. . The Warman. awl the Toning links Wei ilinn Sweeninen. Western ginaraters, Emptied Will lie IBy the best processes that we have Own ONS MONTH LATE*. New that it.. eleetise te ewer eft mew we Iles Man (hag& Wm b.* received es& lentiln. described for staking hot blast iron, we 1 FROM CALIFORNIA. .8 Am be -8.881..... .et okilkOeuthe Worn Se me. n e. ....g. owe., Geyer.. 13 - The Solkeerin• ankle ilettedeneed him the May oat down three tons of coals, end one ....„,.......„,,,,,,,,,......... p .,, , „,,,,,.... 1,,, e wrap inowenowd.nlenty,., Nab the, 3,300, j,.....,th. j s, e w ht, r , ~,,d em nu. ton of literal...) for the ton of iron, and We peblia them bereause they an tree, owl mils Item" • liktneetetie Loreto.. G.enila went eon. valuable etatiwies. The bean.. of the at-' &hue °Mann the coat of the crude mated .be karma In ell their beariegwni loarome. by 1 Meer, ler Taybelue Teo, Mn 4L• every other tole arta,. the . Preteetlee . theory .11 b e e t , ale combat,/ in that ton:- N 0 toe, naked. OM. 6 , .-A M. in. J P and . 18 hours, brings Unarms - Bps _Thole - :hi Falcon V a ' t (hie port . front Tbe fftesetship Coeds anitred at Hall. 1 syri" pens. who hole aa interest In the welfare of Mete in the Paige, be. bre.. dopeorted with her. . 0 . ...„ nu o ...„.,.,,,,i, "' dls9 f f on the • ad mat with Liverpool dates to ...onto. While the Ferferalleteale loam.. *elf fey ea tieing, on , ...en eight •• 0. , . fell., In our dimension • el a legtelatiol on our I Codie t 3 tons , at it $$ i Iron stone, Write tow, at gg 88 g 8 04 870,800 in _gold dust, • large ma il, and 49 5 88 passenger. (our other dispatch sai . )or an o 1,, bowleg rellow the ...et of the Tariff, mad ii. eat. On. ..p„...... ye. Tao... paid es- I msteufacturing interest, wo have generally i Limestone, 1 Mix 196 New York The Steamship California w. the 22d wk. and London to the 21st. The °commercial newe upon the whole, Meg the Intlltia with the...rem clams. obeet per ea far . e taken it for granted that at least • revenue C SCe 0 a 27 h h See the . .___ lts ,a 8 to i have ailed from Panama for .Sioarn.F.rr .. rain.. wee. pnweetar, mom Intertes, by the P. It Ito Lelia... will ... 1 .....d.c. ' tariff was absolutely e'en kol to suet.° the Othibita ow improvement. The prod.. lon on the Sth, and the Panama I Teritf ef 1846, let tom torn so ammo.. the oh. klee . v .. t se... D..... abt Whir al t , owe., m ill „,,,, the , ~,,,,e oneno y , t h e i nt _ From the instant°. data before' os, we 14 the F n. • markets arefairly . mtpplied, bat the dentasill think that the cost of conversion, including nn the 13'1'- 1 . „ at t " of .. piatoo ,_ . . ttio j Hee., Denteera.67, White 63. , leressiton has everywhere obtained that man , er aed brighter tor talent of the. seeseere up. the Loose inteeeet of TO AIIIMINIOMIL , ufactures on a large scale (and it mattered I Isher, interest on capital, &o. &c . must he The health of the Isthmua era goof, . a A ere more easy for travelnig. r a • ao . for most articles i• inactive. I The Cotton trade is languid, bat al no erentry-the affriendlowl intone The Ammon et the ...I lownehtp. wen. 00) •t• on 10 ou , • t whom i,,i , i ' r yow l .) mom La.., haul 83 32 per ten; making the whole the ""-." i" • , though sale. aro limited, pneen have not I. .5. phu e dophi e La g , a then, at,. ~. ...,....,..,,,,,„, ... th e &i e .& a p eff n e „,,,, I unsafe d . epositories of capital, until the gen- !cost $2O per ton. they having been greatly ImpToved. Igiven way. ht the b eet i t worko in New-England, ' tho dotes from Sate Frances ~ . are to the In Br daub great firmness is xhibit -fiad• ode. mad. rep Mih meat ma awl ...., if they weeid wink tat, the ernsenuvet,eoneet oral policy of government coil he folio as -- - - - - Wowing the emotion of lkeedatellb exported to the folk.. mance. i ...tied, and °wain.. peeled ton tel.] out with ore of about the same t ield, thin let B eptember, lien Posifer F. Smith had , e a , ato is h i it h ot . p o ora hoea b oo . paid. I cost id conversion ii not far from ItZe 50 per i A moderate amount of business ill re yr The. bubo. coneek.ble 001 1$et hrl e ' ' beaked and Ireland fer ea. year preeedma seq. 1 The noodle, It ri• Bun., sum. us. : gone Oil an expedition to the meuffinins - I. FrOITOIR WAS AI, MOlitorey. ' ported he cur.' Proviaions, . steady prkes. Iv else. the ewe - n0 . .. 0 a wet Pe1w....... 1' , knew. lat. tax past These who are in the hater' s - lb. Oh eese I This opinion, along mayors. here and it . '" . dat l ' Advices from the maulacturing district' shoe Oakes when due. Now that the *leo." . of ridiculing the foreign market, and pinning the f 3 .o.'t we'd horn the sale of W,,rdi n N ow The Milner, From New York abroad. meat ho wholly changed bet.° we York The pr i ce o f S corc h 06 icon can make rapid progress in the establish- lanew. in 1 '0 days. is now quoted at $4B per ton, duty •-att r - . I are uncatiefactory. At Manchester there ewe ant throb they will be • hub num regular in ; pee. nasty of tho AOOOOOOO Var.., ape. do , : . . . . • rattle , Paid; but we we non advised of the los _ e „ e i The Viee-Consulate at the Sandlochl, n„ much b on i„,... d o h,. i. e i ther ood thew venal. If net. gee Noma. c. enbw''''.... Hamm outlet' will find it snugly einteeier I Sheep , meet of manufactures. or yarns:La manufacture ' . are Williftg 111 . . „,,q, „ e , ~,d w e t o ...encete the e•••• ef the :. re.nene woh thetrettund dogmas: I Tie foreign artisan will not leave a eSun- ,or profits of the producer or the quality of .. Islands died . San Francisco on the 16th delay We do toetlaMaro mew aro ortthheld at • ' try where he doe e not require protection for ' the article; and we canilet ascertain the r . f . :: , „, ii. , re _ _.. , . „ _ I .li at lower prices % rammer or meamilim. thaw .b., r.,d, Oak. 1... 0d0r... re.... 41 ..1"... iTo Great Bnittin and Ireland, nom Sept. I, 12416 one where proteetivn is ropetred ;he will 'Pliai't " r the .eler bd e r . o•trootleo ...on The metal trade, m a healthy elate, umerated w e 1 N , ••• York. .rriv.a •e. B .^ "..."^. .". and • fair hominess le dime . fitir prises. Mat ear papule seat to Wyoming County hare 1,,,. ~ i„,,, Tht Synod if low fork and New itrsty.:.•tt abandon certainly for. uncertainty - , le !'" r "' e ' er " eatair• re , , We proceed therelitre to show that iti the have 13 on.lltelle 14 greater unity-nun at - • IPro"..dodi to Gen. S " th'e hrea. l" •°a• , T. weather in England during the put been kept look by a aenaln fhrione Whig Poem.. : , e „,„, -, - „,, w .,,,,„ . , , Will hold it. regular ~,, al 1...n0g in nos star , • . . , , i , f .,,,,, o t. , to t o t . o i n i t „ to ,' I Thomas Butler Keg was lying danger- I ,„k Lea w oo eariohie. In „an ter t , lir'. 1t... beer of ••,' ..• m ill ek ... • ' I 1 -,, W - -- hvlr 1 - 1:3, - 1 - w --- 7 - !neat twee. The mmioa will 1m omoind nth ~ h ~,, ie combination of food, iron, cotton, l:eit...e o lt oo _ , P - ' limestone ' -. " .- 'lO.l ill of billions fever, soil his recovery l ot the county, lea . •rt garb I Itre- clay, stol of as Y , • greatof ram as 1 - Mall embower to ascertain the crew. , Z - 0:4.1:1 rtes tae 1:, , ,, , r,:,14, Ltra em...... by the %demi, Res A. D. Itineh. It hone, went and wool, and in see•tions ,e fire-a wns, i was eonaidered v., doubtful. ..toe.. it rte o owl °el Onfors' D. of New York, se Towle. eon,"..[ 7 e'eitteh• ''''" the other I lement. power, en be ob- , fir '4.. )• . l ' . ' 0.1 lit A high ' f AL our penes o labor , • len, bul generally not to such an extent ss TM gwegegs se (kb resume), naltere. 1 ea.°, eon MAU Innen 1.. . ' • ' , taked cheap, the evident telanufseturer in •et to and with our emperft In Linen and lark I . The C i a r e t e" fa forming • Sndd C "" • to interfere with harvest operations. The • lame a.tre Watt . nee I r te.ehroll oil Maw ...Mon eo.r.• me t tr. • • • 'of svetein in the very itifient•r of the man.l.ftutton meet • st Monterey ou the 31st. of . bet two or three days hey. been dryer, The result Nth • election la the ea.., . far nth poutof f 'reign competetum M e . e -' .e e ea t w' re ". _._`.....,__.•• Me speeted on the afternoon. Gild e11f.111,11 0( 1.1. 1 .n.1en t • r - i '• i will August. It was said to hero been et.- .. le hooves ate this writing, (Wed... Jay cc, ~ ream. - I - 1 fa ' - aw e 62100 1.1160114 - 112...,:_mi 1,,..,..„ ) , T„....,...d '4l bl •Id 11 •MI 16- - ,1,...,),,,i1, 1,, k ,,,,,,,,, f a h e i,„ an d „b e g "fu tore, our once !WAWA. I AV.. intelligence - • nort , image "Lout thus i- I toned id mon a •110 integrity, ern part of, Srotlavid, has been everything ...so altetwenh ederalay god intd iffet dying to I•ion winch Me Lodger sernadie io k will be ' .fhe It.. 11. B. Coe, nue .(the Phor'y •of on .ate the relative advantages of the coon• 0 . .._ _,..,, _..„. g9.otel The Flag Ship OW, CIIIIMOIIII. J 0..., . i bi d. co ,, k . ~,,,,,, 'iv. lb. whole, the Dentemaroy, Is, eeverthekee, iim whas mom. men Sam Ibis ihm ancompariaisf lad.. Corn he. , ,„.,,,,,,,„ Bi , & R ee. w . ~,,, Le ., ~,,. tom a Lancaster, Stafterdshire. and the e, i !i, 7 . 77 , 0 . 0 ':::: •et .1! 3 ou r. [ fi e war., c,tnnl.mlore Long. • "r 1 rhe ' the itderesting labors a the harvest have hourly. We had lookei and hoped for a lever neatly appremmated to th at of the gnat year 11146,1 f i e ., fe e . ce,,,,,,,,,,,id e , wag to eneere. West Riding in England, and oil the coml. ' ",' r so ~,.t.. coo l , _, ...root. od a hogeo mejdeny, .pecially ont Ca.ishen Me" woe 3.135,41 MO deer, nail, le , m ee it, e f ... e t, 1.... e n , er,,,,,r. Tito , ties of Parry avid Greene, Ind , ali I Davie., t ' t limestone. ~, centa, 75 Frig , " Sitreeeth Ce P t • V‘ld'ld`d. were " oroceoled utiefeetta ay. andie now !mitts Sem Francisco. 'rho Savanah is m relieve 1 h eel Cammlniener, thee Nut pineeret appear.nth kW. ewe nica1,0•44.19 loodolo wheat, a0d17,. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,e l ice . tuetted. otend. . Crit tel AO% andl'sl.l.ll, Kt - , trout; tto • clone the Ohl, to sail for Boston on the I I.h et we ire to be permitted to hoe. We do not home 137,639' W.A. Wren cent. Whet world the We have to examine the rektive cost or „ Total coat of crude materials, $0 75 It will be seen that the late downward i tl eitsft dd • t 11610 0". Seldet"her• •i• • V•l P •reie "' C '''' ' '' d. ' re 101111.11.) , of Inc commend. market ha. ob. the morning tow. yet te roe no. let homer nosh. fee ihn, Ohms and what a•a e a n ,l ET k mod by tetter,rotere from Waeltiontoo' food, labor, power, mato isle, and Unmet, r ' ll !' c ' hare ' ttel is ' l ' i r setl ' o7ll ' c ' tts ‘ t . of 3 eentaiJones continues ht command of the Pacific been ebeeked, and a alight advance in pd. which there are about mie hallo( the county) mai were he to ean moil a home market aim foiind I that the Whig dowse.. in Maryland and ifoomio I Win , I lAA. or rather may have deo, for uo, but if there te e ' for the tit aborts of hoshole here 11/111sed m .eat were fell von severely at eha White Ikon, and . . r. . . , 1 I • II •"th b I I t "tea mlll.k.t. It la dini..oa to hm.ir r the minus ilex, re le." .e. • g-‘ ' ee ir e t. ' 0" ' • • I E. .. I The Steamship Empire n ill trool, e oterta. tic suet o mitten City left Cher, to m,. ties less taken Ogee above the rails of last "T. , • kn.( •ff . rte .113^1.. .... ther e abroad • Alrd set, d the form. ea. that this ' then the sohnet ww made the tweet a o .pee•al lof smbsisfence and L' show the relative cost • e t Is to $1) 76 1 ,. ~,,, ~,,i wo net e . 0 ,1,1011 Ole 28tb tilt for„,New Yolk. The :tea- , t t Tho usdavorable reports of the progress is ot ohs tow... heard ham, ,an osaaal hope for' market may So ematinumi to Mtn • and that prehib. , Cabo. meeting. geehary Wethineten is really ,of Itt iltn' trt the nal...tire ills. i.e. ... en.t . .... . ~., . • - I "ter l'iree.• brought $ 2(10 . 0110 le r" .. tit the NOW discus, hee been the chief month. , 7 fid moaner we Co.' C 0..... eet 1 new laws, under the plea of protecting men. enes• "tont i 11... Icon exist on • penny a day i•t Lotlll.lll. and ."' r a '''. " • • Just and 159 lessen ers• She artil'erl . I perhaps iii t. cellar id' the vow house At the kern.. erected on the banks id , - 0 "" I. , F • , femme of this reaction. Indian ems trim the beet Nevenliole., this W eemethiog worth pemtively neinsmment interne, may not do. m, rr , Th . ,„.. v „.., ~:„„ R ...., i „,.„..„. , ;0,,,,,, parlor b„.,, , ~, ,„ i ne i g a „. the Cumberland and tilos° by unevvered Fele.. " 0 the 2 dd leel- little dearer. magmliflatMir millielvm open, and which, Mem. i • maid • omlomfa ham oar market, a hue sad pen in. d i o ' l ~ ~, 1.. 1 ly r . 'r" ' "i- - " • • n d beds of rich ironstone, the cost 01 lIIC ere , last ' lien Riley was at Monterey at the ; Up to d ate, oo Cory iat .. go , aoppi , of over, , de s she Denterrat. et mow of me tow n . jat were mud, of b. e wade estimation, and instead ' "•" " in • " ""' 5 i ei", r"rn"" their i"o• . " y .'! ~ er ' ''l .'"irni '1"'"""" 1. ' • rid tI • ]Lan - r I , utor to. to alai fem. that pls. twice o day - gestalt s must onty be regarded end wet'. , ''' ee " " k e • a" t" er" eP" t u n . , ‘ r • I , II , „ eln pa emu:seep ef Greet Dead, Ihrfonl, apnea. I a. j.. ~,,,, f ew the .00.. a , 1 „., .... rd 1 _...., tai • ' itl In the estimate'. moat h,..., au pot to, ' . San 'moose° et . slays est •• e. - ,1„.. ~.. i.....", .. „... 0 . „...... . in Thep Ne Perk half hoer • .... uI t t' 'die, Apolunie, Ch... , tee d to nu eaten than 1. an important kook of Weeny, and who irk' ~Th';',,f."%„:'....eb. an earlier t..ir ii ..:, , z. , ;:,11:::.,y %prices current, et it Mite sill ho formed and mon.. eke i„ 1.1111111111/ Imes at the most Invorable pool- . I have more leisure ;and it will then be seen e fi x . wheat, Itwlt Is grown •• 0 0 .".• et ,ualch licii, the poet ilhbetal de. I ''''''' '''' ' 1, led to the Legislature by dm Ist of NO. 1 1101•Ifel i..it here and there as the staudard. tie.. It is more hereto. to shoo we ,„.., i 0.,.. • . , . whether the kW improvement will be tutela r. ••••W natet .of woe* a , • 1 . , ..a Lt i eiation o f venous and their menses MI all the 1 11 - r The eoutiess or the N. Y. AE. Iteilrood fir mo d . o _,_ ' - esti be than what is done. !tattled. Let a• theng depends upon the ex it.- rote ,old not average over t ie i .. 1 3 t .......... 0 . , 6 . hen. gr . " . ewer 111 OW interest.' the Itrithelles of indt.rt ' .f . f.n l t.ct w. s 77 •Taa.. an imoma „t .)ban ~.„„ i II . 1 Fi• . llf iron can be dodo acne. about 1 Gee., Ng.. In Thrrphsmsrerse. . tuut of the injury which may event Wally per nishe , Ale e the .tg tsv rate en' eeed'"'• he re C.a. Ce. ... .......rr rr.s.. oolong prone.. hem min extreme or ih.o. un.,.. $60,000 °ter timer for ilm.llle 111,0 d hot ye - a. happen ttt the stock of poteles. • , a ouhl .etlege over $1.2el per b0.m.1. Th, II I.....oitielth mid 'Kilt], tMe than about 1 lb, Wedt.catlay et coieg lost, lieu. Serd I C."."' "" ..... """"."' ".h". ""h""Sh ""r"""I' I ' the ath't. Thnuth "" a '.."'" h.' " "" n ' t " t" : A new whom ene on rtoto I. tonne to relative re.. „, nano of „„,,,,,b,„ hind , Ilvoging neck and liteenupsburgh, the „ e,„„,, , e,,„„i b y th e ..1,4,, et.' ens... The vie. In the Soot). of Finer have elected, falls Owed th e se a t .0 t h e tweet man' nett priers from 3e to UM per babel lesson groin., „ •' "P' 1 • • I el to um..., he l m Mr. hones m crone, &rot.. tee Iran taxation, and heir markets cqu r eally.. and see per LH on dam dont Aldo. rorron.odmel io e , me. dder , n ~,a , ,,,,, to oe „,„, „ „ di ho ;dent itt • extent, would be 10 or 20 to lOW fiel d ."'d EdtlYS the 1 m,,,,," 5.,,,,, N ew o renet te, end si dle . ill Ellisloshl has proved a disastrous OANI., WhAI 111. ..... tettlomi. will be, we nr.t. I ....1 of be t eor, and, though a ...peer..., with ter „ deer . e „ d n„,., and .. its our fat .r The .wt oar II ton oar rig iron 1 i f ~, ~., ii i , ,,,,,, e, F oo . It ee ,id en t 0 1 th e aull a great elbot is now bing mode by we ...neer smenewo o . We soy get ww. "In fop avers, In there 1. nnilm, to worm. ' &NAM returns before 'meg to pram, to • loth .., , , , , , f f 3+' It, e. 'Pe, lor a . ten< W ....moo to-day i L -to the celdral eitie. td tMs volley . even. •el ~.. .. 0 C "tionour I ca coat. , one, tte t tmcw mu o ro bl ie arrxer o t it. his. • inn 3, gives amide proof Cott on AAA., , • "Bu eers, a too I,lllls e... 1 . .., • . • , .. .. . . . ... . th e y wt• hr 1 .. 1 it , the tr.,' when •• , ionise sterket. by dm iso foreign orneleaterseato i . .f.Pk. .... I .e. o '. 11. Pre...". nn tnt „.4 b y i,„ e gi,„„„ , i„ th e e h r .np re e . if token as ballast from h ued Liver or Bits- E . i , w ,„ g „,„did„,„ r,,,. smu, engftwer, j . A nuid" ldt..rmim ...PP he. lea. , PI•e• . 1 1. e mid totted . • It.tretiet . er. "tn.. I hero. in exch., for nor ramin r e. me of our mac. , ...Min. how d',, t „ t h e f„ii nn i„ g q 0 ,, f o f i„„ , „Ida Wo nuke 'to to New Orleans, C2llllll lea. than $s ' „„4 n pnety of i, ner ieed in one vitho t e lln the mortality from cholera Oftoughout .n hr. •ereat . Hie ww. tehirti h. 1. , ..", i...,....... ar.........d, a,.....d,.1 ... r.rr..-; 0 ,.. ~., 1 .,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,, r,,, 0,.„,,,,... ~, ~,, ' fr... rre 229 42.1 vtdume of mar- voi.- 1 1"3 . idd-didk i d g th d ♦* lld id ed ''' Ildr. ' $, 2" . 11 the t•astern rats mil 1 . 4 1.1 1 9.6. °' I • d . Fe land mill the tioniher of rase. ham de- Mire toady all day, bid Winton ...dope hot, ' I th ,,,,.,,,„ i „ . .. •,. t I.` l' .1 ' Pet 6 . 0 . with., coy did). N". • """" ' ,L,• PI e ' 6 telegrm&ic dispatch had I dined about holt I •rom the .01111.0110.111011 a 'an table. We hose [tweedy anon ',ken in high seal Leottenty [ter ost on u s I. • it .ng . t . t Loped .1 lox. . . . h. , . trutrn ft. , r0i1.... a thr. the mt.^...." to adthoott to this, there is one other thine, 00 ,,,„„ 0 „,,,, ay., work. work on Ihat solemn . ] trill PSC° . the a° ha ' t h" .. n , g nr'' '''' s. n....---..",,,.,......d the exp. et ed antral of the ells_ 0 i i I the eiti sic 1.2,e , 37 persons have been mere repona which ...hoe.. bketY to he eeree. eh.. we wish tub .r. end Women clam° i - trod& of makil it I nth, comitat Won .to t ar "P.m'''. 1.14 ire° el gret" v.'''. , ling.-lied ntilitar • Oa., anti he nes reeeiv- ewr P t e•re );• ne.., 'them Whe bilk .1.011 AN OM. to be meth „„,,,,,,, n ,,, 0 .„,,,,, w, e ,„,,,,,,, th th e .,, „ we ! . Thal ..Realee." this point. ' ' ' is 111.11 i. 011 the Cued.. beat tin, Oi hit..l.. I 1., tor tit i/..1..1 3 , elle and all, with Thal, Thd "'id'. "Pte... t" here 1......"" war th e Denotersey, thatth bold Forum,' ~,,..,..., ........................... , In looking over the file a Il ia I).myine , l u Until, wages are much hi,,,her thatt ma ' h r Mar i m e a `• i din l'rts. Plo I rho' , et les . " ' .ponittneorts neelaim so titoincettiv doe to , 1 3' d""-teehr . . redeem .w• re this : soder rt. Ter/14 Is la Me, mad their Democrat, ( IrAig,) wo happened to find in I:4.11a if we 111•11111 IT s act s I .. t at ~ • ,- I • 6 • I the" 'el Per t . ". ii "" a b ee ' he. S l= 'tl• lo dlinnt sort its, he Lax ...tiered Li.' la co. sN ii -I lie potato ditiesse is, beyond - - - It It -•I• t li • o oloetivc ' Prr re' , mid et these 11104110110, there. aro t•do Ile was seltsimed at the dep.. all doubt, executing into reoral distnet• f p-a-",r- 1 -- , --16 , -..k , ." , ..r.”--1/..h the following. whirll ac publish Crz the hen- '"'"fi'''.a •- ' i e.' . ''' " I ' • ill the material. sulfietently abundant tor, ,„ n 1,,, a , ,„„„.„„„, „r 1 0„ 1 ,10 mei 09001t,51 in Ireland, rod the low mi. •e ot potatoes in !., 7 lifilfii7i. r ....,... T. 4 ef I,• II; 11. !Cr, ~,,,, i.l ad' , . ' 7 efficincy, e Wetted with the Nymmim,a- ow u, ,,, ki , T a 'rat bap te thatiand Pia , t, I . h,d,i„,,, am. the . ittgiog of bells, the yis tattibulde in some deg.°. 1 ti J• ri4 ..1 .4 ..., gist fell loot, foe Stet p e r ~ t Ant e l an otter tot tineliesn lahor re so great-its • , fit of those who aro trying t o make th e • • ' • . ca ,„„„ w ,, , ...„., ~,,......„, 1. , „„, ~ ,_ , people believe that Oho Tang of 1646 'lllli 011111.11111., ill ./11111 it is exerted makes it and 6.r the u.° ot the world trt ne .h, t i t .. , n t h e b ee , „d ent , ,„ the , , „ nte ' ruined that busin.sem our public improve- IVIII.IiI KIIIIUCII to the iiityLi lie.er, o ll . ilit . or ,ho ,I. iod. oho. k . o, . .„ fillet A eine", li inn r s nod 100 roe. On As the stereo of the tanners, who ore ans. the ! Salt a"a r' ed."... "'eh'. learn “"... 1.001111,, , 111 • ll.tt, I, he responded in a neat hots to tlippose id I heir trot,. ; hut the dis t . rrrrrrsd i' „ t of the ecrienteuria teal t h e ' ' - • ' --•--- ~.......„,„ Eitel.tittl ''' '" , tot wren:, ot itt t ' r.. -r il ' t! ". i'a 1 ler, and . t 'h, ' ''• ' • I slinking ° out at all affected-it is only in , • ei eitin4 to net . tog eons am tato. or /It g. :nnis-us:92r . , . i lot pill in mom, - NCI,. of- ' h . "hi' P•lia a 3 !" II."lio "'lied l" ' ",1,1 , o itli one chi.... sloe called nit.. a very sliglntleene he some parts nf ill. 115.8Ite2.11t•er , in OAOO.IOAi •-. I 3ti3wilgrakit , 4 t ;; ~, I . pa irso t! :::,. z fl ..,„ . ~,..:: .0 , ; AI 1.• i 00$ r ix! r. •te... 1/4111 1„ tr 2=ll ft I: r: ......0 I s I i :It It a 64 re* . r.tt.• / ' 1 - & .... 1 i Beal es anat. •artenin ! t d i .44. 1 ii Eigay gt: ...a re- LI .. I a Ittde•OVIILMIO•ft, i 1 1 1. 4 F. 1 . ' It B= l 6 ini 1!• ea t 8 . i * .7; n 8 n * ~..,, 8 t 5.30 0 '....... 3 1 it n S o a m= I .' - THE DEMOCRAT.I Tliwireaty, Oslolber It. 118110. This paw has thhhorrst histstiation W sny too hi P.M , . Posseslossio. ..d .w , sts• thigh sr, other is this meaty. Thom smiting to tolsorliss will of ewtrm wont. their stn. totem* yolsstior It u thew motions. Rarest e snow OCR trdale. WORK,- Helaw we give a statement of the Canal , Tom Es* rm.: -nom the few *nano., it*, td Railroed tolls on our State on e up '' ` itte. 4 , *tooted oto oprownit Mot the en* once.. in _ . .. . .. eoti t l osit , . 6 1,i0, ~,,,,,. ~,i,,,,,, $,„, 5,,,, Next. na to e...toy, nod oe am tip t oes. le m nonce. . July los enturewen wan the come 'mesa . t loot year, from which it will le sett. Ulm ... "'"..''' . 14'4 tr will thy and . Iron/ - The grades ef wool ore tn. too i• Me mote, to en, mcne—f..ll..., ... e Mink we ma ) ',,,,,. :_ _. t__., 6 , 0 1 ,...... y. ,.. ... w h ee l to the mouth of the thl't fuott 70 to tom II the slot it e etet tT t titti t shot gaiety estimat, ot loon few hoethed m the as- . 66 ti an tio. 'nere• t 4 . 0 i ,,,,„ i „. i . , ioi „, ~„, i„ i ,,,, l intii , ~ Ids In E tglond and on the Ohio est.! t regale Mined the tote on thwernor tow )eatr.-,• ' 1840. 11.49. the lab. in ( lsote strata io healthy, safe. and he given -at ot knot by us - nit , . s'eurne,) ; el oh M.. fan heron on a mast he apparent. to I R a ton, 856.650 66 , 7 , 0 , 4 57 ' toot irksome, it in well paid, compared with 3. we know very well that we have army every one with holt set e,e, that the Demornine N _ ... 4.565 :t . i 6.6 , 7 3ii oat prt soot prices of aerieoltural lalior, at , ttri" , )" , dim., sail am] r-0 lit sheep ..01 6 ,6„,i..4„,,,i .„...., lot.hondry, and either on the side of tin Yew ix ye, pony, errs awash tt how tatty co tow, moot t. itri . tot. i 0 .,,,, 4 , 8.645 iiii $1 25 per day ; the straw* lingerer, by.. 11 la onion Oman en • .14,,i,,,,,,,i,,,, , 164 , 3,, 76 164.567 75 one and a half emits per bosh, l, be.id e . Altimlaelpatt mooldeinti or on the central tireB too...tab* our mojenty *somewhat reduced., p 609. ` 6.649 . 0 8.0 , 3 i rent, slack on the to tot. farm able sites, is prattles. vie eau product °rely kind ot Will thee Dmill•nl• who megieeted la mto Owl p 4 6....1 66 . 9 . 17,033 79 19 . 714 35 not over one mot per bushel ; add one- sheep and wind of any fineness. We know Pons and wont, W when them monbe 59, to nn ineleatter. 28,030 00 113,394 47 half sent for profit to 4 the contractor, and , that it must cost less to produce wool on etstelY to dm low.* w 00...) he tolamewhe 4 by: Columbia. 126,990 40 130,353 64 w° hobo ll ' °"°° of our bent ininP n'ini° . 1' wf nl'9' lands, °W n in n mho wady and 0 ,. 6 .„„ ii , ... h. ~... .u.,..,.. I . 4. 6 . 9 0 ,...,6 . 9 . 029 79 7.047 69 ' three cent. per bushels! the furnace doo r ' highly toiled lands of England nod Rely'. ii ...„ . ,... g. 4(072 cii. , 13 , 1 , 7 20 of the mill ..r furnace, and direetly tot nee- not i and. , 1 w.. 0, told hate to obtain lull ICI hereafter" W. loge ma nom formstly. —....... _ 1.757 65 2.6 , 5 51 igable streams, emteh, . railroad., by .101.1 y flum the mountains or Spin ..r tin. Routh ems • Imittims. ts.:rtodWa ..". 00 7.556 69 , which them etude an est. !pamtas of South America. the average die -6..1'1 ein. i . f .„, Bntinn.f ' , M ,..... F ' * '‘,.., "°°r " . ...... , Huntingdon, .4,570 15 6,304 10 , Thew owls are, according to the report; ton.' I. not against ~ ....d the ...taro .t -,o.rf r o rt l if b ..J b o e lt n i t tso i n :, , , e g tc h eli „ tiz , aptir s tiv e pow. tractions arc greatest to our cheaper foto! ....Z nnnl i ,,,..; 7. 6 „,„ ° ..."". 4 - 1 . ,,,Z i n i..... ° =,.. 0." , i i ll o ol b l n i . d t a o y . e n burg, 14. 7 9 , 7 0 7 1. 2 . 5 ,t 7 1n R 1 : 2 106 07 1' 5 1 5 1 Ninth Illraneh Cunt, and foe &mains, • gm.. , 8 „ r . * „... 4 : 9 , 00 5 .037 29 owl of which, at the pit'. moot t h i : p ieTt r l n e g a e s ''11 1; : o% ". 4 1 -11ere, of counts there coo be no q ty eit timtwo to be toned In emonneling dam, will . , re. ,.... t. I,coq 16 L 578 34 6 ,.....„ 6 ,,,,,,,,, c .. r b„,,i, i i . tri3O average' question, or nut ntivant•tnlt. Front the la• ...I M' renewed al the Rermeeia Ake. in Toolthon- to.. 't coals et Nownistle, end for th e ding of • ship to the Icahn; af a cradle, ..,, "-manna& 5 9 . 0 43 P 4 66.303 44 , Finn "f ininli I n nai • °°°l "' in " "' the ' n th n " ° "''''''' ii ' w Dunnsburg, 7.616 33 7,4555 P last 40 years, Ison been 13. ld per ten. or we hate the material at our doors while Ito good news to the reside of Nowltent Peunstlro. w „.... ~,, 0 ,, 76 4.7 , 6 , o frattinto or cr ten cents her boated. The England has to obtain her chief sol Oil a V a at 7: , Ma. NorthumCid, 23.549 25 26,507 79 Kinn° iif this hest cook at Liverpool have !rata JJJJJ the heart of Europe or this side the _ . _ _ . 1:r A whil from ' V P ." ' wh *t ^l , ''''''''"l Coloyua.;• 7 ll. - 7, Ao.M.-7M Bernie, 37,7116 76 40,379 0a,,".", angel e 3 67 per 10^...,°Y 13 .cute per "Oil° of Sf . i'nwrmwe' .ei eee elog, regime a majority foe ranee in 111.1 ~,•,,,„.,. , on IK. representation. of none paw in ' Liarrpmd, 4,937 93 5,209 26 nnn'ir'' • Indeed, in that tommeralion of the entire 154 65 Cotton.-From the .snap cotton field. list of the lteavy and holky raw material d oool r 419. It 4 ....14 "P''' ' ''.."."t , ronaloon. Richmond county, Ylestnio, *am led is Selicyll viaduct, 197 75 - toll the amthwest, cotton col be laid d o .. which • manufacturittg people reqoire, we POSTSCRIPT. • npriut • •• Me Nryeacre Manfete' roomaner al l'ortamouth ollt 'hal pia', in hex of a Iwo eras. wl.a wasejecled.l - lot look, 1,407 46 1,085 30 " the f'' ' '.i ' " Will .red f ' lin Wilt nii pen t on think a ".."..IY cue in whin'. wn Lore Them.. omilathie teems. Win" the f a ' It tome., heaven.. that Nit n iepeocer Harden", Swertara erne- the banks of the Ohm, in Deices and ter.not, or cannot coolly have a neat deeithol 'swim Mark: Clifford—Gamble, Ili. Fuller nI, ..... t ....... 6 ,... 5 .....„.„ ii ., ii .... n . i _ t duet bridge, 233 00 2.. 00 , 606 , 6 i " ... 0,,,, 44 at N i .. 0.1,,, advantage over &island ana eve of ...- ry o th er ow . Well, 169. Mowry. 140, Bonmen 00. K0n10r.50.1i..„.......,.....,..,..t.t.., LeanneLeanne.6,666.; Duean's (dad That r „.. 4 „4 6 1, 4 , 46 . of muting .6. 06 country where are mind facilities Hamby 1011. lire, 75, thoututcad, 139, 'Mensal t h., h„ • ..4....1,.......i„.... the . 91 „ . bridge, 2,124 21 1 1 681 16 ff.'. N'w i hiennn OM...hotter hi not less, munieation and intent' ange l and where the ....-... ~..i.,...16.,..... 5 4 p„, .26 , tot the average than one an' • heti' sent. ells"mter,of the people, the laws, and the ,1 Tor st Ivo, tic Am••••••.—Thr intahltable, .... IPer polled. Here wo have* advantage of olintoto ore' eilil. l l ftwurohin to i.iinufne'l -- Journal. lb. tt .tdemeate of !aviary, mid demon 0730. 0 01 52 $79 9 ,370 42 .y 20 per cent in obtaininmhe chief me. t taring pursuit.. of 9 "oson , V"rimMent• nod ram, -ho r n,. From the above mate...sot it will he men t"i:l of lo th. _ Dialler Onderdottis Case ha. beim! 000 '''''' °o ' .°ll ''. •ni "" of °`:':" ii " ''' n °in " that the increase anemia arisins Iron. °or' A. to ..n.., innoisairlygrehaavte'lll7:l‘—ortn'opsttatlyp,lniti., brought. bet.° the New York Eideeopal: •••efoll mtormahot.h•• 014 emend upon its t aw ' whieh we rid n 0.... 1 , 1 ,.. i. ,.......„.., ........... public inlinnennento mem. Inn year, In Sit. the height of &bawdily to supom dist it. Convention, and the following resolution . 64 protented on IVedoe.day by Rev. Dr. Sher.. orlon'. in on rettoli , ate do -. Mine teeny the ty Jive thessami three handsel end sixty malufaetuters, 56011 mil. tli.tant, neatest, . well os the mew woeful papenithat vist right dollars owl ninety mats! t Yet with ...rt. nii i i. "il . ne"" if w" md to other Wn"l ' it ottr tot.',. It it pohsehed is Hum. It es, Ith i dila fast staring them in the (nee, them one. Resolved, That the Standing C ~,,,,, tide , ' n ' l‘ ,..in tngn"nnt " nnn'ingln Iff ' nr ' nfd:i ' n : of the Diocese or New York Me retittested , t . 4 .,, 011 ..„ .^ . .9:::; y t N .. n0: ne, Yet i. M ... .:t . 1 . 1 . 4/ h re , r a ,... .. , . 3 , • !cm,' : h et:0111o t Joao are tr3ing . to mate! 1;07,. _7O- 6 .. 4 GA.. i6 bi. „ i • 6 . .. c. to prevent C orthwith an address to the ' en ' °°. poop e lieve, that the Tend of 1846 tom mat of iron it E v i oo d, o w 1 1, 0 ,i, 0 11 , .... , 1 Risholte, asking them to tennis without it. ,is ruining the interest!, of Penneylnnie. . are to finetnalinges to h... ...t o ' 6 .i.,„ mite at once the tentenre of suepensios in upon Right Rov. 11. T. m Wo u. sslt it e .m.. lll o . o m es . t . e n o d d i r w ami . 1.1;:h: 1 i b1 k, , ,, , : d , ,„.,...,„1. 8 ',1,,,, 1 1. 1e 1k L e h e1t: e t a 3 . 1 0 ' 1 54 1 1: 0 11i t ' ol k. e . r i dt i nk th i y o fl r ' , if unprepared to do this, • 7 hen d 3 00. fal, nth at Glasgow £ 4 16., end thinking the honor cod purity of the think of the leaders of the Whist Porgy. — led . to fu r lit blast cast iron. Thi. Church not yet auSelently vindicated, to t per n Cele/ads Dromeret. , cwt has been natant by the Introduction "'lwo. , thorn to.PreifY ...hat tonne. or i„....,..d i.,p,..0 .......... .16.5 .. et what time, o dd mutebee of suspension : 1b.,. been down adopting • in ennseriu .hall ovow. . of the high easel maehinery end ..I . ' L. IA complete seer three fermata taming ' ht England shit £lOO,OOO. The cloy i. Mont of the coal memuree l Is the chief at multal in England; ands perbeps the plllon met favorable for tidal mansetetun 0 the kingdom, Is in the. smith of Plutrdehire, went are emeeiatedi es pit soap d Ices ore, the liraMdeos or dem, and therm& and Ire Mons Ihr eonstrustion! the Th. model hoe eons the mesh yields over its 30 . pees la the 4of me. his draws up with ths memo Imadrede of yank from the saress, d. setwitheheading lb. low prism of keemimpitai, NNW au average 411 Aline a tee. TM beet qualm, ea 0 gebbinmas up to 10 and 17 sei ner. Al lime es theisik es am. I age slated tei 88 per tee. The seat of Immetees hint 111 se F. We, 0.1 .fl may' aordirt m ..'.. Rerianly OM 7 an • sem or le Ps per an Honk • aaermilemleto wy., hae given the Demaeratie ticket ben II la 13nalkyarioy. 1.1•1•111•1 majority h. l'arbeedal• CH, • pia aremer 190. ix. laal year. Blakely.33 natier.ty he Chnehle. IT We rovo. etreie errata* a rah dos, publlool. boar ate oleetiot to pan taw quirily eltol proseably aa that or Trembly. Net s word rue 8441 by 'Moe party fa our Iterriug, iso eratrover. •r ahem pdroipk• or otoodalabra ; bat ovary valor root .Nortly to the palls seal eiat Ma ballot, fm font W mambo. re appeal*, aritraity towns* lbw wbeff Maw .ed wok am he At T►ki.r boiltooldl be. We Wm be or toes rot holoputdert, ...swab the 'Mawr of for... .. though obey bed mew. ROW mei brow their orts boa .oa orkboot balm owned awl Weikel Amen by s bee of beleelles, Impede.. pm-bee= p.bd. It owe well bee alle pally of lb. belled-bee. bee *sparer et %be g.. di liberty ha may whet oul lb. rem .ed keenedbes 'Miry et am bee Neeltgelem '....ben be may wan anthem me • Man be s mustily,. geanealegolembeee %••••4•••qy *AS perse•eri. 1 1 11 111 T 111101 Worovile. Dereeemeellowhei Ibe Whip mai *errs. Weedy eneeb—jeit es ...e -rr.'. Tbe Ceepeseeismel deleriben weesike— Ir I ••— Nb-111. J. Ikeeele, W. We weeeitien •I J. Heselbes, D. ypeW 1411 111 114-11/..llweened, LIN • NeLbiee, D., NO e Abeerhe Webb W.. /WI WI 14 Kerr. W..••• eypeiskm4 TM* Wblep ebew Deseenew—re sr Mew amble rr. 71. Legbleiew r WWII le bib Ineembee, rebelly. WM* •1111 mere !bee prey Ow U. & Swam b r. pm if Wm 1....1 &+um, whip The leppeple WM% beerewee, K. sews 'WIN the Wweembo Woe TeylWe ebeeSi ITits 0.101,..013 Mar tia• fee Drubs, asimaim s plank thaa/reph Walker, awl aversi smallest wham (away witielt is essehmie• et the easy agaiast FFpla(l. tha lilavyi sal to. that Is met se attention!. We mesa. hy this " ars." the link+, tam Nits Val j Oak, alikit k decidedly sapsetlemalat bah is .setter sal vim, .04 • &rum to the lashar. Otherwise, pia amiNiel Mamie o Chuniak Ilaitastaa liteOetiams h. asagtall ; twat missiama 11. sagraviar an white Paha. m ass, indite papas all seams spiv het. (Mahan Imp. NI p.. with the powwow at the gay mad =My aa at dealt tast h main% aa tars pattemple. Ilemewee Memstm Mt Oweet• Yr Ime w. mtwelt mi we MN do 11M wit la Ear WM It dweledly the he/ imam et tb• meh Irt yet glowed. h mew= %my mita Mime. meth dYI, we hem we heimMl be emtimel. Ton Oen= near Is • ipm, mime art. piraNdkworn kmar *NU Ws.— Wheibar w Ime emboli ilke m.locitshe Yr me amino r Mw worlhol thug me dmil Imo oh IN UM Wel " Simone Wenn enree."—The diorites gnu" adetioiettatiow u It is awoken; soiled, Woo@ it ham, in It nutit, plead 7;1:0. " 1:7, tr . 81 3'. , taunted in et: &keel: os o n.grtgrfroil tin Lamm Pest. It aye, 27th - ult ' iwow quiet wiin we nut to pone hu sleet time owe neither flpsaith sae Prato nee Shitish see Japanese endure le eight of the lowa otatios at @endows.— Ihr ha • ONO earrior la the IPneldlestial gob. A Some Reese.-41e hawks" hew M eseheep p.p ,4 lb* belt Ms dm we bays iMetr sees Tire old geeilemesi of soy sequaleteeee owe ioriplYeeetiog sea Wier so their • Witte et temporeass. • INA yes ewer, *Ow, rid es% me eit sere Wm I dwell T Wool ires die reply, bee Ile. ie. yea oboe I triseelt yes ►M blew hove gem twin eliot It' ear The truly bravo ere always leer- Wel and none but braggarts end brute. contend for dogging in the nary. John Paul Jones, Commodore Hull, Commodore Trenton, Commodore Rodgers, Commodore Charles Meerut, Lord Rebels, end Lend Otilllngwood, mere all ea breve men as the marry ever whammed, end all bore teethe. ay to the leetlllty of dogging In the miry. Mr" A Hoosier flags ' h. • Tory good mom for salsa ofditorial natter the. A little eireartailee la ow de o& train, whisk is sot likely to smear Ohm tbae owe la • yew or two. lout apologise fer eoil doddery in Ike editorial &pert- Mat syr "1 Alan no. dl.. Osily—l most is.. ma at ysos. lug j,....my" nervy wk.' NOW Oally, - .1 r am bab goad gob% Wiese Ws an tbe way dews bill ra too, ningol,lll.lvti 16.111 ill,ll.lii, 11111 i 311:111:::::, tin 1:11ght has not appeared. es,lmeing until ohont el The radii:al rens present t::: new Gm n he g n a sin:: ial gain ear: red him to: e, and the English journalis: rs lament awl his party. with 1111 l :mous party of the want of sil):Inog upon anal they eat. • era's.. :,t the y , Wage, to iew the Starrnea Viwlnet end Cascade Ilridge, near Lanes.. Tl:erholem is I emtnitling notions ram ' .11 , :ro' Pa. The int., iewe during the: ges at Trieste. morning betuten the General urea Copt Milita: y operatione, with the exception Ile Fermi, nu.l lett:p.m. but s::blier ::f the; of the siege (.1 C: 11l rn, now regularly et- It wolution, and Ma s i Mil/s, who fought and, taloli , lted, have et used throughout all Ett .: bled wiih hint at Chippewa and Lundy's ! r. , pe 7'T. me.erre extremely inter:sting and offer. I Comorn mill heals nut; and it is said 'ring, lhoistened other eyes then those " that the besieged em: defy the btsiegers of the war worn veterans. The trip te one Neer. II afro of 11111111 wokseon 1% gratif,ing OHO. 'f influence of Russia and Austria is ! attil the u bolo patty rot:it:nod diviner and being exerted to compel the Porte to aur !proem:de:l westerly al eveoing to omit Owe- render the Hungarian Chiefs who have ila ; and Elinira Mr Stephens, as great a ken refuge in Turkey, but It item ft ter lion in letters as Gen. Scott is it: arms. 11:::::.toutionple, to the • 5111, stale that this • o kit Senor Rivas and y returned the Ism been positively refused by the Porte. ' :o.ooe evening u Melt the . , spent monally The Pope has quitted Gaeta and fins, here, and telt for the out the next mtwning,lpreeretled to Naplea, where ho has taken • su.l the hi thloral and the residua of the por. !up his abode, in Portico Palace. Ills re ' ty, art., proceeding westward n. far as Ni. eeption at Naples wan of the tenet strikingretureol and vent Friday evening and . popular :Ammeter. '1'I: I': pc evinces ! here met I ft for the city on Saturday Inn Intentinn of returning to Rome at pees , morning The visit or Gen. Scott and his eat, and thus far no real progress WON. to distinguished companions was gratifying in have been made touards the satisfectory !the highest degree to our eitisena and it ' solution ..f the Italian question. war especially intereating and beautiful in! News was daily capeeted from Morocco, this age of strife and turmoil and mourn- whenS the Spanish and French Generals versy, to see a whole people. without regard seemed likely to procure monetting more to owe nr sex, mate in paying their restweto than a mere demons'. melon. The Moon to the most distinguished of Amt., ienh, war woreexpeeted to make an attack do win Chiefs —Bing/taw. Drumm& Mon-HD, having already eat off the applies. - - The newly appointell members were as- Freon aleasynne. scmhling at Madrid, but no not'. news to New! 0 .* Ott be taken of in events going on relative to We are in the receipt of advioes from p u h a . Havana, to no 27th ult. We . loon that Fara:cm—A good deal of alienate. in I the reception of the news of the difficulties 4beeted to the of the existing hot wee. our Government and the! Clergy, which has paigaeae r d its skiing.' French Milliner, had wrested quite a new. Paris. Almost all the bishops and diatim. tuition in Havana. The most extravagant I g .i.h e a clergy of ananemblioga rumors and speculation were detailed in all ' the Comail. the poblie places, Fresh proteetin duties have been The tinted Starks sloop-of-war, Der-1..1 on the inipanatioe of foreign nil mat:town, arrived at llamas on the 10th seed., with a el s w i s , reg.' 'bemuse of oil cads in Algeria. Roman Denman seconds M. Le Pro dour in the eonsnond of the Frown - need forces in La lath. The Moniker contain on order frown M. Derengen, President of High Own of Jus tice, fixing the 10th of Oetober for the opening of the Mal at Versailks of tile pa rsnna bonneted In the conspire., ef June 18th, 1840 ; and also of seat In an armed of bang ettasected with the sear of May 16, 1848, het who had not wade their appearance at the High Ouart of Jeans at Bourses. It appeared to be sedddely &sided that in a awe epaas of thee • nineties wlikbo Wooed le tlen Pram b amp. • , O .—The papers ...nand Ode mooning senoinee tb twozpeeted realitew Con of the Mato mower, Monday ening, after exitid'e dellboratim.• The King steepled naiveties,. sod gave instroadose far the foroutdoe of awake Cabinet. The elreamtaneen which led to the malt bee not treeepirod: Toseer.—flonor to the Sebes! Hewer to the Tartish b/hthery I They hare no. hip does their daty, awl hare robed te Ireene pewterer, to Caroti Prow& J the sie d a l n e d l yfi /hod- The l n den Anhesead p nat he Pkoto. The Spaniel, needron sailed fans Ha vana, .bout the Middle or Int month, to protect the Southern wan or Cabs. The needing luny in Cobs is to be In craned. SW dinned noon ore daily expected Leanne Iron Spode. rlaada+ra. Nall , 0 Oel. 2. The men lately sinsnebled at . lama Is- End, on s sem& ezpsditios, ere diesppftr ing—the purposes for which they had met, having either been detested or postponed. Beaton or bloitortim ra rue.—NY hawk F. Clark of Stonningtoo, bar re powered of Copt. Otis Peedletoo. Nester of • whg,lll6oo for bread, of womb. of to . The °took Arad set Moldy In ore, sod wrote home worn let tae of love to the lady on the voyage, hat for se rouge net Motel, be gaoled of before it. Men, who. is mewed to WO hi. etotrooL Tho dossers was est at 16000; lb. Jury gave 119000, whioh the Zcithooght too Ido. when they pre • of (1600. whhil he ordeed to be recorded. I!E;:iMM!MiI SEVEN DAYS LATER PROM EUROPE. Offload of lb. Crnio.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers