OCTOBER PEBIOOUU9, Hie - first October, -magazine ■•received-to Horne* Monllili', sent ns by Turner & Co. It contains illustrated papers on the V oungMens Christian Association, “Six W eeks in Florida." and Frederick the Great, while some of the stories are embellished. An ar ticiedrill of tlie mostminute, nnd on the whole agreeable peitautsy.-ls entitled .“The Sacred Flora," mid gives, the traditional qualities ot those fruits and roots to which fable attaches supernatural power, the subject is left incom plete in-the present essay, and will be resumed. /Tbe novels include “ Anteros,” by the author of “ Guv .Livingstone, ” “The Old Love Again," by Annie Thomas, (concluded); “ An dn-w Furness," by the author of “ Veronica,” and some short stpries. Sir. Curtis talks very pleasantly on War and Popular Opinion, on the Country Circus, and on Public Gratitude, and Personal Ambition; the “Eecords ”■ are -u-eil kept vip, and the “ Drawer” is grave and to the purpose, as usual. Harper's, initsforty jirst volume, is as alert and lively to catch the passing humor of the day as when it dashed into the arena twenty years ago. CITS BDJLLETIJN. —The Board of Public Educatiou held a fisted meeting yesterday afternoon, M. Hall Stanton, Esq., President, in the chair. The new school-house at Seventh and Dickerson streets was named “First Section Gram mar School. 1 ’ A communication was received from the Sixth Section protesting against the u«e of the Fifth Street. Public School Building for parochial school purposes. The new school-house at. Twenty ; tliird and Jefferson streets has been named “ Edward Grau School." The Twenty-fourth Sectional Board a«k for an appropriation of $45,000 for the election of school-houses on the lot Thirty eiahth stieet, .north of Powelton avcnue. A eimimunication was received from certain tax pavers of the city, asking the re-establishment of'a Professorship for the teaching of the French Tanmi£Seiir"tße""Higlr“Schooj7~"The'Gc)m -iniUee on* Property " reported a -resolution in favor of drawing a warrant for Isaac Korris to the amount of $9,100, for a lot of around at the corner of Hancock and Cumber fancl streets; also, a warrant for H. W. Cath erwood for $5,850 10, for a lot on Adams street, near Amber, Nineteenth Section. Adopted. The Board confirmed as music teachers the following-named in the sections designated: Fourth Section, Jane Porter: Fifth G. B. Higgins; Sixth, John Bower; Seventh, Hiss Fitton ; Eleventh, Agnes Mc- Cartney: Seventeenth, Julia H. Fierst; Eigh teenth,'Kate H. Chandler; Twentieth, Martha Green and H.C.Fitton; Twenty-second,Bessie Archer: Twenty-eighth, Josie Otley. A resolu tion was adopted to the effect that hereafter no pupil shall be admitted in the Boys 1 High or Gills' Normal School who has not attended school. in the section from which he or she is sent at least one school term. A resolution was adopted that the Committee on Qualiticatioiuof Teachers be requested to su perintend the-examination of applicants when ever they may present themselves for music teachers’ certificates. A resolution was offered and referred to the joint Committee of High and Normal Schools, requiring that hereafter admissions to those schools be apportioned among the grammar schools of the seveial sec tions according to the number of-pupils attend ing the schools in said sections. A resolution was adopted to the. eiVcct that when-grouuu ' reiits-ave payable in silver, the Secretary of the Boat'd shall consult the'qiiotatioiia.rQf Djexel and Jay Cooke, and be guided by them in drawing his warrants. The Handel and Haydn Music Society of this city is an organization that is so well known to onr citizens that it needs no com mendation at aur bands.. .Having brought out a large uumber-of oratorios in. this city, and always giving concerts celebrated for their thoroughness and perfection, they are also well known to our musical experts. The Society has recently removed lrom their old hall, at Eighth and Green streets,where they have been for many years, and have taken the hall foi meriy used'by the Free German congregation, No. 445 North Fifth street. The first meeting took place last evening, at their new hall, being the annual one of the stockholders, ns well as the first held by the Society this season. From the annual report, which was presented, we glean the following facts: The • stockholders number about eighty, and the officers consist of a board of fifteen, annually elected, who have control of all the interests of the Society. The membership numbers 102, tbe majority of whom are singers, and by whom tbe concerts,so justly celebrated,are given. In connection with tbe Society there is a very fine musical library, wbieli is valued at $5,0H0, and which is constantly being added to by purchases,- the amount expended last year for this purpose being $415 10. Three regular concerts were given during tbe season by the Society":' "'on'" the 14tlr of December, isiiu: February 8, 1870; April 10, 1870. Two extra concerts were also given, one of which was for the benefit of the Young Men’s Christian Association, May 12, the last ol the series taking place on the :11st of May. krom the treasurer's report we learn that the receipts were $B,BBB 02. The expenditures were also heavy,footing up $8,048 01. The balance in the treasury is $2BO 71, which yvas the amount of profits ol last season. The first general re hearsal of the Society will take place on Tues day next, the 20th instant, at which none but members will be admitted. After the reading of the reports, the annual election for officers to serve the ensuing year was gone into, and the following gentlemen were declared to be elected: President, U. T. White; Vice Presi dents, J. G. I'msted and J. Barton Smith; Treasurer, Edward Bains; Secretary, E. F. Stewart: Librarian, J. H. Pilley; Directors, William N. Freeland, J. G. Maree, William M. Abbey, O. W. Miller, William Foley, J. G. Whiteman, R. B. Yates, Joseph Monior, James S. Francis. The second sale of scats in the new syna gogue. corner of Broad and Mount Vernon streets, took place last evening. At the first sale some seats in firsficlass pews were sold at a premium of $5OO, which made the cost of a - pew of six seats, with the premium pita of $1,500, to be $4,500. Last evening quite a number of first-class pews were sold at a pre mium ranging from $l4O to $2lO per seat, making the cost of the pews from $2,0-;0 to s:’.,ono. Among purchasers of this class were Messrs. L. Walker, E. Wolf, A. Wolf, Levi Ilink, L. Mayer, Mason Hink, M. Traiitman, and others. The highest premium paid last evening was $2lO on four seats, by Mr. Traut man. The sale was conducted by Mr. Alex ander ltbeinstein, and the bidding throughout the evening was very spirited. About nine o'clock nearly all .the first-class pews, cpmprir sing the.first .sixteen .benches on the main floor and the first live in the gallery, had been sold; and the second-class pews, comprising some two hundred and forty seats, were offered. ~ r - The .premium on these seats averaged from $BO to ss<>, the minimum price for a pew be ing $lO 50. —John iS. Cropley, charged with perjury, in personating JohnSeheuknl, in tho matlcr of the bail of Ned Lyons, iiad a further hearing before Aid. Kerr yesterday afternoon. It was "in eyidencKthar Cropley'had' told "James Henry, a Justice of the Peace in Newton town ship, New Jersey, that he had been before the lice order, and entered bail -for Ned Lyons, tvlio was a poor fellow, and this, was before it was publicly known that Lyons was the real name of the man arrested. -The. defendant y-;v. : fr-iPnrMted in default of $B,OOO bail. PuiT.AnKi.rni A evening bulletin. wednesbay, September m.-i m-. ; ? —Messrs. Thomas & Sons, sold attlie s clianee yesterday the following stocks and real ? o<tSf 2-5 shares Delaware Avenue Market • Company, $BO. 50; 20 shares Delaware Ave nue Market Company, S 3? 25 j. twe^Oentrai •*rs2£*t{,%V££ BSSS i i ansportation, $• > Central I lansportation’ $>16 shares Bank; of /North 'Ai nerica, $223 G 0 ;_ C shares Western National li'mk WO 25: 10shares West JerseyfUilroad, tin oi"; 4 shares Continental Hotel Company, V7B: 1 share Mercantile Library Company, suy 50; 1 share Academy of Itme Arts,slo , l share Philadelphia Library Company, $6 d-00, three-story brick mill, with engine, boiler, Ac., iimthwest corner Ridge avenue and Twenty first street, subject to yearly ground rent of $285, $6,250; lot Twenty-second street; south of Chestnut street, 17 feet front, 82.600; lot Twenty-third street, south of Chestnut street, 17 feet i' rout > $2 ’ o ’ o ( Tasker street, east of Eighth, 08 feet front, $2,000; lot, Anthony street, west of Seventh, i irst Ward, 10 feet front, $270: mo ‘i® m s l: hence, No. 3 West Penn Square, 21 feet i inches front, $10,050; two-story bra* dwell- | iiig, No. 1713 South Twelfth st eet, 10 feet front, $1,050; tlnee-story brick budding and dwelling, &c., Nos. 1515, 1517 and loll) Sputh Front street, $18,000; large stone machine shop, mansion, factory, stables, ten , ant Ac., corner Prankford road and Iranktord creek, Twenty-fifth Ward, known as Bridge water Iron Works, $45,000; two and a half story brick dwelling, No. 781 South Thud - street, 15 feet 5 inches front, $3,.»0; four-story brick dwelling, No. 1820 Wood street, with two, dwellings in the rear, $2,600; three-story brick dwelling, No. 230 Monroe street, 10 feet 0 inches front, $2,050; country place, 1 acre 1 5-10 perches, No. 5746 Main street, above. Al len’s lane, Mount-Airy, $3,025. a —Anthony Bale, known as Tony, was before Alderman Smith, yesterday, on the charge ot stealing'a horse, wagon and harness, valued at s4sorirpmthe-stable*of-Matthias4jouderbackj > at Sixth and Somerset streets, on the night ot the 2d of August last. The testimony showed that lie subsequently sold the entire outfit tor representing himself as a sheriffs .omcei deputed to sell it. mitted to answer in delault ot so,ooo ban. —William Geddes, aged 73 years, acc. dentally shot himself while gunning in Harper s woods, Twenty-second Ward, yesterday. The deceased, with a companion, had been shooting together, and the comrade had shot a bird which lodged in the bushes. Deceased at tempted to draw it out with a gun, when the trigger caught and the gun went off, the chaige lodging in bis breast. .... , , About four hundred soldiers orphans, by invitation of President'Frazier, of the Camden and Atlautic Railroad, made an excursion over the road to Atlantic City, yesterday. The little | ones enjoyed a pleasant sojourn a.i the seaside and returned to the city last evening The shoe store of W. V> • Graham, No. d'22o South street, was entered early yesterday morning and was robbed of thirty pausof shoes. Pat Deviuney, Pat Smith and W. Con sul were before Alderman Kerr, yesterday, on ihe charge of having been concerned in the .jobbery, and were committed for a fuithei leaving. —The Rev. William Newton,late of N orwalk. Ohio, has accepted a call to the Rectorship ol the Church of the Nativity, Eleventh and .Mount Vernon streets, and will enter upon his do dies about the Ist of October. —Mr. George K,. Reed, a reporter of the Fn-xs, was among tiie passengers who were se- V i>! ely injured on Monday by the accident on | i Dehigh and Susquehanna Railroad. SEW .II'.KNK Y MATTERS. Political— There is a rumor, which has obtained pretty wide circulation, to the eliect iliat a few dissatisfied members of the Repub lican party--are-taking, measures .to place another candidate in the field for Congress against John W. Hazleton, the regular nomi ,-nee. If this is done, it is evident that the ob ject is intended to defeat Mr. Hazleton and elect a Democrat, a measure which no honest Republican ought to give countenance and support. The contest was fairly fought for nomination, and the disappointed as well as the successful should now do all withiu their power to secure the triumph of the nominee of the Convention. The County Clerkship. —The feelings of disappointment engendered among the friends of the disappointed candidates for clerkship of Camden county have all been pretty much healed, and John W. Cain, the nominee, has now a clear and open field before him. T et, there is hard work to do. Republicans should not let a sense of security lull them into indif ference. If they are sure of success, they should be equally vigorous to see how big a majority they can give. Committed in Default.— Mayor Con, yesterday, save a hearing to a young man called Meny Garratt, charged with having committed an atrocious assault and battery upon one Win. News, of Philadelphia. News was terribly cut about the head. Garratt was required to lind bail in SoUU, in default of which he was com mitted to answer. There are several com plaints against defendant. _ Seuenade.— Last evening a complimentary serenade was tendered to lion. James M. wovel, by the band of the Sixth New Jersey li niment, of which Mr. Seovel has just been el wted Colonel. He gracefully accepted it, and u ine and eloquence flowed like water. II vv Market.— Workmen are engaged in building' the Hay Market on the new wharf below the West Jersey ferry. This will be a meat advantage to farmers who sell and those v ho purchase hay in and around Camden. Drunkenness. —Several parties were ar ■sted last evening for drunken and disorderly mduct in the streets. They were locked up, iid this morning were ordered to pay the usual nes. The Cut UT'.—The business of the Special uni t the present term is quite heavy. A very u-ge number of cases is on the list. The I‘oimlnllon of The population of l’aris, according to a cen sus taken in ISOS, amounted to’2,l")0,!»lli souls, i,r whom ii,nits,7B(s were bom in France; that is, 7:’,;;, 47S in the Department of the Seine, ami 1,21*d,20S in other departments. Of the remaining lii'AlSO remaining persons, 0,00-l weie naturalized citizens, d4,27d Oermans, •’..i.OStrßelgians, 10,t»57 Swiss, 0,100 English. 7. -.'Ud Italians, t!,ti.j4 llollan<lersj”"4yHW' Aider uns, Poles, 2,odd Spaniards, l,:ioO Kas dans, oil Scandinavians, 329 Moldo-Walla chians, 3J3 Turks,2oo Greeks, and 0,700 i'oiv eianers of all other nations. This census, 44* will be obseived, gives 0-1,273 as the number of (leruians in Paris, and hence the recent report Viiat thePnissians in that city were over 80,000' nitisl have been greatly exaggerated; Adding the Belgians ami'Hollanders, the number, it is true, is raised to 13,1)15, but natives Of these countries cannot be ranked amon" the citizens who were so objectionable to the French. Trv. RIDING SCHOOL.-Mil. E. Dl! KIKFFKK will open bin Killing School, 30S Due tin street, below Spruce, on September 13, 1870 with a goodstock Of wclf-trainod horaca. lloraoa in‘ ,id Vo Wo middle. Those keep lag lliolr horacs at this stable caii hnvofhe privilege ot .mmig-theritliiiß romii. Smidk-hbrßeauud carriages for flwtH»r«r;y~to- Hirt*. iZZ welj2t»t> £7\V PHILADELPHIA BIDING School and Livery Stable,No.333BMMlKE'l mr7,t \vill remain open all bummer. Himulbotis Olarenee CatriagoH, Hurßoa and Vehicles and Saddla 11 iToi-“eiUriUm-d for the Saddle. Boraea takou to Livery -storage for Wagons and Proprietor. INSTRUCTIONS. ASIIEB’S DANC’IWCr AC AOEMIf» S. W. Gor. Twelfth and Chestnut, i (Enlraocs on Twelfth street.) ■ AlHli'- New nod Foahioimble Dances, Taught •' Ladies and Gentlemen— Monday, Tuesday, Thursday , !1 'm itsm >nd' MasKTS— Tuesday and Saturday Aftev- Only—Saturday Evening. 4__privßto l<»sBonßrBingiy-or-iii-clasjj l at_aiiy.ho.ilc_ta_sui.t. ‘‘Knr'terma,' Circulars, etc , apply or address PROF. ASHEE.at the Academy. 8e12 r 3m5 /IARL CtAEHTNJIU’S NATIONAL OON sERVATOBY ORCHESTRA will eivo, during tbeetn&nnof 1870-71 ■ Four Grand Concorts at the. Aca demy of Sluslo; There will aieoihe given Ten Soirees of classical Chnmber-Musio in the large room of the National Conservatory of Sluslo. ‘ This Orchestra offers its services to_ the public for concerts, operatic and dramatic performances, com mencements, Ac., Ac.; aIBO, in private soirees for bolob. nonettes, ottottes, aexte-ttos.quintettes, quartettes, trios ' ftl TEmmec'mants received at the office, southeast, corner tttnth find WALNUT streets. Inscription lists at the music stores and at the office. . l_u : c 8011-lni» American academi or music. COMMENCING MONBAT, SEPT. 19, 1370. FOB SIX NIGHTS ONLY. CONGRESS OF THE DRAMATIC) STARS. The eminent Arnica. MSJ' ORT . The very popularCome.imi, sMTTn His first appearance since his trinmpliant European BUCCOPB. : ThepopularBtam rl{iNKMVYO - The eminent B r amaticArtig X](l6Bj Hia lirst appearance in this city. The popular STUDy , Yi The distin BUi6hod M C R on w U E.'FLOTB, The very Ylf. DAVENPORT, •: The velebra.^A.Hst XKL^ MoßXoNi - The Renowned The P<'Pu'%"g^- iINE oRTON, --; / Her tiißtappearance in two years-. Xhof»v6rite OT A^Ut ffc • Her «r*t appearance in several seasons,sustained by OF GREAT PLATS, WITH CASTS OF PARA MOUNT EXCELLENCE. - —in which they have jusLcreated a most wholesome fu • i rere-in SoptqW, ~ • ’ .. . ' s^ emv(j sS^Ai ; r ; ■r : " ‘TUESDAY EVENING; Sept. 20, Bouicaulfs and Bronehanrs Comedy, i LONDON ABSLRANCE. . . The sale of secured seat, will commence at the Acad -emynml ut Trumpler s Music sioro, next FRIDA! Sept. IC. - ITT A LNUT street theatre, W THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING. Sept.lt, Second week of the cnnnontartilß^ Who will appear in Bulwer’a historical play,in 0 acts,of CABDINAL RICIIELIb\....MB: EDWINEOBBEST de%\abiVat KTlUAK "7.mr7willi l am HARRIS D T111!RSIi AT -MKF ORRE S T as OTHELLO. FRIDAY-MB FORREST as JACK CADE.- MATINEE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at SATURDAY NIGHT-A GREAT BILL. fc/TRS. JOHN DREW’S ARC’H S.TREE M T MONDAY AND EVERY EYEING,'* FIRST production in this city of The powerful ploy, by Victorian Serdou, entitled “FERNANDE „ By MRS. JOHN.DREW, And the Full Company. - SEATS SECURED SIX DAYSIN ADVANCE. Box Office open from 9 to 3. II ° U -Oli' dan R ICE ■Vdet, Am- A \ofFlGHTH\rroeU X bet > 4eeri Race and Tine, MONDAY TUESDAY;«ud \VEDNESD;AYV;September * 12. IS and 11. Lot corner BKUK§SgSDIITH Streets, •••aWSHSr**** Fill DAY* September IG. Lot corner THIRTY-SIXTH and MARKET, WEST PHILADELPHIA.. , SATURDAY. September 17. Performance every AFT CKNOON a’jdUN K aO l rcnts Doors open at 2 and / oVlock. Admi 3 sioU| 50 cents children under ten years. 26 cents. 1 Be ?.. J £ a . XTEW ELEVENTH ST. OPERA HOUSE, 1\ "Eleventh Street, ahovoChestnut. fclo «>»>•" EVKKY NI ght. THE FAMILY RESORT. Established 1862. CARtiCROSS * DIXEY 8 MINSTREL*. . it . _ , The Great Star Troupe of the World in their Grand Ethiopian Soirees. , . Box office open from 10 to lo _ Treils ■I. L. C A RNCROSS. Manager. au3l 1 f s A RCH STREET OPERA HOUSE, A Arch Street, above Tenth. THE PALACE 01? MINSTRELSY. SIMMONS & SLOCUM S MTNSTRELB. THE CHAMPION TROUPE OF AMERICA. OPEN FOB THE BEA.SON. Wit), the best Minstrel organization m the worbl. Box Office open irom9A. M to 4 P.M.foi sale —of Reserved Soata. _ r':is— TTiOX’S AMERICAN THEATRE, r Novelty and Talent Every Night. X GRE AT CONGRESS OF STARS. THE BEAUTIFUL BLONDES. Wi,n '' COMPANY. ( Two Grand Ballet*. New Burlosqaesi, New Negro Acts, 80 7.tf Comic Afterpiece, Ac. .-SRSsa ' PIANO-FORTES OAUIiFULLY {Repaired Mid Tuned. Satisfaction guar* iui teed ' JB U SINEBSL CARDS. TOSEPH WALTON & CO., , CABINET MAKERS, NO. 1)3 WALNOT STREET. , . Manufacturers ot lino furniture und of medium priced '“gOODSOiTHAnIdAIfo MADE TO ORDER Counters, Desk-work, for Banks, Offices and tores, made to order. JogEpH WALTON, iJOS. W. LIPPINOOTT JOSEPH L. SCOTT JAMES L WILSON, HOUSE PAINTER, 518 SOUTH NINTH STREET, :e—522 South Ninth street. ap3o ly 4pS Eb. Wight, . . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , , lommlasioner of Doeda of PonnaylyanU I tfl Madison afreet- No. 11, C hic-ygo, Illinola. aulDtfi JTENRY PH XL LIPPI, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, NO. 1024 BAN SOM STREET, jelO-lyrp PHILADELPHIA. nOTTO NBA XL DUCK OB’ EVERY *U width, from 22 inohea to 7«inohos wide, aU number. r r U w n i‘ne a , D A d o. AWnIWi Dnok ’ ,°Evl& f 8” • ia 2H Ho 103 Church street flity Btores GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &V XfEW MACKEREL, SALMON AND 1M Shad in kltts. put up expressly for families* ftt COUSTY’S Ku«tEnd Grocery, No. 118 South Second street, below Chewtnut. . New green ginger, pickled Limes, Pickled Lambs’ Tongues, Spiced Oysters end Claim,, at COUSTY’S Boat End Urocery, No. 118 South Bocoud street, below Olicßtuut. riTABLH CLARETS FOII >1 00 PER CASE 1 ufonn dozen bottles, up in stor** and for faalo at .COUSTY’B East End Grocery, No, 118 South Second street,bolow Chestnut. •; New canned goods, green peas, Asparagus, Tomatoes, &c., are arriving. Families wishing name now is the tinm to buy cheap,at COUSTY’S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street, below "Ohesthutr- AO AA PER DOZEN "FOR GENUINE tpO.UU imported French White Wine Vinegar in crises,- very choice' ouallty, at COUSTY’S East End Grocery, South Second titreot, below- Chentnnt^ JUST RECEIYED AND IN STORE 17000 CRHoa sparkling Catawba and Oali* fornla ‘Wines, Port,Madeira, Sherry, Jamaica and Santa Cruz Bum, fine old Brandies and Whiskies, Wholosale andßotail. P. J. JOBDAN, 220 Pear street, Below Third and Walnut streets, and above Doch street. ' de7 tf JORDAN’S CELEBRATED POKE TONIC Ale for Invalids, family .use, etc. '■* Tho subscriber is now furnished with niß fall ‘Winter -supply of hiß highly nutritious and woU-known bever ago. lte wido-Bproud and increasing uae,by order ol puysicianflv'for invalldß, use of families, &cV, 'C6mmona it to the attoution of all consumers who want a strictly PMj*e article; proparod from tho best materials, and put Up in the most careful maunor for homo use or transpor tation. Orders by mail or otherwise No. 220 Pear streot, do 7 below Third and Walnut streets _ COPPER AND YELLOW —METAL Sheathing,Broiiier’a Copper Nailß, Bolts and Ingot Ooppor, constantly on hand and for sale by EUDNBI WIN 808 & 00.»N0,332 South Wharves, • - a y fr PIANOS a.b.beiciienbach, Piano Maker, 252 North Eleventh street. JJDSJCATIOK -,x h. y. tAtiD!E»tßACrt’s Academy , Edalatt.mliou pivcn to CummerclHl.Arlthu.etxc Had Elocution. English (Composition . Natural . 010000. FIELD PRACTICE in Surveying and Civil Engmeor: inga vith the UHC.of alt requisite instruimmU, L #i\ tn.to. the higher classes in. Mathematics. —A-first-claHsPriiuaryJDepnrthmiit. The best ventilated, tu&st lofty and fo Op™ for flic reception of applicants dally from 10 A. Choßtnut atraot. • mill. lm§- 1 ROBERT H. LABBERTON’S YOUNG LADIES’ACADEMY, S3B and 340 Bnufli FIFTEENTH Street, [ext term commences September 10th. it/iTR —TA’MES M. CHASE WILL RE- M flume his close's in Latin and J lir.lt Literature, September Uth. AUcliosb Roat oince Box 1810. - soft m n i Tl/fISiS TSCHUDY WILL RE-OPEN HER l\x School Sept. 19t1i,1710Pitie street. ‘W w f ml.t A VISITING GOVERNESS, WITH AK J\_ experience of aeveral years in ~ie Jj o ?* "\ c . t p!i 0 ' l Ad[ Home Education, haa now a few hours disengaged, au dress 1.. A.,at tills office. >- gl,l *. pOUBTLAKD SAUNDERS COL fw Young Men, Youth and Small Boys. ■Vfrs"BArTTCLARK .WILL iVI her Day School for Children on MON I)A 1, •September 19tli, in the school building of the Church o| the Holy Trinity, Nineteenth and W ulnut fltfl. fletjms tSEVTaLBERT HENRY BARNES, A. Ba.. K W ill reopen hie Classical «nd English School, No. CHEBTNUT street, ou MONI>A\_, jept. 12. Bdlm_ 'a /jriss*mTe. ashburner will re j\l open her Bclipol, ». W corner Fifteenth and-Un*: streets. Sept. 12th. • ♦ • • ..J.— r - -—. SCHOOL HOF F. A. VAN DER WIELEN’S EUROPEAN HOi • * • hchoolj OF ART, At 1334 CHESTNUT Strcet.lMiiladelphln.w--- Tlilfl liistitutionv modeled upon tlio . most celebrated A if„ < l™lSotKu.'o l ,B, tvill reopen TtH instructions are not limited to Artists oxciuantiyt but are also carefully adapted to the Scorn nnd all others who desire proficiency m art as an accora "mS™ maybe badataoy- time.. Circulars on plication. _ __ MISS CLEVELAND’S SCHOOL *OR Yotmg Undies will reopen un MONDAYißnytrm -4ißrl9.nt-No.-3!ua3JeliaaceyJlttse.- BL 5 lzts HTISS JULIA GOODB' EL E O W’S ']Vt 927.CHiiWnBtrea. 2 Vvn! n'-open September 19th. , riiHE MISSES. ROGERS, i<U4PINE ST., will reopen-their School for Young hadhs oml Children on UIONDAY, Soph Sth. - so 2 l.t> TARYS LIPPINCOTT& DAUGHTERS thc iOAUDING SOflOOL.at Moorea nwu. Burlington connty, N. .1., Ninth miintl> vS’i I '*.®’ ,170. For Circulars apply to B. U. SUOEM.Uv KB, an N Fourth st., or to tho Principal. rtIJAiS'ICALT MATHEMATICAL AND (J English School, 111? Morkct reopen* <» p 1.12. Booms large, WM. b. OCK>kb t■ a Ji • in_ rpHOMAS BALDWIN’S ENGLISH, 1 Mathematical and Classical Scljool I' , :ist corner of Brood and Arch, will reopen rnjffEASCH STREET INSTITUTE FOR 1 YOVNI! LADIES, 1»)5 Areli Btroot, will ro opsu ’ S6ptemVt L?M.'BROWN, Trincipa: iVITTENHOUSE ACADEMY. N. E. tVChCTtno't and Eighteenth, will begin its eoventnentli .V'lr Bonternber 12,1870. Forcircnlars, givluE full in ;.: r n r m.lon call at Blair, North west 01. o.tnutuid Eighteenth streets. . 1 8 DUOIES BABBOWS, „ J Principals, p eBK NN EYILIiB B • BBT)WIG, ) - / iHESTNUT STREET FEMALE SEMI \ , nary'"PhlUutoTDhift^MisfftiOTmerand;- 'mtc PriT>cipnis.—The Kn«U»b ,ml French’Boarding and r, ‘'J' ( . i ;y , S'4sTNߥ s‘tniS D ' vKSPAY^Sopteinlic>tUtlt,nt.. 1615 CHLSTn U i street. Particulars from Circulars. . raißM-ANTOWK SEMINARY . FOR •.. Jl.M’rin’f. _ Iini:'FEWSMITH’S CLASSICAL AND \V English School loo* Chestnut street. lie-opening MONPAY. September W. C'rcuh»ri at „r a P B Taylor’s, lOWCherttnttt Street. uu3Mn» MISSES WIES'ON WILL, TIE- L open their School for \ »raß J^'hw. Green street, Germantown, on U i.DStE&DAY,S-pteia bor 11. IH7O . -vfjss GKIFFITT’S WILL RF-OI'EN IYI her private school. September 12th, in the npner ro’min of A® School BuiUing of t « « . Kninhuny, Chestnut uml T ifte<-iUb *,mrniicf\ n?p?rgriir-0t)-cndstmit;Btrcctr «t 1120 Uirwrd street. - EKMANTOWK ACAHEMV, SCHOOL It Lane and Green street.. A thorough English and Classical school. Session op<*ns Monday, aeotembor Ml» A few vucaucjen for boarders in the family of the Principal. Send for circular C. V, MAYS. ...,24-lm. Principal. { IEOIKIK. li. BARKER, A. M., WILL ( _r rt-opon Iliß Kngliali and Claasicift School, Pncj >r«-t Genoantuwn. Sn Monday, Sept. 12th. an‘H i.o T)R AINEKU INSTITUTE, H f„,t-cl i ,^bo, t ;?in^ B chooHoVbn;-: ?SP TSS,!'IM' p^incVpiil. Madame clement-s erench and English School for Young Ladies and Chil dren, Germantown, Pa. The twenty-seventh sew on will begin September 11,1870. For circulars ad ress tha Principal. lms - /Sentrad institute, northwest 4 : cur of Tenth and Spring Garden Streets,'will re nripn Rpnt 5. Boys prepared for Business or Gollogo, J?)HNI ? .LAMIIEnTON,A. J »IL-Principal. auM-linoS UfITISS ANABLE’S ENGLISH AN I) IVL French Boardineand Bar School, No 13W Pine street, will reopen on WEDHEKUAY, the 14th ol Jy'Pt. next anil l sc 1/5 Ai r-A A YEAR liOAIID AND TUITION, giXOUnt Episcopul Acndc-my.JSorlin, N. J ■ 807-1 M ritVVENTY-SIXi'H YKAR.-THK CLAHSI "X"’ citlTilld-EngHßh-. School of •HiDrGreaorj.vAja., No. 1103 Market street, will reopen bopt. o. au-i lta ■\fm.ING"T7ADTES’ INSTITUTE, WITH X Preparatory Bopartmont, 11.31 Sprue?troot, re &ZIWATT '1 - ™ 7 " rpHE "MISSES MORDE'JAI WILL RE- I o®eri their Dny School for Young Lwlwh on JIOIJ; I)AYi September 19thi ftt 1818 Delancey Place, nel lot T\TISS LOUISA TAYLOE EE JVI open her school for Children on .MONDAA ,1-Ih inatant, in Lomrmirtra liniidiug, 5029 Main atreo * mantown. _ aPBIWGAEDEN INSTITUTE, No, (Mu o .?./ fencipaL fWEST RENN SQUARE SEMINARY W ptiTl VOIJVO ladies, No, 6 South Merrick au3ltill sols KATAHDIN SEMINAKY, 1323 NORTH Rrbfid stTfiot— Bonrding and Pay School for y«-n® li?!!n"vio?-f?Scipa , l ie Finfi'Sminoaco 8 , i V ,!i‘t! < 14tir , Fron, i h ■l.tfn, 'Dancing and Cnltothorfc. without additional clmrgo. oulJtoti ISS LAIRD’S INSTITUTE FOR vonnfi Ladies, with Preparatory Department, No. *a No street, wilfreopon -.i,iher7th,lt)7o. rnur SIXTEENTH ACADEMIC YEAR i of SPRING G AIIDEN ACADEMY,iiorthwjßt corner of Eighth ami Buttonwood Btree Ih, IiorIn« TUEHiDAY, ?!,ptSnbor Oth. Thorough pfoparat "A College. Applications received on and after ntoaouy August 22d. CHARLES A. WALTERS, A. M., unlBlmS . , Pnncipnf ITALLOWELL SELECT HIGH SCHOOL H forYonn^Monjttndßo^wli.o^jj HTomNo.HO North Tenth street, will ho September 12th, in the new and more coinmodlrmß bmld s’, iru- Non. 112 anil 111 North Ninth street. Neither onort no'r expense has been spared in fitting up the rooraa t 0 pinko this a lint-class school of the'*, l ®! , Ss| t tS the BChool A Preparatory Department connootod with the scnooi Parents anil Studonfs arc invited to call and examine the rooms, and consult tho Principals, from O A. M- to 2 1. M „ after August Itith. 'ffioßß&fc Principals. mHE BEST ...PROVIDED BCHOOE IN I Amoricn.V. The Scientific andl Classical Ximt tuto, n school for boy s and young streots, roopous on Monday Our achool room is largo and airy, tho finest in 1 hiladolphia, and our moans of instruction, philosophical apparatus and -cub!nuts of Natural History, aro larger than in any other school in America. ,J . ENNIS, A. M., an 23-tf Principal. •ji/IiSS CARR’S SELECT BOARDING lVi ami Day School for Young Ladles. EIi,DON SEMINARY, seven miles from Philadel phia, on tho North Pennsylvania Ballroad, opposite * will commonco September Htli BhOL ' mukorto " u rfA tTiTIM Y OE THE SACRED HEART, v«TVaLNUT BTMBET. —• Thia institution iB or the Section of tho Ladlos of tho Sacred Heart. Parents andlhardians ai'ofeHia-ctrnlly not led hal tho Hcliol»atic yrurcro-Opons cnflthe PIRBT MONDAY Ol« HKPTBM 11EIt. Fur terin|, etc., apply at the Academy. ' Sc 2 Ini’ BUSnJSSS COLIEGE, Assembly Bullions, S. W. COR. TENTH AND CHESTNUT STS. EVENING BCltOOti (’PENS SEPTEMBER 16th .; Por particulars call or send for Catalogue, aw3l w a m!3ts = —= BELIjEYTJEI NSTITUTETEOR YOUNG LAPIES. ATTLEBORO, COiyNT\^PA. The next school -year commences SEPTEMKhit s. Catalogues and'lnformaUon may bo had .of J ■ J; “ra hiune. Twelfth and .Filbert; Htreetg; Gilbert Comb»* A. tm r>n<t Marshall street,H. 11. Warrinoi, Ksq., 526 north J Garrigaea, 608 Arch street, aud B. A. Potter, of CowpertUwait &, Co., No. 623 Chestnut Btreet. hii6-8 w 12t A il AItVAHIJ GRADUATE WISHES TO in " nu " iou - {lu! —TssTTaR'V' E. AEKTBEN AlsD MISB MABY E. BTK YENS tvUl re-open their Boarding and PW School for Young Ladien September Util. WO. N 0 .26 TplpoDOckeu nt.» Gormauto* Btl TKFNTH. The (luticß will bo resumed Sept. 14. “?'• ENOCH H. SPPPIiEE, A.M., Principal. a»3l-lmj OBTHYVBST INSTITUTE fob YOUNG Ladles, formorlr located IMS Thompeon, now jo moved to Bf»s N. Broau street, will roopon Wednesday, 811. -Theiu/eoe E. 0. Suydpr, E. A. M. \ . All)crtKOn, l > rlnc.lpnla. ,■ au.lo.ln) _ riATHAKINE M. SHIPJVEY "WTEti RE- her School, No. 4 Booth Merrick etreet outlie mi. of 9th month(SepjW. i®'’ 3 ?-'?-' TiITBS" VAN KIRK'S BOARDING AND ¥' 4 /r 188 STOKES WltL REOPEN HKR xVI School, 4707 Oottugft Bow, Main B‘c. el. GfTrnM- Wwlnewlav. September 14. „„ ltu2l 2 f!x. iMCSICAI. PHILADELPHIA MUSIOA.I- AUA- Boo^fSro'now open for the reception dr Pupils [°* iho-«cwj t unrter..hMiuiUngdSefi{flutifrJi>‘;,3“:^S’4Y;„- "iriliE. lo become Btudouts will p>a»e ftpplj St the .Officii,. jf.,,- !*23 Spr.CCK f-TKEKT.. vrDOLPH HKNNK», EMIL G.VtrTLL -3. A 2B a^ii»AnWc»°^ net VioIin— WKKZELK OPfA- T Violoncello— lU’EOLPU HKNNIG. i^tt?/iSwABBVooH Kl |; Pornet—(-AKL PLAGEMANN. ~ Other Orchestral Inutruinentii, Klocntion. brunch, ltallai.andUerinun taught by experience,l ii.-micmr,. Main Bcpartmcnt, 815 00 per quarter. payable to ' "l’riniary PoparlpH'iit. f?“ 50 pur quart'!, in iulvum-i'. Ciicnliir» «t tin- llusic Store*. Proprietors ami lllrcutor* : «t} iii?vNiri .JOHN K. HIMMELSIIACH, IH-lIOLIH lIENNK-. rpHK I ; HILADEU r HiA' school OF I WI 810 ASP ATiT,'l5OB Chestnut striK-t. >‘<ir pupils in elan* "r private, r-inuinsr—Prof. PAOLO OIOIIZA (I rum tb#Couserr a lo.rv ol Adiliuih • 1 pit v iaano,<>.rffflnHftnurtny~ll* V,V4?*vm'aNN omiesiral iKpurlim nt—</AKL I Language!* und Art lu-partinent—Prof. lIACLL ami. Sitrnorma HINA ‘.„ n « v K trvn Kr kr ..Klocution—J'Xuf and rn ; >nOKMAKKK-A< -y)-- Oirrnlara sit Music Stored.- gdn 15 t>ci ui ?•**•» / tAl'.li GAEUTNBK’S N ATIOXAL CON \ > SEIIVAT-OHY Of MI-SIC, smulieMt m>rner Tenth and Wnlnut *ti.e«U, lanovr op< n fur th® »oann -,a "n tor lln- rf -optioii of pupil- luMruuliou l w i In u 1-tiilTol the Ikhl Profnssurs In I he'.'Hr Hittn-follmr iuu iirancltui): Y,«'al.,Mn>d<v -Piano. \ io»m. % wj-h ' "„„ ~l|o. Contra BnM.Thoory ol Harmony . ‘"rati 1 n r unn (or Church orciin). t.'nhniet Ors»u. MuLdjuu. Finl". (Inrion' ; t"TPo'H>v !!us«r.on.Horn.,.< ;;rn«t. I rum bomullurp, Guitar, Ac.. Ac..nml in tin- Ilali.ru, 10-.rman, I r r'-ncli amt Spanish Luiipmup.*. for particular'll ft--' circular*, to 1.- i|... ollUo of the Conservatory ami m tin .non " Tim il'riTtor of tilt- Conaerv atory tubes this oppor in nil v to oxnro-s hi* sincere uraiitient ion ui tn<v*nec«K. w lifc£ ban nttt*ndc*l hi- elfurN lo e-Üblifh till* u..n in IMulatMplihwm n permanent basis urnl with the t rofifct of i-ontiniHs.! i>ro-»p« riiy. . , . .. .Lj -would likowise-Uccluj ii.Jj.id icratuudo to tb . J??” 5 1 iml iri*‘inls among tlio giiidentH uml olh**v.h-r , « Hose interert in tlio c««»n of thorough lu ; ;irt mill f-rtom - <>f imiMr has in I ringing the < onnerv<itory to its prudent state of uso luim’KK cun onlv promise in return that Ins devotion to the •ct of rui-itia Hi" institution iiml'-r 1m cur- i«» tiuii re amonfr the er-al music schools of the ?!' ns it lms l.tmn. the controlling influence ot theOim \iitury. AIR. THUNDER, NO. lEmFS. FOURTH ill Street, resumes hl« Densons tu SitiKinsr. Tiiino nn'l ij r .Jin, on MONDA Y, September to s'*™ w CUGNOR ALFREDO RARILI, PUPIL O of Mr. Carl Wolfaohn, announces to the pnWlc, that he will give Lessons on Piano, commcmJn-, Wth. Apply to hie oilier, Il2d Chestnut etn-e ; tWr‘l floor, from 9to 12 o’clock, A. M.» overy*day. '* ut all music stores. A .. . OIG. P. ROND IN ELLA, TEACHER OF O Sinning. Private les&ona ami classes. Resilience, 308 S. Thirteenth street. . a r, LAI) SIBGIS G— ENGLISH, I French and Italian. FBOF. T. „uth Ninoteontbutroet. Kn > 3 li/fH ALFRED KELLEHER WILL J\| *«ive infraction in SINGING £ m f moNYj Term commcucen September sth. Foi patticn* Unf apply ot lilia fttldresß, IMQ Vine stryut, Ol ‘A\l^ lier Vfln.vMufrlc Store. 1102 Chestnut street. __ nq23ltn _. JIOAKDINIi. .* t Q SOUTH liEOAD IS »)| O House liaa been newly and lmndßonio y ntte l, null 1b now ready for the accommodation ot boardom. licteroucea reunited , aoivn i m m -i 7*Ar4 AKCH STREET HAVING BEEN i.nUU newly fitted up, is now open for rccept on of fumilkm-or Bhiglftgffl»tlcmen : also tablo toar<\. government sale. T) EVENUE CUTTER AT PUBBIO AUC- K TIOX There will bo offered for sale at Public Auc tion at Henderson’s Wharf, Kell’s 1 oint, Bal timore, on WEDNESDAY, the 12th day o October, 1870, at 12 o’clock >l., tho BbVJj -si'-F CUTTER THOMPSON,centre-board and coppered, about 05 tons O. M;is well louiidm anchors, cliain9, standing and run jffmrrißging, ono/boat, &c. An Inventory of all the articles to be sold with the vessel can be seen on board the vessel, at Henderson’s Wharf, until tho day ol sale. Terms flash. By order of thq „ Secretary ot the Treasury, JOHlif L. THOMAS, Jr., sel2-m w 1-12 U Collector of Customs. DBKTISTB.V. /vPAT, DENTAIjIiINA. A HUJfBBIOB O article for oloanlng the Tooth, doatroylng animalcnlj ssssssssa,- V< Wmlnon t Dentlßt»/acqaalnted^wlth JAMK Bioad and Spruce atreeta, BohortO. Davie, Geo. G. Bower, Ohos.Shivora, 8. M. BlcColln, 8.0. Banting, . Ohaa;H.Bberle. jamoaN.Mnrha, B.Brlnghnrat& Oo.i : W-H 1 * ItfO- For sale by Druggists gene) Fred. Browne, Hansard & Go., O.K.Koony, IsaaoH* Kay, G. H. Noodles, T.'J. Husband, A.mbroao Smith, Edward Parrish, Wm.B.Wobb, Jcmoß.Lt Blspham, Hughes & Combo, Henry A. Boweri__^_^_ -rri wrsronr^; ssteskbels Ist, 2d, 3d Rnt^-fnVa^ KOV'LEY- 16 Snntli Front ntroot. trout. T-»nmN —on, 500 UAKKEIjS FiRST, « tSiMEAPPJjE pH-EESE. —5O i BOXES Morton "job South Doluwnr" uv»nuo. Trtnt TURPENTINE. —27 BARBELS INK I Turpentine, IwAln. S Hnnforil. For aulo by LDW. U. Ru3tt -FroiiLfitrcet, i • W.T SEAL, Principal. CAUL GAEUTNEU, Director end Proprietor i; ' v ‘ L r FQRSALE A" Very Desirable Wharf Property, on the river Delaware,'with larae brlck Bjttldlng an! extensive Shedding, suitablo for shippers, sugar dealers and commission mciohanis.on oast aide or Beach street. 135 feet 3 inches north of Marlborough streot, 109 foot front end 437 feet deep to ond of wharr, with privilege of extending 131 feet to wardens' line, Pocks each side of nlcr for vessels of largfcclaSS. , •.n " • r lur XtIKKNS & MONTGOMERY, un24 w s 30t> 1033 Bench street, nliovo Laurel. ii Ba XjE—A Large lot of IBS Gnmud,witlibrickrßuildliiiflH, omii^eouthgljeof 'waftlilnplori ftvoinio, wcst of-Tweiitletli Rtf£ul7rtNTCa»l •-' front and 130 feet deep to Alter'street. Boillmore ttail road iMiftM'S the property. LUK7NB & MONTGOMERY, 1033 Beach ntreet, above 1 aural. nu 24 \v fl lOt* JSfrf FU.lt SALE,—SPLENDID MODERN No. 6|9 North Seventh street* threw* story front umi Imck; replete with nil the modern con* venienceH. Lot 19 leet 2 Inches front, nnri in depth H 4 feet f inches. All in complete order. Finest square Oti Seventh street. D. M. FOX & BON, au3l w4imGt§ __ 510 North Fifth street. 4ss“foiFsaiVe; 6iFkxoitangls f6r Hill! city Property, ft very.dfalrableinodiura-aizddlieei clenco. with u lnrg" and Unproved lot;twenty minutes from the City on the Germantown It. K. J.M, GUMMEY & SONS, w fMt§ . 733 Walnut atreet. ',£!§' FOlf ~S A DI3.—TH E FOIHECstOR Y •Miii House, 10*7 Lord'd street. 22 foot front, double back building; was built by the owuor and baa no MiP'Tinr of ith clans. , „ • - Tht- back bnil ilng-overlnoks the garden or Jiotr* Danii! Seiulunry and Hittoidiouse Square. Apply on the premises. ~ , Possession Umni diately.. eeli w.f.tn 12t jp FOR SAEE-A FURNISH ED OR Ufol unfurtif’de-d house, In Upper Be Lancy Place, newly papered, painted and ftirriiahwl.j^A^yo^ B( .i:p4t« 205 South Bi.vth ebroet. FOR SALIVA HANDSOME THREE- Iiii» Htnrv brick dwelling* with tliree-Btory back build in«H and lot of ground, on tho tveat aide of Twenty-first street, between Walnut and Saiiaom streets, - Apply to A. B. OARVEIt\t CO.. gjiuU)ypi(tg«*r.ij.»r , Mlpthqp'<>.yill»yt *t». FTTU SALE-ELEGANT UJKSI BSHd ,ioi,rA No.J4lßJWalrjiU*Mwti Apply to C, I , i>. Nil. 2)i t!. glxth street. r MARBLE terrace-toe-, sale, ..-il House-and Lot, No. 321 H CliMltnut str«t. Lot W lv 120f«'t. liiiildlns 4 stories front and Lack, with wliititmnvl>l/« front and Mansard roof; «parlpfis roouii and stairways; fiulsiiwi in the moat modern and ap pro od stylo; undarirrmind drnlnago, heating-ana cook ing arrangements complete; nonpatnno- wash-tuba in ■Tiifclicnrnriff * pfllfri HKTH *r-rto-ntl -part# nfhdu**;— —— Also forjulo, Umiw wt. For particulars apply to RAND» FEItiCINfc & CO.. 124 North Sixth itm-t. tn> AVKIi-iIVAXiUABIiE Eli HOUSE mid LOT at til* N. W►corner of Fortf •Hotue built of hrown-HtWiec three stories.conUmin* • 16 rooms* arid finished in the best and io*»t substantial manner, with all tin? modern improvements—otiwuf the most desirable house* In West Philadelphia. Property should be seen to be appreciated, persons wishing to know the terms and examine the property can do so by culling on JAMES}! SELLERS, until 3>» P.M.nt 144 South Sixth street, and in tbo evening at MU booth • Forty-second street. au 23 if 4P GEKMANTOWN—FOI*. SALK. A ItitS Hund«ome Modern Ttesldenre with extra conveni ences and in' excellent order, situate on High street, ciintof Main street. Huh stable and carriage-house, not «pr»rirand largo feet front by I*> feet df'-p. elegnwH shaded with forest tr*** and evergreens choice shrubbery, Ac. J. M.GUMMEY Jc. SONS, 733 W’uhmtstrct. ffa FOII SALE—EDGEWATEIt-—BE AU- Kili -ttfully located on .the Delaware—Modern Country Ke“idenre( new), and large jot of ground., of ac cess byriv. ror rail. Very high gnmiul. Honso fin ished in the rpoM complete B*th,.' hot ll U'l. r-.ld water, range.heater* dec.. Arc. Will boxoid tow. rltKu. STLVPSTEU. »*3 Smith Fourth street. ' FOil SALE—GKEEN JSTRKET— Bfoi ThnbamDcme residence, nntridev first uory; 30 f(-et front, with Hide yard, and lot 1»7 feet deep through lilSi ' , , ... No. mi CLINTON* HT«EET-Throe-»torr dwolllng. wltltthcbe-story double back buildings. Lot 20x115 feet 'xjIeSTSUT HTREET-nandsomo ronr-.torj' nsl driic«, wltli lares three iftorf Lack buTldllier, u LotIJ feet front hj- 216 Teet deep, (o ijaosom .treol. Ditooto :4iafcSߣSS^^ bo 246 West L<.o»in Square. In perfect «nh-r. J. M.-OuJIMEY & SONS, m Walnut street. jsa NEW BROWM BTONE’' -HOUSES, NOS 3105 AND 2010 STRUCK STREET: Mo S’O- • *nc• WALNUT- -BTUBET. FOB SALE! FINISH KI>IN WVvn TT w?rn KK EVFHY SUPERIOR MANNER. AND W ITII E>KBY MODERN CONVF.N JENOE. fcvSivivS^'Vsnl 8 SPRUCE STREET. APPIA ZU.TW KLN 2 *?,{V O'CLOCK P. M. _ . Whwt . f FUBSALE-Bl'lLlVlNG LGTsp-A VKKY dc-irul b Lot •>( Gr*»nr»l. w-i.rl of North Broad ft tn <-i. M)x2*JU deep to Carlisle street A !«»£<• I*>t. northeast corner Sixth and Dick.-naui *}**?}*•. fe, ton Sixth -iri'-t l.y Mf;-i deep A lot.outlii .We 1-o ; • unt street ve.d side of Tweutv-first jJxIUU tec (lff l \ Jar**- lot i.n Wadibmton avonhe, feet .IhiJL Ipplf to COI-PLCK U JOUCAN, « W«lm.t s I reet ———— i ■■■ TO KENT. FOR 11BNT So. ISO* Sortb Brootl St root. 23x1*3. Mart.lc Front TWsM'-nc? »ml lot 13 l-irEji iffh celhntM, 2 bath-room*, muiionan Trn«li'ttArmn sfhiut fininh t»itleentri«*. In thorough rop.ur. Ulcl* •vn payniout. Only £2.UX). F»£l> SmESTKB, ‘JOS South Fourth street. »K'9-f m >v6t§ fsT TO KENT, FOB ONE VEAK, ONE itCif the Hum furnished four-story brovrtrstou houses in the city,situated near l:il,entlo""'-H'l ‘ r u ; Bent, S3OO per month. Address U. ” " ( ?3t* jea, .-Tf*. rknt. «ao'-AROH BTBBBT, It ill four story Business Stand, vritli three-story wTlfiresr: 0. B, OBITM,MS Arch street. TO RENT Lnrgo-sizo comtmhiicutfng ollU*£3, SJlxtli street,below Walnut,on first Boor. oBUM, se2fmw-6t" >»« Arete«««». TO" KENT—FUKNISHED HOUSE No.-ISO 7 Walnut e'teMt opposite _B!ttenhoiiro Tei 3 v A,,,,, ° NoJi|i»~~: TO KENT—TO A FAMILY WHU- S^SSfll YtTonNB.OS, N«. 414 H,jb_lftb-»tiect. mii-Ji fcTIIKJSt, FUKNISHED —A HAND £I gome Conntry' l t 'f i ' ,, 'H ro \ 11 e^t”' , FUii> S Ebl’o ‘ami mnnlowii, with every ‘''‘tT'/uJi" I ,'rticrT AUso,a lioei lIJISMK'* 'ri'f nrtk. - Apply to COP I’CCK A .TOKl)AN,4:i3\\»lnul^ r y_ ( ± \#ea" ;»ht> 'PF'NT—THE VfJRY DBSIEA #,S ao§“SSoMSSi fltrr*et. ' . - 1 » ire'll BE N T-THEElTAlluji XXYr'Z^^ street FOB BENT-LARGE DOUBLE Suitable for an office or light WJJgamj jjpoTHEBB jpiREiBB & MCOOLJVUM, BEAL ESTATffi Office, Jaokßbn»txoo^’oppSteManßlon»troet^O»^ or adircßiS aa above. w W.Jnvonftl -__ '.■■ DIVIDEND NO' r^ _ 7DHK _ PENNByi7VANIA' MRE IN yj? BTJKASCB company Skpt. 5,1870. jyhg-’Ca ary , _ AT TORN BY ’ S ; AT-LAW FKED.FAIKTIIOnNB. „ . FA'IKTHOBN ]S & KAN D, LAW ANP COLLECTION OFFICE. . No. 17 Soutli Third street, Philadelphia Pratts and notes ncEotiablo collected. of - K u. Iciinl&*-in tho city or Cliiladolp|]m,cndtlirojiE»O vl(;(1) , nut8 Kintcs and Canadas. Affidavits amt ncan Bel2lm g Inknn for all the States. ' ANTED—A fa® VV ltooiwr, by n widow Ijmjr „f ro r or turo. Bold it* ,)y to 203ji.m>]nut T~tM»V NT-iroß ^a. ;di y BPil Oooils Ooniinißßion P‘’"“t o ro, eithoron Oheiduut Jnmiury noxt, ll coinroodlous ((t ( |u Bauk Btroot,>)etwoenBeowr} s s”^. BollB AVittor and. • Socond ry.utimt Btroot. _j : ‘ —— ——--T.TPrrrBY A YOUNO MAN, A •VX7AJJHOO nookkoopor or Olorlt. Hus liad VV “tactical oxporionco. ■ Bofeioncos given Ad'dr?^- u“ & olugo, «I)1S-1VI§ theo.d.b.vnd WANTS. TIIK AHKEHT OF MMZIW. ' Particulars or nils I'apinre on Board a . 525S5K:""'"‘“*—ttNITED STATES SECURITIES rEBUO!A,:August. 20.-r?A Jn these iastfewdaysTiasbefib themriest,fpr the first time, in a : lifetime, of ri?® Italian larcb ccnspirator, Rw#®!®. of his presence at Genoa had appeared in the •papers, and were partly believed in, partly at tributed to the necessity, for showing cause why the Papal frontier must at once be amply protected from Republican assault and battery by Italian troops. But two days since, simul taneously with the notice of Ma/xtnlan procla mations on the walls ofTavia and other towns, comes the tidings of the capture of Magziqi on, , board the steam-packet that plys j % Naples and Palermo, and belore lie ! ? at the latter. The royal - Signor Biuudi, went on board, and, addressing himself to a gentleman of advanced age and short stature, wearing siile-whiskei;s, a l’Anglaise, he politely requested to see his passport. The traveler so challenged proffered an English passport, ! in;, perfect * pi'd e V> bearing the flatde of Henry -Zaumch ;(tiie ; French and Italian papers 1 have spelled the name thus), and when asked if that, were really his, replied in English affirmatively. 'I lie police agent then stated that he regretted that he had every reason to doubt the truth ol this assertion, and was,-in fact, well-informed os to his identity. “ I understand,” was the reply; in Italian this time. “ You know who I am.; I can guess what you want with me, and I am at your disposal.” The aOi-dint'int Englishman, was thereupon taken on board the government frigate Ettore Fieramosca, which at once steamed oil'to Gaeta. The old triumvir began to make an avowal to the commander of his unmitigated republicanism, but was politely re v quested to desist; and at the same time assured every possible attention would be paid to lii3 comfort, but not to his sentiments. From Florence we learn that his case will be brought • before a jurv with as little delay- as • possible, but that the' trial will not take place at Palermo, the place of his arrest, nor at Gaeta, the place ofbis confinement. As he was pro-destined to be taken captive vell-l rejoice that instead of falling into the bauds of a Roman or Neapolitan police of the old re gime, he has,.as a mere measure of precaution, been arrested' by tljjyigentrof'a government • .6u whose pariiaffieiikuy. benches now sit many of Ins friends' and w-sectarians ; so that instead" of the dungeons of Poerio and others, he is jirobably under the mildest restraint in the., easlle of Gaeta, with ardent partisans in the Chamber of Deputies to demand particulars, of his arrest, and to denounce 1 it, even, as utterly unjustifiable. The very next day Signor fler tani made an interpellation-to this effect, and the Deputy .Salvator Morelli pronounced the arrest ignominious. Bcrtani marveled at the reason advanced by the Minister ‘ Lanza, tot justifying such au act: tli.it his friend was traveling .with a. passport in a feigned name, whereas it was well-known that an Italian eitizpu .could travel: fjonj one end ! of tlie kingdom to the other without any passport whatever. Xu fact, Mazzini has been several months now in Italy, jierfectly unmolested by the police authorities. The Prefect.of the city of Genoa, for instance, must have'been well aware of the presence in that city of bis former colleague in the government of the Homan It<- ■ public-! -Mazzim was with friendslater on in. Naples. The important fact be desired .tojur press on the minds-of the assembly now Was that the two men who had achieve! ..tne, inde l««dence and unity of Italy are iierirpriseuel'S of State. [Groans’. 1 “ Yes,” said Signor Ber tani, *■ Garibaldi and Ma/./.ini.” [Great noise arid confusion,''and much ringing of the Presi dent's bell.J •*Mazzini is under arrest; Gari baldi watched by Italian ships. I need say nothing more EEGAE NOTICES. TN THE bISTIUUT COUKT OI" THE V 1 S. FOR TIIK EASTERN IHSTRKT "F PENN A Y*i> Kx. F»b. T.. No.M. lSdv l N ITKD STATUS \s. .MjHN I! Mdi ARTY. AKTlll ft F. DKKW AM' iiKRNAftI) 4 f t The Commit* s»i ’mer appointed tv distribute the fuiia in court arising from lit*' Marshal - under th*- li« rward Ouipl' \, to wit: / " ' ; , ... Alt thom-iftb lontlch&nisof pieccs.of ground vlth the tMiidftj'cMhfTM/ti senate ou the *mit II of Cedar inov South'* *•.tr» tt- and <d Carbon Hr-eM. in the Fourth Ward of th.- - il) of Flu ivl-lphla. ('.•nuiiwiug in trout on Miid C'-dar mow South)street, i iu depth Miuthuartl l'.5J feet to n iai t , -***f wnli* #alh d Bedford street. Being the miqk* premise* which Thomas Blackrtone, stir- iving executor ofth.* Kstate of Catharine Yolo*. d-eeiuo-d. by m ientnredated, April 2Jd, I*l}. recorded in Deed Book A. \N . M.. No. 73, P &21, Ac:, did grant and c<»nwy unto Bernard Quigley, iu De, subject to a >earb ground rent of SW. A iso, all that certain lot or niece of gTomil,witn the Ihreemtorv brick me-snago thereon erected , situate <>n the worth id do ..f fehippen street and west sid*; of Carbon, in the Fourth Ward of the city of Philadelphia ; con taining in Slnppen etreet 16,feet. jnore or 1 ess, and extending of that width in depth borthvyard 77 feet to a.Um wide alleys Being the aamo urr mUes wjjdrb John WriL’hi,trustee, b|r Indenture dated Match 30th, lfc&0« recorded in Deed Book It. t). \Y.. No. 75, Ac., did couvey to Bernard Qnlgley; in fe<vaubjact too yearly giound rent of $4O &). ... ... Will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on SATURDAY, thu 17th rf .tJt'ptnmbor. IK7O. at 11 o’clock A M., at his office, No. 113 South Fifth street, in the city of Philadelphia, when and wiera all parties interested are required to present their claims, or Im debarred from coming Commissioner. B! 5 IGt 9 TK THJO OIIPHAisB' COURT FOR THE 1 City nn<! Comity of Philadelphia.—Estate of ANN MURPHY, deceaspd.-The Auditur appointed by ♦he Court to andUvjetUe and adjust tin) acctmnt.pt fcU WARD WALLACE, Executor of the Relate of ANN MURPHY, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet tho parties interested fut the purpo-a- of his appilntmentoii MONDAY, the 19th day of September, 1870, at eleven o'clock A. M.,nt bis office, No. 619 Walnut street, in tho Ci 2» C t£ h “.Mg! hi ‘; . B. SHARKEY, Auditor ■ E~ STATE OF CAROL IX E GBOSS, DE ceaned.—l,ettera testamentary upon tho estate, of CAROLINE GROSS, dt-ceased, bavins beeu granted to Uifi nnu«?rHiKnc-«i, all persons iiuk*bte<i to «am eatato arc requested tonmko paymf»nt*an<l tho«»* haying claim* will pri*6fcnt‘tli(-in to HENRY MEYEjt. , or hia attorney* JOHN A. HICKEL, liiS South Sixth street}, * au3l-\v 6t§‘ , testate of chahlks .t. wood, df- Jli ccaml.—Letters testamentary npon the above fUato having been granted to the undersigned, all per- indebted to tbo said estate are requested to-make payment, and those having claims against, tbo same to present tiiein without delay to v THOMAS GRIFFITHS,Executor, No.-iWS Clie’tnnt-street-." au3l w Ct* E~” STATE. OF PATIUCK HAVJLAND, UectfOß# <l. Letter's ofadminiwtratirin having been granted to tli" uiuierMgned ou the Estate of PATRICK. HAVILAND, deceased. all permns indebted to tho tuid Estate will make payment. and those having cmimd niraiost tho pmro' will present the-m without delay to DANIEL JJAYILaNP. Jr.,Administrator, • ' 1 , No. 6 East Cholton Avenue, Germantown ; Or hie Attorney, John C. Redhetlcr, liS South Sixth street, Phil ado 1 phia.-, ««_•. 24. w-ot__ TN : TfIE COURT OR" COMMON PLEAS J for tho City an l Comity of Piiil.idolpliiii. ' BOHN Vs. BOHN.' St'WombiSr,term, im.No. .5, in divorce. To EMMA'BOnN. reavoiu’.uiit;.-. The(loposi tioiiH of witmstijjes in tho. above tnopart ot libellant will . bo takefi - before M. KNKrIIT SHRYOGK, Esq., examiner, at hHoflUw, ><)■ . b» North SeveutlrstreOiY I’ltihidcriphjUi on WLDNEbDAI, sept. 21st, 1870, at 3 o’clock'P.At., when and where you may attend if -you thinlc proper. • Personal service on you having failed on account of your abduce. TOED. DITTM ANN, Attorney for Libellant. tn the-oouet of common pleas A for the City and Oonnty of Philadelphia. HELENA NEED ) Juno T#nll| Isro ; No . 3 0. WILLIAM E. Van lIEEH.V ®* v o“ 4 - To .WILLIAM E. VAN ItEEI), Itexponilnit: You are hereby notified that the deposition ofxvit* nenBCB upon the part of the libellant in the abovocurfo will bo taken before MILTON K. BROWN, Esq., at the olllco ol the undomgncd, No. S3O Walnut street, in theoityof Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, Sept. 27, A. I). 1870.-at 11 <> : clo’ck-A. M.Vwhon and whore von may at* tend if you see proper . -COAI. • AslO£< Anthracite ooal/phu ton of 2,240 lbH., (JoliYoreil. Lehigh * Broken and Egg* $8 ; Stove, #8 25 ; Locust Mountain, broken and Egg,sti 75: Stovo, SC 76. Shamokin and Lorberry Nut to carters at low prices. , EASTWICIC & BKO,, Office,223 Dock street.. Yards, corner .Twenty-second htreat and Washington avenue. 80S tf§ R. MASON DINKB. -JOHN P. BHBAPF rimE ENDEKBIGNEDi INVITE ATTEN , JL ®ION.tb thoir stock of , gprlnßMonntaln, Lohieh ond I.ponrt Honntata Goal, ■which, with the preparation given by tin, wo think can ; not bo oxcoiled by Riiy othetOoAV, ; k%T iaJOt Arch Street W barf ficbuylifll ;]BOU®fHT» SOLD XSB EXCHANGED /Bought ar|<TSo!d at;Mpr|cet Rjatoo./ ■ j '’i h\i t y/r' /1 K- t - 'Co'lifONS GASHED. * PACIFIC EAILEOAD BONDS rr. ■ , ?;r bought aKX» sold. ~;a ' r '"V.i/, fA ; > rfl > < ivx X STOCKS Bought and Sold on Commission Only Accounts received owl .interest allowed on Daily •' Balances, subject 'to check at siyTit. ‘ 40 South Third St.j FIUUDEUaiA. Jf j • - ! ■■ - - . np9tf r --< .* :~r. - f - -j J. W. CllhßOllfiH A CO,, Negotiate Loans,- Buy and Sel Government and other re liable Securities. NOTICE TO TRUSTEES AND EXECUTORS. The clieajiMt'liiTWfineiit ahthorized by aw ore th« General Bl«rtgage Honda of the Pennsylvania It. R. Co. APPLY TO D. C. WHAETON SMITH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 121 S. THIRD STREET. ly __ _ JAY COOKE & CO.* ' . T". „ 'V T? «.' JJ,- TV.:. Philadelphia, New York and Washington, BANKERS, - AND Dealers in Government Securities* Special attention given to the Purchase and Bale o Bonds and Slock? on Commission, at the Board of Bro* kers in this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. _ GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD RELIABLE POR INVEST- Pamphlets and fell Information given at our office. No. 114 S. Third Street, PH lEADEI.PIIIA. mhM-tf rp PANCOAST & MAULE ' A • b -f ; WROUGHT AND CAST IRON PIPE THOMAS J. DIEHL, Attorney for Libellant. PH IT, AT) EL fill A EVEXI KG BULLET! N, WEDNESDAY,-SEPTEMBER 14-1870.- •FINANCIAL. MOST LIBERAL TERMS. G O LD BANKERS, 42 SOUTH THIRD STREET, HEATERS AND STOVES. THIRD AND PEAR STREETS, Plain and Galvanized Foi* Gas, steam atjd Water. FITTFNGS, BRASS WORK, TOOLS, BOILER TUBES. Pipe ofallSizesCntand Fitted to Order. CARD. EfiTlng sold HENRY B. PANCOAST anil FEANCIB I. MAULE (gentlemen in our employ for several .years past) the Stock,Good Will and Fixtures of our RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, located at the corner of THIRD and PEAR streets, in this city, thatbranchol‘our bust- with that of HEATING and VENTILA* TIN&PDBLIOand PRIVATE BUILDINGS, both by STEAM and HOT WATER, in all its various systems, will bo carried on under the firm name ol .PANCOAST & MAULE, at the old stand,and.wore commend them to the trade uud business pnblio as Doing entirely competent to perform all work of that character. MORRIS, TASKER & CO. Fiulabel.hiai Jau.22, 1670, tnhl2-tf The ameeioan stove and hoi,. LOW-WARM COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, IRON ROUNDERS, (Successors to North, Chase & North, Bhatpo A Thom son, »n<l Edgar L. Thomson,) Manufactnrors of STOVES, HEATERS, THOMSON’S LONDON KITCHENER, TINNED, ENAMELED AND TON HOLLOW WARE. FOUNDRY, Second aud.Mifllin Streets. ; OFFICE, 209 North Second Street. FRANKLIN LAWRENCE, Superintendent. EDMUND B. SMITH, Treasurer, X, ,TNO. EDGAR THOMSON, ' “ President. J AMES HOEY, —General Manager THOMAS 8. DIXON & SONfa, Asia No. 1624 CHESTNUT Street, Phllad*., Oppoßito United States Mint, Manufacturers of. ■ LOW DOWN. PARLOR, CHAMBER ... . - OFFIOE, • _ . ... " Aud other ORATES, .. ■ . . For Anthracite, Bitmuinoua.and Weed Fir - * AI.SO- ' ffof W sSI^SA a TORs! <II ' 3M and CHIMNEY CAPS, .. COOKING-RANGES, BATH-BOMBS, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. GAS FI XTBKES AS FIXTURES.—MISERY. MERRILL VJT & THACKAH'A.No. 718 Chestnut stroot, manu facturere of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &o„ &c*, would cal the attention of the public to their large and elogant as sortment of Gas UhandoUers, Pendants, Brackets, &o. They also introduce gas pipes into dwellings and pnblio buildings, andattend to extending, altering and repair nfcgas pipes. All work warranted. - - "VTOBTH PENNSTI.VANIA BAILBOAp. jji —The short middle route to the Lehigh and Wy oming VallersvNorthern Pennsylvania, Southern and: Interior New xojk, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Fall**. \ "v ; r i > Sixteen Daily Trams leave Passenger pepoi, corner of ; jßerka jand American streets <Bdnaays 49 ? ■Jfollows J •••••; - •••7 ± i V'/f 'f. ' 7.A,M., AccomniodatioD for Fort Washington and In-; termediate points. - , - - • , * - 7.35 A. if., Fast Line for Bethlehem and principal* stations on main lino of North Pennsylvania Railroad,! connecting at Bethlehem with the Lehigh Valley Bail-; ■ road for KaBton,Allf*ntown,Mauch Chunk, Mahanoy City, * Williamsport,Wilkcabarre, Pittston, Towanda and Wa-, verly, connecting at Waverly with the ERIE! BAIL-} WAlr for Niagara Falls, Buffalo] Rochester, Cleveland, / . i Corry, Chicago, San Francisco, and all points in the] •-Great-West*- -f . 1 . [ —B.2&-A—Accommodatfon-for-Doylefltown r Btopp!ng- - at ail intermediate-stations* Passengers for Willow; < r Jtt&ttjoi-oufib» ic., by this train, take stage at Old* 5 Lehigh and Susquehanna Express,for Beth-; ! Muueh Chunk, Willlaiueport, Whito; , ] Scranton, Caruondale.via; Susquehanna Railroad,, and Allen town,.Easton, HackHtutown, and points on New Jersey J Central Railroad and Morris and Essex Railroad to* . N»*w York, via Lehigh Valley Railroad. 11 A. M,, Accommodation for Fort Washington, stop* •, ping at intermediate stations ' ■ 1.16, 3.30and*6.20 P. M.«-Accommodation to Abingtnn.; At 1.46 P. M., Lehigh Valley Express tor Bethlehem,} Eahton. Allentown, alanch Chuuk, llazß*ton, Mahanoy ? Cityr - Wbite/'Raven, Wllkeftbarre, Pittston, and the t flalijmby -Wyoming conjrtf'giona. „ s-/ ACcominoaation for Doylcstown, stop-> ping at all intermediate stations. At 3.20 P. M., Bethlehem Accommodation for Bethle-. hem, Easton. Allentown and Coplay, via Lehigh Valley? Railroad, and Eastou, Allentown and Mauch Chunk,; vla Lehigli and Bnwjuchan na Railroad. ; i’ At4.ISJP. M./AccmhniddaUon 1 for Doylcstown, stop-, 1 ping at all intermediate stations. ] , At 6 Bethlehem, connecting.. • withLDhfgfr'VftliM^JSvtoinffTrain for Easton, Allen-; own and Mauch Ofinnk. .♦ • for Lansdalo, stopping} at all interincdiatirßtdtionßi „ , * At 8 and 11.30 P. M., Accommodation for Fort Wash- i inrtoD and intarmed late stations. ,; ' TrainsSirrivein Fhaladplphinfrom Bethlehem atBA6,, A. )!., and P. M., making direct con nectionrvt?itn_Lidiigliiyoney or Lehigh and Susquehanna » trains from'Easton,- Schuiton, Wilkesbarre, Williams- j port. Muhanoy City, Hazleton. Buffalo, nod tho West. ' From DoylestoWp and 7.06 P. M. } FromLfl»fedalp'AF7.3oA:Sr.‘ . _ ; From Fort Washington at 9.20, 11.20 A. M., and 3.10 a/2ivisS an/«.« P.M. { Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 30 A. M. do. do. Doyleßtown at 2 P. M. do. do. Fort Washington at 8.30 A. M. and > tf-P-M.T/-o . i • ; jßahlehem for Philadelphia at 4P. M.; _ \ ?D6yleetawn ! foiL. do. ; at.6Ao_A.il. - Fort Washington do. at9"3o A. M. and 8.10/ p.M, • The Fifth and Sixth Streets, and Second and Third ! Streets lines of CiW Passenger Cars run directlyto and ‘ from the Depot. Jibe Onion line runs within a short. _ -diKtance-Ofiihu-Dfpot. —j Tickets for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Southern and f Western New Yorkand the. V/est, may be secured at; the office, No. 811 Chestnut street, Tickets sold and baggage checked through to ■princt-i pal points at Mann’s, North Pennsylvania Baggage Ex- : preea office, No. 106 South Fifth street. ’ - /- , ELLIS CLARK,General Agents , •yrr raT ynpTCSTER AND PIIILADKIr YjCTeuukbaii/Boad company. , On tind after MONDAY, April 4, WO, train" will learo the Depot, THIBT Y-FIKST and CHESTNUT, an fol lows FROM PHILADELPHIA. t G.4s’A£MiT6r BSC. Junction stops avail stations. 7.15 A. Mr forTVofit Cheater, stops at all stations west of; Media (exceprOreenwood). connecting at B. C. Junc-t tianfor Oxford, Kennett, Port Deposited all stations, on the P.and B. C. R. R. ' 1 9.40 A. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. { 11,50 A M. for B. C. Junction stops at all stations. 2.30 P. M. for Westchester stops at all stations. . t HUbJP, M. for B. C. Junction stops at all stations. \ ‘•4i4s'P. for West Chester stops at all station* 'vest of: Media (except Greenwood /, connecting at B. C. Junc*i tion for Oxford,Kennett,Port Deposit,and all stations; on the P. &B.C.R.R. . I 6.30 P.M.for B. C. Junction. This train commences running on and after Judo Ist, 1670, stopping at all <LM a p°M B fOr W’ert Chester Rtopßatp.ll stations. ; Hijop tm for'West Chester etoJH* at dll stations, uuwr.ai. for PHILADELPHIA. A. M. from 8.. C. Junction stops atall stations. 6.30 A; M. from West Chester stops.at all stations. . 740 A M. Iron) West Chester -stops at all stations be ‘tweeirWiC. and Media(except Greenwood),connect*: ing at B. C. Junction for Oxford, Kennett, Port De* Sosit, and all stations on the P. & B. 0. R. R. ,A.W. from B. C. Junction stops at all stations. j lOjOO A. M. from West Chester stops at all stations. . \ 05 P. M. from B. C. Junction stops at all stations. P: 31. from West Chester stops at all stations, 4AsP.M.from West Chester stops at all stations, con-; " at B. G. Junction for Oxford, Kennett, Port V, Tvtmftsit. and all stations on the P. & B. O. R. R. fcMPI M.lroin West Chester stops at all stations, con (VjieJnng at B.C. Junction with P. & B. C. R. R. from B.'C. Junction. This train commences running on and after June Ist, 1870, stopping at al 1 stations ON SUNDAYS. ' , 8 OS'A M for West Chester stops at all stations,connect ive at B.C. Junction with P. & B.C. R. R. 230 p M for West'Chester stops at all stations. 730 A M. from West Chester stops at all stations, iwjp hi .from W estChearer stops at all stations, con nectifir ai 15. C. Junction withT. & B.C. R. R. B Bg W.-C. W T UEELKR. Superintendent. HIX,ADKLPHXA. GER M A NTO WN AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD TIME TABLE. On and after- MONDAY, Jnlyl9, 1870, FOB GERMANTOWN. Leave PHILADELPHIA 6,7, 8, 905, 10, 11, 12. A. M. 1.00, 2, 2J*, 3&, 4, 6,05, 5%, 6, «H, 7,8, 9.0 U. 10.05, 11, 12, P. M. Leave GKKMANTOWN 6, 6.55, 7>S, 8, 8.20, 9, 10, -11,00. 12,- M, -IV- 2f 3,3,^, 4.00,4Mt-SvsJi * -6,-.6*4, 7, 9 00, In. 11, P.xST. The 8.20 Doirn Train, and 2%*-3H~and 5% Up Trams will noi&iop ort th* 4rfr*/iani<Htm Branch. ON SUNDAYS Leave PHILADELPHIA at 914, A.M. 2, 4.05 min., 7 ’L* I aTc°i?ERMANTOWN at Bli, A.M. 1,3, 6, and S% ' P ' M ' CHESTNUT HILL KAILKOAD. Leave PHILADELPHIA 6,8, 10, and 12, A. M„2ls, SH 654.7.9.00. and 11, P. M. ~ „ . Leave CHESTNUT HILL 7.10,8,9.40, and 11.40, A. M 1.40,3.40, 5.40,6.40 , 8.40, »nd10.40.P. U. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 914. A . 51. 2, and 7,P. 51. Leave CHESTNUT HILL at 7.50, A. M. 12.40,5.40, and g V, PM. Passengers taking the 6.55,9 A .51 .and 6.30 P.M. Trains from Germantown , mil makcjclose connections 'toita Trains fof New York at Intersection Station; TOK CONSHOHOCKEN AND HORIUBTOWN Leave PHILADELPHIA 6,754,9, and 11X5, A. M.U4, 3*414,6, auS&L.*M, 10.andI1M.P.M. ".v. '■. • . Leave NOIIKISTdWNSM, 6.25,7,7M3A0, and 11, A M. Hi, 3,4>i, 614, S v anrt ?>a,.P- 5L_ bN'stiffi>AY9 Leave PHIL ADEL PHI Autoi A~M. 2 I,' and. 7 % Lt'nvo NOBBIRTOWN FOE i£aNAYCNK... , , Leave Philadelphia : 6,7)9, 9 and 11.03 'A. U.IK,? „>», 6,5>4,6M,8.05,10 and 1159 P. M. , LeaveManaTonk: 6,6.63,7>9,8110,9 20and 11)9 A. M Leave Philadelphia: 9 A. M.» 2>*»4 and 7>£ P. M. Leave P ’ Leave Philadelphia : 6P.M. Leave Plymouth : 6M ; A. M. ThtTX A. m. Train from Nornstoien mill not stop at Money's, Pottsi^Landi*** Domino- or ScAnr .s Lane. 1 fit 6 P. M. Train front Philadelphia will stop only at School Lane , lrte and Consho- taking the 7.00, 9.05 A. M. and fi>£ P.M, Trains from Ninth and Green streetsi will make ch.se connections with the Trains, for New York at Internee* The^^.M. and SP.M. Trains from New York con nect with the 1.00 and 8.00 P. M. Trains from German town to Ninth and Green streets Philadelphia ajstd Baltimore C ENTR A L T nAn ; MAi ! , n o URB ,0d and after MONDAY, April 4,1870, trains will run n *LEAVE'rI;ILAT>EIJPInA, from depot of P.W.4 B B R. corner Broad street and Washington avenue. For PORT DEPOSIT, at 7 A, SE aivM.SU-PT Al. For OXFORD, nt7 A.51..4.30 P. 51..hnd7 P M.- For Oil ADD *S FORD AND CHESTER-(WEEK R R., at 7 A. 51., 10 A. M.,2.30 P. 51.,4,30 P. M„ and 1 p ji ... Train leaving Philadelphia ‘at 7 A,M.'connects .’t Port deposit with train for Baltimore _ c Trains leaving Philadelphia ;at. Ip A. add 4.30 P M.. leaving Oxford at 6.05 A. 31., and leaving Port TV posit at 9 26 A. M., connect at Clmdd s Ford JuncUoi with tha Wilmington ami Heading Railroad. TRAINS FOR PinLAPKLPIIIAIeavd r PortPen„ P i at 9.25 A.M. and 4,25 P. M. on arrival of trams Iron B O\FOKP at 0.05 A. SI., 10.-35 A. Sl.ltids.3oP, S] I. . CHADD'S FORD at 7.20'A. SI., 12.00 SI., 1.30 P. M. On SUNDAYS 1 leave Philadelphia for West Grove am intermediate stations at 5.00 A. SI. Returning lea\ West Groveat3.ss P. SI. , , , Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel or.l as baggage, and the Company will not be responsible fo an amount , expecding one hundred dollars, unless BDOciai contract is made for Mis same. General Superintendent, TJHIIjADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL | J>o time table. • ■fin after MONDAY, May, 3U, 1870, i the Trains on the Philadelnhift-aful Erie itnilroad. ■will run as f ollowa from Penuayfvania ' Vcat Phtlaili-lph a . a. «: “ »» arrives at Erie 7-40 P. M. .Erie Express-".M V. M. “ “ arrives at Brie - 7.25 A. Sp*: : « *» arrives at Lock Haven vr Bald Eagle Mail leaves Williamsport .. Vtlp* v’ ;v Hall Train leaves 8ri0......; .v. r 4^«^u«was t &gJ ; AAJjk, . “ u . 41 Wi111am5p0rtr..,.......... u - u arrives at Ehiladelpbja. 6.20 A.M. Brie Expresfleaves Erio...i. 9.00 P. M. •* u “ B* »» 7 ** . arrives at Philadelphia, 6.30 P. Mt KlmitftMallleaves Williamsport..... 9.45 A. flj :7 if I’ 8 ?. ,d **>B?*»*!!»^rires^Uliamsportl-IO^P.M: Express. Mail and Accommodation, east and west, connects at Oorry and dU west bound trains amlMim ana Accommodation east at Jrvinoton; with Oil Uroea and Allegheny River Kailroad.• _ ...... lnß . ,WM. A> BALDWIN» General Snperihtendont, 1,5 , and 9, P. M at 7., AJtf W.B. WILSON, General Superintendent. TRAVELS KB’ GUIBE. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. £9mmenclnff Honda}! Aneast 20, 1870. Philadelphia, foot of Market Street (tipper Ferry)at • •: '■ •• 6,00 A-. M. Mail for Bridgeton, Salem* Vineland, Mill* vjlle,BwcdeBbo*o,imd intermediate Stations, t ; 9;00 A;M . Mail and Express'for Cape May; JHSs'S' Woodbury Accommodation. iV : -u, r „ 3.lft P. M. Accommodation for VCape May, Millville, * Vineland and Way Stations,. below Glaes boro. ' : - f 3.30 P.M. Passenger*)-for Bridgeton, Salem, Swedes* v boro and all intermediate Stations. •' 4.00 P.M, Fast Express, for Oitfpe May Saturdays only. - ft 4ft P. M, i agsengor for Swedesboro and Clayton; stop* ——- ping at all stations oustgnal. , ~ ; ■ , ■ptmafiy Mail TraTtfleaves Phlla-folphla M. .‘returning leave Cape May atft.ToP.Mr • r Commutation tickets at reduced rateß between Phila*- doh»bjft and all stations. • . . Freight train leavesCamdeD daily, at 0.20 A. M., stop* t'pinu at all stations between Gloesboro and Capo-May:! and 12.00 o’clock, noon* for. Swedesboro, Salem and Bridgeton,. . .*• •• .*.V < Freight received In Philadelphia, at Second CoverM •Wharf below "Walnut street; - : v : > ' i ; 1 Freight delivery at No. 228 South Delaware avemie. WM. J. SEWELL, Superintendent. For hew york.—the oamden AND AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA AND | TBENTON BAILBOAD COMPANY’S liINBS, from j Philadelphia to New.York»and way places* from Wol«~; nut street wharf. . . At6so A. ftl. Accommodation and 2P. fit. Express, via Camden And Amboy,and at 8 A.M.,Expressfltail.and . .A3OP. M.., Accommodation. via Camden and Jersey ' - vh NEW JERSEY SOUTHERN RAILROAD,. At7'A. 11. and 3.30 P. M. for New York, Long Branch and intermediate places. : Atfl P. M. for Amboy"ahd Intermediate stations, ~ I At 650 A. fit.. 2 and 9.30 P. M for Freehold, 1 At 8 and 10 A.M., 12 AI, 2550 andft.otfP.SM;,for Trenton •At 650,8 and 10 A.M., 12 M., 2,,350,5,6,8 and 1150P.M., * for Bordentowo,Florence,BorHnetpn,Beverly and De planed and Biverton. '••• ■ 1 At6soand 10 A.M.,I2Mu 350, ft* 6,8 and 1150 P.M. for Edgewater, Eiversido, Biverton, and Palmyra. At6soand li A. M., 12M.,6;6, Band 11.30 P.'M. for < Fish Ho nee. i - : I P. M. Lldo leaves from Market, Street , Ferry l upper Bide)l ,' 1 ' From Kensington Depot: . „ -■■ t | At75U A. M., 2504 850 and 6.00 P. M. for Trenton afad: Bristol. And at 10.4 ft A. M. and 6P* M. for Bristol,,. | At 7JOA.M., 2.30, and 5 F.Mvfor fiforrfevilld and Tally* v .At 750 and 10.4 ft A. M.. 250, ft wuM P.M. for Sohenck’s, 1 j : Eddington, Cornwells, T orrasdalo anduolmeßbargl “'At 7 A.!!'.," 12,807 ft.lft a : hd : 7so P.Mi ; fbr Btfstleton^Olmes*' burg and At 7 and J 0.46 A.M.; 12.30; 2.30, fi.ls, 6 and 750 P. M.- • for Tacony, \Viaeinomihg, Brldesbtirgand # Fntnkforu. I 1 From West Philadelphia Depot via Oonnectingßallway : At7.oo.and 950 A. M., 12.45, 6A6,,and 12 P. M^New York Express .Linesand at 1150 P. M. Emigrant Line, I —-—4 At 7.00 and 950 A. M:,12.45r 6.4 ft, and 12 P.M. for Trenton and Bristol. •■_,■..•• Eddington, Cornwells, Torreadald, Holmesburg - Junction, Taconv*-Wissinoming*:.Brideaburg . and. • Sunday Lines leave at95Q A. M, and 6.45 P« M;,.and - 12 For g Linr i B leavmgKejiainctonDcpot, takothecarson : ' Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at Tiairauhonrbe* | fore departure. TheCarsof Market Street Bailway run | direct to West PhiladelpbiaDepot.ChestnutandWalnut j EL VI L)EKE re DELAW ABB BAILBOAD LINE Ju n A in |l?, n ior*Niagsra Foil,, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Binghampton Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkoabarre, BcbooWv’s Mountain, &c. A.t7JO A. SI. and 330 P. M. for Scranton, Strouds burg, Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton, • Lam bemille. -Flemingtoai Ac. The 33) P. M. Line con, nects direct with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk Allentown, Bethlehem, Ac. At 5 V. 51. for Lnmbertville and intermediate Stations. CAMDEN ANDBDRLINUTON GO., ANl> PEMBEIt- U TON AND H-IGHTSTOWN RAILROAD CO.’S LINES, from Market Street Ferry'upper side.) iSrThe 7. A. M. and 3JO P. M. Lines lcavo from Walnut Street Wharf. . At 7 and 9 A. M.,1,2.13,3.30,8 &6 JO P.M.,and on Thurs day and Saturday nighta atllJO P. M; for Merchants ville.Moorestown, Hartfordi Masonville. Hamsport and Mount Holly. _ , , ~ , At 7 A. M.,2.l3and6JoP.M.forLnmberton and Med- At°7 rd and 9 A M., 1, 3-30 &b P. M., for Smithvllle Ewausvillf.Vincentown, Birmingham and Pemberton At 7 A. fil. and 1 and 350 P. 51., for Lewistown, Wrightstown, Cookstown, New Egypt and Horners- M..! and3so P.M.for Cream Bidge, Imlays* ; , ~.tb'im» Shairon ttnd Hightstown - . . _ Fiffr pounds or Bacgage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers aro prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage .to One Dollar pound, ana will not be iiablefor any amount beyond 0100,. ex- Ce in«lilFtionll C Tkkot t dfflC6ia located at No. ffiB Chest nut street, where tickets to New York, and all-impor tant points North and East, maybe procured. Persons purchasing Tickets at this Office can-have them bag gage checked from residences or hotel to destination,by : and 7 P.M., and at 12 Night, via Jersey City and West Philadelphia. From Pier No. I,N. River, at BJO A. M. Accommoda tionand 2 P. M. Eipross. via Amboy and Camdon. H August 1.1870. WM. H. QATZMER, Agent. Philadelphia, 'Wilmington and BALTIMORE BAIL ROAD-TIME TA.BLE.pom mencing MONDAY, June 6th, 1870. Trains wilTleave Depot, corner Broad and Washington avenue, as fol* k WAY MAIL TRAIN at 8.50 A. M. (Sundays oiceptrfJ, for Baltimore, stopping at all Regular Stations. Con necting with Delaware Bailroad Lino at Clayton with Smyrna Branch Bailroad and Maryland and Delaware ItJl.,at H arrington with Junction and Breakwater 8.8., at Seaford with Dorchester and Delaware Bailroad, at Delmar ■with Eastern Shore Bailroad and at Salisbury with Wicomica and Pocomoko Bailroad. , EXPBESS TRAIN at 11.45 M. t Sundays excepted', for • Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryrille and Havre do Grace. Connects at Wilming ton with train for New Castle. , EXPBESS TRAIN at 4.00 P. M.(Sundays exoepted), for Baltimore and Washington * stopping at Ohestor, Thurlow, Lin wood, Olaymont, Wilmington, Newport, Stanton, Newark, Elkton, North East, Charlestown, Perryvifle, Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, Ferryman s, Edge wood .Magnolia, Chase’s and Steminors Run- NIGHT feXPRESB at 11.30 P. M. (dally 1 for Baltimore and Washington; stopping at Chester, Bin* wood, ClaymontsWiltnington*'•Newark,Elkton,North East, Perryrille, Havre de Grace. Perryman’s and Mag- Df PaßBengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 11.45 A. M. Train. * „ _ , WILMINGTON TRAlNS.—Stopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 11.00 A. M.,3L50,C.00 and 7.00 P. M, The 0.00 P. M. train connects with Delaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate B Hattons. Leave WILMINGTON6.4S and 8.10 A. M., 2.00,4.00 and 7.15 P.M. The 8.10 A. M. train will not stop between Chester and Philadelphia. The 7.15 P. M. train from Wilmington runs dally;allothorAccommodatlon Trains 8 Trains feavmgWILMINGTON at 6.45 A. M. and 4.00 P?®!will SSKct at Lamokin Junction with: the 7.00 A M aruWJWP M. trains fotßaltimore Central R. R. BromBALTIMOBEtoPIULADELPHIA.-Leaye. Baltimore 7.25 A. M.; Way Mail. 9.U0 A. M., Express J ‘BUNDAV E BALTIMORE at 7.25 P. M., Stopping at Magnolia,Per ryman’s, Aberdeen, Havre-do*Grace,PerryvilluJJharles Elkton, Newark, Stanton, Newport Wilmington, Olaymont, Linwood and Cheater. Through tickets to alf points West, South, and South weat may be procured at the ticket office, £2B Chestnut street, under Continental Hotel, wherealso State Rooms and Berths in Sleeping Cars can be secured during th< day. Persons purchasing tickets at this office can havt for g Kpany. M ** theif b^ Tmu, PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL BOAD.-After 8 P. M., SUNDAY, July 10tt -1870. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad l«avethe Depot,at Thlrty-flratand Market, streets,whict is reached directly by tho cars of the Market Street Pas aenger Railway, the lust car connecting with each train leaving Front and Market street thirty minutes beforr Ite departure. Those of the Chestnut and Walnu- Streets Railway run within one square of the Depot. Sleeping Oar Tickets can bo had on application atttn Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Ninth and Chestnu‘ Bt A«ut?of fho tI Dn l ioS°Tr a n ß rer Company will call fo. and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Oraero left at No. 90) Chestnut atroof, No. 11« Market street, will receive at tentiou TEAIKB LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ.: rtfnU TVftin ....atB.oo A. M puon Accom:::::::::::.::...iu a. m. ami mao,and j.iop.m , Lancaster Accom ISI'iSS'S Erie Mail and Pittsburgh Express.., at 10.J0 P.M , Way Passenger .*•«.••.*.•••»11. ou r 51 Erie Mail leaves daily, except Sunday, running ot- Saturday night to Williamsport only. On Sunday night passengers will leave Philadelphia at 8 o clock . v Pittsburgh Express leaving on Saturday night rum ° ofuctamvtiKx'pro'se leaves daily. All other train. d °& wifsmraAs'commodation Train runs daily .except Bnnday For this train tickets must bo procured an. baggago delivered by 6.00 P. M., at 116 Market street. b sfundny Train No. 1 leaves a 8.40 A. M . arrives at Paoli 9.10 A. M. Sunday Truhi No. 2 lent P ' M ‘ TBA INS ABBIVB AT DEPOT, VIZ : Cincinnati Express - “HI f • J}' Paoli Accommodation ••at 8.20 A.M. and3^p,6.4o P. M. £ M, Look Haven and Elmira Expross at 9.40 P.M. Pacific Express f • JOHNE. VANLEEB ,°J R?,' picket Agent, 901 Chestnu Tho Pennsylvania Bailroad Company will uot aasume tract. , General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. J/TIAMDESI; AND ■• ATLANTIC k.ui, JU~ KOAD— EAJjt*.ABiIADGESIB6*T- On ana.aftef TBORSBAY, September 15, 1870, trainewitl leave Vine 'Utiset-Stenjt in follow* s <»<*./»• • ' ‘ 'i . ] Haiti;; .. 8.00 A. M.i p r: ft >UH —P* M. Freight} with passenger 12.06 Noon Fast 0r1 y7.30 A. M. Atlantic Acc0w»jniHJ0xi0n....... v ..e.. v .»...... v ....’..- #.w a. m. . r . LOGAIi TEAINH LEA\B M For JladdoTlfiold, 10.13 A. M.»2.08,6.45F. M. ; __ • For Haromonton and’lntonnediat© stations) 5,*5 ri-u. •■■•• Mr:. 1. ON SUNPAYS " •* Mail train for-Atlanticloavci..B.oo A. ju. lienvee Atlantit...;-.«.v...... v ‘? 1 ’ . . , . JD. (J. MUND3tj Agent. D BA DI N G BAH.BOAO/ OJtUBAII JtiTriihK Xrne toTtlia-Intorlor of \ - Pennsylvania,the Bchaylkill, Susquehanna. Camber-/ land and Wyoming Valley 9, the North* and [ the Cdnadas; Spring Arrangement orPawenaer;Tfalne,i Way 16, 1870. leaving the Company te Depot, Thirteenth and Callcwblll Btreeta, Philadelphia, at the following I 1 h MOEHINO AOCOMMODATION.*-At7.flO A. M. foil Beading and all intermediate Stations, and Allentown.} Returning,leaves.Reading at 5.35 p. M., arriving In Philadelphia at 9.26 P. M. „ ~ MORNING EXPRESS.—At 8..16 A. Mi Tor Beading } -Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove, I Tamaqaa,| Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara; Folia, Buffalo, Wtlkesbarro, Pittaton, York. Oarlislo,; tJhamoeraburg, Hagerstown, Ac. ■; The 7.30 A.M. train connects at Heading with the East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for AUontpwn.Ac. .and the; B;i6 A .M. traiD connects with the Lebanon Volley train; for Harrisburg, Sc.: at Port Clinton with Oatawissa-R., B. trains-for Williamsport; Lock Haven. Elmira, Ac ;at ; Harrisburg with Northern Central, qnmberland Val loy.and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for North-! umberland, Williamsport.- Fork, Ohamb rabarg.Plne ‘'aF'/eBNOON ,EXPBKSB.—Leave* Philadelphia at 830 P. M. for Beading, Potlsville, Harrisburg, Ao„ con necting with Ecading and Columbia Railroad trains for ACCOMMODATION;—Leaves Potts-:, town at 8 .26 A. M., stopping at the intermediate stations;, arrives in Philadelphia atSAOA.jM. Returning, leaves Philadeinhiaat. P.M..;arrivea in Pottstown at 0.15 P. 51, BEADING AND -feoTTSVILLE ACOQSIMODA TION.—Leave Pottsvilre at 6.40 A. M., and -4,20 P. M., and Beading at 7AO A. M.and 635 P.M , stopping at nil. way nations; arriyo in Philadelphia at. 10.20 A.M* and B 'Bctiirning, leaves Philadelphia at 6.15P.M.: arrives inNeadlug at 735 P. M.,and at Pottsville at 9.40 P, M. MORNING EXPRESS.—Trains for Philadelphia leave Hamabnrg_at 8.10 A. M., and Pottsville St 9,00 A. M.. arriving in Philadelphia at 1.00 P.M. Afternoon Express trains leave Hamsburgat 220 P. M ..aml-Potbr - . villeat J.to P. H.; arriving at Philadelphia at 7.00 "P •M ■ . _ -.- , } ' 'Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Beading at 7.16 A. ittrlSiS HSssbnVgat 440 P, M. Confecting, at Heed-, (ng with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6351’. M., ; arriviugfhTPhiladelphiaat9As P. 51. —.. ' M'afkef train, with a Passenger car attached, loaves Philadelphia at 1230 noon for; Beading and , all- Way Stations; leaves Pottßvillo at 5.40 A. M., connecting at Beading with accommodation tralji for Philadelphia and *'ah tnenbovo'tralna tod daily, Sundaya excepted.----- flnnfiftv trainsleavePottsvillo atB A.'fil,, andßhtla* dolt>hia-ftt3 16 P. M.; leave Philadelphia for Reading at •WAOT* returning from Beading at 435 P. M. Those _ frains connect both wave with Sunday trains on Per kiomeD and Colebrookdale-RailToad.-- — —- k —. ■ OHEBTEB VALLEY BAILBOAD.-Passongeis for Downlngtown and intermediate points take the 730 A M/,l23tfand 4.00 Pi M-trains from PhUßdolphia,reMra-, lng from DowningtowmatG3o A.-M.; 13.45 and 6.15 PAI PEBKIOSIEN BAILBO AD .-Passe ngera for Schwenke-- ville take 730 A.M., 1230 and 6.16 P.M. trains for Phila delnhia. returning from BchwenksviUe at 6.15 and -8.06 A. A., 12.15 noon, 4.15 P. M. Stage linesfor various points in Perktomen Valley connect with trains- at Oolleeevllle and Bchwenk3yiMe. - _ COLEBROOKDALE BAILRqA.D.-Passenger9 for Mt. Pleasant and intermediate points.take th 0730 A. 51. and 4.00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia; returning from M NE\v''YOß t K. a i/xPRESB PITTSBTniG H AND THE WEST .—Leaves New York at 9.00 A. M. and £.OO R. M.» passing- Reading. , A:***,. an< *; P. M.,and connects at Harrisburg with-, Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad Expresß Trains for Pitta* bnrghi Chicago, Williamsport, Elmira, .Baltimore, &c. . Returning, Express Train leaves Harrisburg onarrival of Pennsylvania Express from. Pittsbnrgh, at BAS A. M. M., passing Reading at 7.23 A, M, and 10.40. A. M., arriving at Now York at 12.05n00n and 3AO P. M. Sleeping Cara accompany these traiD® through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without change. _ MaiLtrain for Now Yhrk. leavps; Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M. and 230 P. 51, Mali train for Harrisburg leaves New T elwn,B 0 ILL VALLEY RAlLnbAD—Trains leave PfeiSrillekteJo and 1130A.M. afel 6.6oP.M,. returning, from Temaona at BAS A. M.» and 2.15 M. r sc£UTYXiklLli AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD —Trains leave Auburn at BAS- A. M. for Pinegrave and' Harrisburg,' uud J at - 12.05 noon-for Pine* grove, Tremont and Brookside: returning Har risburg- at -3.40 E- M; from Brpolwido at 3.45 P. M. and from Tremont at 6.25 A .M.and 5.05 P.M. , . TICKETS.— Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all tho principal points in the North and W est RD E*?;nrtfon‘ Ticketi from Philadelphia to Beading and Intermediate Stations, good for day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market Train, Beading and Pottetown Accommodation Trains at rod need rates; Excursion TickMs to Philadelphia, good for day only. are sold at Pottsville and Intermediate Stations byßead ng and- Pottßvillo. and Pottstown Accommodation followhi'g tfcSts B are ohtainiAle only at the Office of B. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South- -Fourth- street Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicolls, General Bnporinton d<Convmutat!on Tickets, at Mpor cent, discount.between any pointß desired, for famines and firms. Mileage Tickets', good for ‘i.OOOmiies,between all points at 547 00 each for families and firms. Season Tickets, for ohe,twoA4ireo, six,ninoor twelvo months, for holders only, to oil points, at reduced rates. --Clergymen residing on-fcho line of-the road will befur uiahed with cards, entitling themselves and wives to ‘-Bxcuraion'Tlckete from P.hlladelphia to principal eta tionß eood for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, rt ro* doceiifare.tobe had only at the Ticket Office, at Thir -YTtElGH^—'G6dds4)Pa e H descrlptiona-forwardedao: all the above points from the Company’s Now Freight Dcnot. Broad and Willow streets. ... . i a m Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 435 A. M., 1230 n00n75.1>0 and 7.16 P.M.,for Reading, Lebanon, Harrlßburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all pointa bo 'mlilb close at tho Philadelphia Post-office for all places on the rood and its branches at 6 A.M.,and for tho prin cipalßtattons only , Dnngan's Express will collect Baggage tor all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot; Orders can be left at No . 225 South Fourth Btreot, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. AST FREIGHT LINE, VIA NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, to Wilheebarre.. Mahanoy City,MountCarmeUCentralia.and all pointe an Lehigh Valley Ballroad ana Its branches. By new or ran pemontß> perfected this day, thle road it enabled ta give fncreaßedrdespatqh to merchandise con signed to the above-named points. _ . §oo*, at Before® P. M.»will r<ichWilheebarre. MoantOarmcl MabaHoy City, and the other »tatlon» in Mahanoyani Wyoming Taller .before A. CLARK, & DUMBER. MAULE, BROTHER & CO., 8500 South Street. lory A PATTEBN MAKEBS. IQ7A loll), PATTERN MAKEBS. lv>lU ' CHOICE SELECTION MICHIGAN 0 CORK PIN* FOR PATTERNS. 1 OTA FLOBIDA FLOORING. 1 Q7ft Lolu. FLORIDA FLOORING. lOIU CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING' ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. 1 07 A FLORIDA STEP BOABDB.I OTA LOIU. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. lOIU BAIL PLANK. HAIL PLANK. _• “^ EDS W SI . a OT BOABD» o Am™«:. WALNUT PLANK. ASSORTED FORI OABINKT MAKEBS, BUILDERS, ML - lOTA ONDEBTAKEBB LOI U. LUMBER. UNDERTAKERS’ LUMBER, RED OEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. IQ7A SEASONED POPLAB. lOTA lOIU. SEASONED CHERRY. lOIU WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. • 1 07A OABOLINA SCAFTLING.I 07A lOIU. CAROLINA H. T. SILLS. lOIU NORWAY SCANTLING. 1 OTA SPBUCE AND HEMLOO Lo tV. BPBOOE AND HEMLOOK. LABGE STOCK. CJEDAK SHINGLES. 1 07 A LOIV. OEDAB SHINGLES. t 101 V . OYPBESB SHINGLES. LABGE ABBOBTMENT. FOB SALE LOW. 1 Q7A "PLASTERING LATH. IQ7T) LO * V. PLASTERING LATH. lO i U MALLE BBOTHEB A ®».i J6OO SOUTH STREET. VEtr-OW PINK LUMBBB.—OBDEBe i for cargoea of every dowription Sawed Lumber exe onted at unort aubjeot to lnapeolioj} A.pply to EPW; H. BOWLBY •\9 Booth Wharves. RODGERS’ AND WOSTENnOLTtf^ ifHSS R^gg E 8 R oM^k 6 N°O%WI?SI?H construction to sestet tbo bcarin«i at P. M A Outler And tinrginul lußtrnment Maker, lMTontninroa . bel w ————» in & C0.,J11 Chestnut ttrwt. ~SHIFFEK5 T ~GTTTDE TEXAS . TORTS. THE STEAMSHIP .* • HERCULES' 5 " , will saiij kor ’ . : NEW ORLEANS DIRECT,' Saturday, Sopt. 17th, at 8 o’clock A. M. ■ Through bills of;lading given in connection with Mor gan's lines from NEW ORLEANS to MOBILE* GAL* YESTON, TNDIANOLA, LAVAQOA and BRAZOS, at ay low : fat 6bas by anyvothep rptite, ~ '■ "' -" •' Throbgh bills of lading also given to all points on t£© Mississippi river between . Now Orleans and St. Louis, in connection with the St. Louis and New Orleans Jac ket Company. For further information, apply to WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, So, 130 South Third Street. m.-lO CtS_ FOfit BOSTON. ; Steamship Line. Direct. ROMAN, SAXON, NORMAN, ARIES. Sailing Wednesday and Saturday FKO3I EACH PORT. From Pine &t- Wharf, Plilla., at 10 A. M. “ looj; Wllnrf, Boston. 1 - at 3P. M. Those Steamships sail punctually. Freight received every day . . Freight forwarded to allpoints m New Entiand. For freight or yaaebg&lsuperior accommodations ) ap ply to Insurance effected at-3£ of 1 percent, at thooipco. HESBY tVINSOBAIO., 838 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE; Philadelphia- and southern MAIL STEAMSHIP .COMPANY’S REGULAR SEMI-MONTHLY-LINE TO NEW ORLEANS, LA. The HERCULES will sail FOR NEW ORLEANS, direct, on Saturday, Sept J7,atBA.M. The YAZOO .will sail FROM NEW ORLEANS, via Havanas September : ih r ... -—THROBGH BILLS Wi LADING - at os low rates as by any other roilto "given to MOBTLEjGAJUVESTON, INDIANOLA, LAVACOA, Hindi BRAZOS, and to all . points on the MISSISSIPPI, between NEW ORLEANS and 6T. LOUIS.. BED. RIVER FREIGHTS ;RE- . . SHIPPED at New Orleans without charge of connnia -8iO!>- wiiEKT.Y MNE.XO SAVANNAH. GA. 1 . the WYOMING will sail FOB on Satnrday,fieptember I7,at 8.A.M.,:..*■ r _ The TONAWANDA will sail FROM SAVANNAH on Saturday,Sept. 17. —THBOUGH^ILLS^OF—LADIN%-«ivett.togallth« principal towns in GEORGIA, ALABAMA, FLORIDA, MISSISSIPPI, LOUISIANA; ARKANSAS and TEN* NESSEE, in connection with the Central Railroad of GeorgiayAtlantic and GuU Bnilroad and Florida.Bteam• asbycpmpoting-lines.r-- -- SEMI-MONTHLY LINE TO WILMINGTON* N. 0. T.bo PIONEER will sail FOR -WILMINGTON -on Friday,. September At- M.-rreturningvwill leave Wilmington,-Friday, Sept. 23dv. . . OA . ' _ Coimectswith the Capo Fear -Blver Steamboat Com pany, the Wilmington and Weldon and,North Carolina Railroads, and the Wilmington and Manchester Bail road toallinteriorpointe.’ „ Freights for COLUMBIA, S. G., and AUGUBTA,Ga., taken via WILMINGTON at as low rates , as by .any otherroute. ' . . - • • •••'.„ Insurance effected * when requested by Shippers. Bills of Lading signed at Queen Street Wharf on or before day of sailing- WM. L. JAMES, Genei-al Agenti" my3l-tf§ No. 13U Sonth Third street. PTTTT.ATJWT/PHIA, .RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. . „ ' THEODGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH , AND WEST. INCREASED FACILITIES AND REDUCED RATES STEAMERS LEAVE EVERY WEDNESDAY : and BATURDAY»at 12 o’clk, Noon, from FIRST WHARF, above MARKET Street. . RETURNING; LEAVE RICHMOND'MONDAYS nod THURSDAYS, and NORFOLK TUESDAYS, and SATURDAYS. '■ W’-No Bills of Lading signed after; 13 o’clock on BATES to all points In Nortti and Booth Carolina via Seaboard Air-Lino Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, am! to Lynchburg, Va,, Tennessee and.the West via Virginia and Tennessee AirNWne Rich mond and Danville Railroad. FreiehtHA'NDLED BUT ONOEvand taken atIiOWMB BATEB THAN ANY OTHER LINK. N o charge for commission , drayage, of any expense for Bteamflhfpß Inßnreat loweßtrates«~“'^^^^ Freight received DAIRY- „ Btate-roona fa No. IS Sooth Wharves and Pier No. 1 North Wharves, W. P. POBTEB. Agent atßicbJnond and City Point. T. P.OBOWEMi & 00., AgOnta at Norfolk ■’ Fob new yobk via del a AND RARITAN CANAL. EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. ..Xh&.GEbEAPEST and QUICKEST water communica tion between Philadelphia and New York. Steairiers leave daily from Fitst Wharf below MAR KET street, Philadelphia, and foot of IVAIiL street, Knen Vatlt THROUGH IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Goods forwarded by all the Linos running out of New York. North, East or West, free of commission. Freights received Daily ana forwarded on accommoda ting terms. WM- p, CLYDE & CO„ Agents, is Sonth-DelawarOrAvonne,— JAB. HAND, Agent, 119 Wall Street. New York. ' >TEW EXPRESS LIME TO ALEXADU dria, Georgetown and WoaHingtontD.OMvlaObcß apeafco and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex andria from the most direct roote for Lynchburg, Bris tol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and.tlie Southwest- Steamers leave regularly from tho first wharf abov No. 12 BontU Wharves and Fler l North Wharvca, . HYDE & TYLKB, Agonta at Georgetown. SI. KLDBIDGE & OQ.. Agenta at Alexandria. Ya TTIOR HEW YORK, VIA DEE A WARE bwiptsubf/tbansportation company. DISPATCH AND SWIFTBUBE LINES, Leaving daily at 12and5P.M. The steam propellers of tills Company will commeno loading on the Bth of March. Through In twenty-four hours. . Goods forwarded to any point free of commissions. Freights taken on accommodating terms. Apply to WM. 81. BAIBU & CO.* Agents* mM-tf 132 Bouth Delaware avenue. Delaware and Chesapeake STEAM TOW-BOAT COMPANY.—Barges towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre do Grace, Del aware City and intermediate pomta. T nn m WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Agents; Oapt, JOHN LAUGHLIN Sup’t Office, 12 South Wharvoß, Phila delphia- a l >n tl § . AT ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1\ —Freight Department.—Notice to Shippers.—By arrangements recently perfected, I thi? Company abled to offer unusnal despatch in the transportation ol freight from Philadelphia to all points of tho Mahnnoy, Wyoming and Susquehanna Valloyß,and on the Catawisaa and Erie Railways. ... _' *il‘ _ii Pufticnlur attention lB asheddathe-new Hne.through tho Susquehanna Valley, opening up the Northeaatern portion of the State to Philadelphia, embracing the fowns of Towanda, Athens, Waverly, and the counties of Bradford, Wyoming and Susquehanna. It also of fors ashort and speedy route to Buffalo and Rochester, Interior and SinthoraNew York, and all points in the Northwest and Southwest and on tho Great Merchandise delivered at the Through Froight Depot, corner of Front and Noblo streets, before BP. is dis tributed by Fast Freight Trains throughout thobe higli, Mahanoy, Wyoming and Bnßquohanna Valleys early next day, and delivered at Rochester' and Buffalo within forty-eight hours from date ottbinmout. ■ I Particulars in regard to Buffalo, Rochester, interior Now York and Western Freight may be obtained at tho office, No. 811 Cheßtnut street. L.O. KINSLBR, Agent ofP.W.ds K.Dine.] .D.B.GBAFLY, Through Freight Agent, Frcm LIS OLAUK? t<! ' Qeneral Afiant N..P. RH. 0 0. __ HITE CASTILE SOAP-" CONTI.”- 200 boxea now landing from bark Loreuna* from - Or itOBKIM"IIOKMAKER A CO..lmporters K. E. cor. Fourth ami Baeo Btroets. 1810 171 V K or L.—GEN UiNE* TUSCAN U Olivo Oilin stone jura aud flasks, landing from barkLoremin, from Leghorn, ami lor Huli ly ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00.»Jf mportcrs* uuunati N. E. cor. Fourth and Racobtreota. ROOT. OP EXTRA SCXPE- Gentian Boot. Curb. Ammonia* just reived nor In defat iff able, from London* and for sal® v.l SUOKMAKEU A CO., Importers, by e corner Fourth and Kaco streets. Cl TRI( / A(II). —20 KEGS OP OITBIO Arid “ Minn's” Wino of Colcliicum, from fresh root; also from the seed. Buccus (lonium,“ Alien s. r ROBERT SHOEMAKER 4 CO,, Importers, liunniii j;. E. cor. Fourth and Ituco streets T^uTOFaTMONDS.—“ ALLEN’S ” GEN t I „i™ Oil of Almonds, essential and sweet. Also, ■ SAllen’s” Extracts of Aconite, Bolladona, Gentian, Hvosctaml, Taraxicnm, &0., just received in store, per I„ > defa.l g ahle.from ) Bo^on,m,d^ s r A sa.l3b y&oo ' Importing Druggibta* N. E, corner Fourth and Baca streets. RAX) U A TED M E ASUR ESr—ENGL ISH Graduated Measures, warranted correct. Genuine “ Wedgwood” Mortars. Just recoivod from London per steamer Bell W d ii ror s salobj iAKßß & co;> > N. E. cor. Fourth and Race streets. tef.rsSr&K’Md!,’® Oases* Glass and Metal Syringes, &0., Mlaf Flm Bands” pneee, : ABBOTBER.^ PBOFEBSOB JOHN BUCHANAJS, ». i». can bo consulted personally or by letter to all djs eases. Patients can rely.upon “ fornlSiM DKHGa. PERSONAL.
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