r v k a re 4 I IS THE POST.. Mill-mi' no, ma' s, tms. "jtfH'iV ASD VOVUfiiY. frR 1 tew erdsin ihu eshdidstra' ttluinn. Tm Ruaarjchflrihn. Denial A vend I tion will nicrt 1 WilMwnispt'rt eo tl e 10lh fHs? ' . . Tnf new nr rVfipe tnpi ro now in rcnetnl ns Tin t ere cluete and eln- ,-snt. nd qol'e etiti!, II nut utrei-lur Eg those ci sn j ollirr nation. LliflTCItl. Oe Thursday evening laf 12th, Co!. A. K. Mi-Clara ol L'bembers' tirfr, will dotlver hla Ice- !nre oa ll.e Mormons end Life in the lockr Mounlalnin I he Now Luth- Ira t burcb in "diu'groro. Tni dread disaster at Rich mend lu awakened an unu-ual amount ol j n-ipstht throughout the conn try. In Lost ol the cities aupscrtption list ire been openrd. and libcrul contrt atioo are already going lurwurd to u Outer. A W Lodgo ofOdd Follow we It-pan tied lit Moottindun, Xortlituiilirr- kai county, oo luesdsy (ivrnin the Oih ult, Hint day Leirtit tlie Wiv-urai nniveraary of the iirnnigition of Ibe rder in this country. lho.No. of the Xldge ie 704. Kow I bat the ladies nre having cry thing their own away, it is raid bat printed declarations, with Muiik urn, are to be ued by runn ladicB ha beee lorers too unKlcot to propcao. b ladies themselves till out the inks, sad, of course, i.o soojible lii;iu tua refuse signing thm. Yixoisr Marquis do O tlao, a nntive tho city of Mexico, and who was ouL'bt to ScliiiNjtrove at llie close ol mt earwitb Mexico, by Jacob App. sried Mel wees for lux native land, otn wbivb he baa been absent aiuco lu lls about twelve years of sjje. lie it will) the best wishes ol all w bo in nately knew hiui. Tui luto Legislature psseed 1,408 ills, avcrauiiisi twenty-! Itrco per duy 1 bo will say it wus not a Iuhv and iu- ruinous o"iy I What tlie lulls ul! ere we preeuiuo nobody in the uni- L'lte Luows. and nobody arill know .td Ibi-y are arraUL'cu lur tho puuiidi- It law. Tmllall Id riiiludelpbia blh wa tcly oecupiud by tbi I)i in.-t rucv a- oir he.Klipinrivrs, but wlneh thty Atidwned when tbey quiirreleil nlioui gro suffrage, in bfin titled up for it 'rii luiu.Hieral concert room. How it poor Democracy aro pursued by s negro. AroiPBNT Limt Suudiiy, Chnilic tmd, sod of l'bilip Spaid ul thia pluee, . Irom a liny mow aud (libli cutcn l wri-t Another. Two yonnn men named lowers and llncliiltir., Ml fr. m u ktl'old whilst' Weultiei boardiiu Mia leader' housi', lal Monday, ami re euoaidorabij injured. Almweiti ilueated his unklo and lluckcnbuijf s pretty badly bruised A REMAUlt aulr Diurriuje irccntU k place al GulcsOuro;, Iiluioin. Tbe leroom iiml bridu wire a.'ed re diva ly eiiflity-tbroo and ibry-oii bra. Wlvn Hiey were elliteen llailteen they were engaged to rai l her, but broke llieir troili ; snd rince s each bae followed two of their com Mens to i bo grave. Lute in life nr'j lote bu been rekindled. Lx-Siir.nirr HoLENUtR ha pur- sea the usBiiinLtoti Hotel, in iM mu(.'h,and will -borlly tuk pog- I. IhlS Hold 18 locutt'il in the tre of bunines ; is lurr, conveni and well i-aleululed lor llie emer- Vnieot ol perinuniMit mid triuiwieni ta. Air. Jfoleudor la ntljl'le, I'tcons aud oblijinir, and wilicpure effort tu niake bin u'losta eoiiitui tn- We are evidently Ketiinif tho D t man la the riubt i l-i .'' and be lt for bim a liberal share of public kouage. low rery thoughtful and consider- some editor are to make am h rstioDi as those, in rommenliuti tbe death ol a youni: ernioni from the effeolsof liirbt-laeiDir : brae eoraota should l riouo awv , and if tbe icirl rau t live wiib- bcing Kjfered, wo fuppto men ran found who would rutber devote w boar a day. without s rent oi as a brevet rorsrt. than mi iltese dying off in tbm muuner. UlHce rs almost any time.'' HE FlM I EUMDI'RY -TIlO Sun- hr papers sum up tbu v by the hi that piuie ou MouUay oigui ol ek. follows: lltfgotber Bine Ituildinys were en consaoied. Involving a lues ol us losses suBiaiued are as follows : isa Taiuier, loa $3,000. No iu- act. ::..(. Hvorlr.loas about 11,500. In 4 is)rbe Yik insuiauvt Co. for 1)0." H - OrofTntr. Iota IT ut 21 .500. In I ia the Lvcouiiu Insurance Co 1,400. uelt a, Bro.. loss sboot 150. isaos Borrel, loss 1200. No In- nee. . B. Ilaas. lose $400. loturod in eiinCflBipoj i . ,n ; N. LAviaoa, loss about iu.ooo. red ip Cwlumbia lsauraoc . Co (T enry Farley, loss 1800, Insured ottarllle Mutual fire laaursoee paay for 1700. in. Uaaa. lots Il.UUU. insured M0. ' U. JJersstioeior, loos 11.500., N reajrav i , i - odvkt Weaek. loss 15.000. In V la rotUvilb. Wutsal loss runes , r U y!tttlontlosl500, aarMBMniMMMMaa An Kik county rnper ruy a little dwitftiler, throe years old ol Jubn Alt. nf Mill Creek. Klk county, wua burned In demb lai week. Tlie lumber bad left the child In tb honec alone, and gone tu the mid. whare her Ii unburn! was st work, snd after fifteen minute absence reioreed. an found the child burned to s crisp The child's elntbet had caught Arc Ir.'Ui the utovc, it i supposed. , An other torhbla warning- to mothers not to leave ibeir children alone when (here is Are within their reach. Tits New York swindlers have adopted a ot'W dodge to cheat tbe un suspecting tleoisens of tbe rural di trii'ts. They are fliaidinir tho conn with circular nddrced tt th'wo who were soldiers lo the Ufiiou army. The document nnnotioeen that dia (diarped sold una are enliltcd t' 1R0 acres of land, aaxiaroed to them, li r Kcrvires during the war, and to obtain i hi bounty from lbs Government i only nrcritrary to forward In the " un lrriVned ' a power ol attorney, occoni piinied by a fee of SoO for pndreional ervire. Suldiera fbnild nut pay the slit'ht'St ntleution to ncli swindling proponitiona, n r . pulnnit their r)aii uuainat the Government to any but well known roliahle K-ituI uelitkMiian. Mr. lirKKV, ol Tcnnaylvnniii. yes 'erdiiy moved in the Iiouao tb'ii the f'eeretitry ol the Intetiur bo directed 'o pl.ee on the pen-Ion lit the mime of the widow of Abrulniiu Lincoln, si he rato ol 83.000 a year Irom the dire of the pn-'Site of the act. I'tidrt th call ol tho previous ipieidion the bill w:ia pnHsed by a decided majority. Mr. Lincoln vokilVd by the enemie ol the country w bdo nu olTi'-er ofihe I'liited Mate, and, ly v rtueoflnn olliee, (ieneral iu-L'hiuf of llio nrmic of tbe United Siulc. and coiiaeiieuil this ael ie not only eminently but technically proper. V eiicct th.it tho lcmocral ie paper, however, which have oHteotBtouly al'tio I Ihe Kepub lien n party for no tilling care of Mr. Lincoln, will now uttuek us lor ex trava.'aiuo in pacing tbia b:. J',rs AlbXma Claims. We oro In formed that the tnost perfiotciil nnd uny U'l'linvf of tho privsto elilzent who have claim." v. ths Iti-iiih fiovernnient aro lr. J. C. Ayrr & Co., of Lowell. Mas"., the manufacturer f inedieinna The willconacnt to nothing lea than thai their tlcuintid for neliome du "troyed qy tho lirii inh pirates kImiII be paid in uobl and in ilolhir to tli h-t ccot. They are emboldened by the liu't that the (lestriiet j.in of their fro ulf ly the Knh.lb it. China and ebewhere (lol w here me not that troubleaoiun na tion trampling upon somrhody '!) bivi hitherto hecn paid In full nod they mw y that they i.1ihII be They however propohO this ecmprniniKo : G ve no t'liiiudu sud we. wiil call it even, be euii-e w i cno tluii send our remedii th;ie without duty. Washingo i. PK' Tl.AMATION TO Al.I, TIIK PKOpt.E To ay that we have articles of en oi ill wv f'r an'o in our store, i ton n.ild a way id tellinir a fri-al truth ; but when wm say that we hsvn articles ibut meet tbii Willi's of every family hihI thut every family mtiat have, wo eome riubt ilovvu to n pointed truth There I scarcely and end to to the multitude ol thine wo kep for n'c l hut arc nou -n-lays iuili-penniihle in every ilopuriment of buy indutry Tho Fnrmer. the Crpoiiter, theShoe muker, tho l!lni'kn.iili. tbe Muchiniat be Milwrinh', snd every other bnxi cca limn will here Gnd many tb'ng n udy nuidp and rhenper thnn wh-n Pcially ordered : and the Ladies will find here a treat stock nf article u-cl in h u-etei ping. It is impo-ritdo to enumerate what we have, for it wi uM be much easier tu enumerate wh it we luivo not ; but we invite all to o ani ace for t hoiii'elve. For piriieul ir we would refer lo Ihe hand bil j i' pur up. since the arrival of our new loel. IIIF.STANI) &BOYKU. Selio",rovc. Fu St II ar til's Mau.vink Tho May Niiniher coinpleiea tho Fortirth Yul of llaier'x MnuHr.iiie, lis sueeess hitherto unrivaled by that id on other iiinuthly petiodicul in Kurvpn or America has been duo to the popu lar ( linrai ter and variety of its con teut : to the entorpriHo f the puhli-h ers in accurinir for its puce, at any Oi'i. the bobt bternry c m ributions ol Knu ll-u and Amcricin writers; to lis profuoely illuhtruted arllele of Travel aud Kxploraiiou ; to the promptness, authenticity, nod popular Ireiiunont d' it pit per upon a acieulifie milject, upon i be iiieebiiiilcal imprvemoiit o ihe s"0, and upon current loiic; and to tho vurioty and interest "f it am-e-iul Kdilorial lepattm-nia to which recently n new oue has been add d, vis., the Mmiib'y Seienlitlc ICecord. Tho clement upon w hich the pust siicens id' the Msmiziuo ha depended will still continue ' to bo its hading charsetoriHties ; and it l'uhlibers arc eoiifldcut that with increased stteuti n to tbu wunts of the readinjr public tiny will bo abla to eubanoo even its present pupularity. II ARi Kit's Mauazinc eontains from fifty lo on hundred pur eeut. wore matter tbao any similar periodical isruud iu the l'.ulibli language, ihu the ample space at ths disposal nf iu l'ublhdicrs will enable them to treat fully of all the topics embraced it their plan. Published Monthly, with profuse lllu-trailon. Terms, 04.00 u year Address Harper & Brothers, New York. rillUUtLl'IIIA MAHKET8. ruiL.iPKi.PRiA May, 4. Tbe wheat market is unebmmed. rrinio nuuti tie are scarce snd in demand, but in lurior are nut wauled 2,000 bushelo Kood and primo western and runvl' vsma red sold st l 83'jia5 j 3 U bushels Dflaware do. at II 40 ; l.UdU buahels western Amber ut l 4., and 300 baaboU Mu. 1 spriiis; at l 21 Outs are soiiva. bu lwsr. Sleii 4 600 haaliels fpod slate si 6l!l3o MOO bushels, Choice, at Q-V. ; ?U0 nush els weuteis at CJc. and Odd bubea u pply snd th demand is quise art! re. 8 OlK) bushels Ma' slid southern yel low sold si tl 1( 07)1 11 ; 8.000 hu.h e! white st tl 1'8 (n,l 10, snd 2,000 bushels western mined at tl C6. MIDDLF.BURO MARKET., j Carreeled weekly. Potaloas lard allow Clierrle Flaianed Perusal ?n Hiitter KO 10 lined Apple Solf P'cliea uup'U 18 el flnap lo t'herrlta seeded 120 lllaekherrira 12 S eta (2 in 80 sro lluekleherrlea SEL1NSGROVE MARKET. t'urreeted weekly. Wheat No I VI U Oniona 76 Wbeal "21 IU Duller Ho Cora el) K,im St Kys PHI Foap 0to 10 dais 40 Lard IU Flaieted 2 00 llatn 20 rimoiliyaetd 8 OV Kliaulder I'i CluTtifteJ 0 60 hida 13 Trial l-lst-Hlny I'rrui, ISO. K.lla. Ilu.h v. I.nrb a Kt.lfaia. Mai Tu Jthn l.ini. 1 C. . Hha ol . llrl.t rt. Jamb Wtatt. C -U k Ilium haul r: Wib. U. Iitcrolj. Tiia va. 0h. Wle.t. ma OroM. am tain Tt. J. Il.nailokt, U. M. Urotta Itoac Tt tarns t. Iiit, nurm k Mntcr. v. Minn. an John MoAll.n.j are of M. W. SloAIUncf vt. A f. l'nmnilnt(B. Hyn li.iilwtin.il t Knot I'. Walter. hoUK A lliotoiii! ftlie. Jacob KreliW. Ji.lin Miolljr. J. it. n hhuulla, lraa.. Mitt, tnttltut VI. E. P. lluhrliaik. J k. .I Mmllh Tt. A. A. 1'nmnilm.. Jjc.l, .Mining )l 6arb Alluuls, bli win), Tl. Irl.h Lolir. t.nia t.. Hnmul Momlu a .tn.vph llnlnrt. mna t. A'lrwu p. ubi aiaoul Wul. mn . John To. lMIIt Hwlhrlmil T.. .Irrlnluli pyW. Jitl.b M. tltitrnmn r. rr,UnMtt4 Mi.eA. Uauial Maltar ti. l .lh.tli.a lliilir, Jury I.lst .! Ti riii, 1MO. uD aianaa. 1 (1ira P'ltitln., I.Mliorer, W'a.litnaton. I Joha l.lki-r, Jr., Klmir,Ml lliut.r. S .loliu II I llicf, cl.l,rr, l'rry. 4 f lint. I. hltitr, f niuirr Mum, 5 li.tidi A lloynr 4 , Aiirtioniirr, Wa.hlegton a nnniil II. linrtMoin, aiinrr. Minima. t .:ieb lii.lly, Jr. I'iinnf. fnlnn. S I lot. iiii Waller. tarn', M Itlilliwravk 9 John lUavrr, M.lrdallt. .lai-kaofl. Ill I'.itl II Knrpp. r'ariurr, We.l lleavrr. II lln' Muni. I.iu,tir, t'eltn II liamrl Allxr. I nrinar, Werl Rrarar. 18 lvt-r Itiuii!. t aiutar, llraTar. 14 Jiiinr. J Mii.-lirll, I am vr, Vranklln. 15 lirnr v Auian.l. , l.atMirar, Mount. IS lnuFl Mllr. I.almrar, Wt.i lir.rrr. H Jainr. .. I.l")'l, Miixiinakrr. IUi-(iiov. la Jflin fry. 1'rttiiKir. xlluarova. Wrl. U Holme, I'nti.'al'ia. Nclln. iiroTa. Vu .lo..)ik (. V. rincy, Caraiilr. Wa.i farry. VI t IIinN WmMlrull farnifr, ! lin.. SI U lii.m Hallo. m. L.l-nr IVriy. 1 aniuel cu.ll). t.Miih, 1'nlon. U Ju.ib Uuu.t, l aiiuar, .Muurua. raviT Ji aoaa. 1 William fpaniilrr, Whrrlrlalit, llpivfr. 3 l.l Krr-iilir, sr . r arn.i.r, I ha.inan. S Jerainlah H Smith, Planli-rcr Mhltlieuurtf. 4 .1 iiaihnn (lutuvil, Karmar, Tarry ft I'liarli'. I.i K vnn. a Tie niar I ata " I hoptnan. 7 Henrv l"t'l'.n " i ferry. 5 lianlnl J.irrnt " Fenna. V Jaroh llolon.'er rriiuklln. 10 Wm. M llrluibarb, Vhalrlalil, llaaver. 11 Miien t:rille, l.atHirer, Jai'k.oti. li f-anon-l W. Walt, l'a'rh uar, Waalilniilen 1:1 J irob llla.aar, Lal.rur, rumn. 14 Willium lloyar, l.nlKirvr, Harry. I'i Jolin llatiar. Knriiier, Wa.tilntftnn. la llrnrv r. Ki aitr, niai'k.iiuili, Frnnt. 17 II f:ilarl Matxal, lnnkair, 'hauian. I Heuljii Orertihoa. I.a orar. I antra. Ill Na.l.'n ln.ln., fr'armiT, lrrry. 'iii Jo n Murk, I Hruiar, N aat lrry. J l.awli Amis. Innk!ar. Miri.llairatk. W .1'ihn H W attrr, l'riinr, IVnu.. Ti lioilrl lliln;'rr, taruiar, Wt Heaver. 'H .lama. Krllvr, l.atorar, llavr. Jj rier ll'iriiiian, iariliant, I antra. 15 Tr-lar tl illy, Jr . tarmar. Muitroa. J7 llaor.a llarinan, I 'ar lar, salln.RruTS. it (Icorm Kuliii. (lantli-nian, Henna. iu Jtroh LonvaiTV, l.alNirar, t'nion, -iu l.ntnll. V r'ova, I lark, allnrove. 31 harm It Miller. I'nriianiar, sallonrov. 3i L"l II. a., Millar, I'eni... 3-1 f. Hiirr.iUKli.. T.nnar. W parry. S4 I'vnry lluuinia., Mioaiuakar, MtihUeurcek. s Hntnr Trculrr, f armor, Monro. til Wllllan II ny.lrr. rainier, franklin. 17 KniMiitlrl llouit. Laborer. Wanhlnglon. a liavhl nylrr. t'arniar, t'plon Ss Calvin I., t Irlier, Haruiar, Mldillaeraek. 4n Mo.. Tran, Karmar. Hrrry. 41 Hroiamln 1. Ho.Vnhii.li. March. nt, llavr. 41 .1 i.nb I Hololiaulio'li, Karmar, I'arry. 4.1 WIIHum I'ralic, lark, rlnipninn. 44 John Molly, i arinrr, Solli.wrova. 46 Jncub IniilUMl, Merrl.anl. ferry. 40 J ih II. aiarlln, hl'orloakai, I'crry, 47 J.eoh ll'irnliariier, farmer. Went Harry. 48 Nathan liundore. .Meri-lunt, t'nion MARRIED On Ilia IU ln...l.y ttev. B. I .ar.ru- I Tl K crier an I Mil", farab l'. Waller, bulb el Mlil.lle.-icek tiin"hli. A I Ihe rerhlenra of tbe brlila't father, ln llii.arnva un Ilia nmh nil i by fur. lleorrt J. Iirenalnsar, Auaui L,eveuuui anu Oil, buuaa llurna. In Franklin Inwntliln on tha 4thlnit.. lath a rlne. alt ut Ailam llaunlUKar, as abuat 83 ).irt. I ICKX!-: NOTICE Notice ie 1J hcrebT alven lhat Haiar I'roup, c ronarav Hall. II. ft. Houilflilettu, itaavur hlirlnyl, Henry lliinrr, " Mn.ea iaoiil. Haavartowa, ileorua A. niiiiiIi, o l.awn hlnr. .MIiOlleMiru, Harnian a. Kemiiiiar, .nl.Mltliarg. I.eal. An. Iir. luiiuilaerrek. r Ilia I! U eitvor. I'enlrsvllla. Juliii H. Iteavar, Jackaiia. Ilaorue l.yoii. Muurus. J V. Holientilna, " Karah Keeua, " I. N. I lark. " J P. Walter. Ktllnrarova. Henry A IMU, " Hanlval Kalxr, Anlrew hhaile, pennt, V. t ftliiyar, WahinHta. Anlre Knurli, ' liauiel KlMiibart, M Palar Waller, Daiilrl Muilinar, I'nloa. Irr.a)rr. " erilliianil Zunea, ( baman. Malblaa awbnM, I'rtry. raTisaSTa. I tan Kama, Ravartuwu. .lara lroure. rirlinaarova. ilaorae Hoaieruian. W ahlnton. Ilvablwl Ihelr miHIou lor lleenra with tha Clerk l Ib'Cimr iifUii.rterea.rlon.nl H a ol eoyler onnuly, and lb.1 Ihe aauia mil ba pra aanteil tu sabl I uurt fur approval on Mooilay lbs Uki ilay ul May nail. J. tl(H'K. April U, IIB. voarai.o. CIIASLSa KLKCKSKS. CIIASLSa CAWLSV. i LLKUHUNY IIOl'SE . Sot. 612 I Kit Market Btrect, l.-tuuie Piyhth.) PHILADELPHIA. ; KLECKNEll & CAWI.KV, rsoraiSToss. 6,61 if Terms M u rer ony. MiilJttburq, Snyder O'wnty, .Pa. LEWIS KING, Fr' ihu i etor, Peraona ainnpinc at this House will find eloelleul aoooiuDiodaiiuns, fur Jan aud 7-4H.it. Uvaal JEYl IIELLEK, s Msaiifaelursr of sad dealer ia FURNITURE, Would reaped fully Inform tbe elllaens of nenuagruve sail tioiuiij. idai uo oinuuiuv luras lo order snd keeps cuualauily oa baud OUAIBS Of ALL KISUS, AND Purmture ol' every Description, st tb vtry lowsat pries. Us rsspseiful! lavlte au esaminsiioa of . HLDSTEA DM, Bl'H T.kVB, TABLRS, SOr"Aa UT ANUS. UUAllitf, 8u A peoil iuvilniion ia esieudsd to asivly married folk tu call and sss my stock bsiurs lurelisaluf sisawaer. ' LEVI SELLER EallwagVoTS. A pel) 6. 7u-lf HffKR-ilNU OK THK 8NYUKK ITXcoUNTY AQHICCLTI'KAL HOOIETt Tks aissibers sf ths Bnydtr Cosoly Ag- inlereal in its walfare, are ren,unlett ti meet In the court llntire, at Miilireliurs;. ttalurdav tha 14' day of May aeit, st 1 o'olork, P. M.. fnr Ihe pnrpoea of taltina: Into eonti deration the propriety of boldina aa Aerieultural Fair ths enming Fall, snd Tor rurh ol her purpn.es aa may U riecmnd tpsdisnt foe Ike aiteaneemnti t of the ft ciaiy. A general atlenilanne la requeued. T. LOW Elf, 1'retident. April 22. 19T0. KEEMONT HOTEL. tl ' l'urt,'Mrtui nvviiru at n a innrmu.v ii nu i it.ii r.a ENOCH SMITH. Prop i lei jr. Ttil new hotel la now prepared lor the secoinmtilstion nf gneat snd will afford nr.t rata eulerlainmenl to peranns vitiling Krremont. f.very effcrt will ht made la proniott lb cnmforl of traveler Hopplnf at this boil. Choice liquors st the liar, and lb Table supplied with the beat Ihe market affords. An ampl atalde in enn neetlon wiib Iheloute. ApriPV'Oif jn iunI'ITan 1NG MlLiTI eF.LINSOUOVK, 8N VUKIt CO., PA. Kcdy Milllcr, IsiuiilitT Dealers AND MAM rACTt (If Honrs, Duur lioc, W Imlowa, bhulli ra w indow Doxr, Iillndi, Sash, Stair l lxliii, Hand ItallliiRi, Brack fla. Woiildlnca, Vlonrlnc, aCKCI.I. SAWINO SI ABINKTTI KMINd. Bhlnglos, Lath, &,c, 8i0. Order aoliclled and filled arilh prninj (. neaa and de-pit -li. Pleae eill an I ea.im in teir aturli before piirchnnin jf rlihere. it :!Hif NEW MUSIC STOKE, u I; it cm ax i i siit IN" SET.INSdKOVE. (lllfK SALES AND SMALL rKOI'ITj: We are till in 8cliugrovt and f rrpsred lo furnish was ilSeloiIeoiis. Accordcuns Violins eVe., tVc And all kind, ef Muaient Inairiinienla CHE A I' Kit '111 AS EVE It! We warrant all our Inalrumeiila for five year. Piaiioa, tlrgnn., Melodeon and AcCordcon. correctly limed and repaired. ftore open every WKDN KSD.t Y and SATt'RUAY. ln-lruct ion givui on the Piano, Melodeon, Violin aud Accordeou, al reaannntde rulea. live ui s e i 11. We guarantee anli-fuc-tion. KAI.KM 4t MTKlMMiUl. November IT, IMiHtf A T nt'KL. W II IIALI.ir.T. J a TuriillTO.V ISLL. BALLItT & fcTOlOIITiiN, titNEUALtOVMISSION MKIUIIAMS, AMD PKALSU IS ('omiln Wmi.v oh7 Ihtmctlif Emit, S"in, ffe., .Vo. Sot tii Watih Street, EUILADELPUIA. rtrrraaarr. Jacnli It. Iliegel Co.. n:IH Market at reel ; lippencoll li Trotter. "Jl N Water aired ; Hood, llonliriglii Co. fi'.'H Market Mlreel ; Cx liov jiiinea Pollock. ;ll .oill h till ' reel; John Wei. I ill'rl Walnut alreel : llurrn i Oiubiin, KJ7 Arch .trvel. Kehtoyif A AM El! I CAN MOTEL. CKNTItKVII.t.K, KNYHKR Co., Ta. Ul I.I.I AM . l.n.Mi, Proprietor. Thia wrll known lintel, located iu Ihe loon of t'enirevillo. bua been Ihnroiu'hlv epaired and refilled, and la in the heat run- lit iuii t accommodate the traveling pulilic. Kvery ellorl will ba made lo promote tlie eomlnrl of gue.ta. A altars of ptih! in put runage i. loliciied. Aprilii-'TOtf "VOTtCE IS HKKKI1Y tilVKS llial we 1.1 Lave purchiiaed the folluaiug peraona) properly, aold by virtue of a Will nf Firri raelaa, la.ueu oul cf Hi I ourl or I omnion Pleaa nf Winder county, aa the properly of ltowell llulhroi'k, lu wil i Una Co .kino Siove, I Chair, I hiand, I Table, l Hel of ehairf, I cluck, 1 Looking (ila.a, I'eotnei cupboard. I lkd.lead and llejding. I Sol key, 'i Tone Ilay. I Kadillc, llridle. Sc., I Sol of Harnaaa. 2 Lounge, I Wood cheat. 1 crib, Wheelbarrow, Sorrel Marei and having lefl Ihe aatue In hi. poeac.aiori. Ihe public ia hereby cautioned Dul lo lucddle or iulsifcre wiib t'e an in JOSKI'll 8. I I.SH. JACUU KLMKULING. January, 27, 18"'J. IEVsjTONE HOTEL. Selinsgrove, Snyder County, J'a. TUB nndrrilgned beg lesv to inform the public Ibal tbey bare purcbsted sod wi'.i keep, in gooii tiyie, iu shuts well known and popular bullae. Til Kilt ISAIC will slwaya bs slocked wiib ib beat and chnioeal litunrs that can be procured in lbs Philadelphia and llarriaMirg market!. T1IKIII TAIslils Will alwsys bs aupplied wuli I be beat delicacies sad meat aubitamial tood tbst tb market will afford. Tlllallt STAHLi: Will always b attended by caralul and iruaiwortby bonier a who will aee junice dun lo any boras snlnialed to tbeir care. Icif HsTing large, slry aud well furniah sd rooms, good servants, wiib Ibe untiring efTorts of tbe proprietors to plaaa lUeir gueai. iby hop I o meet w ilk alargW of public patronage. may l-i7,if U. D. & J. F. WALTEll. JOUN LAUDENSLAGEB, BUGGY MAKER, ktLUNSOKOVE, bNYDEH CO., PA. IT a MiMk.aiil Ika mall IrMfiarai alanrf in Slin 'rove, ruruiarly ownd b Philip Uleoker, I sni prepared to seoomniodai all who may desir anything in sny Un, snd Maee.nl ul lal'anl inn in all nana. 1 kaan oonilanily en band, sad au prepared Is mauuiaoiurs aa anwrir umiri, waw UIJUUICS. 5Sfear SULKIES, ' TT'alsf'isl : BLElGHS.Ao. lij.Lna nerlenrad la lha buaineaa. I Isl. lr my wil ihst 1 ass fully prepsrsd I asset tb wsats of aiy ouaioaaers. Tb kasds employed are among lb best mssbsaios la ib swuuiy, and thole week will not fail l .i..,i.1..m.i aailinlanlliiai. gaajrrSpeolal aitsaitoa pale le repalrlaf ia an us Twpa ajaa Kbop starkel st etri, a fvw doors seulk of lb Osraiaa MelsrauMl bwsa. juhn iiADstaneLAOTis.. iAZ.ua IMAX.L rKornti WIM.UM If. Itr.ATf.t Peapertfiill announeea lo Ihs oiliiena f siiuijienurg sen tioiuiiv iaa os in sow ready to 'tipply them with tb largoal snd Dion compln sloes of si'ir.xfj d summi:r noons ever hronrtht lo this place, at greally re- uiieee pricaa cbeaper than llie ehsnpett. IU Invilcs altention to bin large atock ol MlFMNl. CAMC'1. IiKMINB. T.AW8, PILKft, BKltElif , MNKNS, Boots mid (Siloes, H ATH ANU CAPS. HEAl'V-M.M'K CLoilllNfl, MIIHTS, and everj thing urualiy kept In s a well regulated Here. Hive nis a call and be convinced I h ul tlii. it ihe ( In re In liny pood., t tll'N I RY I'lIOlU'Ci; lakrn In etehange fot (ood.. Win. 11. Heater. Middluhnrg, M;iy, 9ti7. I.VtUl.K lltlTKI., J No i!.'7. North Srd St . i l'l'iWfcn Kate and Vine) lliln.lel tai-t I!. I. I IMMINCS, Prop r. M M. iSWAKIl. MiicniiteioKul. t.. M KW I'I KM -ANU- SY.W OMODM n o. ii Ti:t.. T. S. YJcCl Lt.lll llll hetzesi a. iccux.z.ova:x, SI I Ct.srtil!!4 TU JUIIM IIUT.IX) I'tAI.KlH IN A LI. KINKS OC IIIOIIKST CASH PKICE I'.MK KOIl FLOUR, GRAIN, HAIL KOAU TIES, ie., if., CHAPMAN, KNYHER COC.fTY, I'KM.SSYLVANIA. March tT, iaT0-tr. IjMlEl) STATES Jl ONDS 1IOUG11T, SOLI) i EXCIIA.VGEH CN MOST liui:kai. TI'.r.MS. KQllgM & gold AT Murkrl Kutcs. Coupons Cashed. I'ACIIIU KAIL KOAM HONDS lloitglit and rold. STOCKS Iiotiglit and Sold ON COMMISSION' ONLY. Aeenunt received and Intereat nlaslnd on daily balnnce, atibjcct to check, at eight. Delia veil & Itrothci, 40 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. March 17, WV-y D AVID WILLIAMS, Mnnufaeliire of ft WholraaU Pealerln (illl, Miilmcsfij-, UhIiiuI nr.d ltast'wuoil L-OOKirsiG GLASS Picture It Fhotci-rnphio Frames, .o. IM and tM Arch SI reel, l'blli.ilelpbi I's. Frames Repaired in the beat manner Also, llegildiog in all its branchea. 17. '.'I rOUWT I'ltOOLAMATION-- ' "7bra Ibe lion. 8. 8 Wood Preal IT dent Judg of lb Jndloinl Pi.trlol cumpoaed of ibe eouniiel cf Snyder, t'nion and Mirltia and A. K. Midleawanb snd Oeorg C. Moyer. Eaqa Aaaociale Jiidgca in ami for Snyder eouniy have laaued tbeir precrlpl bearing Jnls III lbs Ubtb day of Frbruary. IS7u, and lo me direoled for ibe holding ef an Orphans court, s court of Common Pleaa, Ocuri of Oyer and Ter sillier snd Oeneral court of Cuarler 8r inn of ihs eeacs al M iddleburg, for the comity of Snyder, un lb 4b Monday, (be ing lb lild day of May, 1B70.) sud onnlinu on week. Nolic is iberdor hereby glva lo tie Cortner. J unties of lbs Pesos and Conn a kles in au for Ibe eouniy of Ssydor. to ap pear iu ibeir proper peraow aiih tbeir roila reeords, inuuiaitioas. essniinaiisns aud a bcr remembreuoee to do I lion things which ol ibeir ortic sad In their behalf periala lo be douw and witaeaaes and per aona proeecuiiug la behalf of lb Common wealth again.! any pareon or person are required to b Ihea aud ther attending aud sol depuriing without lea al their peril. Jualiees are requested lo he punoi ual in Ibeir ailandaocs at tb appoialsd lima SKistably lo aolio. Uiven under my band and seal at ths Sheriff's office ia Middleburg, lb Stlt day of March, A. IX, . on thousand sigsi hund aud aavenlv. JOIN 8. WOLF, Sbtrilf. C. 8. 8W1NEFOUD. WITH JOSKPIl -8. DELL. MAWDKACTUIIlta 0 AS0 wnor.K8.4LN VKALKR IS CLOTjIlIING, cutis. cu r::i 4 ixTirci. QXTIOK 49 un..1 ei . , - iM.Hai.l. lanboodi now Lost. Bow Restored ear-rau'ii' pupli.bed. s aew edition of lr. CulverwelP t'.lcbrald K If we' aay on Ibi radical euro, (niihnet medicine) of Ppersiatorrboes, or rlrsiinsl Weskneai, lovnliinlary .osrs, irupolancy. Mental and ph laical Inaapacii, Inip3d uienf lo mnrriage, eto, i slo. Con.uiue tlnn Kpilrpty nnd Pita, Induced by lf In dulgenra or rexuat airaigane. I'nrt, is Sealed Ettttlnpi . ti omtt. The eelehraled anlhiirln tiila adinirahle e.y clearly demonstrate from a thirty year aiieeeaaful practice, lhat the alinn ng eonaequeneea of sidf stiua may tie radi cally cured without lb dangeroua ua of internal medieine nr the spplieatlnn of the knife; pointing nut a mode of euro at oner .itnple, rerliiin nnd effectual, ty mean of mil u li every .uflirrr. no iiMtter what hi. eondition may l e. may cure blmaelf cheap, ly priva'ely nnd radii ally Ihia heeluro abnuld ho in the hand cf i-very youth and every man In llie laud ."out un Iit re il. in a pluin eilveht , in my ad lleta, post paid, oil rceiiptnl' rl i iii a, or Inn mi at.'iuip.. Al , llr. ( ul vera i li a Marrins" tluide," price -j cenia. tddteaa llie iiblilnr, niA.-t. j. c, kmm: a rn., l.'7 llowcry, N. Y., '. O. Hex TAS I LD-AUL.NT.i. $73 TO fCOO TLB MOUTH. Every wbeie, male aud finm'.e, to inlto liuce the (ii'iinl'if iniprtMcil ( uiniiion Sense I'AMII.V M-:VI.ti .maciiini: T : . i Miclilnc w i'l -liuli, li"ni. fell, turk. iiill. cord, bin I. I.rn 1 and iiul r.Ucr Iu a iiio't anpclnr manner. PRICfF. ONLY GTS. Fully lYiirniiiled for He Years- W Kill ay fliani lur any n.aoliino that ill a at mn per, more lenniiful, or note rl i.lic aeam than our. Il in ike. the ELASTIC LOCK SIITUI." Ever? aecoii I alitcli can b cm, and alill ibe cloih ciiiuiot r pulled apart wiihnut filing II. Ki pay Agent from f T.'i Ie $ Jell per month and epir,ea, or, com mi.. inn from which twice Hint nniouut can l-em.ide. A Idro fLCi IM II CD., Piti.liurs'. i's. ; I'oilun, Mini., or Si. Ljoi", Mo. CAl'l lllX. P.ewarenf all Agents lollitig Miicliiuea under the buius name aa nura. uulera they inn allow a Cerlilicule ol Agency aigncd by ii". tVo ahall lut bo'd oiir-elrca ropoie-llde for wmibler Ma cliinea aold I s. oilier pnrliea, and aUall I lo-cmite all I nrtie. ruber selling or u.ing Miicliiuea unddr i oil name in Ihu lull cxuo.1 of the lnw, tiiili".. audi M icliinc" rr oh mined li'i'.i u- by our Agun. l'o i I Ie impose. I upon by panic who Copy our a 1 verii.i'iiu'iit an I ciroiiliii'i anl vtler Wvriii lca Mnehine al a lea., price. Pel. :l Iw. ALD E.MiLE MOTEL. N. till North Thir l Street. piiiLA DKLrni , JOHN CI.VMKII, I'rvirittjr. Janunry 1:1. I?u-tf li.-'ll.l IK UIVtiltCKS legally olitained in New "ik In linua, lllinoia nnd oilier ftate. for perrona from any Stale nr Country, legal everyuhatrj demion, drutiUenne..., noii-nuppurl, etc., aullicieni cuu.r; no publicity : to) elnrgo until di vorce obtained. Advice free. Hiiiiui'.. eiilalilialivd til'leru yean. Addrei". M- ItOl'Si:. Attv. So. 79 Na.iau til., S. V, City iLE HOTEL. MIDliLEIlL'RO, PA. SHULNKI Ki:it. rropricler. J. A Ilavirg taken charge of lliia old aud we'l ealiililiKbuil ktiiml, I be propnelur proprc o ilrvme all bm iitieuiion lo ibe providing uf bia T'lible utid Ittir mid ilio accoiiiiuodn iii,li i t I i. iii ii. un and l.i n-l. lie ..lirii. a htiernl almre ol ibe pulilic p uiuuiigo. .Iiiiiunry 1:1, lb"u ty Ts.Tir Tik iluTt, ) a tlin"jruve, SiiyJ-r Co., Pcna Krcpa constantly on hand a large and well ni'ido it i- i rt m i' li I of Tin, Siivcl-irou ware, Stove, c, c. He ia Agcui for I bo following named arlidca. -THE MOKN1XG GLOUV." MitleCiM's Tntcnt Imprnvel Eos Euroing COAL. STOVE. I il.i. nattern of Tu Monaiaii i nnv .cvcral new and Important fcuturea have 1 ''t' Ue i v ( ' "ekteg. I.oeil embodied, wbicli Cilti only be -ecu ln'l,,r- 1 U'ni 01 11 1 tluphourd, Biiremt !,. admired. Tbia new atova i, made en- 1 lr"" '"'e. 1 l'"". 1 Clod,,- and bavin lirel) of ciisl iron.ro filled aa to he airtight. but cun be made wltli riicct-iroti uppurl aertioti when preferred by tii purchtiaer. Ita uriiaineutiil tilii-li ia drapery, makiug il a baiid.oiiie piece of fin nilure, fur more so tlinn any "love heretofore made. In in ternal eonairuclinn, Ibougb rraeiuhling aome of ibe former patlern of The Morning Glory i quite dillervnl, making il more durable, un I tar lert ditlivull lo ba repaired, fba cnitiugo are cf tbe biblical order, fully equaling the btieit ca.itugi made Iu lliiii country. Among ths many advaktaiii i In tlieusv of llie Morning (iiory nre I liar I'ollnwing : I, Colitiuuous lliuouig. J, guality ul the Heat. It. Ventiiaiion through ihe .love. I. Anl -Dual Sieve, u, lw tJcaiie1 of Un. i, Ecououiy of Fuel. "THE MAULEY SHEAF.' Aidl-JJunl Air-T!yf doling S'ow , with bsl'iuled firi-llux for Wood or Coal. Patented May K,ib. ISC'). W. lake lileaaurn iu nlfirmg our cnno- men and Ibe Slov Trade, s New tirat-Cla. t'lal-lop. and would cull i orric.or offrama lo it i many uttntctiot sad valuable imy rurr arenrt. Tbi Slov ba been carefully tcited for everal tnuulhf, snd Ibe reulthaveproved o highly iiitiafaetury, lhat several of our ulilvet aim inot aaperirnce'i aiova ueniera predict for it a isl far beyuud our ability to supply tbi eaon. Ulidmf jrol prfuoort, giving runuao oi ba hearth. Ah aJdidoaul id is (A oea, o arranged as to givs more room ia lha nppe part ol lb oven; a grl coovenienoe much needed TM ovi I urariy a vif al lit run a ailh heart b line, which not only iucreaaet b sia. but will b rceoguiicd aa s artul aJvuiilayt in euaiae. DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. Tb bel, ebeapeai, ami mol popular Waablng Mat-bin ever invented. Ii I tooperai. iliing orliiding akaa but In He room t luLur ngrmenwi i Huiahe ii work from in lo lu foue Miu uia; ia durable, sod cooeeulent; and tkt ouly Washing Ilsdnine kuowa-ibat la Uka ib t'slier us longer u is . the Universal clothes WKINUEK. Tk. tJllKA T t'AMIL r fCOXO VIXHR. Tbe Ursa of our Patent call our Machine a Wrtwfsr." Ysrs ssperienet prove It .Ian IS ba A MOIT BXCBkLSSI WASH. When w twduo vry lovanliou for wtab i.,..inihra ia a arhiCtcl lki all auouai to ibal of praaaing aud aquae.iog, sad forcing the wstsr ilirouwW rhem, (bus r ssoeiaglhs dirt. Most Weahiug Maoklu da li b rwbblar. Ths Kolveraal Wrlngre "-. U vi nr. m'-- ; i il i i i i i I ail i n l1sataasaastaassfSSji FjtaUof CHARI.: Ht'Oltm, DaaMaail. I KTTKR3 nTAMKXTABT wpa lie J eatal of tharle Hugbes, tferrrtat of ihs lewaabio ef l'n. tlnyder ilsanly, Pa.,bavisg bwes grawtra) twlba noVnrtgned all pertoea IndoblsJ lo lU ea'd Ui are reirtiesled to make f aynrent, and tboea bae lust demands againl ths sssss Is prtaoal lbu Witkont delar t ' ' JtlHI K. HrOilKH, 1 . WILt.t M IIUOUEd. f' March H, 1R70. . Kasciiior. M Jttn. CB1.1ELLQ. WATCI1 A CLOCK MAKER, Market tit. Middleburg I's. AVISO located In ibl place I would rcfcpecifully inform lb citiirna of Miildlelm-g an I vicinity I lint I am prepared io repair Cl.tiCK A Mi W ATCHE.S sheap an l rapediliou'ly. The patronage of tb pill lie it re.peellully lolirited. w. KAsr.ua Middleburg. Not. 21, 1W.9. i XOH.I.IM. janaAvnii L, juhs uranau. J. F. ZOELLIN i CO., (" jccrain a lo 8 il eiling St Zoellio.) AUl.t:Al.E L'K.Ur.P.M k IMPtJUTKIt.' or J)i:U(JS & 1MEUICLNES. Kea. 10J & -104 North Third 8t '.J 1'lULADELViilA. i l;oS i'.IiOTIlEUS, M:ir.u autrrcia cf and dealer io all kinra ef I'.M.L TIM REM. LUMBER. l'ALlNtj, SlIINtiLKS, LATH. H.t't'HIMI. ete , HliamnVin lm, PnriUr Luuu'y la. All oidera ptouipily lillad. Wiiinut, Cherry, i'ojjlur, attj .ih I.Hmlt cvnitnntlt, on ImnJ. 7 -J jjTf.ANU li lit IY Euj Wbolcrale and It 01 ai 1 Desleri in HAUDWAUE, CL'TLEi;y, Coicl.uiulcrj' Miitcriutii, Slio Fiudinc.Je. Sclin.grove, Pa. H-llf Jjl'lliE POK TRA VKI.KHS. l'a..cnzer Truina lenve llie llarriaburg ra'lroad it. tot. daily n r.i'i'itwt : 1 LNM'Yl.VAMA ( I NTItAI. U.tll.ROAU. nT vim. Phil I'ii nprc evcepi Monday 2.10 ni f'a-l Line fi.'JO I -i ii -1 or train (via Ml Joy) " P icilin re Train " M irri-lnirg AccutnluiNliu'l " Cinciiiii iti Kipre.a Iriiiu daily Southern Kxprc.a Rill ' U.pl p m :'..:.r, Iti.ti 2,60 wraTWAiiti. I'incinti'.ti eznrcaexcepi Monday 12. ' p in I'illaburg lixpre.a i.t I tu I'aeitie Cipro li iin d ii'y 4.1 a ut Kmici iiiinii I in i ii e eepi Minday 7.-l" " Mail hum ctcepl Tim !uy Kaal Line Eiie Kat lino " " 1, 1 "i p in 4.15 " 4.JO NullTlir.IlN CKNTItM. BAILttOAD. NuSTIIWASD. I'liffaloe F.iprca. Ir tin Night AcTouituudaliuu Mad train past Line snrrswanD. Iluiralo Expreis Trum M.iil train Pacific Kip L!. !') a in 11..''.') p ut lit) 4,2 I ' CIS am L'.l'i put 1J ii"i p m York llarrlab'g Acocomodutlon 4.::u p iu t inciuati Lapraaa I'l.lli ' si III Y l.KII.T. ANI 81'KQl'Clf ANNA It. H. A pi.seiii.-er mil miil train leave tho Lebanon Viilley depot dai'y. al :t.:!0 p. Ul , tor I'liugrvc, Auburn and Pottaville. jvih:u ceai't, FVCCUS.SOP, TO FLECK & CO., WHOLESALE I'OMKITIOXKKS ANU UllirLKOlS. so. :w:i nop.tii Tiiiiui r., lUlLADELl'llIA. A full a.aortmcnt of Confectionery, tiuiia, pira Work. Syiupa, 7-1 ly kc. aU-ay ou bau 1. "aToTlcU Id IIEHEUY OIVF.X that Us un deraigneil baa loircliared of 8imnii .ecliuiiiu, lor valuu raceivcJ, ib following per.otiiil property, lo nil; One Conking I Move. S TaMe. 1 Sink. 4 Mio.n... & P I- ,eu uir "iiinr in iud poe..oeiuu ii me aaui Simon Zeeliin in, all persona are hereby iiautieiie I iioi lo liiicrloio wiib, nor ( i.r cliaae llie lime. j. s. I'Lsir. Feb. I. t7d. ffHE DAY la piibtirbed every mom'ng (except Run day), al lbs office, N. W. eorntr Sink sud Cbealuiil ktiecia, Pbilado'plii i. Frico One Cent per Copy. Served by Ibe carriera In any part f ths ,'lly, an I in t he sdjnoenl ciliri and town. , for SIX I'UNf.S I' tit ViLL'K, payable lo ibe enrriera. I'rlee for mailing. TlimTV riVE CEST.-i per luonib, or FuLll I'OLL.illd per an no in. ILolt AL Ol'IDE Ptirt le70. Tlie rtrt F liilnn jf One Ifumtred ami Twenty Thousand Co lc. of Vll'k llllti" Iriitcil (al:iloziie of Herds nnd Floral ullldc. ia iiilili.tid and ready lo aeml oul. II la rli gauily priuled ou nue lulled paper, with about Jihi tin wood tnifisviiii: of Plowera and Viircl ible. and a bcanilful colored plate eonlst ing nf cVcn Tiiriulle of I'hlos lirummonJi , io iW'ti a fin BOUQUET OP rHXOXES. It I Ihe moil hramifiil. na well aa tha moat iimructive Florul liiii.l puhliahed. giving plain aud thorough dimdioni for tb Culture ef flowers &nJ Ye Uhlon. The Floral Quid I pulirlilred for tlto benrSl of uiy cu.toinera, lo whe an il ia ten I ire wittiuul ap ilicaiioii. tut will bs tor wardid to all who apply Hy mail, for Tss Casta, wbichis not half I lie eod. Addrea JAMES VICK. Roehir, K. Y. XJ Tb (ubtoriber have Ihi day by mu tual content diaaolved Ihe Co-partnevabip heretofor eiii-iiug between I hem In tb Luuibr lluaineaa. io .Neliaaf rov Pa A.I peraou Indebted I lbs Beta, of Mnyee Howa A llurni will set lie Iks sams wiiu ths new trot of Moyar It Dowss who still oontinu lb buiineaa, snd sll peraona bae- ' Ing claima again.! us will band sbem ia fur llleuisul to Mover & I lower C. A. MOVER KOUKUT L. B0WE3 I. C. UCBNli. Bellaigrov Not. T IKi.'. AH 1 17m jlgenis wanUd-Udira VTlX1 J awJaaailemeaforlW par uiom.iiia.- A Bswing aiaobiB, aOold Watch, w Ulble, sassw and aiher goi llvsw a prsiaii a. Hw. Wka. Where, s2a II What, and all oil r pwrtleulsrs, V . Al- Lura1.4.Va.ll I'I UW.4. I I e I,., - ' ' ' - N If ... w. I f asset aa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers