meta eunias nespenee. It is v. reorder.... A erect OP WAR 1 Sid ale nisei. ee fell at need= .1 isielonas. - lc& ia .1 cognisant of tint foet, that, frins mein. • 4413 011• . ttttt mail. tipellthe palloy men pegialetaros gentessity omen! -- al , ~..., j .,,, op., I. /..e.,... he,,, , , From the following Map.... and gi b... nine to add eered.of this inesmel-haets of correspondent* it will be seen that • Mn raw W. , * O. lea 1.,. .mot. end If we there is " trouble brewing" with Span, in : niefeeme le de 0 In the inneanPalata re. +Pea tar' consequence of the 111-athised and ill-fated beds. attempt on the part of some chime of idis When Mr. ~ Boataelea - lalks of o beanies eon :. i i i.o ., wo a „ rely penal. p.,., i. United Stales to get Isp a revolution in Ca lase mfin ho le aches toter aria the gall.. eol.. ha. What it will amount to, of course it is Am I. new "drum kW . POWAY feitricei, for the future to diselese—perhaps to open : hi."' . • " merle dnin,” ....."° with war, and perhaps to a clever " smoke," and , •• au the pap and circa...lama or glorious war." nothing else. The following i• a diepat. as Be this it may, it mode big lee a .till-woe. . - HI hand-peeredvb. hi appear !loth sinew. from IVashington on Tuesday weeh : sad ohoeeet. his .1. . norr 10(4 erehme, rid.- ' Dispatches have been received by the hesconceit and false Kate...tar f a e,a,•611...4 ' government, from our Consul at Havanw! asims renewed, .brit the natio* of elating that he had demanded the one hun- A Pemearoo6.ol. died sod five persons, taken by the Spanish I ship of war, 011 the island of Contoy. Later Dam Europe. I, is reported that two reaml with rein- forcemeitts for Gen. Lopez, which were, •IIIIVOI. OF TOO. 3 ttttt 113 commissioned 4 land at different points of, the inland, are atilt at sea, their fate and . Siege our last, four steamers have arrived destination unknown. • 'from Europe. via: the America, Herman,' Contoy is a neutral territory, end been ./ ... wile were taken there bad not een i Atlantie, and Canada, bringing'newe four-a? 111 MAIO that had the report of the ~sone ngaged in open hostilities, an d were " 111 ', Gal bin Cmmitt. ben made ono week teem days later than previous dam, pm• ' ally onnsidenng of abandoning the enter- .00sr,, Gen. Taylor would have continued! am.% however. but little importance. prise and returning to the United State.. I Col. Bullitt editor of the Republic. It is' In Parliament there is nothing doing of Tito Spanish Governor has made no re" , believed that bad the President jinn aware; inane*. Ther e ban h am , moo infernal ply to our Con.ul, who had transmitted the 'that the enormus sum of one banana and' &amnion in the Mute of Lords, between to Washington, stating the fifteen thousand doll,. of the people's the advocates of protoilion and free trade, has, and calling for additional Pe. ho , money had heen pocketed by Secretary I bet no action, second hie demand. I Cnwford, fifteen thousand more than is A motion in the Cotonou!, to repeal the Thel'ethh....e. yesterday cent to each received during the Presidential term of: window taxes, was lost on the 2501, by a' portion of ... Nadi'. an could be immedi- I four years, he would itaignantly denoune• ' vote of ill to 130. ately collected at Havanna to annul in 04 on whole again a ... 1 . n d... ..,... The Threes of the 240! alt , has a leader pressing the demand. , die. This may possibly be true, bet for : Tn m which it is plain to he seen that a ',hold the Spanish government 'vitae :our pee, we ere n o newe excuse for .. ~a . , . g er s era Ro m poo, coalition against Gros( to deliver up the men she consul is then in- in.., no detrimentaldetrimental to the interim o , Britain, growing out of the Greek (notion, shorted to inform our government. at once, the people in its results. than in a disposi-1 is much feared. ' and in the meantime our vessels of war to :non, van a knowledge of the het., to per- Has Jane Porter, the well-known sus °hind; the ....tntnni.. l] ." . 1. all . .. au ', wit the swindle to take plaee. —Daily , , thorns of the o Sootish Chiefs," end many with the port. Times other works of fiction, died at the remideneo It is end that in event of these vessels . of her brother in Bristol, on the 2311 alt, being raptured by Spanish vessel., ma own TOR Talt77.—lt hi a het, worthy oil egad 74, squadron is iihnuetcd to demand them of attention, that not • single bran engaged I ' Positively the Cue. The Artie expedition to search for Sir the Spanish Commander. end if not given in the iron businese in Pennsylvania, een .., .. no. ______._.......... John Franklin, under Sir Job. Ross, has up at none to seise them by force. tailor become embarneeed, without (be di-' r u ne ' T .......t. •••••*7;•=au ....seam win . — autirels le asrindient, Sakes Ws ho se atto an sailed. The commander and crew were all The following is from • correspondence refta inten'enti" of the n a7 . l = 0ti...., ..„ ..i w i h r s flashy ..WIN afters alth Caw. to Norio. In • beastly state of intoxication at the of the Ar. Y. Express of the same date: We ," eia : i ii e le i e i Z i n n ee Z oiti .,„ k er , i , mi t alter: I;wittitisrot :at ..]:=. l. time, and it was hard they would eontin-1 3 , einytoo ~.. ionirooina our moo , ,Parstwea l ..,.. i... onniint in r ...g...nt 1ie r0 5 i t=r4L0 i La . Z . z,.............„ Ise so. die 'see"' in " can Consul ist Hanna, to insist that The new Elerforal Law Is atiltunder th 'd' lor want of bu•iness capacity, and ean id- Linen. shall be made, between men nom - „ o , a elation in the French Assembly and the them to sources purely of a per- -7.=.74172....! raft *." VZIWSVE ' LI.. n . iittiolg, and thoee . capturt.d Tac i t. • mere ,. ..-,;'.-, o'neelhorootor. and entirely t a t , 0 „,, s firat and second section, although somewhatNEW GOODS ! NSW GOODS! !, to 00,...‘ MUM, Snot t tas rls- trot of competent persons. Not .o, 'towee- • ' modified from their original A... paned.' CICA C . pi tiled in or near a Mexican islan d , , • •Id 1111111411 Tfill 1113111601. The Pre•ibnt ha .uppercased the •• Na - , °"` with • the maeufatennea of iron, they ii c wa a a imp s sew eanwes so et.a we not hlt l f•ittg Cum Mitt IA any crime, spinet oi ' ay manage thew Inane.. no matter how H. •...a...awl •....www..t....... 1 ' . "'''"'"':1 P ekoe" ee wePeeer 'ln sec"an"t of thIII ". Sltairt• at'. .. 1 bul'oo. ill itnniahea a 'a in earelesal , or the may embark itt if with . .7!!:l7 : :::l7s e sei` a r s • .. e ne'Vi e strl . Xlirlitt. Cruse a &ilia ee au it calculated to em- , Cuba. 3 , i , n m ir , ll. oor c 0 .., ni. „ s. barrage the .ttlement of the Greek dilli- P - fow.•"tontiamtv ans. me lat , r••••••. aoll.M. • continuance Koh.le 000. ashy With England. I ... a, h" already moved ea 1.. 1. " 1... • i " fidenee or the temple will not admit at any matesa,m * a, . , a letter to Cabotou tie Aleoy, the Csptain other ded uction from their failures, Chao • Paris is perf.tly quiet. and is likely . r , li . tonne. so for mime time. 1 "- , ' 1 ',.. 1. .• , „ , the want of gaffe:ie. protection, .d the NEW GOODS. .., „crntoont. L ane am eent oespatenes severe 0 „„, roso , a o The French fleet in the Mediterranean is: to Naval officers, at Charleetown, Norfolk not ost r, i inr , trorostown 1 2,1 1 ff ' I. W . „...;:r....7„, , 1,:‘,, l ..............4.l== bail gradunuT animated prTsratory fir end 310Li1,, who go to the coast of Cuba to , - ' - --_ i MILL , & IVIAPP. "'"' le . °bout° if °°.° of 6° I reek l eee ' ' demand the release and eurrender of one : Cox. FO3IIONT is said to have received a ""'"'"•"' ' aims. ' hundred and five men, captured by the' Per the last California mail, reliable infer- I New Dry Goods. In Turkey and Greece ytiet prevail.. no Woma's Island, near I elation respecting the exceeding riehtieu; „ ~! , „.a , ,,,,, ps i . ha Le feond. eltlar.rn The King of Previa is lying danger... I ateatner Pwerre, Yunnan ; the deemed to be peremptory : l of hit . . Gold Mines, which even le him ems' 491 ...Ore a.m. et . pp, 00..,111•Pulins 0. ly ill. An attempt . assasinate Lim wan a compliance, or the consequence. to bet incredible. The income up. the lessee 1:3,?..,,r,;;;,,aa,,4,1=a,'44.,...r,:i7== made h). a P ena "' h 1 th e di"4"1" of 0 "' held straight out to Cuban authorities already made by him, to digger., is wad to I awaits. hens. th zieva'as deb i'•••••• or the (suet of the artillery, sweetly, but failed Our Consul at Ilavana lies sent to the U ' hove paid over to him. as nett proceeds, one, m i=wa e rtz: .. T. l tl e iriisampote......, I. hien. the pistol ball )asst grazing his arm and, , sin , n for aid. !hundred pounds pore gold per month, worth, 01t00r,50i0iri0...i..........i,n0rr.. o,.se wounding him slightly. . Some of the parties t•; the Cuban cape- ' about twenty thousand dollars. . Straw sbna•ts,ll.o.t. en.. TA•••••• .et dower. la The weetber in Europe generally is goo ,' I i hwov. sod •," How 3r1,.. . dawn are bare They complain that they 1 ..... , • Fan.11••••311.3•M••••••=e34.334 inehod.emee and the prospect of • fair harvest very Oat- 1 expected • four-fold atoms .C•in them front e'eellheue.' or r" . Terr i. or "'''''- I . 00 0 . 0 ., ' O O 0......... ..err ~ .2 .—lt is slated that the Jews ban , ta iii sr ., :f=tm,t i ltl i titta ii :„..A.., 7. taring lo venevliltvave• grain a'al tired-' s - iv Orl •ons but th ny hacked out atuff• have slightly fallen. Colt. main- (too. Qat .. it in ,id en-; Awned a finnan from the Porte, granting Glow na anA riti 110.10r4Pr, Ts • teens its lamer rates , with fair demand. I nand 11 ' 1•11'hed. ' medallion . build • tome ! 0 „, a ,,, , ~„.„ s , . . ... .... ,1 la .. mea ' T." 11. !". rs ..- - .." l, ' :.— . . " iartr eraged the expeditini, and then declined 1 illl. Ts. may. Later Ir.. cauroorar. to . i .io it. lie would have soiooa it if h: Me -;, 71.". , The Pri' eeed: e l l ; i ike a ' " ,17 , 1111,tvrA e ",;',,,r,:t a a=aZ i e n;i• os ::1 The steamer Cheithee arrived . Now had weds uccessful, and then have h r e l e sli ' llio: " °T . :One= sa m irtf " ha " ve " 7.:, .:',...7.:,:rt:r z r .ll7:r„'T,rxr:::l77.; , = York on Wednesday with ten days later ad- folloy troops b.. 3lissi•sippi Louhi- I colleetetT for this purpose in America alone.' ee Ci e =1,. : 31• 1 , 30,1413 d a: t n ...c e t t o i d d . K om en o t . u ., c ! !y... C uloto effain bevel _ . vie. from California. She al. briought h i g from the interim, inter- , . I...tin. no. b.. ! NW-There was a distructive fire . ' , 11,200,000 of gold dust, and about 120 ; NEW PLOW SHOP. ', est attending the slavery Pittsburgh, en Keeney, the Bth inst. on ' mangers. fore Cong• ea.soon. set.tint th. sr. ressotati haw me : Filth and Wood streets. near Virginia alley a Naos eros, coati. tat .....2... • ...• /Ito California Legislature adjourned on 'l4coloce of an a nem, WASIIINOTON, June 4. I obiai consumed property estimated . St- ,e,l',L' e i g'" e ",: e .;= ° ,,, • „, 5 .,, i „,,,,,, • assm ss the 22d of April. The U S frigate Congo* is ordered; 000,000 in value. Several stores and been. ast seem. In a no. • en e re. Cos, The intelligence from the mhos is of the (rote Cuba to intercept any Spanish vessel I were burnt, together with the new Frothy- ."7..1.v.,.....1 •••• the sm. . ...nee Wind bind—gold is sit abundant as ever.' containing Americens taken prisoners fromlterian church. net a 10M111444.1.1* veliNli. 1.f.1.11, Celelif.4 l and • great deal more so. New placers . inland near Yucatan. Shn wits f•dlowed I Blatohley Ploughs, Mr. John Buoklew of New Brunewick, ' and... gulches" continue to be discovered, by • Spanish man-of-war. Capt. Randolph - • 1, chimed from California in the Cieseent end the old ones yield in great profusion. commands the Congress, and will rescue t 0 e ... i. u after an nbsence al5 montlis, with The miner. ere in high tithile, and Americans if he atm find the vessel before _l._ • . sensual health. It in predicted that tho , s h e eaae h ea Cube . wJlf,ooo in gold dust. amount of gold which will be taken out and Infortnetion id received of the EXRCU- _._, Igeligibmis Mellieg. sent to the United States the present sea-', TION OF FOUR AMERICANS AT Ore, A. 0. Warren ...II pea. at SINAI,. MR will astonish ever' body. CUBA, aid of the imprisooment of between, the 4th nand., la Jose. ,211 d.) A new town, or city. is already in pr. ~ ,,,a or t wo hundred o ther.. .c -rem at Trinidad Bay—houses aro being ! The Spanish authorities refused the, , greeted, stores opened, lands enclosed. stir- Commander of our equadron permission to toyed. and lal,l hi loin for building pulps- sea t h e prisoner., or t o p ain & th em t o h a ea The timber in the vicinity m said to, brought h omo for srj.l. I be the most splendid for building and ship'' Thi s news has ma t e d i n t ense ...m am a 0 Porton. ever beheld. The harbor is also at, the Capital and must I fear lead to seri armband the beet ))et dineovered on that ous dificulties between Spain and the Vol. 00•33., 3203p3 S3O VFOO3IPCO and San Ilie- ;f e d State.. fin, and will a little artificial improvement, can be made perfoistly meant to all elan; weasels M all bather. Flumbolt Harbor boo also been dimmer gd, 40. 45' istitode. It is described to bel • boy 18 miles long and from 2 to 5 miles vide. and . the ahaloweet place there were , Sell throe fathom. of water, and a bottom , (Mg would hold any vocal in a hurricane.. II Is sold to be the most beautifol land-' Wiled bay epos the coast. A Jorge amber of Chines are pension.- ' ly docking to the territory, and pushing for , the mins. 1 The markets ore without any amnia' yaristisa. Lusher Is down so low a' coarsely to pay oost and freight. Floar from Peg to 'Ng per wok for, and shoat them as per bbl. for likinsad. Bum fkires—Thore la • law or nand" cogadtart ssys ibe Perensylowles, wok hfes tlon the Sesretary of the Nary shall Iwo Gish* of wir of the fist alam Mier ' We Stalmller eleasin alter Arend samusealw acc, ant the walled araft after loillsidemb. Bet It appears ley the foaming hem the Baltimore Argue, We t e Beeretary I. Mow to &mue with she rele, thee the wee of the wet Wows Iliedel wiser, of the by ma bli6;.u.7inm obi perpelmieL We maw a Wit • beet of (how W. Onsehrt, a W. We! he that a sew Il ia * err le he be hat alit wail - oowned, °whet ; Amer, Ifessalls ; eh will ante Jews 11111111,000. OW le t. Mb, AO phase' of Me Hems liquilrem with h sem lrev alms rewil ibe meet ef Oidies he ihe pee r r i er=rtleel . Be% enresr= 4s• rove of dm BW. bee bee• Will by L erten ef (Wien Br arshil 1 WWII of bor diet ellsers. Ten 1 of the present admisldas. SWUM WA A CARD. . don seems ably to be equalled by its imbe cility and tyranny. The id . of the! c1T,Vrc,.....•••"1,,,...."..",...0r"m"............407, Near Cub and Rutile Stara people hoe sauna] exhameed HMV 11l to- and to ••• deemed, I erlo expose le MUM sots et T . ..........." • ... roe le none seem pa to the Galphin fraud, before they MY the Court Hems la Maslow* as bloaday, Jely , ',men, mem* Ma Yea illenee,iew be It .., atateeestrleg slat. aml awn meek arbends *lab apprised of an nojeatlistrie usurpation of IM . 1000—All lb. emtele treet m p.vvi laM ...„.„,,,,..... t .,,, ........ power in the Intertetanee with the Cuban 7,‘,....,..L . ;,...•......"•,......ifttryri1...=:,••••......• gain trim , 4 ,,„ it ,, s4 aid Iss enneditioulaA bel;;;;• 1 th• iuthdi•ll •• a I bitter ' . Weeded ...a . ai1...., . MI: r•••• emir the United Boatman' of an wit d tyrant, imireenta at se asb se Um tont Ida Lair*. ••• ** , e ,, ••••• • ••••••• ...*•,,_,_ ; .., that would have diamond an European wear Illd Ihioad . • Lake Mosso by Chad. Moo oed-ifise;°"""n."*"..eseeen7rei." ••••• depot, by the arrest of Glen. Lor, after‘Oommt' s hnoli moral.. 4i tiermm ma / 5 7 5-10 , Mtob h.. beau .• bee 1., @,,,...„,.., he had sought refuge In Savanna . Of a ' 17„:„ ••• • "' • 2 P .', trLty.',•••°...,,,„"•":"'",'•• 4 I a ......."Zt."ll"=" a ', ....r"="...." - i piece . , ;:i tu thtt d. is h y lt i. h o a r n i ded is Le i t, T is i t . iin arc ' i c ,. - 7,....v — h a l,Er "" o hy . E . Fs:TIT:ri - pp -- 'o r---- rami oeirth . rd, " :'•=eas "*" hie• I% '"*" ./1 orde.. • 'l X Illeete•••••••• R"R I et poet; Mmeemeth liSi to:Mr..* ommeomemeltso..... emtven_, tor of La Vardad a Spanish paw poblished r,..... in 1 1 • 1 •••• m • P • M • mmtm •,, edema 0=r .""*"" w. ..... "" " '.• Es , :kml Tnye's Ised ; those* by the said Eae.el I nem, ems eaellteb—gthelnne me inlell.• te, en. in Now York . , for no other reason then the T Ws lnd. north { degree oast 1074-10 pr 176 nee.. nom tem as hostommally es Meese Ms belld Intel* suaimon that. he sympathised with tee ~,„,, ,h,„. ~„„,g 111 ,k i ,,,.. „„., mom avimunmimia mt mhe a.m. b• aal this Callan movement. It ill Oven hintlle perches It; a met ;th see .... th a dorms sr. . tt,:::‘ Zr,.= •• •• • ••••4 •••••• • Mm• , that other masts, oil similar grounds, will HQ Welt. lon WM ...WWI ... Phil. RoMtV , 0 • 10, cor e. Ho, Gm I L • 1.61011111111 be made. This it even worse than quo- "1; M. 0. .% by the 71 Phi l. B , rise• land, earth 1 .3 . •••";md by 'h. •Pi... • f • Spanish ? .-I Liord . Ihe d lake . P" iften " ee . 1.; fr." .1.',.. 1 "; SUMMER HATS.__ qui .i . ion, and if it continue@ no oilmen lase ern. end Sent.. iti: the .td lake bank .the A• .. .. .. ........ any security for his liberty, agalat whom plass of lompensos, eentatente about MO mom, ta.l•• •••m.' •• m ........ , the suspicion of a government mi desiron• r th ... , hu.. •PP• 11 •••••m• 1 R.... "....., 1 I Nerve m . Illattr .".." Sr " *"". of complying with the dictate. of Spanish '7"" W.; Tr '1" d • i • •.••• " ;;d *"r or ~, eh.. .en, I *lle . L ' Xtetena . RI Z arrogance may be aroused. Are these . kX.:717R.i. ° ,1 1 6'..%"07, VZ,1',7,7:: I Altr.::::1::::11,:""... -- .4 . ...‘ Trd. thin g . to ho indured Triatly 7—Doily data harewi th etairerad to the mkt Mebane F l lmeh. % ~..1 = iiir..........,..ij ..... .....d Time.. Tahoe In ion •al lhe wail abehe L. Illedes,lalebtio tee mime eet*l MY dee. IC re• - : I !le' 4 R M .R.° :R. 1.. 1 . . ' h ' ... a W TT . 1 fr " .l-rt:2 ... T22 . ! ..... t ... " ... ... • ... P.! .r New YORK June B.—The steamship Trident Captain Heylna, which left Cuba on the Roth of May, briny Intelligent,. of some importance( Hanna. The passengers by the steamer report that the excitement in Cubs, OROR.f..Kd by ' the attempt of Gen. Llpes, had In a great , manors subsided. There wen about M. ' teen thousand troops at Harass, of whom I la great number are volunteers. Of the goo prisoners taken at Cardona., four line been I shot. Thirty nine who were raptured on I Woman's Inland, are still moaned in the Moro Castle, non of them having been • •sated. LaTs nava has Tow ens deptiuside imiecients If lb. maira depredation. on the frontier. of that State. In 'be neighbor . hood of Laredo needy all the sleek of the inhabitants has beets *Shit killed or driven of, and the 'amebas abandoned, in some. I goes. of the robberies in that eeetkin.- 11ear San Antonio the Indian. were en moped, waiting for ',nerviest* with Gen. lkook, but he baying postponed It in con notation of unfavorable weather, they de- samiped, plundering sod robbing in their kook. The Apostle Indian. are robbing and 'murdering the people - of El Pose Co. with whet liwpmnity, die Governor bike unabk to rook/ eilleienrasaktines. Is es.- sequeoes of a legislailp ememtmessi wigab I. vary mash reprobated. The Thaw utoll ileatom Committee win 1111•1111 m the tales at tostimithy MI week. Gen NOM Minfriale et No valsohm.sws et NI. Swore@ tutimay, bet belbr• errrow& with it. he win have sem stagisith. Neu Z oi a mc i mist Mims is •• kid Ulan she sadirisalismi evep•us 0.1 tisonises sal iamb Min Imam Owilsr . pen sr rd. is igl. 4 si bis Am*. 511ENT:PITIV : In Windlsom W anti • 4d R.. A. O. Visfran " Mr byribre Mr. by Me lith Ire.. by lay. H. M. Bees. Mr. J. IL Gumbo, M. Mir Jura.. Ann y Mevrayle. Middistows. ow the 701 is .by ou. P... Esq. Mr. Pte.& Swassv.r.of Bmbvlm. Wrsn lug meow. la Miss A . Wnss, .1 Y. Fame/ place. I this village, ea the 111.1, ley Rev. M. A. Riley, Mr. Ausee haw., le Ni es 4ua A. Trivea. _ DIED • In Maud. on Ma Ph MN, No.. Fn.., MOO 65 years and 7 moths Miotrrellievattatx. RATS, CAPS AO FILM GOODS.I .... 1 ..«.......... 4 11•••••••t t ....ae1e . 41n1,1 gra Pet trr ' 011149 Id* Si MIS.III 11.111.116 Ind Iley•—•W • 1.• impiety Mt 11.48 a, Noy* lima, Tom* oad 111.1.1 same• *s 01ed1,414 0.. 010,411.1nee• g10...101. SW an ...aft WI fte reaft por as elwer itor or be ••••••••tlea 1.1••••• Go =b ." 3•11•1 11 , 31.1.111114. MAIM & .11/0011111. Maned—Mr. •ItIND WM, •1111, • whIG• :64 :••• bat 4 11.• . O. MULL. J.• UM. ALL , w. Tre.....414.1r..241=ar=k, Meholls. marmot awl palmilayle. *mho Wire •Wi eladmoism Om, pp somoldid ••• milerms, be OM /0-r4 et bola Imo. r F Fit i ra . emed, led doe TodediddxMelo ePHI .7 , lir _Weil IL 4A Z i ka i lliOnn ••■•••••6 vs. Alphew• finch , with mak. la John H db....erre Tenant. C. M. E 11 1 ,:, Sheriff's 0111, Mowtrow, Juno 11, 11 , 50. Ready-Made 0101,513. A 0.,;.r.;.,".,,:,tr,.;;;.r,,„, • • - Mires. Bend. Jump 4.14,40 50,000 lbs. Wool Wanted. IVow mbleb we mill pay . the laisbest_gorlreisk 0,11 , I ' 7l:ottrose ' ,;•;27 1 ."" ;23 . 11ROP ..ALIBBII.IIIr NEW SUMMER GOOD& A Ted .41 f • LArnNovr ; APIITIVNN7 8t17,T.T:=7,1 tg . :btrb . , 11.,"' m;i!mtmasaa; Ceebelimille u~wMll ER3M23g3I DfiCOMY OF A COLD 44 to MI vole ato se. 0. • ...W. E=l Maeda. nay re ore meet .L • ietee text Fleselemebb, Atsedetereleleeemenleeet 1:3=1:2 " ". = . .. "" beti = peat= izi . :rtlittle I. 7:1, MO be Mem te ebret=b I—. r 0111 ~ *wee se we ieteembere to be visit lbeemeeviee • little Swaim sp-teere. a ...eel' M.L. All.* .I" noslg I Om Y ,... bleeteeee, fIeiLICOMP, WY... Lem, 11••• 111.- tJ Moe sed 1110 Moe 00•4•—••• etylee—le L. I. te• Seg. Soo* revue* he, Cbeals. Ileeket, Wee, Met, Miaow bob b. *mimeo. U.. amil Balten,molkbleteteb.e. lebee• J. YON& f SON'S. CALVILV4•4.m:I=I;" — IIVA ra' 8""Z""1.1:1.V.: . I.V1,11:1701r sPINNING WHEELMI he sale Jost ROW 11",====.7:Arlt= 1 2=.."ll°•" , •=•= l :l==-": as esseremest o W arm. o...l,..,lllaNtLedm,Dep , Jima* DM., le. swat" antlial.. wrifirat . art ' al.;.B• • ••le, MAO Daily Transportation Lisa N. V. CASPENTINNI, RAILROAD FRILIGHT LINK MIR.. Great Mad i Moly WEL E. a l . 1 -- =Wr tlt& ~ . ,r• VV. ' 6 41 t:1:t1.-7.=1.=.= == Mora Excitement ! I NEW :: tor manorx rari lo ileteennym to door Orem that canna lall to p1e500.r.....,..rntr,...4_ tr=ll===ro tort 111 : 54PlIm1 1 4:iiF ?" . "t7422/..?ronlr n■o~~n ...e ..o i....n..a.-a.. au e.w .. r. a~iue. o=,:g.tre . .===l^rywr' 10 , 000L1 . 11f , : zeal.. ...A la a.m..' MM Irdellynal•uly. 41•Zer.1.0. TMIt. Oral° Cosa Tinware. 1 - 11 g. rrtra“.4 r ",,,77,,,tixra.17,:= a= N TIM'S GOODS! G OODS! 16.~MSAlen MM INA*. lb. aVYM. weiving at. :Mt ' "re Spring and ninsser Goods. 0, Mu Ulm mum. POND fxaMlu t7.1.7"="Vt."`71"' . 7..., 6,1 ADIAIS taw oar UniAll IM vas ilassins•p 1 bllberio Isies u. sad W. ALL le saA tussles our smut melt Maw peal. •1••••••• 1 Illastrove. Nay Li IMELDA • AWE A SPLENDID •••••••• rolosesla lAius.Lasn tr.tr4trlZM'ablirgt"rrair Bt'N ROA DCLOTll.l..rmsennkl...,/••••,•11•Irir: B niNt"." -- "":;• - tgart=! _ _ (on ' — reEl,' , , rlwrl corm:rook, sue trzgvt-,:vg.v.:Attrzt.ur, BOO'. awl Oho, 1 OLD ~xJ •Irw N'~Mr,~lrwi~M~,fw, Drr.l ~N IU nll llwwry W~~wwY urrrrrf/~1~ ~tll}L~l t {4~. n • ,. f l w~.Xn.I~L Nb. .~, blw•. l.ln R.IIMM~ I.IX RIM. 'L.M~tIX..~ iln.e n ~.m. W wm4 N 4M . .X14X..i lYw4 __ • Rnßra uo. ritrarst:ll4:l== " rXer:4: leaked Irk I atm aucl .11 .B.l*lkelry 1•11NTLIIT • 1112.1 irTh Pl=e7llr . Vcro.11=1:11: "" riglAl " ri1.411, et*, reas, - .7 W ivrattril AV' Proclamation. Ihg•rhenn• C•saly, se. IRmusugat t 1.48 =to' W , W Jam'' IW/1. no. M. . .4*. INlsSyss Ssls.••• S. limns sea woo ,Jamey 11140. •SISI sae doiy .rd =1:11 . 7 .4 11 " yros dr woks, it slily_ .•• serSo le Sr am Os. Sod Os ass Salm wall " 4. al Is wry WNW ;SS islUn SYN. Ow le •Vrpea Is argosoVrbee /Noe de AZ " MIMI =4 la. Valuable Books. irmomg wok, notinwon., irre r of Me Meleralm. Me. eta. J. LTogill •NM , NM SPRING GOOD& U looloOmed.4.111.,••••• sad pstenl owne. of awl IlimmiON . GOMIS, rh.l rm.* Mot .f Le/110. Prom 11...•••• FY ma Am. i OsidsYs..64. YU mono 66.1 ••••• of do irolillft, rod 500m..//o.forembloolanso I 11. S. 0w5111411641f11111.9*.i1 WOW* lismlmmlelp*Se Wm. Were ftrllm. I'lt., b*Solr.r Mk* aad teemer..l6.= got be Is mm. 6 6. =• . =e 0 =1.111:44: 18 4011;4Y mil I IC S. 1/4.14• amotaotly bawl. Nm 11104.11. 1 110., b. 1011 T kit lIIILVIIIN A New likuolly of Drop, Medicines, ?abut, COI flireametea, t.aee Nothrma, Jewelry, Ike. ke.. CHAIR N F N A W CITORY. ::E:=;31..5...z. F^ -~ j i Watehes, 07 loW•h7 41 , • to, , to. sadene• Tom., Myr!, Me o M we Mom we PM •VmeiimeameeM., Mim r lbankeeme . Sse.sXtkhS:l,VgSrss. ......s. 5 . .1 M :1,•,: ....1.:, i• 0. T1M311 1 0 . 11,, Ow Me me w 01.41 7. 1=Mbmemdmodl 4 ., : j -7M. 0 . N . MY se masentlleriball MwMagls•t•mew& Me Or :Ow " Ir . “. Z WM:, whcia . ,L:13,... ................... jes . se. Me M: am ••• we're:li. M. 2•417.IIVI" 0r_u.t.1.=,....:=1.0za... was, =,... SU M MAY TRW:M. ::;...5...1.1..w00 sr 5we..... me 4 1 .4 A . 'Vain I."' l AI TI.• A . ...• V.'S sed.." . 4lwmos . elletraretrleMorreerme,= 1 S .. S . ' I . A.... t t 1 / 2 "* . s": Lwerem . ,==l7,otje="4 . ~..—TATZ! '"'" '1.:1,171%.,,, , ..., ......". r... 1 7 ,0e1=. : eme Mimi Mal i. l aM ill..M f riowl. at 1 0 ge t ek :11. M . Mm. --- a ISI: - Mi Mem Me : eetlem,•oo2 1=.100; I •• •• Si' ..: .....• W Lew*. Teem Wis. ewelMwe ead Teem.' .• ••• M• _„_,.. T.W.Menet sad Me m om, PIMM Ca*, Wm Mee* , •2, •• .........• .. Neel mi /Ms. 46., euMem: am me. m *Mb M ,M •• Mrienw•Mw 1 . 1 •• •• weedMell Me M.A. ef Meld* . _wMMD/11l Tit g IIMM M.MLBD 4. MVANS. ' 1.•.• Insi•rms. 1 Leor• Nn.r. tw./: ......,—,....r.,% - .. -- " — "P -- " i -Ar,,,A.-, r ~..",=6., - r-tr' it r, 51a:::"Tex. "" !r .... .0r1icr . .... ". =:. " =:. 1 Watches. Watches. I larittAtr:laraitrg=t; Mr..r.r.:Z;br.... v . .. A . a .." s *h.. emilm. a:m.omM eme MM. m Ow, will M Is Ilmne rem I . VarrwL:S,Mww 4 eml'i IS ........ 0.......,..wwww”........ w00tw5.... 2 ".....r 4. .." m Am NM b• Irea g in se MO Is New... Mom. 1 . 111 M. 0 6. IMAM. : , A I M M. **l'l's .. "' BOOTH & FOSTER, A Os. Shyer War.. C= 2 - 1 . ' ...1:6= . ..Z . t c" 7 . '" . =; l Lso• J. e. OMPTU C CS.. .011111.1. C ° mlrTrhilitol . l,llr - '.;- ' 7.71gia " . " 1 • CLO'PHIRG EMPORIUM! WOW 'Lockets. 1 WHOLESALE & RETAIL. 50 g 0.... 0 1 ....: 7 i g l u ....... , , 5.,. ,, , 21 Cesultaimit-St, New lark .... 111. NEW FIRM! • C low, P. eas retently Yor., rn•anulloggit• ...a1... until it i•nve prelwatii •r...i•savi T": i s llfil Ant 1 by any In thr tily. New Awerloient elf Geed* ooe orthe .131.1 osa 11.0141. owool aflloloratolfor. „. "" OTEINCI , 37131NE150. w. haeod Ito Ito Itals. *to.. oivols .hOOO Moo may *0 lb. '... it 'a lorrool:titroltoTri=r " . " 4l n orl rsopodo.ll,Toorooo,..•=onAro N. A lo uJJNMs lo lY uYwe In Y. la ylinniyntm.i.. n i y animmt A Tin wad Sheol loom .. sad *bog to w JHw oe, iwww ii.711T.1 :AOSTA wll iiiesweis eswee .10110,0110 la Yelee, rerre " sig " %ti n = m , eness wee. .00 r ose .IM) 10: WWI SIR SAYRE...CO. I . sere ARE cenrwresee. Titey .0100 pottle.asly to mil OA Woe.. ol BOWIE B nllllo pg. -111114 NTS _y/AT et• M—• .gnet .11 • I •41• OM CO. • A sod Nee logOte/ett; awl nem Lett " r "" L M. artier' U..IERININQ'U r.t. N RA iterEo. (7=1111 . 1g . 741 . t ... M . 1i. Lime sad SAYR6 # CO. B°ZIV - " ,,- ',11%*..•:4 - 177:41:tr• raUGIIII6.-111.1r*, Mop, Masan Ibrip awl Wet orl Mot • 1.1•••17••an i =4 sd br WOOL CARDING & CLOTH DRESSING, mom*. loa....••••••1 IN w.rrJy.r realaidimet....lool la Jew. *Apes le 1.111.16•1 Inialt W YII Arca r•: . rja 6• WIW Z=Ib.Pm, th.r .•• op .11. tok eltle owl term7aFrLlas • .B — er *Zell or Wool. 011.... Mt ege.y, num.,* Me* IIIM•11.1 roar. mbrool,mlitls gel ••••••••• I* Mil. ea !rods. /1•....• YIIY M. A.M.. am* agni ounstal Apt re Ile moures - I ham. C. M. 101111111M4. e±t:kl7=l DmiPr% Pe°,l4! 4 7 sib ask, so SIM ninnonosesi ISo ma Ms.* my seen ea Ss SIMS deesSn SIM es MM. tenle. 1= IMode manse SS MM. In ell IN Immens s..t Minms*e. eon *SS MISOM Ms. es , = " 7lOe===rietr M sot Ism. Sas ols MS MI Mte nt NM MSS ea Maas* sew orinnoln Mone•se Me IS • eon. Ins et SS see M+. Se dm TAMS breeted en eon In senos es 11.11, Mo•Ir M: .1 I.orot M WATER ELEVATOR CHAIN PUMP. roma 14.1.• maw' • •rimilew.• .41 ••• .4 •••• 7M•gy Motet* •••.• times Env *v. PM* SIM Ism.; 1.1 MU 1.1. N no• so*. ••••taily lold gnu. •• my war. ••• ON. yrs.. The, liani OW. *me *Ow •• pet, awl Me wen* Ye mime. 6/•rator il Ni IH . O . I N I Ou IMEE7M Iv a leb*.=, , CABI N ET CABINET SHOP ! "VoTr`Aa— *iaP DC map WIT CibligrAP INDICT. IL ~ ~ runes Cla.M"Va i tt= mow. Wed if Y., Movers rd... MAIM J. 0.11“1111131. =11117,14177 . 1= r agg: : ..r+.w•rwrr• A aLi nind••••. in " 81 Faintali i A Gain, 111/1111111•101101‘ & IMIINA•• Ms, Tor **v. wive* W ?OIL s. v. • 11146 YIN. /moot, NE a ALD ~.,. -.-- - mW,.,r.x ■serape & ratesama wad rater Ss& a aboamea lairar M;a;11 COUNTRY lIICIANTI -"`- m ovest Ilme ri:=2,llolWied WW2. WN le wee* le ha trem ll=lll WWl* tee oarTriT, Is NS de Neel Wei We, N owl W wroWee I e el dr wet Whew. WIWI. Malang etelneell ellepseewee. to pee elle Wry Newlelem of Dew eel /we. We wse eel ea/l AAAAAA (Wee ell the wee el Dry,. Me, Mien wl lee. Wee Wale. Downes Giewe•e. The ewer ...NA* la ibe 114korls, Omens, Be*, Wier, s.Oloresafelisef Mew /e, Weey lete, velle the elwe le, 0, vete*. *ea, le eel WI we ewllM. Mumbere Mr Tbrommohroill, Miele W) .e wake Ike Wel "We Moulin. lee =lra gAtZreal7==rrrt * 16111•011l6 A RALE. 7113.111297311.0 Or* mg lb* *tot ••.•,••• •••• TO AMY PART .f filo UNITED STATITS. NO. Opo•Itam• n'Ll•ea •31to I .M A .T-••• NBW GROCBRY STORB ! (Me •••1.2111 gy mak • More, ■ carper rosy osatuntleit ""'"" 4.. t COU7I)II.BYRIt Tanlll= i 2ya, v., * To*. Web yobeadllyhosabb , ryrby.. -- a -- .7, °gob; bum ItsdNaillebb 11 . 1= Obit by Ow itell ay Mb. fiarbo •••/11, aiff• iteeklbyre,l*••• Nes= Abbot. Ptimbeta N .11 blaby As* bye, Y..* bykkbbbby Wm, Mar, Fort. rte A. *yeti, ow band, yr WM.* rat.. *el. 2rdoe7lMlism 'a l MI *M a" a" NI LaiaaaL 7. "." 1k KRnT~! ALMA Orphan . * Court Nall , . 17.112:4::: 7:1741=;11: . ;;Z:r MM at Dl.O, .111..p...1 at. .Mnn7•1.1 " :1.7:e " = ". 1 " 7 " " alateatla7 tt: rat=rial, NM, , P.M... .1.; 16. M..a. 41 0105...ra11. Mum.** *Ma 0., :Oa Ow mu. hp Ma.. • M.N.; lutas at Jr O. ha,n Ml 41,41=z4 e• tmaaar, a aada...11.1..... at ON 111.. p Of 1.1.0 MIA 111111Z11 ill . . A M., ma ...Oak ad..* Mt sm.., a.m. a.• Y t y 41 W. =Alt MI, A Oa. Farm Ibr Sale. aellos41•• alftra 'Weal.. Tana. Aim. Maws aml I** from *ram neladig , aeorea.•••l4 , hapreml, , ..abos ••••11.14 IT a gm, onlawd—ter .•••••15 , iNa, *Oa. Min Aare as. Ilme *pm lar nag bor anale,e4ralme . t . •=••• •• MIT PIMA CT. Iltlaganakar, May t, MO. - - To Wumen and roam. Valeable Property for OM. T"Z '~~ 1:7 ado. ••.1 6 nle.l• of ••1.1••=:==••, sot pm, tr . . Mr , mil lazt••• • 4l=Vid•lMA, •••1 so lbw= 1.... a 4.11.4 sad •• • •••••«11•••'•••• 1•••• Rs.- I= r ef . r.O. t 16•81.% h0ber.:41 . 21=3: 1 .IW* •••=1% . 1 amiklda vilp WNW., os.k. Ihnt has very =el.* , Minato lawrX th ...=.r• a, mmt• ••••n o. M.b i e= 1 "" = *" tt" liri " Is* .. ra 1411•••• at Om O.••• My.D4 ...MI wilmota . rows ia. fire JYroo, e• lbw of sea •I.llk ...1 . OR =7lk• 14! will It I.••••l== ` ;iret al ~-..•=-1r WI; ' 1:11bo. tiriaro:::: 11:•=•11,===.4 .110.1 k nal Wirt. •lIN lo• alltel a., OH Of rowellopy •••• 1.• ON MR. Minim ige., holt* NI. 1: . ......,r2 . . =WNW 1.01.41•111616% 1 " "." . "' M 1• *. • e .. e i sv 7 : I ." ..../..• "7 "ha i ii re • ! /1.1•04/lim& ' 6 ii.Z. 40. S. . 7 .:V1 7 7a , 3... .=1. , 11.‘ .; L i .:"' Wet • 1 . 0 ~1 1 ,___... ... . wive. v. fa Vraglift ' aligr a niC ' LWI
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