• 'made in the name of tile Freeml - 1 Egolr seepa - - - con - eeded. and oven r _ it it _ were glee ), War isharareerined Sian bo lb,too k Mau 11relll 110 ...oat are Tits Admission of California wie , sweet wren. . - t.,-;, - -he -row els of the Dem.ra. of Bradford on as State. ' Mr. Laird, Chairman of the Bank Com- ; y F r "F?"' d • I '''- Sait 0n.•.-The Sardinian Chamber of ' between the r". nod Sieve States would secure ..2 expression of views, mad deehree. ow.. t., 3. wt.., and ni. . r el.. . the The time for settling the question cf ad. mince in l tir Legielature, hae - • , 'FFPOUNSW -- nson ." the Proei 4 roetee. F. e. Pet , we mitring California into the f o es is at method of prevenfing the circulating of • ensue in lees than lately day.. The result ties of r i ghts, sueh as had been issued. Dapities has approved rho treaty of peace would be the entablishonent of t ires lade- Mr. Houston rid he did rot ei concluded at Mil. between the P . d pendent Confederacien, one of the North, adding ' s, end designed to east no relleTtione ". ...all notes which provides•the it • shall . be nerer doubted for a mono. lied Mi. WHO. kelfill arrived. Her two T..... i.l I. {...... montes and the . usrinne It is ex " 'l - asst rel y ~ . ~ ~ . or. hetet for en Bank or &singe Institu -- _noon.. --noon_ • - - "„Id te susonieed by hie eel. county, let Iton do 31 • o ii n° d ot ~ Or So s u t th Atlentle Stal l s, and the on those who dad 7. los object wee at/01ply to THE DEMOCRAT. „.hat in, moat", il it was only dome 111 the looms of port ye/dents:, tram Chet,. on tit. It t , - : Ono Ste? to es re've I3' t.". a - 'ed the Senate will also approve • it at lit: _ Stereo of i llte % aley of the exp.. his own_ inert to their actlon.- free sad The met ie. the Demo... of 11.1. to W e nltiti g ton 111 th e St,.l, ~ lh t, July Ise lead, y bank note of any of th e it :a k a „f t ee s te w, er ney et h er F rew, F. ' N "friin'l'ln"'r G. treaty of F.... Illie r ni:sip;ri ' .. * Ser one, te was for etay t og He then proceeded with eeme game t e! na, ford on it general thine, Moth Mr. 3%. a In. 11. e Gob. went ft, on C ..o,,te, h. Iho -t,oito t 1 at Denmark have been ren d Thursday, Fe " ll ' 1183°. gr... man woolen the con le of Mow ...ono, Fate., to New Orlon., intending t . ,i•tt or any I .to of wry in°°rP"r°ted ....I°.Y ; - '''''• ' In rho I mon, tostead of flying out or ie. marko, dowels with an ims.ation of ie .„,„ e ti e e a heat ; 01111 hold.. lion nine. high Nob his family in Mississippi and will -11.,ftly he '"r I "`rut9tho e eq . . , ountY. a. 1...,. d.- , TIIIRTYTIRST CONGRESS, 1 . 1 1 .1,, r i t , :t 0 . ,, It . a p ) , t e g i tir d i n t . hi o t; i h t,.11;u1 4 1 , ... defy passienate t ferb . ear , n e nee and peeriofie eoneid i , and eration of he tag ot. Such action would eaten:aeon than hoe doll:it, redid the le ) env really blooded to loos emits. at IVesintigton, re.) to take lois si a the o in. : : '" ' " 'et' "".' '' ' '' •' '' , • ';1;,;77/".!;;". ' 7::: . ::. tune t I It r. w 1 e a Moment Ina stele beet Ines a member of the '".'` ' "° o °. l h) not" , I, Y ot 11 . oci et 31eY, rhea eeseree. el hi. privilege to defend those riglits by speedily and amicably adjustall dillicultiet, 'the sword if neeessary • but Ito would nev- and knit together .till more dowdy the ewe= . toto str -neon et ,'" ' ""' " ' " r center ore ' odre:o1; ' lo n no7er u te ‘ :Ur' re r eder.,7td e . tittfteleraey Mr. Prement t e he od! er Stn. I ' 'I. on' its nieldv. , e ; the it shall he ..- WA. "'"" . .. - • F. b. l'• er ctuosent lo he drive'n out of it without ' bonds of the Union. ilo had not demerted -- - - - - tr . p., i,„,..,,,..„,, the „..., ~,e . e „. 1011, 00111110, to eery and b ee ,. N oe s h a lt or ale is det.tined at the Litton. I.v doe lie ...lee MI tor any incorporated Company of 0ni5.4„,...,,,,1_, n , ;or Lis wife, .„J will ~,, r„.0,,, r„i. air or t.l• any oeter Si MO doing business After the transaction of . 0 .. ceremony The neigh,. of elm Paoli was from the South-our country was a . E at , thel were utterly totattott t, le, ammo; .1... 'n .1 "" r """..."""'' trk '" '. l '''"" ta 5he,...... J.... she is -eel te's ii. ie fie. Stale, ,ot atov person holding, any of. bu , ineon, the Senate rota te d a marraigo hood which never could be olis- lit knew no fraetionn, North, South, East, wee ,. .. r . tho . or ~,„„,e ; tho e ~,,„ „„ t ereir et, do, tier sow a In the seine I. o ollom ors do. ...4 • ii ~ ~, 1. , ~,,r ~, 1 ~,li t ie ai r stei „,, ~e . lite corednernlion of lir Clay's 1 ...notions, aolved and from which thoor who entered or West-ne formed one coo and It thro ,leek a comports ,tale true Deonorrary e. r r b i 1 . r i, ~ el ite t r ply to o t all, bank note, brood by '''''' l , ' l ' ( 2 1 , F b 1 ""'"`' mei ....hued hir e rO .. it .uld never be divorced Lot 01001 re- ' indivisible. Applause ] But if the U Count y Financed. for 31, Wa n . to make the metaled ears:ton of " '''' ' l ''"`''' " . - '''" um ".. '''' ' - .1 . k - I. 1 - - .... f More, ..,ter e few nolditionel w or d s i n main logellot.r, live hogel Iter and dwell io i 1 wa, drawl dbe ere . st d flat Lie i i i to 1 . X , L . in lill 011 cry ., „-,„ r„rry ma k ,„ i i.„, e . tt H ee , .„,, ~,,,..., 5.,,,,,,,e,,,, , si ~,, ............ 0 ..........„........ li./II Of tl.r noluoiroton ed C tlibyto i I.- . ii .".) ''r" " t"- ", i , ' "tier • • t the, li a ovo „....,,,,, ~,,,,,,, s „,,,....,.., ~, ,, , L , „,...o 0., o, ono, ,or„. they ..„ to ~.., ... ei,,lrehr,,,,,ihe:es:,,,t,u, tic i,deit.,i,„,,ety,,1,i,!,,,., .1.01,91, i,,,: Ices denomittet i on than live &oil e r, e x ee pt. nil.'" '. l Ille Prolooniti..n to pay the dcbto peace. liernieny, and good .1111 Whet might fu bursted-that d. rum. might be in g only relief no t es ; that e viol a ti on o f a. 4 T ,, ... he 1 ,,,,,, ded With an Bogle.. in twettid he the result a a war unplug from them onument a Ws grave. Ile desired Lou; or in _ stmport or I,i, ~,....h.tion, ~.lative tu the in- alone. ? Its termination would be the too epitaph to tell that be had survived the ot. indisposed for wane ~,o-ko, at letrotdoot e , a we.,. on , adore, ha s now., %, re Au no t doetk ',;,',:,; connt . iiiiii ', , ,, ,' ,i . inn now . si . ,'„ i'L,, I. pro, isions of P "' *C. ' . '"" " """ I ' " " "'""""" b "" ''' "'''' '' "" '''''''' ''''''''.'"'" ' I " .... '"'" I- beton, th . p . pl . a the 1 'liked Vital, 4 f. r eurporido.,lo.ollpl.l 3 01“1/1 subject such this act by artv b ank ,1 Beim. of Sleve t y i n th e F e d era l elli s t r ia extinction of our Republic. The war would erect( of the unto. [Applause.] h. room. Ti . w .11 nee.. free. Ilan Amen, err nig 0, e p e oluenee. I, n nook be h 111,,1V1 11 some, If that it ren ne t b e abolished bedlarried on with unrelenting ferocity, until Alter the presentation of several pad a sufficieL time ' to be dela eratel ot . :el hill; or etenimey te the 1.03 meet of $lOOO-alto ""'tending Ili. name;., the Leg el.ot.re t omeeodi. e . drerree, nee r tee 001, h t,o the eon. motor Med.. st Inch . , there, in good faith, without th e conditions both partici. being exhausted, some C:e• tions adjourned to Monday. 1 d I o It . f 1 Y .. - ' hell' to the reformer end .theshalf to the ' that period. We under xll thut hie he,. et re , , not , toot r ~, „ t _,„ a „„,,,,,,, ~ nr i . ,,,,,, , ,,0, ex , eminte, t h in tto to s b n o I the Ls...potion : „„ on.orwronin_no cot .y ye ... ~,, rnemed ill the •restitution. With these con- ear, Alexander„ or Nopooletott would step in, ' Ile ee.- The resolution making an ex new improving, and that the prel.,,lni,t, Illho n.ll too notch los pet, leittlinetlin sod become the ' ion t o hig ly fano. le to Its male ,- ` ' hung tle; set shall, on t.oviction, pia $2OO and"... li. erehibition of the slave trade eet. the Gordian Kuot, s eve the prebletri tra it oropriation for the collection of tin. , i PI seen he ut his pant toe.. oa r .. of Nieto leentoeme ) lo not,. Emoted e• lore in p• • , •.•' in the Ghillie, which he Wu 'wed in sol .1 the caparity of a people for nodegove. n- revenue w. taken up. Mr. Thempeon, bf and stiff, insprisniontent in the COllllll4l jet ,•. i ,' . i 1. F ' .1 3 _ short rib to Oplllloll througlient the if_r We cannot pereetve dont nor stole Leeite , "'"g " i",,lleolotoonieto as Root sod It.ho g n. United States is altegether ion pored for of the prier gimlet .11 three months. c ".°F..." '3 "' " ler re o r t e n o f th e 1 ono . relent, mid cruet mi t libertica anti our ineti- Mi.. opposed it, and Messrs. Holmes and Neer...elem. we do not pproe moth an tomes. wo de tie te1i0,,,, dole bi l l , if passed , Al satiated the right a the States to, twines in the dust. Inv iew of all the ' Bre b ci.dt supported it. Mr. Bnley also op 1 1 fC 11 ' ' t tl II • hem in one. •ny fimig °loathe importune, ti' t to at nits-lon o , ..ta in 0 re i d ol II MITI tho 010‘, tra h e wi t hi n th e i r b e , dangers shah thteutetied tloo l't bon rho frrPo4l it. and denounced the revenue De ,,,,. e ;ogee, le ., in n „.... 0ny ....., .„.„.' cent warfare top. him as . pro v ethnwoof kr.., w e . eoe „ ~,,,,,e ~ e „ ) de ,,, , I „ ~, mi .A. tee hat e the .lesireil elled , A nimilar. I, r • . ~ . i , Ism Them...Mee in the pr.eedielle ... '"'''''''• l '" ° "" "° d° ". ' 1 "" I ' ° c . f . ''' . "". what is required le. a elec. noun ;tut 'aim 'ill is now el/ the statotto books, matter all ea, nu the NIA hod la ce ee e r e e e d by utoutreue results which wore seen to be t. pertinent am wastefully extravegant. He ear law ioeue worth notteen e . oho., Rey eniel, boot rather /11111.11 hone t .0111, to y l . o. /,,,,.. ~,. b gi ,..,.. „ i . }. .. „ iii , 11.0 vnti it eocr eau accomplish, it might Southern States-K.1.1;y armee the inevitable cons. eerie, of certain illirenn o ,, Mitt the expense. of colleetiug the revenue t Nee.. eoceese we tlatiM Om pros, n° 'Minh; too A mi d : , a „ ~ o „ I .1„,,Ii.„„ to on,. r .Jar , „ o il k a y o r ,„„, 0 „,a to „ itarre a, y oo ran rea Soddy. then, upon this peint, hob whieh had leen :teamed, . intidur e d S.- or Englrool mou but little over leelf the sum Ma. Wane* et Area, s Gee, -re-The ne... much eat oloat of ro g ht b01.,11,. 10 the people of „in . ' I t „",„, k i b e m ile 1 , 0 „,„ „ I A! ,!, „ iir leo yr drive mall le ire Lt of our State and sections might ad pu m a t o mak e common atom le their loon a e. nitre, 4 all Ili. attend, appropriated by Congress. Without Organ Ink reek cense to rho aid of 3lr IS dn. sir Wtnot's Dort. t.... 1 to noise!, else. We oonn t r .. , ir, atter La made rah Monte le consequently out of eil e.t.a.. by depentl. eau.. Ile held that it might be abolished was atter. laid deer in the glaietis iliste rote,. tone, &finite conclusion, the HOW. with • heart b Mil o f e p ee ., tied eomb - e .11 SP, ,Ile, elan,," Mr 1'0rt0ry,111,...k, 1 kiiid- receive . Tex. a slave stet, into the let- i,, g or ,. i„;,,,„,,.. y n ..„,,, ~,,,,, e bi ll eithotat offence to any portion of the lee tail.. of irell. 111.1rellrlie r trr 1,0, helot, notional 00l till 31(moay. 1e... even. the tt . h" , h e't mre eh ohiele town item and eood whit, th.t wide er aro toe far i at, at the t i , k a. blood, wor we s', tad l ' ..t , ill . P .40 a i'ww• Ir o .. ke n „ ien. There surely was • power del abolition they took th. , 1110111,.. f.. 1.11 Into intro rite Wreck of Ihe ntentmer itiawde by hie patty, am Oh d ear! te a friend of 3,.." to ,. „„,„„„,„, lir. li',; room, during the inter. •111 I . I•-.' ' • ' , .1, tt , io no too the I , e i. e I e ays en, mt., 11211,;11111) e i „ „,,,„;„„ of . eery somewhere, and the feeostitutien La leg abyss fn. or tech the Bella.. mire tno v• letamed. , h, . „i,,, I, ~,r, „„„ ~,i, ,„i t i„, , b„, i t , , rne „,, int felted exclusive jurisdiefion over the pr he reseuetl. W.. hews., we mew ....•r•IY a , ' .•• Ifis. tt' ea,. Ili s u. on ot t,otereort us he ... we theM the dilliol.hit s to keep I'lli:untie out el llosvehe Feb 12, .'deck, P. IL boy UN booby or from whnome :neon horn as.. , ~,, A 0,,, ~,,,,, ~ „,,, „ on, . ~,, rd. , , a,, , f, o. r00ft, , ,,n, ~ f r no otht, reeo,,,, thei. eie , ,t, en a bill of tide kind would answer the Pj. "ia in cnn °°.• . 1 F... it 1...." G.' Hot se-31r. newel d odiered a ren huh. The Provideere jeurnals state that the 11.01•11. or else it existed non here. Nut al- -which wasedopuel-instt unties the COlll - pmaibl , Ile mfita , r , i• nail , Pa..° fo "as I d. of do , I/ ~.11 11111. r. 1111,1 th. , i, tell as o. 'I site is a tiro .tale " . steamer Rhode Island, &nisei ly a th e Sten- Dernocrat, mot win gluon bon helmet ad.......e. „, eir. ,„,.... o „ ~.., „ . th ,,,,,,,, iey see The Oa. etione which have been made burbin every Hank or other illellrrrateil 'mitt ou 1. di• • " though else power to abelish hero Willa thus , ee .i an affate to limed° Mt.. the i ,,,,,,, i . e. e,,, sins,. ie .. ; ~,, . 1 ,,. enyege limn to boy hm er omit eon totoorlo, pet., on ot. p at et, roe, .o, rt,ht oto relate. tto th e mutter itt .en the irri tof the suede rot politicians to e".1..3'• "f ~,,Y de•orildion, i„ ohr gi,,,, vested, yet in vie. ef th a e yw n t . o j e a ea. 1 e ipedieite . , of relearn,. a bill to marry ie. ''' Iron New York to San Francisco. Nine a if h......, price wl rolto rot , Iti s.M.s he Is pro. .111 ,flat :dime -11 not let id., we temm net- the adiiiissioil or California is octet) child- c'',l'l... ne e' intentien aid 0101erstandiog of the framers 'effeel the and phe end Herne I , n , .., „ 0; . . „ .. .. , . . toroviaion in the thettlalope Ili- ,O er ., e; nod three pantengem moped in a vetbialls rory so., tor doe r..., , ,,0ener5, het root the 1•n0.,..- 119 1 0. That the ronvention which met to ,1 l ater, etas, bridge and Turnpike Cern.- "" t senates in matting this g,..., oaten treat, to restrain the incursions of d ,, and were ... i . no board or egeb.e_ • . . D 1 1 nuch abolition could not be effected with- Indians into 31exien and to. movide twain., 1. "" • ~ T„, Ap...„.. T . 0 ,„, l / „.,,_,,, • bp, p„,, p ...... ,ton het, riot. en meek ems. to deplore Imbue her coustitutioon was not celled in area, and °"'•3C ome t). mune .. •"' • •• • ' - er Mary NI me of Thomaston, Captain Tewallip Trenstirer .d every 'lax Cel- eta the aoseet of. rho States who ceded !nob. hostilities on the frontier of Tex. synomte e s 10.ot por t ents to he doe new manon.. thcoo ae tow. Its rine at t h, tt 'onto , t h err e„, conformity to .s act of Congress is tree ~ . _ f rom t , ~ , • , ~ ~,, their Territory for the purpose of oninhiirii _ m r Kawnnan ug ,„, a reee . i.„- welr e , Crockett, from New York for St. Johns, P. nteitt 0 , 11, nitwit in Nihon, to be te t iorted to t h e te Mt., eml to loose Mr. tee.. in the hatither enough, bet if Cengr . ese has not yet mo '; Fur 0ne..., nuns, , ttt . 7.4.....0 . r..) , Ttl ..! 3 iee n seat or Goventruent Virgida lute lies user-t. the effect that on the eaten- 'll i , from *vials they are transferred In dm 'alba hark Rielomond, which wowed at ..„.., „,„ 5 „.„,,,,,,,,,„,,„„ 0 ty , en ,,,, e, „ o 1.. rot ~,,,,, mot. M e nnt, .1, t .,, s o o pp o l. opp a proved of the proceedings a 10 •it Cony.- " l„r ", i,i, " i ill °2' ;; ° ;, ° , offe ir r ";;°;' saes, 1. , ...e o to on hook her pad. of the District, andsion or . stele liar, the I 'teem I 'to igeb‹.s lies ‘. • „ 5t e ,„,,,,,,,,,, t y„,,, e , , 0 ,,,,,,,,,,, , , e , i .,,,,, thee , 11, noted, for Mr tt Mt., un for th e benefit end ties, the 1.001110 of California haw, ad that ~ ? ' . ..r , , . • , 1 • , ladle. ahem Ilea a chino up. Inc int. no right to enthral lier beeedit o he; that lie tlav pert teserday m. ring. two membered and constitutes the . t0d0,,,0t let,acooy of the pate, thron,lo.nt the th e .... it the greatest moisiderelion in the ease. 111 I ...in'. Fine ill the end F° ° P.° c." 1." Fn • . . ' .. pi e b er th of C one y,. t o to l eo t, l ie l oa d engem Jura . eon e e tat ,nine CF out The xelnaiiiill e , passenger. and crow , air „ ; M, . . . , , ~ , ; cenerroo die ithr Rice it , fro , i ,,,, a non ,. , [trooper °ewer (.1 every Rink nen t harterto 1 le -two in number, were left on board the I '' ' • ' I U' a Ain; on tte este es eatond be ...red by Planet of dee eoutotlre ~f Pao,. im•ma, tt s a. .'" a 1 '''''' 001 , 'l' l, o' , lln ,I eenl tet eno e -,,, . 1, , ,ny ~, thei . eeth ~,,e , e , , ..„ . eel , „„ e „ alludedupon t le intredua lu n of his ie.- ~ e t] , n d t , ~,,,, .1., .. f 0 ., fhp , dloni /„„ Ike 1.. the act, it Ita, °lily to IfiVer if, 801,- Irrnle which was ito a shilling condition, and ming yid Bradford. t lion Conger ; and that the I. mode., 11 4 set- ' ' , o tient senetion. If it 01111010 California tint aerate the pest leer said company bad I I ' Th. nt,n. to„0 , , , . , It ill to be feareol tit. they were hint alt.. Am ow. re t eort 10. le. tot :de o oto I, th.. •`" .s' t solution pro, Ides that inert. .'tied by tro ate, 1 / 1 111e. In their...le od 'el x. Whi e s waste eta.° °„ , 0p0...00n roma, „al. 1L.... ;„1.,,,, -\t . L.,. ~ .7 ,7. - . ..r 0. ' ''''' I,h° Chinn "'"' h " P "' " ''''''li". t " to '' 1 ' 0 1 : " to n nTe 'i r v ollt " i " t r torro i' lVta " l t. .7 id '"'", ' ff "'"'d "'"°""". °I.II be taken to, give 3lr Bat itthroolueed a hell math,. lands 1111311 had r orr o, lcat , „ . .. ,, n .. d ko wo...re . e f u l tt w ir .... . l ray Wyoming, tare., cai ne r ue and ~...1..n.....1.,1 11. morn. of Colloid. t omit, ,to tootaatron, a • l''''"' ''' l '''' ! '! .°° ' he I'''''''', l., ' h ! ". hi " , olLet to the oonsfitittiond pros lam re.; the Ilmeedien ref.. o ... l Itoferre r ... t.h. 1 . 1 ,:qr ' ' !!" d •egoin, by law, et cry vender ito foreign Me. lathe Martel thus formed to o Xneenlenx • I me, 11.. felloo Ili r PlllOll O 0111.0 1, PUIIIIII.IO 1 , 0 chat I eetiorentein was Irani. atm henna te 1g0. .. nu; , 1in . ri , 0 ,,, ii ...., io .... peed .„ mkt five to the re-captu, of elates -On this 'eoluntinee . 1 l'oldin lend" . the mit. ~ , Three teen twee drowneil in attempting retention he would go Wi th 111 M who go. Ti,,' ifh"he then ''''''' l "'" '''"'" ii ' re ''• te renrd lle brrat reill. of them was. wed 1 To say, as Mr ll rote in Cotigress and " i 'l ° i i''°.". """ I. ° 00101- • l ''''' b i° li * Mr. on.erce mud the ttente. Ilb relved. That Valente. Me.. lb. neelleo; •• - ' ** o * • - r r cese let hit „,fl.,. t b p on' , ~.b op n b„, lartherest ;he held that not only every Of, the whoa on the revenue carol ien lell r I 31 Fie 't I had PP l' In the Wayne Co,oor, Hewed t.I . trot he.k we , foe. d e s (I , net, hue, M hos rod., t nod tot, n ot ' the I, ant nun beeper, out of th, 10,0 doux, ",noel, „„k r ~..1, „1. hovi Lie ii eth ,„ deer in the Giovernment, Lutevery man in Mr. Merton oeguitio•il tier their al d ad- , O' r ' ig; : e ." ' ' ' '°•" err, 7' n • pl'''ed F!" • in the loiet, nod laded to seen. Itts Anal the follow tog, oohs It in th. r e rode, d t o . the S. 4,.... t ooted rm... to mem trust repos ill ti." rl ' i.. "" rir irr."....l 1 .T.... 1 N. , . th. deobi d. ', law 1 obis blunt ~7 „ ,: , ,,,-,; , , ~,o o,,nenotility was bound to ahead in the dressed the F....lithe. Fboladelphta „ in , , , .....,...., io „„ at , ,ot 111111. lio ttds boo ly rodeo 01 ever, p1e01,,,,,.; people of Califuthoia by military coercion,. . ". " 0 •• ii .. , owe sofety in it. and delivering, od fugitives fr.] la. . The ,r sommittee rase and the 11,19 0 ltd-" . eit to hie room.. .111 P hell -ern need nee, Inn elvelerrie 11.11111 be to re: . e f 11‘ , f „ I • . 1 n .. „ lip 014111111 g 4101 Weleild 0 effeetnally destroy ;In.'. When the •men arefwed on beard the Strecter bud ...mod node a ranee..., 1 ., ..1.010 sod now en moor, to nowt. and tlo I .''* "' ' '''.. ' t - l• f / . •,all,l I n""."3 urioinal au t h erecents too be arl am d Otte t h e "'"' ." '' ' ''' ""'' "- ''' '"' n° ' ''''' " ''' ''" lY " f. "''' '' ''' n'"" final"" """' selm .ner there was a bng in sight, Mee ou Mae. to the Bank, lout toad .., ot no matt tots, oa the Stan, we Monett hint as u Den,,,,,,,, Noll ,• • . • Jer , e, ince and l'atolars are poi long itt up - . lie /*ell that the South had great cause el - 1..0. It is poesilole that they Cr..o him mad the paper they. noted ortote to , tr.eteel hott ttt range hie nem el , i , e eeee ,„ ei Might I. well talk of nidaary coerson on . • 'h ' Id I nnneleint on the subject in view a the WiSIIIOTON, Pell 7, 10511. ' u ' il ''" l ' ll 0 ..., IL, ... ac e. , ‘,.. that the crew hand. 1e...0,nm, the New York °tedium., and blest that the "" on• rim[ . rise. ." .4 . the... nr "" ,pp i n ei ra r o • • • er a, were ea re ,/,,,,, e n, en d St, AT. - )1r li.l le pro sea. 4a . et. '' ''''' h. ' majerities given ha 01 ...ablate.. are do- . rid Of the evil . Pe bid (leis Maths of !.° . . . , In the Senate on me eta oh, Mr °wet,' T n the a...emptily from taking them ee d r h., streently e tnrown on t. o•ay I.f• thatev,. e . nunober of Ahoolitioto a•titiont• ore n whielt or . et, re.. -Thr I', hr 1.1111.6, of Ile. tained through fear of half a dozen men in I '' . l ir . waft white. they were making. promoted • pennon for the ...omen( or a ' . other Mtn th would not tench them oven it ty of thew roped, '1 ' ha y impeoliinvotte , was oar rr..,, , g f.. st p..a , ..ahi• disseltai. n Th. re is nee a here, in the fart, that the t moque dnetterl, huo !wen weeiti-d. In 111.1111.0 u „if„ ro , o -,,,, , Governor'. Inland I are Ihe resat of had 11. i r dol. 'clown, ued ' a the Ui ion 11... eta au nans...l-- ta es ~,,.., ec.toutteo to onventogoth ate ....nes of the 1 din, ~,,,,,,„, „.,.,, e re „,,,,, i , „ ee . sie , 5 ,,,,. h i ,, re , y li k e l y i , .• a.sred the privilege -EaSIOOI AX2:O3. that t to nacelle 111111110 1 ic in the teat k of vrterts frnin the a.....5ittehann.it . ...11.4 Iln. 1,11 peed it., ,t, titmice of unkind lee line ott the pat tod , 2:o tiny; 30 Nothing eloo of consequeme t , may nom ,r,accrs..... a pitches into enactor, made to, dismember the new state by cut. A rr i va l f,h E West 1 edicts and the Gulf Mexico. to the Ch. Mr. nun. mid i 0t 0 urcoptt. I th o. ~h,, i.,ti,,,,m1 ,h, m T; views up- I wa. den, the .. /.. i t h ee:l7s .. • . ot, tho ewe,/ t wee •Stoll 01th a Ia•Id halal, and (hog off its southern half all making it a Melo time Evenrbg Pont remake oto •er ...go-h... n.. el' , -, ." .1- t• ...I ono of not I tbri it.- borne I I f ' • • !• , tt•11 en Ile,tr o , terra.). It is hardly worth while in sto „ nniii , e • iii „ , ni ,,, 0 , • . Ifs'_ I oil the nubjeet tro re . Roo e ail he ; wa llet s. -The Edo Imo. bill Welt tee. I 1"" " here to i Ti 1 " I • • Itl ammo peen., that the honk nen innuttited tit ' 'connidered it the they of t ('.ngre rs , e n ol h e nit cork ill the dos nod olehat e ol lo s 31, e ters The 111 eole Island kat a worn out and e . e .„ al lee, my be ., er, „.. ,„ n ed.. ninon, are and er..erut... No pent...al . Weak at large of the absttiolity 01 salt a fax on Many, and her news WOO illillierr 1101)11.1 that Om free Staten Then naves w ould ; - Vint.. Tim.. Wiwi.. mod .lon ut lil We nn se,el, and eve are lidd utterly unfit ..ll purl of the e.•mtal stock o. ...ay e01......0 ioill l a that we mad st .th greater no, t matt, wbi e h will d e p r i ve t . sealer,. Macey sent over the wine to the cano n , p a , c.a. it I. '' ' ' ilour'l I ' I • I h• t .ol fil e vo. ewe cll whit 1, Ore hone leflit. hotr duty to !,o lows, the I. ao pouromeut, out trot tout tine ' r . 3 e mod Miry midemitaid that Me tot, k mit a;ty • tenet P.... fe neon,. W. It , I:dita, and rub- ,i...a0. a v.iirrni...r the benelite of the , ...,,,, pie had been a Meg while empheed in able its emu., or stork of the heidt, a the opimi I, 10. •• I' Ctt T • I. 1 • i- el 1.• ll have 'lld d t k ''''' - 11...a.1,,in g this lemur nu tho tto.stit 1.1 ion i iwt , 'I aP.'" or the make re. has, h.. until, the t h e tom el r ' ' • r r " .• "' 8 " l" F • , l'''' '. O ''"' ." •P"' ''' I' • ""'"' The political .trews is contparati voly n „„ , ph, i led, and ao the spirit of kin.b.e, nod i - rot ~, i , 1„,. to Provelo nee, and ens et moon and will admit the tiortheeto halt nod, r a IV 1111,Xie.r.N. Feb 8. 11°. - .0 ...Poled us to.o ,nol for aloe me, le one. tlo• instilment. in "oleo. of all law., Itottret, ' . t .„, t e„,„ „„, o „„ „ ~,„I ,„„ ~,,,,, f 0,,,,,„ a 1 i ,,, n0r ,„ I 'r ho ll„,„„ t ai o (1) „ o . F ranon good Ileighbret Land th. tided. A iter a loiili SomeSy an en.. of McNutt morn- ~11.. ,It .01.1111.1; f ... • ' i 0001aillilli.0. o bi o l. „ on 1 , preen.. en t en .• 'i u 0o Se int'eti I • d e . afitmiiiate th e pritieipie ilea cried' i.. Itia lo o t Si N ire.- Alt, tI o tt, al . ~t i! e Inc TI o . rood odelot oI o IP. de Islued was .., r,,..... .., .hoh. ~...1 .....k of .. r '''' I ..• ..1 . ". 1 """'''''... 46 .'“' "`""f, ogre, meet berm en the pe,lk ot two di- ' ' ',"' ." "'' ' ' ".' ° """ .' ' Speaker ra id th e fi r , h ot ,i,,, ...., ea , t h e at ~.1, Ito we. f,bliged 1.• ltd. es• ult. ut r•ne thi•benti twee we noo. ~,,,, ands aeons I, th e Ow .1.1.... The, eti It moth. n 10.1, er .... visions /1,1 whielt, p rhal.• told have I'''''''.." . '"g '''''' 1 est ol td ion 3lr. Clay oroc• ode,' It it '.l • cal two a ..1....,h...,.,.,- , ..•• • 3 1 - '• 0 .I - .. •• • '•t o I 1 . I I I LI too u a eon ot t a o art, to ens o etheenne e eitteitt of adore ed . rte. L... diet On r• r dree g l, nine nixie,. n /01,-rr reek, 1100 ter ref be , * 1 dlr. , , • • 1 '.• • . e , nil, „, 1 ,,, a „,,, r „, 10 , 1 _,. L a R otoran ,...„ d peal an slipped a la. .1.,.k. propoooition. If i 'lee. '" ' t in'T , ..."' . 1T"... 1. .... ''"- -"" "" bank on renumeti by the i''". ". ..., a tetrad, (;detoleo.d. tf noolerovaal am/ .edeoh 'n'l pro ' ' '''' " n " l'''''''.''''" ,if ". eLe Paw,. "' ' gentkm. did toot appr, se hio plan, l e t sh o m r, tom. 1., Pa a-k it g e pre. el id do...attic. oil ler Ito get aletig M . Leto three thwa out. 83,000 ar 101.1. ie.. st h.eh tient oi titomy 0, . ante a the northern dive-ton 1.1 , ~' ; ii. oft.. nes still further glvenced IL per; 'Lilt theirs tarried, and if il e y ~,,ar t sag- the i 'teen. 31.. !hotel:toe oppooed the 1 .. S. ' , nigh went Lee srineteg me ilea the 1.111 again commenced Wellies, m.o. the rem., '.. I.."''• the """ 1 . 1 ." .. 1 lime""'rt loh.l 'ore , ' ..' been allowed to frame II coatitutieti fa , , ' ....,. 1i . Breads. ft teal Let is still Lingua. gem ato: , whirl] world comone ol [Were 111111- ' 40 .' 0 111 , 51” r t ,.. ., ". •nunt , ll , ' la fi- l ' °""I"I"Ir I" Flan °" i r ... t h r...ered 6 . 11 :11 - oo tti , n , l i t o lt o o n loo . 2 „ wo i tat.l „ clts , l 7, d os te t;t e :,, s n o n o ti. .11 an morally Foote. A It', Ils, poohlorhere • il t e .• 1 S r mime is .1 otte . 0 II • uses." X loner, , i l f, , r , , ~ ,u „ „,,,, d , , ; ; . ithey and seettie a better Fl.illi., lipd ~,, , don and i ationoneed it N omine e deelo n i og doe lonol /wag a bolt. nod that site wee t .. Ist Nne/Sll-11l •N. e. . • . SlllOO. "Bared with no other inotive than °. • '' , " etre... ernarnee .910,:m.: of . hoot n., et.ti me , • ___. The Lis allied 'I Intl. h ee a later fn . 811 1 . 1 . 0 e. he would gladly give way for it it to bait, beeto eottew up by sonar betel, to es In Weak In a hale srlale, her decks - nem the ea 111 11,, heeds of the eeno t t o o not y., llo.lNo TIO‘ et ii . ait -Toe en... on Mend., secure a pat tol the tort Miry I.r tee shove. 1 Jr,... Leo, i„ eiee, oen ne;,,,,,,,..„, i„..., When he was considering Ids plat. prior licotten oh li , i'mi ., ," inn. , "I " tt elm had cracked in three place, Sir, the citizen. of nest...hon. tad 0., e that there , re t . eted the lentelinaleole of James WlO.Oll Webb belch's, we hopo will be road a evil at . " '-' i' i iIS• t MIII d • .1. dI'II' 1 ' • - - - Sowed be maw remedy for note o loth e.le -honk , , , , . - . ' once ~ I , intention . f coming to the Veiled State • t" . " • ' t 1 ; sin its ," n" n" , "" ", , ,oncec Ie on t•.° ' r ° ° . r re ... " " .... Mey wrenv-lies Taylor, writing to fieeight of th e 3lissettoi C, m! ro,llliar ; 1/111 ; genniuctoor. Atha s. Wither &hate owlndlong,and thry ado nom to l.„ no t, . pat“...01, ' '", . • ... hl . '"'e ni . ,in 3, Nni n n ; I I ~ . r „„ Angest next on a peacceonel vioii. Itio ler the Tribune 1•10111 Marathon moiler date of mel ee ., o eminmesio n to a n , irre g ..; om ..r.n. Mentomot toed for hie am:it . ..woe, nor a Whtg • ° I° ‘ ° '"" r- '' O r "'""I' lately -r-- li patronage of ltr , lbwitunt .. 1' )Ins . he did not thitik that a measure enited to' 1., Ales,rs Deis Food, Hole and eewind ' . ' litical incendiaries, political tit ebrunds, and '", f,e.' ' • ' ' . ` O,ll i • • dune:lry 11, etas r•• 1. Oregon reached of this rotten 10.1011..011 fro. 0. commeitemeent !from a free State boot iltlly Seward .. „1,... to sing hue one 1,,,,,„ t te proseht eei getoe y, H o gat aau ode. , the further tonal lerati it of Coe .Ij. et woo horn t om i n • t • e .i e • noortilog a mg t o e no , 111 right Si, they helices mat a eOlllOlO,Oll. I t.odt the wickettne. of agitating a certain deli- .""'''''''`Y• r oath hi I• of rho elis ' C ' 1 deferred. eetherity, could nesse. Ow.° hes et the no roe.; - Too be,n, no. of Th. Coe, were cknotiecl et .. t et t i ee t. L e t tte see Wild. 1100'10 will tired and ~,, o u g ht., during an uttereol ot I„ '.. oor cS ''..r.) o, .... 1 center...se. ,„ , ' daps from San Fathein. belching at Mon t Ig 1. enntivxmo eith that nuleeet, • , , in ',"'" ile ';',"'" I,"" F ' erde d l " ili ? F. " a Santa Barbara a.. . -al Sell Diego. We eery end.. to twat., a tort of testier . reach !no th e Did.. riser neer Cold tiert. oto sold.) •; throw the firchnnids of a .nt oiE nto ' , Field.° "." 1 ". ' the erivn - ainit ni 'ln Imni enmk a r"elf." ' Mole attempt., to m o w t h o i t„.,, ot the iot ., ' ,„ e re e r e re e er er „i e b . the ee' r e '',,; th iT„,,, .1 r ENni.....-A l.'''g° .neline "ee held r i "" a """ e ' li "S °°°"•• nhi° l " hint .i.n •°i• '"" ° ' Fil '" °I ''.''' '''" ui n F "' ", " l ""'"'"," , 'are 'again in the a...1. - a pm..e and ban , , . ~'._, , • ) , . `i n tondo, . do , 1 - oth Jannaly, relativ e afire to hi. course at (Mot titer. Ho next ,1" 1 ".."-"I """. ints° 'inn'. re l" Ile aline and the heat is grottier oppressive „..„.„ ....„, y. ere. „ limo!, ~.... ; - rhc drip Rem. on. honied to th e eater • • the Missouri cOtiproniso the Seethe., to , t e tironmied elltibition a the Industry !contras. dLs prevent mirror a 11. mime- F power of Cotter,. over the subject. rd A la- , • • US• - •t, • - 6 e ' „. „ eye L. , n„ It II ff .. / , 4 „, ors „„„ : ed.. •Mont. } , et New Othans. r.he had on honnoinry ref the state ,• lot ex see whom. of .;„ e n . ; • ,,,,, Th e ante o f .110 0. 0 0 ...lase nith the "Missouri Cant remise wit lo 1 very. 3lr. Iliouston ponereolood to add... ''''' n M th en olcr '''''''''' ' 1.. ' " u •• - eey lee then the D 0„,„...„„ or the; 0 ..„„„ .„„„ head to foil r: me e pro, twee, nod wee . Ilex breath will lie expended in " in ' ' ff ' I l ' h l ' inw • 1,01010.1, end r othitsiest le m -. I eefe lea were ' a view to ask Fenaters which a th em wa, the Sonata at length upon the whole subject pears to be free from ebblera at preemie and I helicon the e ideonie loos a peered et no Ceermiliee ett Turodoy et emu, tt i ou.ai 0, and I loom "namher for :-.e. Frent.en. it into a 11.. m, If there are Buy southern , "L ee by L ord Jona! Reese!' on ! n th ° , under the present circumstances, the mos; ' oil Slavery, assuming a middle //meld, ond 1 e °I P i The w r '. we ll Loth, ansulsed by cheosing IMwm.V.,lll.Bllloli.ciin, P -111 e • .. Sweedielt 11;1011011,111C 08 .11113 ill ellll. innintiern •in.mlY dndn.• 10 P r°°° "' ""d ' It b. di° i led l'at al. 'Nee° oill not reanonable or feasible 1 no SellOtor telex, 2 , olling that the geestien weal be Frt. 1:: ' l r • oa r. " 'h i. 1 t e ' l n' d . rlhi mom, with the rupee. moot., of other " fern to,' tol-JF•sr Lt, so-lias consented lo met Americo linneaestiory agitation of the slavery gees open Pathan./ i 0 ',emit ; Miss esti said tile ether ;Loy, dont he woodol ' tled at once were it it,t hor the no...trate f 1 'r 71 1.1 1 ' 1 1. 1 ' 1 .!' "" c.." 1/ ‘ U" 71' d • ' s k y they will vote for rho ilteueoliate end Tweetty.ween nev ar reprevented 1., too '" A"... or °. I. nolo , tore no o Proftwomml l ion, t On the '.l th, it t o tu the depertUre or the; .. , er . satisfied with ate ihing alien of a; oeurse par nod e by the • etteuses of tooth ',.. :::'" r • s '"` , 7 ,. ""Y ',;,""' " ""' ' I 7 ° W . delegmeemeh )II boom moans vole, Pirm r tete. She moms timbre. nom ers of 1.. T 11. a. yea admio .s ie o r c.hr on a,, i,,,,„, the t'ti- Enrol. the . '" d '' •• .1. C.". w ere evar le- positive reengation o f Slavery, south .1 the, .I,l•li,onn. Ho reek wed the 11.111t 0 of rein- '' • ..' '''' ' '''''' ''''' ' 1 ' in : seem with 'real 011.11111111, chosen Itorit-Matire iti m, be t ,or ti, Amerie Mietee ~,, New rork hitt.-N I . Are Post. 000 bal. a. ' hue GI 311. 30 min. Ito put it to geutle- I meet men, re both metione lip's thin au L- enteettias here, who have I.omo by the over tt d r t d eV wailing f b itag to Mirror. In the toes stater., onion!. ' ''''''' l ''''''''' l " ' 1 "" f '"' r° '"'"` ",',, " '" lh° ANNESATION . C.0100.i.-The inhab-' Resute /ore Tenee v.-A compkto re- I men, whether ,bey ~,,,Id ."" 6 ., .. 01 , j,..1, ...d enjoined Colleilixlloll, ~,, 1111111 tor. ....%, , r "" '• w " '''''' W ' n "-- " • " -* , .. tenons." Th. I . llow i .....„. h ... „...„, . T .,,,, by , notht, 1111 d norrliud a PIM{ timed. .d eharming Maas of Montreae frietelly to the emcee- eimei.i•dien is Pearl tee lIIVO taken pleee be o rw.r.Ali. resold receive twenty vote. in i bean.. mia eimeeseien. which deue call. ' rorse. Mr. cmarld moved . ley them ou ma ,n ""'''"• di" "in "" d" . •". "".. • i're , l'.. li on o f C ane d. t o 'th e U n it e d St e t., hay, ter een Re- o ia nod Turkey -the l a th er b ee . eds body, or a proportionate yew in th e .. elm Union. He Hauled tileu the nits T.: STAT. 111,I; Alt. TO Hr.-Seem I \... mtha-1,•1 7 ),..., m no, ted. Means then, .'"..... issued a protest acniust Earl Grey's late bre n „„,,, tt em th at a n th orn p o tbe on w oor „ olth e r noose? It was oppooeol to the prin- wlikh nouta nwult born dieueien, elo.i.ig curl.. per ht the North hes been end ue. moved to victim out an after th e ant ow.- , - T oo . " " r " . 'h."' I ss ue . ' " t " . .. ''''.. J' arch to Lord Elgin. Th.., d o not een . s eos i e n e e , wet e con cerne d i n ri in e rre eiple of nom interfere., T. tr. l eeks that neither North, South, or W es t efileldl Culotta g the area c.l the territory of the ne e -ert 5 yeas, 10 nits. The resole.. Pere ""i o hm r...". M N . , . "-• .."'.fi ....1... 'belie the nentiliteolt IX Eel Grey to be !Lingerie!. movement, Atoll be obli ge d t o wee to keo•p the whole Territory unto ote h e d be peespereu. °eerie by the bleeding ot Veiled States opt yet or eland into States, thm adapted with 140 one dins... to,. iia ...• ''r `'lsoll fijiY.• .ahr brit • heen identified. I these a 6. pel l de c.f England, and think leave the Turkish d 0... A 1111111ar nr- by legielet ten of Coroe, with reepeet to common inerests. Ho elso eoneidered th, and ands that wo have domain enough for Reeeterd, 'lliei ose a odd to, ...tie 111 Oil. I. ille. * -- r' r* .'" *.ri r" . . r r t . drr • r r • r• •' • n ' l '"'" ''''' ' l . that even the Farlituncul. a 1.:,, f 0„,„d .. n . ~,,..,.1 ao n the p. i t .1 being enter. B .•ore. It u. said th a t ti on .t er , e e r i„,, , mend sal.hern emineellliroll; it RAS • • 10,13 - 41 d a half /Sateen. large as Penn. tMe to MI thaw Dentnerstio ...ides mid mea- ....MM ., ...) • i •-• 0 , Wen' 1 1 .9.9 , 5 ib•- The not pronounce Indil the subject m submit- into between Austria tad Turkey. 311101111 be tilliVitto t excluoi. of She meentre ealeuheed for oil, atel inexcusa- ' stoirania. o (tillew. thirty-five will It nortb Ewes itt tho ma t ron of whirh we hare lam o yid an.ea fur ate mow month in Id to, were $39,.. h5i 1.„ regular e b 1 fC.TI n - ref I'blve 7 • the emild no I. Ise helped. If natur e , blo. Where had it originated? 11. vracilti deg. 30 min., mid will La free t%tee. If anew y mho poop e o ats• te now. Is o permons . omen et, ~ . earnestly hauled. To the I n-rectum. of dime' tto ~.. ~1,, 1,,,, di,,, u .i,.. j, th e r . K he o r all „ en °ar ra nt th e t oemo o f Gen. B e n t orie l i no ey, had elk...dieted the institution, wh o eou ld ' thought Lit betide not to originate thellIGVO- that litre of compromise were adopted. promisees we look he the pernontem peeper. of!' ....._^.....y. the etnintl e mr. ~,,,,,,,,,, •ed I.ceem...rte Orroo.s -Tho thosernor or u...- end the sari/tient airiest despotism mid others; that of Austria begins with Kow- he courplaineda tont mature, or natures, went in Smith o ."lintb bn".." "( an •"- I w • t • the happhoess of our p.le. rebellion. They ask the people to decide reale and COlll.Ollll thirty-two name.. It God I Mr. C. reviewed the peat !list e r ) o r fortunate condition of things which existed fi r 'ir ' • •I••••• , ..m. lays • r°°° et eau diminish the beauty of the heetirod• Two w. ..ww the who„ .taros 01 " h """ I 0.° " I. II "" III " ' II " . 111, Is I."'" des whether the dispatch in in amortise. with is announced that 31ad am° Kossuth ham our country, exhibiting its progress and' there. " 6 ", 1 ,r;,";:j„7. 1 ,:', - , h .: 1 ,7,Z:: .7 e l ,,,,",,".. • i 7,`::: i l i,'''' ' ''," h e lTZ o r "l h e i:'' Y ;; I : the constitution, old whether Grey's top. joined her hugoband, she having escaped ' P.sperity in most forcible language I n ! Mr. Butler desired to know to what the , c i....i.w , Th. Isi , •°"'Fle•i ~,, tild_ l''' mat lathe i f flll.lll doesr ...ion, end die best , :,,„ „ se ,. i ,,:,:, 1 ,7 ••• ;,,, - ,:.,,,,, ..,,:ri ,. .,..„ 0 ~,.. ion should affect the right to bring any nib- from lltingary to the diva. of a mendi- andioll to th e Mexican war, he paid a gentleman alluded. u ° , '"•• b e;m sn 'illimi"e ;; ° , ..Y n innee .• ( . e .. hammiteal oor comely. . . Of II ' jet before the legiolature of the country., Cant high compliment to him who bed b een ra l e .' 31r. !low ten said he referred to the Nul- n nin • ' ° .•Pnli'l " ...."11 in° T n .°. hetarod• The " h " . " . ".'".rorth. nro '''''. - ° "‘`" . " 2 °"' °'' I " ° ' j"- ""!"‘ "'" re h " " r- They trill toot be diverted from a legal l The English Consul at ye... Les „ no- e e by Ids e „„ ery ,„ th , ~, oe ,„ leg ,. p„ ,,. ifi e .,;„„ „„,,,„,,,,..,,,,,. h i , „ ee out of 0 ,,,, loan ranges of tne (hues., there no nets <, at Bradford ou .latoon to the e.1.1111..11 of °lrt- foiled Lien, to de hie duty feithlully. we coed foe „, nriir n nd ere dons defending the grentest ' covered n die. Mead attempt instigated b tint. in ilien• in, 1010/111y ill e111.0,,,,,,e 0 ~r reentry at dm time, and btu recollection '1"1.• P n venY...."•• mode of lairs but ..., r.t. the ............ ' l ' . t 0... . . 1. • • •••1. , .. hi1."1. 0 .- Met 1. , ...at- Ma o ...."tfabY • ' • • - ' the Austrian I kovernm out io - ...a Ko s bdr T I lli 'I I ' l "'" i•i•W• F • ' re.ul7. horn nas wetly " onpreowd. to no tieed wpm t ,, e ~, r , , . . , bulwark of the coutary a Mein.. er n lant nit dewy ao nevem... le went was alt get or losterir•a i ___ ___ Yaws. ofhoon yestioneets mon.. n o w d '"" •""" •it ° in..." " ...n n• ..- sorb . on to 'thew, by referen ce to. ll e action a 1,1 the course of a convereation which , ISJ"' The N. Y. Herald thinke the ob. Remlired. Thal the firmorm with 'Mob the ' FS... - The weether through/out Coterom en serious quentions of peat roe , emitted Mr. Foote asked 31r. Houston IL e, of the administration iti to stimulate. Dm. D. wit.stoT adheres to tho pnneople• of I 1e e ..., e a p e d e lly i n ti le S a ab, b ee w on fiend interest, that the Seuth !tail elwaye whethey be meant to intimate that, on lee, e th there, end , the Jeffenteoiae ordamme, 1011 i 1110 1101110011100 t oe south M some daring set, Midas= Mae winch he t h e the mmernitietsf no de firms than fa many year, had the preponderance of the administra• subjeof of the Southern CeetiVention. or any; widish ehall call for the executive interan. • of lam Tonitedeettern the emathelanent of taw The Busmen Ayes. Expedition h midge lion of the 0 0 ,........ If they h0d.„,,,i. other, the people of Mississippi were, or had of General Tailor, and then by .one wory Mgi. Jowly Inman hint to the Menke MI Ibe abandoned. - • numerical pewee. It was Southern votes been, governed by political dictators or; p , O . , • ..• • L p action to present h i m es lee PAM., the Deeseemey el thin Comely whore view. he Teensy AND AtISTUIS.-The ILissiana that Lad carried, or pet down, every gnat; hook.? , a the Union This would maim him • eon , _ I have resumed diplomatic relations with the manure. In the acquisition of territory. Me. Hone.° mod that was • v. 7 doll- didate for • • re-cleetion, and Mille all po ipone ,it f. „ we t,' that th e A.t o h tee In particular the South had erer bees the onto and compreloonsire quentiou. (Great. laical quentions. . will not be slow to billow. beneficiary. By far the greatest portion of lan boor.) , Austria is orien t & I with the nemb tie l eee the territory acquired was Slay. temitory,' Mr. Foote end Mr. Paris both denied ' tsetse Sympatka.- The Washington 'remedied.. for her province.. The pro- and .bmitted n e w, to Southern ito e nt3 teen, that Iba people of eliss.'were governed by Union says that not • single orangery el, 1 vine's! diets en to be worked in Boto. whether upon this Ara &epilog's.r for the ithilign. the Tudor cabinet smiled upon the Hump hoe, and that of the Empire will assemble ,ndiniiiidnn of Fne terrifelsrlf it was fair in Mr. Huller *bed to says word relative' date patriots. nor enee left • eerd for than, In lull. present the attitude of opposition which had:to •we of binary. Is had been intl. ' carrot the Hon Reverdy Johnson. POONA.* -The threetened dissolution Wen •essutued, even tide month& by a mated that the Southern Addrose had oriSe ....... A novelising aged bow he hod f the Cabinet topper. to base been evade' Senator who preeentad remlutioes Mallet lamed in South Carolina. He deadmd w ', e r ed Me knowledge, replied .. Poor No al by mom emnproahoe. The Mug le dia.' to the rrobjeth. Ben top the Velour nil hero , ae his awe reeptiedlbilltY. thee , „ th ..1 . . h ....... 1 .7, owe he „gi a n nosed to take the oath of the Comeetntien. 1 Wore diseolved, what y would • state thei Veva; did not oddinote in S. ( .... - 1 h .,. h .t.d t h. r at a...a i I „1,. The &dart Tarlhantant is declared to he lof disunion afford I Could elevat:olden lien nor wi th either of her Senn.° m I serv ed 6.A re I ...„ 1 , rammed, sad ea hoperious political neeessity for Prm.. bettor onforoo their rights, as owners, to • Itspranantatima. Ills maps (Mr. Oaf- . 1 ....„ slit. ;the romapturo or their fugitive ? Wear i bon) hod es pthileiltatin• iiii w i d i . PVMi. • la Wortroabarg, them &ppm. to be a' Ms Institution. be mom swum in the Db.! that PM.: oar dhl be write h. * l_," f or ~_ I. Mthica to " Pith... en..Violeta Outgo of opieioninvorable to Russian In. WM of Cdambia, Ann now ? Weald not !lb. ...gins nblek adapted it; do' nnw •• joke cribs It sorbs" is that of a den. thereon , The Hanoverian Chub. refuse., Is sash a ease ono hundred awn asapp know uything of It, Is fad until altar two .1., ... 1 .?..,,,,a o y .. p “,.. . b. nli 1, 1 :lmoping the annul aommission of Am- ' when ima now doss? Blamily-would the 'or darn •...ti ß p bed twee held with ref-'' /........ only one k in . „.. oto = a sad rude., A constitution is mom. South b• more nab In the posanosion of art to it. T1•41.......1t ...gni •lii - his Ma offer " his moth mended for I. so I th eir property gime the Sw ee t H e see . I tested in his (Mr. Burled) ... 11 . by m' I shanks to all who had honored bias with Ilawa-It hi laid tbs want of manniC landed that thily would non Wer e and a! Foot. and Hr. Honor...._,.hey hit Lb"! their ratronags." peyote the - from returning to hfirl dhwohniiia of tk• Hoke , its no n ware ,pint e lhro 8 • 04• • • ••••• ° l '" ' an ". umbel, ud that has derail feuds ' ideetind and ioseperable, Diesoliglea ea- ,teal le the We that now we lotion 1 Kir Shun the th raldom of Leah Boma. is hie Hellors. The Arehhishep efilein ill sold be elated by immooot, or War. -flay _Ms Sonde was &Imola ariomsary,l parts, there bare bear IN Frame 104 se[. ' ass in mid to be the bearer ef his Mar a riong„ go are owned, weld era. be' with the itherlY thil which Ram of the oewspaps pans. r., ""' Amaind. ?bat ere view the totabletlement el endear Pee. k thie Candy, throuffh the 441 foroign Won. mule, the prefiwed itnt rot refloonny the enthneal• of any condemn, mu da of the Democracy of the enttly, . celeelm MO to sonny • fano impreedon abroad, and lead t=nano In mond. The Dement.) en filly competent to once.. all Won enntende of rattiest repultimanina whin. 1117 . 1 ."w have No Nag ebeented and Amend. the labored and nen.. et. nag al dm Peneetploonion upon Me Monotone Mending of Meet. DAVID WILMOT end... Wino owealledne and fan. and now the per non antigun) , el the defeated andideto fee the Lathed. Teal Dm knee planted in Ow raw pew. dend at Towson. le • 1.• Won opal the d/•••••Mar of no Inentemon thle Comedy. sod Wram mon.. men. ente.d. Illenned. ma lb. ncomonenenn e d f We woetb epos the North Wean C.W. Ono nem moo eel th• Duo Women Clemmeonrookb leenesk. non •ppanat thrmettem Moen Suer The elpormear of duo moon Lrypdatare nolt m to gin no eleallimoe th at appepl.. neworealth, and the nal" of her eh.. Ong the of no Man Ina* Duel. ben man In deentemik4 yottly hempteerr mem prudently. Ile ha • brawling demogegne, Tn. I . lllVralt.--DaNr. Jr., mono of hutment:on, eotwlently nelflemnig. howMrial Maim in enter to theeemere .. fatlnn• run hitter's.' dallier la interfere with the popular o The printer Is ht a eery dimgreeoble ululation t nentientions, mad with the proceed...fp of public hie mew, is mattered everywliem, cud he hardly meetings Ile is hutment, conceited, maid yeti.. timer. where to Wok for it. Ili. paper, hie oak, his ly imarropuloos. •II forbid that we Mould journeymans lelnr, hie tiring nowt be punctually be thegreeed abroad by hie nomination for any for. paid hr . yr.. my. cod you, Mr. —, repo pet wader the Federal thamniment. and • hundred Mime I could mine, have token flut why Ms he vigierli meigit 10. gultemato. his paper, and pm anal your children, and you nal mat Kentply became he boom that he was neighbor. ham bees inetrueted anal amused 1 1. elected by acci dent, and eau not pemibly meowed if yea mho ewe paper. you think ban: of the priw olVdd &tam •••• MM. , * whet are diMpmed ter—yea would rather go withoul . year best meal with his e.t.d.. mad character. Hon unfit for th en m Mfpered of your notimpaper. Ham the meet suberakuale public position at home.— n y ny k o w es hb the tem. o f yew. mlaseriptbn Will the 0. Renato maim. him. If Om.; yen y.wmwc pelm, femiel t the prim' ToYhw he weak emalk I. ...lam him foe my i.e with his emu uhe has to lindsh yw With MledewthiP NM.' lit•re led. Um. ppm? Mau uld MlPahapdmrk. /Ammo Pr already *nut his imbeeile fie,' hie beeduerk 1 if yap hauf•M go ud pay him open lb* Seuta raw • Comdahli. 4 (Mai breek, I a." sew w ..k wo ter bbewer(--re teat for• eert.l A eollierars °sewed on do New York k roe banisher MM by gembores sad owe elem.' Ene Rallreed, wear 31Iddlotewo. Thuridoy didep—i• • mu* of kepolowe that demob 1 forswore, hotlineo two freight lode& The mad &NM moot will. midis muloatim—N. Y. ovo wore boa, itmagot.man had Glee., both leg. Melton, sod several other. were` t C I M Tho posooogor trawl wero de- Neer' Her the ISA P.' b• i d° kyed by the ohrersethee of he track. of New York eity moms SOU lost f &nem rottainil to their panooto. Ho no- I Weed &moo ewes tM le that set let from WOO ehlhiree ere oh. RI. du, 1 .,w,4, - ; d - 16;7 3 .'1 bhorildklY drior. fifth I. boa andi Irromoot,” Is a humbug. Uhl Me mod engin Ohba& ishourosisi =MUM onooled the prooutioli osoooy on ow Wallet paw. ham pooloooso.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers