" AVZ7 ~, rr ; .rniqi•Limr Ne'amirmi7inr II4.! ar, Ird 11. rabarire • , he rare ea.• re.l t.. 11. & i t v..,,.., Ihag. •• VOLUME c . r Jr J. I' liner, or puritanical? Nature I.lla us t• I art et: eli 6 *Net tetes dile- , the afternoon of that very dai It wee L.-In ver hue. 'l'l., he happy, to'he glad. for she d. oh. hot eelt nerds evening when I teturer.l Tlie mi.. on Lis intl. ;aid . 313,1 , 11 . OIL. 0113,14 Irung the hell et mi on 11 d ha. I du.... 1.C..,t •i,.1, nit', roses, end the fields, the skies, the lt..h.e-rowe, the dirk. is, the gre. 1. lam-, A.. ,„. , —,.., , , . heard his pattering foil end gleettil vet., cit. sle.t. 1. ol II c dells, the its...tides, the ...tides tool tad 0.1,, ”, ' uu " ' • '', ' .""1 low 1 g.."'' in the entry. the intim tet al. tit ...dug ski, nie robed ii. I..ielins it+ T 1... "" e '"' o. "' "' ii""U"Y, alien • her ' un i n " t • Whore , ...) trugint '' e llll 11 ^. ritt I '"'' ' Ned '3 ... 1- 1 • 1.1.1,1ang il diet i t ' exelaints tin. poet ! bei :" I ":",,""n r i e . u',i , eh i . r the l' r U n quu nfnun- t tared, a shade or dimipiodetnteur felling it ti hiroe-,, hop; d ••te is m..r.• than gaiet i • the I• 1.. sup g t , ' 4 , ' :::.'' 0 ri. ..: , :b . _'!: , .. , !:... , t0 l' l °°"•leuddenly epee hie recited. hullo, hoc teach hi. sal II .uer, tl ~,,, g it lobos a uise min to r....• :,." . nausea ' " ° . 1 ‘ I 'r "unit. • What ',awn, J. to! I ushial its foal sigoillcanoe—there is the 'team, „ ' o'o ' '' ' " " ' k ""der the 1" .. "" f'"' of 'my ...c.^. ". '.g . '" •''" l' '""'''''l u.. i . j , ' , ' p. hi i i ,. l : , l::,': the I •iie, and the adaptation, of whieh it is b """ . "" I Y l '" "rot ° " i "P m will ' "OW to buy mni full New of ea however, see any more ' l4 " d ".. "" the, ir''ui'''eld° real 11.1 ' I didn't proms, t. hey a ne,,,e, ley he, .j, .ie. lip. 1 T•ihro loot to ...of mounter -len Ittentont trete., deeply In thin respeet ehan did Peter Bell: " ever ' ll ''' "b"" tie 11 '" 4 of hoe '' , ru" .....' - le Ilk lel le lied. Alt ea levels nootatitoes iee hot a .....1 t oe., tt A prunreee hy et nyerts tent , It 011\ 30 oggle in the 1 istoty if ne n has • Olt, t..• pet •li.l mother! 1 . at loom. the toll,. Ihtside A ~,,, .„...., ~,...0 h '.. t le. e , 11 el, • t he 11retk 1... t dud viii, the Pet s 1., 0 .1 e n , 'hi, ...ride.; ' Nee flower Id. And.. d. no ruee.lted at 11. 0i 1 Et. tt 1.111 11. , To selleet tee k ~,Tone., ar E. s ...... I a sed."' knot it wee nothing sere!' t•i.t... t. el'idlt wt-• , nttt givt , atitehAll... oh . Teats hole t.hend: in his eyes, and hie on trod et .g. tO Noon. Whet meld we tlt'ek or so, of dm. wit . "11"" and nu 'l uni ! 111 " l i,„“ in a u' 'd 1T,,,, face note 3 hull ot i•iitresning disepp..ints •••1 Lir die hieide. Lett invented floiressi—artppoaitto thet, be. A. , hnote. Aeetette Atnh'.." leA. and .001. Me the last twee el . ~,, ner—lnt t let a renayst, 1 ... ~. g.,,,.... 0,0. ~, i,,g, ~ , , k. , ..,, , . , elntreeter were on her side. 11., oitte, estde • I itt.Ali.h dln lou, ~01 a engin)? 1 * . Oh! am let ... 5e.....0ie ...doh. the rh.c. e... 11.1 it not he the pared', ..r ~ now 4.. ",.° i" i1.‘....'g ; . 0 lest end knot i " iti. "". i , I r0.,,,..b.r ,nothing eb "" U . ' I Oh! tee item 1.0 . f its leouty and bloom, lig',t ? shAtid We ii. unit [lie 111,1 4,, . 1"0 e." M ..1' ....'1" N. 1 ..i.... r.. 1.1 irliht ii C1.11i114 tally • 1 %%Mt io the it .1.1 Fen won a Adt weber end AA to tie. toed. ~. 2 ,,,,, , ,, , ~ z .., „ A... , „... th,,, ~,,,•,, pardou his captates ett)thie, hot bei•.g, put that into )nor lent.lT 011-pt in.... irti • .1. th hat.. 10, a e i .akie . • bee f°. Iry Au" 4 "inn . Tli , iluottnt huts' • Didn't I ask pot 1' said the child, tie loin areedie /Yield a Inlay die 1.. • I tha to man front tile M... daunt er his ...isten..... u'uld 'v.., Lo heel,. hy them ; nod m the , „are .I..iv ovedineing his ehe. lie , 310111. u, ,.1 ~,,. ~,,,,, i . ,... , ~,‘ 0. ,,,,, , 4, . ~ ~ none.. th e ennteet .1.0..4 that gidla•di• i • y es, I 614,„ • ~,e hill ,k m a That the ...demo net vieit nein...gbh. the gem t • ets.lote of lion i h., nth, th e e, wki..i i k e ,k• r 3 utel 10 , ui ,-I ' . .).ii!cli. ev° l itt u cor‘e thing tile.ut a hag... t but i date', promise I will watch tie Inn,. leasee•tal they %lane end g. earth 1.. i, ~. ~.,,,,,. ~,,, ~.,,,, ~,,„., ~Lich cause, hoc, when:dint.. Yet this Aust. ia, i„ hut, , o e .., dew, a. „ „,,,,I .., I .., b. ~... g ~,,, ii.,, which from the deys .0 the eruonlee to vi,. • I al., ) e s ,o t i di I, nedher Iti ;aid And when they Sr. Allen I tot di gather them oie Idight e min...m.oe 11,,,,, s. to clothe it in '" T ei g " i" . "'"."' b" Lee n ''d M ''' I ' e he ~l 1) tool thi ' e;sitt intoned low etentisess, treachery and • Not inn, he , doosn't. mean - Slow MI the S.M. Ofullt..it the, .nun , d t p c :7k4 The boght leeks of keeelned be broke sae by ewe, 'Tell the lost of the !used mete es et, led twelve. Oh! then 111.1, the xnald tiew la, faith tare lkil Nor add to the so.has r.amot uhate ia the Not knaltoem.valfeehog!!•ll., 111, 'T.II I cul uJ .lo.Il! 1.1111, the lIO•1 1.1 O. fhb... a 111 4MI lie lilt.. 11 t..“ 1 .11.1111,Irtad xln.. it. Anti it.. rtl.,xr Com, Ix the soft tr.1.p1r.1,111, rotor I •i.l Dew .depo gee. Like ronertaldo newt the her lees e reed wee bretelteri were e, The rbedetry ri,er 111 tat n. 16 by the .11 v, Net lee. Ilto lot , noo E. 1.0 glo.• A *to • ot And 11. u.glal inkli .r.. lit in ear. • •.1 a., pen lv se I tgale eve ds ll= (ii.. nn,ll. ~r 14101 home. r .he law, of rho. elrre. :Um the Iver••I1Ia•u • n behalf • II I Ili II Is I ul I let , Id I 111 I tII he Ilitt not fewf.rooll .X. penis), Ilia rrrirrr.% r ri I tin To Mnityrl.. .I Or rail. ri g. . i.' i nil iii the • oftivot r: mi... • • • ..i.. i . icor 01.1 or .weet. 11. the ...I it, mg deed-: toll . f la-itio and pi r- :. 1 sp-Ike kit. the 3010'10111141, 11.1 11310.1 .0 h. i owl ; ;oi l tit'. ot ts- . `" o' r•vott I . 4 t g' ...I'd. Mr. lt ....1 It : iv, enriched on writ, or s l ush. ~, hi, , ~,,,,I. „ ,„,,, 1,,, ~ 6 , ;;; •, h6 , 6 , 6.66 h 6 6,, 6 1 ,,, ~,,,,,„,,,,,,„, ~, I lie ..itti'e ltl'd 3 troy ell am iej .lore ;..nr er nit.. gift, a'.l gre. of ['Lodi tg mol ex- to i . " , aign tt.tt ii,,,,,,„,,„,,, , „, ~,,h,, the ..hy h i , 0,,,,, , o „ ; "boa, antl huh.) nu t t oat.. no I ibnuty.- ; pre.sir.o CA the ardor ..r a . q ....r. the to t to, well,' sthl ....c •me intim , knee 6 ,,,, ,h, p i„„„.„, ~ at, above all, 13 il.nver id smuttier I 1 - mu read;. then- , he altonether (dime. if . the glow of p .etry, u til it neon. to burst in my , e iicr- t it doesn't nt itter of all. I. I , „ . ~ ~, ~, . . ~,, ..„ ;i t. i.r.o. 3 CCU I til I ,I . Mo. people !MVO 701 t 3 leer., the tree Vii 11 .'' a .".•.' lb..' bl ' lmlll aro... and into a mophe. 5 pug; amu ii Weil so gel,. 4 „,,..,1,.. t h er o i l ~,,,,. 0,,,,, i .„,,,,• i h, , . ~,. 0,0, 40; i, ~,,,,, •;, enjoyment of life; it is not li,ie dressem, or 4 1.• c 'rui n '''!'"' ' 6lo ' o ill net' , otter • too that we know sa d hot, so Brent strength to the parlor nod both t tit f r (tear father. ~,,,,.„,,,,,, ~6 6 ~ , ~ ,h , ~,, ;6666 , 6 , 666 , 6, „, ~,,,.,,,,, r,„f,„„ o, 0 „,,,, erne 'long to any h t.ly, Lot ether. look hers ",e allied in s, touch merk•.es.; a me II I yon reit please yoursell ' ologi.d. At the ;cry not wines, or any parties, that make homes I ' l .' l ' ibll i'ml "faillalf. U, mil &Vise it so Itlanteloss, ,hat in hie demon, we find And turning awa• as I woke, 1 lett t lie ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, to ~,, ~,,,,,,,,, ;066 , happy. Neatly, wealth 0•11111/P p u re ; ,b'''''"ln i! . l" ein'°l'• 0'.. 1 ererY !eel , * n , ty , hid retest fault. Wo are not vf those , chamber atiti mod dew„ stairs. Noting 6 , , ,- ,,, ~,,, , 66 , 6606 i „, I , , ploonur, a a . higher art; th e . .„,, n 4 ono Ili, onory m w. 41 as ..tt Common Arlo, are soul ' . I._ stool bin 4 ; but ohnoni myself at n nivdter, 11...4(.0 riot's tool on- 6 :,,, 6 ,,, , ,, 6 7 6 ,.. 6 , ; ; , 6 6 , , AN, evoi r. or .lull I , v corn •- A 0 ,,, 6,, money, , ~,,„,„,to worth; ;,, i, L 1,6 thing. W 0 eh, 01 1, 0 131 013 010 0 0 things are the only grudge we owo to Komstith. is thal,dgestoroil .Go I man and and cheerful 6 ,„ 6 ,,,,,, ;‘,,,,,,,,,,, ~, ~,, .. to, mho., r ... iv • tV, -1. solo Chore!, in been, and nate, and intellect, whin de- ill‘, l . ll .blY th° i'lliable. thetld we lin did not i ,time shoot the rtemiil Gorge)... ' Ilut. this wa. Ile; ond my tomer 1 site 6 r. , „ , , ~0 6„ ) ~,,,,,, 6 6, „,,,, .' 1.11,1.....1. remit. 01 1. fi e tipreititnient h. g mm l oo the happinese o f m on , 1 00,1, g i,,, on l y la,. s bed. nir nr amelltbm b. , Poe- Kossuth Is no far fortunate; that ho le al- nothing but lii loom of to; gr i„, big ehi..l, It the (1...1.1 1.1,...eil 4 , wtinol•le, tom 0„. , 4, 0 - it iecloilio e the I no t.f litil. 1.. v. the mooing eye and the 'coder' oat ure,,nl vba•e• w , at brattfl.a 'lon. arm , . bet Lot, most the only revolutienint patriot no roe- 'and could think of nothing but his sorrow they are free to all, and it .Link not of , nod who has preserved admiration with de- a n d diaappointment. 1111 • 1 a echo "'' ''b•.' 1 ' ... '' ... P' .I. ' '''.- al till. 11... i, 1ar.ii...1 nWI the t0i„ without which man is but a Untie better ' l 'ibig• ll ithl 'l ' l . II I' '''''. . 1111 .“'' '• g a 1,1 v., ... f nee .1 ifitt Plett.her, lid nand, Man • kind of walking elothes-horse. their ',hoeing.. , feat, sod who hao gnioo4 renown and been • Nom); nid Ito see of my ilimesties, 6 ,, w,..• ~,, ~ ~, ii , , 6 ,,,, i,„ r . 6, • „. , ~, , , , ..0 6 , ~,, 1, ~ , 0 ;0, 0 . ,,,, ~, A sung and • 010•11110100. no matter h o w, Th. J.. ind.l, =telt in nature that we , allowed to lire A few indeed earr at him: who happemd to come into the hail, . 4, 16 0 , ~,,,1 , ,,,,; „ . A, ~ „,,,,,, „, ~ b y , , ,„,,. ‘ 1 .. ” 1, ., ... : , " , : i 1 ,,,,. 7 r . " .. ,.. r. ~.' 60.0; 1 ,, 0,6, , tiny It be, t of hat it be wbulmont; win- d'. on , ~ bolt rn O Y, 'moue° we shut 1111 P, hot when they are not to he &spa. they ...I, too a o me go es ti oo , i I o l o h y ou 6 ,,, L 00 . 6;„. .., m ,, ,y ~, ;0.; ~,,,, ~,,,,1 ~,,,, r 1,g , ,, , v i i. , ‘,. i..,....., ~..., ,i.. .., ridin ...„.. doors, Into whieh the sun win shine theorily ,•' ''''" ° !.. 4 . °°° ". • th '' "" I ' 4 r " li "g' W. . not tn be pitied. Th o grea t h fly of run dime to the tny shop in the next Idilak ,„„,,,,.. ~,h.,, , „ , , L. , „„,, 04 1 , 3 ~,, 6 Ar , L , :. h • ~, 1,0 „6 , 1„ , ,:, 1.,,,,, 1,.. , , , , , ,, ~ 6,, 61. _,, r.. L p.d 1.0. ( t . m h o .. d h o wnt sateen. won too natter of (1.,. end ,menkind do him juntier; and Ida, none ad buy Noddy • ogee . Ilia heart i7,' ~,,,, ~,,,, a ..., . . ~, ~,,L , ,, , L a hi...l, ~ ~,,, ~. 1., ~,,,,,,m. i.. 6.,,;;,,,,,, without • law good books In these days of , b." , on , rox dm oldrit or foe!. which M , living nmes is 1110 0110 111111 causes the ..,, s t t oo l. 0 h 0 ...! why ore Imil.toor. ftei l itentl; pialard op. 0 .,,,,,,,,,,,,. ~,,,, 0,, ~,,, ~,,,, . vl.ria Mr IthithrthlabeaPlathdl) - fle duns •t th• d o abor• Ai If a...01d open our minds to , boort a ot• multitudes to swell. Away in bit , The girl, always willing, when kindlt ... i „ i „, „ rd . + , a „„i .„, 1 „, 1 „ r „.., 16 , ,,,, , ,,,r . 6 ..,,;,;,•,,,.;.; ,•,, ;6. 6,. „ , m, sal the aupbomd won ooPyli.d..nd with s lenjoymettt, we should Ind tranotai pleao-leaptivity be is a king ma.. the spirit of spoken to, ran et to i.. my wi n h e a, and ~„ ~,,,,,,,,, 6 ;Chin, ~,, 0, .; lower I. your room l-ealtil than is wane so ' Ore. oPnrod Itbnot in' •• oown oida We the bran and free in 11011 i; the admiration le a little whit. nano h ae. k rrth, t. article "' ' ' :onto,. iP —. toe OM r preacher for ilti p°OrM on to ban boot him the element.; might live with the angels that visit no 00, , of true man Is with Mot ; tbe sympathies of, wanted. Tien.. thin, arc all thrinfaelorlly ,:s. ~•„„,•, o T... „... the ,„„„ 1 , ~,,, 1 ,,,„,, t Ploi'xd bY l'."'••nr rl'a.. .;"eery III• ' • • l'i u , itu • diiontiont Boil walk in "- 1 of *more. ;every itunbeam, and sit with the fairies; ewe woMm, too, me with biro: miming ' . Now, said 1, 'gn op int o my room ono 1.,,, 0, ~ h 0 ,,,, „r , I In .tenor i.,,,1. ^x ‘ '''' ''- -• i ' i i .ial .t Ir: rm... i yea .- Atom 11(0 Hark ! there is •• oldhl pasting oar win.' who wait on otos , l owa , w o want some from his bands, the civilised world will bid 11.11 Noddy that I've gid something for t t . o ‘ . is a pliiht:7othitial d. duo ' fr. m exist- ',..„ - Y - 6 "„ " :, 5 .,. ' , " ,, L ,.4„;..„ - :, ' ;:„,, ' ,.,, a , " ,, ,',:,°:',•„,,:., water evaliaa,nale Wow a winare nail l ow .0 !.. rWe art h...,loVing khgwitnige to ettahl e us truly to on- , hi. wok...a; of 11 01 ^11 in N.*. i.1 . 1 .11...' hin , D... 1 ...^ 60,, , , h• ~ ..i... I I woo , 10 i ng f,m,.. ,•• in bawl upon well.eatoblish- i,,,,,, L ., ' ,h,;', - ,', 61 ,1 6; 6 „, ~„, ~,,,.,,,,,,: sea doily, or t.b27.000 Itt.l - 0 /13110 tt a bomb, tilt is only • peony! A joy life, and we require to Gobi... • Milo ,it will band his memory down m tee mem- take him by sunri.. a' to lifintlitiot 14selm..- h er b.° m•tbib d tt I her d , , and (lorry I • down:" Tie' terianeon see 011 . summer day. slimier hasp o inall Mao, the innerly dn. Woo. thin too do I'm ni of Malang lb., ory of one who.. his kind will honor. N 0../ won , bo." 41 •11 .1.111. stairs , ..- to 1,0 with ennjeeture; he asonmes no h," '7,111103 In 7,'M Nu n n with his di,,,,1„„ . A:4 1.... of water 411 tearly. TI „ La a m a. , o ion ....1 ih, l sintet of PllO 00111110011 moons and appliance., I pl.md the wsgon in Ma onto of the' ... , t._ , , „ r at.. , w id o h 1. pi a .. Nor en.= whin lie about as ea oven! MAO NW WO. mat, whore it would men the ehlld's eyes' , a, demonstratin gpntoenie ;ou oeuins, low + on and end. la ! „..„...d s a s d at a. 5 ,f. h os ., o Now ' oration Is so runt, therefore. after et% their troth , he pro- 'A. him his provender, and I'll go Mtn sheik rivers, lea, mat net • meters ma l• bl• bray. Mow 44111..11 tee Ilk _..._.. ..___°''' •• 4 '" a° °"°• ""Y ' 111 "", . /4•B‘ time w g e *"." r e. bo y 7 :," eb• .'""°' ' 4 bi• • " 1 " 1 "''' •01 then . eget. and explaining the laws whielt gm-16„.... o w o . h r , tie , t o h n a oso sn- onto, ilti,ooo nblit Win must et. awn, sne er of ettunto told wore I 14 lir . 1 1.1 reed loomrmi Mo. eon mine kitaw,...kr.. wo o l 7.• mother bold MY to , sat down to await Ids mmiag sad e•Joy Me!. L a... A L a.. ) , L a. r.... d. . a . , Lead., .... L .., ... kg .... L .. .„ . 1,... 1y . La .. d h . wad* . L 1 , , ,, Ilko miao coming lola ear nem to gnatt ••• =WO spirit o ( • U tat .. 10 00 [ b., ..... d ay , ml delight . as Ts. t0a ng,..... n o . K oo k na g tom ; and, to those who may still hes- I didn't nit to say ' no,' and lino] " Ty i : b t. h.. - . L he menet in alit. aDgnawial honor. eon i „. a„.l. a. ', a ... ...a.. L. Mr. I.ti on . sod NIT of .... ;„ d e „ La d, 1., a l ig ht ...dd. op t o ....,, Ilan, we would my-h o o n ”g ~,,,,,,,,0 , ,,, , hi s hippy &gi g , , sa d g aa ,„. ,„,„.......44,.... -- ; ...t . „ ° , f a„. °l" .. at i n y. °4°.-- • - 1•Ite•Id eon. o , OM Woo. Plm•••••• b. , Floteherl'' °I am N. Thereat. In-Imo. bail, In, then would be ho ir mi isinterproted. His ear... and mortilloatino ea. be bet- Imo felMobl^ibthththi wit bleembla I ~,,,,,,, 06 ,h, „m oo 0 1 0 ,,,, W e , on , r o w , forthwith; and lbst of an, whowth. mat od to .ay • ..; and eo 1 gatil the evasive' • Naddy's aithnit.` mid sbNlookleg in , hods yot, with .halo promise of froth beau- 1 6 'woo:Ifirl on•••••, lion( P.m . 1 .. 4 . Wa Won Nil, ea Mtn tn. seder orb ebtramstat. 0„, d t .., • '-.--,. "' A i!ol• boy. ombll • • trrl•k•tt 0 .. Pro. - ter imagind than desoribed, bet tee axed- ad po mimiti life. Change but I V . 0 Arty! Win . a 1... Of ae. rater hail Mr, ••• ....To • 11.1 m. for your:ma. • Nay b. sio; sod whin Ins ameat, . A n i o .o* t .....1 7 dih,.......-,•.. :trans sofor. the doer of sling shop, ope l oo t mt.. t o . h.. to awn. hi.- stitoesto gibe air (1 of tin. i. 6 , ;HA ih 066 ,,a,,,....,„r ~,,,i ~,,n , .., ... t rout I'-/Vita Nab'. Anon/ to g a .. n e th. 0.,, . nigeow..,-1 , T -- •.„ - • •••„...„. 1,„ our „„ . b. to tee door, awl patting hi bk.ad mid ' a hot lot it ha ale for tho ft.% t n. aitemgee) the least, sod the ev•pet obringing end dbl.*, our pennyworth, ' The "mil woo wad. i for be Ipt vs or u d usu I luau u s up, sad kid at. .to the proprietor, • Ses bony neighbor... l h t ., that b.coaao a maia mum; may maw NNW.. sow Mange the eon. se th• bon ativatosiga • Otorilt re Glats.- TM youog men words themes./ be whibod them to boa ;..).. yoor sign has Wien down.' • Not whet do you my t 0 a nOWlrly 03, fa On their home Into n you; but remna- •In • 19.1. while ter. 1 had attrignits all .Ta. a tw o , m a .... L . a dd 1 . .. T... .....1, and g m , I. I. oho.' ,00lot_bm al boo. he_ most be • beetirb ... l ot Irat i. :. ox yr . ::: and 111 6... dmit. , 1::: reseal Hare pa ban • speoimen of the ! bee It le bet o. 'obtain before cavalry, that ;rhea& It Not Mt my boy. To him eon; p.p., t o g o d n ...h.., fragig t o tee a..., by 1.% g ...ram ; th. law- : !UM" rasa T „.., ..- ,,b. The an d ) rein. ao oo om the ( b lob* on . I .. it fo l f b•t•;; . reset Smotiful of the stallts of Ntant-, they may moque and kW, or as eon honor May bole our •yea• via Wert Ids bosh It'd. sit••••••• Bet •• mob nate Man por by Itettat ooon ent of debt; the domagtioe'w• •••••• f •Yo pTw In' shot looks on st. of the. blight foll-lwito Italy oo beaded km. Miles elms et ebotlte Tokio' the wipe in my lead, I wait by voilaj oHnoo. two.; ad penny hy resale big 'lrmo and Ms Garnet • prinialite, of ho poo ft : ; s . blown Wood. a, will say that the is mid, or ,okilaa.- tilmoNtif. Islam / Moab! i• • ••• Tid• 9 •N 000 d ••, op to Mit abomber wham be I• 7, sad beat baiss I Is to beep away from smapinition, New tee t t Tile ±illlontt Lear,l trokyer: ::t‘ r r t ; 'l / 4 " f ''' on, hand . . vII ~billed urd stungary ..names and elm, 'lnt tall', ' , r o o d my wor a b la. o w,, the heart or humanity nu, nod the burn - and nut according totheir read oL hi, It tin it -tui . s an Alms i•I as, rs the sanetits ea•,,,, and gives the It •to their m.dign,,.. And ner.. er had .t nubler 1,11.1,a t...1.1er Loh, Ai, nn el, Ail w i, ; tl,.t gmak,. ti,, 1...: t 1..,t, t ~1 K. ' • N” 1...1 , ,dar re- • • .....1.1,..1111 .11.11 1r t.t1,1,• ro I ~,• 10011,,'•1 .1 1,0 la 0 10,0 i. ..tt II , wol, what n I.e dr. int Old: •nt• 1.1.. tling ul I 1 ush blis.,cont• lb.• e..untry witlinnr, I Ine nod am. the 11.181 lot illy heart Le I I t ft' II .rut.Lt Ilr,tli .1 Sl.O r to tug I. /..1) • re Iv 4rlw. a • \1 d e Ara tlrar rrm6, al 1.0.1 ""I like o.t Owl fl , .wer,: ttttt :iourne4l L. purity nt..l liOat thr it 'ri, liwirt, 11.1. tai child , IS ”11 , t!:a 11 C0113.11t With It Ira it leole levels were min !feeling% that th '1 tee onld ni.t. n b an,ilol cons it •risto 11..akp • by nble.l to expre-4 rd 11,t o .r.silv .11 R1..1 II . % In 1,1 111• . : ...I . \ "I IV , 1,1 • 1 . 1 : I ,e !Imp!. y t 1•n . Aml tl, •*:lfpmc,. obt , m .\ll+ MONTROSE. PI, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, No, tr 1611 r t gui; •u t 1 iott 11.11 othi•r., it it It. eau: ii dt,tatti mous To Inr n the and ,et 10 apiiiar n. ar, alin. aritt,—Lir nue. in that Knuth hen. to it kioll , 110 U nit a glum al.d parry And tindiainitt a. awardid Lint 1.3 flint it win ntlh whielt Inch ite i e‘ident ati•tto , rne3 at moon ihtt 11.1 tor tr ilevi to it 1114 na 'hk wa. entirely a 510..0111.10 i,iln 1111 •L r I a, irk at nr t am a *taw e rettion pie uat 101111, trr tit g rinux .4111 il, L.. 'tinge to tL Lie It a It 4eiiiii•, Llllg i•E the rothhTi him esori. -ie adiahlage n• c.., x auJ n tn. mt. lie xn4 ohlig .h.,1 to lA., Idelit, with the seal nI. aus nth II /I s t.thni 1 . 11111.0i101 4 tir all I t bt lull I..‘u Ilan., u luiter all Ow iliugie that It. , us, t roll him au r may fr. lend . ) Inl i 1 If 1 4 11 , 4 %WI , 11. aIIIII ..1.111, :1111i ,r to: . 21'. %%1.1 at rvvy' I , 1.. 111i1I-7 ipttltr, sl,l. =MEI .1 • . orlt aytn)l) lea.).ing my I I. t.. rt tips 1.. (1..n tl .of pill 1., 't.ono • ohn .t. to II iad int, =M!!IIIIII! not the mood to spopathi, .11.1Iully. To 141 m, t thus. ;. t ~; tod sdp er:,111 . 111; all id' said I Lc Ind t.. his rvul• as . cr3ilig in w loud von,. •" 4 s i• Itio ii I i i it ui f r% or eu. I ueut up qui, I , timings, mai he I. Ilwol, nlil l• • 1.1 I • %Ins 1., • snit! I. tO.I•L ("irriti nru. Pent Ph dad, liilti n4l 3e.. are 11,. 41.1forent a.lni,l that I wolol,l lt . ) ,„ 4n thew voillel have been th or di,tipoikil mew I.n. I 1., listen ; hnl, m I 0 I I ha 8. 1.11.1 h II ini 131. el I II lie L .ul Ie .1, Li • et, el. 1014, .aid I ill not kayo sai,l Y nrtot gigot t or u f.r n fen. ;nom ;401...1 I;i+ piet ; but It 11111,:ili 111.•ra 143 A,;.1 at 1.1 I nt a it 14114 , 1 ti a I whti 1. t I It lit It vt ttlect 11$ II 111. I .1, •• Oh 111 a WIN. I.xt.itt.tl, i 1 Ititest load ete I e. 0.1 et. in Itt..tat.ta 3ly Ittty lilt at 'ld. L. oxl .peaking 11.. n. 1,4, awl 111.1. if Ittt itislttat.lll wttaltl tt-t I use but a a itt.s, ..tittz. ht. tot, t. ft , tsa stitittit t. t • ii 1, ~1,. it 11 I. II I I tl I Ir II • rat 1 I rt ~.I Tivgu I I r k I I is I - II ent6crat. slit cut t I c 6 I I.t I 3 i I, liii ti I th, , ~„ i. G;. g Thank, .“ nag..n! V.k I Itl MI the 4111,j,1 1 % I• i It II . 1 I 0 II toe rstitt t ...“ • /ly 11 L .I'/ 41.1, It :IN.. -dill, Ow to% elk from I witivtrttvil 1:11.1t r 41.1 I I • I tt I 4.1 %I Ittle and I an a tag Mr ity a NUM BEN iJ ll= A that t , k ph. • to . • 1.. Ply, I ~, ~:~ ....,. c. . i ni) 111 t Ila II I. t %% I t I It t •• I Ir. • , ,tr,ll tlu 1,,.1"g" ttomi II I II MEE A;. • I:I 1;t;; ;I. t;;:, I; I.; .1.1. r I kb. 1%. rt .1...kr, 41, :kr E , l_Ak c, 1,1..1, tt R I I I i,.11 , I 1 I n„„ • all I ea. If ltd. • In I t I Lot g II thll t 1111 I/ It I I .1 I • at - • I tt t g •1 •Ir „I I I .i.l, the u• H 8.1 ,t ill 11,.. I 4, I V. 4111 .11,111 .I 1 'it' 4.1..1 I 41,14 id!, 4141.. ,11!.44., / . 4 4 11414 4 1.14. I .• !I. 1 4r , 111 1..1 .1. It.. iept. , I ‘1,5.. .ti • totko. to it„ lk ..ridn 1... it t I , it .1/ , 1% • . 11.... UL illllll, 1.1 go It RI •N 11.1• 1 N 11,111,. 14 I the or no ni., , IA 11. ¢ni , lyd Lt .1 in 11, I, .11311 i t4r,NS 140..1 Ihe \lt N.L.Tlgrr .4. Para Vintte.il.l 11,..it I. I ii.• Mill 1,1) •14.1i,..1N a. , °lwo n.,1 orb. 11l %MI ih Is•ur not P....::„, 1 „' 7.1 7,.,7,4 "' • . Orre square, 3 month, ad, A lour. ur Year!, .tdvertroe. vut .. • Ono. one Vonrly Arluvrti...• L. u. o Irrebaro . to of Pub ra ,W D ." 3;17 . :7 p kortA A\\ :1 =1 larl. •.• BLANKS ul e‘er, drasn, ininlnd In n.. 1,. tonne have• Nile trim in,. look at io her gam], tvaptatt m wta to t nt roPPg. 1... lit • lahni 0 412,• III•' 4 li:':isul:• • mideAitite.q, rle., C.lll V net is the t, t the tuber teeard t, t ho only it • :may 6.40 1i . 1110M11.11. ll,i ro o ••. -.met &mil I...iat livallaols lost . salt. h tant sorer t : I Pion Ina per. are 1, 'll.aal, it t, I, h li p 11 10 till vole I , lit 15,, en: are r ,11114. , • • •r i ;lit) awl Vita , I. I, • =3!CIIIIM 1,1111.1; :t the ag, , 2 . 2 otr. 01 1 1111 thelitilo4t , at lit oy thin root 'oglt•lt ; wag. prreent 10 tLc pnl Le ltt:ilinga,l4l.res, .lo4tol, eil ; hne bee. pry...en .111 , sut goon, stt over 4 i t •.I re battles; , I .011111 , d ~ et.t.rols, 7 C.I. Copttior, o, n 11.090offirs ; Loa 818881,1 wit h t ono t lmas, ,mo eniporor. the rove , iIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIO great Fonerah, held tholargo.t ;ha .1 in his ha ;ill the world, rxerpt ;we ; ham ' plavo on Lin head; hao rled 'loon times; father to 1 tld ~ 1 ah.o Lenon i red. hen ;diqeaso, ho roohl no loooter prat.; it ; too moor to live a ilheut 111111 , , 1111,1 1110 1111 Ito heo , nne he .16'01 in an rnig,ont nhip to II throe )ears ago; thi ,, ; loorkulde n loootare. t•TH•oto tato ;8 ;tor .1 four loop : logo, Pill yomr. ;obi. and deco, oow p.•,/ho, lair streets of .! • W'. ko Iwo a rerila konvittoot !O. 1 110 !' t , 111.11 id life ;5171: I . lon. excel ding gees. reward -11 gift ..1 a college, portioularly Is 1• eisiod prodorm whetiorm i• II I applionees for o. loinish substitutes for holowl wl.ic't to make their 'soy in the w, High who has a noble thirst for is netso much 'reedited by IL .111 i. .1: :V ha s apt to imagine tha 1., ben le trying it. If your par I Cl. nothing better to the ! n,, lot them board ynu r Vole for nor years. Ho nes n , labeling people, stay wi Ind Inled. Ito don't the less to Me 1.1 ..liondien Ile liberal in !501d...11 on!, len I.rusd lime Jo id and study nature and men. A '11..• .1 1, e 1y lest, and everythi Tlon, ysii will probahly •in de •ruis'u. tors and useful his del a 1 atlrider chain Bill be ni re o II parent• boon ledge pin boo your mouth n it ,t• .11 tit thus that the gran hest nieo ore made in every count NI M AND hiroorm Dnaot TIM MANI rAcrt no or Inoo.—Ti 1 1.11, Poet loos • letter giving ro • .t ecoiery iliac 1 a )oung man I oanine Of .11101110.. the Assistant Ur ltrady'sllend Iron Works, ii, Clad! tv, the mane aet•tre of railroad • !client Lars from Coka metal. By method the rails wore made with ',pig, SA Notild crank very meek at • it h one or tun blow.. Ily A1.,...' Iron can be made from eigki 1., tee ' per Am lower, cod or • superior ql 110 process is not mentioned, but I ily of the iron produced ie spoken I iter of the /tutor was ahown_a ' Met been i!to to the test, I y en! x LJe hot. into cold wat.r; after wi tr:o.l to break it wit,,• odedpo Mllo Forte LLI utvett •is tet !tt Rite! tottelv, at odd not even creel it. The I iron ol the e. ittpany cos :tom &Hort per too, their e ts Meta 111) hem It to It dolly• per to! • m on, entuned finite •n re! 'ot, the nerkaten, the, wen 11. et Co. u ice w..it I he LA., tyl 4,01.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers