g7a? -xznirssil 0. 0. HEIIIITEAD. Editor lad Proprietor. rin be alecebt.owelitetli arecanee.m doe or Dwelt-ems° . , . . . .1 .... 1L1,0nen.....r1d.. or four Nies or 10r, 07e7 ~, 4,7.7,. 7 w VOLUME VI 7-1- \II M:114 of.lll WO. ne.aly &al expetitt..,..l, ,_ ~I;. Tae Wldou s talfgar at her Daughter's Ittul gent', thou, whole hand has non The young bird frum the nest away. Wheto eareless'eketsb s vernal n, She gaily eurturd duy by U. ; The haunt n buns the heart must gout e. Prom whence her baud wing dent war. They pensive hub ut hurls of use, Yet bents her govt.., wog ou more. DM; geul ly with ; thou art di ar 13nynari what vestal lips have told. %ad like • Ninth from fountain chi.. She tons reutlidong to the fold ; She round shy oe., dothesec bower w The wreathe of ehtturlem love shall two. Watph for thy ett put vesper hou, Mid blend her iloil.llpra)er soh thine. Veal end, dee, %leees fur udoy Mid oneMettet MClll'Ol..l. font shall fot e t Nor let tlq teed, curet. decay. The cool of here us lime And *humidor thou ,. itmedermg. murk • tear, 1' ..I fro her eyelet break, t ile !mired, stud menthe the hi., lot emcee strung hemrt cues miter portal A mother relds her gore to the, On thy trite breeet tu epetkle roe She plane. 'neva. thy hone:hold Imo The WO! of her fond , . rare And by thy tenet lobe fort, en. Bitetondlnnent woken nt leretr By nil thy treeettet d lone, ei 114,1141 The Spar roes's Nest. I OtrArti,,, , ‘‘ . 116111 reme•I•old• g ~,,, •gg tvgl• • Itut gh.g.i•••l•• I r•dnomt •••11, To • n Irt•••• ••1•10. , ••• •• • The J•••• 11, ,••••••r 1•1 •••v •••• ••• • • • Fir mil. I, A 1.,. Pt 1 , 1 .11 Ir oo moot ..a no oe . . 0... uow '. .... ... - ..k 0..... o ,e e,. ..” '''''''''Y ""'•'"g ....." ...g0. , " en n". Pew' rown make rant, w 3. ''t tae• ) .,.en nee.. away nom the t . 4 3 , 0 4 . at c cot in. of the menses. al.d the nu kas ea speak ot 11.0 tonunnto Ineutet s, had bo l o,- of the tied sta.ding . ver his prostrate 6..1y, lirotudi-h- nn .unladelava', the team-ters i.) folly creel:ell tr „ og „, offeet j eot „f OW, ~, , ,,,,,d ...I trettobli ,tit titer i.e It tito. Iler to- ing a glittering knife itt the air. preparato- their poroleraus whips, as the wag .n, r Hell daughter n, the )outtg -17 o ialt linden," us be forma,. lo .no dim ncll—Loot toupia 1 itt Meannhile the ter. t. yin, ...0.. route! it., ry to thrustitm it into the old 1ik1313 . 6 tato, lightly down the !tate; connewo nit'. Ito—uad howl beard at the the bonsellohl goods of the Brand fautilo, For the l ots% all was contusion : in vain the and children , waved their hats end bonnets not m e". we nn. " brooked Morel% end& 6.1 ) disappeared. From a 6... Id oletecti on, or 80/M other, .oadtoo fun, mitt on . lee Lad taken his dc- 'tooth d slonly over the reflect pr: it. small part, of whites strog a l.ol against ot- in the air wed et i. d out &slily w Ithrtalt a , he „ tilted to the n. glob , rt „ tt t i l l age t ether.• for the settle. td.. that IA lbw!, awl ~noel the twist .1 midge of the .• di- Intorpowered antlers. Their rdl. ti candied far h... r' 4.3 Ballston, and tottered the Nation. Law. I.ld he. n killed on the Velluw St Co lo) v oh." width, studded n tilt dead pine at .1 btu once, mid they went quickly ditto toed : ; 11 .. "113 . M.M6I from the day when La Monte s a te , theeoo . o peril, under t i t e tteeteoce l a filackfo t. t .nlii.olt report nos towithinell by 4....1.1 'tbs.!. rooe gradually Keene them u Lite the shrieks of women and children, co ol'lulacwie olte•red to rew^n• nr"'" l. • that hie pa ems notold ha on in s day or -he 1111thit Swot that oation This was all They travelled with considerable P aulin, awl the hood jell. of loilia., added to the family front the liglionts Olt Bleek iillroe t.r o wile the bo u t , hi. baggage. Stenak -he had ever learned of the lover of her il.r already the quirk eth or Ant. ins Ita.l seene of horror and etllliMil.ll. As Mar) Creek, that worthy. and faithful Mary wore' with his attrorattee, and the rare and eh,. youth ohs... wend rt colt Ind'. signs upon th e fl e w to her halter's side, an Ihdiatt threw ,duly awl 'airfoil , muted ix the lownwtun'qinonee of hit looney...kunst loom., the trail, and with nowntain ,psi. korai., lad at his la.so it her, the noose falling over her dwelt of Brmoloille, Nl.whis county, state! I n . t t ,y ip . Fowler. Ifs , ay .t g „,, , C 0 .141 OH . A, ri t e ~,, 01, o r the Lonerarat an r.. 11 otwe made it out to lee that ..f a ear party: Amadei., and, jerking it tight, Ito uttered ...I Tente , woo We not say. in the woorole hi t .. once a p et r„ rwatter i tt otr.hand 1 ,,,,,k- MA It YBR I \ll' it f:sci . E : ~., t..nard II e l'lnth...ne must ask the it ad- r,,,. ti l er " ~., h. ~.., ,WI them, and ov delighted yell as the poor girl was thrown, of nine honolred end itinct)•oline thowaand i no w hi c h . w i t h he t r i a l and argument or Ile, A lot r of I direct Ire. Ito atdril, re to nee..j. toy .to a catiop in the udder- .her one or e two 4.f the tit. oreasin Una., hack violently to the grout.] As she fell, novels, - nutumous pl e dges of mut t .' lover auses, lid to pronticent part in the' moth -- Ite.4, when. IA Bowe, Killlto. k. awl a the mark of a rope nhieh trailed to the another deltherat ly shot an arrow at her isnunwoled and entered them in their de- teat. In thkatde speaking eatt.„jtjta 11 1 . 23 Lt Ur 111 E tie _— look to loquithi : were plot to a test toe sevo te for a mattes India. were I doled with the motel lasso ' lasso rush. al forward, his welpokuite Wm& ton tho dttl. or.] oily. bo um vont or OW Lord , mete att ., ... „ t , .„, d„,..i ear a. .knosol the Nlornents ninon the emigrated .. Th e .1„ to o, of t h en , m orn ,,, f oo l s e a t ..l o f s ki, w i t h n hiel, to aerate the hor s es i n g in his hand, to seise the bloody trophy 184 T, that lea II note sod Mary Brand were penile which the preseoce of the hundred from Nauv on, was all Ai math nano d Brawl, he bent by Spat.iards, . imager Their moon be the expo ilition The wen 4.1 the or 10i.....ge deed The girl rose to her Holly made one, after filth. lung yea. or ‘0 ,,... ~,,,,,,,,o t, ootote, toot wilt , the echoer trout Memphis nowdY, Stode of Teatiesnw. 111131110,11111, MA 0131111311 MM 3lat soak en' petty were eoroso cocoa) all mounted end knee., and looked wildly toward the spot' separation —Hutton'. Lije i n th e F or migh t! n ett , et. eta ototatoty would reader Willo n family of a danglder 1.11,1 two BM, Wti . t. L Shine . M her liqn. are bout ; nor tj o .ro ng hly armed, the we t , ... te mot col iii a where her father lay bathed in blood; but West. nuost en.baraissittg and feaful, he agein took the latter with their ones mid Lloildrett !i n t not a t ra il, al ta r n othi n ' crossed but lbw almost, and a sling. bah-out was kept the lodine pulled the rope violently. bag. A College Lark. French leave. retained to. this plane, and Brand yr. a wtr y oil f e ll ow , near ly sevmd) rattle•thake. snore test it snow , ao n old on all sides. The utmost and children wed her SIAM yalods upon the ground, and 'The following capital story is told by stopped at one of the ' hotels. were he year. of age, but slid stout and , 13 , 11, , IIIIJ p t h e , a ' , co l t If t h e y lac k a long them-sere all vonsigned to the interior or the then !Imbed with a y ell " e ' l l""" "F"" who b 00.," .3 1.1, et, Natty, and spent the night before last in silent seek ielded site xe or rifle better than 1111/3/,) a pre p, as 3 ., tell t.f, nhoo an make it rain eagons; rool the latter had elso pone it. Id , vivo... li e p aused "..a."... " 'hot canno t, tail t o sanos , eor roa d,. th tt wo . aeon, as ir relleetittg on the error dints vr.e younger tn. Ir truth be told, lie we. nut I „ r ib s not cola a l,. th e ' , n i, attacko ta t, t h e i r p er t i n th e d e f ence , m o m e nt a sh o ut. Beret. as his note sound- tteeee, of the ttodettte , s out h DlBrilllf hi, runner visit, he bad coquetted a eery red hot 31 , ..,,, and bad) Wt.! tior m crowd gets ~„, a on. le 111, rel.., they if anta Le made. . .1 ut Liar ery ear ; and, looking up, Ito .w Caroline College resolved to drag the doe. with the fair ones, and meth, Or. or tour as emelt tor the Atku of 0,111 , 1111) . to Cab- are . seine; i... whiter he had i.kg kawis , d It, emo ' child non't believe it 1%1 tangly to get ano fresh sign for two. Illy s eq. r they left his long hair and the Glop aof his hut[- . ot a night for the plorformance of the ex- awoke." • doofieloos Itel w ht an noisy an igrate, es from any implicit credence in the r i g h t on ti a .,,. d m ...,..1 Mormonites, I ...lot the Boffin, Spring Ilte , , wool Co, belen ing - witioo and legg i n" fi3in g l " the wi " a 't stela. Otte of their leveller, however, was eneltichtaa Ina" 'lune!' the mus or hi, troubled with tonne communetious visitiogn rot." led bo' n'arty eager but a'amenesatal taitho Ids 3 ° 4 .4. wet , ' 34 •P1!" 4 .3 3 . 4, .. 3 . el 'They're •no ao etaird.' I gin . ; ami its the to think they nen. well oat of their neigh- his right arm supportiog hi+ trusty rifle, Sie ster li ng stuff that the tie-tern pion. , ra • t0 ,.... h . !d n a e t ae tio n t o l en d Si n& .no- he r tied. flo e evening they camped on a while dose beilinli him came Killbuck and and mattaga to convey te the worthy Pros- &quitter for his whereadlows. Yesterday' were made of ! his daughter Mary. a fine men et itte . rs and then y ..... ow 'MS of std, . , r ,,k, ro ll e d ifl at .h Morse, owl a. nthal, the ebartge• Dositioqr with hoed hurrahs {dr at a ia,,,, g d g would ice well i nc hi,,, ...... nioog there art ived bete • line looking , woman of thirty, for Wilt., state el single Mtklp leg (Leith , es the Calihrtqs." had eortull. d the lingo.. awl 1W14.1 as to the see. of action. La Monte as he to ...cote the door „ to, oorriage boo., „ duo ...at g00tt,,,,,00 o,ot I,b, ta,k,, o. a blessedness th ere most doubtless have beer. .. They ere not nil 'Mo r eno. itt the well as eireuntstance. wo tad jPI oat, when charged down the bluff, caught sight of . the Instead a paying any heed to this stage, state of unsious excitement, Inthittg trove.' sufficient reanon ; r.tr the n its not only re- 0.n.0.]." said the stn.. hooter . '' m.d three or bow India. , th.l.leoly applered wt girl struggling in the hands or l e throe ..... s i't's the doet , i „ e , ied ~,, the,,,t,,tod tie , etre., daughter et ~e , to the ti,, , e. er night to her arriage house, and munouneed tee of leer mt.'. tragion . edvehttuas t awl lwo markably hoods. .... e. hat. was well-ko. wot in th ere ' s me . family a nio o g, them nicks oon. a bluff at a little detente , toulkieg sig- Indian load war the tel or the Memphis to be the ba•st tempered awl must retort ' s }, boy s n od g ill., I tell y on. Their nola of peneeeble itilthliuns, approtowlied owero thi nuer.e. It° .truck hito ••w.Y wlwra In In nor th ) .0...., k , i,..i,h, ti t . Vaid.. I n ing direct e d t o h er hidi ng pla t e, they sought induetrious yoonog woman ire til no digging., na „„,. 'b aw l n the emp. Noe of thennen were alosent the rowels in hie hattic's aide, and bounded hoe ' ritott o o tt to ., ....„, be , o do ,. ~ ,00g het e.0.m.. torn ,ty her „ad. ti , ,a 6.,, and gentlemen canto to his retreat, ad eau- last evesittg bo't Inc their hum. itt New Joe 86a was 'thaw.. to has!' t••eirc.' t''''etwl ad - I.a Monte looked up from the had: of his tic the tie, e, attending to the cattle 10 col- like light 'g to the rescue. In a singlistrido Vantegeous eget •. ell .r o Lido .ino !Ad re- r ifl e , w hi c h h e war c l ea nin g —but titlar Iveting fuel, and only old Brawl and one of Ito nos tip& the Indian, nod, thrustiog the tinusly osithdrew the carriage luta the road se), nal. es sweet and lA-toilful a I.wking fused; awl report. -.I that it vies ft.& didn't lower. or, In ming, didn't heed, I. r be Iti. ) ..... 1g groadeltildren, abant fourteen Inuelle of his rime into his very breast, he When they were fairly out of tbu College olaughtsr as Leo, gruel ..I the proper habil, bath tt g 1/0,13 disappointed in to) rally life ~,,,t j „„e d his cork - yea. 41 remained in num.. The Indians polled the trigger, driving the h/IVBge b o a- t0.,,,,0. they fotgot tiode ee . ette tot , ' tot . inlet& of her aex, with nothing to disti n ,. in an afore, dot o'orote. et att age when .. A nt i t h e y are poOof . to p e rt e omp e oy," ‘‘,3, hospitably received, and regaled with ward by the blow itself, at the sante Ill°. to ., to Jo k e 1 .,,,.1 y ',id, tech „ bee by go kt, l eer t o t „,„ t h eta h ot 1., r ....„„j e j to e „. such woutiols sumo:times strike strong co oi e ~,,,,,,,,,I t i n . o.t,araroao ••aoal pot out aianto a smoke. after ithielt they I ~, gait to evince meat hot the bullet passed through his name. mond do:LlMA:told lwr shortened locks, width . deep, leaving a scar difficult too heal Nei• I, m u , a „.l s t,„ d i t p os . - !heir curiosity byexamining et cry artirie hoe". and tumbled hint over ...no dead thie;ll.6etn complained oi l the weight ot to comply to tie Mush, aloe had cropped tkor Ids daw,hter, It , an a m., f ew ily. itool •• They'll h.se their hair. E. thinking." , alio.. and signitying th e i r n j t d e a s t h at g p eep i ng d own bi,ifk, I A II title wheioled the or ' gee and another replied by en) ing' and editimqed to Ow heed of Mc loather. been converted to the M..3113113k.1. , etrit0e, lout sa id kigt ate g , .. if th e n otot h es ata mat ...dot be given to then, hie olwdient hone,. and, draw hog • pistol the , it was beet ., eto,oot , to bane dot old As t o the cense of this strange a& maitre had ever helot themselves:duo!, and refused thar '' 1 The other whites pre.ently et into hum hie belt, again char en' the enemy, a- fellow watt ., ... tr. For near l y a ta g, of the poling girl, the sad, tiostmothaeliable to join o r associate ugh them ; end, for .. I hope not," continued the other, ° far , , tom the the India. sat quiethy a.m. hy the mortg whom Killkock and the stranger mere they proceeded atolls the higlthiay, and when hilt,111.1• If the mom& &Oki inipdry, and this 'n0.... the 1 .. , i1y 1 . 4 hoe , . vet)! an - there's a girl among them worth more ll an ' lire, and alien the supper was ready, join- dealing death-giving I b- aws Velli"lf for struck into this woods, to it m.ver in which the . 1 110 ended , . it he3at4—• nn story. A' with the Mormon (eoliths en the t h at : , ed in the rerint, after with they g ot h ere j ', eters, t b e „ toanta j nerra rus t na i ores In- thief concluded would effectually . conceal A ' al ' aull ' ."' l L° " •• • F rnbeld o s o "". at w Pe. Beaver .." askllA Monte, tooling their buffalo ndue about Siem, and quietly disne; and they, panic-Musk at the . en'- the vehielw Making thentmkes onlinitely Illeautlrul strait meld. "mon why Ow y taw started on their j o ur-' up r a , on , hi s wok oTd b e t e t o at . ° any .nitl e irew. Meanwhile, Antoine, knowing den attack, and thinking that this ...333 bet merry . at the Doctor's expense, end cote- John li. Whittier, the quaker Poet, in ney. , white gal in the hand. of tho I njuns, and of !the treselteroue character of the sang.' the advanced guard of a large hand, fairly lecturing bow and when reached ) fled his Writillg 1.6,110, the Irish emigrants among One fine sunny evening in April of 1547, : Bombe. koa. than all. Where does she advised that the greatest versed ~,, should turned and fled, leaving live of their num- carriage, they at length the spot us, oath when the eottonswoods on the banks of the °own fr om. ~,,,,,,,?" be taken to secure the neck; and before ter dead on the field. Iwhom they had resoked In leave it. Just o For tor elf I cook. I arch ti .4.1 Inits- Arkansas berme to put forth thwir buds, and "Down below St. Louis, Goon Tennessee, 'lark, therefore, all the mules and lourece Mary, shuttiog ber eye. to the expected as they were about to dep•rt—having ' wok. thy for h e 'riskiest,. 1 ti. him . the robins and blue. birds—loarbiogive of Spring r,„ 1, 0 „,j th em „„,,- : were hobbled and secured within the sorrel, deathatruke, heard the loud about La Bantu mere &gyred that w the cerviege woo heavy re o f a groerout, 1•333131. ill art -w"" bn IT I NF• w i th II"•df plumage lb , . w Tennessee," cried La Brinte—w Kaneda ;the oxen being allowed to feed at liberty— ' gave In charging down the bluff, and, again enough to have the old Doctor and ell his .d . .,,,i eree ity opprea .,l p e a t & Th e t. h e the thickets, three white-tilted Conestoga for the old :hide I wb.es her name,. for Sie India. scarcely care to trouble looking up. saw the wild-looking mountain• tribe in {t"—they were startled he the aud• laves hi. native bud—that iris pi au io disto wag°. emerged from the timbered bottom e l.._ i themselves with such cattle. A guard was car rush to her rescue, and sate her from doe &tomtit ,. el „.. , the .teee doe, pan - , tie is divided — that he 0413liet horget the eta., Of the river, and rumbled s l ow l y over the At this moment Kilibuck's odd mule aim set round the ekrip, and relieved every tiro savage hy his timed blow. Der aim* de, 0ndr1h0w,,,,,,i known e „. 0 . , , , the uee. , of Its moodier I eked hat loiar AO ~,, VI ith prairie, is too direetion of tho Platte's wit- pricked her ears and muffed the air, which , two hours ; the fire sores extinguished, loot were still pissed by the lank which pre- for ithethif othe ethithee, the.: riel s all its elms., is dear to him—oboes not 11, ten . Noah kallon - Yik drawn 14 ; .ifshi 0.- andon eatobing La Bonnie eye, he rose the mvages should •bn, by Wight. at any vented her front rising to her feet ; .o. g n. . o, noon , athgathoe, You...tr.. araa.a my aatioadi,.. or I ~A . 7.., so. eed emiel.'d • forth..? the W•mi.i abruptly, without waiting a reply to his ,of the eery,• and all slept with rifles reedy Be was the Ina to run to her id l es a to leave mo ol o A .4 .d . , .... oe e ra . " ' ill • idealise land, lea urn ere always ten Ito nod househom ....u. of the question. and molaimed. . their Md.. H0W.... 1110 night ward soon as the light wan Mich 0., Ile is ... a ao . bee . hen ..., the h.,,,,,0, for ...,,,,, . Y " object of interest. Tb., pootest and rudest Brand family. The tea. wore driven by •• The old male molls In one or I'm a ' quietly, and nothin disturbed the tranquil... jumped from Iris loose, out the thin rope : 0 .,. gttigoattoo, will __„../.___ at 'n lea ~....,,, le i bi, Li,,,,,,, j .I.i,i.‘ all the young Wye, the men following In the s pee l e ,,i io ' 1 ity of the ramp. Tie prairie wolves loped which butted her, robed her from the .. Go , for mato ' , coot ';:"'„ °*". 'n , ---, o his apparent gaiety uf heart out nal ions! mar with shoublered riles—old Brand him- The bunter did the esulajustioe, and she , hungrily around, and their ... ru r a l ev, ,, ground , e .g . .", t ent i ng op her fare to aad ____, and buckle to. and l et us ' droller/ and wit, the poor emigrant. has sad mif mamba on an lodise bores, leading well maintained her reputation as As boo was borne upon the wind as they chased thank him, beheld his never-to-be-forge:- return; ie. s etting iota!" ! • , thought. ..f Ida °toad her of I, i ~, ,' sit, the *Amok Th e wo m en w ed Wily oo lued" In the mountains; for iu two deer and antelope in the neighboring plain ; ten Mary Brand; while •hk hardly brlie - There wee no appeal ; for the window 0 1 lonely i n 1.,,. e ii, r • ca bi n by th u ho g 1 ring one. 3 I/ a ) bolsedir id. the Asher or th• wagon tilt.. Minute. nn I .olln. stalked ioto Moo camp. , bat not • Air of Wigs boll., W. nen ing leer ann. recognised i e 1,,,, gal,,erer we . raked, nod tire doctor rimmed lie seat• aide—recollections it a (news blessing, WWII ... at the fleet elm mild dme of Mok7; dressed in a cloth o 0 ole o and in odds mid or beard. her former loran , sea mill welt beloved La At ... twat., a ward , ita, dieconditted ' ee d • b I I i a sietere Knot' , are aunt reg o in—a Brand smiler* slims to many ot hoe old tie d leads of eirilised attire. he the morning, shortly after sunrise, , blades ,t e , no s i. h k . Donnfl gentlemen Mal ewe •• the 're monad in a disunit cherubs ard, far rttwho had arnsempenied Cam eism " Rapaho," cried Balbach, se aeon as be they were in the set of yoking the risen to o w What, Mary I card , eas yo b at. tho Leek , the . and eke , th fo.d th...id....,,,...., , 1..........1 INOW ro'b'ed them "liod.speei" oe sew Km; and the Indian catching the , (ha weir., and &ging in the loose aril- en', looking homily upon the trembling wo- I e ri pteittioetel ... 3 if wi th Duo mkt', dld thoY , greenness in his muniort —kr there, per. tois;k beg }mosey. word. ego& hie band upon his breast, and male which had been turned out to feed at man. kis." th0i....... in aihnk. theY deer I haps, lies • °darling child,' or a • swat° era ". ....... W. " sadly 414 . 444- b«. 4441 . 4 . embattle& in broken Spanish sod English day-break, when mom Indians ,Hein sop- oLa Bente, you don't forget me!" to ao g got oaffia ,.... , a° °nth In •Pellld fleet mei I thee who ona loved loinx—te New World menthol might he, with tie dram, pcvsepme I mined, p eere d open the Me, and, descending it, answered. and Wis. hermit "Well Into awn: retreated preripitaltny to their manic fe yagelle for the .onnent—lolue Killer before them ; aad poor Mary, when sbe new I oom, .1, me Arapho, while man alai . conidently approached rho tamp. Antoine , the arms of the sturdy Inter. to dream ol the account they tourer nmder ' ea and lb. Liffy sparkle botore him— the Mormon encampment shut net from ear, 0.. t e ... v ....a b ee p eerne_,..... strongly advised tbeir not being ollowed to, There we will leam her for he present, ins the morrow• When they had nom, lb* I Oirsdalough 'trochee beneath him Ito dark ; sight by the milling Male, and nothing irmo I wage ry a , c o me ft... N ea l e— h er, e dit - ' mum; but Brand. ignorant of Indian gnash- I and help Billhook and his aompatrions to p ooko , go a d' , tiotato a tha ttoo , o i ao. ao g wit .„.„ ..b . .... tb ........ 1 , 1 .. fore her but the bleak, berm prairie, mild' dame tie bemb—eolmode 'eel. , ...le; ' I eeZo lied 'limo a. 1 .41 a. the same se , exa mine the tart and we ...4g of the treat to Ids berme, where he minted the ever) . h i„,, »n ape en d wear nlik e with ne. eee diesel hem" the id. AM .he w . ' mech. Admire (very hungry) heap eat," if.' mit. they maid ant be demmul emmise.lfomemr. dre 1, 81 M,, ne entl two • a h e il"....i./ ry to his family with much glee. Ile never ton e. of the d ins of the Sor e n i looked for the last thee on chiliad fellw Hillintek offered Isis pipe Mt the lodlan, an d ellowed no obodorliellee lo be. °Nina le j h i d. ilm"'""". o f `"" '''''''' "".."-. eel" the b e.'" ar able ••° " . "" d " di- M .T.Ii " of iwiand. L:r lie .B ` . ' th " ' ereatures, and fairly karat into tears. ' and evoke to hire le hi, owe leolfeete , whiehltheir approach. It was now observed that ,of fourteen or fifteen, who had (might wit h Son t o no amount, nor Wee hie swine ever L o a.. eeeee d o r tb e e , an d th e ' n eed ! The had far • • geld. • • Canadian voya. h e i, l e , e ,,d L a Mem well undermood.— , they were all psiated. aimed with home and; the gre beemeY end le/o*mM with e ft er m a d. dragged at night intelbe weeds. I T ower , „,r th e pago,leiar, en o, Hest, who hail beets In thp write of the In- The y " wee d that be t r. married to o,lllTata. nail d 1.111•11 of their bufale robes.! arrows and lame wounds. UN Brand bad _s p i t * o f i e. - n o .. , bemliful and mournful moollertiom of his Alan Madera and knew the route well, and I m ee k er , we enie and lived milk some bunt- ,enples naked to the bkmelt-alont. Weir. teethed a sore indlat but a ballad of mold — Moe waken within like —aod the rmith MA greed to pilot them to Vett Leaman , ere es th e N e m o fr e d, wo sae Arkansas.— legs o y Wing protested by deer-skin leg. Meter from Ord .- meek !sprinkled over Ms Ler- • The best way to get help In this __ ... tail tioalaan, debater ata to oa the meth &A of the Platte. Their ,m e ,do„tertrog the l e y ereee ig n , ski e wer 0 ,....hi.u. the middle of the thigh. face, sem restored him. ••BM mots had set I world is to help yawed.. Show that el m. !". I into tears. I r t le says thins lio sbsedon •nneee led fee et" , 'MeV nib ea I. the petty of hie people were ors as lb. Plaitai ii• "swim lirst wired. and Mk I pad Mot-free, and lantana wee shot need aid and all will tam • emdd s houlder, r ha gla .—t. q. Mk -' gin Oaf etre soaatti ou add s o da- 1 H as Simi Elm, wham. their...and l i n g mi n s erea seh e ha w log. e n Moir ly followed, demean la one lifter the Mb.: through the seek, and, tallies, had actual- 1 Inat prove that you ma do *thole folks 1 Tattomag sat , waatihi ..„ , i , a wooed . • Y "twee le the diefeileirAl• return flow the North Toed ; tied ea MO. ..' "WU • IMO et mere Wen collectedly hem MB -eeelped by •• Ulla*, whom end *sprit belie give yea • lift Irde .1,110111 , 0,13.11 The curt, witrd, mid .rri r Ir. ad The. ram ter lit Irv, rort. ror par, d I 1.. , .. tip. lad.. I rt Lau, %1 111,11, 11.1 11.1 011.11 Ie• 114 art In to, 41111, 01111. It ilit 11. art, In ....MA ;ha L, %tea lil,ll eta .It.l Wolf dn., 1. I Lel us a 'in .... U ) lil'ilolltroAt ictut*rrtit which separates the waters the Platte and Arkannas Them regress xsh.w,fui the grew.' was saturated with ated with wet, and ex• ceedingly heeuy fee the cattle, and the) scarcely advanced mars than ten miles a day. At the camp fire at night, Antoine. the Canadian guide, amused teem with tales of 'the 36141 bre MIA perilous advmdut ea of....the hunters and trappers who make the 11/,1111- tains their home; often estottittg a sere.m from the women Ito the description or some seene of Indian fight end slaughter, ur be guiling them or a e .mmisserating tear by the narrative or the sufferings and privations endured by those Lardy huuturs in their ar duous Mary listened with the greater interest, sie she remembered that such was the life nc which had been led by ono very dear to her—by one, long supposed to be dead, of whom she had never but once, since his de parture, neatly fifteen Ceara before,Teard • syllable. Ilex imagination pietored him as the bravest and most daring of these ads en ' term. hunters, and conjured up his figure charging through the mid t of whooping savages, or stretched on the groom' perish ing front wounds, or cold or famine. Antor.g the characters whe figured in All. toine's stories, a hunt, r nanked La bade ues mand e esss.pietmus lee deeds of lon di su,s and daring The first mention of the !mire caosed the bled to lush to Mar?,'. and that .2.c fcr a i nouiciat imagined that it was he: La 11.,ide, for knew the 112111.` was a common Lt.: :Is...it with reainga site hut ivr got the Letter of, it reealled sail epoch in her tr r dat which she r,,,11.1 not lo , k back witltcut mingled pain and pleat Oro ee oil 3. acid ol.a.ut two Lard art, r departure, had .hee ed tidings 01 her t..rinc et r I .ter iiinm tact. r had re wined Iron Ow Far IVc-t ,Lttli. to 1,1 ”ait,t. 5t:16 , 1t.1 6.stml 1.1% ua) t., tit. ,ig1.11.10.c.11 litauirm tarn, Alt•ut ~, o , 11,i , a;0, t",,:!111•5•,,,,,AT,r, ;•51Z":r..VP.Itq::r?, M4 . C.7 , 1. 1 :'..i', 11.71:',1 STita".'. 311r;;12 Er,: iii I'ONTROSE. PA..T111 7 1194Y. SEPTUIBER " had just st,rted with three wag in that dii eeti Jo, he said hi. ride would make a•• ,ai.e." Being may amigo hinis,lfto 11. e uhie s, Ilened Itiq pre cot companions fr,•to erossiog eautiu to the •• di ode," as the •• bra, ea," he said, wore a bray" mad, and iloir bearte were "big" and nothing in the simpe of a white skin woal.llitr bei.re than The Indian wan 1111161 VII With til.e paw der, cf which I,e.tood in need; and, aster go, ring as such meat an liie capacious stnulaelt would li i i, he left tl:a camp, and shrtud into tire to ..rain, The next any our bunters started oh their journey down the river, recoiling leisurely, and stoppiog wherever goad g rass itself. the morning' they suddenly struck 4 wheel trail, which lett illO creek hanks and pursued a course at rigth angles to it, in the direction of the "divide Muck pn.nonnefel it but a few-hours old, end that of three wagons drawn by oxen. \ Vogh l" he exelainted,S rr !Lem poor devils ~f 31ormonites ain't going head first into the Barth.. trap. They'll be • gone beaver' afore long" " Ay," raid the strange bunter, " these are the wagons belonging to old Brand, nod he Los •tartell done for Laramie I hope nothing pill happen to then," !rand m.ll tared La ll..rde, "I know ed that name h mighty well one, sears og ; and -ool.t lode the eon., kind that Ymi. , del' ta art) nni. that bare it 'his tratr.t trealt as vaint : :id it aat. against int. to I, the, critters help the Ital. th.ot t their awn hair This child .ut ~ t the s• ripe What .1. ) art a..), 'vath s. "I thick with 3 .m, ," nn , n,re.l " gt.tnt inllnnin2 this wagon trail. utnl lln• crittorn flint thnCs •• I go ~.u." tl.t. larfor; awl PlC4.li paddy wit., 1.. tround the wag, n'. Their dr meaner, at thr timely arrit of La Houle had Lensed I lionnalir nfitintly . SaIlliON• Met flicndly, soon changed as their num. to kitre his work unfinished. A correaprindent of the Sew Turk Tii (Mil bees increased, they now became in. Silently, foal with sad hearts, the sur. cent in their demands for powder and lead, tivors of the fOnlily, ss,v the bodies at thenone girls the following licit, rat c., and in and bullying in their time.. A chief ne- two !Joys but ied on the river bank, and the beating arc.," of a 6 .. 11 . 1 lcmalc ad coated Braird,and,througb Antoine, inforen. spot marked with a pile of home eta nes, venturer, who nautical tit , : gall; of the ed him "that unless the demands of his procurrd fri m the rocky lied of the creek. sterner sex at Saratoga. braves were acceded to, lie could riot be The carcasses of the treacherous Indians. A most singular and I aching 'infante of foetal.: teceistritity Will dor kg leAlcsanc.' responsible for the conaequences; that they were left tor he dmoured by the wolves, and were out on the oar trail.' and their eyes their ILutes to bleach in the also' arid wind p aii. j aa , h e „... wer e red with blood, so that the ac y cduld not a warning to thin tithe, that Buz+ foal incurs and omasentein art all Scan s day. diningerish between white arid Tula scalps, treat:hely as they had Ile dilated lied met an„,,, clime arrived iii rice S•ut Lem toe. and the party. with all their women and with a merited retribution. and took ladgiirga at Union nail Ai pi. II wagon., were in the power of the and The next day On patty continued tl.eir ap „ ane „,i, a t e , re rlrn yeen„ld. of •iu • braves,' and therefore the white chief's course to the Platte. Alliiiille sod the gala,buaatg, na nd, rare„ locks, a „ 1 ,,,,1 d i„ g best plan was to make the best terms lie stranger returned to the Arkansas, star tine w e d, ~ye, a ea ugdcaimr in ad„.l, tie nit) could; that all they required was that they in the night to avoid the lrediens; but Kith and the rase suenrd air ruly alit big roe th.., should give ityr.' their guns end monamition hock and La Boote lent the aid of their aupeanaaa , , io n„ a s it, „ tone eel urcl on nip In and all their mules cud Iles to the watery caravan, and, under h i . iiap,„, and .„ „„ e „.. a „,/ horees—retaining the • medicine' buffaloes their experienced, guide, nor more Indian,' bdiganie, moaner e i t „ gedo e o „ o , oe i (the oxen) to draw their wagons." Perils arr. eacamdetrd tio bwflett.a male young, awl which attracted the By this time the coreri were yoked, and sat perched up in her fetter's Conestoge,li,„„6,„, and eae p i d an „ e „ aa l the teamsters, whip hand, only waited lon rode a quiet utualateg by La Boole's L 1 e i r , r , tic. app, ari d ie ho one ih,,e„• the word to start Old Br and learned while side; and no doubt they found a theme ,preilue. ut alien 11•11k11. the Indian stated its demands, but, bearing with which to alliteuwes the monotonous is eultiviittleo re; leash or the bestow meet hint to the end. exclaimed, Darn the red journey over the dreary plains South Fork of h„ g in ,. uu d „Ideh are us „ le ire they devil ! I wouldn't itive.him a grain of pow- was passed and Latitude was reache d are pgair d a n niad n ie „.„,„id„n„g as der to save my life. But out boys."— The Swett IPater 3liertiotaires, which hang lice J u li uey „„d ria i n „„, or and, turning to his horse, which stool sea. over the pa." to California, were long with a 1„,i„,en,„..„„,a mid mil „nun.. ply saddled, wan about to when the since in sight; but when the wat t . o r the av oi s mama, ielr al , Indians sprang et once upon the waggons, North Fork of Platte lei, before their horses' ye t 1,, n „,,„, „d o r in „ i nin„,n,,. h e and commenced their attack, like feet, and thenod trait wns painted out rode n i ce „„,..,, a n„,„,,, 0 mo,h,. a scud fiends. • which led toil'e great seller of Col bra rn !,,, e j erre d a lk e . reit ak r ,t ri t a nti, One jumped npon old Brand, pulled him and their promised land, the beads 0r .6 theyg „, „„,, I. k as lie was rising in the swim., and or. were turn.' down stream where the the. with tisaby ; the haunt con drew Iris bow upon him at Chu ironic nor. shallow eaters flow [roe to Pain the great ridi ng hi, y as a protection to their neat. In an instant the old backwoods- 3lissouri—.ii‘i riot op toward the mom , dAtighloio, tglor the latter retrained and co in. Ironed a pistol front his belt, nod, put- latus w here they Irma their eprieg-hearla raii,„„.d by d i , 1„..,„, of Ins person and the tine the manic to the lorinum heart, shunt from whichsprings flow several waters— elegance or his whine. 111 the lialbroone, him dead Another ludiarr, g ainr ka n n ing I n k ....rinsing their way to the eastward, with his fasai orable dn. coat buttoned to war the old man at his feet, ire tloir route to the Atlantic, rime shun„„ hi , h„ r h a. h, et ,„ a nr while smite dragged the notteere fr.. the the lauds of eivillnol nisi; : wO . s , war'l bat:tout waist, his mueal, cheat. d , I wsgo,,as, awl others moiled upon nest, who hereiog a Ite`ten" thr"affh r"' k v canons, tt" kat. , ands and luny leen, as he moved air h or oh• bra,. fight in their defence fl .wirrg throulli o barren will. lerness iolmlo esyniv , trclean, nI ao,l F sec rh,„ n o r llary, when she SAW her father struck to iced Ly it and barbarous tr ibes all eye. nd 11,111) woe fas t!. goeuerd, ...prang with o shrill cry to his Tto hose were the rout. 01100111.1 from : a with.\l'Cer thus :1,1“:1111.0 bor at that m, cut a savage, and, wow the LOUIS, the resrn turn rioting „. endi i l i „ nee , „ ii .„ agand • of the Prophet of the Hebrews: Y. .1.. n out oppress the stranger, for mg know MI heart of the etroo o, r. .eerg that ye wet. stranglas iu the lead of Egypt' The Mal ISt. The Kniekerbeeker tells of • piety 'Down-East where the gold rater rages with remarkable fury, which le not • little ie. CPCIIIIOII by the practical juke. of • young lawyer who pretend, to receive easy tem from the gold regimat, whioh het nada to those . gaping bumpkin. who assemble ••11 hie oflua, to order to have their credulity ,etretelted. The foflowing is the latest was- NCMBE 1: 37 •' We anired at San Francine thee* tells ago 3/ sterday, as.dafter s topping Iltet e four day to rteruit m id make preps. oattona, too out Out fur the gold country The country on the/ bunk of the Sacramen t., xueedingly floe, as d the mil the Most t'nlilo ill the world. Ito passed several whoa fr. Id* which had jont been reopLl, Anal wnuld yield over two hundred bushels t the am , 'num , is, however, one draw l., k : this neighlnrlmod is much infected xith 1 / 1 11.1. twrprots; and more than se liks ly us w.t, is picking up • bundle of hoar. pro will take a bll.OO rettlemake Is in y./or AIMS! Wu pu,ses.l along up lbw it how touch atop, and SO. came to d 1•I regis.n. We found the gold be r particle, 31, eempaniond nil It p l /ed to gather it, but I tho't I would and go ht the head-quarters, if oorrld dud them I WWI Caine to where toned the prs 6011% 1111A111 in lumps as Urge to a st ulttut. J'ahetratiug the country i.o thee, I !bond it became more plentiful. and 1 fnomently ttutieed pieces of gold the r ef 1..1/ tar,-k, trio. In fact, the ups,, armlets of the country, in many places, motiorkd um of our Now England corn. toil., miter the /torn has been removed, sod Isetore ti e motel/kin. ore gathered. &ilk ! /11/1 not thsp there, but khpt on towards the situ nicer Here the country wee broken os nt/ untaitows, mei !urge boulders of gold, 1' thekim of a live, pail kettle, were quit, ....mum. I mine 1011hth to • mountain, thidl I outpost, the river takes its rise. It o the /side oi toy tips/roach it was very pronviroo, Aim t the lo of * high cliff, I let up and eaer s about one hundred and fete het also, u me / and utmost over toy head, o 1112. s of told, shining gold, larger or a buttell ..1 at coed hay! It seemed to •au,sseteled be a single root or et I tool ontlstog eith me but my gun; it OM loaded etth la ball, and my first thought weer to lire, and cut off the cord by which the odt...thin mate . was hung! hutui was on the p.int lug, it weltered to we that If I did, the gt IA would inevitably fall as no, nod etush Ins; su I—" litre the Feeder was interrupted by st renew with 11 lately developed organ of dolity, hie est.+ transfixed with wonder., and tobacco juice down each cor ner 011. oho broke out with, "ily thunder : a tired !" Su Paosevorrioa;-Some time agd John Hull, E.g.. woo nmmintd an levee tor in the Custom Home by Mr. Letter.— Ile W. 13 till'Oettli to do so either by the President or the Setretary of 11;e 1' y. Mr Hall, we understand, wan a competent coil faithful °Meer One day day lust week tot, imam, be exp.. tad I.in intention of v.tiog for John A (iambic, for Cane/ Commis-loner, aml uddiil that he would bar elected by u lunge otajmity. Thu persons with hem hu WO. talking remonstrated iih him, and remind; d him that he held • rilmdiem in the Custom Home, sod that it rras expectol Inc would vote the Whig ticket. Mr Hull replied that Mr. Gamble wue an old friend, whom ho had known bug and intireste/y, nod that he would rota for him. Considerable conversation passed /lo tusin the parties, when they separated.— The next day 3/r 11.11 received a mt. Crow Mr Lewis liintaelf, stating that his Valio4l. seen no longer required. Such is the peacriptiva policy of no per ty mon Thum Democrats who joined the Taylor tarty /runt proper motives, will me them aide AO mobs: disregard of that plelem molt; before Ho election, while the' puliko hill properly eat/mats the charsoter of thmo ales made the pledges m well as those oho break them—Ma. Spirit of the Timex - _ The following are the doted whoa the rerpective States entered the America. 1 - niun :—Delaware, Derewber 7, 1707 4 l'eut.s) Iteoia, December 12, 1707; Now .le..y, Dan, saber Is, 1707 ; 151.1orgie, Jan uary 2, 1708; eu.licticut, Jcnuary 1788; Marschuseits, February G. 1788; 31tuylautl, April 2S, 1780; South Caroline, Mn) 2s. 17'0; New Ileowpshin., June 21, 1780 ; oirgiois,Jlloo 20, 1.00; New York, J o ky 20, 17014; North Carolina, November 20, 170.1; Ithoth. Island, Me, 711, 1766; Vermont,Mardi 4, 1771 ; Komu l eky, Jwne 17702;t. Tennearee, Jima 1, 1706; Ohlo, Ni either 29, 1011$; Louielana. Aril 1 , 12 (mks. December 11, 1016 ; Mk stvoippi, Devemlar 10, 1017; 1111. e De. ceII,IHT 3. 1810; Alabama, December 4, 1 , 19; Maine. 31arch 17, 1826; kewsurih, August 10,1821; Ark...., June 11,1886; %A.., Jima 211, 1.37 ; Florida, Monde 7, 1 , 441; Tea,.,, Dee...1.1.er 20,1845; Wia cow., December 29, 1010; lowa, 1049. WHO IS a et/WM.lO—Th. NM who attack. so..ther Ls parptime, or with a wetei in lab, bawl who. tha Mal.r has wal. IS The man who carries a deadly stew. abeam it 1101.1.11 iu his hitereoarse with an Ullitf MIA ...cloy , is a coward. The MAO who as• elates with hint. •sil ai goes wills miibun to eivinposres an h..' &rid ual Or a smaller OF held.. Number— he is • coward. The loan who, being slualaged to saw. nitieh afraid of pub& eestimawai that ho glare. not refuse it, la • coward. es si iin thinks dm .1.1 Yost i. in . fair wny to redeem 64 prowls. tball ha would nut I. t h e President of .owt In tho proven' I that he will sons bey/fish. .1141 perry. A Connecticut. Joruo. As mother • r e. large faosily, gram one doy dr our bar of her ohlfillon. •• Lin w r oho TA OF ad, millas hataaf to sod fro. , •li a rita fourteen, moiety ley .41 TM isa•lpt4 of the • Irrilt7;l7., , New York, an .4timatal ss eiw Inahilred a. 4 mein thonaam4 iv* Ikembed dsllve per ob. mit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers