demanded the extradition of the Mongolia Iffrowt ffill/mmadtak I An Ii Mon.-Altheugb ..maul FRAUD ! FORGERY! h-....... l a. ...., aft offiaers, Komoth,, l'ennel,l A little work with the thong title, hee eanoot be an honorable mat without being . impolonty a.m. try Dane F.I. KC.. Me vit. Se bone. Mr, yet a men may he strictly "eem he.. dim P...liee• by ..r. t . —.4. ffieemerasms, and their companion.. (recently been goblin; din England. Among A Russian General arrived at Condon*. other roles and laws laid down, is an ae- booest without being honorable. Honesty F:4::rtetterm “ rev ' e ' st .. .....l l :7 m ee t e ' of . Pnia d trier! oople ea the 15th . • special mission .-' count of the arreatonks to be performed on refers to pecuniary again : honer refers to rh.. mem. nod vender. of seme of tide spark. That . peoisl minion being to bully the Bal. 'being promoted to Her M a jesty. It (may the principles and feeling.. He may pay wolf.. not .ty stole n dhe net, but ...Me tan into a compliance with the demand. of he interacting to them who bate no desire. his debts punctually, he may not defraud ,I M the.r.l. v.. ones err mew nuPoutsbloo ..- .Austria, • manoil was held, god the Turk- to act mush • part. • men, and yet he may set dishonorably. • ' ; ',:`,Z,7, ; T a t .. n I:1,z, seem tr . ","21 - lab Government resolved not to surrender "Advancing towards the Queen, the cis- He sets dishonorably when he gives •• nor- 'mad no ...khan n.nom• Will=tr:et the the Hungarian refugees to either the Rum- iter hand e the mo.d card which h. her respondent a worse opinion of hie rind. in 1... an. of men Mee meantime( e.t.a boa- Sin or Austrian Government. •On their, brought with-hies to the groom in waiting, trade than be know• they deserve. He acts ..„_,....., Be wow /me mee for Dn. Pesa decision being eomraunieated to the Sultan, , who stands in the Throne doer of entrance; , dishonorably when he sells his eontmoditi. 1 K WZ..4.1.71N. I:Vast .* ..-i. he declared, in the most impressive and de- , the groom In whiting hom . ediately passes let lee, than their real value, in order to gat 1 A gen t , ° ' nut ' terneined manner, that the refugees should the card to the lord in waiting, who stands !away his neighbor'. dustmen. He wt., s ili fIvrVITV - eat be given up, lot the consequences be still nearer the Queen, and by whom the ; disbonorably.when he prc uhases higher than ' what they might name of the visitor and that of hi. friend,' the market price, in o rd er m a y h e ~,, r m., In Ibmeek. en The 4. i.., by Rm. A. a Wm. , - erm. t We trust' that Lord Calmerstou will do u well as the room of the prmeatation, are market ; the mket upon another buyer. He set. on N . T "to Meson &mu I. his duty as nobly as the S o lt. h.. d one audibly announced from the card to lion 'dishonorably when he draws accomodation ! iio, Mr. Os.. N verm.o, both of Dtmeek. his-that Russia and Austria will be given Maienty. ( hills, and panes them to hi. brinier for dim-' to Ftwebite le .•er• 2 •dt be' R. , wet 1 0 Weelley , to underotand that war with Turkey for .. Here it will be neeesoary to inform the' cnunt, as if they arose out of real trans.- i Mr. W .. K . nave., 01 Le.... to M. cm. seek • cause moan. war with England . , reader on two poinin, which perhaps more firms. He acts dishonorably in every case' r M . Herr, oak s fanner place. We are pleased to find that Kossuth and than any other, ,jive rice to inquiries.- I wherein his external conduct is at variance, thilealwar,ml:a. lie gay; H. A . R iley, Mr. Emmett! his oompanion. are furnished aid] pasaport. First, every hand on the Queen's presence with hie real opinions. He acts dishonor-1 . 1 „„„,,, a ; ""'" t" e m thvmate. an it from the English Ambassador, and we trust I must he unglosed It would be a griev- (ably, if, when carrying oust a prosper ous that every assintance to Popp:. him will outs breach of court etiquetteto hare non doe .w he d. not allow his sewn(, and I _ _ r: qIIYI be rendsred by England, in gaining the ! erred hands. The subjects of • Persian j•Miam!.., through whim. 'Menlo.. ho oh- 3 Tt; E TlkaU. ce %dependan of bin country against the ' monarch hide their cantle, and take off their Mine be sue.. to elan his prosperity. - i re.. ....• hew r ake attacks of Russia and vassal Austria - 4 Lace ; but in England every hand I. bare 'in all these eases, there may be no inten- ( ma , so so Iriours,tola ,es7sse w. I Leedom San -and of co.. clean ! 'rional fraud. It may not be dishonest, but , tac t. ammm'a m et" t" to 0,. ' Au ..... axe Mummer - The latest •• The second point is, that . levees, the ', it may be dithonorable conduct. et" 17.'0.a • r . Z: 'l7 Tr "'' !! MO d e oa S •P et i::•:' I lr tiN It accounts from Vienna are to the 13th ult., person who present a friend, does not se- de inclusive, and brings the intelligence a ono oa•poy him, to the premnee a tho Queen. I Chtheettha . T.:mi.-General Bell, I um.. ~„ t, L' . .;. - %,.. , . 0 , ..... V, surrender of Peterward. to the Intperiol fri obtaining the patronage of • distinguish- I who has recently been elected ffi nvem . i g11t",'„,,..",,,,„•!•;„ " t": aa ,; ‘ ,....t ~,,,,,., 31; 111 JAI troops on the by ult. Pan of th e th g . ed friend, the visitor is not to exp ee t his , Texas, has addressed a letter to Ms broth- I r.,.7....z.47,......, 11.71eXerc 0 11o t s to. Is. yam, headed by the commander, Kess, d e . presence, at the moment o r oa ro d oo tk o to .i.. 1.... Ex-Governor ovornor Si aa Smith, ~. nem. ig . oom, s' l I do '44...t.0: *. to ~,, to woot t ,.. ~ w. , .4. Oid., ' tt. ill aided 'till to hold out, but the majority de- Her lloyesty; nor is it even necessary that ~. . . . aided to offer . longer resistance. he should be present during any part of dithme. f rom wh ich we make the ha l tm ing . New Yo. Carollg ,OW PO.- tll Comore lied not surrerideied, and large the levee. Quite the recent , . The visitor extract: i Imo.. 1.0 Deere. (tome nom the Soon, rs - supplies of warlike num., had h een ;1 g .... advent.. to Der Majesty .lone ; the name I t. In reference to my pditical prefer.- '" mm ed, Mt . °• ",„ " r thime a r d a me L le t a . ) G M.. ( . ra ''''.. dad t o th e Amettiat t trove, in ord e r to m e of Ilk friend is all that he h n to, I mill briefly remark, that m y live has 1 7,1 d mi11pf.7*,...., g0.,.1,1.,h -- , - ;;,? -- 0 - ;; a . dertake benieging oporMi too. Mtn. At draining-nal. A digerent pram ,' Ewen iipent in Texan, actively engaged in oh. , been raher duff. WsplAire sts . :l ........... T. gorrisunf4(hanorn wax Said to amount thee is followed, tor the lady who under- (the buoy manes which have passed has the ; mom au hoelY ; t hat Ms &mend le hardly et... hut to the mock on hand Selo. at from 5.11 to to 15,0011 or 211,0110 men well supplied e ekes to intr./ace any one to Her Majesty, I re.leti. et the country. I have coign- , with provisions, and in a plate of cuing]. is always . thpeeted to be present during belted my humble exertions for the m u._ Iti 7 te t eke ' t ' t i" ar:M . tli:er a r. " i(o b w . .... ' dt ri1.72: diseiplirre eon . e portions of the reception; someti me ., liehmem of a Deltoid. a. not a party / There le not Much emir, to oonee in the oetime. Tim °Seers were mid to have beld a though not alonys, she accompanies her drot fo te hand, however, in the Demovmd. The tleetemat, d enytlong, I. b.... .L u te l argo m ee ti ng , end n o Lea r e n o l ve d, by a protege to the presence of the Queen, and Cc ranks; my mamma would be given. if , el e .t. 8.... ( "en e" 'e S tu n". ee ill lee" ' largo majority, net to eurrentler. retires comb o, he This difference in remark- proper, here; they are. loony own mind 11111- I utt Left over li. o ne and Lamle -The me. I The tern. offered to the Magnin am able, and fin th e diff e r enee o f w hi c h o ft en pie end netisfactory. One of many I 1; r i. .l::riTerr ' ,. ° l:=4 ° . IVe l .notell'oce °* i a d Pr iZo i ° ' amid to leave been an ...enemy for the whole Puede. and toriolys a stranger. It may state, which is that the greM Imiling pries- ; * ram to 027...100 1,..-91.00e401.e3,5,11 garrison • passim. for al 11.... Who Iniglot hkewine be well In s o here that . ciplea a Democracy, rightly s e c re A"... MM te• eyer ttembi• wish .! cave the etntutrY, the rel , 'Uttithat ol order of precedence i observed in present- &nil praetieally carnal out, will secure •t- - __ _ K.soth'a notes to their full rMuc; to O re ing visitors to Her Majesty, except that . greater amount of geed to a larger number,l *maid. lir tine BenweraL the soldiers ten days aird the officers a the entree than the great leading principles of the op-, va,r,rm.....' ir t neit t e tt o u. ...i!'" . “ .u " .. ' month'. pay. "Assuming that the visitor eta tree' position party." • pa P i,' i .. 4fteeriera airt4 t ...A.,lnlin t atme t : t m , meta Ace trtling to the Vie.. Journal of th e Ices had Lis name. he , •nnouneed to the' This, we prmume, settles the, uettien of ( °°° .n.' col slm‘•°•"'"(°'''''''''''' 14th, SIM/1M 1111211 are to be...iege C,,inorn Que. 11 Onll Loa reached Her Majeaty, he Mr. Illekt's polities, _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ N the orders of lient.talti !lay nun cop loom kneel 411/1111 on 116 left knee, r e i m ki s -v. Nugen. A barithardmeol was to coon., I ight ann a ith the uoglorod hack of hie g•z- I • here is in Oreg. an ienmense h t.. called Mount Hood, whose sun,. r _ __ _ _ on that (boy, when the Austrians had w 4,1/ ' lon' , ul.ftermost, en which he receives (hel m . G 0 0 D S pied a groat pare of the Itlohd of Se loth,' value of Her Majesty he right Lind; then he s it has been covered for ages with perpet- t 1 without rmiltance, but part ~r the , orel) tonehert with his lips the ba th of that 7„ e ' e n er ' ever l i t tr:ss n ed " " n t " ;, " l i eu l T i C h° flc";V NOR READY PAY ONLY, Cf n ar t r n oTe * l i. . ' n ' ree. ' n * ;:ir i . o ' '.. " .Ta ' a ' p l e .c e . t.,; .' ; ' ;:: ' * la * iVe l . 1 ,7.*: . i i i . r1 a i r l orZl i ;a h :7l:: b w e irl ' Vi ' s: l 7l r i; ' :li Englideman, orliti jl l a me P iong residot r i to And at Ready Pay Prices, • battle would take place there nano ‘aio, a I„ud a . aak, au, if he b . vary Oregon, •nd wit... imigratione which WRIGIET t BENNETT. It was rumored at Vienna, that Belo had ( 10.1j111 lw alarmed, ho will merely bow t "'" tet. t ,t . , m° ,.. 5 .U.,,'" •". 1 in tie'. . ty the h us, moor and toil, .. Why, ifs e. , '''" 't.'n'ret l em mwmre .. 0 . "e. etter4a fallen into Oro hands cal th e IN.-inns in ! , I .s. to the Itutul with, it tho cour•gc to the. America. only undertake it ; they 1 , Wallekie tout li it with The Hungarian omens had been put. 1., •• 1., ovine the 4t..itor to choose lumween Ind •' • road " I ' . 11....muit tr 31 " em r:r0".0 .• °'. m .- death at Ardll end Temenvar, some In , those two c. 0., b•• must be reminded Mot '"'"'" "" Ita „tt et ,:17.,';',Z7."1?...=',`.: . og i,, .„ 111 ~,,„L , ,.. of ;‘,„ ~,,,;„ .... Ito utter a word, hot to rise from hi+ knee l mom... s.s.l 'slush... www, w ilso, ant slims Rossi „ , . Cul Freemont Diggi ag Gold.-Mr. J , !V..... ow.. ottl nod.. tem. e m e, ..... e , fiscaled. Ito bow to lier Majesty and 0.11 to 1 mice ya ng ; ;,g frore Calih. th i a tot " , ma.. 4,, Or unhwl IW • II 1 The insurreetion. the Wand .if Cep.- , 111.1, Who elWay ..laude on iler 31•)es- • % ' net re nr" * P.r . 10W.... 1 "• ' ''''''''•••• ' "".. 11 ashingloo, reports that Col. Frminot a ~,....,...., ...., L. '''' ''' n ' ''''''." • ''''• ''•• 1 lonia hos gained grumul billet, lbw List es . I I,•s left Lout; to go bath our IS the roe al w. wdrk log with &lore° party at some octet I1:: .s ...., en. ott ounts. The tn.... eat to tint•ll it. Ita. 1 prewleve lowatde the opposite aido of the 1 la c ers where the were doi g well. Tl • , ior.'!°'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.'"'"''' not proved ,Ili odot Thy Lead High (, neeorcling to the guidance of the 1:„.i„.,d. the e, ' ,1.,..1 il, "a ...„ I I i "- .." "."`"'°" ''''""."'' Coin otter pr... ode.] tWe in per s., I watchful usher, and to depart to the right dcinhewr rk el d * . *. e ' '' '" cu. Par:or & Cooking Ntivre., and had all tr ~,,, ryslr "ilk hit Me A ' hand dd. eltclt, hoeer, hem now become l e t el t • ''' tt 0° °°er . I " a gees-' ''''' t m ""'" '''''''''. "."•"`" m . t.' M. ' soldier et. nhot th.ati I, 10.... 4 ,1,, M,. the left hood t,o the retit big rbdter This stopmentendence . lie rentroce • et,' ',.1*1.7,*7:.7...1.:.1.1,'.."4:2:':.;”°"'n""''''''''.1 loin portion of the findings. Mal JAW IS 1.1 full rigor . vlevt tt of the en. leatlr lom into the railed ult corner of - aea „„...., b.„e Lein .„.„,,,„ 0 , 1 te ‘ 1,..„.h „ n d Q om It A ' Doom arid into t. Entree ' /ma- The New England Glass Co 11. '''n:7... l . A . ..„ •„, p,.. , ~,, which 1011Ie the general WWI-der litri d a Ilividend ot 1 0 per lent ,'P ''''',':;".;.',.;•••'.,. .„.:•,-!,;; . ' ezeeutttd A portion ,4' he Erighdt td L oad ' I hond r. Iry ron •nditrottl et 310ba es toldt.r . otv Itrlatt) retire " Mc October ... l. This do o not look e n tech! odt Id'. tot, 41d o'itt tat h5 • 5'14 . 1':....;; '. ••'' ''• "'" (2.l4hal.wite awl it i.. 1 Ilwred that tra p I Ha . „ . „.. a ,..., %0 „, c ,... a..,,,, _. e y 11,0.0 th e g i sts mth a estet ,,, r e ,„1„. 1 ...n.,!::' , ...1 em ty will hough be establiied, ""e" .. ....."..° t. ...... Os wt.' - r alloaeseta. 1:.%.b.i.f,r0,!:.... ii.,...:,:a.,...5.e71ir,,,,:,,,,,..,,,,,,„....ne4g:i,,,,,,,,,7,7;wPr111,7,:,i.,•; ',..tad„13,.,,..,,:‘,.,„.17.-0:.,...,:z!,,,,,1.,...,„.:-...E..::.:,:,,....r.F.,!....;-,-;::ii.,,i,....„...1i,,,4,1,..,,:„...rt; I ' * for higher dation air think it very uneve n...ay apram ja; not noel en the land which they lat.( narr A ..tett The message of Gov namable on the p art of torment, Lo ao o ' '' 'ut ""' "... t ''''' ". ----___"-; the miaosaila ap,ra Ito lalaa,a, a ra. I hat ol these ladies writes tee her children hum do ntt realize an annual pe . So of five' , To Those Interested. viaio„ of the electoral law, and the app ..... t- '. I. " thlm ' d 6.1 She We I.' hoarder.. Sht e. coat,or theyl per 1 demur to the &tunnel. Ayz ,. .....h 1 4;47.x..00.... , J u5 , 0t Bost A s. Ilene of, o aama,,,,aa to Ira . m a code a , ;in cowls Ihd to do all her cooking by a ver3 stuall firmplace,. no .. bakes ell her Trt• Tenet. Gothancapir has °blabs 1;;;;;;v",",;,,.....r;,1,: a V ro C0... 11° ....=.7Ven . e ° ' law... mil muted to the legislature at 111011 T • 1001,151.1 its present y e e.jw.... s t h e law , ~, w.,,.... l e to o end pits no a dutch oven • has one liMed a oyntem for gratuitous medical aid; - '' ''.. '- ' - 0 sin are uot may i iidu ffi e i a ,.. 1,,,, or ,. aa , , smell near; air .ut fourteen feet nquare , end throngout the empire. l'hyni•ian s are ap pe,,ple. , a little back room for a more-mono, about poietted with calamine, to 'hit and attend very well kouwn al ..... n i t the peke of eltolk. 'Le h. an the nick, and prohibited from tatting anr advises an organisition of the Militia ~r the I at large area Territory with a th e w t., futur e Indian diffi. .ormi ellaniloor over t hin l n, divided 'elf fee. from the poor. They are to report; .iaioa. will, „ raja; ear . ~.a . tha car ... li The gentle occupy one end, their eases every,thr. month. offieially -' don or • corps of Mounted Mangers ; so g . "lady nod her daughter, lite writer of the They are subjectnerl to penalties if they nes- , gents that great good might be dune by the lather and h. husband , the other . A ear- peel the poor in favor of other 1 (6.,aai uaaaamaaa , opening a military lain is hung between the Inds, but the la-1 road from Nort Snelling to the Minn tun ' l 3 ( toy., "we .10 n o t Milo pains to draw it,' At goslrkill, New York, on Saturdny, a river and marching a eomitleraltle force o- ' ax is no use to be particular hare .'• Sh e stone weighing about six( pound Riverpounds. a , 1 ' ter it every year, them being 2.1,0010 wa r . my s they have bought no furniture ; a n d thrown from a blast on the I very cum- about one mile, and came down within .101 like Indians in the Territory, sonic or them ' f...',11i....7." We ; got (t/"I'll inches of • boy who was snatched front ta r di.ona,..aiad , argon 11 , a , r . aatioe ar . a aya. , bota nic, to Unmet non surn dentin, for she eam of a„.. e . a '.. on a „,t eepene k ee . e . ga mitla, " The gentleman or whom we hi e . t h e !ming., of the stone by a woman who naw to servo in the present and future; ear... I !loose , hall been out at honnekceping ; h e the mi.. coming. , go.- The Florida war. though nipped ly adv... • memorial to . Congress to ex- '.... m am'. row Mang , " tot I Me.. I and the pre-emption privilege to all set- I Put wt " nut g ° Inth th° m• We in the bud, h as eost, in the trans ration tler• on public lands to which the Indian ml .° e mt. Mthamt ell I.d or pil l ow of troops, stores end poreha of - h s ' except our extra clothing under our heads. Litt has been extinguished, whether no , „ for IOWIIIIiIig t . 001111 e., Oh *. h n d d, .eyed or not; insists with force on laws to The price of these aecoomalations i• $•,/ •l a h aaam g &B ar : . - three Ut. te repress the liquor Baffle with the Wiens : week' The P e. ' ha /. mmthhel ma P.."' emodmens the speculation irt bounty moil eosins no greet teen for San Fre mde." , end land warrants, which fosters a non- resident ' bet t derided 3.....i•g for D 0 ,.. E... 1 .- ,__ d aaaaa,„;„. thereby „Rasing and die- ; There is not a pleasant thing there, she .(.- land la ~ , ,,e re, e , ed peeper develop. 'Nay., butt gold, gold, gold-no social feel-' , Mein of that region of country. The Gov- legs - and ler -and I want to get 1 .9 part and Bo' tenor farther recommends buying the land( °mte m y e y e " . .. re al •P•• mum• grin of the Biota Indians west of the Minim ;thing." ritim!pp ai l i din navigable d % ko nt" oer t ' iriat i 1 * lt e . 1 formed e' tra * t ' c ' u ' u T n : l e :fel: e I:Z - m. l re: ' a ft ret( A.G...LIP. gm MAIM me.. to Ppm. eireolati. in this city, so skillfully made the Made with Lord Neikirk 's Red River that they almost defy date... One of . settleseelth Mating P.N i.e... or mails them was taken out at one a nor hashs , tritium to the *agent a • Territorial mail, from a ad; h .... p.m 0 ,,, ~,,,;„ an d three them every week, keeping files of its; then. taken to the Goatees House, where( tem perm, and the eneourffiffimeet el eip , its Gip* delkdeney in weight caused sus- . 'pinata, and It wag broken. It was found tAMID. Yea ()MONO o i " . _ T 6 I that the exterior was • very thin lamina.' aiem or the N. Y. Pmt, now kaaailai in gold, and that the interior was filled with Knape, say. that the old- reddened way of • hem ...P.M'. Pole m a. to Iffye the i mg the shell of an oyster, forcing a .1. . •• ••••• •• Fateethi..B. Miter weight.' a jaaa the body at a ,. aara,taaaaa an- -Pkiladelptia North Americas. imal, sod fetehlop liim to light with a se . Th. N. lg . N.H., ail Nagakaa " How many air t'' hoe boon effimmed "I in publishes • malmfficial statement than L. P.M bl • mart.. "M. AM.". with ; Napoleon bad declared that If France wont Wenn/UM .r...e the lathbaritiee alum !t war with any mmiltry, It would be with get. The, oyster. kid 011 M 04 1.1 in ai the it Naga. Mr. Ruh .r late geolth•-the P.m I. Mimed oneffi Mthee - k Miter, wrote •• Aoki sty leads Ant mils-the ememeione oyster is ... r • our erseelleet. We Inge rm. WM )•• aI.IMI by 'b. 11 8".. 1 ••••• • satin ' Mak the matter a hada, ar•• welled There le no emirs et raps to wens the spier of Ma doem-ne portk,n et the Or- ABonling te • Washington -War mode la brut/Med t bet the vim. tamed, .11... the haws. st M. Pawl., llm Premh 'the velem di spart,And, blieded and be. , Minister, had bum rilegeotly tenneished Fwildemd. ibe lin .1 4 ff I. ...dna to ! lab. Ids mete of di e wee remived.- Oelkie year pekte with hi. dyieg ageelea° The limiter* was Is IMett_bees mid at maim ea the DOM .h. Amounts by the Cremes. City my the. H......k,... ....ig u .„ hum, to the weather wee des at Panama, sad that the @holm had emir* Memoriam& The k a r t : U....US ' but lb. PUMbiluut her le" resume Wiest imenteme with th '' pri“ of P....1P ". . '' °h ., '" i• until he reedy. Farther arises rm. sh. him, ~ Immo mdeeed, owing to the Meamboat F.., G .,...6. 0. ~n Om. ilemen," having made a seinewelli yip to Gorgon. The o Alaitemee puma. gur ---- igm. F..; g,..., ju Lgi bba k t pr• went an la canoes, same ilea dollars, am. mu t ib. = p i on . Ih. .., lei mime ming higher dean els dollars I lug,. 1. ph Lama Foxruaw —The Trenton State 'Oll.Olll, says that Mr. Andrew Thomson, a machinist of South Trenton, has suddenly come into pomeanion of an calm in End land motional° about three millions miter ling. A printer whose talents were but indif. tenor, turned phy ' ' . He was asked the reason of it. In printing," answered he, "all the faults are exposed to the eye-- but in physic they are buried with the pa tient and one gate store easily off. • LW. Doi look. Nat summer, 2620 dolts , were killed in New York. Th. eity paid Aft, cents for the slaughter of erery poor /Kir TM hobo. of Pemisboro', N. 11. hove l :E l and • lap known as Mooed oak , No. I, of the lollopoodoot Or der of Win. To Bute.—Wa sae It mated that the Ben. Andrew Btymt(• Teri"' Andy') Imo been anointed nioleter to Bruit The masa of oda In M. itb-Tr*.w.4 .4 pow, ones& bar emillioss at denim 11 le d 4 i, 1 . 1 y a. L A lVA i thai Waie Goner liked artful pen.m, sad Mat dime MOW beehaers .omedam. played the does• with an M. Ear Teske' HUI dm well k.... 4.11. Woe .t Yeskes streseter, is dead. H. died 51 tisesimp, es am ft* di., efts • sbeet fa- I q[7t,<~'R ASSORTMENT COMPLETE. Bentley & Read, Pry Grade, Groceries, Crockery, Drags and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye str,4lat7 a, S t one f. j ylt fainery, Watches, Musi cal Instruments, I run, Steel, Nails, Boots, Shoes, Leather, Fish, Salt, . tc pelf, awl nlll Re mold al ea m ~ R e ll an adunee as Ea sa), other eetailMalmem went of Nu V•wl city o,llnber R, PM. WAN 02,211 1177.ait, tInv•••‘;'7111A4tITIAPId"'1112•:' • Tit t . 4 % ,1 17MN; r=:17:4=:4; .: 11.M611 . RIB/14. Not. j Notice isthetehy Owes he ice the eteek&eldere ef the fleneklyea & IleJnoe, torepike mei Compute to to/their webeerheseee let the home t r :Wro j' er * & hate, is Leese teerleettip ea Monday Nev. &h IXI9. K. R. Gene. 'Net W. M. Tingley, Seq. Dm 2d 1.19. NEW FALL GOON ilzrl , 4 =red sad sale Ay, OW and ram. 4. 11417."'".. 'marl w t I , NElv ROODS !!!FE . :EMI OUT 4/404111,11 Crockery &.liardware, GROCERIES OVE-STUFES, BOOKS & TTSAIONERy. Lealir ON a 43.". to 11.1••••11t0•14111.lblereollmr lank ' 0.4..1160. On. Tarn. CoVag!• N7-=,'"" " Sir &NE lireires, K. IL eltrjelttogr i zm.,_,..r.l.,.. l . 4 h•••• •• = 11...11/1,.. ...1116. "....IV.. "" 0 .11. 11 k.. A.... ET•ile. — WO stir LA.VIIIT rAzinexa. r i lirre,M= ., Vtr.s. " O•11=4 " =•al 161 Nen/ Stove Advertisement& • ~ . , NEW 11ILFORD STOVE DEPOT! ISI9. H. ' to= 717:!trribl . Man awl cowman C0u.... ft., seal Amp Agave, and omma. pi., more maul, Name Imo tVera::l=tato: .4.4.1 at v., lori prie.rfar eats or &mad ...It STOVES Willte•lde.s Improved Doable Owen. UM Mr I CO K G• STOVE, I st ". tet IretZtVjr ".":=111:t awnbar..l47•••••;file.n. minor .Iyl., VmW Le 7 R.VtI, IMI NEW PALL & IVINTER GOON. """ 114 V= 7° -.= It at %ann. io all oi.o tummy out let...lbefnmhey 411; Ifewl 19,1.9 BENTLEV a RR.. Take Notice ettmlete.l Nee 1 ty the lathe, of Neeemitee tteet. to bey I t;it. ~,,, et the thew neut.. Ito Meet..., et 044111. leal+ I. eltAhl 111,SEI.L. FALL FASHIONS FOR HO). 0 7477,1 nr k VOMIII. Spoo — ne---Pure Silver Spoons A tr=7.1.;M1,..';,:.;;Tn.:t.;',:' N'" trr 11.—...m.10g mse In READY MADE CLOTHING. ;.:"4" 7.'4,'"4.;r1 It; TZ: Hats and Caps. •'gi nr. roe "i.~exm Wanted. A Lambs Wo ol V tr..!..;r:•1"::;11;:,1r. heap Goods. "": Crockery and Glue. W'"•:=7'01w::::;117 . :......" - -"•—•• artlel..eanr or Ne•7141:4•1=7:1 awl •••••• It, A large I. olpelm.l•Adeovrr. rt 101.41•1 .10e•••••ark. I Via I.Vl.l llls,el'4M.OnN .M rw evip• Illomeers, owls lam.. Ha, gametal,. AZISO, Jone. . •11. I' 1.10,10 •CO ',17; ''''' List of Lettere D nylA . .• I le ilin Po. 0•••••3 Moen, An .143 the ~ ...91 1 , 7 .. ..,.. au, tAys. .... ~..,.. ''... "".... .....1411•• a . LIZ: ft''' . 1tr.... Myer 43 Re*, Illehni ....JO. 3 11.0.1*..131.• Ann Nernnni. lboinn 33,AW.Witehel 1014.31, °nil W. 9 17:4'43r41.. i itAbersno Ao• I 113•Anr. MiIme•AAN.A 0...14:•14 '. 1j, 13,Antet. SM.,. • raison, 3. • 3. " - aTriilt: " : X Cam A. ..... JIM. V ... 1,000 0 , , 0 C.d., Juba x........... I r V ' : C tit ' gait. atiX67i4ora; Mon., Ilpomml. Num., Wlllim Oloppx. Mc, Mx**. /elm Fred* Xbe Nam Mx.. Ma, NUM= Amax X orl., Z :eari. " Nory P M., Polowiltp 1111 X Ism. Px.;ri= M. Xrdo,J. O. Poo.. Axllre• lixbitl. 11.1.1 IX.X. Pam. n• 111..7=: Pam. XxXiall, We.. Xxi . D. X.P.X.7..xy W.., 0p..% T. R.ip~Jdn 11 • EtN:ll7el w. n'- w. IM w Um* )64, p. CAM abs. All 'm .IW on I•AAAeII tA tY. 16661. WWI mall ' MLtt INA* amil Mule Ora. I AA. NM' llllllsedumws Claw le Ihrie. r ts army tom .411 morn essbe Fee wwlM elm or 111 ere.. • a ir rorl.•••. l l6 4l eeenele Matffl L 1 Vlrrin 111 = . 2 ..5= .... Vt . =. 0 4= 6 ••• 1 11:1 1•• •:55 •1 =1•7 .44•••:. :WR1M • Eta IMS:at . ll. MOUAL r 0 ft.'. ...PAP. WM= • 61. -- --- - LOST . i Consumption oan to Cured. A LUTA 1161610 BONA R.P. I rk f. tr. fi l ......„ :1:::1: . t . DA .k.. ' .. "" Z 4 / WW.""..'.' 1"..i.".1.7 "1:17.2r- 1,31.::..t. .-I id..) , A.t.a i. , t , ...t.p. ,„ ,...............=,............ ......p...1 4 . ma. than trio Mallen unnumaa.,...•• I.• the arabeatier aa.1111•••L•11,••••2 W. loft al N. . 4 . 0 . •••••.. ••• ••••. • ... , ....1.6r0r Nam A ' "' ""A" ' ! tr. :I' ":«Itlrr 4 . .1. 1 :7 7.=`....V.-, r.: .. ". ....4.,. ~....:..,...t . ,........,...r , %rm- A .....jr.......=-...rz......r..... g.,1..r.rav,":2.r.""r...:., •1161.••• Maar= •:-...., ,.... . '" . "A i tr...r• v.; z"ttrzt:::;:a....l" - "'" , :z. i am, •alteuics pul..a eual, a. , a •rawa al tiaaa aloe NOW FOR OP TOWN 1 *7 :r..',:"--":.,.1.7-11-..t,.,..-,..r.•z.,.,,,, r'.•=4,-.747n,-.7=°, . 1 : . 1 :t r .: - . , r - 1.7" . • - :": 4'.;:z -- - LILT: r -...^..,:,•,,t v.;,•,..,,F74-7,-",:z7v :...z.v.:74..'. : ?2., ' .i.':thr:' •• : 7 ; 0'r.r.zn.;.",.:,,i..: " Joao II 111 C fla I. VII ohau na,... A •••••••,• ..If ..11 min In ion, • ...........or • than imm, se.. N. AL E. U. n• I'7r:t''''_.::::i'ltntr.ll,l4 wit. a Peek'. w .... . EIPDDDD. ', - M.., ' ,,11,14 '' - ' t --''''' """'"' 1 " 1:1 COP .' I .`A. r.' 4 , 0 ....” .., , Ir.. , V. , ::lo:Immf . tom .....e.:l7l':".Trot: rm . . ra. Llat.l: L",',..'..n1...1;:::::::,..::1, 1:::1.;:..1:::::::::7"..r.,V.J.4..1=Lr.r.t.",. - IN - --,I m-1,-,!-- ';-.'....: ; 14"." "1 - .1%.' - ‘,..^" , ..= ~, : t,...r.•?...;- . 7,7:".177c.t.:;. „.!..,'1i„..., ~ • ~ . -17...4...f;,..,. itt 7.,...7......,:..* ~ ~. Mom All moony on.l .... Olootlioo mil Im f0.......1 r. mono ...4 lonfn aa. eakia.•••• •Moueed mara of fla oot Miley MO • ,lm m..... , 'f 0 . .........• and 1.1mr...0..0. • If ...rum. n... 1 vb.. ... ........, mMe unf0r0.1.... ~........ . • ..., w 5e,,,,.... .1, 0...1 so 1 con ~.fell 11....1.... to.flof 1 Attention, Citizens ! molt fn. . , irn .... 1....... I. am 8. Wf. 1 sow wwWW. L1. , 74111 " .,! ' 1 ' ',...",. r '-' , 7-- , P : 17,t1-.. NEW GROCERY STORE !.... ,.. . , ...; , :...z. ,, ,...t:; ., i1 1 '..r:.,11.:Y.iii.t...., , ..ri1a ,„.....,.....,...,.,„,...,_ !'.-...•;;.".,°•.."."7 ra7V:,1474'...1fra I '1'1t:.:•.t.:,:rr.! . .V.", ,, „4;7.:::: , ...r.‘ r r.:,'-''' :z...:::!,',".!;...z!...•...",r.n=tr.;z1.,,=-.. ; 40 , 0, 0 al ;4 :El :•;'3,... i . ,: . a ' t t':.:: ::,.rn'...:A.::t:t.'aV4l4::l7aetarZAl larer":4lr. : Za.l. : 4. nrn: ', Tot..jet:Z . . ' .21.Z4.0..VV.I:;t.;trrir•nalaitt r. 11.2: iMr. c 1. . - .m.'.•;:n.z...1 . 4", - :',!...r...7.7: ..T;'. w......1•••=, tr•tr..1 , 17.:::N"••!••x..t...-- , ,..:, ......... , .......,,,...,....,......y....... m mound.. fl.r . orr ! , see /uotsmit. itebt.Z... . ".117,. t..:. '1 1.L.t:1 ' et . .7..T.= ', "7.7:74a filltrt,!.=.7.•••',"s.-a„,. ...,...:•..., ~. 1,1.1. nn.l a1...a, Ca,r, Roads. 2,k..: 4...•• . • aa... gat..a.N.aah 4..0.4 , A. 11.4.4 .........„ ~,,, , ...„ ~, ~....., .. I ......Mt. Um. A V.. ,Af Moo: D. Nth" Le by,e„ ae Ifinolmoir or ••141. • ....el. of 1 :::::."';l4:Ml7l*.l.frn. ° R1: .. .......... Wishes Rag Liquors, 0 I ' l . .rikhun, La 11, 7 Itotlaka. ,Cialm; 1114 . Ittaratj:o. "A •L A ; ,' •: '" it'Zra ' ; '"''A P'a ' lLTl " '1 . Y :::ViVa_ ' ;Ati ."' a: •• Pr .rd•••• 5e..e.... • .II .4 .!iss ~..0.5.;,." ' .." ''''' lig Nau.l ' intitu. ' Mr Darenser }lwa., Au. 7.lsa• , Ell ',TIM WON 1 -- ____ WASHBURN & CO' , 7"91' I=trra'rt=":= " I Court Olreel, (5 Doors East of the Binghamton Marto aii7eirttr=trira''igir= oritt nv... apl they te•prerolly forrite , th• ,v r trf, V.trg.= •,;:nra "1.41'2 has ''.l7:7»..tr4==«,t.',V;v.= FX:l.7.;,,Tpattrtal Txt":l 7 ""ff;ezt. =1 .. lA. v.. 0.14.1 .11 r." tler li m .Ir the r""." : 2 : " Z •t hinv ."7l . 4 Vlrrlr:;lVZll:474 aun.u,n MYact eld. ta. grAismu. t• . 0 11,110.m.1111..1 V** foremHals..l I Ca, no .1 orola• /1.• Moak, Watch & Jewelry beep 2iMTh • I. %M Item emett the TRAM th... mad ve orhitt ht.2l•2nfi el., the teete.J•tt item let Jew .the Hotel. end *lett,. tth vzn , :zr.V.tartz.v.Atrt..:= ere ite , ehieg even Y meatha tete,. •.1 eve.. wet the..... want. ie., Iw antl , ...oetthl them el, allvte sew, thimble, ter emp, O meet. e.r.i 0r... 3 . . Om. 4. W Ramapo & Palermo.; mai Pater. mom & Hades. akar E.P.:a_4II ,I2 4IICMPOURENE RAILROADS. 1l er J., 17, 1.1.11. 171.• . r.. • . 4 • • •• % 1 = 1 7 1 1. the tre, ••1•1• Irsve •J.A.•• Lem. 112.Z;••.1,6 Aw A:Ill r l:=;t v At 11% ,e4+ls • . 41 r. TAY A, }IAA. st. •• • rweno•••111, awe Avg maw. rim up v At 41. Abelan. lAI :747A A.AI • 1 , 14.11• Arm• II OA nom wwwslayo/II•11.4 lAAA A.m. A.A. , •1III.••••• At A nom YA•Asa elnAnt. or.. ll...arrival at Ow I 1••••• IndA. P ' ...................... • • "" AV 1 .. 1 t,lMa, al. NEW ARRANGEMENT, ntlas==tl3ll==.l,! , :t --- 11“. 1•14. fie Dover. Thismre. Dry C.. 4.. Cr.. rerharardware, Melo a1 1e: 64 4 % ,2 1 1 : "Z,41.56. ' ~.M~KKI fw llwy I'M~. lut, MY ~M~'~~ ~qb~ ~~ rKyyA~KrinM I'I.KK SISIM . 1111116. • rya. Pe Nair IT SUMP • 14,01 PP gtarAtr.oz wirea:a4z. W. Iririlil7t i. M.,. Yrl lIOY , O nwrin, I/m*4N Powirrin. =• 1.1.4r1 1.17.74:14..167Z11.. ft BALDWIN, rorrle• A NO A... Y sal Irawly lowler• Is ail 11. v. • 4411.4.1.4eme sad r. 4•11 ;474. My Valmed,... le Me ve, es, 'Mew IL* nem.. 11.0.61116.1••••••111...1.,......:: emit.. a...ft ea **Mead J. H. DIMOCK. - TTOMINIC •e LAW 1 =3:O 111•••••••••••• Weasel* Ye INN nos afloio Teelasee, of N. houNni In.lee. sad awl, ...It. K. M. IMM• t nowlquo tiepeospr INIINDT. M. MAYO, I Mille ANI snamilu MTN WI, 8. A V1ALLV ...... ; . 11 Dry OWN, sign. true LIN2III • 3211137&&, FASHIONABLE TAILORS i ("willow 411•••••Maisi U. as. SEMENNIIIII7 NOT AMP UN MU & "(FMK ore ear a. 11•104.Thie./.10.9 ) • ertmers puimanun .41SAY 111 111 111 . 1 • Buy, /am. r;lhe .••••••• Sumat. nuvor t min tem.••••••••01. PURIFV! PURIFY! ►a LI/Baia *MTN art la Or BIM. ...Them 11.1a d ete A gm nie.•; , :o nor.. • ...,:e . I , .116 Pose.fre, obi lllFral, Vsfft• a• BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING RITRACT. TY. ............ ynnani hbo• abbe 0: now Alban, end • •••• . .M.., Amen el oho It an., hre74.""Zn bobTnr=e% awl boo kft 11. *ln; noon HUN ..... —THOUSANDS Nan ban by. Wynn bed ono. non of Morel N.. 1. by On inobn—abd ban non Inn rib Inn bin ion or Minn Timm Lem lanentlly. moill et Veen Inn. Ines ton. .r Bon Kann b• nnbl by Annynan en,* .n../.Ye bon unnba Ye Mwlb non rowan b. rani Ow ebs bron‘ n syn.... sml NORM. arm mama. Wks ass laddnal m Ma ... sed heal. Ins nftery al Minnds , AM. !warm . Tama% corm THE WORST SOROFULAS, ma .ddren, r ...tin disarm wMr e Masi. nr . Mard./.4 derr Inommnar, Cannse=irs es no ram Iden. Alm Inn, 1 ......a. 11 It*, Mem Clnaier. Pam re Mr . ... imaS ft. ed ills. is M, Med. sre... DNA AR INIVITANT TO THE AFFLICTED. .11. 1 .•=r1.17..rin.....r . r .d t la= ... COMItT All NOIT COIITIEL IMe mg, Mime, OW. rr.o. 11. Am sod mare imm Ilmamm dr awn NI IL *Mb em Se lan& am dlre PO* Tam To=a• marb amilml dim.. ••=1 o il* rznas, Venter ndlisr. Nara I MM. ea =I/ Arndirr 'r =b• :ism ="s a ImIl: Rom An Pen. madam mums aa bb nnam• Om ram.. nom manymmla donld M mid al marl. der mos • Y., IS. In as*. amain hld. A.. di 1. =.. , ,imrea.=7 . ••••=nozr . dnaror 1 1t........... drorm drelr• ST ONE •• WORTH. The ans am nor Man MI6. mos MM. ma sine. I Mr— I B. 11•••••• a am, CUM 0, M T, sr we RI , an. toy or warrendm rrina so rad dm OM le Me wan oitelndfor sad /Maim map ef ma at dm Moot Horrid Sershlas MM.... Ins bre• rend dam an •••41 me men. g ' 111.... ea* In 'dm Tams se dm. Par.ll4. al Lass Com *a mar • sem Snas rms.. Ong mamma In Tut Tams tca armandlls. Mr 11 =tese alma 10 Y.M. o. I , *, mod AA.. 0....1 go Fe 15..41.. /.... ARE bower* *et Om RIR" DMA min erne re.=:_r A.. sr b. ow—is lads me Mantr. lar Ids an mend mlaa ses—Mo _.. Mem as lama am arra MA meld met=m•Mme/s—saddlara mama lbala thrill/ WS, Dap, alsebinlag no., —oh.. A... 4 be ••••_ . NOON goof .1••••11. WYNN mooed NON. 1.16 wolNd Ye so gm ow of """ 4*J co NO owe NON. INVONO 010 "oc ONLY TOULON WTI% 10. lift ewe w •••••• •• ••• ..... ••••••••••• Waysrum Tic r for Ix T., 1•41 , 6:17 loor YU 10 " 1=••• 11•4.1-1. 1 2 •••• • S.*. •441...• sod drypOok 114 rranre• 444••••••••• •11 aorm af 11.:11 . ;:t17 0 I 11 . novy T holt .•••*. so* • "" " "". Berol: ends, hiotbrei • haill; ""*" •-- Wen' Liquid Curt Pi a.. . 50n114.• •••• sand NY. Pubic Mr Me lasiseem mod Ye ••..•,f edle oolamt ••*••••••••••ber Wand. ••• pampa ••• as•Niost III• 11•111 :••••••••• Met, If Met • polger Molbrri=l, YIY TIM Noe, paid for le WM Se 111•••••11N• fie woe Min ile1 . 610•••• Me. ."2"lMMlONMlltentsskograwa,eir,arsanta, wre05i........n..1*. Su mos as • WSW l i oranm. IMO= N =We ". *oft t MOW rM 714vaisamizaer... Orb Paid Mee Nosy PAW T r . = 111111/0111111. ••••••i: "115.3. • VirrigW":
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers