==t= . i .• •. , . ",c. '''''', si. ; •—,,`,.; —Lucille Western will give her farewell per-. formative at thii*Waldiit. StWetnTheatAiithrs evening in Te..C ; hildSteale.r.:. 1' . ',. ...... —. 4 l' —Ala Liugard . Comedy Company-501Lnp; pearl the ptaestnut Street:Theatre to-night.. —The last peilorwanco of Central Park-will be given at tli,Arcti'.Street Theatre to-night. , —A mis A /neous performance will b 6 given r ckll at Fax's A erican-,Theatre this evening. - . - .. . ..—Rainetoss' Sz; Dixey's,will..lie open this evening with a. good minstrel r performance. • , Sinnnons Sloeum's Arch Street OPei.a House, a negro.minstrel performance to-night: POLITICAL. Dleetinw at the Academy of liffisic. Under the auspieei .of the Repub46,au In vineibles, a. mass-meeting, was held in. the Academ; - 1 M last evening. The art& eriszat , thusiastie.- The officers tbe: Dli LPre.sin yens, Esq. --Vice :, :e ery Todd, Caleb J. ilne,,W it.b, William C. Barns, .Sibekten i. peddrick, Jr., •F. R. l'obel'; ." %, William L. Fo,i, T. D. Caison, ._ _. is, 4Y•., E. 11. C.; Moore, Jesse Garrett T. ; J. L. Miles, John P. Wolverton, .1.441 win M. Hunt, George R. Lynn. • .. f , S.cerctarics,-Wal. LE CMitlin, F. C. Garri g ties; - Wm. B. Madam, Jos. H. Paist, Cyrus Lukens, Chas. C. Carrigues, Frank IL Ha worth, Henry .C. Hawkins, . Louis Willielmi, John Birkitbine, 1. S. Atkinson, S. Rayiiibikl" P:. I:obertS. . . Speeches were made by Major-General 0. 0. Itoward, Major J. T. .Pratt and Gener4 E. M. Greory. ' t! Me* , (17 z of Colored Cltizen.N, , ner tint' At Splint; Garden thin, last evening,a large fleeting of colored citizens was held. Tue followAnp .ollicers were. chosen : • Breb•idelit—Bobert, . ricePrethictifs—William H. Laws, Henry L. Brooks, Henry L. Crisfield, Jatnes Winters, Thonias Johnson, Henry Holland. ,qecragriti> Emanuel Telegrove, John Knight, 'Thomas L. Ivory. Speeches wefe made by Dr. • Win. Elder, Isaiah Wear, Col. Win. B. Mann and Col. Elisha W. Davis. -During his; remarks Col. Mann gave au account of the arrest of the Balti more colored men, and said that he had had . au interview with these men in prison after their comMittal. They jsad . made .their statement, freely, and he made the unouncemeat that he could-find the vagabon who had brought these Men on, and he was r i ng to do it, and when he did find him it w Id be developed and proved chat he • was a eniioeratie police Deco attached! to the Madi o .'s office. It was a "set-up-job," intended ;u an offset to the frauds that had been prcveis upon the Demo mocratic party. It was a Democrat _LW was at the bottom of the whole affair. What bßime of this white_man that was with thefts ? lle was on the boat when the • colored men were arrested. If he had been a RepubliCan politi cian, as _they. attempt to say he was, they would rather 1114 taken bins- than forty thou ' stand colored xycn. • „.. Tweply rth Ward. Last evening a la e neetinc;. was held by . `the liepublica.is hi the Twenty'-fourth . Ward at Commissioners' -Hall, Thirty-seventh--sued. Market streets. Delos .I'. Southwortli -Esq., presidA. The meeting was.a resse 11. Itudditnan, , Clu . lAlan lineass and L. It Fieteller, , _ _°lila s__Eige A mass-meeting of the friends - of General W. Thomas • Lehi, last evening, Twent:,- , .scrond' and :Comes streets. Colonel Edumr.d Randall presided. Speeches - \i'ere made by Parnou Y. Kilgore and Gen. Thomas. CITY BULLETIrd: —The Board t;if Public Education held a special meeting yesterday, IL Hall Manton, Esq., President, in the chair. The report of the Committee on Estimates was considered, and the proposition for an increase of the sala ries of the teachers and superintendent of mu sic was agreed to. —The Public Building Commission held a meeting yesterday and passed a resolution de claring " that no action has been Laken by the Board touching the location of the public buildings at the intersection of Broad and Market streets, and that the Commission is empowered, by act of AssemblA , either to lo cate separate buildings at the four squares or one building at the intersection, as the majority of the Commission may determine." —James A. Pyle and Elias Pearson, can vassers 'of Fourth Division,Twenty-filth Ward, and Jos. Ash and JOhn Shevelocker, can vassers of Seventh Division, Sixteenth Ward, were before Alderman Kerr, yesterday, on charges of conspiracy to deprive citizens of their votes by striking names from the lists. In the Fourth Division . 102 names were stricken off, and in the Seventh Division 02 names. The defendants were held for a fur therlearing. —Jacob Turner (colored) was before Alder man Kerr, at the Central Station, yesterday af ternoon, charged with swearing falsely before the canvassers of toe fifth division, Twelfth Ward. Officer Wm. 11. Smith, of the Schuyl kill Harbor Police, one of the division canvass ers, testified that Turner came with another colored man, named Isaac Noakes, to get him on the list; that Turner swore that Noakes lived at 427 Lyon street. Noakes was put on the list. On cross-examination, it was....shoWA that Robert Davis lives at 427 Lynn stNet, and the witness,stated that Noakes came to that . place to visit his relations. As Davis was not present to testify, defendant was held in - $3,000 bail for a further hearing. —A meeting of Master Shoemakers of Phila delphia was held last evening at the public house• on Sixth street, above Market. Jacob .1 Zaun, Chairman, explained the object of thel meeting, from which it aiTeared that the jour neymen working for stores on customer work bad asked for an advance of about twenty-five per cent.. on the preset wages, a demand which was not-considered unreasonable by the, employers, and which they appeared disposed to grant if possible. After spine discussion, a : coninlittee was appointed to take the hill fur nished by the journeymen into consideration, and report at the next meeting. NEW JERSEY MATTERS. CONVENTION.—The Repub lican City Convention has been called for Mon day evening, to nominate a candidate fi.ir the Legislature for the First Assembly District, composed of the three wards of Camden. There is a warn' interest exhibited in the mat ter, three candidates aspiring' Or the nomina tion. PoW-wow.—To-night the Democrats bold a pow-ikow at Ellistairu(in which_ a band of music is to participate. - Several speakers will be present. OpEN.—Sometinies people invite burglars to enter their stores and residences by their own carelessness. A night or • two since. several doors were found open by the police, but on searching the ',realises everything was found undisturbed. DISCigOEI:I:r.--4ievera.l 'disorderly parties were, Ye4e,rday and this morning, held tf) an swerand 'ordered to pay "lines. . SUAm' Nmwrs.—The Cold nights begin to drive the poor, wandering, homeless beings !wh9 travel from place to place, into the Cam den Statipri-bou.w.. DEAFI43BI3, BLINDNES El AND lOATABBH , treated with the utmost success, by J. 'lsaacs, M. I)., , and Professor of Ditießeell of the Eye and Ear ,' his aped _ • ' -.. alts) in the Medical College of Pennsylvania,l2 years ex --The following advertisement is ririnted in perieuce. No. 80f, Arch street. Testimonials can be seen at his °Mee. The medical faculty aro invited to ac a, l a t e , Has of the London T inte r s : " tdu cation 'company their patients, as be has no secrets In hie mac fOr.Y..o [Mg La,diey,in K ent. • The Nuns house tice. ArtMcial eyes inserted without pain. No charge of DickenWB , .Edwiti brood,' established more ' 1 " 1. exAminution• 1 than a century,' offers a superior 'education, on .1 l'incloiTH I\ iOT HERS AND NurisES use the best modesua• rnetVods , ,,in a' sal übriotui eli- Ii _ OWEICA !MIA NT COR DIA L, beCallge it ill one of the ' ;n, news . - a , year. ,, , • A d. , mud delightful awl olleaciuus,remedivg ever df.coVer".l mate. Trains l'.:0 to rii _._. :dreF,..3 -,----- --$ •-•. • , . children aro subject. MffMMN ' - " 7 ......r.r 7r:','7• ~ 7 7; '7: - ..0 ~. • i'..f.:' . :; 1. - . ~- Yi ' ~`:..--i Cll ' TICL~a. KENNE,NYB I OrENwq-- WEKR- .FRENCH estahliOunents of lesser magnitude ' firftljS'neborintiry to aritotina au " Opening" Day, the -house to which ye now finite attention findsit woman' .c,to devotett l a Tlbiti6i*, at the celebra ted French hlillinerrEictaldshment of Meant's,' Thos. !Noo6 - 40.:13iiitherafti no* . inProgimes. Ever. since the inoritilM. of Wednesday, OCtober '5, their splendid • ` store, No. 729 Chcstt street, has presented statue as, plaid.; the appeal attee f a ..,Ituties', fair, as an: ordinary' Mishiesn mart.. One (.4-the distlnguiShiug . peculiarities' of tide limit; is, that the proprietors open large quanti ties of. dem - goods every daV throughout the 'secison.'. Their wholesale demirtineht, 'for which thei r importations are very large, furnish an immense reserve from which their Retail Rooms are soeonstantly replen-c ished, that their stock' catmint be said to he exactly, the , ahme no. twp days in . the entire Season. Another disc titignisbing feature of their house is that it has attained its , rpsesent commanding and honorable status by a , - strittly,legitintate growth, running Through a quarter or a eentur.o.. ;No minduction' strides haveentarked its progres4. 414 to-day the hence of Thos. heunedy Brothers stands like ;t great unit with its roots grounded in the respect and confidence of the ladies of our city and State. As the leaders and directors of - nil - that relatlo style • iced tante in Penn etH :milli:its, and the mate ials front which they are malle t their house is now without a rival in America. ln order to hold the enviable poSition thus ittlained, they now 'employ' an ample corps of trim mers, fashioners and assistants direct from Paris. In deed, we may urge with propriety that ladies who are particular in the taste of thin department ict their attire ought not to buy without consulting the talent employed Icy the "Messrs. Kenniily,Und Joshing through their flood of novelties: , But if the development of this popular house suggests the oak, a stroll „through its Sales and exhibition rooms is no Ice stiggeetivp of tropical gardens and flowers. in the department of FLowgrts Kennetlye are/Kings They know no competitors in America, while in Feath: -ers tiful the Wl;ille retinue of ,fashionable, beautiful and live] gems to please the eye, their stock is a wonder. eiftered their 'store a few days ago to venture a dp script ion. We left in despair The task would not only be difficult but endless, as their " Opening" was a per fect Dthrge.of Millinery: To describe it in detail were as fruitless an endeavor as to expatiate upon 'the drops of Niagara, or waste words upon the pebbleii of OM' Andes. We took notes enough during our visit to fill puce in the New York In ependent; but -throw them away, preferring to spy. of what we saw in general terms, and lease on - 1r aders to interpret what we wrote I.y their own kno"wlodgo of Icennedy's'House, and a personal inspection of their present magnificent diSpla TitE CITIZI 4 ',NS 01' . WAsHINTON win smile when they read the report of the census-taker and his repot t of th e ninth of stock, color, shapes and prices of Cho Great Prowl! Stone - 1111111,1. f & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street . nßend his report ; Maher than the mountain's 11 . eeperlhan the ocean's drop. Stronger than the rock-bod'ini coast, More nuniertxue titan the Philistine host coi.oft, Colore of everS• tint hue, Purer than the a2inre Indelible an tin Hand space, The hottest sun can't them ettac,.. We'll fit the hid fr,;m three to ten, Anti all botAyeen that age and men They It the crooked. fat nod lean, And nil the ',hates that cantle l,etween Cheaper than the common trash, iletter than the habherdash That is sold around the town By Toni, and Dick; and .la 6:. and Brown :\IANDonD AND YouTnr•l - t, Vi(;on are re gain.l by 11E1 AlllOllOB EXTRACT BUC111:. Foil NON-RETENTION ox INCONTINENCEOf mine. irritation. 4111;1111111,1ton ttr nT eratie i ii or the I lathier or kidneys, tliNettsee of the prestato glands Atone it, 1 1,•171a, ..r, ca CII tl9,l.ravo or ,ric c I lIHt lep•.l9lto, diseases of the bladder, kidiii•ya and dropsical FIVO/Ing_t4 • ' CgE ITEI.:IIIIC,I.D'S F 1.1111) ExTRACT BUellr _VP:OIIIm.Ds Fht7ll) ExTll.‘cT ploa , ant in tA')tt Mid citlor, fret' from all illjurions propny t in.. and intiffltdiatte in In nation. 1:l( II PARIS DECORATED DLNNI.II. ANI TEA SETS, AT CHINA HALL. C N. 12111 1 IIt:STNLT Srr PET. N Ew , AND ALL I'lt 1c v. 6. NEw C!,bclls, NEw CLoU Ks, AT KERIC , CHINA lIALL. NOW "PEN. t 1 4,1 - 11 oW N. IMPOI;TATI ,, N. A NEW AND "E.LE4:I lON PARI- , CLOCK-. IN 11A It HLE A\ll lt,iN V. E. OLD( hA FEET •27 . CACI) TI) $l,OOO A ~ET. e1..q. - K-; Init THE PARLon. - (:1..( - h. Fnit Tll t: CLoul,-.. FOR . TIIE-DININC, - 1100.11. AIT, h< 11,11 THE eIIA.NIttEII. TioO , F. IN ANT ''F A Gimp h VI ND IT 0111 \.\ HALL I LA HGE A,, , 0111,1EN I , llt)si ,1 Uri ti 11110-,E, AT THE EvElfy /LA NTED, NEW Goons! NEW Goons! BRONZE., FANCY TABLES, JARRINIER , , ARTIFICIAL ri.owEn , . 9 lerttes tock of Ne' Fancy Goode now ore•ning at HERR'S HALL.l2lBChostnut stre.et. :KERR'S CIFINA HALL, 1218 CI!FnTNUT STREET. Holiday presents. selected in advance, will be care fully retained fur delivery at any specified time. CHINA BALL, 1213 Chestnut street. NEW GOODS, NEW (400DS, KELM'S OnllA HAM.. /IVO are now opening, per Intl• arrivals, our ass9rtment o f fancy goods for holiday presents, purchased direct from the manufacturer in Europe, all of which will be offered to the public, retail, at the lowest wholesale im porters' prices. We ins ite the public to inlet our lure ass( rtment fancy g ode, before making their purchases, JANIE, E. Kynn lino., HA1.L.1218 Chestnut street. FINE BRONZES A t I{,•rr'n Hall, 1218 r.k.,1 , hp ituut Hireot, A larg 110 %V oponto KEIZIC:•( lIINA HALL. 218 Chestuto totr,et. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. • Font trARDINIERS, &C. • W. , will open to.dny n Large ti.t,tortinefit of tint. A rtifi cid Flom ers of stipt , riorquality._ for Ja rd inier e , .1 A MI`.: K EllO A. PROTHErin, CH INA HALL, 1210 Chostnitt street. TAKE NO MORE. UNIM.EASA.NT AND IVNSArIs It M E FR for Implo:ootto and tillow•rou.s diHPaMotl. II I.:1.311401.11'S rl: ACT 13 UE ti AND IMPROVED RISE W A su. • A LEARNED Art old offender was lately brought before a learned jti,dice of the peace in flocks countV• The cornitnblo, a Preliminary, informed his worship that he had in rusted) John Simmons; alias Jones, alias Smith. -• Very hell,'' said the magistrate, `!, I will try .the two w, . nu ; bring in Alice Jones." , If YOU Wittit da try' the merit,: of Beaver Meadow Lehigh Coal call upon WnoTit, the extensive dealers, at the Norther corner of liintlkand nVenne. They have o a choice lot of large out Schuylkill coal which they are selling at 65 00 per ton. Cheap, very THE LATEST FASIIIOIs:ABLItt BEVER AMC. —A furnishing store lit this city advertises • a now stYle of erne at lIS "010 linnet fashion for the throat.•"fhis may be the latest style for the outside of that organ, but n Malden for the insidr — turs tustl- come up which is twice as popular. Somebadq hits found out that tivlitcdam tichnappVmprove soda ° wator, and et:oubody 1101111e1iCeli ill 10 arrangement. Al though somewhat conservative by nature, we aro not op posed to progress, and conceiving it our solemn duty, ns plIbliej0111 . ;1111lot, to ascertain whether Schnapps $Ollll. W utter was a proper thing to tpeommend to our Hllll. scribers, are tried it. The resulrmay ba oh ited in words. Thp mixture is good to take. and if our stomach is like tilollllleli iu general, It is congenial to that part rut the human organization, ' and to conclude," it, touches the right spot."—Sugday Cornier. Tiir GLOItY 01 MAN IS STI O Ihe nervous and debilitated should immediately deo HELM ae1..1.V6 EXTRACT EUCIRI. • HATS, LADIES' HATS, Or the inost beautitul titylen, At prices lower than elsewhere At OAKFORIPS, S:l4 and 836 Chestnut street , HEI.NTROLVS EXTRACT BUCIII.* gives health and vigor to the triune, sold bloom to the pallid cheek. Debility to accompanied by 1111111 y alarming Hympt and if no treatment 113 submitted to consumption, in sanity or epileptic Cite ensue. • • Comm, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, N0:915 Chestnut street. Charges moderato. • KENNiiiDY & B.ROVIERS, 729 Chestnut aro now the acknowledged loadera in the lan,t tyles of Paris Hats ankl Bonnets. Bunn' aim .I.2I6TRUMENTB and druggists sundries ENFEEBLED AND DnLICATE CuktwriTuTiONS I 1 b011I1301:814 use itEI,ESIIIOLII'I4 EXTRACT Buell 11. It ill give brisk and energetic feelings, and ehrtbie you to 1 , 1,ep wen, ia • • ' • -.- ~ -.—,, - -----,-,, - , ---....,- , •-,- 4 ,3"-• • c , - =‘, i'••••---- -- :-.,•tttt,, -. . , :=- -- &.4.= lefi.rziOxia" 60 4 4 ' ,1 ; - ~.tr. "Ilif :',,,...0340,14, , v,,..v . 0 .-mt....... 4.1..7........,...r.,...--- . .--, V -, .... --.,. ' . • . , . .„ . .•. . . , . . .. , . „. '' ', .'',' t.' ' 1., '• . , ~.."•". 0-1, - ••,,, •., , ... 1, ~ , A - Pl-11 Ai: iIIiVIENING: 'B II L 1....4... 1 ) 1 1 - R,- S/.11.7171mA %.;.3.:, OCT 13ER bi , 11510 , I I ii. 1L AD EL ISMINME .1 A ME , K . ii ERR 11111,THER , , CHINA ri ALL. 1211,i Chestnut street BNOWDEN & BROTHER, 23 South Eighth street. EMIZ=I 'I'HE -MAgoie& Jir.Ant Litt "CAIIINET. ORCIANO ore MO STANtIARD Or EXCELLENCE in this geountry and Ernern. _Their now style REHONANT CASES, W4C.11 E.UPIIONE SOLO STOP, are 01.9. t Geo. °nil/ at GALD .t.rISORER'S. Prices reduced October i. • . ; • S. E. COULD. • Wm. 0; FISCHER. • • •• • . • . -,. ~ . . . . l'ilEnE ~Is ,No . , MISTAKE',..II,I3(iUT IT.— It is a pleasure to deal 'with • a mail' like CitslttEs Biciim„ the artistic Bootmaker.nt No. 604 North Eighth street, above Buttonwood. His 'aim is to give entire satisfaction to his patrons , and we scarcely need say he accomplishes-ft - 4.- gigots up some of the ; ' best work in the city, and lii fi prices . challenge competition. Try him onto and; yon become a permanent, costumer. KENNEDY & BitprnEns, -729 4 QlicAt . aut street, -arr compellel to import their own goods in order to satisfy the discriminating taste of their tine trade. WE HAVE HAD A GROVER & BAICER SEW ing Machine in use for twelve years, end it 1100 never hewn repaired in that time. I consider it superior to anY other mai:mug it lute alVays givon entire satisfaction.— Mrs. S. Perot, 1406 lute street, Philadelphia. • SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS, RESTORED bE fIELMBOLD . EI EXTRACT EIX111:. IRONING TABLES. _ 5.3, $5 25, $3 50, .5 , 4 50. 85 50, 86 60..57, es, $3,50 610 soul al2. A large assortment at Dock Street Nitellen,Furnishing Riunna, Dock street, below Walnut.' . . IiENNED, & • BROTHERS, 729 "Chestnut street, elven to.doi a Fargo assortmerif 'of Velvets and Satins for dresses,, Cnoith-Panns, White and Bladk Grapes in large cluaiers,' and fine French Coufecti6nory of bia own manufacture, can be obtained of A. L. Vansaut, corner of Ninth. and Chestnut. • , TnE FINEST assottment Qf Vitench Flowers and Feathers in this country now open, at Thos. Kell 'way & Ern, 729 Cliwithut street. FITLHII.OLD's EXTRACT BUCIDI AND bi raOVED Roan Wein cures semi and delicate disorders in all their stages, at little expiltne, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience and no exposure It is pleit• sant in taste and odor, immediate in its action, and free from all injurious properties, STnANE ntxr Tltur,.—Kennedy & Bros„ 72A Chestnut street, have the finest assortiant of French DfliThiery in this country, and their prices are the lowest. . „ " BURNT CHILL/IC.4'N DREAD ' Tire: F ine," Maid hence times who have tile/ them • loathe the dirty tic coloring preparations with which. the market is i d .Inged. But n i y)ent.o>:'s l' ITALIA, OR . SALVAT IO N 1 o 'iYi'nt 1.: Ha un, their MM. sanguine expectations will Is. r, ie alined. Graf hair - 4ake any shade of brown or black n niter its olieratiaii. .old by drugglits , . • , ---- • - . \VE are glad'Th nothei.! that the - demand for Pratt'. Astrid Oil is eonstimtly inoreasing. Ono party says : " I would rather ge..ee ti ve dollars Per gallon than lie without it.'' Another says :'• My wife and children feel so safe witl( t he • Astral' Oil that I *ill burn no other." We likl to see this, for a good article deserves j patronage, and w now the" Astral" Oil to be the best and safest in use. "ohody ran afford to burn impure oils, however ehear ; and if the small additional amount it COStS t ‘ O have ~, an d JIM, safe light he k•onsidored,. it N% Mild t , tAIO its if the A'A'rral oil would he need by every fi.mily in the country. Titke our advice' end bum. no other. A sksyquir do e for Pratt's " Astral" Oil. . Tile Astral-101l Is for saleat wholesale and retail by Z. LOCKE & ,co.; ,1010 Marke 'street. Sole Agonte for Phile• dolphin. 1 . R ELIGIOUS NOTICES ~, ST. CLEAIENT'S CHURCH, TWEN- Lieth and Cherry ntreets.—Service (Choral) and sermon, to-morrow evening, at J.s' o'clgek. At this eer y ice the seats will be free. - • ocl-s)a* _ ir w &. * C ALV - A R Y PRESMYTERIAN, Chntrli, Locuststreet,abovel'itteenth. Rev. Dr. IltTmphi• y . u FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Washington Squarg.—licnc. Ilerrick Johneob, D. D., Past or, will preach to-morrow •at 1014 A. M. and 7!i P. M. " 10 • • • FIRST REFORMED ClitßeFf , corner of ! , , , venth and Spring Giardini streets.— Thomas X. Orr, Pastor. will preach to-morrow at 10!5 A. ➢l. and I'. M. - . Strangers welcome.. lt* - PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, C r4 "-pT . ,,, below- • 1-xtl,-.-110v-. P. Conlrey will kirt itch to morrow at lialf-paat 10 A. N. and quarter bil• 201, o'cl.ch. P. 'lll . It* 11E1'. 'C.- WADSWOR.TH. D. b., l'Rstor. 'will pronely to moirow in the Third Re• limned-Filbert-streetti,,Services-10-3 ni imaning.4ml in evening. It* SATTNDERS WILL DE- Free let are at Co'urfland Saunders Col. I. tze next. TUESDA Y MORNING, at 10,Ii o'clock. Sult tt'et—" Ports and it Fortiticatimt."' It' jWEST ARCH STREET PRESHY terimi Church. c,,rner Entlit.tienth and Arch .tteets•.—ltr++'. A. A. i preach to-111 , v- T . ., AI" in,_ A. N. urid Rev. F n k L. Robbins in the outing at 7.i.! Connnnninn services in the li,rning. It* BETH EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH, Broad and : , pram etreets —Rev. .1. Wheaton • smith. P. P.. Pallor, will preach Sunday morning and -mine. Slrr.imr . cre welcome. EVeTIIIIg elrYlce, CMII :==2= Cq' ME}; VIDE', (PROTESTANT Enisv.of,eA will be hthl in the Haller the Omn i:W.l 811111Iderri Inetitnte. Thirty-uinth etreet, above- Market. on Sunday. October 4th, at 7.0.30 A.:11. and 4 P. 111 :31.1111,111 y Scintol at 2.30. Holy Come unton after Worn inn Prayer. iu.BISHOP'S CHURCH—SPRING GAR don street, near Broad, Rev. E. O. Simpson. Rector. Service to-m orrow nt 103 o'clock 'A. M. and 7% P. M. Children's church at 4 o'clock P. M. ;•trai,,:ers cordiallr invited • (u -R . ---- EV. DR. MARCH, JUST RE turned from hie foreign travel, will preach to morrow at 10% A. M. and 7! , C, P. N., in Clinton Street Church, Tenth below Spruce. 'Evening subject: "A Prosperous Journey." All cordially invited. It" Euwo EVENING SERVICE AT SPRING Carden Ball, N. W. corner Spring Garden and Thirteenth streets: to-morrow evening at 7!.i M. Sermon by Charles Campbell, on " Elijah at %are phut h." It" u..‘iEltMON TO YOUNG MEN.—REV. ,Henry C. McCook will preach be Young Men to morrow evening, at 7.14 o'clock, in Seventh Presbyterian Church, Broad titreet, above Chestnut. 4 Subject—" Aims and no Alma.'' Young Dien earne4tly invited. Usual service at 10;o A. M. BOARDMAN CHAPEL, BROAD and Reed streets.—Rov.P. L. Jones, Pastor elect, in commence bin labors on Sabbath morn fill( ' October 9th. Prtacbing at WY.. Sabhath.sehoel at 2!... Social Prayer Meeting Tneaday evening at fhe public, especially residents in the neighborhood, arc cordially invited. Seats tree. It.- r i t. 'WHAT IS BAPTISM A RE spouse to the startling resolutions unanimously ad., 14,1 by the Philadelphia 13aptist Association on 'llllll,,lity 111,4. Rev. Alexander Reed, D. 1).. will prc,,, b., on this subject To-morrow Erettinti, et 73ii in the Central Pronto terms l'hurCh, Eighth ithori. A reit street. It* SPECIAL NOTICES .UOFFICE 0:1!'711 - -4; PACIFIC AND. ATLANTio TELEURAPII COMPANY OF TILE UNITED STATES. PHILADICT,IIIIIA, OCtrther 5, Is7o The RIM nahlection of the officers for the K eykt one Te ph B:,oni pa ny will be hebl at No. 1675,i Wood street, WkIDNES If Y, October Nth, at twell e o'clock. MlOll. oC5.lNi§ E. J. A L - Lai',N , Sec'y. OFFICE OF TH E LIN FLUE IN: 4 I , ItANCE COMPANY. P I I IL A 114:m.111p" Octobor 3, 1570. At a meeting of the Board oi Directors held this •lay. a semi annual dividend of SIX PER CENT., nn extra div blend of-TEN PE II CENT., and a special dividend TIIIIEE PEE CENT..wore declared upon the capi tal stock, payable to tye stockholders or their legal representatives on and after the 15th instant...tear of taxes. I. W. Mott - WASTER, 0c4,t0c15: Secretary • WANTS. NiT A T E —AD SMARTLAD TO V learn tho hordwaro lonsina , a. TRUMAN & SBA W, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) Market 13t root, below- Ninth. • . ff M ED I U M-SIZ ED xii.A ,- .lhvening 'Holm., in exchange fora hug e aryl supe rior house in a central position I difference . mortgage/. State location and price. Address Box Mg Post - 01- nm act, 4t*• - - "WANTED A VESSEL SUITABLE to carry timber, with large. ports. to bring a cargo of timber from Darien, Ga. Apply to UOURRA.N RUSSELL & 00.;111 Chestnut street. ocl tf 116 - 10 D WANTED 1W A PBESBYTE i. rian Minister and his Wife. Location, Spruce to Fine, Twentieth to Twenty-second streets. Address 111. F.," this office. `V VANTED—BY A YOUNG. MAN, A VV situatiou as Bookkeeper or ()lurk. BM had several years practical experience. References given .Address 0. IL." this ogle" MORTGAGES. AT. PACT TO LOAN ON $lO 0 Illortgago tiffirat-eisili city tircivirty. . 0 , IENVIK 11. REIMER. oe.B 2t§ 731 \Valuta taroot.'4 EERSONAL. SPECIAL NOTICE.---PARTI ES AD V E using by circular can have their envelopes addressed and delivered to any part of the city on t (insertable terms. Copying of. any description 'neatly done. Best references given . as to responsibility, etc. Address P.O. M., Ledger Odic°, It' AVIS. ELLEN GORMLEY,FORMERLY 1. of 020 Chestnut street, has resumed Prose-making. Engagements by the day can be made by addressing her at No. 1226 Walnut street. •oe3-iltw p -- HOFEBSOR JOHN BUCHANAN D. . can be consulted personally or by r 1 tte Inlll Patients can rely upon a safe,speedy,a:d ; e r. ma n ont cure, the Professor prepares and furnished new, eciontillo and positive remedies epecially adapted to the wahts of the, patient. Private offices In Collage Building, No. 914 FINE street. Office hours from 9 A. 81 to e P lda lo• 6440, lY ,bIyrT3WWW-IR. , InSIEIIk.,ST IL- for cleansing Silver and Plated• Ware, Jewelry otc . • veYinanufacturod, 1 FARM & BROTHER, fuld tfrp 824 Chestnut otrobt, bolow rourfhl MME2=M *at_ 'l.oi A. M. and 73 QC I-s-if ANIIVEMENTis . . AS iIIgR P S DANCING ACADEMY; l• S. W. Cor. Twelfth and, Chestnut, - (Entrance op Twelfth street.) All the Bewatnd Faohlort - ibleDances Taugift.- • Ladies and Gentlemen—Monday, Timothy', ThurodaY prat Friday Evenings, = = - • •- • • Mines and Masters—Triesday and , Saturday , After noons. Gentlemen Only—Saturday Evening. 'Private lessons, singly or In claim, at any hour to suit convenience. For terms, Ciroularo, etc., apply or address PROF. 'ASHER.at the Aca4my.' • sel2-Bm§ `IAHL L-AERTNEH'S NATIONAL CON SERVATORY ORCHEHTRA. will give, during the season of 117041, Tour Grand Concerts et the Abe dewy of Music. There will also be given Tortirees of Classical Chamber Music in the largo room of the National Conservatory of Music. • This Orchestra offers its Cervices to the public' for concerts, operatic and dramatic performances, com mencements 14c., ha.; also, in private soirees for solos, nonettes, ottottes, sextettes, quintottes, quartettes, trios and dims. -- • Engagements received at the office; southeast corner TENTH and WALNUT streets. ~ l iubscriptiou lists at the music , stores and at the office. - sell-lm§ A ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— _ riAsstEws • SEOOND GRAND CONCERT MATINEE. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Oct. 8.33' 2 o'clock,lB7o. NEW PROGRADIME—FULL MILITARY BAND. Aihniesion, 50 cents. Three Tickets, , 81. Family Circle, 25 cents. Boxes. B'3 and 85. oc3 tr Tickets at Academy of „Music, Music Stores, and. at Roesler's Office, 204 South Eighth street. A CADEiiituumusw. . NILSSON MAX STRAKOSCH rcspeptfully Announces to the pub lie of Philadelphia and 'vicinity MLLE, CHRISTINA NILSSON will make her first appearance in Philadelphia in . THREE (3) GRAND NILSSON CONCERTS, on the following evenings, at 8 o'clock : WEDNF.SD AY EVENING, OOTOBE li 12th, FRIDAY EVENING, ltth. SATURDAY, Oct. 15th 3ILL'E. NILSSAM willbo assisted by Miss,ANNIE LOUISE CULT', thu favorito Colitritito Signer BRIGNOLI,•tho distinguiiihed Tenor. ,Signor N. VERGER. the eminent Baritone. lIENRYVIEUXTEMPS, tho great Violinist. - The Grand Orchestra will be under the direction of MAX. MARETZEK. Conciliator Signor BOSONI Tickets and Seats for the entiye series of three CD nights, price nine (s.9)dollars, now for sale at the box oflicenf the Academy of Music only. On Monday; the 10th, the side of,Seate and Tickets, for either Comerts, will commence at the Academy;, also at P. A. North 8: Co.'s Music Store, RIM Chestnut street, at 9. : St A einway Pianos are used at alb the NILSSON CON CERTS. Baltimore, Monday and Tuesdi*,:Oct. 17th and 10th_. WALNUT STREET TARA:TEE, • Begins at 7%,'. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, Oct. 8, LAST norm OF LUCILLE WESTERN, Who will appear itv her great character of MARGARET ROORLEY, In the Thrillihe Drama of . • 1. THE CHILD STEALER. Jemmy ,Inbbs • Mr. Jaines A. lietne • MONDAY 'EV ENING. Oct. 10. HARRY AND ROSE WATKINS, In their Grand Romantic Irish Drama of • TRODDEN DOWN; 011. 'UNDER TWO FLAGS. Air RS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET 1. THEATRE. 13 , 1rins i to& SA.TURDAY, CIIICUMSTANQES. MRS. JOHN DREW, BARTON HILL. JAMES, NEM PI;E. • MISS KIEHL. Com hiding with the G• Drama of SIXTEEN •tiTRING JACK. GRAM HILL, LIEMPLE, &c. MONDAY—Wilitterollms'B Dramatization of MAN AND WIFE. CIIIESTNYT STREET THEATRE. E. L. HAVEN PORT - Leeanii and. Mann tt,r P. E. ABEL Rnsinf•aa•Agent GRAND SUCCEit•S OF THE LlN(l4n't THIS. SATURDAY. NIGHT, &GREAT RIBL. • r i., P ntir PTIMIII of• ALL THAT GLITTER!" IS NOT GOLD. . . LINGARD SKETCHES. And the (Mannino Cantrilielta el WHO SPEAKS FIRST. A din i. 514 1 .4 n-25. and 72 cents. Roserved Sests,4s I. 1-1 ,, x Ono,. opejo , 37 o9o4.until 2 o'clock. ARCH STREET OPERA. HOUSE, - Arch Street. abovo Tooth. ' , :vnE PALACE OF •MINSTIZEL:Sr:' ,, SIMMONS' 8c SLOCUM'S • • MINSTRELS'. • • THE CHAMPTIPN TROUPE OF AMERICA. OPEN FOR THE SEASON. With tie - , ht , t Minstrel Ofgan Izat ion In tho world. -PON Office once from 9A. M to 4 P. M. fir the cafe r•f Ite,erved Seats. sol7-tf VENN" ELEVENTH ST. OPERA HOUSE, Lleventh Street, n hove Chestnui. • • . OPEN VERY NIGHT. THE FAMILY RESORT. • IChtablished 1.•562. CARNI'43OSS s DIXEY'S MINSTRELS. • . . • The great Star Troupe of the World in their Grand Eti , tdpinn Soirees DoS: office open from 10 to 1 o'clock. It. F. SIMPSON, Treasurer.. ). L. CARNCROSS, Manager. au3l tri F OX'S AMERICAN THEATRE. Walnut Street.above Eighth. GIGANTIC suemEss ...... A CROWDED HOUSES EkERY NIGHT .• • Bost Talent in America. THE GREAT COOL BURGESS. The funniest man alive MLLE. DE ROSA, The Peerless Premiere DIIIIHOUPO. MISS EMMA ALFORD, MISS LIZZIE KELSEY, SYDNEY FRANKS, THE JJONDON COM GILLS. HOWARD and JOHN MULLIGAN, The Celebrated Ethiopian Artists. Two Splendid New Ballets. DEMON OF THE NIGHT, And THE GRAPE PICKERS. THE. COURT OF BEAUTY BALLET TROUPE. FULL MINSTREL COMPANY. BOARDING ROARDING.—CT AMAINICATING AND . other r00ree,1327 Spruce street. , orS 3t* OARD IN G.—TW 0 I) second •story rooms to rent, with board, together or singly, at 1621 Che,tnut street. ostii" SOVTH BROAD STREET.— VA caneles I,r fatnilleg wishing permanent board ing. )6IHo, single gentlemen. 0,7 (A" nOARDING.-VACANT. TWO LARGE j_./ and three small rooms, at 90,; SPRUCE et. oc„Sqlt' IMOOARCH STREET HAVING BEEN newly fitted up, 18 now open for reception of famAiee or single gentlemen fliflO table board. aulritg .113USINASIS CA S. J A PEE O WALTON & CABINET MAKERS, O. 413 WALNUT STREET. Manufacturers of lino furniturp and of medium priced flarn4une of superior quality. GOODS ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER. Counters, Desk-work, ac., for Banks, Ctlices and Stores, made to order. JOSE PH WALTON, ,JCS. W. LIPPINCOTT, • f6l-Iys JOSEPH L. SCOTT. J AMES L WILSON, _ . . HOUSE PAINTER, 11/SOUTH NINTH STREET, Realtlenco-522 South Ninth area. ap3o ly 4pb "El B. WIGHT ATI f ORNEY-AT-LAW Uommissionor or Deeds for the State of Ponneylvanhe 1 klllinole. 06 Madison street. No. 11, Chicago, Illinois. attl9tri H ENRY PHILLIPPI, CARPENVAI. AND BUILDER, NO. 1024 SANSOM STREET, je11)-1yrp , PIIILADBLPHIA. OTTON BAIL DUCK OF EVERY *4../ wsdth; ,frord 22 inches to 26 inches wide, ell numbers Tout end Awning Duck, Pa or - maker ' s Felting, BM) Twine, Ao. JOHN IdVERMAIi, 4a211 No 10.9 Ohnrcb it • t Oltv Stores. POLITICAL NOTIE'ES TO AMOS BRIGGS, ESQ.-8111 : I call myself a Republican, but still an Indepen dent Voter, especially %viten Judicial OiliCeN are to be filled. Therefore, having read the pamphlet against Mr. LYN)), and attaching weight to It sines Ulf charges were founded upon the records of the Court. I was glad when I heard that in.the Ledger of today you re-Viewed that pamphlet. 1 expected its charges would have been fairly met and answered. I expected this because of your ability, and because-you are •alentified with no party. • i cannot for get the sac rilicenTy64have made to your indent - idetic° ; how ready you haditidam•te defy party discipline ; to denounce those highest in party position anti 011iC.! ; •to repuelate measures believed by party leaders to he es sontitato national safety, and to act with the opposition, when you believed *tor party men and measures to be wrong. Front your ability;independence and. honesty, I I,NIICCtOII till answer that would be satisfactory td toe. I concede that what you state as the points of the pam phlet are demolished, but alter reading it I would have stated the points 1. Not that he has been discharged as a bankrupt. lint that the causes of his bankruptcy wore discreditanle. 2. Not that he owed a Building Association; but that he was a debtor to it on his official bond us its Treasurer, and that he was Indebted to.it for some of money bor rowed whilst Treasurer, but when he could not tells and . for which be gave a worthless security upon land. in . Montgomery county. In other words, that through and by him, the custodian of .its money, the association lost a large f5lllll of money. 3. Not that he was president lit a coal company; when it becalm, insolvent, but that lea wan its pr ojectorthat he and others bought It Cola lease, organized the com pany, sold the lease 'to the , company at an advance of ever eS4ll.l,ooo,and issued a prospectus full of glowing promises, and that the company failed NH:IMO the prOmiNen . of the prospectus, were untrue. BY' again reading the pamphlet I think you will find that it quotes from Mr. Lyrid'f3 exatin nation, that he borrowed all the money he put into the company. I am informed that certain acts that would prevent a bankrupt's discharge are barred liy time. end that some debts are not affected by IA discharge et all, but still survive, and that there fore no in n ferece is to be drawn in his favor, because the Court has granted a discharge). I may be wrong in • thinking...the above be the charges of that pamphlet . ; if I am, many err likewise ; ut all events, such charges are made, Your position rte the Counsel Ly ad will enable ken to show these clearance Unfounded', if they are so. Will you be kind enough to meet the real points, of, the case against Mr. Lintel?, Yotr advocacy and defeneeof Min are generous, because you were his competitor (or his' nomination; -mud becapse of that and the'. other IPA son menthinedto this ii6te•,-Ini explanation fronryou will have n greatet. feet upon earnest Republicans. Yours, truly. 10 A. 1.14/I.II3I.ILQADT. POLITICAL NOTICES. tY . UNION REPLII3LIG - AN' JUDICIARY. Associate Judges of the Court of Common Picas EDWARD M. FAXSON, • ".. TTIOMAS FINLETTEB. . Associate Judge of Ihe Dislrict Court : • . JAMES LYND. COUNTY. SheriU': WILL4IISI lI,LEEDS Register of TN/Is.; WILLIAM IT. BURN, Late private 724 Itegithont ratmaylvunta Volnutoor Clerk of the Orphame.Court • IiEROT. JOSEPH C. TITTEIWARY cal Y. Receiver of Tore. ROBERT 11. BEATTY City Commissioner: CAPTAIN JAMES CONGRESSIONAL. Ist District—BENJAMlN HECKEL. 2.4 " HON. CHARLES O'NEILL. HON. LEONARD MYERS. " HON. NVILLIAM D. KELLEY.' 15th . " ALFRED C. HARMER. &nator--77/ird ,13E - NJ. W. THOMAS: AViEIOBLf. hit Distr.'Ct.—SAMUEL P. THOMSON. 21 " - WILLIAM H: STEVENSON, 31 " WILLIAM EELLEY. 4th " WILLIAM ELLIOT. 6th • WILLEADItDUFFY. 6th " COL. CHARLES KLECKNER 7th " ROBERT JOHNSTON. Bth " - WILLII HL. MARSHALL -sth • ',?O , WILLIAM H. PORTER. 10th JOHN E. REYBUBN. 11th • ';+ SAMUEL H„ lIAGXIt. 12th ^ • " JOHN. L AMON. 13th " JOHN . DUN BELL. 14th " JOHN, CLOUD. 15th " ADAM ALLBadouir. • 16th " lA - ILEA - Am P—SMITK, • 17th "—• WATSON CODILY. 18th " JA MES• BILLER. By - °Oct of the City Executive Committee. : JOHN L. HILL, - Pieettlent JOAN .51cCuLLorsu:/ becretarte4 DI. C. 110,40, ..... .... telt 17 Z 022 24 27 29 re 1345 675 1011 Eu. TO THI-!_; VOTERS OF PHILADELPffiI ~`~~ The,Undersigned, as Citizens of Philadel phia, impressed with the growing importance of placing trustworthy and intelligent persons in Public Offices, respectfully recommend to their fellow-citizens theghsition of MR. WM. LEEDS TO THE SILL nuFF2kE.rrcy. The proper administration of the office of Sheriff peculiarly exacts such qualificalliaili; and Mr. LEEDS is known to the undersigned as a gentleman who possesses them, and who is, therefore, worthy receive the support and confidence of the people. McKI?,AN, BORT E & CO., BENJ. BULLOCK'S SONS, WM. SELLERS & CO., RANDOLPH & JENKS, MORRIS, TASKER & CO., ALEX. WHILLDIN & SONS, M. BAIRD & CO., BUNTING, DUIIBOILOW & CO., EDWIN H. FITLER & CO., JUSTICE. BATEMAN & CO., .LEWIS WHARTON & CO., COATES BROTHERS, • ALEX. G. CATTELL, & CO., STOKES, CALDWELL & CO., WETH KRILL & BROTHER. JAMES H. ORNE ' SON -& CO., BROWNING & BROTHERS, B. C. ORAM & CO., HENRY DISSTON & SON, HOFFMAN & KENNEDY, & G. A. WRIGHT, WM. STRUTHERS & SONS, NOBLI TT, BROWN, NO BL ITT & CO., 'A' ILL lAM A. SIMPSON & SON, ELLIOTT & D UNN, RR ID ESI3U RG MANUFACTURING co., MI SKEY, MERRILL & THACKARA,, E. R. TAGGART & CO., ANSPACII & STANTON, JOHN & ,TAMES DOBSON, THOMAS BIRCH & SON, BROWN & WOELPPER, FIELD & HARDIE, I, AM BERT, THOMAS& CO., GROVE & BROTHER, TA USSIG, LIVINGSTON & CO., CHARLES GIBBONS, MORTON M MICAAhL, ALEXANDER HENRY, CHARLES M. PREVOST, JOHN P. VERREE, N. B. BROWNIE., FREDERICK ADAMS, NATHAN HIL LES, JOHN PRICE WETHERILL, BARTON H.. JENKS, • JAMES L. CLAGHORN, SPENCER ROBERTS, JOHN RICE, HENRY MINIM, • CHARLES WILLIAM H. KERN, HECTOR TYNDALE. • HENRY B.,BENNERS, DAVID WALLACE. • . HENRY H. BLN G HAM, EDWARD BROWNING, F. 3'. WALT° N, HENRY D. MOORE, A. H. FRAN DISCUS, COFFIN COLKET, HENRY CARTWRIGHT, . • JOHN H. MURPHY, SAM UEL C. COOK, JOHN IL CHAMBERS, HENRY C. HOWELL. oc7 2t,,rp4 U . 1870. _ 1870. SHERIFF, 9 wribia'Am R. qt LEEDS, Jol6 tl orl2t . . . . . ~i;Atf.;,,Y.:X.,Ya-1,:-:::.......>. •-•:,,,.r '..'...; .+ . • ~,,. • , ~,„-,! CV.B.A.T PAINTING.— 100 , the of the PECORA CODWANY's a. 4 i , Co PAINT (costing $12.001 will a' AR .palnt as much as :if )0 lbs. of ,end, and WORT' longer. tor particulars; COST I.k.A.D• lublress S. BOWEN, See'y.,No.'lso ',,.• ' N. Fourth St., Pltaatlit.,. _ - 0, , r, el() 0 tU th /LI/ ~ ._ POLITICAL 'NOTICES. jer.D. - Ti P H I s ADEripHIA. 6TEt, 1870.. Foticiug P JAME LIND, Fsq. the violent and perniotent, and no woftelleve fattened libelliitianttacko mode upon you, both 1n the press and by pninpidetti, and understanding that you re- . train from replying to them beratto° of professional and ofileluletiqueuu°',we take the liberty, no your friends and no fellow Republicans, of requesting that you will at Ut early a day no practicable, furnish us With ,au .- autwer to the allegations alluded tte,,anyl with the proofs neccanuiry to t a i tion it. ~• wo hlibuilt to you that not only your personal reputn- . t ion js involved, but the ylnuicatiou Of run. hinny warm frie•n e, any,_.eten'the very character of the Republican patty, wbonlinominee for one of the most honorable of local °liken you ore, demand that 100 should nu longer remain Silent. • DM tailed IVlPrv ' n in a candidate for the Judgeollip.and a stutlico avoidance of all_e.ffort to promote his own elm. • tiom are 'worthy, of evfiry corinnendation ; but 'when partisan oppositiOn and personal onto ity bear their false- • rand 11,4 /ice to everYdnor 111 the community—anony - • mous and dastardly though they be—the Intelosts of your fellow•citizens in geberal render itincumbenCupsn on to furnish, Unlit the means of apprehending the error,ttild Of avoiding Unintentional injustice to them-. scivek as well an tr. you. - Very respectfully yours, - • Norton•ldelfl.tchael. . Gillinggham Null, illialnlA';;Ughant, Thomas S. Ellis . Charles 111 freevoilt, F. A. Galloway (1; Morrie, Nathan T. Kassel Dawson.. John McArthur, Jr. , slolm Y: Verne, " E. G. H night. Jiditen 11. Orne, datums L. Oaf:horn, • • ('buries (libbons, • Isaac Hazietrimst, henry C. Lea, .1. G. ittsiongarten • \Villlain I Littleton. , Charles , J :faint% A. Free:m.ll. ' - It. I'.' Charles .111. Wagner, NVlllll'l W. Iteken, 11. K. Cummings, • 0. 11. 0111illitiprgh. 'Anita W. J.:vermin), James 11. Winer Joseph It. !Mauls. Amos • Ferdinand J. Droor i . O ray lUmry li. Terry, .1 °lib - Price 1 t 001(1111, It. I. Dobbins. Tallles7s.,ldorlon Alt srhnel,T. Ma r A:lnghaM, TIM:, S. .h.:l1 and : Your hind and consider:Lb-, letter of yesterday found: pie under eirmirmianc , q4 of paint ill and extraordinary (lobo] rissfnent. The in.lnince of a i tarty thai has alwa aim c.l to Ina 'H M uila a AI statalari of qualification for its official ispreheutatives ; Ilia no inoe for an office of great lionor'and trust ; proud of it personal ttudillti , ial l'(•nittatinti I lad until 111,W 111,4 neVer been gnomon, I loom) alyssif, tticirligh the preis arid by eireolars, mut doily and niallttianlhi assailed by an a nonym9us •-netny. oil hout tiontgli In all probability" to ascr tain his - Went ity witl, , ,ist time ettough prior I tile sisct.inn lik 1/11110117011 htro.nood by any legal rolnitli , ation•- and re , tralned. t 0 ,,, by the list tire 01 flu , honol - lilils 0111(.1) iu .111 , 1ii4OLV from :WY di. Fort ua.:nrue of ten!). i/1' Inllt.tintrnteuc)•bottnd.asitw•re.nand and foot; ppignantly oftlit . ,,bunicrons and weighty can seh•ridan.s. so well shalt by yon an Mina dials and coMplete ref itch ion of the 111 . .. f,, abut',' referral to, and hioot tug, too, bow ti,.rniign that rs,fu• tail on anthfhu /11/1.103 i0,,,,Arrp5,;,. ( 1 by that tie (.43• upon which it it, based lost depend noon 1110 111 , •re 1.6. , r1.11,11 ; yet erj,, l l‘ not. Cr," iLel l at invor the case, (rlitAtill MA 1 . 111 t•Illig11.10111 of the tact.. - by the ptiblie, • - • • Yourarcharne and 1100 • 4; T , loo.it liav I.llo o yal alt thr 10'1110' ' it has ,•iipplbl the interp,v - itioti I s" Lunch do siretl—il.ut of it thil,l party, who should fairly tuscetl -010, t h e r n ,f,4, and aloud/ authoritatively autte fo 'am public the rebut( of that lavr•ittigattut t . In the 111,4 roll your attention par tictllai IV to the fact that the - utta,ll against Lot, 1, 4 , 4 i t ", loatlo under the pretence of pubtishing eS tracta irons ;ndirici tecortj.---aa fai,ehool Witte ti Sti , • slightoiit t lOn 11'101 , 0 re( oldo wil - I,,itcpottc • that it is uvula /tor yniourtly. a preralitom •I hot would be I•lltirely 1111' 10 ytaotat y, ft thane fa kiflor. of th.• record hail publialmi it a , it realOyv.l.4s. I laklV proreccl to sub , !n u t o au a brio; statement of th.- charge., ag tinst MO, 'lid of tl r all-Weis 10 213.10. as 11111411 its th tail iI tiro ' if will V•riiiit 1. ....treasurertti n 1r13111111A7 0,410,10t100 I w O , in 6.', 4 3, as adlaitt,t by n 0,11,i11 hi bank ru 0(1' • 't he a nswt-r to t ht,. t bat n ehn. ft final settle: tovnt of Illy Ita usurer'. avciitint, If seas found that noth ing was due to the ; nul !fie Judgment upon the [mu is d reool,l, 'f* he obt was ularktol on 1..; to, r, Ledo le as ono of •• ahout ',•••::so,su,puor.ed to beNtrio:7 'lcod w in , Itido,l out of pi tOon r•tolitig' the bettle 1P,1.r..t toy accolifita which had not theti.lioen settled. 2. 1i.d10. , -0 a 44411114 , r f r 11/1 tiro.. to (thn in m g ilocount” 'freasitror of the ...too ii.v,o,:tatian, awl had. Julie /Oh, gi% 0 10011 ill the stittr of 6 ,OW cover tilv,o• The fact w,ih, and the ficr - O . 14 00 theft i f or , a'llowalki it, that t his looney wensbarr any mock hohler diet and doer borrow of Aa.loci,,Tf.,a, at • iii(4llo.l bct. ,,, f 'cat e.'er:f4 The anon) thous autt, , r of lb, vtrto•ks h;:ew it way , pateilt t itolacl. 41 tho ueeoutpanying note ft - PM thedin't of the a-b , attriatiliti will sal,, neat 1 ate. thee, . I VA..; etwetrint hrr;• , ,Z, PIIII.I.I4,LPHIA, Oet. 7( b. 1,1.c1) "JA 51E! , L to.llllg of 1104 Dir,:cl o r... 14.1,1,1 a al•ti i uiidltr At+ ,, o,o‘clon.l3-1,1 y trthre_ Pro 11 , . , / , at. 'You taro notTreanto , r_ot---,- at or ooloro Jab!. vni:, , nor at :thy - titne prior tea: ll,ern.l7,-r . Irrioo, yoor a• . - coulif t. Tr...A,,0r 0r oP fin /0 Aft. 11111011. "11 , 1 rg4lll-1). nolll - /10.- 1.1 lif .• Icl, 1.21 11111 , • f Bitter; our iwtiti o i, of bb01..f01.., '• V.-ry t -, l . o , •ettull; • -- W.111.k Y." 3. That bite. I v.: 4 City andty, Jtig har% rium tit I.:!ty, 1 :ettn - re- , ! in :Ili' tr I lul arn , ,tig 111 Of 10t• * emui• T‘ , ll, Cif) of PLO4tI: , I pht..,/epr T.i-..4•a jr.,: t i or the ).-Lrek••••! , :.! 21//'' , •• 4 L'• 41 ). r of .11.341. i rut t L.. tilt], .11*. ft tr.4..1 Ihpf.t tto•pty w•tit "t , ) 10 I h.., .1,2 th-ir. , •r) Wax A o,inii I.ly 1., - 72.16 ci , ,}11,1, ii fain of. dt-bt N,;la ^0 r,turlit-.1 Ity auts - W UP' I4W COM. Male nri lay , but Ut Welty and baaa- It. the eh:ago. of infA,•llty to Illy, trust a% City Solid tor aw..sactza ,. .loh , ii it, Is, 1,-d that I hi. rcry dolt Ni aw it,, .01%1.1.: I ti , ".• NI hie It St ate" to li . • paid it hull . it NI 114 a ha: gf . 3 011 , 4.1 th-I a lieu on my ~,„1 that ti t - paid before dlarliark, I, F ••Ift f ClilJl Richard ~f 'I ,- (lnvltlnii ill ILIA 1-1.1 1 , 1./ . 1.1,TME11..V RE , tiVLII TANY..S. " PI111,•1);?(.1 . 11;/. A . (Ni. 1, 1 , )711). I her vby ertify that the Lt.'s... neatnat .1 aloes .1.)L1.1 )i•At - , I •Ra'.o collected tor the tit) rbro)t. i .hcriiC. ,al., t... pp•Vti.,,ntado In I:Nei; und the money [WI Department. Jannary 2d. P 4610. .Itß,lll..ii UTTAI.I., - Registrar. " 1 certif . ) t h.• itt.o)e atatenient to be-corroct.. " IfICII.IP.D PELTZ. •• IMceiv.cr of Tex ea ." Or the face of the very record from which [hit anony mous I,l"ttillDik•tl I. ill it. , ....rterial for tier arta. ta Lund my ctdnplete vitulieat Aftor minis at exPriaftion of tho utter taletty—anil of the InatirtuttY, tor the Utithor knelt of the fals-hood—a.e the atia...k upor me, i t wee kd that il a fur ther Atl.“Ver to 1111 Y f hi. alliigitivoni. ix needed. .• . _ 4, That 114 the President of tneCntiAllltirs • M lltUal COM. COl/11 . 4113 5 I Issued circular, containing fats- reprcsenta thins as to the condition and caPachy of the companY : that I made soinii tI7,OIKi by the sale 01 the comony i n stock ; and that the mmiey 1 lost In it was not in fact lout by ate, but by those of my creditors lr. ni whom 1 borrowed it. ' ~, ~, , The answer to these aimitations 18 as etut.) and Uhl Coln pl.-te as to 11. preceding. • the circulars rearrest to wort founded on 311 4 1 con tained the riflire reports of the * cry best toilang engi neers here and at Pottsville—reports on Ii Welt I relied, ;,,, did iiyi.my one else, and which. %tere reprinted verbs-, tun. and put In the hands of c•very stockholder. 'llse :clean /1.1. 'll , 1114:11er when he pretends to publish 711 V “ssrorriBtiLttuwtit6.' does tog give the fact that at ben I subscribed to the stock /1101 1/00:1111.• 1111 "Ulcer of the colnyany 1. was owner of some considerithlo pro .pertY : that tiny borrowed (1101)1•1 I U.lty have owed w:l3 14.111 . 0(1 by collaterabc, or utortgaes•i ; c l lictoi oil my real ci.titte..and that almost the only c1e 1,16 which wets, 1101 et , urea .isvf•Yo - thicsci incurred t Icy • a ccommodation notes) to `i pay oaf lb.' Mort:zags debts of tlio sledCCM emitters' PI tuna' Coal Couipsitiy, which notes wctiskon 111 by the mortgagor on account of and crect 3 on the 1110111:14:, All ovamitiation o' the Het oNdales tclent , l to, will show to sac 0 , 111 1 11.1 swot that boo tor tic... , delcts ucc contracted, no aicplication 1.4) (110 Bat kript Cubit IA ould bar, tutu IWA:I,,,Iry. But It Id said I Made 1,4411, : . sll,lltlo .1111 tit the Cy:Up:lily nut mil. , coil, 11'11111r . II I ,ltd, why is as tot nu cilueltarge no -0,01. Insti•iM of being tincinincouchy acouleseell 111 ''' To elate such it illlCStioll Is to ;unfit It. Like 1111 the iitlivii - tiliarglis contained, iii OM 111,M its end. Mina lin totiniMil attack on um Ilbos4:lrefict rod to, those :Meet Ilig my conduct its Preiiiiittliiigmf .lot ColiiiiliiiiirS' !Until:ll Coal COMpany are a iiiitiiit'iiil by au examination of (My W 1101.• record, and c'ct Iha diellicocul s, lt Melt art) and al wnyh were open to thO investigation 4it . 111 t, nut:1(11,0(10ra of the company'. and all Mimi,. iiiiMiisf. , l iimp.iiii. I hash thus snlcstantiall3 ttitiittlirlitt ertry impOcitioltt lon In the charge algtlilll4l 1111., 111111 the prink ;ire fund)'fill' examination. Nt bile 1 have rrG allied from woodcut, I cannot' help remai king that .no 'candidate for Mlle.+ Iti this City has over been thins illiittiMil, and that nit exigi.iity of partisan Thies alcs. no vitilletice of ilfill)11311 u ' hut t ed ea itoctify the 1 of nitialis tio false atic titan to ilPflitil a political (typo:iota. or porsonic l enemy. ' lit conelmion list ate fiat, LIM I he far its ; ant p(M1101111113 , COliCiii nisi in thin StatiMitilit I havoc lint clue thought, and that is to PrcH e rve the good opinion id lily lellowcelll• zees The ii.iee (11.111 , 1pv of the Diutelet 'Court, ;11 , W • tiVer niticli 1 might be 'mood of and prize It cinder oilier circumstances. is, It. ‘!ea' Of timid tack niticli• 'upon Mot of hrrond4ry conscoioenelc, my 1to1,1•111/11 . NrIllitillt11/11 In 110. re 11110111111 a 1..) 1110 013111111) (IIIIL 101 butters lit 111/U/ 1111111.11UL' .:1:" . 1:01/1 . 11, respiiiiifillly, • l'n ILA iiIMMPIA. (Nil 1111: 151(1 (IF tip • fill 1.; ()le 11 - C.?' BOA HD. ()I.' AMU , : 11111 EN, So . :122 NORI'IL STRICET. i NOll , I . 111.1 , 4bY IzIve:1 that tiro 110 A 1111 01.' A1.1)1C1t. ' 111 EN lin 11111/1/1111011 1110 I'olloo 11111.119111vel)10111.11 111 1110 MCI VIA' Witt tht. Ow ioltoot of 1110 twveral lave. lion 11111141 , 0. ,vll ‘Vitril nllllll nowt 11. omicn out 1)1101.00 ltulllrpnol 11. 01.11011 10 . 111 1.1i 0 . , 11), I , lrst WIWI—N. E. I orner Illoynominlng a l'llllo anti Ortwowtfl. 01 . .1. • Sccoud Nvuo.l— . S, E , coroor .1 01101 0011 11 I'ollllo 111111 Pl'llllll fitreel. • " . ‘v...6-S. E. 0111111 T VI 1 . 111 01111 Q111.011(111.0.qc Fourth M'atil—SloilTrhtlyoroer of .1 tulip.. awl istretl/1. N s . Sllllll Wind—No. r-:i Spruce tilrovt. • 141).111 M'ocrd-140 b 2 'taco tievetith NS'fird—N. W. comm . rlllloteontli lint! South vett Eighitrih' E „corner Broad and Chestnut Ids. Ninth Ward—No. Rita Market aireot. • Tenth Ward—N. E. corner Jtroed and Race greets. Eleventh Ward--N, W, corMr Bt,Johu and Button wood strertN.• Twtilith Ward—No.sl3 North Fifth st reet.• Thirteenth Ward—N. N. corner Ninth and ()Oates tits. Fourteenth NVard—N. W. corner Thirteenth and Spring Garden, Fifteenth Ward—N. E. corner West t!.1);,t4..011 , 11 Ward—No. PIO North Fourth street:, • Si'; ent ' , eon) Ward—S. E. corner Fifth and Thompson. Eighteenth Ward—No. 522 Richmond street. Nineteenth Ward—No..lslB Frankfort' raittit' Twentieth Ward—N. E.oortior Alder attest and Girard avenue. Twenty first Ward—Morritt's 'Hotel; 111auayunlv.• , Twentx-secotal Ward—Town Ball, Germantown. Twenty, t rd Ward—No, 4:01 It mull ford street. • Twenty-fourth Ward—Ortßp's, corner of .Fortydirst. and navy:ford streets. fifth Ward—Sehooloy 'rt, Clearfield aunt Rich mond eta. • • Twenty•sixth Ward—B. lA'. cornet Blond and South atroots. • Twenty-seventh Ward—Sharp's, corner Forty• third and Market streets. 1-1 —]Herb Tavern.. TwentY-OightiOV"T"ES W .. r ' • JAM . 01% 1.J.,L. - cic4 ta,th.s, St§ . -• . , • . Clark. CONDENSED MILK, EAGLE BRAND— T:kJ The very best article for , travelers, infants, &o. •Igettlele Milk Substitute, Patent Barley, Fresh Oat Meal, 13ortiludit .Arrowroot, Liquid Rennet and Flavoring Extracts. Forsalo by JAMES T. 1:3111N1i 13. W. corner Broad autt Spruou touts. bYNI), RELIGIOUS -INTELLIG • THE Bet , . 111 r Bliss has heel elected pastor of the Presbyterian Church( Beverly, N. J, A NEW Method i s t. Church will be dedicated., by mato, aVGitaid;P,a; Olt 12th; inetAnt, , Tni .He r ' a Wallace Baddliffetime , resigned , the - paittoral Cbare'e - of the . 'WoOdland , PreSl4- terian Church, West :Philadelphia. ' • THE Reformed Dutch Church now reports • 131,444 communicants, a gain of 2,648 over-last year. There is a gain of twenty ministers and thirteen churches. • Rumor Sao - wiz...Ns will ofliNte at the Chtfilth of the Messiah, Port Richmdnd, to-morrow. On. Wednesday he will bold an - ordination at • (lontittee fora they; MithOdist State IDonvention have( seetire,d Hortibultural Hall' for holding . the sessitinoof the Cont , entiOn; to.i commenca,oktho ltith THE conregation of the Nor th Preshyte rian Chur ch,' Rey. B. L. Agnew, pastor, on Sixth street, above Green, have resolved to . build a parsonage at a.cost of $lO,OOO. THE ne xt Monday afternoon union prayer meeting Will be held on Monday afternoon next, from 4 to 5 o'clock, in the Nazafeth M. B. Church, Thirteenth street, below Vino. • THE-next Sabbath afte•rnoon union_ prayer . meeting (colored) will be held to-ntortow af ternoon, from 5 to 6 o'clock,. iu,the'• Presbyte rian-Cburob, Seventh street; below LoMbard: OI the 1,469 congregations in the Southern Presbyterian Church only,. 400 hate,pastors, and about 600Jiave regular or partial supplies, • and about 430 are destitute of any stated Ministry. • . Tint West Arch Street Presbyterian - Church, Bev. A. A. Willits, Pastor, has liquidated an old debt of 565,000, and :.I.le congregation aro now making arrangements to beautify and improve the church edifice. • ' A FAIR in aid of the Church of St. Charles Borromeo is now open atConeert Hall. It is under the auspices of the ladies of the', church. Asplendid portrait of Bt. Bev. Bishop Wood will be disposed of byballot. A I'OBTI{AIT of the Rev. Dr. Thomas Brairen end has 'been presented by,,, Mns.orAl4ander •Whilklin and some of theladies of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church to 'the Ministers' Aftsocititionbf.this city. It was accepted, and will be placed in the rooms in which the As sociation meets. THE Roman Catholics of Newark, N. J., propose to erect in that plae6 a magnificent cathedral. Bishop Doane; recently returned from Europe, has brought 'the plans for it, based on the largest and grandest churches on the Continent.. It will take fifteen years to construct the edifice. THE Green Hill PreAb:vieriau Church intends erecting a building in the' rear of the old_ edi fice fur lecture and Sunday mihool purposes,at a cost of $20,000, and upsw the completion of this building, the one now occupilLby the con gregation will have extensive iiniitoverneni's made upon it, the sum of $20,000 having been appropriated for this purpose. A N Ew Voris religious paper urges a grand meeti cc of all Protestant churches to be held immediately, to adopt efficient ine.asures to meet the, duties of the hour by giving the Gos- Del to all tile nations of Europe. "As Austria, and Spain, and Italy, and France are now to be open to the Bible and missionary, the day of Europe's redemption draweth 'fnE. oldest Baptist sect in this country is the one known as " The Ancient Order of the Six Principles of the Doctrine of Christ and .His. Apostles." . This denomination .has just held its two hundredth .anuivetsary in Rhode Islaxd, and numbers-in all about five thousand melithers. They . practice the rite - Of cotitirma- Mon, making it a .condition of communion. THE receipts of the Boards of the Presbyte rian Church for the modth of August were as follows : Board of Home Missions, 5A,9,14 $1 ; Board of Education. $1 ° .504 0: Boafig of Fter eign Missions, i-5,132 81 ; Board of Publica-• Hon t Missionary Fund), .5:IX& 57 : Board of 7 - Church Erection, $5,748 8I; Fund for Din ableid Ministers, ,' , ..,2.,934 , 11f.t; --Committee on Freedmen, i 1,701 .1. -Tnc report of the Baptist Home shows that during-the,pastye.ar the lady managers re -Oeived-;,.725 by a.children's concert, and that -sl',foo was received as the result of a straw berry'festival. The trustees :believe that the .flatue'can be opened by the first of January, .1871; - clear of all incuiribrance. Already ! , (1.0041 lave been paid on the property, and there re mains but to he paid., 'lns regular meeting of tire Sunday School Association of the Protestant Episcopal Illiurch of this Pity will he held on Monday " - evening next, at ti o'clock, in St. - Matthias's Church, corner of .Nineteenth and Wallace streets. The subjeet fttr discussion, "What are the characteristics of a good " Sunday School Teacher r will be opened by Rev. Wm. H. Hare, rector of the Church of the AsTien aion. Other clergymen and laymen' will par ticipate. linitersalist Sunday School Union, composed of the teachers and officers of. the several Universalist Sunday schools of this city, held its regular quarterly meeting on Wednesday evening last in the Church 01 the DlefEdab. Rev. E.G. Brooks and Rev. H. C. Leonard and others, made some' appropriate . remarks tending towards the advancement of the Sunday school cause. .Tlie object of this Association is to further Sunday school work in the city. THE Protestant Episcopal Sunday schools of this city number 71 ; teachers, 1,958 ; scholars, 23,99:!. With the exception of Bethany Mis sion (Presbyterian), which numbers 1,604, the three largest Protestant schools in this city aro Episcopalian, viz.: St. Mark's, Frankford, 1,571 ; Epiphany, 1,378, and Holy Trinity, 1,168. Trinity Chapel being a part of Holy Trinity and . the teachers being communicants of Holy Trinity, its members should be added, making 1,949. .Tut Rev. Dr. March, pastor of the Clinton Street Presbyterian Church, return, l to this city on Thursday last. For nearly a year he has been traveling in Europe, along the Nile, and in the Holy Land. He sought relief from protracted : pulpit and pastoral labors in travel, and came hom'e restored in physical strength and enriched with experience ainong the nis torical centres of the Old World. .Dr. March was officially welcomed on Thursday evening. George W. Mears, in the name of the congre gation, expressed their gratification at the re union of pastor and People, alluding to the deep interest felf - hythecharge in their absent bead, and the many ways in which the ab sence had been felt by the people. Dr. March replied: Other addresses were maderby Presi dent Cattell, of Lafayette College; Mr. Ken nedy and Rev. Dr. Mears. • The congregation separated singing "Blest be the tie that hinds." The Church was decorated with evergreens and Magnoliari, a fine supper was partaken Qf, and the, occasion was one long to be- remem bered. *; 'Tai- new tabernacle for the - Rev. Dewitt • Talmage, in Brooklyn, wa.s - dedicated pn Sun day, the 25th nit., in the presence of a large audience. It is an immense building,andthe Est -are all free. Mr. Talmage said 'htt - the • course of his sermon, •VI prayed' that this 'building, 'whatever it might be like, would riot be like is church,.and my prayer has been an swered." The following is a description of the building: Inside it is an 'adiphitheatre,the seats being; ranged in tile arc of a circle, in the centre of which are the drgan and a platform. There is-no pulpit. The walls, which are of iron, are painted lead color,the &h id of which is to give an air of height and lightness to the entire building; the roof is'of the same tint. ' In the "Centre of the - Ceiling is a large skylight, with 187 prisms of•glass, - from which the en tire place Is lighted up. The house is 150 feet long by 100 feet 'wide, and the seats, will ac commodate 2,500 auditory. Should:that sitting . room be found too small, it is the intention of the managers to build a gallery that will ac ,commodate 1500 more. The organ is the sanffi that was used at the"great musical festiVal in Boston. - • • THE report of the proceedings of the Erni: - versalisCOmitenary, recently held, hai been 'published. The annual sermon was preached o yb Rev. Dr. Miner. During the - sessions Mr. Horace Greeley, who took an active part, in troduced a t esolution for the establishment of a printing and publishing house, on tha-model et the Methodist Book Concern. , It Ailed to Pass, however, the . principal objectitin -being the scarcity of funds. From thereports of the various officers and committees thetfollowing facts are gathered ; Twenty-one States were represented. The present church property of the denorninationle valued at $5,000,000.; cur ' • rat expenses, $00;000 ; property and invest: tnents in colleges and schools, $1,683,000 ; in vestments'in. charities and missions, $85,000. giro following is a statement' of the o eLatiarY y ._ ts' • work of 1870, in addition to church expenses • Raised on the Murray Fund, $162,2283 other ,orlerings;_,ln paymept of .church . debt churches, endowment Or colleges and schools, making a total of $948,536. The de nomination has five colleges, seven academies dawn theological schools, repmentingarto tal`valuation of nearly $2,000,000.. Tho mum ber-df churches was reported at . about ,-1,000; preache - ray 000. Tbe ;whole number of Sunday schools is 60'0, and the ,rnembership '40,000. Among the superintendents are twenty-six ladies. InlB6%.fpg-ty schools were formed,and 3W this year. 4fa PROPOSALb. E P TMENT HIGHWAYS. IJ , OFFICE—No. 104 . SOUTH , FIFTH STREET. PnYLADEtrmA, Oct; 7, 1870 . . NOTICE; TO 'CONTRACTORS.• _ SEALED PROPOSALS will be received - 4 - f, the Oilice:of„the Commissioner of :HighWays, until 12 o'clock M., on . MONDAY, - 10th for the construction of .a .Sewer on -the line Of Nineteenth street, fgom the. Sewer in. Columbia avenue to the south line of Xonf-' goniery avenue. On Forty-first street, -from Haverford avenue to Mary street, thence on Mary street westward to Forty-second street, three feet in diameter. On' Leaf street, from Orange street to Locust street, two feet six inches in diameter. Said Sewers to be made of bricks circular - in - Imm, and according to specifications of the Chief Eoginev,and Sur-, veyor, with man-holes-as inar-lre di rected by the Chief Engineer and Sur veyor. ~ The understanding - to-be that, I,llif Sewers herein advertised are to be completed. on or befoie the :::11st,,day Of. December, 187 U. •And the Contractor take bills preparpt against the property fronting on said , sewer to the-amount of one dollar .and twenty-five cents for eaphlineal foot of. front. on each side' of the street as,tio much cash paid; the balance, as limited byvordinance, to be paid .bythe city ; and the Contractor will be re (mired to keep the street and seiver in good order .for three years after the sewer is finished. When the street is occupied by a City Pas senger Railroad track, the Sewer shall -be con 'structed along side of said track in such man, ner as not to obstruct or interfere with the safe passage of the cars thereon ; and no claim for remunerafip,mshall be paid the Contractor by the company using the said track, as specified by Act of A,ssembly approved May Bth 1866. Each Proposal will be accompanied by .a certificate that a Bond has been filed in the Lair Department as direfged,by Ordinance.of Islay 251.14 180: If the Lowest Bidder shall not execute a contract within live days after the work awarded, be will be deemed as ileclining. and will be held liable on his bond for the difference between his bid and the next lowest bidder. Specifications may he had at the Department of Surveys, which will be strictly adhered to. The Department of High - •. -eser -es the ri:ht to re 4 ect all bid not deemed satisfactory. Al,l Bidders may be present at the time and place of oening the said ProposaLs. No al lowanc_el•ill be made for rock excaNiation ex cept by special contract. • 'MAHLON H.. DICKINSON, oci3-3td. Chief Commissioner of Hiahways. PROPOSALS FOR SIU PPUES. - F- F.I GE OF PA N:MASTER "UNITED STATES NAVY, O. 4n CHESTNUT STREET. 'PHILADELPHIA, OCt. 4, 1870 SEALED - PROPOSALS, endorsed " Pro posals for Supplies, Bureau of Construc tion,' " will be received at this of- , flee until 12 o'clock M., oil the 13th of Oc tober, for furiiishinp the United States Navy Department with the following articles, to be ll"oftbh - best`quality, and subject to inspect by.the Inspecting Officer in the Philadelpriii .I<avy Yard, where they are to be delive'red, When required ; free of expenSe to the Gov er.ratient, fcir which security must he given : - FOR BUREAU - OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS 45,000 bd. f.c4t, 'yellow Pine Deck Plank, 7,irches. 40 to , Mfeet long. To be of the best quality SoutieraYi;llOLV, Pi Ile. Bidders ar&referred to tlie NAVAL CON STRUCTOWat the Navy-yard. for 'informa tion as to quality, time of delivery, etc-, and the right is reserved to reject alliWids that are not considered advantageous to the govern-. inept. Blank forms for propoSals tvill be fur— nished at this Oh - th s 4t;• Sl' aVE I' NOTICES j_/11:1'A RTII ENT (F SURVEYS. OFF I E OF CHIEF ENGINEER AND SUR- V El:OIL _ _ PH I T.ADELPIII:I, October :Itb. 1870 NOTlCE—Duplicate plans of tifki survey and regulation of the twelfth section of the late TOW !Dalt of Bristol,in the Twenty-second Ann), boilinced on the North by Chelion av;,ane, > 4 South by Clievcsi.reet • N o. 243. East by Broad street, • West he Stenton avenue, alsooluplicate plans of the Survey and Regula tion of Seconcbsection of Kingsessiug, hounded on the North by Warrington avenue, 1 South by Darby avenue, East by Fifty-third street No. 151 ; West by Sixty-second streej.., and of the Third secti air of Kingsessing, bounded on the North by Warring i a Tune, South by Datby ave up, No. 152 ; East by Sixty-secon reet, West by Cobb's Creek, are now prepared and deposited,No. 20 at the office of JESSE LIGHTFOOT, SurverVor,and Regulatot,Railread Depot,GERMANTOWN, and Nos. 100 and 152 at the office of .TAM ES MILLER, Surveyor and Regulator, No. 4040 MARKET Street, and also at the office of this Department,No. 224 Soidh FIFTH street ; and the Board of Surveyors have appointed MON DAY, October 17th, 1670, at 10/ o'clock A. M., to consider any objection that may be urged thereto by any citizen intersted therein. , - STRICKLAND IKNEASS, Ocff ff 15 3t4 Chief Englneertind Surveyor. LEGAL "NOTIOES. STATE OF JOHN DALY, DECEASED. —Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of JOHN SLY, deceased, having bean granted to the under s :plied. all persons indt bled to said estate Ore requested to mute payment. and these having ebliTll3 against the same to present them to ELIZABETH DALY, Execu• trix, :117 Mulberry alley. ocS-s6t§ • TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY - OF PHILADELPHIA.— Estate of CHAS. W. and EJCH.\ RD SAINTER. minors. Trio Auditor appointed by flat Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of JOIII , T S. TP ACK •Y. dinn of CHAS. W. and RICHARD S children aud heirs of RICHARD J. SAI to report distribution of tho balance in thmhatule of the accountant, will meet tho pantos interested for the 0ur .r(1.4, of his appointment. on WEDNESDAY, Oct. 79th, 1870, at lo'clock P. rd., at his office, No. 709 ;Anima street, city Philadelphia. E . 111;NN, ovB s,tn,th .51§ Auditor., ESTATE OF REBECCA B. CHAPMAN, Deceas6l.—Letters of Administration upon the Estate of REBECCA B. CHAPMAN, deceased, haring been ranted to the undersigned Executors, all persons being" indebted to the same will make payment; and those having claims preitent them, without delay. to GEORGE W. BIDDLE, No 208 *outh Fifth street. Philadelphia. ,IGHN B. THAYER, seltls Ed§ N 0. 7 .25 Walnutstroet, Philadelphia. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TEL E. City and County of Philadelphia—Estate of THOMAS DUNN, deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account EDWARDof H. ALLEN, Administrator of the Estate of THOMAS DUNN, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the account ant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment,on TUESDAY,Octobor 18, A.1).1870, at 336 o'clock,P. M., at his °ince, No. 709 Walnut street, in the city of Philadelphia. oc6 th,s,tu,so; THOMAS A. PORTER, Auditor. IN.THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE City end County of Philadelphia.—Estate of A US- Ti:N MONTGOMERY, deceased.—The Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit. settle nod adjust the ac count of • THE 'PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES. Ac.. Administrator d . b. n. c. t. a., of AUSTIN MONTGOMERY, deceased, and to report distribution of tho balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interestod for the purpose of his appointment, on TUESDAY, October .18th, 1870, at eleven o'clock A. 51., at his dike, No. 532 'Walnut street, in the city of Philadelphia. oati-th tust." INSTRUCTIONS. PHIA Stable, Noe. 3331 and 3314 r ?, - 2 ScU i tit l. L?v E er L y allot street, is now open ter the Fall season. It ie thojargeet, best ventilated and most commodious, estab lielnuout in the city. The hems are thoroughly trained, eo that invalids requiring such exercise can ride with safety. To hire, Clarence coaches, hereof; and vehicles and saddle horses. Horses broken to tho sad dle. l/orsee-taken to livery. . SETH CRAIOE, Prouriet4. Jilk mip • RIDING SCHOOL.— MR.- E. DE I{ITIFFER will open his Riding School, 308 at iggitYl)ugan street, below Spruce, on September 13, 1870, with a good Stock of well-trained horses. Horatio trained to the saddle. Those keeping their horses at this stable can have the privilege of using the riding room. Saddle - k9/TOOMA c luvag° o f or P4rti°B"l".'" to uelj24)t§. PHILADELPHIA' EVENING BULU'I I IN, SATURDAY,_ OCTOBER 8, 'lB7O A. W. RUSSELL, PayrnasTor U. S. Yavy.T .FINANOLiIIs. A Desirable ‘ SAFE 110 ME __INVESTMENTe THE' - SUNBUkf:E : AND LEWISTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY O ---- F ER' . . • $1 t 240,0 • 4 BONDS, : Bniring Ppr Cent. Inteirest in Gold, eouri d•iiy FIRST AND ONLY MORTGAGE. The. Bonds are issued in • sl,ooos, ssoos and $2005.. • The Coupons are payable in the city of; Philadelphia on the first days of April and Oc toUgr, • -.Free orState.and United States' Taxes. The,price atpresent is .90-and Accrued Interest in -,lencyaY Parties purehasing pripr to October will Make: the difference on the GOLD. INTERENT. T s hiS road, with its connection . with the. Pennsylvania Railroad at Lewistown, brings' the Anthracite Coal _Vials 67 MILES nearer the Western and Southwestern markets. With this advantage it will control that trade. The Lumber Trade, and the immense and, valuable=wieposit of Ores in this section, to-, getber with the . thickly peopled &citric through which it runs, will secure it a,,..;,veri large and profitable trade. ' • WM. PAINT -ER- CO. PANDERS, IRalerB in Government &trait,le-N, No, 36 SOUTH THIRD STREET fl--LAfr-1 1110 ST DESIRABLE INVESTMENT. , LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD S6ren Per Cent. Mort g ageir Bonds. . , We offer for sale, at par and accrued inters , .th ' SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, , @ ..., Free from all Taxation. OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD . The Railroad property, which is mortgaged for the security of the,holdeps of these Bonds. is tir4slg,l, and • -1, . , een in u wor. . lug ordeff --- Effirai - 15.54, earning and paying to its s tochholdere dividends of ten per cent. per autinm regularly upon the full paid-up capital Stock, now amounting to $17,957,850." The Benda have forty ye:lig to run., - ARE REGIS , TREED and FREE FROM. ALL TAXES ;- interest seven per cent. par annum, payable. September an March. For further partimilarti,,annly to "... . DREXEL& CO., . . _ .. C.& H. BORNE, W.H.cNEW BOLD, SON er.: AERTSEN. NU LADHLPII lA, August 3,1;170. ~ sels IM5p ILMING'rON AND RENDING RAILROAD SEVEN PER (INT. BONDS, FEEE OF TAXES. We-are offering $200,000 of the SeOnd Mortgage Bonds of this Company. AT S 2 I=2 AND ACCRUED-INTEREST For the Convenience of investors these Bonds are issued in denominations of sl,ooos, ssoos and sloos. The money is required for the purchase of additional Rolling Stock and the full equip went of the road. .The road is now finished, and doing a busi ness largely in excess of the anticipations of its officers. The trade offering necessitates a large addi tional outlay for rolling stock, to afford full facilities for its prompt transaction, the pre sent rolling stock not being sufficient to ac commodate the trade. WM. PAINTER & CO., BANKOLS, No. 36 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA ee29 llt 3mrp A LEGAL INVESTMENT FOB TrUstees, Executors and Administrators. WE OFFER FOR SALE 2,000,000 . OF TEE Pennsylvania Railroad Company's General Mortgage SIX. PER CENT. BONDS. At 95 and interest added to date of Pur . chase. All Free from State Tax and Issued In Sums of 01,40. These Bonds are Coupons and Registered. Interest on the former payable January and July 1; on the tatter, April and October 1, and by an Act of the Legislature approved April 1, 1870, apo made a Legal Investment for Administrator°, Executors, Trustees, dm: For further particulars apply to • Co & li. BORIE, JAY COOKE dc CO., E. W. CLARK dc CO., W,. 11. NEWBOLD, SON . dc AETITSEN. oci 1=51) 1 ' - , • INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, THE UNION BANKING COMPANY, • CAPITAL PAID IN 512:10400, WILL ALLOW 4 (FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST ON, DEPOSITS PAYABLE ON DEMAND BY 011E01i. J 4,13, A, HILL; 0001/1 1 4 : jeB-amni 11IISSELIVIAN, Peesident FINANCIAL. ;,'40U'12 1 ,0: . W,P3. The COl:mons of the First Mortgrtmce*intle OF THIN ' Vilmtngton ands Reading Railroad, Du'e. . Wlll bo paid, on , and tltoi that date:at tho Banking Homo of WM. PAINTER & CO 8. - Third Street, Philada. W. S. lIILLES, Treasurer. ). 5e.29 Ittrp DRUF & -, N0..34 South 4.1, Third Street, American and Foreign Bankers. leeno-Letters of Credit for Travelers, entitling the holders to draw on LONDON, PARIS or t a SUE, !Switzerland. Also, available thrcilwbotit•• " , ited States. Draw at eight and by telegraph on SATHPr 1 0\ San FIraDCISCO. 'Deal in Gold and Government and other Secnri es. • Receive Gold and Currency depakitcsubjectjo draft tit eight. ~ -} lVinthrop & Co., Drexel,. flarjes & Co., ,No. 38 Wall Street, No. 3 Rite Scribe, - New York. Perla. C`OIUF'ONS. THE 7 PER CENT. GOLD CC)I3E'CVINTS OP THE SUNBURY 8i LEWISTOWN R.R. CO., Due OctOber 1, Will be paid on anyter that date at the Banking Borne of WM PAMTER - it' CO., 1.36 South Third Street. J. G. L. SIIINDEL, Treasurer ec2.9 r A Choice and Undoubted Securit,y, 7 Per Cent. 4 G - old FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS,. Coupon or ReglOteret and Free of 11.14$.1faz ISSITED Y Burlington-, Cedanapids and Min _ nesota R. R. Co. (1 ,4 A . Limite 'Quantity still offered for sale at 90 A b ACCRUED INTEREST, INTE.II4IT 1 AYABLE MAY A.ND;NOVEMBEIL ..„_.., l'‘'." • - CHABLITS L. FROST, The greater.part of the road is already completed, and the earningali'brd the finished portion are already more than ,ufficient to pay operating expenses and interest-on the bonds. The balance—of—lbo-wurk—ta—progressinf rapidly, in time for the movement of the comidg grain crops, which, it Is estimated, will double the present in• come of the road. ^ The established character of 'this line, running as it does through the heart of- the most thickly settled and richest portion of the great state of lowa, together with its present advanced condition and larg bonds to earnings war rant 129 in unhesitatingly recommending these to investors as, in every respect,an undonbted security. Tbeso bonds have 50 years to run, are convertible at the option of the holder into - the stock of the Company strier.„and the payment of the principal is provided for by a sinking fund: The convertibility privilege at tachedtto these bonds cannot fail to cause them at no distant day to command a market price considerably above par, besides paying about 9. per cent, currency, interest in-the meanwhile. United States Five-twenties, at present prices t only return 5 per cent., and we regard the security eotialli safe. HENRY CLEWS & CO., 3 Wall Street. New York. TOWNSEND WHELES & CO., Plfflada, BARKER BROS. & i 0.,66 KURTZ •& HOWARD, BOWEN & FOX, "OE HAVEN & BRO., oc6 eh s to ro, JAY . COOKE & CO., 11 Philadelp 2 ia, New York and Washington, .A.TVIKVRS S ,‘ AND Dealers hi Governmett Securities. Special attehtfen given to the Purchase and Bale el, Bonds and Stock, on Commission, at the Board of Brd 4 tiers in this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. .GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOR INVEST. MEN 2. Plaphleta and full information given at our office.' No. 114 S. Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. mh29-tCrp UNITED STATES SECURITIES BotimT, SOLD AND EXCVANGED MOST LIBERAL TERMS. Cr 0 La I) Bought and Sold at Market Rates. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC RAILROAD ,BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS , Bought and Sold on Commission Only Accounts, received and Interest allowed on Daily Balances, subject to check at sight. 40 South. 'Third St., PHILADELPHIA. TAMES ;. NEWBOLD So SON, • •• BILL BROKERS AND' GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENTS 11 , 18-2rara . .• 126 SOUTH SECOND STREET JEC6MK7 -- -FCWIirJI:LET - 1130 — TONfr - OP - ()balk, Allot. Apply tO SVORKTiIAN & 00., 393 Walnut otnot, ; FINANCIAL. - , , aog lIA.BRISSON GR &MHO 13:41a p KEIL . . DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS REOL'IVED AND INTEThe - EST ALLOWED'ON,DAILY BALANCES': "'ORDERS PROMPTLY- EBRO:ITEM FOR THE PURCHASE AND 'SALE. OF ALL "RELIABLE SE CURITIES. COLLECTIONS MADE EVERYWHERE. REAL ESTATE COLLATERAL LOANS NEGO TIATED. , N t o. 203 13.,31XTE1 Bt., Pitilada,. . sun *aro • NOTICE TO TRUSTEES AND EXECUTORS. The cheapest investment authorized by aw aro the General Illortgage'llonds of the 'Pennsylvania R. B. Co. APPLY TO D. 0; WH_,MON_V - TrPH & BAN is,Kr4' AND , nosus,_ : - No. 121 4 8. THIRD ST w REET. nb ly )lEDICA . ThLv&L An UNFAILING REMEDY for NEUP:aLGIA FA- CiArie, often effecting a perfect mire In a single clay. to form ofjfervons Disease fails to yield to its wonder ful power: Even in theseverekt cases of. Chronic Neu ralgia, affecting the entire system, its use for a few days affords the most astonishing. relief, and rarely fails to produce a complete and permanent cure. It contains no materials in the slightcst degree injurious. It has the unqualified approval of the host physicians. Vhonsands, in every part of the country, gratefully ackno - tvlage its Dower to soothe the tortured nerves, and restore the failing strength.' • Sent by mall on receipt of price and postage. One package tit 00 Postage conts. Six packages - -5 C 0 27 11 /t is sold by all Deal'erS in . Drugs and Medicines. TIIRNER & CO., Proprietors. 120 Tremont streetOloston, Mass. ocl s to th cow ly I.'HAVELERS" OA. DEN AND ATLANI ' ::. RAIL ROAD—WINTER ARRANGEMENT.—On and 'alter MONDAY, October 20, bee, trains will leave Vtne street Ferry an Inilowfi : 6?... Freight (with passenger car)...... ............... ..... 7.00..1. M. Mail B.OOA. 111. Atlantic Accommodationt 3.45 P. M. RETURNING, LEA VD' ATLANTICI: Freight .-- 11.40 A. M. Mail_ •3 20 P. M. Atlantic Accommodationo. 0.15 A. M. LOCAL TRAINS LEAVE : For Haddonfield, 9:00 and 10.15 A. 51., and 2.Q)) and 6.00 1),.M. - • . . FM. A tcmand intermediate etations 10.15 A.M. For ilanimouton and Intermediate static n5.....6.00 P. M. RETURNING. LEAVE :' Haddonfield, 6.00 and 11.00. A: M., and 1.00,3.15 and 10.60 P. M. Atco, 12.15 P. 31.:_ Hammonton, 6.00 A. 31. :Night Trains for Haddonfield leave Camden at 6.45 and 11.30 P. M . Freight must be delivered at Vine Street wharf by 4.00 P. M. to insure its transportation text day. D. H. 311114. DV,Agent. DOW GLASS fi x . WINDO W. GLASS, Qa x 56 SINGLE AND DOUBLE TRICK. tliV BEST AMERICAN BRANDS. VERTREN `II GLASS. suPERIO Ql3 kLETIES. 44x 72 Bwl-0 SINGLE - AND TRIER.) • Glx ,ENGTLTSU. CRYSTAL 44 . x 66 02 GLASS•FOR PHOTOGRAPHS,. PICTURES AND DWELLINGS. WAR RANTED NOT TO STAIN. SUPE RIOR TO ANY OTHER. IMPORTED. 2 , , • . , . x CAR GLASS FOR OARS ANO rd LOCOMOTIVE HEAD-LIGHTS. AND EN GINES. VERT FLAT..PERFECTLY AN NEALE.D. EVRY SIZE: . • • 72 - 4x61) MERED GL A Si., !..; • AND 1 INCH THIGN. FOR FLOORS AND ROOFING PURPOSES. BENJAMIN - H. SHOEMAKER, 502.1 ImF, No. 2(15. 207. 'k) and 211 N. N.Ftt tilt street GAS FIXTURES LIAS FIXTURES.—MISKEY, MERRILL Vf & THACBABA, No. 718 Chestnut street, mann facturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &c., &d., would cal the attention of the public to their large and elegant as .sortment of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, Sec. They also introduce gas pipes into dwellings and public buildings. and attend to extending, altering and repair ng gas ripen. All work warranted. REAL ESTATE SALES. fFri, EXEC U TOR'S PEI-LEAP TOE. Y SALE. Mk —Estate of William S. Ilulimrell, deceased. TilfllllllS Sons, Auctioneers, Modern Three-story Brick Residence t<ith side yard, No. Ng North Sixth .t rest, above linttonwood street, 26 feet trout. On Tuesday. October 10th, 1070, at 12 o'clock, noon, v sold at public sale, withaut reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story ,brick messmi ge. with two-story lack building and lot of grown], sitmite on the . west side of Sixth street, aleN' e But toutvood street N 0.5116; the lot containing in front on Sixth street 26 feet, and extending in depth 11l fret 152 incites. The Itcitie is well and substantially built 'rims parlor. dining-room and kitchen oa the first floor; gas, bath, hot und cold water, furnace, cooking re , I,tine—Half cash. immediate possession. ale peremptory. MAT be examined. y order or SAMUEL S. SCATTERGOOD. Executor. M. T110;11.4S & SONS;, Auctioneers, '139 and 141 South Fourth street. Ml= fp REAL ESTATE.—T . OMAS & SONS' lax Sale.—Valuable. Coal Yard, liwellings, Shedding, Stable, Sze., northeast corner of American and York streets, Nineteenth Ward. On Tuesday, October 15th, 7870, at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at phbllc sale, at, the KindMOM Exchange, all that lot of .ground and the improvements thereon erected, situate at the north east corner of American and York streets, Nineteenth Ward ; containing in front on American street 5) feet, and extending in depth along York street 121 feet 9 inches to Philip street—three fronts. The improve menfs a three-story brick dwelling, frame stable, coal shedding, trestle work •and track, (dice, weigh scales. &c. Terms—Cash. Immediate possession. Al. THOMAS A: SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street.. As - F - M — SALE BY ORDER OF. HEIRS. iitiThomad & Sons Auctionours.—lrour-story brick lmelling; No. 1320 Sons, street, with two threelitory ; brick dwellings in the rear on Pearl ,street. TuesdaY, oetober 18. 1870, at 12 o'clock % noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those brick messuages and the lot of ground [hereunto belonging, situ sou the south side of Wood street:. west of Thir teent treet, No. 13211; containing in front on Wood street le feet 4 inches, and extending in depth 69 feet 3 inches to Pearl street. The improvements are Ott four story brick dwelling fronting on Wood street. and 2 three-story brick dwellings in the rear, one fronting on Pearl street, No. 1321 • • Subject to an Irredeemable yearly ground rent of 5',49 81. Immediate possession. Marberexamined. M. THOMAS SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 111 - Small Fe nrth street. 0. 1 . REAL ESTATE.TH OM AS & SONS J 1 Sale.—Modern fun r-stor'y Brick Residence, No. 1912 Pine street, West of Eighteenth street. On Tuesday, September 19, liao ; at 12 o'clock, neen,will be 801(114 pub lic sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that' modern ton r-i• tory brick messuage, with three-story double back buihlinge and lot of ground thereunto belonging,situate 011_1.11e south side of Pine street, west or Eighteenth et., No.. 1912 ; Containing in front on Pine street 72 feet, and extending in depth 99 feet. The house is in good order, and has all the modern conyeniences4 gas, two bath rooms, water-closet, furnace, two cooking ranges, &c, Terms-8 Immediate possessieu t Keys at Clark & Ettings, 711 Walnut street. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. 139 and 141-8,-Fourth street. % fp REAL EbTATE. - -THOMAS & SONS' J 1I!11 Sale.—Desiness Stand. , Three-story brick Store 4 and Dwelling, No. 441 North Second street, below Noble ; ,. street. On Tuesday ,October lein, at 12 o'clock , nooa, will be sold at public side, et the Philadelphia Exchange, . all that valuable three-story brick store and dwelling, with one-story kitchen and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Second street, between Willow lad Noble streets, No. 441 • containing in front on Second street 20 feet, and extending in depth fig feet. WY" (Dear of all incumbrance. Terms—es.ooOnmy remain on mortgage. Sir Immediate POti!let30011. Kelm at N 0.439 (next door). M. THOMAS ,Ct SONS, Auctionnerti, 139 and 01S.;tith Fonilii street MEM e. 17 REAL NSTATE.—THOMAS & SONS, vale.—Desirable three-story brick Dwelling, No. 1119 Vine street. west of Eleventh' street. On Tuesday, October 18th, 1870, at 19 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that thrce•story brick ITIOEIHUllgt!, with two.story back building,and• lot of ground, situate oa the north nude of Vino street, west of Eleventh street, No. 1119; containing in trout on Vine street 18 feet - 2..4 inches, and extending In depth 140 feet to Pearl street. It Imp gas, bath, furnace, Etc. • Terms—Half cash. -..._ Immediate possession. lil, THOMAS ONS,Auetioneers, . • 139 and Ill y South Fourth street,. ri A .PUBLIC SALE.—TEi OM AS & SONS' uctioneers.—Large iWi ind nable Lot, No. NM outNitreet.22r by 120 feet On Tuesday, OCtober Pi, - 187 e, 12 o'clocrt, noon, will be Hold at public sale; at the P dladel phis. kxeliange. all; that valuable lot of ground and the linprove.ments thereon erected, situate on the south side of South 3treet, 10 feet east of Clifton smut, No. 102.4 ; eobtaining in front on South street .24 feet, and extending in depth 120 foot to Alaska. street. Thelmprovements.are a t tame d welling on South street, frame dwelling on Alaska street, and 3 three-story brick dwellings; forming a court. Mr Clear of all metunbranee. V. TIIONAS & SONS. Auctioneers, , la and Ail South Fourth Ptri/44.11 • RgaiLFSTATE.--THONAB Bc. • z .'.•- Sale.—On - Tuesday, October, :• 18th, 18714:44 - : 12- • ' ocki• 'noon, will bedioldat public:l Sale,. at thoßbila dolphin Exchange, the following desCribed prepertY'Ala.: No. 1.-TwaittOdern'Three-storr fltiOrDwellinge, Nos. 1807 and Ina Idervine' street: -All-Those two. modem three.story brickmetanagasovithtwo-stOrth4k , balld ings. and ,lota• of: Ammo, altuate , Ml , the',eaat Idervine street, above illontgomerr-avenne r t•Nns- /M 7 •-• and lir2s ; each contain i lig in front on - lll:lrvine, ott 16 '• feet, and extendingin pth 76. feet, ..-They. have,t gab •• . introduced, bath, hot a d cold water, furnace,. coo g.- range, underground drainage44u. - • . They will be sold separately. , • Clear of all incumbrance. -- Iminediatii , possession. • Terms-Q2 , 000 may remain on mortgage'. Hoye ap • 1855 Comae . street.- . . • No. 2.-Modern Dwelling, No. 1848 Caftan street.. All thatmodern three-story brick messuage, with two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Cameo Street, above Montgomery avenue, No. 1846;. containing In front 16 feet, and extendingin depth 75 , feet, It has, bath, hot and cold' water, furnace, cooltielprange, underground drainage, '''''•• • • ''St •11C2r - ciair of all incunibrancej:' • ••• • Terms-82,00 may remain on mortgage. Keys at No. • 1E55 Corner street. . AI: THOMAS & SKONS, AuctiOneera. - 139 and 141 South Fourth street.. . TRUSTEE'S PEIZEMPTORX SALE Jalsl. -Timmer; R :Sons, Auctieneers.:-Genteel 'Three- .• story Dwelling, No. 711 ChristialreeS ‘ west of Seven , street., Ofi Teesday i ober,lB, le 0, at 4,2 o'clock,moon, • will be sold at public sale, tiiithoil resertM at the Phila delphia Exchange, all that i itbree•story brick messuoge, with two-story back buildings and lot of ground; situate • on the ninth side of Chrlstian_otreet, west of Seventh • street, N 0.711 ; thence extending northward 62 feet 10' inches, more or less, to a 4 feet wide alley, (which' ex tends westward from Seventh street from a point 77 feet north of Oblation street ;l thence along said alley 13 feet 11 inches ; thence southward 60 feet, • more .or less, to Christian street.; thence along Christian street 16 feet - to the'place of beginning. It has parlor, dining-room. and kitchen on first flobr,-gaa bath, hot and cold Water s cooking range,-&c. Front chamber, second fAvy i , hag stationary marble waeli-stund. " The westernmost party, wall reserved ; It doe ; not be:: long to the estate. ' • To be subject to a mortgage of $2OOO now= ho . pe hot. ty mediate posseaslon. Key at Lumber-Ye Office, No. 701.,Carmaiter street. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, eel 8_1.5_ •139 and 141 South Fourtlistret.' eIREAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' Sale.-On Tuesday, October 18,1870, at 12.u'elecki - • noon; will be sold at public *le, at the Philadelphia ' Exchange, thefolloWing-described property, Viz.: No. 1.-Modern three-story Brick Residence,' with:•Side Yard, No. 1416 North Seventeenth street , above Master street. All that modern three-story brick meggnage.. with three-story back buildings and lot of ground, Situ- . 'ate on the west side of beventeenth,etreet. 140,feet.north of Master street, No. 1416 ;_ the lot containing In front on Seventeenth street 22:feet 6 inches, -and extliintlitrigter -- IWeptli 95 feet. The house has the modern conveniences ; gas, bath, hot • and cold water, water-closet, furnace, cooking-range, &c. Keys at the Office of Wm. E. Littleton, N 0.514 Walnup street. Terms-. 96,000 may retain on Mortgage. - Immediate possess ion. • No. 2,toloilern three-story brick dwelling No. 1942 North Tdiath street. All that genteel three-story brick inessuage, with three. story-beck builuing - andlot of • ground, situate on the west side of Tiftith street, 354 feet north of Berke street,. No. 1942 : containing in front on Tenth street I 6 feet. and extending in4tepth 54feet to a 4 feet *wide alley.- It has gas, bath, kc. • • • . Terms-82,060 may remain qn mortgage. Enntediate • possession. . •31. THOMAS SONS, Auctioneers,' se22-ocB 15 N0..139 and 141 S. Feurtlietrect:_ A SAFE, ERTAIN AND ledy Cure FOR Drallia AND ALL RVOUS SEARS. Effects are Magical. • - REALESTATE—THOMAS s(y . N - s , Sal e.—Modern three-story rssblence. No. 94.4 North 1 , 0111 street, above Poplarrstreet. Ttiestitty, October Id, 1.570. at 32 o'clock ; noon, wilbbe sold at publie sale, at the Philadelphia :,111xcluin go, all that modern three story brick messnage,...with back bottling and lot of ground, situate" 07:Me West'. side of Fifth street, north of Poplar street, N0.'051 ; containg it front on Fifth sti cot 15 feet. and extending in depth on tho. north line 95 feetlOWeinches.and pit the south line 95 feet -7 inches. ,Subject to the restrietion thatrno-shiughter house manufactory or.court shall be erected 841 lot.. The house has parlor. ce , dining-room and kitchen tit, tho flret.floor : -2 chambers, sitting.ruom and bath=ron on the second floor, and 4 ohambers'on the third.flopr ; has gas, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking-range, &c. Terms—Half cash. Immediate poseeseion.. : its` eye the Auction Rooms. ' Di, 'II'IOIIIAS .5: SONS. Auctioneers, se24-oct 15 No. 139 and 141 South Fourth'Street, , ' - REAL ESTATE SALM. r „, PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF ll eirs.—Estate of Joseph Dickinspu„deceased.— T 1 omen & Sons,Auctioneers.-25. story Stone Dwell.• ing, Blacksmitland Ilibeelwright Shops, StablU .and 6 Acres, Beading fturnpike and Wissahickon creek; . Chestnut Hill, Twenty•segond Ward, about Ti of a mile from the railroad station. and ;a if; a mile of .Wissa hickon ttyrflpilio l'age.4zi, October 26.1570. at 12 . noon. will be sold at üblic sale, nt the Phila, delphia Exchange,linhose buliSings and - thes acres of groped, situa'o on the Reading turnpike, about It of a mile from the Chestnut Hill hail 'tad station; Chest nut Hill, ndjoi'ting lands of the Hildebn rn estate ' and otipositnthe elegant! country - sent of "Joseph !Trotter. The improvements are e,:cli4oryatone dwelling; lies 7 rooms and piazza ; frame .black , iinith and wheel wright shops. stable part stone and frarne). good water, ac. The property extends back to the Wissahickon creek. on which it lies a trout of about HO feet. Terms--One-third ill bird at !vain. AI: THOMAS SONS, Auctioneers, t " 119 and 141 South Eourth!street. ocl-8 15 22 r4 - 74,•REAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SO NS' oh: Sale.— Four-story Brick Residence, No. 705 South Tenth etteet. below Bainbridge street. On Tuesday. October 18, 1370, at 12 o'clock, uoon,will be sold at public sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that four;_stor:y brick inepsuage. with three-story hack buildings - and let of grountheituate on the east side of Tenth street; 40 feet septh of Batebridge (late Shippen) street; thence extending eastwardly 90 feet to Ronaldson 'a ceurtery thence eontliwardly along the line of same 35 feeteto the' north end of a 6 feet wide alley ; thence westwardly 3 feet ;thence northeMrd ly 17 feet ; thence westwardly to Tenth street ; thencealong the east stile of Tenthaireet 18 feet to the piece, of beginning. The house is well built. and in • ood order thronehout • containall rooms* tab tie gas.t 'tong lout, tat t. .ot an co wa ing•rango, heater. numerous large closets, Scc. la , '" Clear of alrincumbranee. . Immediate roBBol3llioll. May be examined any day rirevione to sale. ' at-tho _AuotiOtt Roomel_ — lllTTlloslAS&:haNS,'Ametioneere, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. SALE BY ORDER' OF st;l. Estate of Robert. Burton,. deceased.—Thoma s tons, Auctioneers --Yery Elegant Three-story Brick Residen'ze. No. 1418 Walnut sheet, West of Broad street, 25 feet front, P.N3 feet deep to-Brighton street. two fronts. On Tuesday, October 18th, M'O. at 12 o'clock, pain, will be sold at public sale, at :the Philadelphia Ex change, all that very elegant -threThttory bzick mes suede, with extensive three-story back buildings and lot of ground, situate en the south side of' Walnut street, west of Broad street, No. 1418: the lot contairrivg in front on Walnut street 25 feet and extending in depth 120 feet to Brighton street. The house is well and sub stantially built, and finished in a superior manner, with all the modern improvements and convenieucea;:two parlors and two kitchens on the first floor; two coin !unctions chambers, dressing-room, dining-room ervitit pantries and dumb waiter), library and verandah on second floor ; gas, two bathe, water-closet - a,. bell-galls, two furnace's. cooking-range. &re. Terms- Half cash. Immediate possession. Nay be examined on application to the Anctionerq. TIIOI4S , SON, Auctioneers, 0e22 ocfBls M=Bli=l REAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' Edgil 'Sale.—Mod ern three-story Brick Restilenba. No• 90 Franklin street. between Poplar street and' Girard' avenue, 24 feet front. On Tuesday, October 18th,' 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will he sold at public sale, at thu Philacelphia Exchange, all that handsome modern. three-story brick rnesstinge,witb three-story back build ing and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Frank lin street, north of Poplar street, No. 965 ; the lot col aining in front on. Franklin street 24 feet, and mttenu- Ma in depth 72 feet 4 inches. The house is finished With all the modern conveniences ; large parlor, dining-room and kitchen on the first floor ; inside front shutters, gas, two baths, hot and cold water; water-closet, furnace, cooking-rango, Immediate possession. May be examined any day previous to sale. • —M. TIIOMAS A' SONS, Auctioneers - , set: ocB 15 111 and 141 South Fourth street el HEAL ESTATE-THOMAS &SONS' Sale.—Modern Threeldery Brick „Residence s No. 769 South Twentletludreet, below. Fitzwater street. On Tuesday, October:ls,lB7o, at 12 Wein*, . noon '; will ho sold at. public sale; et , the Philadelpfila: Exchange, all . that modern three-story brick meseuage, With two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Twentieth street, south of . Fitzwater street, No. 769 ; containing in front on Twentieth street 16 feet, and extending in depth 62 feat to a 4 feet wide alley; with the privilege thereof. The house is well and has_ the modern COIIVeIIiCDC('S 1111106011101 y papered and • - painted ; has saloon parlor, dining-room anti kitchen on first floor; comedians chambers, sitting-room, storo and bath-room on second floor ; gas, bath, hot and cold cater. cooking-range, &e. Subject to a redeemableyearly 134 ground rent of 6. 1_ 'lmmediate possession. May be examined any day 1 previous to sale. , . 11If THOMAS .t SONS. A netioneers. 139 and 111 South Fourth street. frTO CAPITALISTS, BUILDERS AND Others.—Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers.—Largo and Valuable Lot, N. W. corner of Locust and Twenty third streets ; 110 by 05 feet-3 fronts. On 'Tuesday, October 10, WU, at 12 o'clock, Iluen , will be ould at public sale, at the Phlladelphity:Echauge, ‘alF that large and valuable lot of ground, situate. at , the N.'W. gorner of Locust aneTwentv•thlrd streets Aihtuu / ; cunt elnio/1 in trout on Locust street 10.fout, and ex - tendtug along Twenty-third street Itlld a 20-feet wide street 55 feet 3 inches, mute less-3 frontB. • . liubject ton lease,Avhich expires 14th 'April, 107]. deo Plan at the Auction SI oa r. 151. TIII/MAS t SONS, Auctioneers, 130 and Itl S. Fourtkareet. ffm- REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS SONS' d SR/V.—Modern three-story Brick Dwelling, No. 321 New street, west of Third street.—On Tuesday, Octobet,. 10th, 107e,at 'l2 o'clock, boon, will be sold at public sale: , at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that three story °rick tneFsuage, with two. story back - buildings. - and lot of Thirdsituate on till‘llo rill side of New strootovest of Third street, No. 321 ; contalntng in front on Now street 20 feet, and extending in depth 82 feet t cites( including on the west side thereof the whole of an ley 3 feet wide by 3s feet deep, as the &Me to II OW btlii t, fel . 4 used,. of which alley the property adjoining tin the, won has the common lIEW and privilege aAit passage-ivar and wa ter course forever./ The house has gas, furnace, bath room, hot and cal water, &c.. Rents for.,S6olla year. .Terms—;sl,stObly rehmin on mortgage. U-/ Clear dna hteumbranco. Possetmion by Pecanibor bd. • ht..TIIOXUA.S. & SONS, Auctioneers. 13U owl 111 South Fourth st. inREAL ESTATE.—THOMAS 84 SONS' Ealo.'—•Modern Three-story Erick Residence, No.. 22.0 Mt. Vernon street, west of Twenty-second street. On Tuesday, October , lB, 1070. at 12 o clock, noon, wilt be soldutpublie sato, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that nilOorn three•story brick niessnatro, with two-story back buildings end - lot of ground. situate on the south side of Mt. Vernon strqetyl Ott: of TWenty-second street, No. 2208 ; contai w nurt'ilr Went on Mt. Vernoti, street, 16 feet, and ON toad ing to depth 61 feet '6 inohea tcf: n three-feet wide alley, with tam privilege thereof. The house 113 geed repair ; contains 8 rooms, nag gas and bath-room, not mid cold, water, heater in collar, fur nace, cooking-range, ,te. • • Teritis--5q.600 mug rent:tin on mortgage. lge'llumediata pop.mslon. VITOMAS, Sc. SONS, Auctioneers, • r /11110Uttl rvaro/ matt, oe 315
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