VlTft SitUhETIH. mate or Thermometer Thla 3>»y nt (be BolleUnOjnce. ma.M,—..76d0«. UM.. 3ld»I. 3P. Afg. ‘ Weather clt’udr. Wind EmII. P* A* 'Jlie Grand Demonstration of To-Day. The late disturbances in New York between the Irish Protestants and Irish Catholics have created considerable, excitement among both parties, and in this oify they have served to awaken renewed interest. in the organization . known as the' American Protestant Associa tion. When the announcement was made some weeks .ago that thegraud annual parade of the Order would be made to-day, each and every lodge began tilling up with members,and it was hoped that a huge turnout 1 would be made. 1 ',> .. When the various Lodges had ail assembled on Broad street,this morning,no: one was more astonished than the Worthy Grand Master. Great as had been the expectations/ the num ber of men in line Was still-greater, and a fair estimate placed the figures at three thousand. Owing to some difficulty in forming the divi sions, one or two Lodges being absent, it was nearly 11 o’clock before the line commenced to move. A Countermarching on Broad street, thence to Chestnut, in the folio Wing order: :, Lieutenant Ericoson. Reserve Squad, Mounted. . Lieutenant Pritchard. ' •- Department of. Police. A Chief Marshal, John Fullerton, of No. 10. • Speoial Aids. Frank Boss, No. IS ; John Laughlin, No. 16; ' ■lsaac Lyster, No. 29: Thomas Smith, No.SO; John McCain, No. 58; John Gilkie, No. 66; William Charlton, No. 86. ' FIRST DIVISION*. ' Marshal/Thompson Carson. No. 9. Aids, Frank Burns, No. 13; David Campbell, No. 14; David Coulter. No. 15. Liberty'Lodge, No. 9, with four-horse bar roucbo, containing a -large white silk banner, with Goddess of Liberty painted thereon. Independence Lodge, No. 13—Barouche drawn by four horses, containing a white silk banner with the painting of, the “Declaration of Independence?’ Joshua Lodge, No. 14. Barouche drawn by four horses, containing blue satin banner with paintiDg of “Joshua commanding the sun to stand still.” .■■■• Constitution Lodge, No. 15. Barouche drawn by four horses, containing blue silk banner with pairing of Washington holding the Con stitution. A ■ * ' A second division. Marshal—Jaa. Caldwell, No. 18. Aids—Andrew Henry, No. 16; Wm. H. Surie, No. 20; Wm. B. Fleming, No. 23. . Montgomery Lodge, No. 16. Barouche drawn by four horses,, containing red silk banner, with painting of the Ark of the Cov enant; and reverse, portrait of General Mont gomery. Gideon Lodge, No. 18, barouche drawn by four horses, containing a very handsome white Silk banner. Harmony Lodge, No. 20, barouche drawn by four horses, containing a white silk banner. Washington Lodge, No. 71, Wilmington, Del. This lodge carried a fine crimson silk banner, with the representation of “ Wash ington at Trenton.” Manayunk Lodge, No. 23, carried a blue silk banner. THIRD DIVISION. _ „• Marshal, Adam Hill, No. 30. Aids, Charles Forbes, No. 26; Samuel Greer, Ho. 28: Joseph tlermou, Iso. 29. Star of Bethlehem Lodge, No. 25, barouche drawn by, four horses, containing a blue silk banner with the paintmg of the “ Child Jesus in the Stable at Bethlehem.” ■ Israelite Lodge, No. 28, barouche drawn by four horses, containing'a red Silk banner with the painting of: the “ Children of Israelln the ■Wilderness,” and the angel leading them out thereof. Philadelphia Lodge,, No., 08. . This lodge carried a fane blue banner with the city’s coat of arms painted thereon. FOURTH DIVISION. "Marshal, James Brines, No. 30. Aid, Joseph Bennett, No. 37. Southwark Lodge, No. 31, white silk ban ner, with painting of Indian, and American flag. Ashland Lodge, No. 32, white silk banner, with portrait of Henry Clay thereon. ~— American Star Lodge, No. 37, fine banner, with ■Washington on. horseback. This Lodge was also accompanied by a number of boys In sailors’ costume. Wm. Penn Lodge, No. 29. Accompanying this Lodge were a numbor of young men at tired as Indians, who, by their antics and capers,- created considerable merriment for some, whilst they shocked the nerves of others. Several parties were also attired in costumes similar to the one worn hy Penn, and following them came sailors hearing the trunks supposed to contain trinkets, &c. This Lodge also carried a fine white silk banner, with the painting of “ Penn treating with the Aborigines.” JUNIOR ORDER. Chief Marshal Junior American Protestant Association, Jas. D. Love, No. 2. Special Aids, Wm, Glenn, No. 4; John Don nelly, N 0.3. fifth division. Marshal, "Wm. G. O’Brien, No. 3. Aids, John Kamse.v, No. 4; Rowan Elliott, No. C; Jas. J. C. Hamilton, No. 11. Hope Lodge, No. 1: Union Lodge, No. 2; Liberty Lodge, No. 3; AVrn. Penn Lodge, No. •1; Montgomery Lodge, No. 6; .Excelsior Lodge, No. 11; Lodge, No. 7. All these lodges were accompanied by pioneers; sailors, In dians, &c. The Liberty, Montgomery and Excelsior Lodges also carried handsome silk banners. SIXTH DIVISION. Marshal, John Riddell, No. 38. Aids, Robert Woods, No. 41; James Dunbar, No. 40; Wm/McGee’, No. 43. Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 58. This Lodge carried a flue white silk banner, with tne painting of the “ Good Samaritan " thereon. David Lodge, No. 40, carried a red silk ban x’ ner,with painiing of “David slaying Goliath.” Conshouoeken Lodge, No. 41, carried a handsome blue silk banner, with the figure of an Indian thereon. Hand-in- Hand Lodge, No. 4b, also carried a blue silk banner. SEVEN 111 DIVISION. Marshal, John McDonald, No. 45. Aids, John Patterson, No. 47: John Gainings, No. 48; Charles K. Yarnall, N 0.50. Zachary Taylor Lodge, No. 45, carried a crimson silk banner, with portrait of General Taylor thereon. 'Prentice Boys’Lodge, No. 47, made a fine show. A large banner drawn in a barouche bore a painting representing the banishmont of the Pope aud the inscription, “No triple crown.” Accompanying them were a number of Indians mouuted. Pennsylvania Lodge, No. 47, carried a silk ! unner with the State eoat-of-arms thereon. EIOkTH DIVISION. Marshal, Joseph Maxwell, No. 60. Aids. William Reynolds, No. 58; Robert McKee, No. 07 and Joseph Thompson, No. 03. Ark of Safety Lodge, No. 58, carried a ban u,er >„with the painting, “Moses Offering up the Sacrifice.” . Mount Sinai Lodge, No. 03, carried a small, bet neat, crimson mush banuer. Moses Lodge, No. SO, carried a blue silk banner, with the painting “Moses receiving the tables of the law.” b'ume? enS ° 0 - also carried a fine NINTH DIVISION. - Marshal, Jus. Hutchinson, Kg «« ' *.-■-■ No. 80. ° ’ . . .Excelsior Lodge, No. 80. 1 bis Lodge careied a fine banner, with the painting of a JSoy and Motto-" Lxcelslor.” Following this divimon came thb members .. of the Worthy Grand Lodge amiinvit t M guests in barouches and carriages, containing members of the Order; next a cavalcade of on'e member from each Order, Marshal Alex , ander Jeffries.of No, 0, the whole closing with a squad of Police under Lieutenant Hender son. The following was the loute passed over: liown Chestnut to Second, down Second to Christian, up Christian to. Twelfth, up Twelfth to Fltzwater, up Flti water to SixtceutU, up sixteenth to South, up South to Twentieth, »P Twentieth to Arch, up Arch to Twett « PHIkABEIjiMS first, up T&enty.-first toGvecu, down -Green; to Broad. up-Broad to - Coliimbia' avetfiio, i down: Columbia avenue to Franliford roha,' down Fraukford road.to Girard avenue, up: jGirard' avenue to Sixth, and there,dismissed. | .The Lodges were formed in the, 'following 1 order. Viz: Marshal; band; banner; Bible,ffup _ portedi. by l : the Scleral with drawn swords :: Chaplain, supported, by the Conductors tylth ; wands ; Worthy Master, supported -by .the ; According Secretary and Treasurer:; 1 Deputy ; Master, supported hy the. Financial Secretary and Assistant Secretary; Past Mastoto; mem- ■ bers, (According to size); four-deep. A dis tance of six fcot between each ;columu was observed. -V; • v The usual Dumber of bouquets tied with the V orange ribbon” were Observed/as also a ; number of “ orange neckties.” All-ak>ng. 'the route the streets were lined , with, spectators;. Broad street being almost impassable. On the whole, theparade wasa complete success.- r The banners carried by Ex celsior Lodge, No. 86: ExcelsiorLodgepJr., : Np.ll; Montgomery Lodgo, Jr., No. 6,. and Mount Sinai Lodge, No.’ 63, were manufac tured by.the well-known firm of R. Mi Robin son &. Co.i N 0.131. North Third street, as were also the silk flags carried by Gideon Lodge,No. 18, and Liberty Lodge, Jr., No. 3. The Albany Zouave Cadets— Reception by the City Authorities.— Our Albanian > visitors are not being allowed to rest'supinely on their backß. Yesterday, after having been conducted to their quarters at the Continental, and allowed time to perform their ablutions, they were taken in charge, by the members of CompanyD, lstßegiment P. V. M.yand con ducted to diffisrenu- parts of the city. In the evening a complimentary reception was ten dered them at the Lardner Street Armory, the hour fixed being nine o’clock. The visi tors left the hotel at 8.30 o’clock; and headed by Doering’s band, .were conducted to tho place named, by a sub-committee of “D.’’ On entering they found about 150 in vited guests present, and Company D and the First Regiment band drawn up in line to re ceive them. After music hy Doering’s band, Col. Jas. W. Latta, on behalf of the Reserves,, tendered the strangers a cordial. welcome, in reply to which Gapt. -Wm. A. Hamilton; com manding the Cadets, mado a few remarks,and closed by introducing Lieut. Jno. Gould, Judge Advocate, who made a neat and fitting speech. Company D then saluted the visitors, - which the latter returned,and,breaking ranks, all hands partook of a fine collation. This morning the Cadets, under escort of a committee of Co. D. Gray Reserves, headed by Capt. J. Ross Clark, marched from the Continental Hotel to independeace Hall, reaching there a little after ten o’clock. .The members were arranged in a circle around the room. Capt. Clark introduced Mayor Fox to the strangers. , Mayor Fox then said: It gives me pleasure, gentlemen, to extend to you a warm aiid cordial welcome to our city. We will have many matters of interest to occupy your attention, hut there will be none that will make a deeper impression upon you than the efforts to promote your enjoy ment that Will be manifested by the corps who have been privileged specially to pay you their. attention whilst ; you. sojourn with us. We have a strong military spirit marking the young men of Philadelphia at the present time, but whilst the State of Pennsyl vania withholds - that legislation, which is so essential for the encouragement of this com mendable movement, our city authorities here aTe doing everything in their power to foster and promote it. We believe that a strong military spirit among our citizens and its - de velopment into organization contribute greatly to the aid of the civil power in admin istering the law; and the.: greater the. organi zation. the Jess the necessity for its being called into use. And whatever agencies, whether ot movement or example, that will promote this end, it is not only onr place but our pleasure to welcome; and in-that view, and also principally because of the dis tinguished reputation of the Albany Zouave Cadets as a model - military corps, we.extend to you a hearty reception, and we hope that in addition to tlie pleasure of your company, the excellence of your drill and discipline will have its ’ beneficial influ ence upon your brethren, the volunteers of our city. 1 commend you, gentlemen, to the hospitalities of onr citizens, and trust that your visit here may be as agreeable to you as I am sura it is a matter of happiness to'us. Capt. Hamilton responded briefly; and in troduced Judge Advocate Gould. Lieut. Goiud said: - Our"worthy Captain, like the illustrious Grant,whose picture, I see, graces.these walls, is not a talker, although an excellent officer. I occupy the place of spokesman, and I feel that I hold a very re sponsible position, as our company contains professional men, men of ability, men of high standing in commercial pursuits, and men connected with every branch of business to be found in a large commercial city. These men the citizens of Albany i look upon with great pride. On behalf of the company I thank you for the hearty welcome which you have extended to us, and also for the compliment which you have paid to us. I thank you for this cordial greeting, which comes in a way to be appreciated by soldiers. Last night our men grasped by the hand men who fought with them on the field of battle ; men who slept side by side with them; men who had gone from this State to the rescue of the liberties of the land.! In addition, I feel as; if I am repre senting the State of New York on this happy occasion. I feel as if New York is shaking hands with Pennsylvania. We cherish our State, which takes a great pride in her militia Prussia makes it obligatory to give three years’ service in the military, and wo have recently seen the effect of that Our State is.followiug in the footsteps of Prussia. No foreign exam ple is needed, however, as the first to rush to arms at the outbreak of our war were the militia, and to them we owe the preservation of\ the capital. Wo shall never forget \oijr kindness, which has made a deep and lasting impression upon us. We love our State and we love our Governor Hoffman hut our hearts are big, and we shall give a large place to every soldier in this corps of yours, from whom we have received such land attentions. - Again I thank you for vom hospitality so cordially extended on this occa sion, which .1 consider one of the happiesi events 1 ever had the pleasure of enjoying. This concluded the ceremony of reception -The company broke ranks; and the members then examined the relics in the hall. This afternoon there will be a street parade of the Albany Cadets and Company I>, Gray Reserves. The line will form at the Conti nental Hotel, at 4 o'clock, and the column will march over the following route: Down Ninth to Walnut, up Walnut to Nineteenth, up Nineteenth to Green./down Green to Broad, down Broad to Arch, up Arch to Sixteenth, down Sixteenth to Spruce, down Spruce to Broad, up Broad to Chestnut, and thence to the Continental Hotel. A dress parade will lake place in front of the Union Lea-mi H ouse about half-past live o’clock. This evening a banquet will be given to the <\-ulei3 by Company D, Gray Reserves, at the Continental Hotel. The visitors will leave for home to-morrow morning. The visiting company comprises 4 officers s staff, 52 privates, 8 guests, fi drummers, 2u musicians and 4 servants. Several errors have occurred in the names of the officers of the company and staff, as published, and there tore we give a corrected list as follows: Captain, Win, A, Hamilton; First Lieut., CharlesC. Nichols; Second do., Charles A. Lansing: Third do., Edward Douglass; In spector, Edward McOammon; Ordinance Of dicer, John L. Newman; Engineer, Hred’k ■W. Brown; Judge Advocate, John Gould' Surgeon, John S. Delavan; Quartermaster and Acting Adjutant; Orriu A..- F tiller v Pav -master, George- O. - Harris; Commissary, Ecl iwafd W. Monteath; Chaplain, Rev. Edwin B. Russell. The Albany Zouave Cadets ruruished ninetv two commissioned officers in active service during the late rebellion, all from the rank and file. Foundling.— A female, about five mouths old, was found on the steps of St. Vincent's Borne, Eighteenth and Wood streets, last evening. The child was taken in charge bv the Sisters of the institution. * Attemi'T&d Suicide.—Elizabeth Nelson, aged tbirtv-two years, jumped into The Dela ware, at Mead alley wharf, yesterday after noon. She was .rescued from drowning by u C*v _ *_ . ■ JXfae Mevenih-'Welril'-Firif'-i-The tosses and la9nra»MS--fTiieOrimn. , ■Smith & Harrfb, whose'-pfaeijig aiid pias ter xtiillat Beach and Coatesstreets, was destroyed •by fire on Tuesday evenlng.estimate their losi at $75,000. fixtures, lumher, plastori &o, , Tho inBuram:(: amounts to 816,500. The list bf comp’nules was published in, the Bulletin of yostordav. Messrs. Sheets & Norcross occupied the one and a half offliie'at the ‘B. W. oorner of Delaware' avfenuo . and \ OoatoS Street. The building,belongs to the city, and'was burnt out. - Several sheds belonging; to Sheets & Norcross ’.were burned. ■ No,' Insurance.' The Joss on,the lumber,on the; whaffbpposlto Is estimated at $35,000. upon wlijcli, there is an insurance of $25,060, divided as follows Insurance Co. of North America... i;;. .$5,000 Stqjte of Pennsylvania.,.p; 5,000 .Spring Garden.......'.........., . 5,000 .Fire A550ciati0n..........i......... ~.., 5,000 •ißtna of Hartford, i. V...... • ....,....; 6,000, Some of the lumber of Messrs'.: Norcross & Sheets was of .the most; valuable, character. About $lO,OOO worth was finished, having been planed in the mill Of Smith*, jifc: Harris. Messrs. Taylor & Betts 'estimate their loss on lumber at $<30,000, Upon which there is an insurance of $22 500. The names of tho com panies wero published yesterday; The office occupied by the firm—a two-storied brick structure—belonged to Thomas H.. Powers. Loss, $2,500. Partly, insured. . 1 ■. At the northwest corner qj Taylor .&. Sons' wharf A. J. Geigerhad some lumber stored. His loss upon it is $1,200. No. insurance. .. On tbe same wharf tliere jiad-just'been landed a boat load of lumber, to Gill & LukeiiS. This was destroyed. Loss, $3,400. Noinsurance. 1). B. Taylor , & Soil’s loss, is estimated at $35,000. Insurance $15,000. . Their .office be longed to Thomas H. Powers. Loss $2,500. Partly insured. Patterson & Lippincott lose $5,000. Fully insured in the North America, of Philadel phia, Niagara, Continental, Yonkers; Loril lard, Republic and Washington,of New York, and jFtna of Hartford. - The second story of D. B. Taylor & Sons’ office was occupied by. Collins & .Co., . .com. mission dealers in lumber and grain. Loss trifling. :On the first wharf below Coates.street, D. Trump,Son, & Co, had some lumber damaged. Loss slight, and fully insured. Coates street wharf belongs to the city. The piers wero badly damaged. The other whatves (the piers of which Were badly damaged) be long to Thomas H. Powers. : The persons who had lumber in the mill of Smith & Harris were as follows: Feet. Value. Watson Malone & Sons... 8,006 $175 W. A. Levering l',ooo. 300 Ellis P. Moore & C 0... 2,000 120 Norcoss & Sheets 60,000 . 650 E. B. Edwards & Go 1,000 25 T. P. Gallon & Co 30,000 900 Most of this lumber was not insured. Ral ston & Biddle had some there. They had an insurance of $2,500, which will cover their loss. Fire Marshal Blackburn has investigated the circumstances attending the origin of the fire, and is satisfied that the cause was purely accidental. There were separate - engines ahu boilers in each mill. ‘ The shavings from the planing mill wore used in the plaster mil). The greater part of the saw-dust not used as fuel was deposited in a small building at the northeast coner of Coates and Beach streets, which was formerly used as an odice: —From each of the saws thero were wooden pipes which concentrated in a fan. The sawdust by power of suction was drawn to this fan and by the fan was blown into this building; - This building had got-full, and there was a large pile on the outside - at the end of the deli ver ing trough. From each of the planingmachifaes there Was a wooden trough concentrating in the planing mill.: A larger delivery trough passed from the planers into the plaster mill. One of the panne' ~ of the saw-dust fan got heated several times on Tuesday afternoon, ami the machinery was'stopped to allow Tf'fo. be cooled. A little after five o’clock tne foreman, Mr. Levi B. Ulmer, who was standing-near the fail; saw. sparks blown through the delivery-trough to the, pile on tlie outside-• of the storage-- • building.- Before he could scarcely see what was the matter the whole pile broke out into flames, The tire got into the large delivery trough leading into the plaster mill, and both mills were in flames almost simultaneously. Sv.MiHKR Night Festival.— The Summer night Festival of the Mannerchor.SiipgeTbund, Junger Miinnerchor and Harmonie; at Wixsa hickon Park,last evening.was a very successful affair in every respect. The park had been arranged iu a very tasteful and neat manner, by its worthy proprietor, Mr. John Jliscli. The attendance was large. Each society had for its headquarters a large pavilion, which was gaily decorated with the flags of the United States, Germany and the North German Confederation. The Junger Mannerclior and Siingerbund dis played several large transparencies with comic inscriptions. The pavilions were lighted with numerous lanterns of different colors, and throughout the grounds there was a profusion of similar lights. There were two brass bands —one under Professor Oberkirsch and the other under Professor Mayer. There was also an orchestra for dancing. During the after noon there was considerable singing. Among the songs were: “Die Wacht am Rhein” (“The Guard on the Rhine”), by the Mannerclior, under Professor Engelke; “The Chassepot,” by the Young M annerchor, under Professor Hartmann; “ Dei- Abschied oom Walde” (“Parting with tbe Woods”); bydhe mixed chorus of the Har monie,; under Professor Kuenzel, and the popular air, “ Hoer fes, Mein Yolk” (“ Hear it, My People.”) The Sangerbund, under 'Professor Dietrich, algo sang several excellent pieces. The great German national refrain. “Was Ist des Deutschen VaterlandV” was sung, about eight o’clock, by the best singers of all the societies, together with instrumental accompaniment. This splendid refrain created the greatest enthusiasm, and cheers 1 olio wed cheers for Germany and its leaders. 1 At about 9 o’clock, a masquerade procession was formed by members oi' the Junger Miin nerchor. Fancy caps and dresses,torches, trans parencies, &c., were plentiful, awl soon one of the finest-torchlight processions we -have - ever seen passed through the main avenues of ;thc Park. At the head marched a Fain tali', of the Napoleonic cut, as Chief Marshal, then f ollowed a squad of police, uuder command of Lieutenant Jacoby (who had preserved excellent order with his men of the Har bor force and the Thirteenth district), then came a band, followed by the members of the Undine, Union, Pennsylvania and Malta Boat Glub.s in uniform, with torches. Then came ;i brigade of “ Shoo Flies,” and numerous other characters. After the procession. had passed through the park by the light andglare of magnificent red and blue lights, it marched iuto the dancing pavilion, where it halted and formed an open square, in which the “Shoo Flies ” executed some very funny dances. After the procession had been disbanded there was a grand display of fireworks consisting of Bengal lights, Roman candles, rockets and numerous ornamental pieces, the finish of which consisted of five arolies, the centre one larger than the two on each side. In the top of the centre arch was the word “ Germania,” and underneath a lyre: in the arches on either side were the names of the four societies par tiepating in the festival. This all appeared in various colored fires,and produced a very good effect. The festivities closed about midnight. Everything was well managed, and the affair was of the most pleasant and agreeable character. The HcoheotAtlhc Dispensarv,—Report of the Hahnemann- Hospital Dispensary, No. 1105 Filbert street, for the month of August: Whole number of patients, 308; cured, 124; relieved, 142; pied, 4; did not return, (ill; re maining, 95; number of visits made at the homes, of patients, 134. Principal diseases 'treated : Bronchitis, 20; pharyngitis and Ton si litis, 15 ; stomach 27 pdlarrhorafr 39; dyspepsia, 32;. neuralgia, 15; cholera in fantum, 15; rheumatism, 20;.. amomia and de bility, £1; skin,diseases, Sl'; catarrh; 18 ; dis eases of lungs andboart, 14; liver aud spleen;- !>;'dysentery, 2; dropsy, 0; erysipelas, 2 • dis eases of. brain and-spinal covd, 14; cholera f liorbus, 4 ; marasmus, 8; other diseases, 66; Deaths were from marasmus, 3; pneumonia, 1; ■total;- 4i--- --'■‘■—'■L ----- ----- ■ i ( ) Q »-, »~ij. Xi -*- . ♦ ■*-'- *»- »*■ . A MOTHER- E IRE -COMFAWT ATTACKED.-- La«t, night,.. -of*, an iilarm bi-fire, Company was attacked at Sixth.and Pine streets, ana afterwards on Ninth street near Spruce. Sev eral of the members wfifeb&dlyboaten. : - f Thb carriage was taken possession of, and,was rim some distance, but was Anrilly rescued, -The partita who Conniiitted thls’bntragearfe said to be members or adhorents of the Jlarion .Hose • Company. i'-; ■ : •a'-.iv -,.i ■ln connection with this subject wo have re ceived the following Communication: . M Philadelphia, •Sept.8 1 of the' Evening Bulletin: 'Being accidentally. on Eighth street, last ev'ehfrigi anting ah 'alarm of fire, and having witnessed a most shame ful ana unwarranted attack of a gang of ruf fians who .wcre'ywlth, tho" carriage of the Marlon Hose Company upon the members of the Southwark HoSe iCbmpany,l, 'as a citizen, who formerly took, aitactivo interest in the Eird Department' arid atri’ 'still its friend; am 'led.to ask the question,Wlieter there 'is ho way to prevent such, outrages ? Is it possible that the Chief Engineer of tho Eire Department never hears of such occurrences, and if he does, that he allows them to pass by uiiinvos tigated ? : Or is thb fahlt With dhr (Sty. Coun cil, in failing to apply tho remedy When such cases are submitted to'th'efr cbhslderattoh ?, If such'acts are to go uifrebuked, and'ruffianism he allowed free sway in our streets at overy alarm of Are, th(i eloper ;the present volup r teer system is forced but of existence the bet ter for the fail* name of our city. x ' “Volunteer Fireman.” DiiirriNGs.— Tlio weather to-day is lovely. ■ -Keed-birds are scarce and dear. - . —The polii-oiu caldron is ' beginning to bub -ble. .‘ —There is a great deal of bargaining going on in politics. —With the approach of the election, the tree frogs on State House row are increasing. —The absence of disease this season is attri buted to the plentitude of fruit. —City Controller Hancock refuses to coun tersign the police warrants for August, because he cannot ascertain who the officers were that played soldiers. —A great deal of money changed hands at the races, yesterday. The sum will be greater to-morrow. —The new railway line on Twelfth street is being rapidly pushed for ward,.much to the disgust of owners of private teams. —The Are at Beach and Coates streets has been a God-send to the poor of the neighbor hood. Their store of kindling-wood has in creased wonderfully.. A Queer Charge. Before. Alderman Kerr ,yesterday, Mrs. Julia May and her daughters Misses ' Matilde arid Juiiai residing “ on Serrill street (late Sergeant), Nineteenth Ward, w’ere charged with having abducted the child of a Mrs. May Morgan, residing at 411 same street. Mrs. M. testified that on sev eral occasions defendant had threatened to take her child, a daughter of about four years, away from her, on account of her hav ing been beaten badly,and that a week or two ago she disappeared. She now charges de fendants withher abduction. No evidence of the fact being produced, they were all three discharged. Larceny on JFikty-eive Dollars.—Ed ward Eisoman was arraigned before Aid Kerr this afternoon for the theft of $55 from a Mrs. Eliza Feeler, residing No. 6i Vincent street, on last Sunday night a week ago.' Edward hoarded with Mrs. . E., and dunnr rhe night 'ote id h room Id ~ Be mgl „ entereu -ier room ani_ robbed the bureau drawer, he being seen committing i lie act by a (laughter of Mrs. F. The money was the result of montlis of labor at.the wash mb. Edw. expended it for poison wlilsky.' lie was committed to answer. Pound Drowned. —The body of Alexander (i rant was found in the Delaware, at Wash ington street wharf, this morning. The de ■ eased was a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, t wenty-three years of ago,and belonged to the i'rig Argentine. Ho fell overboard at three "dock on the morning of the btk ihst, Larceny.— Mary Byan was arrested yester day by . Sergeant Donnelly, of the Seventh on the;charge of the larceny of cloth ing from a house on New Market street. She a as taken before Aid. Becker,and was held in riiOO bail. -- Beat a Seaman.— Horaco Baker, Captain of a vessel from St. John’s, N. B„ was arrested last night, at Pine street wharf, onthe charge of beating one of his seamen'.. He was 'com mitted by Dallas.-,.—. ~..... The best dressed young gents of Beading, I'ottsvilie, Wilmington—all tUe cities around ns—get tbeir wardrobes at the great clothing bouse of Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth and Market streets. It is a fair sight—the heap of packages, containing suits of clothes, sent bv express every day to all parts of the surround ing country. The trade of the house is enor mous, because the finish of the work is per fect, the style in all the plenitude of fashion, and the prices rendering competition abortive. The suits from Sl2 upward are cheaper than anything else offered. Point Breeze Park.—The races now in progress at Point Breeze Park are exciting and interesting, and have been witnessed daily by thousands of persons, including many ladies. The linal race will take place to morrow for a purse of $4,000, mile heats, best !i in 5 to harness, for which “ Gold smith's Maid,” “George Wilkes,” “Buoy” and “American Girl” have been entered. Pair.—The Harmonie, one of the leading German musical societies, has decided to hold a fair, the proceeds to be given to the fund for the relief of the Widows and - orphans of - Ger man soldiers. This Society numbers among its members many ladles, and as they are all taking much interest in the matter, the fair will no doubt be very successful. Hon- S. B. Axtell, M. C., of San Francisco, lias reached Philadelphia, and is staying with his uncle, Rev. Hr. Saunders. 1 CITY NOTICES. The $l5 Pali, and Winter Suits, which nro so popular at thin time and bo boautifullycut, made tint) trimmed, aufi in such vast varieties that you hayo only to look upon them and they will speak to you— -1 not in an audible Voieey'b'ntrby a power tiidre potent' limn words—they will speak to your understanding, to : your pecuniary interests, to your personal appearance, !o\en to physical powers, for they ndorn you with a full chest, and broad and square shoulders. There is nothing :to coihpeto with the. $l5 suits sold at tho Great i Drown Stone Hall or Bockhill & Wilson, Nos. 003 and 003 Chestnut street. St. Albans Place.—The residences in this desirable block are hoing rapidly rented. The uni formity and handsome finish of the houses on both sides ..f the square, the magnificent park running from Twenty*third to Twenty-fourth streots, make the Ihorouglilare one of tho finest in the city. The houses V.re l ented at a very low figuro, by Joseph James, 801 •Gray’® Ferry Rond, and C. il. Leslie. 717 Sansom si reel. . '' > The best and cheapest advertising medium, hlio True lb most popular* and circulates, \vt*ekly,more than any two othera In York county. Address Hibam Younq, Publisher, : • York, Pa. American Enterprise in the East.— Wo were recently shown a letter from a traveler in the Holy Land to friends in America, from which we muko the following extract, thinklug it may not prove'unin 'tereHtingtoourreadera. Hosuys: , i “wo mot with cases of Pratt’s Oil; not only in tho .bazaars in Jerusalem, and in Damascus and Alexandria, but in nearly every mountain village of tho Lebanon iraugo : and wo were told that wo should find it burning .beneath the tents of tho Arabs, in the plain which {Htrotches away, towards the vulloy of tho Euphrates. Hve were told that two pilgrims took as an -offering to Mecca, two cases of .this oil, ami a German Student Lump, which so pleased the custodians of tho shrine that 100 Radioes woro, on thofr return, entrusted with ! an order for a furtbor supply, and now we bollevo that iMahoinot’s tomb is soon and kissed by the light of IPmtt’e Now York Oil.” . Wo are ourselves ÜBing Pratt’s Astral Oil, and, from actual trial, can recommend it to our readers as the bost iwe over. used. More than all, it is perfectly safe. 1 “ The Astral Oil is for sale ut wholesale and rotailby Z. i’Lockk A Co., 1010 Market street. Sole agents for Philu-. tdilphlß" ; —^ i Straw Hats.—Kfcssrs. O, Oakford &Sonsj ‘ln tbs Continental Hotel', announce;, that they have fre. 'reived another lot of thoso One Dollar Straw Haw,' The igreatosf bargains Over offered in America." -The^; , sPtm.Ai>BLi‘HiATrpHofcsTEßV,’’--oor-- ’n»r Fifte.'Utl: and OtKHtnut ,effects, embraces 'every lurticlo lb the the business, curtains, shades and befi tting. Arid' nil manner of upholstery work done at a tremedition, rc'luctioufronttheresuWroa»rses;- ■ Aromatic' Sohiedam Bchnapps seem tobe extensively gaining onr pupUo confidence..and pro toiaoa to Mike toe every otbofltiiiior Q^td especljiljy fornujdlciDdl ~Tills tB not surprising : for. *part from its being found imhoet Ofom*rOepeotM>Jo Xlrag Stores r in - this city And country*; apd its -being strongly treepinmended T tho -phyHlciflDß, tho mild ecdamoablo, taale .ofothis artiole, controbtodiwithtbo fffrong'pungentend-aoUaDaenija tlouprodocwi tm tbo palatebr tfi o common?deleterious art fcle^-Wblob is HOW tho general oomplnint of pfearly all thOinodteft! Jacuity'of this iboifntry-~vrtrald, or -itself, -Dufllco to give it tho decided prpforepoo. Tf proscribed ns A medicine, it 1a not bad to toko; &nu, to nso as a bore* l rflge it is considored by judges to bo superior to ant arti cle of the kind oyer Imported Intothls country** v* Boaches, Ants, PuEB, MosQuifc>Eß and •nUiDsebts are anlckly dostroyod-by JACoBY’s T.N6ECT Powder. .fro,f?|7Chestnutstreot ft ~,, . , ; Jnpicious,; use i Bowkn'a Infant CoEDfALi bocaiißo at is on# of .tho f most delightful Bind efficacious ircnlMlee_over discovered ; .forenring tho various ill. to which infants and young . childrenoroeubject. { V;-. , Jacqby’s Yiohy LozkNoes. Highly redom-; mended for, Acidity ,of, tub Stomach. Hkartbcrw, i Featblekct'and Indioebtion: No. 917 Chesxnct > street. "■ a <; 1 Deafness, Blindnebs ,'and Catarrh treated With the Utmost knoeosSTby J. Isaacs.M. D., and. Profossor of Diseases oftboKye and Ear /his speci alty! In the Medical Oollogo of Pennsylvania,l2 years ex perience. No. 80S'Arch street. Testimonial# can be eken at his office. The medical faculty are invited to.ac company their patient#, a# he ha# no secret# Inhiaiprao tico. Artificial eye# Inserted without pain. No charge for examination. _ Ladies can find every description of Horsets nt Hoi-kins’ Hoop Shirt, Corset and Ladles’ Under-gar morit Emporium. 1115 Chestnut street. ■ Corns, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 915 Chestnut streot. Chargee moderate. ■- - ' Ladies going to the country or seaside V' Should procure one of those Elogant and cheap 8 andowns from Dakfobd SM and BSs Chestnut street, Surgical Instruments and druggists sundries. - , , ■ Snowden * Bbothrb, ’-V M Soptn Eighth street. WATCHBBrJKWBatVT&CL~ JEWELERS, No. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, Have largely Increased their stock of DIAMONDS, DIAMOND JEWELRY. EMERALDS, SAPPHIRES, PEARLS, OPALS AND CAMEOS, In Mountmi/s of Et.qu Site Style, carefully pre pared by the most Skillful Workmen. They also call particular attention to !EWSTYLESJ)IJ£WELR In Boman Gold, Gold and Enamel, Turquoise, Black Onyx, Bjzantine Mosaics, and Parisian Enamels;- - No. 902 CHESTNUT STREET* mv33 tu th b tfrp? " FINANCIAL. * A Choice and Undoubted Security. T' I 3 ex- Cent- Grold FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, Coupon or BCKlHtered.nnd Free of F.S.Tax ISSUED BY THE Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Min- nesota R, £. Co, A Limited Quantity still offerc-d for sale at 90 AND ACCRUED. INTEREST. INTEREST 1 AYABLE MAT AND KOYEJIBEB, J. EDGAR THOMSON,* m rfl(ttßA _ CHARLES L. FROST, \ Tra * t{ *«‘ The greater part of the rood is already completed, and the earnings from the finished portion are already more than sufficient to pay operating expenses and interest on the bonds. The balance of tho work Is progressing rapidly, in time for tho movement of tho coming- grain crops, which, it Is esiimatod, will double tho present In* come of the road. The establish!*! character of this line, running as it does through the heart of the most thickly settled and richest portion of tho great State of lowa, together with its present advanced condition and large earnings, war* rant ns in unhesitatingly recommending these bonds to investors As. In every respect, an undoubted security. These bonds have CO years to run, are convertible at the option of the holder into the stock of tho Company at par, and the payment of tho principal is provided for by a sinking fund. Tho convertibility privilege at* racbed to these bonds cannot fail to canse them at no distant day to command a market price considerably •hove par, besides paving about 9 per cent., currency. Merest in the meanwhile. Unitod states Five-twenties* » present prices, only return 5 per cent., and we regard lie security equally safe. HENRY CLEWS A CO., 38 Wall Street, Sew York. ' OWNSEND WHELEN & CO., Philada. i KKEB BBOS. as CO., “ t hTZ & HOWABD, “ ..WEN & FOX, i HAVEN &880., *Mi tutbolm FOR SALE 6 BROWN STONE RESIDENCE £ FOR SALE, No. 1923 ARCH STREET. . . Elegant- Browci'Btone . Bosldence, three stories «hd j* roof; very commodious, furnished with over? Mtdlern convenience, and built in a very superior and hi Ktuntial manner. Lot 26 feet front by 150 feet deep to n»nbert street, on which is erected a nandaomo brick -ihble and Coach Uoubo, J. M. GUfifMET & SONS, 753 WALNUT Street. »u ? 4 tfrp TO RENT. m. TO KENT—COtfKTKV HOtTSE,SB£ Pil’il with ten acres, more or iesa, if required; *3tm i .eiity of fruit. &c : five miles from the city, near rail load station. Apply to JOSEPH B. BARRY, 429 Wal nut street. lt v U. P. & c. n. TAYLOR, PerfYimery and Toilet Soups, 641 and 543 N orth Hiath street. riONDEKSED MIIjK, EAGjLE BRAND— \J The very best article for travelers, infants, &o. Neatle’fl Milk Substitute, Patent Barley, Fresh Oat Meal, Bermuda Arrowroot, Ac. Liquid Rennet and Miivoring Extracts. Forsale by JAMES T. SHINN *■» W, corner Broad and Bpruoes*re6ta. \ TSAAC NATHANB, AUCTIONEER AND JL Money Broker, northeast corner Third and Spruco Ktrects.—«2s(J.oooto Loun,in large or small amounts, on Diamonds, 811 vor-Plato, watches, jewelry,ahd allgdods of value. Office Honrs trom 8 A. M.to„7 P. M. *5fJSs- Üblishad for tho last Forty Years. Advances made in largo amounts at the lowest markot rates, I# No Oon* nection with any other Office In this Pity, . . . . WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT Blnga of solid 18 karat fin© Gold—a specialty: a ruU agßortmont.of Bizeß, andno charge for etigraving naxnea, &c, IP ARB A BKOT&KRj Mabera, . ovr24rptf • 824 oh6Btpot■trftet« below Fomifl* MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT? |F\ LOANED UPONBIAMONDB,WATOHEB, 1 'A JEWKLBY, PLATE. OLOTjftNO, ato., *» 9 W, ■ . JONES Sc 00,’S . OLD-ESTABLISHED!: LOAN OFFICE, .Corner of Third and Gasklll etreeta, , , Below Lombard. N. B. DIAMONDS. WATOHEB, JEWELBT CIUKB,Sc.i ' POE-SAI3 AT, ■ „ ■ _ ': ... BEMAERABLF LOW PBIOES, , , , itartrareJ- "ML. ' WATCHES THAT. HAyjE HITH- ‘ Jc% erto failod to give Bftttaroctjto, :put ■KT a. order.TPartlcular attention paid to FtncWdtcli-. •***es, OhronoMoters t , ete,, by slsUfal-w3 r *““?®<- Musical Boxes ,^ B & UIIOTHIEB. f * Importers of Watches. Musical Boxes, Ac,, rnyio ' 321 Chestnut #treet,'beWw Jrmta.' -reitwrru^E.fte,, ;i ;mak-er,..< . ; |3fol and j 303 (DHESTNUt ■A fine vissortment ot th .Lowest iPM«ibi« r.. **,«*• ' ' ■ • V. y-iNQll2m>P9<i ;iu y t; ■/ i ;', ! _ J-'f- •, ■ 1 - AlfD ''■ , V v;;'V,, <W ! ! Navigateor< j, v Ar^noWj-eeljlßgtheir ', , “OLD COW ARY LEHIGH POAL M •* REII POftt COAIW ' ■ Richmond street (American street' Coal Yard, aburs Si“ff, 0 5S l iO r Bt tbeDoal Iprdof JOHN T.BPBKRTS «c BiiO., Germ tin town, " . ■ ■ T n ANDAT THE COMPANV’3 OFriOE, 1.. ...; , Ho. 12i! SouthSßOOKD,Street «u 5.9 Jmrps' ' . NTH A -M CX ?E fit»AL,i>Eß TOX OF ?.m REAX ESTATE SAEEs. '.m **U BLlir SiU^K.-THOAI^Ui&SC^NS; ■SL Ancllontenj.—Vnlpabl'.- Frnlt Farm And country feat, lMaerea, river Delaware, half mile abovo uar- N # fJi-Ou itneylay , September 27th, im, at o clock noon.will be Fold at public; Jialo, at the Phila delphia Kxchangd,all that auperlor fruit fans, owned by William Dulty,Jr.,, situate on the Delaware river, about a ball mile nbovotho beimdnry line' oft bo city of Burlington, N. J., conaistlne of l“l acres. ThU cele brated farm it nntjnostloi.abli one of the most profit aH, Id the State, which cun be shown by authenticated re turns by application to the proprietor. -The toil 1« scarcely ettualled, which cotjylsUof rich loatn, resting upon a clay base, and . almost oytrs acre -of .- that... ol - , tho , : .pretdltot appropriated to cultivation ,1s capable of the most pro tituble results; Therearr now npon tho premise* about bOncreaiu tdaebberrics and ttr-awberrte*, about tvruallv divided, tlio bearing capacity of..which, during tb<* coming season, vvlllhe greatly Increased. Tto-ro are ivlso:about,7W .beautiful, healthy, poach treys Just ap proachlugj;tbe rerlod of /nil bearing: stare i meadow, At., A latgo additional portion of Ia ml hat beetipre fared for increased strawberry plowing tlie comln* spring, at w hich time there will he upon the premises an ample supply of the choicest young plants for that purpose. There is also upon the premise* a large murk deposit of extraordinary riclmeas, being composed al most exclusively ol decomposed'vegetable matter, And has burn penetiated 8 feet without reaching the txrtroni. This tnucK costs todlgtocents per ttiutre yardiund no iertlUzlng element pnihe value could V- cultivator for two dollars por square yard. Acarefnl examination of the vtrea covering theae deposit*, lead* .Jothe conclusion_that ther#- ramjet be lew than four tboueand square yards. The test of sereral years' trial lias proven tbla element to be for blackberries, strawberries, peaches, and, hi.lead, lor almost anv crop, llie beat fertilizing .clement ever used upon the premises. But noiniihstantllng the great attraction which this property presents for horiUultore'and fartu m*. It presents for improvement in Ibe vray of division und for bmldiag purpow-* Mill greater io/Jnc{ra>*?pu; It 2t*in fftct.abont tbo ouly largp tract of land olizibb •tltumU-il od tbo I>|?la»raro rjvtre b»lwe«u PbMtdftfphi* urid Uorenco, whlcU la fc'iiitablcW thutpurpow. Th« trad I* ncjirlr with a front oa tfc* rirer of or/*r 2.UW feet. oTtd tU<? lowerboiiodtiry U witbiaflro minute* -w*!-k-o*-?he SlevrhM iJle-dejrt/t-nflthi* Cmndrp aud Air). boy Btillroad. The uui*r<-vfT/i-nt* nr* a htttutlft;! Gothic cottapo, iu complete repair, vittr&o attractive lawn. liocoi-iiMrj’ out building, tmamV houht, Ac Ic tvil! rficrefoie be. pert'elvH that this Tu'opertjr. hi .vJ4i tion to it* 'Villus prr*tttt* ; theTanT.ariT#^Xff2o>t ol o> W-autifulcoumr} #eat turl profitablylana. "Aini tU- MiuatJon in perfect!j hoalttty, proved b v V+&-& 1 'r»>»Monc«. -' Lithograph plat' may k«. t| w * Auction E f lhe promise/ vr!l be /ho«-j L.y tfu* omxcr art-i'-y rij want. . -. . Tt'rtju-TrOK* talt. by s><>:» J *u i uwTlßflpv'o» th« 8-y lummlitvto p^^ion. iSL'TUUMAi: A SONS. t }i: .iion*er«. ur«tl J 4! SouthT worth' feir^t. gg KKAJ, KSTATE.—THOM &WNS' Sfea.-s»!e;«>LarsA‘iuid 'Valuable J(p*itl«nc4. with &jd > nrd arid M.dde and C*;tch Uousv, Pine *tre*'t. .=•6 tr-t front, )«fer-r Tce*d*\". i Kcj>t>j*ih*.r 2?tW' I*7o. «t 1? o'clock. iK*6tiV vi H J T«o *<>T<l »i :\t the Philadelphia Exchange, a j| that and ra.ta aM* threoetoi y brh U me-ouase, with thiee-vtory ao 1 .l>UL\Mflrj.b;<ck.Jt*«ildinita an4.ltt.af f r :mi&4.jutu*t« .on tue h’/uHi aid*.- of Pino Mrtet, »<~#| <n Fifth «fr*et, N<*. r<te ; the lot containing In front ot; Pirn? S'i anil extendfriir In depth lOC feet. The bout* i« in good rejiair.;. .ha« lw«c. potior,. Oinkig.-tuom. kitchen and laundry on the first floor; 2 l*nz*- chamber*. library abd eiding-roem on the wcet.d floor, and 4 chuitttr* and Mimry on the third floor ; «a» and ivator through* nut vbath. Uy.t f -*:lghiPt~ fum****.- cookinu-rancc, permanent Mhflitul.*#, with th> ai.d told water, and ironing rang* in laundry i ah»-j n two-story brick *tabl** a»d carriage hou»* in the rear, with a nag carriage way tc pine street; jnu-d*t, plant-j 1 v jth fruit tree*, grape l ines, sbrnfjh'rr, ic. Terms—sB.iw may remrun'on mortgage. Possession witklnOD da>*. May he ex«mioed any d»j pterion* to sale. Sale absolute. . Mi THOMAS A SON*. Auctioneer*. \7 24 ia:«apdUl South Fourth *tr©'*i. BV Eli EM PXUK V SAL Jk—THOMAS & Sons. Auctioneers.—3 two-story brick dvrellioei«> 2103. 21 JO. 2112,21)4, 2110. 2H3, 2120, 2122 Franklin mm t.noithofDianjuud street. On Tuesday,Seplurnber 27, lWu,ai 12o’clock*noon* will l»c soldnt public sale. without rw/re, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all thoso i two-story brick meeeuages and lot* of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the west aide of Frank lin street, north of Diamond street. f?o#. 2103,2110, 2112, 2114. 2116, 2118,2120, 2122 ; each containing in front on r riinklin street 14 (Vet 2 inches. an«l extending in. depth To teet to a 4 feet wide alley/with the privilege thereof. The bouse* nro two stories high* with Mansard roof* ; have gas, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, «;ookiuj<- niuge, Ac. They rent for §3OO ft year Terms cash. They wlli be sold separately bale absolute. M.THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneer*, *«SJ724 139aiid 141 Sc*oth Fourth_fitre*it. fg| KEAL ESTATE.—'f HOmXsT&SCTKS* Rale.—Modern Three-story Brick Residence. Ko. &1U trout h Tenth wtrect, below Catharine street —On Tuesday, Sept 27th; 1370, aTl2'b’clock t . noon, will bo tohl at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three -atbrj brick' thoaauagb, with' throe ntorj hack building and lot of ground, situate xm the west aide of Tenth street, Honth of Catharine HtrooCi No elli; containing in front on Tenth street lb feet, and ox tending in d* ptli 105 feet to a 10 feet wide alley, with the prl\ liege theieof. It baa parlor, dining room and tw> kitchens on the first iloor; gas, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, range, to. . Terms—s3,ooomay remain on mortgage. Tfiir Clear of all incurnbranc-. ■immediate possession > ions to salo. May bo exaitiiiitM ;*u> vHy p' * M. THOMAS k SONS, Auctior<ocr», and 1H South Fourthstreet. ffjg B-EAJj ESTATE.—THOM AS & SOW fiiiiL Sale*.—Kueipuss Stand.-Throe-story brick store dwelling, No, 1719 South Rtro-et, wo t of HevnntoßUtli btreet. Ou Tuesday, September Id, 1370, at IZ o'clock noun, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exrhange, all ihut three-story brick store and dwelling, with three-frtory tmckbuiidlognndiotofffroupd.BUu&tO ou the north side'of South street, v/est ol Sevonteooth btreet. No, 1719 . Containing in front ou South street 13 l>< t,understanding in depth 80 feet taOarvor fitroot. It haa gas, range, Ac. Is occupied us a shoe store, and fe a good business stand. Subject to a yearly groubd rent of.SIOO. * .. , Posaeosiou on .*?!) days’notice. May bo examined. M. THOMAS A; dONB, Auctioneers, 139 and 111 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' finil Sale.—. Business Stand, Itour-utory Brick Tavorn and levelling, No, 1813 Lombard street, woat of Eigh teenth sireeF. On Tueadaj, September 27* 1&£0|. V* o’clock, noon, will be sold At publio atite, at tho Palladol* nbin Kxchnuge, all that four otory brick mefl«uwjo-"kb* lot of ground; situate on tho north woe of Lombard street, west of Eighteenth street, No. IM3 ; oqntaln(ng iu fronton Lombard street 1C feet, and cxtoudiitg in di-pth 49 feet to a'i feet wide alley. It is occupied As a tavern end dwelling ; haibaranu nxturea, gee, raugo, Ac. Subject to a silver ground rent of SCO e year. ' izwusdiato Possession. May ho GKemincd; M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctionoor*. 130 and 141 South Fourth(itrdofc, jSj* BEAL ESTATE.-TROMAS & SONS' : Bha Hale.~~Fivo valuable Building Lota, Thirteenth ■ireQt.botwoim Columbia aveutio and Montgomery ptroot, extending through to Camnc Btroet j two fronts.' <Jn .Tuesday, Bebt. 27,1870. at 12 o’clock, noon, will bo ooht <at publicstub, l at the Phllndelohia Exchange, alt Mtflfsf five contiguous totsxjf ground, situate on the oaitqido Jof Thirteenth street, 180 feet south of Montgomery htfdfct; .each'containing in fronton Thirteenth streot 18 Ifcei, and extending ta tX6 feet to Catnac otroet; !t <vo fronta. ) They wili be 'sold separately. Clear of all inourn Jbrauce. ; • ’ ix. THOMAS & BONS, Auctioneers, t fu>B!7 24 ' ! 139 and Hi South Fourth street. 1 '<£3 POBIiXO SA.T.E—TiII)MAH & HONS 'BHiL Auctioneers.—Three -Valuable Tracts 06a! .'lron, Timber Lands, I<WO acres, >FavoUe-oounty» .bvjvonia, aboutSralles from the .Pittsburgh and Clou ’iiolsvillo Bailroad, ond* about 15 miles from OonnolS* dvillo*. Oh TuoHday, October 4th, 1870;-at-12 o'clock, inooujWill be sold at public sale, tho Philadelphia jKxchuuge. Full 'parttculartf In u*hdbuhi; •* j liefer toiZnlniunr Ludingtpn, or JE..JL jl'emutli, SONS. AuctWr I r,03 , IS9 bp.il UlSoutu RourtU at?oot. j EDUCATION. AN ENGIIISHit'AQy, WHO I'EA.OII 15$ ttie uatittl Ur«iirlif3 of Elfi'inob education,, with fclu Bio, Prenohatltr Goranti.ip»l'‘ o i, a ;■ *# (pTru iI T L a N IV ,- HA-ITN DER.H ' (IOIV- &«i>VvufttMd■f}®uiV»oV».-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers