( X;. ii T1J HPOST. MiMii.nit'u. iiC'rOIIEH T. It' ('ongrr.nrial Rltrlit-nnt(il. Penlt, 1). yK I II UN 1 VI I ' i pawl tv-.. vm , lei . lull Jl!-.: I - OiT.rlr.t. J.liti'on, Mil ) - j ri l:--l :.i rtvi ;ti K.'IJ - 111'.!, Snyder Vi in Inn Ii Paaphtn Mill s'lirtr.iiuiriarlanil.. M-t Juniata IM Ttal 13.I.UT Packer' Majority r'l It'll. . l'.U , I'M . 4..H Fnrder t'nlnn Lycoming . il Majority fur Mil.. 1,I Nlndvo .Hull t J-OCl ls I. K C! sS o 5 ? B a a CTiVNTlES. " o 1 S & : ? i S smv.ier i4.ie pat im rn i??t kis 1 liln Im 1'.'. 17.il l.'.MI 1141 IIKI I.ycumlng nun ;,iu aiu J:i4 41.14 41 mi Tntnt rui'i kh .4. r:ia ;u..4 iai 1'unifnlri nvir tlnrltr ir. r': Vi'ima iPr f HiiKitD, nig wiuod cr mil, uii ihmiiu- )fl I ill Miljoillii'K. Tl'p fo'bm in' nro the i lllci i! n,.t! , . , , . , , . 1 . .. ... ... v-.-n.i w.n int in tbi; MutC Inf. S. J. l;-iti Tr.1I. V 111 1.1 l 2d. .1 V. Ci-ly, Hrp. !!'l l."onar. Mvir. llrP, lib l Keiy. r."p. t'.th . C ll.ii-n'i."-, 1,'ep. r.ih.-i:. 1,. .,a,.p. i,.m. Tib. Wii.Vii T .wi iTnl. 1: p. Mb. !. I,, (i.lz, Iiiru. ;iih.-o .1. pnk ..v. i:,'p. Vnii..I V I.i;i;n- r, lb p. lib I. I!. !- t .iins i, t,i. l-'lli I.. I'. H" i-iiialv. r. I;. ;i. lr.ib I'lvci M. n ur K"p. 1 lib. .1.1;. Pmk.r, ;. p. I-Vh p.. ,J. II.iI.Khhii. Di i.i lltlh. I'.. T. Minen. ), in. 1 T1I1. li M Sj.'iM-. Ivni 1 Slli. llvnrv H.erwon.l, I, m vm'.i -a. w. s.,.,n..i.i. i;,.j,. S;,n.U' l (nil'ill , Piiii. Jl.l II. n. r, M,r, I.,,,,. .'Jill J. S. Nr.-li v. II' i. .'.'li. I": .-. 11 z,. i- M Jui. liin, I'., , "-'lib. "Win. MiCM::.!..! D.'iu 1 " ' ." 1 1. 1 1 -M7T ::'.', r, ::il l.'.'-'i' IJI J t.'i.'l ,!.Vi l.'i 1 1 1 -1 1 21:: .Till 7.'i'i Till: Milncy Liiiiiimrj i' ro sj vi 1 1 i:ir Kr uMi'.ai.ri In) - jlj uul to l':ll. lb H : Jin' t!ie in i.t .ih.rn. (.il an I ur .v.'ir I'U'itablo u!i in ii'iuii.'t i'l 1 1 in.'iil. s, 1 hi' Most I'Utiiuri.in !i'll:ial nl 11 caliil, ilav by iiuv 1 ai'iv, tl.nl 110 kmnv nf, n-i t'Hit nl I'm l!c;i iliiii'ini" nl" I 'ni hi 11:1 I i.yJi'i- Clin! i,' tin the Si-nut ii-; il ijiii ii i 1:1. ( lur l iiii'ii lat.', II or ll 'ii lv. I biis.'O, w.ih i.l.'it lii'l wilii 1,. 1 i b'l 10, bill ft i .J ii.it fimply u li'i'iiii lie. ii, i iro :!:il 1 1 . 1 I I i I, mi l yet l-.'adi'ra i i hi- e i'l.i!i "i wlitt owo l. I hey hive sni'l tili I In-y nr.', to ibe II; J 'il ium iuiIv, tiuii p'.l up uj.r-ii.xl uii'l M'leiikiii'y and :i-ii'!ely laid their j -Imp, 1111 1 1 1 a J tn-i will camel then. "it, to ;.l:.ll il.tcl" l.illl :ll lil) p..l!s. Li- ea-i "f Me. .lubii.-i.n ii ivni a itnj riiy n1 11 'I lei ilian lUD I in tlu tW) ("1 lll'l'l, b'.ll IIVlJ Tit! n.;;iuiat h iu. -.TJtcoMwiar."UhfDr2rtiirTai Til"'. iris '; ( 'ifun ' V. in li-.iu.-tlio 1. Ill .'i.il vote lor S'lir.or mid iiu'iiu I'er.i of A".s eiii'ily in this uVti'ii-t-l, e m. ineiiti in I iilo.v : 1 here, now, ii a ho'e.-.:i!e 4 1-lici s;lif or nl the iiiiini-eiit 4 ' , , . , , . , Ihealiove delealel eautliiiat cs wer. , . ..... . , lioiiiuiaK'-l 111 l'o u fiith, mi, I thev ex - leiti.-i as It wa.s Ih -ir I'Uht I ) tiilil ! ir rijit I) ti.iil! tlu Ica.'el i of t lio Ii 11 ty wi ill. I i.iiic u-iiiM i.r,.e . pill . Il.il prove li ill'-!-!, mui loe-ii' 1 ler'.io-i wouu con fi' iuelitly be fi l l lia. Getill'TUlen whine it. .....it I. 1, II K i'l In 1... .I.o 1, " " -'"'J .iiiic.i their ix p tiitioa iii.tI b-ipcs. tt ha! do you lli i.l; nf jour work? bat tl ) you il.iuL of youis ive.i ? ym who1 have mi rarni'.'tly uracil nil. crs to s'iek : to the tit Ueti har.-eil us lo inilr it l' 'ir II. puS'ieaii 1 1 n 1 ei 1 to iliek to tbe ' liekut ii'.d ibciLby eec-i.ro n victory! niel redeem our iii ti iet bieb Wa r.li! your pi ' Ji.-liiu io' your prae I ee '.' Have yi 11 liilicn ,Ii hn liui li-! ini'.di' 11.1 our palr.-n Kiii t t Veil ile.i i li.ee I his in n .ii, i in lijo een nte. obi ainiii"; all lie kii'Hvl.'lire lie C' lild of I bo co.uo lo b in -ue I b- Mr. I.iiii i.l'i uii'l his U'ltuiitirir tti 11 in -itliii down the lleileliion, tin ihelij vnii ii.s poikeia lull ol tli coviip.) in - J-.Hiiiiiti.il;. he bai.ly turned traitnr 111 11 miali way yi'Ur com lie hiime. If br Mas a traitor on b I.H'i;e seale, wlul mo you? it, is your object to lueii up tl-o llepnbl an puny iu fii- -lutriel, why havea! 4 .. ... I. .... a . .. . I t v.u uu ....... y .0 ..y so opemy f(l (0 ,,M.etn,nU ou havn luthei to l,i..-i,e c,,d lolu.es. , ri.snuroi.s. i r...,,..,,, . .. p-oitiea.iy; mo you tlis.i'e I viil. l...mty r I A miii.ber of Miiu.ieh .. p.. dicansl nl the ratik nnd Ire aver that, hav..,,. j .ee, so oe.uny oo.ei, ,. , ,,I,.U., i'v nn.-ir leaoe.i, uiev vti.i nrvcr l;o IO the I oil-. a;'ain. This is Lud reu-otiiim ll'uur sol li. ri l a I ibiown down their j'.rnis wl.cu hie, Twiirs, and ncorc-s (jf Inith.'ul iflictis, untied traitors, vbero would we now l.uve been ' N 1. Cciitb'iiK'ii ; v.o id tlm rank and bit Must rta-fij dil'i'i'i-cmly. J..-I us ro-s-ilvo to do our duty to tho last Other le i, Ids' will ri"0 from tho luuks who will leu J un to vieiorv. vbu ib - i poliiicil null uf our butrayoiH shn.i ; lutre set !o rie no lli to. As wo have; . Hred hitherto, wo now contm n to j ; ti i-ijo 'ii ick to j'pur ticket''-"..) struihi I t.n wur-I, mnl let l.'itt traitors lull nut ut , rank as lint as they dense. Su-li 11 iiur.o will ioduco nlburd liure hilbful o il 1 1 l bun up. J'.rwaid! i .. ..: '.. i .. . . . 1 i ili Aintiii is inu t reai est runi ni irliiit iii tho world. It lias r ix largs t-kviituiv, ttblo I) bold friiti) bill' 0 iiiillioiiloitjiiilli.nl tiuJ a ball liush. Is. Yet last wi-jk bvo biindrod cam 'were alun liurj in ll. freight yards uiel i'U tbo tracba of thecftl'. U' lib I.t to liscbaro their wheal. TblS iui:?cosc :l.f is Ir on old wheat, and tin iner . h ints 0 1 1 i id ;i to that thero are ft rill . ou inoi'o busbo'a of the crop of lSoii .O C' lliC. . . , I.Asx Thutilay uiorniiis at fj,vv i (iiiiutiM nl tor eleven o'clock, ho earth- (i i!ie shock Iruvtsr.-od tho continent .it . nui n aaii, eu-.oni;; einai.jura f I lllai'Ul illonn; i'a ll-a-.-L. Th') shock ' '( pt-ara to have btcu 111 t auvcu in .1 tl.crrj New Voik, Cyd,, au l Nn ' ItPiJ, - - .1 : IrcFist Aspects ofllte War In Europe. Tho t'rP'tfh fto'l I'ni'sian war. whic h lw month nsjo was tendinis scm-at'on of 1 l.o 'In J, lim declined into mitrcir imporlntiee n Ihemo of pub lic tli'tii'l). thnirh Iho leading N'ow Vmk dabes still think It duo to their mctir.p ) if rin poTtioti to ventilate their strut, cy by ft diurnal review of the Miiropc.m H:tiintii)n. An K'ifli-li Mul 'ury riif. In l-'f crib'.rif too bitile I W n'c!"f, sniy tlmt tho'.r wa a irfrit iniipiiPHti iii tho conflict. Tho KAjii!l ill tli' Frem-h by alternate bit li'i in.; with ntiilnry, tin I by t lmria .in in line ti ('mr(, nnd from vqiiarc 'n lire n.'iin. mi thi! pin hi iii') inmsii troop. Tim, il iriu.' the terrible Sunday afterno in if Jut) IS, 1 S 1 5 , he proiii'i'jiii nl' mutual destruction wciil on wiih rriiintkubln uniformity. So the rititso nl' tho present contest ji f-oii t Bcui'rc autllcicnt of varied in cident to nttr ict Konpril attention. A ili'i'ft' v n'ii'e;'iiii nf skirmishes, or it t i ami icpiUis, ol abortive ni'o. iinti.un, tiij'l nl' ftoi ooty vil mnnicver iil's. h.ivo wearied the public mini with the v h"lo mihji'cl The work ofr-lratc'v in the present l 11 . .V I I II 3 . I I'l. 1111 in II ' l I V wu.'Mi plinin'l. 1111J the W"rk nl'tirt'C well ..llv.ll'l'l'll, 1 11O I I IK-lil ri iiiVL'ramiiie I, Inn beiii tarr ed into remorntlesa ex-1 . c 1111011 well n taeiieiil Tiifir wim-li ' t.t.u . ii r ........ I .11 .v.i...Ulinn TI.P.i ei'iim to I e LCI ;ttle rnnin lur a rcr- ciiiialion of I'lvii'di forre in a'lfii- . . . .,'elelit HretHfill tniillcr the cneal Kl n lii'ii. 'I be clfurl nl tho I'rnvm'nii il (iovriiiiiieiit tn pin'i-.iel a lio;ielea i-iiiit("t "crin lo have, lom of tb h'Toio thnn 1 1 tin; ri'.ili'.ic lio liml no re.i H.n lo niter our pievi np!y expres.ed .ii.ini'.u in r..rJ to the pmpriely nl the I'niiii .i nini.'l f..p tho surien-! der i f AUnee M,d Lorraine. Tbo sur-! ieii-Iel' i.... ,.r t.. .. i.-. i. i. . 1:.,. r l i.t I. i- . I eie ttll.lll I- II luri-i'lil.i i...fi Itl.iii'i eill i.l 11.1t I I.iia tnrnl inf. ,..'. ,K- .... i.,r it... ;.,,.,. 1 ,,r I'. n'.i . ! 1. . I .'H...I ,..,,u r 11,. - 1 . ... ..... I I Mine lo brei.k lhr,,uKli tb - line-4 only 1 "v I'-"' '"'! ' "l,...v the d-iiM ration of the ir.-iniK'n. I rt .1 i. .o. One id the ablest t.icn.ber iliii-K hl l omid of honi-bcel' will,0 Iho hmt o..e 11 hlmineb nnd ... . . .. nn F.1.1 1 1 fi 11 fi'li.ml nl A miirle.i n iriilna. tr'iiialilv 10.111 i u iiroiii'lit uti'Mi I In t'i'.'.e (ierniany, in nelmil po.se. yi in i f tliise province-, will bold un iin- ri'iMi-ililo iliplom iti.3 ;i"S:lion in the -I'tib inent of n'leitions ol pem-o. J'he ea) ture if Melz will have n sii.n.M.n'-...n,.ntbcn.i:ilnrv While 10 h'.oii ,.f ibe mest 1. ,.,,.., ,,;ii i , i.,,i , ' re'iM'tntous . ii .1 .1 1 1 .ii ..e... i;.-. I'.,.... ). ;,...,i.-.i.fci1tl.o immeme belen condidntj. mhI ,t .najonty d 1.5.M1 ,'i..M-;...' foieo Willie Yvl-wAlnmi0"tttmwtt,0ni "'P0; si-ee .iutv. m,d tenlernl avuilaUc f it-1 1 l,nf0 cnndidates. (.overnor l,y. ri- r operation The .vinlurce.1 '0J';r'1); "vtr ' ;,.Bj,tf"' !" lyy,t iii nt.il 11,.. armies tri'irc lal i.i l V I ' '', . rl' f""'" L ? ,lie ,u,al ,1 ; 1. ...... ,.;:i ..-..I. i ,.n..:. voto. this year wan J.,GO. ail eir.vt. nt relief of the Barri..o. and1. '''hj I'l"""!' -I'Hfiverwhclu;- ii'..,, ,. 1 v; i,, I,- ;inL'y coiiviiiced ibil rbiladeliibi.i i 'I I. . 1 1 , .. ... ..I' -.,.,, I , I. ,OK. .1.1... ,, 1 ... . .,' ' .... ,;ii, , i - 'Hi itiii'.tl'l iii.iiivi.il. i-uii"-i:".., ttir government nnd peopie not to cede 1....I. ..I' f. a.-.. I ... .... I it l,.i . r fiane . f in'l'.'.n.iitv. kc.'.im raiber to 1 on i..i to mi men isili.' Willinne.-s to ':,:,, !;., lo I oh. If Mii-.'ic il inii.lies fulfil 'loiM-Uictit of iho ileibroiifd usurper! 11 I'Otiltr.eiiein of w'uke'l ll'ii fintne! li -H war. If tbo Trench people wih' 1 , .-.i. ,.i .... 1 ........ 1 . ...1.,.., 11 j. 1. .. l.o. 1 1., . : . I I 1. t U...I-! 1 u.. ....... I 1.1. ll....- I....-.,, I I O! t!l only I" declare Mi-'ir purpose never lo tn iko unicui!ti for tb-: injurv whieh 1 tho Imperial Hi'veriimelit inlbcled up. in a cieef'll n-'i-li'ior. It it we dn! .... ..... 1.1 1 ,1111. IU I 01: 1.I1K ll". .mil II i-."H-.ln- ,,, 11.,...,. 1. ;.. ,,., r,. : : nor in 1 ive loin tne 1 roio-ii pnnpie are . in 11 ii uni cie-il i..i4iiu M.111, 1. 1 "ill ' r ..-.i ,,'.:i. ,f,i , ... , - . . - . - .. , ,,.,,1 nmnf fxiiimrnled wnr fee oil', ... 1 , ., .1 I he invsi.iii bus put nn end n 1 ex , 1 1 1 ,, 1 1 ehatiKe, in I has reil' V ( ipiilt'il tl'O-I l.i.....: ' -pi 1 ,.;.. J. .....ii i- . 1,,,.,, : . i,. . : 1... .1.. f f II... I'nisiiutm under ll.e Intra nJ wor me of a charm ter w biel, cxeito :,lle.rn,wov,,r fey peaco u 1 for 1 . i:-,e ee.-s it 1 011 nl t lose exactions rath- cr Ihia a desiicrate resis'.cuoi! nni-ui tho lil'al cli-S'S. But few cuc ul s icb ree'u'etiee tire reported, and the io p"rtui:oe and vi;or nf these have h -i n treat ly overruled. Pence i 11 tieees-ity nf Trench nnr'n ut' lire. The insane i.ntiuiiTil pr tie which n-fii-'es to in all e pr nee upon tbo terms offered by; riiitntirk is ititettained only by c.ty 'Ibe reports of pence n voliati.m8lt'rc",8 ,iu l,ho I'1 K""'!'"" in. so el. meenl.l.. i 1 torn, n,.d n.lorilii. I U,l"l-',1'e b:,V9. WllUfi ncj harbors ol !,.., j, , . 1 1 .11 .... 1 , , c ,. ...ir.,.. ;j , . , - TInl 801113 prospect Ol SUCCCS4 in , ib'-H) negotiation, however, seem. evident Irom I lie on ileiay n i-.i 1 1 ne ' i I... .1 1 nl l.l Pi.rlu The erowimr . ...t,:," ttl.;,i;n,.M1 n,i ',ii.nr .,,,:,,:., .in cxbai.stion of and tbo failuro , jlliliMl0 , , ,iiw ,-.om ,,,,, y lMrrv t, K,rU!f. T. illterven. .-, fi,rc, Wl,r, w; be(.on)a . mor a(..iv(, 1 j.inK(,r of lividual coinplica'ion in the war bo cmiics less njinarcTit. Thus this (rreat c, intent, wbieb at the ononiiij; threat cned to Invnlvo nil I'uropc, now prom ies to confine it-elf ly its original fur-tie.-). V'.'. TlIK folloivinr is the nfCcial stale ircnt of tbo I, mid I). i irtuicnt, Uni.u Pai iflc Hailroid. from July 23, 1SCIJ e.iO.-ti.ber 4,170 ; Tho I'lilon Pa eif,,' lUilroad a dd 1110.311 19 Wo sort", for which they received $l,lUd, 01'.l.:;2. nr an uvernijo of $1.(51) t-er aere. The cnuipuuy Vnncelled f51 S ll'J ol lbi.':r lands. The Iru-itces hold it'lO OX) in sotil.Ta' notes, aecured by inortjfaje ou l.nd sold, and (oO.UOO it. i-.hIi. to be nppropriutel to further liuri biises ol land (frnt bonis. Tbe Union Paeitid Kailros l . have 11 750, UOU acres nf bind rctuainiiie; utieold, TllS I'EoP.'.S'h I.IIEUAItT Covpan ion. lor Xoverubcr, comes to u as brl.'ht 1 nd a fresh lookiou at the r -eu GebU arc after a gentle rain. It is published by I'.. C. Allen 4 Co., Augusta Muiw Terms, 75 cent pr Vi-sr. A fine Steel Knirrivin?, enti- Jed "from Miore to M;ore, la pn- eentej t0 Very new utcnber. It is really tre m8' p'uink' en- -s. -1 -. . . .l. ...11:. rr... gravni"fc ever i,r"w ...u puuui. companion Is priuW'' ou One, hesry paper : It oolumo atO awm 10 mo brim with good thinz by iw'eotel su tb )a, au 1 withal it is ono of tht lar. out snd Snout illuktrnted family P'" pers fublibisd. 7?y th' Pre tit of (ha United State 1 A I'ROCLAMATIOX. Whereat, It bolioovcg people eo ihlt of tbeir depotiJonce on the Al mtithtj, noJ onllfctifrljr to ticknowl eli:e tlivir prntUiila Tor His favor aod moroie), Dti'l hum hljr tosocvb for their continuance t nnd D'Wf i, TI10 peopl of tbo Uoite'l .Sinter, during year now aboul to onil, Iiqvo npi'tial ruo to be thankful for vcncrul prosperity, nliumlnnt harvest, rxeniptl"ti (roin f cutilooce, foreign war, mid oivicl trife ; now, thoreforo. b' it known that I, I.'laca S. Unnl. I'rini.leiil of the United 8tt. em eurrinu' in many reconimf nJjtioo from Chiof M aiHtrutoa of Slalca do hereby rocom cinl to nil citi.erj to moot io their respective places of worship on Thursday, the twenty-fourth day ol November noxt, there to ive tbnak for iho bouoty of (io I du.'iot; year about to close, mid supplicate for it continuance herc.il'ter. In wiiocsi wherojf I Lave hereunto "I my band and causoil tbo seal of the 1'nited States to be afllxud. I 'D?at the city of Wo-diln'on Ibis 'Jlil day of Ottobci, in tbo year of our I, or I 0110 thnu'an I ciht hun Iri il aud ..,,.. nl.,i ,, ,, i- i,.,,,,,,-. r t',,!',.,! i..i... ii, aai. V. 8. (JH AT. Ily the President : Hamilton I'hii, ,Vy of Sti'e. I'olltUal ItrniM. The lt'cpublican victory in N'cbrafka seems lo bi ovui wbcluiing. Tho Pcm oerary have been utterly routed, and '.I 1. t ... ",,e V"""" i' 'eoj 01 1 roniociil ur.nu. .'0,1,,,al 1 U' vr Wl'' 1,0 re-elected ---nal)r to ( .onRi CHS for .x year from 4,h ul M',rc1' nex, w,lu ul TP"- , , . , , I 1 no 0eie.1i 01 'lencrni .t'lieiict, 111 iho i hii'J tilno nistrict hv a tare mil- iority ol'lil'ty, ftl'ier tbo siillant atru-. I 1... ,. . 1 1 I.. ..I .. 1 v"-1 "".7 . " try. and llcp il'Iieui wli.xe devotion to hi s piirly bod never faltered, bis loss will lie tell in the next l.me. I The nflie'ol returns of all tho Ohio eiiuntiea but two, nnd the reported iuijoritie-4 of thee, pivo tho republics ri"',:'1 ,."sr'roUr? ,,tc a ' -1 r.ility of lli,7 iJ over the dtinoeiutii: cm li.y s can ied for the liepiiblieaus by tbo ne pro vote, but Ins not a word to May 111 j roc.u.l to the overthrow of the iK m- i:r vote, but bis not a word to Mav in , .... ir I 1 1 'ocr.iM of tbo Cimijresiional district of I.'rotf n-l Susip.ebnnna counties. " "" . "" ' res, Ur i.w 1 1 best, the 'wlnio m ui h party, which had a lunjoi-ity in lli'J of 1.7S0, wa uneriy iii'lemt"!. The Republican cf Ka.t'.ern lVnn contest on I ..H .In.. I.. I. '-""Il I 41-IIHI.I.J A l-iTtiu-riy the Jienio- of 1 bo Stnte, but Iho revolution whieh bu'iiii in lbii'J bis kept on iucremini;, until In-day wb it but a few vcur I'.'i'i wis tho Hrnii",ho' of l'ennsvlvania , , . 1 . . , ., I 'euincracy Ihih become decisively lie 1 ,. - - . 1 e 1 , . lv.il'lieun. ot lo speak of the L'lofious iie.'iltsin I1UZ.T110 and l.ehiirh, tin; i I'h'i riL cs W I'nu L'li t tn Wuvna Mnliroit 1 i " . : " 1 0 "V " .',"lr ". I - 111111 1'ii.ir iuuiiiis in iiiit j.cii'uiii ,. , . , . . . . 1,1 rt district luvo iKfu wonJe lul. I bo ... .. , ., ... , rc-n.ui k:ij 0 growth o! the Kcpublican ' p:ir. V 111 these couutio-i - 'i ,. in ivwm " iT.j r,rsk,."V- I..bV ei'at J V'0 VtM "J10 i '!'- ""l-'fy. t 'nd.eat.01. that I IIno.e etiiriiocil 111 ileeelninnir nm mm , r , . ' " ei a! tveallh nro belli educated tip to the u.lvantuo nf protection. They -P0 its uuiteiiul benefits, and nppreciule tbe wio policy of 1 lie Republican par ly which dictates If. I'm, IStb lut. TilR Pieaideiit bus i-nuoj a prod miition oiiforcims the neutrality liw of Cone rc-a of 1SH. It prohibits tbe armed cruisers of either of tbo bx-lli- I H'o Liii'el States lor the pirpmo Of , war ; nnd deel.r.;liAt ubips of war ol either of tlio belli-'CI'ctits ehall not Imre iinv nnrl nP ids I'nili.rl c,. ,,. J 1 ' - " .-... ' will. II) IWCU'VIOUr nnura ailer Hie OC- ...I... . C . IL IV .1 1 , . - , ... l . .c t . ... - -v ; "' !' belligerents, that 110 war veisel !..!-.. I I ..II: . t.ll ! ui o""" " ,e"?'n 10 t..;"n Vn na U,,QU 'T , ,,)n"1': inuu twenty 10111- u iiirs, unless mr neeu ed repair and supplies ; aod thit no vcshoI 01 war ot either or the lielti;er- etit ebull ro-entor any port of the Uui- ted Mutes, alter ha ing nnce left eut-h n-rt, until aficr bovinp visited an r.ur-.peau port fr port of the Qoven ment to which she may belong. The mukinj of our porta depots for supply in;; war material to belligerents is aleo prohibited. CiiiCA'io, Oct. 22 -A apeciiil dispatch fimn St. Pauls, siys that Mr H O'.'on obuo, Secretary of tbo Kel Kiver Pro visiooal Government, and an active leader in the Kiel movement, is in that city on bis way to NVashinfrtro with a lueinoriitl from the Red Hirer people, protO"tint agninat tho conduct of the i.'unadiuu govurutnent in violating their alleged general umoenty, en which pledges the troops wore permitted to (oier tbo country unmolested, and eomrtenco a coursu of vloleiico Tbe mcoioriul rccatia tbe fact of tbo troop beiog permitted to pis tbmugb Amer-ii-uo wetor on pretence that ibey were on a mission of peace. It recouuta the outrages luflitted on tho Rod Kiver peoplo, tho peifiJy of tbe Canadian goverumeut, and the getieral dleap- poiutineut or the inbauitauU. They he the President to intercede tviib tbe Queen to permit the peaceful aod ui'Xitioej of the Ked l'ivor ecuntry to IUU lUIWU DIBICI. VM, Pot. The Lewi.aurit Chrou peaaysi " If Salt Kiver is the route for deleted parties, il snpesrs that s new one has been opened lor tbo trio lorioue. This triumphal line of tnaroh u ty lUilroad, as xwsus all tbe war to Katiiif; Ilftsils of ih j dan ajjes done by the irent atorm In Cub.1, lnil week, have been receifed. 1-rom one thoiieand to two thousand people were killed or drowned, twelve thousaud head ol cattle where lot, so vertl vosaeltw eck- d, and in Mataotis alone over four hundred bouaea wero destroyed. A ruonfr the roost horrible fen to ret of the calamity was the uprooting nnd sweep in? ttWiy of ccmotry and tho ecnt terinjr of the corpse through the adja cent conntry. "WKW ADVEBTISEMEHTS." Tlie CretrMfdicil Phcorery ! ' Dr. WALXBB'8 OALIFOttMIA , VINEGiVR BITTERS, Hondredf of Thortiandi ?1j ItaarlM'llmnnTtol'ii'IrlVoaeir" jS' Oil enraiu K !. j WHAT ARE THEY?S'e 3 IS u .2? n Si: Bt?H PIS Tlir.T Ar.B NOT A Vll.t el FANCY DRINK, 'liaila of Pnitr Ham. AVklahvr. PraiA Malrllannd Ki'fuar I Jquuradoctnrril, It-ell anJ wrrttni i In -lrlM the tanto. tallrii " Tea- A ppalllTa,M ' H-lorr," 4en tliat lad t."i tirttr on lo draaaauntwa and ruin, liut ara a true liiti"ini'.iiiaiia rroru Ilia Natira Uuoia ani llarhaor C'a'.lfornla, fi-e frrnai nil Alrakulla Hi ImiiIh ma. Tbor aia i li l K A T II l.min I I Klr ll.K anil LIFE C;IVIU mil. f 'I I'l.K a ppricrt Itcuuiator anil lieiliroraiorcf lh Ffalm.earrrlnf off all roKcr.oon manor aril mit irtna- Ui biuuil to a hi-alil.jr rnnillllon. No p-r..n can laka I hour MilcrKCurlluf WOlrrc lliin an.l remain Ii r.g nwarfll. 'tr lannniwuiarr nn C'hrnntr HKa. mnilam mill loal. Diaarpala r lau (cailou, llllluiia. ICruiliuoil latar. nilllrlil 1'i-vt-ra. tfin-na.-a uf Illaod. I.lvi-r, Ivl.lneia. and llln.lerr. I'i fill-tvt-4 Inn lu-l li. il ircrtr.f"'.t. Hllrh llmm mar am re-.iri 1 Vnlaii-J tllaad, ai.ich U K-ni-riM .r.(l't.'cJ b diaunoiuejt vt U11 PlvatlTi riraaua. IVll'KI,-l A lilt lM)!i;rsTIOi. ttrfU. '., I' n l i ihi. Huou Me-a, i'iuin, Tiarl.a Pf.t .if I'll (lir.l, lltx iii-a. miaT Crai-talioiit of 'hr It. "nuh, ;l nut ' 111 I Miinlh. IHMoui Al ta.'lia, 1 a'...tatl -11 i-f t..ft llta't, Infiaiinnallnn vt t'.c 1 c .t'.l'.l.i l:l I inr.'al.'iii nflha Kl lOi Jt, an'l arein.tr:it ctTirr pa'uiul mar.ton.s. ara llio uff. rrinsnof Dj-ifla. 'i';ty IriTiKorat! Oif atoruacti and I'.lmolata lha I irpiilliTira. 1 how.lt.whu-lirtn'li'rl'ia-nof un. Una'.lfil tVlrtrj In clraialiiK tin M-rnt of all np'ir'.l'M, a'.d ImrarUn u l-a and f mur to ln a holr atani . IMIR KI IMiEAsrS. Erni'i:on.T.-iWr. tail llkfinn. D'Mil .. t. Ilmi.lo. rnlulf, II .!, I'ar'iaDclca. laaf- Womia. rcalil.1tr.at. flora l'j.. l!ryili.lA, ll:'i, hcnr'4. li..oii'.oral.on cf the Mii, Minora and lUiiu-i i-rtl.a bk n, t( whitf Ttr l.amn or Dalnrt", ara lltrralljr dng 119 ai'U.a Inl out -t tn rH.'in m n tuna bjr tin. "ii." i'f ilea. IMia.a. ti'.a t-mla In 111111 r;t I'.l ci-inviuou Ilia rcont Incrad'ilxut vt lhlr f.liaMvfl ofTr:. ( l. aiM t:.j Vitiatr.1 nt.-oilbiTprT'l'tiid l' I up-irlt.ra tunil.i'.tf 111.- -u 41 tiira;n InMat I '?, l'-3i'll"i.ri ir pi"r.i t clrtr.41-11 ulifn yi f. ...I it 1'. In: 1-4 no I int.-a'iti In l'" mini I ci -11149 li w:iiu a l r. ih aid our i4-l:aa-i vtlt t M yi-i wi.fn. ktii I'.e tlou-1 intra and tl.a I. ill f 1.0 irauttn w II I..-V.W. t.V. TA I' Ka il ot'iir M UK1IM, 1-irVlnt la t' sfiU-n i'f ii'ant- t'.niia.i'.i. ar r.ttt clnal'f tl.-itr-.f ; l an 1 r nr.v.-J. I'or f.i'il Uirectluin, r.ad t iivf.-'.lf 1: jlffiilar ar"-iid ra.!i b.'ii'.i. J. W II M l:. 1'rrnrlrt' I. ft. If. Mi ll'iN V Z A l .l., I). 'Iiririfti an.l l n. Aycr4l, Haa rraarlM-i, ( al ,a i I ST ar t M i'i mut ca Strcrl, J..-W iork, FO, n II V ALL Wll'liliXJ AND DKALKUtk UK. 4 1, livitrt. 1 J The nn lsr'lKneil, Eiseutor of the last will and te"tmi"nt of irv Mirlillsll, Ills ur tne b ir i.'ign ni ssiiti.grnve. snvoer cnuntr, iiee'ii. wri t:ar .it nui.llo ...Is. at the lata ra.l,len;a uf tha 1. decedent, on SATPRPAV, t)l)Ti)EH, Ih:, the following .Ieerlne1 trs-inal pr.iprte, ion si. ting ol b lurekold and kitchen furniture, ti wit i Two Cook Stoves an Oriental ITnal Stove. Pirlor i'artet. Pels a Heddlng, Lnungas, i;up'.i.i4r.ls, I'haets, Chairs, Taidns, stands, 1 locks. Lot nf Oil el. -ill, Lot uf OihmI Hariri, a I it nf foil In ll.no, una M.iliog. ony H ie brnod, Lnokliu lsae. Katllea, ll.n kets, Tu. s, Meat Saw, Lvlels, Hiirkels, liubliera Pollers, Meat stand, and olhor artnOes ton ou nierous in ninnilnn. Sile to commence at 10 o'clock of said day, wUen en lltlont will I made kn..n I. y W.E. EUKHKHT. Selluirora, Oct. H, Mi. ileculur. T ALl'AULE HEAL ESTATE V sr rnivars an a. The sulHrrllier otters at private sale a valuable tra"! ni 1 .nd iliuate In Eranklln twn , iiasr Pea ver lurnace, eontal.iliig vt Al.'KES, mora ur leM, where-in are erei'te-1 a twii stury, weather boarded HWEI.LlNil Hi it sK, a g ) I Ham and other ueceuary oui bull.ln4S. A Yiu-ao Afei onni Ann uf choice grated fruit treea. In a Iffrivlng and healthy e'lndliiun, 4V never-fell-lug well 1. 1 water near the dour. I be above tract Is slluateit wltbln one fourth nl - .... ..I .... b. L 1 I. ......( ..... ... 1 Churches, Mlllr.' sho., nouses, fce, Is under " "nca and In a blgb suu ul cull vatlou. Ai.Mi,seveDAerewnoiiinu.ni tne onoicest I. .. n"'. ri" ranmi iuoraug, can at I ibi viviutiai or iuuivh 1 Ik vi james nrnor.s-1, oct.Tjo.tr Mlddleburg, Snyder Co., I'a., gllERlEE'S SALES. Ily virtue of sundry writs nf Ven. Ee., Psae.1 out tbe Court of I'ommi.o Pleas of Snyder Couu ty. and m ma directed, will be etpnawl at puhlle sale on TI'Esiia Y, NoVE UHhH, Hvth. IhTO, at the Court House, In Mlddloburg, Ika following real estate, to nit 1 A certain tract of land situate tn Monro twp., Snyder eonnty. Pa., adlntntnv on the nor lb land of Samuel Harlman. east by eameeud land of John Wendt. south by lend uf tha hair uf lien ry Hummel, and west by land and lot of Juhn wendt, containing one acre and four pen-bee, more or leee, whereon Is erected a large steam Haw Mill and Water Mill to which Is attached a water power and mill raea, Ate., ave.. as lit prop pert of UsU O. Helfsnyder. Alan, al in earn lime ami piece, a ccr- .Kin 1IKI in . in ov iivit.t twp., Snyder 1 ounty, Pa., Sounded on tbe north by luone ruan leiuiua iruu neaver to ijewuiuwn -st by iiublle mad leadlbg from Cosgrave Hall y puhlle mad leadlbg fro. to Kuck's Mlllt Boulh by land of Jacob Hauiu- berger 1 Wel by land of Denial llasonger, eoa- laiuing mur acres, more or tees, on wnirn iieree. tssl a two etiiry I- ran. a House and twe story utiirt Housa. and nuier out kulldiags. a tb kroneris of Juka Uruea, J. Alao, al Hi ennne lime ant place, a eer- tala tract of land altoat In WaOilngioa Iwp , KnvdarCoanty. Ea . twun.led a f .Uuwsi un lLa north by land of peter Waller , ee.t ey land uf UlcLeal Halusi snath be Jacob ladliand eul by land nf Juha Mangle, enalatnlng furty teree mure or leas oe which la arweusd a lloaee, Si.ble and other out bulldlngs-una half thereof In a tate ul ealilvallut as Ike prupeely I Frederick aieica. sieiaea, taaen uitu execution and tu be sold by me JOHN e). woLE, itigu nnerinoi nnyuer cuauty. Kkerirs offle. Middlebui g, Oct., aatk '70. QUPI1ANS' COURT SALE la pursuance of an erder granted by the Or pkan Court ol Hny.ler Cneoiy, ti the under lnged admlnlrtraioea ot the estate ol Samuel Buka, lale or Cenire townsulp deed., will be ei puead tu public aale, ea Ibe eremites, un . FUItA Y. NOVKMi;U 4, 1870. the followlag 4aseribe4 Real Kslal. U will All Ikat eartala aiessuge and tract uf laud situate la IWntra U-warhlp, e'leaty aforesaid, bounded oa tbe aonk by leads of Baipuel Dalvla. ua ike East by land ot the belr of Henry Handera, de eweeed, ua Ike Huulk by laads of Jaaub Inaeee and tbe west by laads of kepliaree Uowerev, euatalalug 10:i Acres ore or leee. Wberenn are erected a TWO HT'lU V H'H'HK. a HAkfK HAMN and i.lL.r asrettary oat bulM luge. Twe large Orebard uf e unite iruil ireee. a gone well uf water near tbe 4our. About seventy eereeul tlveabvve erael are eleered. under auud eulllvailua, lua bsUuua well l.asbare. Sale to euaiiweaeee. I o'eloeg, JOsKPJI klfUNn. 0vUTw, 3 III tit UP11ANS' COURT 3 ALE. tn part-vane nf an Alls Onfer (rrantml by fh Orfhana' CourA ol Krtyder rnimty to tha under. y.n.l Uh1.I.Ihi...aI lk.k. 1 . . ol ferry townrhlp, will epa la public aa(a, on taw Tuiiaa, in aaia townnii, on Saturday, 0- tolr '19, 1870, TtM followln ecscrlbMl Real EtUta, to Wtti All thataeiufn aoaaauaga, and Tract of Land Itnalaln Perry lonliie, Fn der eonnfy. Pa , Ixionded h full in p. lo nil: On tb Nurlh Ly lan la of th helra of .f.il.n Marks, ileneaml, Kaat by lands i'f PaTld KaWr and John Kryinyir, s.iuth by lands of Kamnal liarr, and t by land 01 Jacob Swab A Auiot MialTr,ent ilnlnn 120 ACRES! mor or les, 4n whlfh am reeled a Rood Two. Mlury Stuno Hnux, n tarn Hank llarn, wnaun shad, and oilier narepnry nnt bnllillnas. There a laraa tirrhard nf i hotra t-'rult, aluo n ii ca!lent spring of water near tha housa. About IS) arres of th ssld trarl Is olenro.l and In a good stat of cultivation, th balanc I good wood land. Haletoeommeneeatlto'etnek, noon, nn said day, when altemlane will ba ailn and tarmt mad known by ISAAC A. I. UN K HR, L Mill. A TH' RSTON, Septembar t, H79. Administrator. ATALUAULK FARM AT l'Kl VATE SALE. The suhsenlier offer at friral sal bi vi 11:11111.'. l illU .O...I. In Mnr. lownslilp. Unyiler Ooiinlv. Pa. a.ljolu'.iig-; lands or Anralimn rimer, Mlcuoal llutuniel and oilier, eonlaining about I7e ACKIX more or lcs. nlnel y-flve acre of which are elesreil anJ In a hijib nlale of cnliivatinn i the balance is covcre.l with ibe licit uf lim I rr. Tb Improvement coneial of a good large Dwelling House, a t.AltdK ItANK 11 A UN and all neees-ary niiibuililings, good water convenient for all purposes, a Urge APPLE" ORCHARD, conlnlulnp choice graded ft 11 it. e. Tb farm Is tin.lcr grind fence, naturally ferille and btgbly pmduetiva is In a lirallhy Country, ahum three mile from Retina -grove and two mile from Mianiokin Dam. on Ibe west hauk of I lie us(tit'knnn river 1 convenient lo Muikei. KnilruaJt, Ca nals, rti urc lies and School. S ill be sol. I on ri'j lerini, and possession given Imini'dulnlv T Ueiirrd. tor furilu-r pariiciiUn inj.inro vl lL tuliciibcr on tbe prcuiiav. Capl. JOHN UtUN. Monro twp., Juna K, fH7t). aN TOTICE IX PAKT1TIIIM, To l.edla Felker. J.isenb Velkee. reildlna at Pa tinkl. I'lilmkl t'o, Ind,, Ellralmtli limner .Main- I I'atherlne Welrel and Saniu-i Wetr.el, lln.irer. town, Snyder I'ounty t W limlna Wettni and La. vl Wetiet, re'ldlna at l.acn's M II Ik. I leitrtiald 'futility Pat Mary KiiMe and Henry lluble, re- el'llna at lUrneevllle, llarbon t'onnty. Kansa t I the heir nf EprMin Eelker. dee'd, wlen. naiiies ! are not known, and who reside ut Whltesvllle, Andre limmty, MIsourl t Levi Eelaer, rauld Ina-at M runt's Mll.s, M 1 ill I n i'ounty. Penn'a; Henry Eelker, lloulien Eelker, .lohn lolker, lia , ra Eeiker, and Nancy, Eelker, the U?t two I. ' lug min im and hive lor their tluardlan Errder- tck Molmllnir 1 belrs and leil ruireientatjves ol Henry Eelker, lata ul W4t Iteiver lowiishln, Snyder I'nuuty doe'd. llnar.Tii! 'laiennllce that by virtue ef a certain Writ of Partition nr valuation tiiod out ol the Orphans' t:utirt ni niiynor 1 niiniy. ami tn me uiret'teii, 1 will hold au Inque.t tn tn.ike Partition or Vitus linn ol the real estate ul lha eild Henry Eelker, iiecea"td to an-l aiuont; Ihuse entitlml In the rune, nt the lata llcfl.letice of tlio decedent In West lienor twp , snyder I miuty, Pa., nn Tue day t tlie Wd dny ill Noveiutier, A. i. )i?0, at l.i u'cl iek, A. M., wheu and where you ein atteti-J II you II. Ins proper. JOHN S. WOLK, Sherlll's .iirlie, Mierlff. Mld'tlehurtf. Oct. 90, 1170. A L IUTOR'-S NOTICE. In th matter of the e 1 IntheO'ehinn'onrt tntcof Isuac H.iiur, de vl Snider t ounlr. ceased. S Sept. Term, lhTo. Ami now In wit, Se t., 57th li;o, on inoth.n. Samuel Alletnnn,ai.H.lnted Auettiirlo innkedii trlhuilon ol tlie fun ! In ll.a hands ol Henry lien U-r, Adm'r nl Hie e.tta of lmao Itamer. decM, Ij and among those legally emitted in the same 11 TIIK OH KT. That In pursuance of the ap Intmcnl, I will meet all lartio having 411 Intere.t In sild iiiuis m Erblay Noveml.cr Si, 'M, nl the olllce ol Jn.i P. I'nininllier. 111 the llnruughul Ml-ldicburu, tn alien I to the duties nl my app dutnieul, wkeu and where you are all re .ilru I t attend SAlil EL ALLEMAN. October V). "TO Auditor. F-fttteorUAKIA HALL, dee'd. f KIT i: US TK-5T.VMKTAUV. on 1 J the Estate of Mni II ...., l ite ol the hnr iiugli of Selinngmvo. deo'd, having been grunted 10 me unnerMiTne i, all purmns knowing tlieui selves lu leo-a-l toiil.l entile are reiue-led In make piyment, and those baring claims again"! the same will present tbeia l,,r selilement tn W. E. ECHEIir. Vt. 30. isy,). EsiK-uior. fTNIIi: FIX KIMS & LYON ietvlns; 3Inrli!no. With Prop Peel, new Tske up, new ytemmer, fce , Is R"W ottered lo agent un mure lliiarai terms. Al'". Secnnd haiid Machines taken In exchange, or the new Improvement applied. Every inai-hlne Is warranted Eirkt Class, and II the purchaser does not so regard It alter a trlsl, he cm return tt, and money refunded. S. H. Wanted Trit.eltng Agents to llt each town, dllrlbuilng circulars, esplalnlng the l'o pmvemenis. uic , ete , who can make eaou per month. Address LYON'S Mt'Tft AL 8. M HI, I'nlon 1'insre, u hail Ktb St., hew luik. sep i,i:'t,in Estate of POLLY LEAIlER, dee d. If ETTEns OK AIIMI1ISTIIATIOV upin lithe eeute of POLLY LEAHEII, late ul leaver tnwnl.lp, dee'd, having been granted tn the umlerrlgne.,all H.rson knowing themselves Indebted to tha emate are re.iieTed tninaka liaymaut, and those having claims aualu'l the ml wa ill pre-ent ll.eiu to MAKUAKLT H At K EN llt'lM, AdmUilstratrl. Dearer township, Sept. It, inv. J JAXSKLL Si CIIKNV, aioeaaaoaa to CArrraaa A coaw, CROCttEUr AZCS Ol4ASEtN7A2tE, Jlo- 21 Xorth Friurth litrcd, PHILaHELPHIA. Original Packages I uuslanllj on Hand, pepresenled by THEO'M SWIXLITiRD. Jiutre'l tt- Co.' A'lierliuemrnU. j": A HAYt-40 new artlrles ..r Agents. 7saaf temples tree. H .I1SH A W, Alfred, Me. IIOl A I. Hie AX4 lOTTint. Prlsae eeshe ard Infnrniallon fu'i.ltlisd by OEuHdfc IPHAAt, Pruildeace, If. I. SO tent lo IS per KteahiK, al Home I W are prepared Lo fural.b iimaialde employ meat 10 Meu and Women at fhelr b"uies One tiersoa hi eae locality ikrouauuut tb Untied .tales, can engage al Ibis bulue at great wa gee. We eaed. raee, lull particulars and a valuable amile, which will do to eoaiUMtMee work ua. Any issrs-ia sewing this notice, who wants proatable, permanent work, koald eend as tbeir ad-lra, wliUoul delay. K. C. ALLEN fc UO., Arui'STA.'MA.a. Iltfl A DAY POK ALL T5 f tawplee Bailed Ira. 4t pruadway, New Yurk. stenell Toot A. J, EsLLaaj, AVOID gt'ACKS elollia of early luiiiacreiioo, aaualug ucreou debility, prewalure decay. Ae., iiaviug tried in ein every .erliaed retneily, kae a simple lufan of lf-eiir. wblcb b will n4 free la bi , fellow-eurTerert. Address J. J. TUTTLk, TS K4 et.Mw Vork. 0 fn a v is i i I.IEE k AI'CIIlENT It TO nl'ANY.ul Hartf .rd As. l Vsi unu. Oreo EMilKi MENT Poll.-les rl forms. Aaipleeecur Also Insures ag4lnt A eulag de.th or tulal policies wriiieu by tbe 11 Haa paid (Ton Pfca II, 4g la beocBts to pil 1)ALU KAOt.K HOTKf,, -J No. 410 North Tlilnl Slrtel, T It I Ii A 1.iRIT- IT I A , JOhN C't.VMKU, I'mj.ritlor. January 18 It-TO-fr --- " 1 1 m 1 tut w fkt i r ' 1 r 4 1. 1 V1 J'l'a 0 T v ' DOTY'S Wash I up - i!laclihi?e LATELY MtTM TMPROVF.D ANUTIIEMT.W I nlvcraal lotlifa Wrlngrr Improved wllh Bowbm.' Patt rinrnnCoo vi Haai.a. ann inn f atkk t e.rnr, are now tin qiieilunably lar iiirlnr la any a-tarntna lur r, Twic. var Inventid, and will aaro ft Iwlca a venr. bv sav.m year, by ravina; labor and . cl-'lhtt. Tkns wLo hav uiJ tbein ulva taitlmoBT as follow.: " We Ilk our machine mneht enuld not a net snadeil lodowlthmit Hand with Iheaid nf linty. wa feel thai we ara maulers of 11." posirinn." Iter I, heiitl. Illihop M. E. I'btirrh. 'ln tlie laiit'dry ol my b"use there Is a perpet ual lhnk'0 linr on Mnnduy furll Invention." Her 1 ha. d ire I.. I uvler. "Every week h-ie liven 11 n stronfnr hold upon he atlectl ns ul the luluatrl nf tl.e Uulnlr) ." N. V 1 luarver. 't tiaartily eoinniend It to eennomUla nf time, money, and contentment." Hev. Iir. llelow. "Irleno linty Vmir Ut liiiirovetnent nf imir Wattling Meehliielea pnini'leia sncceis. I as sure you 'our Machine alter a year's un. Is llimiiilit nf mure in , lay than ever, and would not I pined Willi uuiler any elieuuistauee." ' ...1.!.. U..l.ln...n I ... . J I- U-..LI. I'.l.. n. tu. ti I... I ninur to a' corre-i'.n.l. 111. sayi -of Wa.liiir. 1 neri' it non to t coni.nriu witu limy s." Hi I rlccs"" ialroiier' i,vi,,' amdhh an kmttimi ma. 'CIIINElO., llOSl(jN,MASS.,orST. I.O' IS, If the Merchants In vntir ulsi-e will not furtiMi nr send l.ir the Im-hlnen. iei.il 11. the rutsll prl-'e, ' Walier 14, Extra Wrlr.ic-r , and we will lur-. w ird either nr bnth machlnei, free ol l elrht, tn l.i-e. a here no nne Issc-llliiii and so sure a"e we they will lev liked, that wa I'Krve to reluiiidj tne money If nn one wbl lo return li e inn- j chine, tree of Irelnht, after a mantL s tnul, ae- C-T'illiu te i"irr..-ion. o hu.iiaiid, ttl.er or brother should pcrnill ! drudgery ef w:i.hln v. 111. the linn.le. It It y . o hii.tialnl the 1 iViire'ValilfiiiV-T;: im 0,' . ' , ' I ' A I i r..i If. (S.'O t jury to the gaoiiein-a. by a l.uly ciotlna Waslier ' ' ,I'T' sell the celebrated HOME SHt.'T. and a tiiiien-al Wrini r. TI.K M VINi M At-'lIiN K. II is tho uu ler- eo. Ly Uoalcis generally, to whom liberal Ui.-. t.-c.t, in.ii.ei the "'lock silicli" (alike on belli cuuutiaie iiisile. si-ie.i .ui.t 14 fully II.mii I. Ths b;'H and chesp l it. HHO'.VMNU, Oen. Atfent, I et inmlly Sowlnir Mnii.liie In the uinrkrt. Ad Oct. 3T, T0-imi .13 t'lirilm,.!! st , New 1 nrk. . ores .I.HIXS..N, 1 'i aiis, h l'n , II isn.n, Man., fe-ir "y. Ihiwhj tb Cut, AJv rtiHwent. "in i"' 'd Teu i r -xv Vegir made tnnii M'liler, a.e V 1 I V hours without Prugs. bend " " Ceuti for I ir.ul.r to Oe 4w) E.SAUE, I'tomwctl, I i?;u:i: to hook .mikxts l We will petul a handfonie Prnsiectusnf nitr .New lllii.trnteil Einutly lllt.lo to nny Hunk Axrnt, lru nf cl.nrge. Aildrcii, Natiiijiai. I'l iiliii:su Co . l'hiUdel hi.i, Pa. (ti)-4w tlEST STORY PAPER i.M T'.E I .MM liSK t '' I'rlio tn every nib rn.er. send snunplm -'rl.e ClrenU nnd mhm'I uivu. J. It, l.I.I.i.'l, a4. tct.M,-4w. MTK APF.STS MAS TDD YMl YO UlleO.'ULLilK INlUECRCntlTY. Wnndcrrul'.levelopments amnny the arlslocrncy. M11rrl.1l Women i-xi-nted. sc., 4.C Price t-'f' The best Hook to sell puldli ed. The lest terin In Agent ever given. Address , N. Hook l u 14h fluSMlU St. M. Y. Oct.!) 4W llo.H.a 'O anil l.tf Ijlii'iiJ. Orait E'irtune Teller, fcis , ("ocrtshlp mde Eny, a.ii'ls i Correct Elllnucue. 2Acts 1 llil lnl Ettlsaetie, iV-ts. 1 llowliwli. a sweetheart or l.uvcr, Nicti. . Eun let. & cts; l-no Cunniiiiibrunni Uncle i Itonk nl Mirtarlnus Iu.i l,i.ure. (si ts: Aiimleur 'I liomrlcal, tV'eta 1 liut.lc In Ucamy. fcicts 1 I n-iile sjieehes. 6oct How Humbles V In to.-isi liming aim Wrestling uia.le Ears, MVts 1 I roe Mnnlnge Dulde an.l ll.eik nl Nature, Inlets Hook" sent p.i.laue pild by return mall, Ad dress W Courtney, a Atur Place M.Y. Oct 8 41 dF.AMiN OF lbTO-71. M l?rif. & limiN .I'ABISCIT cucws Impcrtaut IiuproTcments. Pi' I nt Junt ilsf, enf .-luurf 3, 1670. DEDUCTION OF PJ1ICBS Tb Mason Is Hamlin Organ Co., hive th Iilea.ure of iniiouurlug important Itiiprnvemeut n Ibelr -al'luet Orgaus, lor which Patents were granted Iheiu lu Juue and August lai-t. 1 hee are not merely ineretrlclou attachment, but enhance Ibe tubetautlalexceMeneeul tbe Instru ments. They are also enabled by Increased facilities for niatiulaciare, t make, (rum this date, a fur ther reduction nf prlreauu overal leaiiing tl.-e H.ivlrg anini.lcte.1 eud added tu their lurtner faoillilus a lurge new manuluctnry, they hope hercultrr to vtipply all orders promptly. 1 he Cabmt cirirsns made by this Company aia uf iik inilvrrsal repiiiHtlnn. nnt uuly throughout America, bet alu In Euro. that fiiw will ne. a.iiranca ol tnelr autierlorlty. They now niter rour iiciave l-ai'lnot Organs, In qul'e plnln case, but equal aoeordlug In their capacity In an) thing ithey make, lur Vsi eai b 1 he aire, llout.le llce.1. . riveOctiva llou Ida I've I Organs, Else Suiis, Willi Knee swell and Tremulant, lu elrg-int care, with several nf the aiston a. tlamllii linhrnveiaents, flliA. The ime Esira, with new Vus Humana. Automatic swell, fce., lno. live o-tave. 'I hree sela lie. d. iereii Mop with Eupbunei a splendid tu.lrno-ient. vi. A new lllurtrated catalogue wllh full Infhrma Hun and tedueed price, I now ready, an I will be sent free, with a lesilmonlul vliouliir, pre entng a grast mas uf evidence as to the upe rlurlt y ul il. lii.irnmni, in any one rn!iug kisad,lrrtolka MA Hi IN k II A.til.lN UIOIAS I II , Idl I reiui.nl street, Itustua, or tie) llrusd nay, Hum kork. 4w V.-ejU A WEEK paid agent, mala or female, sstl" In a new uienuieeturltig uuttnass al home. No enpltal rctulie I. Address Nov. i.l y Co., weeo, Me. ! 4w lOM-ADKFI.OMnoCTS. goinalblng urA.eriily neeiled by everyleHlf. Call ml exainllie. ur Hiiiile reo t OioNlage paid) fur M el, that retail anally for 10. Il L. IVi.u nrr, lal Cbainaui M.uarv, M.Y. Iiulw AH I. NTs) e ANTED EOH Hon. Wui. II. tEWAHIi (IIIAMi TOI'H uf Ml-Xli o. Adventure and stunt sseiug In OarSlKler eulilie. Is work of raie meill, pruiu.ely lllusiraled.1 seed fr I In ular lu C'uluwbla tlouk t oiuiMuy, liarilurd, l.'i. oe-tw THE A -i'NECTAIt. ' I rs l ; H g Y as rAiMii:i(siu:ii.i:K Show bow tu double Hie pruBle ur lb EAHM, and huw laruiere and ibalr tun eaa each make II0O J'LU MONTH la Wluler 10 uuu lloplas will be mellsd froe lo Earaitrs. Hcud vame ead addiets tu 'il El Lhll AiAiCL'stliY, fWlseliihU, '. is-tw .i . . : i" A OENTS1 AVANTrn ron Titn A .mi;iit of tub: vi:or,D. IJi'nlain'nn- Vleetwood "Tlf or I'hrlsl," n4 'I.Ives nl ti e Apn'lles, KvanKellma and .ar. lyrs." Iiroldriilaas "t.vlileneea of I hrl'tianll j; lllntory of il.e Jews." by Ji.s.hnsi 'History nt all HeliKlon- iMnnmlnatlont," with IrentOe and inmee rvinirnn in arenis rmtneeien wiib llllili ii"ioy, eoniainina- niany nn on nbiile rnritilnp' a ei-niileia Trranury KrnDlnrtaa. AV. I I.IKT, H eitnib rtllai!elaib. of I hrlsllan treienlh Kt. O 4 AOEMTS WANTK1) PttK FREE LOVE. ITS VOTAKIE. by Ha. Jona II. Ili.i. ROir.rt"Oi rtre'a. linns Sid startllna illsrlsutea. Il.a bolsulieel laid bare and In Milei.arn.ee e. p"ed tn nnlT.-rml ecn.tl ,11. Wrlttrn In tha liiiereitsol l lrllii.tl, n l hrbtlsnlty and t.iO.I'a Mortally. Peed Tur clr. ulsrs ai.d "11n s. , t-. l'olihln Co., N. Y , Clncluei.il, Chlceirn ant t. L..1UI1. llctu-4 A(JTOT9 Twelye Years z Willi Indians itiPIaiiu 1 be wild adrenUrsa nnd marrelmis etrlen ee of II. ii. P. H. i iiKi, known as ll.a "lln WAanioa," ''(limT llrsTan." end Ismi us "W iiitb I llisf.-'ol Ion lndaea, li-om to IHo. A limk of 1 blllllna: Interait, Ttntbfiil. Tie, Kreih, s-'plrltad, Ksaelnalti.a;. Fsrts not Hi-tinn. Illi'hly llliiitrate.l, tinted i.-r. elegant btndliiif Will charm everywhere and relj In cscrcd ai.y book nut. I.lve. wl-le awihe aaenls lend ear for illustrated itter ianie sf-s nod tsrni". AKants letKiiiiiiir tJiu in a -mi per neon. A II III M IU hi), l-iil.lt ).sr. Oa-lw uo I'heiilniit M I'hllaiielpbl. An unrilltri Pemeilv for all llronchlal I.lftlcul tles, Mora 1 brent end CnM. I'll. WELLS' Carbolic Tablets also purify th l.limd, anlsl elictihitlon and sr. ra-t riei-ny, act Inir diieetiy i n the Mucins Mem brane Ihev elintild 1 e trnii.iitly and Ireely tnken In all etii-ure nr violent 1 rt.M'ire nf aeail.er, as they will keep tin lha clrculnOoll nf tho hlon.1 "r" 1 ... ""i',y "d "r u"1Kul ,."ii 1 nil WdtlMS IV I'llILtittEV WELLS' I'AKinil.lC I A 111. 1.1 3 "r" ' r?l.llnf '"''y. Try TLem. Sol, I O.-C-lw 1 by all lirutfnt"ts ."ii. a"p ic siu i OI'NTS WANTKI) TO sn.i. 1 1: t:t;s.:ti.3,8 Lar. linoU for iu.E.esN Men, TH E I'l'.sT SI-USI'll I fill IV ItllliV HIT ; u. II. CASE a, Co., Il.ini mini, Cuss. I.S.4 L i iii.-nir, 1 v.uiedun, 111., or 4.euif, etu. si 1 Ji Bin lOIirr.N'K.S i.fTei-ed lo Live Men Paret hnnce. Send Stamp. PlAinoad k lo, Wlluilnlnn, Pel. iTrepe-Sin tJ J 4 A I'A V Utilities entirely new a til VS a Oh. n iral.le. LllHirahle In-lu. rm.l.li. PescrlpMre clrcul.r free. Address J . C. KAMI A CO , Kld leruni, Me. Sin CETS WANTBD-lflo I'KH lAi ) IV l lha AMI UICAN KNITTINU MA CHIN E Co., U.MIon. .Man , or St. Louis, Mo. am H'ANTEK AOl NTS-T'i sell the HUME slit TILE SEWINil MACHINE. Plica f. It iT..ikc the " l.n.-k stleli,'1 (Hllke ou I.11I1 sl.lr) moll the onl. lleenC'l uixtcr-fc'l i, utile Machine s ).! I..r less thin t Al. Licensed l.y heeler Vilmi, U rover &. linker anil Ipgcr ri Co. All ull.or iniilnr fuel Shut tie Ma 'l.liivs i-oi.l f ir less ttoiTl 4i are Inlrlngeinruti, and the cl"ra'id U"er liible tu prirtecutlmi. Ail lre.'s .1 1 Ul N .sii.V, CI.AKK h CO , llostnn Mm , I'lllnKurg, I'i , C'hlvuito ill ,ur bt. Loul, Mo. Siu TIMIV .11 if; it; ,'0.1111 trill chuDaj J. any c.l ncJ hair or beurd lo a pcrma net.l t'lnck 1 r liroivn, Il oouiiiins no poison. Any onu enn uso II. One sent I v tuitil for f I. Addreea MAfllC COM 11 CO.. . Hf-tH-3-ii J Spriiigflchl, Mima. U' ANTED AlENTSTn o!lthe OCTAOOV SEWM) MACHINE. It Is llccn'ed, ninke the kl.istlc Lock stich " end Is warrau led ler 6 years Price 15. All other ninchlnes wirh an under t-'ed sold fur fit nr le nre In irliveiiim t. Address OITAH.JN SEW1NII MAiill.NE CO., St. L..iil. Mo., Chicago, III , I'ltl.uurg, Pa., or llulton, Matt. 3m A 8AFF, CERTAItl jLxrt Ppoedy Cu.a ATIO AU DI3EASC3. tU ClTtcts ai An I NKA MXf TtPMKDY P-r Mki halou Kaii a Lib oUn (Irtlnv ft prfcnt enra In tin utajtlny. Ni (tiriiiul Ntirvuui lit - full to Ciehl to Kswoiitlurlul psiwnr. Kven to (lit vrt fa.(aii of t Km n.o NurulU, altoctliiic tha nllr y-rcni. It tie fir lew .lit) Kflurui the uiuat MStunla-hliiat relief ntl rurvlir fall io proiluec cmiiii1'4i mui iiHruifiiint cure. It aunt A In w nuttrrlriU In tli I itfli Li ileicroe lujurloui. li hH) tli iittquHllnexl Mitromt of lha tort phynl- clitnn. Thouwiinila In rrary part uf tha ciHiittry, btrntelully aofciH.wlr.ltfsj) tt jnmer tn iuoth (ha-i-.rture.tt uoi van, nd rastorlug tha (nUliiif truhtih. rf nt ir mull on rreItol prlca an-l po9tftKa fine .n--k:tue b,.jj VuiiAHa oouK. Hiu rHCkiiK'i). 6 00 . VI Jt i fii'l t.y nil -toMer In tlruvf ami matllrlnaa nn-l I ? TI' ItNr-K V 4JO., Kola I'roprleUira, l'W irUUluUl Ol, llUsTOK, JUtiHM. 9111. rjNlON PLANING MILLf ISELINSUROVE, RNYDEK CO., PA. Ktiely Jllillier, liUtnlier Dealers AHII MANlTAfTTftKR Of llnors, Door Doves, Window, Shutters, y Indow Roses, Blinds, Sash, Htalr riliih'. Hand Knlllncs, Brack, els Moiildlnfs, Floorlnir, aC'Ht'LI. NA WINil 4. CABIN El' 1 1 UNl.Vd, BULdkIos, Lath, SiO., rto. Order nllrild and Riled wllh prompt nee and ilcpal ill.- I'lreaa call and etain. In oor iuck l.i for purchasing elsewhere. 0-HMif mann ?lv rsz.T Roorxwa Pnlte t'.s l.et Water pro nPiiHiposlltiin Willi Ibe Wnier prml srnb-lc In lha ba aiaunar and at die luue-i prl. a In tha eonvutuur. i ii.it i., i-.., i. loii.ioiiiiiii iii . arrou r ei. vii, a ltei ur water pronl iuitnltlea I S.I. another liler uf loll i 41 h aiiniher Uyer ulCuiupoalilou I . th. anniher liyer nt l elt. erund fur l lieular and paaipla. ' As An Juduomont. Wanfferllie glass pamliaser In siuh pta.'a l.ouu 'iiia lu. ni il.a Husa I'l l ELt, wtt be nao-a-ry euiilug, I ir I uiai y Holla ae. i:ti: ST HOOF PAINT. I bis Pslul I nouiiose I nf gums, nils, and re. Inuus ubtancus, enii.ldiieil wllh dUnlcd lar and lha le.l knsen driers. It eun.alii in iklaerel nr plgmeiil, and I prepared, raaily lur ueu, abau. lha luuvlrlaney ul ordinary inle-l i.all.i. It u.w.1 muck lus. lalaius lie lalliil'y longer, and It I mure durable. I on my rights fur s.ile lurLliuuUn and all iitrtluulars, Ad.lr1.14 AllUA itOOf ihil IIOMPANV, Alsldeii Line, kkivV "ilK. (I. to 1670 m, llillllK ANI) BHIIIEHHOflM.-Es.ays t I) Yuiibii Alan. Iiue, In sealed euv pa OllWtllll A.inlH lAI'I'IN, ll.i P, PklleA I.U, Pa,, t , , l-eTLi''fieT'5?. . . If ilCI KLAUvurTjajiuuraiguL n.-.i-r.it rritiirnir- f r w -.7.T-T 7..llnn..TUIMTF-F Ka, taJilaU--
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers