11. th. W..J. Bethwx•-TheemoemßM. 4 ed.' I LT 7%* EeMe•RW•eAU"^"••*"C****** Cr lion "ewer.' m'eth•te . WI•••••••••ili rat ) COMlTAWRieffild PRABgaltsgs, man could anticipate • dliknmi posies of ' which be oceopied Ha had remota, mew which w.giee to thi m poper , mete retherfhe thi. eine... I . 4 ,,,,,.,„, i ,, A111 ,.. i .,. 0 .0 in, e. ...Now Year'e Prow." Man additional mob. ~,- ---m- ---- hy ,... h .... bib . iii i i ;; ,i ii i - t r i i i 7 ii i i 7 rii; affair. eh. the reels. one le wills& we Ind said (for he wee not la a Taloa,. ate a ~,,„,,,. „„„„. eon i d „, t v,,„.„,,,,,b. ~ now, i on mnal mentor, on Chrome. Eve. (Mende, ..... ... r ime w nee the twee wen.* with ' I a...r....by we ek i ... 0 ,..„._ , ourmlvee. The bitter holt Which we are vote,) thst he had no doe that the / tees e. 10. 1, redone*. in the mdor or rethowd ...me. iog neta.) Flair.oll. appl•prial• a. the ••••••••' . 3 ,..-;; - .- . . "P'''''"" . tasting a the legitimate readmit of the tree. body of the North we °tatted to the gre w es al daily keels a eel ma meld t ea...rivalled In the Hoeft of Repetweatatie. which the genfleman'e party has planted tension ef slavery ; that he itif deemed tins o , e v „ 0 ,,,, 5 ,„ • ,..„, e „.,•,,, loot ; 000 mu we they be expected from thee respective Poem. paper. the wahine. 04th, cont.:deg Ow foil at Weeder. edger the reeditthof the journal, ---.,----,---, --- ----- ----- ------ I the eit)""g 'e h" . "' NI "' * . b. '''' ''' I CearweeZe.-Tho Mt. wire-ea form Calif. ~... ..........r ., . c.v.. .„........., ii „, „ c.bii, ~, ,b ,.............. i..0... ,. I and fostered. I (said Mr.. B.) cm - not ta- itoroducti. , tile propositimio vie y vg., L. 0.1.......... ,t., ..... .‘,...,....,.,.........., ........I ,, lt iyi e . ;: ih. Ki eg t h niir i l , s i it :ph.jor l t pFl ip tel n e i tln advance a• Unneenesary and Unfasten.. \ we et n that. the merlon shoulltam be T-fiE DEMOCR :Vt. 17. 0 :::::: " ;.7 e•ooyo,.o.... • .............. .. j uia de eel. es a genera thief, Mile es Satteriee iy ..y .41, 1.... , ~,y highly. Ta me whe arm ie wasted of • paragraph an the Preen of that 1 . Warm. may hays been twtheinte. He __, a.m... of ...1-...kiet .4 emehet m dam • comet aedelebenne report Male,. -------- Morning, which mid that it depended mon him.. Mil a par- then engaged in • .ttstitutione and foe. • , torriereir ee• •• 0. 1 1 . "the M t.* " """•• ' previously received. Eve. ear fr.. Jem Gauen. ea ..... at t wonid lead to the sign war; and it sum due to the likelihood ,th...... ~..A., 0..... r, ~..a.,......w..,..y ... . „ %re m et:Le i s o u p. lt : y hi ee elt .i. we i. h iy ay . b oo be n f o o i riu .p. s.: ',the South, Thaeffliag, Ohre tuber IND, 101111 • my man tor... trim, much len t lead hint with 00.. initial b .., ~„ y ,,,,,,,,...,... . b. 0 ... 00 m ay. . i . thbie ..........., ow, te dowde whe th er., pa W.. J. & ewe , th ee t h e ..,. one i.... .. i, ..... ti... I do; col. but the agitated. Now, it mu found that sewei number held the balance of power, .4 - th."Y ''''' • "" m 1 " '"' '0 a r"*" . •r b° - . and who gave tro gigolo/ end encouroging a de- T h . g ame .. ge . ~...i thy . we Deinetralis MAP ft ntritfl - emmiller. letiote. al'. pettith. , ii . Mew . " . do °° the " ' seri.. of the .... he m t .., , ....tiddet dmo' a, whieh will emb•hle mode. ell Magnet ebereen ..that a the Hodes Tbie hs me de l /dbl.. 'without their vote it nu impoorible to amt Th . ..,..„.. e , i . e i,„. e „..,,„,. v ---r , „,„.; ever he. or tom ether nom chosen to that memo., ~..y ....... i j by hi . fri .,, ii . b ~,,, , i . y .. .0., -ne -- .we . met eh.. W . h. I.oth • SiarraM , i But it me not to reply,to this portion of ' a preeiding oilietr h this made id ogee, ore rememed to meet at Waimea'. Nowt. t ekeiddhere done mama' a pledge. itkol in rasing tene • rather deepeirinely sad didaeragingie te Tun Ito.. J« -A new stunk et Om, • • Inch he eery noliguantlj re peer ed , aud an ' I • 1 • g ' " h e the gent.... remarks, that blamed esm, he rst received .a letter from t... idliferates. es Tema , . With ?Moore , r 5"." i the hummigery the southentera did Mo. it, they , b . ..„....... T h d i.e... h .... 4y i t ... ee d 'icy, 4Matable Mat, whkh it; pobil.hed by In. te em . th at w t. a ... P. ' •-•-. we. ...fit.' dew your attention. The gentleman from North gentleman from Alabama, (Mr. Hubbanil,', itwetakt P. IS . (.$ the Imtf." el 'Wm '''' " . 0 ' have amply Amu the-nosier. le be what vulgar , --° .--- -- ' t h. n om ' Mom. do. With. 107 Pultsom. New York. a Mod place for the tisemme of the new 0w"..".; • . i ...tete •P•••....• ••• 11 ••• 1 'hi." • ,h. • • Wt.. meted o•h• • 3 Poame Itehadd he . Carolina (Mr Steely) It p said that Im can whop ropounded • certain question. Be Shaw Convenen. • col° • w "" ••11••••• ' '''''Y h." .neat " " b " ,io, if poemble, much harder. He inn to • hie aoll momenta nem week. The BOW. PO. I premptly recorded In the rieht way , 1 1 . 00 k to hi. aide of the Homo it ithout *ham, . (Mr. Brut en) took hint ft. th e record, and:. J. GL %NCI( yoat&a. Chain.. [W e cep, ~., . ...a.”, me -..,[ere;nee emeadoll hut that when he looked to this, he blush- pointed to the speeches delivered . *event! C(. Wee-ewer, Secrete,. it" that ...... eh." le ed"the iif..hee by , . Meade that they mud a.. eurprieed do inmead trot) , a.” •ofn.o It is en* af very twat weekly 1 i their awe vent .• net • lodate...A Pth W•••rf ' eftmaining there tend .e. fall they were to wo MP. mile.. It is eiwayelitted with onteremellr; front the Washington Union; ---; ed . that there was 4 something rotten in Messiah!, and to the votes He ova not ~..o ....id xho .0 not peek the (:onto of ,' hi ....., ipiibgi minted mod graceful ante, calculated to inspme, I 31r. Wilmot hero rose and desired to ex- 1 Denmark." The p.n.s.. ht. thus. in his then; nor did lie &are to be, countered • rr e A. N. man ...we the to on...marenee „..„.,„ icee r , the Hauge, eud.all ... ho power 0 00010 poblic •1 Amother letter, foam Mr. Patrick, fient Mi. et- .0100 ' •"" wee"- th• Mee- We "meld ete mom' hr,.. kik gratelula. knomledgmento to throw, ithmo. by thie le...nation, given form and condidate for Speaker. Ina eennounivation that week.. TI, Ceregme, which were prov ~ i type when hi, wa.'•••th 0 • 01 . th• , ttent.• ___._ eimy, to 100 brother in this villege , bongs • ato ,he Pi..." tir thee.'" ~ w° woth tewethi . itiendo who had given him their suffrages , importance to ao imputation, it hich, Had' Alter he had received 59 votes of the here,wreng out actor het, ..dnik ev p a neon, ~ ~...f cm.. She Iwo dollars a yew or woo.. ...Rood a impumble to °gore him a hearing" unal l .ittsliet. to his own feeling, he felt ealled on : rhrotigh tido 11.11. Ho lomiantatexl , -that (31r. Wil ,) with whom he hod long been The Corouer'e Imeeet i ,tic. ewe of Dr. Pooh- . M. , wllle the Imeent headed. I famitased Caltfoinie life. he wield wamon here. . 8 . 7 L.,,,,,,,,r 0 9„,,, ri,,,,, e „ se , nonw id ete hty to say, that he felt Ilona 1 dby the i something improper lie. Ink., pie. be. acquaint...and •II • gen. matt form New nee week. ' mao, clewd th eir lahora on WedlieedoV, after an o The guipts ate haler le Taira i' l ' thee...teeth...tat-W. dai• tl'het brought iu • ver-! gje mi.., . t h. m . 0.., worn et, thd etet .,edeamed in it. domed wilorne. It es am of tia.'''"l4^o. implied bY their mope.. inntia• , teem the dente tie per. eed the Pre. -, York. (Me. P Ring,) with wh o m h e h o g. y pn„. 0,.. enterable u. a we, in point of mintier. than :Suiten. es they uro called Sir, it is such Pureed in Co ne.. end with whom he had ' . Thai c.d.. bonder Vocalist. , dim now the parte of tho bony ( mo d ado. CO., Ma.r lee never...a time before when ,here thaw theY. •mwhio "whleMeme lit TWSWASIER FAMILY, loge budding erre those of Dr. Pertanau. and that .... . nth e . o f th e eam pl e i et e k e . t h e n tomolare s e m en, to. K a u., wee , e on wo md sod d ; . ehonld have beet. by an Amite to the l•° insinuation as the gentleman ought not. generally voted, being on the Amnesic chair. Both of the prominent candidates to intake lightly , or to which w git in d- '.late of the MUM, denired to ham a - lou emu Coe. in this village on 13ATURDAY ,he em wweeted bY Prof Jet. w. w.bo.r. Th. :ty that there le at prewnt i and hashers over once Pleee..hir ,. . „ , Ion: from ith M y e•r e;Y•otwee , ... , herln view ol ;lettere to submit: I flatter toysZsaid 31r. !fee.. with him When be bad the eon-- Evening next, (Dee. 220 fee her ~,,, reg only ! ..nom, oe which Mrs verdort ie forded, sem- !hie eceemeien to the head ef the P. o.Dopilemeet. I . t :o: ... . th e ... ...t , midi:v.:7,i.: have retired hide the coulee', this fotet, IN did not feel justified in stand- l It) that rho gentleman on this ids or the , ferenee , he found !het the objection whielv fte• -.tithe> P.M.. , Golm•P Imps. end he then.- It oe ma to impoomoble te gel a letter when due; e der. ,M " • Mg looger • at • eindidhte. Be trusted that • • House would he as little likely a. sny mica they hed to voting for him wit, that be me Gallareell-Ne ■ Speaker Tel t tool of the/ Attorney Deneral. it ts to he kept ow ....1 m for exehome paper° tee twee, think a ealrePattletl designed by hie Creator. Alms. of his flirt. sedd amens. the comal. I N was I ers to doer into tally van cat w , . . with the ' aleeted as the fswyrim or th e South The AM CC etiothee week W 2. *mt.' ht....41"w and ihri .n..... 1, au , . G...... 4 3,,, Y.." •et; 1 mleefeeteg term dew ...W. the they ante i? . ***". 7; d * , ' ,V,r.,.. "1 1, 1 ;„„,,,, "*. 1;: i v i , “ .. d ,,:; : i *.;,.*::: abou o dep t. 110 hoped that hot (Saida , party referred to. t o wn 1 1, , repd howerar,!ged of frost North Caroline (Mr Venn *way without /plug to the House m e r e . , i to manful. t e te, ieeeev s,„.. d er e,. .h e month ,m it happen* if they wan. at all. Per mann., "tem, i would cones to cast their ado. for hint, and j that the gentleinan hs evade e remarks ble,) said that he would not vete for a Wil . a Speaker ; and what le .011 dm..., et 'emery. '. the N. Y. Ewe.. Pont foe November 29 Ind, 102.• Gm , . I .e. a. me abler man upon whom to bestow Ole did. It enable. us to breed the rum.. 'mot provia• man for tile Speakership andl ___ i 0 i „,.,..11.......b1 e . wothout men iodic...et eh.. i Netwothetandoug the Ye...however. the Dm ' o.ooboo 00 oo Mouth,- lea ll I. wareely half g e nre. W.......• fore. came.. es redly en.' their euffeager, and who would stand aide tin the outset, . e it deserves. It is hardly L let he voted for hit, dyer. Brown.) ' The or „ o w,' e. will to sheen. Thee.tee. e I too pores elle.. ele•tly .1 . .4 Prof. Webetee. toe l o f the an t • that we got that daily print until a. forged atod improved . It ironware. largest claw readomble elmnee of auetertat Inceessurrfor me to say that it has no tom- I, gentle.. ° elem. rem •./...plieibaleb lhe ty..t d mane windage day by doe. data M., le by realty meta, mauled ; that them am Ad- iI. a th k . dam old-thm ...time, ie. so two ...w.p.m. and eery maned. be price has aloe i Ho fully concurred in the excellent hen -idation in truth. . Jim. om to him They debited ma to ask .10.0,1 l'ehet•e Wm . we. *et"' "" fi." .t. I rewi ..• few. ewe 0.040* . Pettit. *et the •••.-- f.. three eta xO4O -tehea ere doubt receive it in been prepernenthly esteemed from me to two' time.% eepressed by the gentleman who Mr. Astons -Will the gentleman from , hie. what his vote might bob bell that be . 'tat prweedinge or Wedneeday end Thin-day , tbat st to 001,1110 WANK., plllty and the Ulm.' e e d u fin ed , horn from lb. ti m e a/ OM publicatuss. ga me p... t i ng h t mow , twee .. 1., et ; •v. 'I declined lard evening. ?Ir Winthrop,) as to' Virginia allow me to put a question to , ...breeimeine the Committee. kr the Da 'lmo. porteotat, woes ehemetedeed by the et.' Reid party-the fernier believing Wrbefer ratty 'lt ie n ee, ...onion thing tor ear New Verb 0.• do far 1113 ; forty do for 590. An. It to • peer, the importance of on early orpnization 01 hint ? I trial of Columbia. on the Jalleitry„ and of phrenaied codeine. Thereof ,he Brat day es. -of oho moiler end the lame Lettlef field, The ' mane. to come mind by Pholedelphoe,oomeryine. t h et .. e y. e h mto m e welt ...et. * 'the llouee, and was unwilling to stand in a I Mr. Beyly -C ' ly. ; the territories, in sub a maker no weld enpy a hum epee. on our eeloinne wade; do.we fact that the anoint! to Mein, the body by Ih.; .o.oe three sr four eas• to their tree. • lammed efl ' position that might delay SO desirable a re-, Mr. Ashroun.--Him mt. • correspond.. ! give to all • fair expreseicie of °pink. Ile et tic, lest we he meen ill our or.. rode.* the dew poweao of harkong end homing. wm med. b ein g wet directly here by reamed. Who te to; VEMENIN NEWS. , soli. Ile wouhl not feel entirely justified, taken place between Asp member from In- I veld them that he would not make pledgas Paso!. 01'0 Mme*ge Mould be received atom •'in a chemocal laboratory. well provoded woth cow- ' , bi.„,, r his present altitude u•• can.' dime v Mr. Brown) and male member of a. to who be would place apoo them. The dm or two, sloth to very immolathle. i The !lawn. ha armed mth en. week'. tater ,i...r,,,,, i ; ;; i iii . t orrid eed.vdoch wk. tomb'. of .1 ,. ...P.0nni '' tii ....,;;T ih r,„7 - ii .ii;;;;;-wnen,, ... o .' ermine... Rump* Thu., ...mail. cheep ! didete, after the panellist object, if not the the freedotil petty, in which helms pledged sentlentno raid they did not dosin• to he Pan nave .0 the Houwa ...the de. atoll Of ~ kkery nom!, lame •att loath ..kf n. and morem i. loot , , i , ii r , ii ~.i i, ,iii . i . ii .... ,in e0nte5erde1,r.0..........m. , only one, Whieli indueed hie friends to place Ideal( to conetitute the Committike in a platie•d upon either of the mosseisteee • all at.... or.. o and Winthrop by their re...clue • thrill otratte their erighial element., in .. few hoer~ se e r e. eity 0.4.., de pally mu lo broken up--.Mt w toy on env deemed theterwomet proof that ot one ' 1 '' .. .`" ,,, " iii ° 7 , ° 1 .?..."7 . ' . , ..... o :. ° . and hoe c0...pm...eh...en red ehieht.".', On motion of ?le. Kautraan, the House 31r, 1i31y.-1 know of no sea sorrel.. be su constituted that all seethe. Moold id eploutenal Oh the Weeny rut k. The Southern ' het done by • men who fonewed cheroot:o demo.- ''u 1.0 1 .1. . r o k s r el. ' : b ' "P ' • ..., mimeo to fear thet they army Iv h e d oome d to ' mieeeded tr. the 40th 1/nllt.t tor the H e par 11 la the gentleman Authorized to ,be represented-the Ninth ati the South, ~, et •,o,•• goo, has tallow it would eve, . poeitioneee• trade-in other worth, by Prof. WM, ems 0 ' '''' 0 i' •° "'" ""ff pot" "' , detimement in the fonrewot SM....hither th• lion a smlger, with the folliming result : . piny that. there M. been ouch • an one ?if , the Wilmot proviso own and lb e eno. Wit. not that when a ...ober of the 2thh Goner. he , i ley t oe., Wand amino sty ors ...toe 0... vier .at previous advice. ke them. i WIT J . Brown received 112 v..; Duet 00, Mud is him •Rd hority '1 ; mot proviso linen. He itif,irmed thew the, .;e1 fa the repeal a the fame... gag leo, eke ' Mlle net ghe to th et r arch o n the vtethry : end fence 'lice oo•• . • 0.1.g010r pin, midmost m forum, a' °' , Te p.m.-From c eee tantinoide the 20; Iblort.head li t Stanley IS; )lelleugh- 1 3lr. A.m..- -Coon llama.. ,lath mead so coneti lute the menmitte.a• SIN rule.) The eauthertont thee dropped lent a.' ' ly confirms the previous paid,' ey 13 ; Winthrop n . Thaddeus Stevensv, ) Ir. Ba)ly -And does not the gentle. to satisfy them ; th. tubing nothing more northern woug, do , of each pawn es been weed. wr. Moog 00110.1.10110 u Wllh the minder a Aden. toy' s dog would • hot notate and on the vary new .' •" (what .1,4 not meek it volutotaroli , . tto o mood , , Cob. ii. !tit. w Verb, a low pro. sou,. As a., b. ,. •, ' . . ; ; cour.e of .1,..t.. It ill confidently stated 11Mheell 1 ; (hale. I i Horace Mono 5; ; eon know that conneei rumor is a 11001111011'1h. what Wag a lair and egad re..., I.irtio. Ibid. of It)., merited 53 tette . esetimial 10/1011011 'lice ...raker, i ti roma, 1., id ei 011.1 if a , 0001110 10 0010 be very clear &gem. 1 tlmt the Bellied Beet hex orders to withdraw 'Vinton 2 ; Corked 1; chevidier 2 ; II„ o , d o e , h.? Tun i ng to ?Ir. Brown , . eaia, dm. On !Le subject of the Month. of Mr. nth... ood dm batemew mandemed by the I Webs.. Ile they, however, b. tomoce n t, mo l iv- &nee eta last, soma If additamel ballot. from the Dsatemll., and that it is an- 1 ; Julia , 3; Holmes I ; Hopi 3 ; King I' " Ilan any such torreapmdenee tads gamely. he , ,I V hole number of viten east, 220. ' place ? Mr. Burt said be had jielded the ifoor *return member generally, doeclmed their red ; the • moo e of me of the mem dem., weem ir m...' have been had 111 the IlmtMlar Speaker , but with choral by thie tme et 31•112. deem. beamed perad.settim a died They e4ll . ter heard of .. o soy age, on which raw we hope ' no carter It new went* ehneetlmporible.rocej The Hussite smbatsador. M. Taut heal . eeeasary to • choice. 114 ; ?Ir. Brown shook his heed. ,to ace the correspondence. He wished I. iset vete, nude, any cc. einstances, id • odd., b e mu h e ... t o ....with it ...m .0.,, e th e t h e moth...robe,. mad e 1. e .. ti t w t e n, that lo met moo,. been ebhttod to au interview The result having been declared, , ! 31e Bayly motioned -I 0111 10101kori001111011 it now. .1.0 say that no much correapontimea has tat- , I Mr Be .n. I have it Ma who is ed le fat or of the rate.. ,t. of ..[eeer‘ , world of.. 'we moon can he of Mt weenthe noolono and, with the Grand Vizier, and diplomatic re- Alt. Stately offered the following: I Mr. Bart. Bead it. -.re sato .o. s •• es....teriettoosoo - Not ' ...there monotone( either party milktent le elect , lotions may he presumed to he renewed be- ''' R..." 0" , erica 'h" "'''"'"" a". aw"*" . ° ' ke" Pim. !ewe , . M thoneeted to Emmet tem. nuenbent. co! 8.. not the emaletnan inter that there ?Ir. Breve restarted flat fie marmot toe: re tn... e le prepared to Wird hoe neck to ouch I , lam sterilise... a Speaker. The imam. Demmer.. ntembere,l.m. Retetie end Terkel , oi . wh i t r ,-)1 ~. been a_ti underdiendiwg bettreen this,. adi • where there were but •be . becalm pike , and therefore, oil northern eon. The oteorn•lota Hennen, winch sowed et Sew meereily em their vat for the.. frieed• from the Attblria opfloll}l. Halielled with what Tue.; ,".I.' l ,`,: d * ,,, k t b e d '„,,... *** * r ieei . ** i ty.... **. !nide of the Home and the Free-Seders from [hoe toilers Their vote. hadid out gob 11Is golatsa are dela the tome ef pomort.e! 1.:...h0 ' York -oe e atur d e , amo ,h e , p 0 5...., boil North, and the meth... mos their.. Mr. Boyd. key bas already done by tearesteurtial the, of Remmentatiym h ....ea.,. may well be neatened. few : Lam... Uthary, Gee G ~,,, 01. or the forer* of The Whip pone. pretty meek the memo mum, Runerian refugees to.the interior an a did j A member moved that it be laid on the 1 the fact net some of them lime voted with !competitor took Ma ground the Orland ns 7 If so, what elm be mote unfair ? The! Taylor was in l•Sor of the Wmer proem. . v0 .. 1 . fool .... pi .... ~,,,,..70.„,...„..„, cone., one. I. ...they monrieroke General ..e. ...teem. Free thulers. ( Maw. Wilma,' not dem a nd anything fri'll'f; it.r... 1 . m ' table. ...add. with mach cordotht, so alacrity. 'ft. • ' Weds! 'rot hoe rod.. (wife, two.. ad t om e 1.,..., g. ag . N o t e ., a...) h ee e for t h e m. h ea lth& contra. has dea3aorled the the Potted I Mr. Seedy *Mel Ms 110000 Oa 10 be 611 Ilona., is hi a condition in tel it is ink 1 Ali that lie (Mr. Brown) .old era. tho amov • s ot emir...n..l ...tovvor to the Wks , dente...) M•dwomerelle Apelenta elam.llo, the' a.). oat thew yam for Mr. memo w the Hertel refugee bee:riled...a the * Ottoman L'tel. see • hurry. He had the ger, and Caged- !reable h loe it to r le °refixed mime they , re) was, that h• FM slimy* oppoarg i . e ., „ i „.., iceiehrated led, who waved ate 1a...m0t on one 'LI gl. Pe. Swim* but .. glt .00 odd upon by i pith, and that the chief should he emprie- 'ed to detrain then but a fen moment.. iIL, eete with me 0 t; e great parties dome ; to. tnd did not expeet to yore for it je - Stoproanitetne boo the h. ermii• Th • term. t ice of tn. em eg . nra u mem.. or emaire, and oak Gam !-Ileui-le th e House of I' epoesenta. I coed in a fortress, the Pete Ming msg.- ' This rosolution mt. not ori boil a ill. , sing it. Great compliant has been made, Cone.. ; and rin the sulMmt of slavery na Imo yet yre.. say cwt.'. eattdidate ea. aer i e nit, I.ld at offir eof !teemed of the .any 0w... Friday 31„ H. ,..,..„ .. .0 ... „Isiblo for their safe OnstOrly Without env t•' ' i hionsttlf ; that ha it had Lee c g ,, di„ I throtogl the ...entry, and jostle, that' the Dieu let of Columbia. lie did not desire plte.ne merheml oi Me Othoc• • '• • 7 'ode. to c 00... 0114 that roar.. held oat amonet the fallowing t I ing even arm emigrate. who like A I enOther-a member a the n r k r . fh . "- •l7a Me gar ft . . l Ire did ed. to th. ineidykg that ' , to iuterfae, beeett. it behraged to the ev e . Mr Boyd, farm , of Ky .1 and the large. wee '. Am.." Dm... , and buy ether Ito thia- 1 I Ivave embreeed the ?lahoeseion faith. hOf high chat and great experience Who ' they nog to unhe with nole or the other ple inter.ted He would now reed thew /hatred That the member.. of the 14..... AM.. . ' , . . h . h. 14... i i.. t... • hie ,. ;.'. ne . lof the lice. Suppose that they bed Of. reepondenew is .. . t .P. ti - ii.t. s coffie...VO. of the i llouse. sod who, ar-- • •e - -.es ....... -,.- .5... ..-....., ig.o • .1.;01tArhit&vv4. 1 4,A N . , .....„ t irh .., „ i .. i. .; . _ ...... 0 .. 4 . 0 .,........... ......,„ .„„,, . ~..,., 1 ro . said . that li:aste alalrequtted the ex- j wag atiemm, ?S. ive to Mr. II Ire of Masa , Them Z. .. Mr. Joises.of Team... peopmed the renewing , have be. for men, y an 1, Of I 011 , • was at. Ise eroune teat ally •11,104.• '11.1•0 epuriled .......ir wawa*? la. Lam -, f e e e d t o v o te with the gentleman ; redid we ' lr. Wilmot said that he had held • con s), waned he venation with the melentatt from Indiaos „ I nn or. in hiew Yrala bv dto f H 1 en ob. m". "IN..'" car "" I "" bw "'• •"!.,„ „„„„„., ,„ th ., .„ ; ,..•,,:-,;„,":,....,...„„..7.- - , ....a.......hih ....., .. 0, ...,.... t 1 the CVO.. 810t1fa. The petit ready. ! Mali he reganised. Ih repelled the id.' hsee comidered that o would here Men ,. rehleh he (Mr. W.) had told him that be Mooday-the km yet removed. The mamma/ 1 • • • ; • .. Nor Asti they etwere wn . a . eel.. theY i.l their alone in mel t • manner as to then there ta danger. of the total dimorgatti• , right h. ow. in such • a °antler.), to hem, considered the public sentiment pe h ........ ~.., i ... ... iiii di ..., bibth. ,* rh emong cerenownee and en.. te en. enamme, ...10 ri t h e . .t...2 . ...,... , Tz .....,..L ... .... , .„„ d ..., I show that they would not be aueeted. e"d •• 0 • 0 a •Le Ch r° •.••••ti •• he mid "d'i."l"'" tut improper 0•0111d001.1011 11.0 them f! au bject of alaery had be. aill:d in ' lb:: be, chiefly Democrat. from the fee Mon, sod • Mthcit'e tie mth drip, wittelt were delivered ; ,,,, _, ,,,,,,,„.„.1., ... 0,, ~,,,,„ i a Council would be held on the it hto take 1 1.... n suggested front tha n praent ...Sa d 'Floc gentlemen relemed to have their own ' mermittmem they were constituted by the a...,,0. th• 31a. ar language , were eleerieut mod at& . Whip from the Mare Sta.. , h . . 1 .,,, ,_,,,,, ..ffi.,,,,,... own ~,,., ~,. ... Th e me m... ..0 emeed... were gad - the. .10 Mtheideretio.G. 'or tithng. in the House. 1 Vali 31e Chty in i lows tto curry ont, .„-a Ibey.... p,,,bi l bly ' last Spsaker lie had hut se. that the Aron ettentim have both made to melte a , g t comtal--but then fate wee bad on the extreme. The Ruse. Minister was °see ~ i ~, the ether wing ter the Ceetol, and, Bough , will take their own course an doing it A nd 1 per dar ...its at of all methons or the of ~,,, ... ec .., emend.rd to 110. althea*. cot. Ms haemaletm Speaket without • • majority annoyed by the practice of the Betted fleet' ' end Beady" in the White Home, the Wee' that a portion only of them have voted with I enentry lament lee permitted to he heard I. end a cordon welcome le our doom 1 LT The N. Y. Nero...radon Zachary Werth- in the Dardattellet, which he declered a vi- ; was preposterous. No persons or Natick-los-which they I.ye all along eliono ru. their ememnisatids Ile did not stipulate Herm !by otrierably ee by lettrry,, bet they hovel . ' tho .y. . sod- mgt.. up to her ears to trouble thwart. fear Mot I idatitm of the treaty-and Its., it I. eon( 'no ken soil nonaenm, could bring the thing; en unwillingness to do, end Min they de, as to 1110 Olen. 1.1. had deeired Lim to ..Yet her bran otrlE . teal. We think: however, hi b *deed. Th. we tender our ileimmt • mpa- his message writ other ....by teepee, • leak we G refused to enter into negotiations until the , about, Ile was but solieitoo. to elect n' it. now under what appears • necessity- , place upon these committees, MOB 10 Iffp that Keno melte. won here t. he ...lentiii finally het •,,, „...... ~,, . 0 ~,,, , ,,, , ,,,,„,,,yy . „, , ~are wall he ...organization for week.. code he, ... hear dicoter; have lo•t their props).' through owl. "gaol or h tme ..h.l o on , h . velem,. !Kregliell fleet Shall !thee quitted the Strait. : Itrollidliag itfheee who Mould, a the Ilona ceet.inly doe • not contaminate us or Ger , chaired with the consideration . slavery ; -._ their coed. and their home ; end wlm a by their leatilermalkim: Illeelimg. ' The Vienna corretrpondent of Clic Daily pleased, be occeplable to We great majority, ' eunaidoto for the epeakerehip. We meet: queen..., the ableot men from the north se That Steeling. peon., and e.o.me derotion to tlist mble Game , .Veure, writieg on the 21.1 ult. sat ye : Let- 'of the demecratic party. be iiidged of by the character of the great , well as from the south. He had meted At •a largo a. n. w• mmung of the mt. o Wt. Maio, ''' cads...attic reader. Then who. nsaur sad a. was 0110 rob the of eur I a her* of the 10th, from Cmatantinelde, men• , Ile desired to give th, derfillefitt. the; body tif 0. per., and not of anise who ere, that the elect of his friends w., only to, _ d i, own hdetion, hike woe the Minion. and tea Mate emtheloP W . feweeko t he W h. , - De• hm• e t '. "" " ''''''• t " '''''• ° """ ell --; merited the thanks of the friends of Imedon home of Jahn Bake,. Friday the 14th at Eh. Won feta eubjeets of dispute between Rum : cheii. or 11,. spoo4,- that they ahotdd se- •I eeeidenallY thrown Mt h us. . aced. such an organisation of thou tom peal. Orchneten it. %Shed. le call it a Beek a , lortoth,thoat the world. 1 cern., 11149. for the put.. of malungeon. et- , ale and Turkey. In ammemenee , th i• h. • gentleman in MI resorts satisfactory 1 Mr. Root tae to comment upon the res. I Mates as would petrel. the • 'tilling of the Meetine,er an Artn.Beek Meeting, • Rerefeetreit energy with which the united diThimary.oe 1,, thenteelve.-one who wet well known by I elution held ro the home. (Mr. Stank's.) maiming. of the eds.., evil.' to emb I ' in regard ie the law fader. of the Benk **Meg ew we 'Mire... hi•etieth fa • • 100111 Vr A mme mem. . ihe Homo of ft•wv. e"" * " lgogi.od and Prance hit followed up its the whole ?louse to be thoroughly eompe. ;There are others, Imelda Whigs and Item - seetion of the Ent., and to all shades of e 31A1 , 308 TINGLEY time bewked our dodo.; finaey, however ter ' settle... at Waehmatoa. we Thanoley whoa. ' '''''"*"'*''''' C. "'"'• . ' tenter on the refugee question. it ill mid tent to a proper dhotis.. of the duties ob, eeretts, in the House, with rights as meet- opaline, the might theca to wide they emet to the c0m1..... to 1 100 11 the teed caption ed. neat Mine of a mem. ehereet.r. It own. r i d ''' . r "" t ""'• 3• "" L "" •° "" ° L ' oo ' that the Pete is else determi te ed, at th• the position. Any gentlemen who hocks, here as important and eared, quite, as, were fairly and path entitled. roamer 'ewe Preeideele o and Charles M. But badinage ads: the proceedinge of • meet• that 31e. %mile, of ea , !Indium flowhed • more , .. .• expiration of the stipolated term, to with- that if elected he will oil her that mat du- , their., which son by no means weight to he' Mr. Thaddeus Stevens mkt elm metie leg or IDi wk 01 out thotonclien on which ho br..thed ihre.te of diem. , n c. oa t r'''Obe wtd 8 ' r 8 "P"'" 8 •••....• draw those coneeinio. in favor of Russian !ring thin eeseion, no On a cushion of rose., I protected in the resolution. Ile wanted j man from Penn.) Irani a whether, in ibis the 00410 00 0 Mm 'e4, . . t ef warm, called t o COIIIOIII together mot 0 ,00 ea. of the pae.am of the Wilmot perm, or any ho. 1.1 . *b.''' . el tea ..$ 6 .11 'thee"( mo• wwwi., commerce over either nations which at pres- I will he vastly mi.teken. Ile himself had gentleman of the free States ag , i ~, coin- I menversation ,he had slated that he (Me. prem.. thew emelt-oone in relation lathe aulb died memoir, or of MO art •abolishing Amery in •*o : o°o. '7 .... ent exist.. Our Vienna oorrespondent.'• received •a dozen rote. for the place ;be ' r idi ng with the member from North Caro- I Wilaok] atamieed th• fres•miNat suittled )act at the lato Beek explmerto in ails pion, are the I/ ~,, ict of Columb.a , very freely Si,. Due, , •t'eet"" - et" • ewernimecml •••.erlteitet• letter dated 21)th Mt. nye 4 I It!en hear meet beg to decline the honor, being, in hi. lion in opinion upon the ...moo." of Ito • winjoritiy on these etahnaittlies. pa..d in soaker sal., acceding to reopen. what member from N. Y.. reameeded to him in ." I ''' i th ` b °"'"'„'""" ."`"" e "g • : 0 „ 0 " . " 1 the the Porte hen pr o to to send the Hangs- I own emanation, far too young and inexperi- Fmo Soil. I Mr. Wilmot. I drew trim hi. emeriti We will at tabe it ea. ourself Is say the ere' wan. rather tart nat.., on who. he aaidhe rte, m.o ' 6l ' __.'"'°" *"°_, '"'" * L a '`'',o,"_ a - '"ii • W. " W." ml . " 11•••• 10 one./ I eneed. Mr. Ba3ly (intemapting Mr. ft ) a! of I the belief that he would plane majorities of eerier!, son.. with the sentomente and renown. e ed.( to organ.. with a Speaker of either of ""'•• "*"...- •". •••°•• hth . m."••• eeit , Gltell•Ne.-A telegraph. dispatch re- i Mr. Bayly.-The remarks of the gentle. I the • gentlemen to allow him to make a y ' outlet. men weal them. ilepreated in them. although we do kw. them to the three partoes-under aoy Speaker but • den "" wl ' b ' *"ii preemblo •ed reatta aired fr om Berlin vis Cologne anoodneed I men from North Carolina, Or. litarde,3 do- I meal sap! tin ; whit& request bad Ille. Inge. What do you mean by a aa a tho eentenento of • CAA majority at 11.• people unionret.” 11. wow mei d wheel be pointed at a. " 1 " * . "*. ' kw !"'" °b• "• • "'1 emu.. mire i that the Austrian Cabinet has made • foe- I mend • rayon. from this solo of the lloose. Woo /I.••rted- lei. of mirth.. sea of thieve. tt ...id. be, moreover: not wholly dew •.. dionnienue ° Ile replied, to Mr. Meade. Mr. ""`"""°** 0 0 .10 00, and protest against the conrocati. of a; He has referred to the condition in which! ot Sir. B aid; I think lidlee to mired( mu Mr. Wilmot. I, WWI men who wiling atom -By tbs late Ault. of the husenshan. ' Gene. Parliament at Pettiest, nod that in 'we And oueselvee-unable to organise and ' the Boa.. t o nay that. anise I woe lam up.. toot what I dam to be the seeimeets of taco of lotooloom. One Gm -which meow le he Meade declared the charge fat.. Me Deer Mora' Math. ore in the pl.. onved--vie. that the molted hon 0 her. Thereupon a meut excitement "• e"'"° Bank, ..reds her mks. he.' the dispatch Containing the protest the I tramact the badness of the nation. It. I have had a eterertati ~,, with the gentle. j the-country. Built never hod, mad probabl, 00,10 .a. • , ime d - ensued-mem... fro. II elibre id the lie nub- ,*•,.`• "` •j• e gos • ''' wir•or. - • loop majority i Austrian Government alluded to the prole-lay. that the condition of thing. exi.tim le es. from lodiana, (Mr Brown.) I wee r Ale. T. Steve.. Have you a eopy of &thee, by . prinemel en , e . .. . .tere, me um toward...l.e neighboiheal id the oetnbotoute. . tic""" W•e '"• **""R W...." .^ co l hility of armed interferences by Austria, tat House '(which is but a typo of the ...dam in klilill lb. !..., ......p.A...... I the homer eon wrote m to ' , ni1.... ii , .... ~......„.„ , n....,,,, .... ~.,.., ...... b„,.........,,,,0 ib,,. them... ... ,h. ...; ~; ....., ~-... b .... 0,, r .,,,.. .1 In eh o afid e . o r 0,....„ ) ., Th e ...., lobe i,,,,zd„„ ~f thh,g. do _th e dd .., ) gi eee hail taken thee hetwan him wed the Free- , helium? I duke ban it, that 1 may tent being our female Teachers who have Moth ographio account mated that Me Govern- i hint . dare as hes as Clay awl Benton Kuilms• A 00 , ..r.ndellit has Islam glee. i , learn whether it 1.. d Ijoolll are 311 4 ,111 Mart denial. Thia,•• •• h.. said before, and roe the mem et dowerlovome. moth lifter tome time. the b e g ... 0 .,a 6 e u. u i.,,, diopei c h ter. an the S ee m, do t i. Womb di d R e edy." but in it he ar , aa ma 'het he had aniseed , the the letter to the modems.. Mom Mn." •Di k Wing we. ononottoeMy to hat a de- Ghember or quieted down, and Mr. Deer athed r.......r",Y Ps" ego eat " th°^l-° " "'h.", none het the Prussia moth! main- 'OO he teams to pr eke to daimon. the CI Ito in. idlidge hiwoelt, mid had aid no nom 1 ambits.... [Mr 1 11 lb ie.) on the te..eitt tided• is the honoree] fraud time the people. am' parolee M the Ilonw Mr hie Meath of de In -.L b ' °". "°:.°" * ' w h o '''' ..iii i . "..."; i i' li t'" """ bY * tails the league of the they King& and do ! Itla•istrate of the nation, i• al the other ...0 !than that. io fel.% the eummittem. he ',of wlacit, you and your frieuds deelkodi ok the pareet of ell enbermwel enes. If fie gook- toward. th steJ of ehe .o tes of order. It wee re. '-`:°°:• -° " •°• ,;, • '•:,."2, - - .1" . ,, d ,„'• "*P'• mk u,„,_..., ~ ofeelh.Aohere hut ...Ale' penrli bar .s. ere dm. that au i• nth. echoers" ' ' i " . •°•`'''*' -.°°°°-°"' °°•• '''''''''''' P.'11"".". 'thew awe d .. beee be. rd the intorylek Ae hung ....h . the eme, weuld Id.a member. id that party in coach I tin that gentleman. ...),..._..., h ,...g.„....,....., enlisted fall confirmed. !Rs tell. us, thellei. is tab Ibinitiond ND their ethedingie the Ike. Cad I Mr- ilthott said that he hod prellaffeff. 0«k -bail WI acted the pan at epee., wail. renantly glow •oat of it, rood eel Doer had ie, per the „ ton n e ... ~...h. rid abet ,. , Elute. -The peramlel qmerel. of Mel tlr Stsoley -I did not say that the the tawdry would neeet to him to make! no eopy of it. roman, who were dimmed te pet the moat... ohnorn hie Saco.. M'e think, however, th""°• :aorrelate - , 004.-m., tee, a molest behove members of the Legislate. Asambly tee- I eondition of tlings in the country gave me pater. Bet the eiirreepondonee will be , ?le. Brown of I.,diano, here reed, for boa au • safe, mlid bees . if they hod all of them woe entree. . • ...i e ., .. e n t ,.... the , g pe ......,„,........ whetting he more then half • dome duels, ino alarm, produced. ..ea it Mil speak for ineelf. ; the it.forastan of the limo& the &tan lea pad lo their lack in geed faith aal. of them _ ------------; I oceupied the chief atteMion of the Mr Bayly.-I did mt impute the remark Mr. Bow ret.rked that, when °aural' alluded to by the enthrall". Pemeyl - ti.e.treed • ts ro Ammo-A Dematriklic ' emu. ... tbs. Naas.. whieh the emba. sk S. MD. "ay ." 0.. " . .h.h " i " . , c oo , .., g . b je '. - Parted.. during the sunk . M. Pio. Bo- , that what .dual in this Home wits • type TM,. was • eaMide. for the Presidency,' meis,pnd then, hawing Meeker die ammo .... id ... b,.....0 , . „.........„.... ing in. 1111 ...sec wits held . lice .. y mere osteoded le M7-..g Where., mid of (Mother, •et which the fellowine .rutoom. ' ad ____, Impute has ilgunid in ea teeny to three for' of what existed in el.. .entry, to the gene b. MffettedlY cad that , if he should be I for tla @tippet ha iced noshed, willidrew . they ha, or be eaaw.S . the .... sette. . • ...„ 8.. ... .- ^ ! """ _._,'"!_,' ' 1 " °""' .. ._. k. " ."'' ~""" 00 000.0 row at therm eneemetere. ido a of the; Ike... That wa may own eosement • b ) eleeted to lb. Pread.ey_. be meld he the', his nem. fma the ealiVella for the lipsaker at inewevellits Atmecial Mt.... • aof • a.p.i. „.."": • "" dub, ""' -• "" o g• '''''''.* "'" lthmr "' """""" l " . . hi"' wit h ""*.il . " - eentethe have ...l e d family, but they have pareldheele, and not • quotation ? r the pt • lbesidett of the whole Unine • and net the !ship. taaillano.itoote-... , ....... tte., , • ""te . ." m *emir few de. 'thealelem• M... le 1 wi th ". •••• ••• 0000 • " . ".. 1. D ''.l l oane d to oo h • degree that the the- Ham.. I repeat. 0.1 the di bd. and P eteie of a pester Mt. Brown mkt h ' Afe Meat a A k e. Rowe. the pelf e a • that mw mate ' were • II Mt Dire Mete Them.. hod mteel etral tea.. , ••• '" w * I wwW. " lo f 10. --.1D0. . D " . ...."5'rt r. I eminent threatens bowp them by eery distract.. of )artko which exist in this he cone to the am of Weshingiten, nit or' Deessman IL 11111, ~.....m h.,. .... 0.05 h .., y 1. h... hom . ' akar& II ie gravely mrowleary to gay that th ey W. Dohs, the pewee (aka, aflame Mot I. lea., ...h i ..., h i ... • i p eeve. . b e , • VI, or .h., siejava le the dreaming of beim a emendate fur Speak. ' D.1.L8L,....,.._'' I. " . """ * "" d r2l" 6 I W1 ... A ." . ONr me th ems IM Wain.. sad... willed Mal . ' I" 4° " """°° th B, 6 " . " 1 . " 1 " ra"."" "6", by gm"! ho. U " .. "'D.D awl . Aieno•mise U ton.-Tic tad- i mantry at large. And who (embed Mr B.) er. ille health watt Md. Thera were old. 20.;;r,-,, - ;.-7,-:;17.7r. -,,,-,e4t...- ; ,,,, ;; wet hdimparentiees epee then la kb Tram ' am cot •of ►bell Thomaire-- ereepthleg was ging weigh. ; or. if they had... i ..„ _ • • 4. Doren& of modifying the Ometitutioe j h reeponeible for this ? She, if I hod been er and alder mama. of his political party y ee w•• • ...w o v e is o . c eows onow . mow_ *mem Ithrlemoteratiorte by des we. la the ethewity. ad mild not remihtle semitone*. 1••••••."1-rbg° ''• 1.4 ".• th• • "" * " 4 ' W i le IR he inereaa euqect of disemeim. !seed In demos to imam.* a carp of -gentlemen who were well vetoed in Par- rim • the Jedle. aid ilio Pone of Cameo • •• Remised. Th., ... meet .......e. e b b tho Clieree eat Demean ef mid hub Mb .. r .1 1 nli ; 1 • o- . . Y. • meet semodinit le Aar salmi. of Knoll, hetwrit.l eb .. ii .. ith ..., „. , ...„...... ...... .... oeolioheet. .4..11 they a.. .. rob hmy oespoied to obetego the Loshle. ;mike upon the pert of me of the great liamentsey law. He had no experience.- itt . ; at... 1 .,t0t that •5aki..............5.... OD.s.N.. $............1. 41 . Joy weal Mot Mehrhow• Dent it w.lly Mel t who vmed amt the war with ,k e , e .,. v l e jc.i - 7, many thou day hen vothier ado at dra freed., 110 A... 61 leto a seesawed body by !partie of thi• s ob which woold ingot- He had mew made the ottbilias his study. ,17;;;" 117 eade . ------ s;d - u:ss .-- ---( m... t h a . i .,,,, 11. nOon. b. , ..... ~ „. 4 : obe i.t.m., ~o, , ...........,,,„„d.j.a that tramothe. 00 Me Mb hat locally to. 1 lb. ealltb. oylb6 wominow, old M. yew ' tow, hone led to man conon of slap% He name I. the locomen Naas, ad ...it!. le hap to the ewe. mums reltheas tie "'h . .. ..r.... 1 .,h„ ie hi........ 0 j...... lea the . ,l i hi 100 1atee . 1 , 1: . .., Melted and motheme• Is Ito Miter.":"...,,,_. * 0 ... r .,, r -,......... 0 I body be avoided with the tower of' ekotiej I would have Pall them eeiate sn abseils- .11.0 1.0. erwebit.h. of Mr. Clubb, for me centreme. they eel ewe foe • acalla ma rata aOw hoattouste.he coo whit gam le the '. ~,,,,;I : te " rt" . ....,"" 6 ":" I.: pot mo ilinnelati•• ;WO dm tboy mo rte t =. Ds PMWIDD .. a szt "" i 'l the l'n" log - and molting quoin. of pobile policy who he weed repeatedly. for several Log andaholtaa - Ihterelblly yam. D. WILMOT. memo le ettethd....te • thlmem mato-ma' d.com . J. gon o e r tj e „, - .7, e , h. 0 .7,;,/.'";. - 1. ortkom. ont ...Beth tad to mboname de Me dim to ewe • period as maximal the ortarlding all other& mod melons, in No day& When it was summed to him that ' ano Wm J. &ma MN to • MIMI moat by es ladirmt ad obt• attaffiblf.. , . o .ed ...le, !Peen/M.7 ajla lapmtpum neogeoity of it herela appeal to vailvemd ehereater. Let one of the plat paean of le el probability,•(oteopying a neutral 0 Om. 10 Mr. Tramt. • • ape awn eery ,Teen m• be omplei- ... " 7".............. 7 %......,_.• alt_..s_„_taac alt 1,.. •••.• " * " . " 1 D.. D D Z DD ...,,,....• D. laragc -. • the canto, ten a mediae", the Pried- rem& nod ealtdoS teem • • ha &ea.) he , • ray he halltenbill.l.oo. l lka 4 als• 6 . 4 r0b;711.47 - c - co" . 741;" " = ". "1 ' ea-maltor am ego Mem It e l Is ..._ deney neaucling • doubtful peek.. la re auk tioneentrsto so groat a vote se any oth %maw to it, 1 let him allow lemma In le to intlividusl.he maned ihmaggetalet will eel. Mad 1 bo Mate epabot d a. ea Mpelloact orb tab 1. ma le pad teith. MN. thia ' nopect la goimithe ...".... 1 . am Omer Mt *mere awed Ma ~..._. Y. _ 1"'",... D...D .D,.‘ u.,..,• 0 '.•••••• strew emsrt of-this_ AM. ► has deeded Weerneelest Cerr. Doc It Illik Mk !Pa._ ST Yee ,. ., ...abates Weeml.- sow Deer fert,le arm to rooro a Ilk recoll wel ml Me le Oak meal, Abu WHO abhor 4.1._ ,d.......•,.. llaa - tawny era Samehr . ' ' - * oh paned le oath maim open lb. ge....1 NOMA Mit.lollllllltht. He bad no emit Hemet ll lailleawalliate• abluieWet yk,hookalchatod or mew. te hoe me eon re• of wool.; tool to Otte we ewes er e enema (s. oras. Ob. ~„1 ~....,,, god s hoMand has ue els% to that hi .. i ... h ...... 0 .. 0 w i i i i disii „.. . h. m.o. .• 0........4 h. ... ... ..i. notamee Ur Doe olTokalia. so tboTonem lame ho o tot of Make las me or.uom la.' ttr=" . Poe .h. ell.* I ) I " . b. " **Ma " 6 " . 46 P'""""" a 14"7 her", el " ..d 10 low himself, for Mute me, to b. ee m tZttotr onotto to . tile, If ids politioel r- ""• • "" h•J "'"",•" •• • h•••••• " . " 4 " 41 " •pprillse. gals , In• m m= , Whot mte at his rmlms tat wtsdiege. _.." • "l at the Noah era the grated that he ma te had • _, P.. aatiollitetiley is mid parbiallo 1 mot • ..,;...”..0 om lt h alo math " M. Mae co to her mom Me ao Moto oems re tee ss^4 salad tettaraf ia• reseemali. 1 .-- a -- 11ree Sam ad Imo Mayo Mei ihe Dowd artlim Mai boa oempod *.7 wwweak.,... $ ""' D MD eons, te her ahotraeriseet ewe Nat mail l e t bow of otal- ..eery nmatesitme by mold jam bee. their etandidate for the as oteeed to too wow.. orderer,. sae Ito ory ea mita boa ark ootora Ed we mem flay hod we en , „=•t„,....-• 7 .... 1 .=. • Amore atom engi demos MA IMMIIIa Sr DS inD ., D t h f..,.... 14 " 1.04 , Ceeereek end at the meth as the .ly peak...lp. Bet it was migrated Simi. ke.thl Me Ob. Madidtataltadi i• "lima me am •f_t_WeleeS tad all talemiald . 49 . 00 hi r . "=" l ‘" "' 1 """" 7 " bov e la Weld It from Mem ; allow Moser Mang Ibis mettle' rasa. of slavery, he inta thaninattaanf a Ww7 sk...thsr W. aarlothOW dakball Moan !Mend Ink M • ' iit I . ~ ,w ee.efeweeedetewevete of eleolif • the MS, le a ether. uhis amonahateolmoor haelk* b. meamolei epee ell la potpie. AIM - 1 Weal 'I; Oto ." =. • r,... .easy i .i. i ... 01 „........ h . i .... ii rws. vim , te elected by dee ate' of el e'en WWI We rep • mamba M Magma. eal • coo- g . i . uly, W . S . woom. -' • --- - • kale* Mesa of Ms More eml dimwit mpantly, had eel Toga oe say of those m. De meo w s. _,i I 1 . 11 Ltitualad raid.' Je..SW• t..yeetri teimegileege iethe seed { meof hp melee. Let hie shoo lewd.. H. ova • "cake' . b " iiw Me Vert Pohl that. so see of the memo . ii=m:o k ii,,Liy , "i v ,: • - 45.. dinethda,isairk-...,....... Ile ahead) let N. beep up tide Mate of Lams pent ion wee Maw eenelderelien. „ N um. 6.., dm. !sub .I. ea, fowl , • . ---- ..,.tr...0. •• . IT. Peetto '. 111 r. I N. 111. ambit ii Most In4nol these wood" , 1: 4 4 t . 1 44 . 0 . mod • 01...- r• •Imi'• 6 l„ TI 6 7:= 1 ",.•14:: . Week with Swot whWelef sod IS .1f: t=. I ''''''. her owes en the ell Petit Theekem bet le ems Sew Toil Mete er elteatelety.- Me nedomie who bed jeet tame Me NM has all thli Awe* sell toll we, sir, tr say %edema the South welorotoei the potties I. git is geg 4 . b. sly , IM ~le Uri 4.. ...........,- 7 . 0 ---- - =1..1%A ptt I. ...period Um Slat him C•liiiirale L tell. Bigh.m. D., . . .0 .1 ....11 14 0 ...1111.0 04 1 1 *TR P.A. Mt. twOmithhavr boos esl.ol,6et SAL IbMI 00.11101M1Plin 011%. Moe I. my pailaml • '36•0 X .1.4 ow Nisi Wolf lir lb• U. 11.111•00/11•00401.4r ii.. etit .. .... Am paw etc*, ill& r • .101r1 anue. all MINA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers