LI Die 110 4f/a tile fires . . . • i •Frerti'ttie P r airie Fanner. , , , . . lkiriotis Habits - of th e. Itrinni-Osad . • . - Grus Conoilinsis. .. - • - Mint of these noble birds:still 'nest•ii vicinity, but their tiuniber is:inial I eCi a i with the'.ntimernus flocks. dint, av-few since, might be scum holding -their . striangc. dances on fat-orite - knoll, or -feeding, while their sentinels,ludiciolisly posted,stood ready to give Warning,of any .susp icions in trader. ; , .. . . .. - '`. ''' . 4 - I • so mf i a r e : ib e rethilinia - as to the 'dancihg r of manta. , It is true, their, "moVentents' rirle. not as graceful) as a Frenchman's or their qiurd. riles quite ala ini?ae ; but dance they Cer-. tainly do. As for their. music, though lick; ing the Lortriony,•itis about as loud sac Mel odious as a fashionable opera iiir..:', The Sand Hill.l>ane is' omniveroqs, -de vouring pretty rirtieli everything eatin by birdi. The nest Is a simple pile of rushes,or grass, -flat- on' the tirp, _built in some deep _'4 slough or pond._ 1 n 9:eggs—two in - um •ber---are shaped 'Much like those of thC•corm. mot! iiirkey, of ..a light amber colon, and,. ..splashed with brown: The nest .is -tr4ally surrounded by deep .water, but the young birds swim readily, and leave it-as poor! -•as hatched. • It is believed .by many that they separate immediately upon leaving th . nest, each of the old birds taking rare of onfe—Lthe.. supposition. being that they would fight if al- Icwell to remain together. ' In corroboration of this somewhat singular idea, I can oply, say I never foUnd two of the young birds in eiim party, and a pair which I had caused it hen'to hatch, fought from the time they left trio shell till, in fact, they "killedeach other.outight. i• This bird is easily:domesticated. -I kept . • One for several •years, -whir showed -all . the at tachment and intelligence of a dog. . He never forgot .a friend or forgaVe an to , If any one had him, it was 'of */ avail to attempt disguise; he recognized, its one- . . ,tnies in any dress, and by an angry -- croak 1 1 showed his displeasure,' and warned t em .to keep but'Of his reach. - He was a. grit gor mandizer, arid was very Aind,'.. - among other things ,of • field , mice... (4rvicola,) many of which he de.Stroyed, being,quite expeifat fin ; ding' fich._ nests, and searching out the in mates with his long bill. • -He •Wiitt d ha ve • been of.serviee in the'gardeti. were his inquisitive propensities, Which led pull up for examination every thing us plant. Though a OSire. for .km Might very latidable;ghis mode of ~ bag it met our disapprobation., and ev caused his banishment.. Though a'migrat pry bird i .he did ni to'sulTer.froap et ,1d in the winter, an fond 'of wading, even kept a 'place in boring slough free from ice till int season; by tramping about in it:, I pi him with a warm house, but he prefer sleep with the cows. He always slept one Of them; lying flat.on his breast., legs fol4ed tinder him, and - his head Ili neck turned back between his wine was, on good terms with all the- cat le, and might frequently b,: , seen playing With them; his part of the perftwrmance consisted in • • springing up, flapping his wings, and IWhoep-. ins frefnen,4 , ..iiisfy. This wie , . the .same as the dancing.of his . wild br e i i i irtm .___: He would - also dance to the waving of the handkerchief; anti . on Wlll(i . i " .iVASITIg-diT4 • so m etimes danced . for hours at it thq I to the Clothes on the line.-- When much -enragelhe would stand with his head and hillpointed j directly upward, and utter a harsh, I.oalting sound, quite unlike his Usual whoop: A young crane makes no despicabl of food. The old 'ones, I should s ii•ould be rather tough and p•naky, bu lndiati hunter of my : lie/In:lint:ince . s:i turkey is not half as - good eating.' . • 1 4inclullon suppo:sp , d this to be .o4ly the. yodpg of the white. crane, hut he was[ wrong. The white crane (Grus American) Fs more; -- of a southern bird, and ex.vedingly rare here.'. ' I saw a pair flying - over:this fall for -Ithe first-, • time.'. These two pecks are: amongst the largest and finest of our • North American birds. ' •-• • . ..; ROBERT W.. KENNITT. . • .Tna' Gaovr.,. - ILLINOIS, November-15. . . • . • Frost as a Manure. . 1 - , . We know of no direc ly bene ficisil,.for almost every, Class of soil;ea that of' throwing upland in -.narrow rag • : iii the, • fall-or. 'early; .winter. There. are w soils • worth cultivation at all; that' do no contain more or 'leas' materials' which ea - n• i • 'Made 'available to plants hy the combined s - ion of air and frost:. • . ' ••: Take two . plots-of .heavy soil, side-Ay • side, .and let - one. lie! unmoved -ti i spring, while.the_Other is deeply ploWed in autumn, and . 1 the result will be. very risib o in.the spring crop. But. the'. manner, of, p. 'Wing 'is' . important.. To secure the:greatest a vantage; • a 'single furrow should ho throw . IT . 'and - another back.furieweddireetly .. umivst ni:a4 to ,pi Oduce a high ei s ige.i.then an - other ridge is to be' made in the same Manner Wittra deep. dead furrOW. between the :two. ' The, prote3s tiri is to be conued thus` through the whole field, - so that when finished it will present a surface . of high: ridges. and-deep - dead sue . seeding each other , ' about once: in t‘ oor two and a half feet. If prepared in-.this way, the c c g .froet \ - will lienetrate far downward, I sa and disintegrating soil below the 'turru vs, while the:ridges will en:table - down, and as they - • will not Told water, the air will circulate free . ' iy through them, :decomposing-do tetal portions, and conveying' in and other gasses.. ' This operation ival to ten or 'more loads of good ipon clay or compact soils: . . .. • - • • In the' spring it will Only bi run a plow onwr or twice ,three of each ridge, and then level the with a heavy harrow.' - • - , Another advantage in this pr._ _hut whin land iithus 'prepared it dri ';' out and . warms several days tarlier in - the. pring.. 7 — Again there are some soils that are miu...d upon •the surface, but which wide) poison ous substances hi the subsoil. • lithia subsoil . is thrown up in cottact With the ai and frost during . viinter, these - .poisonous , e ;a - pounds •- (usually proto-sulplutte of iron urn •gauese -, . will 'be destroyed,.hr cliaugod to . . harull* ) form, during winter. ; -- ~ • - : - --•• : .. -• . Thu: above practice '-. is ispecially . 1 tobit-C.: I.tu .':-coMmended in the garden:* One- - the moSt ' - 'succesafacultiylitors- of an ,adre of ground' in our acquaintanoe;,•,digsittp-in the tall. to the if w the -depth iirthreor ,four feet , , in king deeik: • trenches And high .;ridges c -so 'that ' the hole . acre appears to he' t . i, tered w ith high with rows of hay plieial • ClUsely;logalig: - ' • -.-! -, , - .We strongly urge every i .. farmer: who has; .;•.. not tried-ildaznethtid, to lay •out.- !heir 'plans for .. . . .. now_aoeriment in this way,.;* a larger ~ . .. -. . . - or . sinaller scale ; J:lurnig,tbe .I. , r , rt ' seasini.. .. ..: :American .4oricatooist. ; . .-. . ;. ~. ,,- -ii.; . . . . . . .. vi At a dinner to 'a railway Germany,-a locomotive appeared table, hating -attach d- to it: a t with dishes of the 'ehoiOest and tksi. - - The guoculeutlrain advaa in imitation of -the .plissenger irate German ioads. After` having; the lable-withontatopping, in *IOW Ovigi# . 4ingg with ' *44146404 1 6- 1100011_ st Om . In trOpk l 4 . "*.ikgagete- 1 01 rerinitt4Dit i tin 11141 to filhliop e: iecoraibg toitia appetite mid final— The` !lAA's:kit:ook o tter in' Cmstapt ssiceess io: for two or thrie hours, departititecety iiiiuVw ell loaded' it iilk - am - ea. tittles, and 14 ays_rpturalagatapti to,the de. P c ' : . i ; ' _-' .- 1 : : . • -- , -- -1 -. , : ~ _ . 2 '. The Keine Lew -The rise and provess of 'laws, in the va rioUs States, ProhibiOng the sale of intoxica ting asnkkis;brienyliisilib4ed'bir the fi)lkow- AngLl_ti - sosset. : , 1 1051-,Pa:ssed,bylLegishititre of Araitii. 1852—Passed by ;Legislature Of Mikneso tit 1 I - H - :-' ! 'llBs2—Passed. b y Legislature:of Rhode bland. .' • - ' ' i -' • • J - 1852 z -Parsed-by'' Legislature of Massa- I. ehesetts, . • P t 1 ' - 1 ri-LLRatifie4 by, the people of ta. ' , - :'' I . i 1 i 5 2 ;Passed bpLegtslature of Vermont. Passed by'Legialature of Michigan. ' : Ratified by the people of 85..--I.ltitified by the people 'of Miclij. 01.1.'• 1 • _ , ASs.2 7 lts submission to the pnople pro-, noUneed eonstitutionid by the Supreme Court hi ;Minnesota. ' ,1. ' -- 1 . 1853- 1 -Pronbuneed unconstitutional by U. S.Suprerne Court iii Rhode Island. ' 1 I 1,853-LState ,Supreme Court equally di *Vitled in:Michigan. ' ''' , 4- • ! . -"lSM—Norton need uneonstitutionaliel‘",-114- j sechusetts. -' ' i " . • ' ! , ,1854---Pasied by Legislature of. New York . 'lVetcd hi Governor of New York.' 18544:-Passed by , ono-branch Of Legisla ture Of New-tlampOurc. , l' • i, 1r1441-Passed by one branch of Legisla titre of Maryland. ', • ! FI 1854-i , -Pl4ed by Ltgislature, but two 1-ancht.4 , fail to agrOo, in Pennsylvania. '41854.-P..ssed by Legislature of Ohio. . '1854-LVoted f rly • , opl of Wisconsin.' , , 0 pt. c. • I 18514Prottouncied - unconstitutional in - 185-11'aSsed, it) modified form,. by' :Leg: ~ ! li - ligature of Rhode Wand. 1854-L-Pu4svd byLegislature,of Conceti, (lit. !I! 1 - - It kill be'ob ' served that it has passed the 1 1 .egisIstitres of So-tin States and a.Territory. It, ha fitiled through Legislative disagreement in four. It has been submitted to the pee- Ole, and retained by - thein in . fur. It riii nowhere been repealed by the Legislature. though it luti beet ifbur. ! times set aside by the JudiciarY„, and in one re-enneted in a mud ified ;form. ; , . - ! • It will probably be a Subject of discussion in the'Lmsliturt%"pf allthe Northern States lihis wtuter, 4nd in' those, of Maryland, Vii ginia,ill)ela*-are, South. Carolina, Georgia, i lienttfek,Y,. TenneSsee and TexaS.—Albany i'reitilf l y Jim!riial. , • ' i i .: , • l t iar h vi lt; ears Inot for !tint to e saw sledge )btain tually ttr' semi being . neigh-. in the °sided , • ed to i - beside i •th- his 1 d limg 1 lie' 1 Twelve' Rules for the New Year. • 111' ! b rolloinj; rtilc.4 are intended, mainly, ur t 4 gnid4nue ottyoung men - and women 1.,-Pret married, ijf yoh,,can but look be , fore' An leap. Love matct. -are rOtaantic, thingstO read nboui; but they hate brit!). ston,:in theft], no* and: thetr: to says_ liarW,Escf. I ' 2.!!C t ilite in overthrowing the fashion which _tr,an4ites civility into love. • ',Go to ehure4 at least once a week. • % - henei,er }ftu see a lecture advertised, yet the - et - ening : lloOn which it is to he deliv: eredliiiiiitt, fur Yearling fifteen pagei-in a good . no : 6..,"Ast!4ici ail kinds-of spirits--particularly spirit-rappers: • . . 7.'. If hit he theater,or ant i otherpublic place oranitis - ement, do hot level your operaglasses at tit ratipts.. .41:. . - 8.! 'Meyer notice the - clothing of persons at tentii, diviue worship, nor stand in front of the, hi, se of God 'after the Feerieeg.. • :, 0.1 Never ask another man what his - huSi-. !less ii,::, he is going to,',where he - exam Truitt, i When lie 14, when he intends to go I):l"ck;',ir the ntanbe'y of his:dollars, You Mat; iquliti as to the state of his health, and that of his - parents, sisters and brothers, but -ven ture no further. i ' ' ' .10, Defendl the trnocciit, help the poor, and cultivate a spirit of friendship among - all yetti. acquaintances. ' ~ 1 ' ' .. article .uppost an oki vg " A . 11:jNever . speak disparagingly of *omen, and endeavor to : eimquer your prejndices.•'--- Belivee all peri9hs 'sincere in the religion which' they . prt?fe.s. 15.!':13e economical,. but not parsimonious nor nt7wdly.' 11take.goOd use of yOur•del-' buti not - Live -within your. means, and nevCr borrow ! money-in anticipation of your salary. ' • - IN . eon. Daniel . ebster alwayi keptat 1 his farmi in Mar , hfield, from sixty to a bun- dred Sh"eep, chiefly' Leicesters and - South downs. i In. this the 'people general- , ly care. but little Air minton, preferring beef; 1 hut iti i reiie 13iitain', inutton is regarded 'as i the inosti palatable, And is extensively used- On one .omnsion n : eborittree before Es death, Mi. Webster reifiarked that' you might oc- Casionally_find goo mutton at Albany, New York, 'Ana Pl:dad:Aphis, but that in England you never would'.find. any bad mutton.. ilk. sheep 'according '4) Mr. Webster, should not be killed 'before; ft is three rears old. Al- I though .latubs atithe, age of eighteen or twen -1 ty months may ire nearly or. quite attain , et their '.. f.ill gtOwth, the ineet is never so good l in. finely flavored as that which bashed ato •r time tolgrow; the muscle and fat is not nixed, the gay, on carving it, is white and insipid, anq the. meat i :variably sinks from the bone When cooked. The best ani finals o , : are ke tto Ole age' of l ii. those ivh . ch • shree y 4 or ukfrords before they are killed. ----o,4:rnzntowit r ele g raph. .- I - Tun ADMINISTRATION AND Till NEEIRAISiI xl ‘---8 li QUEMTION.—tui lINAI. PLAiFORM. 0111... Of our country coteinporaries, sineet e elections I are very desirintS to learn the e position, t 1 of the Administ afire on the Neb.iska ques. i the since the la O elections 1 itl "squatter. I soverigrity, ?"-*it doctrine is' ,repudiated by the Djemeratty of: the .South. 1 Is it. the 1 1 1 introductioii of Avery into Kansas and Ne- ] I'ln:skit 'f . --that hrea is scouted by inn the de= mieracy - of the North, Cats and pouglas in-. eluded. ; lahor,mailetpelislave labor, fromithe new Territories smith of :39 30-;--this-vicw of:the' subject. agre9 with the Searlt Leiter '• but the Cabinet organ is' at- I lent upon it. ' As file as We can figure Winn, i the phnforinottlie President.andleabinet at 1 , . iitiktiirt on the 1 4ebraska billl is that of l i i I,4he SA Blie, 11 - SyMeuse Cent:with' -ta wit, 14st - tile 11l- was pnwise, uncalled for , ta in. 4-xpedient, land yet a proper an - Llutary 4 7,jnea.s4re,'; n monstrous outrage, tII great %et ollpublic justice: : This cove both sides .4 the line; and -ifiay be considened the 'na ticeal.platform Of tbe Adininieitration, ; till otheriviserieresti.--ff. P. Herald, • . _ . _ . . • • pr ,ii . 1).1t4,1,0 flioy . , three years , d; wander. e L rei ed frtri ittollomtc' , in RoeLport , few days ago,'- and ,Alillifouriti next morning a . sivantp, as thnis related b . l the &MUM T . ler :I-4— , • "T 144 i.'caiie 0' lb p obila -.16:101 , b .crYbkr, 4 Ifueiniuk, why dasstra.cnnte mid get ntel' Guided' by- the :like; the child was soon ~dis = c" v erpdoitale,Y..4 o wed away bt - ttle siTzmi4 half SI mile fromhums Net sad ,eold,but , un km4ll, 41P4 blight and cheerful. iHe said he Amalei zatifm4:l,lq,D2l4--*Thi being Altid-he tress in upon the ritt loaded ost solid I s1o~ • I s al . n s,ll the tattr **give "4_ 'torts u*ing,! PM ,414. 11 `Mutton. Vir- • ,1114,640,4i4101=1u0.idept, --- ;;BeingskokediArhat dtand what-he hoard and saw durnig his k that be picked some )413erfies Mama, but :wu hungry- and I 'ate thviii _ up.; that. he - saw onis' .110 Olliant iern,4Wt spoke to him but didn't comet° get hbo, woo, Henry s geury V and he said, Whal.,, what.' V Heas cold ; but there were , ao god birds there„ for he asked them tO coins and ptit some leaves on him, but they didn't. .Then he said he thought a rat ;mig ht mom; and he still and *cut tottlcep. [, i:i3USINE . SO . • 1 CARDS. .Caleb Weeks.. 1 " ntf:DDLE, TIAIetiffSS:IIiCNIE and Car riage Triminer. Sher, hia dwel li ng house, y opposite Henry Drinker's. . , • .•A, & Pg Baldwin, A f ANI.TF4OTURERS OF SADDLM, 131. Trunks, Whips, ke., to the Basement of Searle's Hotel, )lontrose, Pa.' C. 14makong, .bOOTAND SHOE. MAKER. ShOP Brit door east, of Odd Yellows' IhE, Turnpike st., Montrose. . • W. Singleton CN now be found stills new stand on Owego st„. two doiws west of Grade's Hotel, where be ef fethaiguy: repairs with diApateli, Watches,l Clocks, Jewetey, Guns, and every description of Machinery. Wheel cutting; Gun and Waleh materials' 'supplied to the trade. - Dr..S. Smith, 1 SURGECiN - DENT IST Alontroaer,-Pa., ati &axle's Hotel,. Mondays andliesdays of each week. Henry Iktnapp, I • %If ONTROSE, rilth Row, Woody:re & Car ter,Wholesale GrOcers and COmmrsslon Met e 'ehiu4s, :Co. 173 Washington street, pet 7 Ctrart , andt and Dec street , Nine York. r e,l 0T - . Killer lit Powlet, kTTORNEYS AND r-t)trNSELLOILS AT LAW, and Solicitoe= ii Chancery. Office No. 44 Choice 60,04, Chicago, lU. " • • Pacific 'Hotel, , . , (`t liEgNWWit STREET, (near Broailwiy i ) New York. Salisb.tiy* Co.,* Proprietora In . the vicinity of the prineipal'eteamboat landings. • Mama bigstrom. LPEALER DT DRY GOODS,. Grocerivt, Clothing, ; Crockeq, Boots snd Shows, &c., Susquehanna Depot, Pa. . . Bentley & Pitch, : TTORNETS AT LAW, Mont se, Pci.l .Z . X. D. S. BENTLEY. • viten iohn Groves. ASIIIONABLE TAILOR; Shop uuddr Searle's F Hotel, Maine street; Nostroso,ifra. • I - t • .D. D. Hinds, 1 !WERT AND EXCHANGE STABLE. Office in 14 in the rear of Wilson's Store, Miintroar, Pa. . , . • . J. Coigen ; • E.ILLER LN STOVFS, Tin ,Tl dopper, and • Sheet Iran 'Ware, Lacrsrille, near Great Bend DePot. • Deeenper 4. " - 1-. L • IL C . Tyler, . • NTERFS.TED with I. L. lIUNT; Importer Of And I Dealer in - Ilardw are ' and Cutlery, Carriage Springs; &e t , No. 215 Pearl 'street, Nem Puri-, where.his Her, cantile friends, in this and other counties, are kindly incited, and earnestly solicited to call and purchase. L. P. Hinds, TTORNEY AT LAW, Swint a, ,Pal Office 11... on Maine street, one door east of Lenheim's.. Frazier & Case, . ! TTORNEYS ANII;COI.7:CELLORS AT LAW, 1:1.• . Office on Turnpike street, one door Eat of Poses StOre, ifontruite,: Pa. • : tTTORNEY AT.LAW and Justice of Eihe Pore; over I:•L. INst &,:eds Store, .11ontrOr. Wmr H . Jessup; • . .A TTORNET AT AND COMMISSIONER of DEr.043,.f0r the Slate of Nei. York, , . hill attend to a buaincss•entrtieueil him with promptness and fidelity. Office ou Public Square, occupied by Hon.. .teacup. • i• - Abel Terrell, • TIEALER I 4 Dnr,cs, MEDICINES, Cheinicals, ll Paints.-Oils, Dye-stuffs, Groceries, Drc Hardware, Stonewall*, Glassware, 'Clocks?, tratehes, Jewelry, &her' Spoons, Spectacles; Mostral Instrn nients,.Trusses,-Surgieal Instruments, Li4nors, INn•- ftimerr Mirrors, Stationery, Brushes, Shoes, Yankee Notions, ./ge. • B. 1. Lyons & Co., THOLES ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ; 1 1 Iry Goods, Groceries, S.%lt, Flour, and Hard. ware. LetnealAro, Pa. : 11A .L iAtfiß IN D r B itYG,. :Ch OO MI DS; IIIe Read ; 1 Ready ' lade Clothing, 1... t Groceries, Books j ariti Stationery, etc., Public: kßenue, Montrose, Pal 1' • Patrick ei Dimock, ; PYSICIANS—ANO SURGEONS. - Office No. 4 Owego street; QUIT a, Pa. • ; L L. Post & co., IMELLERS IN DRY GOODS Groceries; Crockery,: JL7 hardware, Letalier, Flour ' etc., corner of Torn-': illki street and Public Avenue, Montrose, 11 3 a. - = , — J. Llons . - IrIEALER . S IN DRY, GOODS, Grixeries, Bardwarei. 1-1. Crockery, Tinwal4, Groceries.; Books, :etc. eitiTy on the Book Binding business-4'A* Ar:lsmaa.::, Oontrov, 'Pa. Bentley & Bea►d t Il i' ;4. e..! e G r, D i s ia l irwrint:: CTockerv,: Cloclui„ Watched; Jewelry, Silver Skew, Pert! Ornery, im.l—Foot of Public ATerie, Mo frost.. William W. Smith & C 0.,• TIABr.-ET MAKERS. They keep cohetaady on lumd it - good aifi . oetment of all kinds!of Cabinet( furniture. , Shop and Ware Rooms at the fOot c•f, Maine street, Montrosei P. Vintoll & C0.,1 IirANUFACtrIIER,B and • DEALERS in Strati: U. Goods, Hats, Ckps, Furs, Umbrella s, RibLons, ;No. 20 Courdandt Street, -/Vent York. (up stairs.) . - • I - ' l , .•1. D. ROCKWELL. 1. ROWAAD. W. W. W/NIT* . Pranklilt rimer, A TTORNET ANT COUNSELLOR AT LAW", - 11 Nordivae, Pa., will attend faithfullvl,to all busl4 ness entrusted to him in the county of Su squehanna; Corm., . and writing of all kinds Will be done', (Deady, and charges moderate. Re will alio attend to the prosecution" of ciaiMs of soldiers, their widows and. 'heirs again,' sr, the United. States Government, :for Bit Land, Notions, Lc. May be found: at all tunms at the office formerly occupied by. J. T. Rithi ards, En., north of the Court Rouse. 1489; • .1 Time! Change& ~ DELAWARE, tACKAWANNA AND liMs. - - RAIR.W.,II). ll • i ,i ; • WINTER ARRANGEMENT ! ',t r - ' Mil irVii 'and after Thursday,. Nov . 23, 1854,, the Ma! NJ Passenger_ Tralnlrftl depart from Sizantosi 1 2.Y. 1 . Due at Great Bend at 2.30 P. 11. Conuectiog with the ; Dally Express Trai . s both fast an 4 was' . t on die. /5 - . Y. & E R. R., whieb attire at Net. York ut9.30 p. al.-mid at Dunkirk ati 11. • - Return w2l leave Great Raid en the inks] of thO Suffidolzp_rese bound West, (6.20 P. ILO whiel l Barter:Om New, York at 7 A. IL, and tellies at Samar' •at 6.64) r. . - - . The Freight Aceotemodatiou Train with Paseniper Car attached will leave Scranton at 1.40 satyr log, et Great Rend at ,6r. -x. , conaectieg with -the man Traia.boluid West; and the NightExpreseTrainit ‘botind moth FAst and W,est. ' Taleive Great laid at'6.Bo. arid atrice at Sena** -11 •*. r. • Stages will-be In waiting on the arrivatof parsea. ger traincatßeianten;; to convey engem to. Ca laindale, Fittstcm. Wilkeshone, Pb via. -the *actin Railroad. Piston and all other intennediate Awes: DA H., DOTTRlLlWAtipetiniesdent: : 644 1 1 . 0 e100 1 71. 4 44 0, Senat 64 - 10 ! Iss.sii . . MIZIE •4 ..4rEadtaw, S. .-- , -volf)utiejust achieved, air* triumph:4 ,Ott thei ' 1 tonalfield l ot Petee,•firlth IF for yettr - nraterh prd and.tbe . " ter me.. rtni or our i ti bOild*lilet, - eit have wr en& &revolution triti An 1 Oil Okt Wo would lave shaken' off the - cifittp, If rie-the head, hf every deep'', and bellied hirifheth thi eltltite44 ruins of - bill own i throne: — And ' now aitid:*er high rejoielne*d the jubilant a , ill Of 1144) . 1 1 1 0 001' hand , ' eh 'Yqu forget litihtote eotavinhate who citing to your eta 'i, ' in 00 da,TO, 00our adverdtitin d defeat, and, h i , are with; von tioW in plosperitt and success, •,,, . ~ , ! iroprl old -patriotic friend Tut Dx2rrier4 W!M - Oli: lb* ; iluntri helgz i r Ett faxnedefO , I% w° iliiroeCyotti;,ileadliest an dwont evi o • i ).?! . 4tilsnOted "within bii.gatem of pearl uPon , lebrat t •- 1 throil# B , _ 1 "`• 1 ;1 :1- )14 Wears alerown of aching7iteries, and:!peaks tit lin ' :__' 1 tint* poima, 1 ' I t 1 ' Ao ll orr 'l l eatitea round }cheek; clouds the preet tfatqnn s au do ,. 76'f is etnpire with tortni It brow of I ale bloom, 9dt*ds the 'visage ' Thlslfooti to e t iest, en d bealth, 4 • - I. ell 'Won, i ough armed to - OriOion. And new like Whigs and I Nothing too, - 1 'Sim we bilge got the reins! CI We OM do. I 'Well purge" these "Aegean ' I AAa tbi•n alth pure tnaterii A` t 4 though hostile politic' Of the potoa sets of measti .21 0 0 6 4 - - xittir: reference to our nil 'that neushous filth and rot' t :to 'pOld, ' btoc that *hen any system ;bong Thn nOwer4 that did the 114 • I ; thrown. , • I MK% Olen Is what we do in The eteM4 ivrantswe einel If aught Ivilunblei remains; I Toe° sniti, • I We cleaceo and save it, 10 !the,rosois. I 'then On t he rnins,‘by our' -An arch o(barning Gold, v l , .And now Our figure to cow ThOse:wondrous transform' L.i C: D. VI Montavltie, November tt; ,• NEW STORE! • inn! GOOD.: -• • , ;„11,; •;. • IN NEW MILFORD. .t ::iit 'Aibscriber haviq leased the Stone, !of the ' Messts. Prats, formerly occupied by,.11.j8. intend to locate perm i anentiv in Nest 10fOrd. And- hq would take this method of inforintng the inhabitanth of• New Milford, and adjacent t4wi'ts, that helha, just - returned from [New York with adaige and block of fresh -and entirely new elan oflDß Y GOODS' of almost every ;:ccinceiva bNit vipiers.,-0110CeRIES #4 low ai the lowtsei Hard warr,WrOkery,• Boots stilt? Shoes, Hats tsr4 Caps, Bitanits Of every style, /de. tvhieh he,,ofrers for rale.on th 6 most reasonable terms, for-cash, Country jyrodice,Eir reliable credit! He would alsoia:t in this conmictidn, that he has added to the establishment, Ore Mantifacturing of rin,• Sh‘Yt-iitot, a4l ;Copper smite " i in !nil its varieties, in which he is prepored to eiccute all kinds of jobs' by-the very bes workmen and oti . t.lip most masons le terms. supplied at th• lowest prices. Particulars iii relation to stoves Sc., at some future *hip.' '• 1' • • I . J. DICKERMAN, jr. \eye Milfotd, May-16, 165-4. i !. 'um.- ASSORTIMIT of Tin, Shet I in tend Copper Ware - of my own manutaetitre and iriadti of ,heary plate, for'sale-hy 1: 4,- J. DICKEBIiki jr' • NNW Milford, July .I'2, 180. ' ' 4 , ; A FULL a.,..artm,iti'ail Hardware, Carpe . nter atl.l ;aGll.Joinene"Tools, Putap Chain, and flitirela at New Milford, July, 1814.1 DICKERM*N'S.. 'LI.ASII. AND BLINDS pf the Vert ivality.;for sale 14_ 7 :7.0:1eap at 130RK; FIXfit — AND; SALT biifie barrel or oth" erwi~e, at thi loweiit prices at 131CRIOLVAN'S, FAiPIR/VS ' UNION INSCHANCE COM ~...ill RIF.. ~.....,.,..-I _ _ ~ J oFtler, ATHENS, BRADFORD t...C111 , ,t PA. • i .' : • CAPITAL, . $200,000. °I i • .45(i•jrect:1 , :y Bond arid Mortgage. on . the lien! Estate ii" • ; 1, , of the Stockholder& , i I: I Insure.; against loss by Fire, of Efousett,tOrcls, arid 6th)* buildings, Goods,lyares i anti . i Merc4andise on 45 favorable terms as any similar Institution. il Losses • promptly , adjtoted and [yid. t. . , . 1 PiRRCIORS.—Iron. Horace:Williston, Atiter4; Fran livid:, do. ; George S.', Perkin?. do.; J..T„ , tb Meyer, do..;•:c, li. Shintaan, 'do:;; C. F. Wtgles, Jr. dit.;,J..t. r tattfield" : do.; llon..John'Laporte, Towanda ;I : Gen. B. " , tVaitemitn, Larevviile; Geo. 31. nollenbao,lWilkes l:parre ; 'Michael Moylert, Laporte, Pi. ;1 1 :: FOreirmu.--Flon. Horace Williston, President; C._ -F:lVelts, jr., V. Pres. and Treas.; J. tl. Canfield, ?were:dry. • • ',...4';geni, 0. S. BEEDF, Montrose, Pa. i; t1.532n4 CLERICI_WANTED:. 'i • ._ liA TA'S'TED immediately, a good activetlerk—one r. 7 v Who has had experience, writes it fair hans4 stpd:is competent to take charge of a set cif ftooks— Must be teMperate and willing to devote bla time and attehtiois to the interest of his employer*. yTo one that cat answer to the labors .4 liberalrf will be given.' ..:None othertrxteed apply.. flood ' Snmenti: aliens reemired. ' I B. F. kR. 11.. VON. sat A Harfoid, May, 1854. ; .f , il • • , :. 3 , NEWFAL GOODS :-• :* 1 L Tir DURRITT would invite .tbe attetitiO of his :11-5.-., friends and the public to his newi and splen:. did itocklof Brerhe, it'yol, and Coalneri!,.l4ng and s4l4Pre:' - Sharls, from i s 2. to $l6--Lailirs7 Dress Gods, including plain and fancy DelaneAlDe-Bages, ParinneWts. French Merinoes, Silks Poplin Ging i..#.4.,---Akik—fir...,,,.•44.14,M1...a. aid Silks, Po of new stylett,-- which in tcninection.with a largee at of. staple laid. 'fiancy Dry 400dr, Grocer 414 Vrockery, - 4 e ifardwart., Iron, Store* Buffalo Rebes,; . C*peting, Rdeta sill Short, Hats Ind Caps, Paintfil ll'irsdetc- Shades, jra/1 Paper, tier and Paints, ift.:4 will be Sold °tithe most favorable terms' and reduced prices for cash.; produce, or approved credit. I • 1 - I IC Al Sail by the, barrel or load. ~ 1. I, .. . ;;,eir Milford, Septeudier 9.2; 1854. 1 l',. 1. ! 1 ' 4 Some, things cyan be dOu4 a 4 well ,_ l l • • as ethers." .' -, I • rirME Subscriber having purch ased r the chair min ,' XI nfabtory of. A. Wi Greenwood, Ili lialford, is prep,ro I to manufacture all kinds of OkaiiN st i rred need prices, ed good materialS, and in ti. superior istyle of irot4smanship. Among 1 the dilftweml kin I will :metitiott, i , I I 13(1.ti04 Rockers, (i*proved style,) allikinds • , oftfancyand: Ifindi r or chaiis, i "r • ' I &at:, '..lettees,.(.6e., (et% !, 1 i• virAn Work warranted to give 'sattsf aeßon for. 'five years. %. ..,,- : • , - -_l- eh l • • ‘Merchantable Produc taken in M enge -for nge for work, bit NO CREDIT! • JAS. JOILNATON. llaribid, Apra 5. .•- .' f , -------4-,-- STEAM GRIS AND SAW MitLIL.-• 1)0 0511 BROTHERS .avitig purchased„thn nixive eatitblishment, will' keep constantly bn led Sti prifisti did Fine Henri Corn Meal of super"! (mil ky,' aleire:C%op wed Bret at the lowest cash prieer..-- Cu4toni Work will be done with deapatlit, and in all easeiiiiiirrantrd. ' - • • 138Itf • Honbiage. July, 18453 ' • . , ____ Sliove‘ I; Moves: "iv ' it,,itußßl7T is nor' receiving a Ile* asiogpnettt . , 1it 1,4 fittjyes, inchiding the- mutt:popular And a l l improied kinds of Premium ; Air-Tight , find evated 'Ov:gn Cooking Stofes, With Parlor;.ool4e,, ' 'Shop &l vet , for wood or coal, in superior•carksy Id style, whickhe will sell at tie most reduced prig:Ele :valed Olen stores of now and approveddruis will be *44 t 4420 tb $25, And other kinds in proportion. 1 ' Alio,,st4ve pipe, zinc, and , sheet iron, store the ke. -NO If ilford, Sept. 2 4 2, '34.1. lf: 0117 R EIITT. 1 j Window Badt. 1.1 D. SAYRE Itarbir been S — l . ,u. _ _ .. r . having b appdintet • foi. an extensive kith blind and dbor i tory aee,' prepared to furnish any:ardeletifin t 1 leek rat es than . they ) * Faye usually been Ad !Tull 24 . ' ! e4-iii eam. - Alt Wrtiele which et - cry Wan shotifil try L"1. ' • g & LI 4T,5,- - -;A new lot of Summer . fat summer wear .1......... just reedred and . br. ! 1 ... .D. li, • : _ 0 the os IteiLdlui Public 01l IL—, bo l 'llaisina County, a5a411471. PUY. THE labdersigooll WI now.. P prepar e d oeitd to Oi; do .., By mail, t post paid," any üb t lialted in . L this eistary on the receipt of the pri .ce; thosame-- ;Ili erdepmeet "with prompt-ottentle _shd books sent it" ' mail. Addreni - .- NFL *ll :LiiAeli.• NO ter Depot, ItOlton liast', ,' Her. , Wadi. WOE assortucent OA/A ,114.4 1 , 1 iztt.emely knr prkes. ' • I ' 011140 7 1 June SI, 1 50 IL Win - 'I ! t , tc DO power eanitiekulle. 2hildhood steals the Inse t , • of manhood tria 'l l serif- . and Wont, theiworst in the teeth; and t:4lt.By tr . d 't .... -- il o )emocrats, e' know (of power, well a ll W:what ' t 'Position ' ? , Phi feet stabiles" of the .1 • • gi h 7/ them anis differ wider • res that each in urti uusy 1 1 1 I siot be prefired tenness FLhollid b 4 n 1 ir 2 the has grown rot scidef should not r • be over- J the 'empire 'of tb aws, - and abrogate tlieiti'laws.. that our , preaceriag put.? 11 . ; . Ii the rest rre pita 'put by ...• .11 1, . • laic, we quickly r4ai again ith eolOnnades of foreelain, plete, we onlyhavel,to say; tions all are doniffor pay. RGJL, Surgeon Det!tist. 1854. 1 , 41NY agent anufac is line at D.B for sale D. Si an4tiot 6 T eherip co. .tr Heti ai ier.---- ICeeras MOM. funatel for the Rump . hitherto; that gative medicine is nermoniousi and . web. ) This is not. Many Oftliem griping pain and revulsion in.ithe than pountirbabince the good*be . .. • - These pills,produtte no irritation arise ti om api eviously existing ' ! „ob fk getentin the bewels, Rein ;u e . rm can rirlieliettillieli 'nil iiit btkter that - any medicine s ould sly. ! Minute directionsfor their rise . (Its to which. .they are appliCahle bo i !Among the complaintslll t h:fell ily !cured by Them, we mayr ma tlon hefts 'various forms of Jatindicei In ; or and 1.014 S of A v petite, Listles, tis I Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever n he Side and Loins; for, in !kith, it" eonscerienee ordiseased - 4.tium an aperient, they afford pioniPt itrid itiieness, Piles, Cholic, Dyseptery„ " and Scurvy, Colds with serenest" of ,and impurity of theiblotal; in ialprt, . se ihere a purge. tive is.requiredi. e oduced some singularly. suceetisful tisni, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erv4pe-.- f the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stnm- They. 'should be , freely taken Iralhe , to purify the- blood and prepare to change of seasons. - Anioccasi anal e stomach and bowels into healthy , res the appetite anti vigor. Thell pt. nd, by their stimulant action, en the m, renovate . the strength of the it ty, , wetted or diseased energies 0 the i Hence an occasional dose is ad an , ough no serious "derangement ex gts ; ; dos . ings should never . tl'e Carrie too • tive, medicine reduces the at gth xcess. The thousand cases in, . • ich t red, het , , but 1 Miselves to- the, reason of every 1 . y, ently believed this pill will an 4 -r a han anything which has hitherto . en kind. i When : eir virtues are onc e . lick will no toil doubt wha t it etiy in• need of a cat Artie medicine. Be ed they arc pleasant to.take,'ith be- 'table,; no harm can wise fret+ heir titY "i t .. " -I, 1 . Ireetio ts see wrapper on the Ba. JAMES C. ATER, Practical and An : Viwel, Mass. .. 'll eats per Box . Five-Boxes forsl. i I . [ s It Itas been ii n oro almost eve pur irritating to the produce ski deb systeth as t ma fit? .til derived or pain; On efts it sttliet. l 9P.l oe/1i li vegetam ; 'no quantity_;;; utlt be taken judicio in the seveial di. are given _ oi% the tare bee p ' peed i Liver Com Joint digestion,', arrt I IrritabilitY, llilio and Ague; Pain *all the** ar but 'in the lir I L ' • A. sure - M.IM: n Cp 'Hlllll°ll% Wlil the body,:, ter any , and c ry . .- They Ft ve • cures:in Ileum • las, palpit. don icl ach and ~. de. spring oft e y the &rue for t dose stinn ates action; nit res rify the bi .d, diretdat . syst and recto th whole o :, nism tagefaus,l;. en , hut min stmt.; fin- as ev ' - • pu when tak n to & physic:, yequ thev'sn : st th and it is j i ,nft -better pn ....e. available. o ma known. t • e pu to emplo; nee ing sugarwrap . log purely ye use in nn;• qua For mi I . m u Pre • ' d Tic alytieal emis I Pri • 25 A ye For the roped 'Btonehitis, Conine opti This rmed. its cereslof ev f it is enti ly .n its virtu . in Ployed. So w merous he c tion of4/te coni wher hasje bee. Aerate Hied tt.t super kind is oo ap its virtues are t ) what au 'dote gerous ffecti -.inciden to ou attack's pon i" Colds,, .ough. is the p easan ! tamed. As it 1. • 4 g Cherry Peelers -I.IIJ Curr hj Coughs, Colds, Hooisrneas, 'Whooping-Cough, Crentp, elathhiit,and • . , i 11a s : won for.itself;uch noto riety from .1 Ty variety of puhnoharY &este, that 'necessary to recount the evidences of 1 , ny community where it has behn em- de is its field of usefulness, and so nu es of its cures, that almost ev l ry sec ttry'abounds- in persons public!. , known re4tored' from alarming and e : n des .of tthe lungs iwy its use. Wh tr _ once public!, foritY over every other metlieTtri of its .arfnt to escape falservation, n where knOwn the public no longer esitate to'etuploy for the distressing,d den .ns of the pulmonary.organs.wlch are 1 climate: And snot only in fo r ridable he lungs, but br the milder y 'eties of ,, el s e.: and for -(1. Urea if est and .. - safestlnedieene that ea he ob . • 4 been in constant ttse throng out this ed not do, more than assure th people ept Up to the hest that it ever hias been, !Mine article is sold by—int:L.-TM ! e.; :B. F. 4: Ti. 11. EATON, Barford; INsi.r.,* Dtutdaff, and by all de T alers in v where. , has lo' we n ty is I the untro Ei ;e eve bevtion t its qunl and tha , WELL. I I Carat' mei:licit . . I . ' A Eiilr .EXCriEIIENTi. ' I TII - E Tlitt ASKA BILL UNSF,TTLEI,:. Q COT, Jt lINST & Co., . are nowfeeiving . CI from tie York. 4 general assortment o Spring and Su inner ods, and we cordially ir.vite l l an that like tobny . s 'cheap to, give tts,a call, asqur stock is large .and e afe willing to sell for small Profits.— you ca i find nerd almost every article wattled, and --- --- williu to i!ompare goods :and prices pith any the unty---we have taken special pains to e _ sto please the Ladies, : such ,rys Black, and ancy Enka, Silk Tissues, Berages and Delan .', flatn and FtllrC Lawnls, Sill, French ines'tle r Gingliams,.Figured and Plain 'illnslins, dered 'Curtains and. Paper do., Ladies; Collars, andkehiefitind Sleeves, Mantillas, paraxas eves, trasv and Fancy Bonnets, a'so trim, o mat h. ~ A large stock' of Goods ',for _Men 6, al. Iron, Steel, Nails; *Horse Shoes, and !rails; lotighs; Salt, Fish, Crockery 4 Grind land S neware, Stove pipe, Tin, Glass, Sash' , 800 s,. Shoes &c., &c. Please give us a of sh Wing you our stock before yon buy. Nours truly, , - SCOTT, JOHNSON &. CO, , igville April, 18, 1854. • w•e are; store it Fign Berage and D. Entbro Under and GI, rnings and Bo • Horse atones, ; Loathe}chance Spritl Buffalo Robot. lot:jast received, and offet:ed lenv by SCOTT, JOHNSTON k. co. , Shaw Is lot,of Wool Long Shawls , very chea, I • SCOTT, JOHNSTON k Deeember.3. Act A C: b i Spry cm Mil A . • : NEvir MOODS. - ,' 1 C .se I :4; & PARK, return theiri grateful. n .wektto ledgements to the pubßc, and Invite a 4 tentioril to tli;cery large stock of- Spritt l i otuf su m . tner Goods t y are how receiving and offq for sale 1 at rer3illota price'''. In addition to their usual awtort- tnent of staple. Dry Goods, groceries, Ilardwari, Crock ery, Paints O td Ohs, Ste„: "&c., they are prepared t o l exhibitla largelaisortment of Ladies' Dre*4 Goods el :, of eveiy d itption—Figured, Plaid and Plain Silks, Bonnets, Sha 1.4, ; Ribbons , Glove. 4, Rosierii--ladies and MiSses s k , oes Of all lnds—also a large stock of REA .P nil .1 DE CLOTH ItiG, Ciiiths, eassimeres, TweedS, Jearls, Summer Cloths, Vestings, Hats; Caps, I , Boots and Shioes kc. They t.-aftilh• solicit an early all frotn those who wish to .nrehitse good goods a 1 low pris. Springville, Mal 3,'54. IdcMILLEN k t Alt& \ Ne S e tae of Mail Slaw* . i . : FROM -; -- c Li • . , KaRTIFXIIOO TOIIIO7ITRIOSE. Q TAf-S " ill leave Kirkwood,Paning thtingh Oar kJ bettirill Liberty; &et, iN'ery - morning tfter the arrivillof tint ANlTrains of ears, both Eastimd West,.l resaiog liontrose at 1 P. N. Reternmp, leave Mon ' tlgt dailY (§undays exeepted) at 2 r.:rx., mach ing K` wo in.time to take the Mail trainstof - Cars; , both t an West, being the nearest tad most fee table ate t ;rescli-the New York-and Erie Railroad. i t Th' line • terieett N. t r i-weekly line for iDimock,' Sprin ille, TuNkliannock, Wyoming, and', Wilkee• harm which !mikes Montrose at 'I. A. Itt..everr Mon day, ''edn '"-and 'Friday. Also; ilinitolriends vale : erays".dti &c . ' • -'' " ' 1 •- ' leant& and iontfortable carriages ; Provi -10 `ld th ' proprietors will spare no -pat :to se date he public. W. K. lIATCII,I - a 13, 1 54 f - MORGAN & wgsT. , .0111 1 1 ded, 41 , th po t o h Ap '1 6, 1 1 es t C su ') ,rei. Sash, ISlsnd,- - asadiDimoir 1 z Factory. - - 'l' -- - • . r irHt Stn.-A:fiber will ollidsunt the Shop . 9f Newe ll 1.. * Brotheri, DoorkSash, and Blinds. of int littild an furnished to order. Lumber lidn-dried, and 1 4 9rkrit.. 2 unstupassed .by , any in the miuntry.--. , CHO ad , ietl to , rue, will receive proMpt attention. GoottAtte mho:and Country Produce tasen in ex viten& for , e shire- Term ready Pay. li- Lai' e cho , Peb. 6.. -.-. S. A. L k ".ONS. --I . ' oxintosie DEror.i. - _ tadi 1191.1.r..4.irmi.ur,r,....t.v . . 3„ - _ . Ty vix t F itirchased the establishment 4Zot iSaSc L. II POEit •'.eb: at the Ifizaroge-DePot. tthda re 7, res * y inf9rin his friends_llmt• he wil eep ecni stantilrOn h d,' at' the lowest prices ; 4`.irel) isele4eo stocklof g ds ± i' . 2 .• : ,' - 1 I ' i i ' • 'e; Sal' and Piniter can be-had,ches ail :tveli, ' as G ' ', ,11 . iy Go 0", Ilatilw;Are, Cttieli: ' `,..Boisitiy , Li ce= sh Nots, tte.; In ezehtuy,,, , e for Gralrian .all kind4, l -ofpOditc,F, at :thit besr,Prtees., : 1000 , - - Reid 'Wood wanted.? ' ' --• "- I , : Xvittmse Pm =I 1 O•fg, • Y ON gin) a):, -oirtlitir :4;...LY0Nl . ounnon RUGO.Y . . t i.i. - . 4 toRA -, _ .. _; l 4',frf-7 . v.t . 'YL - ' Kincixer wropito!" r3IIIIIIIIIO6IOBOI6WALIV ' • • , Wig .., I oiler - - to tte- Public- th e Most choke' . . `' s : tb i L " Ttrr On" c ' t -G Ocid'l. ,IP lie luul, any where in be country , audio, lho, Tory_ en prices, 1 withont rniation.• ''• .. ' ''': : Y' ''' .' '' ' ' • -, ,'“ t: iIIiADYMA E-CLonfiNG. -, .-' , QUM . STYLES. - .L. Pear k Co. him" i ftt , .11 . t.'3 Mad a large additk• 'to their storii.erf .dot.g. i ices consistin no w of ornyt g desirable' for the bum. at otich P aware _to trull. , L l ,rbe . ,- SO* 40 3. made fits nsie; suid . we " t Ote'work t. be equal if natio:parlor, to any pi beforieoffired in 'this-mar het Our stock.etan • Coate, hoe. black bench Socha; Weeks Ind Ban is i Tweed ,, Cassirnere and Beau Seeks and Friar, - biotin tuidirbite SUM. iner PPdli and twilled. . astalYbite and? 'colored Slantaillei,*akntia; La. *rig,, figifted Baratini, figur ed silk. and Sado, arid iv 'varlet:l, kOtid and - elmitp. Taprpf . ---Vno black, aim,- doeskin, coli timed, Summer /stuff, linen d I, cot**, • sttipe, , plain, 'tile ek'ind plaids, so 'elle pas to beL sure-of sale' to 'all wino desire to buy. • . ' ELLOVES_AND-HOlitEltr—TAdies and; Gent* srh.te and colored Sid Girtts of the hest cittali 7 ty irarranted. A large anoi kr nt:mid all kindsofblue; brown and slate hose, hose kents canon, Lisle:thread, !Wilk 44 tat. Oloviat,'.lllank and enlotti ; a large raserhiefit of black sillt.and lace Mitte; long and short. , • . - POSII Si CO'S.- • 11100 TS AND SHOW—New fine : Book Cciai 11604„ Lidiesffine Gahm; ilkowsandlinskins, mortment of chest+, ShOefi• Cbildrens and Miss ,.es Shoes And Bootees, La dies at,-- • - L M' Co 8: • IVBITE GOODS—AII stylea andqualitiCs, bleach ! V. ed Skirtings, Pillow Cotton, Jac. and Cambric Muslim', Swiss and Book Muslims, Barred Muslin, Bishops and Victoria. Lawns, fr.c.,•figured! and dott. Swiss Maslins at - " i P.! Alt Co's. 1 SHIN LES 4WD GRECDST. ONES at F ' I. L POST i,CO'S. / - '4 RO RIES--- of the best and cheapest kind.' A Vlr: of Sugars surprisingly `cheap at LL. POST p3::/..;"'S—the most desirable stock in the 'noun , i try, at very low prices . 1 ' I. L. P. & CO. 1 hIIESS GOODS — Silks, Mugins, DeLanes, %85.11..ri .11..ri ges, Ginghams; Lawns &c, of every de si rable Yle.l ' 1 1. L. POST & Co's. A LARGE and splendid *ton& of SprinzPrints. - . , _ I. L. P. k. Co. STAPLE Goods at the . koweSt price, • --: I. L. POST &Co. . o°i'llg' Cassitheres, -Tyreeds, Kentucky Jeans , , and Satinetts, very cheali at - I. L. P. & Co's. ! iptiT9ODEN WARE---Plitent Pails, &der Pails V V and 'MLitt Tubs,.t.locoa, Tut Dippers, Butter Ladle: t.i Prints, Willow Baskets,, Hope Halters, Bed Cords, Manilla Ropes - , Drool* a grind lot at the store *r I. . :- . - L.L. POST & CO. COD:, FISH AND MACKEREL cif the best qaalky, at the, lowest possible rates. - Apnl 5, 1854. 1.. L. POST Co. L' l ,Ol,E LEATHER, very OteAp, at . 0 ; • POST & CoN CROCK RY AND GLASS 1P AR/..7---a choice d ki lot at ton prices. 'POST & CO.) ; 1 Room paper d Window Shades.; 1 l~lJ• I .an POST & "CO. Qi.L/C 114773, spring. style---best quality very k•O chealL. I I .- MST k CO.. 110N.NATS and Bonnet Ribbons of aIJ kinds, Par • 114 0 Ools, large and small at very low prices. POST & --,---------- DP ESSI TRIMMING I S—every "style desiraide, and verr cheap. - ••:' * . ' - POST & Co: . ri/* :BA GS—of thti best finality. ' VI I. - I , POST & Co'. - al ... it . • --- I r hne and Plaster - . 1 • . " POST k Co'4. A OTEARS-. • yery , Ch . o T iee; lot of :the, 1.4 letest 'styles , ; Book Einbroidereu "mcrie Lace'. 1 .11(,...e6 and Tioniton hnitntionti, .. I. L. P. & CO. . Cy„.l '77 E BRINDERED t and thee Cudersleeves 'all desl4 rable styles ; ago, worked and endn'tLEdgingS, and Insertings and Flounc!ng. - • - _ 'CR, 'Edgings and Insert:lllg%; imitations of every : . - kind, almost as good as genuine and very eheap,, 'ire linen-wrought Lace. I. L. P. & Ili CM RAINED and Hemp Carpet for sale at - •it • . L L. POST ik CO's. Di Q u boys L 31ER ITATS--Panama, fine .and coarse triro ted. and titnaY bound, Pedal and Pairaleaf, for nd men, sold very dheap. I. L. P. lz CO. .1 DIES. and Children7s Flats, a pod variety, "al: . a new lot of the West . styles of Boennts at the of ' I. 1,. P. & CO: store C JOICE and fancy artmlev. of Soap 'and Sur; Oil lso, some of the fincit , Perfumery at the store. • - L. POSY& CO. AV; also, Farmentlools in genL I. I.:- POST Zr, CO's. ANTED. Ands--+Beaus; Dried Apples, :Tal=,, , ~ Beeswax, all wool socks, Eggs, Acc.,,f for which we will exchange goods at cash prices. April, 5. ' I. L. POST [ .:'. STOVES! STOVES! STOVES: i 'TrE subscriber wishei to caU the . attention of his ' 1 !lends and the.public . to his very 'large assort.r inent l of his new Store Room in Lorfers4 4{le, next to L. S. Letheim's sta . !, 'and near the Cit 4 Den Depot. He his, in addition to his former hire 'tatie - , , of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, many new pat= - i : to , some of which are-i. • i 1 j Et. c polas, . .Peach B ra nch, Fire Clipper+ t - . 4 1f Troy, •Mohawk, Medallion, Orient, Black- Warrior, Oak,Rag Stonei Whi 4 h, together with his former stock, will per'hap ' be e most extentirve and varie d assortment of wellt set ed stones in the conitty. Clinton SlotTlS, Well furnished, at low prices.' 1 'AU articles in his Ilne kept on hand and made tOorder as usual', and °Slam received at his old - 441mi in.Oveat Bend. j; • . JOIDIVOLSTIM - 'Zwderarilleand Greaf Bend, N0y.,.11354. I ' --1 j • Itotice *el the Public. --- ..1 ILTIATING just returned from York .1 wish tot A kj eall the attention of my old :Customers, and. ol the public in mineral : to my - f NEW,STOCK OF GOODS, , ;• which be.ingtought with cash at the lowest prices,i and wishing to sell principally for the same, I will of„ fei:them at greatly reduced prices.. Cocheeo trims, Warranted fast colors, for Only 8 1 cents a yard. Good Brown. Sugar, 18 pounds foronei Boonton Nailt, acknowledged by all to bet ;the best Nail hi 'use, $5;50 per keg.- Dais and ; biota and shoes, Butfalo.Robes of all prices, all Wool: De Laines, Cashmeres, Parainettag, Dieis Silk; kc. 'Nowlin De Laines, 1 shilling per tard,c Satin Bonnets and Moleskin. Sacs,. : Broche Shawlsl Double Long distils, "DOet selling at inecincetT4 alilytlow prieftt. I ran' safely ;warrant perfectrstitis-f LetiOn to all : who will gite tne-a call: . • Linitatkiie, AM% 5,1 . 85 A. S AI LW/N4- C_l LOCKS --good tim ke e pers, p one dollar. kJ, - • - LYONS,: : Liinesboro. A; IC,I7ANTED-1000 Hides, for .which the highest' ,V V price wfil " ' S. - A. LYONS. - . .LAnesboro,•Apr. I • `. . 70 - IGNTRY7I'RODI,7c'E tokert • itt- exchange • Sart Goods, sump store., • - S. A. LYONS. iLiateshoro,-April - 15.' v . • _ , prim -ARUANGEITIIENT 1834. 5! - lILVDS e MeMILLBI4"2-Nit Road migA:' , ; Line between 14Voattotti - Pepot cind ... _- i i Nilo YO - r,krver.o day, Sun- . 1 dao excepteul t \ '- -- • .t . tips Me114.14F4,1. haihi_giooearrangearatt .' r for forwarding freight to Nee-York ,In the cal **egg: IL It.: , CADWELL, 'of Orange - County, 11l he In attemlauce at . die,Montrase Def.V...g..N . e.:* day of . thelweek, to.take du*, of such freight antkievdece, rat rimy be etdrugted to them.' Returns roi , the sauu -milli be,paid,al the Stiireisf. William XeMilleti.; i e -i - race' ips In general :. ,Dour , Pork,,Fisb,Salt, ke4. Itie. constantly on hand, fOr Cale at the:owe4 CAA P,ri s, or in eichanp fbr country produce:. • - 1 B. ling's- :,..' .` -,. Wu.. mu 11g)lar.i.21. ....7 . mil 18' - 1&54 ' ..IFacts tor the People. , . , OTWITHSTAMO. G the predictions Of th • Noai Atibabilidsor that Frank Fierce 'w I_ be elect id resident.,becituse! thet Prophet Isaiah- sa ; t.)14 - .4 4 4 . e Lord givetitiodret to this faint,"-it is unit , _ - , k. 0- • witted Shit - the aid) - stit'ibilr can and Will t wit •1 .: • ' I EIOI)T.W._,4II7OIIILIKOES - f ttAßAPEttlunia4llllller shop in town s not even er ctut, .* g the gettable brief Odoltoe stole , down town . .. 1- "ilt.-:414 terms '-tire mitt . ' or - pay; down 'Ana I' li; A dd : therifitie....intorni- those ,- who 'ate - indebteid to *tiPaii*rOrickt 044, they intuit valt - and pay.up. Or ced. ~„ ,1-:; , ...,- _ _-., kigit,RECAN, i fiiiii4eA - 011 'l' , ' ''.l3, 11.11064 W lordeli , SON, = r - ,! A i NtAllitarEDi ..,-., 44 100 ;4. i." - iie4;0009 , 143_terAr;f0....7.:1„-. v," iii0046,,,,t,-,-.-:.,.:._..,-..',„ ohtriiezll!:-.1 ... AGOJ Wes. BM REMOVAL. !MI -•, 1 *T . ,--•v , '" ,7 -- ,4, -''''. , '"- 0 . ,:, - 7 : 7 -! , -'l'. - .... 7. - - . 7 r7. 1 - 7- b --; , : 7 -, T . ,: - 6*o.Rxish Amirhe.X •, , , la •Jettio't ; •*- - - OliE PRICE i HE largest: obiebeii*ss, _. . ,01••„fasey, Donna. sic lad,Stalale G oods 'A :, ~ . ~ t Into Sauna. • '• • • "county. One buildrsd .. _ 1 ICloods;_ rggm . • ilalntla part as follows : .", ,1 • - eb Changeable Best , ,• . i !Oink and 1311. 1 " Stripe ' ri 1 . E8.P1 1 440 1 * IL" ' Black 1., a 21 I 001(41 Don I ,;Piaast Bonnet " ,l ' " - Dow, Bonhtet *gni, • ' 100pw. Anctliress do. Alt wont Detail's% : ' VaftDmills etittnni, railalan _ ,do Fie 4. & aged: Velvets,: iPlaid - do"&sdas, --Y rilliqlsi,*te•Shisrls, Olonded 'dii Berg e , , , ~ c ere ' r. _ . A. „ tngllsli Merinos:l,- ; ".. • ti a , :. r, - „; 7,c, Parametto's „- . - . __ s il k - d •' • =do I tyoneso clo th s, 7 -'...:•' . -' - 4:1 es, Ifoisiery, eta . I. Coburvi . _ _ _ s, Casiimerf, "" i_Ffsneh tbatibitdo Beira; ;1' ... oggyl ,' -.. * I 'Etabtoldered Robes ,: : . "Imiut4; tc 1 Gingbans- and Prints, ' Wool B ' ' • Scotch Plaids, , r _ • Linir!gs, - - - _ 11W13ite Goods, • . - Tielrtno,., , ' llryolfht:Chimizeties, - . - \ t , .,!sOisk . '"*.ie u k s , ' Collars, - • - _ -l e vien r - - do do Muslin Edg i ngs,. .. litib Linens, do Camblick do .. - Black Mualiam, do Wen do k'•- , . - 'Ete. etc: - , Hisford, Ont.* -' .- ' ,i • EATON k Cl): . . 111eilir Y 64316 Pit! i ' . • 1% - INIIiIIUILOICIii C 4 / 3 EP.41111Y., OFFICE - tr WAI.L . tintEEt. - :. L , , OAPITAL, INCASE(' .AND APPROVED SECURI-• TIES, $11.00,000: • - - 1 ,. , Loss' r” ig aute; againat or • Darna e k g r ere.. I -' 1.; - (1. Stebbins, 113 - Briisui rtfeet;'Fieter -C. Bate, :1 Spruce. Street ; cloud- Bucker, - .116 Broadway; . !Thelma Andrews, - 136 Cedar; eofre4; , Simnel G. iSontbmaytl, 377 West sit:tit; AlbertiL. Conklin 810 ;Greenwich steet; James A. CrOsby. 113 Broadway; ;;Clittes. Lent, ,Kingkridge, N. °T.; Lambert C. 114, i 'Chicago, HI.; -I Smith Robbie; RoOestei-; N. Ir,; 13 William W. Leland New :York 4 1 , R. Peter Roach ; 138 1 ; Bank street; Staales S. Bell; corner Wes t. and Laigln streete; John L; Deer, 78 Vater istreq";,D. Via i l l . Wart, .118 Broadway ; HOratto. ,141:1 Gallop, _ ; comer ; West and Barrow streets; Peer Hi . Foster, corner ' Gansecoort and Vest ; Reuben Rost Jr., 48 Eighth Avenue; Stephen Cromwell,. Giundl . N. T.; Albia Wadleigh,,hiladelphla; Hex* B.' rittain, 49 Wa.- • ter street ; Samuel Sinclair,: Trilmme ußdings; Ram , nel !3...Shaw, Cleveland,-01do._1 • :J. r . • -,, . ..Writ. C11.011W.R.1.N, Preside.tit, CitkarsisV. - CiLinite, SecredrY. .'• , .: CIIARLW L. BROWN, Age nt, Montrose, Fa. =I NE .EAGLE POlOlllllOll%, ,r. i • CZ AYRE, BENTLEY 4 PINS_ having purchas.. 0 ed. of Wilsoii it Co.-.the : gle -Foundry, are now prepared to fill Orders from. ilk trode,.and do work in their line with skill andAespatch.i . They-will keep constandron hand .Plows, tbest : kin' ds,) Stores, (all kinds,) Cultiratoi.i, rStrase t iers,. Corn Shelters, he. ee. he.: ': • ' '-'i; ': • .. . Ve invite particnhir.attentiOn' to the Plows which We inanufacturei We manufaetnrOtad keep for sale ''';'. • ' The:Cele&-rated Bidtehle* Play. . • IVVhave purchased the excloidirealght to zekantifie tune and sell in this county,AYnyve,,Wyounng and .Brodford, ""Rich's Patent ironiDeam Plow.' The - Plots is made entirety - of iron',l excel ting th,2, bindles. It id celebrated for its easy diangitt, being one-third easier tharrany now in use, while amstrength and du rability are politer.. '.. •f I ji • • ' .. MACHIN ER; . °fall kinds imanufactured . and:repiaired by experienc ed machinesni. '," -, J.._ -- _ ..: .. Steam , Engines, Gearing for ...Ville, .Shingle Ma ' . chines; - -•. ..,- Arriong the Stovos which Welitnnufeture, are the Keystone CoOking Stove, Rough }gad Ready . do.,Yor• eat Queen do., PretniUm do., inul ;other; kinds, all ao ranged for hunting wood orcoat ; AlsO,' Self-Regu lator, .Parloi , Store_; Cottage ' t POlor cif), Parley'se two sizes , do., and a- variety of other Pallor Stoves, both 'rood and coal berners.- tIVI t e keep', also on hind Grindstone trii.... - linlv. Dog churn'. niintnings, •I.Tax breila (L ila ;7 1‘ ,-,7e1- and Tongs StMi;,.?: , - ' iv... &c. Weak done to '..order on short notice ancVa:the lowest rates. or Orders for Stoves, Age4ultuyal implements, &c., are solicited from these in.the; trade, and:will ba , :. - ,-. • fined at reasonable wholesale Prices. - -, • i• 1 10. n., ma. s my • . ' B. S...XIENTIZY: 1 S. PERKINS, -_. Montrose, March 4. Australia, Calaforioln, • ' Or any place on _the .;Glebe; cannot frealer indacerrtrtts .than KEELER & sropDAßivs - imooir-Axino SHOE STORE. • "V‘THICH is now filled with tLew and extensive V V assortment; of articlesinitheir line,. eMbracing a general variety Of nets and eligint styles of ladies gentlemen's nets wear, autol g.,Which are Ladies -French, Silk Lasting and .Prehalle. Gaiters, Bid and Bruunel et!! Polkink, Rid, Patera Leathei and Bronzed Jenny Lids, Buskins and. Tieki; Gentlemen's French and Philadelphia, 'oak tanned t alf skin and kip Booth Morocco, half and Cowhide B ngans ke. Boys_ kip, calf and 'cowhide • Boots and .. progaits ;_ kinds 'of M isses and Children's wear.' Isp, a- general assort. ment Fhniingi which - consist; a part of lasts, pegs, itparables,l Hungarian nails,,tac thread, was, This. tles,shoe landing, awls, rasps, *acmes, shoe knives, • &c.: AlsOnak and heinfock, tanned calf upper and - soleleather, Morocco skins an linings. •).- • ' :Work made,to order.and muesli , g, neatly done. • • KEELERWSIVDDARD. Montrcate, April - 6; -1654. 1 , •'I • • - VALUABLE RE: L i.EIVEATE i -FOR & ..; • . , 41ri VILLAGE LOTS, situttied. in the. pleisantest dQUr part: of the' villagerof Slisquellanna; also, three Houses - and _lots. in, the most business Tarter the aforesad villagf. Also, a Fa" cotif caning 133 -acres, with a small imprerement, the, remainder heavili timbemi, situate two miles frqnt said _village. ' Susquehanna is the great Cebtral „Depot of.the N. T... - ok F. Railroad, situate at tile foot of the heaviest grade on the read, near the g r er'ettt,Works of Stances, Conewaeta, and ithe Cascade, andipossestdogla , tia tore the best *aiming place at the route with the, lo eslity of extensive Machine SitopkFOundry am., Sas- Susquehanna,,although humbering. inhabit - sans, and but tour Vettis of age, is.deitined-'soon to. range alongside of the Most'fiourialabig and *Talons towns' on the line of this great. tqmoughfare. -' - . . ' - L .' f'. BINDS Agent: " • • Office and door east ,OlLenitimes. - 0 Susquehanna Depot;Mov. . 1 . , 1. = , , ' tf Valuable Loads For Sale. OR SALE IN - OICEBODt a b out et 5500 acres of, lt‘mtatid on the waterier S ring,,,, Brook, a branch of the Lapirsanizini river, iti.L e'Cotalty - , - Pennte., I about midway between the , 'ling towns - of Scall ion and-Pittston; These bi nd are . covered• with val• table timber,. ail being - tdiuni in the most extensive mineral .reghnt in Penn,s4lri, • —knoirn to contain- Iron ore—aqd`believCd toll ini in coal,- and being alsoin :the` immediate vicin' v:: of several nulroads Made - on OM . , , .. ,/ ptipital $5 00,000, ' Xontn*t ; APrii Pi 714. - 1 , F. B. GROWL ---/,, i .1 ' b Al,' ih. 4ee7er ~ . -, , u ... L 4 TER. - ' • MUSE' AND ~ ir ill . ketP - rill= ,subse.ribm Are ' " 13 1 1- '4 e iniperier I. e i m ui l tif odinifiC 4 , o itil t seu rr any quality at Monftesii.',De waing &Urge - .. at' a fair Priegt.- efsefuf; _. ,__ 7 'q ll u iliw einil li t gl i ee ein be SUP . I ) L a te d,u o i .t r ksit ."--..b`e n i Lu tly ve . 44 . •1-, _ Superior g r a una ' 1,; - ;11. - ,14 POWs ~ hand' berei,Fr!' • ;.- - '; • "-,11: DRINKEn% ' . • ' . ' . . :. - ...1-- 7 ' .',.. . ';'_.:‘ ' -,.. , -,- -t- 1 , T . .. i ii!Ax . '-' liiontroie DePol;.. l o 4t ! -- 4 ' l' r 'as. ; - .„ ,CaRINCITaI& - eqk "obitifinteft 190 1 . 0 t001u , i . - LYPNS k OON 0 a c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers