. JJLLl!!l!i-J(!lLB!'!l-'LgUL n column on reafi (V).o One-half, column, oris year, On-fonrih column, one yr, On square (10 ltnc) 1 Insertion gitrf additional Insertion, frnCwwionill mid Muslnes cards of 89.00 16.(10 76 0 not more than 5 line, pef year, 6.0T Auditor. Bteeutor, Administrator ud Amieiin Notices, 2.6T fclitfvtial notion per Hue, 16 All transoionl advertising lei than months 10 cents a lino. All advertisements for ft shorter re rind tlfan one yesr are payable at th imn thn lire ordered, and il not rialr! vit person ordering them will ! neld; uponsiuie tor me raonev. Poeti'y. Our Lovad Ones Go.it Before. They never quite leave us, our frlendi who have passed Through the shadows of dsath to the eunlhtht above. A thousaud swet memories are hold ing them fast To the planes they blessed with theli presence and love. The work which they left and th books which they read rtpealt mutely, though still with at' lo"iienoe rare, And the soiijjs .that they sung, and dear words that they said, Yet linger and sigh on the desolati air. And oft when alone, and as oft In tin throng, Or when evil allures us or sludrawetl nigh, A whisper ooines gently, "Nay, do not the wrong," And we feel that our weakuessls pltl ed on high. In the dew-threaded morn and tht opaline eve, When the children are merry, or crimsoned with sleep, We are comforted, even as lonely w grieve. For the thought of tholr rapture .for bid us to wesp. W toll at our tanks In the burdei. and heat Of life's passionate noon. They arc folded in peaoe. It Is well. We rcjoioe that theii Iwaven Is sweet, An I one day for us the bitter will cuose. We to- will go ho.ne o'er the river of re it, As the strong and the lovely before us have gone, Our sun will go down In the beaut If U' west. To rise In the glory that circles the throne. Until then we are bouud by our love and our faith To the saints who are walking iu Paradise fair ; They have passed beyond sight, at the touching of death. Hut thny live, like ourselves, In Oud' Infinite care. A Talk with Jesus. A little talk with Jesus, How It smooths the rugged road ! How it seems to help me onward, Wnen 1 faint b.'iiriutn my load I When my heart U crushed with sor row, And my eyes with tears are dim, Thnre Is uaught ran yield me comfort Like a little talk with hiiu. I tell him I am weary, And I fuln would be at rest ; IThat I'm daily, hourly lon.'iu- To repose upon his breast ; I And he answers me so sweetly, In the tenderest tones of love, "I uin coming soon to take thee To my happy home above." Lli this Is what I am wanting. His lovely face to see ; Vnd, I'm not afraid to say It, I know he's wanting me. lie gave his life a ransom, To make me all his own. Vnd he'll ne'er forget his promise To me, his purchased one. Phe way is 1 ng and weary To yonder far off clime, tut a little talk with Jesus , Doth wile away the time. hie more I come to know him, And all his grace explore, It sets me ever longing To know hlin more and wore. cannot live wlthouthlin, ftor would I if I eould ; M ' my dally poif-on, . '" "' my medicine and my food. 'els altogether lovely j None can with him compare ; Ihlefent among ten thousand. And fairest of the fair. often feel Impatient Ana mourn bis It ng delay, ;" 1 never can be hanrjv I While he remains away. jut we shall not long;be parted ! II KnOW he'll nnlnklvainiiia m we shall dwell together tin that happy, happy borne. I'll wait a little longer. ill bis appointed time, 4 along the nDWird n&thwav -i. . - y prilgrluj feet shall climb, "re, In my Father's dwelling, Where many mansions be, -'hall sweetly talk with Jesus, And he will talk with we. A set is being mad strains! B Mnmjk.a n I I ; I aaaav.ua, vvngnn is giving lentioo to the eobieei. and the re so ore than yer sronsed the importance of eradioetin-r (be 1 of polygftomj fron om country, blio meetings are being held, srd PMpU are determined tL ft 73wy lh!I ga f SV . , (11 VOL. 19. D0LLI E. S'jehvl been, cilel tint svor linoe aha osme ft round fused, rosy iheoke bright-eyed little thing i. to a family of great, ronjb, ten. der-heirted, adoring biys. an 1 she I been treated by them as a doll, ip te her sixteenth year. Tjna, D.o'i aa 1 firry bvl gme otntrket which was ft trip of two liysi Jiiok and Joe ba l g'ne to as sist a neirfhb rin frm it ia ft piuoe of work fti I at nini o'o'ok 'a lb- jicuojq Djllio's fjlber, llr. Ddraod. laid . 'PoVio, Nid an 1 1 are gio to t ia tilUe to do soma trading at tlio tore. S'jau'tbe bo'( until aflei liooer, ) have an early euppor for is, for we'll by as buury a harks." Yes, fUber." eid Dillio brin ngoat twelra diizan egs in a bask t. fir she know ber lather's ways iosIwijs lonlod up the wagon with nuntry pr lt, e. apple, pjta oea and other vjg.iiblos, which be xebsnged at the store for sugar, ea, cloth, farming implements, eta. "I shan't take a cent with mo, for 'oar I sb'ill be nvir-perfiiilnl t ny tbusa pesky catllo of Jim Ireea's. kuo he's lyiu' ia wait 'or mi, for he mostly U mirket liys, I ilji't wint 'en an 1 I wont lave 'om if tbo be cheap I But you :now lb ire's m mey in the hr.ixe. Vdlie. There's 83 10 Mr. Kent give m i f jr the saith mn Ij.v ljt yestor- I iy in the dask, ard there it must ilay safe until I go to Petorbongb auk Si dou't eotertaiu strangers r euspioioat looking people while 'ru gone." "No, father." 'I'll leave ba at homi, and I'll )9 back long before dark" So when bo bad drawn two ;nili jf water and Net bad filled np tho vood box fot Dollio, and they drove iff. a little pig tied np in the bottom of the wagon, eqnualing lustily. Ojllie liked the borses and cattlo, he bent, rhinkons, and pigeons, bat she didu't 1 tbe p!g, so she didu't feel ba lly at all that this oue was going off to be etnfTod nod roasted for somebody's dinner. She ivl a biking to do and picalili to nako, and sot busily a bout ber ask. With a wistful look dowu the road and a sudden, nnplervmnt fcol iny of lining unprotected in that lonuly place for the farm was half 4 mile from any other Dollio cuine back iuto tbe kitchen. When she ba l t i'coa ft solitary lunch of broid and milk at tbe kitch- e i table, she m tlo a nice tea cake for tbe evening rani and then sot abrnt making her father's favorito relish picalili. It was fire o'clock wbou Dollio bad finished this last task and carried tbe jars down below. When she came np, a man bad entered the op en kitchen door and was seated be fore the stove. lie was ft rough looking customer and Dollie was frightened, but she did not show it. 'Whom do joa wish to see 1" she asked. "I'd like eometb iog to eat, if yon please," answered the man in what was evidently ft feigned voioe. Bat in spite of that and the mnffw er about bis face, Dollie knew, bim. Tt was Jim Green tbe oattle dealer, and be bad s very bad reputation. She bad never seen bim but once be fore in ber life, but she remeubered bis leer and booked nose. Ube bad bim pointed out to ber in tbe village, but she did not think be, bad ever seen ber. What did be want bere when ber father was away f With no idea that this was tbe object of bis errand, Dollie, however, out one of tbe pumpkin pies and gave bim generous quarter, which be proceeded to eat as well as be oould without too freely revealing his faoe. Dollie boped when be bad finished it bs would go away, but ha did not. Instead of that bs got np, walieVI into tbe sitting-room nd looked around ytfter a moment, be walked op to the dosk and shook the lii. Say is this locked t" be asked. Tbe frightened blood came hot ad indignant to Dollie's young obeeks. Tbe man was robber! af ter ber father's money, bhe took ber bauds oat of tbe dishwater hers sbe bad been washing np tbe coking dishes sod went Into tbe illiog room. "Se here," sbe said boldly, MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, know yon i you are Jim Qreen What do you want bore " "Jfoney," laoooically. "I have seen your father at tbe village) I knew he has not got the money Kent paid bim with bim, so I tbiuk it ran at bo here." lie shook tbe lid violootly and peerod abont tbe edges. 'How dare you try to rob a bonse in opon d iy 7" asked D llio, 'D n'i yon know yon will be arrested and sent to jail t ' "No. I won't," answered Oroer. C'iolly. "I am going out of tlie ootid try to-night. Come, I want tbe keys." Dollie tnrnod scornfully away. but gave a longing glauco out of tbe window. "I expoct my futlnr every minute. lie has the keys,'' she said. "You need not expect bim at present, said Groon, still at work up- n ttm desk. "Ilia boro cast a shot and he's at the blacksmith's and likoly to stay awhile." "Well, bo has tbo keys with bim," ropliod Dollie, still coolly. "Yon bad butter take yourself off My brothers are liable to come homo at auy moment. ' Oh, I kuow all about that," re sponded Greuu, taking a largo pock et kuife from bis picket and pro ceeding to force tbe lock. What conll Dollio dot The 0.0110 was half a mile off the maiu rond, and that distance from any living soul. There as uot a weapi on of any kind under the rouf. I f there bad boon Dollie Mas more afaird of a pistol than sbe was of Jim Oreen. But tbe snapping of tbe lock and lb 3 villain's long drawn All 1" ot Mt'isf.iulnn, tdiuout frenzied ber ller bonost, bard-working fath-r'n money tbo mtiot save it if sbo t!"v at the r.iai-nl uu J scratched Iti i ev out. A suddon thought came to Dollie She wont into tbe buttery and took a small, wide-moutbad bottle, close ly corked sud marked "Cayenne I'eppoi'." She took out tbe cork, concealed the bottle in tbo 'palm of btr band, and went iuto tbo otber room. Qreon bad not found tbe money, but lie hud e'zud upon a tine gold repeater which he used ouly nuu rare occasions. II is nevor-lttiiuig " silver lime- companion was a bi keeper w hich he can led iu bis fob. "Ah !"' repoated Orccn ngain. and hurried to the still open door of the kitchen to examiuo tbe watch more closely, He bad time to soo by the fading sunlight that it was even more valuable than it bad at first seemed to bo, bnt Jim's eyes did bim little other servico for many woeks. Dollie raised ber little band and quick as lightning dashed a portiou of the fiery compound into bis face. With ft shriek of agony the man dropped tho watch and clenched his bands over; his eyes as be leaped out into the yard. With bowls and yells be dances about the door-yard nnd was tumbling over tbo wood pile as I'ollie saw bim last before sbe shut aod double-barred the door. She picked up the watch, restored it to its place snd went to tbe win dow. She bad to wait but a short time before ber father's wagon wheels rolled into the yard. Bhe flung op tbe sash as her fath er and brotbor sprang ont and ap proached tbe suffering mortal, who was still bowling and kiokiug in ths wood pile. "His eyes are full of cayenne pep por, Ned. He was stealing your money, father." She saw ber vigorous young broth er collar tbe already punished man and pull bim upon bis feet, while ber father recognized bim with ex olamations of amazement. But bis eries and moans continu ing, tbey finally deoided bat be bad been punished sufficiently, and af ter awhile let bim go, lie sneaked a ay, aod without tbe booty bo bad so confidently ex pected to obtaiu. When tbo exoitment wasoror.Dol l.o, like any other woman, bad ft cry ing spell but ber fattier and broth ers, to this day, tell proudly boa sbe saved tbe money. A suit of olotbss, like a suit si law, ia onoonforiable until you gui used to it. 7, .mn Who Will Help Mother Now. A scream of agony, a pnuso, a rush of hurrying feet, miugled ex clamations of horror, an 1 questions put from one to anotbor, "What ir it !" "What's the matter " "What's tbe row, now t" and amid thorn nil a small helpless figure lying !iii tnd utmost ltfoloss iu tbo dutl mnl noise of the street. Tbe papers Muttered in soiloii ojofii i u about tbo poi r bruixo I form told tbo etory of his buHinnsH, no of the newsboys tbnt cry tbcii papers day aflor day on tbo oil; streets, 1'ushing Lis way tbrcngh tin crowd came a rough raoJ fellow. arryiug uudi-r his arm his IhiikI uo paper, another nows boy with cti rioHity stamped on bis face, auxiom o Cnd out what was goiu i n linl as he ciuglit sit;lit of tbo white face and miinglid body of the child lying tbero undor tbo ga6 of tbe pitying crowd, nu exclamation of mrprirto and sorrow broke from bi I pp. "Why its poor littlo Max, the pluckiest folio. I am afraid huV done for now. Main's tbo chap I !mvo lii'kud to help that young "nil," with which expression of sympathy tie drew bin ragged sleeve across hi face to wipo souiutbitig very much like a tear from his eyes. Ho fol lowed tbe policemen as they gather ed tbe poor littlo nuconcious li,"iie roru tbo ground aud conveyed it to tbo hospital, and g ivo tbo inothoi'n address, ' though," h'i addo 1, "from bat Max says, I gums she aiu't Hi ed for this world eitUor." Oo one of tbo hospital bods Ibe little u!Toror-lay. -'Tho blito veins ;ould bo traced on tbe whito foro- hr ul, while the poor littlo face, thin a ul pinchoJ oven iu the days I "lore t!n o; u 1 abeols had traipl- l (nit tbn oua,! lifo, grew moro tuiu und wbitowith tbo purple shadow of!1' i ..il .1 : l . !.- l.l0' and circling the groat brown ryes, j that for a whilo was awakening t't a realization of I if.) mil dmt!l. lli watched tbo kind thoughtful eyes of tbe doctor as ho bo In 11 the wee fruit fingers aud scunuud itli ten der sympathy sbo well ki.owu to-j kens tint spoke of tbo presence of tbo death iinglo. 'Doctor, must diet" ho snid. looking eagerly f r pomo contrudic-i !.. , . .' ,, . ,i j ., , , i ; tion of what amintbuig wliiHp uodj . ii . ..:.. i ... . 'fin, anr.tlv fur hiioM to i.iiiii a nl ice. The doctor nodded, as l.o answer- I 11,0 nt'st "u""i"' u'l,"'?' ,,n 1 ed, ' am afraid so, my littlo Iuail. ; American wont for bis child. She Then ho tuiuo 1 bis young f ico to 'H ar,"rtu'1' ti',,, v"r-r ,lwkw;ir' tbe wall and there was silona The nulbor bud never Imd un Who but God could road tbo etrug -1 ',ru8- n ',,"t gle in that youug bout. Life even U wu a w,"",l(r llmt hI,u l,lJ ""l "('' to this poor littlo half starved news , ,Lu ' ro..g s.do up. Km bov. with bis daily lot of toil und'tbeij be was Tin mother wailed Btruutrle. held eoinothiuc to cling to. something to ma'io it worth tl10 tbing that was dear to her, tbn In longing to bold. tber lay and moaned looking from 11a turned bis face to tbo doctors once more as he said nnd of, what a1 world of pathos, what a gleam of besnlv from tho heart of this child of ol.nu f,.rll. in tlinM aiinnh. u.v.vj words I l do not mind so much, but who will help mother when I am gone f Grand unsold-ill -words 1 No thought for tbe young life ebbing its painful way to the great boyoud, but fot tbe mother hastening, too, fast to tho laud to which he was goin a little sooner. Angels record such words in tbe great book of eternity, and wbo shall say but those words were the keynote of a soul's redump tion. All that might bavo been wicked or reckless in that young life, that bad not seen fully U years, rede lined in tbe great unsdltlsb love that spoke through those dying lips. Stranger bands folded the wasted limbs that no longer fol ft , and closed tbe weary eyes that had fal len asleep with those words linger ing on tbe dying lips. Poor little Max I Little need for worry for tbo mother that was sll of earth to bim. With tbe news of ber boy's death tbe lust bold of life was dropped, and she, too, lay cold and lifeless for stranger bauds to bury, with oo tear of sympathy or loving care to male mure bright the fading life. God bad answered poor Max, and with bis tender love had cared foi both. No more weary days of pov ii ty and toil, no restless torturing nains but safe in tbe beaven beyond Mux found an answer to bis cry, 'Who will belp mother when I am jooot" ." Tbu man wbo is ft little nodef tbe wsstber will soon get over it aft4Xt, PA, FEBRUARY A Pathetic Story, The Toledo Illndo snys : In our paily was an Amoricm gentleman vho was blessed with an abundance of boys, but no gills, find ho and Ion wifo had boon contemplating the ft doption of a girl Hero wns nn op puituuity t' teo'iro not only a girl, nit j ml tbo kitil ofugiil tbnt In 'vaul t lno given half of his fht it tj b , tlid fitii'T of, an 1 m bu oii!ii il neg I'iations. An IiiHlmmii who l;nnv him, rx il lined to tbi) lather an I tiiotber. hut tbn goiitluma't aia man c f neaii", thut his wifj wus an excel lent good womnn. and tbnt tbo child nuld bo adopteil legutaily undei he latvs of tbo ntnte in which . ive I. ii'i I wmil I bu educated, nn iVutild rank iti lilly with bis own children in the in itter of in!i"ii itanc -. an. I nil tbnt. Iu s'u irt hIio msd': ti understand that Not. ill won! I be rcarod a la lv. Hid American struck in. She. tbo mother s mibt select a gill to iceonip'Uiy the child across tbo At l intic, aud the girl solecled should go into his family as tbo child' nurxe, and that the chil I should In reared in tbo religion of ils parents. Tbo father and niolh r co.siltcl long and auxioiiNly. It was a terii ble slrugglo. Ou the otio baud wn tbo child's il l vantage, on tbo other pirental nud maternal lave. 1'iu.illy a c jucliisiju was arrived at. "God help mi," sail tbo raotlior. You -tiinll have her. 1 know yon will be goj.l.tj her. ,;.Vi I lri'l;r- I l.',. . r.iiv to HO" IV brid, lit' n' Mii'er. to l-'riit ' l i-: Ue. Jl ' V. II. Ii,, ' ' ' 1 1 r i.i i rii i-ii. ! . ' . ' .;MV.' le Ou. W. I,. Il.i -i.' ' 1 IV ' I ilO loll'. Ill" II 1 I liivf, el. I i- l ie. .. ,..l i-i.it Ill's to i o"A l.i 1" v "i v.'eller. 't. ul.. lumber ren. to Mi.lilleliurir p. Keefcr, rep, io l.unn brid 'c. U. ;. li.ivU. int. on I'.ri l r ' M ' lt.,-i:i..r-.r..!..,.ti. (onvillc I'll . . f. KeeU. et. III., f'p. MelM-I t.er ' 2 Vi 'M t it 'si 1 1 ' .1 r,. Mo.--l.ii:ii.. stone fiimUl Samuel's First Letter t;,.:in:n.ve ..I .. le. , it S lin-:;ruvii 1 ' 40"0(. M vel. ll.H.l nr. 't hn loliu'. -:.-..n iiiun mi bioiiglil tb. 'in back, itistmcliii;; tbo mothel t!mt ho should leave with tluiii loi li. .livel. f Coik tho next morning tit II, him tli.it tbo uirl uu I child ul mid bt i nuiHHeii uiin leuny iu tu'i ti i, - w" w'ls I'uruug witu vi r. -Soiuli to llio American, iiuio was "1. Tlio mother took tbo Li.by in ber onus nud gave it tbo tiui.l em b,,lClJ 11,0 l"u' luV'" ki"H' 11,1 . fatbtr took ber iu hid 111 III H mid kihH ed her, und tho other children look ed ou iiHtouudod, while the girl stood weop'n "Hood bye," said tbo Ainoricnn. "1 . will t ike good cure of tbu balv,"und taking her fro a tbu iu JlUor's uuus bo started for the door. Tlire whs a shriek, tbo womai darted to bim just as bo wus closing the door, and snatched tbo bub from bis eyes, "Drop tbo child 1" snid ;tbo fatbei "You can't have bor forull the mon ey iu Amoricky !" "Xo sor," ejaculated tbe mother, half way between fainting and hys terics, "I can't part wid bor And she commenced undressing tbe baby. "Take back your beautiful clot ho give ine back the rngs that wus ot her, but ye can't bavo tbe child " And the girl commenced under standing too, for sho did not wau'i to cbtuiu clothoe)uudor false pretense but tbe American stopped tbe die robing, 'It's bad for the child," be said "but somehow can't blame you Yon are w. Icomi to tbe tbes. thought " Aud be left as fast as ha could. snd I noticed he was buy with bit handkerchief about bis eyes foi soiue minutes. How many more steamboat boil ers than reputations will be patched this year f A man that is variable is not es teemed yttj able by Lis psigbbors. 10, ISS2. NO, 28 Tbo Scriptural Seven On llio seventh tiny God ended bis work. On tbe spvppIIi inotilh Noah's ail touched the ground. In seven days a dove wns sent. Abinli'iiii p'eadeit seven times fo Sodom. Jacob mourned seven days fo Ioh. ll'l. Jacob served mvn yeuis fo. Itacliel. And vol imollier seven Venn n ire. .aci.l) :'' pursued uhhwii tlllVl j irney by I. ill , A plenty of nnven years and finiino of soeii ears were f iictol j m Pharaoh dream by suveii fat am levell cats (it hiilile.l c-l'll. O l tbe seventh day of tbo mvunll. nonth thu children of IhiucI fasted n iton days Hi) I icinaiiiuJ suveii tlaw r, their tents, Kvury sove nth year tbo law win rut 1 to tbn peoido. Iu the destruction of Jericho ev "il persons boro Heven trumpets sev uu days j ou tbo seventh day the. surrounded the walls seven time md at tbe end of thu seveulb roui.d tbo walls (ell. S ilom m w :n seven years build ug tbo teuiple, und fitted Suvei lays at tbo iludicatioii. In tbo tubci uiielo wcro sevoi Iuiiijm. The got. leu CindlcMtick bad fccvci. 'oianolios. Niliiman washed seven times it ho river Jordan. Job's fi ieiids sat with him sovrr .' lys mnl seven nights, und ofl'creil .vtn bullocks uud huvuu rums for a: ' '.oncmcnt. Our Saviour spoko seven timet, nil tbo cross, U which bo bunt ivuti bourn, mid after his riBUriec- -o ii npptared suvou times. In tbo Itcvelatioiii wo read of iiisven cliuicbuH, seven c lu llentK 1;h .VL. Hj,lH tmver. truuiputs, Heveli 1 lagiies.soveu tb.iudnrs, si'Vuii vials. ",vt. BII(ioi UU tt 8uvsu-beaJod onstor H ' il it W(lB liH rusi ,.,,(,r ,()ine b nirdii.'g hcbuol, uud it lea l us fol Lot : Dear I-'alliei: I wrotoyou In for. i wnto ill i lite i I k ri .v you like d () ma in 1 1. 1 tli:u!( I w ill ii t don,; with my logons first-rate. Tin g'l dell lielu il full (if chicken", UIMl IlllieU I till Ullllilll III I. I.I llihlult I've gut iih fur III All Mtiidi r tin i-( il. I le em i it il a fwuid to en: ;nuli uu ii. 1 beru is uu iiil orch .id half a mile I'll". I ho boyn plat mil iu it : lifter that tberu inn'' mich nppli H Thu iniiiif tel'd son wai 1 ckod this inoi uiug for going a 1'hIi iii on S. hi. lay, 11m iMiigbl lots ol liib uud snys hu is going naiu next .Suiiditv. think I like the minib tor s son a good lu.il. S'lid mo mm ulus us soon iih you can, also u jack knife and a top. Two of us bo eft a piucti of wet soup lit the hiud f tho Ktnirs just before daybi'euli md by tbu tiiiiu the cook got to tin loltom hIiQ was to sick to biiiakfiih' A o have pruvms reg'lar t-VHry dav. and tbo toachur roads out of the Hi-i.-, but tiou't thiuU it's so bully .U' ji Inying tug iu a liny left, Truii) your iifl'uctiuuuto son, That Message. 'I sposo you bus nnd do Presi lunt's luiiHd io V" iiiipiirod an old joloicd niiiti ns he wus sweeping nn ollicu of Lurutid street, tbe vthui lav. Oh. yes !" Anythiug ppcuhul in it ?" 'No, uut muoU." Say anything 'bout do why t iters Lus liz np in pi ice f" No." "Git any hggers in dar to per plai policy ou 1 didn't see any." "Did he ssy it was gwine to le bad winter "No, lie didu't even mention thi HubjccL" ' Didn't give sny cures fur cbib sins or sore fronts " "No." "Von what's do good of any oes- asge T What's de use of sittin' dsi ind fool in' round snd Lnruin' gss f Saltes to graoions I 'Pears like if I nonld't sqneere In s lossin or little ours for corns la ft seben eJumn noesesge I'd let ds old fiotr go, sn' take my el Q s on a reflle far s Cbiistmss, jm,!'- rV PrtJ TIIM iOr4T riiblMied every Tlntrsdav Kvenmg JBKBUIAlt CROUSK, Prop-f Terms of Suliscnptton, rwo iMir.LAits rr.R annum. p0y shin vithin s't month . r f.'.'iOifiiiit pnld within thsyenr. No pwr di. continued until sll rrr.sraife a-S i nid unlet st the option of the pub. Hult rlptinns nntAido of the OOQbtt IMVAIII.K JN ADVANCE. ' 8h?rlVtn)iis lifting and Using psprve idilret-d .o olhm liccomssiilni.TUjors unl sre liiihle foi the irico nrthe paper STATEMENT Under. Oath. IIIAM', boon sfll cted for twenty rtt't Hh ) iit.atintl .kl i tm,, rl. .1 i f initu M I) ' l-a.irlial.. nn.l ..h -f .,v. rMunnrr In i-. rnv .tlp. nn.1. In ,l I nil I fl'iHl'l .., ltli tliv l.rli ,,( ii, m4t klllli.l .l.i.-t. r. I. .In.Ij Mil .urrlr "ttn.l4 mill if ." 1'iU wlnlr II r.it- mroii. It p-p.n in r.rm ,i Irjr ltr thMl lii-r .r I I, li- . u ml. I- to ,., n li..,r, ti l riiilrrinn In (in.ly all il,a ,n. I, wry n r . Hi -r . n il I l.o no.rly il.i.'p.nf il nf e i r. rn I'fitn 111. .Iiritt mi ttif t.. fom of lim h l u. lwii It. . v...t,. 0'itil .InldN M ll I In lli l,ll r i, ma -li.lnr v -kin e iii" rnl irjcbinv "pn. I trl-l vit'.l"ic nl'ii'i'1!. Ili.l (...iil.l l limntht nf iil...ir ant rrlli-l. I 'm 3 h ul in,,. .t,ft. v I, In I. .(. I niiul.l rnrli ll, Ida iirln, i rHi-h'il l'Mll, tin it. no I w I (h' Svlit li 'iil I hv" I" K i-i Ilir li "illl. hu. nnil l I'l'ili'.. t.ii"li., Ml. h , whir I hi i iairlltln. II... llr ir itll m.ftlntil l.i Drrk ,1.111-111 in Ml i.i.l All Ili.iHh b.et h-it I ,lnrl limn I.. Irn, I irn.-'llr runl i.i .11". fr i ke-l ilir.ii li I hi .kl.i nil oiiitI.."' . ir.i.i my rl -. arm. Innl, ii, li-. It l.i liy .wi ilc ., tin, nail, nam nf, niHi't n o.' .'ii i nn.i li ir I m i bur ilni.l ii ..I 1 1 -1 a ul I ir i. in, mi ,ju.i mw I ,. I .iiiii.r ( My al.'ir. M'l. K II. Inala. hit .mill iiiii. i "I t-'ill. iiri In tut h ui'. nliS ' i.u .ln'i v v up -Kl.i " mil -y rnt... s in .a . llr. .,n ..in i,,n. an.l nm. K-i'rlii ! tli-rn i. r. In ; at ..;. I tin l-rrli.lal if.. Hit a rail..n Irmu lie. n.ir.l tin. I'li..y imni'lillnly (it Hi I'u'liMir lliarl.ini li imi.I I urlll -r), I'lill'TH an. I I'litl.-iir Mnap llin irn.it -If In rurra) I ni-in m- nn.l l.y talia In. mil . ! l -lcii i n (u I ul l;ra.int Ilir. llmnl I .In v . nliir ininla i lii.l a i.ioi prfi a lny , r niaiui I.IihkI ln.nl : uar. I -uir.ijr Hoari rnrl) r n..ll.l I'lltlrilra limrntlia anil rin nu Iti'i li . tniiirni I t.i in iiunii In j'H' alt r. rlta limn tin tlinn I li-fi, anil my fklo inii-illl a llila alil-t n iAIir II I NAM I . l4lt KNTfR, ll-ni rann, .I'! a.m i. , . y irn Iu hiluro in I . lUOt (lit f tinnirf, law, A. M.I.KIIINiHVKi.l,. J.etlc vl lb 1'iaCI, ' i n i nt. Ilrnin II. -a ar f ir it'liy a'l .lrilKKala. Price f . I ri. I'll t. a M I 'lnnl .InlU, nll h..ia. Urn-ii.ma, fi. I!, ru itKin.'a.r, I n I I u l Turing.-, l i. r li.'lll. Ill in I II UilH.IVAI. Tell.Et S.f, iV.i riTlrl'm li tiir.Mi. -.nl i:r Sear. 1W.: In hari fnr iiri.ir 'i I I ir4 o-iaaj njr. I'rlool)t i..,,l. i.f i t, wm.KHi I' lTrKit. Humn, mm. ChTARRH Sanford's Radical Cure. A ptn In tiif Inst ihlly ruMftr- i thi ni'ini vl ilr nl Mtir er liif nr H ! t N.t ts, ir tht h4 li I )' liatluK, lip4 w i-sjry iiis.'hfirystt Irinti ibt 'ifu in I f) o. i e. tynt 4 rnitf ing n "le In ti ttt'Slfl, I'IIH' lyr-V.MIR IIO . Ml'll m I Jri lU.'rl 'hillsi mul lover. In I'tinmlr ('trrli II lnnito ii -; 1 M ". nf fi.ul nm"Uf rnstors (tit imtif ni nmnll, tunt n t iv (nil t en .lit tv l, Ir rs tlx Imil, tUrnt ivn I r ii.L'lihtl tui t-l mleiiHlvn tt.4ttr. kwrateusi ur Iti m tlist lirmttti, l- tliti i-mujIi ttn'l rrnsm u.rt iirurcFa ul Litviitrru (tuvitrii cou UUilln. O.-il otilf, i.i.'t1 ('.tip, fttist hu rtrrlil ! til t, I n. ir, S4iiii-rl'i 1 ii li m Ir. In mf twlk. of all .ri lor 41. AsK I tSa-s- null lui.ifAL ti'HB. wKKMsst I'urrtK It r t HI. tli;in tiiiy tilhrr -1r nf llirlrt it, tiny luf i.iiIh . uki rss of lli. I.iitisj - ', ".' J 1 a. I.i rf, K Mtt f - nr. I 1 il 'nnml l'sr. lllMi'Mf Nfll r- U Unr-M, Nrnu 1'itlnl w. -.I li n 'l inn .iiihkii) A.I viry wliir PR5VATE SALE. l n.Io, tti l' towinus laoorr'0i:nal Mnii Kit ; ,r I'nr 1 fl tr. l .il Ullilili ill 111 Ail- jtn t wi , sip.Ur iiiniy, I', ihout) iultl itlb uatt til '1 rox 'lv lua, oriluinlim li.i .rrH, nor! or ley, wirrn mt tti. t gntti Kr.tiua Drt i-lliftfT Uo'lBO, StuMo nr. I iiIIkt u i I ltnxji l u I wtr m trst ...r i nt I v I nu j i nn orl.nt ol i-b '! IruH rt'rt -ril'itlt'..' W;tlr on ,tll- tT IU sjt.O'tl - mitcii ul this n l k ' I Imilisr Ihr-I, th n'tiiir flour In lanU rif ul culU ntlorj I'ortns nsv I'wr fmli.vr i-sirtl ul r- hlre , HAMlit A. M It KM A V, Nuv. 2i Ihtl. II. 'Inuclvlllo ftojilsjr 5d. PIMVATH SALK OF REAL j iESTATE. 'PlIF. ll.iis of Miclm.d Minium I itii-M riltnrit r'lvull Hill, III f.illnwlnc loai ili I l.r il Krui l : A oin.iln mm. ii u ah. I Im.-i ni i.,u.l .Hun In I'irry t-u. -ii y.i-r I o. I'. Ii.iiiii.Ii-. I ii. I il. i. iliiiil f'l' I'.na, mi Oil N.irlli l.y Inn. In .il I n -fh Mnilh Hatl I.. Imi.la.il Inoml l.ia.i. N. UIU lij lan li ol .lr- Ma It. ami Wot ky UuJi 1'aulil AibaKl.t KJllUlllltltf Six Acros, ni -ri or lra miu tin n i-urtiiianool, 6t a Ul. b la er. i'tnl a K'"' ' VHnry I limn' iiiihh, Ihiiik l'nrn, an 1 o'livr ui;ll.iill.lli.i.-a, al-o n orcliinl af li.. . Iriill, n.-illant waiir rn-ar tn- loor. l-ur iiiiiii n.(.l in l-KWIS flIIMt'S nf II. 1. 1 n i I tun. hi. I Milli isnyilir Vo. I'a., r to iili AH), .lAl'liU UILUbUr, MiUdlitiurii ' !). VI, II. DiSSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIr. VOI ICK is li.-i.l-v pivrn Hint ths i.1 L'n.nrlbiraLin liliitnltir attatlDff ta in I.i lil lliua. I.i li. iii it. I'a., iirala't h li.il l inlnia, j.a-ili-uiluri.1 lni laminlr. kl f uailiaua lUUOay Oiaaultii) t n-uiuil ei.naiiit. hit. 111. llll. Jan. I,'a. If. AD.Ml N I ST It A T R I X N OT I Ufi l.UI-a n( i linlnlalr.ll .n nu t i lalaiaof nr,..(iiy; II HN In-.K, diciaa.l lit! vl l -lun ti., Hnilar ruuniy. fa, nalr Iran MiaDii a to tin i. iiitiiiii it, all ariui,t hai.) I. k lli.-ii.iilv.i In.k-l.li.l I aid a.lata an ra .ii.a .l.i luaka ln.uia.lia.a piyulol, bile liii.aa l.allnn nialiui win irtal tlilia Half juiLiutioaud lur iclLnuiiDl U1I1 8MDKP, J.n. ia.-in.nl. Auiulait'itru. A DMIMISTRATRIX N'.iriCE. X V I.nunri bi iilrnlitraHoB rm tin mats of Hl.IMl.PII BK IHIil AH danunS, lata ( Harry Iwii. Sn) lir eoaaty, I'a., baa Id latara araotr l In Ilia ai.ilaralnu.il all (irauul Sanaa ua Ibauiaalvaa lailibtanl to mil aaiita sra fa iuiat. il to niaka Imiaa.liati aayiaaut, hiM lb. l aalua elalini "III (iria.ul taitS Sill ulttiutlii4 (or aiili-.nint io tLUASkDI lISt'OOAIi. Jas. la, 'I.', aSaitbUlrlUlS frri. ll.HvtiUfforcl of Mllllliibiu-ijr, !.., Iioh innritifrtcttireil n Hitlvo for tho onre ol tofT, iils, lteli, A:o. wliteli im lilirliLv roc- ominondfld. jK Mum C uro. 'lVy a hcrx i a . S i i : ' t ' i 1 1! ' i ?' i;ayt a"V-
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