. 'k • .1' • =UM WWI AgricultisalGeologi. .13Y:JOitAtt 810-01 t. MM=I -NUMBEW.TIIICEE. - ,-- -.. ' - .Reeks tire the oxydes of metals.: • Sites! tits`. most; abundant ingredient , in ;reeks; mountains and -soils, islthe oxyde of silici um :' ' - This ' oiyilireonstittitea - 'nearly ono -, half of thq solid -Clatter orour o globe.- It is I the lirinollial element tif' quartz,,in all ha' varieties:whith are exceedingly numerous, lei& some of them eitcreedingly 'beautiful.= ..-QUai l tz 'it. the Ally. Mineral found every where.---TSand is'pnbrerized, qUartz. - Peb bles ate fiarimenti of -quartz, rounded by attrition. Gunflint is qnartz - ; breaking "'with*.clioncliodial:(sholl like) fracture.-- Jasper is a red quartz witli'a fine 'compact • to - stare.' _Amethyst- is_ pUiplo - qiiartz, fre -trientlf to• be Mound= iit six-sided - crystals, which is the Common - Shape of lnurtz me tafs Wits di ff erent ~ i atieties.. Aente is a • ~ c londed quartz. in _nuinerons varieties, some of ' - iiiiieli are much nsed for Watch Seals, ' :Anger rings; breast pins,. and ' , ether orna iirentl. ' ;Carnelian is quartz of a fine text ure, and of a yellowish fed color. Chalee `ileikir,,ibleodstone, catseye, and , :many other gexos, are 'different varieties of qesti... .- .--21.1 p ost, perhaps all, the ms sed .ie the i breastplate pf, Aaron-, _the high, p test, were' „quartz -of different textures, olors and . • lirieS.' The- preciouis stones- prsented 'by • the Queen of Sheba to the Kin of Lucia, . were probably of - quartz. The stones are mentioned in tire 'liooli- of Rev Wins as forthing the'itreets of. the New ernsalete, with all the :gears referred to, w re but va rieties of the stones' used for acing, our streets, and of the earth :Coved o the, plow and the hoc of -the farmer, and of the dirtl 'eaiteal . or fdling our docks. • ,-..- •.,The coloring matter giving ost of the ' , beantifullueS to gems r and an ndless va ,riety; of colors to quartz, is th oxyde ofd • iron. The oxyde of silicutn an the osyde, of iron are hence united in th 4 same most abundant mineral in the world. - -Next to quartz, feldspar, or day formed byL the decomposition of feldspar, is the Cost abundant element of our soils. This 'tog is tomfrosed of several oxydes of met als, , in chemical combination ; Feldspar is, - 'also extensively united with quartz in the 1 fornation `of 'rock's; not' by' chemical combi- ' nation, but mechanical mixture: The feld- spar and the quartz.can be. separated with' the hammer. Not.so with the oxygen and silicum. forming sites. Chemical agency .'alone can separate chemical cnrnbinations. 'Such combinations in mail, Soils, and oth -- . cr,Lmineral bodies are : exceedingly numer ous, complicated and deliOate. The most common stone that meets the eye in any "= part of tbo•world is composed of tio ox ydes.. The oxygen. and the metals are ~ each united .by chemical affinity, and then - • the two oxydes are again combined by the , 't =no agency to form a "corn-mon stone" evidently' worthy of - Clore respect than it commonly receives. .. . ' . , An eXperiment : Pour upon ; a little pear ' trill in;a tumbler some strong vinegar. An of erVescence willfollew, producing carbon ic acid. A burping candle immersed, will be extinznished, showing that carbonic ac id, is , fatal to combustion. It is equally so _.to life. Pertnatteut Pastures. We' have often adrisea the formation o • . . permanent pastures, and will here singes • avery easy method. by ,which those who lave worn out old fields may convert any of them they may please into these desire ble, appendages to a farm. If there be no foncesronnd any such old- field that may -be destined fora permanent pastille, put .uti one ; then put on B_nr-1.0 bushels of bnne dust; 'break it up thorouchly ; har row it well; sow on met acre 10 pounds of clover seed, 1+ bushels of red top, 1 bushel orchard grass seed, 5 poundd of sweet , . • scented vernal grass seed, and 1. a bushel of Kentucky blue grass seed; Then sow a, 'bushel of plaster-to . the acre, and roll on first' harrow in and then roll; keep, the ntock off the, first season, ri' spread 501 bushels of Bite, or 100 • busbels of marl thereon, per acre, the succeeding fall or win -- -ter .'arid u pdrmanent pasture will have. - been formed. This will relieve you from :iheiliisagreeable alternative of forcing your attic) to the necessity of subsisting in the _woods , or on the roads; and relieve you also of the painrof being frequently broughtin " to collision trial...your neighbors on account •of the 'depredations of your stock. Your - good =ample will snake your neighbor ern-, Mate it so that in a few years you will have just'eause to be proud of your provident care: in marshalling them in the way they should ,have gone -years before; ' besides -Which, your cattle and other stock will bp i kept in better plight, and as a conscquence I profit.--Am. Fariwer. flay we ',suggest' that the line added, ''sbould be slaked with one bushel of salt dis .water-for each ,three bushels of , : • . The tinlam Uvu The Guinea. lien, or l'entado, is near an `"an'evcrlasting layer. They are said to unite "tie properties of the Turkey and the Phea.: -.Pant. They arc: alativemf Africa, though saiAby seine to belong equally to this coup ' • try, and -are easily domesticated: Its flesh is more like.that of the pheliaut than the biamon fowl; both.in color and; taste, and Asreckoned a spry good •inhatitutnfor that It assimilates,,,, perfectly; with 'the ..,::ectintiott boil in its artificial habits arid food. Its gate„is peculiar, as ilia ----also-its cries.- -_They ire:fond_ et marshy rplaces—alaiiia :perch dining the night in •••• high•'Sitnations lir on trees. -It. is . ,a little • that. American fariners do not.turn • •Cir a ttention to thelielowlic A 4 0 Wing ' : 2.• • . ersymop, - DaTid Ppoogr; from . En gland, hired a patch,„of Bic acres fouryears ...---or4ft;atril• commenced raising-eggs for New .--••-•.• York.. Boncie,i 'neier,4tired and: at thislmminent -owns alarm for which • its- paid $1.70 - 0 - , of winch the-buildings edit ger $3,000.. MS farm is"all".paidfor , lin dbes not owe a cent in the world,_and be • f,; flock. which varies from to 1200 Guinea liens..—Seallc Democrat. - BEHEI 1, _ ~ • Toe - Paitsemitstetk- Avirsiat—Viiere are bit few pleasing 'iamittbieeiitiSief the time when husrneiSatid i ,cradiCer. ere:/picot trateil by the hurricancOvhinit . avritit - ,over this country in 0 thirty - seVera:m-whin the I.l anksgenerilli f iiiPPOl4c l l l T o .4 o .l l 4 l Sents , via hard cash . - 7as a ibetkomenon. ' , We recolleotbie one inizt&provekilfolkielileet connected with:Abe grest,panie,.lia tbat arai'llfepreientatiotkof a - hundred ollar I bile , as "the counte r :or a Chi 'batik; lite FrenehiuM, witti'a deamnd - for lpecie;;`-' , :• , ' "Alonseinr," said the fiercelittle Frneh men, " Mil You puyaie 4411 - 'To you give mere moonier' .; '-. -- --! -- --r , "We cannot redeem it at Oreseet;"sei the teller:, in a very bland`teue; . '" we 4 IPlY,eins- pended.'t :- : .. -- - - ;'• ~,i : 1 1,. ," Silveri - tie! vat's tliat? ', Hang, .' yse neck like one dam theiving dog ? Sin :air° ? you"_ne . 4eceivexteZsere 1 7,1 viii haVo.ze l'argcnt, ze geld;se - silrare: ze nhpparer . "We cannot ,p'ay it now._ We will re-, deem our notes when ether bMitis redeem' theirs.!;_. . _ Whoa Oder banks 'redeem .tbeirsr gar zo - Oder barills'za tit same v 4161104 you sore, to Oita), zo•guO, zo sare """Yon hai . : (better -wait, - sir. 'Yen lia'd better keep-cool" - !‘"By gar..l rill not wait-tlViliziot keep . cool—l rill have, by, gar,-,rci:inge :Snore, look here I Itear your paper note alt. in little piece chew him, i stamp on him! You lose your-littleAtimAiillet note: 'There sare, lam revengo.! by, gar,,yei venge ! And b Ant. Daring destroyer _he note, loolan3 full defiance at the cashier, teller; rind .hands, the, Mile-Frenchmen stalked - octi the bank with the ,air ,of • a , Napululm."-- Yankee Blade. • . , 1 A Sr nxiir, ilArtr a:--14: middt&aged far mer and Lis wife Were enjoying a winter •eve,ning. cosily together, When, tho'convbr. sa tion turned Minn religious matters, as de-1 Seriberr in the .Bltile, whieli the maii bad 1 *deli before,him.-- .. : . •... •. ' ~ = . !' Vife,". - said the: farmer:, ".I'FOJeen I thinking what happysociely,Seloman must, , have had in Ilia day, with so' many wives, &e.,"as is hero represented." ' , - - • " Indeed !"- replied the wife, somewhat miffed, "you'd better, think of something else, then. A pretty Soloman yda Would make, truly ! You ,ean't,tako proper care of one wife.. What a figure you : would cut then, with a dozen wives, and all of ,them as-spunky as liirdr-- - - :-.-1-'-' ..'• —.. -..-. The fanner took his hat, and Went,to the stablir to feed the - cattle for the night. .1 VT* Strange questions are' agitated in the' debating clubs clotru,_East. The 'last was, What 'is the difference bet Ween a fat simile and a sick family? And the, nest will be, :What 15tAie diff ere n ce b e t, - . ee p the bridge, of sighs and' the Size of. bridge? • , , " : diti you ever double:the Cape of Good•HoPe - - I expect I have."' 4c When • - . r Last nighttirlien I put arm around the cape .that belongs, to the dress -of the young rtay that I lave good hope of may king Mrs. ° Duzenbury." , - • • wag gentleman, not long since,' istr:: ing .to " pop • the. question," did it •.i the following singular manner :-Takingni, the . , young lady's - cat. he aaidH' Pussy, May 4 have your riiistreisr. •.:. :.... -•-• i, . 1 . It' was inutediately, afiswerid_. - 4. ilia: . young' lady, who said-" Pay . yes, Pus{ sy!!! • , .- -• .. ...'., •,.;• . .• - - .1 Cuaious.—There is a curiousordeabn 1 tridia which shows' the - actioripf, fear upon 1 tiie sillivaryglands. , I - C,a wrong is coimait;;' 1 ted, the suspected. persons are got:together; and each is required to keep a - quantity of 1 rice in their mouth for - a, certain 4ure, and then put it out Jagain;, and with:the great est ... certainty; the man - who bus done the deed:Pits it out almost dry in Ootistiltienan 1 of themi fear.of his mind keeping hack the tia-, _ . AN A?otooY.—;-Old who resided in a "certain 'village in Maine, tindl who is a member" of the, chnrch got ins passion one day with Mr: one= of his brethren, and, ',anion other, naughty things, declared that he was not fit to carry swill to the hogs; wheienpen; M- - - had him arrayed.heicie the church, on which occasion he was requested to malts an apology: The proper time- having ar rived' 141--- - arose , and addresied' the brethren as follows: " My christian friends, I do febt-lhat - I have deeply injured brother`lll- 7 —., ter which I am heartily sorry. • I did 'pay he was not fit, to arty swill to, the - hogs, and I nom take it back, being'., firmly of the opinion that he is ampfroutified to fill that oi e." ' Tni more honestyl rutin_ haS; - the less be affects the air of, -a saint; tha affecta tion of sanctity, is a blotch on the face of piety. BEauxiienk-.FLow-sa.—Tbe.-Pariarna Sear represented-to describes • a flOwer;iiliebi if all l it is reriresented-to be, ieleertainly_a• ca'ri r tisity. It is-aboat fectly : white; vitt' gne - leaiei; resembling very mucli indeed• the - Upon ihb blooming cifAte IttAVetTinTtb:e'eurr form=t - ed - tbeleaies ikba:-exaetritnage'of a AIOVEi lying oa its baek,' ,, uiiiN tnnded. Tlicctieatfof #jtai are to, be leafi!fie 7 'fore ~the flower .arrives Inatirity;fctrins out-spread tail. ' - -T-69 leaf Van be 4aig.' 'ed of:ebut down`' by: s tag . nta: !nittient 'breaking 'or apparentlYr:',ininr,talejt, until the,liawer '-OuChes.ita full -, b 1 40 11 , 1 , 113 0.#. drop . .4 . ,(5. , : , astewspaper cmg 4 11 "' 1; :i thallonied:coolly o zepliekcAhat'Ai4' fool that tisdifoOle vere_needeil &Wit 7. 3 , Mr- Honest Itidusiry is olvays yeivat. del -No Young wan need complaia.,Rl be ipg kept-poor, if he rolls his sleeves and goes cheerfully to' 'work: 1 =MEE Breathes there a man - wittereal ao deed, . Who never tolitttself 'bath When 'pinta au pantie buinpetl•hiehei3,l • ' ' - •• - 1• 4 Thunde r rl _ - , . Sweet Kate was heard pita darto sigh, With haauty last I'd wish Oh no:" said Tom; nrittfhariguiqaitini;= - - 1 . Not - Wish to nss, but,nterely rata-r."- MM= :As THE STl4tositi4,. , !—: ktrofesior of Latin in . ‘the tnivereity :of diuburgb, vi ii. tie tiara,' having,lesired ibeitUdentsto:tive 4ist of•their, non% _surprised at (1 1 14- f*it'' 1411 taa,oslipoViaper.tho _n " J aixto wanes After in vany,ueeliing for a translation - of this lie at-laskbecaine convinced that - it was eithei one of L . 6.ose_La r tin passages; "ix? tis eiplierrigeh'iiteti the shilrof Rootlyirould have falled t rtilitit it as a hOax.., ;,. _ He ifierefore day, in the class, read out - the thro dark4ords,- and desired...the writsr of theinito stand-. .:,Oe of the i t apildiunnediately rose. ' What are ••oxi'l".said the profesior. .!" A. poorsehelar, sir," was the answer: ." A. very pour scholar, iodic sir;-or you auld never hive Written Such stuff as 4,To nees Ov)xm Novutu..; Tliat Can't, be your I Arne, sin; -, , • • , I doti't see i *here you 'could find better my -name l Egnew. Ovum, .tgg, Novuw for ne*; Ofr,tuu NOSTIIM-•-•Egg te•NY." • - • Therofessor; ieeing that he had rather he worst of it, biintediately laid hie' finger On his forehead, and Idoking at his hope ful pupi:l l who,was'-sianding - ,-sntnetvhnt in the quitudo of exclaimed in a Painfulrido: • : ",A.lasi alas', tornething wrong_ hero, - I doubt,:", — . - • - • shouted Ovum -Novum. " something ;49..5t be ; ,Nr4vk `•;ht:re ; but" sttiki.Pg,his,harid _upon :,his 9W/1" forehead, "there is noti;iii; wrong here" - . , FL~tAr,e Cola. ass,-If :the Georgia Vernale e "dist 'elaA is called the " I. 7 resliman',? land thesecond,the ", snore UoW y,oung lady can possibly • be a fre514..14n;,a414 what gallantry there- - is in celling,one of, the . div . ine sex la wise fool, whick.i s the. meaning of: the word Sophomore, we leave, ,to, the learned pro— fessors of the Geergid Fetnale Colleges to called 4te• "Jordon!' whie,h term is"very. well, as it includes the ' idea of yntith, a chafge acceptable to, a la dy at_eyeicy:ago: but class is the worKof ali. ~.1 1 'histh'e "Senior..",' -Spirit of chiv.iliy,llwbat an to` the sex, to apply a - Amin indicdtive; though it bo only comparatively, of, ago !and experience.— Know ungallant professors that all -ladies, .up to a "'certain age,!'.;:are of the same ,age and; that theic'eannot possibly, by the very ,004tit.ution of the só , 1)!3. any seniority among them. : 2 . Now. if we •were•about to•organiio'n; Fe diale' College, and to divide the pupilS de. ; cording to, Academic 'usaze. into fodr classes ; we •would _adopt a different nomcn-, cloture; f _ Our first class, which would in a 'great ',measnfe consist `of _those iomping, rosy cheekod'eafere Of bread and butter who were Ityr;Ores:averSion; should be the class of ‘. efteritba,"_ • Our second 'class; -jib; maid' possibly have got beyoild' the, bread and butter, but tied not yet given"up.the romping, should be the.' , "EiTrien,s: - Our third class; who Would of :coarse he advanced beyond. the r egion ,of giriclotn, and just beginning to know and use their charms, should tie the "'Angels." ,lint.fOr,eur fourth and highest class', the buddersinto lovely womanhood, we should go to tbe-verylop of the angelical bierar-' .ehy. and style - them Seraphs." , Anif thus tis we, would form our Female Bet - sui w never.; expect to . be called upon to organize such an institution, we can .only propose ourplan . to the re:spec table' gentlemen, who _are the trustees of inch ;delightful seminaries: -- Persia es ETIQUETTS.—SoveraI knot ty Pidati'of `etiquette have, from -time to time, been submitted= , to tit for decision; and one them.nie reek* of conse quence,enengh to be noted. proPerfor the eicort of a lady to . . , requesttentiemen occupying ' good seats at acencert of lecture, ,to 'give them up to himself and,charge; and :Miro to parts 'Un known in search of a standing place, if the room should be crowded? To this we would answer that, if the gal 7 lantr3ri of the'gentlemen thus situated does not 'Tomtit.' them• to proffer the seats -in question, it-is rtidendss to request -it. A lady i Ulatly, it is true'; but if she could not come early enough' to get a . good seat, she ettnnot expect that spectators who did, shofild inconvenience themselves" for her If it is at the 'theitre;:where, seats have haeOnhen,lit..is.the height-of nideness- .to regnesisnei - alfavor;- particularly if, ladies, lie-ofithe.firstimitY.. - „i t rhey. must then •be .sepanite d. front _their. eSeort ; a strange lady is set dawn in!the midst . Cof their party and all are placed in.smairlitard.pliaition: We Ste afraid that the. inborn politeness, Of American-men- hai sortie or - dieS;if they'expent" so much. 'ln Europe;_ lyotk, lonia ..be .. .lattithed at ifeneh an -ex- - change *ere 4emiided; and it iiOnldhe Tar.; titaitelftha affair,did not n end is arencon- . treititlie - p*rties - stoie • We May , es: .S..mentror( - here', for the Bak . of the,nt t4ompilig . with eanes-Otia'. l / I ;ll)ii`49 i , .in damonstrapon. tillapPlinge; is trotedlOcirleillfrude. Clap, ,ping the hands 19 effieient,.. and neither'iniseka Jest to soil the - dresses, of thaladies, enotigh to deafen theof;;;=-Ladiislßotik:-i .. , • , , :RimAimiar,t , 11fruoirr..•-" Inar Who' do f,407 foquir . 'ed:a lady teacher of a West Itibb A cily' boy ho 1 bad 'lateli joined her I": Dre snow" s:- Iradi4btlo be ash am..: ed of,yourself..- boy fourteen years old 2, )Ytiy) tjierga ; little I , 'elt.on—Ae's mify'thileejtea're, can tell, I darnl you.T.r,-5!:11 - - ',t`Dod.l7 , lisped til4.'infant.pdifay.• := 1 trumpbaatly, :qi'ktie*be'dxemetnbet." - ' -- • !the ) ) tA" "-14,tie 745 inde." ter il - = - Itilotion to ,malte ':tire 'Bible standard work in -the; public sebaolkl has been, laid..on;?the_ table in the Dlatiland Conventinn: • - - MEM 44 02 Tritmmir 'mimic); B. a a, I_ :EDITORS AND PROfiIIETOI9. „ • •urittatS.--.uss - aut.t.as , str.rt'atrrs.per +tuna ni, 'cash advance,' or , two dollars if:not paid Until the cadet' the -year, of time of subscription:; • -I\o papir wilt baAliscontinued:nntil arrearages are paid, except at the , option of the Publishers.. All communications Oust. be roar 'Ain't* ro • ceiVeiattentiou.- • - _ • : • ' Alt lettere connected with - the office., should be directed, to 5.13. & .;ESA9E, Arenerose,,Sisey. ' • •”' • 1 i'• ' • ID" Editors' office over.ll. C. Tyler's Store. _li. RTES or AuvrwrislNG.'- Oho eq - nal°, (12 lireit) lose - ,) 3 $ lOO Each subsegnent insertion, 7 _52.5 Ono s'oluttio, 3 inontbp, - a so “..- '6lnonthei • - 4-00 Basinere,oards, 4 lines or leis, - 300 ILOtiO,AdvertibettiCu4o 0, over 4 squares. 7.00 Otie . ce,notli, one:year. 30 00 YeitiW Advertisers willba:retitriated to the ink. just; itt.yrltich thry,ein:e engatid. - ,- having a iargq assortment I of Joh, Feinting. Materials, arc prepared to eiecuto alt kiwis of -JOB 11/ORK with neatness_ and patch -• . - * * ft -BLANKS 'of 'every description constantly on hand; or printed to order ... . - ; _'- .~~t~4~~btl~'~~~ "~~iLivt~ie •E. E. CIPIASE, • - ATTOIiNEY AT LAW. . . , orcr ,Tyler's 'Store.). • - 0. Dinderk • Attosn[oyl/at Law. Oilloo on Torapito etroot, oho atom . we of . thhold Itogit , t or Print.trigs Office, At oh- , J . 1 1. T .1 1 .6 , 07 ,1 6 1, 21 14 : A r t 3 :111 1 . 1 7 GreatPa; . _ . . 5L'114. T3ICESDIFLL, . ATTORNEY - -AT. LAW, Ltisk " PETER DECK - PE, ES rrATING been appointed by Gov Flail ' of Ntiv York, as. 11 ,Coaintlesio er for that State to take the proof and acknowledgement of Deeds and. other instroinentF, attend to bu. , ,iners calls in- thareaparity at lds otlice at Gnat Bend, Pa. • Sept./0,16;50.-1y DR.. G. , GAMBLE.- RFSIDENCE in the ; house foreettly the ieshlence Saulltel'llniic. deeefier4.l: I.lntford,'peceeiber 155 c. • -7777 Fte — M OVA L• r ot. c.. c. EDWAEDS,' having changed, his V_ place of residence, may, now be found 2 doors south Of Johnston &.:Very's store, in the village of liarford. • . 50m3: ' J. -N. scorrr*. co.. LIVERY AND EXCiLiNGt STABLE Montrose, Penn 'a • PETER STEVENS, Cabinet and Chair Mater; .artietton the bn.inags in all its various branclit4 and on a large scale, nt the old gaud of Smiths, E. • tty ens and Avery. O'BRIEN, viroil%e siqu router, Paperliatigor,Glazier drainer aria Decorator.- amp ever J. T. Birehard'. Cat getter shop* a. few rods east.of Warner'2 _C. - BALDW , :Carries on the Baking anal an'dy b nsinesrin flints , ell:I -ons brandies, one. door *est of Wilson's Store. Brelg . Rolisiltrudre,- Gingerbread, Cookies, Crackers vtt., ire conrtan tly hand at wholesale and retail. Also evry ea. riot)? of Candy, got up In tbovery,beat style, New York. no excepted. Pyramids, In fact all lands of Fancy Confection ' always on band at trhoteiate and retail. 3. =OBIS & SON. DEALER IN Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Tin Wae Gravies, Rookt,*e. Alao carries on The Book Illnding-Busln6ss. . • -- " - Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. . - C. SIMMONS, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER & REPAIRER (Shop ores A. Baldista's Saddlery Shop.) • ..•.. Vew Milford tove.Depot, 11350, ' • • PRAM has juskieireived a new astorttnent of IF Stoves, including theeaost approved kinds .of Air Tighttand common Cooking, Parlor and Shop Stoves, Rtlnsin and communplpe, Sheet IrOtt, and Zinc, Stove Tubes, &c. Ern., to which the attention of cas/epurchas ers,akci the tfubiic is' invited, and which will ho sold at very row prices. for cash or approved - credit.. • September; 1550. • . . YOU AlLtooking'Glasses and Clocks 'of all de reTiptlons. Inlay, Alarm &e. at- l e CANFILIVS. T EVER and.:l4lrie Watches, expressly for sehoo L trachela at.. _ Pmots and Shoes F-- 'NEW supply of Gentleman ' s 'Sip and Calf Coots and 4adia's Boots, Sboel, and .81Ippers,joit rennin.: 5ept.4.1850. , .... GEO. FULLER. - Bookar .Btlio a! A NEW gangly or Butkajuat received, Ineluding all -the Ithula used In °Nem Academy. Also Draw -1117.1%11We, Letter and Cap Paper ' 'at the lowest prices Sept.s . SUO AILS, Bice; Corn i3tdrch, Soap , lilackerel.jurt crived eld going cheap. -LYONS &. SON. Bin's - Justice, , • fit MAGI&FRATE'R. COMPANION. stte- U LI calved and for pale at tho Book Store,...alao • "THREE TEAR'S IN CALIFORNIA" b Rev. Wal tarColtoo, U. S. N. Tabs Book Is worth reading awl • - GEO; FULLER, 7tloOirose.Satit. 5,1850.. Valuable Books. VTITON'S Dolly Bible 111n.ctraimis, Emerson', 'Essays; LlL'Apostolicßaptism by Taylorjteriew of the 'Mexican War by Licermore;Book of Forms, D'AnLbignAi History of the Reformation, etc. etc. 3. LYONS ft SON. Fun: rurs (SASH paid for . .rox, Mink, Muskrat, Miirtin and 1J Coon Skil:ls t :l_ 'M. C. TYLER. Illonttose, Dee. _ Latest Arrival of New Goods.; WE:ire receiving a new and,generat stoek. of Ofiods Y. winch we invite the attention of the nubile. Those, ishanish to tiny goodiveheap for Ole 'Ready—will ;to well to call and, see. , • D4l, LATHROP lc CO. October 15;1 '' —WANTED—seeks, stockings , Wnelen Faro, Flannel, White Deans, Flaxseed and all kiilils of produce.). - ' • .—L 7t LITITROP •j. Watches! Watches !.. • nOLD eirt Silver,Leief and:L epiries nail F U plain,tilrt pe',assortaient at tbe 'very - lowest prices anti warratitect. !-• . - „Ring.hattitotri Oct'. 14;15:,6.. L. CANI7I::LID."' SOLE LEASER..: WE unprepared to sell ',leases. E../k f)rPratt'P iy charted sole Leather at N. 7. City prices—haring' an agerkey. Dealers can be aceosa6dated with a superior article; from °meta 01)0 thoutatitil aides .priecs herete. fore unheard °fin this OuttrO. - • • Oct. - 1,1SO: • • ' 15. , 1A0 L. 'POSt.k. 470, - - ALBO, ..uit &Liu trade or en aeen'atit.l l ealnriax, Tallow Featbers, all kinds ofgtaia,lt utter,Oh ease. Ike.— ..... - . Bd. I.llll.hgY Comet 101111.Y.105. of 'that $1 OrittigO and Elle _whit 7dU , just received oud.selling rapidVit • • • - LAKE 4.EITOTS. The hith"ist:pri . oro paid foe oit kitids of fun--; u 3 , are aftir.!eri ; • &E. liarford. - • 7 • hole • 000ookB -titAtnmrttrie 11 1B - P4'a, aott iain3 for rolo or VaL *.' ' • rinr LT D En r tikefati4aryle ATTANTEit"roi: -- eilsh oxen-Account } tiY atm.15,000 Tingle's N'oatt. ily M. C. TYLER.. (10LE and Upper Leather, pity ; Btp fl,ics wt it* rig). kipdat TY . J.:EII. a. , : e‘ 000 Tone;las C9tne - : rplllgimbeertbet hes tilt day returned from New Tsui. L with a largo ametwrillsoleeted. lasortinent of Goode to which lie inlaid call the attention of his friende.liar;., Mg had the advantage of 23 yearn experience inflate vll-; lege; he flatters himself that he' Well understands tho' tastes antlwantrothls pstrons. .' • .., -• • . - ' .. • Anton hlsateck will he found llpooirito of 40 different 'styles of - Gold and" Silver Lever and Letnne Watch ea; GoidMeet,,Fdb and Oita plifthains;. liand,finiceletrqD or and Steno do; Perelland Penelle;•Thitables, SpectaCles, nett hooks and Slider , - Watch. Keys & Lookots,llreast Dins,Finger Rings and Ear Dings-, • ..• . ... - 6 imge aeppruftent, or _pier Spoons.' Forke , ..//ttAer Knioes,Cups.Keplelialliaga;Thimblia t ;Pen - holneriand 23 P.Stlelefts ; AISO I on extonsirotrailety of Plated Ware, via e'eastOil, Cakellaskete Candlesticks, Fruit Stands, Snuffers and Trays, Twit finlike.; SUOMI oall.rotko,alkil a fun variety of Cutlery, reeky Articles, tiloeke, e te. .These floods' having been' Soloctret.with great ono, both with irgiird to quality, ;erica and style, the enheeri bee is confident that be wilt givit'estistaetion to all who r l May fo.VOI him with their vatrenage. - '' • , .- i • . ' ALFRED J. EVANS. Wieblngton-et. ildittiOtton;Nol. 7.10 h -• ,-' .t. i • • •;„ - • ' ... ' . New Estathshmentr. . - ~. Till: socretuf saccesslu b einem!, consiete In 'a great meneure In keepingtbe p On . aPprised of, one'ewborea7 bouts, and of the kind of goo( e and wares he has on band: —Conr 4 qUintlY.; the Underr pied begs briefly I. state. that, having fitted up a roo .nearly.oppoolta . 3111 In J.; Knapp ... 's oldi ' tap 2 ', a ) nd pate seed M achoice assortment o 1 - Ntrl:.4 E-12S :.-- - in Neer York for. tam u, consisting of Tea, Sugar, Molar. Fes, Coffee, Tobiteco,(stunkina' and chowinrOltice,Depper Spice, Stare.b. Closes, Saterotna.ginger. lintmegs.tligare Pipes, Snuff, Soap, Candles,Connell, Mackerel, Herring 1 ilmeine,Ground Dock Salt i seeks. for Dairy and table ] 160; Also, avarlety of Botanic ill edisines.-auch as Com poidtion:' an Invaluable reniedy. foe Colds ; .71i0...C. Clot; Drops, Wild Chem' bitten. TA ag Wert. Couchlialiani, Neutralising Cordial. Ground Slippery Elm , tco.&e., All of which aro offered to the public at as reasonable price, orready pay, either iii.cash,.Grtiln. Matter,: Cheese, 11, , - - D.rec., se can be obtained elsewhere. Alan, Davifa Vain Killer. - ~ ' . ' ,I.• N. IMILLATtIi. ' .iontrcre;Pet.l o ,lo.so... .. ' , •,:. •_ -, - . . Cledrithe TrFick. . . . . MAKE ROOM: FOR IRE CROWD". Great. Ezeitement.m. - Harford. subiclibers arenoW reeekving.one of the largest, T;cheapest and hest assor:ment of Dry Goods, (11)N-ries, Crockery, Ilardware. Iron, Fteel (iris aind Glass Wore, 'Drugs, Medicines. Eats and cups , Drown and Bleached Shootings, Silver Ware &c., oter offered in this town or.eounty.. - :0 lir tock.of ' D R 0 . .bD S isiminease, eomistinifn part' as f•ollows*:-.46 yards of Frenelt; English and Mita rican - llroad Clot bo, from ai . ,.:375 ter y.ard. f.. 00 yards Satinett and tzlief•ps Gray m o th, irom r.7 . a75 cent,. 10 different styles Alp.aci, G do Poplin, 18 - do Al. DeLains. 75 large:rail. Wool Sin wlsr, from $l4-5a81,00;&e., WO ate now selling fra grant Teas aVis, 48aud 50 per pound, Width hie usually sold at 4s; Ia and So by io uvill and ine:Fperlenced drzaers. 200 OZ..SILVER , ..=..Those in Want of a genuine article are requested .o give us s fiat' and get a good sett of Tailor $5, do Tables P.. 14,10.00. We wish to call your attention to our as ;adt:tit 1 u1 10 0f.. .091 4 % ElYMERift l gol Whieli,for :cheapness, beauty and gaa.l ries s cannot be equaled this side of 'New Torie. Those wishing the worth of Wide moue:aro respectfully invited to give us n call beforeptu.chasingelsewhere, ns there isnot a "goner man hi this town or county that ran, shall" or " teitl" un dethellms onegoods have all hey.n.bottgil t for cash and wefeel disposCd to sell theist at a eery smug advaneefrom cost: -' .70111$TON tc VI:ItY. W an ted I,TA}Cbi.a.Woolen 8 cks, ^.0,000 yds. Flannel, 30.000 but , liels Oats, 5.000 StmenPelt,U, any quantity of Wheat . : CU n, ftye and But, tvr Ake. JOIIS§TON kt VERT. Elarford, Oct..i 5, 1850; - • . . . 1%141. NOW ,IS THE TIME . rpo subsrribe for Sart (Tinley's Lady's 4: firabain's Magiisine, Fowlers' Phrenological. Journal, Water nitre Journal, Woodworth i s Yontlii eabinet,llublereO Ma4avlne.flarper'n rim Month I,Anlerican iSlesvnger. add New York Evangelist. Aliy of tho' above fuiniEheLl for the year.: at Cturi PVICER,bir : ; J. LYONS Si. SOS:' N. U. Scigaimen numbers "Vtstntn"'at the Ilinilery. Deg. 3, 1i3.10. • Tlpr,redl Coplie . r)Vare. • THE subscribers have just purchased . a large 1 stock of Stoves, Tin "and Copper Ware, which they offer to the public as cheap se the cheapest. D. R.LATHAOP & Co. - Moutrose. Dec. 10, 1850. • - VHE4T and Puck Wheat Flour for sale "at D. IL co. ALT by the . bbl. Or bsad at - ' ' R. L &Co 11 ANTED 20,000 bathe) of Oats; 10,000 bush. IT els of Rye and Corn for which. the higheit `price will ho paid in cash or trade by . D. R. L. & Co. • • Erult, , Frpsh Frult!„ FRESH SUPPLY of nice fresh Figs. Raisins, II end Orances, just received and for sale by /11ozitrose, Dec. 10, 1850, 1. N. BULLARD . Recipe ecipe for ranking a Christmas and New Year's . • 6 tba. BrowriStqar for one dollar, ~4 0" Rice, 10 " R a b i l uti 0 /0 " Ginger, ' " 14 " "Paleratua, • " " 10 " Penper, u " 100 " " $4 25. 8 " Cogeei " one dollar. Tho above mixed with, Flour, Gutter, Molasses, and- Wes and boiled or baked 4 hours.' When cool eat 'with Maple Molasses. The Ingredients lobe hltd fnc GABII at - •• • • • LYOSot CHANDLERS. Montrose, Dee. 3,1850. I~LL:=ISI~WT. j have beer eneouiaged- by the - eery liberal "patronage 'remised, to 0 up my shop with the largest and beat assortment of goods ever yet brought to,tids Market— Inft may Refound everything belonglog to a Jetrelry and fancy store, 6 dpaClooks 4rWatehm, of every derieriptlon. Iturnlngirluld,parlorand eammort Lamps; which Est this time lathe best thing In use for a prod and cheep Ileht. lon can find them only at TltUE'b. :51‘iiiitrose,Nov , ember 20,1650. • ' Notice to Railroad Men. riiIIE subscriber hasthis day received another invoice of English Patent Laver Watehes t per Atlantic. These Watches are train the Mannfaeotry of Joseph Johnson, Idirerpaol,made expressly to order for the . .aubseriber, with Ilia nude engraved on them, with especihl reference to the wants of Railroad Agents and others, wishing per fect time. They are in heavy silver cases, and be Coiled in geld. of any style and quality, to order: •• Einghamtou,Washington-st.—l9 • A. J. EVANS; • T .T.RE•I I I3 !able Iwouffiegaluinformroyenstothe4 that I hive inkt re. (Tired h large lot of Beady Made Clothing, warranted to be, made hi the hes tmanuer and of the moat fashlop• able styles, which will sell at sheet' profits for earl or grain . , Ido not say that I will sell at cost as come make , pretences to. I have not bad my • stock on hand long naough that makes me feel an anxious to get rid of Wax that, bat should any one attempt tb undersell me, my 1 old friends may rest assured that I Will not fly the track. defy my-rival to undersell me on tiny article of equal rah:Lein my line. Call a few tloorshbove the " Democrat Printing Office," anfryott.will find rao tlmr.— • r : I Montrose:Nov. 25 - 7 E CTIMAN. Valuable:Medicines. A'N.nafortment of3ledleines piepared. by A. Woodeoelr,, consisting of Rheumatic Tlwl,ure.-Spndnund fling bone 'Maim/lent. Pabi dentruyinrcompontd,.tpeeifle lioneLinentntht;lieFtoratlie BM PP In, FFS4.4I re of Ltut. on, Wiutergreen, Cinnamon, hemlock; Sano .. o . 7ts, Anise need, fce.,l4ust receiTed pnd for tale by 3lontiov l e,Dee.•l3,lBso. • I. N. IItiLLARD. Notice. THE accounts and notes of tho late Firm of Rose I & i•Ampser, are in my hoods, and it very ne emu:4,lll4 the toisine'ss should he cloSed as soon as poable.' , All those indebted are reghested to call and settle without delay. EDW4RI7.W. ROSE. Montroie;Dec. 9. 1850—tf. • The . best ,STOVE ciut TETE 'Keystone State - Aii-tight 000isiitz Stove, manafaattired . and foe sale - by—Mimes & Co. NriTiff:a larka fot of - OM .11ay state Shawls, litst se ceive.l-73.150. I.anslalia De Imines and Bingham; from . 34 to 2.5 roorsOei yeid. - - ..BENTLEY /g; BEAD. - , (tAR.PIa Itr" Umbrellas ' itrobuis. tour-scare SIbLIS, P utty, svny etc., by ~111:2117/EY i lEAT and. Duck Wheat Flour .•-• • < , ~ • Tr • BFNTLET it• MAD. • AU II EAT viourt.4 the Pari•e/ or pourid: for folo.nt , 11 <Nur. 14,1850. , A- *. A • • '•-• • '-' IIIII3tELL'S. . . TRONu-Englith and Swede?, boot: sultablro, I.Draerreth,P7 _ sAyitE_ CO „ 01411INGSirarhIttinp,foom ..7.; to 214 yards wid,- 1.3 oome as litthoo'4 cto.pot .L.J.X4) J S£3 & °DN.- 7 • . 111 1 EA Prsl. - 70;-: A ke; 5 et.. per pound 4uvir 'AI Crind!o:l4l cto-, 130:i Raisins 194 Cenb!;,for,casly; jUstrepeueit 'and 'for 410 by - ' •• I '.l - IxoNs.& sots. IteV . l rapOy of Dookejart received at ' LYONS & SON:. The.Peaple'i Friendri ••• Ye' YR ICA /111AtAliciExiiltpi! ,— An Est met I from tho shrub called Witch-hazel, and purely' from putt with the exception of a littlittleolxolto vrearreelt.' Ville Ilreoll local poln tutlamatlons, old sorer, freshs woduds and brulso, Pile:oml all diseases of the hoicehrof a clunnie cisturO, tooth , ,nehe i ear-ache, and an Oieellent rem , dy for feint:los; ' • . Tt le truly what It professes to be , 'the People's Friend! prosidenee has seattered along the rugge:l-pathr•Bf Ilfe pang thing's thateoncributegreaClP -to the comfort and VeYl';`lgt4nr.' '1.44a Ono wqrd here toga:tad against Imposltion:-; A inanl4 - 1 lb,: name ofSpeneer. has manufactured and'nfferodforl Ecale a spurious arttrle called the: Corytl:Extriut,-rthat 1 isonldbo extract of the haxellnpt:the genuine Is"as 'iodate and as ()urn as water, uldlo the spuri , rui article Olored,whlch enablesthe publle to distinguish; " • r None Sanulne.bo: those marked Vond'slPalnDeslroyer. -, WA. UATCII, Moulroso; audit ore-keepers and me-1 "dielno•dealersgenerally, Agents .! • ' "' , KTEAM, SRO! Thaimlnease power of Steam as applied la V`.= = _. i • Is now. has-,been, and will be, eoustantly : erupla yeti I forWardlng Now and Cheap it.oodf• tC•IIIONOW and flicap Si aro of Lafto .ic 'Eaton, where at all times may be found an assortment, extensive and varied; beautiful. durable anti cheap. Our stock of - L DRY .G 1 )()DS. -i. -.-. H Consisting of a great - -variety of 'every description. 200 , yards of good orange and blue print s. at Fri p,T yprd—ul so. Priuts of every other iinaginalde description, erally Imntfcd. and evally cbm, Ilenehe4 factory, r.oth 9,1 RI yard, Alpaccas , 24 cts. per yard; and A wasietrof 'Oriel, of Poplin!; , NI. Detadnes; Woolen Shawls ; 31. , ri. safes; Cloth s; 'I estiogs . ; Casslateres, all. very good, aid ' going Very eheap. Alto ~,: i •. . ! ' .- - • - ' - '• . tirocerie' si ~ - • ..-„ , , . 2 i Goad Teas at 3,4 and L. sbillings . per ih---41.andlea—lo aar—Salarat•us--Soaps;--Ashten sand Itnek . galt--sainken Trout—in sport, a general assort mentor .theap tiroyer les. . Alto I . 1 • ~ .. • " Hardware -- . . , • . In the rreat est no, - ±ilbln abundance,ar at least only ex ceeded by our'ag,ortaamt of ' BOOT'S 4-'SHOES; • which Is really tutsurratsed c'onsistlng - of lien's and Boy's Ilr,oiE and SiIOCS. or every; shape and El/e; India Rubbers; half gaiters; Jenuy Lind Gaiters; and—and anything idEa that is o%t-r used as an o " covering :or the body." w.larfT s tvoin • , , Any quanfity of fdiecp Pelts, IVOoI, Furs, Flannel, Oats, own, tVlwat, llutter and Fags.; ,- , - . N. E.-2 shillings paid fr•rgood socks: ' 7. frj-And lat t her with respeet•tn • prices we invite onr friends to do as they ev 0 have doae, viz,: call awl judge for then ,,, elvcs. '.. - r - LA 13. F. u• EATON. V . trill pug bAymicrsold 'in this market aurrord, Oct. `25.1350.--4410. iEctatirms! t ' l3 2llcdt""f 4B l l 7°llHlHl 8urrit40.,1iei.2:..1;1..0 complete. in Fancy and Staple ' . Dry. Goods, .Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Iron and - Nails, Boots and Sltoes, Cooking, Pa rtur and Shop Swees, BUti4lo Robes, Hats, Caps, &c.; including in particular; a large 'and splendid sortrucnt of aa,a.mamv.9 MTae)-.1- . and tinter Long Shawls, , to allot which he Would Invite' the attention a allwho aro wihhing Goods or the Lest stYles, . and at prices . that cannot be beat, for cash or prodittT of alPklnd, , , including Woolen Socks.Fla'nuel, Park,G ialni&c:lrk any quantity. di car Milford, N0r.i7.1.850. N.B.—Coarse and Western and Plcine kept con , tantly onhaud. - , - . Still Roiling the tieNV Goods ii ("wino:ad ofT:iinviorat rr ITE iintiErrilie,r is ir,v,elTing heavy shipyncet , .e almost every kind or ends - which Leis earring' very Clatip for the real!" . job n, 41*C Ile *mild tender his tvainnlst tlitinks to the pubile,an • es:win/it/to Clete witc.lave heeela liberal in the bestow 111011t or theit patronage, and 'i.llo seta) to fed and act; that the :Merchant needs hin pay iDIIIO . time during thin century. and ,he would must retpeetfully asku contiuu , ante crtheirravorn. 31. C. TyL !. , • , ' :. . Boots & bhOes! ' - -1 AGOOD - assortment of Boots 4 :Luce, embraelng i Niews coorso and fine Boots, Boy's Bel's and Shoes. I IF - omen's and Misses - ditto—also . " ' ' Clothing, Embriclog a great virlrty of Overcoats, Sacks, Tweeds, er.c., a large variety of Testa from six shillirws upwards, and a good assortment of Pants, Stints, Drawers'. and Wrappers—ditto , 1 . 1 Hats , & Caps, • 1 • 1 Silk and Par fiats ; Plush, Frr, Shihair, Cloth and glar ed Caps, fall fashions, for men, bolis and children. , _.. Books & Stationery. • , SchOol and 3llscellaireousßooks, Staple and Fancy Sta tionery, Inks, Inkstands, : Peuraeks, 'Penknives, and a great variety of fancy articles too numerous to enunto rate, Just received at - ' FULLER'S, Finstdoor alioie s Searle' ilot el. ~ _ Montrose. Oct. 25.1550. .FALL GOODS: ISAAC L.POST & CO. A RE jart receiving a splendid int of FALL GOODS.— Oat customers can find atthe old stand alinestany thing they desire at fair price!. Gold Lockets. SINGLF. and Double of every eire:ll • Binghamton.] A. V ANS, Waghingtron4t Some Vety,Fine GOLDWATCLIES perfect ilex') keepers. Also - silver Watches. , all quantities, by A. J. EVANS.. ___ New . • • , - Goods, min enbscriber Is sgahi receiving n: fresh: supply o A ran and Mrinter Goofs. - Plcase call and examine; 3lontrose,-0 et,: 2%1650. 1 IL .1:W1:11B. • add 'Chain% - rocirrs, Thimbles, Speck's, Pen end Pencil Cnies 'a Li a Nil asifortinent at ' L. CANTIF.LII'S. ~' 200 Oz. Silyer• Wore. CONi3IETING of Table, Eeseert Tea, Creartt, 31u tail, and Solt Spoons; Sugar Shovels. Sugar Tongs, Table and DesseitTorks,Dtitteranives,&c:, warranted evai to coin.. (Engraved gratisd by - .' A...J. EVANS. ERCITANT'S Gargling Oil,irrask's. Msgneti 0 intreent ill Cod Liver Oil, Tovnisend's Sztrimpirlita, Vaughn's Li .thontriptic,Sehenck'sl3alsom,Swalm's Panacea.nil ot - Dr. Jayne's Stedicines,Dalley's Pelt* Extractor; P.dn Fill?, Itillostrs !leave - Cure, and most of the approved Patent Medicines of the diy, kept coustantly on Intnl by • BENTLEY.&. BEID. PLOUGlElsl.—Blnghamton Mont ref e, Skinner.' Eddy and Mott and Fuller'lSPlonghs and ensilage!, conid ant ty on hand by: ! S. - 11; SATRE & CO., . . 11TANTED-10,000 yitt Wonlen Flannel, 5,000 pr. good V mixed *viten Socks, any, time between this and the slt Oet.,for which the highest price ITillbe paid in Goods. .JulY - - 3. LYONS X. SON. TIYE•STOFFS, bladder. Indigo. Logworl, Alum.Tlt V. roll, Copperas,dec.jast received and for an to AY Sept.b. ' LYONS k SON. . SILVER Spoons, Parka and ilinivea,scroranted the be! t manotacturcatiu America. at . • • ; • TREE'S. Agq Silver Ware plated, cod Carman vss , a, LGUGO . ".!" . Silviir (.010:sting. a Table, Tea, Dreert,Cream and Mustard S,poOns, Salt and Sugar Shov. els, Forks Engraved ;gratis, at . CANFIELD'S. crew Things: • !UST etCeived by the subscriber, Bagel, Coffee, Tobacco .1 - Salb. Broad Cloth, Sheeting, Batting, Wadding, &e., and will he 01yl as low aN tb4 limes will (ulm it. alciutrose;Sept. 10, 1650.1 - t.4..TYLER. AIM Lamps, with - averlety ofiapaa ware. cheap aG. - • • I J. LYONS & 802 C. • aulSl'.3,Sest Tlelus,llutts f and a bandsoffie assortment J. orliress Goods - gala?, cheap at ' urens £ son. T 01L; the cheapest - hi town,. for '6lli eby ;- LYONS Sil.S.Mt Tmf last ot.the 6 an'z..2as ICLonks is gone but, more of . the seine sort Is on the way to Trun'e Jewelry shop. IN DlAlliibber Over EhoeS; Boots,' Sbois; era nlaTries, .1. Olkelotbs ,tc. - .Ste..forsalsly • bt, E. TIME— DEE-FA1.4,) :Island Salt, Dairy Salt In small i asks also tha best kind of Nails, an,l jroa, by VL . . TYLI It: WANTED 100 bushois•goo,l * t bite : Beans, a . any quanilty.orDsicst Applo by ,-.1.1.7415,1C. SUN. • . - [MSC, .November 7. _• . ENTLEMEN wislgin to buy,eloilis altaMe for lira ter ll einthlng de welt to e. 411 at - • - TuatneCvs., tiloel'a.fligllbestboTen va Waitted--001001:yertla Flannel; f,l;0111), Wanted- - for whfeit tlie ninewlli bepalain goods— 'awl Goods tioht cheap-for cash or readrimY= pe ;I, LATIlltOP'..t CO . _ T OYS; and all iso rto orso Mai, at. —-•. . , , . , VAMIIIIN . Ei Lamp 011, V.ndleo ind Ttglinm. at' -.' '. 7 4 l) -, - . . ,- - ~•- - . TUROELI'S. . j ilYI:.,LIII! Musical Ins trunients 1.04.Pcifumery,;,34:.., _ TIJJtitEI .., PAPER rag); wanted; at . 7 • •-• • - TtIitREWS 11TANTEI bushels ockl yantoeti. WV quantity 01:bc:tuntg,iby 1, N. IsuLL3O. • ~ , ,7., - Rainaposii:Oateritent tild **ter.; - • - son 16'lludiois 'River! '....:: .: ; .... . .', RillArt-.R 'o' AL , ES. : i ' Leroy Sulloin'iliePot is ' Linorti Newvioitrit -• ; : *fl o'clock F 30rtna.....-.' •• A. M.. 7 u'ilock 30 min. • . ~ A. St. 13 •" -, 30 cold.. A.M. ' 3 0" '. 15 min: ' p. If . 00 . l. ,_ 00 Wm - - ' , PAL 5 . -, t 4. .r. 45 min: ;- 1 , :.9.41: • ;-• _ , .- ; sviroAir- Tfflts.iss.. . . 1 • .LeareSz t eern's Depot- - 1 - Lear e Nete-yorte.'- - ~, -*0 0 , 61 0 ,.k s 7,t roln.- -- A. M:1 ' 6 C0C1.44 . ' ._. ' `.- Pad. ..*Or on tbo arena of the Edo trains salmi nod._ -.- - • •-•A'S /191AttliPil T IIA Stitt. • ,- . : . • .:.; Leave Patirron at -.• ~ ' •Learc Nac..York, 7 o'clock A. M. MArketid. 7 o'clock 130m1r, - ' A. M 83 " "' • Pot'a Dep. 0: - 1.-. 30' 4 , ..... 4 j i . ,c_ I'. m. is' n - 3' - ;rc 35 cc. -, • - P i j.l 7 s'" - " ' Market-or: 5 . 4, -45" .. ...; - - . %USDA M - 'ritAll9o ll . ' • • Leave Pa terson at •• - I Dersie Near-York at ; . 2 7 o'clock A. 21. Market-et. I 9 o'clock, - . ••• A. St. 43 " . P.M. Pat'n Depot.. I 5 ," - ; - ,p. N . N. It. On Moredayinorttlogethoilikt train from Slittorn's will lease at 7 ZS min, °Pon the antra of thO Port .IFrTls -Thd 730 A. 31. and 5.15 o'eleelt P:3l:4riln tram Nen Tora,nnt not stop at any station north. of P terson, ex cept Hock ltoadand' , The tanna - which leave - New lota at. 714 Al 4 and 51; P Main be to ttmo ta 'meet the Etie hid= , ortan.l and eveningignlng Wait, attagerns Depot: August 41550, .. • • . .- .• -• Notice to th e- Publie;.' ".:' 'Yew Seasonabta . rall and Winter Go' da'at'fhe Giiat "Onl'rjee Store of L. M. LIENITEIFATi'Varfiat-lign 9 'Pa.- • lEGS leave to take this opportunity of t odering his . sincere thanks to his friends end euittspers. fol. the senerioalt pa tronaga they-bine extended. tlam ,• .and at the some time inform them that bikini' j it returned i f, from Nest Vork with a very large and choice selection of Fancy and Staple' . Dry Goods... Also afresh and exten sive. assor futent of Groceries, Provisions, Doe sandhi/ors, Huts and 'Cort, - Iliad:Tare, Crockery, .te. Drugs., and 1 . Bledlcincs.vhich still be sold for cash and. v educe at a very small advance, at itiices which shijallcompetitiOn. -, Flour, r erk; Fish, Salt,wholesale and retalb—be would also remark that he .i.lhereg strictly to the system ..r at. way.' a .niap: 1130 lowest Price at first, therehy giving the sante : advantage to, all who at9y tater him wi h their pat. . . rour.g.c. - . Great Bend Clothing S ore;. , Thel argest,• best end- cheapest assortment of ,ncidy :thle clothing ha the Village cf Great Bond; Pa., fiiiald (Intim, Doe SkinS,Cassimeres and Vestlngs ()fell (polities suitable for the Fall arediVinter, Trado,whieh he offers at such prices as to satisfy May ono that thlsoithe plue# for I thent to deal. in 'consequence of the great increase ok , hi. husiness,he has been, obliged to.greatly enlargehis stock, which he now oilers fa' his friends and the nubile for.ex ; tanination, confident Italie - so doing they vilifiedl4lll:lf t thilq to their, advantage. The subAeriberhas suade's re liangeuients to .manufacture clothing in All itkyarious I brute-hes, end is pew, prep:nett to sell the same, um:Tent ' eti to bear inspection. Custom-work, and• cutting den, nt thPlatest style and shortest n011ec,..-all kinds of tail. Ira' tomaitup furnished and for sale. "Do not forget ths spat.; Store nearly - opfirwitsi the Mansion lion FV.. .•. jirialL Beßti,gepc.ilBso.. .-,. ' L, S. LENBEVA. New Goods.' - Af TT/BUELL hi now receiiingalarge and deer,. bleamortimmt of tlOOl , B fromprisiny; nearly every-thin; wanted in qth, markrt,)wiltcy will be noldextreme/yl.otv for U. 11 orrindypuy. 31y assortment may be class,' in port- as folloits; • ' Meditineli Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye StuffsiCroceries,Dry Good*, Hard ware„ .Stone-tcare, Glaiimeare, Clocks, .Watches, Jewel!k Saver ',Spoons. Spec- •• ' icicles; Musical 'lnstrtimints; Trusses,. Medical Instruntents,•Liquor,s, " Perfumery,. ,Mirrors, Stationery, Brii;rkes, Shoes, Toys,Yankes Notions, - fe. Thant:tut ter the liberal patronage and sutimfaiatialen confag'ement hithertorecelved, I hope,to merit end n cciec a continual:we orthe tame.- - ' ABEL 11.1111IELL. - 3lontreBe, 0tt.'24 . , '1550. • AGENC-Y OF •••-• Dr; 'FIT( IPS clebratcd - Illeilieinis„ sea by with. AO,ChdigillOUlSned SUCTCSS in the cure,' qouglig, Consumption, Catarrh: • Asthma Ifrart DISKIECS,Dyspe psis, (louontiea, riles, Female 'Complaints, etc., etc. • ALSO, - Dr: g..s.,Fitetep AbdoNdt al , supporters. shoulder Braces,lnhaling Tubes. andLeciurcsun Cousrunptlou,ona the art of pregervin . g Life& Ilea It hlo old Age, &e. BUNTLY.I7 READ tate beett s appoliitedAgeritifOr tLe rale of the uhtme 0 unds, and will keep thew eonstontly to Laud /it their store. • Great Bargains I . .. r -CANFIELD would tuy • 1J A 0 the citizens or tlloutre,,, and lielniti, that he has just re.. ' ~.- --1 4- -: . ~, tanked from New. York with de 1 ) • .4 , lomat, richest and best selected Z „, ipc . assortment' of Watches, '- ' 4.,-* ...." Je.welrir, Sliver Ware, V 4 „ r„ „t. , am. eves before offfred In Bag. t, - .:-. hamton. The shore Toodswers ought for eas , and will be sold at the lowest price, and all articles warranted u recom mended. N. II - , -Particalar attention paid to repairing all Rinds of Watches and Jewelry. ' Mr- Cbnrt street,lienrly opp'osite the rhceniznotel. Bin,ghamton, 0 ct. 10,1850. .. L. CANFIELD. 1010L43%C . 01e11. R. s. Z. CRAIN, Gerenan Physician, OCCII LP 01 of informing his friends and the pub-le in general, that he has located in the village of Ohego,'Cenntyef Tioga, and has established a permanent office on Itlain-u. over R. R. 1111.1bIlIt'S store, and is teadylo attend to any business lathe line of his profession. . Ins superior method of arriving at 'a cermet diagnosis is disease; and 'his unparalelled sitecese in treating tiu varleus.cloicases incidental_ to the human sytem, more especially those of en acute; subacute, chronic, or coax pliented character, are'all that Is necessary fur him to el fort o the Invalids and discased , of every character to enti tle him to the evnthtlenee of a dfecrimineting public. For the benefit , of those unacquainted with his method of I prattlee he would say , that - he describes direase by a chemical and microscopical examination of the Urine. PMSQOS may'send or bring their Ursine in clean (at least two mance) vial, the first in the morning preferred, and as a record le kept of all the' cases examined, the name and ago-of the patient are also required. fie charge is emote for examining a ease where nomeelleine ic taken. ilia medicines. are principally from the Vegeta. ble Kingdom; and are administered according to the Giv man Botanic Practice. - - • • Re would also add; that he has at tact made an impel ant discovery in relation to treating diseases of a oda lons origin, or Gravel. • This is asinguiar deposition,and may consist in custalne grains, of a gritty harvh feet but not distinctly visible upon a close exannustion ; or It may-consist In irregular shaped transparent concretions, sufficiently large to be. readilidistingniabed hy the eye, and denominated calculi. . Tito preparation that he' has introduced Is capable of dissolving and bolding in solution, calculons, or Inten tions concretions, which is the source of irritation, sad very often extensive inihnitations of- the Urinary meant, thereby akloeing the acme to escape. References canto had at his Office from, perelna living lu all.tho Western counties of the State of New Torii, Pennsylbonia, Michigan, /cc., who bad been Oren uP i^ die by the . most4killful Physicians, bearingof him and avaling themselves of Its skill have been restored to good health. 'The great German Remedy fct FC0211113 Ole strtetbans7,Vonee, Croup and Dysentery. may alirays be found at, tho Office. D. S. E.CRATN. Owego, Jai. 22, 1851. , . ~ L . . 41y. . ' •,Ferfamery, Fancy Soap f4.c. FcrscH Bandolino. Triple Extract, Idacenssar 011401 ' Marrow Pomade, Bears' 011, Barry's Trieopherons, an44,ither - Bungs for the hair. Military , phasing Posy, Walnut Oil do White Bars, Almond - and '..4oesafttis Ecap, superior artiel es for the-Toilet, to belonnd at . ontrose, October 28,1860 J . LjO:iS & SON. Latest ilrrivaL: . . , A: BLIIITtITT-Ilni just reeolved' a riesiand superior if• . sortment of Ladle*Droo Gootle, , Wintor, long and - quare Sbdwls and {+ taphi go - ods iidapto to the WIND, - the mostAlesirable .Itylet , and prices. - '• -.• ' Now 3111 1 0 , d On, la, 1850. , , ir.uunntrr. LEDIONg.. A FrePh supra). of Letnontjtist received arid tor Fillo at the N4lr drOCery !Walla bEtildin above the t' Demo craft" o tt lce, and oppotite E. mimes Clothing - Dap*. -' Moittrote, 0ct..23,1550. -;- , - • Fla% Seed:.; , AA NT quantity Una:Seca wanted in ezeloinvfor (ro oerlee or Casb by _ 'l. N. 41.11,LAILD. Oct. 23. ivrALL pap drat' dlVlndow C titiilit Irtiii4 itt-btarnp,s4o4 atattic?; pins, bi*ct Fells cheaplyLV§.ON: na is,a es au ti a g tont• sate right, by BP"; VE.Y & REAP. VARI NA , Com Stara' awl MaaliP:ol' at - October '2B. • ". ' WEBB'S. (10DtISII and 'Alsekriel nt • ' V October 23.- :.• • . • . A. gookinctond liana cooking ntocs,'lllsocignotl n cic cut tor, for solu,sliton, at , . • „Tomo:Lis - • Ait-A)(T.F.ld—Flannel, Socl#,l, Lard. ltutter Lagar, T;1 - larf r ltetawaso Old L , swref ‘ o7ltl6l....ai • •s & s n w- - RfOhest Zowe ostrytlizOLliaglintuto • Uedeuiafor talet'7 fr ei heuliplyorGeocer us justope, VAy TEU CURRAI‘ITS, (Tani plinr antur kePPer /131tietard,Lnttefrapnr,TWint,Blanking and Br who, 4r.n..for pito N. aut,LARD. - . and Cam!lch-a now tapply lust rc U calved br LN.BULLARD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers