THE POST PahHsheal evT7Jhurdsx.Ivolnf by . JIMMUM ntorci. Proprietor. ' Trme of Bnbaoription, TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, Payahl wiimh sib enontns, or i,ou ir oi paid within th year. Kppr dieconlineod aalil H arrearage er paid units at optioa of tk publisher. Vobseriptions outride of tho county PBYABLI lit APVANCt. B9" Pron lifting tad using paper ' addressed U other beoom subscribers, ad art Uabl for th prlo of Ik paper J" cronmiliek ATTORNEY AT LAV, - MidJluburir, Ta., Offer bit professional services to th pub II. Collections and all other professional ob alrutld to hi ear will receive prompt attention, f Jan 8, '67tf AC. SIMPSON, t ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solinsgrove Ta., Offsr hit professional servla io th pub ,' I. All basiaos entrusted to hli ear Will be promptly attended lo. . . . f Jan. 17, '7lf JW. KNIGHT, e ATTOR.NET AT LAW, ' Freoburtf Fa., Offer hi Professional service lo th pub ic. All bailor tntrusted to hi care will be promptly atleaded lo. Jan 17. 67tf . WM.VAN CJKZKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, L. T ! I - ncwisnurg i n., Offer hi professional service lo b pub II. Colleetion and all otlior Ptofcssion al business tntruitrd t hi ear "111 re otlte prompt attention. G EO.F. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lcwlburfl l'a. Offer bit Professional service lo th pub lie. Culleelion and all other profession all business entrusted to, Lie care will re oW prompt attention. Jan. 8, 'UTtf M.LINN, ! A. II. DILL Muhwoii to 1. T. k J. M. I.tna,) ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lewiaburg, Pa. ' Offer their professional lervice lo the public Collections and all olbor pro fessional business entrusted lo their cure will reecivoproniptatteniion. Jan. 8, 't7lf IIARLKS HOW Kit. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hclittfigrove Tu., Offer his professional eorvioes to I lie pub- ite. Collections and all other profvssiona bnslnes entrusted lo lilt cure will re vivo prompt attention. Ofl'.ce Iwo door ' Berth of the Keystone Hotel. Jan 6, '8 SAMUEL ALL KM AX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' Solinsgrove Ta Offer hi Professional services to the public. All business entrusted to his -r will be promptly illondcd to. Col lections made In all parts of the Slnto. I'e ean speak th F.ngHnh and German ' flings fluently. Olfice bolween Hull' id the Poit office. I N. MYERS, r ' ATTORNEI k COUNSELOR AT LAW iij ,urg Snyder County Pcun'a J' . Tew doors West of the P. O. on J - reel. Consultation In Engl'iali r .' ... Wf.n-an rsuacrs. F.p.'t.Tll Cr C. BUCI1KR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , Lowitiburg Tu., ax., ere Ms professional seivicesto tne puo- ' All business entriilel to bis care 'I be promptly attended lo. (Jan. 8. 'i'iTi UrLKiVKIl ft BAKKK c SEWING MACHINE. . . ranna in need of a gnod and durahlc ing Macliin can be accommodated at I .Monable prices by calling ou on .Sam I vac Facst, Agent, Svliucgrove. I (Jan. 21, 'U8 MR. J. Y.SIIINDKL, Lf SURGEON AND PIIY8ICIAN. MiddlcburR Pa., Offers bit professional services to the cit tern of Middleburg and vicinity; March 21, '67 Jj F. VAN BUSKIRK, SVRitllCAL S MECHANICAL DENTIST . . Eellnpgrove renn fOUN K. HUOUES, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Pcdd Twp., Snyder Co. Ta YH. WAGNER, Esq., JlihTlCE OF THE PF.ACE, Jackson Tow"a8hip,SnydorCo. Pa., Will attead to all business entrusted to his ear and on th most reasonable terms. March 12, "081 f DRJt V KANAWEL, PIIVRirliW AND RITRftKfW- ---' - i Centrevllle, Snyder Co., ra., Offer bit professional service to th public 0-8t)tf G RAYBILL & Co., VYUOLISAl DSALSIS 1M WOOD AJTJD WILLOW WAEE Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Broom, Mats, Brushes Cotton Lap, Grain Dags, Fly Nets, lluokets, Twlots, Wioks, to. Ho 845 North Third Blrd, Philadelphia. Fb. T, '07 FA. UOYER, Jr. - AUCTIONEER; t . - , Freeburg Snyder Co. Ta., Most respect fnlly offer hi services to jh publlo at Vendue Cryer and Auction eer. Having had a large experience, 1 eel confident that t a render parfeot satisfaction to ty inployc. t BT. PARKS, - ATTORNET AT LAW ft DI8TIUCT ATTOBNT, M1PPLEBCR0, BNVDF.R COUHTV.Pa : OSc la Court Iieut. Scpt.lft, 'C7lf LEWIS BREMEWS BONS WOBACCOWAHEHOUSE ,MPr3gi2 N.THIRUS 6,831 PHILADELPHIA. M1 EBCHAMT II0U8B. 1L II. MANDKRBACn Prop'r. J. C, HIl'K, Cleik. . ill 41B liorth Third Btreet. , . J'hlladelpbU M 1LLER ELDEB WHOLESALE BOOK SELLERS Stationery, lilatik book Manufaturon aaa dealers la wrapping, uiasiisg, i ur laiaaad Wall paper Paper Bags fto Gsn rl Job Primers SM) Worth Third street abov Raee ... . .i- h'a Pa. Sli VOL. 9. Ho loot Poetry. Tee, I am old) my strength declines, And Wrinkle tell the touch of lime, Tel might I fancy three the signs, Not of decay, but manhood' prim J For all within is young and (lowing, Pplte of old sge's oalwary showing. Tee, I am old i lb hall, th song, Th turf, lb gan no more allure, I shun the gay and gullded throne-, Yet, ab t how far more sweel and pure Home's tranquil Joys and mental Ireaaur Than disipations proudest pleasures 1 Tes, I sm old ! ambition' cull. Fame, wealth, distinction' keen pursnll That once eou'd elisrra and cheat me-nll, Are now detected, passive, mule, Thank Ood the passions and their riot Are bartered fur content and quiet f Ye. I am old I but a I press The tale of year with willing feel, 8t ill do I find life' sorrows leas, And all it haliowed joy mora sweel, Sine Time, for every rose he snatches, Take fifty thorns with all their scratches. Yes, 1 am old t and death ha taken Full many friend to memory dear; Yet. when I die, 'twill sooth the pain Of quilting all my sorrows here, To thiuk how all will b delighted When In lb skies again united. Yes, I am old! experience now, That best of guides, hath made me sago- And, thus instructed, I'll tow My Arm eonviotion, the old age, Of all eur various terms of living, Deserves the warmest, best thanksgiving. The Young In Great l lllfa. Tho worlJ learns its lossoos slowly. Much or tho worlJ does not loam its lessons st nil. Tbo young nr every whoro growing up smiJ tho ruins of other lives, tpparonlly without inqui ring or oaring Tor the reisotis of the (lisaHtors of life, fortuna snl ropula- (ton, that srit Ittpponio, or have bap peuod everwbere oroun I thoni. One mno, with great trusts of mono', In bis band, Lot ray ths eoufiJenco of tho publio and Locomrs a Lopuloss dclnultor, and blows bis bruins oat. Another, led on by loia of power anl plaoe, is degraded at lutt to s poor demagogaa, without character or in fluence. Another, through a surren der of Mnnclf to sensuality, become a disgusting beast, with boiirt nod train moro foul thttn tho nosls of un clean birJ. Another, by tai-tin, and tssting, nnd tailing of the wino cup, becomes a drunk urd lit last, nnd Jics, in horrible dcliilu.n, or lives to bo a curs to wife, children oud friotids There is an sruiy of thee poor wrotcb es io every 'orgo city in the land dy. ing daily recnfot'Cod. A younx girl loviog "not wisely but to J well,'' yields herself to a seducer who ruins and then forsakos her to a life ol ruin, and thon forsake s her ton life of vhunie and a death of despair. Not one girl, but thousands of girls year ly, to that, though a groat number ol those whoso robes are boyond clean sing hide themselves in tho grave every twelve months, aaolbor great company of tho pure drop to thoir plscos, and keop ClIoJ to rplotion tbo ranks of prostitution. Again and again, in instances boyond coun ting, are tragsdios repeatod in the full presence of tho rising gen eration, and yet it seems to grow do wiser. Nothing bas boon mora fully demonstrated tbsn that the first steps of folly and sin aro fraught witb per II. Nothing has been botlor proved than that temperate drinking is al ways dangerous, and that exoessive drinking is slwsys ruinous. Mothlag is bstter known than that a msn can not consort with lewd womon for an hoar without receiving a taint that a whole lifo of repentance cannot whol ly eradicato. Sinoe tiuio began have women been led away by the same promises, tbo tame empty pledgos, tbs ssmo empty rowards. If young men nod young women oould possi bly learn, wisdom, it woald seem as if tbey might win it in a single dsy, by simply using thoir eyes and thinkiog npon what they soe. Yot In the great olty of Now York, and in alt the the great cities of the country, young ram and womon are all the time ro poating tho mistakes of thoso around tborawho are wrecked, in character and fortune. Tbeyonng man keops bit wine bottle, and resorts whore de ceived snd ruinod women lie in wait for prey, knowing perfectly well if be knows suythlug, or ' Las ever used fairly tho roason with which Heaven has endowod him, that be is in the bread road to pordition and there is before him a life of disgnst and a death ol horror. . ' When the results of certain cour ses of.conduct and eertairt indulgen ces are so well ' known as these to wkiob we allude, it seems atraage soy cso enter upon them. Every young bsd knows that if be psvsr tastes a glass of slohoboUa drink be fill never become or stand in dan ger of becoming a drunkard. Every young man knows that if be preserves MIDDLKBUHG a chaste youth, and shuns the sooisty of the lewd, he can carry to the wo. msnhelovos a self respect which is invtluabto, a past freely opon to ber questioning gsse, and the pure phy sical vitality which shall be the weslth of another gonoralion. Ho know thtt the rowards of chastity are ten thousand times greater tbsn thoso of criminal indulgence He knows that nolhlog ig lost and everything is goinoJ by s life of manly sobrioty and sclf donial. Ho knows all this, if he has bad his eyes opon, and his exor cised bis rosson in even a small de gree; anJ yet ho joins the enfatua ted multilnle and goes straight to the devil. We know that wo do not exaggerate when wo ssy that NtfWlorkhss IhousanJs of joung men, with good ruothors and pit re sisters, who, if their lives should bs uneovcrod, oould nevor look those mothers and sistors in tho face again Tbey are full of fears of sxposnro, and coosoloui of irrrpairablo Ion. Thcii livos nrs maskod iu a thousand wavs. They live a daily lie. Thoy are the victims and slaves of vices, which are just si certain to orlpple or kill thorn u i) loss nt onoo an 1 forever forsaken as they livo. There aro thousands of others who, now puro and good, will follow evil example unwarned by what they see, and within a ysar will bo walluo, In the road that ItaJs i ovcrtnoro downward. One tries ol talking to fools, nnd fill back in sorrow that hell nud de-J struclion aro novor full in sorrow that men connot or will not learn that tlioro is but ooo path to an honorab'e peaceful, projporous and successful lifo, sad tbst all others tea J more or loss directly tp ruin. Dr, J. (I. Uol- .(, &rt't,ner'a Monllt'i. Tho Value ol n SevTspsiper. Tbo following is tho exporioncoof a mochanic, concerning tbo bonoGts of a newppnper : Ten years no I livoJ in a town in Indiana. On returning homo ono night, for I am a arponlcr by trado, I siw a littlo girl leavo my door, and I asked my wife who sho was. Sbs said Mrs. Harris bad sont hor after their newspaper, which my wifo bad borrowed. A wo sat down to los. my wifo said to mo, by my givcu nuino : ' I with you would subscribo for the newspaper, it is so much comfort to mo when yon aro away from home." "I would like to do so, saij I, b it you know I owe a payment on tho house and lot. It will bo all I can do to meet it.'' Sbo roplicd : '-If you will take this paper, I will sow for the tailor to pay for it." I subscribed for the paper, it came in due timo to tho shop. Whilo res ting ooo noon, and looking ovor it, I saw an advertlsomont of the county commissioners to lot a bridge that was to bo built. I put in a bid for the bridgo, and tho job wss awarded to me, on which I clcsred throo buadred dollars, which enabled mo to psy for my house and lot onsily, and for the uowspapqr. If I bsd not subscribed for the nows psper I would not bovo known anything about tho contract, and could not ba vs mot my payment on my bouse and lot. A mechanic never looses any, thing by taking a newspaper. A Iaiw Suit With AlforaI. A ourlous notion is now ponding in one of our Now York Courts, in whioh Anna Schoinort, a young woman of sbout twenty yesrs of age, asks to have bar marriage with Ferdinand Scheincrt declared null and void, on the ground that it was perfor mod whilo the plaintiff was under fourteen years of sge,nd egainst hor will. Tbs plaintiff's father is a wealthy down town merchant The defend, ant U a Hmogaiiao, and was introdu ced to the family " as a needy musio teacher. He gained thoir confidence, frequently took the girl out for a walk. On tbo 24th of April, 1805, Sobonsrt took his pupil to the house of a friood on Twrnty-sixth street, and there, acoordiog to hor story, forced bee to marry bitn. His friend offioistod as a priest, and performed the servioea in Latin. Acting npon .ber fears, he prevented ber from telling her parents Three or four days afterwards be took Anna out as usual, and then foreod her to aocompaQj him to Mon treal, where she lived a miserable life for eight months.. Her where abouts wasaooidsQtally discovered by her father, and be took meant to bring ber back. The referee has re ported in her favor. The whole sto. ry shows the folly of the' uoresirlotod Intimacy wbloh parent are too apt to allow etraogfra (9 har with. t4lr daughters. is SNYDER CO. PA., NEW YKAU'3 THOUGHTS. Last year's trials, where are they ? Have tbey wrought as good to-day t Are w better for thai eross 1 Wasn't our gain, that heavy loss t Why I life not on long May f Why should trouble eoaie each day f W hy not have complete u:oss, Bringing hourly happiness f What fruit brought von forth last year? Seed tbos sown will soon appear. Cast you In both bad and good f Son can change them, if ke would. Let us sow bo tars again, Only wheat of purest grain. Spring shall send her genial showers, Pleasant harvests shall be our. Christian, banish id1 fear. Provident th vessel steers, Safely o'er the sea He'll guide. Landing safe on Canaan's elds. Cheerful nay lb voyage be. Winds and waves are speeding thee. Far away, our home's In view, Resting plaee for good snd true. Diamond cut Diamond. "What an egregious fool I have been," sighed Hubert Hastings, as he sat in bis luxuriously furnished cham ber. "Here I am at the age of twen- six a begger, after squandering in ri otous living a snug fortuoo of fifty thousand dollars. What shall I now do to earn my daily breed f Must 1 set np my ahingle man attornoy-at-Uw, anl cmnmonce the practico of the profession, for which my wo II mean ing guardian sducstsd and designed me f No, by heavens I it is too late now for me to undertake thedrudgo ry and labor of a lawyer's lifo, long habits of indolence anl self-lndul-gonco have unflttoJ me for the plod ding routino of tho olTtoo and tlio OourK I will sellotrmy fast horses, furniture, and spenl the sp pronching seison at th While Sul phur, where wealth an I boiuty most do congregate, nol if I don't win tho band of 8 Jin 0 southern hciton, my name is not Hob Hastings." Scarcely bad tho young spondthrift srriveJ at this manly resolution when his fricod, Qoorgs Martin, a rising young lawyer of tho same city, entor ed tho room. Ho had long snspect d that his dUsoluto friend was on the vcrgo of bankruptcy, and had advis ed him repeatedly to apply himself to ths practico of his profession Uaorge koew that Jtoboi t Histins possessod many sterling qualities combined with raro talent which would ensure his success at tbe bar, if ho woul 1 only free himself from the hoard of sharp ers and ovit counsellor wli) woro thriving on his prodigality. Ho, con sequently, expressed no surprise wbon Hastings lo fur mod him that his raou- eywasgono, aul procoode l lo ac quaint him with tho moans by which be meant to repair the daraago. 'And so, Dob, you moan to set out as a professional fortuos-huntcr. Had any ono else told mo that Hubert lias would oogago in suck sn unworthy pursuit I would hivo ropolled tho ac cusation with scorn, snd denounced it ns a foul slauder of my gifted frion 1 For sh.att)o, Bob, leave fortune-hunting to tho, hosrtloss fool wh3 ore not fiiUd for the higher snd nobler dutios of lifo, turn ysur time and talents to the practice of an honorable profession, and my word for it yon will never regret it.' "No, George," replied his friend. "My mind is made up. It would take years for me to acquiro by the prac tico of law an incomo that would ena ble me live io the style to which I have been accustomed, and I cannot oonsout to move in an bumblorsphoro. However I will only try my hand at fortune-hunting this season, and if I don't suooced I will put myself undor your fYioudly guidanoe to do with me as you will." , "Well, Rob, all tho oIJ Sootoh ad age halhlit 'a willful man maun have hie wsy,' I may perbsps drop in on you at the Springs during the sum- mer to see how you are getting 00 in your new role." Our hero lost no. time la carrying out bis proposed . plan. He realiod qnite a handsome sum from the aalo of his sffeots, and with a splendid out fit of wearing apparel and a pocket full of small ohange made bis appsaranae at tbo Springs about the opiolo of tbe leasjn. - liy a lavish expenditure be soon aoquired tho reputation of bo ingiramonioly wealthy, whioli was tho first step necessary to brlo' to s successful issue the game he was playing. : ... - "I esn hardly sfford lo wast tbs money I am daily squandering," tho't he, "but then appearanooa must bs kept up, and porhaps these small aurai may be liko bread out upon the wa ters to ba sssa After many dsys," ' Tbs reputation of. being wealthy made our -friend Bob tbe object of in cessant attaoks on the part of Msnoe ovrsiog mmmss, snd many en art less maiden directed tbe , lightning of ker eyes at the yeung ssilllooaii-e. Their angling, fcowevfr, as yala, Jbr JANUARY 4, oor bero S)on learned that they, too, were fortune bunting, aod bad their charms been iocroased a hntidrod fold be wonll still have preserved an in vulnerable breast. Week afrer week paseod away. Dob's rhangt was growing "small by dedrees and dis mally less," snd still no Isdy endowsd with superior poouniarv attrscliens bad visited lbs "Wkitb." At length a rumor began began to be circulated among the visitors thst a wealthy ereole family from New Orleans had sogaged rooms, and would bo stths Springs in a fow days. Hob flew at eoce to tbe pioprietor to koow if this was true, and csing answered in ths altlrmative, like a good night he at onbe sot about preparing himself for the campaign. Tbe oxpoolsnt guests srrivsd in da courso of time, aod no littlo commo tion wss excited in the grand dining saloon wbon tbs old Crcesus of tho Crescent City entetcd with a fair daughter on either arm, whilst his good lady followed, supported by the courtly proprietor. Our good friend Hob, who was su tbe lookout was de lighted to observe in tbe old gentle man snd bis wife that air of easy dignity so strikingly indicative of rank and wealth, and was equrlly charmed with tbo winning grace snd beauty of the young ladies. With one of them, indeed, who seemed to be the elder, ho was alreaJy desperately in love, and he at once siujjlod her out as the objoct of his attack. As soon as possible be sought sod obtained an introduction, and every ovening looroafter Mirs Mario Viu. cent, tbo great hoiresa, would enter the bull room leaning on tbo arm of Robert Hastings. It would be hsedloM to enter into all tbe details of lbs courtship. ISo- fore it was pssssd ths the hearts of each were warmed ieto a deeper feel ing than could possibly bo engender ed by mere love of luore. True to his premiio, (i sorgo Martin eamo to the Springs, and being introduced to the young lady by bis enraptured friend, formed a most favorable opin ion of her her merits. Just before the closs of the seosoo, our hero propos ed in dne form snd was accepted. At his earnest solicitation, tho psronts of tho ynunjj lady coosented for the eer oniony to be perlormed at the Springs and tho marriage was accordingly solemnized in the prosooco of a few mutual IrioO'U. A fow days after the marriage, Hob startled bis young wito not a lit tle by informing her that the impres sion in legard to his wealth was s fatso one. A momentary shads of disappointment fi tted over her coun toouace, wbon sho replied, with s merry laugh, "We sro even then ou that soro, dear Robert. Tbo sanit impressions, has prevailed in reference to my father's possessions, and I aro in a msssurs accountable for it, inas much' ss I have bssn too weak to con tradict it." "What I you poor, taoP gasped Hob. "Not white I' possess yqur love," was the geutlo reply. "Dacling, ssid our bero, as he pressed his gentle wife to bis hoart, "if you sre coatsnt to sbaro tbe lot ol a poor man we may yot bo sa bsppy ss if we possessed unlimincd wealth.1' And happy tbey have always been. Robert Hastings returned to tbe city witb his brido, oponod an office eon. tiguous to thst of bis friood, aod is already engaged in a lucrative and extensive practise. In his efforts to retrive a wasted fortune, and win an honorable name among men, be is ably jssoooded by bis lovely wifs. Oeorgo Martin often laughs at bis friend about his fortune huntor-hunt-ing expedition ; but Dohjosn bear the the jest as be won tho brigotsst jew el In men's earthly orowa. ' Sagacity ( an Elephant, Tho memory of Young, tbo trage dian, wriitoo by his ton, coatainee tbe subjoined s'.ory ; In July, 1810, the largest elephant ever aeon in England, wsa advertised as "just arrived." As soon as Henry Harris, manager ofCovent Garden Theatre, heard cf it, he determined, if possible, to obtain it J for it struck him that if it wsre to be introduced io the now psntonlme of Harlequin Pos rasoata, which ha was about to pro duos at a grsat coat, it would add greatly to tbe attraction 1. Under this Impression, and bsfors the proprietor of Hxeter Change had seen it, he purchasod it for ths sum ol 900 guineas. . sirs, Henry Johnson was to ride it, nnd Mist Parker, the ColamblM, wsa to play ap to It. Tot"! happened to I () 0f ln W 1872. NO. 42. at the box ofiloe adjoining the Cerent Garden Theatre, when his ears wsre assailed by a strange aul unusual up roar within the walls. On asking one nf the carpenters the csus of it, bo wns told there wss something wronj with the elephant, but oould not exactly toll what. I am not aware what mis-lit be the assge nowaday 'ej but then, whenever a new piece bsd been announced for presentation on a given night, and tbere wss but scarce time for its pre psration, a rehearsal would tsks place after tho night's regular porformsnce wneover and tho audienco . having been dismissed. Ono sucb there bad besn before my fathor's curiosity bad been arouaad. As it had been arranged that Mrs. Uonry Johnson, stated io a bowdah 00 tbe elephant's back, should pass over a bridgo in the centre of a numerous fcroup of folio wore, it was (bought ex pedient thst this nnwclldly monster's trsctability should be tostcd, On stopping up to the bridgo, which wns slight and tomporsry, the saga cious brute throw back bis fore fee, snd refuBod to stir. It is wsll known as a fact in natural history thst the elephant, becsuts of its unusual bulk, will never trust its woiitbt npon say objoct which is nnsqnat to its support. Tho stage manager, soclog how ros- olutely the animal resisttd every at tempt rando to compol or indues it to go over the bridgo in question, propos ed that tbey should stay proceedings till next day, wbon be might bs in a belter mood. It was during tbo repe tition of tbo experiment that father, hoaiing the extraordinary sounds, de termined to go an l seo if he oould as certain thscauso of it. Tbs first sight that mot bis eyos kindlod bis indication. There stood the huge animal, with downcast eyes snd flapping ears, meekly submitting to blow after blow from a sliarp iron gosd, which his driver was driviog ferociously Into the flushy part of his nock nt the root of his ear. Tho floor on which he stood was covorod with a pool of blood. Ono of tbe proprietors impationt at what Le regarded senseless obstinacy, kept urging tho driver to still grester extremities, when Chnrlns Young, who was a groat lover of aniinala, ex postulated with him; went up to the poor patient sufferer, snd pitted snd caressed blm ; and wben the driver was about to woild his instrument again, with even still more vigor, hs caught him by the wrist as in a vies, nnd stayed him from furthor vio lence.' Whilo nn angry altercation was go- in on botwoen Young and the man of color, who wss bis driver, Cnpt. Hay of tho Ashel, who bad brought over Chunk in his ship, snd bad petted bitn greatly en the voyago, camo in and bogged to know what wm the matter. Before a word of explanation cauld be given, the mncb-wronged cteatar spoke for bimsolf, for, as sooo as hs porceived theentranoo of bis patron, be waddled np to him, and witb a Iquk of gentlo appeal, caught bald of his hand with bis proboois, plungod it in to bis blssding wound, and then thrust it before hie eyes. Tbe gesture sssmedtosay, as plain ly as If It bsd been enforced by speech " See how these erucl men treat Chung. Can you approve of it V Tbe beartg of tbo bardost present were sensibly touched by what tbey saw; and among them of tbe gentlo- tnan who had been to energetic in promoting ita harsh trestmont. It was under n better impulse tbst bs ran out into the street, purchased a few spptes at a stall, snd offered them to him. Chunk eyed biro askance, took then), threw them beneath his feet, snd, whsn bo bad crushed them to a pnlp, spnrned them for him. Yonng, who had gone Into the Con vent Garden with tbo urns crowd as th gentleman who bad preceded blm, shortly after reentered, aod a'.so bild ont to him some fruit, when to the tttonibhraeot of the bystanders, the Slsphan: eta every morsel, snd, af ter twinlcg bii trunk with studied gentleness troend Young'a waist, marking by hit aotlon, tbst though be bad resented a roug he did not forget a kindness. It was In tho year 1814 that Harris parted with Chang to d oes, the pro prietor of tbe menaysrleat Rxetor C'bangr One of tbe purchaser's fi.wfaefe was to send Charles Tenag a lifo tlflket f admission to his exhibition nod U was ono of his innooent little vsultle, when passing through the Btrsnd with any irisnd, to drop In on (rv ig. pay bias a vlait la Wi dsn, ad" ,bs ntu Atlvertlatliafr lint em. eolaaaaoa year a r One-hair luma, on ymr. $40 0, SO.ftO, uae-ionna r.i. as yea, One squav (10 tinea) m iBMrtl) fS Every additional Ineertioa t, Professional and Peslne earde Bet more I baa St liars, aer year. Auditor, Eieeutor, Administrator and Asaigne Itotioe Editorial aotiee per lia ,00 ISO. u. All adverthwmeala for a shorter period thaa eae year ar parsbl at th lias they ar ordered, and If not paid th per son ordering them will be held responsible for the Boney. HLI mate relations which existod between tbera. Tbe tragie end of the poor oresturo must be within the recollection of many of onr rendors. From some cause nn known, he went road ; and it took one hundred and twrnty-fiv shots dis charged by a dotachmont of tho (Jusrds to despatch bim, r "BiEJDSBir, LOTI, AlOTRfTfl." When grief and ear opprea lb suul, And 1 ears nnbiddan alart, Tra friendahip drie thclear away, And cheer the drooping heart 1 And hallowed Love, diffusa! eg Joy; Bonn heals the wounds nf cart Dispelling grief, inapiriug hope, And conquering foil despair While steadfast Truth, the triumph ertwns Of Love and frirndihip'e sway, Culling links In fellowship That stronger grow each day, Till universal sympathy The besrts of men shall move, And man Ionian, throughout th earth A brother true shall prove. A Wot nallrond Project. Lette?s bavo been received in this pises from New York within tbe past few days, from sources which we consider reliable, containing intel- ligenco that 85,500,000 have been raised to build a road trom Williams- port to tbo Allegheny at ths month of ths Tionceta. Two millions of this money is subscribed by the Peon. sylvsnis railroad company, $1,600,. 000 by tio Heading railroad compa ny and 82,000,000 is raised in l.on- don. Tbe line of this sontemplatsd road is ss follows: From Williarnspert it rune up Lycoming creek to the mouth of Cogao creek, thence up tke valley of Cogan creek, to the bead wa ters of Marsh creek, in tbe southeast corner of Tioga eout.ty. The summit between Cogan ercek and Marsh, creek is easily made, and from thst summit the contemplated road follows the lioe of the From. Lawrsnceville railroad dewu Marsh crock ro Wl!l'oro. ram tho latter place it follows Marsh creek to Pino crsok to where it lap the Allegheny river, theuce serosa to ths Allegheny and down that river to the mouth ef Potato crock, thence ap potato erotk to tbe mouth of marvio, up Marvin to tho summit, which divides it from, tbo Tionesta waters, thence down the Tiooesta to its month. SfyKcatv Cuunty L'm'on. Itlonuonlsni and free Lotcletu Iu eonsoquence of the dororsains tiou of the Federal government to unroot polygamy in littlo cxcitcmoul is now fslt in Oaoida county, Now York, among the Free Lovers, and to tho sonaiUve mind it would bo a diflioult mattor to de cide which of the communities is tbe most abominable. Tho Mormons claims the right to have as many wives as be sate fit, while tie Preo Lover scouls at marriago, aod baa. no respect whatever lor tke sanctity of ibo marriago tie. In otao words they claim the right to change their wives and husband every day, if tbey choose. Those Free Lovers have established themselves in a populous oommunity and are dovotiog all tbo power they possess te tbe work of no- dorrojniog tbo foundations of Chris tian society. Their pernicious pre-i ccpta aod examples are beginning to be seriously felt, and already soma of tbs New York press Are earnestly invoking ths ictcrpooition of tbe law to Arrest their further development. Quick Work Sevoral yoare ag when new ohurcbss were erected, and prosperity dawned on Virginia city, a certain earnest clergyman on a Sun day morning, wasexbortiog those with anxious and troublsd consciences to be sure and call oq their pastor for guidsace end praysr. . Caid ho, "To show yon, my brstb, ren, tbo bleited resilu of tbeso visits with your pastor, I will state to yon; that only yesterday a gentleman of wssltb called upon me for oonnscl &d4 instruction j and acw to-day, my friends to-day Lo sits itaoog as a bsppy husband, and a fathor, end a. Christian." A young lady in tho audience whis pered to a matron, "wss'nt that pret ty quick work P' I 1 a n Tui rising generation in Iowa In hopefully bright, ' At one oftbe Pom dsy sobeola in nn Iowa town Iks) superintendent, -vcr lowing tho lesson, asked tko question, Wy ft eoamsodsd to "gird, our kins?" Ono little bbsver rang oat, M To keep year nreeokes np." ' . Uta Is aaid jst now to be 14 sta,Uokwors'oj,;i. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers