1 e 6ai'M FOOT ClddlebTirg, Feb. li, lM. looal New, to. All communientions, business let ttn Ao., fr ti' nfti, to secure urornpt Attention hoiiUI be niMressed rW: Th r"T- MMdlobiire, fcydor Cbiintr, Fa. Advertisement. ,mntnlclioni o. must bt) handed t by Monday noon, to secure inser foti in next imiti Sale Re Istry We sabldh the rollowtna- Mtt of PuMIs A.le Wilt bTln boon printed l this ( let eSwileed In ' Tn Fot. for lb benefit it lb VBdort toil the publ. . ov. Feh, tlel. at Vrkt.nr. Union Co. po. Pereontl property, J. r. Ollek. TsvsaftV. Feb. flat, a'l the Cnnrt-honee In IMlldlobara;, Kherlrt will Mil Hmil trecte eflead.Ao. H'SUIll. inuoAT Feb. int. t t.anrottnn, Vnln Co. p.. John K. Hnahea.itairin H. andU.U. Mbold-Valaable Timber Laad, ToanT. Feb. It, Pereortal Fmperly of Oeo. Irlraol, lHotVMt8Hlr. dee'd., by lh Ad rololttrotor. AtoantT Fb, fsd. In rsnlrs townthlp, faraotl Mnrer will Itll Horn, Uowtaad Farm Sloe a. ATcaDAT, March tnd. In MMllerk Tp., Dtnl.l l.lttl will It ireet, com, Farm bloc", 11 ntwhold Omit, Ao. ToaanaT. Mareh ttb. Pertoaal Vrnparlf ef Heory Moy.r or Franklin townthlp. bf 1. O. Aohooh, AulB, Tiitnir, Mareh Mb, at th cam tlm and Sleee, Pereooo.1 Property of OaMn 1. Drr, y Adam H Waltar, Aealane. 7aDniiT. Mareh Bth, In Pna towntnlp, yroderh-k Horatioi-llna: will Mil Hortrt, Vow, aad Farm Impltratntt. TgosanaT. Mareh 1th. near the Mlldl.bnrs: lien-it, I)Tld 'Iran and Fenny Unite.. Admrt. at irtlu smllb, will Mil Paitoaal property. Tet)T. Mareh 14th. In Pan twp. Rtnbsa udnbarllna, Ast., I rnsl Property, TtstDAY, Mtrok 1Mb. In rtiiqniinn two., JunKtt On. Pa. Abl HU4(tr Pariaual proprtp rif r Mareb 18th, Pannnal Proporty of fVa. I. Yr(r la Fraaalla towa.Ulp. iitrantT, Mrnb 14th. A. J. imii M. Una nf ptr Sunau, will Mil Pra l Proparty, Moor. Mareb ltth, Paronal Prnrxrty of Knbarl Klnh r, at hi rnldaoca la Frank llo towaihlp. Vendue Bills. We beg leave to remind our friends that we aro prepared to print vendue bills in the Hunt uttriolive style, at short notice. At the se:in for ihc sales it at hand, we solioit the. orders of II who may have properly to sell. Persons living at a distance ran send us the particulars by in til, and we will put them in proper shape. Washington's Hi tliday M-morrow. How did you like your valentine. Court commences on the 25ih next Trfondfty. The press reports the tnairjsl em barressment of Pelt ATerdiuk of Will iamtport. The small pox at Huntingdon is bating and ttie churches have again keeu opened. A man occupying a public position should neither be sulky, impit lent or pig headed. The candidates fir si litio'ial Ltvr Judge in Northii'ttUerla.t 1 Con.tty. re s plentiful as grass hoppers in Kan sas. A good luvoimnt. Hay a loaly-l aont pski(g of K'ai 4 ij C Fowdrr to procat dia ia your ltir a and Caul. The BiiAverto.vii Itrs Bin I will give an enterlaitiine.ti iit f)li rell.iii Hall, at fJ uvorto vu on tti evening ot March 2nd. Pir.m,.i th.'nt. It isxnid the committee who tug ed Mr. Beech. t l. loct tru in Milton, eante out sh irt in linnu'es. lito, Hvllefonte. He clior.l Miitou tJ'J). Tbs Noriha nh-rl k i I l'ro iioiSi n Infant ehil I of Mr. I'. Hj'm, f S. Ilorlln, agod I 'ire wi. feci I .!.! ia bl a fow Jar ai Whoa pn It bod an kaur bofor, it apptarei ia b piftoiy w.ll. Remember this : It is said that oneounoe of cream of Urtsr dinlved in a pint of water, drank at intervals when cold, is a certain, never failing cure for sinalUpos, and will cure the noret case in three days Ex. At ibis tlm an unuoial numhar f pr sod troublri wlib etUKh and oolii enmr o our kaowladga. which milil bs won' dtrfullr dcorraird by tha mora i-jl uo of that wU-known raoiady, Dr. Ilaa' aXpaoloraol. Cbaoesd Hand Many popl ars mr lyr la thia laiieiinsj. iboir ban la sraek logon Iba Isaat cXpitur la euld air or bleak mial, Autf.r.r for year ia iLio way. staua lhal ha baa found cammee pal varnish a perfsot ear. W ar (lad ts giv puMisiiy to thi lirapls roca sdy la tbs ioioront of sufftrisg humanity Indian MutRns One quart of In dian meal, scalded, one quart of wheat flour, stirred in the meal when rool, one ueeeorl spooniul or melted imtter, four tablespooufiils of condensed egs. ana one Hair cake citmpressed yeaat. or two cenu worm oakers ver.at, and milk sulflcient to form a mil! butler. If for breakfast, set over uig-hl; for lunch, early in the morning. Notwithstanding our grave and mod est deportment we received a "valeiiM mine," None of the common kind that can be bought for A penny at any stationery tore, but an original one. the result of much labor and full of artistic merit. Ihe artisis work is in dicative of his close studies from na ture, and he has our congratulations upon "patience on a monument. fire. Tbs Ham aad other ont Duildiucs of Emanuel Duck of Middle creek township were consumed by tire on Sunday morning the 17th int- It is supposed the fire is the work of an incendiary, as the family of Mr. Duck found a sack of flour stowed away in the barn on Saturday, which they re moved, and in its stead placed a bug filled with stones and chalf. This bag was found some distance from the burned buildings the morning after the fire. There was a small insurance. Curious Incident. The Altoona Tribuna says :'Mr. Andrew Waanber ger, a brakenian on the Pittsburg di vision, And residing mi Fifth avenue, has bad quite a curious exDerienue with a piece of iron- Some live years Ago, while hammering a wedge of iron, A spawl from the tame entered the flesh of one of his Arms Neither the wound nor the foreign subit inoe gave him Any serious pain or inoonvenU nee, And the cirouinstAnce was drop. ped from his memory. The other day while returning to this city on his train he felt a sharp, pricking sensa tion in one of his great toes. On reach ing his home, he made careful in vestlgation into the cause of this un Usual pain, and extricated the identical piece of iron that entered but Ann Aoarly five years Ago. The metallic Wanderer was about oneinoh in luiMcth ud of the thickness of a ueexlle, It had about as muoh trouble And. in proportion, duration, to gat out of Wsruherger body, as the children of Uri ks. cA wf th mldwri I Ion. A. II. Dill will plosse Accent otir thanks for a copy of the Htsle TreAsurer' ttoport for 1877. This book contains a great deal of reading matlor intereeting to every cilixen in the State ... i. Oppsnnelaor of ths p a a I a r Cloihisf Firm Waia ft Oppsnbstmsr, aaa Imt rtturntd from that Ciiy trlth anothar larss Hook of slstblag. II hat purehaa. a4 bla doe at tnab low flgnrta whisk will anahla blm la offer great bargain ta hit snstomsrs. Call at Wrl k Opponhslatsr's aboT lh Ktystsns Holal, Hslins(rovs, If o wish la buy ehsfp alotblog. Tb Mlowlna I th tiokat alMtad la tbl Bironah oa Tnd it, Uarae w, W Wltlanram. (loanoli rtr. 1. W. RrMkrollr. T)r. t. T. fthliirial, It. T. Kkoad,I. F, UiaklaMkar, aad Jaiimflf Kia-tlon ftanrf Zwbrnan. lnitin Aaron KnnlBr, U. M. Moata Anr o. V. obold. Uinmobl Jaa p. smith. Aadllar 9. . oohncb. OrornMr al Poor Ptr Praia. Kathaa Sfhaiabaob Hoho.,1 uiraotora Aarda BtablaMkar. O. v Qaullo. LabI week our morninff It wv broken by nmaii!, tlint to n in our hull aomnml stale teomeil nlinimt otiierim T ii due course of time we Imd our aelvcs nrritved for our exit upon th street, When we round thnt the innair wns produced by a portion of rlie Freelntrir Hilver Cornet Hand under the IPRdemhin of J. II. Fehrer. win upon their wny to Aitronahur ('tfntri! county, l it. In panning thru(ti our town 'favored ut with eoino nf their choicest selectiona. ttmoiiit whioh wn 'Die WacIiI um JJIiine." n irr:tni"d by the leader And most exquisitely renUercu. Let an nn who ha oars nf a boro Ihraa sold frsaly morning dtlitirrafolf rrp In bis hnnl a pits of Iron i ImlerJ lot hlio Innob It la I h tip of ht tensn. and Ihsn lot him InritH lbs bit' Into in month of bis bir. If h h t lb bcarl lo do It, Ths borK is an animal of norfom orpanlialion. His month is formad of drlieais glands and Hmiios. Tb ltn paraiura of lh blood is Ihe sam a in man, lb mouth Is lbs warrant part of ibohojf lm;in. wa ropeat, lh Irrl lailoa that would b eud this mm, and oaldr, if oof ts lbs sams dopr, lh ulTrring lo tha animil, and It I not a momentary pain. Pood Is aia with Jif Buliy, aad iba Irritation ropaatad day af. lor day uoa lom of appili an I loo afatrongth. Many bor hi hooma worthloso from bo other saut than itii. fan tint Didn't en,l HV. The oth. er day a Mhirleynburg man started for M tub-ton hv way or Mt- Union, li t reaehed the latter place all right, and continued his way on the way pa'scn ger train. r!upoing that every man outside of his own clothes was decid edly green, he proposed to try his smartneKS on the conductor. When the knieht nf the punch came round he solemnly Announced to linn that he was attlicted with that lolbsome di.M Ase, small pox, 'That being the oii-e, cid tiie train otuciiit, you will have to leave ttie tram,' ami suiting his Action to the words, pulled the bull i t;ie and stopped the train. Then. 4iHit't that time, the Siiirleysburg jo ker diocovered that there was no small (k or any other pox ravaging his per- .on. lint it was no go ; tie was com- I !td to disembark and had to walk i Ml. Union, a sadder if not a wiser un ii. In the evening he took a new tt on Ihe mail train, but hn hadn't snv sfiisll-itnK with him this time lie i ttuuht a salutary lesson, and sitr he wiii study well Ihe matter of i -l mt upon whom he attempts to rsek Ins solemn jokes. Altoom Tri bun. A Wsn:!er!Ml I wcnlioi. IFr-ttn the X. Y. Daily Uraphic. An invention all frugal wives will fjr.ro.Mote in fct an article that ev S't ri-U t!te eewiit midline in iMe- l,,i,,i now on eshibilhtn at tbe ti,i i. iv atore of the ll'iUon Sewing lie. -bine (;o npany, in tin city ; yet it is so wonderfully simple that it can ai'strcely be classed as an invsiitutn, and a wonder to everybody that it was ui-t discovered years ego. I n utven- lion couoints in A very simple little at tai'hment of the Wiloou slmUle eW' machine for darning all kinds of rips, tares, worn out places etc., in clotli ing, table and Led linen, stocking, underware, etc,, in the same manner that it is done by hand, and leave the repaired part scarcely umcernaiiie. The operator can darn a lavge-sijieil hole in a bed sheet or table cloth almn.t instantaneously. It is to he regretted, however, tln.t this wonderful invention is tistented and owned by the Wilson Hewing Machine Company, oi'Cliicugo, 111., who will not permit its use except with one of Us make or sewing ma chines, which, the Company's mana cer states, is fumialied with each of the Wilson shuttle sewing machines without extra price. Tiuly, Ibis is a golden nesl-ej;g for the Wilson Sewing Machine Uontoauv. and. it is said. they are running their works day and niiilit And making and selling 300 ma chines a day. Diphtheria. the following; para eranhs are from Ait Article in the Sprinqfifld Ufpuhlha, on the nature ami treat men t or (tiouttieriA : Diphtheria isadiseitse which springs from tne irrowtit or a real lungns on some of tlie mucous surfaces of the nyatem, more gencroJIy of the throat, It may spread tty contact vt tne mu cous surfacesofadisea'tod with those of t healthy person, as in kissing, and is to a limited decree epidemic. From the local parts alfec.ted it spread to the whole body, allecting tlie muscular and nervous systems, vi tiating the Irmph and nutrient nu ids. And producing paralysis. As soon is me bacterium or runtrus appears In white patches on the throat, it should no more be negleoted than a bleeding itash or a broken Arm. and there is almost as little need of a fatal termination of on iucidotit as of the other. It has been found by actual expert ment, both in And out of the human system, that this bacterian is killed by several drugs, the safest And most cer tain of which is chlorine water, dilut ed with the Addition of from two to four times tha volume of water. This wash is harmless, even when swallowed, and ia pretty certain to Ar rest the disease. A well known physi cian in Hnnnirlleld. who has pursued this treatment for fifteen years has found it effective Almost without ex cention. And has in that period often broken uo the disease in localities where it had raged violently and de fled treatment. To keep the patient wll boused and warm, with Additional n tnnei ototiv inn if neoessary. and to keen the sys tem woll nourished And the bowels open. Are matter of nursing often neuieoced : out. wan care in tnese reaper Is And early application of the remedies above auzaested. there is no need of tha disease proceeding, to a fa tal terntinwion, or even to tne aebiu lAtinst lllnsskt And painful oauterisa lions which pt together la ite utter Suicide. Bishop Camty th Strffi Prtncher, Cbw tttiM suicide af ror. On Friday afternoon, the 8th Inst. says the York Vutnatch Ihe Street preacher A. J. (Avrney. who has been About York for some time past, went to me ueutrai itotei. and asked Tor lodging, stating that he had only tl 10 and that lie wanted nothing to eat. Carney then sat down and conversed with the people About the hotel. He was prevailed upon to go and eat some supper, and remained about the hotel ttlllil tt nVl.H-k wlmn ko r.liru.l llefore going lie obtained some liquor in A glims, stating that he did not IV fl well, and. that he was c iiik to take some medicine. On Huturdar mom. nig he camo down stairs, anil it was thought ho had gone out. A partv having arrived during the inorninir deiiring a room, one of lliem wus un signed the one occupied by Carney the nigiu previous. I lie door was fniin.l closed, but Mr. Koss entered and found Carney lying upon the bed itolcep. On trying to arouse him. they' found that mrj i-oiliu HOI 11(1 SO, AIKI .ir. K.l tliinking tbe man was dying be went to.Ur. J. H. .ioyeres, re'ti'lent director or the poor, who sent for Dr. O. C. lirickley. He was not able to coin. iinmvniaieiy, wiien t'r. A 111 m u sum- iiioned, as were also Di. Kerr and U.ible. In consnliii'io'i the tvo laltei aiirer,! to inject sulphate of atropia i i- ki i on itrin. it line IT. rscrr was goiie atier lite s.ilpliiite, Dr. O.tble tlionjlit ol an expedient of nivvMtug tin m in from hi leiiiaru'it' sl en. mi, I l,v iriv. ing him plenty tif freU nir. and givin p nun an application orcold water over the heart, I,uiiits and eoiue. and rul. biug Ibe Ics and nruii, iu iiboiil three minutes succeeded in itroiisimr Ibe na. tieul, who opened his eyes and repeal alter siime one in the room. Dr. Kerr having retiirne I, nil injection of hellu lonna was made. I lie in tn was t i.m ullicienlly aroused to walk about, nnd was then placed in tlio hacR and I t ken to the alms houie, nboul 2:.'Vl o'clock. Tlie iuslructiiMis of l)t. tia bin were not to let him vet lo sleep again, but Ibis was not carried lo the person III charite at tho alms homo and he went into a deep sleep. About 11 o clock rlnndav niornins; the man tied. A coroner's iury rendered a verdict that deceaxed died from tlm ejects of poison administered bv his own hand. He had friends in Haiti. more, and is euppwod to have re.idud in that city. The subject of the Above melancho ly sketch visited this place a nutubor of times and al one time wan confined in the county prison here for threat ening the lifo of one f Ihe resilient pastors. His life was a queer and chequered one. Auctonecr. Georcre H. Hncken- burg, of Middlecreek, V. O., would an nounce to the people of Snyder coun ty, that he will cry sales for real and personal properly, at short notice nnd on the mo-t rc.nonuhle li-rnis. lie guarantees satiKfaction. M.ir.lj.77 ti. 'It stem s if I aliould rouirh my heail off " Is romeiimos ib inpiieat eXl- msiioa af a efli-rer from a eer t'niii h. Quell lb paraXjom wilh llalr' Honey i.f Harohoiisd aad Tar. The relief i ir. me.llAie and the cur certain. Bold by all Pnis; gisis rik s issihaeha drop sors ia 1 mis- ut. Consumption Cured. Aaold Btifolrlen rolliod frttu aeiivo mmo. mcviii. niti iii.ee , IB nio noiirtN ! ...! m. Jiou iu.oIi a ire tho forioul.r a mmnb Ihi roiueile fr n -. i .oi prrmiaeui cm ..f).iN. ii million, Mmorkill-, CaUirk, A.lUio, ud all Thr..t ami t.uu s.H liune, o ao k l tleo a I r llo.l euro r..r(leLtil li.-l flit ai d oil Breol. e iiu.UIHI", flr lteili( ILurouoliif toaleJ il. ooml.rfill corot.f ,o,-r In tl,ant uJ or , T ela II kio Jute to it ti.uwa Xi lila o ijveiaa lll. ... '! rto.mj will l o-nl fre. or es.rg- t.i oil who doleo Ir, with roll iilreriioiia lor 'rp.rHj oaa Oikreiolulljr ulli.g. AJSroM with tau,p u.uii' n lui, i.An.r. Da IA K. HKl.L. No. at CorBTtmaST., Baltihub M a. Foil. It 'Tl, u, COSBUMPriON CUKKD An aid pkyoisiaa, Pot ire I from praeiiee. haelna bad placed la his liitJa by aa Etel India aiii.ioaary tb formula af a vecolnhle route ly, far th speedy and premauoai cure of eontuniptiou. brsiisliiii. s ttarrb, asibaia, aad all tkraat aud lung atlesiliini alas a poeiiif and rolicaleur rr aerv ous soaiplainl. after baviac letiad ii wooltrtuly eurraty uowore ia ibaiioaad of ses, bst felt il bia (tut to make il kuowa is hi sufl'srisg fellawa. Aeluid by tliia motieo, and a deair to relit bu rn ia aufferina, I will tend, fro of eharca. ia ail whs deaire it. Ibis reelp in (lenuan. treucb, arr.ujli.u. wlib full direction, for preparing aad uaiag. gent by mail hy sd lraeeiug ailk a' amp naming this paper W. W. Kherar, 1J6 rwsrs' JiUck, Hush' etisr, M. Y. Remarkable Success- Tho suoeoaa aftka leaSlaf literary ptnor nf the Weal Tas Caioaao LbmsA, Is truly ro- aitrkakto. Hlaee In introdcetloa la lbs reading1 piikllo, tlx years (o. Tk l.orta-er bt HeaSlly . deoooed la faror, sal I ante acknwlelaert oeeocr) la nn paper of tho k lad In tho eoaalr. IU elreultttoa It aallonal, auA bte baon aktilntd tkrauaklbo oSorttoflle pabllthar to pro lor papor f hlh atoral ehtraotor, aaa al lb aoir tin cell It al a prlr oatttlnl wltk tb proa out hardllmoa. Tbtt tkay bare laetredod aad well, loo, llit tbaotaadt af rotdoea af Ts ItBiMtaa aeattarod froia Hilat lo Tola aa d front Oregoa la Florida will bear Uetlraoay. Tbs Unioteo LtDtiia la A laiwe foriy-oiphl olnma weekly paper, wbleb oonlalo otorlot boik eoatplola aad cotlluoa.l, In each aumhor, wrillonbytha boot aalhort or lb day, aad A (roat tarloty af lafortaatloa lotoeattlaf ta eoo- ryene. The eaboarlptloa prloa ofTaaLallats la auly f I St per year, poaitfe paid, and II I oqaalla aoory particular ta oih.r panoraof tho out eoararur trbieB tell nrua year. Tbroo roplea el tlilo luall paper will lie e.at to aneono who oeada I oonia aad Ibtlr add roat to xaa iiBDitaa, uaicauo, in. rjRlAL LIST-FEB. TERM1878. A. St romralBlii, Alt- Ao. tt fl, Trtuiraau.olal oama to narao Mara y Aaiaa Ham to Nome Oeorgo l. Olaa v ion at Klttlnaor name to m aau jnaataan ttnaiai Henry Spott Tl Ur. Wat. H. Hankkoaaa Bayer A Pnriottb lor at A, v sarak ttoftr, jauoBini.iroario S.O.A N. U.K. R.O. V Wllltara rtoatlln Kama Meltorty, Kel ar A Co. Abraham Larb v Tk 01. let. Co. aolioe A noma to Ham. f aoob ttb irTor n 8amaal Darr. al al Tb'tmaa llorbattr To it. I.. Ktarlonbnib IMIaubia ia. Uo to a I ran a Hoayer Abel Horroll ya Jib a A. Uoyar lTld Kraaaa va Banltmla llarmaa Juba iilon by bis aoxi rrlead vs Ubarlss W. Ho lor Jonatbia (tarratt t V. R. Rsramsl Klmon J. Wear I. a vs ueid Bt.ir.r .faiuaa E. U,tr Ae. ye. Uhil Uoyor Philip U. Miller TO Tht li.it. H. II. R.R.Oo Wut. U. Mollarty vo J, M. Bower aotloeA. Dbarlat H. Soy, r vs Joha M . K raider Woldlor Uolaad Tl John T. HudTuhIs Ao. The '.bote saatat trs all-iueaad for Trial at Felt. Tarts A. It. H7I. J. ORO I SB. Pn.tb y, Frothy't Uflos, Mlddlakuri, Jan. It, ttlS. Candidate Cards. For County Treasurer. Tb radeelaaed would raopaalfally aaaornro blmwlfa a eoadldale tor Ibe aout.uattoa at Duauty TroMaror Al Iba oaauibf Ropublleaa frimary aitaouoa tx yayaor uonuiy. eenui eire TreiriTTIt. Pa. .. "in ' i i. n -Th RtaniUnt Hem Alt for alt dlMBM al lbVInt ar Psaascc's Pdlhobio at atp, Scaasra s Bsa WsibTosio, aso Boaaaca a MtaeaAsa Pitta, aad It takaa bafera Mi lasts ars troyd thoy afoot atpdyar Ta t hS mdllBM Sr. J. U. 8chok, ol Pbll- adclpkla, tin his anrle allod la tbs Is Myrap rlpn tb morbid maiur la th hint, natare thrown It tky aa aaiy etpMto rsnt, aad tb patHal hM rollof from tk prof tratlag Sah. Th MsadrSka' PHI mail k frly aiod to oltoai aad itlianioto th itoro ah aad llyari lby ttaett ail oketraotloat, rolii tb yall tUJJof aad larl th kit froly. ad tha liver I Hon rollorod. Pehosoh'o R Wood Teat I a atl tlralaal aad aliaraa. ilf tha a kall of whlek tl liooiapoi-il bjIioi lib th rood aa.t pfat tusrla. It atont ta oiaMtiun by lonlai bp tbe ttomarh ts a heillhy aoadliloa, so that th food tad tb Point "Bi!yrp will mka goo.1 bloo.1 1 Uon tb Inas boal, aa I tbe pitlent alll aursty a't ti Ueare I lolen tn atnlil froth told. Pall dlreeilosi ainaipa eak preparation. All who wish tit enntnll He Netionrk t'eraonallr, oaa ds in st hit prin. ti al oillao, aurner of mrib and Ar. h s., t'kllaloli,la. etory Mon.l y. I.etiort toiho bu, .l.trei', atkina adrl.-a hrd f. nl ohara. Xrbioek' y'lliot are loll by all ding ain- L1 1ST Or JUR03S FEB T. 1878 nltisujl li'iH'. H irtitt Paelil llo.v.r Mleii.iel lior.lnoe t.ittonuol It ir .loi.n . I'Hiior Frork M. HlliiKh hlilp 4Mft Jrirht-n li'itm lnrkf-t'ii T'mi.kl-n Relliippi puts) I rm k'ln lJ enter Veiit Maor ,inn fl.tnr Monry KoliT Willi. m l.onia .l k il. M eh-'llil .leroiiiUb Millar II. F Reich- abtch TtinmaS Heii'or ilo'i-c A. N.ibror linnl.l Shrojor M. . ! hoi tiomon Mini If llnrtof Mneitor riiorlet A. Mi for l.orl A. titaes lohn Wull loba !t. W'troBmter John W. Youus lufld prrn JLHOKS , amt nii'toa niour Kd'ard A .Ineoi'h P,yr rlwin I hrtein. F. trb .laeok Freer Airbam Fotioroll .jn l irroio P. it. 1'nl Vranklln lrr Wt?n Hfltnittrovfi L'hmfitn run 1 OI'ittMi.on PllnKro I nln Mld.lloere. k Heaver Hii rb.ipnion Perry Vot t'nntn Franall.i Muuro Ponn Wafhl'tutfin llunr.i Wattilnatoa bBlll.'KrtlV I ronklln I'ena A'Uuta Prry Won I'orry BltBKrov Hrnter;er t' upor llomiaol I,. II. Hiiln.o. W. (t. Hooeer Joate F. Morrold - auuol (I. Heritor Solin ' t'tilnn I'enn Jaok""0 I enl'O Monrno Fr.inklln llrnrno fill o Deatror Wot rnlna KliRRlor I ot r off .loe.tii Koala I'oior A noip .1 hn I epley .Ineeph r,. Loaxoe' .Im'ob Motto' a .lohn I fifr F.wonuol H. P. Thoiniii Poallnt I,. II. I:elti TcMki Rlrkal F. .1. Po unrrlnon iho lor .toiio Mkotor WMlioia A. klly 1)Ai, r.inUv J. Howtea MoSoa lO'OO Sir iflp SWory M. Hpinirlor J,hn C, Monitor lualol ttkonkol .l. liit Shot y Wllll.m ebnot -ioroo tet,lnoor i or( t'l Ira Hlrom 'l- A. K V nller .lohn limr I'or.lol U'oovol T. Ue v. oomer .In tt haa "on.lt ri,i Clmaieriaita ("iero P. Cbtpinaa ' Henn notrer w. it, Polln-arii. I'enn I Monr 1 I n Inn Aollnearitfo 'uffhlni(t"n blM,lloor,ek t 'antra Polln'uri.i t 'ontro .la.-k. a Sollnee"rnf a IM.IIe.rork l'ia Htaeor il Fran Itlin l li'-O t9TTf M utirti Firry Wt ' SToltr R'MiM FnA Kr-Hr.llin Wpll known Stoift R.ii.m nf Witt. )l. Ili avpr, I.ix-nieil in Miilillplmr'', tint Cutintv tntor St.viltr in itow iUto(! iir rtit. nl vrr I itv And lorntinr, firt For ftirihrr iif.riiifiliiii ral! on or liirif4 A. K.Uiftnr Win. H. )tu vrr, MiiMIetbur, or Ueo. H. Hir, .i rlttn. r. JiinlsO 7-stl'a s QKLlN6tjllOVI5 PKOUl'CB M.tllKKI oesssnrsn wssslt sr "VnuttPillr Ac Hot.. tVbaat fmr buehol 1 oo iu 4.i 5 On an It; do (era do il do Cloeertetrl pof buoli' Flasoeed do Onioas do rolutoss do Timolhyeeed do llurkwbeat do rtiiitar or pound Vrr rv doisn Tallow ft pound Lard Cbsrrlss Beetled Cherries Dlaekberries Raitierries Dried Applss Sop Ham ShotiUof .idsa Pa Coal lo to to 0' o 03 Oil 10 t lo 7 12 lo 10 1 Soto 2 (HI 2 HO to S Oo Chetinut coal GOVERNMENT STOCKS. AC Clos Ins I'rlriteiif lit Htvas A Towaaaan, 40 tieitHi TU.rd street Fkilodolpbio. Hiockt Iwnulit an I ani l either for oaou or aa lutrf la, Feb. lib, 107. BII. AtKF.lt. O. It. l't. ISil.... 1-l-J. A J.. 4- .ir ' III 44 S4t'a 4' tlitrr-nrj, t t 44 ' lltl. uew I'onnavle.ma H. R Philadelphia llt H-.dlt.t R, lliluh Valley K. H I.ohllh fool A NaT. On 1'nliod (7u.Biatilao of ff,J.,, T-Biiaaeini.ia a Krio it. K tortuoru Control II. H. Uo.. Quid.. 101 marhii:i. On tho Srd day of February at L wietown, by Rot. M iutgotuary, Me. Dharlaa P. Vr.ilu (f irm orly of Ihla plao), and Una lUsdie U. Urouo maaof Lowittuao. Pa. The mtay (Urliug qualltlat both of htt I tad bttrl of Ubtrloo Bud bit protty bride, iruptt ut to botpttk for ther lonf life, unlaterrupted prat, portly and aa aubrokou ebalo of ooanubl tl bll.u. Mr. F. was maob oatoainad her alike bouto of ble nativity ss well as la bltsloplod kom. Feb. IT. by Rov. J. U W.mnool, Mr. Will iam Bonah oud Mlta AUoo Vloklo, bjtk ot Wtoblnkloa Top. Fob. lib, tl Boavertawa, be tier. D nf. Alet lor, Miea Loela Kubaa, of U.atr tabip, to Ur. Wllltaut Kieel, of Adomo lowullilp. Oalkoooiatdtr bribe aiiao, al Hit roaldanoo of lue bndo, litoa Aid Uroiulugor, of Freak- ha loauabip, la Mr. Albert Poo. no a, of Oaa- I ro iowatulp. Feb. 10, by the Ro. W. A. Hatt, M let Lilly O. Woolly, of Miuro looaeUip, to Mr. Albert Dewire, nlboulu lwleburf . Ou lb am day, by tbo ttmo, Mlta Little tlrotioo to Mr. Hoaard Li.tllel. both of Ulddlo. rook Iowatulp Fob. l'Uh, by RtT. 1. Welrlok, Oharl Oil. horl aad Jtla M.ry Maaotok, beta ol baydar auuuly. Fab. M(k, 1 Key. D. M. Atelier, Sawarra Bowanos, ol Frauslln I wp . and Mu Moarl. atta Ulrleb.of Aliddiearaek Tap. JllilJ. Fob. , la Oealro loaatlirp, aadio'O. U.ugU lor of F reus aud lbella fteltabooit afod About aaa vooe. Fob. 10, ai aVatar ne&QS, Aimer atoloaaon, aaa of Meat aad lattiAA J.-Ulab. Bat la. ttntTii . ,11414 lu.a Ifl't? lnv.li 104 lti'iii IllH lilt1. , ioJH to'X il? lis ist' Wi ti'l ti B.... IM It', II '( 1" It1 IIS l- t'i 101',, 'a M fit EOKET OF EOREHOUIID I TAR FOR THE OURB OF feusbs. Colds, tnfluonra. Hoarsaaoas, Dlnlnlt rtbln. and all tfftKtlani f lh Throat, Bfsnobisl Tubes, and lungs, Isadiagj ts CoBiumprtotw This Infallible remedy It eompeied of Ihe HolT of th plant Horchouml, it chemical anion with Tas-BaI M, citracted fiom the I.irt Fsirtciri.C of the fmett tree Ann BaLamea, or Balm of Giltad. The Honey of Horehnund sooTltrs and ICATTItt all irrilatlnni and inflamma tion, and Ihs Tar-Holm Cl.tANStt and ItCAU Ihs throat and sir-paoactt leocflnj to the lung. Fivk sdilitional ingreilirnis keep tha organ cool, moitt, and in health ful action. Let no prejudice keep you front trying thi great medirint of a turnout Itoctor, tho bit saved thnuiandt ol Uvea by il in hit large private niaotice. N.H. Tbe Tat Ilalm hat ao IAD TASTI er tmclL raiCXS 50 CNT AKO ttril BOTTl S. Crtot oaviog to buy lor( liio. Tlke'i Toolhsrlie Drops" Cue 1 1 II lout 0. Sold by sll Prugfinti. C. N. CKITTENTONf l'rop., K.T. fKf nf All F.N l' n-..flt rer wei'k. will pro II i'f f .rteit in. Ni it A ' tlclr-. Iil-t . itOntO'l SitHI't'Oi Out f 00 III nil A.i.l. om W, II. Oilllt.l'i;H, SIS lull.. in St Near Yoik. LEW1ST0WN DIVISION. aritai-ar A irwiaTowa Ban. iiin. I.nava Faoi-waiiii. woai wartn. STAI KINS. Mall. A. e.tin. Mia. d M nl A.e.tm. Mil.il M.i I i.ta- I" Sa,iii. I .'Op Jill 10. t III 5 11 I0n7 HM 1 Ii III :tt tt tit 1M V tt 4 n to 4 ii In sot in in e t i 4 4 eo a s o.) 4 It nl 1 tl 4 'l 7 M 4 1 4 tl t'l 91 4 1; ta: t - 4M 7 11 111 in iu it) s ty Ud 11) i M Lowi.t'n .1.7 loom Lrwlatnwit T 21 M. Ill, 111 F 1 I'. ml. e T tl Sittn.lel P. 7 ' Woanar F. 7 ts ttorittre S '- ! ll'a tlil't F. S It p.m ( 2! A'l.riiai.nri.' a .'t llraert i'B S.t H-iif. r F. s VI i Ml.l.lM 'rif t'l , Veia... F. V 11 I Krainrr r. It ' 1' iwiirii. F. 51 K.'lln-o-nve -it ' S (). .lull. II ttiiuUinr liuai F. II. TA Yl.ltlt.S'Ui-rliiteii.l. iit NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. trmliin nn lil- ru4t will run an f illowi : IsKAVK NOHniWAHU. LtftV i lH irilif-rti Mumim Piit Iti. r 'Hi. !.H:. V"W Ynrk 2 n iti M Tt in '' n tn Pi il-.. 1) fti p ni ;.H . m 11 :v a m Vft'.iifTt in 7 ? m 1 - n iu Hnitini'irsi 9 10 ji in U:Aiiih II trtUtMr.f 4 2 ft ut 10 (W 111 7 .' 1 in He tr.'tBtn u 6 bt :v ia 4 'J i in 1 1 rti.lisii .l'0 ni b t'i p tn St iiyrnv 0 'i m r .1 v m Sn.it iit y 0 it) it iii IS in ) in Ii t i in N'rtb'.initif i tml 6 t ia li & i in .' b) i t Arrlvt ftl Willi m.-tjiort 1 am n m 7 2tm lt'ttp J it ni ft J.'iil:i I'), ni pni H .fit'.o 7 'U ii tn i tn hilt T. ifi p m l.VAVK SOrTIIW A HI) !,titi : I'ti iho Hit Mill Ftp. Km. fnnthoril Nlaeirt Fal.t ! 1tnfT..n J;1" ;; i i. t nmi, r 't Ml 4 rft a tn I i p m 4 3 i tn 2 ' n ii m li ' 7 m 3 . p tn I1 m 4. iU P III win-i t 7.:.4atn It l'i p ni 1 1 "S ti tn UJain1 Hs-sir"'. ..... J' a tt ' p t 11 it a m I tn a in t ;o p tn li bo i ni 2 Oo a in 1 fi-im.uriite vt o in "i "0 r m i' i' t in Il.rn l n in 1 1 a in 12 l'i p m I It a to tlroiwein'u 10 -0 a iu t ''J p in t .'iitiu Arrive ot : Itarrlatiiira II M t to 4.11pm t It m 4 00am Plilli. I 41 li ni 7 '0 n in 7 ! a ia 7 .11 a ut .. T irk 4 , p ni in IN p hi 10 il'i a mi in m a m Rililmnr. S I ' p to 7 ts p ni 7 4 a in 74ioni Wa-I.lni i.ii 0: p ni u7pm t.Waiu o.lttni Tbuao tuarkat a'.p only when fliel. A. J. CASS ATT, 'ion. Montiier. riaiiridics. I will null (rri. ) th rictii f r a Impls) Vkurtari.i Main, I lint will ratnnv Tah, Mi:riti.t. i uri.KH mnl Itinn hk-, leaving thoKkli) o -ft, rltr nd bomrll'il ; ftlmi n triierinntt fur pro oc.tik ixurliint RruwiH nl httlr (id (mill tipml or rtnontb (hi' Art dr?M.1nrl..-lnK let itftmp, liLX. VANULI-F IX)., 20 Ann fi. N. y. KUKOllS OF YOUTH. ii A OKNTI. F.MAN who.ufferel f.ie yeara from " Xi,N"roiit U.'lulilr, Frenialtir. It tray, tint all tli.t effecla -if yiititMul lii.ll.rrrli.in. mil f.,r Ilia aake of oitrt -rlllff llOio inllv, aen I free In all whn . ui-rd t, lh. rei'ipo ami dittvtlnu fur nitktnir tlie j tllnple roiardj by vhteli lio a., rtire.l. rttllT'-r- era arianiiia in pruni iit inn o irrriiMor-o ot pi.rt el.oe eau tlo an liy td-l relnit In perre.-lr.inn. .l.'lirr. JOHM ts. UIIUEN, 41 L'etlor Sir a I Now Turk. COUltT PROCLA M TIOx7 TThoreaa iba Hon. J. C. Mucker Treat y V denl JihIks of llie Jinliciiil Ilielrin- eonipoted of tbe couiuiet of Holder, Union and Miillin and Hiram tl'Noll and II. L. it il ml on h nit H Knit. Ataoointe Jiulirea in and for Snytlvr onuiity have itniio.1 tboir precept lieariun, uals In lot h d.ty nf Uco, A. 1. I77, lo ni direolcd fur tbs bolilinr of so Orilinna' conn, a omirl of Coiniuou Ploat, court of Oyer ami Ter miner and Ueneral court of Quarter Bca sions of lbs poaea at Middloliiirg, for tlie county of Mnydor, on ibe 4 1 It M'm.lny. (he iug lbs 'Jiih dsy of Fob. 17S.) and ooiitlnue one week. Noiif is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Jueticet of tbs IVuoe aud Contla ble iu anil for Ibe county of Snyder, lo sp pear in their proper person villi their roll a records, lnijiiiit i t i one. eianiintiioiit ami o'hor ronittiuliritnoet to do Ibote thiiit wliiob ol tbeir ollices and in their licliull pertain lo bt doua and wiineanet and per sons prneocuilng In behalf of the Coinmon ws.tlih agninitany perton or persons ars required lo bs then snd there alieinlinn and not departing without leave at their peril. Juolicea ar reiiicld to be panel uul In Ihelr ailcndiiuc al tb appointed lim sgreenttly lo nolle. Qiven under my hand and seal at (he Sheriff ollioo in Middlaburp:, ib I7ili day of Jitn. i. 1)., on ibouoand eight Ituudred and ssvenly-elght. DANIEL EISENIIAHT. Sheriff. LICENSE NOTICE Notice is herot y pmn that J no n LI in bert, IletTtrTop. IibtIS F. Kerttetter, Frank In T mi. Jacob (I. Biulih, Mlddlobarti. bare fllel their putttlont for Taerrn lleanta with tba Ulork of U miner soaalnniof Snydor oounty, aad thoearoa alll b preaentod for approtal nn Moadity, the t ith day nl r ao. neit. A a I boot, -la iu try l-tb, 117. It la ordered thai tbo I'lem of the court Inaort It 'It pulill ealloa of 'Pivor i Lloo-itot borotfior anntle,! thatall l.liio iiot aran el bt tho I) iui-1 will be null ind void, uniatt Hot tVnlloint fitll tin lliotaino within Mfieen d tyt af'ar the t ime thi hare boon grAnie l, by ihe pro luntlnn ol a reeeliil from ibe o mnlf TroMUrer to tb t) rk oi eoiu uourt, tuai tut Lio'ia rita bat booa paid. PKR UUII1AM. t. CROOnE. Clerk O.. 8. A dministrator't No'itca Lflttttri of odrolulalratlon on tha attat 01 tionrao Arbouatt doo'd, la'Ool weti Heater iwp., rtny dor Uounty, Ponna., kaTla beau ajrasteil to the aodoralaoed, all p-riont knowing them toltto Indebted to told oaialo aro rooue.lod to, make Immediate payment, while tktte ktel .g rlalmt will pretest iheui duly authentloaiad for aatllaaeat is Ui:nkv M. millkh, ' .bltryy " ' Vtiiil T. It. ASmlsbytta tatr. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, Th rlrrvUtR nf lh U fx tulur retit itlrhM niort ttmti Ut Mt tl dm It 1 lbf lat vr, It rn". Ul4 ell (be ltiiliti htji estsiltiril In th f) m LT HatSALP. toltl U rrkgJ lo blUilT di'lJAll IUlll. 'lllfj if Th an on, it iisrr wim iini ierti, 1111.1111 H'lit Kfrrti'tt plt-mire 9f ttit g'ifet Vif In tu- rn(K'. 1 ntier in i m i nr ritm 4). laslU Of lllf til HHi, Tit- ft-Uifr ftiul TH K WII.KI.V li r K ALU b ' ai' ol f lul la ut ) tyer la Ibe oor'd. a- Il a Hi- ! r- .at. tar a lalf. a t f.likful repoit of I'Ol.iril'Vb M!v.1. iui-t?li co-t'lil-le ti.d cM'tf" nle il, em, nle II'. 11..I1 1 t'l' I r j. tl b -.III Ul.a iki . ,.m r. . V ,-l,l. 1, , iif'k tp.e.bi- "f ,11.11. l i,-nri- or 11 hour. 1 Hr r lll liFI" BTMKN T. rt' e W t' ti t tl ' 1 11 j t.. 11 r .,t. . 1 a- it .. the m -! rr 1. Ii. t l. n ,l.'i.v. 1 I HI-, t 11, e tl.in 4 , f .I -. , l.ii.u -.ia"-; t ti vLt, t'ci trav. Mmi-, I it.. i 'l'B::TM;.lt. hi- , ., p a -n.",. p',' i,.i ,.liti.'- nil ii.'ui i ill 111 .1. T I' l- 1 . '. it. 11 1. 1 it, 1, I hi i.j.i ti.iei I, .'l.le "I'le i, iinil- r tit" 1 1 .0 I 'If. MUVF. , h e.'i !'. f - a I ii i it if . I lh t'l' it 0 I f "' L't I . Ii i' ' nl 'I .. I tin t i a- fj i ' r -t- l .1 i .I,-., a. 1 . II,.. , m i v Mttti.i"' ill . n . . ,i. on l.iti lr i t'-ti. il . HM-. n .i,i; Ii. i, V I T, ' fill 111 I niii iii" a I. ir f .1 " l.-l'l- hi, 11 v 0 t .f. ti. 1-1 t.f II ' I i'.. I". i. 1 1 i . r it. ! e.p r, Y K V II T' la o i' iii- il tut- il t el' ll.e I 101 I t '..'. M.r.!l I.' ii "I in tlie . mi. i' ..f r ii.. 1 1 ..n a- t. r .'-. t a . A i in ii i.- f. ,t,.f,. ii I i l) r,'V"it. I p-l.-. - it.. I i- . 1 II k ri.iiM'1 k t v i; k i; r. tvi.it,. -n ii o i - ir In I " 1 t fl-r t - II,- In.. ..r, ,.f -1 , ii , v t, 1 1 i I f in I i 'i in.. XV ri.orr.v II a:tt a t n.tlno nit-iitii'it ltii'ii ti M'tlllTIMl N I-. '.. I ' "III-an I -lit.. 'i, I. I.. ..'!!.. r -a , lit a et'irr er.-r. .ti- I' . a mmVi't l' a .:-.. n"i' e,,l ,l, ..,., I.ITI ltn, .Mt'Oll'At, tl-iiMII.' Peioioiol an I Hn N il' -. 'I h r. i-tin apr In Hi'. ohi-I'I aa 1 1 1 . i .' M.!,!! a -.1 lli.'l i hi ,lt -e .'Vi'l'V It -lA H t'l. WKKKI.r IlKHAI l, lil. Il 10 N il, .....MO t , Inr titui I' 'In. V i ini v ii'i-ri I) e it n"? I Lnr Tin; skw Y'H'.K iii:.'M.ii III l w eeli ly t Tin , tr. i: I'm i..it t r. u. I'lprit I'll! Il-lllti' II I, inn null nil-1 n il n it CS' liaiiKe. prn (.f 'f isi wllhi'tt lif. tt t,!cnp.fl) i)y r!ci io , mi A'M'. fa tv sink Itirnltl. Ilr.ia.tway A Ami Si. Neve Y"rli Best in the Market. :0: kriWL livuriiuVoiiu ;T Pvin Villi WHITE SEWIB8 limiELMH. ir mm l 17 .- irt Ki.-Vt,'.;.e:i..a &t& H-lt'iVJ i-v 'Jv .ilf A KV:s$j-Xtt-j'? j'N i'-JZZrLZz,r Willi all its Oltcr Pciutai ol Eiccllcncf IT is 'Vie f.''i'i.vf fiii'f . niiii l!:iinihi Mi rhiur iii llf M n I 1. 7 fi' I ('Hi' h'inii'ii it mi l mnl' 1'iiiinnliij (h nmiinit'il M li liim' in llf Inn! I. Tin' l.iiriti if 'itiiiii'i .V-i'ii; .U'li 'iinc in Vie m t t kfl. ( 'xiiii'ic nf i'ii in) frmii lh'' finnt .Viiiii- I .ii.- In Ihe linn inl i;( f'n'i. Sini)iliii'ii, t'uiiitiiiitq mnl I'eit lintii fiii linel.' The S'nttlle curries mnre ihmut than (in; ulli'e. Tin Shuttle T'li'iini ft itiljtiil.tlile tiitlmtt runuviitij Hie S'tuttlr fnmi Ihe M whim'. WAMAKTED F0R THREE YEARS. Tlil" Ktmlly M'Mti rmMfi ll ttin n t-)itirriiit ntH i-f ,J u.tif if liirlim Mfti-liltif, tttJ t liiiikf tin' inf) frnm .6 tj iU ii tlun sny tnttiT f.rH.i-fiNM M ti illu, Bftt fur Sit Ii, (t :tfti itifrt , mtrh Riift ' lir, I'tii'iii-rti, H- niit- r, alttn, .V. imIIi h, (lil, fur J all liMt'llim H uy M ti lil-tfN, u4 wblcU cun be lia1 ut m mn ill 'tv.m t of iNt. For i 'ftrlu ulif ! 01 iirn'l'ir'-" OHAS. 0. SEEBOLD Ki.lJlHlursr Snjiltr county, Pa. Agi-itl fur Stiyili-r amlailjulitluat t'oittitlro. Apr. 1.', leTI. Cut t ion- "YniTlCn it lieirliy iii-ii Hint Ihe fnl- 1.1 lowins arliclea litiv been puri'lin-eil by Ibe iiiiiliTrigiieil, al ron-iuli't tSule and left in Ihe poHaratiun of J l. D Tbuuini dur ing l.ia pleasure. All perannt are r iuirin ed Uut to uied'lle or inlerfere with lit tome, vis : row, Heit'or, 4 ig. lilt t'kicJtrna, Forks. Shovel. M bncl H irruir, Iron Kelils, .Vlamlt, Hiiuioi a, Corn, Tulit, Clunk, t'nrpet, 'i SlnTes, I'.uroou. Cui. hoiird. Hiti li, (.'I. air-. Tout Clit'tl itud TouU, Lard Cult, l.'rockt, ko. J. A. SMITH. Jan. lo. 1878. RULE OfOlEinS, LZ. In ih mutter nf ihf tiit? of Fmlr rick Maurtr. late of Jm kani luunahip. tirl. TO .1utn Murr, PanM Mfturvr, H rah Inlermirrifj I with Kime lltttiitr. U rtnnl- Inti In Snytler Co., !'., ruilf Intvrni trrir.l , with John i Ohio), rjitlnt( cnr Htrlin. I nion ti., re.. t ntca iarr, r-ittllnii nmr HiM'lt Uruf. teihfffi-nfl Ill KrvUrl.-fc Kaunt, Alir.itmm .1. Fnu-t, Jncott K-o-t, .Muif-! iIhIIii r' niHi, Kilt ib th r in-l, t rv Knuii, I Ml n V Knust. ein h.n f.r hr t utrilUs 1 ilert. k r ftnt, reil lin h( Su intl I'tint, Hum luUfoutiiT, i.hlii, i'lttrlna l'.itit lultjruiHf risjil wltti llmiiun Klr r! ilrm n-ir Ne) Ptiimt. r-uiuuili routity, hlo, liir Mnu. rr, ftiMltikt nir Nf Li'biiiMn .leroer t'n. I. M try .lien Mturar k Oorno Mn urtsr, Jr. re-hi Inn ner ISmn I imin, lerewr t'uuutv, l'n. bieruti Mnurttr, ,lielnli Muurar llmtuth Miiurar, whti for br itur.n llirn I IsU iior. V. IzBobotii lty, r hliubt no tr I'Hnti i' t. Vtntiiuo r., , (.HtUik lu itlnarnr, later murrlatl with .lohn l.'ttl than, araauvllla, . , Maroar 'o , n hulrt anil Iticil rl'raoli tlvaa if Kratlarl n Manrrr. luta or -l, keua luwnililp Hnylat-atiiinty, daoiiiad, T'Mi ra ltarfli rttfil tn b- nii tppair bflforatha Jmlaatif mir (i j-hntut' Omirt iii an OriitMiit' Conrt n It n 11 m Mnl lltthiftr, on tlia (ourlli M'liulii- of sWlirtiarri A. It. 1K7I, at lOu'olttt'k In tli fnrtuooii, tbvn ainl thra to rf)( or rr i tn tMtt tbti Rtal letjiiaufauM Fiaitarkh U inrt-r, ilit.ttfr1, at I Km aptrantenl Taluait'tii put m hmi ti an lnqnanl ilulf .4yri. ffl tty tnawatil Ci-url, at tl rrt'irnad hf tLa Shatlrl of aitd cotiuie, nr mow Onne why tla a-iua almiiM uut l a tni l, Au1 hrof frtil not. Wittie-a th Hon. Jnaih tl. Ittmher, B-qalra, Pr Mi.nif oiiri I t't.uriat MltiUlvburi thu 10 k dy of Ju. A. D. 117-i. 1. tlSKNl ART.Sbarlff. TO CONSIIRIPTIVSSb The adyorllter, kavtna; beta permanently eured ot thai dr ad dl-oaao, tiiiBnimiiltoa, by atlinplaroratdy.lt annlnaa to make hue a lo bit lellaw aallortrt the aa-tot ut euro. To all ho dtelre It, h will tend a copy eftlie preeerlpilua ue-d, (free afabarao), with Ihe nirrotioiii inr prrntriog i ad a.lna Ihe oamo, which thoy will And a epaa Ccaa lor COS aonrrioa, AoratiA, HaotirntTia, at. . Forllet wlahioa tke i rotorluiion, will pleat Oil.lroaa, r,. A. Vi ILioN, lilt Porn HI., Will tamabsrAa, N. V, aa. 17,'7l.ia. TflAIf ataARsXWft TKIflllSa CAUDA. inatruotion aau Aiuatameai oomi.ioa.t. I ui por'aal to paroat aad laaohora. SSdiforaul artlnlsdaalaas. Tba entire pa-ih Sent fro lor ti sti. surreuev or tlaap. VANUkLfA WV.,BBaj St. Sll Ml y-i(f r r' Jirtinwiti I . T . w n 1 . 1. -tpi , . ... W- ... . . . t4 piopo. tet.II pore eiKor.lt 4s rood Inr rnofliietittot -ir tiiart. OoBI, I V. Beany, t'aahln;!-, It. J. tyn cry ?.: or us rt n. ioe. , Ittrt'tr.K. to P-t. pi So Of I J. I tr LA 1 Kit I'll.. IVoiion. N. T 'ri.t tt lee, 10 Fte,it t.'O'So. 1 ell'i. I' lib noB.o, Aooaii. ii T. P-p a Ta n I' PtllVie S50 i". i . e r II' ret '"'iit!v ro e.lllf ino. P-er. f, - a tetrl M, t it re.ll er,ee Hl.n. V , l- tilt W- V r i v A ". . Y l oa f..-n ! , Vitl , Cli-'.rt api'wa H.t.en'a ' -il-'orl.'a rtiil lrol l-o tiT .. Pile w la I or - .re ' Irh 1 i -t ere rtwt.ere H Hi I I'uTllS Ff ip lotnri Hm-ioo, .data. S50 Atirsrs wvntk'i iurt nr 't i t, t . 1, t'.iito-t o.mI, -,d their .tliltttnl l ii t I t" I um f.pe, I ta f nt , Piio-i, eic. Aceet'aro p'o Ifm It in "eo-teatilay. en 1 Iit tti-pin rr j in,- tni ir rir, i,rm Ae't. anil ree el t i if", le.tr, t,t rrt I... ",l lev lt HU t'l. ll.afll -0 o.. I'.nl ,.lnl (i , t, f l r I'i'i ft It P' it!-,'l .a. rl, f I'll tnct ftt t'llre t t'ti. !' r e t ii r e itr.M Kht i i.ri Pn fi,i I lo I.- a-it l'.t 'e. l' t r O 'js. I. tri 1 .lilit) Trt' I'-i ! I ' ; , i i.-. iii,i it try- K ( ' k ( I'M !.t-i. t-f ifi. tiftl Vn -I n - H ..? tm-'i I 1 1 M . i 9 W.n tt II -fi-t i f- f It. It" i It (r. rl on j tr i' i I v. 1 1 -r r- in pv r nnl is .,p t tnis I hv u i r a i' 1 1 1 i r t . t 1 i" i .'mi -liii, !vi Wo.'lMnfct .n . . it't"n Mil An Fife -ei'e Mr.n t.. I ili.tl.o ,t.- ,.v i r t tirtn In pit ! tl t t it r 1 it 1 1 tt' r i i I i ti -.t i. t r ..'ir-i 1 It- . '' i ' I i f- vr Sih I n'.i'il il t Ittr !' t'- r t Mil i' If. :i r-, tn t ln ru'tli ' .in fit, hi I I." ry ' 'tttnmn l'l.l.'lM'..l I A ' . I ..III i uteri r. Tie .1 t'l Aire-,!.. , .-It, t'l -'III -' I ll'I'llll l't.. H ii- r nfi t (it ii rM n A t.r i l sal i iiu t iitr, rti'iT rtT lll'l-lrii . i ir ill T np-i O'lUt V. r K f. M :.TI 1 V lu!,. ere, suMum htrr- llillnt'ett.hln. 1 1 V " I I iTl ' .'. t (i' ttitii ttii'' t.. i r'ifl iim'i Ititfti-t si. ry. itti w.r.oi(ii ;,trf iitiinn;! nfi-t J'n.rit'nit tMir.v ov. f f iiiit.nt3 1 in 'P( j v i :t !. I'll w.irK if 1 ii s1i . Kt no I. In. lit III I lis rlti4 i it .:t-li .4 ft'.1, A niin '. s. i'st. itrnn llv on 1-nsi 1 t y nil lom . ftrrtiir) nutti.tfitli'1 ia r u I. A t' t riniii t" t 'ii tin -n . I-' f ft r. trtit. if f U I UH KI n I! ' IS, I'-H-v, 7. i -iMl,ul 'WBl ts, just rf-iuT ! r j,r c:,l., er I tri'tn 1 '.O fi fi-i n i i"k in! ar"i'iltr.i lrt.r t f If I Clel i ' t tOl ftl'V't r.ti i;rif-li"p-ti.n t . tit rst, 'tl-. In W tltlf , r ii " n th'i V i. Kin s ir-t.it I in, -it tin i,tii ii k t il te r. fiiirni in ruts, si H.i ..i .i-i,,i lihinl it II I 4 V nr.-' rri-H' mi in ri "I ir fii Tit i l.'t t 'tl II Htl' ' '.'. I.I -flu, I if 1 1 ful i" it n.l il. Mifii: Ihlll ItiK. t tiH'l't GUSiV.'t tliHs Vti. lit yV t.i I : I'llliUIH I'll. a: vts 'i i i i: rt m f; nirMeti aii.l J.tilire, mi l eira fruit t j tn I'iJ i ei mi mill, it i.il iit.i.llja pit'ir iiiteeit Sin il; r:il m wl.llo lo trbiiig. At'o ilrv.-, it ttii .i iM p. ui;ny T' Luiiit . fit ' ,.. iiimt!.,i. f ors ifi UV" ll irie-t fur .'?.-ita. Wo HI H 3 iii ur ...' t . . Vjl Li OuJ l.jf If 1. 1 .,l .l"u- l"i m- eir m. I,. iiiitk - in ii.i'V. it. I lr-. l I'lllIM till t)., I' .lli . I l it 'iii ki'f. v I-. 'A J HV'.Yprr. I .:(i4 , j b ij b u . . . ut k it ' I' ll I ' tl. F. V A HUM:. (1. neral Au'itt FhlUdotplita lk GREAT "OFFEtTf'r Mttmi I U'e ut1! lint in t i 'f II A IE 11 IIUM ai'J lie Hlil.lHWs nf loo N K IV I.'l- ANutl mil I !til . N -t. nf fitti-i'lil-H in nil rs al totter pr'n'eo fur cfh. or liitinllini'iiio, lli iii ever lir'ote citlnre I W I Kit H l'i j AMIS .t I Mlii ASS rr tlie lir.ST M liK, wirriiiif l tnr 0 venrs. III. I'liialngues Mitilnl. Oieil iii linirmi'iiiii In tlie iloilo. IMMH. 7 iiC'tw. $1 Ij : 7 1 t.-nmnve, 1.1ii. 1 1 rt i NS. 'J alopt. $H; 4atops, t't); 7 el.ipt. $ l'i : H mott, $7t i to Inps. tfS'j ; i oiiipa. $'' ; in perfi'Ot or tier, tn;' un 'l a veor. .'itit'i I tuu-iu nl bK I't'lVS. HOli.Vl't: MAihlH .V KOSA. M iiuirii.'iiirei'i niid I'oiilcre, Ij Kite 1 tik Sireel, .New York. tit a imr irU.ii.i prl.'e a i'ii) "iily S'W. I'ar- II... li' I"1! -T'i iu llv. Pater liKv, 1. I . IlLAtTT . Wa.ti.ug-t.iu, N.J. I ItlM.l VIJ WITH A COLD IS AL'VAYS U.VXll tKOl Welh' Carbolic Tablets A.'lte ri'tni dv fur I'mvlia, a id lilt tlltr..aao(llio luroai, 1,'itnjit, t'iit't and Mn.-u. Hiimbrono. Pnl I'll (tnlu tn Ulue time. Pt'l.n HY AIL DRVtl'llsTS. 0. PC. CltlTTl Nun, 7 Mi k Aieuur, N. Mtawors Dvtpit T t'r. t'HvHiiur. Mo'i.wlador ttoli'O tree with tni order. I .u dnll.trt ilit Kirir.in. etd. i. t Unl.(M A III. I'hllouaipkU, l' or al.loaukae, N latoaala. 3 new tnenl A Snow In-truiatiiittl pioittt Mbett ilu.lo. l'i' tilttrur atpi. M nlo I'uo Mil ut boio, .U.i. A,.ule W.u.ad r Drt. JJg TffQft Mjfht ftcantrsi Iii tha HlbU, Hwii-i) lat In Rltala. mU i)tr llAtiear'a Hua. Tfo hooVaaf ar i-uS'ttti t Ut r.tcaivett atl tl uiiiTartl ui)irtel fntiu ttta Prntt. Mioitr and ta).llubj int o ar'irf. Too ilcti rtJ Xuit, IS atitl ntiiifisiliut, na 1 iMtptvt t)iOt!lUM-, tni k thvui t 'luiiti .a t r huiua Juannip. lt avIUall. Sfinl fir ia um. It .f u a pie-lnf t'li-li.ttt. Mt ttuff. J. l 3&;CLHUV Cw., I bUiUI)b!a Pais, QiiM Ui'Uy O tLa true Jair.'e Uingor l Kb cbti!i-a Aravatttiet tutl : rtt-m.li UraaUv, fr wa.vk -iitj-t, wt nribf aa aa.t prs-tri. tlta of tt harwisiiH fii.asi, jliibhiliiy to iap, I'lilJuima tof tba aitaf oiltiwa ! na p iidfJolrsjuUiion, la irta lul lioua tu auifcrluir Iiuj itwauilv al oat-a atxithlntft .'tfngikaalosj, and rafrfb ilii, Aak luf tfaaford's Ja- JAMAICA GiliGER. maica Olnger. FREE RUPTURE- Tltooo wlthlrs Roller aud Ouro for Ruplurd ah.'uld cuu. mt It. j: A feHHRMAN, tit rlr iadxav. Maw Turk. hoti.l ln. it. for lil n.w bonk.wlth pbnioprtpbld llWrneavl nf hod cao b.tnro end art.i i.'ti Hi-war ol ch.'.la aiio proleod t forultt Dn ptit'riu.o'a IraatiDrr.i. t)u ol lbe. f.Hi.wa, ((ariaan elorbV Sow ralllim hlio.tlf Ur. W. l t!roiupl.,a, la InSlol' luo emaitltlnt ef Ur. it. aud owallt trial faf forsery Bud tnlmillu.il. A Man of a Tkotisaiiitl ACONiatHp-ntE Ot'KEf). vVh.a doalk woe hourly expriti.dfritu thniauuipltoai oil r.u.i. llro blu( ftll. d, aud Dr. II. oiporliufbtiBit. bo i-rel"oll)r atMte a pre fat a' Hop af ludloa 11- top wbli-k tarta bit ttly child aud now alto Ihla reoljio Iretoa receipt of ' e alauipatn p.y etpi.ae., II a up air ei.e afflrti owoata iiotmot at tn etwiu obi and wtd braa frook old la te.'iitr.'tu ho ml. AdUrts . CRSfiUUCK A 00. , t BMtSaMSVSrtlrMB, atttsltktd1L A J J m i t . . e I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers