H II I " • - • $ 11. H. FRAZiErt V3IToRS. it. . i)oeVs • Fitom the Syracuse Journal DREAD'-LAND.. ME - ; 4. CStouSII:LL., 'Mere liei,aconntry fir'frorri Day's Dnmitdoas i e:inie of loth*" t alrealni and silent seas, • • Wilerfte geed..angolstipen silent idsdeas, tlondect.byfpattis,ef ease. Thereituriartt Niglit s iier'Atanl• : rttle salt:tilting\ 'unither mild, sceptar arts oca.tuid land, .treitAr and itiviolitte4y reiArtizig, . • • • With iiedee acher right Lull . n+l Si.ep, a dusky 'Hercules before her, Entranced in yjiionsso4eate ~tutL nu, Mith a half-emptiecTiiip7,of,uraiidragoia lie:ide his lirßatiatCtorm. • 'roe motmtains their sunthuts hoary,- a !mt;lanelloly ar ttScur,. itr..a•aiy - ;- .I'. I a.ll -Int'languid • glory, •• ! .I.rulpinyp,to. br.y.en day. - • • ittr..o :I , ..trange beantieo that rapt Faticy rettilcsrs, Enchint the senf4.i from 'Marble cliff; arountl,, thoottlit with toldett' Drop tiowst Soil meatlowi wbeic ell wondroui blooms are.'gi•ow , peane, lie larit tilt slumb'rouS calm ; b}° softwinds luelodiously blowing From , mices•,of iicaccfal Palm. :h• winding creek and sedgy-margined-river, "(fa bending steins fintastk; poppies dbzei, - Same:L . , sweetness glls the air forever, . • .1 And all things- love repose. And round the land • jasper trail aiisee, - -I`lbon Whose gates eternal starlight gleams, . S:lowing this legeud, with antique devices t: %\S nalt.tus." i it. • And las pot tills waif an elroi wbd Lear you onward thiough Innbroinf botvors, IntSo st flir n.c.g:.:e.A of the - , . . To hel of jute. fiuvi Theajnas' '.1%-i!r..cadenced, holy, instruments-th 4 play A law a;:*1 ly(liap-incloay thatslowly, Is; -• St) l• " • J.,,t)5 1 1 tt .t 1.1.5, yozi skim lode Jal;r:.: iti izard bargeF,. Sloss kind measured utot,iud borne along,. \ AlO he# ftt blown from the marges, Tlie Fairies' aoric bong. - • ; .• i . ~ . But ,o'n dth len, tlrere.lics . a Talley fondly, tVlll::;ein'i.i nought of quiet.tir delight, • Hauted;} - ff fears and tht,gs nnlovely, 'only, :.. 1 1. ho terrify' the . night: • . ' And go.aet then , ': for . hideous •aud - gig:lll6e who there in,wait for traveller's lie, zre.w!. moqreruellous and frantic, W:loszt time are Inc Tilry , size the nandcrer in those paths of error, Bil:d Von, arid sit like lead,..upon hi .breast, ..614 uncr, fru - l-eyed, on his speer;bless terror and rnotiondrsA unrest. ' Th , ..ire Jack O'Lartiero weaves iirs blight illtriion, To lure the wight to his nahappy fate,-4- Who MAKI his bettei• resolution,.. • a Come.ll too late—too late! • Tiwrtlllo6t4 tiiu e• al frcini.f.”l3-rtnil-cav,si . . . . . . - .‘nd yatopiros brood, attit things that hate i Itella And ilinbrutt trintil:.nntit t s desolation diSnail . v With heilineertaitt ray. 441/.:4 the.7.3l;ornit'l CoToes ;11e . 11 / 4 ,1:(1 ietioa tat ilk Aroudratis record zieelos ; ;nen:lory holds iitC 7..olitary toktut • • ;Of dic, thni ituziof Drcairef., • I ftSe'S :11)0 s4 . v(Cits -1 11:$_. • • - • : pIE (111;111AWS STORY!. . I:an-, an old man. nniv. :Time haS almost die With lintl):s witiell'onct,,did w,ork , so wt%.11 in supporting my youth fit fraate.Linivi totter-under their wi'.ight, and thy:vision' is . riost` so dim .tipttall littture is an: iallistinerskicli,iW to - ane. :And among tiie szattered I+44:g - upon , mi.' head there T. hiaaitp; Only . ta.1441,1141 . there a ravel t hair to, f the youth not 'tart - Mid • go at.. --=-I:ad re i.tits which Can never cs wme 1 . t,:oott shall sink. into tuff grave, i , tbers.litaVe dO.te before me; forgotten, tan.. known siiVe.io a few- who:in - heart , : will still tion or toe. Think not, c',..lirreader,thatt hese are the quertihnts cont. :'lltit;ol l ..ati old dotard, ,whose last r act is an iming liitdself into notice,• that. live after bim. It . is not so.. I do. allure - Int% .1 ant Well content that so it d inlet be '.I have a better olttect - than the i - .l.re,F : eekittg o f. the bubble reputation.!'l. Want itr(l . yroli soul!: gi)od. butlire leave the tx•euse, then, the simple style.of an •- •vitti - has forgotten .all his 11 , -Avers'Ot and whose first atteinpt at author-. !ilipi,sll4tle, %viten- he can not even 1)e , ins pi . tt.l beauties, when his head is. Wyii;dl'4atik the . cai'eS and sorrows of sevettil - who, notwith:taiiiiin,g I :, "has a t:t,irt. o,vai'm for those ,who yet stand .1 1 - L ir a .. t .es hold of life inexpericTeed iit I 14' 'triu Wes and itlsti' ifithe joys which tnatnr 7 ,'• ..• • Lai ntit been an .eventful one - the - Wat rliitttihicli I hive tr.M.l (7j-hers:have trod 4fige:6e,.. • -I have. - .climbed .; its - steeps,'.l.tnd lotted - In burden mid heatlor itsday; but. ye s i 14 . ,. walked iii its pie;t..A..nt 1 (!y . , ainci Cootinest reams. . e tun. IY a serp'ent diaa-crossed tiiv, pa tb, , an, tae.:-.Soinetittles - ulloWer has smilt , Bl4fore Me in all its heauty - . .and when 1 )Itte.i,ed it'd 'have fOntid trehehermis . thorns Lot I do not forget.the`floWerwwithoitt.thortis , I , 4l.iehliv,tive ine .nothing. bat pleasare.— however....aitirniug fronr,tttis well • li r ttet'f traelt --a - .tiaage=in Illy life's•-hi Story whicisuredeetu rOin ttiatnoton.Y, ' S I 't I and xibieh ' 44 4 4'm ,)oulas . a_liatetier,.ftir;.a. ...little- while. Ale.pasmge, which, Ihrough : nlOng 14 of trty-nitte yeariti . quiversiitii ttgid, frame. 'tith iVetekining - ;:tiiirror;' - WilVTgend:. tbr : ugh ..„ hi , • ie •••• , torapia. any" trouble' Uti . ..iny • Stat:cof G rota , where• ray liher'owneda; 1at4 , 44 plantation. lie had 1411e4 with! but little, ',bus ty th,se 161 4!g41i . 11% . 114 . 4trii.rk0f furtuiac bad atnass. 9 an[, tilutionse . property. i* i not. worth Itas nothing to do with inr story, ,1 ) tnter. ; :in.to•,tt description of ihe.pentonitlllp r nr.B meat al quahticatiuns 4r afyldear: father. Sufliee.it to say tliatlte 11 jisvioble; hig,tuled • 11 4trte,„4 arid. getterons to a degree' whiCh; had: Paine l ,l4 l ..ortune linen toss tainstant ; wont," mire tt4t,ieand left lmn `„laegittr. - :lit Might With .-4 , tu, th.l lll ;•i'eltieri:Nliii...o74iit,ti-th: i lt. .was..lv4th t ' l4l .4l l enesi,fkoi4g,.:and it notices my heart Si 1 eith :.l iaitiatt .' pride . bim firather.. My.; . tncither What . Streatiis-bt-tender tip..eShing. and kciong, triorel :do 1 15J hei:that..lll)eautiful and Iclitt! herft, '6" and'' o „own hai r ; smooth pure tray '"; cs:Je , eVel2 BSlfire',, retnetnnet it • . „_ .: i . ,:. ~, : ~ . . . _ ~ •, • . ----- -_,....-_ . - ---- - --t...- . . , ~ ; • i - - - • . . . . , .. . .... . . . . .. • . .. . . ~ .... • • - ' - - • ~.. ._.• • -. _ ~., . . .. . . . ~_ ~ .• . . l '' . . .... ”,• • - . ... ... . • A • -,• . • • .. ... . . - - • .- - - , .;. . . . ... . _.. , ilp i . • ... . ..a. . , :,..‘ .1, . .. ... ~ .•... •., .•. . • _ . . , , , . ... . .. ~ • L.. ... ... L„. ~.. ... ~_ ... „. ,•.. .., ~ ..., ' 4 . . •• • i •—• _ _ . i . • , . . . • . ... .. : .. ~. ;-.... _,- -,:: . -.. _ . . . . . .. . ~ . . ; , .. 1 . . . . , . . . . . . „ _ • • , . . • • .. . . . ..., , • . . . . _ _._ . , . ,• . .. . n _ .[ , ~ . . .. . 4 . .. . - 1 . . . - . . ' ... „ r * FP 1:1 • a 6 ' 3 - ?, -. R r 2 CO tt\J ii - J - 2- •ii f- • il © IL :..rj Ir. n 4 - ." @ a , il 1.._..,..P.F2..1 , VI • A - s' 4 'd•LD. , ..t. •--- • \...tvid, 1 1,:r 2' (...()- - ~ .P-• J i „.....c1 LI ..." 9 • 'i . " ‘ '.."" . 4 ' ':'.' . . ' . s- i : ..' ' ."‘ "'• .'' - • • '- 1; - . j • ;__ - • - . , i • ; - . "- . - 4 • ' .-- • ... __ ___ _..."-.. ~.....,.._:„..,,....-_:,4,:-___-,-.....=:-,-..-__.-.,,-,......- ...;_.-_L - • -;-,;; - ----, ---- , - .:....;_. . bilines . Of e a se• th I e deep blue eyo; too,.with 7 . the shadow Over..thetn,. showing had not' been without its strifes,to her. , . - She had tc‘joieed iii the birth of many chil dren ; . but bud after bud'had dropped imblos wining from, the parent tree - until L alone was left ; - and - - ttp;tl tnei Was latished till the tender. tuzi. of her loving heztrt: There was one other toqfiber'of ourtimilly whom I must mention; it was a Ward of youngorphatr Orl, left to hith by intimate friend when -e was• but aa She 'was the only, who ever attempted to rival-me in the afrection my liarents;. and' wo loved eaelt other too fondly for . j,alousy. From being ..pure fitiry-like little being, ike: indeed, to a fair flower ; we called her Lily.' The name 'suited -her well ; jni,t . One to and rejoice the bui bend and droop . before the .stortn. Shdwas virunger than my -self; and I well. reincinber the pride 1 too in protecting her. Sin! was afraid of every Clung; and Ido Mkt helle,. that any .soldier'-s heart tA : er throbbed in the excitement of the 'bat- . . . . .. tie field With more pleaSurable emettiens than 1 blite,failint: in Such graeeftil foldl t did :nine when LilS would look to !tie for pew 1 sli!it, but r ‘beautiftilly rounded f tcct - ion agaitist , §(.;il'i . i.i imaginary danger.•---L elfr.:ek veils ;I tittle itakr than %%hi SptilerifactS it was a 'rabbit, as timid as her- 1 theta: was a light in her t' till' sell -;. sometinies . Merely a .stunip 7 . which, in I licarl bountl. r • '., irti , e,..s . lio ti'. her t.....t . ,.e5, NV;I4 - etn't;Lti!yail edrand eery fero- ; still ; .hue th,:re was a sky,• titit' eimenuan; and sometimes it was Ault a harm- , ness et,f the rossessipti of f e t-ling It : l . s dettitiln of thetodltry-‘ard walking' to- 1 feared to betray.. • I Was-pet• Feet, ward her. These thingtrs, - did nbr, it is true, y Ittul never felt in suehspirit.. I require tidy exercise of courage itt, enhanee I t4lir.e,l in the ‘iilelest Rossildw their pl..asure to iniif bovrs:spirlt ; but it was 1 I•it We sit:mace!, or atleast Li it real happiness tiiii:el that I was looked to . nit- lather,, , lllV mother. and inv for relief, and I fclt Myself a man in•gie*lng it. : for a quiet t. , tik. Ileiw 4eil (ft Thus our happy e::ltildfietod passed aWay,:with I it , !, We: w. re discussing the e : nuta eitiad.t,)•obseare its' briglitness; • iiiitil I 1 had taken plait.: during nty absell 11:t• - • ,lit t cal years olaand Lily twelve. Then 1 - Mg' plans for, the fit tire. Wlit!ii iii' it Wits tilt_alfillt atiVi-able i hat I should go trot With rather . a meaning snide. “ t hOttiC to s:crioiti; and itaki, litv first lesson in -I buts-, you must , Itegi t t• 1 . 0 1,101; oily the minds -mid manncrs of my fellow-nic-a.— Ia; N‘ife:. We shall sadly it an , Islaill never forget esit!r Itrief in the sepitrat,4ll: I when Our little Lily- is rune." how Lily:olmi , around . til.. - tieck, andsobhed 1 • „ ' I was thunderstruck.. I: fe It ” , - I!fi ifilci' little hi-art would break ; and bow Ihy a ittotintain :weight. I. looki Illy dear tattier tuck het- an his arins.:_and .1 ti.; . ) the; other in mute atriattentei taughing,Jy• bade her, cheer up—that Wi4lie m anaged to ask What. was it -trunk! soon wile home. a man,.and she.4tould 1 u; ; tmint ' • . - • ; - be his little wife. lsaw the .surprised eyes ! .i "W.llv - , ha; tint Lik , written and blitshing face of tjle litilt.. girl, lward ins-; .s;ly Hitt! IllittX ! ' I thtmght . he tattier, lte..rty laugh,' aitd I started ,olf into 1 t.k,td von . : Si lo - , t eu t t, t o Ri e ho t , the world Ivitli a 'few iidete in. ttly head. and a j ter and hrOught•baek with herttf -new Joveir me hearti '111.:. stiggestiO'lw nas 1 hmking fellow. a Dr. Allen, and nevei;ab • ti t f"roni:ine afterward.. • . - • 1 a fatie' to the name.. I 'thin' 1 lii“ked •upoh sfith 4 - litrerent es, 1 and I peopled dream-laud- with her itna , re. .1 We wrote to eaelt other; ait4 when I .went home ' at .rvy vacat ion I foul:41 her !zrown inure love !. La[' . h'• V001..._10104 -0 change.r t, manner t.o nte. .lii -ker letters she ~i l -1 re- Cilli Ss&nes and 1 1 up ! bat when 'in aetualpresOe she would avoid reuewal ut Jthein. -11 . 1• 'Wanted to walk; she was sure to he 11,14 n injuStrimv; /1 - ,06(1 It { pvoposol a private - and utinThientio: et,n 7 versathm, there sere 1.1.1 lie an interesting passage in ..,tnne must re:' l .4 to tier.. She - was et,.•err' 4 -ady itli an excuse, I. s o m e novice t, , 00i' 0141 h I:111 j a t 114:r tow her she .wa•:: the sai't o mischievous, plav• fa! ; but with ;she was suddenly ti•ansfornied dignified woman. ller manner plizzlcd. :amity ed, and distressed nit:. . , ZEE . . it was the day lx tors I Was to start for En rol e, where I. niust-staY for two,years. 1 had tried in 14 din _ to lied` aOiipportunitv -td tell Lily ,iit my feelings towarlr'fier. With the ntimi , t, free-:loin, a-; F;11;i41 beeli acetl , ,t(rnied (.. do from a child, I tofirioN" tni - 4 her every•thinf.. :It: was my first real . sOrrow: • Even. nowt feel the , tires-sure of her isoft. hand.sny.othing, my cheek RA she 1.00 ; to comfort 'me. It wihild be different. .Liily was shy ; I had grown so tall-, and she had ,just- any identity ' with the:Willie of fornier;years. Sk ail vis, e 8 me ti, seek an explanation. ' A: -I left. her room I 'rat Lily cros'sing the 611.'7 1 ;vent up to he?, and - said, in a playful way,;" Conte, _Lily, I:want pia to go to,' walk wit hthe this last 'evenin.i. We will aWaken a host of •re eillectiOnsly a stroll lathe grove. N P OW . - YO' get your. bonnet, and corn , : on!" , ":ladeed, Willie, lean ,not . go this evening. I am sori.y.to deny you, 4t I must finish ill; piete . Of wort::" 'i , . :.. s ' . . - - -. :: I- was Provoked, - and sad; almost : ,atr4eily, " Lly, pal ar k ; capricious, and, I alinoht- be lieve, .cold-hearted ;I, never did-see any one so chiwged.r ' _ She looked at, me in astonishment." The crimson tide, rushed over .her neck. and faee unfit the very root:s of her hair seemed Set in blood,. -. " It • 6 Apt] who are clianged," qi,.! said.. "You aresuspieicins-of me.. Yon will of It: be my . brother Willieany more. And I am to be .tOrmented froiri year's end :o year'.; end because I can not—" ' She stopped, and hid her face in her hand , i 'the flush upon her elieekdepening more in !,liatne than anger.- 1 drew nearer to her, but bef'pre I couldtouelf her she had flown up the wide staircase, and. I heard her door shun. - :The mystery ; ww; to - ine sokei ' 4 ' ' she loved ine only as a brothe'r, .;tad . fa Ulu ed my, wishes'', and wished tit aY_I-iid giviiii . me pain. Tstarted oft with a heavy hettit My disappointment was bitter 'one ; but in my host I had 't.o acknowledge, that she had acted 'rig:llllY. :. - - _ ' . ' ... . . , From:Paris-I. Wrote' to her, telling her that Ilippreciated her motive.% ..1 never reeeiVed . .. . in.answit" AO My:letter; indeed she never , . . .. .- got it. , It was far fronytny intention, dear reader, tO_Make Thisalove4toryl and; after all, this, is 'but .to net is:an - -intrutlnetion .to the one grand ,event 1„ hafe prOtniaed to tell you 'Of: - .Neither is it my intention to give you an ac-: .count of my. travels..in, 'EurOpe ; what I saw .there oi.her travelers haveseen, and put'down in books. My heart was; 'not in them. ' My. two years were spent in Wild longings to get ...borne. • I had not been Ate : to shake off or feeling} the feeli . 'I had,tr . Lily. An Spite of- my ttiOst .desperate.''et)rts I had . tOack- . 1 newledgethat I :was stilt, lining on. . Itried to improve "myself •in eiiery thing, and• did improVe; it was lo theJtope that.her sisterly am-etion , had "worn -out • my - absentv; and ;would give plao to. anettler. and - a tendeTer., Ifeeling. She, was the :nucleus ammud, which ap .my feelingi -clustered;- in „ hei.„,alll, my' I , thoughts centered: i ',mingled in society but tlie•d.aik-eyed ,daughters: - :of Italy,- and the 1 sparkling viyaeity nf the 're-itch Warnetf,only 1 brOught„thetfiAnt6 - eompariSen With-tine iti. 1 fatitinelayeint and'itifefiiii;us mirth 4 the ieentpan fie gifin'y tyi4hOdi awl • 1 fiirii4 . o6th 11. them in . utt,er._dissatisfnetlon ; at, ' the eetit*ti: • _ i Well,...thi*i iktiolpara-: fle'&ii' by: onrleik4oii . wngs ; but :they - pa*Ka at liSt s . -abaj - leataly feturaedly'anc . 1 waited ailay.in New York,: that my letter nnnounolog ti ky :in.?' rtil - triigitt be btfuta.roc • I -., 2 .. L. -' . 2. :, ..-:. r •:; , - s :-± i ., •,,,-, -; IMME2II MONTR It 194 a ,iweet bright tidy ii that I . dre‘i• near to my father's cArria , e.haia b•..en.sent some in me, and old Juba was:Winning' and praises by his efforts to hurt jonrney as : Much-us it was post 4 L hing seemed' to have been dote Obee to my - return'; every whet eta the hand of afleet ion, and é self seemed to join in the_ gen green grass, the smiling flowers, oils note bf,,the birtl, all Svcinwt tne home. Oh, the magi.... of the kart seemed to Ininnd within me not restrain my•disposition t o •k carriage and rettnia the greetings friends with as much heartiness given. 'M e i ) came thcsilent-tm father, speaking more than vo!ttin atttd the:fearfur tenderness of inj l she thanked Gotifor bringing une •Aill ,: fhp was happiness imiee,l,l beyond.. Behil:d. mother looking . in% hey than ever, 1.11,11ZT r,o doubt, but still :1 haij ladt.h,td 16;1' hoped. been diti . erent, but thero iS'll,O4 1 1 " )d- " I g ht i I alit ;.'tad you are id lionte - oi.e# :the olti ; gentiviniiii picked tip - NAL:the . room; 1. do nut lungs • I iris' head in my mailer' io - pes ,: blaste : tio ny iirrai . ll at an 4 - 2 :worti was " lad" #.1411%, ;7 r • the velvet . pallet over t#:ve clozieilv . vye•:. I tilt that she She linew it.:•afpoir, .ettitilt:rt- F 4) till now 'afar( then !d ie:would st.iop 'r iiway t!#:-`s4-,litiig tent - -; tnanlunal. would 11 w, and 5 or 111 y poor \\ T i!lie 1 ." But - tire sal there :Ono never give tug ha.i male.! We—parted' and retiring to my myself upon my \bed, mid ' , jar bitter. grief. I bad never had before:. Heart and brain Teri mu - strok e. The thick darkta, ; ;, bottling to the midnight.- of •lii: hours I lav Itns;ill , 4 ..f, groaning. t . that I. had ever. been born. Tl legs I laid Welk: as ifothing. WI in'tpuipari.,on with what wit , : Like la spoiled child I di-danye‘i 1 beeause the' e ti US WIC be ()lid! Oh, how 'is, that ni L dit writte 'nteinory---burn'ed iittO my lal nand to sittitiat away the ainolitt knew not whereto find comfort - I Iy friend was 'near. . ' flours tilbst have passed . be nwexhaust,d by my 0% crwrought - li-clitTgs . I Tell. into a :,itrati ts •slumber—;so deep, I lag I was 'ulieon• *ions of my ov , n breathing, :ii d yet acutely conscious:of objects around. had my . t. y e:., closed bur I lett, the du:kits,:pressing upon their lids. i t scented as if e en° my . heart stood still. So horrible were my sensations that I longed to rou4e _hoset; • but, like a person in a nightmare, I was` mable.to stir; so I lay • until it .4 -, _eined to grow lighter around Ille, mid I heard Jaime: (the servant): enter the room'. I heard him step carefully and noiselessly for fear ut dist urhing Inv slmn ber., I heard him stop, surpri.. eed,at the fkit of. my Lied, at seciin:t sic;, suit dressed as I had been the day before. Ile seemed to . hesitate about - calling me. Ile would jwalk iitiont the room, and then return 'to the bt'd a.: it; th e i e wit 6. something iii my appearaiCc which drew I litri ,th er i.,.:, , -1. l onge d I.fir hen tto touckfue, and arouse fronOny horrible elghttnare. .• At last became closU to ma and iiailed, "Mass' I,Villiand Mass' Willianrl" . did, not move . 1 —I. could not I ifOve.: '1• lai .1 _his Aland :on I !nine. '.lt "was icy cold l t is rail SC hi:::;- mid he i • ' rushed, horrified from Ilk rsic . Ili, All,' this .I< ; - felt, but cubit" not. move. 11 41 I knew . that I was, in a living'death. I Oh, :hy .was it that the agony at lily heart did nil -send the curd ling blood through niutfeins I -But tm; the smile awful stillneSs reigned' through •mi whole. frame. Oh; what wouid I taut have given. to raise a rtoger, t..) moi-e a nais - cle!--- I felt .that I Was indeed' a liVing soul in :a dead . body, . My hands lay crossed serenely over mybreast, as if to tell of . quiet within ; •my • features, lid/ . were • placid and calm. . My • frame seemed no longer a part of myself.— My soul writhed in agony and silence within its shell. ilea-ii . nay: mother's shriek, Hiv father's groats ;and there 'was another sound —it • seemed like a wail, of anguish ernes a breaking heart. Whose was' it?- , ~And._ th 6 itiiprisoned-feelings quivered and . shook with something between pleasure and. pain, but they . gave no outward sign. .I ; aead• the Con fusiOn about • the house i the physician, the thinisterscut for ; orders is s ued with thegrimt est rapidity, biit.each one heard and Celt by me. l seemed to .bea mass of feding; and each'cireumstance yibratktd painfully fig:Unit I the. tightly4trung chord descending through' my Wholeliiime,and in itii descenttouching;l l each :nerve, sending throqhme a thrill of theH lams eat anguish, the most. exquisite stiffer. , . ;I-: [ ill;; io . s ) :littt there. was -*assn awful stillness ~ reigning .without... • - • • i: _-'-, They gathered around my bed—My father :trey mother, the -screams, -u'll-f heard their deep'l,t4)l3.4,-:-- I heard the 'grief sou ijeop, tor tears••••;,t-sasudden; solately iti'llealth,,' and noia , . : fiaitt tiltidderedit the word ;- hut the-shell .nrort the bed was sikat—viet .14 ever. Iffy )SE THURSDAI' DECEIII3ER : 18 1.56 • „1..: _.-.....-____:_;•_L„...._______,_____•..._ - ....--- ; . 7 , ........_ earl) May I . inother's - ,_ Pun pressed thit : - bed, beside tne, . loasec The f her agonygiy . ing vcut only, oeosiunally m les to meet I - words .t..nch- as ' • , .!' : 1 Imy thanks 1 "Oh !-.had -he Levu Vat. 4 child 9( God, 1 'S me on to V . : could lutV i e borne t ; but deaP without hope !"- Jle. Every 1 . The.doetor eatne.. My itelids were rais :- with refer. 1 ed. Through those, lialf•chtted portals-J gliz... e - ' I recogniz• I ed Lulea a nore On the,faees 1; ,)duved ; bu, my 1 Yen .Nature t s feelinp gave no eipressiorii u . those,•fam.,eoe, 1 ?rat joithel ered . pupilSi', :4y Vest; was':ndone.,. . :-,1 he, f rd • and the joy-:' Ihe sadechtration,• in . tune. ,ot deep isy idpa 'r to weleolno . 1 thy,. ".Nq pulstationsr : All 4 er!” 1 ,felt my I '. 1 !Iword! My j mother fill rlifeles tresidt. ~ te---I, heard Myri - c•, and 1 c„ould . I flit hees . lrenzied e.xpres49ni.'Ogriel, and s ! was 1 Op from the I left to '-be' shrouded : for thtgraVe. • ft- was 1 of my dimly I done by the -tender, - )oving: :Inds of our own its thee were i 1 • - t . '-' • n idst lietny rs• over " pour k otnt.s. tes,, a 1 . • • . tbrace.of m.y.: Niass! NVillie (' but this di' net prevent the I - es of %vol . &, thrill of horror,tiouhly inttiie because Acuity .1 y tnotlicr,: as touched within. • i was laid 4 6 / 1 niy . own bed; i Lag"- lionie: each limb straightened, .e.:►t €i . fold: laid - in its iltirl !corked Note ;-:the window; opcne4 to preVent, as 1 f , , stuod Lily; ).laideringly . thought, ttutei: ravages of dr , -”-s (4 . sky decay ; and with .many ;t . h-aW many an . 1 : 1 nround her i•spression of grief they lerVtilt:ilkille:With In y Loire. her omit dead body-i , -the cool Iliireezes sweeping,' ten i It ff, but over mv silt;iff, f ra n t e—thein, in: itsfrarish I i it made my brightness, peeping ill and sockingat to v sur- 1 fit-: digaitleil row. I remember; too, a '41.0V u. o ntAile my . i (1, eptweiotts- 1 ‘iitidow, whose m o u rnful nOW seemed to goad ' ..,,t which she me to• niadUesi.. They .wofirtd drive .it away, I y happy. - I I but it Soon returned and ring to Me ,in its I I laughed and melancholy e•trainihat livtgimg: day. And alabter. • At now .1 Must, think -how I nin4.• stare the evil y:lvii u•,cud'i in the face. I ninzt look: lkyoud the grave, : :elf sat di mit: . to ,which 1 would soon be fOtvh. I do not re -1 .rleali . cr member that 1 bail ua Isoli , , , :iof being st . t v e ci 7 inge, , ,which from my living death.. There seemied to he - Ind form. s ip ll a fi xe d immovablefies about my body y. : t . ather lanv, - iny . ti,ryours-ell a daughter z...•_ L. that I could not realize motion, and 1 half be_ lievcd in, (.11:'Jetal. Tbetrifeolleetiott"uf my 4 1;o therls_ af , futi.7...4d ery 011_ 4 ' Oh. , had Ini - . , but . been a chid of God '." filled, toe with LOrror, and the idea of an entrake into the e ternal world wi; lant;4prepayat ion came over tne With 'all its dreadful reality. My A hok file . Ilds scd in. review. b e r m i , me. • 1- 4.. .‘f as, w h at a scene of black r6ellion ! 1 Vai4filid I search for one act with which I ini:f . l4 . \ hope 16 appeal/a! the great God. They alone !led front toe; and 1 seettnd forced to view my sins, which now for the iir..4 time, struetc. ! _ito; with- their eliilrinity. .1 hated' Myself.. ~,It seemed just. -in God to punish me thns 44% . 'erely. "All his kindt, watchful care came tO.My View in anew light. Why had I- never sojit it before--and now tiro late ! . 11(4 coullhope (sir pardon for a likhre of silt? 011, ; .no ; I must de spair—l could not Merit heaven—l could !icy:- er do any thillg to slit fw my like and gratitude ; and then, in connection witt these thoughts, came . my mother's teavliiitg4,i 4 my prayers lisp ed at her knca"outdirepeatql, "Our Father" with a sod t of tremn limsearn4stuessj had never known. Leff • re. • „litit . still tv.l2;2paired ; I seem ed the blaeltestabini ali've,ltud I then, plaler stood h o W (-k-eihr;'*indd acknowledge the jus. tick of God in theiiiOndriniption. . - ..,.. - • : . As those 11'd 'a Mullitudej , f other thoughts 4 tats - ;sed titrotigh my_ tiiiii4 ' heard the door '...opece4l,:an.l rift tia;r . h . i r . ,. 'a ~ l etsiale me. -- I 'heard tar Sub(Pliefi *Mon' .i palrx; agalti the so'tt hand smoothed my (-Ow, arid she said; ..." M v Loy.? toy poor ,S l- ,:llie l' can it be'? Oil ! my Gad,. thou - alone. ; eanst -eon:fort toe tinder this most ,!? rkvous ehastisement.. Oh: let ate not murmur ; \ let Me hut see the end: to he workel out. • Oh, if he had but given Me. one word to show that he rested in a Say . iohr, trusted in Itini,,l 'could have . .l4iven him s if 'era:shed ti'olll one t. At I not 1 what dk: he to 3tilu, the w0u5.1 have la 4 elega i ljt, has taken sl,e is doing nips my little would hate lIIV bov— morel". ;Ind - • (':llidle and ow IIIPYI hty - lop. :1:1 141.• Not one oftiv moved ed hPuW. .v.d Illy ht art. • N;itid I:v:t'xy kmu ;Ind kiss v!tu ! Le lung hour:: nty secret, ',by. At It-it Gotta," threw u way SUCh q.leru , fici.l by !light v.-a,: up at thy Cali without oneseltish feeling; but, no hope I no 61)4'1. my child I - my mid shrieking forth her anguish; they tore her from me. . . Dear mother, when did you ever come nor Inc without imparting . conifort? ,tverinow she spoke of a Saviour:Upon Whom I. Might rest, in whom I Might triist; eecn sinful as - . I waS, and 1 Prayed earnestiVo be led in the ,right path. 1- had 'never beiore - prayed from my heart, but now It :seesned wrungout. _ Again I was interrupted. 4 the opening of the door, and 11;lt.my length andMy breadth . measured, with the remarkOn a strange Voice, that he was a " stout c0rp,4.44 be sure.. What cOuld -ha' been the matter, with the poor gen tlemn to ha'-took hins.offsuiklint!" end. lug with au inquiry as to, \vim „property Would goto now. . . ". To she young lady, I Specs," said Jamesi she-is jestlike old marstees dnughter.", I ; s n ip ise," said the stranger, " they vans sistin lining,;. silver plate--every thingi,done tt io the inst. st vie !" - st y it mind expensersaidJames;" every thing must be done'isp in'the very most gels teelest, style."- liu • • 2, you can, dear. re,:ide r i, what niy I feelings must have been at hearing myselfdis- 1 enssed sil thit•!, way. Tht , .mentiot's of thel ' - iyounglady" brought Lilt before me.. She I alone lord stuOd aloof frdsnAse body Of her old friend ;: she did not Ore.; enough. for herl formerplaymate to ioduee her to look:upon 1 liini once again. I pictured her to myself as ' the' fond thought: of her husband re,4 Suiting-in death, b:cahle by it Lily 'would come to him a richly•cmh4d bride. These I tsough:shroughkfresh glipLand. tried to `banish them. knew:that I had given to her the idolatry, of my lwart,iwisichought to have. been given -to my God. •1 Through that long daY,4oanv conic. to look Upon me. 'My poor fatheilirOss t many hours' beside .rne moaning- over' the death of his 'brightest Lopes. At last.l felt itgrow-dark er;-1- knew that the . sun was piing down.-. 1 must - -pass another lung ;night, .darkness. a round and within. me. PT - member that. I • was trying to pray fur stslisssissiotr and sup port, when I felt the slit* lifted from mv I :face', and then 'I heard; fete brokenhearted ;wail which. had so ehainel; my attention In r the Wetting. - . My feelivs. throbbed! with lileasure:---it was ! She had,consf adone,And such - a z•osind could unly'cOme . ftin ilevingireak inir heart: " 'Oh idle? 'dear . .W.l but speak to me-;--but me that you died loving you cOuld but hear me'. loved you as I east nevet —how from my very hit your return: lf I only. h to but no one loves time maCVen,phoddersrwhee.,': 'papa does not. notice ;1 alone. *Oh, Lamso des( thiserible!". • • . I felt the slight preSsu the bed, - Her tlmp,sokt I longed to,'elasp her to` arms were stiff _and • eoli l'lchougtlfthat - my: my . heart beat; but. no.;'; • heart. lid lamenting , e many t4ss hat hey Jellied to :11l my toys toy grasp. - 7 deep my irt e. No soft 11, and alaN! 1 Chen to —inv,handa'stiil crossed upon Itt breast'.— i . . I-most . gi)•dpw . ti i to tny g.t-aye with ..ttiy- only 1- untliatitiettiis'h in my ,rasp. - I livid - only I to ttiOe tp posSess it, and - , could not.. . -" Olt Lily !'t -II -said,'. or I rather thotight, towhy did you I come .to orincnt me with 1 vain hopes- 7 411N- wit hdrAwliny thoughts from eternity l' ant: i madclati - effort to bei happy I in- the prospeetlorheavriti'd but my .thoughts I would not soar:alinve the brisking bi.art-bri sideiMe::, I wanted toe,,lA.)rt:her,--I,,Want ed. Iti . tell-lice to leave Me, !to pray fiir conso- lathin—l wanted to telllher how, in my hour of ditrkness, I. had found light --Aiti'w; in m r wriilling'agouy, I- had (unit i rest I hi , my f-. 4 - viour,, but I could not. At list the - door. ppepe . d.,-nnd I tilt the light front a Catidle:—: It was my mothers yoke heard 'saying,:. .. 'l).'oti here i illy eldhl ?"tand* . I 'knew that her Orin was ai i iound the 1 tourner. , -4 heard froM Lily's bursting heart thd ekciatnation, 1 ."10h, had het bin. loVed lee l'' ' ..1 . : ['heard then . tell talk togethpr ot mi.. • I heard my Another tell oftny .ion,rum"devotion to her, andjthen the .aihs carne. quid:el.. bat more softly. Then illy niother ',puint&l her to the ligl4 beyond this darkness i Htlii -- 9 dark . elond brightly .edged.. She . tot:IAX her. ki . ‘Cn, arony in the morning ; and how,lhi the stillnes:3 . of her closet, site had. been .1 Nvplit.l rim si y.-.corn -1 fort4:-..-how she had :heck - assured.tlitit the chill o f s o many prayers 'it:iould:hot . 4ye .1o!1_ —sfict was condhrted by the.. unehanging Got t ; E'very now and . tho she would hush the-quick Gelb-, as if* were dealing with a i little child. . . : • i .-' . - "There now, my own child, my-litle Lily. (limit :cry any nuire I. :WeWill meet unr WiMe in he:l V il! , "(1 tv4:st not foUrniur at hur i- Father's chaStisententl • lie had to lake ourii&l, in order to draw - our- yebellious heat.f.: to hiniself." Ntit 1 one w.ord of. re prosteh was utterednothing; who-h „could -tuned ; and presently that sobs. c(! , ast.l, and gently putting her arms.raround her; my. illotlher led her front the i l toliiii. ' • ; . -tien came the servants -Jae watchers, who were ,• tnv-lown; and between tn own reflections 'the !Ong ii hap ! pily.' .-. :qv.faneral wae - : to talti: place the next thy: ~.•, • I. te•pk the most intense - interest - in all that cotieetned it. I :now the. elille,‘%:iS draWing nclr. : I heard them set fio/14.111in , domu . up on the- hell—it' vas toy ollirk_ll ..1 felt ;my self-lifted and laid in! it,H ',I. ri'lnianbei that my arms had to be • preksed doge hi order that I aught lie within it:, too n'arrim .- limits; I rilnember• :The painfuLl -erainped, feeling thi'l unve inc,. ' :I was tinin carried into-,the . parlors.. I heard thi. - thidli . , deep sobs trim' • the two' rooms. 1 hditrd'the treniult ;us liy inn sinnetitaes ceasing friun Icinotion, and then taken up a: , ,ain. I heardi'tho sidetnn voie . e of the! ininister - sa‘-, "`...slan hat is born of 1:,-o -nn1In! hi Of few 'clays -and lull •of trtruble."- I heard tai' own tuner +l •sernit in, and I hen the Solknn. eloquent.supplielition to a th/inle - of "I'ACC fOr tht.t. berVaVt;q] ; and then the words, ~ . . - . .1) le ~.4-r ~- tie-. *ill he 4:vtil t hnifgitt. ttq..44.41,:v_,„7 I Nlt the slnset lifted I ; froth 'my. litee, And 1. - tieW th;:t - tere Wore many 10 - inLteves liXed apon Intl; more than one! kit Ally tear fell -upon I : MY face. 1 made a Oe3p ( kx,:ito elrOrt tp open ni‘i eyes—and, , :reader, !Succeeded! I hare :min:distinct recolle4:on cif ghrieks, and - . the Inihrdin , * of many Yoh-es and 1 , sank into. a •i - ~, 'I : "i '..- - 7 1 , t s • ' - was I state 'of insensibility:- n.ity, . 'Mt Kt 1 .I%loke, I Lin !Inv own roOni, and .thi , pale, anxious Vices . orally ti‘other, niv I lather,Thnil, Lily •wcre -- - - , , bnding over me. They . looked wearied and I weirs(, did I knew what theY ha d ;intrixed.— Tho'se wicks 1 sp,:nti An b were the haniest I ofliny life: `tur 'gratitude inv -16ve ti.i Go ti 1 - , - .r I were unbounded, and I - :h_ r lit that a lifetime off 1 service would but fe l i , ,blyl testify my change of Varpese leAht. sit up, and day after d stVeet 'faee beside . remember time day, ich I called the blush tu!lier to the scene in that very her if she would indeed' There . was nuf . auswer 'at little Bible beside her v• shitting'necdte poipted . Wither thou goest; I thou ludgest, l will Wu _ he my people, and th God My God.-- Where thou diest, N‘ Hl 1 die, and there will 1 be buried ; the Loo di so to me: and More also, it aoght but death act thee. and -This wvs our betrOthal our marriaffe was. smut \ after i told Ni - C ban troddett - tbe : path of life side by side. Nor is the . little, neat= looking old lady, with. Wel!-qrimped eap . .and loring•eye less lovely urd beloved to me than the Lily that bluon ed in.youthful beau ty so many. yci ago.. Tau Pitss.s:-114;sv c Ow -Press the ut,bkst be the palladium of Our. eqtaitily deserves thests ifiings:ure too °Nat zet)ti Pcryeited from the .glo ,:tonnethe engirie of nali for of fulsehuod. -Poi :lenders personal emo tv; and resentment 1 feads•to ‘ the‘base r4Surt- I ealinnuy. .It has been justly ;said that h who aspires to a . ' public ellice mast 'endul . a fiery ordeal ; cv-. ery action of his life. tha will - admit of Ce - Stire is arrayed against iiitil; and if- biscon .duct has been su • uttxerptiotalble us to 'dis 'appoint this array, m srewestentation and slander are employed in its stead.. ‘ The-com mon infirmities 4)l . 6mpan nature arc made in hint particular objcets of.ridicule-:-his- closet and fireside. are invadedl, and his priVate feel ings tortured by the . se4 rrility of his oppo nent. These:effectS du nut arise -from: the liberty of the Press' ; but from this licentious ' flees ; it is a scriuus pvl,and that man who Would.devise a remedy .wouldl be truly a benefactor to his et !unti l y,; Thel virtues as . stint and the talent aan angelic:at:tont .se cure A mart from calumny; .theibest of, our countrymen, Washington; Franklin; JetTer ' son, and others innuritt.rable, .have 'suffered. by vile and cowardly detraction: The:effect i of this universal censure. is- to make many. 1 , good and-abre Iri en l M:al id - aloof from ..politi cal coutests; - and Altithyld their : talents that might-othetwise be b • 'client!' to the: vonamu nity ; 'it . render* 'some eett imotliee obdtiriite and almostindiflinnt elfiublie opittien,'and. Lrl thus ()He'd the ,btiit: cfl cis oft the Press, - its restraint on: publie of cerS, is destrnya— . The.eenduetors of o.3l'r* sbettla .: be , men lif liberal .prineipleS and strict integrity„firM 1,. 1 tit a good eause,lind unwilling,-, to:unclOrtiliu . 1 abad , oinl ; ; :sttell men - are a. reat., - frCtIW4II4, tadvantage ~ to :their,.eCiuntry.--Typ+riAk. i ,IV 7ister. - - '' :: 1 - - -..-: . : . _:_ , ~ y•:- y.: ' ..:_.: ... . , y.. lie ! if you eoulti • at .nie—but tell forgiving me.; if ow. telling how J. Jove. any WO else t I have longed for siiine one to talk . .ow. Dear inant etnne near her,antl J. must weep ate, so lonely...and of her figurp on went to my. heart. ' y.-breaat ; but_ my ,•and - - refuied-their - raast .rriako -all' tas FRAZIER .& An Arab' who has.tio -Oyes is like an Eng .. lishman AO' huff no . . bakilr,• Or eonk, oirtsilor, or upholsterer. .Tliey -ar i e.to an Arab 'gen: tlemen what - his slaves 'were .19 a :patrician . - 40inatt., ,They• grind the-,eurni ppa retc. , t,he eoueoussiionalse:the 4ney.iake, work : the l'uliks Anil bilinobie!i, aii4l : ,.kpin -the ,tivNtie • 41' t . •ool 'and - fihres - Of •11 .. ?. diwsirf . Patin' whereof - • • • •the tents are •• 'I - thade' -,-•- : , .- • - .. -- ..•. •: •• •, i - • The courtship is somewhat a 'thia-tharae; .ter :. , . 1 ,. • ~ , .• -.. ~ ',. . ,- , The eandOate tor. Mat Mani! makes hiiln. quirks for a Woman whc ' bas the OU - titular' talent wherein hisimsehOld, is wanting; and. ha viair obtained the desii-ed infOrination, pre sentsr himself at the te.ntlotthe , fikt.her. -,•••... : , - At An. a long eutA•erazt rote upon, indifi::; , :ent mat:ti , rs the.lover rt;tlltif'.CS:i . : .r :: tr . i ' ". bidi,ll ain inelitied - t; in roux d 'lPh• II •ter." • 1 '- :. ••.: : 1 ._ , • " With aril my heart. - liowmtpAt . vtii-Io,ir for Iher t • • • - • ."1 4ii*.t think,. from 11 worth ris-ore than tire awl "Sidi .Ab-Atlal 25'd I• f • with me. t eset. 1 woMier very atuill thiii she .has they say .she hit• only 4,1 \Veil; What -if tiaq. nut your` informarrts. te l wit a AVtliTlllll . in the trihl atakim. the quobela hat i `1 . 17:1t t Etteur roil tne • here," "Tweety-fivirdottros (Not the warrior,. be it tnin Pr"Pitet , of flagilatil ros far a w;-man Who (a brittg:ng . old companions , of, eir visits and nt . - ight p.-1,5e.4.l not nn- WC.s at ht able t.,; waS Litv 7 S so Hill do I left alone \kith her, check Ivan .room ; and askkA. c my little but soon the • s opined, and the cto What I read : 11l bie ; and, - where thy people shall stoniatv..it is to call lwark of our. rights; ibetty r '.etc; ansl it - : But the best ed, and the preys ions objeets to - be and the disseiriiiia, cat. opposition eu• POLYGAMY 'ARABS. I It !no. be little, Vu ti ore'lor fivr, 1:1111 1 c:tiv. the trios v." 1\'(.11. well, give dkiu. duvet;; and you. And ine Con lot:lure the Kacli I'4 thirty more. (Apart) 'with thiii obligltiott,l:ll hold voiT /taut, and :..4totter nr,lattir make jots lAN' . 7 " God be,,Prt'lised petweettliten like ni, such p•ntall matters a4t soup toettlud, 1121 •hargainds nittcle: • Yon (id jt t w:, if 'ever you ice the ,tiatdow .of'allose thirty eall toe Chri-1 tan " " \NIA Anil the Ind To-inorrow. My pat ed,everyt }ling 1 r r il gimp( tWder eno h for • ...`•Agree , l." - , :Agrtled—go itt pea ~v - n e- s t in prosiVity: ( . .)11 'the morning Fat her happy !mine, with ilieharges t.f . tirvarat• and spins ; .aud cetehes well,. liAlits with It jr het. I ,, r3i_liad intn•ter er:u . tt : ittphitions.h . ,t t•t teivezt her ts11:1- tiistributus all a . It iSly4l(.l-tprit:liqr, 1 . 41-ze, or 1 hat her lord hxe 1101 feet ion • A French lady in , nee.a"-k•cd a at - cal tl in. a holuse, ho- Witupter. he wi wixtes Ne untirely I,a?udall his evvning. in!! Inishantrs*only In his girdle . and prod which he placed on thy Curr . e. , Pondoire (pile L /34 His OrtATION:4--hi the . political strug, soles of. 1.9.48.. two IN4eeates • froin 1-)------', e, • N r .w Ilatopsiiire—a.' fftwyer and :a- tailor—% started 'on their-missiop to the-capital of that. State. together \ in a . lagon, s. The tailor was iptite as ardcut a pi-Hutt:inn as his cOMpaniOni alls.eit he was nilt !•t) firOrtniittL Amt, what_ he fainted In black leartshig and log,W, he nin&l' up in alitualant,„ilow tit* word. set,--sPeecties, - it:ire:hes ill -political oration;, ~&r.; which- h.: - !• -had heiird- at differeult caucuses, and. which his retentive. nsenioryl hoarded -up,. ready' to he -delii.,:ered on littind ocea,iOns.. They lead not proceeded, far - mit isei !Journey:'When Mr. Broadeluthasked his( 9onspasiion ,iih e int wi d. ed to s make a speech, apd, on rereiVting an id, lii-'native :1118Wel;,.toldl him he ShOuid like to hear it Wit wa, 'cut tind drieV •. ' '-' - - -Veordit-gly our l}mb .of laW- : delivered hitoSel f of the speech-4-the labor olitioro than. one long night- 7 -4o o\ir ' snapper of rift s,'. who, after applauding lit touch-and criticising it a little,_desired-thel lawyer to go thrir,serl with it again, vessichlWas . corhplied 'With.- - Atter tiiscus'Ang irviq its merit..., anclehaneeS Gtr improvemkt in:ihe, delivery ikore . espe.: ,eially, the' man of inelsure' actually precast ed on the speechifiertO .go ihfough with it again ; then t.omplina inied the victim by tel- - thig s hint 'it:was now perfect, and it eoidd'nt be bettered:- - . •Itnincdiately upuit their arri,i•al at Concord , theC; repaired to theet:Wilier, tst the C_sten- • tion, which bad just ;', wen_ orgabitud: • - Oar' _loan of Cloth t atehetki the.cliaticand bcflit 0 his coMpanion euuldiszty ' 4r,..Speaker; ha anticipated him, got,,,,the fli.or, and lo -the sur prise Usid astiMishmet,l4 hiS friends in 'oh 1 ' especially, r wite et al„ am] his eompa non i s ,..„ d the Winde speech:. t6:lie,caftgh(it ot!:the j4.ur.: ney - frimi the tmeonsellitts la‘iyer'g'ilpg, ver- La tint et literati* - Anil .t:libliyttook- his . seat amidst tlmnders of aPP'ause. !;: -, : ... • . • . r,,Th), iiias,:,.l. %,. , lirt,.trs iiii - :.‘vratif tail'liii• , ; _ty.,tiy. thi:i, .Octicral..flin4- .. *ii.4:::*Sii:. :4110it:..ani11 . .. : -- . _ very thick::'-: Thert 'Nin-'meit'-inet' One:44A - . Tim I.)Errit or Tim 5E.i....--A .1161 , titin cCf l the din& 'of •Wa.;,fiiiintotes: house in - Philadel.': - ::•:' ..: .., .-.• the Report of ;the Secretary of:t he Navy i.,.; I.phia. -. While - they-*ere . there - bOwlng.rulho.:,: - -• devoted In the survey'ivhich 110:: Neen 'made - ,...gtr'ect,..eachf!,inldoting'_lbat._ the tilkier•-.. - -4404':::: : :::, of the .bed of the , ea ; altd.the.seientifid 4'4 I•3kV, pre.e-tb 2l 4 3 i!').l l kP'etinl 4, a: 1 " .-.P OT-5 6 4-'.._'... , - eiliveries in, this explora.ion of the. deep , grit of ihU:d4,'w . lio, 6istinit,Asiy.glaki . 7 . 1 00 .will be found deeply niter:thig. • §pecimenstoue: to. the - Other; pushed :lioldly(f.•iietliOeli , . _have been proeured - froin the, .Lail of _the o.• theta, attlititning,"Partinti-mivgeritioivi#4,:-.‘ i . . t c.r._an, 'and be.autirttl . etiarts in:vg.., inapt itizour ,if .1a- haste I da,sh - throuoi :_Thick .iiittl4 7a.,7 - its depths at distaneeli of 'thirty, . forty',- sixty. -• • •- : - ---.------' - - - r - = -- _ - - - -: -, : - '; : :v ''..:-•. - : . , -- '-'..: 7; . : .and. oue:hundred n149.1' The'ghtistOst depth - - IV An - Engli?hl . writettit: - :ti:-.reoeoV* 4 o obtained was two tintland•And seventy:fath, on I,N.Orway, stat6l'.that he . had ; .,tv,; vi t siun•.A,t)ket.,_ unia—tivo ard' a half iniles. . - :. - • -.-- stta rs-orpta in One of ,th&, 1744 . 140,;, -.. , , ,,.90: i ' - . ailiinati,,,n, . giy - s-rIF,„., 1,- o iini Oat : , INA" Mr" "I" enigiip,:ed ," I says. a traveler; ti ebaiho ~6. , ,1f a - diizen . ith • rticii:Saft - iflO*iiii - *lo,otii.f . :i.itilj' .at.Gitiway to conductlike.cinie.few.-niijoS in'- lothor; Iklarse.yeqilendetil•baekS, iiiii: 044.04 to the country, And I had ; !irl proceeded far: on and dourni'l?hairiiiiitaketiitiir ihw.iziiri*ifo . Nairn it ' pulled., pi , t 1 016 tint Of a hill; all 4. ed .. xihnle' : ai_Me . :trenieildniiie:_isfi, Uk e -r, „ 4,1;: : , , ,,,,,,.-,-;„-1 thearivpr 'coining t the dour, Op 04: It,--T . 1 3 " Wtiat . are . „fou . - --tit- matt ,;-..this iete.t'ivilere I 'ordered 'yettito - stop,,!. Wald I. ' ..... 4 . Whist, your . honor, whist4"...'epleitioted •Pikckly,. - - . !'.1 .. v.: only - desaving the bziMe,„- I'll bapg•t4 decor, hell think you're on), and. cut up,the hill: like • . • .••• .. • , -... . . • • .: -• • •,, a dtsl,l.- . - tar+ % T cv ‘,;) the Price, of SMITH ; PUELISItERS====VtL;2'TtIe?: WEALTri 01P TIM 'Barmen ikeisroonser:- LAV3Z FAIIIIrate EAT V Vatalli4OSES: .= ... The D alto ,of Bedford's estat e'ifehtd4:nz icy eluded=,, a milesqltare in the , !_hQatt of Lon-, don, wir:re the British, iiifuseuni, epee, Mott, - Lague House, now stdr.ds, tint theland 94444."-_. - pied by , Woburn- fiquare f 'Bedfoi443titititiq' Russel Square. The Mar4eis of Virestrtiiii ister built, wit4i4 - a faw 'ye3r,,,t11.. 'aeries Of s'quar" 'elled BSlgravais-NiArtilloire le the noblest7'iliee in London. 'N'Orthetriber„- I f lud House oolda itaplaee,by airing Cross.. ; P. field House rernirns in 40Aley-street. , Sion 110113 e ar.d Holiand Ilgarm'' ire In 'gilt; §uburbz. But , :110:1 orthe i llisiOrieitt .friii:Oi „--- are masked or lofit in the incidirn,na-iztd which trade or charity has converted, theni. In the erountry, the size of private 'ilitattis is more imprtssive. Frele Bereerd ' Cistli f . • rode on the highway tWettpthree TeileirMixt ' liigh Force, towel d= Darlington, post R.I. • castle through 4he estate of thev Thikerot: Cleveland. , The Marquii of 13retfloltio 0 i'rides out `of fhis house a hundred 'trilm,, in: ; ii 1 straleht iine to the scz on Ida tin protiefti I The Lii.ke of Sutherland owns Ilitt.counti. 4.11,, ,, Sti.lierli.nd strt. tellir.g across Scotland-4otif----- The Duke of Devonshire, bictidel I.ls nth- ''' er estatt,s, owr a LinetY\ -six. thousand acrpild the county of Derby. The Duke of Rich mond has forty thousand sena at °Onion Castle. The buke of NOrfolles,park' In Sao' =; 5i....t is fifteen miles in eirkmit. .01 1 2"Agri4til! tolls!. bought lately the Island of Lewis, ini Hehrid,e, containing five hundred thou.sfitati acre ,- . The possess.ons -of the Earl of Loam dale, gave hint eight seats in Parliament.— This is the lleptarehy again -, end bare the reform of 1832, nne hundred and fifty-lir persons sent three hundred end seVeti nick- I 't bets to ParPtuntint. The borough-thongent "2 , I governed England. These largo &minions I "k i lt I ;,regrowing larger.- lint great estates at absorb:lig the small rreeliolds. tu 1180, the -, E ,,,, soil of Eglansl, was owned by two +limited i thousand corporations and- prod rietorst sal . I in'lB22, by thirty-twel.thousand. These f broad estates find roorri inthis narroWisland. All• ovtr Erit.datid, scattered at =shortinter. 1 - p-yards, mines and lirettarei , vals antongsht t , u,.. 1 the paradises of the noble, where are.liAtiong . re•Fose and refinenient, highte.ned by thectin. . trust with the. roll. of industry and nediSsitri out of which von Inve stepped aside:---iiii W. Emerson"; En:lti.li Trans: II 1 livar - ,- tlvi.t Ate' is tv,tYtity slor.yos, (31.) 111 . 1 . 1)S. ! YllO I 50 only y,:-tintlzily.?' (hal; for 1 alTt i vtircvd &flC} ELIE siyint4 , be Fi)7. Did I 'y , ou • - who is lit• - r equ ti .iii would not iri:e'Ve seen Bidi AIA-el-Kader ;bsrrv-ed, but it et.r. ." Tweiltptivi! tli,u. oks alit 1v,,r1;:; •1: ke- ::11:ird •s!i;t for - c . ann6f pare: Ay( rriaire take placer: , Liree,wives nave pre., fea.ht, the fantasia." • -,' I una. is' eoili.htc:ed ti s ip, o ts • will frvveLt -.• Tia•ue Apt r:tter ti tit n the clistimt ,ter when 4.l•:st-ut-lieil • the dis'attt I,outtt:i . . •e t,lt-• he-Ivy ?ii ash : 04110: •: pat . ral , lltva.i , ltty, i s. her e at. great taish itt her ae- city tukil we that Ibt Arab, who ilw-04 h et wit di Ail . tti Leave • while he :abroad. The wa,; 1.0 rut hiA . hatid ,fee a V'ery large {:e - tiblo wilh a [Lori floit , Times. rn .deorer ireeriit the ,xetlsivet— tal , _ tii ^' Read what ~ttptatti'dob Yr&t, ITC I " IX onderful Ad:ventures,"4?...) a of tht Vega; table Kingdom:: . .4., -,. , • ~-, '. .. The term wegetable,--semetilnrs pron - oucT .. ad vegetable-n probably derived - from-Ota _ ... i peculiar ion 3 :, antl pointed form - ofthe -- di;a: : eription t)f esculents ; hence' OrVtlit ,ily called - : .. wetlg:•„•eatable, then -vegetables,-and now" re.,t; „_,' fined itito the. present ternt. :'.. - - , ' ‘ ... 4 knnual lliwering phints- reseml)to- IN4lttitil, 113 they runt:” up to blew. , - - - k . , • - ,1 \ ` 7 Flowers are very '‘l'; - ar-likti in thvir. dispeet: slfian, and ever armed with - pisiibi. • ..--, - They. are 'migratory in their liah . tit . i., :In , - ~.. wherever they 11..ety,wittter i Vey - arC .qtlr4Z, rAir`','- - - iiiitt'i it tHelptini, - mbie l ,ortli6lCre=t7.lloVir'.' - ' - '' and f... 11 of boughs. ' - - - .----:-...- Like chtntlies, the eilating fainany tri:etilit. their most. valuableportitu - Cork tro - eiart- - "''. boot trees, f..r instance... • , s.' --, 7';`: - ';' - '..-_-.... Graili i7.1(1 Seecis are not consideited dung' e.rois except v:hen about:to alitalt:. Several - tiees, like Ivat g s, aro , valued- . ° mostlY,for their bark. - -.-. , -.: - -., A httle._bark will make a rope,hut it jAkt* a large pile of wood for a cord. Thou& there are no veget,able beaer; there , -. are a number of spruce trees. ,r '-• - It is considered ontv right and••preper to as trees hef,re yon fjil them. ' .' ' '', . -.. Fruit trees hare"ini!ila_ry, . - eltarac.t ristit:4l, . - „a. when young they are trained-, tht ...have . many iternela,'ail their shtaita.arc s . t ;KW„ Grttin „Inns!. be treated like.infants ;''whetf. tlie }lead ber.d it meat be :era _ ~..ard i threshing i'S resorted,"ta k 'tg.fit itfor use::,:: ,; . ,- 1 They are. mostly , toundiltilli.emaller grains 1 ---whielt require sowing.- .' •-• , .- . - .- __ ' , Grz)at indulgence in fruit is dangerons-, , -'. 4111 d tun free a use of ineluna produces a niet- - ancludie eater,. 014 maids fieo ft:ild iir pears—hut cannot. ' endure any reference to dates: . Sailors are azr4ehed 'to bays-; oyaterinott` : .... to beeches; love-s ck rgaide:ha ‘ to pine: - . - - ,--- ... . rti - ' 13.1MORTALITY.--1 .. he- 0 Oltr A pow. ing gein fr. in the pen of Prentiee, end hi.- at:the happy tile heart that ean see th&le betintarla." as he portrays them :--"Why i. it- that rainbow mid the ,esoite over us: with beittity the is not of . earth, and 'thus peat: a way, and leave us to mdse.-oil, their'faded IcivelilleAS Why is it that the ftErs; t;‘)1,1 their ft stiVal .arciund the thrones, aro a biw e th e gr a sp or our -iiittite'd'iltotilti44 tiirever mocking us wit lilheir unapproachable' i tiury And why is it that the - brigiA:foisnti' iir human beinity are, pre: ented to out,.,itevr.''. and then taken film the.thilusAnd sticams of t.fft,..:111:11 to tioNi bark,' ht. Arpine- torrents upon our heart 1 NV& are` a 'higher destiny that that 4 : ei There. : is- a Tealiti where the rilinbow neVer %t here the stari will setout I.ieftire Aw - ,lo‘o' 1,-lands that-slumber on the ocean, and%W.Noio: the heatitifutbehig that hioi;"pas -0 - 4.ll 4;it'lti- • ;Ike the iiieteur,„. will - . stay - ia Our- Airettet We dtellt, ppcese theSollow,ing,'„but the_ um) thit Aid t plisipt t hilve Wt " .l* :• " Wber, Athun and, his wire way.. Ivem 847, 4id Ate)! ba7PPr Some niaers arid en 0 10 ,4reett To tilt 9?iir Ear4", ll l,k , If not: And`` iabf citittlkihi#l l4 l4Li s And be 4441i0:1#'4W010410*-414-±? iteel be = ME 111/23 OMB MI MS MIMI REM WEI lEEE ~ V MEE IMO El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers