: j . THE POST. PATES OP ArjVKRTISINU. Oneeoluoin one year ft'JO.Ol One half column, on year, . HU.O t One fourth column, on year, 15.0 On o,tir (Ul line) one tnetrlion " Eery additional insertion 64 Prufeaiional and Busi-e. card of let more than firo line, per year. 6,04 Auditor. Eicrutnr, Adiuiniairalor and Atignro Notice 2,fil Editorial noiii-rn per lino I i All ndvertix'tneiii fur a "horler periin tlcin one year are payalde at the lime they are ordered, an I it nut pit. I the per. on ordering them will bo he.,1 rep mail.! for I lie in "in.' y. Publi.htd -rj Thursday Erenlnj. by Cnoi SK A CKSFER. rroprlclon. ... Terms of Eubscription, ViO DOLLARS TEll ANNUM. Fyhl Within ell Iti 00 'ho. or t I. GO If ol paid within Ih year. No paper discontinue d un 111 (II (mangel or paid uiiIm al la option of lb pnldiher. Subscriptiot s ontxido of tho county rilVAHl.K IN AI'VANcr. ttf rrnn lifting and Bain paper Jdr.rd lo (illicit become utwcrlher, tad ar liable for the price of lb paper VOL. 8. MIDDLE. HJ1K U CO. PA., AIMML JS. 1S.0. NO.!). SW Jr. CIlONMIM.KK. ATTOllNKY AT LAW, Middli-bur-, Pa.. Offer hi prolei'lnnal arrvipoe lo lb pub lic. t'olU'lu'tn and all other proleMonnl buain ntruid to hi ert will receive prompt attention. (Jan II, '1.7 if AO. SIMPSON, ATTOHNr.Y AT LAW, St'liiiKfcrnvp Tit., Offer bin prore)in1 eiice Id lb rub lie. All biuinc" eiilru.ird m ln cure will be promptly alio mini io. I Jan. IT. 'tJTlf w. KMcnr. . ATlOU.NKV AT LAW, J''lVflnir Pa., Offer M 1'rofeeiiionpil fcrticeln Hie pub lio. All hulnc. enlru.ted to hi cut will b prouiptljr attended lo. Jin IT.'tiiir WM. aS (IV.'A'Al, ATTOHMA' AT LAW. I,owidiiiiL; Pa., Offer III proflonal ten ice In lite i.b 11c. Collection and hII oilier I role-mon-al butinc eitiruiied lo bin cttre will re ceive pmntpl aitroiion. GEO. F. M1LI.KP., AM'or.NEV AT LAW. licwitdiiii-f' Tit. Offer hi rrnfewionnl Mivire lit ili-pub lie. Collcoiion ami nil oilier pii.tei-ion-al butane eiilruoied lo liU care will rel ceiv prooipl aiieniioii. Jhii. i), 'till JM. LINN. ATTOHNKY AT l.W. I.ewi-htir' I'tt.. Offer M prnfc'nlonol ervicc In l!n public, Collection and nil fiber pm rernitinal hiniiic intiii-icd I" their cue 111 receieprnnipllteiiiiun. .Inn. '.). ''iiil CUAKLKS IIOWKH. ATTOU.NEY AT LAW. Sflitisri'vc Pa . Offer hi profointinl fertile to tin' pub .10. Collect Inns and all oilier profef-ional "lupine. dimmed lo bin cure will re-c-elte prompt attciiiinn. Mlice mo ilmn norll. of tbo KcyiUone Hotel. Jan fi, li" SAMUEL ALU'M A X, ATTOKSEY AT LAW. Si'liii"jrr..vi l'a Offer hi rrofeKflohitl Mrvicc lo lb public. All bufiucii entrteued lo In riir will be promptly aiieude.l lo. fid lections nin.le in nil part of lb S.uto lio can apeak lb l'ittl'eb and ihi in in Innififige fluently. Ofiico between Hull's and lb l'ol idlice. LN, MYKIJS, iueiiMV urnsKion atLuv MidUUbur Snyih r C. ui.ty IVnn'a. Ofrico a few door Went of the V. O. on Main alreel. Cnnmltailon in English n nd Oerniun language. fcp.'toil T C.BUCIIHIJ. J. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lew ishiir Pa., Offer hi preri eionl eiiein ihe pub lic. All I'll"' eliHii.'ed lo bin rare will b promi'ily iitinulid m. ' .'an. 'iiTil ( 1 UOVEll & HAKE It I" SEWINfl MAf'.IIXi:. Vernon In need of n good an. I ilnnM. Sewing Machine can be acc.inimod iied a" reasonable price bycillmg on i.ii't I KL l'AtT, AkiiiI, Si-lui-gi'ive. I ; -M. '! DU. J. V. MUX MM., fclT.UEoS AM' l ltYSK IAN. Middl. h.ir- Pi... Offer hlv profeIonal ervee In ihe e!t iln uf Mlddlc.iiirp m:d totiiity. Mnreli Y.7 SIBGICAL& MECHANICAL M NTlf T Fi'liiihrove Poii'.i -JOUN K. HL'UllIiS, lp, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, tVnn Twp., Snyder To. Pa YU. WAONKlt. l'mp, JUSTICE OF Tin: teace. JicUoj Townahij), Snjilor 'a. ! Wlllnllend to all buiue-i i-nimnled m bi car and on Ihe uin-l reaonnalde urm. March l'J. OHtf DM. J. F. KANAWlili, rilYSIi IAN ANl Sl'BOllOS, rrnlreallle, frjt'tr It.ili1' Offer Li profi'Mloiittl iertlcc to ih public. u iMf 171 W. FC1IWAN, M. P., ' . 61'RUEON 1HY81CIAN. Port Tvevortim Tu. Offer lilt pTofeionl rloe to the ciliien of Ibl ple 'l iciuiiy. 11 peaka German iBJEMglli-b. April 10. 'OH IV A. H0YF.it. Jr. AUCTIONED rV, 1.' I C.....I...'.. Pn A' roruui n wi.j --. " . Ioit rwpeetfully oflera Iii erlor to lh puhllo Vendu Cryer and Auction eer. Hing bad a Urf experience, I fel eonlldeo that I ao rndr prlet lUfacllou to my employe. . Jan. fl. tnlf T. PAKKS, " ATTOUSEY AT LAW k DWTHICT ATT0US. NIDDLEBUItO. bNVDEll COl'NTV, P Offia la Court Hiu, 8ept.l6, '07if . T KW1S IIXEMER'S SOSS' TOBACCO WAREHOUSE N. 322 N.THIKU & 0,85 PHILADELPHIA. M tllCUAKT HOUSE. 11 if lfANDEIlUACn Pbop'bV ' J. CMI'B, Clerk K.41S t416ortUnirJ lreet. ... PbiUUelpbU. mcTlLLEB ft BLPEB .",' ; W HOLES ALtf BOOK BELIEBS, 8Ullooer, Blank book ManuUcturei SELECT POETRY. TRUE HEROISM, at uiuxr r. aonitiioji. Let other write nf bitlle fuiigul tin Moody, pba-tlr field". Whet hiitmr itroei the man who nlti., An 1 ilon li lb mitt who yield t Put I will write of him who fijslil And n!ftii-hr hi.i nn. Vh.iriiguleoii ibroitL'B enr years. ; Agninil biiiife'if, anl wins. 1 1 He In a hero t9iinrh and brave, W ho fijihl an iineen foe. And put at lal beneath hi feet Hi pnmfintia bat and low. Andindrrrrt in in nrinho'd' might I'li'l innlrd. tindnniayed The brnveet nun tit n drw a aword In foray or in ruid. II c.tl for mnelhlngniore limn brawn ; tie nnmele lo o'erenmo An enemy who marehelli not Willi bniinee. plume, and dm in A fo foreer lurking ninli. Willi eili'l l meitliby 'leid, FneVi t ni ..r ymir b.iiiid by day, .t niglil lie-id your bed. All h.'tti.r, then, lo llml Irnic heart, TbiMigli poor or rieh he be. Who iiii(:g!ei with hi bn-er pari Who cuii.inr, mid i fiee. He ma not wear a hero crown, Or till a In to gr ive : llm tiuili uili pl itfe hii name unions The biavenl ot Ihe br.ire. ,',r. ii"''V""' Journal. " 7uTpo Ii. S'upp.i'e, my d 'ar yontij In ly, ,.ii i dull hliuuld bi ioik hei head, t'oni I v il make it whole by 'ryio 'lill vio'r eye and noe are le.il? And wouldn't it be .leaotiter l o n eat il a a joke i And e ij y Hi re tlail -'iw-n. llol'yV, And nol your head lli il btokc!" nppo.e you are ilreied for w nlkitig. And ihe lain i-oiite pmirin Uowu, Will il clear oil any i.Miirr I. 'eeaue yon eold and frown? And woul l'i'l it be nicer l'nr you lo mule ihati pout. And en' make miiiIuiio hi Hie limine Wiicti there i none wiihout ? Pur-pPfC y inn' lithk, niy little man, I I. eiy hard to gel Will il iniike il any aiier Tor yon In H mid 'rel 1 And w viiliiu I il be w iter. Than ailing like dunce, To go I" wolk in eiilttc"! And letiruihe thing ul once? Suppose ihat tnitno buy hae a borne. And H.cia' a roacli an I pair. Will II tire you lof while walking To nay, " I' im't fair t" Ami woiildeii'l il bo nobler To keep your ten per aweel Ami in yum heart be thankful 1m nan walk upon your lel ? And - ti pie ll.e world doli'l please you. .Nor tlio way oii.e people do, I'o leu think i lit' whole cieiii in V.'iil be aln red ju.-i Icrycit? And ifti't it. iny b..y or girl, 'I be win -I. brnveKi 1 1 ot. lia:eei' come. o' dm-u I conn. To do ll.e Uki you e in ? I fail":." FO'.t 1 UT. 15 YS. T ...'..! .! ..1 . i 'u lliii 11.1 ,tl -...! .i'. . I..... alib in.ie.i Vi.i I fi.i'nl nir mid teu'lul t-ViH pii-li . j .!,!. i.n.l li.iolv 11-1 i.t ami In". bin in ud in I 'll hull I. Ho had hcell ojv- eti a eita: !' i.r .tiii'iii Ir nii I lot ilavV 1 .-i : .1. I.-U 1 ,, 1 i.,.,,.l,,.e l..!ililu "0.M niiiruiij iniiinij inui uecii e'u.-ow-'.ain hi ,.Uwew. hut ut iho Ct ! w 10 111 111- I" " ' ' - -- -- ; U'liuipU ol it teruiH hi cointeiiiiice !' loll, hi beurt fnili'd liini. aud witllOU' j tin eliuhif't ''nw nl'i U'orl l o nun iiitired, " I can't dn it, 1 f.hnw I cnii'l. Xnw. the fault with Itiui did Imt lie 11 hi inability to do the ta-U umiiiti v.I not ut all ; far lio vvu tip to li e averayn idM-hool lioyf; but lay ill I I a want nf leimhiliiiu und tirinni". Ho . 1 . .1 1....1, ...i.;..t. f ...... rn.,1 atf ll.ll llllll IM . . ..-- ..... ,. ,.. ,1. ... .r. ..:. lli'll l It a I' II un fin ii 01 iv.,n.n- ...... ... .1,. illet. ...id ...faltered IV,.... .1 1.. ..C. li,.., ,.l.u..,..t..a tin uieiu iiii'u'oi ui ...--..-.--.. : llii'U 'lit OI lliociliii.' nnsim-ie,-, .- , " , ' . . - --. ,, . r , .1 1 In; pr.lt apal m to.-ci i:i n . rork. lt if very likely, t.ai. l' ' UUl! 1 up mi tlmt .ho eheo liutkod ,,v (i, ,.,.., p.r hui.ltvd wc'l.t in- but a m.ii.II poitt.,.. of the lit 1 1 , , , , ,., ,. ( "mln,,,!.. i . ,.,v, ii.di.Vnl patent "jieurlu! an I tHtraeliVi'. lommv "" In $ I I'1'!." 1 ; lthiS.31 liTI! In.' i ' pn.r.ia 1." a n.mpe.i.i.tio;. n.r hi" in- ; ,. ,,. , .,; ., ,., Ma.;.-va-enod l.i weakuui-h bv h-ol-" Hl '' tt Hplondiil j l-(j. JT.lii.o.s .,, ,i.or un ud valmcm Veit meiit, and 1 oiise,itiei,'.ly ll.e pro , ih inl( i!i " lit me:. . H all cla-c iii Inn w tliut Iii i-tl eiitflhein ing linn over ihoio ilillicliliiia iu le lfhSoiiK wliicli Dieiiicd to hi 111 " go hard."' a line ol conduct winch thoy should have faieluUy uVuided. How many of our ynu'li tire weakened and iCI IliUI.elillV lli'pured f.f tin. liota of mauiro I il'ii by iiieonniderato parents, win. il.ink -they i-uvo their illildri'U much treithh and unxielv, eto., hy dn- ins lor thriii what they shnuld ho lolt to, lode, lur the in- ur euuouricu, mlv eg! . No bov or man wuld know liuw . . - , 1 . t.. 1. ii i. IIIIKU III Wai BUlo 1.1 nuci'miliiei! il ut dil not no boldly to Win k at thinu which iu tho outset appeurod very ddlicuh ; ninl it wonderful. to. liuw uianv iibi.tui'U'8, HOi iuiiitfly iueuriiitiunt tihlc,' mull uwny before t In pcfffviins ! It is tiwfc "y younif irioinl. Iililioal, euruot woil hich ufKuupli-hcg tbu (rreutoct uuii bent rcHiiha in tlio vunou ol. ere of iiiiinun industry. .. . .. 1 1 1. 1.... 1, UfliiUCi riaiuiy cau u wmu. im 11 ia diligent work whtvb ia tlio aureat cleineul ut' tUueefH. '1 lit )iril of " I can t" oever runved the w hoeU of proiireii! nd eiviliiiiiou uue iuth forwurd, beoauae it eliriuk buck I'roiu venturing into tho unknown ur ottotitptlnir the untried. Where, think you, would ba tho ureal diaouv eric oud lureptioOa tthieli thiat ti(.'f value highly -ucb fur imUuio a tho atcaru-eiigiue. tb apiiiiunj-joDoy, tbo loooinotito, tb elcotrio telcgropli theuewiuir-liJeobllie. lb pluiuKrpt if thut unlintODl In the grt,ui niindu tbut lrouj;ht tht'tn to lijjht bd beuu that ol I caa'l V ' There U ou entouroitomenl, 00 hop, no cheerful onerKy, 00 force, no nUut tie, io I c't, ouiy uJuo oowb cut. irloou.y. 1 iielulaiit liipodtlou A hteb deniuraliMai end dimiriem. lltoae who hove iilTi'if.l tin- I I'titi'i" 1 tirit t'i B-l tl.o .t.i r l.nti l in tl.eir! t-lirucici, ami mi iiifliioin-u lr ilu-l vvrsi tltoir nitii'U tin I l iiiH. ' A wliile nn I toad a u id attny ' HO'iiowlioro. wliii'b well il titi'!iti' l In.- poinl I would cnioiiv tit llm WW M'litnn. ( co til)vt uiv.'ii. iiml wliifJi I will ro- Iu' i I reiiieiiili''r P. Toitnny wa tiftv Kn.'liin I Lov.l ,r ,..,.t 1 t Ijt. cite on of a wi l.nv living in iitii-t;iiie" i. oar Ko-ti n N iMirnlly I r t r 1 1 :ml notivr, l.t if ininli In-live I an I in.luL'iiJ u! Ifitf, liv liia nrillirr mil .sii.Ti. In 1'n'l. j I lie v Im I jo: .into llio habit oi' iloinj ! iioaily everylliin I'.ir liini, until lie 1 tl.nii-lit that ln .() I I n-l briittf iiis utvlcr-tool to luivo I n ne .i.Miizoil p:iil ol iter Irom I lie ei-trin lot lie (,,. r, pu al i'n id'lliH Mil. and hntin or hlitfk hi I t, hitiH'll. ' would. I he - I nve to s,iv. w idi n!l i- )IK. rvcitotir nn iiiii'Io. who w:t tt-u-1 ,111V appcuici in i iy toir.iny a niotiier. w It ..novor hhi nrolej otito ulv.fo in ' 1 1 be rtinil act of Iter nlhiiri, c-iino to ! the h iiise, uinl in t ho roai'M' iifciinvcr-! .. i i . n . . . . ' Ktitioti Auiil : liv the way, i-ter. it ; trial inicro-H of the ontiH ry. tow n ) ii I i tno thai l.oy nf V"lirn wan iloiiiu'l hieh. in tl.o re.-elit t.ilo n l!to tra ic ."licliinj; fir liiiu'clf. lio iirift he it-.cH tut I ill new el tin pe Miliar emi rivn cur. o!d now. mid tit it i n'l mi dit .oii of our linaneial all. i its. uu I , llio ti 'ht tij,o fr :'. I. id to t a ,'ooJ tid eiili.diiened policy w 'ii!d !i-i il trie l k-h l. ' 'nil rxteiimi of incrcac. d pro! crt ion ' Vo, I kn 'W it. William," f.llered a nt,,rc hhci! etie hum-, iuct t, tail.ci tiio lady, hut I'm n'rud Pr'a hard y tli.m u doeriioii to tin' incvit- l,!,' t-.-t.-atriinif en "t'U lo tiki mid keep nil i,.,ju, ico ol .1 re; t tin 1 inijiHt c 'li p. -onaiid h y's phicc Vml llnc.v hi.-' t,, im, w t'u tin pi 'd a I i i t!.'.' eh a; e.'ti-l it 'it n hi ha-, al w.'M hcen deiienti nml i n .ni I !a'. .r , I I! ir. p . -'n- a hi'.-iih'-, wo eiii't liuiik of pjr.ine; niinilii'i "t yc.ir tin rc ha-I ica i I 0 'c, with him yet." iaiid for the l.i-t I nir yeur. w idi In '!.. i " Tu', Int. tin. hoy' na str n:; tind I r:itc of iltn V t lian now pr . i.-i I, iiri hearty n- iiin. -ri titln ul lhoo id' hi , ulai tiling iinTca.- ia the i in p ntat i .n. ai iid-v in ' ' mil eiruiii.' ;it.i ,,(' j,. n .1 all kiii'N. I!ut in ill. lew wiii!'. 1 1 o"- li-oii It "in t mi inn -It, ininut allowed in - ti ti . 1 1- ho rule. I and nee l- Mom. i f the mill r w irid' , i I loa'.iiie my iittetition (-tri.-t'y t i tin diM-iplini 1. 1 develop ami inac a in oi itcui ul pig; ir,,ti, ii"W itnincli it.-'y L - I h'tn ; ii'id in my opini it), if muiic-' f,,re ti e i o ninittce. Tin i lli id ro ihin ii lint il.ini o in. ho'll he pndcJ. iui ii. lr. in our ow n oii.-'nm It ms.i. in- and nuio'iiit la no: li ii: SMI, hi.ithi r." nail tho widow w.t'i a half K'.h. " Vml know hest iiboiit iheio lliio", hut ilotiy to eel pool r.atilnv ii .' "I. o.-HV plao' I wm:dti'i have him liioickcd uhiul lot I lit svorM." 'J'lie prmlcut unelo found a pluo.' for li s i.eplicw ia tlio ofii.-e nf a li iond Mr. Jdinr, of Pi 'nUiU, tind tho tniNicti uioilior, a'ler li'.ting; Touiuiy mil in Ihe hi'-l hiy.c her iiu'iow en i-ti !ii-( .ti.-' e n xiir ir.L'il . u coinpanied hint lo the city an.liulL'l on ilu uciiihinan After iiitrodue'nij hi'tsli f and Tmiitnv -ho raid : ' I hoj.c. r. i r t liut the work my .'ii wiil have l id i hero may i ' t prove t ia line h lor hU ti'iiiot li. ' " I ) i not li'ou'.lc y mir-ell' on tlitit ac count, iL'ur uiuduiii." tHi'l Mr. Hum u Im ut nin e ut.preciated ihe cniidiliini ..I' ihinci ; " iny i-i i,nii-i nil nt willn t ho hover.-, mid ludile-. 1 will pi.itni-.e you tl.iit whatever ho eati'l do, I'll d i lot I. Iin.'' Alter mjiiio fiirih'l' tn'k tho id lc tir el, Well tt i lio I vi'll he Mm'i oiupl'O. er. At tne i-ln-o ul tho day. o. ben it wai ti tio to !civn the ol'icc. Mr. Sliiiir ci i l to 'i'onimv, ' I want lynu t i I).' hero bright i"d enrly to- 1 11.01 nnv Iin 1. in t.i 1. pi 11 tho cilice, uiako I Ii lire, uinl t-wn p cut. nml h.ie : jutci v 1 1 1 1 1 ir hl.niin. by tl:(.' tiinu I llJW , ' " 1 1-', mi , niH'.vcriil loiiuuy Win-it Mr. Miaw i-howod bi.ii.-tii '!'"';'- Then. Was tLilire, and the lit.. . ' ' ,V V. V":"", .V " ' V 11 or, w inn' iuiuiuv emu 1 111 me uini-i, in,' lii'lt'trM uinl leailul. itoe tu ti.!.. 'I'm iiiiii y he aut ; 'why hivo yo.t inl done tine-le i ?" Ut I r - li. I eim t, hir : I cm t. I " Well, don't cry uhmjt it.'' nitl Mr .Shiiw. I told your mot her, ymi iKti iw, mat wiiai tt kniw, lhat what vtt tuttllnt do 1 ... .1.1 l tM , , U i bir Von." And Mr. ."haw went to - I ' l . ! "J"')' '" a W t-ru' klin iu 1 ho "put'.', and tliinrr HittiU'ion At niclit, when they woro Ivuvio;:. Mr. Shaw aid, ' Xuw, my hoy, let 1110 Hi'o w hat you eau do tn-aiurrnw lunrniiirf toward lie un in.; up and fix ing thiiio.. " Tho next .lay bow-over, tho aanie progriiiiiiiiu wa-i rcpoated, tlio ta l k U in"; li'ithilii.' tiinu than h oliuii! on wliilo lha waiter i.ut I ho nilit-.' in i.tdor lot -I. . ..... ... .1.1 Bt mtni . ir. ri.- .ai'i ; 11.1111111 , vim iiiiii ii.'v 11- ud by thii liiiiu'liow to inakii lliu tiro. lu"t uml avroeu out. 1 o-ui'rrovv nii.i nin,' I intend taliii(r n liiiraebaek ridn after break flint, tin 1 will not l.e down early ut usual. Can you nut prouii-o to huve evcrythui'' iu oicer wlieo I coino ?" I oiiohh n," atisvrereil iiinuny. Hue tho next nii.tuinir Mr. t-'buw made liit uppearance, ridmi: whip iu band, on n ucciio iicurcily dilTvrvut froiu thut ol'tho two previou niornini;. ' Hero, I oiiiiny, tuketln, unl .Mr buw in 1. tiloutiaut loue, extending the whip lo bun, " and givu jourscll u good iroutjciinf.'' " Uu, 1 can t iir 1 1 can t, ' wuiueu Toinniy. " Well, don't cry. my boy. I told your mother, a you remember, that What you couldn't tin I'd do lor you.'1 , S. Mr. i"hw did lor Touiuiy what Tummy couldn't da for biinaclt', nml dotiltiod did it well, lor Tommy nev er Bnld " I can't" tn hi 111 oiin, nu t louod liitnsell quite etpjal to tho task of inakititf K"od fire aud iweeuin th iiflico iii ihe uiyruiuu boloro Mr, IShaw eniorij I il. 1 1 oil AC Dkk, Vn i'hrtn oloyuaf Journal. , I ' A Rood old Quuker Tudy, niter list- euiiiK tu ; tbe uitiUTgttJt yarn of h K?rli ul'llnn. JOhn lt.lu Itvr w " ''"- Ono tftlu tint fxritiii(f iKl-ali'-i i:i tu eiirfo'l tiiin .1-iiin td !. i,:lro on M-.tt In v evt tiiit.'. lvMi itu-f . t J, . (I,,. 'I'jir.lV i !1. ns n urU1 1 1 v ilio t t m tti i t . In itio up. it W il" tiinVni t viriko nit. 87 tint duty on pi iron. i,, iii-,.rt $.". Mr. I'ATK Im-ivoti mi 1 1! it... utiMMidnn'iit bv .liikiii o il ' tJ i ' .m.l in.i itiii : " J '.)." l!o' r.ito utnlef llie p,,. nt .iv. Mr. t 'onii ni-iii. t do rri o-cd rc'ii (j,,,, tK. ,1 u l y upon pv irut limii S'.l id y? per ton look Ml;o nn n I ! I i - incut i'l' tbo m tnTttl pritn'ip'o I i -1 ct ttieo to I ho u"iiiir.h' tdinirin.iti i ! .... . . tic t'oniitiitli'.' el Wa'.n inl ..len s ,t. a inu.t ipnvi-o mil hj idici with- a I of I lie oieriiff iiue of I he i.iv cm incut I una on.' ol iho great in la : eoiti ile.l lloai tin: nlli. iiil data III t' e Ihlfcii'l nf S'ati-ti. Sl ow t'.iat we iin p. 'i ti i I' r in pi'.; ii.'ii iln ia l!.o li-e.il yi'tn eini'nu ' mi" s'.i'i- I at the i ry ho vnh.a' mil "t : h o:inii. li.iti'.'. iu s.n!d, nt fT:::','.' 1 '. ; in H"'.'. ?l.01'.','J'ii' ; in 1't'itt, at tl.ti 'i ': lll ii r llll (I I i rl'd,-. il dlltV id 1' I pel ,c( nl . la 1 t 1 . at .-'.wTo' Id ; in l'!.'. ,, .ijs.'i ;;'J i ; j. i;:l, at ' .hi p.l I ; in ' -ol , al K-1 .'-s. I I. i.tnhrti M'o ilic dat v " iii 1 cr lai. In I I'. 1 nt s-tir,t- .'i."J ; in I -.dii. nl PI Ci-d l-l. ; in 1 .i7 . ul $1, :;!, Ida; in Is i-.i,t .I,77!",'.'7T; 111 lv I'.", at -J I" .''.'.'I. 1: ti It 1 a ;.i i ilic dii'y ot j'.l per ti ti O.liei I r.'iiirn piihli-hcd ly iki'Iiu lily uf tin' il'ia-o of CoinumlH .-hov ilu lol!n.vui.r f a'ptnciii.s ol i,' ir"i 1 1 11 111 tircat Proaiu to tho 1'i'iii'i Si lie : d irlu ; the yeai I'tniiiti he eiliibir ol , 1 So 1 1 '.I.S.'i.'i (11111 ; ihina. tin year i-iiiling; I ei-einl cr "A. Im;, fti,ttl toith ; ilaritio; the yi ar en liiiir liooeinlur Si, IMhi, Li.'.lVi t.iiiv In the nn, nt h i f .latiiiary, is1!-, ilreal llr lain Miit II- I.T'1'1 t tl - ol'p:.' ir 11 ; ill the mouth nf .latiuai v, Im'..', I t .li-. ; and ill lie 111 1 1 1 1 1 ot .lanu aiy , li I'. ! , ti. I.i tal S. liO .1111 i llll Wl.'lca-e U1 tin. 1. 11 ti, I 1- of ton n cvivtl In 1 -,;( nvel tie I'liuniilv r hy 11- i cd ,r,,m llml fi mrti f -'.iiui'v in 1 "'IS ol nvt-r ;"i0 per t ent , and 1.11 inoieni i ii, : Ii. fii-.it iie iidi f Ud- v.t.r of iK.ti-: .- 'loDp r it ::t. cvvr ll.e c "trosp.uiduij: : ni..itli of la.-t m if j nmv r.'ti.urK . Ill li.i-i-.n'-. .'i r 1 011. r- ,;,, that tho vl ,e . I the . ..h .cd ir it, ""l' "'1" '"' ' emu n-l'al vear en lui' on u.e o on 1 iv of .1 a ne wa- bv tlo- s..un; iu-toiu le.ui. .-a iiiitioa 111 s.,S a .ici ia ir M al ((J.!Ky,r.7i:; hi 1 V. I. ?'.".'7l:ll'.-! it. lfttii). g;l.;iJ'.l.a:iii hi lMll. tJJ.lii-'.;... .,ri..tii.-i.ui and the urolit n -tilt- ia.-, uii'ltl a" ml valoreai iluty of -I (,er ,.,.1,1 j istij. jj'.'J.hiiT. utiler a Kpccille du'y nf twelve dulliif-per I in. d,!,, s:;:i, S,'l. IM. Iu 1 i, t?: !in I - 107, under, t-pceilb, dmy olli: , i..r ., ii 1 11 i.er I' ll. In IS i.J, So, 111 -lo. ui 1 . . . IS 1. .J II noil, r 1111 ui v I'm-, in dulv of 7'J t.-oii'H per liuiidrcl ttci'Jit. From a iMinptlal ion (if ii.Ti -iid la turn lately pul.li.-'.i'.d Ly ii'ittioiily of 1I10 lliiiiso id Cuiiiinoii.- it iippo.ii lli it I i real lii ilaiu sent lo lliu ('lilted ot ite duiiiiir the luit Ihrco year tho I'.illi w inji 1 1 11 ii I itio" riiili ond iron : year tin ! diii.' Doecuiher iii. 18C.7. ti.'i.i:i i inn : year eiiiliup; Pci riiibor ."1 l'l, -'i-t. nun t "iit ; yeareodinir lecitiii,cr Ul. I ..rim. llm fUna! vear eiidin' Juno JiO. ICl).,"uddld to ll.e t"J eold tluty upon 1)11! iron. Ulldl ier Ihe reetit law, favo to i.ur home production practically ti prott'i-iioD of 11 41 ; iu looi fl CO i iu lStiS of 2 ft I ; ami iu the lineal year of I Will, of fcTJ 21 per tun. With thuso rated nt Import UUiio-i, Mr. t'bulruiati, the importation of pin iron in ISCti muro than doubled that ol 18(15, when the evvraje premium nn gold ran above 80 tier cent. In 1 8G7 tt oiniM.i tod 110,521) loin , iu 180, J,24u,ull buudrud weight, and io lHOil I pouk of cnurie ot the lical your eiiiliup on tho 3Ulb of June we im ported 2,GG(j,i:i9 hundred weight; and yet, iu the probODco of auch facta 0 the tie, c xhibitiuj. t-o laro an imnirta tioo. uud allowing that the 1 ioroijn inuDulauiurer, even with tho bijjliur rate of duly, auineuted by tbo premium upon gold, could aud did auueerafub.V coin pole wit b our own people In our own market to Iheaxtoot reprtntd by the figure I bate 'given, wo are asked to rrduoe lb duty to 17 per toe, with tho premium up in ,told dowoo- 1809, uUU-Wli tutiH. In tl.e tuoulli ol .lIlm.r,. .m,nuf.ietuie,s nf id- -' " , ... ,.,.-,., I ,, hi.s'.i.d. hi, wile an i loll 01 1 .111. , . . . . .ne.. 11 1 1 1 im! iiitia tr. tii'il :i 'i alt. an l I a1 vi-ilur The tivera-e i.rentiuil. t.rcn ljold I " f 1 ul me ...on mwnn... ...... ... lllilliuillt.ul ; .,a.I tirleuilural in-, ..,,,... . . ,..: , i,v If liri'itt r.rilaln rotilil i'll ih, hi I round tnimlx r, i:ii,(MM) lmn f iin'tiil por stninitii, ltli an iivortco duly iifjl C'.i por ton lit currency, I would liko l I'lilli'tiifti who fitvnri t!t'. r ihirlinii, In tin- intiTo-t, iil- tlniuii not i In.i'tii'i? I. or l In- forciu'ii iii.ti.ii I'.it't tit'cr, Un' f-i'i i;;n -- it-ili t. atid iHo forri'n l.ilioi-'-r, to iiilorin u lio'.v tmii li lin y w ill m i. l ih u itli tli' ii;ily rein oil l.i ; i ,- ; pi r ton. .nu , I woiil 1 liUo llii'iti to ti ll ih, too, li.v lone; lin y tliiuU n:ie Itolno pro-; lurcr-t, w ho art upon tin t rim ipli' tliiit 'lilt- l.ilioivr is mii-1oV of Iti- liiio.' an I Unit it fair tlavN work 1 Ju - tly ontitki tin-woilun-iiiiin to a fair il ty V Wao.i ho n coui" tin' do. lr;i:o. hir.tli'a'od and :. forced ! tlio liotral i: i u-i i i of our hoe in litl.liotH, that every man, lio mal'i r how hanihle hi- pi'.-it'oii in life, i elililhd to i.ii Ihi' I i;:hU, the privilege-, ll.e Lii'.-.-iiioi, in;. I pio'.eelion due to hi hih po-ition a-a eili.i ti i f tldi4 eri-at It pid. lie, where nil eln--es nf li. mi l.ave a eoii;ioon in-t"i-i -t in ihe (.'lory ond pro-perity of tho niition; that hole, wheio every mail hiav ,-tand t-reet in t!ie hotie-t pride of Ana tic:. u i l;i' i -hip, a:ai Hi'-. I I hi- I v'.t t'i 1 I'li-e to ml of l'" a pciiiiy h-. - II. an he limy lo in -liy l'elii' o he i.-jtilly intilhil to ii eeie for I. i-daily tui'.; here, where lair and lilie'al wa.1,''- aro tied hy eoutr.ii.t to w 1 1 1 -1 1 liotli Hi. employer and i tiiployed nre pitl lie-; I repeat, 1 would like tro.ith'ineii to tel IH how loiio; our pl-iiilliei I- eotihl -lal'd the lilieipial eoiti -t, Mil J net to ti.'lt a e.iinpi tiiioti w ith th" main: r;o tui. t- oi Ileal lii itain and i!el-i-Itill, W hi le lahor il lint paid I''f i'f toiii i i.-.iti d, lut i - piiiclia-i'd at -Hell Ini-i r ihle laic- a- Hie han ly .-nil'., iciit lo i'uii.i-Ii a i-oniiiy Mip ly of (in liio.-t i.t-Miaiie l in --i.ii.-, and lloue of the eoliilnrl- of life '. A few t f i 'lit lun.aei -, f.ivoi-ihly lo.alnl, v.iili tin 'ir on al their tunnel head, it .1 their eoa! I'tul lin.e-i.me in iDi.vei.ii tit pii..';iully, ni.d wi'li rolling inill-i to tviii l. up lin ir pi; nn lal, w ilhin a -ho: t lii-lain-e, iin 111 lino hut little if any cNpcti.-" for lie' lraii ortatioii of the raw mate rial, inuy po.--iti!y etrnu'yh' they have -tmt,;;leil helon; but a lar'e 11 umber would li'nhli:.red to I'l'i.V out, chilled by the tt ld bhl-t-of enli rrei-ioual luvleet, while no new I'm naees wouhl be ereeled ! the w hob of 1. ur undeveloped tiiint ral territory, rh-li w ith the ih po .its of the 1 h oi ci -1 oie-, w ill n main un toiiciic.l; and tl."ti-ai.d- of nn 11 w ho an now inn.ia;,' a 1 :n f.iita! !o l!v in"; and me piipi roui and happy w iii In' Ihl'owli out of employ incut or tlrivcii ii.'.o agricultural ur other pur-nil-. Tho value, Mr. Chairman, ol" lie raw material nod in th" maiiuf.u t.ii". of pi iron, bef.-ri) it ii miii.-ii u l"U of thl - U el-li pi,' iron m i in .'.J or touched hy man, i" eouipitr.it ive- I he uvea-.. wn"i - im ivid by the ly .-o .-111. ill that it waul I I't. nearly workmen cmphiyi d nl and i.hout o.iiect ti -,iy thai uhi.n-t U- whole'o'ii- furnii citire more Ih in ibod le i.iai.ul'.iclii.ied value fepre-eiit- lahnf he W:i:; J aid i'l With 1 ul ::--um- il'id hi lice there i-, pi l Imp-, lot olht r item in the w holi' li-t of ul lieh.- coi: Itiiued iu lid- hiil ui.oii wiiieh tiie , m ice 1.1' luhor Inn .10 lari;.- ami eon ' i1(l;ii,. ., i'liluelice. Tlio iMieii-eol' iw' llii le.10,11. w liatevi r lliey inuy I.e. ale divided eouital'ly and almi.- fi.llv 1.0. mi I'm ilitl'. reiit ela. e.1 ni. T."f. .1 1 .... . . .. 1 .......' "i ' ' 1- . I . ..... It. ... .1 t I I . . 1 1 ini.uii t. . n.1011; 110 1111 -in.- nun . 11.101., ciioii of tl.l" iiidmiry is pri.-eu.i- itenlly tlio ptoloci.j.i of Ann liiun s., j iti ,it in u 1 . .i:.""t ' "o labor. ctii iii,' u ueoliona' udv.mta:.-.' i'u" any I ant asniircil, by letters received purlieular l:itorc-t but in ui 11 well within a lew day front oeuth iiH'ii eon-ideri d nnv ictii n, which hi nt' the bii;be.-t reptval.iiity eoiinei-t 1 j,'rt.wti vlroti'er wit.i tin ir hir.;er 1 y id with olio of the ohht mid 11101 1 ' poriciioe, thut ihe pro-pet it i f th. exleu- I, ., r,. Him. mill- In l'eiio-vi. ! VlUlAt l, aro puroha.-ei-i and Coii - I llolllli'lti llinillltfil)eilt KCl'pHlllO lur- tnicesiii bhut, bi.'Hii-c' of tho very bll'llt m;irlU", an 1 m il very iinu..v ol tlieill.wouiil lu t'Ollipeiic'i 10 emp aliouhl thN reduetioii Li n:ull., lit tlio curly part of the session u memorial was prcnonted to tbe llnine eoliiili? from oentleiueli of unipsu' tloncd Integrity nml ur tho lil;li(.'t clmruetir, Imvin;; churo of wniio of tbo pritielplo furuueoa in my htuti, in wlilcli limy coutrudiet und in in v ludi-enii'tit totally overthrow, tho atatomonta mado by Hpeelul CoimnU loner WtdUiu relation lo tlio uvcrajjo c.)it of munufut'turintx irou in Peiiinylvanitt, wiiieh Imvo boon ao frequently quotoil uml ooiitldently, 1 mltfht ali.uiftt aay cxelublvely, relied upon by gontlemen adviH-uUiip; u roil net Ion of tlio tariff upon that urllclo upoi thin floor. They say: Vp'ur nicmorhilisU, repreaontlii"; 37 furnace In tht Lcbli;h,Hi'liuylklll and Hu-quobanim regloiia, )roduciut aniiuullyln the BBirreifuta over 270, inriit of lliu ( 'i.iiiini--ioiiiT uiil lr foiitiil upon n oriiiml i t i: i i i. :i '. : . 1 1 orrotn'iui-, and if avcpt .1 ly Cm.' j;ri- it iim.. tl.iti'ji ii.im ;:uido t. j i.-lt I'pi n llio million; v id our per-on:il knoieiil.'e we I t-g; h ave to (a'.e that tho average eo-l per ton nl the fiirnace-i we rcpro-etit. i-M-iu -ive of ituy inti re-l on capital nml the i j.ei,-, . ol'iimvin;; prod not f.otn t tn tut ti.ir. -i, m tin- yr.ir I KIM'i',, and In tlio llr.-t ! of 'i'.', i-'Vi ': whilo o l.r o.t for tin1 l.i-t iu,.iI1h ' w a iii'iilli- ieve !,e w ii! lie: Itialoiially vary tin to:Vo:h 1"1''' - I" tin- avora-i n M tl.e-. f t!,e pio.luoi i rliiiiaeiii..')iii' ilireo.j:;'.!;:- of ir.iti tin mi I y-, Nei, I, -. at.d 'W e ri -pccttiil'V i xpi'e-- tin- mi,, vietiott that tl.o Ii li in' uvi r:.i it -t of ll.e ptoihn t of the Atneiiiai. iiima '. - i olli.i livi !y : it bcim; our l.elii f that Wf repll -elit iiitole-t-L:i itiT luipoltant c-oi.o.-tdi; a.lvaii tiU-.' l'.llt ffotil thN tl-titlloilV, Which Would tail I e c ll"-t ii'i.ed for it loo itient hy tiny one having an iii'ipiaiiil aliei Willi the eenllclnell from w holli it i-oiin , I tt.lli lor a Ic .tin lit to esii' lit e tin evidence liiii i-lnd n l.y ot.r advei-.-.t 4, a:i- -ha'l f Ji-v, 1 think to tl e i:'.!i-:',.cti.,n t f any candid mind, tlmt .li.-e lians -o oitell folieil upon hy tie' MippnrllT of free I l ieh', w',il w hi 'l fi.l'.y I'Mila i IH il , Ml p i ; I toe po-l lion lie I ic. I'poll the -1-1 p. I'e ot' Iii- I.l -t re; 1 1 Mr. i '1 ti.iui-Hi i.er V.'i I!-, iuil.el-t pai'aradi al'ti r li.ot in which he Mty- 'tl 1 a era'e 10-t t.f maui;!.ic:ii: -ino; pi'; iron hi i'i i.n-y Unnia i-not ill I'Nee of c-l to ifjii pel toll ami in miiie iinlanec-i 1 much b--,' in fornii in that the average inarkit price if piir iron iu'i'n iit iii l!uin for Ihe year 1 -'7 'c, t il.ii,,: Wel-'i I" the . 1 -t i ; 1 ! ; 1 ! 1 1 -. a- a -t innar i. wa- '! ::.. '. d; in our " in n ic y .-Jo or w i! h I'otil at l:'.o, .'7 I J per ton. Now, tahii; thi -e li;;urc- of Mr. Wells a it bii-i-, h i 11- sei w hat tl.at W'el-h pi iron violii.l huve eo-t if the liriii-h iiiniiiifaetiirer, in-tiiul f allow in.-hi 1 lin n and lioy-atid woiueti mii-Ii W'.ioe- iH wi re hart ly -Uilit-ii III to keep -niil uinl body to ei:her, bad pui I Anierican wayo, -tali ilaily w a-je-a-i our Alnerie.tn wotkni 'ii icci ie in Pi ini-ylvaui.i. 'I'I . in.ti Lit 1 fiee, iH.-tadd by Mr. Wi iN, :iltl.otl;;li it i.i afti IWald ih - nun d a-the eo.t price, i, J.'TIJ, In. 111 which ih ducting a lihtral :.! lowaiicc for eoiiinii-.-iot,- ai.! other i haii.'ei and protil-t i n -ale- of '.o pi r I'et.t. i - 71: we have a ic 1 n.-l i!i Wale- nf ?.'l II. it i-01 lu r.illy eon 11 d .1 that !'o per cent. 1 f ll." W lode value of a ton nf pi' iloll eoii-i-i-of l.ihor; bill to he elilile.y lle hi tl- ii--'llii'' it, I'i rth - putpo-eol t'.ii eah ulali ill lo I- hut ' per cent and then We have the Vu!l. ill our e'.ilTclu'V nflh" lul'or repie.-cliti d liy inu' tlii-111 to he j;i-t tub e a- I.Lh wiih is-, thi-iroa would eo.-t, in ad ilitieiii.l price i f w:i".-s pet ton I'.) '.'; inukili!,' the i.ctiiitl co-t .f till i. lli. U" ill -Iii" t'1" n We-'-h i''"'h if paid foi' aloiir rate of wa.:.-. ami in our e-.irreii.-y, ic ot. if tothi- 4 hi! il'i'b .1 the 10 per lent, ib'du.'te 1 above for 1 ol.l m i--.on t price pi c 1 i f tlii- .-ample ii I'llvni.ci -, Mili-Sy l y our .' oliof i. I'll, llllll' iin-reiis. il w . ;;i , to t '. I 7". 'I'h.' i.iii.t i.'id of tiroi' i iioii to A ,,,.', 1 .... "."r.i iarii-.-i i;t .'real lint oil. the Oil. I.V iK'Vec; till Ul '"l'ourre"uii - e - ., our future "dvati'"' .1 ' tcrc.it, in vvl.lili ll.uiai.or ' !' N!ll.d, ho ..!led . .H a ' -u-i n-e!;e I bol-pr'n-eof our people itiiiylu iiruulit ,,,, .,.,,,,,, ki., ,ai. lo k.-ep ibi iiioouipeliliuu.e.thei-.lirecil oi-iu- , r tIii (1VS nijlit , ti dri).. -lirecly, Willi tho iheapcr hibiiruiul,j)i?( in,, ,,e o'l I woman w nil rut iiiorouliundiinteapit'llof lholt.i;i.li.i;iilt. i 'phcy t.M.k 11 iiinkiind of tho Old World. A.N old penile man, niuiiiiint heme (row I'liurch, lieoan t" cxloi the n.ri ita of tlio acruioii to hi 1011. iuid bet Jck, 1'vo beuril one ol 1 bo nioht delightful ei'iuoiit ever dt dvited before a C'biiatiait aocicty. It carried me to the frnti of Heaven.'' " Why didn't you dodpt in r" repli ed Jack ; ' Vou will u-vr have uu other ilijnco." Oxiofthe ti'tickeat way of niuk tig a lurtutie ia to uiury a lu-lii lia ble young Udy. aud aull her clothe. The priucipulotijeotion io thiaproveeu ug ., thai the acller Dilbt u'ao eel aohl in the trannac'.ioc. We ibiuk, however, that their ia little question that the quiekret vay of ap-codlng a loniMIB atuild hJl' "'ftrrv taKLma A tit:i ( .i otl:i.i .straight Ul lull. ( lei (.'.ti rittc', when t la y nt" I i.i, (im Uie I". k on ( 'n..l l!;v. r. I iv.n ''or 1 i..o nt i'. v ti m a . an' I al opt 111 ' I'l. hi Ih mi's wi.o 1 Iivi.i'm. I people in il,, t i.'i iiicr al lli..! 1 on.. I .'. - .- a : 11 ii- j i-t l' 11. n-.'i 1 ,1'. - .!: . hi' ,11 1,, I, v. .an a al 'I 1 11 I 'f w.,nt .0 til ' li, . -I. e t t 1 .j it i a- a.!, it t ! 'i !, .r ii- 1 I.'i "f ' i.l " V nl C e II, u 1 1 tl.l . I h i.'i I .il V iTrv. 1 e cl,' ; ! 1 .1 1 r h 1. 1! in -; '! j. II I II. I I V r. ai.i li.i I. 1 I 1 I K I'lini w 1- a t r. t.,. - -yti'pitli.d w 11I1 hi- in l.e 1 11 I a hal.-hiiitcl of 1, .-ctit. ulcolinl In l.in 1 (lice, con-in lie I In tna'injc 1 w i'h -lt:.nr Jtel a ! t . I m a i.t c; in .1 t 1 -f. hi t i 'i'-, u-.l .1 I .'111' I w 1 III el a p '!'' V II II'.. .'lof l.l'l I.l f il. il.k I, lli Hi .1 lit-' '.' km Ii r ti le i the t -on pit' iii Vi'i I1, it Ill will the .-'i.e.'. nn' j a-1 1 1,. "i -i I;' oi !i "n ill Ma I ISieor i-'tiiilry '-.nai' ia. "ii lo- W i I.'il'i i.'h r en t I. I-" I lo -'le-'.! 'il ' lie .1. nn' - I- - " I ' 1 11 1 I . 1 t '. 1 ..e. Ic- t- hi h'Oll , 11. 1' 1 ,1. a'.ii 1 I .al 1 1" O -I; j " " (.ay I '. ll'ltn. pi'i' I i t 1 tho ' l! at'- i lb 'i V'i ;c. ';." cl ip I r h'e .e i u . .1' I ! a . v. I im 1 ." 'ul 1 I t ii 1' :. - an' 1 ;. a I . -e '. an t ,1.. I ,1 : I'll-' . "l"l II 11 Vtei,'. i''l 'I'M III' t'llll' l I II! '. S.. lie mii'i : " I in a n '. '.'.'j I O ell. '1 II it - M' l I ill I ' 111.' I.i t I' l.e I Mi l V:Ucl cut K ! un - t a- .1' In.-'. I ! ill ... . aa' ti.'ll jUlilj e I 1 : J ''I'll it won't .hi." s V- in', ' '1 hat Cll, tlll to I i ell II CI'i'H 'l Call l.ii.i h.,.'l, nn" o' 0 him ti " 1 1 tn"i'i' " V,' h Mi went t'i lie d '.f ill u -n't i i . t - I 1 ti 1 1 up tie 1. 1 'c! , .. li' I . 1 ma In' 1 .111 II t Ii.' I a. ol ; I n; .1 e a- li I 1 1 11-0 ' -!ia,;i! .'t w li let'." .- IV Kel'ill", 'it that elin'i Ill-lit "..in li' Un. I -o'li. w le i 0 hy Iii in- If. Th it' ll h. a ei.ip-o loalc I ililltliV. nn l auiicl ml. .vi!! I,, ami l t- id tro il Ic'' Wdi. v, c ' 1 bar ' r '. h 1 1 n I 1 11 r ta'kiii".-.h"ili the pent ci-'- ue! im'li ily !'..! '. W I: II ill to Will-! ill IViiil l.i 1 Lap hi-." I.'. II- pel t a- W .11 ' ,1. ' 1 '..I't o! , ' I.e. ' llll "U-ii.i il leii.' W..V lip the nir, ;i!i' li .'i''. .!.ili l. an' .1' it r .ol tie' Siii.c In y. 11 could y.'U - ; ji im1 a not In r t inii' h i' l.iii It's, tlioi.i'.-t t iiiHtv'i'.it hipcricvir .Ii .tik." lb Chin :i.n l'i-ii I i,. 111-0 eati'li ll-li with lr dm J ''ll-'l c!.;- a! 11 it ai 1.1'" :n yic-o. 'i ii -y l.ue !u",i ti a-e hio vn in e lor, irnl arc 1 ' 1 i.'i.lv niiiihl'. '1 1 . 1 y arc t;rn"i rai.'i,'f I'orui'.r .ro- Tli.-i lio "a II h, Mel l a e V !' il 11.1- !: t 'e "II, w,i cat lii'irewti weight i'i li-h III a li w hour-, 'l in y -eetu to I e al wnyi Iiiiii'.tv. Tlio tie re tl.ov h ivo : Sr. iin-ro 'I -y s etn to want I' in ; id '. :i !,U'i..i v. t'.'Var' cx-e.-'li'. jly ill. ive. 'l li V liaVc -li tp ee. i:'." IV ill .'", v c'i hit 1. 'i I - 1 ti le I I.e.- (iin 11- ipt'el; u" a II 1 Ii 1 1; at th..t . no wiietii'iu -tl. tt ill III the wit' h to: ti II. I.o nui'i. ! In il Iwiakliiir lo i--i-l,t. II' l' II" e.'l.ie- w itli :i I:. 01 'I ncle ell' of li-h ia id- tn. ui Ii, whi' li in s.trujr;:'ine t ;rot 1W.1v. but I'm r-V.'li ho! I- Iii ti hi-t U'nl -11 in to les mil' t r' b i .t, w h -r, 1, i-t.i';.'ii ii'mrl. I! c .11 e t .-.vnl .uv ll.e li- il I can-.' ies w .1 r ha- - o, I in ir hi r li ' ui on tne I " r cic i- ii. '- ihlo.-lt. Ibf he Ih- li-d 'I in un I tn 1 1.0 i ll.i lit j.' is t iii. 11 1 ' , n 1 I . Il'l olllv ll-iVi ,1 III" , I et' i"."'i. Ii t . ; " i' t ' a; . ,.i..'..' h",i w ') n.i e i .e Ic 11 a in I in.,r . Ti. . " .vn :r n !!. 1 1." b.f 1 -In :i i -u i ail I im a I'limi i :'. ., a:. I Tii-. -.v- 1 1.1. in: . iin' ivrn I'.ir ati :: -.' vi-1 1 - tli - I'owii l o ;-, n ' i'u. A i.iln ito I'I o. II on l.e e cm - . 1 11 ! la u h. 1 Ic t-e: s a w hii i iiii; i .'.v. Il l inn halo lei iui.clK. ii 1. .'.il It.- .a e! ci auolliiT. .M.. ---1. 1' 1- M A TkII l.ttVNi K li.ilily 1 11 -N e vull retui'iiod t the loor-ide. i? x ) 11 Tom the td.le!t sm, asked tho viniior out. to Mo a InirHo, aud taku him hcliin I llio barn, ic.llloJ cut a lla.ik, leuiiir't- 1 iin, ' 1 haio to k ep tlii- hid, lor tho old inau will iet ilrutu, tin t then tb doril is to pay ;' and tLoy huh lock a drink ami returned. Soon liobatei- ped uu lb viaitor'a toe aud walked olf, tho vi.ilor lollowioi;. A tbey reuelied lb pitf u, Hub drew out a eood eieed bottle, remarking, " You mow tho old mao and Tom will get drunk, aud 1 have lo bid ibi.'' Our friend coiicluJod be could not ataod it todriuk coiillicutially agaiest tbe !ulo family, uud Urtod bck to Gold Uili. 1 1 9 Chrap gencroaiiy ij.ttng a man a pitKO of your uiiud. 'n Tbn wont, tpitU taO'" m- ' r (atL mawiMai nmiiitr )w j .ur,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers