; t THE PO8T4 On eol'tmn one year, fW.OO One-half, column, on year, 80.00 One-fourth column, one your, 16.00 On square" (10 linns) 1 insertion 78 Every additional insertion, 60 Professional and Business card of not mor than 6 linen, tier year, 5.00 Auditor, Executof, Administrator and Assignee ITotires, 2.60 jjitorial notice per lme, IS All advertisement far a shorter pe riod than ono year f payable at the time they are ordered, and il not raid the person ordering them will oe held responsible for the moncr. Poetry The Independent Farmer. tel. sailers ste g of windy deep. Lei seldisrs praise thsir srsisr, Bat la my heart this loesl I'll keep- The Independent farmer. Whs Rrsl Ihs rots In rnb of grota Unfold Its crimson lining, Asd roaad bis eotiacs p rsh Is sssa Tbs hoseyeuokle climbing 1 1 Wlen bsaks of bloom 'ibelr owstiaess yield T btss Ibsl gather honey. Its deleao bli Iran eeroee Ilia SetJe. Whea skits ar Soft and sunny. The bltek bird slueks btblnd (bs plans, Tks qnail plpts lead and slrarly. Toe erokard bidssbshiod Its boughs, Tbs boots bs Iotss so dearly ; Tbs gray aad old bsra doors oufold, Bis staple stors la ruea'ure, 'klars rlafa Ihsa bsaps of hoarded gold, 4 preoloue, bleesed treasure WbiU ponder la the porob there stsads 'Hi wire, lbs lolog ebarmsr, Tbs sweetest rose ea all kis lands- Tbe iadspsadsnl farmer. To klai tks spring eomts dsoslsgly, Ts bim tbe summer blutbei, Tbs autumn smiles with yells rny, His sleep old wlnlsr huehes lis sarss not bow lbs world may snofs, Ns doubts sr Tsars eonfouod blot. His Unit look Is liaktd In bvs. And boasebold angles round hia, Us trusts In Odd nod loves hif mitt, Mor grlsfs or III may barm bar Hs's aaturs's nobis nun in lift Tbs Indepcndsnl farmer' Select T a. 1 o The Willow Switch. About forty years ajro a large part of Central New Yoik. that is now becoming a gardeu, waa almost a see country, and people talked of "moving west" when they emigrat ed from tbe bank of tbe flitdaun to thoae of the Genesee. Still one of the oitie on the Erie canal was even then a town of aome importance, aJ boasted much of what then a tttouutei to wealth and even arid too racy. Of this Uttor class had boon the family of Judge Morton, but sundry Unlucky epecttlatijua had m t le it impossible for him to retain hia as etidtomsl position nimabia oil neighbors, and ho wa'ahnut to seek a new field in one uf the yjunger .settlements. Everything had long beon pre pared, the wagons wet ludoned. the aliens for the most part had beeu aid aaia and again, no i a pirt of the cavalcade waa fairly u i lr wiy . Tbe heavier goods, indeed, bad been atarte 1 tu or throe days be fore. The ladies of '.he party, aa well as the gentleman, hud docilid to attempt the jnirney on horse back, well aware that tbe condition of tberoaJet, even tbo;t r!t spring was well advanced, could uot be safely depeaied up.m. Apart from the rest, tnirrited on a atoct aud quiot-looking pony, eat a young lady uf some eigiitHou sum mere in whose rosy cheeks and bright black eca the excitemont of tbe occasion seetned almost to over come it soberer suggestions Still, something like a shade was ou her face a 6be leaned forward iu her addle and conversed in low tonea withja gentleman whose arm was thrown carolcsaly over the Deck of ber pony. "Never miud roe, Charlie i why it isn't three daya' riding, at the very most, and that won't hurt me.' 'Hot roe, Susie I I am ordered off for a long cruise, and I caaoot tell whea I shall see you again., 'lint you will come back 1' Yes bnt when T Ami you will Will X what, Uuarlie T 'Wait a moment, Susie , And the young roan, who was in the nndreas uniform of a naval o fri tter, sprang off to the side of the road, where some willow trees were growing in untrimmed luxuriance. Catching bold of one of tbe grace fully bending bows, he out there- from a long and pliant slip, with which he returned, strippiog off the UkavAW u lia Aiimat t There, Susie t that will do for a riding whip, but do not wear it ont on yonr pony, even if tbe roads are bad.' "Why not, Charlie V 'liecanae at tbe end or my ornise l shall come back to claim it. Will you keep it for roe T' A very soft light stole into tbe black eyes i but ebe said in a low voice, 'Yea, Charlie, I will keep il oat are yon sure you will come back to claim it f 'If I live, Susie' 'Ah I then it is good bye, anre enongb, now for father is calling me. Uoodbye Ubarlie.' There waa a most passionate earn estness in the young officer' reply, and be stood gazing after the pony and his mistress long after they were hidden by a turn of tbe road. We cannot follow him however, by land or sea, for our business is with the willow switch. If Susie's pony suffered on the road it was not from any excessive SDDhcation of Charlies aneer me meats, and on tbe third day, about Boon. Judge Morton .rode up to tbe side of hie daughter and announced , suss wey were wose wiaeirjoura y'eend. . They were nearly at tbe fork of oe road, al tbe loot of a sreotlv doping bill i and just where the two Ttys met a spring onuoiea np and "Txf -ti c3 Into an adjacent mead- r:n r?r ensorim if isrl tfect- VOL. 15. . MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER, COUNTY. 'Onr new home,' said the Judge, will be on the top of this knoll when it is built, and our present quarter, atteh as they are, will be a little fur ther on, A sudden thonght seemed to have entered tbe brain of Susie. 'Father, won't willow grow from small slips f Tien, my dear that s the usual way of scattering them out ' 'And they waut water, don t tueyT fs this one fresh enough to uroW t' '1 should say It was.' 'Well, then, may be we can have something growing hero to remind us of our old boino.' In an instant Susie was dowa from bcr pony, and the willow switch was carefully planted, just above the little spring. It would havo all the water it wanted, at H events And then Susie aod her father rode on to their new borne 1 but there waa a warm nutter at the young girl's heart, and a blush on ber Cheek, a she wondered, "Will it ever grow t Tbe new Settlement was a good one for tbe Judge, aud Susie's wiU low prospered famonaly. Even tbe rnde farmer boy bad lenrnod how it cam there, and respected 1 1 re liffluusly, while a littlo pailing kept off the the intruders. Sueie'e heart throbbed high wltb hope aud faith. at times, a she noted the wonder ful vitality and prosperity of ber leafy favorite. It ftrew as if it bad a duty to perform, and was determ ined to do it well. Aod the little spring bubbled np more briskly from under it, and seemod to murmur, very softly, "He will come I He will come 1" Still, one year, add anotber, and another, went by, and Charlie did not corns, and letters were terribly uncertain, and far between. Ail aronnd the world he had been sent. and Susie's hoart at times grew sick and weary in epite of the willow. lint she had other suiters, for her beauty seamed to grow every dny, and her father was getting nloni; well in the world onca wore. Truth to tell, Susie had something of Mo ther Eve in her, and waby no means averse to aduiiration and at tention. So it happened that one day in .'une of the fourth year of the resi dunce of the Mortous in their new home, just as tbe sun was setting, SiiHio found hernulf taking a stroll along the ebadod roadside, accompa nied by the lundaomest an 1 iujaI favored of her unmeroue train of worshipors. Tliey did not seem to bo in a talk ing h imor, but walked slowly oloug until tboycameto the forks of the ro.id, and patue 1 a moment by the side of the spring. Here, at lust, the young man seemed to have found his tongue, aud ho pleaded eloquently and pumioniUely for the liulf l'oluotunt'lian I which bs had aojgud in both his own. Still Susie was silent, and it may be that the bubbliug spring, and tbe sighing willow were talk.ng to her 1 but just theu they beard the sound of a horse's hoofs comiuix at a quick pace up the road, and in a moment more a rider drew rein beside them aud asked politely if be could be di rected to residence of J.udge Morton. 1 ue young man bad dropped Susie s band, aud, half vexed at the inter ruption, was proceeding to give tbe desired information but hie word were not lixtened to. The horseman was leaning for ward in bis saddle, and had fixed a gaze of earnest penetration on tbe face of Susie Morton, on which the blushes bad given way to a deadly palor. "Susie, I have eome I The wil low" Tbe light came back to Susie's eyes in an iustanf, and. with a long sigh of relief, she pointed to tbe little branches which swept tbeir shoulders, and answered 1 "Here it is. Charles 1 it has been growing ever since you weot away." Susie's other companion was not obtuse enough to linger longer in be shade of such a tree a that, and before she returned to the house, Charlie had reclaimed his gift. The song of the spring only chauged enough to sound like "He has eome be baa cotue 1" ' Thirty year went bv, and the Morton willow kept on growing, un til It heoam a well-known landmark, towering high in air about tbe little spring at tbe fork of tbo road. But thirty years work changes in other things besides trees, and a slip from the willow bad been dis covered to grow above a little mound in' the village graveyard for tbe Judge slept, like a true American, not with hia father. Everything else bad undergone changes, if not always improvement, and at last came tbe fearful change of the war of tbe rebellion. It was not many day after the Qettysburg fight, that a matronly lady, in mourning, supported by a lair young gin similarly elad, walk ed slowly and feebly down tbe sloping road to the spring. "If there is a bough within reach, doar, I would rather gather it my- eelf 1 and then, if I can find where tbeyhave laid him, I will .go aod plaot it with my own band On loog, wt;7J3g breech of tb Uow tree MemeJ, aeshe approach a? XT mi pvrvwviu iv jor huw slip she waited, unmindful of the rattle of coming carriage wheels. As for her girlish Companion, she had sank down upon the grs end coh ered her face with her band Tbe good lady's trembhug finger elifloet refused to perform their duty, and the carriage drew tip within a few paces of ber just a she had severed tbe slender rod. "Well, mother. I hope that you are not cuttiug that for me,' said a cheery but somewhat feeble Voice fro.n the carriage. The young girl sprauk to her feet, but only jutt in time to save her mother from falling. thoHgu sbe did not faint, and recov ered quickly. "Oh, Charlie, my boy my boy 1 "Here I am mother hurt sure enough, but in no need of a willow yet. sin I, father V "Not by no means,' said a bale and hearty old gentleman, iu a na val undress, who no-v spraug out of the carriage, 'and they've given ue sklsav BSBaaaTi - - : - i IU. Dctn a inriongn, tnougu mine is a short one. Tnis willow was always a good omen.' Add again tbe nrtrlng soenaed to btible up softly, 'lis hae comehe has coino I' Aod the old la ly, and the young lady, too, eobbed nd laughod, and kissed the retrifned warriors, till tile good mothers, with the bit of wil low still io ber band, knelt down in the shade of the memorial tree to pottr out ber thankfulness to Him who had made her prosperity la grow with its growth from the day when eh 3 sprang from bor weary po ny to plant it tin iu Post. COUNTY INSTITUTE Vll. Wtdiinday, morning Sttsion. Prof. R:b spoke upon laneiue cul ture. He said : It you wiali to leach vour pupils to speak pure Kngliitli, von muni spftik II yourself, l'tipils lire im itative creature, ntul hence will follow exiiinplrs, whether good or bad. What ever you tin not wa.it your pilpils to do, you must not do youriiulr. If yon rati succeed 111 making good writers, you can also ninko koh spouriS ; you i!l not have aoy Uillkulty in ma lting good writer. If von can gut your pupil to sneak the EoijIinJi language correctly, you will noi-d no grammar. Tench compo sition. In leaching litis subject, com- niRnce with word, amlhave your poi nils snv about them wlmt lliey can. In the teaching f this, as well as in eve. rvllntig else Uoulit 111 the niiblic school, let the order of procedure be first the tiling, then the picture of it, and afterwards tbo name, foqtiire your pupils to givo nil their answers in sentences. They hlicmld always Cl- iriM themselves in this wnv, then the teacher can correct litem, it' tbeir lan guage is not such as good usage snnc- lions. Trainers stiould bats goad eonvrvlo- nnl puwitrs. In order la spruit, It U nee unary Is bave snmaltiing 10 pk shout, in olber wnrlx. It is noemrjr to bs la farmed Information, In lUe-a days of newspapers aud hooks, is ebesp. Crr ons can set it, and 00 00s should grow up without II. Teaobsr should not only bavs. tint en. soarsge, debuting souietist, . Nothing s'.as does so much good la a community at weekly tnestluga of Ibis ktsd. Topical reaiiations also cultivation of tbs power of sXpreeeion and conversation. lus ne.i iopio issen up oj tus rror. was rpslllng. Ms hellrvss tbst tbs whole ssorsi sf ibis art lies in the preparation for lbs recitation. Tbey dstsat misapelled ords with lbs tys, and beaos should train lbs sys lo oorrect spslliug. Written ftsllint Is much mors valuable than oral, for spelling; Is need for writing sod not forspsakiag. Words srs learned as wholes aed an iasorrscily spslled word presents a distorted pioturs 10 Ihs sys. dpslling Isssoos should bs prepared by writing them on lbs alatss, lbs pupils bating long peaoils, and kouing mem as pens should be bsld. A good plan is le bars pupils oopy tbslr reading leesons. Another in 1 gifstbsni words selsetad from tbeir reading lessons, and have ibem incorpo rate tbess Into sentenees of thsir own sonstrualion. la this way Ihey learo not only lbs meaning; of words in ssntsnees, but tb ainerent meanings wulou they bavs. Prof. Nostliag aeit gave a sborl sXsr nles on tbs sounds of lbs letters. He wrote a number of words upon tks blackboard sad should bavs eoosoaants following vowsls effeat tbs sounds of lbs latter. The vowels ws tbeir sborl sounds 10 tbs sharp, snapping eratsaaala which immediately follow them. If a child pronounces pisk fur pig, lb mistake Is not, ss some lesshsrs suppose, la ths asms of bs Ut ter, but In lbs sound of It, aad bsnss it is tbs lattsr should bs oorrseted and not ths former. Tb pupils should bs shown ia what position lo pla ihs organs uf speeob in order lo utter ihs correct souads. No teacher should fail to gies bis pupils a kaowlsdga of tbs sounds uf lbs Utters In lbs words tbey use. HsrosTsa. A- DRiADruL railroad accident oc curred last Tuesday night a week, uear Hartford, Conn. An excursion train with passenger that had been attending Moody and Sankey'a re vival service fell into tbe Panning ton river. Two engine, a baggag car and three passenger ears fell through the bridge, on Ibe Connect icut Western Hail road Tbe list of killed has been placed at tbirteeu, with a possibility that other may b discovered. Tbe bridge a Howe truss seems to have beeu in good oooditiun, aud to have given way simply becauM anbjected to a weight greater than it waa constructed lo bear. The two . eogluee weighed about aisty too, and were followed by eare closely . packed with ezcar ionist. Many if tbe death were eaused by drowning bat tbe water Erevented the wrk ftota eatebing re. Little more than a year be ,1 f' -J -- I l" 3I '" ' ""Jjyiia ami ". 1 1 t i"i""J" Mint! to Visitors. 'Try, wliluut being loo fsmTiif, i malt joutsrif so mu b like nne or thn lainily that no one shall Irel you to be in tbe way ; and tt Hie sumr lime, be tbtetvsnt of those email courtesies aad kinltesfss which sll togeiber mske up what the world Agreed (d estl gool tononer. Hejolnte your huars of rlini enf ri-ili-ing by the cu-tmn ! ilie b-Wh I) n-t ki cp oif IriuttiN aiui.i nil until Int ie than uual. end d.i mil lie rnitcilng sb 'Ut the biuae nn hour tr two bel' f bokfii!. If yon chno-p to rte at an eei-lt huur, innin iu your own room uolil uear brsakfas'l time, unless you are vvery snra tbat your presooce in lliO pnrlor will nut be unwelcome. rile in lurg Id ler, in it prominent plsc In your min i ' HE PUNCTUAL." A vmitof hus no excuse lor keeping a wh ls family waiting, and it is uopardnna bis negligence not lo be prompt at tb table. Here is a pluca lo teat the go"d manner, ami uny niaaifes ar ion of Ml-brceding here will bo no ticed and remembered. Di not be too ready to expreas your like aad diidike for the various dishes bo lore yon. The wife of a certain Unite! State Heostof once visiting soqustn tsnce at sum disUncs Iron her na tive wills, made a Issiiog Impression Upon tb family by remarking at ths break last laDle lint "eh should starve before ebe woull est mub," sad thsl she "never hesrd of ootking aitilton belsrs she came ett " If you are tempted to go to ths other extreme, asd eaor'Pce trutb, to pol itenes", read Mr. Ople'a ' Tsls of potted Sprats," and ymi will not be liltely to b lusinoer sgin. It is well to remember that some things which em of little irapor tsnce lo ymi way mike an uoplca. nnt iinprcssion upon other, in eon. oeqnence of a .ditfcrence io esrly iruiuing. The othur day two yonn ladies were heard tliscustlug a gen tleman wbo bd a great many plsse unl tiialilies. ' Yes," null ouo, 'lie is very biiiiilsoaie, but he dues md oil pis with his knife.' TsL cure that no trifle of that kind i r-called wlieu po le ttre speaking uf you. Koep yi'Ur own ronn ia order, snd do ii"t ctter your bdoiU'ings alio vtr the Imuse IT your friends lira ordei ly, it will annny ihe'D 'o ft your thitcs out of place ; and If thoy are not, tbeir own disorder aid be eiiotiiih without adding yours. Make up your mind 10 be enter Isined with w bst i de:-lk'ned lo in, trrtatn you. If your Irieods invite ) nu lo join tbcffl in en excursion, express your plcsnure snd readtncn to go, sud tin not act st though Vntl were co'.fairirg a fuvnr in-t at ol receiving one. Si visitors are ho wcari.-ouie us tboao who do not meet ball' way whatever proposals are ma le lur llinir plea-ur J3j contn ted to amuse yourself quietly iu lb lioune, or to 1 iin in auy ouisidu wav- oties to which you srs invited, mid show by your raiuocr that you eu j y both. Il games are p- opofd, do not sny Ihst you will not play, or "woubl rather look on ;" bat join with tbe rest, and do the best you can Never let a foulNh feeling uf pride, le.it you should not nke so goudsn appear noo as the other, pteeout your try ing. If you are not skillful, you will st least show thsl yon sre good nutur ed, mitl tbat you do noi tbmk yur- self m dent when you sre only pruud. -St. 4wcrt(tuvr mutuary. ScROor. Txachino What is the use of a teacher if be or sbe docs not teach 1 This is a question that is agitating a goo d many of onr ex changee. A Virginia paper thiuks that to send children home in the evening with arms full of bo At and half a dozen lessons to 'get out' by themselves, and then in the morn ing to bear tbeir 'recitations' and score their demerits, is no teach ing at all. "Tbo pupil aliould b 1 taught bow to study and bow to tbink 1 and this ought to be done iu tbe school room, and not at home,' where parents have a tntioh as they can do to attend to the do mestic matters and bear tbeir chil dren reoite what they bave beeu taught by their tsecber. If bear ing recitation is all a teacher has to do then be is no teacher, but merely a judge of the child's home acquirements. Another paper says 1 'Ifteaohers are paid to teaoh, they should not, iu our opinion, be allow, ed to omit more than half tbeir duty by confining themselvea aolely to the work of recitation. Washington San. iwWbaf tbe matter. Jon n t" wl ain't done nothing, father.' ' "Wall, what are you cryinjr for then, yor labber V "I waa 'fraid you'd whip me.' "What, whip yoo when yoa bavn't don anything f ' Yea, .hV "Oo into tbe bona, yotl booby I' John want into the house an I hi father went down to tb farm. Very soon bi father name book ' in a rage, ami laying a cowuido over tbe nr cbin'e book, said 1 Mid I not tell yoa wbeu I went away, to hoe tbat corn oat ?' HYea, eir bnt yoo told toe Inst now you wouldn't whip mo if I hadn't done nothing,' PA., FEBRUARY FALL POMftJCa! New York Fancy Store, (In Holmes' new buiMding, opposite tbe KeyUone Hotel.) MAHKKT NT., HIilIIVN ItOVK, FV TlHlHlt NTOCK OP DM GOODS, NOTIONS & FANCY 600D3 NOW THAN KVljlt.' would til o tat, l'cejpoot fully iiiitioimco in tlio pnIllo tlint I luivJuwt opoiiod tlio lni'ire -t iiikI iiiom coniplo iiMtsort mtMtt t DltV (iOODS, N()TIONH AM) 1V:NJV CjJ OOUS, ever brouulit to tliiw County IAllCiH: VAKII3TY OP PELT SKIBTS, H0ISEEY, GLOVES, SHAWLS, a. ruLi L.11V13 or Tin: ukht Germantown Wool, Zephyr, Ladiei and Child ren's Underwear A Full Line of LADIES CLOAKS which i selected with care as to price and, quality. My Dry (ioods jJejart jnent embraces all the staple goods such as Cashmeres, Alpacas, Deaines, Calicoes,!! r e I i r r Flannels, Waterproofing, Shirting, etc. tit asbort mvtoel in er'tiiinar appeiauiiiini; to jixy line. Everybody i$ i'toited to call and examine my goodt. Otfurttous alien Hon given to all who may favor tne Oct. 16. 73. NEW HARDWARE STORE, Riddleburg, Penn'a, Tks aaiterslsaed woal.l Inrorea ths eltlseas si vidilletMirit ami urrsilla4 dlalrlot Ikak ks fcaa opeqel a Hardware Mlors at Ihsalmes aienili.swl laes sa I mat ha wilt k,i a lull line ol all klods uf Uardars. IdoIuJid( llenvy tt Shell llnrdwarf . THIMMINOS, SADDLERY, Shoe Pinllns. teslhef. SSSj.. fpealel ladaesaeals ia "T8J BUILDrG HARDWARE bOCKa. IIINQES.'SORBWR. NAIL), As A Large Asasrlaieat of Cast Hi eel Hkoe. els a HtaJea, line. Uarden Tools, sohylbss Orals ashes, (lay Rapes. PulleJs, A., I HON. OP ALL K1NH8 coesisnily hand, ' All at Oreslly Rlusi Hriess. All who ar la sf asy kind f Hanlwar will 7, 1878. NO. 37. YOU CAN BUY HALF PRICE, at to 00 7 OS 8 00 far 1 t TEST for 17 fiO ant! an OVER COAT in tbe bargain. Clothing a Specially. ft 60 BOTB all wool suits S 00 sll wsnl tns snlts 7 6s " Boer Rundse suits tRMorltncnt o I1ATN Ac CAPH than ever . Aiios, Ii(ver tint 11 e vr, its forJflcnand ISoys, Mfcrt'il. AM wc nk is to Cotnc and See FORGET THE PLACE. 2. nboVc Keystone Hotel, Sellnirrovc St, .:!. A ND full unci complete in ev uith a call. Jteepeclfuin, N. -VV12IH. HEAD ! HEAD ! HEAD!!! Duti'l Ilackenbunr. Beaver Springe, I'enncu t Peeler in Hardware, Tinware, Stoves &c Also sr0UTt5Q don at short nolle, on reiuonabl term and satisfactory manner.. . eorl em fully prepared to fur nish nil kinds of Hardware. Tinware. Stoves, Ac. at the very lowest rate. A. All In need of Tinware or ttpnnt Ing or anything els In my Una uf ln sines, will not regret U by eiamening my good and Uriu before purchasing elsewhere. DAKt. HACXENSUR3. Aug. 10.7. , Pubflaftftd rtfry Thursdav Kvttnlna jkbxmiau csorjaa,jrropit TWO DOLLARS PER AXXtXM. Fa aiiie vilhln mx months, or tK-OOifmal pniil wiUtln the rear. No paper dav, cnntinu-d until aft arrearage are paid unless al the option lisher. of the nab Subscriptions nutatde" of Ibe eoonM PATABbB IN ADVANCE. I- ersons lilting and using pa pee addressed jn others become siiUcribere and are liable forth price oftho paper at 9 BOW 15 00 & 10 00 9 00 10 00 11 00 It 00 13 80 11 00 only 14 t 0 s , W . l'OTTHK, 'irion xk r a r h a w. Selinsgrovo. Pa , mrirshi proreseinnal services is Ihs puhlio. All lejal buaines eiilriiaie'1 lo bi oare will receive roni't silrnlion. Olfies one door alio ibe New Lntbersn Cbnrsa, July, lib '72. J THOMPSON BAKKR, Atfomoy-at-In.vs bewUhuru, I'uion Co., V twy-Oan he drtnunltc'l in Die Hiif lleb an ilerinsn langniiiii'H.-tjrd OKKICK Mirltel flireel, oppuiite Walls mith . t:.)'s .Hiore S 4Qj P)K J- V KAN.WVKL, lJ T-HVSKUN ASM Sl'ltOKOS. ( ciilr-t III, Hu)ler Vo.. INi lil'rrs bis pruTeitelonal aervicre to ths puhlie. -3Htf IAIUMOUM" HOl'SK. - NK4E THE DEPOT, Midllilurtf, la. IllVIN MMITIJ, IWaiEToa This boiiHk is in clcas rresimiiTlo lbs Jspol nl Use lately been rehnill snd rs titled, ttontoe oominoiliniis the table well eupplivil wiib tbs best ths marks! affords a id terms nodsrsls. lis also ksepa a llrsl clftm lleerv. whsrs bjraee. husgiei As . ein be bal at all lines snd al rsaf nnsblt rstes. sprlif '7T. J. Y.SIIINDKU 8 U KG HON AHU I'll YSICf A!t, Middlel.i.rr, I'S, ODsrs bU profsesionat sereieee Is lbs ell itsns of Middlsjurg and elsiaily. I March Zl. 87 A. WKTZKL, Justice of the Feaco, Heavertoten, Suydcr Co., I'a. All kinds of collections mads on liberal terms. Promptly attends is all bnsinsss Intrustsd la bis sara. ( June 2. '7tf .V. II. K i: C 11 , Jnstics of tne Peace anft ConTeTaicer. niultti erase. tylcr f la. Collecllnaa and all hntioau arlalsle le Ike Sice of Juatleeot lite Peace will he aireaSrS is esorl Salle. iSbr.ll.'TS' S. ALLEMAN & SON. AT TOHIiS m A 2 LA IK. Mellniafrrovsr I'n. All professional bneinees sad eelleellsg entrusted le ibsir ear will be preetl aliened to, Caa bs ssnsultsd ia Isglisa er Uertasa. OtScs, Marks. Sqaas. Holfta. "OTICE Is hereby sl te alt pereeSS ll hy ihs nadersiased, el Is I r repass sa hie St. w, nor e rr, awaf ot la ke ae, woe, rhlpa, lM-au-ii.il.-a, sktus rode, u.lusi, lma, SB., he., a all psranaaao seesdlui will kad.all wish ac urdme tu . J. J. aiMThk Juas alau, tajf. QHARLE3 O. C0115EL1U3, Vttorney-Vt-Linvr ' Sew Berlin, Union County, tu. Vsa he snealtsd la fcarfUih or Oeesia. MaiHISMI JOUN II. AltHULD, . Attorney at liw, DISTMCZ' ATZOJWBJ, CLOTH 1 f- 1 n pe tf l o" ? r 1 - I, 1 J :L- ...
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