the gudepaticat gepublitatt. ' I, 0 CA. LA MA.'"irrir IEIE/, s Paw Boards.—Any quantity of good hemlock knee bnartbi wanted on snbieription to the Ind gen daa intcres4-1 - t. to tow laMful In ILI. State for a ny b,rrower of money to contrucb tor the paylnint, In addition to Interest, of all tales upon the loon on lolnrent. _ _ Purnyalo.-3[r. John R Ely, of liro"klyn, hie Bent to this Office o mammoth tsp, pumpkin, se N iepsnied by two other very hi-ca and etce ones, which took like pumpkin pies, In the distance. The Season WYry.—lt is said that the rea-on the copperheads' nominated Colonel 'Davis for A:1,1 ltor General is, that the masses of thz , ir put - an the strongholds will think• they are cotton - for timself .iss Bra. llVlcorms l'isflor•—‘•tiour6 at Home . ' ko. October is received. 'nits number rompti-tes t h, semi...nous' volume, and Is sc:ompanird by a uta puce and index. It is an ever welemne vi-ii or, otrles Scribner 4 Co., 124 Grand Sr.. N. Y. 13,00 tar. Bit Lansb•••••Atr. John Young, of llimo L i I,rvi US that hs has • twin bucl: tattat, otssuld breed, that weighed 115 Ins the wan eu months old. Its m.Io Is nearly as goo,l. Il ayore can beat this, let us know it. Praffie. — FRIEND FRAZIRE:— juis,ivit• 1"..I buckwheat field, a abort time since, I pu: . a a iCiA Arum widen I picked and cautiled one Li ,u-- - tire hundred and sixty (15601 eraine. Fairdale, October 6111, 1505. NELSON BOLI.1:. amt Bcal....The members of t 11.• "Flaford Ba:V. Cu..," having preoar.d a "Prize Club," m E. El fui:y the Inelllbcrg of am Olf.t r r. County to meet ilium at klaro•rd a ialtelt game of ball. Should au , b doh as may tam v , 11, game, they Rlll to t.• i. • ?:los Club," and afFo the 11.0.. B. CARPI:NTT:IZ, S•y•rytar,. fire Sfreparas. —Elder D. A. Sheparit, ot E Cbu , ct, not the Rev. Dr. Snub hhepard t li Copperheads are rtinhieg for State Soliabir tau r 1, a preacher of the ao-t , met, or tlampbellitts, south of whom are tuned itt ceateru Bradford. We make this eh: planation we are informed that the toititi , sitto a some places that the bolter man F.,lder I) A. Shepard . hut he le not now a resident Cl this Stst) 1,„1!.._W c have beard hetore c.; li'•e, !‘ay.t loot ;Stir Shepherd ; but them has hat iy 13,1; i Ship/v.l wwiriering about this ecuuty who, ,t -" ha lost his .Leep, And don't know where to find 'em.' The Doctor discocer that his ale•ep are nip 'S goals, when he comes to fold then, Blackwood for .flarust.— ti. Scott t Co. New. To: k, ,intinne to re-print till, star.d.ird and never 'ince our acquaiulance nalt it, bear en. , ..511.1ed iw motahli.Med reputation than i.t iierect The name firm are the Amrie,sn pin •• . ere of tie lending British Beniesne , and than on, .. be reach of every man's pook , t, the e I jet ormins 0: ' , pinion in Great Britian en nil =Mei.: 01 political, and artistic intcrort. Immo , fenc. Was ever any Impuderee gnat to toiperto-ad impudence " Our part:, an), ihe .11.sdrar Prrnwral, "is the Union party. li sent to sustain and restore the Union, you 111'171 ipte for ~111' candidates." That is the coolest lot , al tbr ec on. Copperheadism et‘roo.yruous et . monism' As u one should speak Z.lia unite 5b10...",- !,.rd, or a good devil, or any other pulps:oh: abet-.:.ti But this etuft will never go duwu aitu sent ;:,'o . ..Mon men They do not belie', ie this Cole:er st) is of CZ post facto patriutdam. Bad Luck.,•Dr. Shepard, th, : Itrec• candidate for Senator, 17.111F1• tom. from Susquehanna County vor) . 'cod HI. tittle meetings here were quite too d dor-n N. two were: the most he e. 01 1 ,1 eat such placcs ae Montroi :hzot. St w-Ntiltord, Brooklyn, ‘V.z., •.• lett the moat were dyed-in the-wool c roorac..o s coun places, where meetings acre cc; pretend to hold any, a., v.. corn,. We reckon the coppenceds a, . thorp 01 their attempt at rnuninz a "po ta•ii l•- • Orandura-fitaiterwrne—The eopperheais v. lin; le make their party elle:lit:3- mis,vilar- ".c'y not only invite their old enemies, the Uto.o, h...inrs, to vote their ticket, tint tie y ore .¢Yiutia that the h_et ez vd who skedaddled to av-it 1L•. snott,it • •tnialted to eXereise the arm , . , r.% natural that the al.(1 inlaid vote the Copperhead ticket—that whet. 'le, - *long—tint the soldiers as natnnhly 1' ni:i tisr Union Republican party. void that r . I•i1l1101e. @don and .41 r.—The inz et, cheat phrases applied to i•in L. 5;149 put down, and since Troia of Despotism," " Butel,e,," Ninlon; of an Abolition I)ietwor." Ltfe.,l” !'ups,' " Lir“,ll. I (;•, •i: DEE! Th. heave aoldtees of the Republic." Nobk vindicator! of the Conttr ic view of this difference in expreerioli we tezy llctlaaka ILy *olee is altered ; and thou F L , e11.6 . .t :a tate, ',erase and matter than then Coractmed Palszhoed.Thc lust Iftndr,v , tra: 6.3T5 E 7 k . tl thE'onto.. Repaiditaii 5 - ipporte iith! to it, eitierariee; for we tiara it i. OL C , Ol I.u•boriSv that C. Frazier said, We hate 1J :.,arms tiVEir at the heed of thn &publican, .ly shall have to ao is Herr IL No. 111 . ./rt sentence are nt leh-t two lies 6-- 'rr., and one lie InterentLit. The;eieh , 10 ".ci•op , ,t Lindon because it fear! , to no ' Fr tz,ur never nude thr rcuit7k irnpuiel I 0 tiro ut.f.7e . nor it he tin editor, or in finr : • - - e. , .0)1t for the coure.• of tn,:t enitom hr-eels u ha b it in a man,' at.:3 (,:trithuu n.tsy as talltn C ntru. The Glenwood Fab.—Pe who has not vi-itid 6irne,~ad h o lost the pleutitire of seeing one in IL, :Let: ~, Iltlll.l] and romantic plucea in 'in, - aa it it among the great hilts, tiiit t'i ti) thin it Ie on every aide, it rewincli. one Etrongly a t t.laimany antitn(landc•eaprs found among the griin tlil, Id New Englund. I well remember when stopping at the talenvitocqi nowt. a year or inure ago, 01 admiring the bean'Y •-• tut - s'core by moonlight. Below, the murn•uri. z :imol, mingled it,. music with t he itghltig el• t!" gam e r wind through the leafy beauetaz of tl.r. tors. Beyond the little plain the giant hilts secret ri eared al, a rocky barrier to protect the nhe . :i er, toot from the fury of wintry 61 OrlaS. Then the lit I own ruse, round • and red, through the amok:: ..- cG.phere and cast a flood of glory over the '0,1. , ,. bone Glittering through the tre-s upon the wait a , I.gat vraa reflected back from a thomaud ritiph s • :A , so many momtmos, alum the "meant rausiJ or IL, forest seemed whiliering Nature'e cv , nu g ham The picture was worthy the On'3ter'p stn eV or the poet's pen, and only needed a lizlit ski': glis Hr of lovers tieueuth the willow that trine,' :Ls Water, to make material for half a dotuif peg: • c!I first-class novel. The lover of nature may go h , lrnore finding a more interestitm ploec, whet'n r h.: stay of Et day or a mouth. But lay TUrpoe.e r , " , now is not to fit:scribe 1 he heauth a of the pine. br.ite give von a brief dimerhitiou of lb: F ,tir - .1. On - D.ood Fair. i es pleased to observe that the azriculutral pat t "Jibe Fair was much better represenled than at any loaner one since th association war. nriariaed linters and exhibit are hesinaing to 1.-arn tint 2 7 ~ hest place to exhioit their articles h. where t he...• ~, t tle largest number of people: aid the I, i , and Fair bus by far the largest attendance nt coo te , arring held in oar county. The Ctai , •iti,a. of [alit, considering their scacity in the rounty, 01,- .? good. The display of grain and vegetable , 'ovett o decided Isnrovemeut upon the exhibitio•, flat year. I noticed a corustock lfiX feet it L ''jnt, exhibited by J. Contemn, of LatiOl. I , tteuld, however, require somber 3 ettr of goo•l •.alhaer to ripen the corn on it. Among the tirti. • '-'it , to the mechanical deportment I notteeft a vet!, L'''r Cutter which I should think weand prove a tt..o.thle Invention fur farmers. Also a ix:let:lc< too : a,,, w att , .. ...N. a faller, tok t o al y.",, , ,,2111`..: Illa ',Mei are, Will no doubt be a handy thine ,to last e. , r , s house. A genuine Yankee. invention in the 'baps or n knitting machine waa'.-oti exhibition 'hi. "rood day, but for some reesdh was removed b' . fere the close of the Pair. I would a11.....iff-=t to ti.: 'r , iarnittee of su•rannersente a more 'stringent ch I, nvtin•nt of - the tole prohibitimr, the renorVal ,7' tr.lelrs before the close of the Fair. Com,iderahlo 0: the stock and some other articles overt removed E tin Close of the second day. In the 1,-tit depart tent tae display of apples and pears was Fight : hu' 'r , cas and grapes were well represented. J 1. 1 ,1- ',... , 4 from the appearance this-year, compared. whit t -, 'L the ^lllture of grapes In this nour,ty most he ntaelv en the Increase. The ladies' dile•rtment of the Fair was well represented; but not 'being it critic !2o,llte 01 midi batters I can only nay that tin y r the lathe s themselves, looked rentarLably v: U. 11. Not being on the ground the tirst day I aid um ° hues. the trot of the three and tour year,.... old a'nlo, bet learned that the premium !or the •firat vie taken by Dr. Onedicer, of Clifford • and tilt "cnnd by It Wilber, of Pitretoa. The ilia Pielnir 'l' l . won by a spotted mate, owned by Bennett, " Gibson la 8 10, 3, os, ant} 11, 11. The Opottoo 241 W O Dias: at liae reottisir burloasar, /11•14.baiii trained but little, and never trotted on the court, be fore. She performed beautifully. and won thecae of applause from the spectators. The first heat wag won, awl the wholernee clonal . , contested by a gray mare owned by Ilalitead, of Nicholson. An extra rare for a special premium of 150 woe next trott. tl. " Paddy uu the canal" .won -the fleet beat. The next two, and ; the race:ttati wonby a sorrel horre, tame nntinown. Them were present this day prob ably from'lsoo to 0)00 people. An usual. the third day called forth the largest at. brlmonle. From nine o'clock till noon a steady steam of people and vehicles poniedt hreonz i).,• gates and thronged the ground.. I think tiers a larger number otpeople present on this u.• . . h 7 itom than at any previous lair the society 11..0. e,Prebably as' many as five thousand pettrOe „ere present on the third day, a large proportion of whom were ladice—Lthe beauty and fashion of th, surrounding country. Saratoga and Patterson bay,: srt the example, and the race (Mame Is now an 1,,,h -lonnble a resort for hellcats MO ballroom. Tbta it as it should be. A day spent in the punt air ea•t free sunlight of 50 beautiful a Ace as this i r,el, more healthful than a night strut. itt the f.. , •i ..( crewd•-ti and heated hail room. AB 1 . ItataratalitV Or Cruelty of racing I believe, w ith Ilea ry at Beecher, that, If a horse :has got 11,2 go t.' in h him gb. It would b . ,p, ai cruet t o n: 7 drag along at a iive-minutc , pace as t“ at tat , - t, , 77•11777771 ol the privilege of talking N.,1 ~00d comparison, t:ty the way, for the one is *ll';e.the other le not. t wan pleas , d e it': de, t•-lated hy Mr. rhishin of Cal. We , : of Wi kesbarre, who Is reported to have said that heat did war admire a tine horse and a handmme wae....elaln to be a mean man; a retuarl, jn • 11,1 , la c great deal of truth, especially 1. re :4.7r :to thy handsome women. There was n t.atl are, dot v,red and no one seemed to regret it. En ry twetra-ti . to bo too busy in latOrlining '_his,tat cling all acquaintances, and ce . j•+ . u+-el' rE evr.3?sltily, to union to any 5117.evr177 77. trgti there been one not more th., !•r1 r rt tv eresvd could have heard t. Tee ft, - tr,t the dav -for the $lOO preruhuu for hams otiwe .frut noon. Halstead's team and Uri-- tdi.'a v. aid iti" the pretn!um. which nu, nen 1.3 :eAre fn Lune repertee by the Jedu,ce : POendihe next race wee for nme•,-.1 SZA 14 win; won by rmaetkably hand.aonte trotting, animal, meat d be .1 It cock, of Wyoming. Tittle, 2:1-3 and . 41; Tl, tient heat taw , won by " Paddy on the wool " In . 51. The third and last race of the day was for the siioo hr width theca horses vre, enteo q.kook, Ciir Welter, and Ike t. 1 clf.l-N non a heat In FUCC , S4I,i e:r Nv;.or sett, Re Belding each you another U.IIL. TI.. hem end the rsee 5555 semi by On. .ok- 41 , i, 2:44, and • 49. T , ..• 7 r.vrietors and COtainittee of arrange 47- to pre-ftrve gone order and mat., tl Far os iJeSieMdt staff luptructlve .for the vast entwti f pll.SW)le ff T aking altOgOilt r, 1:. , a• all N.', or the lover t 4 Inc „ok, on ot ri,nd a day enure pleasantly or or. ti.tarroott Fair. N ETII . prcial • attro. The crowning cinarni.--fier mirror May 5.,1. 1, , r5r• a lady that leer dress itl faultless—taut all that ca.o fastauritc the eye la combined in her canto:at:— bet yet ate• will not consider herself irresistible tititil abtr ita., added the erownirg charm to her attri,- • by sp-toklin4 Pltaion'ti "Night-Blooming Itt r laic handli,rettleif. Sold everva - 1,•••• Loa Tauraday,'S•spiember Stit, lid tv••••r. tl2 • H „tor t V •ir Ground and Montrose, a smut; call shint•a• thook, containing tt.4-i—one . twsn:r and smaller 4 t: • • t - .e, a bills, and one note 4. 11 m. -et with 1, n.. vrlh oe suitably rewarded, on le..tvieer tt •• iesnienie of the subscriber, in &LI gev.ster. a' 0.. , r. Ni. , tre'r, in fiarford, or at the bed-e •at .It. ,ffl%e STA,NI.I:I Nleatitte. itt ant-use, o.etolterfith, •••• • A!: That i• Nretled•—The Nor t• V•a• , lc on church music, by , c t a s • t of the Mason St Hand.) tl 1 : I „. ill • "if .re We have an organ, and grand; with your eyes 3. , gash its sound from that of ter lod. • • ' /t effective and beautiful 01 It/ I„ •! fmost relined and fastldt•tas, ..t• ~ i e :2 .1 in any church of ordinary -;z. Cad a t 11. I) Itemen'te, one door atant . ' car cto. of !tear.: lostrea,, , ,, ti.•ppleiesa.---He it , the happiest Si ii-t - It,' u. ' • [sal., others happy. The inventor et 111 :•. • ', :ea a Gold Medal f_sderatne 'noel Its di in eaistasee, for we herard ante.: _ ti: use of the Gold Medal S.l••ral as • . t • meth.: a happy household. Gar be'. •t• • • • st..• tirara trot War of our ev. r _ .h• n ,o r rate get the genuine Her , ick A.a-ni- . •• cue to the inventor, fm . • I.einnl It no other wounl I.:' 1,1 our mt•rottott, tutvo it Tt., is 112 Liberty Street, New-York. • :14 viTriZlgrg t, ' 7 T 1 `.. , ,K..31.1:.E—At tltt. 114 . ..tt0,11,11..t ti.tutyL A., 1.1 R v. J F. Wi.••;:-. 1:• 1. .. 1 I:r2rtd Fn. Vo. 1,, Mt try L Blukelcu , of Auttutn. VI ' 'it —BENJAMIN--Av Ritl Lt, Joho Tu3lgr, and NI of Lenox, Stagg. Co., Pa 10 i'40115. I F. Tl.ornpson, Sept. 27th, of f r. W aged thirty-one yt ars, d tru tlny, MB] t•t:S—ln Bridgewater, Sept. 2itit, 1 , 1", ..1 .• tia, Geetrze S., bon of Henry P. and I. B , t - tt.le-, aged ten months and seven days '1 1 . : }1 lila eYA 't, tic Fork Wholesale Prices Current of Proiitu, R11,31.10.C1' . FI • \ T f'l.. romp. Men:hunt, Fu. aiL WAtl.ll,tO , . ray Lowe.,, , oelv,, , ood t ri tholecelpt of the g0...101l t!,.-, 'rot of cl.O.tre. Dr taan to rotme, eel. to I •, 6 L. 4 4 .II L 0 Ilyc, y 101661... 6 tLC :`.4:.•• " •' LI II: 00Its. t , O Beam.. 6,-2.- t06.6k. INa 140 Con. ' 00 Ls 6 , 6 Pero. I WOO 140 l'utaoo6", i ttEt6, - ‘O. 1 . 0 66 I:, 71 00Q LS 6 / 6 00666. tr LrLO.6. " 244 606 Hides, dry. V 2., 16 66 t., .• 14 44 It Lord, cont. Itt ht.,. 66 I , 17 .6 .•—.• . . . _ • a..!. .• 1040 o 4 ", o ••l'ea ' abou " CC hjl 03' Port. rum. hi CA Ca " 4, 55. ' Ss " peruss, •• , r.. 54. •• " Pa 4L 40 Flume, smoked. er .4 4' •• It ',ernes" 4 ,, ut ',boulders, " I' f00t...5-0." 1443 e; Einem, .41 -r daeu. 8:40 1105 e,, •" - 6 - live. •• 5- 10 01 r • • s 0040 4 r." Turkeys, " 4 , b GiptBG. rt. co.!.b 4i 1., DUd.. 4 1.5 4 H a , 'tea i.e - Sred. " I+'.: SO 11 e TlreetLy Seed 5.1 05.3. “: 4 son: eC' Ifd4e l 0 FlcO Omlol. " 4.! -I . • ca o.n Wool utoraasosl, .". , 0 ,• .• . 4 5 5 ppls. bar.' .", / ]l-010 Sugar. - .- - 5 1 , !I -rpOrt of the ICo , esl4ork Market car he 505.5 t .• • ,!, ra!!Iog ut the "nepublicur," Oftlet 10 .Nl, •tt - •ri .. • .n ez Use lower.' agog highest hems erhlcr. ar. el 5 - 7 ;•141',/ "TA roadltlou. Maur artlelta `hut ro, ITCH ! ITCH I ITCH ! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH Wheaton's Ointment Wkli Cure the Itch in 45 Flour , . I . l.,s2 ..s7 z . . r .tl 7 l. , E.b<r o nm. u trlmm;?.. ; ol . : 3 l e b b lalme r nil s. j mi slUt o lpticw ‘.l Co rots to VEBES & PitTraliM Trt 1 , 170 , Fre 110.1 DL, will Crejtm.r..rdoil • {sal CR tle I..r.lted State.. E•epr. 1901.-1 m. LITC.a.ELOR'S Celebrated HA.LP. T7llice) In the World! 'She 0,,• T Ime !.. lromrdlotelyserlecald Blurt or rAtoral , . :ring the twr or 4.114. Rtdaerlhos the 111 cllrote rt Ishe ..)!• .14 by LI: Pm:gel/41r The croatne Is rlgned WILLIAM A. bet tRiELOG. Also. REGENERATING EXTRACT 01 4 IdILLEFLE Fur , tedot ler and Bestalrylhd the Hair 7 CIGAILLES BATCH FL* 4iP.. Atirtribtmotts. Anditior's Notice.; ltPr. itudetalguvrl, an licalitnr appolutedlyttelOrpliant' Court .4 , o.queb oine cotiely to dleenbuto the Culla In .I.e ~ 1 art5AD, feem the sale of tt• rim] ea , sd of E T Tetnic .. .. - ... . . ._ . , •,C. 1 i , ~6... 01 gi,, uttaue !bat At . will AUtuti In lilt, of ' 1 ~t , ' ic li.'asenit at Lis (acute lioutrotte. 01 11e,y. u”. , th ..isv tr: %or• to' • r ro,A, at 1 Quack p.m.. at Vlach Slam um: Pir.° , 3 ''' ,4 4,, i ,, :. enlUill, open or the paid /ghat= Prt ,,,,, ‘D.o., '': i '''' , '' . I ' , ''' 4 C 1, .."-' , .. , ' debaned from Melee tu ou mid tut U. A. ClrAelßEtt,Ll.:4, A o:tur. 31 ' ....tru.e, 'lot. 0, 185','.....-4s. ' zkedutor's Notice. me malamute:7 tt, tLe ertAst of tlevotah V Al u:ltzt•trt I t , e of tito Won't* , of tierrtele In the '. l , nvt , 4. X9&.4 .Onee been reorrttd to the in:Lowell...l. al 14, telpo2llCd to FLlNkein,tl , ll.7.o jonyle,td, those itopttevrialmsor ihnuantht octagon 4EO r.)111, rat It4ol ultLogat:delov. to 6.1.1)80.1.5tU51F0AD, r.., ,tor. oct 0.1.565--Pd 1 Admitallsilirator's Notice. XT . O.TICE 1p here:l &leen to Alt persons bseihg dterual, cwt.: ttoot •e• James Deeoa.late of tionoo.c , o, wale , prevented to the Itethreigned:^t eettientert, sue I.etvone loGeMod to thleettote um reqzeta• 4 $, ammo Oteoall- IttetNe delefe "..,1 1 :1M0,-(0.:,e4 .44 ' r Auditor, Notice. T H (Tm a Lt di r2o e j l it hltil t I tte u %am otat unit za en t doLly ib t u h t e . the (Ueda In 1./..Plailda Otibtt matirO n OtritY arrtac• bit ht the ale of tho ptatatatatot-liim K. Wart at %honor of Flory Or CI:. roll attenCto tot dttlltt of said atrpolntmeht, at hie Ith Monte. vie. eta Thursday, the td day of Nov., to re t o'clock p. rn.. at attach-Wm nod - place an persoto Intereatad In sold Pend lab l present tlttit alaht , or ha forever debarred from c +mkt: lo on told road. C.ll- IT WIER, Andltor ticorrnee, Oct 0. icaa _ems 'lttegritoratiots Notice , QI.II 3 3IONag c• .Dr TS" t 3 31.—t0 the tnor of the tom,. e' linor gm r.ce • Vi.coiri (nom siolor till, Notice , e^eoi that ell oPPIrod.. L mbeen made it., aou t of Uotuccou Pb or et oold coutty, to iron , o of noo,onittoo.lo ee kuovn At the more, et. 10. %cd 1111. of Tee Lecoad tl 3-thodiet Eptiiecipoi Mitre, of Prithipthe - Q B. NLDIt OD. FroOonntart. ruiner, October 2, Ista. Administrators' olice. AT OTTO e b hereby given to ett , peon. haling dery end. nen in.t IN lb. eahte or .1. mph I . leraoia. 111., of A 0.,. decent d, tnat tl e P:11111. 111111% 11. preAn 1.1 to tee Minr.lera,l I r aettlern..nt, and tp malt Indebted o e.ld .t2le are rrquea..l Lt neat. Inot.. dI I. R;NJ. D.. 1, ILAU‘'. utmtn Crate. S 1€65 V itit•orOot'ai fen N otire 11. slim KIT ANN A Ott , NTY te.r the natter of the oration n: .• rhe LiNtrty I .•r , ry I. rotlce Is glchat Is s asns. I.s Ni-Ti roa , e the (moult "1 t . ..rnthnh f ief. of .1,1 county, ti.; grant Cbtatel 4 , f Inenrtu.r.than. to knnten by the n..nte, atria. wit] list- nt The I the. ts.t`ens st ry A•fr , C.1% .1 0/1 0 U. ELDRED, Prothonot . try. his ntroar a tktobat 2 WO. Anditor's Notice Frltr nnderrignertt an a u•lltar or by the Orphiatee (`avert 0 1 >my:tem:ma t at 7. to mate thee rthntlon a Node in the 1. Ca the VC xeetter of the 0001. of Derry o•elim.n, deed. :1:1 attend to, tee duties of ble appr:lnun: nt at hlr office In th: 1300:nett of Montroint. on Saturday, the 114 Cal rf t retorter next, . • . ••:ca. e, Co.. wtten nt.l twrrorr t-o • rerteil In • tad teed vall rre. : dolma or be forever debareat. C. W. TYLER. A.ltor. e t et. 10a. ,et ElettllitOF'l6 NOtiCe N the odne must be presented to the .anderalgued for arrannotneoL pr..l a';normns zndelded to said rotted, are roduerted make Inane . kRTI Dielui,hl iii re ; Mond t/e, St. 1 o CR S. Itl oIC k.l 1. Auditor's Notice .1. hando of the f+h• odat... 0 n,,••,, • all•Imr, will nttrn.l to 160 Qulles of I.lnnlgpatrlAnent or hIo olflr , In go:, on Thurrany.l.Le ean of dot., at I o ' c l o g P. al.wNor all Inler••sted In 4 , 11 Itin•l 1 I ,, ,rut (belt or I, f,rtni, daa..tred :rogn ,u.ll g It. on fa .1 .t d out. I. 11. AuditorN Notice. TI E undeialmed. m nal' , uptutuatd the l'outt t - f Com. f o.e o i•i,,, o f crv.lniV to make dtdolottion of the Cod • In the hinds of the Adultutdrator of the relate or Pelat6l, deeemod At the helot •nd trial mort-t.ttoomiktt t ., theeolU d cadent, will :teed to the duties of h 6 ot,Trol Tamen, „t o ff, of B. urt , ll , lm, F.a In Montrose. on TtleNtak the I7tlt day of 1 - 610 her. ISA% at 1 o'clock. C. Co at which 'tem and plane u:' t.era IntrroFted in eel' fund w.,1 Invecnt their claims or Ix. • - I , l`f barn!! folut Nto•I hg It. ou sit: SOl.l IP, I ^fr. W. It I. It K. Autlltot. ~diniiii.lrator'• MOTTO E le betray given to all person!. having demand. acal^,t MOTTO 11)c ,-tatt of Job, :!dam, Lat ~ f c'.l. Vott woe must be pmneP ted to the ug dens!, ft.t array.. and LH 9dA1011.3 Indent-1 to bald notate .re rcAld,led to rm.!, ,nl,.llatopaymellt. HARRY 111110 PA, A da'. Al. Isdna.lietAalstborlsl.lPs6.—Aler AdiiiinisteatorN Notiet IebTOTIfIX leherebtctotn to all person r havitedemandessfattat I'd Th e FFlltard F. Lormbee Into of Jorkeon town. doreatttl. t bat t hevarne mon bt brt-ented to I or.dololer. for .brattruent. and all porton, to sold DIM.' dot rm.tet-.! 1.. make Imbledlate palm tt =1 Notice its Ei.ctmetil Sugglal,hcvnim Collltty .I.n.eph D Diirgker .k E".!lnne 14 . 1 , 4er. 1. ie.lle. Harvey t'ia rk 11.1 lark. Ink u'e. se v. In tt.c. Vloar cir raid eouLtr. A:want Tern,lB6A, sus o. 141 : •-•1 wt Ton., ..1 be land Its th e tee,^l,l•4l And e , 14.1411v of N:•,• nhrota hf. M,..n • ma. sur...v lit Y. t.11(4., n 1.. t N.. 0.1, `.y of 1.• vayt Lv 1,4 No. •!tv 0. - C4,tve tt , o: 1.;t1 llualn LW: tt . o, , ot No. Rt of the R-Ithatl 1 roc I 14o'unr, ot Clr!ro Tr:, mat, aad I r noLlLing lot .t e Lit perct flt, or thetp.l9lll., 1/•••• vrtl : A %Mutt MI, on lo:Ilty to E r r ptnltttltr, f 'ottrt K^Ant, RAO.. 910 , 1 the 41. , 1,, , tutt to ap p. ,ruott ;.Ita t 11) tht !.T.d liontla) of Not - Matt r Mils 124.1. Cr .tarne G. B. ELDRED. eVri.. Notice iu Eyoc•teuent co.". y I Ul - eturd h litarle. Avery. Fa' , ^f tho las' WI •I rind tedrouen. rill. t. t . Ittrkhnerl, (teed. ten K• d und Ill•r1 , Kill. r In tt. l'dotd of votr.rtr. ea., "4. urit Teem t Sunnns In eye - Intent. ut •IA *re 14 , ntre tuner runty pene o s ur. laud It Middle oven uneennn.dt. dent,. .. .- . .. . . . . . ,r. ',, ro,h.a, t_ p4,entr, na• at a T.o,r r 6 pe, hes fronl t 1., roy , l 1,1 11.6 r•oln the MlSill, BrAneh , r the Wish,t, g I , elt, Ir, thr W:11 I. .0: tt e[ , north 44 Plat. rtfr herrih• to b prarl• then,: woutl, 46 ~.••• • , • trr,i to a t•• .i o• a Ulm ; I:w.f., • •tt , 44 . en,. 4 o t. It h MMININIMIMBE AT d cwor to ar .kilgnst 0n 14.1:1:r t. t.e.y. 000100 P. t r, 11,1, tzt-en• the raL f ncs, ~dawn 1. (J. B ELPIe ED. (1. -k .3411th ra or's ()tic. V I/Tit • E hemby riven AP, thremtato of E , N late • •at 11.0 e4,n. ninal prearnti, , l .e l.. ‘ 0 .1 rw t e r t,t, raugen.ent, um! sityrrs , •nei:nde .^ .1_ • _ I tO .mel!a:e payment. MA W! 131.7 lt C. J ILEL R. 1 Erptezr.totr It 14.5.—‘0. Admin raloe% At'e of .1.1.• • 11., , 1'e.g !_•: LV. E. , . II .11(1)1 AL L. , EXeCrlllto sale .1 TI 9- F.' 1.9 herebt prlv Ir. :I of .9 .9- 'er .. 11 1 99ur ue s .•1,999 9n MY '19...9 I to 3.1111 . , e 1.., .. 1 • r r I. ek W. • ••19 , ....trar 9194.c1,t4991 ple-eo it ptU , OT . : bur. 1.93 e 1'.4 - ..9:,1-01Le. Yoe< dtfc..l9 eti we. in : .19n1. y •I.9te .I .t. . oar, rrn. -ext ..f -nr ....f tent 11' der ten 116 t.. 9 9 .9 I .9 . Watt- , .011185 rlfreeat. w1..1 iu teed then , . C 1 trfe,ea mi. IT 9 V: s: t.• 9 t. f Lee ee4, . 911.1.. e r 9• 04' <OW.. thr..o .I^lF C. r.. 1 I• WL:Via d nrs , !.< d pro,,ir. ng k down, ,nd t•nionor• to. tt , , t .• TIStLEY. ItCr ralcr'N Hale 'Ern , TIC F. is i,reby ,•,s. m• • f an orti• r of rs r,..L.22.' • vurt oflo [be Le: ,;4r of rt 1' the lot, (1.-a , nhed riceror to6ri , 1 t.{ • d. '.llc tike st>le of k0N. , 1,. ,laycertwal; 16 rem r LI :1,. •• r...,-nrr of ••136,1t.ft. ft1.d..6,1r”.1.1r.r • 1 , 000 t.oott. : •a • -, • • t. il..e of ; • t.d weat • - rd, ••• re r • • C.' r.d.:a t. •trk. 1•. na• I:r4. r•t • : thens , luta:, of .1, I tad f, 1.1,4 r• r.f 1 .,, 1 1. more cr •te . ••• urr, 11: • it XI •• —Ftvi, pa:a draw^ 1.7 • ^ 1 rule. 1.1., Lis M TIA l LEN , •r ALIT rIS. rip E tat amartnkent In town nt SMITH'S PEIZIFEMERT. Tnt rat±T •i Avu , n 111.1 1 ,4 In 5.11.1 Flue Auserievin Cutlery. T , ,! , 17 coIIPIZTI AV0Y711.37 of RN t. • t.e late tibee: blue. 1i00k.... Se.. on I•und or to /1 ENT , PAPE.. ('^l.L ears. 11,4 , ,e, July 3, , 2" , . nt RM Inn, NEW, ADVERTISEMENT Now Goods for the Fair ! Prints, Alpacess, Delaines, and other Fashionable Dress Goods Clotlt,Casslaneres,WoolenJackon ets, &c. Oice. MUSLIM, SHEETWOR, TICELVOS, DENA CROCKEItY, GROCERIES, HATS A_ND CAM BOOTS AND SHOES CALL AND }d/OR, LT, 6TO $, AND WS CAN BUST YOU WILSON, GRIFFIS 45: WARNERI NEW A.IIRIN'A.L. FALL AND 11 INTER GOODS AT atiffeqbei•g,iioseribqtlip & eo. lIAVEVU laet retnrned tom Ne . Yr:A, wltb a very extenalve gad band. tu• variety nt 7:eir ii , eds.4o which the at tenttou of the i , .:.7 tr , ut d were bought under lb. MO" ma - 43 tu,y , us 133,11133 e. i•nd but olur to the recent adv., we pr..inire in wit than tquaily low %rum. Our rung(' In to" all and 5105 to be ent-dnre I y e”y other man.," whither at h. , suc or abroad. Tbe following (kohl: ano L' , . • ion of out stoe't , i .1. and will be kept Curine tit et azon. faheettap. bleached and t roses. 10-4, d-4, and 41. Plllumae MUSIIrk 0.4. and 41 !Del es. Fine b/eaCted ton !reset, ttl , sls de, 4-6 mod 7..5. Csdleoes a the beet Lf.ti l a. :eel:rest putt res. Ologliallss et dandy, cud lorrell, n anufactsae. ' BedtleklbsltZt. best y. Blue cheek sod earl{ ed , htrtleits. Canton flannels, payer and catetbr,e n.uUna, Sc. Flannel. of all lidiorr add 1./ • driicr. line white, yard aude,— Baster tante' ; heavy gr.), • i•le, and red surto:: mit•d tl/k [sized ; fatty si d I 'oiii - .0 1 • • •0.; d iit r d, cud Plats ithlrdra dn. hit c and: I:, /1k.•10, 10 t. 11 a add It, scale, all quadric. 1 rd:..', 1.1 •it t . blldrrr t • •Il styleet, color, aid %PIK/ f•ltzfr , SOntage. brealrfaat el. au. dr: ; iddo grinds, cc; 11 yr wr rot. ed and Shetland wow. Ftne white linen Lou', I) moo , k •wn du. leme white Itn.n shlrhne, and tuavy rt. - et eg fo. W.,ite tee to tel. Uucn I:lJ'.e clothe, papal= of elitercut , ue tut . for whr.e towe.lork, :le, rua unalr, A large asenittnevl of the lot lomr.e , nrietiee. Printed. Daft colon ant all dentinal. Fine solid colors, Freed, kierSei.t. >II color, and Of =II • plaid •• slit strip-d •• • warp Pnpllnt 11101.411 a11.n..l d CIA 00b. , g.k ~ nate fancy thee, tvcrr vne I , ly of o0:o.. lack " n I ,Ikt Mier, - and heov, Iroen-t .ful Flnexarsibrka, s•rn.,l and tari‘d rd,'d••, Linea enunblic hand rvdle r.:a D. b. tr, keb• ci. tdl. ed and etnbrelde,ll dl Dr. per , n 1..5!!n0, eine ern.. • I^p and lowning. ; 41,1 cm...131,1.1nd c•nlia.e .is idneve. In 110. k:7l'l,lt :frrri Infant, w‘.K. nn • mr.nno ennbn idered , •n cs:••• .. De, puttr•r• . : • +- and edy}nign la 4. , %.11.nters cd.4 , n•+-•• •,• ,• Notions and Fatal Goods. BET= ring cv,tw, &c. 1., r.v7l, n Le. Lf A :t faehion.v.le and le,tl::,:m lAI and balqu ra^r 10 • ' the piece "T In LW r dresses t ra. widths; slava... rill Co ryas 111.: g - a5.411111r V• Love veils; crape vel mask val... plain, end with .rus.rne•...s. Oviess, of el sorbs al,: enimb!e for all peeps. s'oss• do; cotton do; harlst . !tingle and d , n , :r dmile dontsm wool ithasl•—a Imre a°, r..f 4 , 1 •al :.,•I•Ja Styles a 4.1 p.tten•s, drlc 71311 set and iSbttland dn. l,r assortment In Such as ettculore, ntek•. ht 41 tapoa,t, cannot t < eceelltd out: hle the elites, and we to to eat, Lateral. In Sect]. Hoop Slurs••, ;143,;0ra1s and f'oyses nidifrerent etNir SIP' {IA {. 'lf V .d A t wr;c4;, ~c tare, and 'eta. :at Iva prloce. Black broadcloth, !.<l,-,•. et.tha, mad:rot:7's. ^t*. Kozway Seat., =I XI., of throe good. mmt t:• ked • m Milt line of, ta! Int ambled to Neu., own. Yt rt Jobdern dim,. WE 01.1 name part of th , t c. tttt• I n t Bonnet nod Rat I :34111.C1 •j.ll If at Intnatt. to I m rn. and felt. Elmer. ft r t •atft Ldtt. rf n.I .th .1) lea, and colt.. omit., Cluerone,mu; m. net, crown Poing& bonnet elita. cut and mutt velvet. or All Or • lam: teal Bowen. trim,. Gr. At la my trim, artmlrr too on. ~utlon. Mout 0171 ut st oral clad convince yours, GENTS DEPARTMENT We have but little tnare left tr. 4117 much; bat to that... Ito verb to clothe themaelv, 1,:l ,nd winter with warm , Bumble. onfortaltle el thing. ae vet. d &re:y v.) that nottrithtiandt, t the general cry ot a • n..dy.rtulle cleat g, and env e gamily toe hlga price thereon, or are 11,14.11 to f ut .,,bh you oil. ae d t , you bth prices and utateslale. (ha rackia large: cur sotlra. are treaded: and we are almett dal.y revering ttear addltlnt r +tee, 0. ILe etching ree evil le all of 0 ,, owe ea. , . and we t erefore otaeantee the making end mot terlat of each g 'anent we vis helve at the Bret trir.: turf we can are you all further to 'so Al orno. The 11 , llorring nr-ILlke :7e hare In stack: Black frock coats ttegle and dohble tenanted; tort lanes bwiaan maul plata and fancy Iltagltolt unit:lag coat, dln .Ita to wawa: reala ate (Arl rack male—al.. is, .It. to wateb ; black and fancy me:4,re pante and vests to watch miter:Land Muria caleraere .utter ulna. ate weird. veil, Itora CLOTIIIII..—n variety. °vacOam! Oran., .174 LECOATII eyl, at d qaadden. Wbtie °Wm, da , r. rsucir nnonel do. Merino einircr mr.d draw era; saspeudem tl.i, lturu and paper col:lng,ficuir, umbrei it.. Walk,. nllaa. ratnhelr. bc.. itn. Lea weal filled with a ehOlc.! rClection of C6E4MCYCJ. bra , . clothe, barna% velvet,, de- wb1•1, o ketp to me ke cicalae to or. der, and err would regn ,, t uD tht se that ero In the hub!: of hating their Cements m2de Crett to rtte TM •C, • earn convinced Met woven give you entire caVefactlon. In eranetean we would ear m, more to nu . you that want WIT o Ort &goods ureallt y kept by nn, to glue , u trtl, fir d we will try to seat you. GOTTENBERG, ROBENIJAUJ( f Igooktso. &Pt. 1. iota.' ". lim'Aurk nong. M. S. DESSAIIER Colon Pepar(ifient, Woolen Department. Linen Department. Dress Goods tUs Alp, S;lk,. White tim)&. I=3l =.lsis ClO airs Cloth an! Piece Goods. Millinery Goods. 11=1 Cloth Jug. Gents Furni•bing Good Oar Custom Department .!TECE DOUBT lIAJ 1110 EN riIIiPZ,T.L&D, AND Tilt STARTLING CONVICTION =I ME GEO. HAYDEN L 011114 no will a NEW SI Ut: v OF U..t)Db eon/lading of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SI1()Es, • • - HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, tiaWe, Gloves, Iloiner7, t kn. Surfs, Under Shirts, and Drawers, lapel. Gent:, and Yankee No t 1.4. Tro.kb nmi ' , raw , ling Baer, and 1.4 of Gonda numerous to Mtn'.km, at PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION Every A dick sran,^l,: ~ .t. clatee [of dive- Ing Gaods. Small 1 . 1,41 , a 31. , 1 qi.rk I= =I EVERY Ogee BRINGS SritiiTIIING NEW, AVINU purchw..l of Huts. Cap., •nd ClotLlnz or I'. • • .• L oLu. Just received • large stoat of HATS AND CAPS, CHILDREN's TURBANS, LAMES' SHAKERS, Alm I large stook of all We n.or gpling gtylea of CLOTHING-, Ooruistr4 In_part of Meta's Et:l, L roots lu to march. good Buriroroe e'nt).mg for Former., L 11.1 2, PLUS mad Dusters, 6.-c. Gents' Furnishing Goods. UMBRELLAS, lIANDKERCIIIEN, SL7SPENDERS, COLLAES, NECK TIES, SHIRTS, &c • Which I am prepared, ss •• pay at very lose yr ces, a. my Work has recent , vPp wlttl all goOds , prollrs and rml • ps. '• . • 0 . and ak t i for yam sale.. Two doeirs a ovr • e ”..• :It the building occupied by F. B. Weets as Ple.e ,t.,.5. JrrSifUA BO Y . 11 vonrn e. liar 1.2.1,5 a IMPOI2 `r% T Read, Wartrou & Foster Have J 4. 1, . cc. cock. of SPRING AND sum mER DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, SHAIVL6, l.+ TP'S,rOTTONADES, rIII.III.ELLAS, !PPE's!: IRTS, BAL MORA L DITTO, GLOVES, 110,s1Ell1, dc. da, At the ki va.onable Rates WOOL, FUR, STR.I .t ND P.! Llf LEAF HATS, litOoTS KER . Y, GROCE RIES, DIX , : MERICIYES, PALVM, N B. Wearc rczelv r, to our stock Is-eddy Fte. t 111-It Pa ils. We can Cello • J:. . • • • n . Olt t, Un , eultonlerr :wishing b•enel 134,1 •I , • • • • : :1 or 1 • •• • AT•d yr..mpt rearm. I), T OUS & FOSTER morirrßcr.s. mar I-'• JUST I-Muir:HIVED. A APT.RN DID v.or-r. , • or ItTera, Rubbem also a low a ail', KIN and Curse Boots, e l . C K EEL. Eb's. FALL STYLES 1' "ILK• , I'all end pee teen. They are the role Mat r. L C NYELEIt. A rine assortment of Iltel ;.( 7 . .. ' cAn, Gauntlela both Are and erne. 1 . C. KEELER.. -Montrose. Sept 11. 1.0. LOST! (VI Saturday aftonoon. tn• et bberwoOd'e Hotel. In Oalninoere, Pa. m y d0..1.en, le; on. z.ny one a dit KtbelD .111 canfer a favor on 3133 I.: 3.1 6...U1, hi leaving We ®me Shor,eefs Hotel. pent:tot ILepoblinn Loll,..ontrose. JOHN COY. u. mock, Neptembor 11. TO BOOT AND 1 E WEARERS OF MUER INNI COUNTY. FB. WZEKti & (O. hllOt, • their cock of Hata, Cape and atsciT marl. C1.44,1vg J. , oa F. B. WEEKS WIL cot., BOOT in snot: BUSINESS la its swims branob.. 11; Et , /c..mylate—tacing a lug antral of New Spring Styles. LADIES' GLOVE E ID, A TING, GOAT AND CALF BA L MOR.i Ls N GAITERS, MISS ES LASTING, KID .I.ND cALF BA L.MO - ALAI: c I ,,, oETMENT OP LVFANTS CALF KID AND I, -I,s T 1 V ; BALM°. RADS AND G 4 /MRS, MEN'S, BOYS', AND YGTH A CALF, KIP, AND STUG.4 BOUTS .1 pr;.11,1 tr Cheaper for Cash or Ready Pay Than mg o•.her 10.1, t:44 eiZe at New Tort. Cr"Deslork imppll"l sv York Jobth/g psi®._ffl =I Watches and Jewelry. F INE LOpirto. Anthor, d, A ctumaa atact MEMO -- Phnted Warr. wuracted. "ado L* :1:- v.wet•tturen AT oIiANDLEIII4. OTDS JUST rocalved, a new and tine aoorment of DRESS GOODS, WORSTEDS, DRESS BUTTONS, and • vomit .anety of ..1. - to,oy Liocsir and Notions Sagostlith.l44s.—nv CITANDLLR'S WYALUSITit.: BUIDGE QEALED PILOPOS ALS trill hri rretlerd by the entunsissinem 1,0 of Susquntnnals Own: y till Frldny, !icluner tEL for lb. pur pose of be; Idlrs o fir:Jgv serum the Wyaltsdng Creek, neer the DOUme nf N. D. Snyder. to Rush inensh p; a Pian end ispee. Sinus for said Bridge will be pn-nuren!n u Inv dnys, so that they may be tralcuiced a Ehr tattntrridre , ' . Mee. By o der of the eofornivinnerr. V:. A clios.tAtoN. Clerk- Contmisalonnsd srpt! SR. teen IN 9171M1Fa yr YOU WANT ti BrIIT OF rt.o rlfleS TIIAT WILL FIT I:neatly, look well. and r Sks irn. Joe atte , ell you tom to .o 6 to call at tae NEW TAIL , tr. SIWP 01 GR.VES & REYNOLDS, Oyer Oharkirts Store, east skip Publ‘r Avesur, and you Me be socooutevalavd We ore driertothed to Orsse our cu.tkenen. hark lo the quails! , of our work aud the Fri. BNrOOT LNG oo eloat cutir, ALA 1 , •••• 1.1 ~“ P. REPIOOIMS: DR. A. D. TEWKSBITRY, Physician and Surgeon, usymaone year ss Surgeon In the Untied i ne v al 41XIY•ialifseain icesitil at Auburn Castro, s ad MU X. fetaii• 1965.,014 NEW G-cicor•f4. WEBB & BUTTERFIELD, I=l SPRING AIM SUMMER GOODS■ Pleme call tad num3lst Drew Goods GRENADINES, POPLINS, CHADIES, LENOS, DE LAINES, &c. mONTILObIi, May 8,1665. Glass Fruit Jars. p 121113, LO cects—quaxi., SO cents-4 gnarls. ST ants. Yo, de by B. IL LYONS .4 CO Class "Ware. ix RuNDRAD DOE. GL.V3 SI WART., cora:liking of Two. o biers of all Mod, anbleta Tim Ols.aes, Boon, Orranrecra, f. Se , I , tca , m JAfa. Pttkle DIAN% Molanes ro n, Oil and Paints. P°MED ned Raw Unmed OIL White Lead and White Venetian Red. Yellow ochre, Pada and Chrome and Green titatge, Whiting, Potty. Co per.' Glue. and Pane, dm- an. for gala by B. B. 'Mom & co. Window Glass. LIEVILN DY NIN., 9-10, 019, IP& 9.14, 0.13,10.111 0 -14, 10-13 CI 10,14, 101',11 13, 1315, 12 19, 14.18, 1410, 14-14, 18 , 36,10 30, Nana of all mites f, rale by B. IL LYONS ea (10. Window Shade. ASPLEW ID leisnrienent e , window Shad. ILtito. Plc tare Cord sod NMtt, wall Payer and Bend. rs, Idoetroee, June IS. lee& B. A. LAOIS S & CO. Floor and Table Cloths. 111WENTYSIV IL Piece, Floor nu 2lotha how x yard t •r 3 L yards selde : tr. p1,4:3Tv,1e (:11 Cloth, from I yard to 19 yds. 10 , : Lila-. KIN I. (.314.4bs ler ss aby B. B. LYO'.B St. CO 111",trns.. Juno 19 lata. A NEW SUPPLY OF THAT CELEBRATED FALL CREEK FLOUR Alf It other brand. equalls eaxl.tmd some oar a goon, which will be sold at prices to enereepood. and at Enures an low se the eame qualltin cm be had anywhere I would also toy to my literate and numerous euslomera that they can 91ITChISe Goatee... Pratelone, and Yankee Notions of the en. dernened at itreet , y raduced priers. Call and be convinced. Basement rooms of the Franklin Hotel, Montrose, July J. IRO Butter Tiihs Fnr Bala M. R. DUNMORE'S. BIYTTVIi Fl R KIN'S for Wt.., an 4 warranted good. and rat had butter la as roma have Area Wted. El. a. DUNMORE'S kloatet., Ysytuaber 11.180. 13:11E3 Chandter & ea. • BANKERS, Great Bend, Pa., HAVING opened. Ilsoklog /loom at W . W.l:lead, are tr cd to coiled note draft, tir, at Lowe and on all acteAtible points In the United States, and to receive money on depodh aoll 7 D .1. K. Sande aid all o:tter zoreentnent seetteltler and dram . . . . _ . . on New York and Pnl.ladelphla c,rent rwes. Inlereet B. , uut y Pay Cerlacelds cashed and a GLIT/Il Baratta Bossr2v...lts• r. I,l^lotteXt Men are wheiled to Open IiCCOUnt, And mate tholr chimes th , ough us Snare (or I===loEM TO All WHOM IT MAY CONCER Partners In Particular BOYD & WEBSTER HAVE FOR SALE REVOLVING HORSE FAKES, BY TEM DOZES OH 911113L.8 OBS. EXTRAS AND REPAIRS OHIO REAPERS GRAIN CRADLES, GRASS SCYTHES AND SNATHS, FORKSSHOVEL.S. HOES PICKS AND HANDLES. Building Materials, LNCLVDING PINE LIMBER, WINDOW SAKI, PAINTS OILS, PUTTY, GLASS, BCIIII, SCREWS, NAILS, LOCKS, A LARGE VAGDITT DOOR BELL& COOK STOVES COOK STOVES COOK STOVES TIN WARE, WIIDLESALE AND RETAIL. BIRD CAGES, LAMPS, &c ALL GOODS AT PEACE FR10115708 CASH W. H. BO YD. Moatros•, May Mb, ISS. STOVES! STOVES! MiIItOPOLITAN BED RRI STOIII IZZECIII Orwell. Bradford Co., Pa. SN' BRONSON le eontantly receiving HARDWARE te gee eerietles. The renowned Reheard Move; Horse Rev Forks, Ilse, et. Hamlet, Trlnualnge, .te he. Comeand see tor yourselves. Orwell. Jalp , 1. 15C.5.-13T. SOLDIERS' PENSIONS, BOUNTY AND BACK PAY. TILE onlenti grin% LICENSED 60 RFT OF THE 00VICAtt It ENT. wll/ give prompt attootion to CI claim* antrtutitol t bintars. ebwr. LOW. and totommton IMRE U....••• ..0.n.1.•• • I.N V. YITOA Take Notice. BY THE U. B REVENUE LAW, oil cloth moriti , octoted toted lax yet cent an vaumint. Culatmere rot whom mooneacime cloth will take 11•4 ce that they will be required pay the come. to selditlo d nto our ugal. N. El Cusioro work 4.0.0*k roust.. . . r CARRIAGE SHOP, BLACKSMITHING, At Friendsville, Pa., By J. W. Flynn & F. P. Ryan. .x i llne Vaud promptly dove. Try us. D. BREWSTER, AUCTIONEER I Montrose, Pa. MolatroatAprEl 4. leg 4-4, . . , WOOL CARDING. a• ,- 1r131 , 1 ) a to, my 44 -Wends IA Saiguetnums rl7llll-I=.lg,",',lo,:h=nua use a A. Mr 'WM{ 41:paii/2 1 7: ~ P ril Ofimi Oale/SOttbit tell= hirholooM N0 ah 11,417 WA i A rin Oa Mt PROS, TB rad torinsif eq . 141466, PALDIMI *ALUM = I= AND MOWKS =! FOR BURNINU WOOD MECO FOR WOOD OR COLL. A. L. WEI?STER. 111311 NEW SKIRT FOR 1865-6. The Great Invention of tho Age in HOOF SKIRTS. J. W. BILATILIMS New Potent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. num , lnv rmq. nr :70 , ete,.l vortr,, IneerdoosSy Nettled ttethl:-" ie.e to tn.:emote toughest, mt*t bte SPrtott e•er toro. They seldom bend Or break. U.= -"" eßatK mire preserve their wive. sad 1.7 • /Pflug dirt that Vefr Has or Can te,esde. THE wonderfel Irlextbillty man .p U.:tee:Awl end *mem (0 any Ledowewlhg the nuns. Ellett.* Skirt will be erperleneed tea: Ocularly In all crowded &sweat:ulna. Operas. Carrlagen ItaU road Can. (111nrch Pete. Ann rule. for promenade and Houma Inno, &a the nett ran be folded when to use to °many a sunall place as mal ad conreekmtly rs IM or Mediu Dram. A Lad hi r in g g enjoyed the so re,pleasu Comfort so d orewtez{, ver.l4mes of wearing I e Dap/ex Ellptle Vaal holm Chill w rant day MB sees after Weida let their use. For e5.1!....:c0. !li t re. sod 'Young Ladles they ere superior to all Zhou. THE 110070 are cowered with tt plydeuble twsdad thread sod will wear twice Le 100, ea the len jtle yarn coveting sehb.l, Is wed on all re edeel Hossl4kirte. The shrew bottom rods trs .were Itklst ere also double steel. and twice or double eoseurd to par root the nwerlng from weariest off the rods when angenir dowel ""L .°"m o stop . ftho trc., which they are esnetantly enhJeet whl le In use. ns made of the now and elegant rorded Tepee, and are the !en atomic In es cry part, Kiting t. the Pm:truths most inueful end pmfect ensue pne•lble. end mr.unes.estkmablv the Oghted. fend de. •Is able, comfortable, ern econon feat Chid met road , En'ts, URA •E Y CARL proprietors of the Invesalie, end asst E w,A 'FAC ru REtth, vlt sq.; rael BEES, and :9 ft ER EADEsiTHEETn, Neer•York. ssfs LE In all flrevelau Stored to doe City and throve. Out toe UPttetl Nava Oar.M.o, lianas de Cuba. Ideate°, BOutli A, " tica. and the Walt !rates. FOR THE DUPLEX Eurpnc 011 DOODLE) SPRING SKIRT. A. th C. tiLptember nth, 1555,--Rmon MISSIES E. Mt. & E. A. VAIIAIiaN, I\,l 11~ bll'ilf liii : 1 Fi~:~dkl First Door South of the Catholic Church. WHIRR s fuhlonable assortment of Millinery Goode will MI kept eanstamtly on Land. ones of the Intent styles made to order on Amt notice , h. M. VA DAMN. E. A. VADAKUI . =I E. S. SMITH'S MILLINERY, OVER CHANDLER'S STORE. 35 Er; 1eg , 1%! ,; } our ettentloa to my sad Csahloyable aewnm MILLINERY GOODS. 11==1 BONNETS AND FLOWERS, LAMES' HATS. (LIPS, RIBBONS, AND VARIOUS OTH ER FANCY GOODS. flrlitraw Barnet. el.ned and penned In the bat Maass sad II kinds o , Mlt r lc.7 w. rk dot,nn ebort hlontro., 6.pil 1., Ina. E. S. FLIIITIL BEADS; SATIN AND COLORED. Al O, FANCY COMBS, HAIR F 011,5, 41be. Zke., Just Bought in New York at Janie Prier.s. ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF FINE JEWELRY, Which 1.111 be sold toe the next thtny days •t Greatly Reduced Prices. 1106trose. April 10.120.5 NEW MILLINERY SHOP. MRS. Ft. S. FORDHAITI ••cIk7IICLD ray to the Lad!, of Montroeo and vicinity that alha • hte opene.l n Sonp In the buildtng formerly called Bloom! Hall. where .be min keep > full mapply of 1111 klods of Faze! Goods, Bonnet-, Hata, Stens , Ind SI tk I:lancets conato-ntl y on haM Bleaccintt and Repairing Hate don. to nectar. Ldtro. nil and see Mr youreel•lle. Ifontram. Hay B. 13en. R. 8. FORDHA.M. COFFIN TRIMMINGS, Direct from the Iflannfactory. 31(vb5.111;:r np.V.c.;rwc - nolo"TilidT.'ri."7l l .lltV ood Fllagroo Studs variety of pattorni of Clnan Plat:11,• Luc. Dowel FiLz,., Lthlnz Tack., &o. a , a= ; wcAt. /Wan% MobllnA, fee. kc . (or xale by Montrose, 6 boll 17. 190 B. 12. LYONS lb 00. : 0101er - A :I;):KIVV,iOA6 kr. D;zl OPAL. PICTURES! • LYONS' PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY • NON IN FULL FIL h'T rand dail sending ant Photog ra ph* le all xtyle. of the an—also, Ambrotypee and the sign** Pnmelalia Plctnrer. Old pinto rocopicd nod mlarged to life ere by aid of the Sotrz ttaroers. l'lrtum retouched with India nr Tinted or Colon*. Pkture Corn. Watts. Trays. and Frames on hand or roppliegia chart retire. A 11,. tnl Painting, for sale, and the belt ...nuageDre cans h. the market. Pricer moderate. Please...ll. RM.! apposite 15erte's note!, ors' 13. lereos CO? , Mret Noutraee, Po • April 10, 1001. • - PEACE AND PEACE PRICES. PEACE ESTABLISHED ! Large Lines or Prices Con■ quered and JECeduced T. H. BURRITT L nom rectiv:up, for Spin: supplies, um had largo nods Of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Steel, Nails, Paints, Lamp and Linseed Oils, Benzoic, Carpet ings, Floor Oil-Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clocks, Sc. &c., leclndtez. en urtml. full varieties of the mart popular .tr.'esof ti. dies' Ditraa (14 , 04, hbanqs. Bonnets, 1111 stems. Flowrrs, Re.. srhlril te Boil on the most fsvorable tams for Crab, Plishme,, or 1 1. Prompt Time Buyers. N. B.—Flour and Salt on hand as turual. STEW SfILFORD, June 13,1863. THE KEYSTONE HOTEL, (Formerly occupied by W. K. Hatch,) MONTROSE, PENN'A., lard.B be. lowed .d reopened by the adder-dined. vho bit ,1111. keephur e treil stocked larder .d Liar, end earefkl ate= to the Cuisine of the establishment ard the er.ta of by ralll endeavor to merit the patronage of the ,P. V. oA.B.inf. Montrose, April Ye. IFl,3.—tf. Soldiers' Bounty, Pensions, and Back ray. T n E undersigned Licensed Agent of th e Government. bents di. ly pfroOdeO with all nem nary forms &c give prompt I. tertian Id eistmttentrosted to lases,. No charge for Ingumation, or for par,. Montrose. April 10, ISeo.—Ctu. OEu P. LITTLE. 1111.-`,SCHNANN BROTHERS 13:00 tl! ‘ :A tt s .._]E P FIN() d Irooe or cLoskr.k73 OUT their /arri ttttd eztstatis 2 omit of fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, EMIROTDERIES, LVDOW CURTAJNI3, TFZVD 0 W HELMS, FECTL'RIIS, &Ai ra offering tbelr emits assortment erstprtalog tbe btralsolatli lobe@ Foods tsar Introdneed to Mle swain, at a trite yam NEW YORK WHOLESALE PRICES, n order to Moe, thetr stook lerireloul to thole ratsonl Into Ike • SW Vote if sou Idea to mats bargain coil at ITIRSOTIMMIN BRO'N No NI Court Strest—alNs of the Iteettni Binghamton, July M. illtZ• LYCOYIING COUNTY Firo Insurance Co. oilloriME - a $2,500,000. 0 1, o i rt d ei s itost sellable Cow . inas . le r fl r ta t e .: is tsrless t iess ter besquetunes County. Montrose; Seramber 11, issa. SHOOTING IRONS T. szvoimlNG AND SINGLE—NEW STYLE% AT BEMAN'S. THE GREATEST INIPROVENENT YET. A Single Pistol that Draws Its Own Oar, (ridge after Firing ! (Mdse an band , nlm 6. D . Yipy WIZI.4,IIfIgr %raga' Mau Anti Pens/elan CAM 130" DWI Cal to um those M. ambits and PigAls pnrOunOlit. O. D. SZILIM. Yoh, 'Oh . 11183..0 Wool Wool! NS Irma ratralbenp would Inform eels hWp sod tb• oldies** UM , Q. , an PrnUtt toped,* Wool to ma Otltir th e MC AAP WM Cif .1191.114 gel 4 0 .0. . ' aue ,teemlikeit. illi)Wrattfet 0. D. BEMAN. ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers