I. • • • -•-•• • • • '• , • , •• ;. - 1 „ !.tPat.t.,"11.9.1"1,71,...,tie50rt ,A. , ..:1/7 4.. !-• • - , - ' ' II ..• - - ESE THE INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN, iern uorD Fan. lIICEXPAT VORNING, AY-MDT VA PER ANXEII,' At ADVANCE. - ---- • - •. .. gate' of Advertising. ''' ' . . • . , , 1 o fte N unn: (16 lines 0 less) one week, .l, $1,60 one square - " two weeks, .' .. ....1,16 , Mr . One square z . . three.weeks); „.,,,.„ ~ ~iOOl One square . -", , one month, ,e4 if O n e square - - two months,-...... • ,2E. One Square . . ,_three months, - ,00 One . square -", Six Months, .... „.. on , ~ . One square one 1 Tear . , : 00 For two or more squares, inserted theby, y.. r; a deduction from the above prices isinade: Yeari, ad- Vertiscrs will have the privilege of altering or eh .g -ing their advertiseinents without additional clu - ' • , flusiness Cards; not exceeding'fire, lines, base ett .at $2,00 per annum... „., , - , .. ' . 'JOU Work.; ..' This office, is supplied with a, rod - nsFertmen 0 Jobbing materials, and a n kinds of , Job W or k., d i as Cards, Posters, Paraplacts,l4-, will be done Beal' lv and. , roniptly. - -tom "' ~, • . I.- [. c oRRESPONDENCE , . . Iljr the. IndependentllZepublican • 'Nos'!" ow: tin, Friday, January, it, isgil lfissitte: EDITOR'S — Your kindness in •gl ~1 ing publicity' to my. recent, plca inbehalf- la the poor"childrenOf NeW , Nork, has . .alrea 3 brought juy to be.artg . that, were Once de - o. late, and provided.a home fur the friend! sf. alla destitute-- - -attappKti to.`the heimvole ti could hardly haVe evoked. 'a more genero respense. Fourteen applications have be 11 received, and—several others are expeetec). lii, a few dm clays, from some of ostinfellige t and upright citizens of Susquehanna eount) • l ; and ti vs morning at seven (:,!clock, we. so t the fuyiwer to those application '.whit s, in m ight be termed, wititout imprOpriety, upon epistles. - , • . . . • ;Ycnr readers would lave be l en intereste in the -motley group who assembled at th 4 Erie. Railroad Depot, previous:to their -d parture for the country. Some had new been away from Dome -some had no home r Some of '.the yolinger children bad neve€ i been n i railroad , 6r, and their curiosity Nr3_ at the highest, pitch. 7 —while ali,,Wore ht eage conversations speculating aboutt.,sie - journey the possibility of their being loSt, and abet i all, asking What kiwi of. a town . Montros e might be. It was" noeasy matter to collee, a dozen children before . daylight, from- all -parts of 'the eity,. - and it .Was necessary to '.find lodgings for them the previous night iti .plac es more accessible than their so-called homes. T wo little girls, however, wished tp . .sPend. the. last night with .their friends; and we went 1 after time at five . o'clock., They were ready, t o ,-,-.). and vou Would xv . onder could 'you sec the ri , t , m where they sie?t. In one bed were four chil,lren. And a little boy, less fortunate, i had been sleeping ,on two ehairs,"while the , whole scene "was strongly'stiggestive of- the i poverty and want .4' the suffering poor. One . Lf the little girl- shiveredin the cool morn ir,* sir as We.waied to the depot_ after leav ing the Third Avenue car, and J phscr,ved . tha',. she w,,ai. , but thinly c1..1 -, :_ 1 ., aiia 'poorly p ee : i pared .i2i- tile J.,:nrill, bat it NV tvii too early to pureha, - ;e4ny clothing, and she was not will-: -.--,g to be I,4•ft. behind. The bays lodgid in ;he Nees Boys' Lodging 'louse," over the Sun office in Nassau street,- and Mr' Tracy I called them earlygave ll'iem alga bath and thrir breakfast, andbrought,therri to. the De- pet: - Some of them, young -as they .are,. could give you, a singular history of .thel.r _past lives: 01;e was .picked up in FortY- Second street, where he had been sleeping: in astable: fur several weeks. (The bas-pareuts, living _its Prussia, and: came - to this country S'; - ;;:4' to seek his fortune. lle speaks Eng 1 lish, 'German, and lyretkli, and learned' the 1 rildirkents of the Latin and Greek in his fathers - school at home. :He Wishes to learn a trade, but the bard tittles - render that . al- 1 I most impossible in New York, and he. was delighted at the thought -of goit4 to M0nt : ,... 1 rose. One little girl was ftiund 6 .few days since Utterly destitute. Illbr mother had ilia been taken in an almoit hopeless cOndition . -to the Hospital, and she is left alone, at -the age of ten, and will find al-ionic! in one of the I kind families in Montrose. • Another showed 1 me her books as we. crossed the (oily, an i among thent was a Bible which had been giv- - 1 ea her as a premium i; lie of the,City.Mis- I shin Sabbath Schools, 'lt was thought best I tiO . 'sen,d with the rest i -tWo little boys Whonrel brothers, and : have been seeking, aloine foC 1 some time.. They are the-children of a poor American widow, who is friendless and.bare fy supports bersetf'by hard, patient toil. She , will give them up nail they are Of age, and .s anxious that they - should -receive a religious education. ,It was trulyaffecting . to-witness her 'ern Lion ' as she parted withthetn, - ; per-1 naps forever; and it is desirable, •t6t.scivie - { . me should take them who can bring•theni up . as.children in his:oml family:, : I -Your readers will see at once_ the proprie. . ty of the stiggestion I am abort to'offer, with i regard -to the children who are, sent from the city to the country-. Do . .tiot expect ` them to ! 1 4 perirci. h woulel be: pleasant to gather 1 around Yonifiresides . one or two, .bright; in lellig I - it children, who had enjoyed the hest possible, early training and had fornied only.' > good- habits. Some poor children do ' indeed fall little short of suetiastandard; . but'. some have never Imo' wn the 'sweet .and ele;1 rating influence of . parental affection.' Sur. rounded by influences-the most untoward and .. uncongenial _to intellectual . - and moral devel ' opulent, it is but natural, that they should .rometiines betray a want -of sympathy With the truth, and an- indisposition to mental or physical labor. 114 need the most careful and judicious training, and by the exercise of they may become °imam' proper care, ents to., sot;.iety. . 1 . . ~ Some of -the applications have not yet been attended to, but will-be,as,.ifoon as possible. The funds .which 'hive been -sent -will be ;le .!' ael,nowledged aS.SOO2I as a r' art is made of Vi 1 4I (1114:10Ck t IF) safe arrival of the children. Allow - me to acknowledge most gratefulli t l i ti t ig for frenor em behalf of those who will tnost : fully appre- . i ' t.lzeris .:late the benevolent =spirit wiii42l)-11"Pt°'r the gift, the offer made by, an erezlleut lea.) . i - - I I.___. , *I -. _ • of Susquehanna county to send_ two:herrele / ', or I t_ ~! A. closet° ns anu our conntzy . -of beau s to one of the "Soup Societies" for tuttso coany. shiploads! of foreign paupers nonstkaltr landed In din 'AT , ppor Such benevolence is 'timely and dli e !, l . 11 7,4 r. our u,4 ills ibr pisupers `.'. , '---elni.ial And, will be n blessing and a Joy re m erf ... y 4 too enorm o gs; our mo w s o fl to It4ll,y.who . dally throng the table-of • Mr,: . er 'l i fne •i nt s li m , we •, . ng ; the . sooner P eas 6 6Mitision at the Fi re Vnintn, we *lx . 'nt elrthenn ! loriTin 4 osl l 4/ 01 ' The financial depri"ision 'of our gliat:citlee fare, thg, l %/ettef Off re • ' Il 3'. e l A , •C'F!.7. n '" 0 , une:oul , te4l-c a .srpat calamity: 'lts . dark . spect, 1 . . - 1 - iphade 494.ise*licp *44 a bort, and e= ('.f the. HOW, the bonies of thous ands. - Ilero - is nine 'areal sufferiog: ,I , Tet nit may Nl,'"e' not hoPtt' , _ tb t- something 'of , good in s ". - rt ii t - f rorn - .16 'eh evil i l Will it not be a blcesing• to for „.4-;untr.Y population lif I their. SyMpathics : . .4trci awakeited • and , their kindly feelings caked into exercise , by the L eon te mplatien of hum tin suffering in 'tile eit.il If twenty or fifty t* die poor children of the metropolis 'Could Ihp trained ,and ednaited by the eitlierna of S4quehanna county, would not those w 6 gi t. be equally blessed with li , those who 're illie generons offering I In the eityl bene,tolent men are'Called up oni everi,dailto Tilieve the miseries of their i wretched fellim creatures.' In the Countii, i a bar4.4.foOte'd jehild4 begging br e ad on - a told i• , • .., i minter 's morningi would. be as much an 4- 1 jeet of Wonder as; though she bad fallen frOM t the ski.; Farhat* 4 trying season like this Is ' needed; -to r: b - • nee ~to e n-tt, the eneildent effort of- the 1 country's At , all Oen* let every ono who i Las a libme, with breed enOugh and to Sparc,' 1., in a community where viliolesome moral in; Y I fluenceS))reyail, ask ; bitnsett if he is , not call-, ). i ed upon. to,do something 'for the Welfare of 'S t I theft / Uilfbrttlpat , little Owls, when it can •be , done With so slight 4neffort, and at 'so trifling • expense: ' I-Imkni- li t mus Jxs t • Union Theoloakia sefil . . , .. •:. •' , ' For the;Republicate. - ' . . - : • . 7 ' Anti-4484niy. Revived. • : ' ittEssrts. Enrronk4-1 attended a 1 meeting I at. the ("%:olpt House last evening , and d the 1 1" .' N . - /' i . •bl ". li' - p eusure p it,ti. fling, ,o .1 e lunar Si U R. B, Little,i(Awition,) qi. L. Ward,(Popula Sovi, 111 . ereiin'ty,)anslaMr.,Ritnkius,(Anti-Abolitioti.) . 1 did not , arrii-e . in season to learn the object of the tlieeting front 'the PreSidettt, but the ! , ~. speethes-''and proce s eding rendered .it suffi : . eip' ntlyobVious. - Gene Fuller(Anti . -11fason) Kea:pied i: the chair, O i nd wasl i surrounded by-. imp's , of his old:comrades in - the, Anti-Masonie , war; all inspirek apparently; ivith new-zeal . and animosity:.y Thu speech land proeeed ingsiwere.severely denunciative of all secret socie4ies, and .'i inickight .coltspiracies,"and ail. the cid arguments: against the Masons Ns - ere!, brought' oist:, ne,Wly vitni ped, and made to he'ar upon, the ,Ai4i4sietiralka movements of th'6-Nortli..: ' ;f. .1 .1 - - - 1 . .... . ~ Tli e Specch&s4efeiSo diVersebt sentiment upon eVery • Political Iticsiion iu_the country, I that the.Y . agree . t.lpoit l hut one thing—tlfe 1 t IIE INDEPENDENT. . could in , i danger of Secret Societies! to the Demodratiel The Largeit Religious Payer - in the World: q ; party. • This - danger , •, it AAs - . agreed on. ail , Editd by l'ast ore of Comiregu tiOna l Chur4hes - in _Yea , -VOrk and l'icinty. 'Sides, arises from their suu , msed fact, - that a tiiionthe- contributors to its Colutnns are Rev, §eci'et., societv, called , now Nothings, - is at: -fi e - a k ; yi r '- o ri t i k' . -- • .13ve . cJier, Rer.'..Geo'rge - 13. Cheerer, 1): tempting to Seduce the KOuth from the sup- i 1);. Mr. rtuirlea L. .Brach; Mrs.: Harriet Beecher Stowe, "Alinnie Myrtle "'and many other celelwated port of the Democratip, party, a circumstance ~;r rit„ „ ii --. " ` - nioSf deVOl , -I-I y t_f?...'be (19) - 14cc/. The speeches 1, Corresilondents f-emall *sections of the itnion; from i England ; !ranee, Gennany c Switzer.and, ;Italy, and and the-resolutons. a.s'.i.-11 as the'wh -1- Dei 1 . ...,,, . t.. l 1- 1 the fink. l a nd, Contribute to_ cmich the columns of . - i somatic '`:•:_-:s s of .the" . eqttntry, are- opposed 'to i Ittits jourt 1 1. , I the Know Nothi. e . , enring they will succeed i 11414 r . - • in addiion' to in; . being the large6t, it is also the cheapest lOigions 'paper itt.. 'he world ; lind being in breaking the howi , skhii:h unite the Sauth !,publiFtteootely with the view ofadvancing thecituse to tin; Dmoeratic Flirty, m - . NN ' - hid) cas e it l'c'fre/igi°Plt truth It is gold at th 6 cos't Ppiet` 4 ) , .. . rprietors nie entirely' independent of thu.P?per , as a Its 'pro- 1 tuust sue/ j inni) to- the .Auti-NciTraska - senti-1 -Means of itipport, (being engaged in tnercantilr busi--' it inert I,f t he . c.ountrry. :i A 'union of Anti-' kitesril and!, are determ . med.to - spare no expense to I I take itoisurpassed , either in the -variety, ' r richness, Nebraska ittaises of tfie:South :with the Anti- I or extent if. its matter: it will be sold on the follow-.j l Nehraska . i,bcole. of the North, fOr. the'pur- ; I °' in g , ' . 'I • - • i TERSK—S2 per nitatiin by mail :S2 p,51) bv -car-'1 pose , of tit:Oiling the disgraceful w o rk of 4is- Liter, if pahi in efira4r ; -if "not- paid within three ', honest tint'Nesinning tioliticians',. and thus re- i m onths, :It cents win lle added. Orders fir the pa- ' k e , • - i -per accompanied by } the monev, laddresSed to; the stare trguci_4ll . llity, to thti '%'ol - i . iletonntrY,.NPr. ill 1 put:Usher, .It; rid ' pre-paid wili, I , e cc:lf:Mere& at; our n Ind South.o nust never lie itemmplislied. l'lta I risk..: ' ;». • ' --' . ' i t I , ; . 11.epubliaii party !mist be crushed: .. 1 1 tftj I ' - - :-Tiito is the TitaCto..Subicribe, •: I • . .. • •• 1 I Ward denii' unccd it 136ontse it . Has opposed I Whether ion wish for the paper immediately, or ikt,alt • 1 future dat() -- W are daily • receiving subscriptions 1 to the - polii cans'- "Popular Sovereignty" and ito begin tildi January l e 1 . 85;: _Those who wish, to_{ . in favor of',, he re-enaetinenit . of the •Missouril commence:then should send in their names eaily and I thus imlure, the rdeeption of the first numbers of'Yol- - I I Coniprorni'Se. ' Mr. Raiikin denotineeh it be- tome seventh:: . &Luse' it '.wili- Abolition t reVi - ed. and was . 1 Ic e t . t,'. ADVEII;TISEIENTS.— . - 1 taken. .i. limited number will be . • itiongl, Ivhife the 'DemocrUti9L . party is - na---: EXC-11-NGES.—We wilt exchange with anVipitper. tion-tzl. , •Mr. Little aeitoutiaed it because' i t ~ which Will i,, , ive this advertisement two insertinns, in . - ' ' • . eluding thiS notice. ~r- as---pro-itarery! - -I.i A - I - .. II ' -• . - i . Mr °Mee, No. 22 Beermaai Street, New-York. The Spe4Crs: all- _agreed 'that •if . .a. man .; ;-. - '-i . ...30SEPILII. LAD!), Publisher. . wants office he hail bet ter ; stick to•the Dem'. ' • - -•• - is -;• ; •- : eratie 'part -. They SPoke..froin enerienee. ey had' t ied all oth4r,pitie without sue - , si,, and hild 'returned. to thC . Democratic !, arty just In time to 4p6it crushed - v the N. 'l ti co -,X n e fi h d r e a a r e : ,tl Fe a ri t t i i t rnlt t t li e d f fi t l te i ' iy. - N o o l. 7 r h e;e b n u ie t, 1; • i thi s o pp os iti ,c a, ;fit eaii retain the allegiance • , • : .. of the South; !mil. coroe i Oft .cietorlous.- They had F. telyCa 'frOril . tba. 011 4 ty to •4:)te for:Their ' 'principles,: but tow - they:resiilvdd,lebeefbrth nd foreier;:to 4tick:lothe party regardleis ll' principle; beitause, il - , itlways . lind and a - 1 7 hys wOuld!!earbt Its Oita, i:lght or wrong. : .. The resolntioht7 and 'address 'were read in -1 uch a hollow,*pnlchial vice, 4s ,if the,y sere the_ dying t'Ords - oililie Democratic pat- ! y, that We, tyersuot ablt,i `to understand them, :1 1 d must leave, thetn ici r be reported - , by its ji f intnediate'frienko.: _. . i i , , • . CATES:M. , ' ~ . • ':' For the iivirietukot Repuldwan. !!I 3 ! The Susquehanna County., Teachers' Asso -1 1 lation meat ;the FrQc School House in liontrose .Tanuiry 13t1i, 1855. The coin : iittee apirointed at tie previous , meeting re illorted that_the Oitots cif both county papers ivereliailling to devotei -column or more to 1 ucatinual interests ; which privilege was t ankfully , accepted hi, the Association.--=1 Urther, arrangements cieferred.lor the next e So eti i n n g e. l. 4l ' ist.uss ' roc ' t eril ' schOo . 1 'government t en foliowed, arkl a conunitiee corrsisting of T. Scott WiOlam W. hay wood, and A; . Kent, itAs appointed :),ta draft resolutions ~, ,41. u u the subjects tnr. di at' the next iro t - ,:i • a cet Oia l7 m g. otiic : of P.t0 1' f. 3 .4., ltichardsOrii a corn. t/ittee '...orisiSting . of A. Parr, B. .y.• TcWks bury, and A.'.i. Gerritsnh, was appointed: to prepard ; a le:port fur at the next meeting, .upot the practical operation!) and benefits to be derived froixi the office of Coun ty Superintendent. 5 1 ; - The Association thent4joUmed to meet in ackson Pon 'Saturday ilinunry 27th, at 10 tl'. 51:;:whit41 will.ie annual ineet ae election of ofOcei.a, and therefore 1 attendance of the 'll'o:fibers' and enirally is earnestli solicited. A.41.-Otankine l lam grit tem. Vr,On thre question, of Slavery., - the test and'tot4sime of :American statesmanship, , whichiniornthatraitYthing else will decide in the liattire the reputations ofto.day, Mr. Web. ster many ,yearit held: a better p4sition than any Of his. very,eminent cotempurdries in Congress. 'Pigs sPeeek nt:PlvinoUth in 1820 in hiaip4eeh at ,Dablo's Garden in 1837, in his S ‘ pecch at Fanueil Hall in November, 1844; in the Address of t4tiAntiTexas C o n, %Talon 0f1846, and on many other bet-ash:lls; public iund privatie, be had deciart.4 against Shiver} , in the clearest and most emphatic manner. -At Niblei Grraen he said : "iiihTtiaTli,ian - usirv --- Ttext;' at one o'cloek - ' .:all i AN ---- - - -".-7-7". ' -"' --- "... -'—'--- -"-.-. .--- - -..------- j• ~• , . •• • - . , -, • . . ...11 . , 1 ~ .. t11115e: 711! WOl giSt i g -Fa a inn, kelingconfident that front Or ik5i,,,,,, 'large stock ninteiteitsive ,assorti. \int of that, ieertain piece or parcel of lane situate, It mg and , uood, 'WC Can Wait ail thteselwho - will call and esetnine them. 11 ---•-- - - • s. ',"....,-- .-- - - behiitin the tiatnilliip Of Aidettrn,,Susquelvanure l coute 17. xi wll i. E y. 1) •1- .. . . . . •.- - - - _ ....: - ..21. .-: • •- *I bhundid'and,described as follows. to wii.. go the I • • C. D. Lira or ` - !r "•1 ' ' " '''.' '''' ' • : **l- '''' . ''' 1 '•- - '• '•• - - -•- • ' . - , A.,..LATIIROP. north by hind Of Samuel Sitickhanunce,.nri;itheieast i.. -; ' ,',. •' :' ••• t - i .:. - •., .•, - , :•!'-..i- tiilialtds list- possCss• ion of Ezra Kennedy, pi t p l el ooll th :-- - - - :-:- - - --- -t - f- , - - - -- - - , -- - . - ---- -,7 * - - iz•-- - -';-7-1- - - -7 .- - -•:-:- . bylattds *ln possesSion of Philip Siekkhantufer one, • * • cii.,tif•llES, - ..- . , , - i . Ben* Curter, and on the west by land in posstonu t, 'on. 1.10011 the II liditvis with titan other &enter thiligs, or lipory „ Carter and John.BroWn, containing ithoui, t -.1.2• . hire*. oi:Prisitlilie l :-ThaViliele - tertoWeri 306*real.ttiore or less, together with the appurietutd. l -.-,-A Poetical, 'erne of Fort,nc. , ~ clut,_eme framed house and burn; one logliotoc ii smne i . , , 7 , . ! JIIVLNILE , GANES., ...fcuit.ltreegi;aud about 2001 -acres bnproveddate- the i 'y7l6. guns (4 . lien ,i aba.chiek - ens. ettstile of ;Daniel and Frederick Swarkhartuner.l Al- 1 ,''...'.• P /110 Gana' elf Fitsau r t . mid Y.atinitre.: .. •,. ~11Otiothei lot. situate in Auburn township,lbmended i• . 1 'netitlr by tUldt4 of Williim Shoemaker- on i ithe cast i The Gam Of The Lnmplinhter: - ” ” . 1 ' lAr litnel*Of - Patrick M'Galvirt, on the, southl by. arids 1 • - 'The (4 t un l' o f€'4ll, 3 , ties ari d C onsequenc .o„ i : 01. P.kst gi"ned.Y,;,attil west by Lud . gorsioinas lack. I The'Gatin . s of The, (Mil }Tait}., , • ": h anitie atit o:rt. trie i e. r n , 44 7 .c tif ..., in a t ti n ..o g lisc 9.o acre more orchard . and . Ix: 4 ll,i: 44)k :it i t tli 4o el . . t ~- The Odin .of ilt)Wli_ lltirnl.'-'.. ' !I .• 1 , t'' , , . . acres iinprbred-4ate the estate tif Tuile' SWaciihain- I -..111, Olin -.of SpOtillitiona. - '..' - •- . -'!: ' J ': 1 The 4um of Co ‘ nuticirutits." ' • - • . li': _ - The Gam of TheAankee. - Pedlar.' ' 'T'alien la execution at th(l suit of A...Lathrtin vs.,l l'ittitiet Swacklitutuiter. ' .',..:4 Aso-i1.:(11 that certain piece. ot. .'parcel ' Of i land I • ,T,6- 6 1.1111 0-,f.r.4l,4llli l tclL'--- - -.,4 , tsituitee in the township . of Jackson and bonnifed 4 . 1 . •-%.. ilia qam .. .ol zs,‘lirt,,lt•kiapi tiorqin. ''.!. fetili)4o,l6 ',vitt Beginning at a post and.stone4 eor- The (antra of ..I.tnerican iiistbrv: , - • '': li- •-• 1 - t r - .oti titeilins. of a lot in possession of. TrunianYer- -For sate at - -: , i -.. CHANDLER'S! ry ; ; thence south .45 degresi i east 105 perches Ile a -------'--- - t ---- "." .. t:',7 1---= ' ---- . --- t: ln,,atOliet*.e'!louth 45 degree* west - perches -Part- a! siqur. . . • , ty..by.Flgt formerly ' surveyed to William IL Whca; 'c:itirliesit ficier at - 1 ton'teu stands corder oltence, north 43 degrcescwest • • I LEE'S S 1 ti t 10,-C *relies to birch- near the creek; theqe - : north . . , i 43 dep,rceseast -=perches to the place of beginping, it 1 caidaming.iis;aeres or thereabouts, be the sante more LEIVS i onlesi, with the-appurteitafieg*, one small }rouse and orielog stable .and about 20 acres inipmved.ti , l• ..,- _,. _-.... ' • !Taken- ii execution at the snit of C. S 7 Itenneti vs. 1 . William w 31.1,80 en. .: i • , I. r -1! - - I 'ull im '....4.45- 4 '.11 0y %iron: , of a writ of, II•nel.• 4 ,i4ued if . , ig a aralldirected as above, I will expose 'to We at. the n; tts, ( sante time Mid place, all thar k certain piece or parcel 41 CP., 31 of ? land sitnate,lying- and being in the township:of 1, ,- Y.t Ilarruony„SuSonchunna county, bounded land of ICS so! .5.010 elf alvfnlloW**, to wit: On the north *by land ni Amos. ly la :Mil Anotillarnes, East by the Belmont .t.:Ogn 'C I allti ago soot • lire Tartiiiilte,'4ul on th 6 south anti west-byluntis of Si- nien:akkil 'Antos Barnes, emit:dolor, one acre Of hind, ,in'; parr indre,'Or le4s, together with the appurtenanceN,one cm .%k n (ranted houSe and barn and all improved late flit es- or add ~ ~ 'nine ofdra 'Williams. - is. sell . tem mild !Triltem iii execution at, till suit of D. A. 1 . .. - yohs L - , 1,- • 't i Pal lirotlier,vs; Ira Williams. I. • • I r . , F. PJ 1101:LISTER Sit' - me huh Sheriff's .l . .'f • oss ine Sheriff's Owe, Montrose, t . .: 1 - •-• ,i rDee.i2.7,'1854. SI - • •1 . 1.- ife tic)! I.s ' 1.• : • „,, nut dis -1. - -: - ',71 ---- ' ,-- ---:,----- .11 - --" -- - - - -1 EL -I- --- COT 1. '. '. ALL READY. ' --. il . . 9 1 EL RE • STOVES ; AND TIN 'WARE FOIE; TilE . ..I',t PEQPI.jE; - . ' • :' .I, (1 4 ',l` ` & ELDRED hai - e, cons tan tl v ion hand ' .Vl ° l i r a l ig l e - nd,'a - ell selectcd astortinenilof I tin. 1 ; -- IV s:e,. Becht tut Chain ' for ,Ivvells, pumps, i cistern Minim; ,4 . . c., ;,Illyraulic Ram,'Japanned wares, lead pities' of all'sizes -c., dc.. Job work done with tiOat; nem ' and,despate 1 • all ordertripromptlv attended to. • -?;- ! . , S 9VES &iPi Pt- , '''., L kci o t.,-4Awiaiiti,...., n hand, a larke assortment of stoves °Tithe lift,4 tans ynp veil and, approved pattern(,. ,t.), ur business experience in theoslness enables us to seleet those. that, Ito can csafely warrant to give entire satisfaction, Amongst our numerous stock can be found the -1 • Parjagon . ...air tight . Star Of the West ; Elevated New WOrld,:' •• " • . Clinton, . - '[(lien. Atlas,„! . 7 .. • - Cultivator, 't"f . . . isi pei ii4 .t . "' . Fire py, ~., •- . 1 -'" i . Threelitute: •. " Western Qcteen, I ',", t Glehe ''. i " Prenaititn. ' . .-j 'i. a:, .C. *-ocnir.crr. -• 1 - 0..11: tntrati.- • ,--1-'. . ' ''' " _i_ • ___-._ -_ I t - • ',, •c.--.• :- • • i ' NEW GOODS., ! I r -...:1 ',itresli„ •211rrival of .Yee).,. Goods. i liioe tire 1/ 1/ n i •il 1 - 1 i •.,- ; lei •sc...rcr,.. 7 c.tecip: - viTftilav4 a large stock of Strilic and Finhv' Dry - - •VT .'"Goods, which we will sell .cheap. !Call toad .. , exatutte, ' - 1 i 1 , . ! - ilittiady-lvtade Claitliitig.. • ' ~. ts'e's•; . • tow inquired to clothe all accortfitigtollie ,-.4. „, . lute-11','StSte. t It i: tract t LARO: STOCK, WIIICII iNTK yriti.,sztinv tow: Call iind 'examine I foti‘ rut,* ellas'ingl!, • Alie, , a large stook of t'loths, C:sithetes, - Jeans,: Sietimitts, 'Tweeds, Vic. dio.:'-in , fact, cur:, etntic in tlii4 line la, complete: We invite the attention of eAsii rcticnzivEns to our stock.'" All hinds or prod'iet talienlii,exclism. for gods at easil privirs.l - MinitrOse,lS - or: 22, 75-1. DAWIX,Y & MOT ~ -_,..----14- . :•' . ,,'ADIVIINISTRATOR'S 'S ' ALE, c 1 ~ I ~... N - 76 - firt is hereby given thitt in ptirsiumee en driii:r of site issued' from the Orphan's Cour •Suirtuhannalcoanty, Twill, on ;Sattirdav the, oh'iiiry t t ofJannext expose to public sale, ,ity Vendhe,i titat;e4rtliin piece or par.Tl of loud, late the estat4 t CharleS`ll:Wells, deceased, situate in the twilit:llli of Clifford inlaid . county; bounded on the north am case i.iy landsinf James Schott, lon the south b.r the Milford Itid Owego Turnpike Rotukanel on thel•Wkst !. _ br lands'.. of 'Agnes Graham, containing 28+ aerel of i• rIIIIE *o4cm •..... Lind; alllwhich is improved, anti.en . saltich there la a i IL! LI - G. AI'S }.'. 14 67in,ttil 1,, .._ barnl,and other appurtenances. I Sale to beheld ntion i the Chair and IN are,.Shbp in Milford. whre 1.... the premise's ~. ii s at two o'clock r. xi. 'Terms of pcyrtent . t 1A”....1...i. ~,,,i ROCiiinail i '" ' midi knewn On the clay of sale ' J. 3L CIIIiTENDEN, Adiii'ri • , .....,..*; _ ..' ,7 ,1 t , ; C ;.: 0011:13 ANDSE -118.. i I .1 Th - 0.•.-T!enipe r eauce Sa loon is still anteing vouotneli.contend.s that total itlistinencellorn, all that intoXitties is Ahesnrest, safest guard for the people. AithOligh the ;proprietors of the above Saloon 'were --: - among: the stifferers of. the late fire, and lust 4_ geed • 1 . 1 FOR 'SAL ' E. ; .•.- ; - -- ticl4iO4 tif -their goods,- they rhade'out to save h e ~ rillTE,sirbscribar offers, for sale. hill Hoare and Vet thilig."44llll 14,i Principle, which they count 'Word a A- sitnatb in the Borough of Montrose, ii, few rods pile.. They• ittorr - bace a snail' stock of Groemies,. - East of the ,Court Rouse.- ; Terms -one half down Toy's; '4,•'4snfectionaries, Yankee Notions,• Perfunaer.'; and - die remainder in ftie yearly payments: with in- . : ke , , 'iliieli they offer to the pu)die cheap for cash.-- terest. ;-.! .. , ..' ' l '• LINES% ' ' °Y l Orli 4°t , ult,ln an oa f s to suit customers. ... l' i, ''. ' . .., , MIS .hoot may be found in the rear of Lyting,& Montroaq,lanuary 9, 1854. ;• • -, . ' ' . . - `,. • • I,, , Chatidlets• long building, facing on Chestnut - street. . -1 Cotner One and all, and see the }pace where we tire.ll " 44 14 tipposltion to shivery,in this 'country' or to the increase of slave representation in. Conti.css, is general 'and universal. It has no reference td the lines of latitude or the points of the compa.q. I shall oppose. all 'such extensioN'and all tmeh'increase, in all places, it all times, under all circutestances, even against all inducements,' sigaln - st all supposed limita tinit of givat ihterests, against all" eombinatfons, aril* 411 cominynnista." 1 - • . Bet tq bast this preeminence' :ts well as consistency,-when be succumbed kn. the South in the 'Ciitnpromise' of 185 Q.-- -' Independent Whig. imrsimimmammismionommeammitmo""" • - NOTICES. ' LECTURE. • Mr. C. C. Bent.tton,wili Deliver a Leiture upon the imbject oiSlavery at Sugntlehanna Depbt, on Sunday Evening F_tibruary 4th.•1651 • • ' Bc request of many .Citizens. Agricultural Society , ' The artpual meeting of the Susquehanna County AgricultUral Society will he on Tuesday evening January .1,3 d, 1855, at the Court House, at Which time an election of officer's for the ensuing year will be held. ; A, general attendance is requested. . • - •C. CARMALT, Nt Jtssrr,' Secy. , ----- -- MAIUURD, - Janttry 11th. 1855, at the resider, in the city of Brooklcn, N. Y. be th , Mr Salstat. BARD, Of . Bridgewater; t.< WOolmorsr., of Montrose. Vln Montrose , on the lUth, inst., b Mr. Cuanixs N. STODDARD and IBA; NEN, both. of Montrose. - Via Nevi Milford; Sunday' 'erening Ekt. A. Post, WILLIAM .C.qtrr-vrtz Luzerne CO. Pa.,to Miss Minna JAN Milford. %. rriz 121iNI - -ffe,6' Nbettici:iiciiisl,i, - i " FOR SALE. i• A first rate cow. Enquire or • 1 BEICTI.EY 4k EFeAD • 01,00 REWARD. ' LOSTO , Saturday, January .13th. between, the Episcopal church in Springville and the village of 3lontros4 Victorine (fur.) The finder, trill receive the above reward by leaving it at Win. D. Cope's ,t4cat this Office. ; • PICOCLAPIATION. 11 71 { :; • ; ' r s G. I- 1: ` w•ehicat evecibei*cednUue g wet taotcktitt'ef. lowest prities; and whereas r 4n, in great want of Clish i Woolen Yarnivetorn, Data, %tier,. Eggs, Wbodanur teetiong,lbrqpnYthing . else tb keep a pocir than front Starting, I din hound to sal goods at a very low figure for titre of the . 41.)0re ,nrticles. Just and bike a look' that's S A. LT9NB.; ..? • _ TAnesbOro, January 1, 1855. TIROCHE and Scotch Plaid Shawls, Frew, JLI nos, rarameibts, DeLains, Lc., at. Laoesborp, Januaty 185.] S. A. LYONS. . • - "music :-ivirsic 2 YrsmISIPROCED MELOMONS, more just receireti by J. LYONS & SON BifEET ARTSIO—ti new lot the Voice. Pianoof IfelcUlebn and Guitar—some very beautiful piec es 'tot I ÜbliShad r •Oid bY J. LYONS kS.ON. _ _ _ • Shawls. . . A few mot:eileft that will be sold re-y cheap.: Paramettas, Cashmeres k. laines at great bargains at, • ' -1 LYONS fr. SON'S'. A fresh suptily :of Groceries just opened by I , • • ' LYONS It SON. - 4 1101 asses tiO billings per gallon. Syrups at 4. 5 It: 6 shil)lagaitg , • LYONS I SON. lIEW GOODS. ABM:V G-every week atA L,A111101. ) & Co'd Jain Itt • , Winker Shasvls and DeLases, QELLINqoff at great bargains. ; Call on Jarmuli law;., A. fill4lollc CO 16000 Dozen Ws. WANTED at A. L THROP IL . ard Jiunui'm 14 - • . Grata t Grail*. ' O/Thrall Irlilds; and at th e highest prices bought by .faeuary. let A. LATIIROP k CO. Salt at Leanytor , & Mooticle, Janutui J,.1855. - . . All Bight Again. BOOTS & 00ES, READY_ MADE AND MADE . TO ORDER. - , • frilk subscriber would respectfully announce to his custoMers ' and the publie In general that he again prepared for the Boot end Shoe btdnws.—, Raving just received from 'view York a choice lot pi Sole and - Upper Leather, Calf Skins, Kip Skins, ke., all oak-tanned. Also, an assortment of . Ready-made Work, consisting in part of lien's Thick and C f 1,1,. Boots, Bofeßoots,lChildren's Strap Boots,.Wome 's Enameled; Colon Boots, Polkai, Kid Buskins, S lasting,FoxY.ialteri, Goat Lace Boots, Enameled P4*- - ger] Bootsi -Misies Kid Lace Boots, Children's WWI Blots, ke; 4c.--which will be sold for cash 'cheaper then can he bought elsewhere in this market; lie ' pairing doite neativ.• Please Cat and examine. Store first door east 'et the Odd f!ellOirs Ball. . --, . • , • Oath's:Ey kourefrout "the time to work's until the tine for "reit" and "refreshment." Grateful for pnit favors he ;hopes 'by strict attention to business . t o. await a cohtinuanee of the same. 11. IL Being somewhat in want of the"one thing neetifid," (money,) he weidd suggest, in the mildest manner possible-Oho propriety - of those indebted calls log and settfmg the some inunediately. • Nut oed. 1 - Montr,iois• 4, 18 a. a - gi4OI.O,NS- . ANinervistter ind wohorse ris c e yak ottesit by ,A. MIZELL t . tatei. out,..ef ' f Fi: Fa. 01:134!. Pa or !Arndt"' °plea, '• f coriv4- , will cxpose - the Bttile Court °e directeV trosel on t 3 a ' " 1 1 1. tr at o . to rile n -- 4- ..c042 Jr Court stele Wi t - `.' :ce. of A. B. ClArk Rev. Dr:Cone Misg. StenruLL4, . 1 1.. Fust Linu, F the 31st utt. by 'n, of Greenfield, 1: Karns, of New. - • e . • • FAL! ORDIJAM 3.e0.11 SiOn4 4 ?r,: trptember 12, 1t454, • • 1 . • • -; • NoTICEIZt- • fir/IFt •austwitnica. would repectrully his 1. fliethis the public generally that his stc'keltied gooks -ts.f, note imruftlete in every branch. Thaft*l for p.isi rivers{{ he intends, by seli!ng GOOD GOO PS -12'46 PRIC.E.S, still to merit a share of Oublic patrotut,O. • i Beppectfully, F: B. CHAIiDLER.I , ItootrOse, 24Oventber 29, 1954. - Effl -----' , i --- j Dress Goodig. : t Parathatek.,. - . • 1: from 40 to 62- cents per i and. Beisiiis,:;i. .. l'! .. ...:from 10 to '25 cents per ):aril. Plaidti,; .',. ... ' t s - from 19,6 100 cts. per Fluid Prints,; ...., '.. .', , .. frOm 4Co 121 - cts. per yattl Sheeting:i...li - from 6to 9 cts. yer yard. - Wooled . goods and Jeahs in.every vadety from 19 centstos37oolffer yard.' . ;• 1-Ready-made Clothing. :, t A 4 verY, large stock. /laying purchased at ;1116' time, when the pressureof the money market ita o severe, rand consequently hi:ight 'Low, I think .1 cin and wit t4eell the same quite 14C11EAP as any o tdy ne!ghlbotif. Please call and see. ' -t -Noteniber 2:9; 1854. - F. B:CIIAN1)LE11. --h. - 7 . ,', inoohs and Stationery . , `,, I A great variety of Books; 'a few fancy elocke ;-!- j 11 Maps OrNibituditiand Kansas; Maps of Europe, AM ing the. iseii.t of; War; Pocket Diaries and Alms/hick , for jp5..4 'I , , • i The NeWsß44, Yankee Stories. Itiglaire i New York, Beautiful Annals, Gifk lauttlighter4 .. Bahia for the lioliditya, 1, - 4-, *ll ,'. :at . . ' F. B . CIIANDLER's.I ------.7----r —ii : -.------- ----,----.----- 4 ---1 ' Stelilrul atld Marvin's Fire - Pr o o f ser i i 1 • Safe l ig. I". I . ; I THE` l b bets have made arrangements to fue,- su ~thoi to persons who may boffin want of them,the abovittanied itivaluable Safes, at the same pricer fox,' whieli;they eta ' b e obtained at the toanufacturero.- h- Ilaving estoerietti;ed the benefit °ranch an article dtl,- ring thd late conflagration ourseltr•es, tve•wOuid Oarri estly rtiommead to others having ialuible books and papers thd preserving of which would be of hannst. imporlaitat to, them, not to do without one. - - • fl • 1 Prices rengeiliom $5O to $.500, and we can explode csr to any onLthing to purchase,' the difference, iit style, alic,4trice; 4 4c., and furnish them on short tit* ' dee, with the internal arrangement to suit diefour chaser_ i : . 1': ' BENTLEY & READ. • . Montrose, De cember 19, 1854? 1 -- -, , A uditor's Notice. • e , . i TILE Undersikned baring been appointed an And. Itoe to dlate s ibute the funds in thelands of the alai. *l' 7 eels of GOrge (1. Pride, will attend to the dudes of the said 'appointment at his office' ~ in Montrose, on'PliL day the ll)gt dif,of January nes t t, at one o'clock in the aficreooo. lit Which time and place all periAoni,_ will pieseid their 'plaims. or be debarred from-corning. in upon mg fund. A. CIIAMBERLIN, And. DecOntbe: 19 '0 1854 ' In' the. (..leplthie. Cosiet. -•-• ' - - ' J . ' •- ' ' —l)..A*). , ttditor 9 o NO fire. , '" .' f.. I t ir of the meets its the hands of Ira 111 , Adminitttrator of the estate of Wilfinoi ' Bakerdt, eeeasedorill be aprentioned among :t propetelaiesants Iv Ote undersigned. auditor, atOdi office in ilrOntrese ; on Priday i thelltth day ofJaneari knit, at 10 O'clock In theft) =noon. ' i . Llef; ILO, ..854. , .14r Sg!rrON, Audi* --1- 11rew Glpoda, —j - t§ropitasd 4.odikad selliatt by ;. ', • ; • 1,111/Itg 1111 red fr, EME EAST ,T here -,... 4 .-.-...-...,.„....,.„......-.=.-:-_-zi.:-..-_:-=•..t.=.z....!- - -r-------___--:_-_--- . V.41.41. - ABLE.Halt, , * 'FOR SAI.E.. ( 9 -, illiE 'Flubsilit!er'offer4_ for+ Sale- the valuable Farm I .1. ,and Motel recently owned and'oeenpied bir Cal 1, Yin, Sutnttoors,- deceased,' and,hang known as the- l -, ....: - i I"SUMMERS' pi.ACE. ----' .'-' Said Farm is situated in the township of New 'Mil ford, ,Susquehanna 'county, ra . .,.. .oinet)y.on the line (of 'the' Delia-ere, Lackawanna ik- Western Railroad, .1 four miles/ from its junction With: the. New York & ,l Erie tit: Client Bend, and. 14 mikes' frolit the Depot at 1, il New Rilford. - It contains about 24Oncres---160 acres .: ~, , '--.- ': - ' i NOTICE. .d.• 1 1. itionny4t 69 acres Isomilatid. lt. Li *ill *atened 1 AA,TIIEREAS my, - wife Sophia .k 'ie • . tialivet ti his u:Lasting stream running through, and a never• i V V 'My bed and-board, and lz4 h' r losro;tat.jtil ;'i failing supply of water conveyed. in lead pipes, to, he 1. - to'Opertv, This is; o forbid all .perso sitrustitirhar p-house - ,-bartis; am! eattle : .yards.• I. It is Well fenced and !, citt my' ticcotinr, n3-Ii will hereafter Ppy oltlebtfOrlin , i ii intact geed &titivation, is - well,adapted-to graingrow- : e t iat t netoao, --;.--.::-.: l i .-- '- - - i-,-- tj fiN . LittM. li in and. Is - peculiarly'. fitted - for -growing stock or for 1 - ).Iridgewater, December 10,185 , 0 •1,. - • -=-- -- '-"-:- ' ilairyipurposes. - It, has Kola it. the.large and--con- 1 .........-_, . ._.,..),• ~..,.,..;_;,. __ -. ______;____.;i__......' ...:,;:............,-,-,... 6 , cement dwelling-tidy oeciipholl. - as a Hotel; twoov-. : t, :_f :- Charles Tilintan, :Ear er.;-.- :•-.. • i chards of choice fruit trees "two large horse and cat- / TIAS - reintiretTlils shop from its TOrtnen locatiOnlii 1 rive barns ;-- gne laroe - barri with. two dattle }yards;i _LA thellasement!of Searle's lieriel;ltoti, e iiiini tgi: II =Pie :shells andiill arrangements' forleeding stoek ,- i/the some buildiug, in-the rear of the bar-/rOoM; where" : three'sznall hay and grain- barns;, ice house, brick : I his/customers-xi:l be waited upon by that .eseitskiite, 1 1 smoke. house, large corn : •housei- and -all.other-.out [ artl,4, Professor Cli.,uics Norris, orlbylbinaselcat all' r bnildings necessary on a . Large farm. : - - • : -' 1 - . I reasonable boar:.s: ( - .... ' : •-1. .1 .1 .. ---, I .The wolleatablished reputatiOnof thellotel se , its i -- - 11 - eriatt bear in mind that - :thiS 'is', the onto slitiviiii a iull'a - sise husinrz 3 ' - -...' ' ~ i ;.. -: „):-. -.: . t . - t alltip . intbwn where'the- thing is done *l l ntifieslly: ' !, Terms of payment made easY. : For inform* oni. l - Alontrese;Decerabor 114 1'854: :' {• ' - „ i ' address -, .. - - R. -ili SUTPHIN,. 11 i - L. -., . -. ! .• ----- ' ' -- 1 - 1 • • - -''' I '.-..• • ' ' • ' Surnincrs,.Snsquelraimit c0.,11P,!. 1- To the t'eople ~ of ..suimin .• . . ABEL TITRUELL - •,. , 1 ...,-. NoYenther •":, ,z5l. , 1 TAS just .ceieed front New York a full assort- i ...______ _:___7_,._.:_', - ,,,,___ . _ ' _l__ - _ - . ... 4.: ,_._ ; ., --'-'. .1; - i n ~ -I: . _ ; . ...1 Cot:linty. ~ . )... . . ~ ...1.1 meat of NEW , G 0 OP,S, comprising a Etta I FARM FOR • . I .-. Si , - n Erso • oue. of the greatest sniferers i 6 ,the'..feceut. : rate variety of l)tt., 4-Sll' l 4llp:sits, citruscAtx, °its,' 1 , deatructive fine in 3lontro3e, in 2-Most My i - Do o . sT o ots , Go Ass ..w, k no, 1•` 4 ,4- 11 :r Gnocontos, 3114. p. -,; ' . TREstthseribera offer for isle! ,en. Ole Inbst 11l ', : ral ',. store-honse and tiearly ail of my goods:I I I - hare nor RIALS FOll LIOI +iv, 3 .... 1 Lii CAli. iN , .TUUMENTR, - Y.V.4OE ' ; and easy terins,one ofthe best located fauns for run , lug I Vow etc: given. over .to - detain, brit 'live taken ti. North's's. jiVE RV, r E ..:Fv.imax, .Aso .11. t. sorra : or money In Northern PennsyLvaniU. • The 'said' fa * i s ; goalie room - in the lower part of the• - t frim. first doar i Faxcv Geops, 'lnch'. will be Isoll.'-extrweely low).: for ; situated on the enburg and Owego Turnpike, two 1 north of Keeler's :Rotel; into which 1 havialaeed the` 1 emil. . Rating wen& stiSmitied a 10:;:s by lire of ;at 4 mites east of Slotret Pleasant yillikoe, - and twelve from t amaßatock saVed from the fire, and wilkili the course I N ' 2 -least five duals: nd dolitiri,labove insurance. and goods 1 the \:' Y. ..'k' E.' R. IL; alsit'aerf genveniently :situated .! of a very short time fill up tare store - Pith antritire i saved, I .fancy have-streng claims fon : the patronage ,to Churches, Schools, Grist-iiiilhi :care -mills, Black- /, new, stock of. goods.. In my present info location, Is of mo &h o w% - al o t h e i n o,o r geler a y „ l a a n o man t, 'smith ithops dke. It contains one'hundr6i.mid sixty. 1 will,. be. hajapy to see ar.,d wait - on my Old et/stamens . to give tonic, either do I ask or expect additional -1,. one acres, - one hundred, of- t tinder a good state of i anil the public - genernrty,whe will -f.tc94 ine with a : profits - in tells. quence' of Said loss. I will sell goods:: eithivittiop, well watered and' godd buildings, consist - - - 1 pall, 'I have re-stilted to "to,rfr wire up flee sleip.7--..- • ti.; low, if not 1 •er than eau it). bought elseithere In i lag of 'it good "framed house, well.finished off, and very 1 I ant. letermined to keep a DRUG STORE,' and to this town - -. or • ounty.'. tallerAl I wik 1.4 tlint pattminge, I conveniently Itirrdng4xl. • Alin twit good brints Mid a l keep a good assortinent of Prop's; ilethl c i I . .err Paints. from,the public which', •w able me with.: industry ti, 1 good barn shed *Ai calculated :fi'ireoweenience; two 011 , 5. At/P.4 "fit, G: . n2Ger it g, qi a Iti;WICI r i7 l irclei ' llTv Per slowly hat ally replaee the loss sustained-wilt t. large 'orchards yielding - from 54i0 to IWO bushels au:. furro-nii . Yiankie Notions, and all. sorts. of Fancy . loss being:the lard earnings of a life of anxious toil: 1 nually; mostly ;;rafted fruit of. die best quality, - The -. Goof/it, .&r. Sie.., smell ns I kepi before.tti fire, wWelk ii st ore a t.,. the over end . .Of !the burned district, on '. rand : Li well adapted to grazing slifficient to, keep a I devoured the earnings of a life time irii hour, -, - " MainStrect, af w doors Itelnw the corner... ,- •, '. -.large . stock... For price ,and tern , . apply to, B. .F. I , Srontrtse, Nov, .1.3, 1854. -, ABEL. I I' ItRELL. i. , ABEL 'fr RR '1.1,. ', - EATON, - onto ALFRED LAXE, lon the premises. . - A, - *. - '' ..t--- A : ~u arf urdl: Dec- 0r, ,) , s m . , .i.•.-• .. -.- ~1 1 . 311 Wi't .o‘ery man indebted 't a±n ..., 11 . 0 q .. r .... 1 4 .. i . 18 _:i . : 1 - .. __ . .._. _ ~.. __ . _...,,_: •_ .._ :7. „„,___ ; .,_..,,_•______ . ii ;• - .. • -retnesatherme in this nay til .; 1 - Tari , TEW6... -. - • . ;, • ;• '• NEW G 0111.1105.,, .- ~ Iby sending to Inc the *mob* duelrinned Netember-23, 18,54. - - ' --ABEL 'fi AVE see au . enticed in ~the foreign intel_li g nee On i, TA_ 6',,sirbserlbers have . taken and fitted up the new 1 V Y the erre al of everyys teenier, that obey topoi ; building on, the west sole' of Public, Avenne, twodoors , i• -- . • Is not taken" IA the lit :date are comin g , 41- tie, i above ;Seitrie*s Hotel; and • are .roilv receitiog_ a large 1 - i - : ' . . REMOVAL. hope :irrreat vine Usefill, Ornamental, and Riney i and well selected assortment of l' '- ' ' • •:: . i ITEELER 5: STODDARD., since the things vitae t kea , from the store of F. I3.qt-AS, ~, Fall and :Winter Goods • 1 JLILI be forma in the-BdSE.IIEN .7' OP' • CLEn-;-where. Mood; supply may be found for sorit :a Their stock isaittio, , t entirely NE IP; tinting saved i-110t.E.L. - Notwithstanding the unpre Claris and all li s friends. 1 : . . • . • :. but a very few . g . nod• from the hoe deStrnetive fire, ' piditin with which - onr.stock -of Boots; - Embroidere Uridersleeves, Handkerchiefs, anti-. : .and comprises their usual varietyi of DRY GOODS,.? "went Mr on the- morning - of the fire; . Collars Fancy oxen' of -Paper - , wood and leather, ; Groceries 4 - ..Cmeltery, Hardware,' Drugs, Metlicines,l soin.cni band and shall soon be well stn China, Cellars, and; ; Tin' , ,TOys, , Writing Desks . fer ! faints: Oils, - Dies tuft-. Boots, Slides; Leathers, Glass; ;.. . ; KEELER bST: . Ladies and GC it', Fancy Clocks, some superior - to ' -Jcw-elry, Winches. Silver Spoon;. ['locks,.. Yankee : : .114ntrose, November 13-1851-, ' i any ever btoug it to this Market. Fancy. and useful i Notions, ke. &e. We are thm.kfUlfor lie'patrtmage . l '- Books in grea varity-among them .beautilid P - a:a . I hitherto bestowed upon us, mid trust that our ens! ; 1 - • - . N0 ,,,,,,,,- t.: - ' • atria it- ;. ' ' - per ...Ifaelee-:,Gif Poo;:.. 1 - r -Life of P.: T. Barnum, Netra tornen4 and the'public generally, will not fa to g e - i ril.H4 subscribers berig,-: L errie ! suff Cr ers from the flee - High 1. - .iw! n Nei - Yolli, 4 . . e.•• .- - • " us a call in,. °"r• """ -Thcalitia‘ e - aafident that we can i :IL 'kite di.sastrous Fire, have rembved ,With what Those Ladies who :want sothething more substan- I supply . thcfn with grds , P,n asfavorable terms as here.' littletretn - iu 'ns of their stock,- to the. nenl building 011 . tial for tlikliticl tont season; will find, some beautiful 1 tofore. -- ; :.• 1 - - - !1 DENT4rs; READ - ! the Avenue, opoosite W. 1. Az S. 11. X i tz foni's store,. • Plaid Silk, Delwin, Merino, Parainetta, or a Splendid 1 . Montros Noveiriber,lnr.l, IF.<4. - - - I - when' - ". they rill be happy-to See all - ,their friends'and-: Shawl. /- i. . i ,• : - -..„ ~.i. . .1 • • -- ' I , • -I -, .. customers, and hope in the•coniie of some ten days, Those - rte • the i t er j u i r ~.,4 can be. Stijl PI It'd with an : . *tore and :Wore Nen . GOOds. - to to be able to• greet- -Aeon with au eniirely .N-WW- , extellent Coat, 'eSt ;. or.PMatii, or the'cloth to Maim , , 1.-I •• EVER ITT is: now receivino , new and full i SPO('A.' O.X' G. 00146. • - - --. • -•--; ...' . ..,-," 1 . ~ the. same. ',Pie se call ore and all Our goody "in ' . supplies of Gooi-is' or r Use! truster Prade In-! We trust that , oaine of _.olir ecistomem. who..-have be florin with ; le.asin'e ; and it we can do r:o more, Iclnding a new and elegant assortment of _French Mc- ;'been long hi'debt, will rentembei that, t r oS is a time. we-will wish yo all a 'vet ti PierrYchri 4 n.na - "' and hap-- i, trice's, iltt'lrin . o and C4loacre Plaid.: Plaid, ,Awn-,Awn-i i of •S#EC l A I. • SiED warn ;rags, and do as trier would'be py Ne'sr tdrir. , esprtitfull . i. ;- F. it. CHANDLER.: . ' e ll ac,d Plain- De.Lane.e; Parautettas,Breßlie., - Sopurre ; done. by. - • - 11ENTLEY'rt READ. Montrose, lattl4, 1554.1 -- i. l and Zang' Shorrla, all of new and best styles, and will 1 - ..116-.ltrOc, - November 14. 18:54-: • • • 1 . , .-: - 1 ----------;- ! . ---- 'l - ' --- - . ---: . ,be sold at 25 per cent..hiss than list year's prices.-• 1 ..-:::............---L___..... -- .: . DA TUT YIEN; 'TAKAO NOTICE . : 2.1 Ati•-o a tent al..ortment Of Ririe Riiibon.rOnd Panie,..l( - ........ 1 - r f sille.rilk,r.. haviogjsecured the sole rig h t M I Bod, siik Ireirnts fien Ciook.". an'el Me h tillas Riei! - . athgottriloN-• - _•-l•- A. - DA 118' ~ z 1 D .11 - $"1'...j1 IILE - Clic]: x „.4 i"11`1 ,Sin. wpd • i...„1„! Jr .. „. . . . if / ' e l (I . TRE e°partriership heretofore .IMQ h' .un4r . tlir; '" 4 :f r i 3 "'"flq; • "' a ir . ita .I " - name.and firm of Newells Brothers • In. the'...Sash,"; . . : Bt - rfEr:-11 O Alzß.,fir4 . , STisiliL , hanna and l'eve" l i ,I)-i.,• , es•- - ;t, iteiy . oit; kc,.,1i0. with n general assortment ! Blind., and Doorbesine.^s, is this day b mt.tuel cciro., ; wijoining Ct(uatik, 1 " , / , 'IKetl - i -01 : invile all Doter mak"' :. i - ,f, ot.h.&. STA rz.• and F.A.Ner Cnor. - i 'aS euSiliii, WiliCh I ,f I. e."s to - ea amitie trid ves-rtlle nicrit;i of this new and'', bailor , : bought under. the present pre,,•-iire.-of the cash i ' er ' d '-‘, -1- ' d ... - - n 'F r ' erant ' -1' . , e 4,4 11 . -. .1 - ...".....• „...., valuable ini:ention. i lte pl'oPos.- to furnish each and ',l rna d v ), - („io be sal .at corresponding and reduced ' •- ' . ' .... vaLßEtt 457,3,vErx.: : '.. an of • von iiitli 'i-Cni„ -- ios trim I will 'produee as much' I r i,..„- r.s .. :. . 1 , . - „ Lane., , boro, July 1.1, 704. - It K. K• ELL --.- -.-. • 1, Uri:subscriber would respectfelly.eall .el t itte.oticia.: hotter. in :•;'s sit a dole. '.as any other churn---or.o I .New - ,3lllfoid, Nor . enther' 27, 175 :' ,1. ',.', , . - . , ~ -of thoSe Who .wish to purchase auyilliw , lit hislipal c..tz. _.. : that Will efloD/f• e? , , i.'rpei tk.',l4etter - aiilk.,- trash a»d . , , . . . . ; • ~..,.._______ ~ • - • - . busmess, soch-as i.,.. , ! :rook in ti i i ~,,r j , ;.!,if0i 0. , 7 if . ;;;D:y*tetlil throa r ,le the'', . . - - . . i Zut to- and fit it or use, without. rtmoving it from the . ; 130 It E ta li T i ..l , t tho l l ) o,4 C .e : s i t i p E rit. -' e l , t a i n ' G ti 11 0 i p b -n e. ..s o l d a . c.. .1 . -Stt,lr, Poo,rs, Siittite'r".s . ,:iful Biiii • . . .„ . sit churn. This "Cl urn is sin Pli.:1:1 its const;metion, sci-'.'il L .. A. nows sz co. , I Caltisiet W.Ar . e of vr,ri9u , ,: Mills, -1,- ~ .. .:. cordirodY - of entitle in iti4,ope ation, aw , asilv cleaned - -..mtkept in 1 1 . - o• • ' I - - . . . - ls.: - liti`nc.anS, 'lables, :aid Seeraiiri, ~•. 1 1,..r 'Y i order, and can be et.s:ly , ttael. , dto art 1 repelling. i - 6 ' h ' on.°(4-t( t e .__" l- _ l _'" l ._____- - i _-_____-___ i . ''.l3.,oilstentl.s, Standk Chair. - and Ilect,: • i . .. ill •i rower, -!- -] ' 1. - I - - 1 • --'i I - Cloths,' Cassitheres and Vesting% 1- . A.lso. : liteady,made Caffitoz. Pain.ung r t. Glazing„. )f . For, farts, srp7ticulr;ns. /Iry personall - or. by let-'..r 1A large.aSsortnnent and at, rices loner than we have i I - !if require - Country Produce and Ltuubei. taken in • - P . ter to .I.l‘;' C. lUSIINEI ,-, and J. N.T RONSON,/,! 'ever ,been enabled to offer them heretofore; -. 1 i • -- •I- ' : ~ . „ I exclian,oe. 'Kornis, ready, pay. ‘-: -.'. I; , ' -- - : Ararat, onswiehtiona , cOunt.4, Pa... '-'i ' Gibson, : Oct. Al, 1554. • - . 1 , . - ': - ' - -' . . Lani , sbor - Yuly iq. 1 - 851. GILBERT N . wral. : ' , .-., .... 'Dtexc_ .6 . oath'. . . ... . - - FOB TIP E PEO LE: ,-',. , i gm:it...variety and beautiful s tyle', an . l ... ! . thrt - . ot as ---. --N H . - - - - - '‘-' --' •: - -. 4 is camin -, on'the CIL. . .. IR MAlt....ie 4 heap as could be desired. L BURRO I. .S &.{..0. i • - - . - Till:: ". KNIWIENOTIIINOS. I * ,: - r...r.e 4 67 in. All its various rranches at... 41 „,. . - - _ AN E • tfrKrt) UP •R TERRIBLP.p..TSSII. , . - ibsoo, October 12,..1854. : .:, . .-, . . I L I• : -- ' : ., . , are.t....hop io Ilai ford. wh re may beir, '' - 1 • Blit livery fortntstel the earth not thrcorri :*. , variety. Of Windsor and Rocking . 1 -,- , -- . , im i ck saiu .. l , -.- i froze eta orbit, ,and - the s.u . n shin - on as - nifop ; ein0i1„,.... - , iy other esitablishmeut in the county, ii I t A - 000il hualitf for dresses at 81 cents per. vartl. - i bling the " Picture Ran ..to win it'at hisiradtaol.light7P," no Seats. «r alts, BcdstcadsLoung--;; , r. 1 trctitiber 1 0 ; 1854. - , , - 15. DtPROW,,:i. & .00.: ~ and shade in his usual .satisfacter7 thiTa i et. - - , • '`, es, Starals ke. tic., all of which will;, ~:- i - . 1.tr... hawis. --- t - , , . ~ .l . IIi:i iNewStock, just pmelanted, eonipr.„.ocs evem ' (thing neat and desirable in t , e iDague ehtype" line,. west uric ....i .at retail; (or wholesale,: t 1 - . n -. ii,sci ... jar.e, wool, brochQ, sod silk, silk, .verylisna. e.) All 'Cris. warranted well nuide.;l Long r . , ,. e.,,.. uretoti, so. small profiti3 .l soine styles awl At estremely low prices'. ' - „,. ...-, and Ina : asks that you will.not forget to c.lll. lle - has alio some recently published dokeiltich...: f 1.1 1 .rn°7. 1 . - 1:017; dOntenstrathra of the above I,____.„.October 12 , - , I Ss.t. - U..BITR_ IT ,BOR'S Et C). - I -will be ;sure to . please those - nholicish o tl, leading:Y. ; ~ itt my shop' iii Hayford village. ;it :'., . - Broclte Shawls •'- • •• :•,•f . . • ' '-•- -_- :- ' l , - W.-11 EASS;,.. - - , - -Lt. NV GREE.NWOOD. - --.; Cheapen'..than ever before known • beautifiii patterns 1-• 'Oddlielirivrs'. Mill; 3fontiose Pa: .- -.-- •1 . '. • -•- . 1 )cr 19../184-1. -' , ' 1. 54 -G - tntl -; and - fine 'quality of E-t .13;'-oche .Shawls, Liipen , s min- : .f;grrW. op. drys not_ take Oietnr?is f r-21;or 6 0 !• , .1 it ufactuee; at Eil -- .• • . :, ' • : L. BURROWS & CO; 1 tens, ..I:iorte :rho risksuele trashreizwit..,l elsitehere7. ~. • Gi&;o0 - October 11,.1854: ••,' ' • ' • -•• ".-'. I, •-: ' •-'', - . : -.....-+ WIIEAT 3c B Dec'eln` er' Ult 4 Isla .1)0e. gib, 18 Montro,;\ 11, PACTS rnIIE subicrib .1.! LI - V AL'S the Chair ant «i found a greater Chairs than:id - all also Flag aid! Cah es, Settees, labl: be sold at the I 'with 'short ilot - ; and of goacidiOnal will, be toy thott facts, 'please; call Ilarforcl, betolLi . , Y. ! FAR:II4 SALE. • ~ . . 'Fox rillif: stilyseribei. willaet as agent 4).t. baying and sell- ',l -- , ; l' -Bay fitate ftbaltas, 1. ing Real.Ette-- 1 ,-Purnii, Houses; and .. Lots—rlo, •in i,: ...%)e. ..4.0.r.ar sar i ] PINES; QUALVE+.' anii' NEW PAT- - cated in-Sumach ' T.MCeant.,, Pa. • ' All who wisir to TERNsS 3, ti 6 each - . ; - 11. BURROItS CO&.. . „ offer their-property for sale gin give a minute tte.miP-. ! Gibson, Miober .I I, 1851. • 1 . tion of their:Farms ; or 'T..otl as; f0110w.% : Number • of.; 1 -7 . ~; . car pets,.. . ~. rkretl, hoW Many-,ltupt•ov'ed, , and how :watered, Valhi- ~ • - ent • ! l and 'handsome 'patterns-query zery ings, orchsjds, gOai, leifo'r conninin fruit ; other fruit fi.. i l i : m g c* pri fi c s esi 3 .. °7 , t . th L'. BtrfrßOWS kW. trees; and then eares4 poini , to', the D. L. & W. K R., * . .. . Gibyort, Ortniip‘i 1!, 1654. —-I - • .."- ". and N. Y. .ItE..*. R. ! ! . • B y ca lti ng on t h,- ; , -. :i • -.- .i 'Buffalo liottel-,, • , . . .! I ' ' : , • 4.01 coins on 'die list, 43 urk4old: sub•=cnber a . lmint te•uae,-spi.H.,. prie.e.aud terms ran' 1 - . . . A large /et. ofbandsOrne Rchis, a part of them whole, be given.. ; . .. , .4 Indian dreised and i . -ery superior color and quality: ' - 117 S a Office on Turt»ike st.',4 'doors west of Milo at. .1 1 1 ‘ I October I. 1854.! . G. BURRO - co. Montrose, Augast 15, .184.! A. BALDWIN. • ••• .1 - 1 - ~. • - t -' '''' ''.- 1.- 4 . - -. .i' Oltrif STOOK or -, S TOVE S • *• : - Susqueitan'na _ounty s., ' • F ... -;, s , N O SY COllfPLETE—and u-e wouhr tide this NOTE . - ' l -' opts: ritinsity.to flay that we elm! show the most 1 , I IS hereby tire , in plinsuance-of an act of General ' I,. beautiful and, sp&rtilitk yratterns,of Parlor'and Cymking -1 1 Assemblv pa. d OetObei. 13th, 1340, that an art ! Stores to be found in the county.. Among them 'can , I plimation " hii ben made to: the Court- of Commim be seen .the, Revolting Front and Gothic Parlor, for, i ' Pleas" of said eau , ty, to grant a Charter of incorporis- wood or emit, eatireik- new and decidedly prettY stoves: ' d 1. - - IBaPtist Church o f East 1 Prices frtan five to !ten dollars. Of i Cooking Stoves _ _ Lion -to the; f I.7r4ri regq, Clifford." December' 2, • i' i 1 ...., I ~~~ i 1 ` ...~.. ElittiZtitiltilial 13itClire itpE OF D•opps 014..PCrtit§ STOttE, P‘4;s shall be fat citiiottieta; be happy to : wait or . . • ..• iae Salt at • l t eiTAN D LE It'S.; d Sir has i zpitst WELLS, Prcity..l 854. . . 1 -- : • STOLIENe TUE person %lib° took al ereen French Jhrino . Dress Patelin front the store of the subscriber can have anl ep(ortunity of returning *it privately,' and no explanaticin requfred,i if done soon; otherwise, exposure and .treention will follow, as the tmnsae tion is understood, , • , . ! 11. BURRITT. ' New YiNord, (etober 13, 1854. . • • 2196iotding 11)lotclostare i' • • T) LINES i again in khelalloring business.— ... Those; there/ore, *bit dravey enough of . the right principle toroauragu (ruteindustty and deSire his services, Will lease takemotice. His object irill ost l be to please th who emplay him, and receive a re 7 ward for bis labor Shop by.er Ilawley & Mott's store. Montrose, Nov mber 20,'1'84. -. Nana. - TIIE subscribe havingi purchased the entire ante; rest of the old an well knowts Griollill, called Sum-- rner's MillovOuld. 've notice to Lis old customers, and all concerned; that,le'has given it a thorough re ,i, l.paising, and if is'riow ;•doing ruts? Rasta. work: and under the charge f LevrisA; Toutpkins, (whaip rep- - 1 utation as a Miller stands second to none in thercoun- - i_try,) and wititplcu ire of water, With which , we ti.re fa vored at all tiutesl, e trust' that we may receive our share of public -patronage. -' i , IRA SUMMERS. - Summers, Pecernber 11,•1834.1 - i w 4 . _ ' irs , 'StOvibs. - - swo • , • • 1 . grim. subscrit+W beg la t re to inform the ekizens A. ' of Brooklyn ond yid:, ti thattbefhave jest re- l i ______ __________ , mi r ed a lot of '' S ' )a r''" wilieh t he ! o ffe r for bale as STOVES AND . CASTIMG7 -€l4 ifitp. low as they can be purchaand elsewherwin the e; ,f utty. ,I 4 few .paitor . ‘ &o n. cookinlys _ nod . 04 stores. on ' A ISQ—Alot f STONTB . PIPE and Elbort the'" ti 'tumid and will ber sold CM:dito'close tbem - out. _ Also," afferent sizes" at tontsfaciortt:s rites. 1 ~ iltron Sinks, , Ifop-troughs, Buttes Sink Traps; Mor- IV.4.N2'ED--..81d Iron, pipper, and Brass, tit el° liters„. 'Sleds, Clamps.: Bench Screws, i Poor Bqueeze, wtr change for Seslor otherig t w . 43i ,- . - 1 :-. it Sm., one and Two ors° Wagon Bn,tant; improved pat' II terns, Mie first rate Tonsr.Nci La.:nu, 4prcint's Wagon (Springs. The above, with many other articlea in that nue, will ho sold CheaP,': Please call at , ' Montroie, N6%14 1 41.] , F.. B. CIIANDLEIVI. ' I ... • Silinwhijust receirod and _SN,IIIII iIEMPSTEO. A NPV tail& / . s lue sale lbw at,, It - D - 9 , •.. ; , a r 1,600 hush. Dried Apples, mv., t,OOO bush. Buckwheat; ye: H i)0 " Beamt, ',.•• • •T Hart ridiip, at the highest tharket ' foe gootlal by • ' " I '54.1 Sl'lT.t H HEMPSTEAD.' 6,000 bushels bf 2,000 Intshelg of, 1,000 bu,ihelA of and any quant4 . l vices, In . ey.elkiut Brooklyn, Nov.. i‘ • 1 Administrator's Notice: ' "pi F orig. is jiereby:giv - 01 that,jeuei,s-tistiuneatory , "1 11 port the eatate orAlcinzo Bryaot, deci*" (l, " 1 1 1 "aeon tarrnsbip, bate tern panted tOtbasubselib• ,1 - vi . --- ri s , ... (0. All piesnea Indebted to sold estate. are retitie*d. 'a—e " 1- " lc ''' .. il VS make' initaediate partient, and' those barinKeiabitir Welted Iiil: A: ic E. ilitnarti,"-by accounta lire respeetfuft reynind- tl uernems - ~ cflA,Bus TiNGW.; Admit., A upcm &ad state:to present them dedy ritttated forlutti ver3rlacceptable to vs m'itave the . ii ikr f or diro, 21, 1E44. , "' " 1 "A. &E. BALDWIN, .'.'t • , ' ' ~ .bdi,'So,l l ss4,, • - ' - ';'-.1" AA LL, praotts . . 171... note at *go be Rune paid soca. • .iloptrate. NOr . T . __thosi... _,i.nsliadet,ted %cr the infra( ibex. . 1 '... „. . Awl:0/01ft .1:tooldet; ard Cie& eftlitairbi ,:..........._.......... ! tutoraolthe enclosure, bt ..01,10 ; .„,,, 1. ,.... ;4 ,, Le4., ..., , , biii , „ wptita:cpu rt. stor bY•set*Ei 0. 14 1 eik 1, •-• i - T.' . -. loollritAlln - '-'' - ''' '-''' ~. ' f ' th • , . , . ~. /On ,J. l', - 1 WilliOrir '4lk. SO*, -, . i Aticjowor ziovant,44lo,-4.45r*W117 -. .nimatitze ,1 -- u 7 K l .lte* el°4- '" '''"t• - ' `hi 'l4. 13.'11411Iiid'ii old i'tbifi;llis'i' i i w o you 4 ad Ifeltur. the owner Is requested to pawl VIONew and Timatilty l ie Avatine. charges aid•ake her away: JAMES IC-afilSON, -'l,OB Wail J. O. 11:E41,1. Store , • rshe t 1511854 ; , • I springtills. Dorerstier 12 . lOU. ' ' wits L I liolollo , 1 1 1 :i , i- - ' '; - ', ' . . f • -, , . , I• , .IkArAvu4.,m-.- i ttyana 111. Ede di' POI Meninx*, N`p .9140.1=14 4100 . , _....Mittf.,5-__.,,,_,,, _ ' WeWaltol+tnik 7 A6R4:0 ,- +A**6o34 ll 3iiMankst. , .' . i . . , PM ME WM IitIANDLEP:S: we think it tteedlfts to say nnieh, only to remark, that we are selling them at oar former nrices-, - and judging from the tepidity Of our sales, we . believe- the public are entireCy satisfied whit our prices). and the:quality of our:nitres. -We' have. "a fen- nore left". of - the " Clinton Air-tight Elevated Oren Store," 4eknowl edged to-he the beat crooking stove atm in nse. Mt. ilia and „Englisit Steve-Pipe- at ohl price's, and Trim mings and Tin ware.o: all descriptions at the very' lowest 'rates.. • ••• DICKER3IAN, - jr: . 1 New Milford, - October 23, 1814. Popular Patent, Medicine Agency.' IA BEL TURRELL hasjust reeeivo a new supply _EI of all the popular PAtErr MiTIqINES. of the day, ineluding .4 . Dr. layne' celebrated Mddicines, Trask's Magnetic Ointment, Titnner's Grertnau Ointment, My ers' EstoMt Rock Rose, Forest Wine, &c. dm., Pills of all sorts, alt direct from the ,proprietors. - Also, Burning 7 , 7uid, Canyhene,l:r., cheap as the cheap, est. ' - ' ' • 'A. Tr W tELL Montrose, December 6, Int • • , • A Chance. to Make. 11.ollev. A PROFITABLE .4-VD HOSOD-4BLE. .41f- • PLOYMIEN.T. E su,bscriber is desirous of Imv,ing arragent each imunty.anfi.town of the Union. A Capital of fi•om iti-to $lO only willbe requirell. and anything like an efficient, energetic man can Make from three th five dollars per dart-;-indeed; sonic of the agents now eniployed: are realizing -twice that sum. Every information 'will be given by dfltiressing(pcL.tpidd,) : • AYlll. A. KINSLER, ' Box .601 Philadelphia,- - Post. °Wis: ! =I MOM WATCHES! JEWELRY, SILVP _ tapLD Eribrer. Patb4t, /Ayer, "J. icceive& an r stiThiy • DENTLPir,ek READ. aesvelg r i . AGOOD a.wortailent ot t -JIFiN ry, wing ()Maio Rims, Ear Drop; Brea4t !tiger Ringt, ki• just_rpieir44 at f BENUE • REAlt's.• Silver Tea, Table, De.sazrt; Sn r, Stitt. a fo,r sale by • . t IIENTLgS • - ~ .-4 i - ' 1 1 / 9 .at% and Shor. .in unusually good i nizsortnient of thet fi• fresh toct perfect for Me. by BESTLVY --.---- -pm :- • -Tirtiort liiii, .tied.iell • AI fresb.stock . genuineZ,Dru i ts,and 3101, Medicines, Ptuntsr, ?ila,,Dyc-Aiiilll4.,-kol. I - Der.c. 13:1 -.. -- 1 • 1 BENTLfiII , , • ; .lighzt . Oroyesl Adve2lli.eir °Fit. S'n.ittre,'Alio furtliAtes the biiTl andt L i •aaa Il ia' an extiit coat for winter, has n 44 made ri t-. ilai pri);:,, ' vision for luau, I hare concluded to taker nron-ntp - self, to .attend-to ;that tlxpartment \ ; and tilerefore 1_ adult proper to zunloUnce that . All shiveriro• gulp bi-1` pelds„tbat 'need neiv apparel; glolous sir ngloriousj I faAtionahle" or unfashinnableotanhavei i t air wants , . I,supplied anti their tasteasuited by ealliti,g ton me,. fat ty shop in Ifon,nose." . ' .. I . ; • '' -2. -; GOODS. , - I • - • 3IOYTROSE DEPOT 113, just re--,: eT _ eti-re4t . sooplyof SfOng uou Summer 9liods,•Wllich will be sold 4-ei-y'low - lbrr t - or COM: 'IQ POUNDS good Year Orlesnti Sugaqf P: r one du4 0 . 1 4 r at - J. J. p . ..L:DES ?lest Sgore: - ; EA : ;. 6afreeT:tfoGe7, 7 risit, Rice, - ariG4cerie*. • of all kinds; verfcheap at J. ler do? - Wanted, A NT= quantity of Eggs at 12 Cents est halve for goods at - J. C. ..illsii, . .. - , 1 L VIZI quantity' of Dotter at 111 cents' erlxv •A. _e x cli ar go for QoodS at IC. TAWS - Or r115.8E wishing- to pni-eitase'fiii 7 ea, it, 'or in ex-. , ... 7 change for barter, mill find. it to thetr *de t i 0 6 " .... call--anti ,exarnine tny - stock of Goolls•-antl a for:: , thetnieKes. For' barter of all lands the h t prie- - -. 'ea may at all timetz. be relied, on a .T.-0. LEES Store. , Montrose Depot. . 1 . '. - ~ . .1 - 1011;33.1PS: PUIIIPS. - 4 • 'The Greatest Improvement of the i tir.o 4l--. c--!e.• '. 11. WilliOnts' Donlate-ileting .1311111Valver - , ... Forte and ILO Purop's—t . 1- i 1... N. linProvement aboveAt other ptimpo Or tot- - .1.: chines for lifting, tin owingotaricit . tint sintere• combining both a Pututi anti a rim E girte.• '. Thi. - . Pump, patented in February, Ig's4, ik t e-tole.of it " t nicotine: Ni bolts nr terews nhota it t rust,:rotiso-"I' 1 cluently it- will last a man'e fife time. I 'tai be ulted, • s , c I In every variety of form—eat , draw waterfowls six - --; situatioa, aniiiearry it to any Ott of .1 'buildi s . P ng. : It i fs supartor to all other Pumps forlDisti lerihaper . . i Mills, Tanneries,'• Briels Yallis ' lron It`ti Its .. pr ti Man•-• -",:, / 1 ufacturing Ntablistimentsof a ll lamb. -•• ' I • i All orders mast be adtirmed to Art 4 't Wars - rifle, Pa., rah has: the - sole right 1 hanatt"ecianty. ' • "- . • )". The Faimer's Stote - lic Xi-E,,wi.,4h to say to our friends and et, T Na have withstood, the.defoutiog` alsinied our Store -with , nto3t of. out . .oreeted a coniceniet<t shanty, ;them__ ivg.l py to see our old htlFtotilOrY n4 WeluitErt golitgtO setl goods tow l itr titan evai,'ltud per cent. less than you 'lam bay elsewhe hanna Celt and sec.: • - W-gitEN ,J' - ... 'Exectitor'S IVOtjee 1 . 1117 °TICE ialieteby 'given tint lette'rt 4stihentitry - : .1.1 with the Wilt SITHe'S.VI4-xspen times Ate it Jame Kelly. late ,of Gib.;on..tortistqPi docCfilt ititivO. t) . C., 1 glinted :to ttai 4iilise,,ribe i v . anAlroll,,,v; 04 bavlii#7-....i , elating tipOn tate) ettatO wilt tilvaO'f, ~. t ep,da1.T....,„ 7 attemted toe litithrillelit,' nod. 11100-111de et ' pli oei 4 tatO' on requeita to.untto isonteilinte it s tit.- , ..: ,(liboca4 1te0..4 IS;4. .- _ finolida NE . Y. .11-45 i - .7.14- ,- : i 4,4A.V, El - mum I fed Puret• -afirakt; lar & READ. es, 1 5 4.enti sale: by, , READ. baluibir FIT 4 DON'T MN me, please, c of aced, tely. i! KELL, • e fire s may'. !Mewed ra in6e2, &c., e:-still have tpWcf again. IDD-1111X. MEM en, in' Ore. nd, in ore. Oa Dl3riilClr, • Suoquef ~..i...r. . ...F -..., ~. , ,Ittititt. --. : - . 1 iat rittitt- ~,, tel4e4a ` babel hap. t wo. Ir. fWe ar% 1 ' I ei Mak tev,... iji Sitique-'=' , .. . , MTH 14f 121 ME ~.•.,- .-..if.-'';'si:-:,i'.':'!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers