if The Post. mJlaVirg, Feb 14, 1373, I. CI.3'J3J. Citsr & Pro?rtor. Kioirr tbonsanJ trul sixty four ln?nfr are spoken in tbe world. 6-7 in Kurop 830 in Asia, 276 io Africa and ),-Gl io America. Sruroa Blais. of Maine on the 7, in at., made a speech on the eiNer queetioa which it bigbl spoken of bj prca. Strange that way down in Maine the favor reraonetilimtion. Mvckat, the silver king, ig now Mi.l t be worth $27S.0U0,00O. while (lie richest Itolbt'liild ban only f 200, 000.000, ami the Duke of ttestmiii later, the wealthiest man in England, la to be content with a paltry $80, 000,000. HoitatrLEsn is now becoming ao common an article of food in Paris that a thouiinnd beasts are consum ed every month. They are not kill ed until they become uselesa fur work through age or lameness. The tueat i hut half the priro of berf A Jnrl rr XarthwmoerUad. HarkhuTro, February 7. The Hons bill to rreate an additional Iaw Jinltfn for Northumberland Co. passed the Senate to-dar, being the first net ereadv for the Signatur of l. ' I - 1 ; l . ma uovernor during the session. The bill was taken up out of its or der to accomodate Senator Dill, who atiitwd that two thousand caeca had accnmnltited on the court docket of Northumberland county. Glowing accounts corao from the Rlack Hills of mineral deposits there Foremost among these are gold, po troliuto and salt. The ore from the lleno mine, near Oayville, ia aaid to yield an average of f 50 dollars per ton, while the prospective petroleum and salt yields are exciting the cn pidity r.f large numbers. Who knows but the Dluck Hills may yet prove an antidote, to the commercial ills through which this country has long been passing. Tope Pius IX died in Home Italy on the 7th, inst Ilia last words, wero, "Guard the Church I loved so well aod sacredly." The immediate cauae of his death was the closiug of the wound in the leg which made the humors mount iuto the lungs and brain. He was born in the Duchy of TTr bino May 13th. 1793. In June 1840 be was elected Pope. He filled the chair for noarly thirty two years, and lived to see great progressive movements aud the power of the church of Rome greatly cnrtailod. Who will be bis successor IirroRkTATiox baa been received at St. Paul that Sitting Dull with 3.00') warriors haa recrossed tbe lino and is now at Frenchman's creek, only a few miles from Fort Keogh, which ia garrisoned br two companies of infantry, while Gen. Miles is at Fort Peck with 400 men. making a total force of 500 available men against this wily savage. We may expect soon to bear of another slaughter of our troops, and then the Indian sympathizers will say that they ought to be kindly troatod. The only way to treat them is for the government to send sufficient of troops to tbor onghly and loterer end this Indian '"'ui-saby simply killing off all that will not respect tho kiuJ'icss of the government V PnlLADEI.PHU AND KSADIIO R R The nunuiil meeting of the stock holders of the I'hiladulphia and Hooding Railroad Company was held in Philadelphia last week. President Uowan submitted his annual state- inont of tho vear's business, showing the gross receipts of the road iu I j ;nosuiuis. un isu vea - taif i.- diotJinln .n.i -aiel can hitve lletlciiiw ownewhip un - a,,,a Wi,X::'r, S r(ioMor V",iiwi. i-wa f- JJJ.331.217. Tbe gross expenses, including re newal funds, rents of lateral roads, tates. io , in the year 1S7G, were ' GiVV per cent of the groan re 'n 1877,03 8-10 per cont. number of passengers carriod 7 waa C7a 883, equal to 799. j through pnsscugcrs, being a de fease from the previous vear repre sented by 8523,635, or 33 8 10 per cent Tbe old officers and directors were reelected without opposition, F. U. Uowan as l'riloot O. A. Nioolls waa olected Presi dent of both the Reading and Col ombia and tee East Pennsylvania Drench roads- speaking of the Presideut'a po sition, tho New York Times says that the great dulcet in it is that Mr. Hayes has endeavored, in a sp iamo dio way, to prevent the interference of Congressuieo, while be has failed to substitute anything for it except bis own Judgment or whira or re commendalinus of favored friends, i The result is that he has alienated Congress and ' laid himself open to the charge of ning the publio ser vice to reward bis persousl frieods and adbereuts, without ia any d rre of advancing the cause of real reform. Already the complaint is rife that the only difference between tbe new order of changes and tbe old ia. that whereas, formerly tbe sDnointinanU were bestowed npon tbe friende of tbe President and of Oonffresauien. tbev ai'0 now bestow J ou tbe friend of th President aloae. TJafortaoately. there ar man fact wbieb support this view bnt even if there were not, so long as tb President ia uosbl to point to ao impartial system of selection, from which hi own personal wishes, '-"eisued from public consid excludsd a absolutely vreesmso, b ean oot Trof Penk, of Unrtl in J C J.. N. T. haa been floed $25 ) for bnating a p"pil. He will pack a little more tic lien tel. next time, Thc Legislature of tbia State baa pawed a bill makiotr it a pioal of fenae on tho p irt of any officers of it corporate company or a trust to make f.tlse aUtementa to the pnblio. The panaltf prescribed not to ex ceed ten thousand dollar and im prisonment in the eountf jail for a period of not leas than three month nor more than two years. Tbia is salutary legislation, and the punish tnont is not greater than the crime deserves. . - While we are com plaining of hard times in this part of the world w should contrast onx condition with that of the people io northern China, wnere persons oi an ages are ayiog of actual starvation by thousands. Tbe famine extends over a district which include at least G000 villages, and it ia aaid that at least 509 die daily. Houses are pulled down in every village to aell tho timber and thatch in order to get food. Those who can get husks and dry leaves, ordinarily used for fuel, are consid ered well off. Most of the poor young girls have been sold i old inen, roiddls-aged men and young and children die daily of sheer star vation, and others freeze. Tbe dead cannot get a burial i they are too many, and none can afford the ex pense i so they are cast tiauy into force Pita. ei The people of Shansi are aaid to be living on tbe corpses of their follow beings who die of starvation. And the strong are killing the week for the sake of ob taining their flesh for food. The Efforts For Peace. LoMooH, Jan. 28. The Standards Constantinople correspondent says the Porte lias received a telegram to the effect that the preliminaries of t,n ha. bnMn i7iiflJ. and that i the Turkish delegates aud the Orand .....,.. Duke Nicholas would reach Alimo ople on Saturday. Tbe same cor respondent states that England bad the Porte's permission to enter the Ditrdannolla. The l'ott publikhes the following as an official version of the proliini nary conditions of psace : Firitt Autonomy for Rulgaria (boundaries not defined) under a Uoveror, to be appointed according to the stipulationa of the Constanti nople conference, the Turkish mili tary forces to be withdrawn to cer. tain localities to be determined upon Secoml The independence of Ronmanla, with compensation for territory near tbe month of tho Danube, which she will make-over to Russia. Third Local autonomy for Bos nia and Herzegovioia, and tho inde pendence of Servia with territorial rectification. Tbia -'rectification' of the Servian frontier may mean the transfer of Little Zwornik to fervia, but in deforeuce to Austria and the other powers, the question is left quite open. Fourth Aggrandisement for Mon tenegro, on the basis of the tlutut quo post btllum, subject to tbe ap proval of the powers. Fifth The cession of Bstoum and payment of indemnity ia mouey, territory, or soma equivalent to be determined upon. Finally, the Sultan to undertake to consider bow to protect Russian interests iu the passage of the Oar danolls. The Affcnce Haste contradicts tho rumors that the Russians are marching on Oallipoli, aud that the peace conditions coutain a special arrangement relutive to the Suez Canal. British Cheek. PolaldlipatcbtotbTiiLioa.rs, WaiiHNOToy, U. C. Feb. 0. Parties iu Uritibh interest ara here endeavoring to secure legislation ly which, in the derlhe American ll.t. It i claimed i,tt IKiMal S HOW tiiritf bill practically reiaiB wxiawiif; iinviKiiiiuii irhi, uiiu no further lenialuiiou in neceosary. Ollicialdidpillcliea from Loiulou ill - dicate that a rupture with Kuaaia it unuvouhible. From tbe above dispatch it seem that a terrible struggle in Europe is unavoidable. For several days the dispatches have indicated that Kus sia is determined, to make peace with Turkey on her own terms with" out interference by tbe great pow ers of Europe r.nglaud is in a fury, tbe supplementary vote of C000.UU0 pounds bus been grauted by a ma jority of over two hundred. E-very indication poiuts clearly to the fact that huglaod is auxious for war, ami in the present state of affairs, it will be au easy mutter to provoke a col lision. Uut tbe climax of English effrontery is reached iu tbe request of Johnny liull asking the United States to protect her vessels in tho event of war with Russia. Ameri ca should Dot forget tbe action of tbe two powers duriug tb lute re bellion. Of the two, which stood be tweeu tbe American Union and ber Europeun enemies T Russia. And will tbe United States now protect a people who during the war bar rassed ber on every band. Such a course would be uioustrous. Anderson Conviction. Th$ Returning Board Trials. Wasbihoton, V. O., Feb. 8. -Oeo-eral Andersen' convictiou a. New Orleans is regarded by moderate men of both parti a teodingto tb inevitable reopeuiug of tb con test over tb President' title. Those who sffeoted a peaoeful eola tion of th controversy by th cre ation of tb Electoral Cjmmiseioa dost fear complication qtully dan geroos to i be peso of tb country. Privet lettei from ber urge Nie hoi to arrest lb farther Drogres Steamship Disaster.' The steamship Metropolis strand ed on Currituck beach. She is a to tal loss. Two bundled and forty eight persons were on board. Fifty s wart ashore. There was no assis tance from the - life saving station. Tbe wreck is about twenty miles north of Kitty Hawk atation. The Metropolis sailed on Jan. 39 from Pbiladeipbia for Hraeil. She was dispatched by contractors, for tbe lladeria ' & Ma More railroad She carried 2 J0 laborers, 600 tons railroad iron, and several mails for Brsxil. The wreck was eansed by tho ves sel being nnseaworthy. Khe sprang a leak about midnight and stranded at 7 A. ro . Jan. 31. The only way of saving life wss by running ashore, as the vessel was in a sinking condi- tion A dispatch from Norfolk saya the lose of life is estimated at one hundred. Occasionally a survivor reports and decreasea the number. .The beach for several miles each side of tbe wreck is strewn with bodies. It seems tbe people on board the Metropolis, seeing no prospect of help from shore, gave op all hope after word was given to save yonr aelf consternation prevailed, over which no mortal power had control i txast lit Tk reel. COUNTY INSTITUTE -VIII Thuridng Afternoon StM.C.I Tb eommitt appointed for ibtt pur. pm reported erie of resolution, wbicb wer read aod adopted. Tb eonirolitee appointed last jtur for lh purpoa of rvialuf lb Cunattiutioo of lb loaillui. alao rporid, aud lb nw Cooailiutioo m adupld. Prof. Kaub nXi ga a a Ureu to lh dlrcolor thai wr prat. The di roiur. b did. diould h th frlttid ol ih tebr. Both bit important diilie la perform, and lb tby oao Ulaobarg bl rba lb eo.oprrai wiih ab oib r. Tb director ibuuld loalat lb ohool. It I tbir duty to do o Tunr aouuld D"'Tr.r uo' ". " ooay. ter on i inouij o b ob. Wbco all go lugcthtr, ttaew tmliarraa lb pupil, wbo ar dot aeouaioiucd Io ao niaay viailora sl s liiow. It caabl tb itaobcr luo lo mak iptcial prprtlon for lb oocaiioo, wbra if (bay go am. gly. sod at dilTtriDt time, tbey will b ttior likely to learo lb iru eouditiun of tb acbuul. Alter bavin tlautij all tb acnool in tbeir diairicl. tuey auoiild D.llafnrHy l.d.i.r,. iioi.i, siJo. i V""uilf io ooinpnr nuiaa auii iu consult upon lb conditio of lb acbcali, aaj a good plao would b io ly a tatiuut of their ob. ktrvatiuos before lb 8uperiniudaut for bi cooaidcr.iiion, and for bi guidance during bi viaiti. tieteral of lb diro tors abuuld aUo acooiapaoy lbDuprla landcnl io bl tiaii. lo learn bi tugc. lion s lo tb cbitoge and improvements to b mad. Th director should tiaii for lb purpoa of obarstioa sod iufor oiation, but not to flud fault. It I lb duty of tb ttacber to decora acquainted wiih lb director nnd with ib patron. Thoie wbo nUci to do io. canool eipect to oieel whu the taoie auo CM Iboa who act mor lcl aoJ in telligent In tbii respect. Director frequently fail to do their du ly lo not gieing lb I etcher tb right kind of tool lo work with. Teolir, no belter than peraoo in oilier mpluy mrnucan produo good work with poor ioiplcmeat. How many ibuugblleaa J( rectors and parent blnm tb laclier for bi failur of proper tuccera, wbea tbey are tbcmieWe to blaine for not giv ing him luitabU ioairuinnnt lo work wilb! Many tchooU ara yt to he found that hae scarcely any spparuius. Homo do not even baa futticient bhck bn trd urfaae, snd wbt little they i b itu I o poor ibtt it ca crnely t ue l. A dictionary, a gaietteer, a globe, clmrta. map, andappiratii for il!ueirnilon and olijecl leacbiug, ibould l found in every chool. Kvery achool-houi abould ta plenty of play ground, and tbe latter hoitld be neatly fenced and plained with hade and ornamental tree. rletore ahouhl teak to Interest lb Ixrar.K la tua acbnola, lj lurMag I ham to vl.lt n,s hitter Craquaotlf tor th puruoi. of (dorura Kln b..b taarliara and r 'pin. Kmptoj ai-ara the Ut uaaLara vou can Kat. Ho not auuaga waeliara ua. ue lh..y oil er ihaninalraa ehaauar than oiLara. It d Dotpiy tutioploy io.ir, or cbap iueelianl, nor la It advliaul to amploy lb aaui kiud of taarnara. uen;onat nod techr kp blm loo aa you can Jl la a aln pulley to mploy local luntrvl- ,i..,ri.iii ui tua oaia. wua io rtancaa laa.i. .ViZiid r 7 L 'oatiiM ao.ior-.t h-t Pmf. nh i7iZjyX.rVXS, I t-oonaidar-tion u mii iauna paid u i; - ;vu7w ruu.,.oi.onir Thr..oi " u .om 1 b wii inii to b.v oomprd wtta ihi ua.tany. "rr","VB "."'."L Hut 10 ."" tH l?"1?. ' ' ""J. "''.:.!.' S".Xt2. J5V ojwiiara, aoi vFtiaoi my aioeo lauiti "JJ1 Vn"Votiiii1ifBoUi mcul1 i" ' tuar caa to aartbloK baMrl'sc Vl III Ol'UD. to eoovlf. Bill.!, tbat tK la a bualnara la a Xaaiaai that oaa bchool-iMob. aad uiuat u iarnai. aod otjly thut cau)pak lotlllH-atl about it bat tlioa who Uo aiudj It know BOtbln about It. ami ah., .....n. it. " "! auuoation, prataoo toaao neat, and ar tu uua who retard the in proraiuant or tb aekuolt. A law ol till, el.ua oao yo oa touco uar iui ibrlo to ounty Ibey would like io aaa iba ..i.o..: ...imi 'iioot' at they wore lortv yaira aao, wken they raeolved tbalr "eilloatlon" not aa muak aa boya and alria of ten ya.rt of aa bow have It Ii oot Ik p.eaeanuet Ihloa- lma-.o.ble to be a eehool diractora or If a director doea ble duty, b la eenaured and ulirap. raaautad i and II b aawiarita It, b lara uo better. Ilanoa a dlraoior la treated equally t.a.l whether e naitle n bla duty or what uar be doaa It I More who nelaei to do what la pro par put tb blame t.aj iree.iuamly uiiob aioie bodv ela. If, for exaaipla, tkay Hi tbe ealary too low to employ pua lined teaebera, lhav baa the County Superintendent to errant eertirT eatei to iieraona unbtto t.aob. and If ha l... la toduao, 'bay blame blta for not havlea taoou- ara tor tuair acsooia. ur, 11 may ar oollaad eibplut laaol.ara ot aufflo.nt educatloa but of very Ifttleeiperleno. aod they Utter tail tu le aallafaaiion, they aa-la ildle their own lit upon the upertntea.loiit Mvlnt mat ha bould not have Klven tbem eertlrleatee. Tbe ciriuianovil( IB luua IU4UB tua ' eoape aoat ' lor tbe abort cuuilugi snd alne of tbe uiroovora. Tbe teacher loo sot unfreouentlv mak hi carry their uaauoee.aiitl altorta at Inairuciion. Uut aa all eoonected wlik the eehoula wucbar teaeiiera, dlreoton, or wuperlntendent, have tueiraaaroiooa ir to ar, it la parkape ual to yiupatiiue wuii en aoouar. aivery on, h.wror, abould earry ble own aim, snd not pt tbaui UidB loiuecn la. Moneaty lathe uaat I polloy. Iu all tbln(. llkrvHrkM. Auctoneer. George 11. llaoken- luirg, of MiilillecreeU, P. O., would an. nounce to the people nf Hiivder conn ty, that he will cry sales for real and peraonal properly, at short notice and on the moat reiisonalile term. He guarantees satisfaction. Mar.15 77ti. A dministrator H&.Hat rttra Vf adoilolatrattoa on tb att ol ueorae Aroeiaat dao'd, late of Weal Beaver twn., der County, pen.. Saving tmn araated lo the a.lreU oed, all p-raoat knowla tkaai aalvaa ladebia.! to aaid eaiata ar vaqua.tad ta auklaiiiiiliat Dayroeot. wklla tkoaa kavt rlalaae wilt preat th duly autbaotUated for eIUBiMl t nerval at. nil. I. Kit, BtMtVl. AMHiHIASr. Feb. M. ft ASeakaaiialial ;aution. VTOTICE ii herebv ien tbat i. Mliwlag rtllt have bee parel dkfta adeealKMd at HkarlS'a aal. the rabaa. ky tb aralKMl at HkarlS'a aal. sad Mlt la ta uoeeaaowa i intaiai w. Walter Sue. Iu mj pUaaur All pe a ar eaatl d aot latrrltr ar aaddl wlik aaui via -. Maraaa ci.a, wow uaeei Hi, lakta .ol a aa . Iran KMlla. . . - EXECUTOr .MOTIVE Utter testa airy ea tfc tui of Joha M. Ileokenbnrg 1st of Adam ., Bnyder eonnty, p , dec'.l. bitting beea granted Is lbs sndemgntd, all pereooe knowing ihrmaclve Indebted ts said lie srs rtipiatlad It leak Iwiiasdiat payateot, whit I boa bating claim will pral tha duly aaiianiToaied for ulement I JOSEPH U. HACKE.tBlRO. Jib 81, 1878, Eieeuior. Assignee's Sale ! Hn HE undersigned Assignee of JL ItaaM K. Mlbr,- t kHrrf T , lrtb bwaif rltioT kt,t; lrta at ardr laaaad aat af tk 'arl of tlomtaaa I'lana of MBfdar oaaatr, will pot fakll Sal, a Ik praklwa, Suturday, February Qth, 1878, Tb Mtavlsg drlb4 aalaabl Baal Eatat. uwllt A aaruta Lor UI'tlHJimi, altuaia la Ik ta' ol Kraawoat, eaydar aoaatr. fa., iald RiMkf l-4 al eaiaaal Haiaajaiur, StkVin Allaf, VI by lot of Jaa.a Mlal klM. Nortb kf Mrki Mr. at, wros hi ruld a Two aaS Ua-aal( stvrt Hotel Htand, ii ohr atbulldlol. Al.HO, LOT Of (IKOUMU, lta( la tb ism fUe aa alcra. atil, baaa lat tan aud Hook kf Und of Jacob niBiuai'a aaira, waai tjr rnoilo noai iaiiing Ir.in, 'raavial t- Kbadal I kill aal Nortk l Via Stli-r. onilalag Ub foartk of aa Acra. or or M. a aklea iarMtd a Large Stable. Sal t oraoMB'- at Id a'il k A M nr it J, ks trnt ol l will b ! kn -wa oj WILLIAM HAHMMri, Jaa. t, ra. - AMajvk,. iuiil:c! hXl.13 QF VALUABLE Personal Property ! THE.nnderstgnml subscriber will oltarat Paxil 4ala, at hit raiitn Io Paaa Iwu., .. ox mil watt of (fallnirora, ouS . aL.R. M.oa . . TKurmhiy, MarchMth, 1878, lh fnllnwlag valatkl paran'ial prooartf . ron. IMIavnl Fannin Hindi ani luplamania, in-k-athar with Hnanab lil aad kltetiau furBltur. to wit i 9 Head of Horsds. (t wnrkln anil "H, 1 twn ar "LI aialllnn, Normnn HtiM-k, and S jairllna:, l!ljr.stH-, ilra.1 ht hma tht tnitta I M v. h. aa 111 Mint, on wlik !!. Ilia? ii I I I .) Ilor.a. a no n trlar, II trlnd c.iuM tmt It Bn.lar 1 ulnut. Tn imn itk a-1 ra rafllalT. t Saa T--a oll. 1 al ytl o it, I lour Tari1, amiiu tl iki ara a pair ol aplaadlil hlaok atolii Utran, CI Millc Cows, l IlcMtcl ot Yotintf CJ.it tie, 4 Braa.tlm How wlth'llttr, hoit. 1 Ulack Hnland Hoar, I III Waaona. ana nl Ihoia a ttudaiiwiltar a nomMf oaa on. Top Hun arv, Fan-ilmt Mill, "na-tb-rl or a Ru..al i Hnraa I'uwar Thranhlna Maahlna. k f !. l '' ''M. "". ' lliirrowa, I Huckair t'ultlvator I Hlcava Slalvh. I Ca'tar. Ii irnaM In n.t nuii.(.iv row Ciln, lot nl Itou-il Iraan. la Iraes, LoKUhsina, 0rub'ln; Hoa. Oram t'radlaa, JlUMMel flvnpci'. romolna.l Machine, cuU f.at In uralnan.lt I aat in Kraal, k rakea. ilrnaa h-tiLa-. n.i y Fork, Hoand Pnlltaa, Doubla l.nnd H ill, era, Hatut Corn I'mPl.-r and llitv ulier. t uro Sheller. li,oio, Iron, Pv l.uii.ala of I'OTA TOK, lOo Heail ol (.'tilrken: hair ol I' rai ol whit ,oad In th sround, Hi Or it. ton. Alio at itiaiae time and nl- th lolluainrf Ueaerlbed Household Furnlturo. 1 Muresua. I Corner Cuplioird. V lla-litea la. Irl of !l.rlr. 5 I nidra. J Iron KaitlM. lotol tTrorkt, lot ol ueenwr. lot ol tarr.at, tinka. lot ol lu'.i. M. it Mao l and Ifanchaa II harrtaot Vljourtr. wtova-. tot t.r Mdatati't l.anl, lara lot ( Aaniaootlor. lot ol amftv linrraN, tVrpat Weiver'a l...o'a and natural, l.i.iaa a aarlatf ol arltol-too nu Biaroua lo mentlna. f!a lo aoiuineiira at o'rloflu, A. nl. oi .,M da j. VCHMH.t hill, uri'lar tld,i i i.k. a credit of alukt aioutka will t glrau ou all bill n' k..-h i. ah hi nnBKi.1 ji.i, ki-.i liu.iuf:.uiil.:tl.l.o, A-j:r. Jaa. I?,';. DMINISTRATOd'S NOTICE Let- j"Vitr of ail'itlolfiratlun on tii aitnta or Ilea ry Uro.a dtraiet. lata of Wt l e .var Tip , hm.lnrCoui.tr. 1'euo'a.. balnr Loan annu al to tl.a uiolar-lunad, all pan.'ni knownK tliuiilra ludaiiMil t.iaald aa-ataar rv.iiant a.l ta uiaka lutme.Knto varoiant, Llls tlioe L Iiik' elalina wnl rveut lua.u dul auLUauLi. cated loraettleuiaut to A. A. MjM 1.1. 1.-.A.VUO tJK. sq. Jus 'it, 'T'. A JuiloMttAlora. LICKNh SK KOTICK.--Ni.tico if IttraU that Jotin l.tniojrt, ItaaaarTwp liavld V. Kera'atKr, t'rankitn Twp. Jaaoli O. fitultU. Mlddleburv. bv llta.ltl.alr lu-tltlonnforTov. rnlL-cnio wliti tl.t:iark ol iuarur ,inol Sny.Iur e.nri'i . and thoaain will b praMnt.l tor approval iu Monday, the 2Hh di.jr "t ran. riant. An.l now, lou.ryltti, lT. It la unlare.l tht th Clark of 1'ia eonrt luiert lot ha publi cation ol Tavern l.lce .aoa liarartr a riollfit tl.atall l.lxeiaaa aran'ei by tho I' iuri will he null md vol.1, uola-t tb applle mi ihall lilt tliaaaiii wllhlu Aftcan il'ty. altar th aam ball hav kaen Krtitd 1 y the pro lnatlon ol a receipt Irurotbe oou.ty Trva.urar to lh (Merit of in id Court, that tb Lloai.ua l-o l.aa Laoo paid. I'EK CL'llIAU. J.cnuUHt, Clark 14. H. "AJOTK'K of Widows Apprulset'iunU under the 8300 Law Notion U herebesivea that tb followins widows ... l.i u... i-.i.i i.i. .k. Clerk of ibeOrphina' Court of Snyder Co., for conflrmatioD on Monday. the'Jdlb day of Feb. nex'. Appralaamaot of Rlliabeth Huff wltow of (leprae Hurl, law ef WaaUIOKtoa toanablp, deceaaed. AppraUement of Klliabeth Bid. line wl.lov of Wnluro Uiddlng late of CUapjiaa towaiblp, deceaaed. Apnralaemarit nf Faanv Smith widow of Ir- vln smith, latent Franklin towmhlp deceaael. Appraltamant af Hiiaan Hhafer widow of Pe ter bbalter late ol Cbapniaa towaablp tie' t. Anpralrtnat of Sarah Bosar widow ol Jacob P. Uo-er. late ol l oloa lowoablp, dee'd. JtB.tl, 'Tl. I. OkOUSK. Olark O.O. PUBLIC BALK OF VALUABLE Timber Land. THR nndersiifned will sell at l'ub 11 Sal, at Lauraltoa, Union eouoty, I., ea Till RSDA V, FEU. 'Jlni, 1S78, Th followlnc daaortbad valuable Traete of Tlmher Land, to wit i TH AOI- No. 1-A certain treat of land (ttu. ate In A-rnaali towDahiu. Mlrfllo eouutv. Pa. bounded by Ian. la aarr.nted Iu tbe name of Hoary noieaner, iiuriatiaa UjriO(, jobs Har per and otuere, eoalaloiBH 400 ACRES, and allowane. THAOT No. I A certain traet of land eltu ate jutrtly la iowaaulp al A r.uash, Cou aty ol kilrhiB, aad partly In Townrhlp of Harm and 'ouniyol Ueair. bound.! aad iteeorliiej.1 a rouowa, vis i u(iunin at a eartam aorsar drew Kennedy. North to de- Waattai per. be- tb'Boe nv land warranted in Ilia aatn or An. io b w u ue lias, lu-naeov ntoar eurvevao lane North 10 den. rati. 140 verebee toa W 1,11a Oak than, a by land ol Adam Uolender, H tata an de. Kaat, preha lo a wblt k, Iheeee by other aureyed laad Soa'h dl do- Weal u perouaato piaeati bginain(,eootalalnK 400 ACHES, and allowaara. TU ACT No. tk oertala traet of lead Hu nt I Harrla towaablp. t'antre eouaty, eurvev- e.1 In purauana of a warrant Uioa.lt- Adaut Hoindr, natan tata day or revruarf A. 1. ITVJ, containing 400 ACRKN, or or I aaa. with th apMrtaaaa. Tb iov traeia or timber land re wall aat wlik whitk fine. wutrM uts aadUKM LUCK. utorv ore:, . of tk bail qaaitty and la lar qaastlty oa is traeia. aoobi uee-aaii utn iiobi iba L. V. & X. C. JiaUrouii. Fe farther partlewlara la reirarl m th v irarta aallas or addra JOHN W.UaILKB. Lrll, Uslea uali .Y!i ?t.k A, M. af eaM sal aa ! aaee day w h7.d.V.V.SsV.Si".i.7 "bs"".?,;? ol sslSS.s4skso.lt! WANAMAKER A annonno that thmr Fashion in Clothing for Men and Hoy ar ready. Tb great buildings at Sixth and Market ar crowded from top ta bottom wilb such Clothing si mriu Uts eonfidnce ef the psopl. WANAMAKER V BROWN'S Cloth snd Caeeimere ar. in many intanc, mad iptaeely for them. No hona in th trad eonfina itself so siclnsirely to th fint slaas nanufsctnm. Indeed, a long snd nature espriac is neceaaary to know jott what good to slct and Btaks up. WANAMAKER A BROWN'S Order Ds artnint will b found full ef fabrics ef vry good kind, ithr Kovel snd KaahioDabl styles or th plainer and mors useful things. Talented cutter, wha bare kea succcnful for year ia our sereie. srs ia waiting to mak garment according to the idea of th ropl who ar to wear th good. Uooa hatuls srs employed to mak up, aad uly good CD zDr zDr arinirainKe ureu. WANAMAKER A MJ Department aation to tnoa wno no not car to p through th proeen f tiieajuremtnt. Th stck maUDepurtrxentefor Men and Bur ie immene sud complete, and du tint lck ia style, workmaneiiip rr liuiah, wliil th price en b prcvn ! I; r early, if not quite, 2ceat on tb dullar lower thaa th market. WANAMAKERA BROWN'S little lit i)V and Youth' Clotliing kn alwy been a well-cared for and prominent fcatur of th buiineu. All age can ba fitted, and lh tyle srsnot urpasl tii "!" bavalwavben theaubjectof aJmiralica WANAMAKER A BROWN'S Sim l.Kerk tie, snd Uoeiery counters snail their cuitomen to get corapleta ou'.Iiti at uor sdvanUseoue rate than tiny expect. WANAUAKER& BROWN ZD" ZD- ii OAK Aenineo Accounts. V"OTICE is terehy given that lh fol. lowing Aaaiiinee Account have been hied io th nlhce nf ihe proihnnniaiy t iheCaurtof C r, of Snv.lvr cauuly nnd will be .preaeuled lo aa next Court tor oonnrmHilou, and titilea eurlicient ranee he eiiown to lb oouuirary tb aain will h Continued. Hiaacrnunt of Vrelarlek B. Herman, Al. elnol H. ter KUnular. eoont of Paul llaluat Aaiakuee ef Will. I.1U1 V 11 werioa. Acnunt ol William Moyar Aanlfnee ef Will, lulu MntarllDic A"oanot ot Sam Leltxel Aatliinaaof F. W. stuirk. oeountof It. !imltb. M. Nlppl Aolgaeeof JoaopU. Account of A, W. I'otter AialL-neeol l-'rauk. Hi. Urclilar. Aecounl . .1 A. W. Poiur Aii.KUa of Henry C. SLailar. Amount of A Jam 8aur Aailgoa ol.Ter-uilab rulwuel. 3. CKOI'ssb, 1'rotb'y. l'r.itiif ' littl.-a. Jab. U, 'la, A DMIXISTIlAVOIfS SOTK'K- Lcllera iX'it adiniiiUiMiiun on I lie ealni til laonb r. Vznr deoeabed. lul of luion Twp., Snyder county. I'enn a., bav.nn been granted to th underainned. all per on knowinp- ibetnaelvea indebted in eaid ealm si re.iiiicd tn muke initurdniie payment, while Ibflae havin claim will present tbeia duly autlivniiciled for vt tleuient to Sarah Itmus. Jan. 81, '7S Aduiibisirairix. Assignee Notice. A IL persons intoiet.td are liere- V byn.nnad that lt-bert -t lllnw.ioian of Monroa twp , Mny lar i!n., male n a.. iKUnieut oi all bla -flaou, reil aud peraonal in tl.a uo. deralitned lor the ben 1 1 1.1 l,i ?relttor. All pern-. in l.aUng elaim are raituated to proaant them to iba un.lrraluna.l, an I peraona iiwabiad will pleaae waae liuiua.ll.ua p.yiuHit. ISAAC U1I.HWK. JanSI. ,';. Aaalirue. ADM I N I S TIIATOItS' Xo i lCK. Ittera of dmlnlatrutlAii nn iba itt tMOl Hatar Kbaltar lat'd late ol ri.anm in loan. I M'y'V"?""V '' bavlna: been aranted I '".l"u" '"""" ' Peraona anowma tlia-n. aalvaa In.laiitvd lo aaid entitle are rationed tn uiake liuma.li.ila payinaut, -vhile llio havlnit olaluiialil preaanl tbeui duly aiitl.antlealad lor Mttlaniant lo U. l. all KK Jau. iu. T. Adailaiatrator. SHERIFFS SALES. sj BY virtue of nuntliy writs iHm.e d ml of Ilia Court of Uoiuiuod Pltu of Ku cniintf, ku t ui iUrtitttil, wl b iipos)l to ruunc a.., 14 iu court Hout. lo MldautMirtf, Thursday, February 21fA. 1878, at lOo'ohHik A. II. tbe Mluwiuc deecrlbeS Ileal Eataiatoaiti TRACT No. t. Poller Vo. Ex. All that certnin meeeiuin and Trtol nf land aiiuoted in Perry Towsahip Snyder eounly I'a. Bounded Nonb by land of Jacob Scbne and John Sobnee, South aud Wai by land of yoaeph Mueaer, baal by land of oomaiuinf twenty aorea mors or t-f, w hereon ar erected two Htnry Uwelling llmis Htnhl and niber out limldinge . A tb Properly of Will, lata lioyer. TRACT No. 2. Blmpeon, Al. Fil Fa. AUo oertala ffiuf and Tract of Land ailuni In Ceuir Townrbip Oonniv aud Htata aforeaaid. Bounded North by laud of Henry Kuhn. lioiiih by laud of Fredrick HowrnX. F.sat hy land of Jaa. Ilsokaiihurs. and Weei hy land of Henry Kraiier, CoiilalniiiK Fifty Aere mor or la. whereon ar eretd a on and a naif (lory Log Dwelling lluiiae, Biahl and niber out bul'Jiuga. At lb proptny of Robert Bardger. TRACT N. 8. Pmlih Fl. Fa A certain Traet nf Land elluai in Franklin Towmhip, Coonly and Hial af orati I. do iu ta I M onb be laud of t'lrioh ft Field, South by land of Andrew Krai er and olhr Kaat by laud of Kalbacb and Bros., asd west by laad of Hamuel B Wir, containing On hundred ' Aor, or or I, whereon ar ereoied a two Story Lag Frani Heue Bank Bars ft otbe sat building. As lbs property of Reuh 7.ohmn. 8iid lakra la sXeeutlns and la bs old by P.E18CNUAKT. r- '( ,' Sbsrlff abtrilT offlo. llddleburg. Jany. Ifltb 1879. TERM3 Fifty dollars u be paid oa !" &AV?rZt LVP , -'- ... fr is... Jaalslsbs paid Jm.aal.l tlrs t. wa taa laaa f ZD- at BROWN rT Autumn and Winter BROWN'S Keady. effor very aecoinnio- , HALL, j Tit Xatrgsit CletUsg Scut ia Aairlct, l 6th L Market Sts, Philad'a. -J (KarAHMa..au is tt, AND II V .M.'.M lIlCt'SANOrf THE MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED Eavtist Kewsyaiisr iu America, ri iiLibui:!! kvbiir 'mi Kiixt AT 130 I'utk liow.Now-Vork EDWARD BRIGHT u CO.. i sow Dt-ivtuj ur uai... roai Aiia I'ut.rAU At $2.50 a Year. CM..'! Of TJtV4l, WtT.l A t Utisi f ArMli. 1 iit K-teVMeNKi. mj t ;h;unulk In Itfttus, tsvfy a i saiuiiy ix . vtat iu u:4kiijt( i ti Ldllur In" ta r t':ri,.i i uf I ft l)t r--ntsir sfriitri. ui liii umu uuiioiuia ttton, tntd oos.w)iiuiMat cjti rii ui:ii, iu iui mri .ikiuy I wiur t.-uiuiuailjii. IT COJifitLSli.S A Current I ivni -t!.(i.o;tt.r, A Living l'ulj. it i.i. i I'l.'ioi ui, A Al in. niiry ami Uj- t: Lveut Keeord, A S.iu.lay Scl. jil li.tim:c, Au K.l.l.-.V iju ;l A. lvoui.lv. A Liioi iiy, Ibtlojai!, fcoieoliGj and Ait lluviuiv, A l'opuii.r Kmiiily Miaoelittny aud t'u:- iera I talui. The llurh'ii. Iiuuu a Ilvtper, A iMmkel lleporitr, Ue. A II e-m.liii'te.l in au ouiipoUea, wlle-awake aud popular njAonar. l-'or ainple o'.plc. ao.l terma Co fnnvuers ad'lreiia P.O. Uut Jlvl ., r-oi k I 1,), . , OAUTIOX. Nulioe la liaioi.y Kiveu uutt the follow ing article hme been purntiiiae.l by l ho liliJeraigiied Hi C'nuali'liiu'a S.ile nnd left n poaavvaion of Henry t'.iii.il'cll during ble plertHnri', u'.l pcrauua nr ouiuioiied nut lomedJl' nrii.ierfere wiih the eume Pook aiove. Coal aiove ami pipe, Ucliuira, 4 ooimuoii ih'iira, rockinu; ob'iir. Seuee. Beiidatriid, lied aiiJ licd.luir, Lul of cm- pel, ' locka, Louknig gl ir.,.Tiilil, Cueei, l-irge olieal. Wood ho, rioin- cheat. oilp board, liiiik, Burenii, corner uuplioitid lroa Kettle, tub, '1 barrels. EMANUEL NEITZ. Feb. T. !:. SHERIFFS SALE. BY virtue of a certain writ of r'l. Ft. laailail eiilnflha C Mlrt of . lo'ipu ! Fleaaol Huy.lr o-ointv, ami to id i llrct. wt baeaikuMHl in f ihlle 1U. al Ilia Pabllo IIium ol John Lluibert, I A ttio.b'ii-K, ou Tuesd-iy, Fobru t,y WA, 1878. Tbefollowlu'ileaorlbc.l Uaal t.uie, to wit t T It ACT No, 1. A certain lot ar plooeol Knwiirt ettuate In the town ol Ada uelinrtf. Itavor townhto. Niia.lap rountv. I'a.. lno.l".l . lollowf, Notlh by fun- lie Koa.l. Koulli bfauai'ev. Kaat by lot of WlllUm H. Ilraa. a.i.l VVea by lot oil.. K, lluluea, belrnt aUiul Kii.f-ltve lost Iu Kroiit ami ae buii'lre.1 aait ninety till.) faei In ilai.ih. wlieraoa laareate a Tw.lyry weatliarlM.rile I liwallioa Honaa, buuioier tiuuie, Ura aod other oulbulliJIuKt. THAt'T No t. - A certain lot or pleu of arround altuita above, boun le I Nortli An! Ktel b' I it of Mr. Datharlne Maltzman, Houtb an I Watt by Iu0 lie Kouila, Lain about Forty it ) test In Front, ami one l.uu.lraU and lorty (I4u) fa I Ii ileiilli, wbar ou I. erotl a Two atory Franta Waa ibereoaroe.1 raacli-inaker BUoi, tts iDfeat, aad Lumbar kbxl i au leei. 1 UkUT No. S. A certain traet or pteea of ltooVsltaatelu the lowu lilh, County ami mate atmaial.l. boumlel Nonb by Im.l of John uroaa, Kan outb ay public rna-l leading from Alauil.uig lo i.ewlton,at by lio.l of Howanl Ulah, and wal by publio tout, eontalulny a 1-3 aerea, more or lea-, all eicar aad la a high aUl ol eutlvatiua. Taaoi No., . A eeHaln traet nr claee air lanS altnale aa a. bov bouadl nortb by other laodtof aal.l Km. bpanalar, aouth by lot of Hev. Komi, ea-t by land of Wl Ileal Hwonk, and waai by land of AaroB Uelfrleb. eo..talnina 4 va aeraa eaore er leaa, all elear and Iu s sud Slate of euiuvaueu, TaauT No. . A sartaln Traet or pier of Land. (Itnato a above, lioended North by land of Ueorice Hit ear, auuth by other lead ot laid Win. epander bov daaerlbed, aal be land nf Wet. ewank. and weel by la I of Aaron H'lrrleh, eoatalo. Id 4 aaree wore or tea., all cleared tad I a Swod Ut ol iilvailna. 't aaoT N. S. A cartel tract or plea of 14 ellu' aa. have, boundeal nortb aad weal he lao.ia or Ham uel UooiU, eouiii by land of John Ollberi aad kwh ut twaiv aerae ara lerT aad I af fktr atal ritliivaUo ad lb balaaooTua. br laJ MalaeS taken la Meevtloa, and to be avid lb prupartynf WlUuuu SuaaaW. DANtSI, CiaKNKABT. krll ka.rireaSke.MarldkbacB', Jaaiy. , TS. TbRMe.-rmy dollara aa ba paid oa all eaiee aedar e koe.lrad dollar I ve Sv haare rf"'1. ia. -l. . ,i.nl, FAUS1V ; . WENTZELi Seliiisyroves Penna, (5orth of Firil Kational Bani). RIEKCIIANT TAILORS. READY MADE CIsOTUING. A WRLL Mleeled sleek of Ready win. Mes' and lloyt Clothing of Kerr, it aad iyl. ' Quel SEWINO MACHINES rjjnET ar alio Agent for lh DAVIS ANDTUK ST. JOHN Sewing Machines. edla th. nl.i i. " "I"""' TWA nf Itlat Kaatafe aan.l ... ( .... A uar. ill. Ae M. PFAIILKU, ATTORNEV-AT-IA", Mihllcburg, Fa. iiuiieuoiiritioiiiiie ..,.. nay.iT.-.tk ffiiiafjelpiiia and Readin RailRoad. Arrangement of Passenger Trains. ATJO. lfSth, lf-sy'T'. 2'rahts leave Hw ndon (t.i f0U lows (Sunday JJj-cfpled.) r.. Li. i.i .... O OX . ' " ' w " ' H. . U'l ciinuiuaiu. ju.in ii nn . . . . V.'i p oi- n .. -, - ..nor i, ni.un.nu, rnnanua, U m ' H'1"" "" 'MUdelphi,; .i,i i r' - i ...i.i , Ti-ni,)for Ur,'iion. liter r Mloien I w I.. . . . ' Li-tv 6h.tiijoi.iu i b,li) If i ii ni. a iu and t.etv Pbiladelplilsj 0.15 ei. 1 1 a ni. r,. iilte. l'Milpiu. Tamauua t.mdh.j 1.S5 Ml. .j.io p in. -SI(Ikll'S a. eirj n ill r.ir ,e ImX, i,,: fc, j;) 1 i) J end 7 .Vi a. n. nnd Ff.r l'hil,lfi,!,: t.o b l a & 3 iu.1 3.ji f a. Per (ew Ym k b.Sa a ai For PiiiladclpLirt 1. !.' p. m. Tr, !.env toil,, iin l 45 n in. tiAj a ut l.oj J3.I Leave fhiladolplilu, O.tS u.. 3.;o htl i 'ii f . tit. Sjml.jijg Lrev N,w yar, s:; p M l.f-nve I'l.l'u.if Ipl,,., 7,u p Wi Muiiiaic Enaex !t. II. . J. v.. oott::nv , .. , titu'l Aiaii'.; C. O. HANCOCf. lrn' 'liuktit Ant. 5. va ii eo, Fb e VJSt. van g Kir; hi:, Tf ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lortieliirg Tn., iiror hie profuBjionnlaervic lo 1"J.n! in. Collfoiloiia nuj all olber Pi ofci'i ii al buaineee ciitrtutrd lo bi ear will r -ueiv prompt attvntion. uao iiousi s J A M K3 J. MITCHELL, Propriolo, fanawea itatiom,) Mr. Mitchell la a nopuUr landlord, and wl'l tiarenomeaua ta iu ike hla sueata eouilu.". ble. H a nibl.-ami bar will h aiiimll.il wl. . th eiiuloe-t ihe market aUorda, and bla Uru. . are very reasonable. Apr.t.'W, j T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SKLIXSOllOVE. 8NYBEP. COUNTY, IV . elcpl.lS, '(I'll O nORNDKRGER, lUSTICE OF THE FEAC2 Perry Town.blp, Snyder tloonty, p. Collaotlona, Uonveyaneln', and all other b't aeaaiier junlna to lb otbc will b promptly en.leS to. il nuenaar TroutiBBavllla Assig net Notice. ALL perann liileroale l ar hereby no lifted that Jaoob H. Willow, of Weal Perry wp Hnyder Bounty, Pa., ba nn thisdiy mad an aeaignioant f all bi envoi, both real and pereoual Is tba an- ueraigneii ror lh brnelit of eradllnr. A I peraona h iving claim ar ri)ueied to proami i hem to tb uodereljinad, ui i boa ludelned will plena mak iiua dial paymvot. I9AAC PILE, -Fb. 7. 1878. ... Aailgo. A VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PR1 V ATJESA LE. THE nn lsrsipnf d otTurs tbe fol--J0W.',"uAM,."d rr0Brty at rrlvat, sl.. TLN AOHK4, rlaarcl land, elluai ta Atom Wwuahln, sayder fu , p.., tao rail Wt ol Iroaal villa, a.ljolnln lamia nr Wot. Welder, liaulal Maurar and otbera, wherwiaar eraota l a aoud I) W fc.l.LIM.f llut'SK, erAHi.b.BUiif audlbaraatiielldlua. Toe laad la la a aooil atal ol oulllvail n, eoavenleat lo uiaraai I tber a alao an ellat Kt)HA K O of ak.dca S 1 V&tKEh a".l'iTf ar..n. TiwlUe.etaydr iW. pe,-- A C. BiMPftON, . t AT'rORNRT AT LAW, i Morthasberlaud, Pft. Uffsis bis arofWlsasI riee U tb -oh-K l ' " '- ' i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers