" Ebr WiTtette¢ff.llll." near T• 411•10. seatTonn, B. B. kB. Chase, e. •0171,11 k. TERUS.- -. 01.11 .1...•11 MID Wrl . l amen per t , soh I. adv., or me &Ilan if net paid wail t h e order the yew.. Oen ellbeedlnien. N. will be diteentiorated until sneers,. lye eseept et 11l apnea et the Publiebera eenuannieabeen MI. be rare ...to to ere eel. ahead.. Ara lettere evaselsted with the alike, *herald be dratonod b D. D. at IL D. Coma, Menton, Seeq. ET Edition' eine. ewer M. C. T lees Stan ~ C..? Q I`i i~ . 'tunas., to • euffeting traveller. Flood mum water to thy deer; Bola aateetai coal law, 'Phis melt ptmne.te Holder, My • whirlwind onward driven, La! I ant the Weeneamo Jaw Burdened by ,M wellt of aguu Yet net pommy *ld like you. Time Cm end my only hope ,ti And each night I null the loon. MA the atin—it ever meth, And each day to like the peel. F. Tam the milt nod Now. the river Whore I wend., veer, =l9l War the wrecke of liloll.llliSiete, to O'er the Greek tool Roman Rolfes— Laredo of we trod lends of delete Eighteen coutorieet—how fearful 'lion leveed o'er lend end war nee, to leek eir rend, For the quiet tite ;per et I here ...o lie ..re Cr 11,111111 • + Ldld Ahd h ky, ti 111,.+rt.d11•n1.r11,1 Turns the earth, wet ilowt, the ht., %Clm I amide, Etch ever, I attach me. hot in tem Crag and precipice to Pee. me Hold them logio heads o'er we mein but the Naomi whirlwind swatches Me from iileatlihi rime., door. (had lia• chea4ml me thus, to matiail 01. too dark to maid. r tder Moo as with tioit Lector time, ho Nemec allotted to May While lie claim the proltweil gold. I/wake—owl theft ea ay, mvoy ! ever Tamed. earth awl ilea • Om river W Imre I vi Ever, mar. 'ratan. I rtoothe ray Parrot., kasha/ breath uthe alt.), tree, Ito tha turf, or Ir) Orr xawe At they murmur add free Then 1 hthr the whothrud grumbler Round about sat itt the glade. "bat torporg to unary heat ea Thar 11.1114.11lparra.ol beneath the allude To delay Iloa !earth! journey Whoult the whirlwind urge* on, Elennly .ennui L. leaseued Thotalh a 111•11/1C1101 ran Lo woo Taw Ibe rarrth and Hoar the 'weir Where I ri aholur. lash er cr. When I Baas un eluldren Theis I 111 y non! If at, eyes would I.e. open Cuomo the wheels isul'e raging I.IIIC men w0u1d).1... to eery Me at) bog and dread eereor. Weald pa. for • price time wander O'er the earth From year to year ? the Woe., Children greetly Look.' oa with her and Inlet Ilat &Few rho. year. may vetted. Ent feet.ehall sweep their du.. Ever, es. Tamil. earth end plo w. the rir.r Where I wander. Ere, over. T. the walla all Jerk ate! lonely Whore I et elden tune e as tern— If I go and hurl game tracm To towel my feetelemions. 'rt... the to :rola nol smoking namely, Crieg w ah emelt ...eke* a thr ! Rem hut when thy wore fenntoth, Whence...li spark of rig it. gem. Thy forefathers helm nt left thu Plme *Attie theirmotairlenog tomb ykok mob hop. notfor downier 1. it. depths of wlem Ever, ever 711.• the earth laud flows the river Where I /reader, Ever, aver. 5 mimed with WO (oboe. The wite.tied me he jwit eapind. Thee the reed—lt d.d lainwells ree VIA reek h..w retired. Pet whey the whirlwind prower— Yee who West etebetity At Ode peeidneenl, Oh, tremble. Tr ea etreeply d.. 4 we we I dwimity e ..l BM liwwweity Thad eehod teeth *le heprisi wampum Whisk by webbed le begone& Tulle W will aM Sinn Ih. dm WIIYe I warise. Rm. mot gerTite folknorlog 6 as Ineetiptles co laddrno n• Is Massambubus. 11 6 Imo- Ohl I "SAI4I : m*"ln a g n7 i lsraill ri.g. I walkwi oat at aeon—lt was hew, And 1 Iraq -- I ant to dotrnakt non—lt was Astann. And I was anit— I laid ea down at night—lt tram Wilder, And I AO. =-- ._ i __ (A I) ~.:0 ~ 11'll *!JLi tr 1 - 1,. ii;i, t ,p[ 'it i * cr Liz ts VOLUME VII, ilore each other 1 Ahd hero she comes," roet loved, is softetted away into pensive rade, the whole party wheeled about, and -e Ihe enntiuue.l rising to meet her. meditation on all that it was in the days col weld off . The tribulations of the Prince - - - , . • - Never del the r ising son throw joy its Ipvelinesa-whe would root out such • wo.e nut yet over, ffr inci rig having slip . - ..............°' r el .''' . 0 . °. 1,.., or the wearied and midnight traveller, sorrow from the heart? Though it moy • pekl away Item his keeper, Caere baiting •Words are tor NO. , Ines, then reread thee 'than Emily's rushing fare did wherever she ' gometimen throw a passittg cloud over the and yelling after him Ills sips of joy toms went (bright hour .efgatety, ..r spread a deeper' were se manifest, that hurl it Ler o obeervcd, t er glossy threads, oha h. oloh the o r's wrens, I lett this Imp'. pair. and on the follow- , Badness over the hour of gloom, yet who detection would have Leen iefalltble ' 'eke ltong gracefully, 1111.1 red. kle 1/1 the sm. !ing m ening viaited the Pandiette I would elfehange it even for the motor of Mlle, in a shotp undertone. ordered 11 Or re ..... ke, or nth, t the hooter beams which moodmitt lam, sheds; hot ode I .. A soverLign bet." exclaimed the Jed, pleases°, or the hetet of reed. t Nu- dog .11 and, us st cues , i Al , l o Clis master's] W. hl. Wed n ah m a noblest the.. we in. for:" ; log officer. " for WiliCil of us men drink the there is a voice from the tom', sweeter danger, the intelligk et brute instantly obey. f f.... 0... • must ehompaigne, or a ride to the shah titan song. There la a remetulnatiee 4.f ed In a few minutes more, the appointed • I had Leen wandering upon the multi- 'milestone Ilkst!" the dead, to which we turn even fruits the spot wee reached, where Thellin w.IS sea- I omit for totally on ths, and on my return te I I eectsed myself, and Pamlrett declared charms of the living. Oh, the grave! hatsly awaiting , with a vainiolet and fuel my tollive land I hastened to the home .411 was a foul. Mrs Pausfrett presided at' gra , e ! It buries every error-Neves ev- home, seed the Prince kaideg ill, fled with 'my father+, in the migl.bothood of Will- the dionor mole that evehihg with the state cry defect, extinguishes o very re...intent ! all poseibk speed eat the high nail to B •I• ; 'dormer. lake; and whilst inviting after arid majesty of an Eastern queen. Can Fl , Oll its peaceful bosom Fringe 11.1110 but gluon. After rapid relays] th e y solved 1 !old friends, did not forget the Iwo for or- this, I mentally exclaimed, Lo sister to the food regrets end tender recollections-'without incident at the rail* ay station, pleans who inhabited a u Mug° within a gentle Emily t Who earn look down upon Pie grate even where pursuit Nat uo I unrer b. 11, MVO, 1 f ew mile. of as, and wh o were general-. o Hare you seen Mrs Effinahee, Lady? , ;.4 au enemy, and rid reel a conmenctiou heeded Not long after the Prince lied left , ly designated the ° beauties of the lake." hooked Mrs. Pamfrrnt. throb, that he elsould ever have warred his roost, the command:niteattio to make T, my surprise, I found that both were oto I replied, °that I had enjoyed that plena- wi th the Pyle hatoliul of orals ildri lies his usual morning titer, ....1 was reecive.l the eve of marriage, and that the double t are the evening before."..... ithlering before Hie. by Pr. Conneau. who i. tonne., hint that the nuptial@ were appointed to take place nu' -Pleasure!". mi.] the lady. ° 0 dear, • lint the graves ..ftleme we loved--what' Ptinee was weaned to Isis bed by i e 115)... the following day. The eldest, Caroline to think it en! It is three months, I EMI- la place of meditation! There it in that ,scream. Espressiog his regrets, he we e r' Wilton, was engaged to a Captain Pam • 'cy. sines I new her; else quite offeoded sire we call up it I ... g review the whole Li-to- away, and rettoreed PS eusloonary in Orel heft, who bad Leer in the army one year, .by marrying that poor melancholy man.- tory of virtue and gentleness, and the thou- levetting..a hen the wane e acorns was repeat-, merely for fashinn's sake; a sort of wild. 'She must Le miserably dull I could not, sand emir.. erds lavished 11)1.111 11n almost ;1.1 Tin. time liouever, the scaly officer ff wee extremely good-looking, but win; live nithoet my parties; and Pamfrett is unheeded m as the daily intercourse .1 imi• demanded •s his right, a view 41 the wits Iry no means partieul ores tu his modes the king of all games. I have unite my ..me) ; there it is 0.. the tenderness of Pe illee'll person, though eautmosly ;monis. el 1 ert4l habits of life. The _smote., sister, own way, and CM admired by all ; whiloc the porting serene, the bed of death, with ell tlmt lko we tweed st-leep II.• still insist- Emily, hail chosen a Mr. Iffilliagloasn, a Effeminate ia very eceontrie, sullen, proud i its stifled griefs, its nois, It!. attends ix, e.l, umd far arr. ...21.1m, I Ito 1.1, the: oink gentleman duped unknown to Ids nei.ch- Inte C .. , ri•II. The ladies are all envying, de Mute. Watchful assi.laidee! the last les- was di-emeted, end the e.o.m. of the bra. Ills for tune ACIIS Cu idently limited,' arc, awl wonder Ikon I succeeded in oLt db.'. ' tinned.. of otitis big love! the feeble, 'let-nines •1% bun. tomb. le tkoWil Tile 011010 W.I. gi , - although sufficient to comm..] all like nom-ling Pm hand of one whom they had vainly "taring, thrillios-01l ! how thrilling-pros- en, b happily, too Into, for by tlmt time f or , s of life; gent he h a d nothing; . in hi s , ',j os ' for; h o c Emily, p o or dear! ti n , w on .. sure of the Land! the last fled look of the the fortunate captive was in Itruskth. I looks to reeommend him, except a pair of 'der how elm mtubl possibly Irene inarried igleSing eye, turning upon us men 11 out the ' exprepive and melancholy eyk rt. i auoi. n d reary ~...io „ a , Effi ng h am " threshold of exist ence! the faint, faire idg I was too nue', intereated - in the for-'I left the two brides eq.) log their for- ' accents, sit eggliog in drab to gin e . tie tunes et the si -tem to oestect the oppor- !times, and wont ngain [omi t e on the coo- ! more asson.l.ree Of affect i el testily of beioz plasma of their weddlos - Comm. It w m boor lens It •fde I retw ..- Av. g. te the s!r•tee ..1 lot. ie I I . ........ , 1 It nos a fine summer'n il I;ei t a elellil e.l to Witial,olore. Forte p. 111,.. N Vb.( cedes,-'0 'I ;ICI C ..Aille Ow 11. V. CAA V.l h :CAA, dAA A l . Ai,. I,: 0 , . o ,rosei 1001 lire fil/A•ln on IliAii , 11, ni ~,eh ..111..r .0, r my return, f sodeld the e I ..., m. '1' , " , 1, "''IY 1,001 `I•I' ”'',' sit "'''. ~. 1., 1 lilt doing 1 ..... .r to ter ,Loy. Cal dli.ke watt the hill, where I hod lett Emily end he °. that d''Parte , bring who oon.I" , . '• be , wn]. ted t., the alt. by one. a the hand- lle owssol in the enjoy moot or ell the human' Cr re sire t. , la• s ...thetl 1., their ...mut, ill m SCrIIO.AI )ellC, 1,111.11,11. S I bad eV., SCell. ' beam could sere', A (mutant b.ye a If th , aa't a el.ff.t. mil bast hem ...1.1..1 Emily sane after ward, awl Mr. Effingham ' sitting on the grass before the, door, plat-; a 'moon' to the a •til, or st (sorrow to the sib scenting to ev.e.l :my thing like ovoid:tams, [ i„, a o„.00ss, of w ild g.,,,,,.. ,„.. d t h o „„,1, 1 Ael brow of a. oil% tioottL, ',wont-Jr.'," , walked humbly Ly her side to the altar. !head f a lovely girl. •• Bless the sweet ,mt a limbotsel, end hast ever ea.. ti the , The service was ped formed, and Patufrett creatures." I 021.114111ei1, at.l stond watch- ',fend boson that ventured ire whold Itoppi• I , handed his bride, alai a great deal of cer- She them ; and foe m ..... elini.• Ocli eo c o c.il t o Wei,. ill lily PM., to illellet 011 C 010111C1IL 0 l ion .... y, to an •elesaut ea r t i. see and Goer, time a likeness between them and the hap. thy Lindner, on thy truth-if I winch stood waiting sit the church 1. well. pv pa' r who, child on I at once editcluded hicull and hest ever wr.met..l in thonulit 1 They drove off amidst the twelontatioom of ti y were. or mord, sir deed, the rids it that genes. on I; a . row.' or ,111M g urk CO IA ilolll they gave in 4ls pope at lt n• t" lot length imptir• Seoldidod in thee-if thou art o lover, and i return their blamleat smiles; and the ed, elan the little fellow looked es. ;rem host ever given 011 C loan. iced pdoe to' civil eh bells 1011 g 3, 111,11 A 1.... el hie f lay. ?miming to the door Idol tow heart w' 101 l ishw 1.e.... ell awl , " I hake no cart Lig., 1.: ail „" whispered • I.s, sir, in there." stilt le Heath tlt. non- On it be .11 t. 111;ii IMr Effingham, •• into which t.. hand you!" . And I heard Loth laugh the unehilled entry ti tkild look, ever, Itasca...on , not.l. 'Lett the senile of his bride declared more langh of infancy, aa I turned an the hoe. . every etmemle notion, will inute trdoci, 'Oa. words could do-that int possessing i Mr. Effingham received moos al.ns oh 1 , kat. el". Om/ teettore. me. l.'"o• , tuff 4 ' ',- his affection she desired no onexe. I sent brother„beit inquiring Cro 51... Pam- , folly at thy ...el-then be tsr o tli a th ot _ " (led bless you Loth:" said I, frett I was Waffled to. bean ails U. dead. , Will fir' .1. W . ncll. Hie, ,I il loik..llllllA 011 .. I ale already blk at," moan EirlilAilaSl'll I " Tux" continued Effingham, •• Pauerett the e• sr.., .. , ••1 utter the unheard groan, . reply; .. and i know not what I have dorm, wart alway s gay and wild, and he wat at ' end pony lie tem , ailing One. more dece. 1 I to de e'en peel. a etc-Wing" I length ittehteed to fam n. ble on a (treat !male, mon. bitter, lICCIAUSO lit/licald Cll.l 1111AV.Iii [ and I saw them slowly witeltilg up the kill. I for America. rot lesviog a letter for Cur.ffitto, 1 hen weave the chaplet 1,1" f1 , .0,8, and till ll t them bennath the C. p 0 •101 CIO- I wherein Ike fantod that she had alneye been drew the beauties a nature about the ; snails hung porch of Effingham Villa I men o w n mistress, and aright ...thine ... ; 1 grave; console thy broken spirit if thou It w•s a joyous sight tone t, ilOO 50011.1.11 I that if it hod not Leen for her pride, ...tnist, With thos • to t ler yet futile It Om, s 0 , 1 hearts math. hapi. re; b.it I returned ' his fortune would not hate been wrecked, ..r rtiv et ;. and take warm, by the bitter to my 1. ibibiti n sad and welattelsolk - ' Poor Caroli.le wan non denlitute," amain- ... ~ sal thls, thy e . '"II it" . 011 . II .o ono 11.. Why is it that est, a.nilinary beauty of '....1 Mn. Ellb.gl.aul. -We forgot her e di- ~ 1.....1, nod he to...forth Ike mere 14.410..1 mind any kind has a depressitig ihiltte•de up. u 1 asset towards ousaelves, total del everything elf nab... , ie the di - ehar:r hl thy deuce the spittle, t Pro Clint E 11111) was gots,- lilt our power to alleviate her s 'mow nod • '.. the Ito. g I f.,,,, IA that the evot Id did toot contain a heorth It degradation Emily 111 length in- I 5 .„,,,,,, .„, ' neater Inch I CeUlti loop. hilc W... exam- ' do s sed her to e nom arid rebid., with us. I , IIY What l thttei , .l my own Wit.) should Le,' mattagml her •If. . i ... and sold the estate, •if l ever married ' • yet I had Lever thought' sod psis what delta had been Incurred. of loving her ! Now it wao 0n ,, , hoe to with the excepti oo of those of dry-honor,' think oh it At Ur. I void I not helot woor Gen vele!, lox lambend had fled. But dmilig what Eui y odd see in Eflitm- Caroline.; pride had received too deep a ' ham It to us my on 11 .14111 01 IiCIA he net e ..mot to be healed; she seined and faded,' ' .liosgt mash), tae ores . lett 1 1.1 , 1 not know" and withio six 111 antis after her Itumbaed'sl hint a mouth when r 1 re son t.. 1 hint es a demote.% died. All that gnaw oft wise end ader brother; and I foutol tto thdt onee gr.t ~ 1 , prowl fattcly, b. the deur : greater pleasure th an to spend o mile' boy in tleegarthan, who is playing with the' w o oing with I' and lois bride. 'little girl ' , I Ono tine evening Effingham and I sat The entree. of Emily prevented anyl , together on a hill, whi.•lt threw a shadow further reference to her sioter's ntelauelmly ' , .over the placid lake, where the quiet Oar. history. Shoo looked, if possible, more woo e edunting their blight Outdoors- lewd... than ever. line fee. wore the ile.olliilli Windt, ile.rts I Th.....leat A... beautiful expreasion of habitual content.. 'ref Arch Owe .elii a son Scree , ...WN', So good heart. live! Anil may they lboutaet Weal. .r. I 1.. k.. holy eyes ' live stud prosper ; eternal eunshiods 6.11- T. ears look ilea I. ova My Wet .1 face. jug o'er their heaths! Thou 1,....1 m a le. Iv ....We p14e.., , rraulhas thy tales, and am 1., readiu. hods; : t' s d le ' v n iT„ Y en . l " Ze ' . ' e n t.:; " o l :::l:ro n ia . :: t .i.. t tri: iteseiy teavoy bre4th,masie in crawl... annals g 'Wu wrre 'rabbi for Emily, and the con- The grave is the ordeal of true affection. venation turned upon her m:wits p lt iohire the divine passion Of the soul] ..,, o ;„ o, ~gel!" exclaimed Effie. mani ta its surionly to the iustitirtiye 1 'halos. " Before I knew her I was disoon- , impala po of mere animal a . tooltmoig. The ;touted and dial-fled with the woad.- lotto,' must I ' . .°°.'''....g.f re/reeked and 1 Pl y spirit had wait broken b y ear l y b. I kept, .liar by the . presence or it. oi,ot; 1 Isis end i „„ a h arp i st , w h os , 0 1„.. e. B at but the love Oita it stated the soul can he on mbran The mere in ' "1 "'"1"g. b“."""l'ma ' "".' I g"" 6"4 i ffinatious t or e ..... languish mood Jodi. I" "*.ii*g ; Ih** I °l*'*d * h*I T Y wil*. ' eels the charms which simile them. and /fitting end talking try my slide. woman ~. ., . ... without education Red sense I would boll 0.0. with ........'"g and ..thsnll ( rem the have; and one 1 „,...,a„ g i l ia .. 1 p oooo d dismal precincts of the tomb ; but it is would not &anent to /ire sequestered and 11 ......"." "ay .1 4 ..... 1 •ff........ risen alone with a solitary being like roy.elf. - 1 Pufimu from er.r.Y ...... 1 desire , *ad re - 1 tuna like • holy Some, to illumine antl . Such Went My thoughts when I IMI intro- , :.. ._ . dueed to Emily. She would leave her gay sanetuy th e nears of the amber. The furrow for the deed is she only ear oompantone and bee dashing sister to seek with prouol and m em o the b ooo ttroi ato o. f.../ from which we refuse to be divorced ory around ebb nelobberhoed. le throel E.,/ other wound we rash to heal-e, rambles I sometime joined bar • end if I I cy "hes , "ilea" en knelt bet alb remarked o p a toot , opto opo t . i frond a o wean.. we atusidar it a duty to keep open t o . d o , .ft....... 1. u....r.,,,d Hmikeaj thi s sigh alon we Amish sad brood re, ak a ., wh 0 .... o h o woo oo a o d tu o w,. in snlitude. Where is the mother wbo .he began with Ike sir I bad maid wu my i"" 01.1 winiefl, risk" We dolma the , Pe ,- . .• ; yi yatrat h y, t h at taalathis el oo a ished ____ , llks a n,_ ter hoo. bee arms. the ; a ~•.;. and throve. ecedety, binds heart " es, s insunsii r. s t yi , .Wh"" is to bout, .dud .. 1 tit an that I the nkild iini y forget tha gained ground in bee wen., ard I often. .., ; _ s ", ; _ii nniss ,__ __o f P m° . -1. i t issinssi . bit slew bar (make gay prase for • "filet talk .6 bet is dower- ' 1 ao, •WIIII IS t h e tare with .°. All seemed hope, swami hoped, ilrieY, wools fisri iii• Meek esis twit oo d tau or p oi , o g t o i o t o bo pea- w ho. I...aoarnell ho, 11“11 . labia 111 S. pen the remise of bar he memptio.. Oa. day, however, It was so elks evident that she piano... 4 my sompany to loam 1 . 447-1761 le kink bin bast.B 18 any ens whin a numereu party, gamest-i were, embed s the slabs of ha portal, leg many who wall gladly bore bore ber g "lid of 0000 golloo goo wog be okra for Ws, that a light broke open me ; kite 11 wool No--the lone whisk for sometime deeded me • ' b ut et a . w ourives eke tombs am el the Iso- I laid, my beast at her feet. I t was 1111. ba s tsiki b nini °ed. se at le inis in n' s . Ger ...I. Aad now no day is ever too loss k kkesik• bee lie darts t mel whim the lam neer thud-sem dull ; .ho twee te a _ syinibi ,„ l"l"o"" ,,,, uar =t o _ o . 'blu r I 61 ° me, sings my Works team tithe mans of1=•••• kw .... her harp; we both lom. mush , welkin.' bee the anguish ad the eaneobles egeoy ro t omog out mt.& t o a woo * to ols ever, tbe preatta Mae of ahl that we ~i~i[f~:~¢4s~^~~^ MAtettzn ¢m TeltAim, Ifftmm4, K,lrtrrEtttninr, ffilStrlnallinMec - MtraTIWT, EITM MONTROSE. PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, ISM. .......... When his determination woo made, he set abut instant prepuratiotos to carry it 0.0 t., After long complaint, the germnum.t load, tardily cemented to make some repairs ion ' his um.onof ortside quarters, ami on hearing 11,0 fact that waokomn were silo at visiting o the fortress for that purpose, the ingenious I talouglot struck the I . niece to a. ray Idomelo ' in similar apparel, as feting the easiest., and apparently mat eel Lain male of es hoc. On the day selected for his eventful an d be rove earl, i and began at once to disguise I ' self in the rude mate rial. whieb hoe taithful follower, Thati/1, had duly greperad. Discocuteibco log him self of into whiskers and moustache, he clothed himself in a oonspicuous red wig, blue smock-frock, a pair of eerdere.ye, much the worse for wear, and added to boa height by a huge pair of wooden sabots. 'I his doooe, Inc was ready to descend, but the first difficulty was, to disarm the vigilance of the two jailors, at the door below. This wan effected by his physician, C c . C onooca u, i n . ening one into lois roam fur u lemma, whilst Charles Thellin occupied the other. The Prince, carrying • board on his ghoul- dor, which Ito employed still further to con. coal his face, made his •17 undistmlood in to the court-yard of the citadel. New be gan the real dangers he bad to montond a ill, —t o elude thu attention of the officers o' guard; to canape the observation of scull. n ode; to pass thu porter's lodge unchalleng ed; to ulcer hi safety the drawbridge, and the two grand portals of the chateau—Show offered a serial of risks acid encounter. Immesh to chill the otostest heart. lie ad vanced brolly, passing Donato.. groups of soldiers, till within a few paces of the Con cierge, when a common slay pipe whiolt he had in Ills mouth dropped, and broke with some dramas at Ids feet. As °Seer near by, reading-a letter, looked up, mid regarding him, made some commentary on his awk ward...ea The Priem, to hide hie confu sion, stooped to piek up the fragments. Hmeovering himself instantly, he peeked on, sad galling by the porter's wicket, nude his way through the En gate, over the bridge, and now be was beyond tbe "reed Pk- Hie breathed firma, end geoid with effort ealrmatrsia himself from nannies, es =- hut was be to avoid lie chasm of eaddent. Hie proemial...ens were woll foluttled; for whilst still withhe the view of all, he heard seem workmen hallooing after him, and, tansies, ebeerved, to hie it ettlif, they were mai.' brisitly towards hint It we. a •01114011 of dreadful wormam. Not Intowieg what mane to take, he steed still, ktetanal/7 varoureefilvd, ahem, to his Wea midi& reIW *es of Ike sea, sow loom epos Her, wird eel, . Oh, 111. tad Plower, sok asdallid Art they rsesp6ld a WO 1 Lat. or rutllearkilLL • Ti tee l 6 LL ftB3stery vi Melt halms' hke all inipcoetrable cloud mound th.• drew' rrar trawl 88 ill, oni fr . !g illlv.rs, and ! Mew mo . mt. 'v.., and the, he boos ml sp. i a.l 1 1.1 slay, la tallesail m a momentbrol,:f. ' i- iron gale-way—but w Minn..; follow i t intensest Bdon tpe stale l:3.111114a /1.1.1111a11l low wall • I conceal. She 1144-land and its woo- 1 81erful nt)eteri.a Iron, ..ur view. at our tone will eons to pm.t lid, iron gate- w a). We shall outer it alone. Each man for I imself, in his own dread evporieneo, most pass the solemn bountla,y. Ile knows not —he reload know the hour till it arrives And yet bone 111...11rerlit LI —114.1 C ocgligent IaPIL careless of ell preparation for this dread hour ale M. mob hod, whiell 1.r..1/01 , and litter rot a day 1.88 lite ' s lo ief stage.' Says an moment writs:"Our imagine hots are intercepted, in th it flight to rter- I nity, by a dark and t lowly envelop soma I:re we eat, realise that distant world td sonIA, we must piereeour way bepool the cormio the prove ; meet a. ale this Anita barricade whieo separates the visible . 1 . ...111 the invisible, we must make lair es ar from all the lose, mat nt and besetting lev at,. ever 1.16 vowel rut eolith ation, and foity eur spirits res• the I, bodes el sm se. We knOW Rot if there be another t.itte or Lo i .gs the universe who 11.1V0 %Ha', task to per- Angels hate no th ath meleigo 'rime is no soul. ollair tor otmat mat violeoce bet a e.BB them mod twit WI, IL La forman, and Cro ought that app am, it is for kr) to fetch limo the , ild, sole or a panorama that hems nod eoeloses Idol the gl eat and abiding realities s, ith which he has everlastingly to du. It is ror him, so loel.ed iu all Mimi:oiled ale), mod will, 111/ odor loop-holes ol commuoieation between himself and all that 4111.111.11 am, than the c3e a,.1 vise ear,—il 61 tor him to fight up it. his Lesost a Heel . , and icalising sense or things, which eye both never nod eat both Ilyael heard. It is for not awl p haps Cro man alooe, to travel ill thought. ar the ruins of a mighty thoolot • •, and, L eyond Mu wrcek of that pro sent wool', by whist, hell encompasvell, to maniere that future world which Ile is to espaulatu turever. floes.—Tile 1.1 r..foge man it hope When arnica.. conic upic, 1 tart and thick ; whets rare Into., him brain oral sw am glmws his heart; whys, dm tide nisi riotsou hes parted the last cord that hell' bin barque le her otootiugs, nod the monad of its parting slats like • death knell hat, his tersest noel, au ;doming all its spigt- N. to the leaflet reality or the or neta —the intessiiy tit «scheme. givis way to a burst or angol,h, a blots tier or dis appointment, or to Ike more etraega Anil ountrallable, yet silent power, deepen dency lint it is for a ...nerd only—one convulsive throb-0. long-drawn, heart heaved sigh, sod it is all over—• Minh poseoa over the heart like the Diet sunabad• dew of an Aprl day, sod !tope, the divine prince of cheats, the glorious emperor of deeeivere, aim smiling on its tbrutie And no, not satisfied with having beet; befooled a %boomed times ten tkeumid be. fore; not Genteel to wits. away the tear of sadand melansholy disappointment that. I Us just hem. mud. to girth from the grunt of life's feelings; nut imminitig that Olin seems of narrow through whieh he had just pawed meld he enacted over again, and that the same foot that spurred him *maid spur him again—he fella down and wow , ship ita light so the Persian kneels to the • won-god a his mews idolatry. oWe Isspe 1110 even Mita Muer hem, We befs kw Mehl. whom &tom feet Wales' 0.4 We lop fee freed.m wino is devotee prom, We hope few revenge Idols vied y kelt, We Ines Re at ilt evregset Joy. ef Ilk. I Wien owe ed Wide Ile &moped etsifie. ow The =we, who would sheet • prin ter ie war. to maws • pawing groat horn • hog; shore is II wont pimientos otootinsally wooed blow Hie wind is Wiwi with witbelloath awl who. ho bows, be lop hie wit. if he he. et ease- ep. Hie Andros are igewww owl 1.11: shwa for they steer we to nowl Ow woke whes 'het Th. pmeeske "" then. 'knew took • eleatore NUMBER 44. A few weeks ago we 4111101111.31 (Faye the Literary theette,) MY Layard's return front his expedition into the desert, and the refuse of seine of his large antifinitice from the mud of the river, and their tailrarka thw for England. We have eioco, hewer , recei red further particulars of his most t event dimoverice at Kojtoijik, which are extremely interesting tic fund, as Los !been elated. a elientbor which ire pietely ifilled with terra ofdta tablets, the iffeefip thins on which, we now learn, are eleenped so that Major 11.1wlincson thinks it ye • 7 probable them tabli ts niav lee tPrOtlifl of the empire, it 6 sti I not unlikely that ma ny of Mem may, in hrt, he fluidise!es of, for a co ion . f.f manifestoes for ironing to the peeplo or their immediate rulers; in lab m Fart, a et of Assyf fft printing oboe. We holitve flail no fewer tli twenty. five Coreae 1111 their way to England In the pjfunfil of Nit ttttt oluf no unique statue has Idea discolored. It ix cifm four to live feet in height, in gypaitiii, elaboratilj ear, led. and very iferff et. Thule is tem. a high relierof lite king, very lies titiffdlj exueuted, standing in au melt eight feet high, and I omelet! with minute how.iptions. Mr Layard's lent cononmfitetion 6 dated .tk ra, Jitly 17th , where, we aro sorry to se, he had lice , modified by a mums attack of vor. 'file inefficient 1.1•A`1 , 1111, he ilea re select] Ifos caused hits, to over-exert him .selr, and Om, Inc lam been mopped for a iwhileon bin nay to Van to rewire inset'', fining. Ile Imp e to peas a gloat part of the winter in II flu lonia. sod to room home inn the opring 'Hie vet, ifinfortant dice, e Ito ix„ t, is oreed.ary that ill, emotion , Nhoulfl out be stayed ,tent ~r funds tno llnne - It hwtier to, fi r , t, Item ts than it, I ..... sw A elt togs cir• otots.,tancen or n disobliging latolloril mow turn one out of a house to which he has formed 111311 Y attachments. Unmoral from place to pl.tee is nit!. many an unavoidable ...Rent of life. Rot one cannot be expel'. rd (rent • ism, mod I..vlng lowa nave by liis mtun fault; nor yet always by that, for of leetion (Whig. totweitett.ly to its ohject i. spite of ilf.dcoert ; but go where Ito will, his Inoue remains in beano which hove learned hwe him the roots of affection ore not ;torn ont or dentroned by such rentovelo, but thew remain fixed deep in the heart, cling ing still to the image of that object withal !they on. CVIT mar,roger, again clam, I Who n one revisits the hcuu of his child hood, or the Owe of his happy abode In life's spri.,g-ti n e, pleasant as it it to itta • vet reel, lonilier spot, tloy Laura , the ger den, the lice+ plaided hr himself or by kin. d now sleeping in Om there is In the warn gran', of the hood, in the melting trot:, in the tchhet , inthafttltelret-wtoo . .botn• fort and pleasure of his visit, • delight that so, mese I cal ..I,jeet of naturo or • t. I.,uotirul cotton, or shady rill, or quiet Intone. n ssibl) beolow. To, be semen, d, to he Lord, to live in hearts, this in ....e a lace nnowg earthly changeo--this is a joy ithwve nil the pleasures of wore and place. We lovew.lna spi .i tt tat home-feeling —this noi f benne which denth ,amen tlentroy ; for it augur., if there ho heart. purity as well an Iteart-affecti.w, an ut, chant:Avg and imperiakable abode :it hearts now door.—Chriotion 7Froiy l'ite 'ferrite—Thera is not a being. that moves to the habitable globo, MOW degraded or more rontemplable than • tat ' der. Vicious principles, went of honesty, servile nicniine.s, despicable insiduntinces, hum his character lion he wit? 111 at tempting to display it, he maker Limiself • fool. Ilas he friends? Ily u . kWating ly Jisch•ing their !mauls, ho will maks thou hie otoet bitter anemic. by tolling ell he knows, he coil aeon diaeot el. lc the world that he knows bet little. Dims he envy on individual? Ills touguo, fruitfull with faleehood &thaw his diameter Does he covet the fever of any ono? lie attempts to gain it by slandering others Hie approach is feared—his person bated --Lis company it...ought—and his *anti. moots &spited as emanating from a brut fruitful with guile, teeming with Viquity, lotted with envy, malice mid revenge. Ile Ilacrse.—There ere some itstrennei that appear frost their sets every tonveina ay if OKI lied slept epee • 101 l of thorn.. Their first word to the children or depend wee is e on. one, end as elk day weals on ss the sun light. hi. glorione cunt, thru the heavens, the whole earth beneath him, he brings nu j. 9, to the churlish heal* but iu ennthiue as in atone and derkneen, it will he miserable, mid make other. wretch- Ed. Oh. whet lolly! flew utilieppy the as.- roar, the fretful. cod the pasiensto *reit and how they seater theblight of (hob misery cheat them! Scold. evild, in die order ef the day aids them. Ala. for the twat dependent and that onset ender their juralittinn. I lialreds hare that W. made a wreak whoa kind wors and gentle nets mad have wade wank And who most suffer' the peaky? Those who have eannitted the transpiration. For aware as rata ant follows error and craw en main ) will it a the ualtaiL It way not awes for yew. They 11•111 p nada and op ianas these who Sr. beaath ask *al trot. ant is as hoar, prima wits lout earbet will fall lb• blow madden and severe. that will dq OM with auisishad sell op to their Waal% their wakeful sight home, the wrooef have dose Oen tease. eared It may a sal hard sad, will wait to aad mobs the p... fame Nel the aware of a there avow tan the allows over drama it said be. Kimball to stars will always ereate appalls Is the slyer eni the ralplea— i The gado will over bo beloved. and their I lelleseee ere the tem will he like the SATE M Sr ADVBIBT/111/NO, Owe mono. (aline. or lwri.) 3 lawraseis. a WEI Each eabwrsaant inawKaw. - • Otte gam., 3 moths. - • %ows Comte. haw w - - Yearly Arlyartiasnatals. oat aver J Naar., e. Yowls Advertater• will be minas.' to the 1... Karr in which they are calmed. The Pabllehara. Mein • lanp. ofJob Pruning Materials. ara pnwsrod=t. alt Mina wit h of JOB WORK w nano.. add do. •• BLANKS et every &Radial. eaveionily heed, or printed teenier. zrhlr . 0 . 1 !miner. •ti rr ing ;r:;ter if to their rich h b " ::::c or fragrance of ion, rind Scatter title, their gratuful pertain,. the A PROM:Mee Faun."—Au triune townsmen, in Went Cheater, Imo fur oished the editor of tic Village Beard with the following estimate of the income derived from his farm." _. It will show how productive .. ajitar t farm weil til/cd," may become. HisM;fttrrn" la, indeed, moth ing more than • garden, which confiding about one sixth of an note. Ho hoe so/ the present sew. $l5 worth of potatoes ho him 700 head of cabbage. worth 7 mute a bead. *49; Si worth ofonions • he mai mates that his e arenips will 41014 hint $5. —his turnips pa; and ho lam cold 50 eunla worth of heat.. He has beside, ten bush ) els of potato°, reserve,/ for his own' winter me, and other vegotaldso in proportion.— This will tea. $79,51), as elm product hie Balm the mama 1,1111 1111 l upon a *into L. farm," over and above what has Keen re quired to proviso,. his own family ! Thia is considered by him as all extraordinary orop. The product of his cabbage pate's has usually paid his rent. His garden he. been cultivated rather as a puck.o than otherwise, and has net seriously interfered a all the pursuit of his usual !winces. Throughput the mining districts %of tido section, theta is scarcely a miner. cot than hay not attached to it as muck cleared ground as this West. Oh man, or by o little labor could have, at least. And tho' it be not so fertile, if properly cultivated would yield abundantly all the vegetable, and delicacies of the se —and be trent caving end hoshending menus ill lb. 1114101'11 household economy. ' Aurae.—Why talk in matom., of the Isere, the yellow leaf r Why conjure thr gem from the gamboling breeze 7 Why torture the winds front singing to sighing No howling bleat' heralds oven victor'. coming ; 'tie a hearty, fell and unman solemn. to winter's fireside joys, and m joy man to the bold free spirit of the I north. Neture wean no habiliments of wo ; she is clad in garments ehining gems and gold, perfumed with the breath of aromatie fruits, and smiliog with a gold. en harreelt. Tints delicate as Aurenia. Colon gorgeous en the many colored gone 4 the heaven*, light mellow as that of the Ploiads, and ens glowing with life and heel creel stadium, suggest BO thought of gloom, engender no dietempered grins breed nu ilisoontanted murmurings. The it hears a glorious anthem of prelim from the tan thousand inanimate but haresoid. et!. elements of autumn memory, with ate diocordant note to mar a spophemy at one as that etntek from an angora 1 ro. ves iluitinid.4inelx.ntnterntski.). ie-Jottee, exigence; the derkneee and ruin whiolt man eonluree, and dream, he nee it in the warm sines and teeming fields, are only the ghosts of wasted hours end duties unper formed, the epectres of broken friendohipa end embittered joys, and the 'hernia, ay, the present realities of retributieit Lot the eonsalenee whisper en approving %odes, end the darkens oven of the peva will burst to usher in a light ineffable. Sent of *se Illablbant. Whether we look at the Sabbath as • of not for the oomlooa toils of life, or as a day hallowed and consecrated to this worthip of tiod, we are alike struck with the whitlow and moray of Clod displayed In this inetitution.—Man sod Law minim ndanation, that the energies expended in the labor of six days may be renewed, and each prepared for rho effort. of another week. No doubt remains but that tv Ordeal nature can acoomplith more is the lanai of • year's toil, by venni then, enth portion of our don, than if the whole men days wore employed. And then it forme a kind of holiday period to whin the mind looks forward as • peen In the busy mines of life, andgivee relief eves antieipation. One seenstant needing round would eo weary the body and mind m to render toil intolerable, and wake the home to • laboring man gleamy and burdensome. I But ink et the Month ao a day of I worship. The vary idea of ring to the house Glimmer with equipper neat and 011•111, suitable to • decent worahip of the Gal of ordor,promotes eivilintin an teed* !greatly to promote the health mid happi nem of then who lira to Chrimendoz.— ' And thee, the very feet that Ile nahWir , called off from earthly pursuits and diese -led to those subjects that an pf a holier °banner, hat a tendon, to elevate the tort t hts and feedings of our asters, mid fall mabhmate and ranee mien. With what cheerfulone does the mind of the devout worshipper address Wolf to its weekly task, after the vest of the Salaboth and the d 6 exemise of warship le God's holy tentuary.—Viewed I. may light andoess mad wisdom an &pined In the institution of the flabbeqa, mod be I. both ungrateful end probes who disregards Ow law of 4314. oemetandieg MN to net sod keep the Sabbath tley holy. Jamie Lose ewe DAUM. Wills Tn— . Boston, es Tined.% the diethoptiehei etetessee whited the " Af ter OM 0111111.11 eeevereetlis. Mr. Was .., of die ruall. 'SUIT WWI I. oesepaeho a.d outleyedesll - «wilithisse— , 0t I have sees • Neu t. —his very leelopeloop him with peewee —be l eee et the wane ef Amerions r A Ussases Lots—Thus Is .. dM.e holism Is ths lon of • ember, lAA A. , war law /be Ms *a MAY her le dm eblld was AssmAohe beer.., me It Axe. AssimeriSsi sal seer* sol Us lasi Is lA, sou's awl the world.. As ion& 'waists swept s.y, AA. ibis love slow Is risible, sad the God Ala Amebas lbw Ow lkils see Aide bl mils osstr las imams avast, Is shoos tssEsruss Uwe brestims. his ses.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers