A.lvortisilMc Xtntes PakltatieJ every Tfcwraa'ay Iveatng by JtlllUI mril, frtprlctor. Term of Subscription, f WO DOLLARS MR ANN CM, FavaM wlthla tit aioataa, r f 3.60 W not paid Vrthia th year, lie paper discontinued all! aH arrearage are paid unless at tfce option of iho publisher. Babecriptions outsido of the county PBTADM IN APVANCC. tOT Poroono liflUg tad using paper addressed lo others become subscribers, ad art liable for tbo prise of the paper On eelurea oae year One-half eeluain, eae Tear. 0.00, 10.00. Is A Oae-foarth eeleaia, oae year. One square (10 lines) one InsertUa Kvery additional laserlioa Professional and Bosiueao cards of not aiore than Ive liaea, per year, Auditor, Eseoutor, Administrator ad Assigaes Netlee Editorial notices per liar loa. 7ft. M. .00 180. II. 9 4 All aJveriiseaieatt for a aherler period than one year aro f arable al the liato tbey aro ordered, and if not paid lb per VOL. 9. MIDDLEBURG SNYDKIt CO. PA., JANUARY 18, 1872. NO. 44. son ordering them will he held responsible for Ik moner. TIIE POST tSk Zf-HW tNJ Jr. CRONMILLEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Muldluburp, r., Offer bl professional services lo Ibe pub lie. Collection and all other professional bnaiaee emraaletl io bi ear will recti prompt attention. JJaa , '7lf A C. SIMPSON, J- ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solinsgrov Pa., Offer bt professional service lo Ibe pub it. All busiaes entrusted to hi aarr will bo prompt! attended lo. JJan. 17. 'OTtf JW. KMQ11X, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Freeburjr Tn., Offer bl Professional service to the pub is. AH euelnee entrusted to bis car will b promptly attended to. Jan 17,'67l! WM.VtX WEZKIl, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewinburi Ta., Offer bi professional service lo no pub- lie. Collections anu,U oilier rio'emon at bailors entrusted lo hi car will re solve prompt atteofioe. KO. F. MILLED ATTOBNEY AT LAW, Lewinburg l'n. Offers Ws Professional service to Hie pub lie. Colleationi and all other profession al! business entrusted lo bi care will re ceive prompt attention. Jan. t, 'Wlf JU.MNN, A. II. DILL (Successors to J. F. fcJ.M. Lino,) ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lewnbuix', Pa. Offer their professional services to the public. Collection ami all other pro fessional business entrusted lo ibeir care will rccelveprouipl attention. Jan. 8, 'OTtf HARLKS HOWF-It, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sclinsgrove Pu., Offer bl professional service to the pub lic. Collection and all other profosion uiioena entrusted lo bis rare will re ceive prompt attention. OH.ce two door Berth of lb Keystone Hotel. Jan 6, '6 SAMUEL ALL KM AN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrovo Pa Offer hi Professional crvicca lo the public. All business entrusted to hir car will b promptly attended lo. Col lection mad in nil parts ofth Slnie. He can ipenk tha F.ngl.'sli and Oermnn language fluently. Olhc between Hull's and ibe Pot office. IN. M Y E US, J 1TT0RNEK k COmELOR AT UW aliddloburg Snyder County Prnn'u Offiss a few door We I of Ihe P. O. on Jain street. I'onsultiilion in English id Ctio rn tfvvfif. Pip. till JC. Bl'CHKR, f , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisbur Pa. Offer hi professional seivicealo Ihe pub lie. All business entrusted te his care will be promptly attended to. (Jan. 8. f.7i G ROVER & HAKF.ll SEWING MACHINE, Person In seed ef a good and durable eswing Machine can bo nceonimodiled at reasonable pricea by calling on on Sax jjil Faust, Agent, ttelinsgrov. f.Uti.M. '6r R. .1. Y.8IIINDKL, BURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Micldleburg Pa., Offer bit professional services to lb cit liens of Middle'jurg and vicinity. Miwolil, '67 F. VAN BUSKIKK, 01RQICAL 4; MECHANICAL PENT1ST SelinRgrore rcun JOHN K. HUGHES, Eq., JUSTICE OF THE TEACE, Tcnn Twp., Snyder Co. T YU. WAONEP., Esq., e Jt'-TICE OF THE PEACE, Jaeksoa To aship, Soyder Co. Pa Will attend to all business entrusted to dil car and on th moat reasonable term. March 12. 'CStf DRJ- V KANAWEL, f IIY6IC1AN AND Sl'ROEON, Cenlrevllle, Suydcr Co., Fa., Offer bl professlonnl service to th paoiio. ooou n RATBILL & Co., - JT Wuolsal Diaiaai in WOOD AND WILLOW WABE Oil Cloths, Window Shade, Broom, Mats, Brashes Cotton Lap, Grain Bag, Fly fleta. Ducket. Twines. Wick, Ho. VuUb North Third Slroed, I'hiladolphl Feb. 7, '87 1? A. BOYER, Jr. 'r AUCTIONEER, Fieeburg Snyder Co. Pa., Most respectfully offer bl service to t b puhlio a Vendue Cryor and Auotioo r. Having bad a larg experience, 1 feel confident that I ean render perfoet aitsractioa to my employees. Jod.P,;C7I BT. PARKS, e ATTORNEY AT LAW k DISTRICT ATTORNT, tUDDLEBORO, SNYDER COUNTY, Ta Office la Court lieu, Sept.lo, 'C7tf LEWIS BREMER' X SONS TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRDS 6,881 PHILADELPHIA. ERCUANT HOUSE, ii. II, MANOBRBACII Prop' a. ' J. C. M1PB, Clerk. Hi M Norlb Third Street, v't . PkJladtlphU TJJbLEBALE BOOK HELLERS BtatWera, Blank book Maoufatarer d tetUr la Wrapping, Bleating, Cur' on nau paper rpr Bag Uea fciS i rv, . - - -rr. f H elect Poeti'.v. THE GRAVE- Great God ! under the coffin lid Must our fad and form b hid t Are none saved frrm lb cursed (in. Thai bind our fellows lo shevel us In A human clo ls down andcr lb ground, Away from light, away from souud ? Aye, lake thy loved lo thy heart to-diy, For to-morrow may speed him awsy. Look at lb beautiful broad while brow, Where Iby lip pres so tenderly now, Ere many moons I lie lips ef Death O'er that brow shall trail bl breath. Look thou well on lb (oft hair atrands Ho often and gently eirrssed by thy hands: 'n little while grave-worms will creep Where the lovely wavelets sleep. Oaie long an.l fondly into the eyo Whose loveligut for the ctii never die; A few more day end its glow will be hid Cold and dark 'neatb the coffin lid. Tenderly, lovingly smooths thi face. Coax the smiles from Ibeir hiding place ; For soon the smile and the faee will fade Into the gloom that death his ma le. Tightly presa Ibe lip to Ibine, Thai soMy wlii.per, "Thou art mine!" Ere long they'll cold and silent be, Crushed by the last agony. Gently on iby throbbing breast Lei the tired head now rest ; Dark and cold will be his bad, Strangers o'er the turf will trend. Closely around the life entwine That flushes tho warm life blood lo Ibine ; In a little while no puis will beat In the bosom neaih Ihe winding sheet. Wildly, sweetly lint life lo Ihre Use, Till Ihe citiv'ring depths of the soul awake; For aoon Ihe shroud will fold him round In his dreamless sleep beneath Iho mouu I. flod of Heaven ! will nothing savo Our loved from a foul and hideous grav ? nin an J sutler, suitor and sin. Till the whole world is sliiilllccl in ! The Ilnotblnt'tt. Here y'are T black your houli, boss? Do it for ju I five cent s Shine 'em up in a iiiinit'e That is f uothin' prevents. Set your fool right on there, sir ; Th mornin'a kinder cul l Sorter rough on a feller When his coat's a getiin' oi l.' Well, yes call It coat, air, Though 'taint much more'n a tear ; Can't get myself another Aim got the etntnps to spirt. Mnk as much as most on 'em Hint' so ; but then, yor see, They've only gol one to do for s There two on us, Jack and inc. Him! Why that little fellow, With a double-up sorter buck, Pillin' there oil the sritiin' Suuiiiu' hisself that's Jack. Used lo be round selli n' paper Tho enrs there was his lay. But he gut shoved oH tho plutforiu, Under the wheels, one day. Yes, the conductor did it O.tve biin a reg'lnr throw He didn't uure it he killed him ; Some on 'cm is jmi so. He's never been all right since, sir, fionor .uiot and queer Him aud me go together, Ho's what they call cashier. Trouble I guess not mneh. sir. Sometimes when hit gets sluck, I don't know how I'd stand it lf'lweiu'l for little Jack. Why, boss, you oulit lo hear him, He says we needn't earo How rjugh luck is down bete, air, Jf toio day wo g.t up there. All dune now bow's that, air ? Shine like a pair of lamps. Moruin'! give it to Jack, sir, He look after th stamp. It l uot Your HualncM M'hy. Would you like to know the secrets Of your neighbor's bouse and lifo 1 How be livei or how he dosen'l, Aud just bow he treats bis wife f How he spends his time of leisure, WbotLor sorrowful or gay. And where ho goes for pleasure, To the coucerl or the play ? If vou wish it I will tell you Let me whisper to you sly If rour neighbor ii bul civil, It 1 not your buiinc why. Ia abort, Instead of prying Into ol her tnun'i affaire s If you do your own but Justice, You will bar no lime for their' Be attentive to uob manners A concera yourself alone, And what ever fortunate flatter Ltl your business be your owo, On word by way of fiuisb Lot ni wbiajwr lo you ly If yeu wish to bo retreated, You must ceas to be a pry. 1U J He Didn't Kkep Ilia 1'uomisk. The Wooosockct Patriot says t A abort time ago tbo Relatives and friends of Mr.- John Eldy assembled at bis dwelling bouse to attend tba lust sad rites to bis mortal remains, sad were somewhat astonished to find Mr. Eddy not ouly alive but well, and be io turn was vory uiuoh surprised to bear that ho was to bo buried that day. A hoarse, and also a hack from Woonsocket, were la sttcnJuoce, or. derod by some oue by letter Upon iu quiiy toto the facts of tbo case, and theprobablo oause, it wsssisst UiooJ that Mr. Eddy was owiuj small Jebt, and upon being pressed for pay meat Hid, "If God spares my lifo I will pay tbstbill oo Tuesday nest.'' sod as tbo Li U remained unpaid on Friday morniog, some on supposed that Mr. Eddy had "gone to that bourne from wheooe no traveler re turns," sod therefore appoiotod b!s funeral, notified bis friends and enga ged tb hears sad hack, ta before stated. Madamo Humor says Ibat the author of this misobief bas been dis covered, ud Ibst the eeotWmaa that larnwueu uw uaaraa aou oav famished lit hearse aod hack ' will 'IH C SIIARTKR'S TOHV. I tm wlut torn folk rail, a aliat p. tr, a fpoopa, a swindler, nd oilier such complimentary nines j all op probrious epithet I Miur you, ta I am neither. Some go to tbo extreme of calling mo loafer, blac kleg, lliief! but then soatu pnplo ro in tho ha bit of using very "trapge lanuar, bul they at'O tuoro to bo pliioJ thrtti blutiifil j mue vail in soun 1 re I hyp ocrite, aJrtnturer I well, llio hi tp prlluiioti I tlo not deny in toto, a 1 had numiroui a.lve? nturoa in my dny, and lii po to have a n,auy niui, Pro v idence pi'ioiiltin. To expUio why I am intuited hy tho firtsl triplet of titles : I was ono dwii by Castlo G.ii don, th grrat itnniirual stntluti. you know, w'ooti there wero rotue people just eoniirg out to the railroad depot up town. T herj wu a pretty youn fiitrtnaa ?irl, with a hon i I hosry valine iu her band, wbtlo her bruto of a luvur WtlLi'il littliin.t l.nf irri-in n lii.l W case and violin, l'oliteutav was ul I way a pro initu nt part of my clmrau- tor ho 1 iumauily steppo 1 op to tho . ' , valise from I dear creature aud took hur bcr ; sho suiiivd j an I tho lover lock- i'l black al tn and itntnedtutoly cave ; ...... . . . ,. ,. , i i- . '(jii l.-t. I survived it cnod enough, and her tl.t bird-csiu and vtolm to catry . ... , ,, , , , ... i i ' lie i i o Bho did. Mio probably died of tip V o bad not proceo led f.ir, when I . , , , , ... nplcin, as she always wns a very wna nn.irutit I r,',int mu fit, rt.i.i .... n. ' 1 J J "t"'" Ion by slot of heavy wagons; when' at last I could cro.ss tho street, I ciul I j nowliero see tho youn girl, si,boiu I tired, for tho h ut id thitij; was heavy, I I rilliir.M am ri nvkli' a ...,n ifnl n . a . , , , J , . .. hv tho ebeetful fire, and then de'pnr. 1 t!' mn ' hM'U ! " !" or ' -ie-e of paper for o. They can-t.d-lottn ico, did I pay for tny 1 ' "V ', 7'-M ! not rend it, of cour-e, b ,t they never provis.ons? Uy jo9. I jlj,', I r;.!,n u ' '"'V W'11' ,l,om tail to bring it v,i.h tbetn when tbn ally was so uUentlmind.d thai 1 for gut it ; tho saloon was full of custom ers, aud tho keeper octually fornt. ii hnuicir, I do believe. Islidlial tint odious Valise, and what lo do with it I didn't know, to 1 took it home and put it iu uiy room. deter mined to discover the owner ; bul a pilic -man called upon mo that evoning, and sal 1 hu d eotuo for tho baj, tl, it be knew me, un I that I'd better le carvlul or I'd get up before long, and took tba vuliso with hint. Ih'at thi fellow's iiupulence. what tl i i ho mean ly say inj that ho kuew ine ? I never saw tha man befuro in uiv life. Uo careful ? net up before Ion '! Why, b'en mo if I can understand it ut til, but there are things that uo fellow can uuderstaud, as I'utidtc.rv ays. Njw for tbo soo ond Latch of alias. .1.1 I ,1 .!..-. I.'., h. ..I ..... I .a : . . , , . .. a. i u.-vidis ii a m-iiucur sii r ui in l ll new uutoriunaio somo id.uwt are, 1 especially. I had cccusion once to meet a friend upon a renter of a cer tain street Now I always tn.l.o it a poin t never lo break au appoiutmcut ; so, having plenty of tnuo, I wcut tu tbo corner in quest iou a ball hour befuro tho time, und lit a cigar, and awaited uiy friend's arrival. Ho was I...- i .... . i .i . 1 ia.v, vi vou. on , auu Hi.er ws tuiz mere ' tl.ll. .l,n-.l.r. r.f l.n... . tu.vw i..n.v,a v. UU 1.VUI, u.iecuiuil, who had beeu eyeing mo for soui time ordered me off, aud when I expostula ted with biin, ho actually had tho i id -pudouce to club me, aod push mo vi olently out into tbo strcot, which sj incensed mo that, not thinking of tbo consequences, I rushed at him and quickly gave him a sound drubbing, took his club uui pistol from him, to gether with bis hat, coat aud watch, and darted down a side Mreet, sa 1 saw several more policemen coming, and I didn't want ihe troublo of ha ving to silence them. 1 was waited upon that evening by the same policeman who called oo me before, and he demanded the articles I bad stolen. Stolen I just to Ibiuk of that rascal uccusitig me of stealing. I only took the tbiugs so I oould iden tify the rascal, aod us for tho watch it so resetr-bled one that I bad ouco, that ' vemvd it belonged lo we, and to .ook it for that reason. The brute of a policeman took th tbiugs, and then gar me a moral lecture, which I cut short bv hurling lb spittoon at his bead, though luckily for him it missed him, and made a great stain on tbo wall, ond I had to pay for a whole roll of paper to re oover it with. Now for the third trio of compli ment j ibey call me a soouodrel be cuus once ut patty I mistook so other man's coat and cap fur my owo, and weet home with them, sod bo cause J kept I hem, tvjioa really I oouldu 't find tb owner io spit of uy inquiries for him, Thoy oall mo bypocrli because 1 prefer the theatre to tbo churub, bo oauso I am complimentary "to folks I don't like, and go homo with ladies sou to gtts good dinner. Well, oi y I'hyaiuiati prescrihed a generous diot ; anil a Uiy landlady don't -ivc me ututh to cat-s-he aya I don't pay bcr, tho oj;r8 I accept and get us many invitations as I can, leonuso my health occupies tilt fit'st 1;kce io ,ny mind. They fall rue o lrtviturer for never, al reasons. I onco lord a lovely girl. Bho was nnelic, bemitiful of course, T cU I would not hivo oo to HOC hor, a I tlotcst anything but per for lion myself, and I sty it with nit a blab. Sho rti Tory wealthy, or I wotilliwt huve urt.-ociutid with her. for my rcla lions aro very particular a- lotbequa'iiy of my acipiuititjiioi'a, my undo in p:utiel:ir. Well, wo wcto initrriod. but an unfortunate "peculation ruiucd mo, nn I my money land ill ut ot tuy wile's lost, swept ;uwiiy. My cutuniniators any thtil I till had it, and thitt tho f.iiluro w.ih only a ruso to obtain fundi, but of rnursM iifilind v dilitveti lliem. i- -t t e. i .i . My wtfo left tun, ciul'I tiling. I ! know hi, never loved me, nod only in .rri.,,1 tun I. n, nnma M,l.int. I . . J 'sure you is u very nrietocriitic one Sinythe. Sli ) a dead now, cow, I bolitivf, died of a Irokcn heart, lln-y . ..... ,, . . nay j nut t tmi ih un nutiM'tue, ouiy III .1,.!.... i t .. .;it.. :.. ...i i i i i i i , u uu"l,u" " i knowledge of mitubels, they reuiem I onco induced a wently young ... p ll4 ... M,ltliri , man to go it. to purt.ur.bip will, mo IIIS IV I UlUiru Ulll ViHIMI It (I U A lllv tratn. but ho ran ollono J.iv nrnl Iitl i . ' '". ' flail l li tiin Is Mima ltm-1. n i 1 "i J ' ti t.iuiiv usivii utiL wan ' ted to know Low Iho firm wns getting ou. I told hi in I 1 1 1 o 1 1 -; 1 1 L tho firm ! h ud ei'tic np. Ho then utked n.c lot 1 . "... ,, ... . ., , . ' . r 1 i note tor the amount, Hu ln;t nuu.c tu his cnt.it itl, but ol cotirso I coudnot1.. ,, t ....Ii ..t," t . .1. .' , it, nuu ho ma ;cs " his m irk by touch- Kl veil to htm. I told hm Hi:it I!. (i f my .Il,.j,, wlli,0 , ' merely furnished tho bruins, ,! that , , , X , ' ,uy Tlll. ,,, ; no ougni io tiave attotidj J u t!io cap. i. . . . .... i i ..ii i l.tl inula. 11. I .... . ., ue.iy a sot, ci... : i: . .... ....ii.. i .1 . H'.-iiii.-t mo to recover h property i mo io recover n proper) v. 1 vas utifortutintc in my lawyers und ' lost my i-asu. I pall the fees an I 1 d images w ith the bonds I had, aud, received live bun Ire i dollars in change nn my bonds were nil large, 1 and 1 bad uo ready money to maUe 1 up tl.o iJilfetenee. Ileing somewhat I tired of 111 cttv I then tut u trip lil - ito tho country und iutieated awhile. ' ; I ticurd winie titers llitu tlio railro t., : whoso shares I bud, hud failed, nud ' .. . . , , tuai mo snares were woi tnius.. How i lucky it was that I got rid of them, I declare it is usloui.shiug bow uu foi l utit.to I am. I cot into t rioon ; it must b live been a mistake ; my uc - C-'U its and those of my enij loyer, a weallby banker, got sun chow u.iicd, and thiuuitij; I was richer than I re ally was, I iuvt'sted largely in real cr- Into, till one d ay I was nccusn l of cm- i..i .. i . i. o I be.iletuctit aud sotitencud to prison for 1 ten years; the idea tl such nn atio - oious deed so reacted upon my net - voui system, that my hair nnd -beard actually turned red, anJ so not being rccognUid I FCped iuearecration. 1 would have dcclaied myself, but folks would ouly have called uie a lunatic or some such vulgar name, and, bo. sides, I need s good deal of cxercixe, and nothing disagrees with mo si much us to bo coulliied for a long timo iu a cbse room. I's really qoito sad, but I don't seem to stick to anything ; somo slan derer alwuyssteps in, aud takes away my characUr, aud 1 have ti livo by my wils again. I try prigging some times, and take a person's purse out of his pocket without bis kaowiug it, und it's strange how often I lorgol to givo them buck their property. When I sua a fat, heavy boy eating a piece of cake I always take it away ; it's lad fur digcsiiuu. 1 eut it uiysell though, to get it out of tlu way, for I like lo remove temptation from the path of the young. Tbut accounts lor my drinking so much j the more I diiulc tlio less the oico young moo will have, and so tho loss chance of their being ruined. Yoa really haven't a dollar lo spsre, have you ? I left my change all al home thi morning, and I'vo got lo gel a bundle from tbo ipress office. Tmiuk you, sir ; I can't change this live, but 1 11 have it directly. Thauk you sir. food morning, tied bios you. Well I must go now, for I bo on unmannerly boor of policeman com ing, who is one of uy worst euemios. So I'll go sod havo something to eat at the fiee luucb-oounler roood the cewr popJd. C'uwlAma of Iowa llMtlllHS. There is still reuinioiug near Toltdo, lows, a small rcmnent ol two indian tribes, the Macs and Fotea, known as tbo Muopnwkcc, Who number about three hundred m-n, women, and children. They aro very lasy, tlirly, and doitruded, anJ probably will dit appenr in a few year. A warriur among thorn having died was placed on a litrgn piece of batk raised M'vvn fuel hir'li in an nl 1 elm tree, secured by strong thon a ol letth er, ami lull there for more llinn two years. A sipiiw was btirric I in a si l lin pnittire, tho lower part of iho boly covered with c irth, tho boa I aud trunk erect, and, e.xept n sinking its the ground settled, tlie t-kelctun set npri;lit for nearly rive yi'ara On man, t uricd iu iho enmc nmnner, bal rifle placed o;i It i - sii viMwr, fiitnty claapo I with b')th binds, till nature dissolved tbo tend mis of the arm, and the wnaivin tell ' S iiuotitncs they In ter At the unusual di'txhol ten au I eleveu feet. At others tha corpse is laid on tho Rurl'aco ol' tho rottnl and covered with earth. Tho graves are httiek with aticks, an 1 piled with p lcs, .-.i ..i ii . ... rt. .... r. .... .. ....... I set m tlicpr..u:il, w!h!j ra's ol vnri- otis colors cover tho Lrauchos of tlio overhaiiuing tiers. Tho Mus'ipiawkces, savu in s singu lar particular, aro strictly hnnest ; and i though they have but th? slightest When tbey buy anvihi...', f ...!:.. al. ... . 1 ,t i 1. ... i A HIT IV klt'Il llll'V l:LIIIIIIL Ii:iV IIIIiVII. Illt'V co.no ta act lie. and to know just how much money it represents. Their idea nl'bu-iiies is just thi ; If Mnv-ncek-.-.t.i.Lv n u-i's inn . I It I wrilo out l.ia , i I Ucet'1 tho note to remiui l.:. it i , owes mu. With uit pocket, picket- , . , , ,j it is an outer mystery bo.v ho dees keep it ; but as certainly as the day of payment ennes mi certainly tl .es he fish out from some recurs or fold of blanket, breei h-elout, of leggin, the identical prntuNe-to pay, uul bin, Ij over both it and tlio specilie I umount. He has no idea, of interest. Now that i . .... .,i ;. I ..,.. ).,..,,, 1 1,.. ,.,,(., . , I ... ,i , i i , .,...,,. , rcmiud bttu that be does put owe mc. Should I arleiwai'd present it to him for payment, tbo fact of its being in I tny pos-oi.iu wouU 0' toiiimcou- clu.sivo evilenee that he hu I paid it. I Uisii lii t.i.s The Ii.oh, l ightly ; or wrongly, j;et ci'ed.t for abuoit all tho bulls that the rounds f the 1 papers. It wis an Irishman who wanted to liud a place where there was no death, tbut lie lirgl.t go and end his days there. It wus an lri:li ediler (hat exclaimed, when hpenkiug .of iho wrongs of lrelati 1 ; "Her cup 1 of misery bus beeu forages aveillow. in.', and is not yet full." It was an Irish uewspapor that said of Kobe- picrro that ' lie loft no children b.-kinl him exoept a brother, who was killed nt tlm saiim liinu" It was au Irish coroner who, when askel hi.v be ac. counted for uu extraordinary morality in Limerick, said sadly, I cannot tell. Thorn are peoplo dying this ycer who never died before." It was au lrl.-h haudhill that aonouueed, with boundless libeialily, iu reference to u great political demoustrutiuu iu the rotundu, that "ladies without dis tinction of sex, would be welcome.'' Sir Bojlo Uc-che said : "isiuglo ini fortuues never conu ulotio, uud ibe greatest of all posciblo misfortunes is generally followed by a much groat er." An eminent spirit merchant iti Dublin, uuuouiices in uu Irish paper, that bo bus still a quantity of the whisky ou hand which was drunk by George IV, wlun iu Dublin. Hoys umnu Toiiacco. A strong aud siusiblo writ.'i says a gool sharp tbiug, and a truo one, too, for boys who u-e tobacco : " It has utterly spoiied and utterly ruined tbousauds of boys. It teuds to tbo softening and weukeuing of the booos, and it greully injures Iho brrlo, the spinal marrow, aod lbs wholo nervous fluid. A boy who smokes early and frcequootly, or iu any way uses larg quantities of to bacco, is uavr koown to uuko a man of milch energy, and geoorully laoks mus cular und physical as well us moutal power. 'Ve would pirticulaily worn boys, who want to be soylhing to the world, to shun tobacco u ft most baoe-fu)poisoO Curlotisj Tnkliu I lie Mturrli Out. A lot of idlers stoo I upon the en 1 of a pier which ran out iuto the Hud son JJiver, in one of the s nail lowai near Albany, X. Y., a few dnys n;o. ainusinn thcniftlvis with Ihiowinj; stones into tho biva I stream, caeli vieiti),' with the i.fior in the endeavor to pitch the inis-iles tho lartheu d s talteo from Iht hhare, when a tall rugged-built Veruionter, direct from ihetitien llilln, mi Idcli'y ma le his appearance, in their midst, o;i I l'ir awhile rem. tin.' I a n'l'ot olnorvor of tkeif movMiictit. Ho wis a br.ivi-ny, god-l joking Yankee, nti I w is decently clad. Th t ITirts of the little party had been ex hibited over and over again, aheuthr stranger tpiietlv picked up hall a brio's which lay near him, an I firing it a jutk, it fell into thii water a bug w:t j lieyon 1 tho line which had uayet been reached by tho forom ist oftho jcrowd. At vtho oncliisioii of this ftat a Ion I bravo went up from hall u dii.en o!ccs nrouti I him. tl was a clear day in October, tm 1 tlie u.en, di toruiin 1 n t to be o il- j d ine, renew 'ti th 'ir ntt'Miipts ; but tli a erui 'iiter with vit sayin a ryl- . , . . ... soctneJ to nun iy cno of tli u iu a rceu jacket, tho apparent lea lor ol tho gan, wh) declare 1 that he wouldn't b.- ben' en by a ' lelb.-r ruhl straight out of elm wools, n how,'' and itilin up lo tlu htraut;or, Iu do- ,em,inH t0 m:lU' 1,U j'';i''"'"-"- . t s T I v. v , j M v - bor : id l uri- J tU ot!nr lu pu Me '!" Wat. I huls from Yer:u itit, just now, tny lri. n l '." 'You haven't beeu in tlicSJ part, long, I reckon V" Val, n . Not exa.lly yore bat tl) und down, s.irter.'' "Yes sj I Vpo-u." 'Yaas," t-onlittti 1 tho p-cn 'un, carelessly ; seizing a big billot of wool, ho whirled it over his heal, and lauded it "everal rod- IVotu th ) aVire Wi'1"' i :. . . . l .. ........ 'You've a littlo strcilgili your arm-, neighbor '!" ' S mio puukitM in tlu flippers, .s'ratiger. In hi town, nit to i u a month ng, I drive the n are Uaui!.- d, r a p weld ing sin, or exposed Io tho les rite Ktrut thru b ai'd in ire'n a j i,IL-lemeney ol tho weather I wish I uin.-h half thick !" it;ii a taib r.'' "Haw haw!" bhutel his hearer.', Tl,i is tw bad," perpMually cried the man in Iho green jacket latlgl.in ,lu ,;,;,,., , b0 compelled to sit perch. tl-cl"idcst. cd up hero plying the nscdla all the "M ivbe you don't b'licvo it." t;lllu. Would that uiino wire u mora "N"t mujb a'ls.vere l tin cro.vl. Lclivo lifo.'' i.w.. i ...... !...'. '. . . " " "'" ' ,vr- u'" " jacket, you see. "Vul, jost you loV yore, rrien 1 ;' c intituled the Yet tinntef in a p'ati.sl- ,ble manii.-r, "up iu out coin try we've I u p nty big river, coumJ 'iiii8', luyun U'Vir its culled, and liny be you've ! heerl on it. W'al, I h ve a mrvn cleat across that river, l oilier day, an I lie eaiuo iou lair ana b j'iuie ou me other bi le ha !" ycl'o 1 his au litors. H i. h Wal, n v, you .tny l-.tr, but I cat LuoJii'lon, gliding fault with their call J" 11 '' ing. ' II it were this, or that, or th. I.. .. I . sit . II .1 . .!.,!. I " p ,-ownai; sa. , ino gr.eu jat.a, quickly. "I cm take and bo ivo you across that river youdar, joU like iho open and slict. "Bet yen teu dollurs on it.'' ''Dono said tho Yankee ; and draw ing forth au X (upon a broken down East bunk.) bo covered ono (if the bragfter's Miio pla-tei s. "Kin you swim, feller ?'' "Lika a duck,'' said green jacket ; und without further parley the Vvr mooter seized tho kno.ving Yorker stoutly by the nap of tho ne'.'k mid the Bcnl of tho p nils, jerkjj bitu from his foothold, uud with almost superbiimau cll'oi'l dashed tho bully houlsuver heal from tho dojk, somo ten yards iuto the llulsou. A terrible ho it rau throjgh the crowd as ho (laundered iu t'.ie, water and amid tho jeers auJstreatui of his compauions, tbo du.'kod bully pulled buck to the shore aud scrambled up the bank, half fro. on by this sudden aud involuulury bath. I'll Inks that tm spot, if you plujse," said Ihe shivering loafer, ud vtincing rn pie) ly to tho stake holders, "Yoa look us for gt'eouhorus, oil? We'll show you hew to do things dowu here in York," uud the folio y cUiuiod ihe twenty do hire. "Wul, I le-k'u ycou wunt tako do ten spots jls yli, captoio." "Why, you've lost ibe but." "Not exxaotly. I didn't kalkjlate ou douiu it the flrtt lima, but 1 tell you 1 can dou it ;' and iu spite of the loafer's utmost etforts to ecapo hiiu, b seized him by Iho seuff uud tlu n of hU oTtrtlls, aod pitched him three yards farther iuto tbo river than upon the first trial. Again tho bully returned, atuij tha shout of bi mates, who enjoyed IbJ sport immensely. "Thirl lime never fails,' said th) Yankee j nlripping of his oust, ' I kill deu it, I tell ye." ' Hold ou ! 'mil tho almost pjtrilkl vi ciim. "And I will U i it. if I try till to morrow morning. '' 'I give it up!" s!i ni tod the suTorer between his teeth, which now chat l rjJ bke a mil badr's, ' tuke tbo mon y.'" Tho Verm ontor very eooly pocketed th j tea s;o't, as Iu turned swiy ha rctnarkel : 'Wo ain't much acquainted with your smart fills deotin here in Yok, but we s uni t lines take tlio starch out ol "mu up aur way, and ji'raps yeoi won't try it en lu strangors ugin. I reck'n reuu wou't," b'J couliuuol, anl putting nn a broad rio of g )jl bu inor he left Ibo company ta their io tlcciioiis. 1 tir spli II ul lis onlcut. How utiiv e nal it is ! U'o never yet saw the man who would say " I am cu.tuiilcl." (iewhtro you will among tho rich or tho po n, tho man of cotiijv.-ience or one who earns bis lueud by iho sweat of bis bo-v, you h' ar the s uind of muttcriug, tbo vuieo of com-.1 j: tji. The eilu r day wo saw aonper who was p'aying a merry tune with his ad rotin I his cu-k. " Ah,'' Miid lo " mine is a hard lot ; li revrr ttutiiug like a dog driving a lll'Op." ' II iglio!" sali a blacksmith, cn hoi Mimnicr. as l.u wiped the prcspi ruiioii fiom bi brew while the red irou glowed on the anvil, " this is lifo with a veuauee, melliti t,ud frying olic'd self over a fire." Mlli, that I wero a carpenter," ej iculfte 1 a shoemaker a bo beat ov er his lapstoiie. " Hero I uui day af ter day wealing my soul away making S ilea lor olhets, cooped up in this lit tle eeV' ti-by-iiine rouin bi ho bum.' " I'm kitk of this out door work," i exclaimed the brick'uver " boiling uu- " Last day of grace-banks wont !li'..llflt I'llM' i.MII'1'4 w.iii'l n.vi likt ! .hull I do ?" crumbles the merchant. : .. , u j r.,ti,t.r iu a truck-hofee, a dog, or an. i,;n , tls'." I .. u Ailloivs!" mans tho law. 1 yor aH I,,. cratches Lis bead over H0,a ,j, ,UH.y i v record. " buiirv fel- ! ((.vs I ImJ rather hammer rl"uc all j tay (j,.,,, ,y 10a,i oa vcx. a,j us ta.-Ji.su.- ouesliju." I And ilii.jugh all the ramification of i.,.. ,!.., ii ,. ,.,i..:,.;1.,. ..r ; otlie,.( hlluli, u con,Mt U 19 universal cry '' anything but what am." S'J wags tho wotld, so it ha w:ig:;rd, and so it will wag. ;ool iiit lci. 1'resi leut I'mior, of Yulo College, gave the folhiwing advice lo students of that institution tho other day:, ' Young men, you nro the archil, cts of your own fortune. Kely upon yoi),' owi) strength of body and soul. Take fi.r your st.ir. Sctf-l'etianre, faith, boueity and Industry. Inscribe "on your banner, ' l.uck is a fool, pluck is a hero.'' Don't tuke too niU(.b advice; keep at your helm and steer your own ship, and remcinb.r that the ceat an of cotiimundiug is to take u fair share of lbs work. Do uot ptaclioo too much humility. Think well ofyout't self. S'.rlk'ou. Assume your own position. I'ut potatoes in your cart, over a rough rea l, and amall ones g' to the bottom. K sa abovo the enviv oua and jealous. Firs abovo tba maik you iotond to hit. jrjiy in vim ilile determination with a right motive, are the levers that move tbo world. Don't drink. Dju't chew. Don't sinko. Dm't swear. Don't deceive. D u't read navel. Don't marry until you can support a w.a. lie in furuost. 11 o self reliant. Bo generous. Dj civil. Head the pipers; idvrtio your busioew. Make money and do good with It. Lovo your God and fellow-man. Lot truth aod vir tue. Love your coutsiry and obey it law.' If this advioa is Implioitly fol lowed by tho young wen. of the couo try, tbo n)!l;n.i,t W PHI It Ufti.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers