" 96Q KINOCT34II." IL C. WPSTE in. Editor nod Proprietor. TR11.124 no. tit /IVO vier, eneitl ;ear. ennh In Mena., or tree dollar. it not paid until ihe end of tee year or time of enleieription No paper 'rill ...inn, until arrenlhite••.. prod, 5...pt./I the option nt e Puhlielier A...Ronnie/111one ,FST receive ellen lion. a - ,lualnena , 7 0., Y. MVO voL vi One .r , Irzr Meioil 110 0.. !For Cs c 11.., hoot , THE Exotic bloasotne! brought to grant Old Ply month's rooky glen Proud nuoltere of a noble taco Of stem and Stalin art Ilk II ; Srrong was the hits! with wlneh ye braved The dangers of the too, And elm, die nuoren power that oared The hers of the free' When wallyo'er the emirs, Jeep, The fragile I lay •Ilowe rNet, While stare their ettletnn watch would keel On yonder i•. 1,1 of Woe,— Full nit ynnr 101,1, UN night aml fair As any flower of Rl.l,ltjt• 1 11 Were meekly Ism ell in trier nett prayer, To lIVIAIUII. tAttltt Cold wan your his, I 1,. w.• .hr hat heron don Jr. :yea. no hair: Thewiniry au, sullen ronr Sung w. istane Tlii. alio,. OW 11111, Wllll I% owl, an his I )... The noiny is:a-lardstms n.d 1411111 The ternyeai-spiries cry. Oh, Pt!grim slothero ! !em the I, res Your prime@ to prolong ; - . And trumpets these toeong Yet Vs were to thone heurts of ottk . . . . The veeret of their in told Ye nerved the arm that hurled the Woke In labor or /11 light. 'The lire of freedom warmed encl. bream, 'llroegh many u weary day, Where pdlow.ll sodr dream) nde. Our lidera 1.,t It 9 Y.:fungit du le oh. II th. it undd , . pr.). Were tor,allu.d kauL, /1.11F1111,1111.11 t..tttr Itteitatl, 1.. r 1t... MeISM= . • Thut 1re1.1..1 In al:, )card Ilowdd gun', And 131ds edr. d I\l,ll lit Ail,- Fe m. handd tLv eddrr) 1,41111, Ltd, .%ggro .1. tredild,n, d ' Oh! I I run Alothur.: thottzlo )e he erchuhet• A memory that I lath via ..... A . ,z 1 A sueruoe.n th:tt Yunr Jain .I: 11111 lit Your n.cp../11—lip• t, .111 E!3=ll 11.kmars . 1 . 11...411"i.A lo MM4M tilw who knom• Sonwil,,,, on tl. w Than alien liar br• sirr, , lure twwlf ol•• too— lwr Site's the wiw— for IHE GAMESTER'S REI BCE Recollections or n Offierr. A little more than It year after the peri,l whoa adverse eireumstane s—chiefly the to mtit of my own realms I,llii s—error 111 d ma to miter the ranks of the metropolitan police, us the solo 01.1119 left tee of ',refu ting food and raitnout, the attention of one of the principal elders of the force was at tracted towards toe by the ingenuity and boldness which, I was suiptued to have manifested imhittiug opal. and unravelling a clue which ultimately led to the convic tion and punishment of the petpetratois of an artistically-tounived fraud upon an em inent tradesman of the West End of Lon don. The chief sent for inn; mid after at somewhat lengthened conversation, not on ly expressed approbation of lily conduct in the particular matter under dimension, but hinted that Ito might shortly need my ser vices is other affairs requiring intelligence end resolution. 0 I think I have mat you before," he re marked with a meaning smile on dirmim leg me, "when you occupied a different po sition from your present one 1 Do not e lan' yourself; I have no wick to pry un neeessarily into other men's !went.. Wa ters is a name common enough in all ranks of society, and I may, you know"—here ; the sold smile deepened in ironical expres sion—. be mistaken. Al all events the tes timony of the man whose recommendation obtahled you admiulon to the foreo—l have looked late the matter since I heard of your, behavior in the late business— is a salt- *lent guarantee that nothing more serious, than imprudence and folly ran be laid to your shame. I have neither right or incli nation to Inquire further. To-morrow, in all probability, I shall send for you." I ease to the Gooch:Won, no I walked , homeward., that the elders intimation of hiving previously met me in another sphere of life was a random and unfounded one, a. I had eeldeit visited Landon in 10 1 Pm' Crdays, and still more nrely mingled i oociety. My wife, however, to whom I of mune related the substance of the airannation, reminded me that he bad once; been at Doncaster paring the races ; and su pped that he might possibly have seen and Boded me then. This was a ia gg. thistly pobable explanation of the hint;' but whether the cornet one or not, I wan nth decide, as be never afterwards alias deg to the output, and I bed not the pin Fisk to new h. Vim days elapsed before I received the napetod summons. On waiting on him, I pas agteeahly startled to lad that I wai to bash thee employed on a melon whieb the most sagacious and experienced of de- allp 41140 rote J.]it-llitotratt. N'l4.lll::entsiy..D""'. f":"Willi:er F".:7 ~....!,,,,..f,..i,.. 9 11 n 1 t;7.l fri n id l ld :: t'ul t. , 1 • P.unsyhrsain, -' it/clam-urn I . t - ---,.- , . __________ _ ________ _ _ _-__ iVirginia,. 1 teetire otliecis would Lax e felt In nurc.l to gentle mth. 1., his tin, :a re "IA digali In in 1 table and dive and eatdn loll . e in full notiv- 'yeeterod 1. , give Mr. 3ferton, an d that tin- ~1 ~ , , r i ~, i „ . , ,, k 1 , , ,, ,, ,f. ,,, „ x ce.i . c.,:er 00 nn d. ... ~,,,.,.,,, rt 1 j ,, , ,, ,ri ; ;sNoo.r:hi,,/,......r0tt:,..., 6 undertake. I.puh nee to sardid pram.), would :Annulate it . , ; mine and li ~,..,,, „r ~, , ,1 ,rj,,, h . a w, ru. der a premie e ,.- en his h on .,. g , a gt „,,i o. , o M ere i, a in . iiiion desctipti o r t of th e the 4/011,4. craven that COLT coach d tl e ptoltisel . , paraded. Thaw, ware shut a 'ma. , " "r iori'dablo seereeY. .I.t. was this: co tio n 1 jffi,e,,, rul er ~,I do your d„,.. y" , ;,j; , '''''.'t persons pt . ti,i,, !....,• nt blachlow., smindlers earth if. tinenry - nlid 011,11. .I'l,y 11. :mu .1 1 7 , 0 i p , i ,, is p lOlOll l, I ainill ilisc.iviircil, --" /le :owe, hero.° eoututenting ploy to-, t„ o „ ;„,,,„, „ ~,,,,,, ~,,.,,,c,,,,,,,,,,, 1 . - , i , : ' , " 0,,.. and rayger.," et , u , 1 , 1111,1 the e ,, ,,, , , , ,,iqter, Illy. sullui.itto nniy pros-0 correct; :old then : iii . ..i.'t i tip. Vilig, 3 • !ii I lint L. iliiiii ISLA elev. morrow night, that the bonds and oblige- lice, and surprised, panie-atriek en , pa ra l y . I MiChigan, annulling lip instt net inns "It mill b e p air 01. 1 ,,i 110 eiinin r, 1,,,,k call 1,, ourself, fur on or t o Li, e well- ill, stcd deep :zdnes, lions pun have sal , the jewels you have sell by the suddenness of the catastrophe, !‘"`"....,, 5 0„,, 0 ,i ii i st , c, , ,pects itolueml a itonaNta- lust, wi th . soot to 'totes or gold to make. zed gang were all aecured without the slight- ii ;; ; ,7""'"' ohject ni di,euver their private haunts, itod the oteeger is at our I eels'" assure legal evideoce of their °Marion , : Sanibtd, I Lame hten instincted, ma. tt- ry trait. lest one, r name; the pkaaaat ~ t.. on equal a , aaaat ai that whiah you cot r es j o i iinge, though afloat of th ee , wore ~ ,,.....,r i. d°1! ,,11 4 1 /d . 11 the aimad,• and marched off in custody. I Arkuusas, practices. We have linen hitherto baflled, vitally •te.cacet at the Italian I irtire during part., iiiight 411.111 . 1 tor ret4;znize Inv coca- moan to link, Co actually principally, I think, throu g h th e torol a.ty ilic ballet, the box lie generallyoreopi e d tb.n This, !c.c.., or. .t.' refleoted, m at table." Ile promised to lomat Mt this Th r , g _s . ,„i„,t . oi . ( . .„ r d og , hot Lo had ' Kentticky, anal of the oflicers entpin, •ii ; piti 11111.,i 1..,- was tie , ignilivii ill liiiiiiii.lll.llllilin id . file 1.“- •. , all vil; p •s-ii.le My (licit dui io g ti n . condition. It. involved much nines than he, half a dos. allases, one of them—wore ~ ,j r.l tt""„.' serially avoid that error: 'They' arc pray- liar; and a. I .tiro h . , the bills that n .vor . , aiii.it po l l il II ad I.cen iiniktic nit°, nag iii,:illifii lir. transpot Ica I t life ;the rest were sentenced i l, ' ti e ,d Ae„,,,,,1 r 0 5; cod it g i ll i . gintiiii, cob- Stit'el.•?fili I irte iiiiii to L. lel f,.illit - d ii.ni 'ilii . d - r,tant not. I l ! , n•nal 1.tt0., of sto.h . 1,). rit.r.o.g. inents were at length titer- 0, ~,rin us term, of imprisonment. My Fkinea, s.idotable patience, a , well a, iii . nineit, to 12,.i.ing, I thteindin,l oil 11l log peseta. 0011100, and I ma, athrimi • unktnimit itt 1itt4 , . 1 ) ooutPlote; and a lew °dont., past t us k te„„.jr,,,„.11,.H. hed. M y 0 ,,... .1 kennel and Lung thin. to justioo. One I olden' the Irmo ah n athlete+ pant L onde. Still, ytt ...ti min tri 00... n. were tweho doh., k limo bltistterod lot.s.ord ad- pet iors wero ' , leased tmexpress very norm Tu ' ll '• of their mute r0e... , ‘i' do. , is PrueF Mi . b e '''el°' 1. , .lull a!'‘' n the e' o'n'''or'""'" "I ''"' ,. ..1. , dir'''''''. l '''''"'/.' ' i" 1 ""lorer ; i"''''.ted l "" illh .' ill' Loco., -‘ll ll''gr.Y .illev- eouttitendation 01 the manner in u 'deli I laid Merton, son, Lea loran r tinotiace, of the the I :al, t, and lookail nail - 1113 ainuitd. Vic and one lin! bur:, 1.•11.. . • ~r .. otttott wan doing on Mr. Mert..iii we, in- di t ,,d ~,tr. Ii the fi r , 0 1 111 i nn t h e 3 _ ~..„ lbarager Lady Evert. n 11. r laily•ltip box in mlii It I min. itt-tt"wi il to ... i: at, .a . al- 1..•,,. th.• . • Tii !.. ' • i .' , Pitilii TV !,; ... ii,, ii ., I i!ii advised, upon the. , v.IA/d. ; ,,...„„ 1 i„..„.,,i, ,h , i i i,,,,,„ 13 ji, ~ ~, my ~,,,,. ,!: ,,.. 1 .., 7 , t71 ,,i,. has a; plied to lit f. r asnitoa.c eio . mole.,- 1,111 NI:, i . 1131,11. Ti n 1,.,. • ' , .• ! - . •, • 1.11.: •.• .... •, • ...It ti —i. P . ''• ' ..... i Tliii IV that m.Liiel t le hail o „ t ~,,it i . , „ i o u .„,,,,„ 1,„,,,. 1 ,,,,,,,,„.„,,, :l!, ' till; b u n tiont Hi , . i. ifs in ii:.'i ' .l 1.• I- Int ...•- , I .lilin.,,` • is: - .....li njuitt. Fit e mitill ~• J . , ~ ~,,,,,,t ~ ' I 110,1,1 ..no. t.,1 not in bautinlit mn 1. inn._ 1... ..... .! I . . . • .. le 1.1; .le ;moo, .do 9) 1 • .. .. .• .• • , 1 • , . 1 "un— '. 1. , ." 01,111 r. , t , ur ~i .. - 1.1..1.6.1! 0,10 011 ii alter colif•ri ell L 1,1,11111, LIPII.I.10 , 1.• (NOV. 5) 3 1 • 1..1 .41 P. I. I .1., n tri so oin at , :11 lid I 1:11,1EI 1,11. I . :tidos!. looking !moo n 0 ,vi rto his iteiati il •1• imie• ; tioil he adil- • fling. lie was detestnintil to recover his lii,s, Sur 3,,,,,,,, h„,l Lis i„,,,, ,N, o hni gath ,,,,, .11./;,,,,,,,, ,a o) 9 five 0'd....1.--it. ;d o h. o f o t I, r , ~11 ~„,”„_b,,,,,1,,,it, tritoophinit than evi r, entered eil 0, nit:thin:2.in II W',1•1111.1. V, h.,I N brtl.lglit. t , I' t lio l•frt. kti tkin g •, and .11kongli /IL, i,,,.1., 00 ,/ o.‘oo, it:stored to tint ;n - "="""'''''''`‘"' 102 104 9 _ a-- „,, t 1 obt“j j , I v hat e v, iiiho math ii .Lo ma, I nns iii- :n itii a irde illiA , clutie looking a sarilionie smile to she Allow . , Urt„ mid in- Loud., bill', ulthgatitt , i lii , sister's jewels. 'taught, wisdom b v terribh, esp et j ener, nor , .g„,,, , next o. d.k. wiLl . be rtom mi 0 . 93 .1 1 0.. 113 108 10 b. lito afford Iteniembos to mininststd- a• slog nom silo.) I had 11rI a / 1 11 , 1111.y, cf. 111 111.11...il a total . la,. in Id, ikon anew 1, amt a lark, aintiout in gold and gunuili e a ,„,i„ „„,,,,,, a a „,,,i,,,, , 1 ,,,,, aa. ~,,, ~, he ( 1 ,, 1,.. 1,0.... . :eate diteetly with um; tool tiny ss-ristanct Lin ,tiiling ri si inblanee to a piirtrait in a arts la, self This A% a . .. 1 re -a-sluing: fur nudes, mere produced, thole was still a heavy ,:„. Lis 11„;.,....„,1„,r ens ungrateful r „.. t h,..... ,,, ,... Sun now require shall In• piosimil render- Lail, F.,erton's draaing- room, in deciding though tiled a tth pistil., I ;1101,1.1, I t 619 tkli . t.ictit ''..1.1i, by the by,” L'.. 91.1111.10. I had been fortunate enough tu ren- ', •i " • . ". from ""( ed." iViih these and a I . e w other min, to be 3lr. Merton. 31) coutne of action lelt, have little elianito mill! 51.1,11 utterly claimed '.'stifiiid an I entered, '• IVaters ian • d er t t a „,. ron 1 emit:ince (Mews. Sibley aa4Tbrut4e) sal directions, tweilloss to recapitulate, I *NS 11:.111,,POCO lll'termirell Oil. Pausing only reckless rufliarr ns thosii by a Ilion I war lend you tint soul for an hour or two—fora dismissed to a taok whioli. dillieult and lion- to niastor the etn•Ption a Idol, the right of sorridisolcil. I'ln, v, p1 , 11.,111; and tho' vitssider , lioa... be UddlA inn whisper tilingtolilr Courtahli.. majority. Thee 9 will be seen that the Free Soil. oily perilous ns it might limy, I hailed as the glittto ink leptile in 0 liiisu 11 , ,1t.,111, 1 10 111 fll , l Il,lllly el in-ing. 1 11.1,ird to he " It will soon be seturned." ... _ ~... will certainly hold the Waite. of pow a delightful relict trom the wren ing IMPUIii- ,I“IIIS I hail Itemn invoked and tiiioheil in- goodwill, Tv icons hy iritisistatilii tontita• " No, thaiik you," 1 00.ered r..1,11 . y A 0011111 SlOl,. -.held these 2130111hBra in voting sham candidates eny wid dull 1 (iodine ol 4 4 . 411.1) duly. spited, f pas se d t o the opposite side 0t tile ii..,,.,„! s „, , 1 „„„ t„1,1„.41 1 „ 0 , 11 ,1„;, 1 ,,,,, - I never rot nit!, my money till I Lusa. . . — 7 I/01.1 sneer of the great parties, aceordiag te their i‘ e envy the following o.r,,, nge rd,11,1..ns politwol atbudioo. (Mama Wilmot. Kist, Dukes. I k nhten „,,l h o „ . „„a nr ,,,.. dr ,,,„,„ b...., and loililb cut 11 010 IP,. C,llr- r , 1,11,:11 16, 0 ] 1., 0 ,,,,1,... 0 ~0,0 , 1 4 0 ,, lOSt it." • . , ---.. , ...,,,,,, ~ .. .1 - d on ' s b ar k tens toaard s m e , an d I I NT ,/ ,/t.a.1..., I s ~11,0 , 11 ;, r l. l on I i n th e ro d A ondigannt scowl passed .over the front Ileadly's ••• Adirenack, or Life in the Julien) world probably euppott the 1/010aoratle wail Brent tato to, 1 Idi tot /I y wan, ~,ha h a d 1„. 1 , 0 r„,,„„„, 1, -,,,,,1 1,, 1,- .1 , 61 r 111111 1101111'1111 ILV •11.,11111. 5 Ile I erred rim.' in,. II lido, in devil's 111 . ono• by st- se. intullef . s fraturos; but be on:via no re- . W Is t" 0500000 s, giving that party 118 vote% as . the , ,„ , , „,,,„, .1 - 1 . 1, , 10 01 11it w, lieeklod 1 1101 ulle 01 • • I s l,llllllo , rc..l, of ill t Inn 1 11110-- 1 ill 1 , ...1- 11 " i ' 1.1 '"" 011 ' 1 " if " t1:1-111-11 "'I I ' ll ' 1 " - 1 ""' 1 I .'l' "' '', N l * .1 “• 1 .. I,> , . ~ • • Ihe idhor day I took aln avy boot to a .Is, r, bleml with the Whip, via: Mews. GW, oil ~, 1 .0 ,1,..1: 1 ,,,„.„ . 0 „, „.., ~, I 00 , iln. 1..1 Hill, ke e/,g 1 1.1 • ..,,,,• 1 1, 1, it ~,k1i,,,, I I , 1... 11. d iA i'll, l' I, ~ 11 II ~. ~...l I 4 I 110 1... 7 ll,' 5i1.1.J!.1 1 , 0 de.tikti, ked 1, 111. 1, uker, or 1v 11„•r ~,e , .,1, r , , i • w i,,,,,, i .1.1,... 1: , ..t, Trick. A:len, Prlfrey, and Sprague— tordinid‘ nin 0!..ill• il t 1 1 .. .11 1,. iee, .nk I'l' .d,l Pl.l ' . "' 11 " '''' I' l ' ' •\ i 1 •.': ' l . 111 ' tr" '...1 , 1-. 1 1 .1 1' ir ,r', , 1 , LC. I . n. ~.4 .• :i . ' 11 . 1] ..1 1 ii. • ...f.t11,2,1 ~111.1111/I I/0 ,IIS „., 0 t „] ,f 0 : , „ p i, , I „„‘,„!,,,,. . I 0 I,:„ g ii„, m711,1,,1 : 04: ktuldr,d and ;bateau ware oleo I 1.00..1 1 r 1...1., •o. „...1 1„ 1 .1„._1.• I '''' 1 ' ill l '''' ' l ' l- ''''" " .I. ' I.:. " $i ' lll ''''' 1 "' " '"."' 1 ' 1 li ' ' 1 " n ''' ' ' ' 1 • 0 .• 0. oti il. he "nu .ili iiit i .ili a 1 hour, ;mil ri 11,1114,1 Wall •, . 11,--- :11, :111'1!1•I fl'ld . 1.kll• I . ..11, •.1.1 - .' . "i' ' “. 1 n' ' ' l .' I'' d I ''.- ' . ". " ' •` • I 1111,11111 hail ,t.ll/ d don li it aII ,hone pal t 7..0. e, 1„,„,,,, D e iid e ;i 5 ,,,,,,i. _The Grand y,,,,,„ • ..• "'• li r.r wi'li'• ii'' I l'ii;wil of Lilo iII SI, Wlll.ll, be elean d a little spat, ao, L./Its hays found a true bull against N. .5p........i, ore, i. on for. igi. l'iiiiii, aboot hiln onl bal'. a l an hut Ilc hail c h i ld , .i, , ~I,,„g i n g hi,„ ~,,,h frk, n i.„,b, ~..d.,h,,,1, t.,..t....x1m g from the Banker Mira 'l. . ..... I .. :.••.1 at and c0n....1 tio et . keen the. e tett a 3 e..e o t ~. 0 h,..,,,,,,. ,1,,,, . • , , p., I zit, :a/ in 1,/ // d 4. al , __..\• '/. a ./1/1/1 :/1., / /11,k 11.1/ .•t al d II .. ! ••/ v/.1-, ay- ""'l l'i'.` '""."'''''''d• as lie mns abs nt in the v. - ....di with his cud- ~, ow ~,,„, „,,,, 2 , 000. Il e .. I . b . ~,..... ~,.,, ~ ~ ~„ , ,•I ,•••,.., 0,...,1, 1,,,..t ,11`111. . 1.. t W `'t •", ''' vi'"/lIY di'l *h. ' , ""..//st. daughter, Ids lea t /II; lite alai burned ~,„,, ,1„,.,,,,,,,,,„,„,..„, m „,,,,,, ; la r al/ste, t 1/// a //1' .1 1,11, • I,r ~., 1„,„,,, ~ 1.1,1• 111 , I , - t ..t 11, , Illlg ,II 114'11•': I •• it 1,,, ..,...,,, Wy— las/all tla/ / ,/•ain,..l dial. kid , ealed my ettired atill di-_ , /i,•11: aadit a as lad t i'l - N"' s' "/ '''",•d ' I .). """" "'" `'"''' .' i ''' "' '' ' " . "" - IP ' • . """ dawn. Ili, %via/ W 1.14 Nil I:. Lot she illanagt di ~,,, ~,,, i 1 ,, ~,•,, i ~,,,, ~ ~. ~,/ „ 1 ,,, I , 1 , ,s ati //Id Ili/ ad ,ii I, well. :/, la • 111-;/tr//1 .:110 . , Littl,•li Lida. lc IP, tli • ://I,i, el "l"ll. that I •grew , ilizU with ' siAt.iiii*id to out out, tal.ing tdse straw lAA 013 WII;(.11 Tsvt...nt AssenOrc—A few weeks ago, ~,, i.,,,, , 1,,t, • , 1,.,.,_},, .. i,,, ~,,,,,_ ~ ,, i, ; , ,, ~,i , . , t r. ~0 o :k,, ~.0 . 1 ., ~ I , .____., !,i,.. ~,,,,, 1 0 , .1... 0 , , :b., ~ .. t . ,,1.1 , „.! „.ii.l MO ili . :1011 . I tiliolol . l . on r tumbler of water he, lay u ith I.er. .1t oening the husband int agent we. despatched to our Geyer.- • • • .. Ifush : I e t . .1///a I; 1//,,,t , /, i 1 t la• and him- I; Ida . , 'I lie allikl/1/•,,tudietto I" "Ill•Y the fs""" , d Ihrobbing of "V ~."', retuned to find his house in ruins. - It was molt by the Canadian authorities, for the 1...4 stile la ell/a/ will,/ to) ta :t gI IIII . ,• o,' 14,1,1,.. Au .4.1 fiieud, h e add e d i o an. n 1 In .1," up al. ot six 111 ;he 111 , 0111,. I'llell Thc canir wctiii fortidnittWif tww iiiwch a winter t..glit, and the Snow lay deep upon purpose of settling upon some plan for the 1./trysts/a/1/ , 1,, tli'lll I I, 1111 . 'AI 31,11//as sta is i,d Mule. '' W l _ .sii; 1..: /..1 lull/id f `i1 . ,1l 11. OW I 1.., Sl.l \ )...- ' II. . 6 ' l I ' . 1...1 '...Y..gi,“".” 31 " , "" , tile gr mad. l'alliag Motel, he !lean] n (id. t most, effettual "reetprocity of trade be " itc seated, 31.• 11'..1.•.-." ,id Id I- I, , 1 ::.,,,,,;, ,, ~,, ,•„.„,,,,, • voice ',ply, and going in the direction frill tweet, Ile United State. so Citiada."— d . sship, v.1i.i,, , ,; Wl' di a / I ii:. -" ' which it came leant Lis wife 101,k:hell all The agent. having had a lengthy interview Ow Ie I b. the 10111 W. I lotting together a with our Secretary of State, was oondue ted into the presence of Old Zech. After the usual introduction and civilities, the a gent narrate.] to the l'revident the object uf Ilia iniseinn—Reciprucity of trade be tween the two Governments. The words " Reciprocity of trade," seemed to have struck the old General with awe and men ial...tent. Ile had heard of "reciprocity of 4.114:0b..," ii recipreeity of kindness," ete., but never reciprocity of trade. In this dl. Itona, the General directed attention to 'asked the agent' Wormer web' tmerve...,.. had visited C'snetria." The sodden cheer, , 4 the subject bewildered the intelligent a !; , t, and bidding Old Zcch adieu he left the White house.—Bolt. Argus. • 1,. ircon •-•“;, t ,I.t• 01 : , tyP11 1 ti.. !.. 1.1.i,•a "'t " t ,%1 I•1/' proem° ` m ' I ,t .1L.1.1 111 a 11,1.1. 1.• ... ill.), I 1•1‘..1 W. d .. d . •,. .1. at• T..•• t • .. sta 1•1 . ex,. , 1.41 !. 11, har.l ( . ye inentiml • 31 . r. 11,111,-; .1 .1 i• 11. • I. .„ ' 111.• • I a. d , went f , t * I'. In:l . h i• . tic lib roll gino :t , rll.ll up if Lis car ; but Lc only se- It.;.oadatiett tilt tl,e, .• taus , " hst , f ' " t " • hillf•tt th A I t i ft lef A L , q,jt,, m:, J, ae Olen iaL:L—ilad !Kea ,1111,d hef per. I f Intl skit n,quautted,them with tfttufbliur, tectai.l bf 1,31, I:11, s- b e e putt, C orn,: l e t_ me is,tted nee y , nle and 1, st, awl I.e • Lily ml. c c 1.1 the pi ..iscr newer t.O thi•sigualk three sesti.ta of Isis l,a 1 . :fid nil feverish lilt )Ir. Mert,,u, a bight) eon, . tel nage, 1.1, to e.mt lod , a fluftfuet pills at Ills beliktufflle c,intauta which war pass , ut play. A I y 11e n te,,,” is Os. 41. r Grob to clear 11) eating uttlf the first Hoer. Thtir untangles areo,dj,,g tai hi t f„ffe_lfut in 011.1 f fl ht ffaresA , g, f t lf . lrfff .41 b ile, tei his eteq ;twits •• fleht eiser, ' lest to ac- not Is , be Lidiniltud, and. Oa) . Wt•le all to r) . Mall ft rum of fl"hssf f•zlst rhbi.ery — mute, for family .4. Slur I quite Lush mime, "uiheiwz Intek"—ths t ffs"twil the sttliw, awl unit Ili. the .•. , ' • '" ' snwed to voter and seize the ' The n Leek entiallee to the house 'n., I ,1,„,. i .,,,,i, a „, j„.. na i t t ~,,,, ee ti on , we" els.. ...cutely but neobtrusively notch, J. , e ;. Mut n ll o ne or th e Mr. Merton esteem. 11 hints, it a. Ithouieg Ode oitb .. disturbed me; it was lest, supplied hint ,LI, bet 11.1 ins ob..] him 5,.! 1,,,i, • alai L. ~,,," - limi.d at • catt. : it um" iittc.L.. il . mud he the seotindrels should take Amu in will-' - 11 tel., Lill, e nd ...1.. r i ldi.d•ri ,t. it I 1,1• ll.ir .IIIU Ikl in due f o rm to - Mr. Mc, ma:: ',ermined to mill eler ~.ota.. Ile play- cleat li e u; f" s f.t.t.g,t.isit'f Le lights, tk.troy l't iehtlul amount' 'II e It. i....; of e geld ill ~,,, o , no o bi “. ,I ~,,, „,,,r,h,„,, „,„„„ h,. cal l n el ell to the rim archt alloo 3 :o we and lie. re , g; a !nets, mt. , ' p.. , imy “,.10 1.., , heting tu• 111111 M, :".1111. I.l—a 111.111 t.i ~,,,t,,,,1_1,a ~,,,,,,f,„.,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,h, ,h 5 ,,,,,1i,,,, ~ ~.,.,., h.,...cc I a tla u tax 4 , 0/1` 1.11, ntel.",age 'dell might, unknown Ihishi, liable owl d ,Liug emu.. i, r, mid the It the to.nehision of the bullet, Soured l.reei , slY li.th fume h"" "' Id. i bud ...scl 1 , . me, , mi:t. presiding :pair "I lit.' 1 .... L of del." - pi , 1 , ~,I II at we lily,tro to the l'il l'alle. lof eon,. the wale nutdily deb et- Itoindeg alga,', as 9JOII as the play was does w het" I a ::.; e , matieei , hi II 1,. Inn I ~,,,. an ;'Al'e.. 1......., nearly '.1.1...ite. This ed it, no d t e lt quite satisli. d that a ...frond 'iestninef, doe, the it oeee or among bt ett. Strange In say, .11t Myst. ii Linl the nos ',reed I .., ailirota we sullnd. At the ~,l l p .1,n,,1iiat,,,1. lo th, to all time I 'Lich 1 boll kern in tl"ole slot lalsoltooLl hlnalest reliance 11111'11 thie nine's hoe,. • t t. pof the stone:lse we j• ailed ogail,st the had nt.t beet, idle. s an f or a ea s enn fid i . a . fool that aaccituilaog that the banal,. sol ta,3 Ana even in w—trieLed, il,iwile.l as h. hnil etwattissioner, ulte like us, nes kali, the tinny bib amid tl at 1 nee oi.i . , wait,. in piftols were u hide easy reaelt—for I know I been by him nod his gnu — n Ihil cis. hi , , Leese lle bowed slightly to Mr, 3lert. ids Londe. , to teed , . fietwee. , loom ....i ° lifc 1 "“' plo y dug ~" de'P'"" game with d " - ceuesel end as s istance f r rower. frem the rgetleg,, null I. eye wondered briefli and thonsand pound.—pmt i d I trio 1.,,,. Iterate men-1 rose, stepped carelessly to desperate p. sit., in whir, hens illy, Iv- ~ .1 ,' . 1 ) ~car our l'°.'"' l gott; Lot the fondestow ~,, n cre'a 1,,,., ti4i then intended btu.- the door, ration.: ,•p, nod it, and boot, !hir ed. The Evert ° . ° coi ns ', a d reset:it, In sign of ioterist or recognition esear,d him. diotely to hasten back to canny Yolk:shire I ward, ex it listening for a repetition of' the default of m a l e 1 i .,,,, n , t o a ,fl ata ,,i Math c I thought it I" .ille l'e dal net know me To have Y.'oll tllO ,il/.41....'' as I maiden.. sound which Lad en alarmed the company of the Into lord; so that claw al,-„halo and i n nly changed apparel; but looking bask tally, en it were, announced sty errand and ;'l'o my went delight the fowling up stairs irremediable, m ewe d b o th th e wceielied dupe alter descending a few step", I was quickly intention! They fairl; 11..6 , 1 with infer. were tilled with police officers—silent and and his relatite in the fare. Lady Ever- „„d ni , o h.,„; . . t . ,h,,,,, on, pl aner , ea . nil glee! Ah, Clan .rat, f..anford! you! elect ms death. I drew back-, and walked ton's jointure was not a very large our, nod pressive both of enrourageteent and surprise were, 0 ith all y ,our cunning, but a Fond. , t"...... 1 e tine table Ilf. ll iell Mr. 31 mrtstl 1 woe her eon hall been permitted to 'gummierThe hist slake—an client:one one' .1.4 out I: not tinder his prethouse brows, blind idiot to believe this man you Lad ; .htl.d how little I needed spurring to the goal we, the debt Inc owed 3.! ed seats width "'told lace bee" devoteddevotedto and W. }MN). I vanished. lie did not know wronged ant ruined call oon easily lingua , —w. being piny the discharge of claims which eel o now l.lllOnog upon his lee for. Merton lost Inc t death-pule, despaitiug, pressed ltarshly against Ler. had both in view! The ci bib ensue swiftly on,Mr Melton's otter-lm). d, and a lionise execration ' I listened with the deepest. interest to I W e i g seassai l t wo re three Lot d e e of wino tnort• tiro. nun e • AllOl t: ir ,,•,1 .. .1 , sttraYd thtonglt Li" .IYnel,ctl kcal,. NIII- Lady Eve, tun's narrative. llepenteilly, 1111- ~‘, ill, tine li gaiety and weld-L. Sauter.' t s ' ring the course of it, on she ineideotally al- preially nos in osuberent spit its ; brim- th e ...L a th an , fl ow ., an i s '',., re i n ~ i n I, one ' der together, their features lighted up with i ii l. rr %r, and ',,, 3 , ti Cl . 1 ,, s . , ' t ' ic. , I 'i . , ‘ ",..,1%":, :fent alai his assochutee cosily raked the pums It, to the manners nod appeollllll, Or tang over wink brilliant atierdote and sparks were to he Itmetled ~ver 311 ' Mt 1 toi; ,Jeri' hut" gh° ' Sanford, who had been introdne e d by Mr ling badinage. Ile saw in me a fresh , rich 1 ,,,,,1 b y 1,,, re . ,,,,, t Ir k. ~,,5,,,,,,...u r1e, nei l. .." 11 “ 1 ” :— "'" r!—mi " r "" i!" shrink ' Morton to his mother and sister, a beepis prey, and Lis eager spirit revelled by 1111 „ non de , i ,, his hien , ~In ni, ed. . h. _ .; . ~, cal Mr. Merl., as if entitle° with sudden , ~ n; i! cii frenzy, and Jailing at Siniford's threat: ohm, which the indica ' , epees had first awe- ticipation in the victory which, he nothing i i ,,,, l a i „1.,,, aa d 1i ,„ t h a . b ai ,,.', ai„,, ob lige-'• . kened, that she gentleman in question was &witted to obtain liver my ° excellent in- ,;,„,,, b o ld], tj,,,, concede, . ° pan-devil that you are, have undone, du. About his losses by staking on that guoko his ready redeem stoo, ciliatee, an old acquaintance of my own, and one, tentious end wife-pledged virtue." moreover, whose favors I was extremely half past twelve a cluck Inc proposed to ad- money against those liabilities. This was I I "No don . bt of it," calmly replied Satiford desirous to return in kind, flashed with in- hjourn. This was eagerly assented to by !at first demurred to withanuch npparent ° linkin f off his " din .' !r as p i ' and I think it has b een very art istically and effectually created conviction across my mind. This , 'Mr. Merton, who bad for some time exhib- eernestness by the w initers • but Mr - Mor i surmise I of course kept to myself; and al- I iced unmistakeable symptoms of impatience t „,, , .... o d e seconded by Sa t ullford, intist- a t a , e a t i o y o im p Btt y ht i l it ia tit t a h m7 . , fine (snow ' will ;Mr emphatically cautioning the ladles fel and unread. ling ~,,,, the c o neresi e n as l d ee med it keep our proceedings a profound secret from I ° You will accompany us, M'aterar said it Wei finally agreed that Le should lit: Mr. Merton glared upon the taunting rib Mr. Mertes , I took my Inane , amply provi- I Sanford, as we rose to depart: °There' sh e b s : t• I •„ c , r , a i r ,„ ie ,, : ~,, • Min in speechless agony and rage. "Nut . quite Bo fast, Cordon, if you please," dad with the relourees requisite for carry- I is, I impse, vow registered in the mat- ; it, - game by w d t l it to might - -'- to 1 o a r rotten: , a . n o _l e :: pea t ee , of mind . I should lug into effect the scheme I had 14 solved irimon a leralehiv n e o s egainst looking on at lel exclaimed, at the woo time taking up a i Al) q , d a ; h • lent tante, . bundle of forged notes. °lt dims not ap upon. I also arranged that, instead of , game played by others ?'• 1 be ,de ...0 41111,1.1.111U111.111 way lie not sure of p,,,,, „) Ira I welting poreonally on her ladyship, which I °Oh nn; but don't ask me to play." • seeress 3—he uwairui Santo: tl, tl at lie • i ung.it excite observation awl suspicion, I , "Certainly nil;' and • devilish ',neer wou ld ite ,,, e ~it t 1,,,,,,m, '„ „,h, , , ai,,..... .to au that Merton has played again to stake,, for unquestionably this shoultt report progress by letter through etirliM his lip. •• lour sin. shall sailer Ile should Irene heard the . . airo k : . mg mew- 1 „ ~ paper is cut genuine." Dec g . "roared Sanford, °kin von hold the post. no temptatim be assured." burnt with w Melt the vel a ; breed Sanford; your life me elm ap l" and he rushed towards °lf it alidild be he '." thought I, as Ie- We woo as wined before the door of a geT. e: tent this resolution tillllll.llll 111. WII .. me au if to seise the forged notes. merrol No the street. The bare sus pi- et, respectable looking I, nrw . . in nun , el ' thy when he had recovered bark his walla I I was as quick as he, and the levelled oleo had sent the blood through my veins -streets leadiog from the Strand; a low, ye- The day so eagerly longed for by Merton with furious violence. "If this Sanford be, I collar hunt*. gl e es by B anford, was and tits contedeMtes—by the spoilers and tube of a pistol sharply arrested his eager gang gathered near as I suppose, that villain Carden, causes. ' promptly answered; then a password, which , their prey—arrived ; and I awaited v:ith !°...".'idahumarl' withl entire gene, Mr. minor, will indeed be a trialoph—victory I Lady t did not catch, was whispered by him thro''r,,,, o ,h,h & want, the coming on of night— kti b iblerlv trots ne to soother,ap t Benton need not in that case seek to sal- the key - hole, led we pasted in. Only the chief eonspirators-- and eig no ht . i t n r. 77 o, - ewe s. my sea l b e promises of mosey ems, W. ritooood.d up stairs to the first goer,' bee—were to be present ; ,' p ill a ' re e ntir .w eeareelit conscious of what wt, . privilege I owned to th i ll:7:l d e hrrp'.... from him!" ...... posse. A blighted existermtb a young and tbe . shutters of which wer e carefully closed .. except myself—a —..... " tali no littimmtiow wi . what was in on ; Moonshine legacy I • had just reoeived was *The mina 100111/00041 in One Marna. are, ter *odd loniblY mob tan street. The 1 -1 to be admittid to this sing triumph kin—stab, Sanford ' Newliril lt Lie energy, "'lmis. strangle b ml" 'Mame mamas getitiotes ,parMornt was brilliantly lighted; a roulette' of successful fraud. One only hitt I had had IRA in ageilel elel . le• Ind oleCon- will j,,aft,r espluin L. y u ,t, is gainblet ly dissipated Lc orisent deu• 14,ses ! A 11, w pr. ihn liEid i u Lui 4111, IStt ' re 1b..1i.11 indtd, CIO I' 11/ Id, MON'CIIOSE, \ V3;,k tl .11.4 int, N't 'E 11ER I zO. 11f49,,.; MEM a p l i_'• . m 1,1 t the ttf ,tt. 41: u,z,tl 1 ], 1141 1,14 It 0.11 111_0,1,1 •• til added ti ut; .r.' I L.. I 2.1,1 t I . ...II I 1..1 rut tid L Lut try LL LI LL „ L LI „ L . tll,lll phi, C., at, brilt the j{.l, IWI `Chl, at the lit ec tl r, 4,1.1.11 ulwit ism y—tltt Fa wr t.° d— Ind)- ! I— I. brain ma 4 ;Pi . ti h =EM ECIM23III NUMBER 38 nen it sinilter oser her. Thnt night she iess sillily derive,. at child . tut under the ether the hus- 'et , ant I. now living. c sere nt.d excitement rya tie thtlent ethi, ehielt, having fast ened on Lig b 1111,4 1111(1 beieg by ne teetlival elettever, terminated in the ettettetitat• It. Ile, however, reared an ether lett, tat tleril a the summer a young tthr t-et.;• i,t and perehetted it tenet near eta hteg lielere he dieonvorcd that his lit latr t;euhl net sm rive I, r the ;nest igherunt itt tilt region Innew ell the symptom.; et p hettent: dote:lse whivh carries of three: feet tL. el elle (lie Acettenpatt% hex thh, ettitti,iett canto ; utnnJly the rt lieutitto wl at etteld become it the wile ; mid as she he vol not thi bettor than to n ury he r himself. Artirg under thin eminitlerati tttt Ito 1111.11lion.LEI the matter to her, remarking that In r husband could not live long. one asked her it site woulti marry Lim, alter he non dead ?'• She replied dial idle had no nlojeetion at all it ^l rr hosloiad tens n'i /iti,g.“ Ile said he had no d •übt on that pint. and he would si cal: to hint al tit Ile del so, and the butdiand tuillesitatlonly gave his conaent, adiliog that Ito was glad would lie en. well pro, 6 , t niter his death. do when ilia ui ter approached, the young settler would come and 'court' t he [weave. live nid n•, chile the dying lieshand lay and cough ed nu the lied in the corner. TIM I: Woo ha WON n ears.— About twelve or fifteen years ago. two. tremors, who have since betronor vet.) distinguished, pursued in the city of Cinthuditi, ocermat host ono would hove tlionght not very likely to form gen orals, statesmen or NAHUM, but whe have, each • e.l.pied no small portion of the of tention of the world. The first of these, a working autumn a d Las. founder, became the distieguialred Itien. At isle, of the flex- • Man army; and then eetord in the famous Garabahli, then keeper a a cafe. At the I mono time Maroneelli, the companion of Silvio Punks, tanght murk in New York, Louis Napoleon WWI wa iting his treatise on I as tillery at (totem in Switzerland. mid Lille 3lttrat was tom tiriog law and plant lug soLrar in Florida. There are certainly ebbs and tiorribt in over matit fortune 11 - us , ria,Von liepoUte. Stsot t.to Fix ono Or NONE, —3lr. Donner:, of `South Leeds. Mc., 0030 that he pickedop in the road between Leeds cor ner and W 5 3no village, on the 6th of An- I geed a small sum of money, with the foi -1 lowing noteattnehed to it : Whoever Gnde this money 4 don't want that he should ad . vertigo. it, because if any one calls for it, it will be the wrong mall, for I stole $l,lOlO in New Volk, and shall drop en muelt in every town that I go into from Boston to Farmington." Jar. Dennen says the own er can here the money byproving proper ty and paying el:argon—Boston Post /0.-I'like to see n parcel of young, men stela before a church door at the ricer of the'service and stare every female full in the face so they pass out—it looks SO mud, like good breeding. lent , seir.—As the sweetest rope grows open the sharpest priekle, so the hardest labors bring forth the sweetest probts. ser When you wee prawn blowing out hit wrath against his neighbors in a bar-room dr about a hotel. you may be tutu that he is a wortlikao billow. too buy to work and too braiekati to make hie living , without work. Conn of fist onkrest Th.• pommel di,eiou of the mealher , Lit, tt.tl to tli mat Hotta° of Repremeutottere yr, beh_ve to of correct: Al!ealy Eketod. 1111 104 9 Tv Le Elccird.—gaimmie. Dem. %lag.. F. The Second yaslshiglow. A gentleman who it'. in the train wbieh conveyed Gen. Taylor from Lancaster to Harrisburg on Saturday last, (says lb. Pennsylvanian) gives a laughable assonnt of the speech of the second Washington" 'to the young ladies of Mount Joy, a vilhigs twelve miles from the former piton aHe thanked them for the large majority he bad received in that quarter, and had no doubt their husbands had contributed to lb* re sult This made tin girls titter. He bad heard or the fat land of that neighborhood, ales of it. big homer, and [then there was another fearful pause,)—its wares I Our informant, who is a Whig, aid he never was nn.re mortified in his life, and be n j..ived when the earn moved on." CiIMINO SUITOR or 111.80W111.--Aybe Late dinner given by the Virginia Legisla ture to Edward Fisher, a Dlr. Oisgs/ea. wirno it is inferred is a resident of do. b land of Cuba, toasted that much talked of bland ea the corning sister-of the Sued —the future gem State of She Mies." Poar•or rte. It young man by the name of Kuowlee, a olerk in the Post Office at New Dom Duck@ gamey, was committed in default of bail to jail, on Monday week, charged with breaking the seal Of a letter, and purloining *lOO which wan enclosed therein. -11,,a. W. Ihrin, of but nor of California, has writk•n to kis friends in New °Hem., that the people of California will promptly organise a Make government, and exclude slavery by an onr- Whalming majority. No newspaper ought to support any man fer any See in the °minty in whit& it is published unless be is a anteriber to it.— The preen han long•onegb ben a drudge fur the else of illiberal and mush moo. —Nur. Th raid. The justice of the above sentiment. wo presume, but few will question. It la, how ever, too generally the opinion, that all ad- Hoe is a pack-horse, made for tint solo pur pose of manufacturing great moos Mt Se small bum, and entitled at no conslderatiost in return. But we think that an editor, Hite every other man of proper hello" Blonde! befriend those who befriend him; and if his professions are not wortly the support or political 11N . T41111 , , his lawmen is not worth having a bout nominating and election times.—Lek. Courier. FIRM DAMP !—Oft the 11th oIL a meet frightful amideht &norm' at the Lletty SheaMe Colliery, In the great Coal Login of Glentorgamhire, Booth 'Vales by the ex plmion dire damp, which tamed the death of lAfey-tao persona. "Mr The Germantown Tulrgreph think • wagering" plagian—avagnally Capp• May—eight as appeopolebely be gelled the •• liveries" plane.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers