Zity for eke lllWooed comproahr and 'IAN coossuitot abolition of s plumy by • hi in Conran In upwar of omebilf of Losibma. Be was rafe d in taking refuge seder the declaration that he was sedentary of war, nod note member of Co n otnr, t ao o d, oonomptently, bad no agency i le se , r any cootrol over it. This was • plausible answer at, the ties, and he stooraequitted for the moment. The discovery of the proofs the next year (1849) reverses the acquittal—establishes Ide agency in the Missouri comproodee aet, his *control over it, and his responsibility for It. Tree he was not a member of Congress in 4820, to give • vote amounting to hot little among two or three hundred others. for or against the Missouri Compromise art. ' bat he was a cabinet minister, to give a heavy vote, one in Ave, for or again.% its I approval. Ho was not a part of the legis- g tattoo power, but ho was or the veto power, . and ha gave him vote for the approval, and against the veto. This shows that he had agony in the I quation, sod control over it, and is respon- I stble for it. Considering his position as a 1 eputhem nm, and his weight in Mr. Mon- I roe's tr i inistration, and he is the 'usu.. I •ible an for that act. The mejority tho ea et were southern, and if he had, i made the stand then which he does now, he; I most have vetoed the set; on the contrary.' i ha went for it, and pound it—passed the :1 sot of congress legislating upon slavery in I 1 territories, and abolishing it over • million,) of square miles—and now treats such •, I law as a violation of the minstitutire, and .i no insult to the shies elates, tor which nul• I' Motion, disunion, and civil war, are the ; 1 proper remedies! I ern mortified to dwell upon Mr. Col- 11 boon. It le 'neither toy habit nor my !I pleasure to speak of men. In near thirty 1.1 years that I have been in congress, I have I i never brought the name of coy man before '1 tho public. lam now forced to do it.— I Mr. Colhoon's resolutions are those of the I 'Missouri legislature. They are idonticol I One is eopied from the other. When the 11 original Is invalidated, the copy is of no a- : I mil. lam answering hie resolutions, and clout, to du it. It ie jut and proper that I should do so. He is the prime mover I and head contriver. I hare hod no chance r to answor him in tho saute. and it will net I do to allow him to tree • soap-judgementlt upon me in Missouri, and carry dionnien I I resolutions in my own state which be hoe', I been forced to abandon in the senate.— l i Duty to tho country requires me to answer 1 1 him, and uremia reasons ro-inforce that g i publie duty. Ile Los been instigating at-I tacks open me for twenty years—ever since I I I stood by Jackson and the Union in the 1 ,1 first war of oullilleation. His Duff Croon ; I Telegraph commeneed upon me at the I I same time it did upon Jackson. and for the same ague— because we stood by the co- ion I Last summer, in his own state of I 1 South Carotins, Where I nemr woe, be g t t d oTt g et r m e hi s n a Oo me n I n t l o t! G a n t le t . o a f n l i re . 11 e l ut ' e u ed . II us in a public @pooch, and hold no up to 15 public roprobatioo. Ho *coined us of de- 1 feetion to the sonth—the interpretation r being that we would not join him in hie mhome of a southern convention, to array oar-half of the Union against tho other. 1 and form a southern confederacy. It was 1 An audacious attack upon two absent re- i Omen, and who, as senators, were ontrtled I teril=irriji;Tys.C'irticnig—h ii . right 1 to y; are - ouch an attack to pass with lawn- sh bat we did not think the tow of the *emu a proper placo for replying to an at- tack ma.6 e out of dun. The forum of our rear:dive states wan deemed tho proper I place. He had assailed on before his enn stitnents, and wen determined to answer him before ours. Oen Houston has replied He did so during the post section of mo ves, in a published address to his coneti teeeta. It was published while Mr. Cal houn was in the city, and where be might ae.wer it if he pleated. Ile did not so plum, He stood mote—as if the antag onist was not worthy of notice—a prolog legs of dignity which did not belong to biro rafter ho bipmelf had h?gun the snare.— Ho said nothiog; and in that he did better , than when he denied hie repport of the ; Missouri compromise art. to did well in laying nothing. It was a nle which public attention should not raised by 000troversy. Hollaton aoOn a vol what the thugs of "defection" mu and then arsenal the war into Africa. 1 charged him with his designs against Ore Union for twenty years poet, and sopthrtod what he rid by an array of facts which could nei ther ba explained away or denied. That address of Houston's should be re-publish eri by Ore papers friendly to the Union.— It is MI of troth and patriotiont—worthy of the dissipto of Jackeon—and killing to (Whose. He did wall not to Ss publie at tention upon it by replying to it. I told Huston that I stionle reply in • speech tool gronstitnents—reod that I am now do- Wi 'fhb b one it my personal mamas fc dwellieg oa Mr.. Calhoun; but I have 1401 thee, which 1 will now Mate. I. the yo 1844, es it will be remembered, when my 1111 dilation wee coming round, there was as r:eisatioe apiost me In the Mate, sup- parka by every Cabman man and newspe pre b the Mate. sad in the V. State.. Them wee a edneidenn In their operatiom mid& Armed that they worked by a pattern. 1 knew al km time where 11 all sum .dthe seem he shies bees astbantleal l• more led to MIL There ie a law in the coral world by whke: ''werrder row eat r By 'inns el that km one of them whe wore immloyed to do the with mew net wed who wee them a drawn to M. sad aflarermis repeered, moldedAr i tot Ira...= ad kit my bind an haw. .4. Mom et whisk Me Is a. entreat: . « !nib lewd le the MMna of leer pa yew ma take the toes et theadiale form • • • 1 thiek, keweMer, mg wadi . dot wool eselleo owes& to *Web owe M. tee, tiertleoi tbst be he.. Abed blonolt gig tiblot ea the Teeee qemehre. Opole hell .e.b.ileettor es lbw, whim he theeeoese all Mott as truism to tbe eaastay who., pme Ile Iraq. Apely it Se Deets& rt. AO* the lu s h. by_stenaltbil Me. Teller mad Me Mewls. eog Mein Am bon dm petty Is obliog Me eltootios et Mr. Gay; ed Amp bk. with Jobs lib to *het W. 114116 and here limittbooosootelee 4.4114.• rd gas NM tell logo be Nee to stdrstltVeet .. .1. . ..10Tpir . . •• • I Tea Mma-We beard es omed. mow 1411141 M Pmendeet I lATIa • then era, wiseemea will be ahead al MOMI I II MIMANCIIII+ by the Seders. Harp . upon these string. TIRE DEMOCRAT. 1 Deerg , derieg .... the ewe petit of M. , :eik ...... .• adage- Th iess at Weniaglow, we far . the Proodent Al her more Mateo iv every duag egeosto.g W, ht, h ee h e , o „ o da. p. m . Aso %so Do not pepose the union, • it is the bet- 1 nese of the demote. to do this, nod or- re . the ty of a• wer and hie ea.. en essoonead, rem lobe inns -' snood neat.. 11. pepelau. te unreemeg to b. and. I. j ss. tory to the lets .^ll. it to our . dent natidaction.' I it.. board Omagh the per of the ....... darks ‘ ..,h y t h e h w e oe ...... ~.... e t .. 1...„.... .0. ; nee tern thereat set- tingle Aurae 1 , IS tent The kr 41 , 1000 h.. from er Madill frieod at the 1 tho pee two eeet h ote . nee anee pew... des, dot ........d . d.......g pow- den ham. .mast at Mdtvadoein eight of for the Inclined plans en be tee at • south. Such is the eerie which I teens- ---- newel Cella.. guillatme hoe D. pet . fell ee „ h. en ,. Th e e„... e . , h ... o r .... ..,,,,, ot , .. a t t t ~. , e n ee h . lot ..i.dmotoe premium mod the ...debt iradesed neer mend, and which ye nen puree of net so - . Weer Wen". It denra e• 00 .0 • 11 "rarer e . our e• Al. radeel, ht elf the eseaeveeth of or what is reohnuadk ovum°g at all pm. of dr- hundred thousand dollars for • new woe • .siding to your real stmelesente to the ad- nanietration." 1110111TROMM . MA 1 a . n end. or rather mellowed up (or etherwine Ire , Preordeet-hes emeedered. without tem.. Da count, , .1.. th e world. in We derchencoi ~d Mt nothing Can be don • for dee North _ ooood . a.y. as . mi. ma , sight of,) by the medanbant lost for decapeation cabinet, we an at • low to deternom Podia. a net. of &wee.. petenpk•s and though, the Branch tonal !Oh not This I. deemed Look out for my leader of Wtniorrow as _ -." - lead the ',peek" flesh are byte of the Don of dandled respembelity wI se omen. to her, aset y.egest State to the Union, she onto. Mencugh. fry the selministratkin •we matter and of an indicator, sod regard this letter Iwo( tbel - - roe ...I gl eotot w o d oto , , sum. the adnataterattee of the gellaralapla 40 a mdtaps are ewe in„ wren to beak sad deeds ly twanted and, rub can be the 1.0 , t0 tear ~01 .0 general moment. If Mr. W. F. John most strict sod inviolable confideoce of 1 COL AS A DIM 0C K. • P. , 7 that is es henna . nod hoth and the the me. Be the Ma.. erbm . n 05,...), di her pdatcal tow... 111011, great cantonal ston eaten up again for political favor, and cheraoter." I oroar000raoorow .,„„ too 1 qelefseatee for eh. . at ut deemed. of all tom w cerium, that seek te, the Met, and every day elements of Democracy. whs. molested the dee- he don't catch • North Wroter from this I read this extract to Mr. Calhoun in the .....".".""...." ' mar fresh pre... emanace. A toluene de- Imo.. of Anon. ladeoendence, hot whteh nen". we ...." 1 "" in th e allso of N. •-- senate of the United States, in February, ' ,T o At ........._ The p . p . r h ... et . "..... P .. .. Imo may have eugg.ed Me nand actwo By Irene atterwards nenpronoont en • greater or lee ti.... Let hi" try. Fob. Per." net CEP , The ...I (milt. .. W a, erael a se. , :" ~ th e p ete o,,,, ee ,, 5., nd o r h,, 0,....., e a.... th ree, . t h e „h. ye. of the tea . g ee do once put they wont stand • repletion. 1847-four days after Ws firebrand resole- ton ,. „ too .. or t o t . „ 000 wrohty, who , nom, were introduced. He yid her did not 111 larger than dolor any other paper in Bathe. .... a • ..11.av I. .. .......... my made, and 11 would seem aa N °lonian!, and few man the ecourge of land Mooed, will m • This Ms Excellency will led to his co.. write it .. I know he did not. Neither did p a .... oat ,. ..... • " tor „ ono dot , ot , old ennounceethe decapitate. of the PtwonMers . .. t . e., ... It. ..... 10.11 e. h.... , .. ..., 1. th.,,,,,,,,,,,, ~...,i .1 ho, ~...,4 ..d :.. He defeated the only bill that would has he lore the rapers of the A. D. pi , ot , it. .... pt.. ... e... . „. Te... ...... ,. . et that place, Promo. and Wa3 maw. at • wane ..... het, 1 . 0, h . e ...„ .to rat taw , h ., „1 1 ,.. p0p ,„.... 1 . 4 ... ~,... a .... completed the work. He threw the weight Pi." Mr• Crawford, nor the ...•"•`.. ram to ay. themselves of the bead. of advent- :.••••• The Mourn WM... .. Y.. knew to ... w .... eines, .., he ...... mt .., 4 . nu . te her nee. rent. ..., . tat t i . of hos °Nei. ammeter into. the mak and of the last Missouri general esombly. He t ern wen sert the proem. of giving the . Demo- ........ •I. 4 ........ b ........1••••• la a far to charge Inaba.. of pled and motel State-one which an tdo well to s brought down the beam against as. He is no such bungler as that. When • paw ~..--,., .. km... their orrotn. or eau.... ' . 1 " . ' M Y' ..... 1 °.6....e ••••• ... De....- ou him, when . oeth ais De rd.. who tate .. Let am hope they will frail Area. "'" , mote the people of the North, and mon is to go into the fire, lee prefers that a an 3 caeca wo n. aowaar erotic P. M 1.11 is the county. and Dm heod he pithy of them. 'tested all their hope. in this measure which other at or dog. to his own But he was N. it. An oar •- oatwoootato bor ... tow , Men to me ht to the block. 4th 01 'ply Celeb ra tion. 'of all others was the one most deer to thom. see yof elate under Tyler at tba tee, ~,a, were, awow h. .... . . 0 ... h , .., Timis bet • tem. of what a. Woos. ere1y',,, A ,0,. ' ,.. 6 th heit °0"6". ..... ° " .... °." . : .°61 ,;: •. e, ....7 . 1.0 ,.. ..., e 2 . linked dominion over three hundred news- '" .... neuen . the cwee le General TAO. th e man E ....„........ h .., ~,...., the 00 a , nsee o t f ia . g ..k of . th s e ., el . l ... .lolLef .. ll.exabeer.... : . L..... f Az i d in ln g.. ello na ne h i o teee d.. l . ly i . , w H it e h elone i.p.d.... it. withou t . papem to each of which the unto lustre- V...d. f . " .. n , who • •• hat., loath. prow:nee. • '" ... •.° . bras. of our awn...bog Nano. , Amine., , What does Wm. F. Johnston eare for the _ titre were homed They were intended] Er pe e Ike A. glllll.staalsoo. ofealasel Ben- , tii .,.. ‘ii .; m.. ... 5n fnn .i.n, Indicant tor cue of the Ploledetphia appointments th e ha e .., on ~,,,,, . p .. .. h . I. a nide. gem -as othonal and Ingo tend Ts, lor m., with people of Northern Pennsylvania, and what ; for their guidance in the Order Of Ur Day. do tr y oare for him ? We speak of the Pr..M.. 1.1 .I.- I nods celebrated Speech tho wed, and nail coin- I 11. cattail...cots are ..,wheel and its ea ether moo clams o the Prebleut Medea' tion, and in the eta. Sections of 1844:1 le I aster omen. upon aan er ... Deal I ' " Pe • .. . The 4 •Y fn• •• rhen•l I. 6 3 d i non.. e muse Here end there in be • pea : and oopormy for nay own. who , too. is , r;.: ,.. d ,, esempaseed et. aught ...go. to maittop• model But hewos overalaughed mid another eppeented ....... A 16.......•. a . the ".. al Iluesterer, who .nett hoid the teeter ' ins nn. I only read the Maen lei. is I V ' magazine of Lemur. end An hens St. Anion. Thie of course madded the anti/not-an expla, at Me Me th od. tlopel.. 9 o'clock es the . . . - to h. awns the mom .le ked him. For T. Nes 8....- . 1111umal p er of Job ne novel by Heft., whs. miteceshooe these. ono. wee ash. for, and the second 11 when.. t 7 , 7 , 7 , ...1,; • 1... rape lel to myeelf. llow well l b instruct' the honor a human nature they are few.- ; Work thw week. and the near approach of the 4th ' the volume, is eammensed iv lbw number. 0 mainly reph el, •• Illy, (cunt. 4 toed Ar gm 'tions Wels a,,. 3 .0 ... se. in Ibis state, 9 ban, ost oi i',lntra ,bl . • . The peoi , la fvel holignant at the insolent mred i n ini,nyy.nnn in n il th e ore , no d ,of July, when our ••• Ism ... espeet •a holtdm , has We fair to be of n 0... oaten.. ••• True onto se , new., 401 000 starer,/ by uly Calm , 3 mmldm m m e k, soot ,. manner in which thee) have bora treated.- I J p ot t t o b too wbtob followed t h e 1.4 „r ......pdka .to innoduce •um Edon to thee , Death," by Co.. H. Bud, re mother tale of eel" Thw needs no nonmentar, It emu. for Jl. , ...tfr•.....6 . ,..,..td 01 .... 1 'be D.. n o . 1 , L e a dd. r w.. 3 tatc • t from ea. leading friend at the south . Benton- I mod dew. dm week If soy e°, after labing rare ment,ths ha. may Word, raw opponent. mdf area foll of mentmege-Ird d l, k . ...1,"ti,,r0"."` , man allow himself on the map swain 0000° Cloy-Whig e_Feses Hem upon thee , ern eta columns eat km to make out his name., to ...Cs to ear edam. There are Dental ....,,,,, tee . a, ling for votes, and he will meet • rebel( tied swinge, and harp they did, until the strings o• "II ire "kern D.. tee be... the .... ...f ....... 1 .. the. ... , ...b" .......• '. lepollo of her. filmdom's Sinking f ■ ILA- ..4 , A 1. ., 0h..., be n ew.oa *di ...it . • i t eal 1. 7 1 0 I. hie reee f„ d ' ,hu e WIT Ir.nl Old ; ...I ll e harp.' were bung: bed that I. name to 1 4 . ... n.-. '. , ..n. 1 1.10 gen. &ad madame h,,, ere mon beautiful.... he Mumma V,a- , The follewtog et.... id the P........... duet, where the to tag ceder 1.41 be ob- We regard the Nola. Brooch nom foe I ore. the tee.. Now • new set of strings' leen who h•• hod Me boo m of b.... P.- Remember ...ham" . peblohed by S. D. wined... the revenue tall dthe lan memo t; .., ,t, at the premut- killed by Johnetee. b oo t o aro furnished, and from the same • leading siding over ..y ell, and naaoy or tn. be. sit.- Pattern. it Co., ;id (loom Se., Phdadelploa, et I , s .. I. Th ., ~,, ....., ~, of 1 .. ........ , ir .„., build I' up • eitling fond, by ankh be ' ' friend flew sough," and the oleic reek ' ....the eettotO ...,........•• ..b. 03 per annum,or ....lower rates le, dubious. gna w., eu at n n e enej, e .g o ; e s, „m. 0., fur 4 ,ppreprude Mum. .- ' may lake ke effort tamale ride into pee -1 fences to the old tune met to new word. Isst eng w. Perhaps our ...nem. pro. him to , the tune hemp shall be et.moneners who env 11 . Adtke... the toldo th Seh.la er ; but he will fail in this. the enure par- Motion- Whigs- Alnditinniem- Wilmot the •• ...noble" editor, and jhen what 1 . rdThe Nne York Wale 'snow the only Dem- hereby ambonzed to men. the nonew app a Mow and Mohan. of tannery pro, no-are nee Ob° string., and harp at moo httoho-thar roroow neighb o r „„ ens. enewe paper ur New Toth fay. the „ie. rot pnaterl , this act of which me, hereafter be ern. J. Reaming the Declaration of Independeuee aura by Lim towards this great Sean. the Fame object, and I. perthatie • 6 Mee weern•nrc or " 1,11 .) will net soon be forgotten by the peop leaf ); t ie spin the sold ! and bee away , war wo , o who torn . , o, f or.. oat , . 10 1 , •• Tree Son," the Hoolterygnan, having leen deo the be 4, la of the state of Penns, le eta at , 7 Macon. %when and Muse the North. nor the ...Sir they will, the old performers reds non new I i r a : b ,_ ht. rid , her ..2.7. ...... for 11,1111 of palm:in. The Ws& ra . market pro, If net eseeedtog the par rat. S Ilene& ... 1-41.... Afore I To the Norther. portion of the elate it I ones, unt il tho drooping will. • • MaD &pie ' °"' . ' •••---- ... 6. - well cordoned r.d...1. nod we are pleased to en thertuf, to the full nof the and reSernal,and 9 T t .-1- '""'""• ,, °"“"fi - "''' '" i. ..,, tele It continue. to k the , . 1 reed Mr. Little for the Deal Le ten, made no I, claim the appendage or their 0...... tts , en........ been i .e...., e .... 0 , to hohl a. ands bo le maw, and the Interne thre. etoch a armed at the crove,ed en it -h back • . .bp attempt us kw lad tante to bow our rettemung. and tat ere ... , ht ,„ , e ,,,, ~,n w e ., e „ t h, ... tow the t dlato of Len. Worn . ~.1 d 0... door, closed through which, was it opeeed, laments. , do two ee.one of the pat.. 1110 State 1 A t•Phod•d d xe.Y.....M. con be e dole- an inemenre amount of wealth which lies eraech ....teed u the allege... not far the purist. t rfter .p.citied- I owe ae apology to General Jaelreotio ~..."." b yon That all reven ue deo, ed from do 1,1- . trot I. dee. , omen memory for reading • ktter in which be is ...' '''. h.. " b................... 'eh.. " W°• '' .......• . • 6 .... P. - too t 00......., to o t t t th, ..,,,.. en c ola ra t .„ 111, ord. r elate 1,, no cite, dance , ~,,,I -...- einin ....., i ''' 11 1 .4 . in n " r ' i'lleYn and ......"1".11 ,n otel , tight recto, . m et) to calling us had per ts dont bring muted at Milk.. Pike non. h er s... en. th, pr e,.... we . . ~n, ce, , 0 „,.. t t ..., ... „ , . t .„ litllx would JAI • 0,...1 and pr , Debit mar quoted again. me It was nodet . him ' and would have been mond . , ins to see his memo, pst as bond, aoae a canoe two rottld not One paper in 11 et rm., o ceroculv ond.d, end bad. or radre..1..11,1 ervel muse or itopon en. loMalow. Join •,. •I I. ..... ' - ' het Ili. , t oars. still eontioue. to mate coon., ...incr. all faked awned oat mu Ilene nil re 3 tax, to the amount of one bun- Es-Creole:lent Yolk. I name tended anion onc dine best friends. l' l w `' •• "'e l.. " N .. • e ... • ... shot • 9e ......... e . •". and were. rt, v.,,i, tallied moos, limbo, .i..... d ~. ~,.. t , .... , , , t , . t, . ihe el sod hfiy Mounted dollars • year, I . one of his greateet enemies I never 1... 4 .m .... t• ...Y whether stew id ht. h., w Milk ne eta b, welt tonna •as •• Mr ralnicain." tl - r From eole tele...mete despatches et would 5 . •" P. ••• %.... ne" e".." .• . 4 .. •••• : ' 3 " .."..• td " n r" I '. "..." ' t . n. , ..°- 'rola width nod a paddle at benefit, is de ' mortified his feelings by letting h h het ;is consederald, . the in. ...„ ° „1 . f ° ,„;,„:ZZ d ee m .a . ,,,%7„;;".1 . ,„,: e V ° , 1 41 :,',7„,P.:: v '3 rat r e " ,.:,:h " :,, - , ° . ' , 6 , ~6 1 1::„. t . , 7 ;. Med 113 the people, but is nothing erate that I bad heard how Lien amo had been .. - ....b. 6 " ........ Itt." 1 ...... """ . ." '' r r te r m t., e ,,,, eneete n .. th e ..t, „,, A nt . ge t h e t, w..., „... r ant , .. te no leds than thrown • away. For eight. sed; but when race hie end 1 ~,,, m e , peen,. melee., indoputable and „Horne • . tz: ." os- th° ° Y ' ' "'" ""''''` d .""'"" """-.".." a ' l '` k °` '`` l ' l cars this net has been Omen smelly • cal l e ever the 1.411,Ka1... an, wooed to dos i • kind message by 314 Lewis: which he right to-wt would not leave been . well had he - art. Mal . ewer as the wow thall le • received at ..d tf de tt Mid he MI,. , .i Mol int ing in the aggregate le • sum more returnee/ in the ono. affection.° tone, and I denied to thew th twe faded to abler or. tar sir We men Weed 11. the v Bodied Demo the seams, be pod ot er to tee void coming on Ti,, Veer re El. appears to be merle° as than sufficient to complete thia work.- which 1 think it right here to repeat. An ' alien... the ...ter. It le •• very easy thing. •.4" D. NI. Bull's pi per. hos heeo docentomd, et • .....• ...........• . Pod... the • fetal one to the eminent men ot this cone. Comtdele the North Branch reel the loot 1 ter giving ..snot of lin visit b him, lend allh lam, the Pek. • wall Dot es .... 1 te.f- Newt ...no , eh.. of the [olllloo.llll,.altla an the term end for try It or but • few days since we had to ... t r,,,, t, will eetwe e p . 3, t h e .... and bow Int found him, Major Lewis 0011 , 11, 1114111 ea quite COMM., to fly usto • pow., ld' "". 0° °°°. ' •.° 'a .0."• a "" recora the 0,,0h. „f two of cus urrt illu )C ar lb. e , "" eat on its win. cost. I limas: ona a eta eat oth easy who gets 1b. .k.....1 rr lie.J°. ....o.n 6. Mt, 4... ed 1 Sec 9. That the rah or no cannianahh a , tents soldier., Den. tai Worth and Lateen, The completion of this work I. the only I "He enquired after many old friends and ,in an argument ;D. ben. • epee.. wilt many the rem of $l.OOO am • fun , the Interned which , p en .h.„..., by ~.,...,...1..,1, th. In, ....0.,,,,,,, 3 esterday brought tei the mournnel in -1 a • d f- d. form. mad th t hereafter be • , • hwee of pnotoritt in the North and the only among them yourself desiring to know 1 1 whether the is the hew irony Mall eases, rd 0 ,....,......." . .....,........ • 2 .. tr: e f t„ . ""a" ..... 6 .: " .. - 0 7,,,„.Z.,,: e t te tt .......„,,..,M, ... he ..,,,r e t o il' that ExtPreildlent Jr, K 1 . , lk, sure guar... a the eistlnguia...t a I had sees you leet and how . ern were. 1 see in o cue. We tom nothtng f. ho epolt, le, `,.•".. ~ . te ,.... a " 'as adores., to the iv 1 e nboreonetil and lud in n n i "" nn - ‘ 1 "'"" .'" rh. ' hrr.h ' id .1 the o f debt. bald him that I had se. 3ou but • few days m long to wels se the ...wee 111 the .ntro.' .........•" .--.."6"..- . ear ... 1 . rd the Mb... dtb, told 11., 000 1. . . 6 ... I . .B from th. I n .. 11.1 " . • f e e l' blot to the artienlal netters ihat lir, we - before I loft Washington, and that you were ~,,,,, „, . re e t ..., o o bey .„ „,,,,,„,,,„,,„ doll be folly and compittel, .111 Cled " Pr"Pl" re " "I":`"r h-• I.• rleed , h....ter have had to heed ; Let us nerve erseive well, and at the some lime th•livered to him Tle Tel tbernt. T., may. ,t,.. a., na da ... b.. t a...........,,,.. : T .,,. et the kt .l B 3 the pro, nom of the act, not on: s the nse- -- c i •....,........ ,.. . ....... -e.... ~..,...L . ,- for • a bAt le, II • at will put oleo into e.ffi. J • ". "...qt. M. ... " y ile"lY .... 1, baud, and Deer to the argument di. when.. e l t tt ea . ..... t h e u. ter t et e h e .....' .I. M.. • ...... ...........nos, , ate future Mona. ..3, se ° t o roe 3 . us- whe, are 1 rie tide to We north, et.l who feel affected when I had repeated what von bed t We might deal 111 them, her our l e prmknee and et 7„. "'" ,.. "re . ee . ~ . the t an !created by bb Der. ere set non aid n rep mpr. -i". I ° 1, ..`• ' . n'i"." , Ite.e•lit. rook ....., desird me to nay to him After • short I rote„. eee .„ J . „, tt „ wee , „„, enook.„„„..e. • doter int crest for the state than for their w o o h "" 1".1 " - "7")., , I led la the .nips. ram, Ind also. that derma rm.. . 6 . 1 . 1 .. 6.6 . th e ......• 4 1...........141. " . ~ ,, , ,,i nv , , ,d i i ii. . al . e . ggra i..!to nd r ia . e j ti i.. o ,, t ,... - ..r : ... ..: ; : v. rt i mo ,.. , h on o u m4i t il i. ....l f thank the ta y o o o l l d ont...l .e for_hil otot ar ,,,.. ... o b., or o bo a armor , ~,, ' , ra t : .... .. a : a, 1 t b " ,. " ,. 0 : . , : a0 ‘ 0 h . :, ' , : h " ) '`"" ` .."'" . leotetern .....t......, eh., fesontau ...eon.. .....61' The Ex- l' heel been D woow . a . ot. ••• coupled oak weined, would ensure d woes It i ......_. 0 ,, , . ~ ~, . , .., I . 5.. .. .. ~,,,. ..„, ......„ ..„.„„,.. ic....14 b,,, .. ~,3 , reported di tor xdoe weeks, but little sp . • ffi lt i".. llt ..." lat. .. Ince \ owed ewe. but ah. d e w, • a 1,,. " 1 - . P" •1 g well, if the treasury eon to a ...... et. barn t le. l e . "'"" ..' fri t he '''. r. "" 1 .r.) '4' h' reenerat Oberaverecre lee Itadrer de • l pre rr w tr. the hero.* of the blestean War. and to con- • 'denture to .. bite once more, but that I „...,.:. , , I the morns. or his death. The dist twe of Es•Parddlere tole. fear leis poseible as my life I rapidly draw- , art .err ri ,,, " „: ' ,,;:',:, ' , " ;;',7,. `" , ` ,., ' , " 7 ' . '''. ""•" " ..""'"-......, ' h. ' T.) b. ... t. " . 6"".. a ' . °.............. • ' 6b"-- °-- which ha died is set down Se atomic Di ing to • eke.' Re. h. each. paused. and ... ter our pat. - so oseotek.ermes'll tend-Tory °emend They ere rens re • ' a ... i " " • ' T.l.l"4434lL4WV.UM•' ' ''''h ' . I ' , Ti. Pens.. id, a ith deep a regret, aroma able and distinguished etetnern., hot •k . a... b.....r.b1e moment, a man of truth not ... w h o ...... oar be sib. p,,s,scst et. ~,,, tor resunnorn atom mment of the mien. on 1. .... t . ,....... 3 ,„ ', tic ..., ti., . eS. 1 1 rano and eine.. P• er , b ' e • ..d ,, !' i° T r ", Ann unbeedeng mom. olio would acorn to pob- n mi....ace or any sr fer."-whcrus Ors. th e 1....M .6 ..... ....f l et• the .... 60. 110.... e n s, e „,,i,„,t• . i t . woo a we .. Tat, ,be 1,,,....7..bi0, occurred at Nebvifie, tees .....k. A re" °WI iga"°' t " -"`". - - 7 - lob hold-laced fahohoods get. • edlowd save, T en .. bas pies. h....1f A ° ~,,, ..,,,,,,,.. bent's oempll. el to borrow. non or lola. la nite.l the 20 a \ deciliter, 1 723. an.' wito . iti! :• I A . ..0 .... . 1• „ grateful for the able and effleient ennp:" ", t 0,,,,, „ t h e no n , e ne though eon. from mother part, ha. that ~ear filled the Kowtow Chaos the Feb ../ .....• T b . V. , the .." 06... new erf hittleeth t in the Id . , .filoh 3 tun ... , e ,„.., t , ..:1 , 6. ....d.ttly celled epee t o owns me during ate whole of MY •• llt'lt - pe, ~,, n th ee n o. e p h . to tetwet by punt.- Thod-They outonsed that Got Tatters oh- b...... 6 ....... at th - ............ hie age-ire ,i,, pi end i igen 01 mm t l ..... d, • .... , I " '" !', 000 . the revollna„. o r tration. end I beg nu when . 0 3 6. .., t h e ', e rg. the e a se en.. h n nise to de eons. refilail to pled. kitten to env es. sue 1".......... t the 44,,.41 °f ... d. . .... ,with one third of the life elhdtrot to man in ....... g ..... In its comm.. will tot , al o oora, at ...„....,,,..... . h ................ „ , e ,,,,,, e th,„... tha . c . az ...... .r1 . ? ..., Me 1 • 5 t , 5e r ezt , y , h .. .. d .....1 . 1. b0 e5: , ..n . c . de i, p17 , ... Ire,h,ere ..... t.t . :Le 0ti1.,,,..i..beecthe1ri..:7eibi.::.,......., ciu„..,,tene:l7,ilifcid,o,..np...the, eteol(thle.4.6ol.l..isr.turie. I him ; and thank him in my name for Ms .11 kind and affectionate message.' These 117 - 0 h . "... . • , ato ; fie et an ekes le creche. as every re r- 170 to be governed by hind petectptes-whereas belie ". . 3. d 6. ate, r . , - .0- ; - -:- i ,„,......,, los ...duet for the paw few wee. the relics. aan ultra 111. cab., a. the ho Pc.. Itt. Prblic en. kept et ail.. nur ctill laic, 111 that stele )Ir Pee Wse h. g b..... I ''' . .1. . di.tingtlished . " re te l ste, rat es ordered that -.one, ...hi b oa _ they were tirade wit mu. feeling, educated to the law under Felix Cr. 1.13, • deep and solemn tone of mi. they mode "m are01d ., ...... be tor . 11 et.. Dog ....b .../7..,.......5:ti.tref.......1.....7..:0.611.:.r,Z..,g,......, e d" .,...e ft e " .o;d th t " ...7l,rth ' a b" t the ' ee " t m oo " .. i 1 0 ' 7: „,,,, .„ „ ~,„,,„ ,„,„,, ,„,„,„. i .„ . 0 ,„,,_ non, e tt e , l 11. ettn . t.te l th, •et ... .t.-...., nee an *omit. on my mind that can never •••• Federalism and MI . none her... ...o. •Illt• 81:...... • WO' 5... .. nh. man . I at lit hr. Loa been Leith. t twit!- 6 o ' 6 .........., 1...... Won, .. 6 6 ' 6 . and 011 business sospeoded during en - I be effm.d" [Remainder next wee. •r• Our Reg cote...eery 111111er• tharm• .. e., „ , 1.01 1 .. 1 ....,,,, 07 0109 „,„ . dented from wllateral oultentances, sit apart out stain ... - -- 1.6 0 7 ...... ffe........° ..........""° •poolre, are ore for, trod Ant fee. One for the ...Mtn loot.. 1.......0.k.w1eth He had Ise. Go. ern. of Ift native ...„ e. -. ....... - I ru v tordered, that the war al. of C .... °rem Speaker of Navy tb . , . ''''"' lit n.. 000 0 Paper 6•h°ol 01°a•- T° ."'. _. l- LI %BS !"-Res xi 2 -Lyn..., Chzefir per having cloo. open the Sta.. and the et, 5t.,,e_.,..h t , jete 41.01 of the charge taller admittome to the WO Pr...." 'h" 1......... ... 1 . 1 . 6 . ...j , the house of Representative n- he which • i idtin ' t - a r, i ' Oricrl l 7.ll " p "e •ier on i" triele ith nue ," - I craw he seems on by lembeatten of hewn( es e 9 ,, ~..."T„....e on one Goes Dow aloe. de: l 3, otth ort 0 ..1 • caw the Sew., to pond. he greatly divtteignathed htmodi- • - ' littly occasion to the memory of le ale- Ass cep.. tram h. P•Per •• . 6. .. 0.1.- LIM -Thompoon's Beak Vote Report, ma}s: be nod at ea. wthreeleet period 01 the perch .« old ..° • lnl ‘ dl li iti°° T h. n°4l°°"d ' ' ,Se had. (Sign ed) Z TAYLOR. Now .° Pa... th e ... P... 0 .61.6.6 lb• • 110 lade • shanty doll. es • dee.. hunt- of weeks. 'the rotted Sat.. be all of th e eithlie , r gt ... e. to,, ae Iw 1 . 49 I ...Mt •••••• • a•gi• ...•••• 1.•• lb. P .. d.... bog It ...Mb 0 . 1 7 1..... . 4..... • 66 ' We do t. Id.. Mt Bahl, the State Treas.- office. he BMA he displayed the same op- . 1 ' e of Ora ' onler, the nob.. Ye.. ••• • ha' I. •'•••. the 0...7 L. °•• .. O .L r' r r : - ., " .", " .., M ."::::`," ... ...Vi.::::.... the . CI ~ n.r, In obenta the law, . •an eye..., offieer - right, Sear-sighted. patriotic and decided '" P h. ", 1.1. 1. ....• °".°16...0•.".6 • h" ' d pole., or ....the ha.le of a mehome for a Our object le newt, to • Wow the effi•el or a les mind Indeed, as a ritisen or mane sort ' ‘ 'l s . oa r ,...__ l t t i 9 ‘,...,.. 1". .,_F i t_ . , * _ ... . a0 rd t00 l l aoa ""l oy. T ya l.... Iwo then amid... coped a frt. De heel f .., . i . b ....... ...... t het e on there is 'Mic b to the rend coodttoo of the treasury op- Veld, he wag alike an honest and honors. towo 7 o t a . :;.T "1"•••••• I I Bat 1... e show weedy gee dleeen ...sees de- a enemy le all where the • I. .... ,kre; eel we ......... te ........,,,,, eed .the nee ., ....- , ble man. Hie administration, as President -. i t. woy ow - o t - ...too . add. stog that poi... whi. we ba. needled ler le ball kmp a mall mesaare of dub la mit aa lung ..„ .7 . .....7 „, „„..,,. , .... b, , ,,v, . son .,. r . ~,, , ,,t ....., et. any oo tho oro _ .. ze i 0,_,_,. ....n ., ..... I ~.e r , tapir, ► „, the' . thn NI taiga retwoo.• ell of our Union 111 eller h6ratielanoe the M'''. m ory pea the I 't° P4'''''''' `'.° we.k...el "". - Th.... t the bolt nth owe at the geld ' Id• Da.. • • ...In , a the 6 .J............. - .- troop. will rpanded at 10 ‘ ..41.a A. M. 4Ra .Aviv it la le be obtawed. we ..and e r the ~„......, .tree awed te country peoad through the • storm which oho °odor w i tiatwo. aft. ~, lie vernal. than hat bat ho O. of gar a 4. deb " eb 7. de" ' beeeeee b 6 be. e ' en b. be h' a ~ ...., ....... G .„ . .....„.... thresteed it from the Oregon queetion. ri , „ bor ., . 71 , ~..,. ....- ....k,...t.ltTheif net "* lrent Me ' the •• fte"Wernedm"t..""**ltereekvad he ' ' ' ' '' '' .71 r i...'"1.7:17.' f i11.7 " :".". " .."..47. " 1111".. : t0 'n' t a ' hao .-- tooro . t ' ,,,,...; y p..... oh : .. 1001 , .... '2 l l . l :r7rl g b h ie * b w , rne i re r i er Len " letb l y M etell i ti: • . The . N'W°°!".l gag ww--'l..' '°°"ahl r i°- 3.4 " re have eerstrelly bed ern ire o the find week . the lwr "."...... be •••a• •f •••• _.......„. ... ..... e- Th „....., ...0,06u, did WAY 19 vindicate and ele- 7. 4 13 4 ..x •1r ' .4 3 ° . 3 , d 1.......„.. a. . 11 , 1 irxii.: ~0 appeared. and st I. a drange eamodectoe-if It ....... beg.. • 6.... e• .•• • Wee ei e- - e ' .e.e.e• - • ear the U...., than • "enema° e of the' ' .- .. thirty minutes between the rising ad rt. 1...., .............5.....,,,,..5. for in hot...Awe' the paper ....y ak. Ma North Barr eari ran es... I WD .0.... , most pamperer pore B 1 the etrantry, . ow , . . eons me oe hp it en eirelai. the dm ed. . M.. ••••• Ferran r wen r anni , ••••• . e h t ,„h d o , tr ., m e p o d s ... u p w s .., fril rift •=at. • r re* err Of as er legatee la To. a...„............11............. L a roped .,,, epe . . for. 4 ,......... ;:n= 1...1 .1 7y a , S h ove. DID sad ...meat to resin lb. anon., tee, t o th a t the ohottog otooto „ to the day, • ember of so rm. ..1 been esttedeced.d &foaled. Al Dent es` . I. • . a ., gt bet In mu, - 1 The °Dern of the Anil will wescoepe their sword and of • Twine Did Teku. • er • truly respeul red burro iced least Say bear • year, sod each trot... e••••••••• tr•• •PP.P ........ . -1 t Now that death has needed hie from our I r. ..._ thh t I ' M ' _nt h" ;., ___ t to „b. 1 bemedel ern., se well. use worths Irene.... no.. ash doollh the Pre.. • 1 .. 0 . "ra ii. M° bleb bbeed4 e ll ee • nebe ll • "' We ' ere. '" ...let, politica aseerbity will le forgotten. ." " i " ... .. "_2 °' - ••••°"'" ' nem me bent. pod in the Coss. Home. SD of I nreest,f . val.. which ns re rum et . 0 an. ebreb ..... • I ll... " '"""°' "P" . " and his ertioan enemies even, MUM accord P a ' ' ''''''''‘, f''' the II""I of a' km. Mr, by the ors adnuesdratere le every- cm years lead abr. calk ire attend.. Bet the ... ........ . P. • Pot.. sf lb. g„ h.. In. from geoet.„oity thou po,titobillsonthoN TM my department hosed its wile where recesong the bitten. awn. II 1111. 11 keep 1••• • •I••••ft P.....•..11...10n ...t. " . " ............ 6... W... .140. , the credit of war talent., unbent.% in- .. . . „ kw , a bred up lice serial per ed the amain Dm • Mee Hews •the beak bolls ed.. wet ...wen- a re. brered ref Illy doe.. dell.. on ha.: bor t, oth i ott b oowoo b o bt o wow.. TM I fropm_weten um ea . gen tn.. of by nee le IrrallY ...I ••• ' elf •••••• ••' •••• rib , or he ctehrnhiss - , 0.4'. order ee ....... ebe ••• • 1•• ' be b••••• youngest of thelrkeidents at his death. it I 0 ,.. 1 _! . _ , ~..".._ oo ,"'" . 00 ......0. Th. ray ......d ••••7 1e... WI. P.t.b. att... 6 . nob 0 .... 1 ...I 1 . 0 ... 11 e. l of O h . ' ........ In ...P.... ... .. P... 6 Weald mem bear shout siEht. eat ha= w0 "T t0 " ...... .. M.I wereMl...l„.h.toot I sech as re New Ifera Mlll, Bee. Terenipt bare rube* enboutted ts howler ef ram b. •••••• 1 • "Mr... 4 " •••••••••• 4 of ht have been h P .""4 h lin bong" ' le ota with its beery. Atenedgly, es ie. Mr. thee. sir ralkierawsereemodero Seem Meta deter set eel te netting ef 1 .... 11 . 11 . 1 .. They ••••••d .•••„•••• ... 6 ankey the sweets. retirement and hear the , ~..._ ~,__. __ eon, thwo ot, o tomiato7 nem wheels b. Ire erred to make nom preen , the kW- Mt Arno. ..... 1 . 0 ...Dd. Dli •••• 1.•••••.•••• the, trowf•ssines of the future upon the eetioosi r.... .lt ... maid to his t ewe of heevy Whig tech, was Ii lasigainest te easel ---- ewe.. be asraereer ef We reef arm of his life. But he is dead ; • Providence, ""' v -- .....7 h ... a the Nave yard. and Natal Slake., lot ..........,............... by Tr EMMA. Acereawaseem-The Zs do ommeseeneent ad dm vrotit *odd he new.) often met manilla when a enema most no. ~..., j .., _...,,,, „.. 1 ., ......i.k.. , . Th .... n s .. ~,,,.. sps. ho ....up p.slyerlie-obe sr ear, per reeilear,ef Ode F....W k be pre. dee sad its compaction .et were, has called him to a bee .lire Amnia b ... ft) Z.,. .... a.,..,.... 12 ...............a . ft,...... We, (uy I twirl noysely ilsrlusw- rats eat redly red rano ef re et tree al Era. liven cleaver is raidered from the sesta LIT,. by . i b. 4 ; . 7 ,-,,,.--..... r m... .4.... s. ..., . whs. ...) ... a s s. 1 drum tra. Tyne r the War Plodder. are Thi• ...nerd Plaril• ••• 4 •••• ralard, ,of ratite partial, A devout abeldera... ...b.., t.,, too t oo d , b......a. Awe... our .111. i.,,, /... ....A., .. u yus., says. lo pre 411111. tbal WS be rid la re Wen : Wear. Br k err bagmen, then re anly the. may tart . art he Meow wields Gal when r'": - ....7 3 ...... ,;.„‘ „,;, 1 , - ;•„„, „ 1 „6 - 7 - „, ~... .....,...,.. ...Lipp. s p e s p u ... opt.. and re termed bre beery, Daly, mad re- I error ter erred ban lie min riper el tee- I A,. .... of ...........1 ... ,, • * . ip ... p . .. ft.; loft ;ft. for .1. I ... p h ..' k i n hi. h.., h . .1.. orb. 11.. ..6. , wry. or Wit larreme garrably ear ray set ran sad appereirel G• the sir • i meths. keg die ammo re..... Ude ete, esd u.. a aal b one eral... - . •• ••• Ine er Ile . • Imre- 1 1. 1 •••• b. Wt. • Ind a lir Ale dr ••••••••1 The Bed.= Mule le oho whored to 1 ft ..........a........... pp i p.s... W.A. I beer el lir be Wirt maw ted dr be bal Itherkenee tree. brat rat warty, We yaw oboe, all hada et' fovea to the deernood. lava Ina o'Whlg) Meer io Span I t eener me .... rm.. al re very =rt. dr ,arert I• wee et .75W Tose bre bel re nob ries ten wen ant Tayter Ilse bar I arab of the Neat MLA rawer* Warr 11 , bir fa We in terra WWI eat hypeary. and order d yet re Merl el Gen. firer led War I 1 reeirdeer mei ret ewire new rem err elirled, if kb downy i• werard, l Ibarb raw Die WI Ile• Whig pre say now and Deemer Is wary leers dere ire Marne I le ramie ler re f 10111 dry. Mee Or, On be or or *Nen la lb neerreadera ell in a iftam a their hot ranee= thins etempleew NINO t Corm. Drart ler! aerobes et ib.a.h..h,w acclrna If ou r beey b 4.. • 0. 04 4 li. 44 44 414 . 4 a. 4 . 4 , ....sts 0.. Aar so we bed d weer....l were be bar neemorrael and warred • ern I le te lea re nmeaosikl ereogh I.redd..- rebkarag all the sekoratbet eater applied 0o I WWI Amor V . Ile reboot treorag. sr lameregibe Ira debt , a. woken dinar WINK 7-/ferran Castes M. Cstv Amu Crays Tuanan. —The following additional prtioulars of ! 'the fray between Mr. Clay and Mr. Turner, , meetly. is from the Mayerille Eagle: The particular.. as we loam by paean-; gem in thu stage era them: Mr. Clay,! while making an emancipation speech was! eallad "a d—d liar" by some one in the; crowd. He rushed route the stand in the! direction of the voice, and was met by Tar- ner, who snapped Lis pistol thou times iml Clay. I. pistol also snipped twiee, , when be threw it down, drew his bowie! knife and at the first blow ripped open Tar- ne e'. a bdomen,. As T was falling,' Clay raised hl i knife to 'mike again. when hiearm was caught and bold , and a dirk knife plunged le his breast by soma one I n, the crowd Turner sent word to Clay af..! terward• that b. would tell him who stab- toed him, in cm both recovered—otherwise he would not toll him. Other amounts my that it was Tamar a l and not a third perann, who stabbed Clay. I The following private telegraph despatch i is the latest intelligent:a from the meas . of ! ,olliet : I L. x ... Ton, lona IS, 114 M. Mr. Turner died on Sunday morning at 2 o•olock. his said that Clay mill certainly 111100,1111, Nine Conoaasa—The observant sod ' amaelon editors of the Wesbingtoe Union' ban prepared a statement of the probable mate of parolee la the near Hone of Rep reesetatina tabieg into nomad the ea io the States in Mein the 11611111008 me yet to be had. Tim Relearn( Is the resale of ehe Usion's ealealeekim : Demereals Ilk Whip / 0 7. Velma tlkerebre eil l =a as anapeeted o dip 'Wet nip Yd Up," the Demesne. well ban a majority one die Willis grow, bat dos V... Sam WI Mee of prem. Oder..y eisesuMmeelie borne et. thme all be • &aided majority el Aral and Dm all Sad Wel/ eambreel 1 .7 De molar 'even le the free year er ealseeme. Asa Is will b• modslosallho 0.11611 Osmamans Gsw—The ClePester M Sae Premiew slain ilkdally hat he "bole sweat et OW hest waned hem Mss Tam ken tibe• 14 Owlet 111411. be .b. Blot et Muds 18411, Is Ti. Maw WSW hey We hessaal Sony !WWI hem WIWI Mae we !WW I 110.1."144 27 The Am* Ilimmeger 11. Mm. - w 1 by & D. 1115128 m. & ON Mb Moist .L. MM. Y. int mile Ilrity bowspiger—as boa Dike ammo/W. la lb& •1211 IMO me re ato tymisio& Aikowynyben in . Swam Deo. mei." If bow dor pbbe., bow . l.a. I. glen 6, os•aler F 666 1•• somom2 int slum do• lesemer & dorm 117 & IMO Mom. l• to sow mm • •.• .r•.... ih• I& Jay. hk • getha Mt .1 IMM w ram Illisnime ali& &dm aa& • mar MI• IN Is 1.111. .I.l•kmaak• mirmilmaah• , kliflim arm TOM IPO• •••• •••• mime Mr • 117111. W** dun ebb ••• dr h. WMWm Gm. ilytior will In Me lot 4 the. PorMilmite Cr 11 , r amnion wit lows te E.* MY se Mho yr vep•tote4l7. Tin Comeau le Nor Y.ll, Ow loom. Oa Weft Yr war Mash arms./ MI mond li &Nilo' Tmokry 71 N YAM Yeaspiay 41 err ana IN &air asoogs I—floodose Oolknor Iwo nominal flow the Poot-odioo no Willow booro. (1%.) tbo pima Oollingo lobo •• Limaomot of lb. Wyoming AttlUor ids owed whim tins one mossy ha Mime out dot oompoi far Maim, sooompuoiod It, soma thy. dm slop of Vera COms. woo &Woke. dimoos, Ilioot tbo olimalo. sod woo swim! so • bowl Captain Wilson of Um 1%. Cap ra t"4 8 . = "1 11::::: a b oo d'u la; amber of Capron hum that flor, noo• owls Idn.—Lonoootor hecilirooor warr Boot am, work byAgi whoa. hen .4.. bag bon Rt lume, miglaperleord aMmin•W mynas bone OA ima miry elMsa Niek eimerrawn if adeldig !t. • or Tin &sum WYOMING blow is food mining order. BM or pat is maim this histmoom rod nu up Os rim through tin swift water at A%..A , d dm Tmithossook me, at On mu of 111 Miss poi luter.• o.r Mewls at Widmann% aid rubor plans Moog dm Mgr my aspen to tin is• short ties as Isodines maw pas sum 6IIW ointr As gimp @Mimi se dm whim Mar.— Wroth., Demmer. Mr Lord Brth was• aeseille me. As weary pew thees the Ith levem...retheekethe the& W With holliee. I. w rythig7 et — • Mime Oboe Wp m."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers