• • • U. U. SMITH TlPndaan.l2o. 1851: .;.: I.4*Stri: bave,Your Taw,- - frlIS fact t veil e+tallllAbedAltst * the nrady.ry erg- J. lelltiis better for elie PCILCIIASIIR its melt as the sett Ter. as sit, sills 6 eitt be - 6.1.3et1e5" at a, much - smaller pitellt.for pay down, than ort a credit. •-- • - . _ . _ Are aollini 4noirjame stock Of Dry Goods. °rocas.les, ltd. excu.notozi.Y of the prino4denr"Givo'and Tike" or no trust. And, th. rcloru, as . sert with ruoAdenee, that .;.bcy ' * tr!cle'ebuipsr than tlxiir helghhors,who sell on credit. hues,[ any final - 1 may sive enottgli shoit time, by, trading,: with us, to pay hip tur. the . y.ar. - pen to those atnhaysli.to pvior whet they pet . at,say LOl:ph to your - interests • Ancl give its a call ai the-storefecentirocauplad by •• , , WANT I:ll.—Grdn, Li vitt*: Dried Apples; et , Ol,lu excliongx torzti;da noutiaOse,b'an.ie ltrdi ' • ' • Live and let Live _I . . eftt the ‘rtrirty *fore: " • "•1 , . , A <ZOO4 supply of. elioteo Testi, Colee,Euvii,slolaseea. 13 !Spice, Pepper. Starch, Salerstus„ Soapc,Toboceo, Opus reprepeauciOlustard, liiee,-, Crackers Drugs * Andrew's ruin iirs Estrus; Lain- Hoots, blocs, at esps, Carpet flags, Satchels, Owig,. Serino Books, Stationety,Poirder. Stiot,Willow ware. measures; Tubs, and a` evaerat -ussortin nits of Willow Ware PAH.: Groome, Breodtes. Baikets-ttnafeettonery. Yankee No: thar, en_ aittele - Handl:era •of Pier Pincer Illogo, •Warthei, Gold Pens. Into Pencils, a udio, y o o, ,orer GeoeOptiop of Fitaq hood., trually kept In any plate. for rata byl W.D. TitowniuDes .-:.Great flood, Jun. IS, 1651. • • •.• • • L Oar • - I /THE subscribets take :this oppertnnity of ten., .1. dering their sincere thanks to their contament vmerally 7 nut only for the very libernl patronage besiowed tmoit, them Mating tlin post pnrs,but Mettler the-promptness of, their payments—and beg leave to say'they have coittinonced the/net. 1851 i with a determination to keep et genera end full elk sortment of good GOODS, *hieh will be. sold oa ne . fuvorahle terms for entlt, v Protlone eppreivt;d -credit; se ells be bought other eattibludt• ment this eitle of tin; _ 7 , . • ; • BENT,LEV,-* REID. Mostiiise; Jan. B. lesn; - , • Itecutor's , Notice.: tr, Ormitis iodebtPd to tlio,i4tates of ri4rtek Carrol„ dreeoird. fair of Ansh - townohip';'oye irquestra totook«, I.suogfiioto moonily 'and oil persons haviorrdeonoOdo ogoipat said,ostatis, - wal p!oseo!.!benl4o,aite ,s r es t . fai.arttleaot. NIT jam - Bt3). 1851. • rOnN !sat eh tad Partin& also; article*/ poddialram , I LiglaW.by • - , I.:!eqt: Y , ~,, BuSQUEBANAA 1 ACADEMY -ALBAN & IturrA to .114) raft 4 C:74. ' . ' Niraig iyirk ii; Erie; i VSFir ga - #4ll t.. Thegaloondtermorthis inatitakawin nourasaes cm T amo os, it m _g . ,,,,, nu, twin; neared a acnis swot queLqinla a ,i tell I:l4:24ll a ll i : e o. l . l enavest: , v ilatrd a izotnaellniraalrltathelllfithisterb , iallAti .. .l,tasa,,, , ;(k If , a ~ ~ ,_. , m _ . Imi . ,_ - i -.. g apeagrhpr,nictitfl:lo,llot6llll/4 - F 1 ; ... ', 1%3 D.I4 ' ' -^4. 1. 1. th i e ti t e r t U i nt sral t r.73Mr'iri43 o,l 021/4en t remntr-ad ` EI T B y toil bz - BALT 1,101 , , ths basalt Ilion to the att4,3l„nntsf thaftiOnt gi, d patmns , ~„- ~,„ ..... i . , _ ~,.., ~_,,,,,... . ~.. , l , lof al berg: a siiand, - statas illarointhedatagas- ItsaP l i rpm, *ailor • irtiaaVtoseeetiloritn 4 . l , ~, bsoolithausd.ualtr3Whil i ttiri# d r i M °L i , "' ' / Volt ' , o( ll,o,l foginfUlgliol4‘.T r 4i.. , - a et*, 4 ..5.14 ) wat fr v wißria,lhrgeo . rjavtalsw,, Ca bap; ,- aas. n _ caws la a I . 11 a -4 , y44-,,,,v , ,44•T'T7- . q , , ,, LL, v, , . ~:1., '..;l:' , ' us, Ua,%tairt &Atli gfid- W4O IWi 1 i a 4 l. g a . ... , AllioCl At* , 1.4%w,. 1 1 1 ,) , _, t.U.4*10:0 4 ri#434OllVP . X I . ile 7. • \'' Wi l i. Itleiittir,•-4011. -/ 3 " 0 i ' l '''''.,` ''' ', i 11 : ''''''' radtoVillNS ele 6l Sigiltreir 473 . •_ natut. 3,3,..`-- ' " N itt a -A has Jlarg , l.Oritaihrda;ii,' . ,14! Z.',N i*, !I i'!•,` ,f' I . ea„ thaad4, l o.o,3goilition - ,..trifshaaataa, " trig It, 311aa Curdy's. gowliati , • . ' ', . tiabora, pepealtosnat acao, erstptara;the Ise, , ' .. - 14.1.1 1 ww.a tm o n i aa Tralliegalfellie.ir: - :::,-:, -t' aspßapay.taceptedzsa3;d o frAthrtteaftbreallisaligittr, ;a . • ,Ne Gluatofil. Waltet h ' ,4 . 1 , 1 . 9 4... 4 ",.... P i a t, a yary-r - ,;:. To, t oat tilt4iti ,, .-they.mill sunhat tii.fshiadia stub / Thers *Mho th ae Van' i... '''''"'''''''.foi ~.?•,, ...* t 0 the Ittatoltitak Ilfarasta cleats - it v11314011* th g e ... grit enameating ea ltia,tCP_„ , ltiVir 6. 9 1 .,. ° ; ‘ ,1, - 1 1 , ..',iin al attentiossistapesitazett stilsalfeppalaa,of I..'' re : edn , Lihil :thd" , ,f 01 4 °0. _ 0( 4 " 41 ,°" 1 1•"``, „;'-",!'„„. , ,itlasaehingortha manse-and return th 4 paig,e,d, sa t ta i.• the 29.hday 41 , 4 pis i , flg mama .." ." ' r " ' ' ' v . s '' ' ' ahlafttras:a ohtsur of tte Wore points, to the fot .-",'%. •-':' ~ - Plll9Na - 11 g; Ttlfll l ol4, ":.-.,,,..",-,:.- • persons: . ~,,,, • ,!, , , ~ ,.., , • .‘v - " , ..4; ' viaftutliese4thAthilnityDriortinevt. $ 7,59 .1 47 ,"," iftaili4B"l"46ns° " 4 / 1 "a - -17 Dm f Ai ttcs , gimra , '' , N3- i nit utpd= q Dram:bee of theAcadegleal ' • or floutoSSfot 4 ; t t 5ta1t 216,, .. 0241 0t. e , LVetoe it. ilt, .1 , .. _ The sitsalhatof t.ho ;tigh t s hrameh;ll.: : ,up. ,74 __.'. ..!pre. pf Valthatilts. ii FAL'edget. eaapada rt r it 0 ,,,_ ,_. •I'‘,. .. at this Ch.-kitties , rtinaliis ', .'-- r ' 3SatterliorsTsn; gnaws, F.f..aaspease t . z ia rt . g 7i oi li:,.: •4'_' ' *Zatin....Greek- - and. Ppeathi:: ''. - -.. " 'Lt iett nt"Wiliiiiio ,4 t A704'11 ~.' 410,FOrgInf ra f•I 'J .,. • ' wth thoap - ot Ihe Apatteada. _ Ladii olol4outintil liit':St ^ mi ,4 rof f. Ttithlif el , a , • ' ' ' -,.. .artisierf.^,izialtolanipat',,Nl.oo . 4 _ l r :'' „T e magao%otgto of E. 0. N'sr.san a • on Op /ye; 11 slaw .., -3frstewith nag a Piano. - , r-, . Vhoo ...1--" ~f 1 oftteeof.)_ g PlOtips; Miltpart. *tore ol J. tail ; Irani. DrayingauttPalatin;;,,osch i 'l5 00 ` 6 , asatia:ottee ors. ~( rerteitt cortilie, Ilitlii:4l Win 41 oettnin • .., ~,..,,f, _{ - ~ f , t ` ,;„ ~;„ 1 , ikaa ~ A., 4 mow otai n z a .a„_ ma,...riscauFe-,14 Thstsna4 . 4 laseltosts N is It So lista 1,,, , i?ral irtrawa. of thl Truitem.' l, l j'aetmviiia, atom of .. r .rGarie ,, fi.. Plirjhrtc p e dda, appropriate d sdulitle• 1: , .1% the i , i 1 4 , 1 1 * ar Kth Villiars o " • - Tarry; aturoni.istote of a'r. g Lt. P.lforgitit , lt.hata,ab . a 16v the Corona- nets of the Inotru^fo I , lmpolled ous4, , bit n ip, ii, Drake ;.ectivier,a.'aga- of s.4larager; 011 ,,, g, a, - ilt , 4 atisittca fatnishe is It! secure fr t h''''A e rinn g i p 'leant 3Latlaant4l Ells ; Cutlet store af,t; 'N. nue", ; ..„„ i vet Atotoog the Literat7 tat t trtona ° tt! ° n 'imnaltataton: ogles of latheat-.. l aisuOiluf Bend, Mirk i ' 1" - i and . • -,-..-;.,, '-, ,I - . , .r: ". ..--- -. iy, tihuratalaii. ffaniaboro'.eff-es‘f r ,A. 11 - 41td; Depot ... ah'ng 3° Oblitn 11 0 2 70Tn0l rote or tr.spga 4 Venn • Iflueisck -atom of alLison I" lc% PrOt t " inabrw. '" • i •I. pre.'esol.-eh.3 V • - 5A14 . .. iNt3il ' ' Nqb .. receive a , c a,1,,,,:0 places tayapp rag , Rattail. •' . . . , lit ... liatioha,. -- ... It' .1 . • . . --; , . • , , II 3f. II 1111,NEY. b , ' , 7 1 4 ' dler or Wat. J:3111:1 ,431 . Muni . r iE , qup kft e . a vn 'l,-- r: •, 17 ..c.ta) , R . D o z o t c I N •, th ; Bargen,l3aniel3tePl,..,- ' - A ,' i niti . c l imhpeutt.a .. _ .irsq::Soey. - . . - .` ,- - NATIIa , NI:ifi.ELLIS, Outgo '.. • . • , , Ar.ion s. Iv ion, . . m ~aqt r . , . 2 , - toyAdtr gstr , a. La tiaP a. sm ir t _..—Deffah , . It. are, Paw; .Attio*, Thome* !cr. vontrose, Sep' 13,1510• eau; ttnln"t ( !t• rettallk/4 It la Eldridge' ' 011112Wiltn. cver Corcorgn; Omits:6C ratitywv; 0114: Pert q.P , . , 1 / 4 spr ax uo; LOW; tonn , lee Landing. Tuthill g Co.; 4r=.. term°. 'E. 9 Norton; Havana, P. Phehas; 3111.1port; - : ROI ; tioraeheada..r. A. Verret it' Corning.'ffm: J. 4 , 4 r., • 1 no'4; Eindra. Thurman It inatram t rectory-11010.0 fl. chepherd;•Artmr#.ll. fr. 0. P. Stomp . imam p. It. Drake: Candor. S. Naragerr Thttoti f C. - f. Meek.: ; Prelttlleud, P. Churen lulanitybotri% r. ICWald; De -IPadt,Easiga & D e a ni 114 "vwka Milton & MUM. , _ • ' 'WOOdrtifrigle"Gtdeinn AT .Dirrinek, suPtia&balive a thP reCopthdo of otu en' o oelvedorodey,gfb of' :an.1931.- lit rvard for tha Ifinnetllnto sopeentoodenraut !tee, t;;Ti!lball Sun: and Lady in ati..se ability lc 4a porleoceth movf Ptirit*"'ll'icuce may barer.. 4.. Inc fin. healthy :oeai Ita fair oroseeeio of thus inplitnkion cannot but be a!' 1 ; oroefeted by el I who ori.d, pdnrattotrflr tbu least nal !viable The 'Academia year still Or divido,iinos four querferc.twoltio n oak* eaart a eallno nt one Iv •elr, lin tuttalat4l y 12 , 13.• ding eftelmust• ono,' Arra gemmts have. horn thi.,l*.tor Atntl. , nt•entnk f mu a Ws - aura pi imani In nevelt!! Rmlllso or othurnioe with the least p 0 4 4 1 . 10 eX P' l " ° ' . . TItTIIES OF TUITION. The siisiles of primary departtititut Aradrinleal s(UnFslcal . Musiewith noe of piano • - Irrao•lng tea patnting . Proneb ' mouttee onel.o , f ,o;oe-isio New . . E arm Wad NOW . IWO tailas TliEsobreribers r es p ectfully give totlee, that they have , _entermi Into rolia triereldp. , under the name and ityle of I . o.eff &„PITTS. and hose just received from N. York en extensive and ganiral asSorttecut of Dry Gi•nds, Groceries. enTiC , ry Mardi ere: Br cos and Shaw. Ice , which beteg bought Innat IY for each, and °win,: to the lateness of the season, at greatly I redneed prices, are of fered for sole, for ready -pay only,nii such terms es• can Oat fall Innuce m nti to purchase who will give use mil, at the old stand of Mills & Knepp. • - • • -... • ' 411 kiod of produce taken* the highest, Market erica. •• : Montrosa Doc. Z 5,1650 ; ! PAUL 11 . PITTS. ,1 idernman'a New Saloon. A :MERRIMAN respectfully announces to the public, a_ . that he has removed his Grocery and Sat on to his new bullulng opposite Beatles lintel. width he has fitted up, In a style unsurpassed. for the" neeomiii..lation of ' those who may think him deserving of their patronsge•—.; Ilia eating mune. Mrgentitriter, OTC f riteltUP and ela, pant; and In 'Willa; n ho has 'lutnistud, In approprisv style, tworotans alp , yeasty hit the nem tr.medttitti of In; Pita.' Neel:forte will be wanting on the part Of ilia proprietor to in ice his saloon a Piensent ." - ;- •, -•• ontr an. :inv. 11, ISSN-40 , C • NEW COORS : LYONS de CU AN; DII,EttiO • and Lane.4boro', A Itt ivies receiving. h Isrgn said splendid asiortmont of ;I Goods, whirliwid basold cheap for cash. I - Sheeting , . S;b:Ttdral. Ticking, Dating.. Wadding, Dril s, C 4 too :Ind Woolen Dirn, C tTet aria - Knitting 1 Kris, Umideintlis and oissiuteres, Curpetsinnd Carpet , gs, Trunks. plaek, Mut hnd 0 een•Untl , r:lia deptted Man, Cr ckery and Glass sVire, - UArdware;?te.—s GROC'EftS Crashed. pulse , lard and 0. Sugars. CelitKi, molasses. II leek and Green Teas, Fork, netherali Codfish, Candles, spices, &e. I - BOOICS . 4 STATIONERY. We are reeeislug s is go nesotttnent of all kinds. fseiron* tlooke.fEa;tisß, Latin : Frmelf,-Cirse,k'and German) Di. Irseellaneons: Works, - .3.l• , diest Books. 1:41 ds, tissue end Note Paver; &e. Ice. These n went of iio,llo an,l.stttionerp, - Vat please glee as as we ntenl I • sell.oavisp for ca.k. i. STOVES AND. IRON WARE. Conking, Parlor. Shoo Ana, Cnal Stores.'rlPe. 12bnws. Store Ware. boo Scraper, Corn phellers, straw cutto I, Plow Pointe, toombo:0'. • ; • • PORK. Sril,Th PLOTTR;. , , Whorier , -(3 , ndles bp the box or Dp—alto Nalls, GLUE, Paints nod OPs. . . SARSAPARILLA. _ . Old Dr. Jacob's; 4: Stineyptaria porilln -75 mob , per bottle. LYONS '&. 01.1ANDLEIL Mootraw.nd nerboro`,lot.7,lBso,, , : - - AmericanAl.' t,Un.lon-.. = - Of Ike City of New V4irk. Tie rolloidsix at or thl, principal inducements to soberribers tor the.prerent year: , , • 1 ' ' . In the tiret piece.. a ehano • or dr:twiner prise from - a eolle , tron Orsereral bunAted picture.% many of th to._ 01 high colt Mid by welt known: artiste,-as Coto, Durad. Leufse, Maltby-Iton, [Brickley, and - other'', end all. of .. nun -1 16-31 l .r.th rere male to artistic inerit. . Thitr'e.l, lertion already exe.•ede in ratite forty,thottY44ll dollars; • and it srillbe - gtill further ,ixtender.l in proportion "to the ftumberorsuly.eriptiens yet th be reeilreil.: . .- .: . . . Seztadly..each *abseil.. r _Will re celre y;.l.l.ipeleattear^ • inga. tile er,ixtorrrhieli,lreaetuted tl.r a prlvatePublialley, lamed at lea Ft be sold at fou - lintaathe Mice ortbe t'lln scriptipn • ,The•eengrarippp . Ofiiift ento pngrsviog(itize 20X by . lag Inaltesl Croat %lir', Litilis'etalahratki picture .tampe Page, Sir:hill. ~ nd Shallow, .ft stenY L .renyn the 'ferry Wire `of Wind=er. 4 rtiu r et of five tine eeetarings ' Pdte,7g by 1) inahey) .•*o.rt iht ntinvi I.y rite 'llatir•wing eminent srt - rs: The Dreant of trandis.by We ; Dar t , Zliday. by Durand z Thermage Breaker. by Leutte ; The Neer Fieholar, by , Ednicdule, f and'. Tile: Card. ?layer, by •IrtkVelellio:‘ - -. , -.•- •1, -.• , . l.; r. ;, :;;-..-, -- „; 'rya =octal d'etrilm Bon edit tato placebo the City o' N ew Try k. on the 2 , lth of Debenibi , t'ttoit. kW each sob' ~c4hetyritlin reaching a fill retiarufor hic ft oney,-tril ~ bnye,, he e .nti a tarn.) l tApti.Atts ! ,l in tirt entourskement - OrAft: TY! In the . ,npirid'ot an intr.tuvirhi vilii,ao eier - - 1 tinny Vi till t 03 ' 1 i-e- - awl -4i;l,•PPOitoiredi,ottly by, tht i mems'iwitirb the pohlie .. nr,piare of Sta - dii , Posal. - Tin 'llon ere ry . iy Pearetafoi this placiqaultibrired Lltii•reetdrY• 540,rebe.e, lA , _ t 1 ..:, , .. • i :;.;-: ` P , • ,---,: lt,J.Zarks.•;,l Montiheo t10r . ..13550.- _,, ..: ~ ' ~ . , '-. : '• ',.solit.',4nd,r . : :llo,yed:B.4l.o.gl,e's;:::., , VN., rztellent artiele..(wairanted) kept' corn:tartly en .11 hand and for sate rigbt at Withal, at the subaerlber, ' 3 mike Nortliol Muntrofe, en.the..chenatlo . turnplikr, I ftearDivid Feathers. (Ju1y . 1 2 ..3 8 5 4 4 , F : : 11'. ALLIIN. - P lm — ers-s -Far'FaupOrriml frietid hi -.--... T- L-. Ri PECK. evotthr .intortit' • hilt a . Om . . Bhavingillrestdy'receteed q siirpy, t )f Corn and tR,Ye: he' Wnitteirtipro , idnif ;trheixt -t an& 04t:ii . f4;1 lAihich. he will ply tit . ..iii.rylliallgil pricest in Carp. 1- 'll"..."Drini it on; tiny trillittity;cit it; if yon :went the ready. I L'll, PECii.. l . Burford Mil's. ]nn. is 10.q1, _ ” - Itf ' .• 1 -'Dagnerreolypo Itooru - s. r" (Ochl'"Fellowt: .11411; corner-Tu'nipike ;14nd • • _ • Chratnirt strt,el TYR AXING just retnrnid [ram tho thy with A nen en: Ai. toollot t ot platoo, calrn. undo,. a'g fiala wired, lbw, beca.n F;titlacittu` to. Orbit wish a 7‘,correot. it; It inn.". Anion.; my now omiettet teeming m.y be found JennY Lind. Papier Macho, and Palmy book - Please , call - and 'manlier opacimen Ploares, *mon whicb Is n Ceara.' Dap ;mentypo taken forou:t Root's eetebrded Daknerrootypo Jenny Mid. Yours a rtninealo.- • ; .IV. 11. DEA :VS .M.mtrose. Jan. 13;1831.% . , • •' SKINS-r,ltist „ree.iyed prime lot; k) uteo, euetber enmity .of Hene.tut /Ipper keit. ther, Citrus') trud fiue bouteote.._ - • , • . ,1 • OVNTLEY le : 1mM): ' %ASU., F ur ,. - si ll U:4144p P, hL - 112 F: LI)RE 0. 1 • - WVANa.gu—Efi l i up good teal iu tichadge foi idowo pod clut!ugo.,, , • • : - • - •- • - 1111/ O LS. • • ,I; , n. IFIAiI - • •-• Diotic LET‘T• ERS of ildini,cistratirtn, of the o r simnel Dimgininti latter "frenkh#,tetroethip, dee:Oiled; having been,gfented /Jude ig tea. we hereby give notiee te oil who mei i tetr i t i. ii ifii, we hitio putt the :hetet itier.tintn'or the 4e• ceased into the hand,' ENI 'collection Tend settlement. • ••. A 'Arks iinkdemundi agnimit the riente _ "duly micron:4l, ' , The ccuitr An. .4.i t h er (at with him far-division:. rind atomd . goc4 iueorttnenr ci leather for fin at - Ore - EVF . #8 Turruil 3 : 4 1 51.6% ' S Franklith. 31111;64h;i10.51.-;.7.7- - FIC/Fer - 1T05V.0 eau L;114/41110.464tik by do ~, l rekpe_ apt' 01 Talll - 11 1 )7 IMO& vrfor, CaPt: 4 / I meg -, -,-; taperintend the .boFtne.n. througliont: the *hour awl receive n12;11211 all Orders for : • . - - • • Greer . brit : , Flak e iota rek,Ate. eta wbi& 4.111ie ho'ight et the feet bniatioN'prieb Nom yorY, tool letstartte . l to either ot the above es 82,50 , 62 450 8,00 40t' ' 5,00 1111. Jewelry Elte'oe of Wm. W. Tree war broken eye* k a it. retains. alnee J.kprqettely laiq put cur i es 019004 the - ;re.....,, ~... . r) ..._., • ~. .I' . .." ' . r .ip 4( . . . .." 7.(1-4";. And found tnenntain a full afportnarnt of. Clarks. Golii tied Kam Watcher, Killer:l4m Gents and Ladles Pins and Rings of the latest styles. Gold and Silver Peneils.Ladies andgents Gold Chabot, - kelt, Slides, Gold Pens, Bracelets. Ged and bilges Thlsa bles. Spectacles, aolsaars,Ettel Heads k.e. : • Also, t' erftstlisP ta-•a good assortment of Luldn's &flostdle'eVatraetAneltling Jenny Ltrol's.. :fetters. Iteliokops. • Ambrosla ) . Rose, ratchonly,,ltlnseijler e. CaVlitte; Joa.ey club &c.; : • . .• • Soups aml Pan:ales oiull kindrrrootbpiite,kola, . , . .. Alatt„ fiernlng Fluid, and a 'gond aiiottineitt at Lampe, TitolzeeNot kin's. Toys. sad rAriOUSI other articles too Lo titcruus to mention, whieb' ;411 be soldpotitirelyebeatta• tban eati be bought eleettbere; ~ ; , . , ---:..: ,11. It Itepahing oral{ kind* done on rraannableterni‘ at shoit notiee, and warranted. - - WU. 117'1110E.. . llontrose,Sapt..2stb,lll.so. .' :. - -:' ' :_; _ Stoves,. 'it are, 'and Pipe. _ . • . EY Swim State. Air" Tight mien stove, for It harping wood or coat, the hist in use: - Rough and Ready duribLi oven cooking stove. . Elevated • do • . do • . du • Prknium ViCtoria _ • • .do do .. do do Empite State - • do'. 'do Clinton Air Tight • . ' .dO - do 20 Sizett bud hinds of Parlor Stoves' for wood or '4 Sizes or 6 plate Stoves, z . . Coal and Wood Stoves rot shop, saw] holster ihe btu in use. Copper, haws, tin andiron'stove ware. Ronia t :Engliitr, end Arnoietm Stove Pipe. Stiose,Tnt. und Znw. tOb..s.,* 4-e., loi pale.by the doz., or single, at the Engle Foundry Depot. ILSON Co. Montratte,'Neo. $6,'50. " -.• • General Call-No. 3. A LL lienuMs. having unsettled aecoonts with thesubscrit?er for Newipapers, Adr4iising or lab-work: are eantestly n queste . d io'ehil for send f pmre convenient) and nettle the wine during Ate ensuing l'erm of Court. =bean be found at ;hilt time 'at- the 'o°l=l.4M:in-'s Office. O. (;.. HEMPSTEAD. . 0 H TIIAT rust & Pitta are determined to adhere , rigidly to the R eady pay r:yatern and conao ,it;ntlytt ea afford t o theirgoadti - at- lower pri ,..te than itiose n•ho Must:Make On - for bad debts, and they 'are &Wild to-do it: 'Pall and see far yourayives..at.tho:old'stand of B rcOAD Kinevi)eics•ticail SAtinot r e!aritp fit VW/Raton; Shares t r4lmettos, and pipit. De Lane 14 of alt eolofs al • - • TyLEli.s. • - PhTSfalltbl ; oo.lCil,PlVS," limp est . temrdy to rliilliotuattackfettini(lspeak trona ixpirienetl f0i.4a1 . 0-by : C. .I.IALDwLy, ittS of.,Frecio ntl Tutted In axe/Inge for 104000 ()nods, or on adrooritoOr.rtineir, •Wth part cash if loolr6l if &arena carlylo r ViOsesoou. ,31. C. TYL Lit . nOLD , WidAllreell'otehee,elleerTrtljle.Twalesee,taltill 1.1 ee,leliiioons, owl a;ewerblarsertWeut or Jewelry lIESTLit'VA'ItZAD . „ • Jriii! itrite:rt4 ; and - 'erapper. , DR tyct say; i'4ll your Fes of all kinda, and it t iglwat -prices: 4,IATTLE. ' . • - - NEW Ptippty;ol JCWYELlRY.add Watches k at coo int cash, al , OLOCIV:S, 14: various • p4ii fi.rus;rrceived this day;ita . d rut - 'l.- • *1 BENTLEY& nrit D. I,att for int,Wsi,a. talei.Tdiftieit - 1 - ITit.Yixtf;?i •-/ t•tm.eu‘: - I.puca a CHASMS:R. - • • • rt %bit pai to rags ►y li/L3lniritroir;Jap."-33, QrEtlllettudle juitt ecrelre utthrortnle by r" •LIONS Ca-viz:An NEW - Zisdive• Rukbers: Buskins &. 41 ; , GUireru = relt 4 . 51 :Arille'Peuri , Rubbers. PlLnux cups, &c.,,just rvcrmil hv , AirigtitrialEan. to a d Ck of POCka • lir' . 1. ''• • ;'- • Post. Prrra.: Wedding Rings. SomE"ntlietvry. (Ingot v.rrsoted a+ floe , 'ALFRED J. EVANS.; ninth r ton .1111. ; 41Eigirm- . . t• cr. /3. tONV - SHAWES-:' rin,.lnrgest. best. Ind cl*apext nesoitmeol at ."awls to four 4114): t his traion. are row o hf? .f ot rovr & • DISSOLUIIONI HE Firiw orEldred.& Newton*. in this day . 'dissolved hyenuftuot couseur..• Tha unieri *rid ac t ouuta rilay,bu foupd in tie bends of Cr. R. Eldred. at,.the.alit _curia Croft:lira 'filar; rlory , of February tier, Meet' That they will In:Oaten In bands al' wreou for collection. : ' B. XI,DRED. - - • • E COMB. Montrose. Dec 1P:54. ' • ' • • THE Subscriberirdt eentinal;:_ttr Ust:'eni, end 1, Fur burinrie all tlte; , old mud nnd 'Wilt keep to tonere asectrttnent of wbfeh rut. rvdltirll ettemp fps tridy p;sy. Thapkfid for the very libelist pattantige'which Wirt reieiwjir, , h - i the hir- r.l entleire, , n ernthintinerr of thesarna..',.; , ELDVED.. '-• 11-04le Oioehla ; ‘' *-601,0,1' tAkk. Litz, • oipir tri i.r vs fr. emplace&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers