IIINCTEERTII AiliNtrAL FAIR OF THE San. COlllfiAgricaltural Society WILL DE HELD IN MONTROSE OH WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, October 4th and sth, 1885. Preiialimm List. Divooos L—llonass.—CLess I.—Stallions and Mares. Best stallion, Diploma and. 2d best, 24 best, Best brood mare and colt, d best, 81 best, Best pair walking horses.. 2d best " " • • " single walking horse (First day only.) M. L Catlin, Bridgewater, Billings Stroud, Montrose, Judges. It. H. Haywood, Gt. Bend, CLASS I.l.—Siugle and Matched Horses. Best single gelding, over four years old, raised in the County,. 2d best, each, 2 Best do., mare, raised in the county, .... 3 24 best, 2 Best pair of matched horses, over 3 years old, raised in the county,. 5 2d best, 2 Best do., mares, raised in the county,... 5 2d best, s 2 Best pair of matched horses owned in the county, not raised here, J. C. Morris, Middletown, C. Stark, Bridgewater, Judges, Samuel Faulkeubury, CLASS N.- Colts and Mules. Best pair 3 year old colts,. " pair 2 year old colts,, " pair yearling colts, Best 3 year old colt, Best 2 year old colt, " yearling c01t.,, " pair mules,, 2d best, Best jack,. 2d best, B. M. Gage, Silver Lake, Orin Prichard, Springville, Judges. John Bradshaw, Forest Like, DIVISION IL--Csrrtr..-CLAss I.—Devon'. Best Devon bull, 2 years old and up wards, $.5 2d best, 4 Best do., between 1 and 2 years, 3 2d best, 2 Best Devon cow, 3 years old or upwards, 4 2d best, 3 Best - ,Devon heifer, between 2 and 3years 01.4. 3 2d best, 2 Best do., between 1 and 2 years 01d,... 2 2d best, . 1 Best do. heifer calf,. 2 2d hest, 1 Best Devon brill calf, 2d best, 1 H. D. Townsend, Franklin, Avery Beebe, Little Meadows, Judges. H. Halpin, Middletown, CLASS D.—Durhanis. Best Durham - bull, 2 years old and up wards,. *5 2d best, 4 Best do., between 1 and 2 years, 4 2d best, Best do. cow, 3 years old or upwards,— 2 2d - best, 3 Best do. heifer, between 2 and 3 years old, 3 2d best, 2 Bset do., between 1• and 2 years 01d,.... 2 2.d best, 1 Best Durham bull calf, 2 2d best, 1 Best do., heifer calf 2 2d best, 1 John Young, Dimock, Robert Breed, Brooklyn, Judges. Arthur Sonthworth, Liberty, Cr..sas ILL—Grade Devon& Best bull,. 2d best, • • • • • Best cow, over 3 years old, 2d best, 2 Best heifer, between 2 and 3 years 01d,.. 3 2d best, Best 4 yearlings, 3 2d best, 2 Best 5 calves,. 3 2d best, S. S. Whittiker,- Jessup, Milton Hunter, Bridgewater, Judges. Covell Park, Libery, OLLsa BT.—Grade Durhanas. Best bull,. 2d best, 2 Best cow over 3 years old, - 8 2d best, 3 Best heifer, between 2 and 3 years old, .. 2 '2d best, Best 4 yearlings, 3 2d best, 2 Best 5 calves, 2d best, 2 H. .T. Champin, Bush, Henry Bailey, Brooklyn, 1 Judges E. Ball, Forest Lake, CLASS V.—Natives. Best bull,. *3 2d best, 2 Best cow, over 3 years old,. 3 2d best, 2 Best heifer, between 2 and 3 years old, .. 3 2d best, 2 Best 4 yearlings, 3 2d best, 2 Best 5 calves,. 3 2d beat, 2 Fowler Peek, Harford, Martin Hall, Jackson, Judges. A. B. Smith, New Milford, CLASS VL—Ozen and Steers. Beet pitir working oxen, over 4 years old, raised in the county, 85 2d best, Best pair steers, between 3 and 4 years, raised in the county, • 2d best, Best pair steers, between 2 and 3 years, raised in the county,.. 2d best, Best yoke of fat cattle,.. 2d best, Best single steer or cow, 2d best, William T. Case, Gibson, Samuel Tewksbury, Auburn, Judges, Garry Law, Liberty, Divistoa ELL—Swine. Best. boar,. 2d best, Best breeding sow, 2d best, Best . 4 spring pigs, best, Best 4 ings, less than 10 weeks 01d,.... 3 2d best, • 2 Joseph Waitrons, Bridgewater, 11. C. Conklin, Dimock, Judges. Milborn Oakley, Hirford, Divtatow Beet fine wooled buck, - Lis 4194.• •-•-,•,.• •.• .•• .. Boit rilb;twes, • . rd Wit. • • 1 Best 3 do. lambs, ' ' - 2 Best coarse wooled buck, ............ .. 2 2d best, .. 2 Best 3 do. ewes, '1 13 2d best, 'i ....... • 3 Beat 3 do. lambs, Best middle wooled back, .. 3 2d best, Best 3 do. ewes, 2d best, Best 3 do. lambs, Best buck lamb of each,.... Liecesters; Bakewells, Sze., are cies sod as coarse wooled Saxony, 'Alerinos, ite., as fine wooled ; and South Downs, &c., as middle wooled. MI William Booth, Forest Lake, James Donnely, Choconut, Judges David \Vakelee, Springville, Divisma . V.—Poultry. 1 Best pair turkeys, cock and hen,.. $2 2d best, . 1 Best 6 fowls, over 1 year old,. .. .... .. 9 2d best, Best 6 spring chickens, 2d best, - = ... 1 Best 6 ducks, .. 2 2d best, ... 1 Best pair geese,. 1 2d best, John H. Chapman, Lathrop, Philander Stephens, Dimocki Judges. Sylvester Ilart, Bridgewater, Divisiou Vl.—B utter and Cheese. Best firkin or tub of butter made in Juno, $4 2d best, 3 Best September butter, firkin or tub,..... 4 2d best, Best 10 lbs butter, made by girls under 18 years, ... 2 Best cheese, not less than 25 kis,. a 2d best, 2 C. P. Hawley, Gibson, P. Carpenter, Ilarford, judges. A. Spencer, Franklin, Drv. VII.— Wines. Best grape wine, • 50 Best currant wine,. 50 Best blackberry wine, 50 Best elderberry wine, 50 Best cherry wine, .. 50 Best canned fruit,... Best currant jelly, 50 Best apple jelly,. 50 Best• grape jelly,. 50 Best crab apple jelly, 50 Mr. ..i7 Mrs. F. M. Williams, Mrs. W. L Post, Judges. Mrs. Joel Lyons, Thyrsios Vlll.— Fruit and Vegetables. Best fall apples, not less than one dozen, and at least three varieties, 2d best, 1 Best winter apples, d 0.,. 2 I 2d best, 1 Best pears, not less than .Ir . peck, t- 1 - quinces, 7:: ... 1 " and greatest v&ritv of vegetables,.. 1 " three cabbage heads i " ten rutabagas , i, " ten round turnips; 1 " three winter squi4hes , i " " pnmkins - 4 " one bushel potatoes i 2d best " " - 4 Best specimen of grapes I 2d best " " " ;, M. C. Tvler,i Montrose, A. Chamberlin, " Judges. A. Beardsley, Springy ille, Division IX.— Vinegar, Honey, and Sugar Best cider vinegar, not less than 1 ga11.,. $1 2d best,..,. Beet 10 lbe maple sugar, 2d best, Best 10 lbs honey, 2d best, A. L. Webstei, Montrose, T. Ilosford, Ftiendsville, Judges. Wm. Bissel, Jessup, DIVISION C. - Cabinet Work and Carriage A. Best bureau,. ocs " extension table,. " chamber sett,. " carriage, double, 3 " carriage, single, " sleigh, single, .. 3 All articles in this division for competition must be entered by the manufacturer. George R. Lathrop, Montrose, E. W. Hawley, Bridgewater, Judges. E. S. Page. New Milford, Divisices Xl.--Farm Implements and Black Slaithing. Best Plow, £43 " Cultivator, 2 " Corn Sheller, 2 " Straw Clatter, 2 " Power for Churning, • • . " three Firkins, 2 " Horse Rake, 2 Best Lot of 6 Horse Shoes, 2 2d best, Best 3 White Oak Baskets, 2d best, John Blanding, Harford, Joseph Ward, Silver Lake, Judges. James Bunnel, Dimock, Drvisto XlL—Seeds. Best bushel of corn in the ear, $1 " half bushel of white winter wheat" . 1 n half bushel of red wiutes.wheat,.... I " half bushel spring wheal; 1 " half bushel of rye,. "'quarter bushel of clover seed, 1 " half bushel of timothy seed,. 1 " half bushel of flaxseed,. 1 James B. How, Brooklyn, John Tewksbury, Auburn, Judges. G. W. Taylor, Forest Lake, nyisioN MlL—Leather, Best 3 sides harness leather, $2 2d beg, Best 3 sides sole leather, 2d best,— Best 3 sides upper leather, 2,d be 4, Best carriage harness, 2d best, Best two-horse harness" 2d best, Best pair fine boots,.. Best pair coarse boots,, Thomas Johnson,Bridgewater, W. B. Hendrick Springville, Judges. genben•Stevens, Great Bend, DIVISION X IV.—Lofinestie Manufactures. Best flannel, 10 yazds, . Si 2 2d best,• 1 Best fulled cloth, 5 311:42.35, 2 2d best,. 1 Best woolen carpet, 15 yards, 3 2d befit, . 2 Best rag carpet, 15 yiiiris„ 3 2d bee" 2 Best half dozen pairs ;woolen socks,.... 2 2cl best, 1, ' 1 Beat two pairs woolemmittens, 1 2d best, 1.. • ~ Best piece linen cloth,;loiyards, ... 2 gf piece cassimere, 15 yards,' ' 2 " 'ten yardsiinen ;bitching " 1 2d best " " f: 'it I • Mr. & Mrs. I. Brown;rForest Lake, ; Mrs. Julies Bunnel, tliniot*, Judges Mrs. M.I. Catlin, 134dgewater, •) Thrum XV.— Pine Arts, Ornamental Needletcork, hc. , IL Best dental iw0rk,.... ; . *2 2d best, •; ~,. . ; I. Best ,- iiiilkof Junl,irotypes, ..,, :, 2 sid Leit 1,,, EEC! rt 3 Best patchwork guilt, 9 2d best, 2 3d best, 1 Best quilt of any other kind, 3 2d best, 9 3d best, 1 Best 10 spread, 2 2d best, 1 Best winter bonnet, 1 24 best, Best tidy chair cover, " fine embroidery ; 1 2d best, Best chair cushion, 2d best, 4 Best knit shawl, 1 2d best, Best collection of flowers 1 2d best " " " Best basket " " " bognet " " Best Exhibition Engravings, $1 24 best, Best Case Wax-Flowers, 2d best, Diploma Mr. E. M. Turner, Montrose, Mrs. David Summers, " Mrs. Jonathan Taylor, .4 Judges Mrs. J. It. Dewitt, D13,1810:4 XVl.fferd of Cattle. Best herd of cattle, not less than 10, rais ed and exhibited by one man, $5 2d best, 3 Perrin Wells, Bridgewater, Abel Patrick, 64 Judge 4 Judson Stone,2d, For. Lake, DITISiON XVIL Unenumerated Articles. W. A. Crossmon, Montrose ; 1 • L F. Fitch, Montrose ; Mrs. G. V. Bentley, Montrose ; }Judges. Mrs. Geo. Jessup , Montrose ; Mrs. Isaac Bullard, Montrose; Divistoa XVllL—Plowing Match. Best plow ing, $5 24 best, 4 3d best, 3 4th best, 2 sth best, 1 Match for Ozen and Mules. Best plowing - - - - - $3 2d befit 3d " The plowing match will be held on the grounds of S. 11. Dayton, Great Bend, Pa., on Tuesday, the 19th of September, inst. Mr. Dayton will give free a Dinner to the competitors, and Judges, and also feed their teams. "Teams will start at 2 o'clock, precisely. William Mosley, Norman Tingley, r Judges. E. McKinney. Superintendents. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT—W. 11. Jessup. ASSISTANT SUP'T—David Sommers. SUPERINTENDENT OF CATTLE—Avery Frink. SUEEP AND SWlNE—lsaac Harris. FARM IMPLEMENTS—EIijah Mott. MEICIIANICS' AND DAIRY HALL—S. Crosaman. FRUIT HALL. , N. Shoemaker. VEGETABLE HALL—.II. N. MOIL LADIES' HALL —Mr. * G. V. Bentley, L. C. Keeler, Mrs. L. C. Keeler, Mrs. William A. Crossmon, Mrs. A. Chamberlin, Ruler and Regulations. The Committee and Secretary have an of ficZ on the Fair Grounds, where the Judges are requested to meet at 10 o'clock of the second day, when their names will be called and vacancies filled; and they will enter up on their duties and be ready to report in writ ing at 2 o'clock of the same day. It is hop• ed that all persons appointed on Awarding Committees, will be present at that hour. The Judges can resort for instructions and to make out reports to the office. Exhibitors wishing to compete for premi ums. must have their animals or articles en tered on the Secretary's Book, the first day of the Fair, if possible ; and a Card, which will be received from the Secretary, C. M. GERE, must be placed on the animal or article to be exhibited. They must he all on the ground for exhibition by 10 o'clock, a. in., of the second day, or they cannot receive premi um. No animal or article can be removed before the close of the exhibition except by permission of one' of the Executive Committee. It is very desirable that all vehicles entering the enclosed ground should keep in motion. Superintendents of the different depart merits will have all animals and articles sys tematically arranged. The officers of the so ciety and superintendents will be known by their official badges. A sufficient Police force will be in attend ance, day and night, to protect the property of exhibitor?, Arrangements are made for all stock over night. There wiil be a Committee at the en trance of the Fair Grounds, to direct all per sons driving in stock over night. Stock can be entered ten days previous to the Fair by calling on C. M. Gere, Secretary. No provision will be made for stalling stock over two years old. No premium will be awarded to any per sons exhibiting articles or animals not enter ed in the name of the bona fide owners of the same. Premiums not called for within six months will be considered donated to the Society. Those driving in stock can be accommoda ted with pasture, as follows ; Those coming from the North and New Milford, at H. S. Searle's ; from Brooklyn, at Wm. Jessup's; from Springville and the Wyalusing. at F. B. Coon's ; from the West and Owego Turnpike at J. S. Tarbell's farm, formerly Peckins's. Daily Order of Arrangements. The gates will be open from 7 o'clock, a. in., until 6 p. w., each day. WEDNESDAY, OCTODER 4th.—First Day —At 12 o'clock, in., the track will be open for promiscuous driving until 2, p. in. . At 2 o'clock p. in., the walking horses will take the track for exhibition. At 3 o'clock, p. In., lady and gentleman riding, and at 3+ p. m., volunteer lady and gentleman driving, until 5 p. m. THURSDAY, OCTOBER bth.—Second Day.- -At 11 o'clock, a, in., a grand cavalcade of horses, entered for premiums, will take place on the track. At 11+ o'clock, a. m., at the call of the Superintendent, class first will assemble in front of the Judges' stand, for exhibition and final inspection. At 12 o'clock, in., single and matched horses. At 121, colts. At 1, p. m., mules. At 2, p. in., the address. • At 4, p. In., announcement of the award of premiums. To conclude with an exhibition of gener al driving on the track. Remarks. The Society propose to purchase more land, not exceeding five acres, of D. D. Warner, north on the hill, which will give ample room for building and promenading. The Fair is the best place for everybody to To) everybody. The Committee will endeavor to make the Fair interesting to all who visit it. If pleasant, mf Wednesday evening, of the first Jay, the grounds on the hill, and the track, will bellightpd up, "BernatenCoiliet Bsial t " fin d itlibrti Mak will be in attendance. Superintendents and officers will be in their proper places. Driving on the track—but none allowed on the hill. All the Judges that are hero in time will receive a ticket for a free dinner. Price of Adiniadon. There will be no badges issued to exhib itors this year; but an exhibitors ticket in stead will be furnished, with two 25 cent tickets for ono dollar. The exhibitor's tickets are not transferable. All teams and carriages driving in, except competitors, and those taking in articles for exhibition will pay 25 cents each. Single admission 25 cents—Children an der twelve years 15 cents. A. BALDWIN, J. S. TARBELL, Exec'e. Com J. E. CARMALT, Agricultural Implements. ,TII Eanderdsheddesirento call the attentioc of the pabil, thearticleof THRESHING MACHINE: naniatlfnctunA tlonsestsbllabad sod welLknown firm Of Wheeler, Melick & Co., at Albany. These Ilacillask We SO favorably know and nnlccrsnl iv appro . , Id that any crock at recommendation I corkidt r nuecesmn .al emelt tO uy,thst =Mince tusaufact all ticand 1000 000 .hate bratightottilmprokemonts which mak. iticm the CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD Iwouldcallespeclalatteotloo to that r Barger'sPatentCleatting Attachment I bewtblas Arid attached to 81nel...doable. trelar, nr nny otbe, honomoverotad In eltheruodershot oroventhot thrtabers Tbi A can be osed Rat an ordinary hand cui 11,nd It a+Merl r,n. end to an tanning mill made. It taker no moro power to delve the whole tachment.thattlt does to drive an ordloar) oeporotter n etoliter Dilrereta t sizes ofcleanlnf IttAchtnen. , game ple:cni.ore mod, none Powars L sloglo and doubt, %V hecice• totem. wtt hrccert haproveltoonta. Lawrenee h Ono Id's patent. one. two. and then horsepower'. Kew nalllefor %amino wood, read cottor ciovor hot ',mho me rake& Arc . As tirirtstrirlea Warren 11 give the pubts, the ttiongettAwaranty that the above machine/Iln utegoolett to I , e follt,..taftblllty.oo[loellietice.lnilchettplieep inifuethernarticulars,send tothe.nnet7lbet Set circular. 0: e. atalnenisellaary. Ordetsteolleited and ailed with promptnes, an d Oddity. Also Acent for lIIIBBARD'S MOWING frticuiNE, Ightdeult.masinfaetured by SM. SAY It E 13 RI hlt 1.1 ease ,Ps.—the IRO moverfor thin country. 2.11011 r,, srralliTtOelo elytensttresstlartetion Instructions f o r using, and Sterrilnes de. tin.T.4.free n (charge foe freight ..etransporta , lon A pessonssrishing to procure the best sad cheapest St o.lng shine are advlsedto wltnisszthe stork drills II übhard's light Draft Itoseer.betoreeotrunlttlng thernsaives In any other / 1 0‘ , .. now :0 use. Orderssolleited and promptly attended tu. Postotliceaddtess.ifarford.Snso.Co., Pa. PECK, Agrlit. Milford 7 tint -If Real Estate Agency ! I. anderelgaed bimetal-rued sartnerriiiN std opened eh o. dce for the purchase, Kile.and rentril .if rata estate In the t 'en,. .d we abal I in Li test, It rnr th t t t.re, Of ell I who desire eta'!" to porchtor.v.ll, or r“, r ea; et exII. We design to stivertee extensively In •Itttitss count tetth It Nese York and New Jersey, trees whence ni pen.. who boy land. In skis thunty. M i+lud e iittenv atixittaltiterithrOughont thecoooty sod will s r. ive the matters sutra ed to us Me whole ettentloo. We have Several Farms on Hand eallablefor dairying pcdpoece. The larger port of the purehan money can ran flora term of yonra No. 1.-201acrra of land In Forest Lake. la 2 Improved. Woe.. dwelling Mose, els earns, waSereri.,r• :AI will allppurt fn.rr. A ea COWL 0011Verliett, to tneettho, 22 . 1122n1% and ftweltat...es. lure part of the pachnse noddy can remain fur a nerilt ~ f year, atres of land In Franklin. tt/psonvlllr,) Ite nave Lix, proved.sell inttertd. tWO dw..lll.vg holm", two halt, to rneetlT4l.l.C.bOnla. and bore. W. ell mended err dairy porte's.. - Part of the purchase rootley mar remelt - . for a ••t-* of y ram. No. 4-..-191 acres of land In Dimack. I'M Improved. well water, and fenced. coed new derellinz house, 2 :52,2..2 ~( aunt, , and rhea{ tut 212hbe2211.15 It sueld•nt (fore the sh,•le (trio for Ef , y Two ands half mile, tram Illenock Corner, and Orr Montrose. Two th1222210f the pt52 , 211,e tlones c.n reluaill for as, lea of yeara u semared by heal ant olertdatre No.a.-6t acne of laud In Bridgewater to shlp It y miles From Montrose, an acre* rupee...l. e g0...1 ten r"aer, bar n, 5 forty , reet•42442. a toed Krafte.l ,, r2+2.. ~ wu1,22.4. the parr-haw , money not remain lur a m um bet • I wara,,,,,e.rrtf the premise.* N0.11.-10nacres.droate In Bridgewater. two mete from Moe tens. 60 oath {unproved. ftwaS new do - tante hnone. bar/oar-I oroh and. Outettdref of the ennui.. money down. sted the I.alence in L 6,, 8 4. and 6 /taut. No. 7.--160.ttateln the tonertship of /omit LrJete • four trim Kontwee. A doll , / wage pain the h , u.g. 116 acre, /1///, end, by oilll to go/71:1 I n n t g lI n n o g //rde t r " :b::1 " : -P orr d /17!1 . 1.e . f .l .r..g "r l i :1 water / milk booth, dm Terms • Oun hal{ of eh. port h to., down, the tudanc• In On ann./ partneut.• 13.-016 acme of land to therrick township, I ed. pond dwelling know, two barn, wig:in house, cur needing well watered, and under a good 3tale Cl pr,vo.obt, to achoolmand meetings, and can ho nonvent/e/ 1/y Mt idet l and mod/ :ore two fame. Tema: Onitt-halt .'.own lialance Irait am i no. No. 6.—rtituate In the town.hlb of jeWN , Ip, 4,01.17111,P,111 (110! role, toutainfteistv wive. fOrtyfive nitironnii. a untitt hon., '.OOT grated orch4nd,and • very One ougnr 1/nh Con ./t/r,le-r,l to Morel Schools, and Kille. One-halt of the porchase mosey down, th. bal... on be paid in four equal pa yrtainte. No, 10,—Situale In the townehlp of New Milford, cont a ini n g arna.—littaerth Improved ton sabre from the through of Nein 11 Ilford. and about eighty rods (rob. woos 1110 IN n th , Ball Read; watered with altrit t good and r ue hosing weharri—a grove or .heed nut Into, the ntrout.n tboiable to ilea or vielervn polea.-1 whant Moth. In the .ealnediatt vtcln. l. and threedlfferent choreic. 'within two nu...,. 101 •cre • tY./, •hi farm will be w let If the purchaser elan{ Id not newt the ' , Mite Tersurnetentabte. No 11.-606aurra, adjoining the village of Smeinehanns Depot. on the N. Y. A Erie Bull-ay, not or the most con, et In' Nth,. In the viclultr from which no Ell milk to the nit take iti keep Ik then, and teams to work the farm. There are about Toe(' telt...oaf pole. on the fano, worth 61,00 e-let 4 betide. a Ain, tit,/ of Itabr,‘• Yes and wood within a Intle of the vitiage ; two nod none thnin bourn. lye rearm; and a raw nett!. There in atni on tin - form a Ire woof paint mine, and a paint rot I In en .at rortOr g c-dt/r , orchards. No lest then As p. 'per trains Inane tht.n di. 5. /or no eutierpelaleg ma" in make Muter the for m to of htie the deldrable to 'he tiortbnth part -if the {—am, No. It —Situate In New Iftlin-. 4 worm! Ip, two miler moth Imo the acme—about 76 acme itnym.ett, n eto-d AN,* ova hulldlnna--tkely fonm.l for of craned trait french. plum. Aral •cherry, o. I .Itll3.fe for dairy purport-, I.Ne t tottrieute money doe, •to • d lane* In one, two and three Saar. Intere.t., A ton Moot tlenttetton In prim If the whole yardmen money ehould 2.10 dawn. C21•1•1121L111, - -171 MA. adireas URA, MliEftl.lN iinvijs, /am:m.7lS 11354.—t1 Sinntmer K.Klntairamr, WHEEL HEADS! WHEELS AND REELS. A';Altbr.i= o P eMrbrz;;ifZo, " ,?,7:„ ' TVe " :ll,7, Shop la Sayree Foundry. or oo S. H. Sayre .4 Itro:hero at their Store In Manton, Flax Wheels. Wool Wheels, Clock Reels and Wheel-Beads: Wholesale and Retail. Best Wheel. and Beads that polysibly he toad., and CV tlete warranted if properly used. C. 11. cra.:,,DALLZ Montane, Jannati I, IPS. N. I.l.—ltepatr4g done on abort notw. C. N. C. LAW NOTICE-NEW FIRM BI3TiTTLEY & IFITOR having mmtocUat.tl n S with them ss a partner to the or*c• lm nfthe Irot In 101 Its wart one bnoches, the businen bermaft, 1.. go, St the haute of Bentley, Fitch & Bentley, sod all Dodoes. =Rusted to them VIII be 3.: tended to stth prompt nes and lidillty. (Mice pine os n.. 051,1 by Bentley <4 1. ilch. P. S. ETlrtlalr r.. I. ..... D. Ilinntrone, Junsary I, 1&3. P. REYNOLDS, LICERED AUCTIVIEEtIy SZl a . 1 1.,8 D I F 0011,6 and all tnnts of If erthar.4l..., and air Montrone. Ps" Dee. 5. 1564.—tf amining Ur G*6 rplLlEsubacailperlmin g Arm appol ted tly the Conamlniont,ol Peratobt BRDWAL F X A6l ' _ o ted h0t6 1 00., clll.iteul to 611. p pz7 . 73 8 d I' Olin t l i Zt t" 4 o .7 ' rsPlH " te i ;t to him l i NE . l ß i t ir m :::l; cyL :: Atontreco. A prll 6. 1663.-t IIIcCOLLUDI & SEARLE. ittoroeys and Counsellors at Law, ISONTROSH, SIISQ. CO., PA. OmuleLuhrep . e New Brick neer Lathrop, Tylei •ft Pllere Store. B. 01e , ... L.L0x, • • a•buto. Unntrnaa.l.•,,M, 1 MA -1. E. M. TURNER, Attorney - at - Law ! OFFICE OVER WILSON'S STORE. aloatrase, Attgud 16, 1864--0 HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. OF NE W-VORli. CASH CAPITAL, TWO MILLION DOLLARS. assetsl6lJantrm. 1864. 4.1.8A6.670,8.8. Llabl 75.403.82. J. 3 lNurosSlnts,Secretmry . 4666. J. N AIMS, Pre6l4Bnt Joao 110012. Amain. t A. F. W • VV. Prell. P011c14418166ed mut reaswed by 160 ."1""g"d• " ble 6:11c6. 8648164 Poem. BILLINGS STROITD, Agent, 116468trore.P6..July L18683.-tt OUR COUNTRY. SAVED: Great Reduction in Prices. New Firm and low Prices HALLSTEAD & HOW i t Anloo I;t e tt ret . u7ted frg net who moy t. eti:eipla ti w t u kin& of ern VA getteggyl b til Int ' m n En e ; W.'S ARM. AGFCNTIg Pox .121-1 World Renowned Ohio Reaper ankl. Mower. We are PrOPIIIIO to r 1 1 ,1042/ Wes InAuceinente to tutee hselng PRODUCE'. to Meowed-14111,m, the Lights! Ceeh Prize re . the • erne, 31044.4:4 Nay L. NO —sr. HALI.STEAD h HOW. Misses' Jockeys and halt. A /1111 sod 141 . Um at - TusuP,lll/..= WWI A %YURI, TO 'TIE WISE. WHEELER & WILSON'S, The Best family Sewing Machine MADE, larlS NOT A SHUTTLE MACHINE ) ~M But mnkom the Look Stitch. THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE IS bErIDEDLY IN ITS FAVOR- The foot of Wore I , ctoff mr z o t ilf o tfhotio .. r t arldnot oofol Tlitt3 OY ATTESTS ITS SUPERIORITY. For further pnrnent.re cell open the Agent. *here the dLterent sly I.w of muctilnes rrrC . CS-41b11.10. Parties tbs. h,.vc •gyred (attar wo called Standard If ach:sts have M=EMM=I EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED TO GIVE ENTIRE. I= For zan.l - 41 r.-a.tr,. It recommends Itself shove all °than. I..t.er of aUtch, al larttoon both ti.dee4 VOrt . rq 0 1 , 1. • its tu, von'exa, and cotton gooda—aeath ng, qua: thoi, gather. hem ft:lmA. (Oh hit, cording, and braiding 1. gtrrn zit or MUM, that v.lll not tip hor .trre I. The ev.el rl melt , In rr , •utruetlon of any two threaded machine In US, then 1., lnn. beble to wet ant of repeir. 4. Sewn 'tithe,: the ea. of •abtati le, thereby doing away with mete enulher , feee reetelhlery, sad the trouble of regulating the 141 . 1.10 LI DI the ender bread. G. /tore ttt ott than a ntatlttle machine poitalbly m. Theme mac , tr. ee tt - th 1. , 1 the new lottacrvements, erstrtaatett am ado,. o Mc, t• Vanafaeturer. perm rt.e , At-t of li , .ye tt er.wawa. ICtrvh• uevon ntanun to are In Sinn' gat: Vlrla ity. _ _ 1= Montral Delawarp, rackawanna, and Western 4il V -7;a7". , fF., : !. ; . v n .÷.: Z - 31, 1 I i b eti, Slimmer Arrangement, 1865. PASSENGER TRAINS LgA yx, NO W IMIZIETBI! blaming l . Tram. STATION IMMO 9ko l In. y o , 7 A', • t_.ll dshu ttc..4..a Chunk. ~ 22 I AAA • ..X. 1. t' 4.N0 I '2 IA ...... %Ail I 1 11 , 4.11 I I.; r s > '4l I 1 , .‘" CP. M.' A NI Con neati mats.—Westsvard THE tt .410 I 1 , . 7 R A IN front he a York rottnerts st. Liston. ”Itehh `A t tot :44 tth :• •elnet Pnus•:e lonia K to,: -Inn Depot ) 7 eon. m . Att,i et t;et e , I ens tlait i•retn on tt Pyle No11.44o!, a th 4 , . et t , g C,, Att. het!. o, e4t4hg At CI the pert elpol eto! 4 oht r.• ha• -etet, And arnyth¢ at Runt., nt 0.10 A. to - .. . • . . . . . . THE KV . , \, i ' Ka I \ (Two Nr 4 . Yort c.muona at ..munt 1 . 1.m.k on,. r , tr .. , AVII`g 1 . 1.1:m1.11,1.% ,Kir...... prtn• , al tit. m : a-t , ir 'at 14.,..1 ' , Kb am 1,14 m. 5ir.....e oil am Yam A..:1 w. y, weer, arr.,: tw. , 1141,:0 St I 41 n. m. Eastward 'tll E 'tit; THAI from Great Revd mnnenta tiara with thr ('lath nu , l F.tpr ns on the Ent- Itri Isray from IN. It,t; .‘t N twi set 1.1..'s trlln for Pit , ladrl phla rind Piterennitirtc rattni. - t tphla at ft p and et Nrw min natl. a tr.,f..r 1.=..r. Bet birth. la. All. r town. Iteadlng arid itarrtsttur, uroIN n' it li.m-I•Oura at f p Hr: Er F it T 11A IN from (jot,' I4end connects three 'with •• s )' !SIP on ttat Erle Isar fr..: the VCs. t; it Nl.3.urkl 'I • • t. - at,, *hi* nit to 1)e15....pe, sirtiintr It ire tis , l rt ri 1 , ^rd t ear Hannitot. wit I. oil k Luton. Al.eutovrt, Head. mit .04 Barr, itt, Al' a . f TO tatt ,t are ma I. wall with trains on tht Larkaf"..it , i marani ttallrehil t . arit (.'•m{litigan t K 14- •v• irthittrarrlartil. Ilarrishant rt r • .• .:n.Or d with Itwn. on tl-r• Dr . ..ware & 1104- ton It • 1.. firm . .'artionithr and Int., dlrte station. It. a it t: it. t SVATIh s).tme rat fh act A Val. Sapenbtandent. Stngen leav,‘,le"... 11 otel,2llontrose, re.-. at r. a. in, to none.ell with tr,ne fo New York_ and Phliadelyßta; a! 9 a. e New M,.fr r •rd to • :;ro,t Bend, cane tine wilt, Day Sty.res• ',nth W.`r , at (Deal Ele..d. tool N 1,1.4 ..n !Ile Del , .1/ . the and New York, and at. n.. fnr 88.n , n1 ~.d Great !Send ofd !ed., on lan tle 11,11- ono, P a: tl 1 1 e.0rr...,/ Bare New Wtherd a 7 0 na ar 1.41 .1 • r front G re at Bend. and a! 2.17 p.n., on arrY. 1 0! Ni..,,'ea, in Caval. Bend Lve 3.loldenanDepnt ea at FINE SLI HANCE. rhe Insu ranee Co. of North America Has Established an Agency in Montrose,Pa. Thui., thz !nett rance Co. in the U. Slates. IRLSII VITAL, PAID IN tbSEIs ,YV nit . • Tf fi rate.. are ~or. le thane Of srlygoott Comphoy In N.Y.C., • hoot°, .aed !. Directors ere n0i.014 the dm for honor tint utehrtt ARTUTTif. Li. COFFIN. Presidtht. Cuhra..! .Seery. B. sTiton). Agent. Iforomax..foil Oflco over the Postkfloo. DO Y 0 L 1.9 AST T -.9. GOOD PIANO I OE CABiNE.T ORGAN I CAI.I. AND SEC THEM AT O. b. BEMAN'S CEll You ;ma be 6 .9v1te1 with any Thantt In the Lite 01 Musical Merchandise, 122113 PIANO la 33 .IEWSLIA ItP. __to owns!, the only noesortment of PURE Silver-Ware FIT a. JZWELILY to town N. ::•Il only th# Piano. of fire% elm= floatoo New.Yorlt itakow,lod all Plato, Bold by tne will D. kept In tune one year. Oabinet Organs Warranted for Five Years, P. yen want en Inferior testrnment, don% eat/ Your% truly. 0. D. = GROCERY AND SALOON. THutoi.sertrzllbe wnrrn re . tt h eT oci n v u e si u n . tl l, ll , the , (2 . 1d Stand m en , rte; receive r tr.tanmet Lc mill ewe, them to all apfrr. ogo We have heat...ell rat - neuter utttiliitan to flitting up our LARtES' AQN and ranf~rnleb . ~t , CLEIf Eh, er for i1.°11V.J'0,1'...",T)-7,1',L0 . 1 01E 8 'ad GIN REFRESIIMENTS Among nut !LPL t can be found t lyttoen, Claret., [fate and tker. Intr.-teak. natant&Mope. t.!l•lneens In every berm het meal& Pieirtel Tonne, Lobe-er, Sardine, tee r .—t h jut everything tni mark. t of rento l e the tee, or dttuas re keep nemything ;incept qdritnoulfOr al. c w, o n, beverage,, tent- malt 11 ore are of the Mn quality and ararrantec 11.1 I, Alt- 1 sentatie Wince t:td , r. danaparilla. Nods Wuter,sre.C.; liver, be. It. Cream 111 MU... We have seettre.! eeMC.r. of 11 erst:lnc. Cont. and mu t ant everything prepared to snit the mutt dive rciden taste& CONFECTIONERY, We have au ha'td rho lutgeet Rote of Confevt:ontryeverbreettght into the Count,. We,o tumid:, at eel:on-rat. or -retail en yttnne le title ancient mar' ,vatted for. eno .be cbrat, no ono be bought tnrerbar, Tobacco and Cigars Chewing vol,oneing Terme of every brand, and Citaraorap. eryquallty, trona ft- cent grab"to the daest Gay - Wed Ultiltel, O GerrC>C3 4 eleje i teagge One ttect of tin...eerier rata be beat In tht • pert of the country !orquality one , lowness rata. not , xcentbg Dlor.handon. We fturd 3. Ploor Cart. huger, liotartra. C. li t,l I o.rleh,Cheese, Itanot.n. cog o,rytt.the lo that Itne of the beet ovelltlee, It ony fro.,• to to tot, 5 1 , to Please 111 who may toy, us with their ~,n ,olvev to cal rorp: tr. deal otgl to the etTlet4 One Price System ! L. futon tf Doer mbar 2.8.11114.-17. Z. B A CON. TO DitIRVIIIEN.. o "MT. ER . ..111 psy the hisbest rialtos peke &mirth): Batter-4, b package at coed= to rote of thebest - deal. en ls Nem York. Mitten Bile by lbo Ned Co wood. 310eleolik Sit 111. Olt HUNT BRO - ilikßS tiLhlit SCRA.I4TON. e.ftl fitft.ll A 11. ' , AJI A E STITAAL, 1311kes,Shorels, Builders' dardrtarti.E....:, erd 3.1101 n, ,topplle 8.c., nine Hall. dt fterent et eu, counts rank and: tallSpla, Car lags Mate-la t. lip:lct, dxtra, e,tti.t.4 and Doze, Botta. Hata, Waeherr, Paters Arma. fluted lands. 31 alleante Irons, thityclirvltee, Felitter St,ndler. How, rotee, Patent Leather. Enatr.e'ed Lcatner.Whinroca. att.. and a trtnenrl Fall cty cf , :affluiff 1.4 Man ulactarers (tooda, te.. tc., a,. ST we eve ritual attel,tknw tett of quoit, and otter r better sedected a-aottatent Ilan can b. corm eo tta uue to (Ou pa f.t. ft Anvile.V!cyr. Stocks and I .t H tile Area, tee-, rllealn great variety, Tar,.l.le 131citn.11.upe elfalto.o , lruif Par Ls.. Cement. if much Window (hare, AGRICULTURAL IMPLIIIIEEIVTiS., Pampa., eaculxs, enNi, ~awe. etnms Plain Fl- sad C(1117. LlOnieNan!. ear. yent, t reroolp !n Km-3, • sntl •I t. n. 12.1,11 1 .00. Le - AltErtint 11111.11 a OE, Robber nad l.ntnrr it- t• y an ,, anza Scranton. Yo..tfaxab it 1.9:1.-la 1864-5. 1864-5. FALL & WRITER CALL AND SEE TUE LARGE AND NEW Srlicg 01/ CLOTHING, J. P. W. RILEY GEO. L. STONE &CO Their OVERCOATS arc Good and Olean. Neu Styles of UNDER-COATS. PANTS. VESTS, & UNDERCLOTHING FlOllll, sir, 1 1 E9 MPH. & GIIKEITS Allot the abn, to syrup:at) ty!th la the .I.e c cline oc, truly, rT.N k: a Co. &Warm., helot. Pin.b. NEW GOODS =ll ME RE T LA lik , l 4 ).fr fn Q d r r . :e!u . rrt r, ll (rem Ow York C 33 IN3 Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Silver-Ware 1 Plated-Ware I Cutlery, 5.7,1E% - tucrs. C.;'-'oons„ ,ehich :hey w,hltilh. - Ite 0 the, 'll.e baveb tom,. St ..or nt Slot , r .ed e.:e•Ae Wltthe.. both 11017 vtry r^^ r "tl,l-r,,ie.d. of Eanr.giicd Pine, and nine) Fir ii,• oirir qr .30 4: SI, , 14,C . ,•"•ri“1/t/ -St..l•O•Y .11,11 Table and. Pocket Cutlery, `Myer Napkin Paw. mutt e r ,K and r t: uat ( atat Forte. ever. •11 , P - eli.tii i ni 07'11,1 r, CPq hit Vas:, tar.rert let n, rtated Ware ever tiroulit ltd.. tar 'ante tie.: ell% rt rornatug a..in article le 115.." snipe inn rie.i.u• tiful de p nreit en..., it, a nµ.. lot of to ea ur an qc.lttie , .. Con.t, henna. Vkmc mm tiuma ilarthge and Triraminv, Tae.oe in cern varlets. Ha- ==ll==l Piano Fort'33 and Iteloqeons, vcri Sc.t taA tEle. GJ V Ell a 6- 4 . Family Sewing Machines, ReAzle', Wart, and W The b0u,,....t for CA, H, 41A ~ 1 11 b . r .4/ tt..l. 11/1,1. ((M. Watches and Clocks Repaired sa abort notice and In the TIE::1' PANT: : lOW ENO BA YIN In the BENT STYLE. EVA rke 41: A I.LF.N. C.mrac - f - I‘l.l , Minp .c,o-nue the roatoMet Blr.ztamtoc.N4av NEW GOODE NEW COOD8: 11, HAIL Er, Ctl i 34 Court street, Rituzliumlon„i. c3,ec...tr.Duyenhtr.d loree Ana of nod, 04E red to the Ti,., Tama, of their own ttorortatt , n. $5110,000 .1400,000 Merchants will be supplied a 10 . . kin g H. HALL & VO Binghamton. N. T.. 13,-ember 19th. 1 ,, a6 —lv 401330 iliFFEß.:•toth.npublin.ac prices Lbut in snit, a Lv ll ands Cperinnortmen to tfte SUGARS,? EA S, CO and SA LT,(by the Rork or /I, and ar *didman ally foundl ilrst c.in:priroceri-• Flour b the Wholesafe and iletaii A.I mean to raorl , ,l F. or. to •rcolva o' , moral abareof °Cagy. - - • N.B. Ththicbet...rt,t_pri,......o.l KLTS.. - I)6Aoo2rene L367Sh. .101111 Arrotrna....Usrr., C .1 q REMOVED, AGAIN ! "The Famous 3arber." ()tune and see the farn.dh Fatnouh 11 lriwr, late of Itayt.. of tl att I. row nt ti Wwks'• ..t , to • 1 , 1r4 me Sharing, and Sttwoor-onA, ntol foe clotlng Tialr oot ••.o Flnd me yowl, your .crytni At ye:Karon:too. 01,8.1. EY MOItItIB Seetrul door abore Searte's How. Cp Stairs. ilontrose. June 27.1R/4.-tf International Fire Insurance Company OF NKW-YORIS. Office, 113 Broadway CASE GAPIAL DE E, CHARLES TAYLOR, PTCSiCIPMI. HAMILTON BRUCE , Vice-PreEidCa. OLIVER DRAKE, Acting Secretary. • n'ILLITIG's; ►wre444. .10 Jan° sly IA laan MEAT 31,11:5-11ICET. On Pablir Avealle,near Searle's Hotel. Xrzonktautly A ha:lda:l°oe .-.Df,:k.,fNIEATS .• of fillkinds ClArAll omit! for 14 ! . :1:1. fl.ll"fl.E. • VES.Slftigl'aro' I,AMB:r. A ;I: (.9ID Y.r,f • . 8.T. 4 1 amocza N. 9 .i , fl.lt I QeMenee.4 el , 1C .18.55.-11 Carriage Shop !DT PIT 7_,7, .73 72 AEI T TiMiLrATAL.' .• THE LkTEST STYLES. JOHN SAIITTER nERDICDTPL'LLY arainnatea that he am,. tiral.aratt to cal DI, all Man, ataments. of tar ttla,.l ta.,l4l6cahle a•td war. mated In +:,a elc,aare and C. LAM 1.0 111,1 1 , -. • rD . Shop oar. I. I•Z Itallar... 11 Illnatme, Nov, 111. /30 9E ' S 1.1) S CI TES4 OF a ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Nvt w n o :d id ran:T.lll nt 1 , I a t faAa Iha 1,1 ne Conic 1 ,1.4 . 110.1. p t i . ant Lave Putt drat o.r alma* tg: Ti.t . Av n o e a4:•re hi . nel 4a;atemeal at Lyn., Dim.....„1 , hll•trernAl n owed,. HUN Boats. Datmensla and Brogan.; al" (loytoln Dn to a n d Nth.er. re.aite and wpalred lathe very ceute,t Ilaylcouol at the IltiATtex , 1110.11, TAPIA - W. 6 WIMITT *nut /914.4 f. AT TEE STORE ON in Id stl.l, 4 ..11t41,01.1 L MIVE=I OEM own Mil GLASS-WARE, OAPS. 6=! M=! HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, C A RPETS, OILCLOTHS EM=! CLTLERI, ENBTOC 6 1 HAWLEY NEW (loops la El J. It DEWITT'S. T.,,fgrm.=.7,7gra.ar„Z=T L °Vit'il CH 'MUM the rooted September. Of •thicb ma unfound LADIES' DRESS COOLS In all Ito variety. Great Lamina to Lasilea• Cloaking/a, Wattr-proof Cloth, French Mack Cloth; awl Colored All Wool Cloekleere. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &C. Tack S; , l= 4 l) o oe ,a ; leslx.th=ea,Z:salle=tur.te I)OIWESPICS. Brown and 111met.ed 11 tualm, Derams. Tickincs, TlanMl4 Q.. I)Wp,:re, Notions. Gnat varlets , or Bona and Balmoral Skirts. Ladles' M. aad gost<ry. Buttona l. Combs. Skin Braid. I:Stadium Tama lf all kinds , Tajo Kalttlag Cotton. eq. /se. 00 13 & Shoes. Meals and Boy.' 800, eblldmo's COppff-totd Bb o e4 MOTO= thou, Golttre, Sia,s, Wooten . . Oaf titinee. GLIGGEUitUe ttla..re at prices not to be bceten. veity RIOT QUALM Grtru, 131a , k. and Japan Tent, Coffee, Spice, alnitet, hatuattuar. and and Tnbacro. Ittrd Xted. &o. Ac NEW FIRM BALDWIN & ALLEN, I= FLOUR, FEED, DALT, Milt, FISH, SMOKED HALIBUT, Hams, Dried Beef, Candles, Teas, Coffee, Spices, Syrups, Molasses, Sugars C . ') :FL .23 CrirM 7EL, • Timothy Seed, & Seed Wheat, BROOMS, NAILS. &O. Cash Paid for Good Butter. A. 6.4.1.D1NTN, . .. WM. 1.. ALLEN 11ontro3e, Wrest elde Public Avenue. April 1.13.1V,11. No Humbug ! A First Class Jewelry Store 10; e t•eer. Lee‘led In MONTROSE, end nue , we Lave it AT 33E.M.A.INT'S I itrirtf`i, l it the beet ',moron= of Silver and Plated Ware ever offered In Montrose. Ac n lend trl t n C..elers, Cate 11..skets, Clays, 1 301 , lett , also Care and Ple hatlnns. spoor.. 0 , 1 Yorks. A r t ANsortment of dole' lard Silver W Mehra, A merlesr, 6n_ll4'. and Swira. horvizsles,Allver and Planed. Fine. voila Gold Jewelry, Lars. de ind ' , splele Rings from 15 cents to ai n G3. eholld,ls can yin,' /tin, :had and . 511ver Paget Knives, ism ffinr. Violin and Guitar Strings , eelreeell and Ga vale O. D. BEIIA.S. ente...e. , maare 1 0 .1Ert. Tbe Ern of Itmel. :Orono one. cotter My:" ThWirr dlelvredrc „e Watches. leaeles. cod Silver Wao. In Co e , L., 13 ace.. we wonld carmen!) recd, m,e our ;enema rend the pub Ile Generally, whom., be In want at q of the .teeve mentictedeonbe. to give htm s COI aim EIALCZI hie :teme.ntver—• me door above Searle. note/. Repairing as Usual. ki..ntrna, ticn.15.1.‘61 N Fashionable Summer Hats and Caps for Men, Boys and Children, Almost Every Variety, Style and Price, lICEI A Chip Hat, worth 15 cst., to a Fine Leghorn or Fur Hat, EMIEC] At Very Near Old Prices, A 1,50, A New Stock of Ladies', Men's and Children' SHOES. Lester's best Boots and Shoes constantly on band. Shoe Findings of all kinds. Fine Buck Gloves, &c., &c. I wl 11 not faii to .11 ear custonera 1.11 price anti qn.allty. Call and rt. Store on _Vain-street, one door below the Post Um. A Largo Assortment , _-_,.......' • •-•=f - a- . ----,-- h 4 , , - 1 1 , \;".. 14 . , W 414 ' tri* OF ,W5„-,;' . :!. -.,-, ... t aV.?.. r i7 r ...--, '; 1 :.-, - FANCY FURS, i'zy,.......f.;„:1 4 ,... ‘1r4......._ Being .llaxinfactured ----•,,,..----...---4:171..T.f7-4 Fall and Winter Trade (1. ICEF,T,FIR. I=l Lii .I XENSIVI4. I ; AITRACTIDIiS 1. AT TII iITABLISiffra.ST UP WILLIAM W. SMITH, AT THE FOOT OF MALY ST. rptu£ est...nee, roman. Establisionext of Wm. dauTi . " .h.. W. SMITH haying been relined and exall v Im. ?roved Abe roprieior rt soevrullr announces to nt sheen, - tent of Morose and vicinity, that be coeetnntll rrothinrsud ',cos cub and the Yana EST a BE.sT assonmen fc :PULIVITURE beforino in the Country Weglvv the f0110n , 11.8116t of some of she arloelesuoichneoli se iluturcutiv reducednyitus.for CASE or READS PAY: 'Sweatt, Wainnt orMaboany,with glamtion, $l6 to $3B Inovann.onth marble or brocatelletomfrom $lB to $l4. As 4. arge tosortruent.from 118.•10..18.414, to $lB. Wo , b B tandeXardotands.cornerandsonareStanda.of altra.Ve tievand prites.trorn 76 cents to ten dollars. In'etedleane,towe I raeksjootstoola,ottontheraJonngen hr. Oentre.mo d , Ider,s , hetolinind,kitchen,and 33.tenliOb tabled. Ch‘tra—ran I duroodseota.lt.ockers—catedlna,anduroodoon of.. /err vAriet y ..nd style. Sofastete . n . teterfunalshedatshortnoticent NewTerkprices. SPRING BED Lanai davoursenar,Mazartresdln NMI Iv Ma v. N.D. Nobotymadecoana on hand osfuredshcoatahortnotici.-. Hear eeraiway e lr. readlnee,nben desired. 76' emplov none . ..CAREFUL EXPEItIEOtt.'FI MORI M EN. 1V el etend to do out WORK WELL. and se!! It a• LOP 0510 coo be 3 !order:. W. W. 811111 E. Montrose; rehruorr 23.1001 - WAGON SHOP Sleighs and Cutters. rg~II F. amtenlgnrdr : n noe le found over A . J. 51g rgeo. where he loll! eoetl,ue to tety on thora.ufas.tweot Sleighs, Cutters, Wagons, tit,t„ heady Made Markeuilelghs,Lumber Slehr.h.antlCuttertmo utO Abort not lee, Heti Stuff for Outten Bud Wagi, bluker'erunterlataheatiuulity.lrepteurmhantlyou had up be prervt 61060 GOOD V. oRK au nn tkoUre. A gootl , o wretulrubt4e btt§ken t t countantilon huhol. N. II 11 perannAtulobte,lio the ordersiglietl •411 Pith'or ut thd,ttlethfleactuuni, without further both , MSoutUPr, July 19.1.,1 D. 17.6„ 13..4 I rb , b.4l %be ft, by 1 • ," •-• “4111 J LYON!. & SOP Soldier's Pensions, Bolinty &Back Pay rreE nutrrilxn. d, I.IrENSED !WENT OF TUX fIOVIM S 4. !It). V; will sire ,IF.ar.pt ttentiof to all r:11113/8 SO , TWA . 1,4 earre..llll Otto.ova .ITII 1211'T . 9), rt• 14 Tn. TT s. IT 1,41111 NOTICE. THE !e!eeh,el hae hate the WoOLVN li ILLS , ht j ea y ;, 1 it Elf •t rw. r et mt fly otcuute.l by U Jobunwn..ti re, love rgnipla 'work in minto t iVare by s . bs yvtr y nnOs, Onsl Vend, J‘lfie 14010 •—tr. O. D.llr,tlAli 1 rt. %tato, I r‘l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers