~ ti } ti : , EnYtl~ i •:1 oellaneone: lAn Ancient CAW/O.IIA NEW GOODS. Num fra will feel most deFplyi the discoveil of vast regiona l ABEL TERRELL, tine near San Nog, cod within IP spit rseWsWs r twalaSslseStlyos eons, march of the Peak Ocean, at : • =7„, - ..az,,,,,,3,,, 0 3.,„77F,672..:zw the Gulf of California. Par-;u isles, dwelling, lofty stone pyr- ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, n 4, Op, Could a toile square.), ny. mar Slone-ware, lass-aterr. g 3 iga or circular walls, Claelta,WatrAe.JrArstry. able tr.., eal .33 and I,! arks ' Spasms, Seo . hies. all sireak seine •neient Int 1., 31..r.1 Inatrermettio, ~ I n lureVcr gue, !heir history 1 Neches: hoe, anent, [aqua, nnwn te any at the existing anl:iu 1. In mei. points these 11, asars , , ,, l . tan . s:7 de On lecontl diciovered sit- 1,.„ " = ' , ' ,,,%10t0w:: ' ,...r.ar.5t, I Lop. 'l"°. ‘Sre other Ath° If is ; in others, again, the , of Pheenicin, net t pet in many! , 'dill, Irani all that I have re:er tere that the dime‘erers deemlee • it, hdavian, while the present! • ,r. a trarliti a :re it oiVilizeil their furatieue forefathers 10- `" e ed. 'rho region of the ruins, • th Valley of '1!o, or o Ode" 11, ett .It• • wet t: i the into- .". .tfri during a j turtle) of ea- sit two gentlemen, 3 . lorry anti Os-, V nit tutted in longttude 10 deg., t limits appear to have bean, .• Ace titti tto the native.,,. t s tste -live days to tlevel..`U', nti on its banks •re plants we t.,an lent, but it woi ndile.t. ellit nuns or hipuerste.., ehed eter, which ist small and which as: a the lake. bet:sines as large sal The !Ake it, If 1/11/ e, oralia it: I it is >aid irwic aro densely t.. y • entirely different f race.of the lake. Peli awl also dth, serve of blu r perch end carp, and weigh os rid SU lbs. Thee° are Itke. number of elephants, although t tenth.. description than the,: nutiooo, abase Illtlce any knswn dialect spsken trade.+it Sowili anye eI.:LH., nature, and to mush sib..noel dens..., 'roar or Litransta.—Dickens wt.,: story of an American sea coyote home the captain bad ~.eing Indy of remarkable per- 4// —a plirnio I WO as one y nem and two you never meet seit. mspainirs. This young lady ,r ; ;;V:7, intensely by five young gentle and in turn nhe was in ,nZoi.r. qn all very ardently. but with-.: ieular prefer cc for e' , her —; torte FM to et Om up her detettui• dilemma, she consulted my . main The refrain, Wog • JIM MAI, LI turn or numb s to dy e •t jump acerb tard, and mar- menu...mow who jumps after you." The 'um an WA struck is it It the bleu, and being bath g. expo, 'ally alaaa, Aa/Wa /r. 10/1 it Vim, we., tibik Inc ,pt-ti, had a boat re wily loan- sin ctosm, win f :accident. .%ec-mlingly, next t'sswtom.. live loves b -in ; .13 dank a td devotedly at tbe young !Ay, yen.. nimoN . ntn t Ito 'sea bead foretnent.— I weitrimmodiately jumped in When the pin og Icily and ber we-se irmitut again, die nese to . What am I to (1.. with them 1. 4 nm pet ?" Says the captain.. y ono " And the young Iml) BUILDINO In Saw YORN Ic-s than ari,ritecti steno,-iv of in N. York will he e miplittiaJ in the le at a c nt of live millons The beet non-el dill emit $650,- " ho.post $lOO.OOO. The total . I he 29,700 Imm—the smallest Three of these v.ssels will run evtv...l trade, two in the Havre.'• the Gull; Imo " tn, in the ~ , rnmento, one one in the Orion and lt AT A ii1111..-A p woman, e lid WI, elates, who lisped, ow- ;,‘„!, T :r s „ Id in rhumb r.r beiiiisin. Being sine- by the Bishop, else replied. sir " Ilbotbukne , b Cobb, Met, lbw, lbw tr.. baud., Uhl. bor. bauffera, übl• Patent Pa.. Tub. (Intiou lb, .... quouets,lto Ste. 1:131=21 ! tueiter ! That tim. t Jn;' bp, and baptised the child el inptnn ,eston, o udouodcJ, could not or the church don, whoa die lola the child was a girl. ...p. s um S o ore • tolpluer Tele., 14•11, Ctrs •Ile• .010, marry the man yea lore ', , .:A d osTsolo, liro r. M . ogl et tporsel. T:rora=, :oj . II re Or Mill at all; it ho is ••,ettir:*ege..itiirea • • Inen . ealo,r4 P see• malt. vier e,rot, not as 'mot as Job is; big .... - nd , "...."''.... 0 ••••/ . 0 -.0.1 ...rot oee. to so Tone., Beano, orteel Sue • ons Kinn, Tose, Sees d I not marry for pelf, girls, ..,e,,, oee. 4 es...verre i te . eat:aas . .. 6 esamotae . l e , !Pr.' a lui int . ibtAl. hut mdr• f:',:i e l . ::.,:,:i , :oi,' iletrtslaeil ':••••:::... trf4.7::,' you biro girl*, if dila purse be .'eaer woo, ...0000,:va_er;reidoitti_74 . 7:mata,14,- i 111. Oh. llat'or marry a roll. Odd. ' :11,...!'.177. =2 ~ 17,.=.1.....7Ar,'.:41.1;;;;. I , i. little or tell; bell make • 1" . .1...r. c t"',,'"` o !, ,i2::::.*:gi '''' ,A .- - • :1" - 71: fell ' a rd you, ho known n doing V;:itr,"raitsei: l ..lJ, em s es. Nolo, Poolia, Al*, • drill. Hot marry a sober man, %,t.'"4`... 11,7,,...4,0",11,...r;,,T,:r,r,...,;' are a few left on this bell; and ,' to:,'ltieu, vuisen..,listeau t ride. valor, kume..l roe the day glib, that you ev-1,=,,,,1747,7,74„'",7,V;,=r4=,".4 - " -,-...: at •11, i iti glalial., IR MO * 0 ...................• 7......... , mole nem. Olos11.11.1lo• u.r,er 441.1.,11., elS,llool Val I sr ()cm...dn.—Somebody nys.:::=Txt.....-,...„ zr:g.,,,,.,,,,„,,„:,: l 1 : , lady abonld sloraya IA tie, !!....,, ros t l pl. 111,1 . 1 e. ituerro l es*, mad a., in g questione, before amieptiag=g;r4,4,...: tu r, .r...,f w ,........= r it young MSS O : 2: n = Te: ' n " “ , itaserlet.ete " ll, onorable? MOLTS ;Lyttoe.eese amass., leeleellMeekroo., id of bear..? aeueisa,erwasmatuottsua tarn nue *,eats a to itpaytisyiLlii x2,,Lert..._..._ .... ... • - • ll.••• 016 O E maha. N1101111.1e. ".. Oomp..lto. law= rj=0f=1,..1.7...e : M r ,=o e tr.C•f~saoloi a abolmaa ao " "gc... l =Or t habit of fa. ^},‘. ". Wow =alOf '.l.- f0 241 A 1 . 64 i fan MUM pport mo comfortably ? ale s mummer mod pry for . or Philadelphia sky and 50... deatoroll their otod•oomost dh ay ST•fliga OVOT WI per eat Tbe Bank of the Northam rod too dollars pow kindred ken of stook io the leak skt to Wein yea to pat per bead tub—tee rather lark" odd a Jte , dy.bakei drL I weald se pal yaws eb se eves-111 . s, " sale Naaey.. nag No other bioll ow o 4 no of Ava Mo thaf of "Leldif Umbrdlon." This holm no If MI bloat for a lon reiro. Ei Yvblar Y. tliagrir g lx Y r.Ne to at D. Loon RoueMe ID erg WS.. mot wvv BRA ED e . IDA P Out wet . n r oN,..,tee. :I/Teand:: =bed Ittl Irr:lse . Vlll=t . :alP===ro A Rib i 0 0 W . aWW - r LY Wonslos to P.m. Wanes Mo. • 4 em sal P. Woo*, ID, WareWaremonk sea .10 imchee, meow M es own ut waned tr,..`,..""t:t CAUTION TO PURCHASER& . watlieettmtero out 1.410 pee.. to . , . r osideased ihe momenta 111...t .7 tIssess Oos. se. .1 /Ss e 1 f •li " ,Zii/i.kt owitui—that . on to sea„ : Hue, of u.kons sok oi its m. o. to nem tar woo ms. oak esti mrobes wuovfortio. , .... • i ”' • • br rnN flu • bu:of land occuputl Ly n S Ilmo. thence moth orioitro.. noi, 5,1 0., now thil.l • 1 degree wee. 301 perch.. alottgasol .. t o the north B 9 degree. west 123/ . tlo• It A I perches to he t place of Legienung, contain.. ono mon. 0nt0.... :1 .tot on ti_e . iart4 • • hundred and *ere. of land, be the some "'""". ' 0 .5.° elan, mare or her n being the mine laud conveyed by poraun ,- oi horn. 00511 art ro .1 D. D. Warner and wife by deed bearing date April sows mua La 51 • 1.. I DlD.arol Amor.. to Deed book No. 17 , I 119, 1f1 P... Page 1,91. together with Me upper...nee.. 1 kin...nay pri.on framed home, I framed barn. and about DM au. ISM t he mom coo .11 15,10 n• r or. are wit. • mproved. be NA... Foot ..0.1 1111.11131,1, n• mere w 4 he : Alto all that certain other Dem. parcel game n. 1..11 ad aos P 6" ' tt " "d " "' " 'P Br ' d g ew. ` r. Co".", I Pr. n — r• aforaaiA, nest and adjoinmg obey, d..r.t..d banded °".l " to o anrowyris f.; or ANIMA, PAIN'S. et D. lINDIIMeM howof and of /mat Obit INT 1' ;" 4 ' .701/ercZe:lO ' n loo n ; :11:otto e ' ttel M et - 'Perch as; thence nottlietly parallel to the de TNIND liF .11, •11 . 1:.1.1 . A: iii , . Aloe 110 7-10 .reliar to a beech urging then. along 111. line allot Na. al. west 72 2-10 "M 1... se ont mbammbrne; perches to the place of beginning, containing fin, ' aer. of land, be the wine nuts. or le.; it bents fll PIET.I6I. ihe emne land t omeved by Noni., Slap.. and PDF.. P.,511 CNAFIto. alto So Dse.d P. Daniel., by sit beariog date , April sth, sod reeerded said hinemultion. .1.1... P ALL DIN O. LIAIENFFP. FOUR couoty to 11..1 hook No. 17, Pogo 697, tuccilo r, 111 RIM PERT AND wall the appals uonces. I &mord loose. 1 Dented ' si VICIFI F6EDON.IIII,„ el barn, set orcliord, and nearlylall iniprotcd ; late h..: tog. as. Ile tttttt sit Dat id D. Donis!. Teken . at 11. snit of Nathan SlMip- wbe imientor et. co the reMer with matt a David S. Daniel.. • mumplaviss Of [Mow., WI Mill old, Insert the D. DT' The Oro. sole Is aDourood to„Doodoy /moo DI.. 1..•1....n0. , 1 to remedy by Mom tr.. ' ham iwa I....cm.twatt at wcias b y f'. 31.ttERE, Sheriff. I shf in. Office, / 111. lrw r May P. 1850. ' 7 . 5. i n "" n "'"' i ","' .... 7 . 50 iinr "—an" ' am na„755....5i IMPORTANT NOTICE! Tote' ro:" ° .. THE remarkable sanative I'ONVERS of .... gt ' etee.:ct 1e,trt,:rn: v .... L.L e1a..... set Da. S. P. TOWIDIEND'S SAIDIAPAIt/LL , have induced numerous attempt. to eon°. vv.. Mr. 11....0re Ode. Perrier. terfeit it, and snake fraudub lit use of Dr.. 2,V: t1' i n . =:3:!!;it,.,!::,1,7=7,,,.4=•!: I Tcwmend's name to secure the sale of ar c • hence.t te4 , ut de, • 1...h.:0f mow mutcwany an r /Mr , e+ 4-101 r. to .1,1.1 1,1016 ARTIFLE• These e..unb.rfeits and imitations only Loglasol or LA.. • mil, fool Novo Moe used It with prove the v Aber or the ORIGINAL and no ving r zoz—igi e tli,brgo .1.0. RICHARD DAIS I higher compliment. could be paid to Dr. 3.1 „ P. Town s c...l's Extract of: arsaparilla than I I ma. 1.44 . 70 'in " ntrract! the laborious &urge that have been wade, awn even( to get up go LIDS IT. As to the! eveve. ,, 2vve Suiet o t , e , hes . v,t:Lin4Lec osts ar dishonest attempts that hare been made so: la rocks Mr • sham. la I; to use Dr. Townsend's email:, ea to create confusion in the public mind in reference to Muir ii w 1,,.e of the Fez rawrawma, ammo. the genuine ari id°, we publish below a card elr lof all 'be primipal WDOLDBALIB ....a:Dres. ...Preget...l be wewpdg remonent io New York City. aptitzt;s,sl.2 . /lAvn,f_ttsw_wbas woe. we enal •koairly emsym. km.... Arms nom, Mae, Mamma. Aye. NY • Kr... 1 I.lao 1 ~ ~,,,,0,., ~~~: l'uno Tw • nn k b a Plarlack Own, Pat rje r tj " nun. •• len Pplim, ' Pleseros.....s,l t Tun.., Lomp VOrlmsey .I.lavlmpl,llllll.e e. . awl Minor rilite,D tll Brfut etc. e. —.hipt mo watt, 'DUX.. Jar, Plidiere, MOW. T.., .01 toms, ar. • tr A 11116 9 ,4 ne.trl, eeeß ...Vt.... ff.. , of kept of esTalaa7•4 - 17; 01 - aro:=7l.e: We, the undersigned, Wholesale Drug- I sow=er7 •"*"'"' ts ' o : o 7 l , 6.1 19 .• i^ cityof New Yo.l. b 4) ), . 44 , o Dr S. P. Townsend. Extract of Samara- etooss.too—E p.stssa 0 roo...eiot . ssoo-11 ! rills for year., and consider it the tlf:4:1 , !!V :1:!V o trolI,; Original and Genuine Dr. Towatmnd'aqr7g, , zl2=32.: , t72, ogz , A tt li Sarsaparilla, and that it was the first:intro- O 7"; T000:11,1 . ....i05-1 a. , Jawed to public atoricay under that tome. BOYD & PAUL, 40 Cal tland-st. List of Patent Medinines W. B. TOW NSEND dr Co. 218 Pearl For Mae ml Tmerelfirn. LEEDS & HAZARD,I 121 B. Lane. // LD Peter Jacob Townsend's Serape- I , JOHN CARLE & Co 153 Atater-W. 1,,/rills , S. P. Townsend's do., Dr. Guy- I I 11. WARD & CO. 83 Maiden-law I setts Extra& of yellow Pooh and Sanaa- J. &J. P. TRIPI'EIB2 do. Jilts, Webster'. Sarsaparilla, Edinburgh • NORTON & Co. 139 do. Blood Purifier, Groot Western Indian Pan.: OLCOTT & Co. 127 do. area, flrinaerhoff's Health Restorative ; HAVILA ND & Co. 80 do. I Dr . D. Jayne. Expectorant, Alterative,' J. E. TRIPPE, 92 do. ,Carmitaise Belem, Heir Tonic, Hair Dye,l GRAHAM & CO. 10 Old-slip. I Verrnifuge, Sanative Pills, and Agate Pills; OSGOOD & JENNINGS, 188 Pearl- st IA ;) Cherry Pectoral. Banes Intim Pul- Tnomas & m&xw ELL, 86 Wrest. Imoary Mum, Brant's Indian purifying I MARSH & NORTHROP, 69 Pearl-et. ',Extract, Sherman'. All-Healing Balsam, PENFIELD & Co 4 Fletcher-.t, Sea nee Compound Syrup oriVild Cher i LEWIS & PRlCE, Pearbst. ' Yernairugo, Sarsaparilla & Ext. of Tun I A B D SANDS, 100 Fulton-at. , Pill., Andrew's Pain Killer, William's Pain RUSHTON, CLARK, & Co. 10 Astor Extractor, Dr. Traak's Magnetic Ointment! I Ham, 110 and 278 Broadway, Proprietors, (a sr cure for Rheumatism,) Dalloy's I of the Genuine Cod Liver Oil. 0• IPaita Extractor; LinamenA B A PAHNESTOCK & CONIff Tobn- ! Scap'. Aapatio Oil, Down's Veg. Elie., Ist, Proprietors of Fahnestoela Vcriniftige.!i e , Germ. Cough Drop., Jaundice Bitters , and 15 others. . Lear's Remedy for the Heed Acße, Dr TO THE PUBLIC. Joekeon'e Pilo Embrocation, Myra' Liquid, Cure far Piles, Sara &e. Clark's Worm' Tho public are hereby notified that the !S t ram, Orick's Vermifuge, Fahenetowit'o preparation extensively known as Dr. 8 P.: Vormifuge, %Vista's Balsam of Wild Cher-, • TORII.. COMPOUND concave elr Salt- h Oil, Harlem Oil, Tame. 014-! HBA AAAA Ltt , is now manufactured under my ! anent, Godfrey's Cordial, Batsmen •• Cough ! direction and supervision, from the original! Dmps, Turlingta's Balsam of Life, Cheer -I recipe obtained from Dr. S. P. Townsend ; ! um .). m e w.. Balsam ; BHA,. of opk oo , !and I catify that it is composed of loaf.- !Thomann's Eye Water, Norton'. Bahl dients PUREL Y VEGETABLE AND, Rheum Ointment, LiqUid Opotioldoe, Dri- I IVITHOUT MERCURY; and also that I/mach'. llyapeptioCordial, Poor blue' tho ingredients are judiciously compounded pleader, Capaihs Cepsules, Gamed'. Media l a ea to vhain from them their grate.) I sated Sap, German Tooth Cordial, Ron- , medicinal effect. ..elks Commie Cram, Sherman. Cough. , 'JAMES R. CIIILTON,III. 1). Chetwiat , Worm and Camphor Lozenge.; Merehanea Gargling Oil, Oak Orchard Arid Spring Dr. Chiltron's name I. surety that the el- Water, Dr. Ferwolti Pia& Belau; Bone, emente of this Earret are combined in the Linament,Rheumetia Tineture, Woodcock's most carat and scientific manner, and that, Balsam, Dr. Allen'. Sarsaparilla, Pond' s ! lit is adapted to the want.. of the invalid. 'Pain Destroyer, Universal Corn Cure, In- with the hieing professional ability. goldby. I'd. Specific, Upham. Pile Eleo• . nil; we ape will be sufficient guaratee teary, Dillow. Have Core, ire ire. to thepublic, and to those purchasing Dr.! PlLl.S.—Wrighes Indian Vag., Smith's! S. P. Towneends Extraet of Sanaparillw s u p er Coated, Clianer's do., Plainney's Such may kayo no tear of getting one of tbo gamily, 5 0u 1.% Sovereign B e a, 'manias and harmful mixture. which 11l the !need, Wendell'. Vegetable, Beane., channels of trade, and are concocted with- Orick'e, Jaynes Sanative, Jayne's Ague, at any knowledge either of the nature of warranted to are Aga and Fever, Brand ,r44.4aW 4 8 44 tat or the ...do of oho fiar ,reth'e, Moffat* Hoopoe. Webster k, Ty ' men 4 2" 4 " * 44 . Isle deg under 45 . 444 . lee s, ~ Leo' Allelweer s, Morriss'., /Ito. See that the signature of /D. S. P '! Theipeateles is on mob animus none otho " t i rcererla a tte Us...an& (*.Sr, end 0en..., • Alwry Raw J. VAL.. ~ir..lr, tlOdrrua 4ln. by ~sd pens Ylup • OTIONS gnat w•rbely of ea.ll bot bey Artirtro toot*. 10 Awn... oath o, , biabl twin. owl ots,l Itrontm, try wboao• aber tor m..... w. -11011. 11, TrMll 4l, . ' arow!7:ll7lro ' jrll:4l:,tl4e7, ren..l hem. rt.npae . d th• Arrnrolen. I. lute Llano, 11.. Imopheruu. Tos., Oak Ell% ~11.• V.i11tr.1...37teel G. I*. Pea Md.,. I petal litolomi "". Tot- 0111101 1 2 . * Phyan,..M. oeN. betol. tb•Wileee 0r .6. 04494 " . k .•;gr . A eoeood W oeelibbol • peromeme oft•ea Ne 10414., am B. NoNrt's Nem mob ••• 444 . 4 . 4* MI Noe Noe et Ile soreeeee Embed aimed. eta eon* •Orbblo Nemo. reondiebel memo's twolles do vael ego ibootaboblebtel Is Ye lonse=m,e= at NM, *reef. se*, ebbookee. Nom, emelt Noil low, be No ee elbe to do lan.rr 4000 l 44 wog Amoebae= Yu .4 el Non• peo Melpoetise be void ao4 be ler A may . &mid owl el Poona nes owe t: inoe too *NMI =••• • =l4.tedl=l: NOY% No groelmoilNe••••••••••••••••04•0144V Lle r i lleriat=go=rilb= /6. - _ ' N. Y. & Erie Railroad FREIGHT LINE. .FORWAROMI LINE FROM GREAT RENO, (CAPT. J. W. ritoursom,) faTISPHISNA s THOMPSON Ye , * ll* temisall.ll.l.oll.Mow {yyyldmo= lopreo rw4 lm4l.l•••=4= W. literlirso rlgrj• On. 114..011 ! 111. 16, MAI MIN Mt. C•pri. MI ! •wis 11eve pe lv LAI Mlambn toms ael.4,M maw Mum am Nem ea IMpltl~sYPlkol Illtle chasm. GM. thwoo hogt=ilr=tr.r.447l: "* Zte '" 1111. wilibemole " 711•V ‘ Jl s le. vim mu. VROSCOPI .•^4. BRANT'S INDIAN J$1411100011" PULMONARY BALSAM, vf(XAXG9!'clit 3 11 1 1 f'Lljl) Mr eared rwo.f . le.w elmlow of d,,,. to, atut u . meet atuegte derelotool corm ol toot du Ewa. nom wen toveautteed plutklatta and frleatla to ve let WENTEIII9 NEW YONIK It tameetant all. elea.:ra..tiylne olrton• neatly •• as COLLEGE OF 11EALT11, •11/011 . •• IMDIae •YRIFYING %11l ACT. 90? lEttlnolOtr.l a Etaffado, Y. Tie al.r• rroat bees. °Plummet. ...... net. ru=4":::::)V= ""'" OR. CI. C V %COHN'S 00U0119 & CONSUMPTIONS, V dal& Lithostriplie Mlitere. T24' Zr, ' ne. `"'"` .>0...t ALI. OVER TOE WORLD.. The Breast, Throat, hones, and heal. rr r yAT,;r;'=,t:t7;,;`,'"""" f°""""•"" " R°l4 '"" i••••••• Itrtl..M Vtttont:4l=O: War all other roam. lulu "40. d sotto o:".3" " I 'l'Va.l:4 " uo". tap kt coo I ot. ot"onn -, 1 111°V8AIDN C""I4"I.NR ." , ta .1. ace:t.illi Z•77 .' "' *low heel tl'• toll to" . '"; w t . "' nuninerro ItAnitEl ..pt.o ill "74= ar,o"l. :""" otr.t:Zrltz , :Ltntz;t: '• ::, ' 7=n:=; • :,! . FUME WEAkllBBSth IND TOMPLAINTS. 7\I•PI.ICkTION ter run KNIPE. tra "l l=l 4 'n7lirT".,.;: """ " •" " '•• " • " • Al 1.1V.t.,: rlfl 1)9 111111 ,11.11.1, ute Pato Out "'" V 0 "' "'""' ' ""'" CHANGE OF LIFE rrer• ihe In the el..eft erol the ag, cunt as 101 µevent any IA O 1,1111.1.••) questly &rue Ip tonsegelee. e 4.1 se w al CONSUMPTION! • • • • • A DYING WOMAN CORED. We."e •• ".:"',"!;,, * ,7 P ,;.'„; r: ——a - ''''' a'‘Y:44,4!..," - • LINGO COVII•L %INTR. otv..t.Sti nl F 1 ,11.01,1,1 •rte.' I, •s NO MINER tI. tfiliNT. proeinmeta emu.. by .4111111 LIVER CORIPIAINI 6 . oth., ".""". '""'"" =lVl ' t7 Win. - • Nervous Distaut and Deraermesti DIPEIiDY AND ErFFICT‘' AL. are Cured by 11,nd, Balm% COM~LAINT In 1115*":1•,' A4,llB—mul 0110LIUMA ngrsarrupr, . • ~~ PI LI,N. 1 in, in 1 , 11111111AT1.11.1 1113,11'11:1!. r ; 11:0;11 " : ' 16; 11.4= 111061 "1" 1111 "'n' il ' illtU re " Ot " :l6lFtV;66 010111.2 116 11 1.0 . „ ..1.,61.01116. Hfm. !NELDA/1M /11 . 1111 I)IVNSENDS SAIttiAI•AIIII,LA 1 , 1.111 . 1.. 6.1 1, 1.1. prn.mnix pc. • Vounrt. 111111111.1 TV Or 1111 81,41`1,11. Julnietne /a 11.foni N. Omuta., I • , • •••••••,. rrr r )., J.••• are trr . , meaps. Aury.Xyrin,l,lll*. ~, . \\.ON II Atllidted do not Despair! folloorong easel a74 ' 1.4 greatest ii i ~,,,,, of oredterne orer dawn. seer pololteked In to•cf teal Owen y. Rend : antr.ri:LVZITIZ Vl:ol ' arlatTri r antra::2l;7.7, n i YI nlnnt whirl,nnkni o Nnyr n my' bream and it •nln an" 1 nvonn! no.n•nle!nl.l.. te r ...... BO Iheir .1.111 I t:=Z4 , 17,17, ZnIZIV7rTOUr n" :ZI the c0m5at:1....T... 11;e b.. • a11..7 , 11.1 ' 4 " 1Of ' 141=4 " : " 2•2:11114:7V. ' rimtltorryOhlorlude nyerni ; train Ild• 11 , ; :17:4, dowfd I W.., lin I rdol 1. ad., llbr I owe rrtllnnrr la addrci is wrld In artrid. fern. an In awn.. •ir ca. wider Fan r row wrier ray ...dn. ...anon ' tll . 7:le:t U Clif • errnlye I Tin non.. rad Oirillre Own.. Iht h *" a . 3jit:A:A '.". '` a • u r nalt wan.. ahaer nand. •I in Ow am., =t n. allautrws woo drawn In • lady lola, nlerl keno 10 . . layrwria nirvana rhildirwl .c. and urea pri— nce. .cwil.erlarrn. aird ber •y. wn. mow. rrT.',17.;;•:= 1 ."1.7,r4rt.; 434.1:.= " 4,4 *". 1.Nrer5tr7i.rd:. t~mril t wll1 r M.me ni nalnior Iraily c.v... nada by any .. ! . 4 • 7: .'"" ' 17 " :: " :!ra:!.7Inet a x i15y ; " 1 7. 11,74:ngd;a 2 11 ;. :: : 1 1 ; 4 ; :cff : • ;1 . 31 : 14: :.. 114 4 47110 v iar :. 1 .. gf ,.i n an O. awa, wad Wri Ina nardrully esdnorrardheir wid oa.. FwwaalaFlrNmcalMT n cam lawn, War IIIN,11 . ••11011f. rind r LEIIII.IIT. J41.1.1•Ar a. Me, 1114 UN J FM I Date /1. -111 wee known S. I,IMn lIR vnielal fe as • ourpoloe nloyahmell...ll.•••• coneldencel:7 "" A 7 e, 1 ."*". .. Iqm 141 N. e. J.% .11.1 W V. • Paita.,./o.:11tINV NroTer=gs. ; Panel pet bottom* P...w Myers' Lima ogre. I A prp**porAb oiea`tee, loeel Is' ee m. w L ai EIoMePAWN. 111 Moo . Motel to Owego of heleoem owl boo otrorfhted Neon, lbonto/ elk** toms. ~Om el loemsol. ostonool N. emise. .W e . h e ar mi , we .1 y No vo e M e I 11 *. ..... [ Ao 'mane., oellgeemakme la 111~Nty. ono Um. MI, emoolmeos ant. It eitoe• romper ttetl it more toolool, Teo Rim/ MR ff. It WM So Rommel.. ille== . ll....lMe.m a rmetbot....l mum mommeo7froireloom ' ' ".' taw rare maw ......... fito• 12 di Cone to aft olko . ted tord , t . o ....... M Wm& . 4=Mboomme M. 01 1 7 1 11 1M T. A ckarr 11% 111:1111DY IRRIMUL 1117111.1, ryttrplingmceggy. l'.".•;',","'„t: IJiLti&UilJ o , .''i l i CERT.% IN 'JOT v.: Jun 0 1,3ftl PItItIFV hoot). AUIt&T 1•1100 F lflIkIMflt.LlII;flIoI MARdAr titILL.I.4. SYRUPS. •L. re gnwlf,..mi =UM= O 1. kl) TO Clittl I.ITE „r •••:. Vnueloi'o....lll;rti . ato,no.4l-fl.d• Vaimbn.ll , lll.l., 111r4 .„, 1 1,, re,ecioUlt 11111,1. t• Aarkis 45 . . 17 r:v27l::::r.i.'":4'"'',.'."" y. t =2 P I":".„;'", ''•"& d'nr ra l t • uer.,11..1mur....2,....... --- -- - Fire Pzoof Chats, - - • -•-•-• - - IMPORTANT To Owner. of Donee toed Cattle I' ,: iii ,„„t i t i' '..,,, i ' f,.... a " : " ° ,."..., 11 ,"" 7. „,,... 1i: ., — .... FOR BOOK PAPAS, 1 MEI*, as. ialir2===att-,===.17.-' EVANS k WATSON. ~..,.........„.....,...0 . .,....,,,„,„0 . N. BON orth rhea *greet. (lef wen Area sad mamma= halleawalaaa•-aaraleabla se.' Rare,) ea lal Lewek semi mem. eardik..• abe qt.., m. 14 be atm, at it . .......,. 5 ......... 5 .... n . 0 PAM.? Karbala ileel Kra., • *babas wand Ileimpiebr ITTh i ebirr. ate ...tea Alb, b• r. Pd. I.I. nee eetyir hvalest n ebisa . an, tee amt.*. 1 .. a ... a balt, ante IMlNebeee. ...an , =m le 11 ...... = Yr AIIIIIIICIr OP lOW arab bob ate eles. h. Men Celebrate! IMO" i Oar bombe lboWa, Vie • llama m eng lee palm may Abe* .01 a...a. , ann. h. *awn • , a ...... . . . .. " M..,...== . ! r.Z., i ..• . . . nee . Fa* ; asem—ebeepta is bet every One .11• V =I .... 1 . Cr." A...? 6, 0. 4 ".......M. ' 1=,414 . 4.1101 1.4 1.6 Cl=l.= . = ......e.r...0.b.....i......0............/' ...a ..... ebeea the, wart be Nab ail . lb oleietrg Moat ••• 1 11.461•10.• Ise*. Labaalatebe. a bees ......... ea• eeriea•4l= Kb al aeb Nl = A— Via a ' no RV =had la. • aabolahan I Pasa illetabal linbipeata ••••••••• ~Oa le 1111=. =lt " eM Mi tMr . 7 .. .::oll.l.ll6lmay. Now Math R.! li• 1t i c..... pi=glaga rei ,I.11111•••1 • si' beralt=gbe r• ••••==, MI C In *bil • tbe *ea* libbabr • Salt. am ma man In lite Saba water. le. ••••• • "•'•,,"•,:;',i:::• ; ,:• i:z.T..,'"xeA ••.••••:•," L'l-4T "" Yf tint i r r P in y toi; W.Zerr== r ATOM,L,rzimu . . . Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. VinV.77;il"..:l7;fgerrraritit /• 1,,(11,1%. 1.41..1• 1'1;11, I "' II wt. ciiitimair it 1.” h v., as h n a rig 1:111,11 00.11 NIALII./11.14:131..r.vnag0 ;;;;,;;;',..tr..,P;;;:n 41241 i vr.I.V. ir ur..nrellAM mammonawn dl= ~i ~ .... WI I II OLD 0R.% EVI, • :41 , 0111.8. V Wi • ."" , "" .. '' , •;' .. ,;:•.::;•- . ! 1 W., n'l 1i.kM11.1.116 6m, ;P.m in oar ...Mel 11 Mpthx., I nn tre n ~ _......... ^ ,il~n~ ~ I ~IIiM WMi~~ rIO " ViaLT I , " Al IA wk.i sad fylballek, COMPOUNIM . CM ..,~~ ~ ~ ~ M~ .1W
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