" &Me 0. C. HUME ID, Editor Red Proprielor. 1"oi,(;31E CI Ihri A Thai 013 f. II It I Tiy nelinrrou.. u.ork dun , . .\L' rillltt,rnt %nth c./..q/uarouil. tnitt 'l'l, lwrk•larli loot 'fl.. 1.... u.... I. nr..lr'l. ~I.:r. li 'I.. il. i. 1...... i.. 0 u.sd 11•eu%;.,14 'lh. Trdrom f II wmg lot ter from 1194. S T.• MEE nes eeteil awl ihhiresting T. tilt rs Prosiotts t hre.liste, ent the Cal ifornia tiohl t ome-, 11111 hez progre.siter i •PI 1.11.,. filllll,lll. It.: settlers, sod th.• gr,ii ill .1 nor tostos e-sit sting a health) asp.hu Th •hrei moss fr... thosel hill', L.) -hind still. The grain isa• left half snorn the roof half shingled ; the ,'art in the pied, exposed to tie- ram- t the plow ill 1110 tar row ; noel the Oise...led jehes of the hie mees teams actually showed whet.: lull !dewing when the lion news tesehed him This elute of thin:, eoutiiimal teem that tints till just befoto I kit the e itmiry At length business was ' Our people hail refuel...a several empleuments bro. with them from thiithrtihi donee hod foam! . end the stele 111 ' \thin,. nit the, poneltl.l,l hio owl d that lilac firwatit the eret mmit of Ores.t isi'l L .th °runs. I feel as'. in -.it no, and will i• iittihs• t thin w gs in I tr.-gon. 'rile I bewares, will fall, sod it for the imprusetnent of th should. Aside from the boob , consumed by the ineressis egon, yon will bear in mitt to tornish lumber, mit oil ==l t I..uht. that fr,, •wilk .r.. 1 lit thi4 i rt..te pri , e 1.. 1. , 11 , •iri. , th.. 4 thatt.t• .1 tr ail that .... aly far that what, You have no need at armoire—that are ~,,,,:,,,,`,,,-,..! k r: .‘,.. ~-,,,.....,, ~ ..... ~ ' ' k cll.; a e aasi os ~, 01 11 , o unon I Irene well a; ta. aaot •• t,a1,1 , .' li e. v .-, .. . . . . oat, a ',t • pl e ety or pieces where mills are IIOW ilt .p. ....., , 0 mix , . ii " 1 ' .' "" ‘" . ",'"," 4 . ...ll.idi I, lal ,I ~t tee ~x) . re . ., A, p a t Ai d) .outl iaten.kd A. 1., P ',weal. A ii.m. , ',', p. at Atie.,, Ow • r•mv• -I. il'Arwi'i I, t: tt , ~..- , ,zil TAA , t1... ,,,, ~. tl.• .ri 1 •i , b .A . 11, Ilauv. ~ ~. , ,; oration, and whore ~.. Pan pr..tare all the ' ~. ' lre .'"' ' el ' l ' l 'T ell " 1 " ... :end la iv••tely 'Fla, en. eon, a i on d i ot raalait‘ 0 .1, .. 11" , • 0.4 , , u• rt. i ...A. li.A per(....1 'hie 1. ti.t —ll , O N.Ol will 11 1 . 1 ,14, ~ ni , M11.1.1111, I. i: A .,, / , ,ion were elo, - n '','''' '' lll ' l ' . power you want. lint I ...oh! ro....maien.l n 'V.." l'''''' . ' '''' ''- ....ii'"l . 6,0 12.0111'01 SS WI liti, lwi:rie I orprt .. LA 'sled • ,r• t•cl et the 1 ., 1..1 I. whom tht y va. pa oto to y to ...1., • nll ta ei. '1••11 nI .. Intl :.• V, oat ebt'l. ti ac list nem alroad. :',,. 1141 .' 4, .., Alain.. said: you to locate at lob. l'io v. et the Pall+, ac The Q 0.4, r (-,:.# t.,0,3 rrm.n.l:s: IL di ',whin, a. it O. .., tat•a•ur., be i.a,,- lit Th , .: eon 21. , . In. o di-grace 1,1 nick. 1,144r:d0. all the, wt N 1 1 24 ,V hi ll I'.. a: say mph lc .1 .tied p`t!,ir. the erlto con- " Ilk: waahl tell gantlemen, motility snot there is ,lettined to ha Lima..... grant toverolne.. ..Ibegonlico 11. t• nom!, r o coo t palog IV, b. •••1 there o ill 1:;. loot tar. •leternaloail.lll. t.l Sl,lle 01 ~ V.I. "0..4., ill the . rpaien. ~.,,,,,, , ,,..1; .0 ..,,,..,••••• deelno , I boot tal ernlict• , l•• le , b•rtot en 'III+ `boot 1 Y don 0000 et''':',.. thee 'here nowt , ' wee Yoe' , 1 . ..1- - Wring town ol the Pacii•• I' •ast Lima -t , rto he ill troth 11..• lama. 1..1 ti. , A ,.. ,4 tire S .itt*,—.o , , A., ~, ~.. I, e 1.. .1,11, m 1 ii .1. uhi,llt , ..) Ia I :.,A. the en...a, ~r the pot, lir-. ,'.. , • , .lAlmaa n,.. a rela• . t.. a ., rt.i... mill la. 1..b..n 11. la the 11110.0 WI- log„ ,, .1... "..1., oat the mouth Gila exist* li,. or, the west. dig of the Willaniett,.. ai- rise to •-t highllol la. t• to the , ris e ..r ti. ,heir 1,,,aa, mai he A i i a a c i t h“,,, r . L. r bublo e ra oio.oly to .1. mood Tim.' a troot.,l itt pat i J , .I , li 1/.1 With •:. 01. In is hi. .y.,u iil it love , in,. a p.p....1:xi mitose s I,f lala. to.w. I tell geollemen, that it they loner the featly opponite Oregon City. The river at a,. T.. dt tt•ty his iietim 1.. hic r• ono—to thin i.ame come when ot m a y, mi d y t w ..tll to rely an e olio ten i.leol t v., whi.At ti,e 3 yell l aye a r.mtlnlling tozej A IA ) wA.,, u , 1 ,4; and jhy. It will reicrlterto, ti•ronch all Wilmot pr, o, Ile. beet friends oi Ws I'n. thin Iwo is but • • few hundred feet whle, -tab him in the daokoo m , am one woold flood erne ...arr. ~ine, c o nv e rt.' i n t o , a knew way given iu traol and t r .. L ary I Ile sinoph -t ,anootte.t. 0 for the iroore—we the in . sl cocreion. ol Cc C.A.14,1.1.30 y , and iet 01114. pert..., 11 , vr.••ld any to gentle and off., e,ery facility for bri4gitig—o wilt , ...op' heart— to mangle. hack and miring of flea Id o .I utter iris .. . leave the 111.11ali.) and lito.ty ~f this putty are denounced ~.0 ..m., , ,,.....,..t. aw l 1. , 1 , p. mot I.y a t1...- nod advancing get- noon from the , o Booth, Mast if the An• eltanoe for • NOOO Yorker to boron, his burn tit, 11. d body, in order too d•stroy the threat I am proud to believe that nor to be tested by the .iniplo fact of the toe.. fact itairts, 11,1,1 t 001... we are met -, it li the ernti .., Sir. Ia 1 ,,, ...,',.` or tire tn.. ~ 1 Wilnod Pno ion be Ponwel I IY lelh (mares capital lit tainetracting n toll-bridge. °video.* of time crime, dogged forth to Taco un ball sides of tho line aro equally action, w i ll, the chyle remark that the. a le ere of Y Union, 1 Ilion " Sir, w e h a , i. 5.,. Om North et. riiiich attarkt.d, aid speak. of Cougrem, then this role... Mae be die- All eloime ore hold in that c o untry now the gate ‘.f the world, even as the murder. bravo; but gentlemen will g ao l a diff e renee the men wh o se .11*dt:flees hav e too rest, . cad that too. It is too tete. I hav e need ins n lost I lootw in he their netaitnents, I solved. We all remember , Ire ellseetlt by ....,.. ~ ..t.A.I of the roe de, emelt re' er was felicitating himself upon hie escupe between men e.ndending f o r their fireside., amount or what th..) cell the s in o f ,la,ry all my energies from the le,inning of this' soy a discobotittn hf this Union in; motet be, speech of thostmelemeo from Vitgh.i.. (Mr' : M .11 •I ) delivered at the close 01 elm 8 4 1:11 . .f ., :he o Ll i , t4 . 11 , 5: , :lk , e i r idn '1; 1 11 4 a 0 ititen; f a r g o e tn . s.e.pic or u iz. , The erisiolual r..e..tda 01 on tool the robber. 01. I ar e to eeltfhg t o d en poil The Whig I arty pre'ented their notoin,, 1 1 110iint. I. oat, Ilir eciiiiir Iron this tc.n• ,boll 1,, . Imp . .. Able. cc icc4 en liii Amer,. •t n rt . , ..___ , Pedro, Y. furnish a parallel to incl. them 4 their a c hes, and degmde 'bent be. who ,hes rec, isnot the sopport od the meat volsion. I Imre resisted what I d ee m e d heart beau.° en Americo. (mimeo, or tho lust or 11,,..4 UV. , U....... , / .., the of land , and to le run as nearly as to be doom like them. fore the world If there be any southern majority or that party. N o pl o d, ee n e m unnecessary end hurtle' agitation. I hoped Almighty *oda His vokolom end His geode andthe motto; n The Union must be pla ta the reedioal points of the cowman* I Still, even in the faeo of acentoulating man who world rouse to stand by Ids asked by t h e northern mentions.; Out par- soilst hope, that a oten-c ol jostler and nee. en aside end to Ulm at. . served." He (Mr. H.) had hem. that world ...ask th•• el•hne, party of Roblin oircumartantlal orldence, wo earnestly hope country in Masa an emergeney, to There tr, fee the very nuffi .the r ea s o n that , b e b o p patriotism would h o le th e North t o ne ttle Mr. fitefillernand Sala he did net perceive beoner doolog the Putt year , he' Yarned G and town lots le that ....ley atesold,meet. that Dr. Webster is not guilty of this d ee d, are none," p o i a l nevem' voices,] he would in a majority or nearly three to row, they them ,pendent upon prineipley honorable tile la opriotY of tide debate. we are now with hi... " hi. "' ln° . ho bade rks. seed. or enneeNed ae freely as if the claim. and that his i cmore may be made maid. not. merely Int exaerated by I l ia o wn people, were very abundantly able to tube care of and sole to both amain. of the rodoof I socagod in Irving to ebonite a Speak*. He to 1;1" people w r li k bad. I'd"' for •I , he ants possessed the title thereto In fee-aim- fest. but his owl, eloilareot would heap OUTHaI up- themselves. I did not net with them, be- Lore ',looted . reference to motional tole them that • k new t hen wes too such plo ; each one relying fully upon the faith Dr. Parltman is eniol to hero been a had on Ma grave. caned the event. 4/1 the past, of the 'amend, form, re-inting extremes et hems end reeling. ee t.hje.te. H e b e d r ated for four Jonah•e in the people of the arch to stem.* nod iroomati d She 00 , ...m..1 to con- landlord, and a hard creditor. e xacting the Jr. Root. The intoponhiona bef o re th e an d th e prospect o f th e f u t ure , Toren th e abr o ad, willingly *objecting myself In t h e or five &ye for a anu tb eroo membsr, andlea• to deAfede them; MI," W lb. .I." , IPT^tla. Ana to them their titles; at. lop to this lost penny- under all .sans afforded him House are two In number: first, that we conviction upon my mind that ll...crests a•parsions of ...mien, and, tar wow t than ready to onto for him win. Me was el - nweld merge pct ' s W I. lan. hoesw „Ste.wk moment, these devoted noes of the Amen- by kw. Ho wit• man 0 1 WM.." fowl* onto for SP•all• by ballot; end, moornily, of my section of the Union are In danger, that, the misormetrootion of friends, deter. was to as ready to vol. for southern as for leg of these thing. be felt sompallea to ea, con Melnhlio have holloecd it 0 rile then- eely. Taking theme farts into eo n.lers., that we avow O w of the ow e t witee t et w . b o g lam therefore . w illi ng t o s omenoler mined to struggle f o r en d accept . 1 , f a i r northern eandiammt of his political Wand. ,ebetlf eh . .. units nth l•••••ded to Ur der en the Government they adore for Any dun, we soy sarree th e scene which took fuestime of the Chair; .to moderate the ,tho great power of the, Speaker's chair with. !and hancrat Is adjortment of the.. noes • 'R•-deolred te litaelran wpol.ll.a oo ktat Union is r••• ~ CIF AL„,,tr the I I..vrttrnta !plat e to Welt•ter', ittont, who. tlelttttr ItL•t; 'awl. The eltiel ervtltt. r • no..ntat ttl th. re 'the tlt•ltt III• 1,111114 C of cutting it instiltittl It) hi: erelit.tr, ill a lit t.ltittt.t tle non. n:ni Il.e tit L.! i• tat t.: t rt a r..rge II kthit,...ll, .1... • too attt t.t e htttl, jte•ltott te the . tttittr, , t7ll t..tl,mutt- .; in.t IA it There te,t,.11 aft I.tet. t It.trrtl.ll• I.lllltir. trrt In. to aa , eit that them IF st of liniLir olrattio, it 1.. t Y• or brotlor .n. ,, Dissolution of the Union, .11. z t„1.0. .t.e,t ,r 1.-i -her :1, .t m the I s t on . r • r t.• man nine I.Blllpmk in 110) 11,1 .ire• harry country, 11..1 ito, pl.. 4 t 1,.• t ,„,k p 04 to 111.. ,t,) , lymtlit IT - • Al, .f 19". I 111,1,111 I It.publi. au Lib,. th• tell . . I L,il el , '4%111 MIZI Ir. I ..o' '•• • :Lit .1 11 alf Dr. 1k eb.trr •• • 10 ) irtl•ll,LK,l lii 11 , . , 1,n 1 , 1 %\ /1/141/ 11 "1111 'll/ . 4' ./1/ 1.111 11...11.1 //11111./l, 10: It 1,1 1,, 1 / 1 1 1 / 1 /1a 111/ 11.1 1 Ilot • t.mt , it , a 1., it. .ttat• t , a•a.a• ‘ lam- I I:a I:tit, 1 , 14, tt !mot .1 t '6,1 taaatt ;tad r , - , 41,111 ~f the Is: the %%1.-I. Iht 04. , 1 a ,runt 'I I tt r• ... . W,I, ' II 1111t,111 . , ..111i .11,3 vver) 1% I I nIT =ET= MI=IME I,4i,itig larl:• and teallist., atl.l et., tv 111 t ItlT•rd Lunih ..1 children tam dignity to kee 1.3,% .1. , fart, the inter.,,nnondeati. !nal re,..11 1.114.0 Loi test 41 1., to i r lc,tur. 4 111. , t 11.• th,intv th Lt ..01. uloklt• 1 ,„',„„„ „ h „ „,.„ 41 , 1. I, ha 1.4 git • h ~,,,,,1. ttltip.. but ll,d,ee. ,k, I. prthl. .i,,„ t ,, „„, „ "I"intic .0. Init.. 't itr.plttlatit..4 • it itt the „ 0,..1,1 I. " • ..t ho taku 31 "' " -14 • ..C11.• 144 . . it 11111., o.7tt 1.1 ..r•lct t.. k „ at, he gate ttp.rtga- t , i . ,„,a ) the rilethttht .pf slush per,...mt , 8.,, , ti• ha had at I,IIIIIIVA f . i 1.1. • ..11,,,t1 I t the .• P . . I 'U.,- p • , L„irII1 , 1111•, 1 ,, r. mv:v the, j tl. nt att:k alt t :at„,,, „ „ 1 , 1 „ . Not ..1 .rt.w. ,grol attmaleil ~,.„ ,„„ and pabli, r., n. 1.1 at time% lad a pri- ti„. tl „,„ vat.. 1r nt the \ then rata. 1111VITOSE. PA.. Till RS'll,ll, DITEIIIIER 27, i,o), hig. ,, f the j•au fin. 0:11 ll ' - I I. 1 It l•Itt I t is. 1, e It t I Imuld put ti 1 i 11 al I th.LL I I I I 8 'IL I I L 1 \ i Ii II i I 11 li t ll t 1\ 1 I k I II IL I, 411 4 • 1 , 1 ,, i1"11 M tII I I.) IPI Ihe I , •1111 '4,111 a krgoi...iti ii, a lair IV I;.rth fr"at loth 1, ll.r I • the II i c 1•.. f ~licli e cc ti Is I kt.ci I r i• I hove :tn Curtin. Iruni t ult e I t,. I • not q colv stlip.,rtul ittitiog liith J.lllll t.l. t tlt• ..r tolit It -tic!. Sp. aL, 1, •it h , 111,1 01 t• , tar Icy a ma ,itatioo lolt•t t te of ore to Int commit se • litefinocrilt iii..troto3 i.l I 41. • t .twit n , .11 1 ,r .11 1 n iii /I. t,l tl.. II ink it , t ~. I %sill mi. 11 , I ..r. t• .o. tI., ..; itit.l .1-1; twu gre 111'1 .lIIP t•. e all 11 , t., ro t their li‘ril.et irt I-iitill. , line I, gi‘e 111'1. I Sr, I t, I' 1111,Ow ! ...• !, .` Z'l , l; 01 It IT . T. :Tr , I 1 , / tl 1 1.1• ' . l 111_ , I, Fll.ri .1.1-, .• 111'. 1.11 NI I T •• hi T. 1 .:1.11 Tit tiTTTi.lzited I .. 1)J1 t , .t i;(.1$11.1, 1.0 1 ,, ,• bvlsve,n AVI 1 . ,n1 '.•mig!•t o. atgal 1011,..1 .1 t,..“-.11, o ',lt LI I 'I tart .1 kr .i.vo I 11i ,I flit I r I. .1.1 17'7 1.. .1 I• I LI II t LI It I 1k I :t .0„ 13 t I - t I .t an . , 1, h lit, I. tl Bali Id I .• elf th.it , dJ 1.1,, a pr.]. Ir. a !dutAlit a- a la-t r t af, str uoinince.ll:l , lll, it 11,1 .n tho , whig 0 I t i I I t I I 111 1111 iiil .1 this II It al t I !sr 1111 1 nnl 1 AC. )Ir said 01 the ..ig.itiiz 4. lent nela ..II miolt, 1 .tt 1 1 ul I 'I pp.vec d l'we icreacw• t it a t: % • ; / n le 1r tt I II • rt I tt •t tl I •• t LEIMEIE I ht. , i , ~• .1 t ,al al I 1( I I at I 11 I ,111.1 nll 1 , 0 •1`11,1.1 I.lll' 61'11111'11 I 510.111.1 I w.. 11 1 ,1 •1.311 loc . Wall:ter %VII,. I had, •n, I in ,In . l, I in ILA a in • it i• Ili., Vol• Pitt'lA I 11like, Sir. I pri I 31.1 =A= =ME or, w qi ill ,11 , bet. 11. `l• it. NU 010 1 . 11 . 1111111. II I I ,e 1 I 'II I .1 ti I 1 I I 1., I I 111 I I I \ it II II I. I Ilr I II• ir rl • II: I I I II I n.t I, and patri.dio feelings and principb++. seoh • ing no per+opal nor seeti,,al obj,, t lid went no floor for the g•wl of the w twining. oo ho did, oatien..l vies r, when., er twin party may lose it, eati r.al eliaraeter. then he in fit ol it or aurora fl Ito would belong to other pal t. MI • kns b.reed by dira.neoesdt). Ito tru-t+d that the disasters 'and disgrace apprehend+ owl by a,ime of his southei it friends would ever be reAlised. Ile had Contributed 00 'thing towards it. Ho trusted that the than; will never come when parties in uii, C.lll try 0 ill be divided by a gerwrapliest lino An the Unip- times NI'111;Elt-52. num Ilne in times post o‘ereolud every tlitrieultv. nod outrode every store, lbw al.•Ding it. will its en retire in.l • , ICI,, prt•ser,e it from impending deep r , I .1, n , ,t a,glavating the ex - ',• t , " .c !". •,t .•\ her., hot blok th., . utteiTti , t, nolubers to thl bosh... 1 I.4nre 111111 e that we pr ~. rks by et.t leg on the ros , dotion Mll, ~I.oolop.ke se follows: - . I the, gentlemen et Ib . If (be reprou.ntatives of the 11111111 said we will die- I nom tittles, you elect our of. C. , 0 veto dm, and so *4 NVould '" v 1.1 1 rr4 • I; iro ef the Iwo `,„'l” 1. •t. t. tranytilit% reign for- di '' t.t tn. I • list "r i, 1..1 'lir 1i t.. it .1 •."."" the g.iverinent its !wirer e ..... n ert ai.ere, fat till ink in ,ritirea tlitre wait a mark tin 111 II (0 no Is RI Wing T 1 le •• tile human Lmlt Take off a „ 11. a , 1 li , ,I I I” ` 1r i i t . =ME on here still a b. , ifv,ll.lit a genii ... .ted &tat became of the slia e•seil 161110 Nil it tint wither and 11 Now Eaglan.l hadseparated the Li what si , ,uld she le.eti wow. .•. IC /li.- r.n . here stew and Feel Oho hot Wir.h to be ralh.tl on to Jimmiee tott , tko f ish mole than aught due the .11/1 Jut I 1 • I .1 .by ..tat berm attar the revolution- Alt upele But l tell till, Ilona° that th.. Wilmotuvi eonsattnitatual at .eeti , el of the countly, Irma that day 1 . . het b. ; whether thet L.l:leers it er nut. it wall he round tor tine This Union wee formed for ti; amen benefit We wee anathema Ito. r mutual ho nett us well as the peoida .1 ill,' Hill It was not 111 have OUr J.r feelings tranipl , d on ; tv , d I tell untle• en tie.. wha section they may c m ome, 04 tu be ever deceived on thi . subject Wa tt JI net submit tu ttvgLo.3lol'zi nn uur right. Every weld nu this ~.111.j. et by my vAleugne plr Tnutide , J ntecte e rests.. Leary. II gentlemen nuppose that by hynts to the I Ilion, it ... t.ll . he rev -er.erl, they iniAal.e. I. 1,. 1 111.1 %SA! 11.1111.1 rd Olt 111111111{011e Juliet and nut be F1•1111e• the weak subject la ti Inca: inns of the ntreing. I think that ti.i4 debate may as well mane ten, at ,liver 111111.. and that the American hoot 10,Ly he ; it has belts rlunthetite 4';,;,g'aill2itiVV'et,!!:r!..9... tit) 0pini..t.11,.. Dire the Nowth , Welt yott nt,,lf trill ritlentnn's •••.- tatiglot Th,, It: git.Cl;f;.l . . . olt.to.ltnlellt to the nu.) Is v o lt ll.e rinviple ol plafit c. Would lat,e piers ap. p,ntlag, to 3.40 l'olon ?-11, toe, I do aot th•loaie .tt her.. I• -day: 114 N,u, . . . . . . ro I 11, ii 1 It .11 II 11 ( I ill m 1 .4 1 '4 I I I I th.,t tl tt. lola, the uoirerse, that, I mould with., the southern cont, with r owl all 114414 wrist .6 1 .1,11., N ... h. ~,,, ruble huelilleo, time that we should for ono submit. to tirgrid.o . . ;rem spidnuno ] •• I 00t.1.1 boy, in the language of }COB , 4411411, to that too who would not stand up Lc :meth, .ou3 tho curses of the eter nal i:• , 44 rest It]„ , , lii. head!” Mr. Cloonek soh,: 1) 11% I 111 I I I li II I I tla I to .0,11 a di • la a lat r el tit .1 t tl 1 IR G • • • • n• ply to the gcnilonnit ~, lr,tn Plr. Baker.) TI .t gentle "',,"" " mar, hwl ,aidthat the north would not In,- `"" ,'"' ha' that the POUtil would diasolve Littl 'He felt a 1,10.11 011111. that any wtil 0 •" one thonl , l that the mouth thwerwed such a tep.aelt The notth.aaitl the gen ." tleloaii out lllinoil, would not listioss the ' • ~, nth winlcl to tell hair ,Iliot siu nio earlio-t ; your op. WIC rip!. further, ul, in !lin Inn ^"•1 "'' eirott nii e, 11. ague, au nil! Wadi pin Ili• i,khril ott 1011 . 1 a lew aords—lnt , I l'ouure , s pans a bill to alavery '•••• awl" l"' ti,•• lii,triet or (N.lumbi., vs , . the " .....t pra nod pledged himself to l'•' `""t duo.• r• sobition in the., words He_ • soh • d, That this t:i,iou he dissolved." ' t . it )1- Itat wu will pass one that '' ll it Oral the •li•noilved. [l.alighter.] 11r, I' .kook. Thus the South wouldl eh.. e I • tint gentleman and to etas North South Cs, most Caro 14.orgia, Al.klmnn awl Mir... Thin ar ,' e all ..d luucc rc.mly v.. 18 f , ,r it. [Av01c..... rad Vit.. mi ,•• 111'4 1.11.1 Vitgit.in; awl what. wog. al, I. 114/VI, •• veld not t h at passionate witiolt we have listened have ..teol then to preserve the Union. inottain there independence or all cli!, would. There ir . I 'IL Clo north to llll • I I • • 'li The petopl, ol It on if they were tin board of hip, and it it were scolded, they r...1..trn together. There none ~...cet lent convention, called the I Contention, composed of patriots. •Illk n They ndvoetteed the dila°. IZI=2I!2=2M
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