w a ... 1 i The Post. CMfltbirfc Feb 21, 1878. 1. CWU3E, Eflur A PrMretor. MaOAktS HlSTCM. tllfl ftniOQI Tork abortionist ia in prison. New llo. Qidcow Wrxi.M et-Sccralar of ta Navy dial saddenly on lion daj wvsoinjr of last week. Til National Windmill ia tb nam applied by the Fhiladslphia Btcord to tha A rnorican Congress. Tw Pennsylvania Railroal com- Kny paya oror 1107,01)1) annnally r tatea to the cit of Philadelphia. Tha li'llefonta Rtpuhlisan eimoe to m with rt tbrei column leader, upon the claim of General James A. Beaver ti the Governorship. li. .. IL - J William Welsh of Fhiladolnhia, brother to the Minister to England, fell dead of heart disease on Mon day afternoon of last week. Tat decoasod Popes fortune is cs timatod at 824.000,000. We know aome poor printers who woutd have BO objections to being Pope a while. It is estimated that the United Slates produced one hundred roil lions of bushels of wheat Inst veur more than can be consumed by her own population. The bill to authorize the coioag0 Of tho standard silver dollar and 1 te g tore its legal tender character, as passed by the enato on Saturday united Mates continuous session of 97 hours. Tns wife of Bun PUmon, the anth er of tho Phonographic! system bar ing his name, ha ordoro.l by her will, that ber body should be sent to Dr. Lemoyne at Washington Pa. to be cremated. Tai judge who presided over the trial of Anderson, at New Oilcans, is a publio defaulter to the modest sum of six hundred thousand dollars. He is, theroforo, an illustrious Dem ocratic! roformer I "twBWAWBt Despite tho protest of the Porte England has sent her fleet to Con stantinople. We fear this action of England will precipitate the crisis in Turkey, as the Czar will nudoubt dly new enter Constantinople by land. Cot. Hott is looming up as the probable Republican candidate for Governor. Thero ore fow who as pire to gubernatorial honors that can control, so well as he, tho dan gerous political elements of the eoul regions.. Ir there are any persons in this country who have been able to man ta n their mental equilibrium nfter reading the discussion on the silvor question, thoy are undoubtodly ear liest in their prayers for an end of tha bnsiuess. Tns third Steamer for Itrazil car rying supplies and men for the new railroad in that country, sailed from Pbiladnlpbiii on tho 11th iust. We hopo she will not meet the same fito ber immediate predecessor the Metropolis met. Washington, Feb. 15 The Senate "flCPiUec-on Territories to-day decided to report favorably upon the bill for tho creation of tho Territory of Lincoln, to bo formed out of por tions of the Territories of Ikota and Wyoming, so as to iuclude all the Black Hills country. FonoEniis, defalcations, embezzle ments, &c , Ac , continue to be re ported daily. As berotoforo the majority of the criminals are men who previously bad the unlimited confidence of the publio ami the in stitutions with which they wero con nected. WAsnisoTON, Fob. 9, 1878. Pro fessor Henry, of tha Smithsonian Institntion, reports that Professor Forster, of Berlin, auuounces tho discovery by Pali as, on the 7th of February, 1 H78, of a planet of the tenth maguitude, in ten hours twen ty minutes right ascension, twelve degrees forty-five minutes north de clination. Ex-Governor Moses, of South Carolina, is now in New York in otter poverty, lie robbed his wife and mother of their valuable cloth ing before leaviug the South and is now wanted by Sheriff Roweu, of Charleston, to answer the complaints of bis own bousouola ilie mills of the gods do grind exceeding small. Col. Hob Inokrhoix is lectnrinfr in Nsw York on "Qbosts" anil kiuilretl aabiecta. The principal obiuct of the lecturer is to ridicule tlio cbris tiaa religion and establish the non xisteoce of a bell. It is laracntablfl that a man of such superior intellec tual and oratorical power should prostitute them to such base purpo ses. : Wasbihoto Feb. The president eot tue followiug nominations to the Senate to-day i Dayard Taylor oi renusyivajain, to be Kuvoy Ex. traordinary aod Minister PlemW teotiary to Germany t John Baker of 1'iinoia, i be Minister Besident to veoetuieai wuiiaraO. Qoodloe of jaentncny, to tie Minister Resident x to Belgium i Beojarain P. Simiwon of Kansas, to be United States Mar shal for the District of Kansas i Saauael Dlaohford of New York eity to be Jodffeoftbe Second JndieieJ Ciroot t WillUm A. Uoeard of Mich igan to be (iovernor of Dakota Ter Tha Fail Election. I The election noxt full will be an impoetant ono, involving the control of every department of the stale government. A Governor, Liintun ant O over nor, and Seoretarr of In ternal Affairs, to aerie for four years, aro to be oboeen. A Supreme Indge tj serve for tenly-one years, snd determine the political complete tion of tue bench, far the ensuing five years i an entirely new delega tion to C'otigraf one half of the Slate Senate to serve four years, and a new house of Representatives to serve two years The United States Sonatorship is also involved, as the next legislature will elect a successor to Senator Cameron for a full term of six years. The offices of Attorney Qonoral, Secretary of tho Commonwealth and fflpetiotondent of Publio Instruc tion are indirectly involved in the issue through the appointing power uf the Governor. Resides the important State offices involved in the ensuing contest, a Congressman to serve in place of Hon. W. S. Stenger, will be chosen, a member of the .Legislate in phtce of lion. Charles Miller the ptessnt iuenmbent i a Comity Treasurer to succeed Henry Heuft-r, Esq. i a Sheriff in place of Paaiel Kisviihsrt I three County Commissioners, three Auditors, one Cornier. The County Commissioners and County Auditors will bo voted for on the cumulative plan, that is each party will noiuinate two candidates for each, and each qualified elector will vote for but two, and the three having the largest vote, will be elec ted. The elections in this county have become so precarious, to re Publican norait.ee., through the die- tnotniog afterjntious in the party, taut it be- uooves repuiiiicans to nominate noue but representative noeu, an 1 such as can bold the party together. We have experienced in the past the eflfucta of distention and we anneal to the members of the partv to in sure against a repetion of the disss ters incident to internal broils, by uuiting upon good loeal cmdi I.ttes and by shaking bands over the bloody chasm of former campaigns. Washington, Feb. 15. The fdlow ing modification of the latilT bill now in course of preparation by the committee on Ways aud Means have been agreed to by that committee. The changes, it is said, will make : the bill more acceptable to the ' members from Pennsylvania : Pig ' iron, $5 per ton ; iron ore, 50 coats; scrap iron, cast $:) ; scrap iron ; wrought, $5; scrap steel, $5 i boiler ami otnor plate and sued, common or black, not thinner than No. 20, wire gauge, 1 cunt per pound i sheet iron thinner than o. 2J aul uut thinner than No. 25, 1 j cents per pound i thinner than No. 25. ljcts , per pound s RiiHsia poliHhud sheet iron 2k ceuts per pound t smooth or polished sheet iron other than Rus sia polish, by whatever name desi gristed. If cunts per pound ; steal railway burs, J cents per pound. The Mercedita, tho first vessel despatched by the Messrs Collins of Philadelphia, contractor for build' ing the Mad ore aud Marmora Rail way in Hrazil. bad not armed at hor destination from latest reports. The schooner Mary E. Duglas reached New York yesterday, leaving Para January 27 aud tho bar 3'tli, and reports no word of tho urrival of tho Mercedita Tho latter left Philadel phia January 3. Twentviiv- - ears ago Fredorick K. iiechtel, of Burks county, kft for California His friends had sup posed him dead, but a few days sgo he appeared at the residence of his daughter and asked for something to eat Not knowing him she said she had nothing to give, when ho revealed his name. Having amaused a large fortnuo he gavo her several thousand dollars. Ho will return home to stay in tho spring At Lancaster, after un exciting trial of soviral days on tha question of the validity of the last will of the late Dr. lietijaioin Mishlor, the jury rendered a verdict for the defence, against tho will. Tho deceased was widely known as proprietor of M miller's Hitters. About one bund red witnesses wore examined. The failure of liiigham Young's heirs to agree in the distribution of uis property, win probably causo a contest over his will. Tho contest ants will bo twenty-five wives, or their forty-five children. rur Tus I'otT, Educational Mr. Editor : In a town, not forty iuiios away, tucro is a tine public school lionso, just lately built with all necessary improvements, etc. which is a credit to tho Directors and citizens of tbo place. A visit to tm house shows that order is its first aim, on entering, the stranger, spasmodically is iu A Fairy liower of Scotland. The windows are wo. veu ao thickly with "Tlio dainty Ivy green mat tue t rot. ban no occt sion for, 'Don't look out V all shows much care and lubor on the part of tho teacher. One might be led to think, the Directors partial, to fix up and decorate ono room bo aud not all. But let we Bay hero, the Teacher bears all the expenses save a ton or two of coal, to keep the at moapuere of the room in a growing temperature, xsow, in tnese "bard times" and tha teachers salary lo too might at once suppose '"This Teacher very -openheitrted or duly interested in the cause of education, But like the "Merchant Jew" loss must not foot np aa much as profit. He quits bis boarding plaoe and goes a fishing, to do which be muss nave lurniiure lor a noose, ana "Little Jessie" to help cook the fish m a. consider-- model ttaeh of this kind at tb bead of the educational in terests of this Coaatr or Prinoipal of rr Tk:roi. COUNTY IN3TITUTE Vlil. Thnrtiig Altrnoon !!rion Con'hmt l. Vtot. Nottling. ta tptaking to the ill rtoiort in I to ths tt.tohtri. ii! that toa people bsvs a vagus ll.o of iht .In lis of lbs County Bsptrtattadtat. They do Bol eei tt koow that ho has any, thing to do but oXtmiao tho ttaolutrt, tvl flrwnl vloit tho sshoola for tho piirpoM of oollroiion teilotleo to mak bit annual rrport. Wbnn thrr nptk of bio oatorr Ibe; oon-l lr 6to montbii' r vloo, at if iho e Xmioi!lon di I not h gia uoill af'or tho oobuol bid eptotd. Bit at if Iho dttiriet rtportt wtro trot in btforo tbo oohiolt clotl, wrro iiioJ, eor.tcil, spproved, sol f'rirrll to Ibo dptrlmnt of I'nbllo ln'riintlii. and Iho Suprrinif nJi-ni't own rrpnrm mn.lt out brfort ovn Iho tchinl.jrtir oloKfd. Intitft'l uf lis Iki04 tl m mtln i d all that is rtquird. It ttkrt fron tttn In ttvrn and a hlf moTln. Oat of tht duiiot of Iho HiiiriDlrnd- Cnt it 14 tllptl-ti't 'lit 1101)10?, 14 li. rtel Iht trsohttt bow to Jo it. It it nti tftrybo'lf'o hu-ini?t to d4 I hat Tho jupprisitndtnt it prMma'd lo koD ti'nt rlf abrtt't with l!io mtilm.N nf tmcLiiif. orftniiing. cUtifjin, on. I inMt in tebonlt, and to kfp Iim p.-hr up with whul hi knowt lo bo bt Hill). out limb mperti-ioo Itixi t wo.ill hi ni ImprnTtmtnt. If fTcrjbn ly, whi-'brr hn kaawt anything or not, ooulj to into iht chool room and dio'aio tn ib tfclirrt bow to tonduot tlitir tehnutt, tho Inner would bt noihing but firo-. An In'tili gtsi ptrana dnet nut think of inirnrtiii( tht lerbtrt la tlitir woik ; h kniw that it it out nf plact fur hl-n lo d i t.i, and lhl unlt hi hi iul l tb tub jot of itn'iiing oartfullf, thtt bt in nit O'loipfttnl ' l' An Illitcr! o doM nol belli In Irll iht Irm ier hnw ho kIi'I leach and mndu.'t liia tchnni. ; lit htlittn hiinanlf eimpcitnt far snjf.l thing, no mt'ttr hnw ibuoU it It jn 1 1 bit eomprrhrnaian. J Tbt Siiptrlnitndrnl It rnppnttd nuilo, do intlhing when fl-lling iin'f-n httikra tht tfhnnl into hit own hnnda an I tea-hra! tbt claatrs If bt rjuittlj o-kt nf iht Itarh-1 tr hnw hit tlni-fn art forinr I. bnw iht ti'hunl it nrganittd, how lit trachf-tbt j umttrni nrancnrt, anu m'lara iifirtii"na . aa lo tht phangta snd lui ruf mnla that i thould ht ma It. ho It rtprrtpnird bf thnto who kiow no httitr, aa not hating dust mjrlhing nut lalatil a little mih ilif Itocbtr. lniligitil tuptriaitndi'nt would think of puMiilf. Iitfort Iht trhool, aiking Ibt ttarl.tr Iht i)uailinna ntoraiary tojudftof tho oinditinn oflhtaplm.il. and giving him diroetinni at to wha' eBangfi and mprn tintntt hi thalt makt. Tko itiperinttndi-ncr it. hr tbnti hn know nothing of ill d.itita and fnpini-j bilnita. ciinti lvrtJ tinoeuro, or nrnaman. tal oltiot. If tht duiira alrtadt na-ntd. I nf rihtr wiib Irtfrliug Iht oonni; fir aiX. mun' ha ilnring I hi n iualtm'Mi -taann uf tbtTtar, tamilttit.at trnain nt. thoa tha oraririHl tut faw arittn t-t. I of .In. fttt In'tllUtnot woul.l no raarili. r 1 1 tlxrtt tha ilntita or Hit o sa fT t'ia paltrf an ihla e'.onlT pa to. I tt tu'Ttr iht ln n tlroan.t ma '.art,.raa m l .1 ik 11 Hit (!!. rt'tlvat. rf)iilrea but br,iiio a,i. rtef -In. a t 'l .owurk. Hl I I ht balitrtl lhat i.t hl t ttblullr aal tnnlanim,lf .lun.:al i,k iltttaa. ani fa' nal uart aii'l 'haro bvan 4 ,,.f. If lul-r. rroaoniod. H ' 1 h. l.ma.l la. It l'h kit tiaiuioalii.o, Xflno tb.t Ui-ifO in -bac. who ba.l atlanilt'l -oii.. t-it4 i i,4t Of i-triln.'ato. tbao Ik a wlw ,IM at titto I It lit ballifad fclit til that itaiiT who ai.lai. ttnd hit ai-bunl twrlf a ar uurt wt k, a I kal ili-loif all lb tt tl'ta, loan lu irnujalf ln-l uoi. t. In iba brtiitbii In bt tatbtat i la laajli I li u .1 maaailliif a.MiIi, b ,. rt.'tKt.l t. tar oartllWtn 16 m tkt h hal Uaar i. taodra D14 ackiul or tlt a vary p-iur tut. li iaa cltr it any nrt lnai in. tt aarlby i f (at ktl rtrtld" .It liHill l t .a mail ll aaul.l ban bati fit altait-i Id, ml t m Mi nitu hi. n "l- .m , 1 hi m to 1 11 btiii-raiall tltlMtim tr Atl.arr p ora et-ti. keaim ini J ka an t 'k-y .11 -l 1.101 rtl Hu (i.tt'int a-v, I, ma Id btr . In a L It bar.. 0an tb rt ki . it lilt 1a -.1 tt i..ii.biiika. 0 "I liaul aoart Ir an. an U t u tn.lr unn d. it rouiI ri-iii.fia44 11 .-not ibey it I l bt atu Od lila ai'litnl. Ino-t wViail .1 Irnilfil bl-aohmd lit I Iri o.utull.1 amtitnl I! al ibT rnrt neat t u I a. ki .i il,., aiinulil k , anil lb ta who ha I nn t. ti ai u tan-.a ot bia, Uiat M hml favurnl bia una ,!, , I i.t truth uf t n in iiir il.tt 1 1 ha l t o arlrnlt.'U-iy ina 1 to it Ju t all i.tr-ira, ID I ihuaa w iu ht I font I litult sun I I u, lad lit. o Kui ri.t 1 b , re 1 1. 1 ur pra o 1 ct, to. I , 1 doDn but groat In n-ll a. la I ti bt n.v.li bava rtinird 110 i.mnutirnt ua k- r. mat 1 fatitr ttito I ili l. ha.l not t.-r.".a win.m bt ri-Jiclt I niifr-pr. aiutrit lilin. liltiiut ir! 1. am duty ti iriu-t a c-.it in 1 . 1,11 . f , ul ; fur i-voi t "o luatl.-r km Iml- bo biu, tlliOLt ba cat laih tt.t..l. 1! iraa .i a irrf thai bt bad it.t tad nininf. .at t iat ht d d nut itjiain In uiBtt ..im anui(Utn n-Jrut til in!'imi,nti-n tn iloaoo I .a.kiil iti. T it cnutt l.ta yni o nuiuliar i-n arcuut.t ol out liuprovioa ILI-urtlvea, l.,i '..lli-r h k afiii y y-i.r, 0 0 nun will b'.vt tu lit r"Ji"ilad. tin adrlt.id ll. ti-.nli ri in liuiirort Ikiiiiarlrt fnua yar In yiiar. ti ri-a I a iiii-aiinntl JuiiriuU. Tmj fnw uf tha li-a.-l.ara rtad tba l'i aylanl.So.io .1 J ,mr. Dal. tvi-rjf t-a h-r tnuul I mtka h 1 ima-l r f miliar wllu Wl.'k'tthaiu'a M 1D.0 U 01 :o ra -lioo and tu In. low tt iu bit t-ai'M itf. lit aaid kn I'll tu int.'n i 111 ti.t aiki l of tha ennntr, and b.i.iil that Ilia ti4e.urs wo il l o.ii pnu'it llinu lo gu ktok, but wauld CnutlbU t 1 liufriivti tlitm. KiruHita. I- 1 Thos 1. 1'iKiiKit, who in t bit hangod in the Mnneh Chunk jail on the same gallows ou which four .uollio .'lagiiiifS wore executed in Juno last, maintains his inuoceucu of murder aud promises a state ment on the gallows to that f fleet When the action of the board of pardous was comiuuuicated to him he broke down, having, expected a Uiueitnt uecision. '. F. Kunktl't liitltr W ine of Iron. Thla trnlt ftliiahlt Ionia lni Wan an thur. onghlT tttitil liy til rl.a or Ilia t uuiuunll) tlial It I au a uia l ii.d.tiiroaiiila at a liiiil.- uii-iliclno. II cuait liut llnl'i. nurllra Ilia biuoJ aaldifi'i tut to ilia aiom.oii, fi-nntat.! tha ayaittu aaa iroiuiiga lilt. fcv. ryboil? auoultl bars It. Kur tuaeuraof Walk Hlo naclK, O n-ral Ila. til it jr. lnilln--tloa, llUuaaaa of tliO btiikluk, anil lor all u.aai raq'irtux a iuni.i. Tlilt alua lui lmlit ibo uiu.l aurnaklt an! trlli li nt Kali of Ir.iu am p iit -lilir.ia .1 Man t.rtlc Omla roiulilnud wltli tua m.'ai antral. Ic uf nitabla t.iuli-t Valiow IVrumaa Hark. Ho you want auiurtli.uv t uruuttuau luu f lo jmu oaut t k kiii a.itiia T I in you am to fit rii of u.rrourutm lio oii waul tunry f llo ull wtiil 10 a.t"P wall I liu joii waul tu bulU up )our Oouatltuihn t llo you waut lo f. al w.ll I H i 'U waut a i rl-k an.l lunrnna f.'llu lfy.iu iio try kOutL'S JIli rtH MINE OKI HON. I uaiy a.k a trial of Ihla raluabl. tutilo t Hrwara uf anuularf'lla, at Kituki'l'a DIt'rr Vt'loa vf Irou l Ilia oul aura tu.l aut.-tual rt a a.ty Iu tba kooao wurM f..r ttia prruiao.-ul ouri ol Uyrp.pi ainl UuLlllty, auil aa ib.ra art a titmbtr uf l.uiuiiuiia ult rail t,i (ii. oiiiiio. 1 woulu uautiuu Ua coiuuiuiiity to piri-U4o noua but tho uauuliia arli.-io uiauufai:.irat by a:. ' Kuukol, auu lioviuf tai.ataiup uu tin Jora ui aary t.oltln. ill. v.iy fact lil utbii tra atiauiptinn la Itultait tbit valualil. r.iumly, urovr. Ita wortb au4 tyaaka voimuua Iu it. i. vor. lb. tf'Utut. k. t'. kuukul'.. So' d uniy lu ftl b..lilt-. riol I by Urniifltla tod diauit tnrwiiara. t. Y. kuu., i-.w. iimiiir, m fturlb Miuth Mirtat 1'biltUclpbia I'.un'a. Tape Worm Removed Alive. Haailaniltll catnplata la two bourt. No fat till kaaU ti.taat. S.i, flu .a Rloiuib Worina r..uii.f.il by llr. Kuuk.l. tn Nuriu Nlulb 8trt fuilaOtluiui, Pa. .t I for utrcuiar ur aaa your drunKlat for a bwtiiaof KuaaaL's Wusa svaor. ltuaur lailt. fricatl The Attention of Agents la et Had to Tbt Houiukrtpart' Supply rkim pauy.ot Oiuoluuatl, Unto, wuu makt a bu.iut.a ut (iiIIiiiii up tud DiauufaclurluK uaw aud LA BOHOATIMU KOBV.UIrotaa for houa.kaapai t. Bod tlm am ploy uiaut lo liuuilr.J. of an.uu ol both an 1. a tbrouuboul Ibt wbolt UulloJ Hiatal 10 .ntroduua aud tll Ibtio, aud oilor luduoomaula lbj will pay Ibata litu'laiiuulv, M my ufio.tr totutt art now waklun from S4 toft pat day, aud autua of tk.iu ovou niara. vVrilo lu tbau al oaoa and Ibay will amid you ciroulart, Hiring tou full daacrlplioo ofaai-b arllcla lU.y utiuu ftvlurt, aod tlitir ttrtua to t.uta, aud will tat 'Ml you Kolumvi tvrrllury to tall 111, Tu.lr fljiaal. Tbt riuua ikimu.r.' tliipuU Uouiuaur. Nil. 1141 Klia Hlraat Oluci.nati. Llbrj; mv"" keep on harnl all Limit of uianiiB smc4 at Aotet, bum. montet, Warrant, Leatet. Subooe -ret x IE XEPUTOU'a NOTlt'E. Lottors loala- J iirniarr on Iht taiatt of John M ll irkanhiirg Into nf A lunt two., Hntiltr count pa , daa'd. hating haan grantad loth iindaratt nd. nil p-r-nna knifing lhamarlata Ind'hli-d tn ail I r-lnlar art rtqunaitd lo makt Immnlia'a patmrnt. whilt 'boat hating enma will prant tStiailiilr aiiihTloi",d fnr ai.ii1ain-ni in j OH K I'll II. IIACUKNIUI;!!). Jas II, 1878, Kti oiinr, CAUTION. Notloe tl hartbr. gittn that lbs follow ing trllolta haft hacn purchiaad bf tht un Jrsigti.'d l (.'inai-bli,-t S ilt and Inft in pnaatamnn nf !l"nrj Kumrilt dii'lnir hit plaaaort, nil parama rt tniiiinrl nil lo mndilla or t'HIrfiTO Willi tha -a 11,- t'onk ttoTO, ' at ainfj tn I p p-. llo 1 lira I eomnmn ph tira, rikln I'hiir itiitu Br'ltttnd, Had nnd lli-il ling tni nf ' pot, 2tliicka, I, ink 114 ll. T'lhln li-tt l.trya t)!i.-al. Won I h u. Ki nlr r t at mi -ii.ia.ril. fink, lliirnii, 0 irn.'r u ti f ! n , rl troa Ktitli), lull, i ri tTnl- nMASUl.t N I'.iTZ Fob. 7. 1?7S. IUI1L.ICJ HA.I. OF VALUVlll.K Personal Property ! TffK iitidersignnd snliRCiiber will oSa-at Publio -ala, tt hla rtH'ilani-o tn Pann tap., ab ut una tnllt wtft uf rttllnar.ift, to tbt H. tl. K. K. 00 Thr-hvi, Mtreh U'h. th followlm v1H19 iirifi'iiil i ffttitftf . ff-n-nl-tlnat l f 4-mniot M-ifki mnA I 'Mt'Utnrnl, tn. ntlir with li 'tj Dtl Kltobtu rurniior, U wit: 9 Head of Horses. ft wnrklng and a.lit. I twn ttar nl I talllnn, Nn-intn Ml i'k. an t t ya-llna, 'I .St ., Irat hf a b ir tb it ir.itttl b' mil I 1 . 1.) I tnn.l brat l.n daraa, ana with tnlt, 1 liar l'iirt, a a d irafilar, II tnlntl uld Irnt It i an If r t ainii I'.ia amrt at ak 'gadrt.i iiti-tlvtiy, . ir- t 1 ..lil. a alt yaar; n d, 1 , mai-yairf am, t'tnna ma aaift art o pair 01 aiilai.illd tla.k tjatekad Marta, it Millc Cwm, 1 I load t Yoilll Jikltlt, 4 nratlln'Ntwa altklli'ar, 0 lia.lt, IKIitk P.il m I Hnar, I Hu Wag tna, oit of lham ttdai'tikap 1 nutbtr or,a waatn I Tup liu rf. a. r at' Ing Mill, .-aa-tar l i f o Rn-i-l til Mnratitwtr I'kra-ktna ' t-Mnt, ft einwa.l llirraw. 1 IfuiiRaft t'nltlrttar I Itnakayt trait IVIl I I il-, I lltaaayt lly Rata. I at-ntHay I.il''. I umb-la-l. I fau lly M-lta. I 1:1 ttr, llirnat. la traa I a." ai li f , tin ilnl. Iat il ti.i la IrtM, -I114 t.'raaa, l.ugOtatna, ttriib lni( ilati. i.ram I'radlit. JtiiHHol JJonpor, tnnblntd Mtaklnt, tttt f -tt In trait oad I latt In r.. ft rabta tlia Nrytkai., May Knrka, Hupaa aid Pulllaa. Di tblllaad Soil, ra. fattnti'arn F nM.-r oni Mat 'atiar. t'nrn r-htllar Inl ufiiM Iron, I 0 btihala if FnTA-Klf.-i. I Mi naad f I'bli'ttnt; k-lf tl at atrat nf wbt .1 aoal I lo tha grmiM, tlaw hi Ikt l"0 A l at tat tatat tint aid plant III full iwlog dtanrlbtd Household Furniture. I Itortana, I llnroar l)itpbarl, ft Sadrtat la, Itt tr i l.atta, t l aaiaa. J irot Kattlt-. Inl of t'r.i-a-, lul af Qtaaaawart, Itt tl I tri al, 4 -ilnka -ot af Tan Malt Mil.1! and dt Itan-ia II t.irri. tnl Inagtr, tutraa, ..t rf Mral ana f.tt '. I. Pra I .1 , I 4aa ahjtiar n of r,tv llar-tla. t'tr;ifi Wtiftr'a l..nit' and mini tn-i.ira a tariff tl trtl-laa tut fin Oia.oa tn itanHnt H4l,i tt totamaiet tt ft uvt'ii . . M. rail I day. I T t I Ml lull, un 'ar ft .a dollar! t.ib I a'a lu i-f tlakt 10 .otbf will bt jItio tu ill bil tftr fti. , Ml'.w mil O'-Mllr HMVn), I RK'SKS Uil lIKKl.l.Mj, AwtlT. Jaa.IT,'; A! a t nf a t lalvrailon un tht Kiaia uf Han. ry tiro a, ilai-aiatl laitnt iral naarar Tain, sny.itr l.'mtry rann'a., ftavltc oatn tciaut tl ti M.I tt.ltr-laiial. all .irmia hauwl'ill -Ibtia-t llaiita I lo aalil ait a it art reaa-l-ajlaiaikt I'tint'ltatt pafmaot. wlillo tnat ' karh t i-ialina will t'Xtnt tht a ilttlf attlitull ettaii firitttlinimi ta A. A. Rll l. 1-4AAL (I tlfKHS. I Jat tl, 'Tl. A'liulnlrtraivM. t"77vijTiT)N i TOI'K?K is li. it.liy iiveii tiiat t'n ' i' f M la arMitti inat 'mi yo -ekat. tlkftht utiilar.lviitit tlMirrin alt an.l 1 i.'.l I i tka ii ,...!. ti." iiuuia t. NV ilt.ir itai. Int it) .lt.iiit All j- miif tt e.Httu eil n,t ii Hit iftit Hta.Hi wi'ii ii'in ft: litre .a i' i..l l.a.i ink, i . til. I..l ! t'lii .Hi. k M' i, Hat a Ha il na. Iiuunb Inf, imn nettle ADAH WALTER, Tt. M, -ft I'UDLTt: 8ALU UF V.tLUAMI.B Timber Land. rPHK iin.Wsi.:n.l will srll at Tub-i- III Salt, at l.aurtlloo, I alia ooootf, t'a , THURSDA Y, FJ.Il. Clti, 1S7H, Thtfollowinc Stftrlbtd talaaklo Trartt if Iimlar I. and, to wit : I II AC I Mi. I-A rtrlaln trial nt lanl til. aft lo Atroatti tnwn"hti. Ml'mn a..triif, l a. hnomltil by lan-la warrittatl In tin mat uf Htnry Hn'.rnitar, t'krl.tun Daring, J-iuu liar-fii-r anil oihara, rontalntnc -i AC11US, ami allowance. Til Ai'T No. J-A ttrlaln trial nf lanil flln. ata tiartlv In I'liwoahlii of A riuaich, I'mi iiiy uf III IB o, noil partly in T iwnthlp nl llnrna ail I'liuntyiii t'aotra, tnuiniltil anil ilarrrliiail a fnlluwa, tit: i;tlnnlnif tt o eartnlu anrnar tli'-nra by Ui.d wurranta.l In tbt nan uf An. drow Kannarly. Nurlli ftii ilov- Waat 4H4 itr kt. to a Willi. I itk, th -natlif mlitr .urraya I la- '1 Nurlb J iIm. I al, Itu I'trthaa to a Wliliatisk. tliani-t iy land uf Alan U iltmltr, S OH Si iltrf. Kaat, 4.5 iaraba4 to a wliit. ilak, fianiia by otlitr runaya l ln Soa'h it. Will 140 ptrckia to pltctut balnnlna-,iiaialulU -l-oo vjim:s, anil allnwani't. I K Ai'T No. 3-A rartaln Iraot of laml Hu nt In Itarrla town-liip, 1 intra e.iuntf , tur.tf . tl In iiuriutni'i nfa warrint Hsial 1 1 Ailam tun. n.itr, iiat.ii tat iia aay or Mora try a. U. I7IU, ciiBUIolug 4(M) ACR15S, mnrt or Iom, with tht arpurltnanrtt. Tht abna tract, nf tliaiior l-tnil or. wall rat wltb will rt n.a,. Will It IUk itJlltM LUCK. of tho boat quality anil In lama Quantity on man traria. aoogi una. nan tout irom tao L. V. A si. C. Kuilroml. Ktrfurthar purtlnitlitrt lo rarar I tn tht aS ira irai la rati on ur aiMit.t JOHN W. UtILKII. Laaralt io, t'nlno ntt, r. ialt la noun met at ! ovluek A. M. nfiati lay whan duo aiian ltna will bt wltto aud ttruil of talt mad! kn tn by ai in m k. itiMt'i r;-a, t'ALVIM H. SKKIllll.n, Jan. 14, '71. CHAKLKS 0. 6E..BULa. Assijnee Notice. ALL pnrsons interested are hore bynntlAad Ihitt R .bort J Blnirainan nf M .... ... .. . . I . . i ... , I ... I . . of all bia .flafita, rail Bail pirannal to tlio on. ilaralKnt t lur thiban 1 1 of hit ornltton. All paraona bat Ina alalrol aro riqutattd to proatnt tlniB to ibo uinlarilunail. ami ptrtnoa loilobltd will tilttti makt lioiaodlato paymant. 1SAAO UIL.O'.R, JaoJ4. , Tl, amIkiioo. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. I.tttara of adinlnlttratlta on Iko oalato nf Ptttr Nhaffiir .laoM latt of Obanroan lowo ah I ti. Nnydtr ouunty. Pa. havlna batn t ran tad to tiiouniltralitntil, all ptraont knowlnit thtm. ttlfti Iniltbtnl to laid ontato aro raquaitail to makt Iraiaaillata paymant, whllo thuai barlntr elaliatwlil prtatol tbtu duly anthnntloataj lor atllaui.nl to li. 1). Sit Aft'KK. Jau. !M, '7a. Administrator. NOTICE of Witlowa Appraltoments uuder the f 300 Law Notice is htrobj givta that lbs following widowt appraittuitntl bats btto Bltd with Ibt Clora of lb Orphans' Court of SnjrJer Co., for eouflrmatioa ou Mooday, tbt 2Slb day or rob. nrx' Appraliamant of Klltabotb Huff widow of ttaoraa nua, latt oi watuinmoa luwotblp, daoaanad. Aipralimtnlof Ulliabath Blililln widow of William uidding latool Ubapuiaa luwotbl p, doooaaid. Appralaam.ntof Paaay Rmltk widow of Ir TIBamito, lai.oi rranaiiBtowutuip uoooattd AppraUtmtBt of Mataa tlbafrr widow of Pt ttr Baantr itto oi uuapotaa towatblp doo'd Appraiamtat of Barak BeKar widow ol Jatob : r nu(BT, taw oi vo too towmuip, uto'd JtSll.Tft. i. CBOVSJB, Ctttk 0. 0. iP"! 7rH I''l T T 1 WANAMAKEH & BROWN rpf.-tfuIW aannnnes that their Autumn ami Wmtar Kathions in Clothing, for Men and loy aro rtndr. The grout luilJinr at Biiitt and XUrkat aro crowded from top lo bottom with such Clothing ss merits the con&doncsof thapaopla. W ANAMAKER & BrtOWN'SClotln and CsHimore aro, in manr inttancct, mm!o tiprttaly for them. No homt in the ttm!s sonfines itself to exclnaivrly to tho first cliwft tnanufaetnrert. Indeed, a Ions and mature OJtpnrienco It nocotaar to know joat wkat Roodi to oalort and maka op. WANAMAKER & BROWN'S Ordnr D ptrtmtnt will bt fonnd full of fntirirs cf ovorr good kind, sithor Novel snd Fathionablo styles or tlio plainT and mors otcful thiDfTS. Tultnted cuitori, whs iavs btea saceeatful for yrarft in cnt sorvict, are in waiting to molts ptrmcntt according to tho ideti cf ths renplo who are to wear ths pod. Qoo Imndt are employed to nitkt up, and only good ' trimming nrd. WANAMAKER 6V BROWN'3 HoaJy. kadi Ptpartmint effort (very accommo dation to thots who do cot rare to ro through tbo procett iifct tu on fciipnrfcmcnii lur hii'ti an4 i.c 1 it immtDJO and complcto, and doia rot lack ia Stylo, workmanship or Cn: h, wlulo tho prirto can to rrr.ren to ho nrarly, if not quits, 5 coau un tlio dollar Vowir tlian tho market. WANAMAKER & BROWN'S Littlo licyt' snd Youtln' Clothing bat always been a will-eared for and prominent ivaturo cf tlii buiinatt. AH agei can bo f.tuJ, an I Iho t'yloo aro not turpmtl ths "fiti" tavtuiwat bcaathetuLjtctof aJmiratioa WANAMAKER & BROWN S thirt,Nt.k tit, and Hoaiery counttrft mailt tlitir cuttomirt to r;t comj lots onlfils at mors aivactaptoui ratea tbaa they oxpoct WANAMAKER SBROWH OAK KALIa, nIar;(it ClotMaj Sous la Afctrlc. 6th & Market Stsn Pbllad'a. 3F1II WILSON SEWING MACHINE In workmanship Is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and s elegantly finished as a f!r6tclasa Piano. It received the highest awards at tho Vlonna and Contonnial Expo sitions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other machlnest Its capacity Is unlimited. Thero aro more WIL80N MACHINES sold In tho United States than the combined sales of all the others. The WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT for dolngall kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATCHINC, glvon FREE with each machine. -sal wilson sewing immm CO. 827 & 820 D roadway, New York Now Orleans, La. ? Cor. St & Madiiori St$., Chicago, Ills. and Gan Francisco, Cal. For Sale hu all First-Class Dealers, AHHiy;uttj Accottiits. NUTli'K it btrtby (Wra tbat Hu fol lnwlnf Aatiirottt Aiicouuit btft I t. ii i!cJ io tit ofljot of Ibt proihuiioltti of ibt Cturt of ti. P. of bjo viivc ooiiiuy unJ will bo iraenlf l to Ibt utit ouui't lur etnlrtn tiii'B, aal ualtat tuib iitnl rtut.i bt rkuwii f Iho couatrarjr tbt loiuo will hi ojoflrint 1 . Tht aa.'iunt of Frtlar,ak B. Ittrinai, At. guaaol H.-ltr Kllniir. Actui'iattf Paul llalnti A'Mlan.t of Will, ta a i). U iatttnt. A'onnt r Wlllla-a Miya- A"ljaaa if Will ItiB MMtrllaK. Ait-mot if.-o a :i.t:titl Awtjaetof f. W. Slu-k. Ao-iunt of It. M. Nlpplt AKlKOtltf Jiftpk Hoilib. Araonul or A. W. Potttr Aialtato of Frank. tin Krrliltr, Aanatnt of A. W. Pottar Att anao of Htary U. Shailar. Afonnt of Adam Saar Atilgoti of Jtrmlak Mliclial. J. PROVSE, rrolU't. rrothy't OHot, Ja i.'JI, 'Tl. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs issued 'in! uf th. Court nf t'oiuloon I'li'aa of Suvdar aiiniil., ami In ma iltra.-l..l, wl I ti. .lpna.d to Public SU, at Iba C.wrt llJU.r, iu Middlauurg, ou Thurrlvj, Frbrnnry 2th. 1H18, at lOnVlork A. M. tba followiug daaorlbal llatl iviiaiv iiiwii i Til ACT No. 1. Potttr Ven. Ex. All (hit rtrlaln rottatiairt ami Traot of Uml aini'iit'l in I'rrrjr Townaliip Hnytlar county I'n. Ilinnleii North hy lamia of .laoub Muiiutt ami .Inim he h net, Huiitb anil Wral lit Ian la of 7o.oph Muattr, Ka.il h lanil of eantaining twonly aortt mors or lot, w barton aro trtott lalwo Story Dwelling II. mat tilahlo anj other out liutlJi ng At lbs Property of Will iam iioytr. TRACT No. 2. fiimpion, Al. Fi Fa. Also a certain mtatuairt ami Traot of .and alt unit in Coulro Toftrifbip Conuly ami Kiato aforttaiil. Iloumltd North by land of Henry Kubnt, 8omb by laml of Fredrick Howtr-oX, Katl by laud of Jat. Ilaoktohiirg, and W'em by laud of Henry Krutier, Containing Fifty Aortt mort or loat, wherton an trreled a ono and a half tlory Log Dwelling lloum, Biable and other out buiMiugn. Aft Iba property of Robert llardger. TRACT No. 8. Smith Fl. Fa A oerlalo Traol of Land tltiiats In Franklin Townthip, County and Hlals af ort tid. Uo in ila I Morlh by land of IMrioh & Kiel.lt, Soulb by ltnd of Andrew Krau or and olhtri Rait by land of Katbaeb and Bros., and West by land of Kaoiuel D. Waller, containing One bundrtd Acret, mors or lett. whereon aro trsoltd a two Hiory Log Frams liouts Hank Dara ft other out building!. Aft lilt property of tteubeu Zeobniau. Bulled token in oXttuilon and lo bt told by D.BltJE.NIIART. Sheriff Sheriff's offioe, Wlddleburg, Jany, 2Utb 187S. S TERM3. Fifty dollars lo ho paid on all Haiti under firs bundrtd dollar oter fit hundred dollars tan per cent, of ibt lilt lo bt paid immadlalefy after olon of ttlrt, oibirwlta lbs property will bt im MtsHtf rrwta. cf rntaturemcr.t. T!. sjJdy A VALUABLE INVENTION.1 THE WORLD RENOWNED I 'Jlii; TDD rrt-1 fl inn ft i ,i hi llilUll uuu unit ( ClTANI l BKD IB If 21. J AND KV M ANV THUUS.VND3 THE WOST VVIOCLY CIRCULATED Baistist Ivmm ia America, n-tl'lliltD tf LB T TBt al'V AT 39 Park Kow.Now-York EOVARO BRIGHT & CO , IS BOW DIM VKRKII BV MAIL, rOITABB tBIFAID At $2.53 a Year. 01 t orTH, 44j, WIT 4 riFKB. Thu Fxmi5 jtRn 4'HnoNirL li dlntlnc thtlr r Mt)i1y .Nwir. In maklnn li th K-Mtitr linn t.i ro.iii'raiiin of tti b.st 'r writ Am nf lilt iitBom(a itlun. btjti.iia) th nrctttl'mial rtii.trM'iitloii. In pffnUI i)irt r wrltsjr of ftykogrf UJg.J .L.llUjr la oltttr cwiaiauoliiui. IT COMl'UISES A Current Kfant Expmiior, A l.itinK Tulpil ao I riaiforra, A MitMOBHry and li ap ' itt Eftnt Rtftorl, A H it ml i jr Sohool Intiituit, An EiltioAiioual Ailfoont, A Lilrrtry, Tlitolugioat, Soltslluo and Art Review, A Topular Ftiuily Mirojliany aal Pua- tlert I talm, Tht lliithaiiilinan'ft Itelptr, A Marktl Reporter, Ao. All ennituetnl In aa vatapoktn, wllt awakl and p.pul ir Bianoar. For titoplt enplia ami tormt to raara.lart Id IrtM !'.. but Mtnr.aarw. t lt. Manhood : How Lost, How Restored. Juat piihlinbeil. a uiw edition of Da. I iLvmwii.L't Cklksbatsd Eiiav on iho mdioal ourt (with out nit licitie) of Stertnatorrliosa or Semi nal It'eakotta, ltifolumary Seminal Lota rt. luipulcnry, Mfnlnl and l'liyaloal ln capacily, Itnpt Jinienit lo Marriaiit. ito. ; alto, Cootiiiiiplion, Epllrpay and r'iit, in duced by tvlf ludulgtuos ur seXual exira Taganot, ko. ftgrl'rioo, lo a fttaltd tnvelopo, only IX cents Tbo oelebrattd author, In thla Etiay, ottnrly donionalralit, from a thirty yenrt' eiicceaalul praoiico. tbat lbs .alarming couttqutuoet of telf-atiua may bo radi cally, oured wlihonl ibo dangerout um ol luternal niedicino or lbs applioation of Ibe kuife J pointing out a mod. of our at one liuiplt, certain, iml elTectual by meant of wbiob ot try itifferer, no matter woat nit oontiiuun may Da , may ourt blmitlf cheaply, prit ately, and radically. jgyTbii Lecture tbould bo In tho baudt of trery youth and svtry mau In mt lanu. Sent umljr teal, la a plain sarelopt, to any adreti, poit paid, on reoelptof liX oenti or two poaiago ttaojpi, Atidrett ibt ftihliaheri. THE CULVEHWELL MEDICAL CO. 4( Alb Si., Now York ; Pott olfies Dos 4686 July 13, 1876. ly. A VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. nillE undorsiartmd offma the fol- -B. lowlntr datorlbod liroperly at prlral. Bala. TtN ADHKS clraratl laud, tllualo In Adaiut townaliip, Mnjil.r I'o , Pa., lao uill Wan nl Trui.lvlll., ailjolnlnti laodaof Wm. W.ltlor, llaul.l Maurer and ntbart, wltirtuB art trt.t.d avnoil HlVl:l.l.lNiIIUI'KK, al'AHLt.HllOl' aou otaar ouiuiiiiiiioae. -rn. tain ta a food tall ol tulilvallun, rontaolaut to tuarkol I tuare I alto an eioulltnt UKUII AUU ol cbolao Irull.anil utftr fllliiK wataroa ll.t prttalioi. t or itriai call St tha nromlai.tr nihil a.. I'tltll BIIKI.Kt LKU, . Hai.l,;T. tr4vUle, nylet tjo., 1 l- ts-w ' ir GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. roorjom.T Ctmti DiiSAtti or Tt Stra BcAtmriRS ths CoMVLajno!t( ratvurr, AND RKMKBIKS RNBtrMATIftM AM Uot wm.m nnu niKAiioni or T tl C'VTICLB AMD COUNISSACTS CONTAOlOa, Tliio Standard External Remedy far Cnta Hont, Snrot and Injariet ot M11 Skin, not oalj rnwai ina v.uairuixiolf AIX HUw. ItilKft ariiinf from local ioiparititt of blood and objtruotion of tht prrtt, but alo tlioto productd by tht tun and wind, took at Ua and irtcUot. It rondm tho cvticta kjAavrioviLT ct.tAk, smodtn aod ruaty and lw j a wmolisoms itAirririta tj si prtferablo 10 any cotaMtia, All TTtl KRMEblAL ABVASTAOTft Off una BArirs ire imored sv the l is o CWrttn'a HufphMr Koap, which in ad. lion lo Ht purifying ofltcrt, romtdioo and tu. Vskts Rhsumatism and Gout. It alto) TiiftfsrrcTt ei..TrrtH9 and Lrsrat and raevisTS otstAar.i commumicats t Contact with tin rsatoit. It Dntotvo DAsnarr, praroat UU twta, and rotardi frtyntti of ttio hair. I'liytioant ipeak ol K ia high tarma, fiicef25 tni S9 Cents ptrCaki; Ut Box (3 Cakes), 60c. anith20. I. K Tho atotatoakatarttilplt tht tlaa ofduaaa t) aanlt. "HILL'S 1TAIR AKD rniMKin DTI, IlUok or Drawn, SO Ctaua, i I. CSITTEST03, frop'r, 7 SiiiS It., IT. KAUsr tNoif. in runt XrtH.i.ai U,u,kt - -KKCEBAaVlT TAILO-RS. r: ' . A I I I II t ii a I i . 1 A r ! t it . Ecwiusr ivTachines. Tanorilia ln.1 an.l .ili..i...l n,..i i.... .... il lo Ilia piil.l t. A. fl, lift. Philadelphia and Readin;? Rail Read. Arrangem.nt of Passenjjer Traifla. YTJCi. lflh9 1M77. Trains Imp Jlenufon as fU loirn (Sunday Kxcrptrd. For Rliauinkiu, In, 16 11.00 a to tad 1.25 pm. Kur Ml I'arniol, Aablaml, Ttnaqaa, i'uli.f il, Kta.litif. anil I'hlla.l.lnM. 11.00 a ui. r ' Tivji'iuor ITcrnihn, have atoi'omt, (.Stiiiiit Fxcrplcil.) Leave Shaiookln. 8.00 a m 1 la an.l p m. Leato Philadelphia S.l&am. R.aill.w ll.Hrt a in. Poltaville. 11.10 D n. Tamann. 1 1T, B re Atbtan t 1 ill pot. kit. Lartuel U.16 p ra. Trains leave JlarrUburg a ollomt t For New York, tin I II 1 ...J 2 00 and 7 6A p. m. For PhiUJelpbia 6.2o, 910a. m. 1.00 aud 3.57 p m. Sundays .For Now York b.2o a m For Philadelphia 1. 45 p. at. Irani for IlarrUburq leave aitllou : Leave New York. B.ih an ITA III snd 7 45 p tn. Loatt Philadelphia, a m.4.40 ami T 20 p. ta. tafBBwawaw Sundays Leavs Now York 5. 80 p m. Lents I'hiltdolphla 7.20 p m. Via Moiritft Eitea R. R. J. E. WOOTTKN, Onn'1 Mfiwarrar c. a. HANCOCK, Gnn'l 1 ickst Act. Fib t 'T4. tu s te. Assignee Notice. ALL prrtoot Inleretted are hereby no. litU'd tbat Jaoob 8. Willow, of Witt I'erry Iwp., Hnyder county, Pa., bat ou 1 lii day mad an attignnitnt of ail hi effectl. both raal and n.nnin.1 tn tb. un.. di-rilgnrd for ths brnefit of erttitlnri. ii, 1 . a. 1 perioni oating oiaitnt aro requeued la proivnt I btto lu Ibt undortigned, aatt I bort InileMtd will pleat, luakt ltmi dlali pAyment. ISAAC PILE. Feb. 7. 1S7S. Ataigate, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICH-Letttrt of adininiftlratloa on lbs tttalt of 1 j 11000 r. iio(itr aeteatta, lata or l amu Twp., Snyder souuty. Peaa'a., Iitfing j been graoied to lha undertig aoe), all par. lion knowing t hernial fit iodtkleU lo aaid ttlati art requtaltd to Biaks Immediate ( payment, wblla tliore batiag elaitua will lleaitnl lo - Sasas Hmab, t dsu. 81, '71 Adailaltintrix. I w .. . WW. ..I.T.IIII1IT1 I " I . I 1 - f Sr-."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers