. /mud wondossess. :train. Montezuma was wooded and ear- !bleeding wound. The sight was too much nersowermase ow mowittoomme• r ed mashes from the spot. The'euhappy, men for the stern heart of the emperor, Me C 44.4 4 Norms —The Ihessame rz. prime tinned a few days ad th en died. end he tamed his fans with his baud. and la Vrase—rk . RP... 4 ' 4 am grim " ,mui 'm I For several dam the war went an. The, rapt. The •thres. - though premed nth hopper and , The Mexicans made no attempt to fel- ' sewn d the Motile armament from l' Spaniards, were still un- low then., and after reedit.; a few hours,' bil'ithm Wed Clams with the greatest anit- ,' 7 21",... mi11i annawle a ri d °nil. They had hunted more than six the Spaniards and their allies,—now re lay. To await his env*. Sr. the city, 'W an '''. pupa .. bund d holism and slain, an uncounted dueled to one fourth toe number which en w,Hen. he felt - sure that the Whole „ best, and they hoped to And the natives tared 31exim—began their toilmne march t o , kw o w 0n e ,7 , 14 , i t ' o niw a k lo t r in k tl i k e hn i,,,.„,7 . 7,...,i . sozez i h n e s t i3 bu i lid nvi L d ed b i l . t . h o esit em l y osse . s . . Con es ! parley. towards Tlasmla. Slowly and wearily they. I , held on their way, their only feed the cild puma pines th e m gee ,„ po.ise of little i Ito re resented to them the folly of resist- j berries of the woods, or fortunately an ear, letter. With his WSW promptitude he, ..nee• P Their gods wore Alerted in the 'of cere now and than, w high the Indians, 'decided on the latter, and committing ~,,, on o a h i e e r gee t e . , dust, . their dwellings were in saheb, and , had left unplucked. The enemy hovered commend of the city en every aide. continually on their rear. end we to the he began hie meld march to the coast— ,t heir warrior. wore fulling ° Return to your obedience," said he .• and wretch who, overcome with (mime, or in Inc Taking the advantage of a dark and storm I I will forget the put; but if you do not, I' eager. a fur food, loitered behind hi. fel- night, he fell unexpectedly on his tummy's, _„, __,_ ____ _;,__ „___ _, __,__. __ d low.. eamp, and after a short battle obtained a ..; 71 ,- , ; 11 , 0 .1 .n . 5.7t ,...... ii 7: “. ... , On the Nemeth morning, the army reach- 1 empieto victory, taking Novae., thonom- lemon ,i n , erate. dA e obt comprehend the cheese- 'ell the mountain rampart which overlooks inlet ' P rises "' The " is se see " - ter of hie - eint, if he thought to intimidate. the plain. of Otumba. As they turned the his ry, which more strikingly illustrates, spirit.. hem. The superstitious reverence with; crest no the sierra, they saw • eight which : l a: , :::,°,,f00•,,ry1.a and , d o , ° r ier Z o i ll o ,;;, itsr.hrdie.hhly„,,,..„....„. di'fin s. regarded the Stem- 'mast have made the atout.t heart hat peernrol vireolquift, A mighty host was spread out be " int limn Miler Melt immlimf • "'lig and la ato e mosf y bat - - The iii- - MM thigh; filling all the valley. Far as the completely armed. The victors were ex- P Turin and hooka' Lich he eanted them' eye mold reach rave to he seen shields and „, li. ,,, : w o l : i : k on aw 7,7 k. 7., c , i 4 kk we f r e o w n n e i ; . in . ...trzi o tf ,,: x f a o cting hei r y fears, 141114 • raring banner., fetests of shining spears ~. and gaudy plumes. Thermwas no alterna noneol, without antler or cavalry. But . m".. t• • We aro content,” they replied, °so tire. They meet advance and cut their i hey hod s.'t their fortunee nn this vie- long en for every thousand :tie:leans slain, way through that mighty host or parish in rote oast. It WAY rube or victory, and we em shed the blond of • single white the attempt. The commander hastily mar t,' was theirs. Caren found little troth. man. The bridarg ore broke. Mica and ' shelled his troops and gave them hi. men le in persuading his conquered countrymen, . , mends. Then, having earnestly commend s. jobs his standoff and thus the mom', g un ...id run g . ' I " protection of Cod and which Mel threateoed 11101 With tlOS.oolloo,:,:klmalm:xtrtd, el a tr d rd , ,,lt y ltrb "bur with ied themselves to the The arms; the Virgin, they descended boldly into the m g e ig te he me irrn d ",' an m d im er 7l ill a re lo d i n t grmrighlinty•—. Nod comma) s were built in the lake and 'plain, to be mellowed up. as it seemed, in of, ilterseeted by frequent canal., which offer- the omen of their monde. Tong and ter whom were mounted. was a gallant rein- , dad a passage for the divided water.. The rible was the battle. Both armies fought foreem ut to his little army. bridges were MI destroyed. They must ' with the energy of despair. The sun rode The conqueror found no time to rejoin but high in the beanies, and shed en intnlera. in his memo. A messenger arrived from' leave the city *l' perish from hunger; Mt Kim, with the alarming information that', 2 1 n w p o : li e i :: e y .. .: 1. 1 . h . .1 , 1: t pan. C 1 3 7: e r ."::: ble fervor over the plain. The Spaniards,' I weakened by previoun eufferinge, and faint tho natives were in arms, and hail rigor- l• `l' r.„,rty n , neniand the gpenierde in their own 1 n nand: but they only drew forth the with 110111 of blood, began to give way. Ale nt . the Spanish commander. Cahn- , seamed lest. Al thin critical moment,' Tiar .. tort There was no time for hesita• .lt re n o rrltY ly surveying the difficulties ut his posh ion, !Cortes caught sight ot the national banner' tem. and sulionnoiog his troops, ho neat he fixed his plan of action. The bridges :Meeting of er the heed of the Mexican gen., preparations for instant departure. Aft ei n ever the morals mere destroyed, but MI oral. Teeming quickly to the cavaliers at ni " .,,, dm i r r, tn r,r i r l =' ,l T h 7 . 47, t i li n e , h m n n w iin d i r d. e n r - . ."!.. u 1.1 till the atones, with the stones an a l' his ride, he pointed to the banner and ex ire,,„ , ' timber of the ruined homes. To, entsoneneu!elaimenl "That in our mark! Follow and i . ,, ,ed ft. t . ,7 0 S c i o s u i r e n ' e .r s e h i n d e r a ll e nn l l nee N re o r ,`,", " t l": . thin perilous work the troops wren ileum- support me!"— Their uttering his.war cry. I inkr. A deathlike erigneee be,:ented once , el , i tor, sent forth. It stoned • work of I and striking his iron heel into his hone, he' . t toil and danger, tor the Me:jea n s op. I plunged headlong into the thickest of the li":","in"r3",:rorrnirirrl")"%mnii,lli:il the population ce r ,inimd them at ey ery step, and et occupied I press. On they nwept with the with of a to days. The ald hislorims refer their' themilerhols. homing their path with the W i ill mddr i l m i Wing' they reached final success me the watchful care .ir their 1 dying andlt, the dead. In a few moments M ' Semi'' , 'l ntr ' urt- The g " re , we patron mint, •• aim moo n seen warning 011Ithey were in the preset.) or the Indian an x„ ••['" and the ga m i n°. mi l l ' ' mi. " his milk white steed at the head of the'emonander, and Cortes overturning his of joy welcomed the return of tithe goiters! ( -m ini , w erinnderree, Lis morel Meshing; glean', with me sinkr of his lame brought and their companions in max The sits- lightning; chilere my. robed in whirr*. I him to the ground, a n d the imperial stand l" a l ien " lime carr ionhind b , ren eeryrl dm- supposed In be the Virgin,—wan distinetly ; and was taken. This was the weth of a bur n mg TM' I " diunt • nd " vnimg at- seen by his aide, throwing dust in tho eyes] moment. but it decided the fate of the bat- I tempting to eon the fortress ley storm, o f the infidel :" The work me at, Int tie. When the mandard disappeared, the', l ' n ' i • ....mid a rr g ulnr 1•1"irb•dn• they completed and the general bad the antis- i Mexicans, seined with the universal panie, threw u p wor k, to luooono tho stirs „,,, .11 faction to find • commnedeatim opened fled with the greatest consternedion. The I the :trudged, The markets we ete .. .-. ihr . ough the great avenue to the point 'Spaniards and Tlascalane forgetting their I 1''"1.1.." 4 dm 4°Pl'litt of ..t., r ut .. where the street leeches on the aauseway. fatigue and wounds. inn the in eagerneas foe Cortez losl no doubt of les ability to over' The bridges were pieced ler strong de- I vengeance, followed up their flying foc, me the insurgents. " O.' toil y o u t s r ! !" I tachmenan and the mlOlllBlOll troops re- - doling death at oven stroke. The slough .' •ml ids peopl e," mti'l he to the Maxi-,turned I turned to their fortress. That night an ter wan tem Hilo. - The number of Wiens can ministers. •• to open the markets or we' . attempt must be made to leave thee city.—'slain was 'heetienated it memo thnusmel. , will do it at their mot." ifi• throat gm At midnight they were under arms, mil Amter gathering rieh gentile fee the bodies' unheeded ready 01 commence the march. They had of the dead, they continued their march' Tim soldiers. 1 .. 1 seareely time to matt prepared a portable bridge to cover the toward. nemesia. There they were re i after thee fatiguing march,when they were breeches in the eanneway, and they hoped , mired with the utmost hospitality, and alarmed with then cry that the city a r, •• in 'by Meaty and o ra tion to seemed iv intik- :their rants, being cheerfully aupplied by . A i mlmn ° . ... us was nwirn • like , ing their escape without opposition. 'flee I their generous Allll faithful Allier, they en the the sound of distant water. Louder it , night was dark and mho , . Silently and :rayed en interval of rest. Inch was ex- i rust and °raw.. and a "k lie g ' mi. ` if int- urrobserved. they parsed along the desert- 'tremely neeeseary for Inalinltheir wounds,' inon beings were seen rushing on like the ed street, till the van of the army emerged j and recruiting their exhausted strength. VI 000 A driven by a tempest, towards the m, the epee nneeewey. non , they were I Any man but Cones, - lifter smile appall- Spanish rearms As they drew nearer ohms, ed by severs] Wien menthols a hoj log reverses, would have •bandoned t ri win rw nier rl or ” he l ene h osueotheAwyelaltadpmammrid Neel and gam the alarm. The priests keep- lenterprise in. despair; bet he des not seemi of ing watch in the temples ...Islet the tid- 'to Inane indulged the idea fora moment.. the Spanish artillery, sweeping their ranks ', in , T. great drum dedicated to the' Ile looked a ~,,, n.I him for the means of re- I and mooing them clown by hundreds.— mil of war sent forth in nolen, A".1111d11 ; miming his fallen boon, • Ile was re- ' Still on they rushed, u to tine very mum t 'bream throuele every part ot the city . r solved." lie said, in • letter at this time to ' e i en e s t h e gone letting off clouds of arrows The ~ , , ,,, nninr.d. ... ~,,„ Lad . Limn to Charles ore yin. • not to descend to the and steno, and endeavoring in rain to lose. The bridge wan fitted to the first coast, but at all hoards, to mimeo his "rule tire parapet of Munn ' kirk iiiiriWrad breach in the tramway, and the army be- step., and heard the enemy spin in the their enemies from their rage. It was a • gan to defile men the narrow passage capital." Fortune favored him. a lts go terrible battle, and for Mum it raged with The van had warmly paned when the In- molar of Cuba mot out a ship, freight...l unabated fury nee both Ado. Night cane ~l inno San upon the., hurling a cloud of with artillery and military stores for the at lenfltb, mid branglla a pausal. the mt. ' arrows and stones, and rending the hay army of N who he supposed was in nage. , „ ' ens with their cries. The Srmiable posh• remission of the coast. These were miseli inchbeleagrig army lay Spani homes* al4i . ght; d h nooilll " ill utuildili coward tbenagh this ...s,' sleet, by the officer who commandtvl at Vera , ° 2 - 1-o, the till the leading files had remelted the second i UMW and fell into the hands of Osten. A light or tlin m•rnin owed a " ii , ' ea ' g r. ' Meech. Here they halted, smarting the , Modred and eighty adventures arrived • ninni iliwiw ...I.l' ° nnennn° t h an on An while under the unremitted volleys from 'alma the same time, who were "non per pmeeding day. Before the son was Mi.' the enemy. The army had pulsed over the " waded to join 1111 standard. These men they were in motion, preparing to renew the badge, but when they attempted to raise , were well armed and twenty of them mete beetle. Cortes resolved 10 Anticipate them, it, t h at it might be carrieni forward to the 1 neounted. Thus reinforced, as soon as hie by ... kin g • ' l g n " .. "" k. ° P" in g the ' second breath, they found it wedged so nine were fit for melee, ho neemonemil am gates. i.e mole • fn s onset swish the firmly in the atm. end earth. an to defy live memento. After some hard fought avelry. trampling the natives under , t he all their effort s to move it. In vain they battles and hair-breadth escapes he brought I one'. feet. ssnl cutting 'bum to Ilmnru "strained wpm , and when the attempt several of the surrounding tribes under his with their swords. I lour alto hour , ,she wan ahandored in &epic • eery of agony 'emend These tribes had Imo subAt to "'nil"' , fllr d. T" Am'''. fought with • arone, wl,ie'e tor a moment drowned the the emperor or 3kaien , but having earwi• 1/AA110(1.1011 which showed that they loved. noise of the conflict. Scarcely a hope was I eneeml the power of the Spaniards, they •unstumuu butter dm. lifm The roar r n left. Order and mbordinalion were at anvery readily transferred their allegiance to the artillery *hook ilea city. The Sem end. T . nee , reeeind on the loading I them. Cortes by Ids dinereet and moderate "Mk "Ws of the ... b.... " mingled with filen, crowded All6Oll to the brink of the gulf. I policy seen •011111.111 an unlemnilml noon time groans of the wounded and dying — Then ensued a mare of terror and ruin in- dotty over th eir molten, Ile knew the The conflagration of three hundred haunch "elmeribaLle. Mon and horses, artillery and I importanee of emeiliating these new allies, at 101E011 by the Spaniards. added Si. the baggage, were emended onward and thrown. for it wanonly by their co-operation that ge horror l' the sans. At length, exhauste d together bete the dark ohms. Same me- he meld hey. to ...mead in his meditated with toil and ' mo m Corte. drew of his emded in swimming aeross, but many, to attack on the capital. OAS ~ X,, A. men to their quarters. heavily loaded with the gold of the Aetna' Again the Indian army encamped amend which they could not eonsent to have be-' Ibis metes FIRST 11.1,11•10,1.—A few II dove of Buffaloes were time, breaking the Milinew of the night ' hind t h ee , mere b ur i e s w i t h i t i t , t h e sa l t ) . .unw ago. a . ._.• .__. ._ . . with their insulting aims Cones wan mar-; A.& of t h e la me. All .0,,„, t h e ... env , ...oven east for exhibition, am t he r .... prised by this faMeiMe 1.0.10•000. no, the ..raga ~,,,,,i few,,nr. The m en , then poring a faders, they were so dhe had misiekon the oharater a thenstion., tents ~,,,,,,Id Map b,,,„, t h e i r e ,,,, 0ee neee t h e Ulm. N. Y., to pay mpenem. The Clem _The headily with which they had admitted' dih e ee d in . epp l e w i t h the Spaniard. till' land Plathdsaler says e _ to thy nutrages on their sovereign. hot him t rot h would ro il t oge th er dew . th e ewe In- Barn um messing ef this , imams time In be h.eld their mange lightly. He saw hie t o t h e e w er . 'booby* aid Buffaloes, getting them eheap. them to Heb.ken where be blred error. Ile was contending with men armed ' Meanwhile me opening to the ... nee , Hu took . _ with the mew of despair and goaded to Aged op, ad, the er,„„ke wen p ae „„„1, them kept, ming nothing to nobody. He that pitch of fury, which make. life chap , Into it, men and horses, bales of rich stuffs, went to all the ferryman on the river "'t asked about • h I daily I M mitiparbein with revenge. ih maw hie' 0 b.,. a eo gg lit or "A oo ., j oes d„ . h oo , and _ ~ hat tc c y rem pts thnlfrw. and salved s. mil hismir of sans bed antetuaitiowwouous , tin over sm.. A..smi.i.g that, 1 rtPoosd te the - Weaten of Mentomma, who me still tid e ale th e ma...a m abl e to th e m e , p m Amt. Meth' Oru l dossi fro sa gs. 4 .y, p. - Ids prisoner. TM net marnlng he sat Wan mbar aide. Bat th e ', peril... we not I leg time • slight mew above the k ordinary to the Ants, owwww , roneestion bio hew, „ooe Thenwan now.. w o w, mg. sad' moist. To this Hey aasontod, and he bposition to allay the tumult. The beaks. 'Peep es the which they bed pawed, awl , WWI the baraptins by advaneing a portion arrel m march replied, "I do net wig I thee unwed egg eh a se, a terror and le( the pay. Ness appealed barwdoor MN to Inter few Malice —a i.e. by whisk death, Anger to that which het boos de. lIS lashes sapital• pond sit over Now . the Motions sailed Certm—• I desire ow : so os om s , se hm e al a heg the gu m g„....1 York, that en web a da y bug would be if " di.e' Baing "wine, aria. iiiiii ' biomes anweed I. d.aly. «woo. sul gr." Bade Moo at Mabel e. -Eight willing to span the blood of Ids people', ha I si o o e 6 s6 ... i d s o e.0.m., tad soot w s o ,tion live Befallois boob from ths praltios , at law oonsontod. ' . a. sarthqualta j awl wild Imam neneeded en native ober- Amsted in 146 royal robin. and canoes- TIN gray light of is onorsing began to' se" " the 1b.... ar . ..._. ,_... b.... 111 1. "missed ter waning i wow Tat dud by a guard of Inpaelarda and Anew down. What Ow . I "inveAl ne. 408 . 16 . ne ..., .. ii had s r. p o r . no, fler. 1 nobles, he wasdad • turret of the Spud& envy emerged fools the haelnesse e.yor llia promo. was inehintly ad by way. Cortes dismounted how his Mod lboila ten al. wi ly .W Ill" "'nit' to Owls pre the pearls and a shuck an if hy megic men; son pow ....fossins Imam _..."" TM 1"4",,,,.....d.."1, panted ow the mew The unnleass of Ow 66=plased bin, in vale fer "" Plamoln"L esosh pervaded ths sissehly ROOM het a der foss. vp=7„„, sow sg, whale eperaike wasented to $6OOO, teed a few wootente Wont with the wildest to bright drier of soaped and wild" i-, 1114 .". tbe i ll d " 114981. " '• a """ mobs of war. Mostaseine addletwed thew Thew goordsrly hawk resembing in thille 8 ". his 14 " .. ^-5... 4 1 . 08 " , _ deelarim the whits m's his Maeda, sad hawed_ up.* led ISM Wish • Mt& of commanding then to lay down thole awn fandlitiel senses. was all that muffled of and Morn to their bete A wane of the briniest errs, with which a few welts onetsoopt ran iiintegh that vast isidnitede bean be had ostered the sky. This The of Asir moss swipe atm hicit h attillery. sad liestiews wale Al an the of end's& swarsese aol le a. Not ewe a marks. molest I . _ . . Aide grab riesseeded se the heel et their oilepperete meemeelt W. reed, theeted No Waimea time t eel ahem. d asses aid rows 1111, Ile the Thaw isiviwirs et dm eisitat idebtohle. pi iipmaihni warily elms Ode BlM issiol Nall istiend pessols *owl' .114 rob any a ghastly ea Eris /14416•044. The I.omdpis of iih mad Ibr Normb4r, 1550, were, for pewee ,we ad walk $74.1124.66 ; 16r heigit, 575521457. T 4661 5150,14755. um* is 1540 4118,005,54. ler Bansnsom 157 2 .- 1156,115. • A gyps see ess 'Mese gresslng. Inds= we be Now 'Meat adrertideg —WV is dew mirk. -~ - THE DEMOCRAT Ma Lagoa CWIIIIII6I. la Nothere ?min MOITROSE, PA Cr Akroen nr the Jonior F.ditor, the past work to purehom metori for the typoorophionl improve. moot nr our paper, moot ovine. the lark or witty nal mwirly.if any °wan in thin numb,. We wenl4 here aaaaa that inir err stmemenle new omplete, red ear OPIII emelt, will appear le en enlire Mese armee type. pwreided the nem, dale ere eel delayed in ninehing to in nem— "Meld Met he the ems we shall he compelled le pat it el le week. We are eenfidentlhet the exportation. of our palms enll be mere than realized and ell will h. witiellwl that tetra we make pre...Matra Wend they shall be fulfilled le the letter. Wed hme lee Thal our friends will halite ohm the improvement hasher. made el a lame expetteelt reeli.,lll l / 1 by the way—aad to them we look mth ronfidenee for pooh eneworemment m will enable me la loom . pert the extra rem.. which we hove ineerml.— Item poi forth every effort In oar mart ; will not me poems• wowed ear enemme. mIPMMIYAMIR MEI We *ohm Mot the Neomtorti rearm awl Ilkreald will other &dr.n of flifimer PAW are oat with rte.,; irtseleo for “Peotomi Reform' . And melt • “Rofierini . on they prime appose. to us as Reform with a rev . The greet burden of ileeir may 0, for Menne I. pay the neeol mere on k el their ...hang.. Now. any me et all oequainted tea ...try ed... hfe, m know. if meek n eyeffe were adopted the whole errantry press nume week ender the blew. In our own cam wo leuvo made an mum., and uo• der en eh • aymem thew Aenefred dollera per year would not inoNoleen pay one peen., end wo pre.. ours would he 110 larger than the wren.. I of ....try papers. 'The object of line movement , es rawly .ke se.. The publisher. of large rely dailies and weeklies wish toforre the roe., memo .a eetbeerileing for their pope., for the moment each • law wee pamml.lhaet moment eity pub : !ether ee. elelettlie weth Mom of the country, for thr ee they would my /rb eau% etobrd to pay the poetege.” IVeth them a would make no delfer. enee, for all news of imp..ee they w.lJobtain I the a as now. by Teleireph. We say, We whole morcutent is • game on thei part of may pablother• to emelt the country mem,. awl a gems too that we fear will be surnemfol nn lemottr brethren epeek of in one linked voice. The onuntiy pre...hays rM1111; and rights that err mmunnont even to the grey mrtout" ergot. Nehmen. of the Tolling, that warmly chronicles , an whets of tome ...Mout half a downn enntradte. lions. leaving its reader. notrim, than before. to way nothing or the mixture 'of promlavery, free roll. Fouriernan and woman rights doctrine. with which it abounds leaving out mileage reform. or reTti,it io the ems of it. es.Coommotnan Editor. And we think ten, the century mem hem rights foll as meted as the wholesale Mel eet.hinthment of lemeetterdon Bennett, lets plenipotentiary to Cuba en a speriol libel diplomacy. To effect agaioot this movement of the Trite... we expect to sos Us minor take etren.ser groond then over, in favor of llonto Exemption. Home ludiretry snit mociel protection to the country 'prem. Brothers of the pram let mime.. frein you. ==CC=l: In the New reek Rernisff Peed .1 last Magn i day. we twine thm'• Editors et papers friendly le the cease of Free Trade, are requested le en. noimea that Arne prepeee has been made in a.- , 'poising an 'American Free Trade LeAote,'whoes abject is the abalitios ef all duties on Inverts. Ad the Aboitatie• ef duvet taxation foe the wagon , add. general evensouleet." 'Why mount a breech be farmed to able novlty, for the diowndostien of the only tree policy he tethiiee, that will throw the hordes of supportion g0re..... lent 13p(0111 the wealth of the country, stead of ilie industry ? to the price wo pity for protection wperson mid property; why Then should It nOI be propeetionste to the properly of tha pewees theed? Under aay Tarot that ho es Inge 111 l ity - ean dee.. this is not es. Th. family, and other eirenneiteneelt ef an individeal wholly depeedent .a hie daily Wee far mapped,, erten compel hue to perch.* tea IiNS. theO einoent tarifed artistes, that the mew at thee- , manila girth.,.; .ad dies the whole tad, eysteni operates to the advantqe of erNlth over whet. More awe Mr. 1k.., N.M.. . yea.( no. whew p.• Mb r0nd0.... U. INNnab. arm fa. the um., war Totokbastook, ea Friday lan. Ho went at the day pr... ea . gent.g oz. mei.. sd not rehash. a. er....norlsraroh wee nude Red he Nes Nand a before mated.— Front appearances he bad seeklanally wheo chothl. weer • Ng. by which hi g. nag dloollard. the emu.b abr N (►N drip near W. body oomplotoly owed. On largo vela. Nan Mdblr he bad probably MA to death; ea No had GISMO" Ura tinny red. free hN p.. whom the meident ovidoody eanuord. Hie non.. .werr. anareyed u IMP phew and NOnnel Not Sabbath. lama COM.. Claniinsa.—A ...m1 of the Btata Clem' Cemeithet ha. beau =RP the Illershaste Hat al, Plataaelphaa. eat Matmihr evraiwg. D. 70, a• Warm K mesatat se IM, Denatarada patty. The 'morally yfflomei dont at she =seam I. mms•Midd Mk' home rlh m momm • MMIMM CoMmeim TM Chaim. et dm emmilm J.Y. Ilholmm mold ma mom IS Mo so& Mamma Corymn••• 1111.0•••• Vows...— Goy. Iflayd. OVUM*YM••••••ffirilk4 by • op••• 4 owner i• lb. layfilaakei, airptha at • min it ••••I•111••• Is lave. •••••Iblin • 11•11•••1 anamilaa m b. Is lb. NI af M4l awe% Ia Nay mat. Ow lb. myna a as*/ •111 ' melba& •••••••••I•• •bma IN•wory. Ha ••••• 'ram do mialion •1 lb. •••• et V.. M. maw Ka the /MIL to Mm •aym &rims euMit• 1•41•16 r all Mem maks will mV ••••••lbos mmalim TM mom. m M • qinekbl 17110 Dsoremik away ....w.. .r O. Walk an.q. Imo W•day Sow, 114, or ilke Downolint earlkhole kQ.me. to If die yummy ilwarland by Yr Mob of Mk CAM*, Prim TIM dank. NW. plow &MN 1 et alb an*. Tun Wasesew—llse week we. Inhered in I The Rev. Daoiel V. )Jolene, D. TO.. bee 5 1ilffiT-Mff! ening—kind with IMO of the mewl terrific mow ofjain. had; tandem' a formal seeeptatme of the ulliongl Ike. sad mew not has 'kited we fee yea& noon. of President of La Fayette College, lots- thenava—)le. Note presented I' New Yea we Warn that WWI a... 1. WIN do" 1 tad at Eagan. Tbe Rev. George Borrows elation. poootol by lb. I.4elstwro to the Mapping In ihe haling The Evening Fmk', has also aeottepted the office of l'refevaor , o t o olppi. genenrinA Idth f or m oo ., *aye, there bee met be.. mob •teee in Can deer', of Languages. e° ll . 4 " Zid i lbel lii Le li: 'Waters bed t o e , f with h d the i : Hoare i e . ii n e:e t e r i i o:n U i . o . ' f .. i the ii d P s e . .•;: i . 1 . r. „bi . i.,...,......,.... 0 . : ,,,...,,,,...i; i B less, • , sad f a r rel h ad : . l.WW F l u ; r l th 6 . 7 7 . 3th 'h io .": l7tr ß m "%ft wl lb". ..: A ill .n: ro "" are Y...( , " Tb "— b r a Ti o .h r l i e me... The meek ent wheiir dew...lM w let amount to between $43,000 and 25,000.1. Mr. Je ffe rson Davis moved that awe eon Imes llt was erected under the set of Aesonehly .1.6° le "ad.." "" Pa.d.ll tt accto o ts , o . .em 'l'o•.. g 0 ,.. n ., e , _A two , Ihp pr' ale contribution of the °Weeny of . ~.a .i . gli ntße.iel. , : spinier.4,:bri,:is....bit:bei:l7bii:liii..7 sage hes hem ewe te Conger.. by Pomade. Fib i ief Pa". mom, ennouncing the &eminence by Team of Me i u A Fat Tate"— The Sullivan eounty, propositiom contmued in the bill paned in Neaten.. I New York, Whig, state,. that a young phi- wag te al t o ...lath • wuten, rY. Mr. Owl., offered a moolution I el New Vernon, thee Imt, to mule the boundely question. Arrant.' ter who learned his ludo at onion, teaming Me memago, were the remolubons of the I hoe lately received intormation that he and' I Lemslatero of that Staub no the eubjere. Theffour brothers and siege• are heirs to $7 OO- ithe President's message le Spuds's. ineenhent hoe leaned hie proclamation, declaring 000 left for them ill England. Mr. Welkin . moved that it be al, the bill tow the LIM of the land. Aeon...to AaraUerarm.—The drearinge of the l Copper illiara.— The amount of copper, I ,dinAftHer.......nido.n,datored.egib.at.o: IMin the rough. which will be sent down from I An Ileum took phew en Friday 100. Thr nab ,I_ , sk_e Superior, the present year; le .slime- I ...Ida 0 . the able. and • mat Ida 2 141000 tn• About 1000 rm ;received from the House, moon Ism fined, merit , all of whom were inienewed in' '"''' . ' ' l3 t ' "• d • w t I death of the Hon. John H. Harm lb. „..,, . T h ., th„, r i na wg . „aid, one, by twetives will bo employe tiro coming w - 1... i . i . ... the Mayon of Neer York and Brooklyn. The "..* Eulogies and the n• 5..1. rang Itwo hew paintings theanksted wenn ee A thIMIR or —The value of Iron proilueed in the Icing pbp .A . t h e & bora .0 . 1 . Arf•lli," drown by Namur! Wrote., Jewry United Slates in ISt:, was 81 . 2.000,000. Hopp. —Mr. )torn t hi n . 0 . 19 City, and . ..Twilight' . drawn by Rehm D;11011, 30 Impartani to Lawyer.. —The Supreme flounced the de•th,of John H. Harms Burling Slip. __ ICourt of the United State. fres adhered ro of Louisianna, who died in New OP . Nu...... titer Kat'. Rreoec.—Donng the the rule that if a counsel in • ease k not then', after the "kt"..... 1 d the !pew ye., 313 Nicole ham been emoted hens Me PreTwede the au .... 4 g" 1. the foot of seaslon of Congress. ' di ce a t h e g ong , u ripin d o f r eo , eoy i reb i e , 'the docket. In this manner, twenty ease. 1 ieed"Flw" Bow •Witett by I i 29.0 pew wstroolle looted, 31;7 sew Agee , ... sr . have been disposed of in two doge. Morse and klayly. and alter push i t . ..t . 2 :" .. , 1 b . :1".... a .a .,. . 0 ,.. " . " ... , ....v:: - . .. 6 .. d.. ,, Th .. ..) ve S n i. A rty .k l4o . y: b .:it:C li o:l i ,A n 'oai m i o — m tb l, ra i, ta r m i. . ., I °". . '°"'rY re'hlai*". the Hones' viesern, " r SkPIATE --Monet. Soule • D'e nd ' I (N. Y. ) on the Ist bonen., vett 'civic, FT Tee ee Stionenno geom. , . Bond' . nave' paralysis, lived for sixty obeys immediately . a .A" hr b. apearaa . 10 m a , s aa ,„ I • mow.. the New A. , Weit . Bell.. eina rel. , preeeding his deal h entirely without food. , bar thin morning. i loge. en Fridley emoneg lam. We lieel the perm. :11111thillg 1101.1.11 his lips heat pll.l water —1 Mr. Pearee presented revolution lure et itendreg, mi./ poi , . Mdse. of wean no we So en) • the Livingston I nitill. Convention held ire his BMW in m ten the porno...one • hwiily ereduebtr. I —Fro. the LeWieturrg Chronicle we the Compromiee Mill. The m - . . . arts: tame swention le the adveriteement a 1 , •• , • t L. , • ..... , ..a ..r the .-.- - It tett& of the Were read, . and the printing ordered. Woodrulre Aeadaray to Meech, and the Stowja, Stt , ltWlweaw rt-Irgraph Ow , wlnenf. W.. The Report of the ySuperintent , Aeed,..ny t n oie ph a p e . the aaeo pd ,„„,. ~,, held in that place Olt the 6th inm Dr A 1 the Cont Survey was laid before wdi her wet. motor.. en the Oth of Jan. C. Gel. President of the company said it , ate. • • " wa,leaiettrd to extend the wires along 1 Torino. petition. pod bite were " Th. fi " .* " . " * " lk "" i "' "" ne. '"' ' . .11171C110, of the river whenever m IR.I Mr. Cass' re...lntim., ealling for I much watered and inapreve4 In appearance We b '' th 1 eidet funds can he raked to that eff. et.— renpondenre of The Angrier. Char, ere very end In me eh. wade. .errs P .,.. "C' . It cost ahout 6 , 00 per mile . the Amenean Government, was MI . r'' Thee week we c.w.0... publication of Mr Co .. void that he underate.lthr nor prsenwedornonai wary," tin . Taloa/nen.' by Jacob Gavels acquitted. .ident hod mopped all diplomatic rel• Charley Cray. , ni.l4 ii will he eenonned litre" The Delowdre Republican gives the 101. with A estris, and therefore had let five or we number*. 'o e Itehtwe nettn reeent. hosing •eauttht of the mist and arquittal of moduli.. la y over. owed wle ear reecho.. ••• •• well wniten and Jacob (neon: j Mr Broilbury's 1V.11111.111 110011•11 t Wining mia. I Jneob Breen war tiled , di Thurrelay last. 'lx moral. from race weetalten tip. _ . . . v . et New footle, for thetimid, of Aiwaham A has net of c.c.s, winch took pima on the lt lt n " I ' ""Irent ‘ no " I R ., tem., married aboont eta years ago, and lived hap- pily • ith a WOIIIIBII 10 111110111 wan much to a specße mloo. Spanish marten are redoerd attached. anti that Mellott. eeduccol her teen even, and mimes in ths Demo proportion. from her fidelity and kept her awayso tr. C. mo uses . roue night; nod th ere was proof adulteroots comm a that 0. 8. 0 .0 0 will b. drtM fnm 0,6 intercourse. On Green mem.% him of it. mots doting the present milting of oho LlTll,llllllfe. he mid— • Tee, I have had your wife, en] "";;Iwill ham again, whenever I like, end it beta m mina Rend .n aro.deJ ant. I :,," ; Le i tt .. elon't keep quiet I will blow your liver epic. mot week., Ile coaled two pinhole 'nailed Intl !the avowed intrpnee of shooting lire ,•, and rrA non C 1..; be r reed rat tiara on oneorpaulted 111111 beet 111111 1 0 0 rieber, ' be mltrJ " ''''" JeereeL" I verely. Ile hooded Coe, porn/- u oto ;on Saturday, the ..!Oth oof July 651, teiiit g' his own wits that ho Intended to ehooot Green. That nigh' he tock Green'. wife/ from her Immo, mil kept her out .II night Green disco% arlrl the guilty pair shout any break the neat ... i. .; went •11100 Iwo for three mil. and loom wool • gun ; ' returned nod flood Redden slothg a-Imp in • neighboring I ..... se. and shot him throo' : the open door. Ile immediately surren dered himself. After being tried he told the story of biz wrong in so effecting a, manner that he drew ....s from the ofbeer and all present. Ile wound up by saying: Now, Mr. Hickman had you been in my place would you not hum done as I jdid r to which the officer religinuoly, but feelingly replied •If toot restrained by iii 'vine Grace, I think I should.' Green beg ged to nee his wife, and she was brought to him. lle put his manacled arms rowed her seek, kissed her, and irkre her bie.forgive nem ; and was taken off, en he said, to die for his love of her. lie won mistaken. The law in Delaware makes it no higher oltmee than a melodic nteanor fora bookend to 101 l • man found in the net of adultery with his wife, and the Jury, considering man that me beyond the galls of the defendant under the cir cumstance. 0/aggravation and outrage pee -1 minted by his ease, ampaitted hint entirely. , Thu unhappy man on being discharged Irons the dock was reeeired by a crowd of friends, who arm three hearty °hems when they had get ism din street. The guilty wife 110 r not them; and the widow of the dammed eentributed, by her testimony, to, the acquittal of the moo who slow hen own husband. 177 7 We bare received 1110 fist number era neat appeases end ably conducted weekly Journal• called the ^phlladelptia Saturday Exuma... pull. Lrkedu 77a. 47 Deck q, Meta , by S. McHenry, te. Terns Sipe, *anon. The ..... Pnbr Magazine. fur Doerm. her is emblbehwi mils o &Indy eeeeeeee Pori ran of “Chateanbriaml" mod o skoteh of Catskill Fulls, .Pieteres Chaleasbeialmr• FamtlV.” are among its ioirtredin MON,. araieles. TA. Daum` Rom Jeounred, pshlished by Charles F. Daimon, 39 Heath Vold street. Phd sdelphis, at $2 a ymr, has been nest es. This is the handsomest paps, we bee even in • lam time and Is ably and optehodly sondneted. TA. interestranel Illsierh/y Nevassse. for lb.. evildoer the coanneeeetrient al' solvate esseud hes visited es. This wadi is jesly ordillad co all the proles the Pisee give it. Its assents certainly evince the great. remand aad ahility A. its edi. tors, sod as expos. is awed to reader it the beat nasathly periadiaid in the natio. 7obin/n.4 by Stringer lc lesmosad. gdi Broadway. 'N.Y. Price 25 eta. par tionther. Later. Lorin' Ago, N.. 313 —Contents.— Cho...Wood's irte.mirs Talleyrand ; The Pat M irony. ; Anteriesn Pope.. he England; Pilyinmage to the Lend Nay Father'.; 14. end wrespoodemeee et Illehert B..tMy ; Demo• latia. er beamed ; F 1.., Caw; Prey ; !them ankle. ..d New Desk Netiee. E. Linepll &Co., Desies. Tenn •Sd • year. —Clowns opproprialetione minim one handred and .Muses thoomod dollars to defray the expenses of taking the mama! —The eons.. of the eity sad District. of Philadelphia has bees eomploted. The totol popalatirm is 400,048. Inerrace t. to years, 180,008. —The popalatios of Maine to 583,0200 m lemon of 31,240 over 1840. Bno ..... Der —Frith., but wee the Amara day of the Tar; only 0 hours .41 minutes from dee up eel of eau. drarnded teftA i r.ooo.—King. Story de Co., merchants Nee Albion. Cara raga. meaty, oder • reword of $5OO for the splendours of John N. Mosey. who was employed by rem to p to Pony/. I bog. Crraragoo wont:And obtain woo for rem. Ile drew the mosey in IbTo. Book. WI his boor mad Error Ilowtraredd Lew.—Th• Leg . Water of -Verret pared • Nmetatood Lad. rot Into openers the drat of • math. It prodder that been and land, Ito the rare of 11.100, rah the roars of the had, roll be erupt fro atisehnert sad resatles, uses for taus. —Hansa rem be p abort In *my Meg. Tbe Pa err; Agriendswal &miry bar lat Nearad hie lON prise fee the beet awl root prodeethe sore of sere in that sossty. Inv ore *del 117 f barb of NON sera. —A. tbe belidyr sore en, re el y or , dor of Or day odd disorder of Na rght ot We= eity .re dr Osegnmerer eon A Cud Rests.—lssry sslisaribs• Ile s paps Amid Nabs is as Whiling Ms is psy his doss rirderly .....pm Tiny tbss pad Wilbert Wag lek hes wbss *My kft I.....misie Ihr pwr% Slog sem% is pm the* I. psi es willissly !MAC Toro AAAAA To Taartaaa or L Henry 1Y Histrorth, Esq., ram the Lathy sat Journal., km shown us 10•11111 i specimens! of leather which were tannekunder his owe arm in the space of ten minutes, bv a pro• I nem of wbkh Marries Hibberd,of Hoehn- I"' N.Y., is the tomator. This statement: may seem almost incredible, wheo it is eon- eidered that sis, , :tht, and tan mouths are required Elati r ort th li o ha.iis " n Z im"*. posweLlon a pair of Ares made from. row hide in km than • day end • halLtanned by his new proems. IThe lead er le maned by a onnspoond of ebmileele, and In time and materials is • Ina*, of at least dm thomiand per mato 'over the pram slow method of making' The right, nor the Jmirnal. for Coo , noolloot and Illosoaohooetto, woo sold for 1400.000 t Ohio for .160,000 4 Ilia*. ibr 1100.000.—This, ontioobiodly, ie ono of the greatest Wprrormonto of the op. • E = == A perms mite Maned the lihneept Twine I at thek meklemee I. ZINO. 0.w8.M, teed them engaged is ahlegnret • Imam Th Mw had the nem tof Buhr added to y their Ithenme same sad am tow .ealied Mang beam end lan Benlme. They bandM se sae *Mb her head.. ..d sheet Meth game while heal MAI the pm limy 1141111 i whet.. aid We pt Mew Ad ams nate Oboe& Whim. ate At at Tr= 7 b7nat! " .:•etl7 b r i er '. hil m h and musette" fomheada. ; Una Med Banker M • boamdeg woman of 110 1., avoirdupok whale bet Meter I. snob Mal* and • md_s., aunty bin ..W 116 • ' moripoo lo br wawa he iho &ode Omaha Lrgioh tore, for tbs ma •f $lO,OOO. • Wheconth, of Indiana, fu . rthet fended General Lone, who woe rel. from the ~thee of Governor of Oregon. Mr Mangum. of N C., mid tidy l Lane hod made public certain aaaaa impeaching the varsity of Generel Tr and was justly 4lestrs. Case, of Michigan. anti I of Caliiorstio, continued the debate Is. length, defending Col, Wieler from charges made on Thnoolay last by .c -relay Ewing, of Ohio. Mr. Bright decoded Gen. Lane, ant scow, hijourned. Horse ---After the.cpco.icg htc.it was gene through with, the j.. tt resoluti from the Senate, to 11l varancieft in lloarM of Regents of the theitbsoniar litillllP, was concurred in. The hill creative the ..giro of Scree General of thn plehlet land, in Calif., tom roferred to the Committee on Pe Lands Tito till making Whitehall. New • a port of entry. leis referred to the mittes on Commerce. On motion, the House went into I mete, of the Whole, and took op for 1 sideration the Cheap Postsge Bill, eel proposes to charge upon lettere of hat ounce three cents, paid, or live rents paid—also, a reduction on newspap 111411. Illr. Potter moved to amend by the uniform, nee three cents. end I pent, books and other printed matter. .:seeding two ounote, on. ant. pep., when delivered in tea State printed, ono half the above rhea. to Celifornia and Oregon to be s quadruple the axles. Three rent to be coined, sod • million and dollars to ho appropriated to make Iticieneice in the l'ost Olkee revenues. Mr. Potter said, that if the old est been oontineed the reeeipte of the F meet would have fella, Far below' peaditeres; but by the bet of if i$ • welds* on hand, tad that ft vitiations mould be node with ban Department; that the explain traesportation sod delivery, and mail, ean en well p a thousand ak • deed Mr. Carter Paid, that thls bill would • great detriment to the &primal, why provide a million and • Ash de supply delleienein. It would be make the department encode Ili than ,hall be no debt. The chit favor larp onrepapere in the as cities and make their hews suppl. keel eountry papery. He was will make lb* uniform rate of Ow eeete, , this plan • nueamds, he would go a lower. lir. Alaimo. of Mut.. moved oat the throe gaol Ike tent rate. the uniform nits of tee teats. Ilk. Vestable of N. H., ad uniform rate of meta. oadi !that it would verb oe uell Imam of a foe years same ft Ides mead bents. Lett ye a surplus of mere lb. a .1W and he seeM toot see efllty th Amid pariah% Waif say more Navy ehoohl by piney, or the plearko. He salted as /he free It shoot thetr faith by their works, at what Ina the dames homesu M tattoos sod • ate oa a yer It la boo that a tax so the . lib podoesa kwta mama ott them as prow. Mr. Baehr* almotred that rootage ea atrogepar• remits • 11r. ere. et haw, re no Ire rot .Aire es MM Conduse the rem As &late &soy Aar appearasse is she palmy thor. 810141.3.-41 r. ikibil4lo4 el% V W Mt 6•4 N. 01.0 s M N mein we the 0- Ades.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers