0. C. IlEIP;TI: ID, I: Illur and tor. ~.m....~ ; ., , Col. Benton's Speech, (. ,t101k11..1 pux r .r alt. ,t ill„, r.• res./luti.k ar tei roach exact,: ‘ll, o: . phi ase,a I ti..l a dosig4 po,..ible 1 hu,c the evy . \ . i a II I I I the State of I i Coogituti .11 Vl.l, ti iniatibetweon Sta., whioh that ihAromeot is t . of waer to I e.I volo h,, . :,:' ; '''i ',Hall 1,1 al I dol e_ t la a tat, 4,201 , !114,/1 ,1•11r:Ik , nlaWI) alto Int of Con,re s, . 1.44 t, t fotittol itt t t—Lzt s nu.t I,' 1 proteeti , m Nwrthern t.....tti I I iugn 1 ..: of the . . .. . a tie, .; atiaa' t e Via... 1, it del 4 t o , .it ...o 4: „_re , ',I , 11 or to mbisit 1 • 41 i., Th , i ~ 011, 1-1 i • 111, LW I% 'lO :I 00 . ', - .10. A. , -,°. 01-,li .01, ,r tl e 1 ,, , i d, el mid I. rd A1.,r4 en, for Itghtin., the ir .1. 1 4,,,,, .„ ~.. „; ,„; f,,, , „.,., „ „ ~..,r „ .. ,_ , -0011 0 ,0 fir jenloimies and heart-bornhge sr,. 1. 0 ,, ,t , • L„ , . 1,,,, ~•,.i I 1,,,,,,,,„ ~ . .• 11-'•1• 11. 00110 11,r I ~ ,ht c tt.mr • . ....Lot tt• at , • it. 3.1.1 .1, 1,-.- cannot he mimic.: a.. the liiiitml Stat. ele ro are 4 n 4 t o I ' er e uf abolition i I Tee., told il.e.e, ta.....: „,, ~„.„,, .„ ;., „I c, „ „.. i,,, . ~, , 1 ,, 1• '.i. It •.;.rioe Irmo the. misreprootation t man 0,11 .1 •I, it A.II, . , 1 ~,,,,,• Ih e - 1 ate ' Ti.e II to• r e loti .0 hap ,1 a in• ', 10,0 WI th , 111,11i1S ,of 1100 st.ito 11+1,4,, iOO aa slat ei.) 1. I•ta- in any T e ra. r y , m i d tuts the Tei ci Stater, el tr.. it wit- t, . •.- 1 „ :flan ,„.„ 1 „ . „„, ; , ~i„„ ;,„ s ~,:, ,: ..y t.... 1 to render alien to each other ea ui nui -11 troth au I yi..r.... 1,., ~,-, .0, 11 , 11 •0 , al.:a, 4 - .. i.... i . fact. , 5hi,..1:., en tote li. N.. idiiten ..f tiny state can earn 'sanniit gel 11,-.- hr law, esrN l y by L , t ..; it phele a.d 14.. w all up l slid h. iereot ,„ 11; „, 4 „, tae , ‘ „, e . :,,,... ~. „.• ,„ ~ i.. il est. Lb , . 01711 f to be bound legation by from o t e I h t .,. i,l, n 1 „I. t h e „....., „. in all 1.: r term. ry uloo, llii :lie, and t: at nose le r.. rii. il• .iitil le. altw a that , Cowles-. aud no ;nett e. will be i0....e I, tt Ilieh, it 110,111110 a cane ~ f '• ~ 1:-.1. le., •.'' ~,,„, ;,, „ e „i„, „, „,3 „.„..,.,.„ i, ~,,,,o l'ruteruil afro. time" the monliere who • tett i r f.e ....1.., .. .7 ~. a , iii 4,1 i f 8 1!000 St,. 0 Xt0.0.1 , ..1 rt it • . .... 1 i ..', le 3 otol t. loorolory line et ui even 3..ke4 fir 'flu: downo.d of,:. p .w or admitting ol ... delay, 1., joi is Tos . i.... M.- A 1 ,,,,,, e ~,„,, „. f ~. ,',, „, ,„ di,. "r , iq o ”I ,, lietion of the father of bin in the likt 1 i tnu .1 A, ...nab het a .., id, ,i. o . • t oe - I-: T., • r'elt.d..... ain nil. ti. - ~, e M.i. 'I ,ate.. it. Tin- iii , tailt !r ' roocrir, to ',Ashur, up, e l ni r e.. l o oter, I,y treaty, ~tit of t: en- ho i el . ., 1.2. Il' 0 '': ~,,,,, ~ ~ .. ~, „1,, , , ~,,, ~,,,, ~ I ~„ „1., r ' ,'''' -. rip . er. , ettlhonn—falle ,on the 111211. they w. r.• eafi.tiol',. ar i i. 1,1 rat ,. •.t .. imp •.1 imilii.. bat retie ..1 to ras....a Out I., h, settle with Lie Monti! lie, hill, th . ir-te n.i. n . N o I ,alilt wus ri ; le —something lito a. 11.1i.a. the ..., t , „A. , I „ ,„ • ~,„1 „ ,,,,,,,, „ , , r I. „ . ~,tu . at ii --,r- prompter of hatred and alien dissidei 41 01 I:. Ile ot old 1. 1.... ~,,- ir al aith T. • lou ./1 1 t, thimit Iter 1110 011 I, •i•,100‘, , 1 , ,, , 11 , ...1,110,j10001 to 3.luflier law. ....tuhlt a l.i.nut of dart ry m f',00, t ,,h, nO ,l 1,1{,,,ut 01 a Inmib helore it w .1,11. ape.. ~,1 „ . „.„.„ d ,,, , 1 ~, , „ e,.y, ~.,„. „ 1,„ , -if ... hetweet for North and South. ,But noanced as a thing in nelllal .. ,121010,,,a11 , .11 , 1,,r•00.01 tonne. Mi.. Cal lo . ...11.-il upon if time: is one. and is without law if there Nel, Mesh- ,is then to ho Inch e d for. 'nut The treaty did not .and the jerk, ami v. „ f ,:,,,,„ re „,, h ,,i,,, e . t,,,,, 0 ,,, ~,„,i„,, ~„r , t. v multi:dr proof. 1' From the &loops of mot they ere n.O the toot i.., , ,(1..,101..1.., t: ,llot •, re,olution, ad.llo. d it, and tin , n- is td. TIC. is the nue with all—with the ' in certain. 111.113 certain it will never lie bake ; 0 , .d the pint evaporated e' illy et „r ~, „bi„,, „„, net nil N.,11,, rat iii u . 'h.' I eart fin' ^ l `.eth slee•hrth I and hr 20 oor. Th. y .., t ht. 001 . ..1 taw iiens t ,,l ii :11..10-.lllm klimieri Coopriimise. and too the. man, wit h hie cop , ration and established hi either of them i 1 p- int ,if Imes. 11011ireen had hem paid a thin- o d t , 1 „.„„ ~ r „„„1 Th. t.„1i,,..,,, hie fu le- On' ion. , of Canine. ha Poured forth Asseutbly, soil stand for the ai•t of t. !min sod it e not urn • Territory , but a franchises—with the southern man mid his fart The people if both Tri t ilosis, the .1.4 J .11411, by the_Tlhr Mini:deletion. ~ • t t,, ~,„,i,..,, ~,,,..d.,,,. p u pa, i,. t.,.., t', ,, ' 1. , '^' ,,, , ,,, ..tdi`nnion- Bete) the Holy dint, and mod it to the car of Ate e.d. Sl2lO 110.0111,•011AC11111111‘ as in • S ea le ! slaves. Tide is tI o law id the laud, and tat ' old inhabitation are onanimnosly ng o a t it, toil of in: roitesrSentvx Tr. mime, f r „,,f,„,t to e , , I ~,,,a, ~, 0 d 00 .„,i, ti a .., ,'i• 1 o''s- . inB 118 10 i sod deadly enmity to Ino, ond ennionse 11i1,1 10,0 11,00 at, 0401 i.l 044 Nao Cal 1 led Aboliti....isnt I.: al ooc try it that dispute. it. IVe, it. (If the new .miernots, all n o . no n e., E n . bringing tlmt 1 .1. e. from lend on: Lit it tono. , i „ i ,,„ „. dm ,„„ 101 l „, ~,,,„. i„, , ,;,, ; •I• U. l' ..' to n . , 1,0 1, 1 g 1.41 heart from wbieb event tint ho. coke eV • 110 they a. - , .her than any Bnmileiendi cror prove. d : Missouri, 41.0 we II s.lunted 1-• make the no' rope, Asia. Mexico, emitinll a n d I, A m e r i. atone) log. Then eat. 111., IV, ,•,,rs C.,11. ~,,i ~,,,, ~,„ ~,, „,„ ,t,,, co„ ,i,, in ~• „,1,, it , 0!... 01.1 , 10011 s daily sounded. not the tens. of the oststr„ nor eye., thn f r they 10011, their Ale.litionisto to Teri i- p 11011e0t, C0..0114141 . and in all its lomat. ea. and all th....e le. the 1101,-4,,,hc,1111, g vention iihit. sin .I..eated in L mil.. fir 1100 ",,,,„,1„., ~, (0, ~,,,,, , totl, ~,d ~,,,. Mr CJ' ll . ' balked in hi. mine of Are of al the .nnimtviii who voted for t-rics.' This In. Calhoun did, nod did as Lot no; one ot. Mr. ealhouo's followers try part of tile United State*, will be anent- Malian or slaysry Ilitinigloiiilllii- non 11., 4,„.,,„; 1,,- :I r . t.,,,,,.... 11 , I t Im am e •. le, ece•li.. i finds • digleoltv in the Are too The true scone 141 1 10 State, 410,11 I late . Hutch the lhl. 1 0 45, l'herc is no 0 , Anil he will noon see what becomes of Ids leollely agroinst it. Tht re (Melee then, to the United Stem hellish ely • but it 00010' ~,,j, ,I, ~,i ,j,, ~...--,,,, ,i,j,11 ~f.t f , •. .t , i , The , Xrri , '”l . o of the first nunlike doubt no of • tent mai irity of the moo- 'ilispoe about it General floustin dog- property, his dare property. Let him ra overbah..l,o 1111 thin onat.imon t ~n , ,,,, 0 ,,1y up reelil v, old hat . rms. Then came the c ,.,„,,d „„.,,,.„, tc, a , o e 1.:., l o ddi, c rent 6 , lllol4 minvitice b him that one Rtate, and bee of the lot Legislature, woe faith : oily rd him with it in his Choler Address to moo to lowa; he will tote there the Stl, the emigrants Irons the slavelahling puts ineendiey transportation mail matter tang: . .1,0,4 ; e s et . Mr. lijirb.,,fle..t. , ' • , tlmt n .n.ll ono, is tea narrow a roundel'. expressed In the wowm nod i.l a i t nne „, his eon 99 itt lento, at the late eel. of Con- seedom of the net of Congrose of klareh Gth, , of the Unitt..l S ttttt —in itself the nnnnlin,t, and that, fur a while, threatened to brook.. r„,„„, ,:„„„,,,r, and 1r1,.. 00.1,1 turned tint to build iipio. Ile TAMILS Node foot. of the preAnoo braddatare. which I had mon Everybody wne struck with the 102.0 —the Call/nue pro a-or; and will in brooch of emigration, and it divided on the up the transportation of the moils , and to, under lion pettiml dmisiou of Mr. Ohl.. dation ; and over Pin. the Texas ea.:a received and obeyed; net only in thee I, t• r, f occ of the neeimati.m. end looked „tit vaio ina--dic eat, ri,4'.ls nail Mi, redsat-9..olon—want. ore g, log r, the espress leave the /Aro of the Union io • stn. of, himself xi cot h e c o c one up. invitation. 'lion treaty or 11144,he ham wt....ma for but in the Nish. not . lire they: trti etdr for Hr Cann.... reply. They mean' Let him rvioord to Illinois ; ho pill purpose of getting rid of devery—end vary, non-intercourse. It I ipened into • hill ter. ,4 if I bad been. General Houston wee tent' , the Soother° Soon node he eostrol. He r w „„ oat 1 ,1 0110.1, ....hi ea a have roe Sea Convention , le here Convention , cram to melee • 1 1 o J ou., no.o.t t roo In neutton to t tt looked r, cot lie did not reply, and tind there the Jelferoonyrorien in the for. few no Or in lore with it as to go that disc marching the mail., end then expired.— moppet o . ter oee or loge multi not. Confession would do no good, of the ordinanee of 1781. Let him remove i tans fur the pleasure of be • hook I Thee once the incendiary petitions plot,thet ;incited. hot want without Invited., and wants a Convention. lie Ix trait WlWl ti l "Revoked, Th. the peon pernmemory,, e . ' end denialdenial •onld mart It worm. Tito feet to Kentuelty ; the law of Kentucky takes' with his own ogre, and with e t c cotoio) , coupled the time of Congres• for severe I.ciore d tn. opeoieg the doors to the piddle, .moll belly—Wltere he can work oPoodell• and welfare of our National Union depend ' wee wnd.. tied tem of public mord.— hold of his Alyce, aml encode the chattel of eroning out wood best in the ...cox . years, and onsiderably alarmed Meo e un- ' ,lath w o e t oted d o wn. I hem been told sideman, In &OK cod by colt.. no I* greet aro o write adherence to the letter and' He could eon throw the Mama urn Tyler. , ititerest of the Mooed sloe into reel ee. There is lion . darer, at this time, 0 ,if6.,r1 try, until everybody taw that it was • gems f en t disunion was expresnly thou/wed ; end then. A Soothorn. Etrxdloo ‘oolldtto Writ of the oth section of the act of Con- for h , • had ^flee h anted in tho Renate that we, and placed on the hating of land, an in New Mexire nr cihr.eie, l e l ee , or In rooted by two eels of players, playing -h ot ',old room to how, as 0 regular eon. 'at the Heel... 100 tom Hoe] MI It • grog of the United States, entitled •An he him 4 lf hod eloeted the ...elution. then are in Louisiana. Let hint move into het. What, then, In ell the present ppm,' ego nib others' kande, for their own ben-' n one, h e n. the f on den d oltal ittopotii ion I ontrilmtml to broth op that Phu , Al on, to enthols. Cie people of tie s Missouri' I mime. l ln onerho thio conduct of Milanese , his chattel dare will remelt. clst- , about ? Mooed In ! The ab s right elk at home. and getting oe an vitoion <4.4 the orifinal •ddreos, drawn op by m s . the positing of the Orem,. bill In the wee tyy rt i tor , t o fon.a th ms titutio n e n d At., 'lr. Calh.o, in el dishie: slimery in • part tel, but by virtue of Arkansas law, and nob.' of doing what cannot be done! The Welt which the publle pato and the rithlis he. Callan.. .4 assimilating it. importance to Se” . 1.1 ' 43, he h 4.1 for 4° e.° "" 4l°° a„,,,,,,,,,,„„, for t h e a a,,,i,..d,,,, „r ,„,..1, or T-os, es not' 'deg to jostle, abolishing jot to Its iegulation. Fihally, let Lim re- to the sovereignty of the State", where them sleets was the victim. It then died ord. -- ih o gochnctico of ....,,,,, n id o p, ne p oc oteil coin. and • othmeintlett.rdwo mu me Soo hot the Union en on e l nal 14. ring 'favrs in Stmt. , , hot to chow that he went more wee., end mettle in the territory of is no insult! All abntrastinn; nod oo t o. Tittle ell the abolition plait— pretexts AM e, 6. A nie ri e n o c o b o oles fret. Greet nth r e1...13 , droolotoa lo the ...... or 8.F.; .igh the ~,ig i na Litet, end to prowir further than ally r Northern fanatic" ban Nebraska, when it OKI' be crested; and Mite, eubstance, fir practice , in it. , second nullification— piled . They were—' tett, and giving • higher dm rote to the ontatives for miernaturra It was "CO go.' 0 y0n.,., 1,. certain peeitoreice,' npro,,di ever prot.n..l to gm m ei, fneld-r, op to that the Calhoun proviso will be on him again,. The Romeo. had a Mass of disputes., what the New York law reform statute, " co t cc i t ,i, cc go i ng o yo nd the former. BM few 0uh00. 41 .• ••••._ T h e and lb. pen Marsh 01h, 18211. , 'date , klareh 3ii, 1045, he Ltd not invented and his primes will evaporate. Thus a which they called de lona reprint, that is abolishing law Lein, interprets the writ of co d l oco i c i og not manly right ., hot Ii ere woo coP,Pnleeod• Poe w","0 we _ . 4 ° 1 . .. Revoked, nit our Ponators in the bin new doctrine of no mower in Congress to taken of Mooned mhos get out of hie own to W. thoet foot'. wool; nod m the rot...e.t.a to ho — oorro ! Consent of the UnitA Settee are hereby' Ireislalle pro A ce ", i n T ere i t „A cc ; nod. au “.. 0 . ." on. of It. gm... 01d.., w ith ht. has on wool, the dispute waa about sodded., I. the menu tion. Mono we...VW& '' :h o o d Ih re ntr. anYd—al°l7iThhie"ips—rimiglepar Wit V ict i o ° flbeteliere ° w.wk ofjetrnme ° w ho m m g l ett ime ela77 b u 0 t „...,,d , ..„1 nor it tp ,,,,,,,,ai tott ', t oe.. will further, to show th at, or to the stuns slave property. without having it/ chancier Se is It of tide dispute MON; um shoat en-1.6116 will MOH &fall hietory some de; 'e no t t io o d this decimation, Irma tide t holding Staley. Its object boa been stated. ~,,k ~,, rot. I n ~,,,1.,,,, with the t omis. ' pedal, he bad not felt the pricking of thee altmed, or laldiug it by another law; 40 and eluding doyen' Ins Ns. W, ,e• 10. no CmIll• that which so only be hinled•at now. to' oWe whom nu mIM m. me beeole F.' and Ido not I•Poot It. I 001 Y nom* It ma • It" nod tit tikii of °l.° 5.141 °ileighth°°°.' tow rim .4 6'w—the i°°°ll to th. 4." "1" ha Will la" it—•• ". "" aid" of hie , took ' the" I. ...° them to coded., cad ittamplete the picture. It happened that, ed. addreme you in ditchers, of whet in bettl port of the machinery for 'Olin op lee Moe of t he oeld sat In en lb* quemtioaa: Bl . l ° ° . i• 1•1• • "46" k with lA* rop• le• — osetoond••loothool — ne•In le .. th e alliono cow Mint loono•O• 904 .C. 'OW Mr. Van Bumn's election, Mr. Maittl lime to be a mama day, 00 Ow meet hut !nouthern Conmmtion. It web, hi feet, a It le IR4ntrose 40finotrat. vor.trun 1-1 d ih..i• re ie. r. e• le• I•e 1 ite••1 ••, tnit-le 1. uri thu d.r. - rto, 1 , 17-01-t I•.ur 111 +. , , tar 014111.1.4 a ann. , Li li/ .41 res..lutit... , .1 I.; tl • •!. . uT,I luch .1';"• 0 e e I .“ dta. lent, Ow 1.. r-ct+ teak. s 11E, ren,o, 11,113: c.. :1.1 , ,ere2.ce t.• tl f.piJ ti t! ap!.:1• LI i , ll that i. th.• e i./J, and ti tabl,xeleb.• .1 that t I la the mew telrit..r,, atltait 11.1.. part. awl pry eat it i•, p. othi I/11A, the of the .1, ilium the plath.rdt toll l.rt de i, the riht I' r •hiba -I.,er, 1.1 a T • . 1 the i' , .”-t.tath o p tt.e 1.. the the t. t.. I e ti =En ,• 11,14 .1, ).% t.., T, .a• •P; • MONTROSE, PA. TIIIRSDAY. JULY 1549. r. m the a,.11 wl,iol their I . ,•11111/011 It r :1,1 l'L.t bream• . The A1tv...0 :HO IT.m T. vir t..IR ell a law Itml, the zt.lviel: 01.111i011 I , lr fr.. 111“. e x, II 11. rth uS 31. 30'. 1., 1 . ..i1,1411, in 1. I.talt L.rtrarter or rabi.,et the, esevedeol ki,1,1 Ul.ll tttn•ttre—t. , e tax. , ft , .1 a.—kting at . arm,' all lc. :ma 1 1 , Mona of oh a,. ‘vith theyto lo , ver hi, in the ea either or the .•ri San .116/. And et lone the 11.....0nti • nis , it, : t ., 1 licnt eve: n't thenun. , Si tte caelqole , l. run, 311,ouii tias ‘ , ate, and no e .. t. awl to sr .,. ir heir nt :tit . Calhoun. tr .111 rent ring ever thon,ht the nt ite .1k . r.1,111\ w..re Ir propert 'n An ue part of it e , rl'elt linn•ell honed t - Ire Ow Union Itz..T, and on nnt of it the inetelbensol I It,. I have arristnl at a pniot. whieh N. the vitt,. of the Mate+ cannot nv.,ultl 11,4 1 . 4, a.11,0'..t . j 1 nit he re- earl, the law••of their , aten with t Twin t ly TH.:lll3l.es I _lll that alter ll,e an,l mid if they eonhl an.l ..11,1, i.l I ‘art nin prron. what a Eto, w.mhl tin re n.re nitlnnittedin Congre-n flr h, r l'qntrteen en , h irrying a oak [melted ont in t t e‘riv proponith , n c 'lv- fele,. tnay fr“in It other; half dose. men. .me plan 1,, °tenting her into tree • and 1.11 t t , be t e xer , ineA 010 .111.• • t tve rritory Era b „ it will ra- in territories who,l them in 111.1 %Tiler law This tarrhn tno tin N•.w. 11.. t 1e , ..11e t ‘`. ! (Na''. thing enn hel.l, 11 1 4.1 ctrl i,etenee whi, It the c 41, TI on!, ~r parr, .„,, II r. t; t lea t t I I •Ift• ,!ti gl • t . ~.111.1 were, al-putt-a, t •.411..111 free It w w.lielt it R. det.no.4l RI he in tain e, iee,..k • tdt t C. .tate, . en, sit-it wekei , ,wleil,e- pr,.• ..its in rlavett. y fr . any part Id it The...• lent apt is e , olien-41 to st.ites T....in,,a were partieula!ly ntiniet.eu. And now wu erri,e et sulmlane, , ..e-knee ul 1 , 44-5, which ended with ra..fical point. I` , , ,re... jei, , iter.iti.ens, eructed into two ulterna- teitinnal rewer to f.l.every in ter re-lutiong—emtte run the e,anieroetnise : eat in 11,1..g1i 11. e Mat., 11. e t.. - tll xt.rt kit , thtlttt.r Ir tiVe eIl t te her upon-übje t I'd- r 1.4 the r.l;eni.eiunre e ...le.eted the firmer—a tell proof that and we it ):1,-. ' m{,—slut i. Pahl. , tin t himself, nor the tnajoriti ot the two New 31exien antli ,, lreTott , —ntni l lne l Congret.s, nor the, President of of tone Ilinetreta In L • I Suf.; who aierrened their res- north RA et of us, it wa.e ale .li-he 1.11 1 / 1 11 A -1,1.• 11 .1 A.ttu it -1. 1,1 .rtlit.at. out I‘.lll. 1111 1,(1[4.111 , ... 11 •K 11111,1 p rni flu t rit. , r a.. it I thr -t trio ate .a. 1.. Ca. their p.ver . teat itro. 4(7 Ppgres , . and it, fat tot an) .1 It 1- t btate , r i ltt• ur..tvit nut of the I, t.o.' f 31. C•lll ,, tatt 11, e' of the to rot .1e 1.. N ew )1. nova .11 Calif. -late pr Thin h. a of II Ile the I %I I It 101 I • r tr t liePl, le t ji. 1111 r ill e tke repaLlic to-day I ave wild. Inv' xt..ted t.i sue. e, mild 1.11/ 3 kW' to Vllllt al.kl sur,e 3 , ate. '1'1,4 00 , .11 e p...rt itt,..l Iti S. 111)1' NI:1111 . l aeilt bad I.,QuitLb". b. thiati bite, i Wth oilier, 1' 1 - ) ' Lnvvn or .1 , Like Jae .1.., alien lir • tip he it WAS 1..a1i : A Ile . • nTn elan or tin, :,1111 hail gut into the. Ln •;. et at y at, to tie rift lit t o 1, 3 0 ,1 4 ,, , o ', ; 1 April I rt'Al ee ti a o f Lies . Joeub, he could 1101 wait atol iierrii at le. it It vet et the lii-ta.lolC , ,t , gt, ev the 1 ait,l 41, tertei.Kil .d"" 1 "duet' 'ii, Page the loin.. at 'ice. No. I. r pretex..l by that In ilf f whii.lt 1.. [I Fa...l:teem ]—Thelast. is of %lave. :1110,11 trait the mai. not', r. 0 ,1 t , 1111..“111111, A b 3 11 1, 1 111, et law or lv 10. li, ittg L'Ai I:to at e ..t 0, With .Iftei.soitt's rielateati. , n put 4,0 e. tta..1 . 01. Jae. 11. Lea 441,4 to lie ir tlit , tig•i. A m.,..s ....1 • '.. Ste., 1,4. C, pare lull 1. ill:1111111114We t WAS t 't his is the deem.the net of itt the qensitiv.' C r niiratiiiir it, iiti ,, ltsliteg slay. came t hut I,,,,eteeriu..iiie rib tin ughout the 31t.aierei !dots fur blotting up slavery in the Celt... C ir I.ld J. it.it tniittr•e4 to wltteli • all th • p,.pi-1 r. . f.. 1 that eas Intl pr 141, 144., in li..glattd hl minq "I' 1, its littera estahlte•': tu •ut. Thus, there is estaht •n—.he KW/110%41er, ryt•.i.•at. , aeu slt‘ery mar 31exieu anti meal-tab. sod other phot..., so Ai. 41,11 1•11: 1 11,1111 noue att) teititet, th.ii dai s. tame mei he to the States; MlAtions. there was the I tell g prneti.ol a .1-41 ;l; lien plot of iil,l .%1.1 • 1%01 the t .1111111., in t! I J(1-1.; \ 4 the et ill nr wl 1:11 .hull I. ri esoltati , m. we envie. 'anew, and I do nof belle, hall a duzeit weink s is iI, of t , tat p,4,• ,•le r t nnot 11, I at Ilte von La; • I tile ,lavelo.ittng Sta,t. Qelt -tnvial• • it fly tht . , to prod: of him tl iz. toringit.g f ~.rt ••Col tito Snate, runt ahlrl, s otto,.rs have Stlereetled in (..zi, the e rather far Latl, but, I nJ rli n 114,11.13 work • 01.1 rt th.t i tt • rp n 11 eel I , n. lit i t its fultilonen , Iy. Will. it 111, at the Lend rnil al, an. pni.n;ar ; L. the protectiv npn ProNi.lent flu n 1 ,istvra in the It tnucht ear—tMloti s et n oracularJevelafi •tl - cal career, awl . f.r fully ..ar•n. bieb be. fairly: by rutin, all the m 1.14 0 1. pr. i 1.114 h t.ll.Pi . ill . J. Ili tbau-stie inilubt.y rib rid hiol•elf nt the hen , l af a r policy. Doll trent fur theii~ Mit i c at. n 0 ” ), fatiwr of all the re,t, nt.cl II I i t Ili ab I % 7 t I r l'r nirn I e I a 11 11 at at Itr , t opr It 1 Ii I r t t 1 \ • 1%1 Ight 401.111., the Wa4 11111,11 ell/ell Alr , Ike ho• id, the e 1hrre,2;11,1..k e`,lrter. I i 11 I II I II t 1 , ,..1,.11 1t.% err ..... bo , ttto• aril arm the subject ; tty \Vs , . 111 ttlt• au el I tl ..f".teac•,t Aln ,ollia4 all In I rt. •ali ,o art t•q •ul ;; , i I_, ill • aro a Ile • t,. ilr .111 Tel ir ,ii i,. t' e ; llpper L .841 on, rll% 11 I.,tlia ,o At ,In 'kn.,a became the fn. nn. t .e ,Ittr• at Ito ref,. {I/ Ole Ittegi,b,,,y, 1., tile a•lvc.tte ./ae1...31, awl leelegt min II it t%)• was in it 11,,1.1111,113 N lIER 27 7, to 1 , , t,l - 11 p,t I, la ti ' r t mn another, capot tutl That MMMII BEES 21 ern. I` I , ll l 'j . co liber.otim .1 Amerie. zkuti...riti...s r U. B t,cl tlt mitnle.r anti pilacy. pic,..1,1 sl.,•iise 1166- dmiwil,ia..l4, h telt- (“%tcls. c mai ,rrigid tlitir m:1 iti.llr.rt.. WI.. tht MMM M=!l=l 111E=E1 111:1 %sit!! ‘t lip Ilim N 1 .1.01 I. tr , tit, `..L.,11.11m1 mad ta dk a 4.1 lie ee. lie :demi e a low 4.01 e LI-fated e 5.7,11, 11, Enterie %. It t ~1 till. C 1 ,11 1, .. IC :II 411 tili I. 111 I' N. IC %,,kting Vl'. 11,0, OSP 11011.1“ru a w I//' the 11 heparale •eive ilu L. i ,11 ato n a I I 'AI .ICUI o Mr I in 1"A. ...O— lt )Ir t . it II o 6ut ot4 fol n brit, in e toiiy to I 111111 the Tcsan try MM= ,11 tin n ruit. &reedy 1.. Im IThi,rr. IL it nl.uln tr, t r..r. at-r• „ comtorplit 0,1 • '"".. r, an t I.y ti a wri 'lv :roirreat for. it. I a. I .r Id g nt.ol .• Lvt r c ''' "" lilt' itthi. the IV 1.1- many t‘ays, and unrolls thy I•i ticiu ple r riegmr, a.. 1 I""". 1” , .1,10 of 11...... rd .." I t.:l fo mt.4l a r tl MX= stnbli•l, a I. T..t till II v rr .., bit: •. I) , :I ter Mr C.ai Jl • t' :1 I" i , 113: Itlt 0' tlut .1. f.. 1 to Ole itt n letter uliicl. vas ,I.dlieutal net nnst the d Etonn the or Ima r,i m, or I the floYi.ll in the greet d •I el lieg nlavery in 'Jr rthein (11111 y.mre—eil WWI ort —the Is .1 r• • eh Irr ry far It • Ig t I • ; r i t they t .1 the ;Ire ; hat n t no I lit to it lot • t 1 nhn • I t is"l n PI; I 1 11 • re I MI=MEI J.elivary l'emeeittee outlier II at nee-1 rat. Thet e• emi44 , the •atnt .1 II e • reek a.,01 re- I. dvri , .lll , i, I I 114' t riblot I r ;11...";! !portant subject over promoted for your consideration, not excepting the Deelaratioe . whi, 6 -ep.,eoted you and the other CnhoJ 1' , (non the pareet country. Tl.xt .1 your independence, but this your , nth not . xi opting even your safety, x...3Ve • :Aide to the confliot between the taw Mess, 'the European and African., which inhabit the Southern seetion, and the seta of 46E -41 edox and encroechnieut to which it bee led" Ire ,a this streag language, exalting the trial, ahoy.. that .A the %volution, it would 110111:A1y ho sopposed that the remedy woe •he sane.; and so it eta underetood aa. and Itio words struck out. Thai would stem naturelly to PM a to.luttiog part of the kidneys. inoodinity .as ivoked, tense. %It 4n. • kJ, the 12nion treated ail 111, o or, than toeless, called • olt, tool not • shield to defeed, I. vs ups left to the North to 'to. '1 his is the paragraph ed theta expressions: dled, jou would stand and divine in . d ogerotta WitiOnil look +din resort, to all. Jry f a that purism.). Your lit you would rearm& [ft wou be ld he for , r . on, to count the value 'a 1.1..0t..j Our right., it would I. as-- avoid to assault, feu a d you "] nut 1 these phrased dettlith ss heelless they wt. d —in fact looked straight The lord:log out of thee. es that the. inejerity of the ut•d own Mr. Caßioun's visors he expunged from hi. add... o rt-sages. The majority et in fat or- of preserving the thin it not our present WIN& rut ietpday is into Mr. Gal- Ilia design in Ids resole on, 1.47, mid everything the meeting, and especially united Crum his address, we design tram what his no hot ii•oll3 imported-the sole peregraph es- fl I 1 111 i ' obt I • ilia t I to • r I hi • North to that of the Colonies at ..1 t,l todf.•r,drnce,wuawfol . t, end dr. adroit,' false. No won i!tinge.l. Compare the lilt of 01 • It he, rew up. awl which eon .• s , :ople of his address that was ••I eetnpare this with the 114 of 1: • lig:dont Great Britain. drawn by and prefixed to the Deellra-• d lialependenee--and then see what • 'Lure mate in Mr. Calhoun . * reeldene .Arieon. .10... Ming to his assertion, the he grievanem were not only equal, r. ii. r than those enumerated by Mr. r,•o. 'rho Declaration of Indepond. is in every house. ut there i, alo.ther place where the list perreet —the preaml.le to the COO !' ss if Virginia, also drawn by Mr. •veal —and where an item suppressed oati.dlel Declaration of Independ s g,ntify soon. entrime Southern u.k4 retrained in all its vigor by 114 , State That item wan this: By grains ion ergroca to lint is anew .„„ . z trey negrors, whom by pr. ._ ti I ..Iqtruno Ilse of bit net:Mire. he bath f l u " rs I isssil ov peindo..ion in erelude iess." r „, What es nint•t. ! The King's refueal to i .„ , aTlll,rire the exeluoion of slaves from Vie. ,;„ ,ma, thee ot f the causes of separation, her ml,•laration of wrongs, ply , h.-4 to her Constitution—the notional mt. to law of !slavery front a territory chew Sol, and cannot be, now acme. •eraration of the Southern from. the „,,„,,„ Mates' Surely the Father of I ; Ji Cop opp.hnd in his mind's eye this ad ,p, 'O4 Calhoun, when, in his farewell ; e ,. d. I i. , hildren, he canned them ovine. the ;,I vslall , .se of designing men, who, for tld•ir o ends would rain up section . 7 7 d differences wn for tiro purpose of alienating paq.of the Union front another. His r , prop , ,euo ,isin forenaw the present gain ~,,, thing.: when he wrote thin tursgralgi : „,„ s• In rentrespiating the CRUM VISAS mat distorb ostir Freon, it occur,, as a matter of rismi Newel n, that anyground ebould „, ; have Leon fend: boil for characteriaingwer ,, ~t , Ipy g , rapliieol discriminations—Nor thorn and Fenthern, Atlantic and Watery, —u".enre designing men may endear*, to ~,1 „ ev id• that there in real difference ni.tl views. One of the • : oelieots de party, to eremite inthienee 1,. livid:, dietriets,is to 0111WYpin. „h, „, - t opiolona and aims °Felber distriets, rut net O&M yneireelrea too merh
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers