EVENING - ==ZZCZBIIi '•. ^The extreme,pressnre of axlvortiseinerits eompols vs, to-dhi, to place on our insiae pagen hirge number that usually appear elsewhere. ReligiZus notices, city notices, po litical advertisements and' many othere • be found to-day on the inside pages TIDE BATTLE or mg. sgrAnzs. `• Inc speculators who are trying to raise the value of-their property by having -the now public buildings placed at the intersection of Broad and Market, are resorting to all serfs of devices. One of the latest is hauling a big -bell around the city, hoping, by hammeri on .it u to wake up the people to, the adop of Oar views. But bell-ringing is not ar guinea, and the tolliffg of the boll for Penn Squares leas a dolefulsound,which is ominou.s. If anything like a full vote can be obtained on_ the question of the site for the future city hall, the majority in favor of Washington Square will be enormous. TUE SECOND DISTRICT Theodore Cuyler, Esq:, the Democratic nominee fox-Congress in the Second District, baying de9lined, the party refrains from mak_ ing another nomination, and the name.of Mr. Creely . is printed on thi3 regular Dgtoocratib ticketstiat are to be voted nest Tuesday. This .fgc alone .Should be sufficient to convince ever Republican voter that Arr. , o'Neill , ia the man vote for. Mr. Creoly's votes will be chiefly given by Democrats, and if. be should he elected to Congress,.,tbe Democratsovlll claim it as their victory, and he will be foundx voting with the Democratic members on all important questions. TUE SHERIFFALTY. The assailants of Mr. William R. Leeds are very indignant that there should have been such an endorsement of him.by first-class bu siness men of Philadelphia as that which was published yesterday. So they are rather Mbre irate and venomous than ever, in their abuse of him; =But intelligent voters -- will _discrimi nate between the two opinions of Mr. Leeds and his qualifications, and give thp preference to the opinion of gentlemen of high standing in the business circles of Philadelphia. JAMES LYNSWESQ. On another page of this patlir will be found a letter from a number of our best citizens to James Lynd, Esq., and his reply thereto- Since his nomination for a seat in the District Court, Mr. Lynd has been assailed by , the Democratic organs with more than their usual venom, - and ‘falsehoods have been invented for the sake of damaging his chances for election. His letter completely refutes all the diarges made against him. If any Republican voters bave fought of scratching his name.from their tickets, let them read the letter carefully and candidly, and they will change their minds. THE THREATENED BIIILDINGS ON BROAD AND HARRIET STREETS. The indignation of the people has been so freely expressed at the prospect of destroying Broad and Market Streets by placing the pub lic buildings on the intersection, that the engi neers of the project have become alarmed. Irresponsible advertisements, and enormous 'articles.in the newspapers, have assured IP . that such a design - was never contemplated, and would never be carried out - As these have failed to produce the desired Affect, and as the friends of Penn Square hold a majority of the Building Commission, a special meet ing of that body was held yesterday, apps= rently for the purpose of reassuring the pub lic, as is evident from the fact that it ordered its proceedings to be advertised in all the pa pers. The resolution adopted affords the fullest confirmation of the fea7 expressed by those who deprecate the blockading up of our main avenues. We refer our readers to our adver tising columns, where they will see it and observe that the Commission carefully allstains from committing itself against building on the intersection. It merely informs- the public that it has discretion in the premises, and can do so or not, but that it has as yet taken no positive action. If this is all that the official friends of Penn Square can say before the elec tion, there can be little doubt of what they will do after. This is.confirmed by the fact that the archi iect Of the Commission submitted to the meet ing a plan for the buildings, drawn up in ac cordance with the Act of Assembly, suitable citlicr to Washin n Square or to Penn Square. Of course building adapted equally to the two sites can.only be placed on the in tersection of the .streets, if the Penn Square location is chosen. A SILLY DEDIOCEATIC'SCHMIE. Them:tanagers of the Democraticiparty in this.city, fearing the consequences of the ex_ posure of their recent frauds in registration, determined to counteract it by implicating.the Republican party in rascality of a similar character. A most absurd and transparent scheme was devised. Its execution, was en trusted, it is believed, to a certain Democratic legislator, assisted by one of Mayor Fox's policemen. The operators proceeded to Baltimore, from which city they have brought rowdy repeaters many a time before, and se cured half a dozen ignorant negroes,- whom they induced to come to Philadelphia by ,promising them work. Just before the arrival of the party, election tickets and bogus tax receipts were given to alp blacks, some of whom could not read, and' note of wheat knew what the documents were intended for t , Then, according to the prearranged plan, the Demduatic Chief of the Baltimore Police telegrapliea to this city that a squad of negro repeaters were on their vgay to Philadelphia. Mayor Fox wade a great demonstration with his policemen, there was a burlesque hearing before a magistrate, and a double-leaded bur lesque outburst of horror in the Aye this morn-, ing. A more pitiable piece of trickery than this was never perpetrated by men who pro fessed to have commonly sharp wits. The plot is so thin that we eau look clear through it and watch the Baltimore Chief of Police wink at Mayor Fox, and see the Mayor wink • at the editor of the Aye, and observe that vir tuous journalist winking most vigorotisly at all the parties in the plot, including.the . nekro man Johnson who, singularly enough, hap pened to know all about the habits and opi . Mons o?the accused blacks, and who, by a re markable coincidence, strolled around to the magistrate's ()thee exactly at the time his tes timony was wanted. The Democracy will have to get up something a little more inge nious than this, it they wish to induce intelli gent people to believe it AVM devised by Re publicans. As the Aye has at last, plainly declared itself in favor of the eleetion of Messrs. Creely and Thomas, Republicans in the Becond and Fourth Districts cannot an' y longer question what their duty is. They must-either vote for ?decors. O'Neill and Kelley, go support candi dates who are accepted as proirges of the Democratic party, altul who, if .they are elected, will assuredly_rnake themselves the champions of the rerqcious doctrines of that erganization. • BU'-I} ' The gentlemen mbri have purchased pro pOrty ln,tbe vidinitY of the Penn Squares with the hope-that •the -public buildings would be erected there, are , spending a great deal of too .ney.ln,advertisemenTs and placards. deelgned to divert,the attention of the people from the overwhelming objeetlOns which have been rirged•against their schemes. it is undoubtedly the intention of the advocates of the Peifti Square site, in the event of success erect theliiklirig,(,npon . what is now the p high way, forinedby the intersection of Broad and Market streets. The . question for 'the people to decide Is, whether they wish these two great avenues blockaded, and the neighborhood in Broad street filled with lawyers' offices, and with the drinking-saloons which will always swarm about the place where political : loafers - congregate. :Not only will Broad. street. and Market street be ruined, but there will bit° prospect whatever of the improvement of the neighborhood with handsome edifices. The , reckless manner in which speculators in pro perty in i „the vicinity are lavishing money to mislead ';'rters", yireti‘es that they fear tootrust the f!,9m, 'unprejudiced judgment ef the, public iv the matter. Bunting, Durlborow 4 co...:Anctioneers ; N0E1.232 and .2.31 Market street, will hold during nest week the following important sales „. On Monday. Oct. 10th, on four months' credit, 9.50 loth of rich imported Dry Goode, in 'biding - 2 cases French colored Merinos, Poplins; Epinglines, Fancy Dress Goods. Alpacas, &c.; SO pieces Lyons Black Silks. 150 pieces MiPinery VelVets, 50 pieces Black and Colored Satins, 300 cartons Bonnet and Sash Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, &c.; Velveteens, Handkerchiefs, Triminings, Embroideries. Shawls, Umbrellas. Notions, &c. Also, an in owe of Real Lace Flounced Mantillas. ALSO, A large, special and attractive offering of 110USEKEICPING LINENS. By order of one of the largest importing houses in. New York, embracing full lines Linen Sheetings, Pillow Linens, Damasks, Diaper, Table Cloths, Napkins, Tow els, Toweling, &c. On Tuesday, Oct. 11,at 10 o'clock:2;000 packages Boots, Slloes, Bats, Caps, Traveling Bags,&c.,on four onths' credit. On Thursday, October 13, 1,000 package lots of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, on four months' credit, at 10 o'clock, including large lines of Cloths, Oassirneres, Tricot, Doeskins, Beavers, Chinchillas, Satinets, Italians, Satin de ghenea, &c, Also, Dress Goods, Silks. Linens, Housekeeping Lin one, Hosiery and Glovee;l3almorals, Shawls, Shirts and Drawers, Traveling Shirts and Sus nders. a Also. 225 packages of Cotton and Woolen Dottle6tics. On Friday, Oct. 14, at 11 o'clock, on four' months' credit, about 250 pieces of Ingrain, Venetian - , Hemp, List, Cottage and flag Carpotings, Floor Oil Oloths, Atc. MICHAEL RUDOLPIL "The - Bravest of the Brave: , By MISS ELIZI. A. IWPUY. Author i o n f a 7 i i‘ e V r l , l7 ,, pc 11:scH2de Guilty:' Jr" The " ThePlanter's Warn ing Voice,' etc., etc., 4c Id this novel the author has.' with great ingenuity, blended fact with fiction. and few will rise from its-pe rusal without believing that our. own revolutionary hero, Michael Rudolph, is really identical with Marshal Ney. The story is full of incident, ranging over a most Stirring-period of the worhUalistory,and.the_cheracters •ititroduced form a striking tableau. Rudolph's domestic trials are finely wrought mit, and the character of Ar line is powerfully drawn. Lovers of romance and read ers of historwill be-squelly-intorested in the-develOP ment of ttiik delightful stony. Complete in one large Duodecimo Volume. Price $1 75 in Cloth; or, $1 50 in Paper. ";"-Abore Book is for sale by all BooksWler's. or will be sent post-paid on receipt of price by the Publishers, T. B. PETERSON dc BROTHERS, 306 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. MrCanvitssers wanted for 'Mackenzie's Life of Dic kens. Send for our Catalogue. -it 4p THIS .szEtz E W PUBLICATIONS Mir' Booksellers are solicited to order at once what bey may want of above Book of the Publishers. BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! No: 724 Chestnut Street. TAKE NOTICE! The - Twin , Stoqk ie being sold out AT ENORMOUS REDUCTIONS o xvind un,businees. This is a DONA FIDE CLOSING OUT, na the Store will be occupied by another business in • LESS THAN 00 DAYS,. Our Stock is large and well assorted. embracing Li- Mary Editions of all the Standard Anthore, Bibles and Prayer gooks, Illustiated Works and Juvenijes; all of w••hieh we guarantee to sell at a saving to thvAtrehaser of . 25 TO 50 PER CENT. We have left a small assortment of CHRORO LITHOGRAPHS. Some of them, however, Choice Pictures, framed and inflamed, which we will sell at fully 25 Per Cent. Less Than Cost. Writing Desks, Gold Pens. Albums, &c. All to be cold at a great sacrifice. An examination solicited. ASI-IMEAD: Agent. 724 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. ss29 th It in w tfrp HOSIERY. &C CARTWRIGHT .& WARNER'S Merino Hosiery and Underwear, Jun received, by steamer City of Brooklyn, 15 .cases (900 dozens) of Cartwright & Warner's celebrated make of MERINO GOODS, embracing every description of Men's, Ladies', Boys' and Misses' wear. COOK & BROTHER, Importers and Retailers of Hosiery Goods, 53 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. sells to 2614 6ONFgeTIONERY, . RICH, RARE AND FASHIONABLE CON.XE OTIONS FOR PRESENTS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN az SON, S. W. Cor.Twegh and Market Streets. 003' 3trp FLOUR, &c J. 'EDWARD . ADDI.CKS' NEW WAREHOUSE, 1909, 1911, 1913 RIAARIE,FT STREET, Invitee onlere.for SINeILE 1140tELS of • oc76m4p§ Ik FAMIL . FLOUR. . .. FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED FOR west Family Flour. Choice brands Penna.:Ohio, 3lfeellutil . Indiana, Illinois arig o "last but not least," l • JAMES ! - WELCiTS . FIRST PiIIEMIUM EFLOUR. Which we viiirrent superior to any othorlFlotir in this market. A.l.V4oode delivered free of chum°, and war ranted as represented. Also boat guality' of NOW 11 0P 0 in lots to suit. GEO,. F. ZEHNDER, Family- Flour Dfp'ot, Fourth and Vine. fr 6. *TfloitTol NA" 41Y4 1 Vgist14,, E F .MOILTGA GE 7 ger cent.' Bondi! of the Indlanupolle and Vinecnuee Rellmed CO.; intel ,, et duo February let and Aug. let, AT NINETY 00), .PIIINOIYAL AND. INTEREST GUARANTEED BY THE • . PENNA. RAILROAD UO.: • EW, CLARK It 00., BANKERS AND BROKERS, 0.13,10. - ne .1p KWH THIRD PH.IeAD - hLPMA, KVENING:RULIXTIN O SATURbAY:: , D:C.TOI3.ER. 8,,A870. E - X_C.ME'T 01,1410 EN ALL RESPECTS EXCEPT ONEII II TWelve cc cc cc THE ONE POINT OF DIFFERENCE THE PRICE! THE PRICE THE PRICE! $3 LESS ! ! $3 LESS ! ! $3 LESS ! ! WANAMAKER & BROWN, WANAMAKER & BROWN, WAN r AMAVER & BROWN, OAK HALL, OAK HALL, Market and Sixth Sta. OAK BALL, biqBIIIII6IIIGRO Jo ••21, CHESTNUT ST. Q . 4, t 5 .0 t• ~.aIN U ENTA NDER THE liNg L HOTEL 3 PHILADELPHIA': PA. $l5 SUITS for $l5 STYLE, FIT,. $l5 And QUALITY, IDOU't Go Out After Without taking proper precautions azinst the chilliness of the. evening. Tho dayi are still warm, but ihe nights are cool. It you go out without a light FALL , -OVERCOAT, Your teeth will chatter, your knees will shalKe, and you will have unsatisfactory symp-. toms, • . _ % 11 A That means Fine Fall Overcoat for $B. Fine Fall Overcoat for $lO. Fine Fall Overcoat for $l2. Fine Fall 0 vercoat for $l5. Besides which, you can select from their ample stock Everything that a Gentleman needs in the way of Fall and Winter Apparel. AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. 61504,011ais . TY ,) DIINL AP BUGGY ,ner "WAGONS AT ADOTION. TUMMY MORNING, Dith ink. at 10 o ' clock,at 'th e ) immix ijounklyivka, Fifth and .Buttonwood sfreete, I biladelphia. litGr Open with Oatalognos two dape previous. ALFRED M. HERENESS, Auctionpor, 4p§ 'Ninth and Mansom etreote. i T SI B.ER.K.LN BMS'S BAZAAR, NINTH AND SANSOM STItEkTH.3 SALE OF AN ELEGANT PRIVATE DRIVING ESTABLISHMENT. On FRIDAY MORNING ,-'Oct. 14, 1870, at 10 o'clock; at the Bazaar, Wilt be sold the following properly of a private gentleman, namely : A pair of very superior and stylish nay Carriag e Horses, black manes and tulle 7 and 8 eight years old, about sixteen, bands high; believed to be the finest and' handsomest telifif of Family Carrie Horses in the city. To be sold for want of nee only an for no fault. A yeryl handsome Landau, built xpresely to order, by, Beckham k Allgaier, finished and rinftned in the most` superior manner. A set of very superior double ese ' with tifife-c.b bands, made expressly to order, Wood Wheels, Now. York. 1 Elegant Hersey Covers, Whip, Halters, Sc., jzd„ air May be neenliy applying _at the Bazaar. • • ALI , BED M. HERENESS, eft Auctioneer. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS And Drawing Materials, snob as Dividers, Dow Pens, Drawing Pens, Surveying Compasses, Transits, Levels, chains, 'Tape Measures, Drawing Papers,:&o. • Made and for sale by • JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 924 CHESTNUT Street, Philaaelphia. No. 6 DEY Street, New York. . , Catalogues of 116 pages sent on application. ORANBERRIES,=ISOO BARRELS PRIME 101—)Joreoy Uran_berrien for Fiala, in lots to suit tho trade, by Rm. B. 131.18811P1-& CO, )08 Routh Damara, VLOTRIPIE: Materials, Sy s In Colors, In Trimmings, In Workmanship, 4:3lUrer, 11re identically the same as alb BUFFS • $l5 SUITS $l5 SUITS Eleentere Elsewhere. OUR $l5 Surpass All Others. Da,rlr. Can furnish you with i 7 - a F. `II . O. R. & Am() 10PII SALM, >~, ~ ~~ WILLIAM T..: SNODGRASS' .8z O. c 4Ca,rracculas, Eskimos, Velvet Yteaverig, fur 13 e'avers, WATERPROOFS, We have alwayo made this branch of our business a!specialty.l Our stock is , now complete and open for the inspee• lion of the Public. • 4.4 • s WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS & CO., DRY TRASK & 39 a,na. 41 North ElGrliabt. StrelSt,-) • (FORMERLY LANG'S). • Will open'this week 19,000 yards Hamburg Edgings and Insertions, new patterns, 12; 15 18, .20, 25,.up to 50c:ner yard. 100 new styles Real Thread Lace Collars, 62, 67, 75, 80, 87c., - 00 up to , S2 00. A small lot Real Black Guipure . Laces, much under: egular prices. 200 dozen Gents' AB-Linen Hemmed Handkerchiefs, 12, 15, 18, 25, 28; 30, 37,42, 45 and 50c. 500 dozen Ladies f teal Rid Gloves at 87}c.; in fall shades, and warranted as good qualitY,.a.s any Glove sold.in the city for $1 25. 200 dozen Ladies' full regfiTar-made Hose, only 2.5 c., cost 35c. to im port. 50 dozen Misses., full regular -made Hose, only 25c., Bleached and Brown. Ladie.' and Misses' extra length English Hose. 100 dozen Gents' full regular-made Half Hose, 25, 31, 33 37c. Ladies' Merino iThoder-Vests, fine quality, 87c., Si, Si 23, up. Boys' and Misses' Merino Underwear, very low.& Gents' Underwear, all qualities. We offer the best brand Black Alpacas in this city, conceded by every one to be superior in color, brilliancy and finish to any other . goods, prices 37, 42, 45, 50, 58, 62, 67, 75, 87c. and $l. One case Green and Blue Plaids, 31c. per yard, 27 inches wide. One case double-width All- Wool Gay Plaids', "50c. Plaid Serges and Poplins, 50 , 621, 75, 80, 871 c. and $l. One and a half yards wide Green and Blue Cloth Plai - di‘ol 50, sine as sold elsewhere at $2 00. Satin du Chene Cloth, colors. Velours, all colors. Silk Epingline, heavy cords. Lyons Poplins, best quality imported. Twilled Serges for Sults. Black Silks, $1 65, $1 75, $1 871, $2, $2 10, $2 121, $2 25, $2 37, up to $5. All the new styles, shades and colors .of Dress Goods. Water_ proofs, Black and White, Gold and Black, and Brown and Black, 8T c., $l, $1 121, $1 25; $1 371, $l. 50, $1 67, $1 75. Nit, A_ N . 13 CO 1 21 ' N I TNT Cr 7.: .-I ,__ BRIDAL SIVIVEIR. - 101onda,S7, October 10th. B A I. L E 111111=1 CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STREETS. ocB 10 11 12 14 18. 20 70 D 4D 11. E.AIN . ',N . Cr ~.~~0_..., , E: H.. G.O.DSHALK •& CO Have just opened an entire new lot of • • CARPETS, OIL dLOTHS, MATTINGS, &C. Comprising all 'die end latest patterns t to which they invite attention of their friends and the public generallY at the old stand. -‘‘ PRIFES LOW. • j 'l' -:: eel° a w lOtrp CIOTTON.-71 BALES COTTON NOW' B ORDEN'S CONDENSED AriLIC.-130 N.Jlanding from steamer Tonawanda, from Savannah, JLP caeca Eagle) And Monumental brand, landed and for Ga. and for sale by MOWlsfat, Iruorkia. a • .solo by JOO, IL lIIMSIIIOI apo., /085outh Delaware Obekont street. avenue. , MOO ~~':. a .. 1 ;.:ITILA. p.-E....L:p..:..11....:1A-:......0.-LOT.R..O.VSS_. N. W... 'Corner Ninth and Market streets, - TO ABUYEAS OF. CLOAKINGS. 3 We have now in Store our Importations 0f .14 In Blacks and Colors—all the Newest Designs. Twenty different makes, from lowest to finest Oracles. r i WHITE CORDUROYS. VELVWEENS. N. W CORNER NINTH AND MARKET STREETS. GG-ODS.) 331.4A.Cn7 AALF'A.CAS. C,A R P E T S. Successors of PEAEODY & W3OSTON., Standard Makes—Colors Guaranteed. &C 0 . , 723 CJIESTNUT STREET. A..straca.ns, Chinchillas, Plain 1131a,ck weavers, Opera Cloa,kirigs, WATERPROOFS, VELVETEENS. 1124 CHESTNUTSTREET• int 40 We have opened this day a large invoice, direct from Parts, - • French. Grilt . Jewelry, French Galt Jewelry, French Gilt Je4velry, The finest assortment ever imported into this market., ROBBINS, CLARK & BIDDLE, 112 4 CHESTNUT STREET. 1194 • Messrs. JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO. desire to invite 'particillar attention to their F6ll Stock of SOLID SILVERWARE% arranged for WEDDING PRESENTS, ooniprlsing a great variety of new, useful and ornamental articles in PLAIN, RIENTAL and PEARL Those goods, chiefly of exclusive designs, will be found, at Moderate Prices , and in very complete assortment_from the inex• pensive and most pr#tioal - articlefor Table uslio the more elaborate"and ornamental combinations foi Dessert, Dinner and Tea service. A cordial.invitation is extended to all who mar - feel -dispoked,to visit our Store and examine this beautiful collection of Art work in Silver. ° " r j. E. CA.LDWELL & No. 902 CHESTNUTpTREET. , , 1;616 th sto tfra ( , • ;,NT TO ,TO TRATELBBS. V , • .. ... . MR. F.. H. WATT; The well-known Trunk and Traveling Bag . Manufacturer, • . Has removed from hie old stand, N oe . 6 and 10 North Fourilittreet to his now and magnificent soya - , . , NO. 14 NORTE( FOURTH STREET ' • ' - 1 Whore he haslargely increased facilities for the trans action of bueinesC The new store is the finest in the • - United States. and Air. WATT keepa constantly on hand Forty different styles of Trunks, uud Fifty Wady of Ladies' avid Gents' fraveling Satchels, all of hi own munufactarp. Fars style, quality and price ' the goody. now offereTare unequaled in thamarket, ocB a to th 2m4 :C .~i:F WATCHES; JEWELRY, &C. r: : ". 14"1" : j; - ,-,-..-4'‘ , At.T.I f. ' , • m -, AIL, 41 ... - o,'• --- a We Lave also opened a case of I OPERA GLASSES. ~1 th ALUMINIUM, PP:J CID -PEARL, IVORY, ["f 'tt C 4 L EATHER, u) WLEATHER, u) ..4 t 74 0 u 2 OPERA GLASSES' t"Z Pull:, oc7 3t4p CARD. SECOND EDITION A . t BY - TELEGRAPH; THE EUIiOPEII I N WAR The French Again Successful in a Minor Engagement. FROM EUROPE.. EY the American Prem. Aeseciation.) The French Claim Another Victory. . . _ Touns,'Oct. B.—Late despatches from Epinal. announce that, on Wednesday a severe battle, was fought on the road between Raon l'Etafa and Bruyere, in the Department of the Vosges, 'between a column of Prussians, num bering 8,000 men, and the ) French National guards and regulars, entrenched upon the high road. The Prussians were pushing for.. ward in the direction of Colmar, v4ien they encountered the French behind earthworks, from which a galling tire waS poured into the Prussian lines. The Prussians charged in 3 a column, sup ported by artillery, but not sufficiently strong to dislodge the French, who harassed them from all sides. The engagement ended in the retreat of the Prussians. The National Guards maintained their position, and are being rein forced from Epinal. The Vosges district swarms with independent riflemen, who at tack the convoys and harass the outposts of the Prussians. Tillers to Intervletrancls Joseph. VIENNA, Oct. 8.-24. 1 „TbSOfiprill obtain an interview with the Eniperor of Austria upon hie return here from St. Petersburg. Gen. Burnside and Bismarck. BERLIN, Oct. 'B.—A despatch from Var failles dated yesterday (Friday), says: Gen. Burnside is atthe King's headquarters, await ing an interview with Count Bismarck, lift Garibaldi at Marseilles. , MARSEILLES, Oct. 8.---Garlbaldi hag re ceived official notification from the. Italian Government of his release from restraint, left Caprera in a fishing vessel, and arrived here yesterday. - • political Dissensions In Metz. -NA7icy, Oct. B.,—;Political dissensions are said to be agitating the French in Metz, and' ev the troops are reportid to be divided, 'le among the general officers party lines ) e distinctly drawn, the Republicans and °lmperialists being about equally divided, though there have been as yet no difficulties resulting from these diversities of opinion. • In several instances, however, when impor tant- movements have been projected, the. failure of concurrent action of the - generals in council prevented- - these plans from being carried out. Of the principal Generals two, Marshals Bazaine Bourbaki, still adhere to the Empire while the veteran General Changarnier -)4 fervent Republican. The, • mass of - the soldiers proclaim themselves Re- . publicans., 's - Prussia's - LoNno - N, Oct. B.—lt is stated upon reliable information gleaned from military circleS aL Berlin, that even if F'aris should capitulate, the PrussianS intend lb retain possession of the — territory of France, from Paris north westwardly to the Belgian frontier, and in a southeasterly direction to the. Swiss city of Basle, until a stable government can be estab lished to.negotiate peace. Prep/bribe' for the Siege of Paris. VERSAILLES, Oct. Bth.—The Germans are bringing up a park of heavy siege artillery an,d five thousand tons of ammunition for Wm- Larding Paris. • ,French Positions. The Frefl'eh have-abandoned the redoubts of rierrefitte, which they had reelitured from the Prussians. The French now , occupy the redoubts at Colombes, in the arc of the Seine, on the northwest from Mt. Valerien. They threaten the Prussian column at Geneyilliers, where cannon has been mounted. The Prus sian rifled mortars upon the heights of Ville ;full endanger the most populous quarter of Paris and theiiiitlyinpvillages. The Defences of Paris-:.Wealthy Citizens at Work on the Ramparts. 1 • it Toms, Oct. B.—All classes at Paris are ani mated by a military spirit. The most wealthy citizens willingly share in the burdens of war, and take the positions assigned them 'upon the Icalls. The members of the Rothschilds family mount gurqd upon thie ramparts. LoNlioN, Oct. 8, 11 A. M.—Consols for money. 92i • do. for account; 92i. 'United Istatet . c_s•2o bonds 911a912.Re tz maret opens steady. FINANCIAL AND 00 ivti MERCIAL Philadelphia Steel ruarl IWO W Jersey R 6s 90% $ Itoo City 68 new 102 XXXI do lte 102 2,1tX1 Penn &ti VCn 78 9214 bleb Cam&Ans 1157 37 eh do eswn 116 100 eh do 61!4' 30 eh do 61 1000 do c C,2,‘ 218 811 do Ito 62 106 eh do Al% HO eh .do e3Own 61 •FTER I WO behiril, 68 'l4 AS 2000 Pen let 31tc Os 102% 1000 - 111tv 68 new 102 A eh 1, Val It AV 4 . 106 eh Phil&Er It 136 26'4 100 eh Penn It 61, DOA do e3O 6038 Pulladelphla Stoney Market. 'SATURDAY, Oct. 8, 1870.—There is a steady demand for money today, hut no serious pressure which the market in unable to relieve without much effort. A good deal of money has been hitherto held tern porarily on collat.. orals under the impression that a noVere stringency was inevitable, which would afford then, an opportunity of putting out their funds'on threnfor four months' paper at high rates of interest. The active movement bread \stuffs, cotton and other valuable staples, added to the large disbursements of our currency from the Treasury, Lave removed this impression and increased the demand for prints discounts, which are in better request than tor several weeks past. We quote call loans at 5.14a6ti per cont.—the latter fur miscellaneous stock collaterals. Choice paper is getting scarce, and double names pass 'Seely at Bail per cent. Gold In dull but steady at 112!;a11334. Government bonds continue dull but firm. Them NV/113 a fair businens transacted at the Stock Board this morning, and prices were higher, In City Loans there were sales of New Sixes at 102, Bonding was gullet, with sales at 49';;a50; Pennnylva nla add as high 623. bait closed at Camden and Amboy sold at 115'.1a116 ; Lehigh Valley• ufe 118%a58ii, and Philadelphia and Erie at 26" i, to 26'4i—the latter buyer's option. The balance of thank was firm, but very littledoing. .A sale of Academy of Music was made at 100. The Provident Life and Trust Company, whose 'silver , iisernort appears elsewhere, Is growing hi' popularity Moenprtan ° We learn that the capital stock has Increased from 8150.000 to 8500,000. Masers. De Haven A Drotimr.tr u. se South Third street, Dake`thnfollowinluotations of the rates of gctanse gcV'rlfeni7a o do. 165 2kiallrd. • Ma. 21 101112 ; do. do. 1265. new. 110)01110h; do: do. 1867 0 110::gelleO: do. 1868, 1104a110"‘; do. do s's, • hhAlelioa% : U. B. 30 year 6 per `bent. currency, DI, - /4; Gold, 113"gal13r; 10734a1109; Union l'ac Railroad Ist M. Bonlla, 830a840; Central Pacific read, 8956905 ; Union Pacific Lend Grant Bonds, Philadeluhla Produce Market. ISATIMDAY, Oct. 8. 1870.—There le but little demand for, Cloverseed. We quote at $0 25a0 75 ; Timothy ranee from $4 50a5 per bushel. Flaxseed is dull at Nl5. In Queroitron Bark no moyement. We quote o. I at $27 pOrtrm-- There le a fair demand for Flour, and some inquiry for shipment, but prices remain without quotable change. Sales of 2,800 barrels, mostlp_Extra Family, at s6a6-75.f0r lowa. Wisconsin and Minnesota ; $6 78a1 for Pennsylvania, and $6.50 , 47 25 fSr Indiana and-choice Ohio, including 1,200 barrels Quaker City Mills and 600 barrels Marker Street 51 ills on sect et totals. No change„ ' 4n Bye Flour or Corn Meal. The former may be quoted • At 86 There is less activity iu hot& but prices are un changed. Sales of 1,400 bushels Indiana Red at $1 35a 1 40; 400 bushels Pennsylvania at $1 38 ; 400 bushels Maryland White at $1 47, and 2,000 bushels of Amber at • 8/ 4401145. Bye commands 8800 cents.. Corn is dull and prices drooping. Sales Of 4,200 bushels'Petinsylva- Ma Yellow at 04a96 cents, and 2400 bushels Western imitted 118a90 cents. Oats are ,``riot. Bales of Western White at 61852 cents ; Pennsylvitula at 49 cents, and Pelaware nt 48 cents. . - Whisky is firmer. Bales et 211 l•errchi Western iron 1S la 90 cents, • • , A:3O CYOlooki. Financial. k Exchange Bales. 110ARDP,',-'. ...I 2008 h Phila&Brio b6O 26'. 100 sh do -26 1 i.: 100 sh do b6O 263; 107 eh Lettilat B Its 581" 30 eh do Its 531',1 1500.01 Read It 50 1000 h do 1.4 5O 1-16 Iloo.sh do 060 49,71‘ 50 581 eh do Its .:100 eh do c Its 50 10 idi Acd of 111118iC 100 200 tal Leh Nv etk 33'; BOARD. 1300 ilif Read B 50 100 s do 03Own 49.94 100 sh do 85wmkin • 50 100 eh do b6O Ell 1-16 100 eh do 50 1-16 ' 100 Rh do 'MO 50 200 eh do 860 40.94 B LLLTYN, BAnTRIAY:'OCT eiTABB, 8, 1870. THIRD EDITIO_N • ,_,BY_ TELEGRAPH. LATER 'BY CABLE. THE- SIEGE CiF- PARIS FROM EURO E. • . C 11Zr ißy the American Prosepeociationa ' The Promote= Ste e OilltVl. ,BEItLIZI, OCt.B.—The followingdespatch has been received from the I oyal headquarters, 1 1 at Versailles: The siege artillery whie has been is trel) [Slat , from Strasbourg, Eastadt, nd other fortresses, have at last arrived herek d been distributed; according to calibre, , an png the. advanced Prussian forces.. Batter! ' of heavy siege guns have already been ce strutted upon, the t ir bills of Saint Cloud an So es,at the village of llougival, four miles no pilliff Versailli."Thefie are all eligible sites fro lypich to direct their_ fire. From these bills the, rincipal objective poling in the city can a seemed._ The mor tar batteries upon Bain Cl ud Hill menace all the avenues andquays e ing to the Champs Elysees and even the ,Tri lieries, and from tv:l, 8 these shot can be dire ily into - the Ave nue de l'lmperatrice, Q artier Hausmann and other avenues in the vi . snit y. ' Before the bombard, ent 'a Opened from the. Prussian artillery the su ender of the city and its works will ;be ask d. artier Hausmann Prussian cavalrY l are o the qui rive. - ------- French Movernient. The French made a ,movethent under the. guns of Forts Bicetre and hf i c4itouge;and oc cupied the edoubt before i r. eillei! i * e Balloon Sysfecn. • isalloonfid ve Paris daily.' Every one is k chased beyon -the city. Yesterdak,two were captured by the Prussian cavalry. " Vpon de scending, numerous packets, of let ra and mes.sages, many 'containing importan infor-, mation, were found attached, and the c n- tents were forwarded to Versailles.; 1 The Wine Districts.. A, vintage in the champagne districts has commenced. The vines are unusually - prolific. The Prussian soldiers protect the wins-makers irr the districts they now occupy. FRO3PTHE WEST. Pr the American Preee AMIDCiatiOD OHIO. . The Robinson-Luneford_ Murder case. d. Verdict WridWeed.' „:2 31ANSFIELD, Oct. B. 2 —The jury in the. c.iSiccif Robitigon-LunYford - mtuter trial brought in a verdict of not guilty, and great satisfaction was manifested. o. Thieving Operations]. SPRINGFIELD, Oct. have) "formed a vigilance committee for the pro tection against thieves and marauders who in fest the locality. • The Fall Campaign. < Oct.S.—The campaign will be closed here Monday evening by c an immense demonstration, assisted by biessrq. Garfield, Shellabarger and others. Republican. Meeting in Cincinnati. CINCINNATI, Oct. A Republican rally takes place here this evening. Governor Hays, the Hon. Mr. Corwine,lion. Mr:Eggle stan,Commissioner-general Noyes and others 1 , . - will speak. Labor Refortns The National Labor Reform party hold a; meeting at the National Theatre this evening. Obotraettoue in the Ohio River., %. A meeting of the s mboat men will lie held at the 31erchat ts' Exchange at two o'clock, to protest .a List obstructions in the Ohio river. ILWD ANA. b . IL Slat Fair. - - ' 1' 1 IND' Q.... 1.01,15, Oct. S.--,The Stafe Fair w ~.,, close to lay with recelpts of ir160.0(10, which is the most successfu fair ever held in the. State. 'i, . i NEW YORK FINANCLIL A I 1 'i AFFAIRS. ... i I By the AmAiican Press Association.l ANEW YORK., (Jct. B.—Money is firm ,at: 5a6 per cent. on call. Foreign Exchange is dull and heavy a 108 i. to 1081 for Long Sterling bills. Gold is active and higher, advaning to 113ja113. The rates for borrowing a: e 1-32 1-18 per cent. Government bonds are fireAtr ; 1867'5, 110:1' to 1101. Southern State securities are dull' and steady. Pacific Railway mortgages are firm at . 9014, 901 for Centrals, and 831 to 83 for-Unions. Thestock'market is active and higher; Reading, ¶d)j.; Boston, Hartford and Erik), 41 Panama, 81. CITY. BULLETIN CITY MORTALITY.—The number of inter -1 ments in the city for the week ending at noon , to-day was 231, against 241 the same period last year. Of the whole number 118 were adults and 113 children-68 being under one!, year of age ; 136 Were males; 95 females; 68 boys, awl 45 girls. • .. i l i'lie edtuber of deaths in each Ward Was: Fire T Sixteenth Or d • Seconu §:§pvviltee4l4i 4 lqi* Tliinf e MA% Fourth - 7-Nineteenth , 25 Fifth --y.12 Twentieth f•;...2(1, Sixth 6 Twenty-first '' 2 , Seventh. 12 lwenty-secend Eighth 5 Twenty-third .... .. »-.4 Twenty-fourt h • • 7: Tenth 6 Twenty-fifth. • - 6 Eleventh 5 Twenly.-sixth ' Twelfth ,I,Twlty-soyenth. Thirteenth . • ..,,. t 5LTwf trryt n eighth • ti Fourteenth .... ,„;,..-51CdJUnk ott Fifteenth The principal dbulles or death viere,:, apd4 plexy, 2 ; croup, 6 ; congestion of the brain, 7 ; congestion of. the , 4 ,;consumption, consumption, 42; convulsions, 10 ; .diph theria, 5; diarrina., 2; disease of the heart., b ; debility, 16; scarlet, fever, 5; • ty-• phold fever, 2 ; inflammation of the lungs, 10 inflammation of the stomach and bowels, inarasmus, 10; old age, 11 ; 4. STOLEN PIG.IIION.L—This m rningthe skiff "Colonel Johnson" was captured by the Dela ware Harbor Police, after it h,ad been laban-. , cloned by three mg-xi, at a wharf in the tipper part of the city. 'The boat was loaded; with - pig iron, which is supposed to ,have been ' stolen. STEALING D Uclts.-Evan Snyder was arrl44 l ied this morning on Frankford road, near Adam's:, street, on suspibion of the larceny of ',three ducks which were found in his posses .. . Siena, , was coretnieted erman Heins. - THE 'HILTS. • •. . The Elect n Erhubles. C051310N - P - LEAS—Judges Allison and Lad low.—This morning Messrs. Barger. and. Dallas appeared in Court to discuss the question whether the Judges have the power by manda mus to compel the Canvassers to restore to the list the names of voters alleged to have been improperly and illeally straiten oft: After an argument by Mr. Dallas as to the remedy,' the Court decided -that, although-a..greati wrong had been done,there was no remedy by writ of owndamus, owing to the, defect irathe • Registry law. Audenried vs. Reading ltaliroadl- Company . , —IS, C., Nisi Prius.—judge Read deliVered an' opinion in this cab - this morning and issued the following order :'t,.• In the Supreme Court of Panuaylvania in' and for the Eastern District.-Audouried vs.,,Fhiladolphla and Read ing Railroad Company. Equity . ; January Term, WU ; No. 60. And now October 8, 1870, tho Court adjudge that' the injunction as heretofore) dlrected.by the order of 29th April, 1570, hae'not'been compli4dll"with by the de l fertile, and that the plaintiffs are entitled to at least 6,9 tons of wharY room, on the wharves of the de= lb ants at Port Richmond, and the Opurtdo now order that the said defendants do forthwith furnish to the Said' plaintiffs additional wharf room squall°, two thousand two hundred tone, difference' bet Ween, the atrtount •already furnished , and that now ordered to be the righti• ful share of the plaintiffs; and that the nets, of the re, ferenee to, the masteir bo equally (livid d between'the parties. ~ I SSMITS TURPENTINE . -44 BARRELS Prime white Hpirite Turpentine, now labling from . steamer Pioneer, from Wilmingtonal. 0.; and for soli) by COCHRAN, BUIEWELL & 00., to Chertnnt RY. 4 'FOURTH EDITION O'Clook. LATEST WU .THE A LETTER FROM CARDINAL; CULLEN' (By the American Frees Aesociation.) , The Papal Question. Losnow,.oo:B,—Opecial to the Hprald.l=- , Letters published here over the signature of Cardinal Cullen, on •the Italian question, violently condemn the 'recent action of those whom be designates as Revolutionists, who have dethroned the Pope and taken possession ,of the Papal State,g,,,,, Victor EmmanueVGaribaldi, 31azzini, Na poleon and Renan come in for .a large share of ecclesiastical censure. The Cardinal takes a different view,pr 91e po i licr'and acts of the King ,of Italy th 4n taken by Cardinal Man ning, and denouncies the King of Italy as a downright hypocrite. , - • At the time when the King of! ItAly was professing all true affection of the truest son df- v the Church, be had ordered the troops to fire upon the Vatican, if necessary, with shell and all the explosive materials of modern warfare, well aware His Holiness the Pope, Cardinalti• and all the members of the Papal household were residentkof the palace. The Cardinal denounm. the selfish aggran 7r dizetnent and utter negation.of all obligations either religions or otherwise, owed to the Church by the King of Italy, with an elo quence which has produced the most startling effect 'both upon the Roman Catholic 'and Prote,sta.nt population throughout the coup try. In , language nearly approaching Vo cursing,, he prophesiesfor Victor Emmanuel the fate Of Nebuchadnetzar. BY iI'ELEGR/iP* RRMAN QTJESITION FROM EUROPE. The Stock Market. ioNvoN. Oct.B, 2 P. M.—The markets upon the Stock Exchange closed unchanged from the quotations Of' the morning. -A despatch from Lyons states that, yesterday, tenths were quoted there at 113 francs. Gold com manded a premium of one and a half per centum. Financial and Cominerclal. LONDON, Oct. 8, Noon.-r United States Bonds area quiet ; 1865'5, 9O ; 1867's 89g, Ten-forty Bonds, 86. Erie.B.ail way, 18,; Illinois Central . , 1131. LivEnrooL, Oct. 8, Noon.—Cotton .. /45 quiet. Sales of 10,000 bales. ,Middling lands, 81a8id ; New Orleans, 9d-. California WbeatygilOs 2d. ; Winter, do., os. 9d.; Spring , Bs. 4d'aBs. 6d. Flour, 225. 3d. Corny- 28s. 6d. Fork, 107 s. 6d. Beef, 116 s. Lard; 71s. 6d. Cheese, 645. Tallow, 435. Spirits of Turpen: tine, 275. 6d. "Common Rosin, ss. FROM WASHIN,ATON. iSpecial Meeting or -the Cabinet—The European Struggle. (Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.), WASHINGTON - , Oct. B.—A special Meeting of the Cabinet-was held to-day, for the pur pose, it is said, of con§idering the European •fttclltfek and to devise some plan :whereby a strong ^effort can, at the least, be made to stop the war bettveen Prussia and France. Per soris„who have conversed with the President about Witt, war say that ho is anxious, if possi ble, to use his good oftices to bring about a peace between the two countries,.believing thereby that it *mild make our country stronger in the eyes of all European nations than now.. The Cabinet meeting held to-day is for the purpose of talking fiver this subject, and, if possible, to agree upon some plan. 'I be Supposed Smuggled Seal Skins. The Collector of San Francisco telegraphs Secretary Boutwell that he has thoroughly in vestigated the case of the ship which recently arrived there with eleven thousand seal skins on board, claiming to have secured them on an unknown island in Okotsk Sea, near Ram schatk a, and finds that this statement was un doubtedly true. The evidence showed clearly that the vessel had not come from the coast of Alaska, as was suspected. The vessel will, therefore, be released. Printing of the New Bonds. The Printing Bureau of the Treasury com menced pritning, to-day, the backs of.the new bonds authorized by the last Congress, and will in a short time commence on the front. The impression is, without knowing anything definite, that Secretary Boutwell intends to place some of these new bonds in the market within a cc:us:bort time. The work is there fore to bejnished' as rapidly as possible in printing the bonds and getting thentready. IBM,he Agierican Press Association.j Moral Orders. WASHINGTON, Oct. B.—Lieut. Charles .1;1. Judd is ordered to the Michigan, vice Lieut. George A. Norris, detached and ordered to the Tehuantepec survey'. i Engineer Harrison Spear is ordered to the Saranac, to relieve Engineer Gowing, who is oridered home. Carpenter Nicholas Mager, transferred from th Naval Asylum, Philadelphia, to the ‘„0.1 Philade is lard, and carpenter Jonas Dib ble, order , to the hospital in his place. Irlti, , kin' Fever in Texas. etters received , here , represent that the G lf Coast of Texas is in a deplorable. condi .,,, ti m, owing td the- ravages at yellow fever. T iree hundred' deaths have occurred in 19 vestbn in one day. People are attempt :-ing to lave the city, but have no means of t:rtt nspoitation. Refugees from Galveston cannot approach a (house back in the country without being • lit'Arned off, with double-barrelled guns as au enforcement of the warning. People are : perfectly demoralized. , . Special Cabinet Meeting. , , • I , A spe l ,cial meeting of the Cabinet was called [ toL day, hut for what.,purpose has not tiaUs . [died. . ' . ' Customs Rece i pts. , . Recei its from customs from tile principal p9its•for the week ending Oct.4st: New York," ; sglit,B73 97 ; Boston, F-157,240 70 ; Philadel p'hia, 1.197,9410 01; Baltimore, $195,1120 92 ; Sin ;Francisco, from Sept. 3cl. to Sept. 21, $7:30,- t,: 0 ,4 7:3, !Total, 89,796,975 80. FROM NEW YOP.::. • ' (By the American Press Aesociation.l lArlaci, revolution or New York City. NEw' l Yonn ' Oct. B.—Complete returns I actual, resident population of New Yor i K • t ; elify,.seven districts being unoilicial,show 1 ,opulatwn of I,o:ll,BsB,being 117,000 increase $ ef Or! i '. '. . Bank Statement. • ~ •li EN 1V 0111 t, Oct. 8.--The Bank-statement fe • the week ending to-day shows : Decrease 'Of' loans; 51,300,200 ; decrease of deposits, ,53.- .360,400 ; decrease of specie,_so7o,3oo ; decreasei, of legal tenders, $BOO,BOO ; decrease of circula ifion, 5124,990. • . FROM THE PACIFIC. [By the:American Press Association.) COLORADO. • From the Plates—Pallnutu Cars on the - • Puente Railroad. DENvErt, Oct. B.—fhe first throug,hPull limb car from Chicago, by wa.y of -the KanAas PacKc - Railroad, arrived here on Thursday, and will run regularly. -7 A RTITICACTTE COArAPERTOROF 2,240 EX, lba;. ddltvered. Lehigh Broken and Egg, $7 75; &Wye, 88 00 ; Locust Mountain, 'Broken and Egg.e7 00: Stove, 87 00. Elhamokin and Lorber7 . lut to cartoni of I° llLit e , e ADoek Arad. Yards ; corner tree and.Washlogton avenue.. . 808 tip 8. MASON SINES.' • JOHN D. 1311118 FY TitE • UNDERSIGVED INVITE ATT.EN. TION to their stook of Bpringlionntein, Lehigh and Locust' Mountain Coal, which, with, the .preparation given by us, we think can. not be excelled by any other Coal. Oilice,,Frallklin Institute Building, No, 15 B. Beventb street. HIBBS & BREA FP, Arch 13treet Wharl fichuilitili FIFTH EDITION 3:00 O'Clook. LATER FROM NEW--YORK Defelee of - Pairla—Two More Armies ' TOuA, Oct. B.—M. Glais Bizoin, in a letter to the Eleileter D'Fron6,, says : " Tht Frenpi Government within a few weeks will helve two armies, each 200,009, and perhaps 300,000 strong, exclusive of, the reserves, ready to march to the deliverance of Paris." , - WOOD. BY TELEGRAPH. FRON WASHINGTON • FROM EUROPE. 187 the American Press Association.! BUSSIEUI Movementi. LONDON, Oct. B.—The private correspondent of the Lendork, DWI!, l'elegraph writes from St. PeteraLurg,voitching for the accuracy of the statement that Russia is pushing her armaments. He states she has ordered soldiers now under furlough to hold them selves in readiness to return to ranks There is a general movement of the Russian troops southward, and already soldiers are concen trating at Kief. Settee , of the Army la--griotoa by the Czar of Etztti[ol 4 - c - The Czar Alexander will held 'a grand re view of the army in the Crimea on the 26th of the present month. q Marline. QUEENSTOWN, 0et.8.-The steamship phina, from New York, arrived at this port yester day, Friday morning. FROM *REMINGTON. I By the American Press Association.] Proclamation by thiPPresident--Clerinau - ' Vessels and irreneh Cruisers. W•Asmiti.G,ToN, Oct. B.—The President has ordered the issuance of a proclamation rep:ar il* French,cruisers to, give • German vessels twenty-four hours' start when they leave American ports before startingin-pursuit. Treasuryncea. 'Treasury -balances at the close of business to-day : . Coin $98,4 3, 2161,01.4 Currency 26,54. ' 29 .., Coin certificates - 12,975,000 00 Eih r fOßK' FROM N By the American Press Aesoci at Ion.) The New York Cotton Market. NEW YOEK, Oct. 8..-The weekly Cotton stateme at shows :—Sales • of ,the-rweels.„ :17,945 .bales, including spinners,* 6,336; exports, 9,762 ; speculation, 1,397. Receipts, for the week, '21,178 bales, and at all points, 68,700. Exports. 11,862 ; alb points, 14,800 bales. There has been a good - demand during the week both for spinners and exporters, and prices, though in the buyers' favor, have:not changed materially., The market closed firm at a •de cline of one-eighth from closing quotations' of last week. The amount of stock offering for imtuediate shipment is small. The Dry Goods Blarket:—.Specie Ship. ments. The amount "Cif specie taken out by.steamers sailing to-day is, City of Paris, ,5488,000, mostly silver bars ; Morro Castle, Havana, 524,000. The Car Drivere Strike. NEW YORK, Oct. the drivers on the Fourth avenue cars from the City Hall to the Harlem Railroad depot have struck for higher pay. They have hitherto been run ning six trips per day for twenty•two cents per trip, making one dollar and thirty-two cents for a day's wages. They struck, but effected nothing, as the Company, by adver tising, succeeded in getting a batch of rustic emplovs. 16 Md for the SuffeWar rers kw ,Ahe European . LI In consequence of the, suffering ant distress re'Aulting from the war now raging in F rance, the ladies in this city have determined to co operate for the purpose of procuring and for warding material aid-to the widows and or fibans: The 6' Grand National Bazaar in aid of the victims of the war," opened in New York on the 31st. Racing' at Jerome Park. Jerome sweepstakes race came off to-day. The track was in line condition, and the bet ting spirited. bis horses contested in the first race, Which was won by Remorseless, My Maryland com ing in second and Flash of Lightning third. Specie Shipments NEW YORK, Oct. B.—The following amount of specie was reported from this port the past week : Gold, $422.274 ; American silver, $73,- tis:3 ; silver bars, $45,930 ; total, $8,021,076. Railroad Accident NEW YORK, Oct. B.—At nine o'clock, this morning, an accident occurred on the North ern Central Railroad 'of-,,N,ew Jersey, near Englewood. A pa.ssengOr train was passing over a 'ridge when the structure gave way, and the train was precipitated and icom pletely wrecked. Two passengers are reported killed. FROM NEW ENGLAND. [By the American Prees Association.) mAissAciIIISETTS. Murder or Sol,olde—Whlch? HAvERNILL, Oct. B.—:ThW'rid6rning at half past six Mrs. Celia Bickflid and her son Clarence, a lad of eleven years, were ftmnd dead, in their bed. with their throats cut in a fearful manner, at their residence in Frank lin street. Their tliroats had been cut trans versely, and deep enough to sever the carotid artery: The throat of the child, showed rive or six trightfUY: gashes, and his head was nearly sArered from his body. The throat 'of Mrs.biq ford *a.4 cait very deeply, and cli t rectly .al .roxisf` tin front, apparently .at one stroke '' II ei right hand was covered with ri i -blood,. xed with hair. The oh ltM left hand was bathed in gore, and, as lie-was a left-handed person, the cir cumstances favor the supposition that the deed was 'Perpetrated by their 'own hands. The body of the child lay on its right side, and the razor that inflicted the wounds was found in the bed between the bodies. The mother lay. upon her back, with her limbs crossed, her right hand and arm restinc , on her breast and her left hand reposing at" her side. The bed was literally drenched With gore s !mil the blood from the throat of the woman had spurted nearly across the room. When found the bodies wejA, oold, but- had not a umed a state of rigibity. WINES, LIQUORS, &C. .* WHISKIES. Bye ; Wheat, Bourbon and Monongahela WHISKIES, The frodact of the following Distilleries "A..tliVerholt," .Joe. b. Finch," .Wm. Bri &U 0.," "N. Weise & C 0.." . "U. Lippincott," "lingua & C 0.," "MOB. Bloom" • "Shantou, Daly & Kern,' "Lynchbarg,, ,7 "Sherwood," "Mt. Yorxiofi," "Old Dominion," In gore and for sale In -lots to snit purchasers. APPLY TO BROOKE, OOLHET '& 00., • 1727, 1729; 1731 and 1733 Market Street. aul2 Sanr .§ • ' ICE. --vs - CASKS CAROLINA RIGS. IN store and for sale by COCHRAN , RUSSELL & (JO., 11JOhestnutst. • • (IOTTON.-79 BALE& COTTON LAND IL) in t ram steamer Wyoming Inid Mr Bale by COOll- RAN RUSSELL & CO. 111 Chestnut street 11CrORTONT4 PINE APPLE CHEESE i -LI lino order, on coneignment and for Kai; by JOS. a BUSBJER & CO., EM,Eiotith Delaware ovepno. . 4 " . t Jr' • 4430 O'Clootc. 1 ',..0.-.P. E,,'N'• r.:".a":...0:: Mondcw, Ocitober 10ths 4 p'.7-111'....,.-,..iii - A .F T.,.. s. : _ 1010, and 1014 CI I INSPIINIPT 4 firrIUMIN WILL - EXHIBIT WMTER, sritYLEs lADIEW SUITS, COATS, SACQUES, GREAT N(VELTIES WILL BE EXHIBITED. ALSO, JEST BECNITED, . 301:WIN'S KID GLOVES---Complete Assortment• BLACK SILKS, 82 00 TO 810 00 'PER YARD. . 1 6 LYONS BLACK. VELVETS, CHEAP. LACES, EMBROIDERIES AND WHITE GOODS. ,r; Kai in Poplins, 'Plaids, Rim's- DR GOODS & WOOD, • • N. W. corner Eighth and Filbert Sts:, have just received a new lot of-4" Black Sjiks, 8,150, 81 .75, - 82 np to, ,t 3 7yard. Black Alpacas, very cheap. Plaid roplina, 60, 62%, 75, 873ic. and lyl a yard. • Plaid Bathes at 35c. a yard. A cheap lot of Plaid Goods, 25c., worth 31c. Mixed Goode, for atlas, 31,60 and 56c. a yard. Waterproof Cloaking Clotho. • • BLANKETS. , BLANKETS—A large assortment of Blankets, at the very lowest prices. • • FLANNELS! FLANNELS! 'All-wool Domet Shaker Flannels. Builardvale Blankets.. ; All-wool Flannels at 25,21, 33, 3711 c.; up to el a yard ~. Best makes bleached and. unbleached Clanton Flan nelw. ^ Pillow Case and Shirting Muslins. • 'Beet makes Shirting Musline. Several job lots of Table Linens, Napkins, and Towels, very cheap. Bargains in Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery. Ladies' Balbriggan hose. OhildrerN hosb, extra length. •Ladice, Genteand Children's Gloves. Kid Gloves, el a pair. Jouvin's Kid Gloves id black find colors. Lace Collars, 15,10, 25,• 31, 3d, 40, 500, up to SI 25. Bargains in Hdkfs. A new lot of HainbureEdginge \nd Insertings Fancy' Neck Ribbons, Saehl. Ribbons and Trimming Ribbons. PRICE Sr WOOD,: r; N. W. COR. EIGHTRAND FILBERT STS. ..Its • GROCERIE z , LIQUOR/3, EDAM CHEESE. -JUST IMPOR ED. HOLLAND CHEESE. ROE, S,,S.X.E BY - a MITCHELL & FLETCHER ) N 0.1204 CHESTNUT STREET CTICOIC NEW PINE APPLE, CI:TEES:E. M. DAWSON .;RICHARDS Successor to Davis & Richards, S. W. COR. ARCH AND TENTH ST/31, PHELALDELPILLAL. 4028 to t etf EXTRA LARGE MESS MACKEREL. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DiALEII IN FINE GROCERIES. Oorner Eleventh and Vine Streets OPTICIANS OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS, Such as Spectacles, Magnifying Lenses. • 511CROSCOPES FROM 50 OTS. TO $6 00. Microscopic preparations, Telescopes, Spy Glasses Opera Glasses, Yield Glasses, &c., &c. Made and for sale by • JAMES W. QUEEN ei 00., 924 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. •• No. 5 DEY Street, New York. STEREOSCOPTICONS, MAGIC LANTERNS, with a stock of 10,000 Pictures to select from, always OD hand. Made and for sole by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 924 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. No. 5 DEY Street, New York. Critaiogues of 88 pages sent on receipt of 10 cents. PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS. inch ea Thermometers, Barometers, Air.Zumps,ElaCtric "Machines, Ithumakoff Coi3y, Gelseler's Tubes, Magnetic' and Galvanic Apparatus, Sjpectroscopes, & 0., ..kc. Made and for sale by JAMES W. QUEEN & 00., 4. 024 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, and , 6 DE Y Street, New York. Cat 'agues of 64 pages Bent onjecolpt of 10 cents: se6 fir SPECTAC.LES, microsospee, Telescopes, Thermometere, Mathematical' Idnrveyihg t Philosophical and Drawing Instruments a reduced Prices. JAMES W. QUEEN 924 Chestnut Street. 'nlllritj ' LOOKING GLASSES, &C. . LOOKING GLASSES AT GOLD PRICES-. Every variety in style, of the very boa workmanship. - REAL FRENCH PLATES. _ EA RLES' G A LLE RIES 616 Chestnut Street. 'IITLIEIVir pEiaODGERS' AND WOSTION.hoLwe 'POCKET KNIVES, PEARL and STAR HAN, L 11l of beautiful finish RODGERS' and WADE a TCHER'S, and R the. CELEBRATED LEOOULTRI A 2911301880118 IN OASES of the' finest Quality tadrekHnives, fidiesors and Table °ldler/ ground and polished. EAR INSTRUMENTS of the most soproved • oonstructdon to assist the hearing, at P. MADEIRA'S, Cutler and Surgical Instrument Maker. UP Tenth street Ipel w Chestnut. myltf n ~r--0~-~ MOURNINQ it GOODS FOB FALL AND WINTER ATTRACTWE PRICES BESSON tSz, SON, MOURNING ORY GOODS 110USEi No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET, CONSISTING IN PART OF • . . Black Gros Grain Silks, Black Poplin Biarritz, Black Irish Poplins, • fix ~ Black Silk-and Wool Poplins, • 7 Black Ali-Wool Poplins, / Black Ottoman Poplins, ' Black Velour Royals, ' .. - ; 1 . ... : Black Drap Imperials, Black Empress Cloths, , ii " Black Armors Royals, Black EngUsk Bombazines, , Black All-Wotil Cashreteres,?l Black Silk Warp Cashmeres Black tench Ilerinoes, Black Henrietta Cloths Black Batistes, i.,, Black Tamises, . - liiiick Mousselines, Black Satin Imperial Merinoes, Black Satin De Chines, - Black Cretonnes, Black Drop D'Alnias. - Black Drap De Paris, ' Black Alpacas, tt ., Black Mohairs or Glossy A.lptileasty. .Black Mohair Tontines, .. Black - Mohair Brilliantes, Black Batiste Alparna, Black English Henriettas, Black 'Australian Crapes, Black Basatheas, ii Black Jams Cloths. Black Po lin Alpacas. English Crapes and Veils, Thibet Long and Square Miamiis, Jonvin dc. Co.'s Kid Gloves. SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS, NEW SILKS, MOIRE ANTIQUES, DRESS - GOODS, SHAWLS, Btc. EDWIN HALL , No. 28 S: SECOND STREET, • 'OPENED THIS HORNING NEW COLORED SILKS. SHADES ENTIRELY NEW. SPLENDID QUALITY BLACK 6 . PLII'S" REAL IRISH POPLINS. FRENCH POPLINS, Irish finish. SILK•CORDED POPLINS. WOOL AND SILK SERGES. CLOTH•COLOR SERGES. NAVY BLUE, DARK GREEN. SATIN DU CHENES, Cloth Colors, DEAF DE RUSSE. POPLINS IN CLOTH COLORS, - VERY RICH PLAID SERGES, VERY RICH PLAID POPLINS. BRIGHT PLAIDS FOR CHILDREN. BLACK SILKS, best LYONS GOODS, guaranteed free from mixture of any kind. . SILK CLOAK VELVETS. the beat LYONS GOODS imported. '.EDWIN HALL, S SOUTH SECOND_ STREET. JOHN Ny..,IHOyAS, Nos. 405 and 407 North Second Street INN now in store full lined of Pim Bros. Ist qual. Irish Poplins, French Silk and Wool Poplins, Plaid Serges, Plaid Cloths for Ladies' Suits, Plaids for Misses and Children, &c., &c (Sze •I AU of this season's importations, and Inaba 8014 at low prices. • ee24 3mrp SILK SHAWLS AND , FANCY GOODS, 4G-EC). FRYERS No. 916 • CHESTNUT STREET, would invite the attention of pnrchaSeis to his elegant ',took of SILKS. SHAWLS. • t • • LACES. _ FANCY GOODS. With a choicistock of INDIA SHAWLS and AFB. The goode will be found an cheap an, in any other, en. tabliehment, • iiefiglinortf • QPIRITS "XURPPNTINE, Tip. • AND ItOSIN.-1 82 barrels Spirits Turpentine ; 73 ye Wilmington Tar; 398 tlarrela No l an i nn from Meaner Pioneer. For sole by EDW ; • 0. B W. LEY, 19 south Front streot. . tO4Ol DAY GOODS. FOR SALE AT W ith a Full Stock of : ,;••.. •
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