EVENING IMLLETIN. ti4B ittILADELrinAEvZNING BULLETIN i 8 IPOZgiaed daily, Sundays ececpted, at Ira E BIILLETIN 807 Chestnut Street. rininickEtp - LLETIN . is served by carriers, si Ziyht Dollars per annum, payable at the Ogee, orjeightten Cents per tvea, payable - to the carriers; bymaii, at Eight Dollars per annum, or ,Seventy- MmeCentsper month. • PEACOCK, FETHERSTON & CO. Monday, July 25,1870 117" Persons leaving the city for the sum mar, and wishing to have the EVENING BuL LETErt sent to them, will please send their, ad lame to the ofEce. Price by mail, 75 cents per ltaontb. VICTIMS OF THE MCAT.. Last week five hundred and eighty-four deaths occurred in Philadelphia. This num ber Is very much above the weekly average ; but when the long-continued excessively hot weather is considered, it is not an inordinately large number for a population so large as ours. It is safe to say that at least one half of the deaths of last week were caused by the heat. EVeirwlien,the victims were suffering • fromin .curable diseases, their: Hires were shortened.by the exhaustion it produced. The number of deaths from . consumption—fifty-five-would have been considerably less in coolg breather; •ana' doubtless the course of many other dis easeswas hastened by the intense heat. Of ileathS directly causedby - the heat may be, mentioned the following : sunstroke, 23 ; con gestion of the brain, 24; and inflammation of the brain, 20; while - the same agency mist 13S.Velad a good . deal to- do 'with the follow-. ing : cholera infantum, 155 ; debility, 27; and marasmus, 24. It is worthy of remark. that 322 of the deaths, or considerably more than one half, were of childfen tinder two years of age, and nearly half of these died of cholera in fantinn. It May also be mentioned that chole raic diseases among adults are very rare. Last week there were . only 3 deaths from cholera, 7 from diarrho.a and C from dysen tery. As _thr markets are filled witii-fruits, sonic of which are neither ripe nor wholesome, thiS . exemption_ from., a class of diseases that often prevail in midsummer is remarkable. - The hot " spell," or "heated term," is not over, and there is no - longer a Meriam to measure it - and:weigh and tell us -why -it came or when it ..will terminate-141teven without stich in formation as Meriam used to give, and without any peculiar wisdom, we can safely advise peo ple to be on their guard against protracted ex posure to the sun's rays, against drinking freely of cold water when heated, and against exces sive indulgence in eating and drinking of all kinds. Philadelphia is not suffering more than other cities, if as much. They had 1,04 S deaths in New York last week, without in- caving-thosetlie almlwases, - prisuus, and other public institutions, which would swell the total to over Adven hundred. But even in this, should be taken during so trying and protracted a period of dogLdays - lveatber - as - we are. - going through. 4, MY SON." LCu . .s *Napoleon has issuc,(l a proclanritioi to the Frent4) people characteristic in all res - pects save one. It is not strictly Napoleonic to express any part of the real policy of any move ment in a state paper. The inflated style which is considered essential to the dignity of. an im perial proclamation does not comport with simplicity of a plain statement of facts, or an intelligible revelation of designs. It is the and the ear of the French people that are to b, caught, dazzled and tickled ; not the mind tha s to be leached, instructed or impressed. But the Imperial proclamation just h..suod Ile:lams somewhat from this courtly rule. behind the glitter of big Words and gran rounded sophistries, to which the world is s 4 accustomed, peeps out, like the posts:rip - ,ni *roman's letter, the real secret of Napoleon's desitms. " I takc irtth ene my son. Despite his tender years, be knows the duties his ?trout. Imposes on him, and he is proud to bear. his part in the dangers of those who fight for their country." The Imperial :Prince who is thus to bear his part in the dangers of those who fight for their country, is a lad of fourteen. What po sition he is to occupy at the head of the French army is not yet made known. Doubtless it will be a very conspicuous one, for France knows how to give prominence to whatever is to serve the cause of national pride and glory. It will not, of course, be a dangerous one, for it would spoil the whole design of the war were mishap to befal the representative to the Napoleonic dynasty. Louis - Napoleon reveals his anxiety to win , popularity for "My son." As advancing years warn him thathe, too, is mortal, the one great thought of perpetuating his dynasty naturally presses with more and more weight upon him. France, at peace, is restlesS and exacting. The liberal atmosphere of America and England/and Germany invades her borders, and her own Liberal party grows stronger and more ag gessive, and the chances of a Napoleonic suc cession become more and More doubtful. But a war, no ; matter with whom or for what, is the sovereign panacea for French discontent; and Napoleon seizes upon the shallowest pre text, or dispenses with pretext alto gether, if he may only unite the discordant elements of his Empire and rally them again around his personal standard. To make "My son" Emperor of France is now Louis Napo leon's highest aim, and he does not miscalcu late French enthusiasm when he points to the yolingliapolesin at the head of the army,noini xially, at least, sharing his dangers, and, actii ally, reaping all its glories. - --The tremendous cost at which "My son" is to be made popular before the French people counts as nothing in his crafty fathe.•'s eye, Thousands of the sons of other families, on both sides of the Rhine mist be heaped into an infernal holocaust, to 'furnish the incense Malls to glorify the possible Emperor of the future. Untold dothestie misery, incalculable coinmercial distress, - the deadly strife of two epreftt natious, between whom there is no real cases Belli, the disruption of the peace of all -Ettiopt, ti a pofisibii!ties of a universal Euro. pearl war, these are sorne'of • the materials out of which 'Louis Napoleon proposes to lay the new foundations of his future dynasty. Perilous as well as costly are the steps by whicli the Imperial Prince is to be lifted to the Imperial throne. The Emperor has demanded the guarantee that no Bohenzollenn shall ever aspire to the throne of Spain, and-threatens to enforce his ilemands from the. Capital of Prus sia. What if, in theiiiiitable - chEfaces of war, William. of Prussia should decree from the Tuileries flat the last of the Napoleons has ab dicated the throne of France ? Louis Napo leon is a bold _and, hitherto, successful game ster, but he has never played a more desperate game or fora, higher Stake - than now, when he drives the, victor of Sadowa into a great war, in order to secure the crown and sceptre of France for "My son." ' t.% ON THEM GOOD BEHAVIOR. The rioters among the volunteer firemen Of Philadelphia are on:their good behavior just now. They have been advised to this course by their newspaper organs, which had to admit that if there was any immediate repetition of the outrageous Sunday riots, that have so long disgraced the city, the volunteer syStem would be abolished. So there were no false alarms or firemen's fights yesterday or the SdndaY be fore. That the city ehOtild have been spared such disturbance and disgrace for two whole weeks is certainly a subject for thankfulness. But we 'caution the people against hoping that - there - will be "no- recurrence --'of these..-. evils.. The . , hill is ,oniy ,a' temPorary . one. There is no law and no authority to prevent a renewal of the outrages. The rowdy/portion of the firemen, and the blackguards they allow to run with them, are utterly lawless, and so they will al ways continue to be. We must have a Paid Fire Department, with just enough men to man the machines, and these men all discip lined, solle4honest, and as strictly under the control of. their - officers. as soldiers of the react= lar army. This is our only security against the disorders we have so long suffered from. The pious tit that has come over the rowdies in the last two weeks is only a sham, and it cannot be kept up long. Considerable surprise • has been excited among those best acquainted with the manage ment of the Pennsylvania Hospital, and con- Siderabie indignation with those not acquainted with it, by the recent publication of two or .three cases of persons suffering with sun-stroke being - refused admission into that institution. 'The latest of these cases Was published in this paper on Saturday last. Further Investigation shows that; the officers of the Hospital have . only followed out their long-eStablished Which forbid the adinission of - Chronic cases of disease, or of drUnkenness. The old police force was familiar with these rules, and when a person was picked up in the streets overcome by intoxication, or suffering. under an epileptic fit or other chi onic affection, they knew how to dispose of them. But the new policemen dauot appear to hare been instructed in this branch of• their duties, and to this fact are to be —attributed—the—refusals_of_mproper cas Maid) have given rise to so much unpleasant comment. lii the most recent 'case; that of Dal - elly, or Flahefty, as fiJT+,a7sTriofieoiiiiiEireTiiie: : :l appears-to be little doubt :that .the man was simply sufferine from the effects of excessive drinking: - He made one application—for-ad mission himself, and was refused. lie was afterward seen in the neighborhood of th. , Hospital still more intoxicated, and was finally brought in by two policemen who insisted upon his reception. The resident physician, Dr. Hunter, explained the rules of the llospital, and directed . him to be taken away, which, after sonic allercat:uu, was done. At this poiW one of those lisagreeilients of'+ opinion, which ate so proverbial among tiw medical proiession rose, and another physician pronounced the case to be one of sun-stroke, and the man was admitted to the Hospital i . . mother of the physicians, who was not aware of what had previously occurred. The case being reported to and examined by Dr. J. Ait ken :\leigs, one of the attending physicians. he furnishes the following certificate which en tirely exonerates the junior physician, Dr. Hunter, from the charge of refusing admission to cases of sun-stroke : PEI , 7NA. HOSPITAL, PIIILADELPIIIA, July 25, 1870.-1 his certifies tbat 1 have examined John Donelly, who was admitted into the Pennsyl vania Hospital on the 22d of July, and am sat isfied that he was not suffering from suu-stroke as reported. He has acknowledged to me that he has been in the habit of drinking, and that he has often been intoxicated. His name is erroneously reported in the papers as Flaherty. JAMES AITKEN MEIGS, • Attending Physician. It should be added that cases of sun-stroke are constantly received . and trcatedy at. the Pennsylvania Hospital, and it is only necessary that the police and citizens generally should understand that the Pennsylvania Hospital does not profess to treat chronic cases of disease, or drunkenness. For accidents and acute cases of disease, its doors are al ways open, and its treatment promptly afforded. There have not been many occasions when we could defend the course of Mayor Fox : but his veto of the ordinance allowing the Thir teenth and Fifteenth Streets Railway Company to have a stand for their Cars on Locust street is most commendable. The vote by which the veto was sustained in the Common Council shows that the right feeling on the subject prevails also in that body. The truth is the Legislature ought never to have passed the bill allowing a track to be laid along Locust street, between Thirteenth and Fifteenth. It is a narrow street, and when anything attractive is going on in the Academy of Music the crowd of hacks and people at the close of the Perform ance is dangerous enough, withouthaving•a line of 'street cams filling up half the roadway. But any_measure could be bought through the last Legislature, and there was no difficulty iu putting this one through.. - We venture to hope, however,. that the mischief has been arrested by the Mayor's veto. A Parthian arrow has been shot at the ln fidlibility Dogma, and the proceedings of the .Coubcil, in _the shape of a pam phlet that has just appeared in Rome, entitled "What has passed in the Council." 01' its contents as yet we know nothing ; but it must ceittain\ some pretty Severe things, be cause t{e telegrams say that "complaints have PHILADEAPIIIA EVENING BITLLETIN,IIIONDAT JULY 25,1870: been lodged ag,ainst it signed' by, cardinal fegates and other church dignitaries." The authorship of the pamphlet is attributed to Archbishop,Re'ruick, of St. Louis. it was a bold act to write and print such a work in Rome, and a great „deal of cariosity Must be felt everywhere to' see it. , TEE Seventeenth AD nual - 1163tIng=of :the= Penusylvania.State, Teachers' Associa4on will be held in. Lancaster, :on the oth, 10th . and 11th of Augiist, and Will be an occasion of great importance to the' educational interests of the state. Addresses and lectures are to be de livered by President Cattell, of Lafayette Col lege, and other distinguished gentlemen, and a number of important topics' w ill be discussed. These annual_ gatherings of the teachers of PennsylVania are exercising a great influence in advancing the standards of education, af fording the best oPportunities 'of comparing the merits of different systems, and of inter changing opinions .and experiences among those to whom the schools of Pennsylvania • are entrusted. It is anticipated that the ap proaching convention will be the • largest yet held in the State. ' fin BROWN STONE RESIDENCE E FOR SALE, No. 1922 ARCH STREET. Elegant Brown-Stone EPsidenee, three stories and Maneard roof ; very commodious, furnished with ever> modern convenience, and built In a very superior and subet ential manner. Lot 26 feet front by Ifo feet deep to Cuthbert street, on which is erected a 'handsome brick Stable and Coach Houee. .7. IL GIUMttIE I T it SONS, 733 WALNUT Street. Surpassingly Fine Manufactures CONFECTIONS AND en CO C LA AnC9Ol roR THE Sea-Side, Pleasure Trips and for Presents. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN ok SON, S. W. Cor. Twelfth and Market Streets. .1523 'A 3 Mir if• - STEINWAY & SONS' Grand Square and,Upright : Pianos. Special attention is called to their new PATENT UPRIGHT PIANOS, with Double Iron Frame, Patent Resonator, Tubular ]fetal Frame Action. &c., which are matchless in Tone and Touch, and unrivaled in durability. CHARLES BL A.SIVS, WAIIEROOMS, No. 1006. CHESTNUT STREET. jyl tfrp§ rpin GO'S TEABERRY' TOOTHWASH.= 7 It is the most pleasant. cheape4t and hest dentifrice extant. Warranted free from injurious ingredleuts. It Preserves and Whitens the Teeth! Invigorates and Soothes the Gnms I Purifies and Perfumes the Breath ! Prevents-Accumulation orTifrtar I Cleanses and Pnriflea. Artifichirreethl Is a Superior Article for Children' hold by all Druggsts. A. M.-W LLSON, Proprietor mbl ly rp> Ninth and Filbert etreets, Phi:sdelp EADQUARTERS FOE EXTRACT)N6 — TEETH ,WITH FRESH. NITRouS " ABSOLUTE:4J Y NO PAIN. Dr. F. R. THOMAS, formerly operator at the Ooltot, Dental Room=; devotes his entire practi.c.e iu tkepainletit extreetion of teeth. Oilice,9ll Walnut st. rolif,iyro 'FOE STORE ESE WE HAVE HEAVY I3ex MAllets,,Box Feet, -erapere.. Mon alel IluttOr Tnster.i, Tap Beret.. DriN , Jrr. , pIL! '.-. Faucet. , and Mula..4 , Gate, 1. :,r , l .I.l_l I Ann(' Stir ks. St Ai. and Weights TRUMAN II AW. Eight Thirty-five) 31+rket street, 1 v. Ninth, Dbiladel • filißL-PINCEIZS, C1.111LIN(J TUN G: 4 C,IIIPT 4 , Wf*:"...tli, RaZOre..., 1 , 1 ,de I,t TIiI . 3IAN A SR:M.:No. Eititit Thirty tivi• 1 )1 Aftli LiCioW Ninth, r V - I.)t Off 'S El 4' OPT ‘IN light tit.t) Ira% it.l `C,T a seem t Innis Nita , Bells, at TIU k V .Ye SILINN '7-, No. niti !Ell - 11t HAIiKET .treet,b,ltAr .---....% ..-.2.) REWARD —bT(II.EN FI:OM A Brad and 11 untnigdon ,11 ,,,, ... ala .ay built W - MARE, al,,,ar 15 hands 1,101 . !. t. .11 t , ..1 ' .11d1. o lien. Alr, a EaR inc Top Bug ._y a:, ' i , N , N.q. 5i11 , ..t Mounted Matln•FS J. ~ )OH , I:E, r 56 l'CortilS,,,,l sir 0. BENNE LEAVES, To mike mucilagimmE drinks for chiLlr..T, ,4:lRctell with summer compl.int, FRESH EVERY 31ORNING. at CRAMER A 63IALL'S ro, jylB-zo Ny f I2t rri` S2o Rau- .• r..et :1 - 1 THE COOLEST PLACE To GET 10 -' I U. your hair cut is at Kopp's S.iloon. clasp hair-cutten. Shave and bath 2.5 coat Ladies' and Childre-n's hair cut. 'Razors s6t to order. Open Sunday morning. No. 125 Exchange Place. G. C. Kopp. ,- )9r7 SPRUCE STREET.—PERM AN EN7 and Transient Board ; Table Board. ,y.:•:3I" POLISHING POWDER. THE BEST for cleansing Silver and Plated Waro, Jewelry,etc. ver manufactured. FARR .3 BROTHER, rabl tfris • 324 Chestnut etreet, below Fourth a WARBURTON'S IMPROVED, VEN. eilse tilated and easy-fitting Dress Rats patented )in at, the approved fashions of the season. cueetnut Ktreel next door to th .. Poet-0 ce. oi:G-tfrn AIR TIGHT JARS, JELLY TUMBLERS MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY., PLON ATE, CL O. OTH ING, 4tc., of JES & C'S OLB-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Corner of Third and Gaslcill'etreets, Below Lombard, N. B. DIAMONDS, WATOLIES, JEWELRY GUNS, ac., FOR RALE AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. ray2.4tfrp§ BUSINESS ESTABLISFIED 1830.—S(11113YLER & ARMSTRONG, Undertakers, 1827 Germantown ceonno and Fil th et. D. H. sr HUY Liz It I (11114. /VTIA I S 4 A wr ovr IGICRAEL WEAVER. GEO. H. El. UHLER. WEAVER & CO., Dope and Twine Manufacturers and Dealers in Hemp and Ship Chandlery, 29 North WATER. 28 North WHARVES. PHILADELPHIA. apl tfi EDWIN H. FITLEIt & CO., Cordage Mannfacturerik and Dealers is Hemp 22 23 N. Water Street and . Delaware Amato PHILADEL. EDWIN H. VITLER. CONRAD P. moron[]; ISAAC NATHANS, AUCTION EER AND Money Broker, northeast corner Third and tlyruce etreets.-8250,000 to 'Loan n largeorsmall amounts, on Diamonds, Silver-Plato; W O atches, Jewelry ,and all goody . of value., Office Boars front tY A. 11, to 7 - PAIL -IWEit tablished for the last Forty Years. Adiance4 made hi large amounts at the lowest market rates. 14.7"N0 Con• nectlon with any other Office in this City:{ EDD IN G AND ENGAGEMENT V V Rings of solid Iffkarat fits Gold—a specialty , a full assortment of sizes, and no charge for engraving names, &c. FARR & BROTHER, Makers, tov24 tf e 2.4 Ohoqf nut street. to ''''w irrhirth 00NDENSED MILK, EAGLE BRAND— IIJJ very b.st article for travelers, infante, O. Neatle'r , 9l ilk Bobtail - ate, Patent Barley, Prank Out 117 e;.l, Bermuda. Arrowroot, ko. Liquid Rollout and Flavoring Extracts. Fin-pale by JAMES T. 8111.NN 1 4 ,1 : rnro.r.Brond and,Sprure sl mita .. WATCIIES THAT HAVE MTH rrto failed to give satisfaction, put in good t order. Particular attention paid to Wale Watch• ea, Chronometere, etc., by skilful puritsubn Mnnlcnl Bozos repaired LI Importerg of Wdtchml, 111lioical e Arc., 324 (Mon TI EtrOOt, below ll'ourtb. FOR SALE. CONFECTIONERY. PIANOS M.tSCELLANEOUrs. GRIFFITH S P GE, . 'lOO4 - A rch str;•et CLOTO3fnm 66 110 t or Cold We must have CLOTHING! And we want the CHEAPEST AND BEST." So the people say, and therefore they patronize WANAMAKER & BROWN. BRING BILL ! TEN DOLLAR BILL ! That's the kind of Bill that will.brint?, you a REAL ALL-WOOL SCOTCH CHEVIOT COAT, VEST AND PANTS. SCOTCH CHEVIOT . ALL-WOOL $lO There is no other place in town where a Suit like this con be afforded, except at ROCKHILL & WILSON'S riff" 3.0 -- 37 . :abouv 60 - 5 r iSTN TR E ET CHARLES STOKES & CO. Merchant Tailors and Clollfer3, No: e 24. CHESTNUT STREET, PRUADEbPHLI Continental Hotel Building. $ SIMMER V 11NT V, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Combining Style,_Diirability_ and Excel. fence of W'orkmansl►ip. JONES' ONE PRICE ESTABLISHMENT, 604 MARKET STREET. GEO. W. NIEMANN. 2 at,diwine Garments math, to order at tho shnrte.t notice. apil w f m thurp STORAGE. STORAGE OF FURNITURE For familiei , temporarily declining lionpekmping. May be had in separate rooms or collectively* of TRUMAN & SHAW, NO..SSL MARKET STREET. 'Having .a private watchman. and an employ t: reeldinv on the premlsee, will greatly lessen rinks of fire and robbery. jy7 tf GAS FIXTURES, &C. CORNELIUS & SONS' RETAIL SALESROOMS, 821 CHERRY STREET, ritIIAADYJAPH CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, &c., SUPERIOR STILES AND FINISH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We have no Store or Salesroom on Chestnut Street. CORNELIUS Si SONS, 3yl3w fla°mr URWEDIR - E, rat,. 1316 CHESTNUT STREET. 1316 . JOHN M. GARDNER - - Offers -an Entire New Stock of • - SPLENDID vIIIINITURE MiDUPHOLSTERY NEW IN DINIGNS, awn IN iittIAILITY., EINE IN FINISH, AND !LAW IN PRICE. , fibe above palate being well appriplated, induce me to keep tbeee fact before the people that I meg continue to receive theiriatronage, promieing prompt attention to all orders entrusted to me. 0.9-w f m rp 11 mill ARKTITG - WTIIT ELIIMEEINIC J.T.A klmbro Nor ing Braid In_g,Htam_pin_g, &a. &I. A TOBRZY, 1800 li'llbort , 'AJ S T R E A'l' D Y . . Ca.. 413 AND NEW • FOB .11.1:11217ST, ". - Containing the First Part of PINK AND WHITE • TYRANNY. • CONTENTS—OId and New; Pink and White Tyranny; Northern Pacific Railroad; She Writes (Chap, Francis of Assisi; American Pelitical. Literature ; The r0613i0111 lay ; Chinese Transcendentalism; John Whop per tho Newsboy I Chap. II.); At Last; Validity of our 'Knowledge of God ; The Fenian Campaign ; The Exam iner; Record of Progress. --- • For sale by all Newsdettlers, TBll6ll3.—Yearly Subscription, 51. . Single Number, 35 cents. Specimen number mailed on receipt of 35 cents. ROBERTS BROTHERS, Publishers, '4 143 iinvhincton St.. Buiston. Map of the Seat of War in Europe. Size 3.3x28 inches. 82 00. .Bailed to any address. Compiled from the latest and_most authentic sources, by W. lIENDSCIIEL. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 816 Chestnut Street. jy2:l 2t4 TWO NEW NOVEL& THE OLD COUNTESS. A NOVEL. IFROM THE GERMAN OF . EBM.UND HOFER. By the Translator Of "Oyer Yonder," etc. • Fin , ! Cloth. .s'l 00. This le one of those charming stories of German life that hare recently become en popular, combining nu ea• tertaining gory with a pleasing picinri•of &meat hi life iu a held, to a large extent, 'new tci the American public. IY. - FORGIVEN AT LAST. By JEANNETTE R. HADERMANN.. J2mo. Fine. Cloth. el it. For Sale by all Booksellers, or will be sent by mall, postage paid, on receipt of the price by the publisher., J -.8. LIPPINCOTT & Co., Publishers, 715 and 717 Market St., Philadelphia. Jy2:l 13 . QF-4874 NEW PUBLICATIONS DRY GOODb. - Niji(t e .‘-‘) 7 LINEN STORE, SP.',S...A.reh Street. 1128- CHESTNUT STREET. Plain Linens for Suits. Flax Colored Linens, 25 cents. Buff Linens, 25 cents. Fine Gray Linens., Fine Cinnamon Colored Linens. Chocolate Colored Linens. Printed Linen Eambrics. New Printed Linens. _ Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs, Beautiful goods at S 1 00 each---rxery letter in Oa u/pldjc.t. Special Bargain' in Lanies , and Gen& Ilandkercniera. 400 ARCH STREET, 400 EYRE k NI) LANDELL Are Now Closing Summer Stook. SHAWLS, RENA DINES, LIGHT SILKS, ORGANDIES, LACE SAC (.41.1 ES, &< tow stf - GENTS' - EILTRNISITING GOODb: Notice to (gentlemen. JNO. C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth St., Would particularly invito atteution to hid Improved Pattern Shoulder-Seam S H 1 , --R T,.. MADE FROM Tim BEST MATERIAL. WORK DONE BY HAND, THE CUT AND FINISH OF WHICH CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Warranted to Fit and give Satisfaction. to a large and well-selected Stock of 'SIUMMEIR UNDERCLioTHING; CONSISTING OF Gauze-31erino, Silk, Cotton Underskirts and Drawers, BESIDES HOSIERY, GLOVES, Etc. nol2 f m w lyrp The Latest London Made-up Scarf, THE "BEAU IDEAL J. W. SCOTT & CO', No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, A CASE Or NEW STYLE • FRENCH SHIRTINGS JUST RECEIVED. lAD w f m trro - 1101) SE-FURNISHING . -GOODS;/SLC TO THE DOUBTFUL. Dying some Boiled Clothing on any . Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and we will prove to Yon that the KING W AS - 11E17u • will do tho work well and quickly. We will sell thetas payable in easy insuem eats. We are Agents for the RELIANCE WRINGERS, the easiest to work in the market. d o. J. H. COYLE & CO., Wholesale Dealers in Wooden Ware, Yarns, arc., 516—Blarket—Street. Agents wanted for Pennsylvania and New Jersey. InyP intiro RETA TLIN (3- ATWHOLESALEI pricee—Saddlory, Harness and Home Gear of a i iidnot KNEABS', No, 1126 Market street. Big bone in the door. 1 , • Very Superior HAMS OB THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS Diamond, Newbold's, Jersey, Virginia Country Cured. MITCHELL & FLETCHER, N 0.1204 CHESTNUT STREET. CI3OICE TABLE CLARETS. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DEALER IN FINE GROCERIEfI, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION NOTICE. 2673 BOXES PALERMO LEMONS. Vargo Brig Olaf liy-rre POWELL. Sc WEST WILL SELL To-Morrow (Tuesday), at 12 oictock, ON rigit AIIOITE RACE_ STREEr. 2673 Boxes Lemons, Ex•flrig Olaf time, from Palermo _l3 SPECIAL NOTICE Cotton Dealers and Manufacturers.. DAMAGED COTTON * AT AUCTION N LI AL. T C) R E IMIGG-INS, COBB & CO., On Friday Morning, July 29th, - AT 10 O'CLOCK. NV t• will s• II f..r cael: wbcta It tr.sy Union Hock, foot of Concord Street, 40_0 13ales Cotton Pamarz , ri by fresh wat , r at tip! Witt - chow& Conlyany . _41,2:. t.1)11.1)!LLP, Damaged Tobacco and a large quantity of Bark. C,0,415 BIGGINS, COBB & C 0.., Auctioneers, BALTIMORE FURNITURE, SIF: rUIieIIASERS OF COTTAGE GHAMBER SUITS Avri. t lA, vqriou. , i.1.7),A ~:d Bedsteads, Bureaus, Washstands. Wardrobes, dm, FfuiFh , l in luiit.,ticnlo.3: f r utl now IsLown ae " " Or • I%,:niter are 11 '2 0,7 It ev ,ry article o f rtur Stamped alai our Initials and Trade- Aral (hose• who Irish to obtain goody 07. r 1.1.1,0V3 there I•eitig, at the prevent time, nemerou ,, itritati:as in the market), shoul.l invarlably ask the &islet. of w 12C M they are purchasing to exhibit our stamp on the goc,C.n. and take no other. Ito matter what reprereutation4 may Le made ("aceruing them. K ILB URN & GATES , Wholesale ifamyocturcr Coftfrac Furni!ure, No. 619 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. je2s N m w e.mrp ------ 1 ~r'rN ~ ~ti'l a. NEW VIEWS On' the. Wissahickon and in the Park. NEW STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS By Purviance. 2G cents each. .92 GO per dozen. NEW CHROMO-PORTRAIT OF DICKENS The last likeness for which he sat. 50 cents each. Mailed to any address NEW C FIRO MOS. After Birket Foster and others. NEW Ulan ALVINGS• LOOKING GLASSES, For the Present, at Reduced Prices. JA MES S. EARLE & SONS, 616 Chestnut street. OPTICIANS SPECTACLES, Microscopes, Telescones, Thermometers, Mathematical borveying, Philosophical and Drawing Instrumento at reduced prices. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO, 924 Chestnut Street. 'jyll lyrp¢ TOILE' SO-Ar. H. P. & C. R. Perfumery ,auci. Toilet Soaps. 641 and 643 North Ninth street DELIGFITFUL DAILY EX.. N. 5 cursione to Gloucester Point. Gardens. Mays a breeze at this quiet, cool and pleasant resort. Take or send the family. Steamers with every comfort (ice•water, Aim), leave South street every few min utes. - - 4p* FOR, _TRAVELERS:— NEAT, — SMALL. ALARMS; will nwnlfrn at anTinnir.. FARR di. fi ROT I.ER,lmportors, i027-tfrn 324 filloatnut area, bo P l ow hth ._. I.TUH..-1,013. BARRELS [H] PITCH now landing from A toitmor " Pioneor,"from IV timing ton,N.o ,and fur iluiln by 000IIliAN, MR dE ia., & 00.. 11l Vhootnut etroot. . . lark, Ilounted, Dxll.in .SE,(I(),DI:I)igI).IV.TQN ; BY • 'I?+2,LEGRAPII. FOREIGN NEWS. THE WAR IN EUROPE Emperor Napoleon Interviewed The War Caused by Prussia's Aggrat- The Proposition of France After the The Emperor's Proclamation Read by Empress Eugenie. (By the dmericua kle AmciatiouJ • ENGL./FIND. Napoleon Interviewed—The Canso of the Lozinos, July 25.—The Paris correspondent of the London Telegraph gives the substance of an ictervieiv with the Emperor Napoleon. The Emperor attributed the cause of the war to•lbe aggraodiiingliolleyof PrussJa. „ neßassi with sincerity flat he had de fired Prussia to consent to the cession of Luxern-. Fenn:. Count Bisinarek,apprised of the wishes Fiance,refused to aceede to this request,and sugg , steil the probabilitz.: of Prussia taking Rolland and attaching it to the Confederation of North German States, and asked the ques tion : "What does France want?" To which the Emperor replied: Tk attempt qr* Prussia to obsoro lleficoet co ! ei:i(tered r.o:! inenaec ; Itcy ,t,th the Propefiltien or France. The Loudon I ut this morning publishes a full statement of the trea7y proposed by France to ttze Pru,uianit in, the price of peace after the war of lEtiti 'Prtisitt arid .Austria, and =again IFVil'f:xt ToJentlywhnii Franc asked the Ce..loli of the Grand Duchy , of Luxern . bourn and the Cowl ue.-t of Belgium asiststbtl by Prussia. Francf;,a_s a icturn for this„pro wised. Prussia to pirtoit the fusion of all South- and North Gi.rnulny, exci;ting the Austrian provinces; _Abu) r...cognizing the validity of the acquisi tions made Lc Prussia at iiii end ut' the war in Bohemia To thi - F. , arrangeinent the reply of PritY4ia was ci:r' at(' She po,itively refas.ed to consin.kr any su.c.‘ll propositions cowing from MEM Thh, (Pchnairoil arrcssm to :o any ovcr'nres from Franc(.: was the real of the pr.-kent war Napoleon'sProelanutlion Read at Cher- bourg by Eugenie LoNDoN, .Tuly No n.—The Empr.7!ss-'l-7.11 genie yeetelday arrlvetl it thti port 01 Cher bourg, and was. 1.2 CtiV hottnr.t. A rival fa u ewas tired. and slit> onnvey,l t o thp fiat , hilt, and, tiv:ng ~o rinc:, i to 1:11m deck, read dear tones to the rivet the Etn pernr%; prot , laniation. the cousThtsion of the. cercmony the yards were manned, ttalta”, tiro.d. and tipi :?eft through variou evolutions. The niameuvrt Nvere very fine Tier :Majesty was then conducted to the shore lhe Stock Exchange lamDoN, Jc.ly 10...;0 A. M.—The war ru- more to -day of hare had an On - lavorabie eflect upon the Stock Exchange Consols opened at >7,91: Er. S. 5-20 bonds of 1g1:2 are E 2: LONDON, Noon.--Consols since the opening Lae© tleehui.tl Z.,: and are ZIOW nuote4 a. nj. U. S. bond.; reruain steady at 82. Bank of France Notes PARIS, J uiy 1f4.-15necial to the N. Y. .7 . ,te , ;.5.1 —The Bank of France is paying its notes only in silver Volunteers are, coining from the Algerian cities, and the s 3-lanoverian refugees in France are forming a volunteer organization to join --am- roneh army., - ' FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Philadelphia Suit! Tr AM) CanittrAmb woe d 9 95 3001/Clty tie new Its 101 :1100 do bri 101 1001/0 t) &A It iSds b 5 00 98 sh LehVal 5734 /00 sh Leh Nay Stlt 1:60 100 eh do L3O 33.'4 31 eh Penn 10 lie 100 sh do c 5720 200th do b 5 100 ah Phil&Erio B b 5 23 100 eh do s6own 27 BETWEEN MO eh Leh Nv Stk 10 al, 1., Val B 55vvn 573 k 7 eh do 47.? 100 eh Penn 11 :dye 57l iECONT) 3900 City fe old 2 ctf mono 1000 Lehigh Gold Ln c 6331 1000 Amor Gold BOA, 2 eh Peon H 57N 100 eh Beading G b3O 473; 100 sh do b 5 47 9-16 ARTKA 1 3000 Penn B 2 Anne Os 10241" 3t31 City 68 now 101 M[lllll4l4,,lipids Bloney ffiar*et• MONDAY. July 26, 1870.—The loan market opens, to• tiny, quitedull, though lenders are disposed to raise the current rates for accommodations, The hank statement, kie evening, will show whether they are still losing their resources. and to what extent. Wo think Amore than probable that the reserves will show a considerable ;diminution compared.' with ~. the ' . exhibit of .-the oweding weelc Money is offered in fair amounts on call at 6a6 per rent. on Government Bends or good stock eedlaterale, but the unsettled condition of the stock re7r ket makes lenders exceedingly cautious in accepting this lame& pledges: DIFCOUOUI aro easy at - 6aB per cent., according to dates and credits. The Gold market is comparatively quiet but stronger, tho Hales ranging between 12.1”,' and 121, clueing at the latter. Governmente are not materially changed ainco day, but prices are rattier unsettled. elver feeling throughout.. In City 61103 kt • there* were gales of ttto um bootie at.lol. /leading Bali road wan steady, and sold up to 4711 bo o. Fenn si Iva nia was ttiYMI 57% . ; Lehjgli Valley at 07.4 diz ement. War of 1866. FROM EUROPE. ItA t l'E. More 'Volunteers. k Exchange Salem. oARD. 100 oh 17 2tso eh do b3O Its 47'.. 100 eh do 17 Ht; 2uk) sh do Ite 47 J• 1 sit do sswu 4711. 100 eh do la sh do sLwit 47. lash do 47 - 4 5/0 sh do la :CO sit 'do s 5 47 100 sh do Fa 13 eh C&Am U duo 1 , 1 1153 BOA ItDb. 400 eh 'fend R 47 5006 h do b3O 47 614 do 47 1.16 - . 25 ah 0 C&A.RII W 44 lOU eh Leh Nv 1450 100 eh do NO eh do 3l 100 sh do 30,; eh do Its 314 BOA ADS I 100 Catavi ofd gt; 1 1 00 eh Leh Nay etk blO 3.131 -,Cninden and Amboy at 116)6. ; Philadelphia and ,Frio, at. .22—an advanCe of 7'4... In Camel Shares there was an lin provemO..nt e b which i‘old st:r3N—anadvaMc of 144 / 0 Did for Schuylkill Preferred. ~-tioal, frank and Pasoonger Railroad stocky' wera steady ~bet there, were no sales worthy of rimier). El entire . 1).1 Haven& Vrotner,tlo,4woopOtaThiluistrueti, • trUate the following quotations of thn ratty of excbango today at tool) : United 'States Nixes 01 1881. 1121•&a11.211 do. do: 1162, 109a10934; do. do. 7E44. 102410 9 13; "do. do. than 302009)1r do. do, IMO, now, 10751a1id3r,': do. do. 1867, new.,.307),;a10TR,;. do. 15G do. /00.1a109; do. do. ' 6's. 2uttos. 1061ia1e63.1i U. R. 30 year, 6 I)er-cent, currency, 110, , rirt311; Due- Oonspouird Interast Notcy. 10;' ()old. 12.0.%a121: , 311a111; Union Pacific Railroad Ist hl.l.ionda, - 81048:30TUsrticral Pacific DiillCM, FLOM: Union Pacific Land GT11Di5,755:17F.5. Vv haeten Smith He Co.; Our:Kers, 121 South Drd_ vtroet, • unoto at 111.20, o'clock as follows: ()old. 12114; U, ti. dines. 1887. 112)::: do, do. 5-M r. 1d62. 102. riv ) ,..,; do. do., 1604. /09a180'..; do. do.. 1.96.5; l(r.rannii; do. do. July, lacz, /1)7(1a7a734; do. di'.. 'll l O7, i)7;4 ; iw; s , le5in.1011;b; 1040, 11161 , 0111;1311 do. do. Hurrency de, .116h;a11.1. Jay Cooke dr Go. CJACIttr Government toonrities, &c... isy, as follow,: 'United Stro,J4 rs. 1121;a118; IS-20'v ~f ii G 2, 10011109',: do. 1E44, 1(13',;a113.,.'.,; do. ItifJs-11133,4 114 , 14; do. July, laith lit7lialei?s; do. 1307. 107 , 1.1 , 1ai: 1051illi19: 1.101;a111 G01(1.12074'. - 'Plqtladel phial Prociinp.4.l Market. Ition , A7, July 2.5.--The Flonr tnarltrit.haa reltpqrd in to its format Cate of (Itanosil:' The demand has fat lon oil. and purdtaaea can be Matto on tomb more favor.4bni [mini , than is the. Pniadleoi halt week. Ttv trao,actioa4 1 0- day curnprirod only' a few hurdirnd htrrek, inriudinte Superfine at *5 50 per barrel ; Erinth.nnied ;it ; Estra4 at 56 . 15x6 25; Wheat Extra Family at t 0,;.0a7 25; Pentwylvania do. no. at *7a7 /+J; Indtapa and hio do. do. at fe.7a7 51.1 i; and fancy tnanzta at 1117 if :di N. Thorn , is on , Ibangt: ill Rye Flour ; it is held at $O. Priem of Coin hloal am none ual. Till, Wheat market is declining, buyer,: arid being apart in their VII WE. 4 111!.?4 (10.) , ) PtainaYl -int) in Red at litt 10 per hu , ..;i1.1.09; 141 , 5.111,w Indiana dn, at *1 52, and 1 bur. new DriaNvitre at fat 55. Rye is held at F... Val 12. Corn ir very oubv at the declin , :"rtvord , ,d un Siitonday. of Yellow at 61 124 11; WestPrn do. at 1 and 5,000 hum heir ixed el Oat4 ;ire itneloing;:d. Salem of 2.000 hurl - Jolts Ptainvylvania at ati67 ceote. SVllleiv is ullit•t. fotf.P.-11 "61'ektertl ir•al hound tilm:l6 - 6.:61 eo. • " Pill lade{ rri)lti Cattle 31arket. July '2sth. Berl rattle were Nvry dull thi,i :'rock, and priC , , , 4 fay. r Lay ,- -re; 2.!r,,9 1,e,, , ,1 ,rriv.-,1 and gol , l at 9a' 1 .4 cents f, , r Extra Penuf!-Ivan!it and Wo , ,tern 7te.rg;7 , 4a,14 t•t•<., I ft,r fair •- to 1,00(1 ft , ., and tia7..calt9 per pound grot3s. '43 to nuallty. The following are the particulara ur tee t.. 1.1 . , ,, ,: 11 . 4 i Owen Staith.ls',Ftert, Pa.. pre... .. ....... ...... 7 a 9 , 4 ' 110-John I.:With Et 'Mr..., Wfost• Pay, gr.+. . . , .... ~. ~...74a 9, , 73 Dean sa :.t.tati,, \Ve,-.t Pa .4;r4 , ..• lia . ... . ,„. , to A. Clirl.t . ,' It Pet Pa .gt e.. ............. .... ...... ... 4 ~,a ~.., '-:t5.1a. , . Cliri.-i .. yAli.q Pa .• gr.' 7',' , :a t! , ;. .:1. , I.frael.-r k Mcill , , , e. W.-stern Pa.- gra 7 a :Sii 41 P. '31‘..-Fill , -u. W , - - -tern Pa.. J. 73" : ,. a to 4 ro Pi,. Ilatham,,o,, W,-st...ra Pa.. .7,, .......... ..... , , i ~ F 1 dame- , S. Kirk, W.4l 4 'ril Pa.• gr. 736 a 9 :',4 11, F. 31 , Film. W , q-tern Pa.. qrt,, -,:,'a s, i . 170 „fah, 31, Filica. tir' , '.Ltern Pa,. gr, ,i' a 9.'i La E..S. 31clillt.n.Weetera Pa...gra. ' a 9 - 1'23 Tillman Ai Ita , hn,an. Weit,.:ll Pa,. et,......... ~3- a 9' 3 , 0,1 .1. Martin a Co.. Wemt,rn,Pa.gre . ... 7 a 9' , :, ,, i- ?loone y y k. 31 Khr, Va.. gr 4 .., a ...1: 2 CS Thor... 3100 W. ), &Bro., W. -stern, grt.... . C a kli 9! 11. (,lialti. We1 , t ,, ,..n.gr, ...... .... - 7 a 83i' Wlll.ll. nra .... ... 6.ria . J. A: It. Frank - . 'Western Pa gr. , - - .7 `n 9 :11 'CI:I,r, rE.rharnherg. 'We,tera Pa , gra _ . _ n:3 a?_ ero }! opt. A Co, . Wv.t , :r3].. grt , . ........... -... ... ....-.. ..... •1i , .,..1.:, 'l5ll- Frank, 41,, 7.i,,a' , 7.!i I 19' John 31eArdl , .. Ww,ra. glr,. ... ...... .. .... .... olt 9 I t.O 11. NI tt y lir-, Wi...1.1-11, gr,. 4,4,,. ...' 4 l r.. - L. Yik4ln. IA IkrOr in gr,, 7 a 9 4.] It. W. (iPtandll. Tadawar,.... , .r. 4 0. 7"i C'0. , .. v.-r.-am hanged . 2,0 h.ad ~., . .1,1 at 1)a.575 per ht-141. - a., to 41131:17. Sli,,p ',Pr.! in lair , li-Itiii nil • 10, ,, Y.1 h , ad -...A1l ar Tt.',?,.c. . j 1.1" li. arum.. a.... t , ,,,,,n.iiti ,, n Doe. u. , re tirnv , r: 2,..wa head void at the , liffer,nt yards 1 at .5. I:';',s 1:7 to per Di) IVs. I').t. Starliels hy Telegraph. IST. , :lnll , ,,in , ch tbePtiIk.F.VPLIIIIZ Brill,ftln N,Lw IioRK , J ul v 2.. 1235, P. M.—Cotton uhlriitt thin 111'-rJling ;I, dull anctunohangol. at, ~It foo o quote.. an lollows: Middling liplahis,24r 4 -''; 33:4101ir.4 I:arrq.l.l. The tuarlrot for AN ~ ,torn and butte. }luur Is.. fairly ac:i% st .4 ado The d..ruar,d eniotly ;intupdiate Tll , , .111,e aro e,0‘...1 barrele fit; V.• for Sour : t - o 4 75a 550 P.1...N0. 2 ; 6 5, ,5e to for Supertine; 70 for ante Extra lsrenue: yy, 9)...7 25 for State Fancy de•: 20 for Western_ Shipping . Extras; gG 45a7 65 for wood to choice r , D rinw W neat Ex re.t=to atatloiraExtre4; -n7 - i0 tor Extra Ninher Indiana, Ohio and Alicni gat,. 525 6.5,te ..k) ft r oldo. Itellana end Illinois Superfine; r.0. , .e '&0 tor Ultio Round noop, Extra IShietnt(); (alai 75 to 01:5 J Extra. Trade tsrateis; 71St. .91 :or It hit , NVbeat Extro. Ohio. Indiana and -Mich Lau: aii - . 7 -rleTor Double Extra - de - . .10." - ,'17 r. - 14 Cr) lot. ,t. Lome Sinple Extra.: 67 25 for St. Louis, Double Extra,,; tiS tt9 75 for .Triply . Extra , : 66 22a1.1 00 for tienexee. Extra brands. Southern Flour it dull but ;irai. Salos of 44_0 FAL,. ut .55a iSci ik) for 13a1rtniure, Alexandria and Gt,rg.eto,:n,.. mixed to wood Stil;>erritie; t,t,' Ohio 5) for de. 'to. Extra and Fittnily • &6 •55e Az 7 :u - :,.r Freeerf..4,d;nru and l'eterehurg 'Country; ro• al tor I.zeini,ond CountrySuperrino ; - for Itfrkruorel Country, Extra: .51; 7 :1, r er.,.nds : for Georgia and ;;o otho, for do. dp..)!:xtraaad •v Ur 1, 1. - Tar,V — . -- 1 - 4;. • -- 11 , 10 ~t 42a5 , 5 for not. , st; . .2.5.t7 - 4U for Superfine (,rlt:rt of WI/er.t.-..-..e,4) _Thr_inarlitt 101111,0 n 1 .12.1. ch.-;: t.nrtt. r-q. !..- 4.t,te ,, . fl are 6u..ilt-1, N... 1-44 . . . tirp.tiet, Tiie market is dull awl s I:- Ls!, 111-11 - -14':iew We-tern at and .!!!‘le, ! itll.) ros rt....opta :LI Pork an, 7,; "Le !. dull 1.,“ nriu !to - asov W. -,tern )I, Lard— ~.!0 y.uiacw . The !Inn ; , 1 ,41 . 1 11./1, I'M, ,tehon,r at 1?. 111-);!...-1.m.,:t 1., Aoti Th, , n, .• y the Arnf-re , ..ft:! Pre , 4 Aso i arinu.i J /I!) I //lr 4t,ti 4 4 , 4; !flti 1,4 ; 5/1.7 Vt - i/././t / /. to,/ //:../)4 , 10:-// , I, tr.,/ .. 7 / r.fil f-r e. , //d v,'l,a, : 1 1 t'4 I'l4 1441 t, 41 lid 2n ; / 101/1 , "31." I . .1,,/iN Pr t. a:,44 pri. ;tr., C d • El:,. Low 31/ Lf.la I r i. t. LW ties 'York llouey :11ftrtivt. !Fr ,t today. 3 .1111) oar in Europe has u unlookoo-tor !whirrs,- an-sling in an no mnt mani.er the c , ur,- of s alues la Wall est oer at a .•2 When cho variono :park,--to has e usuoliy tit•al into ttlhiess anti .tu ed. Toe ”1.1.11. o n r ~e.osons toe G.,1,1 a 1 Steck Eschang- are not, hones at. th-y 0 , -re won to t.e. The rot; iation of the teh.eraplt w oc nearly all tine ,Unilll , :r resells has preserved the comunnii tittloll bt..t ren th” olrecuiatis o ovratoro and the street co clo- , ly that tratosa,tionl is bile not as large as ill the spring and fall. have It -cu above The iry erase of iris ions summer seasons. The increase telegr,phic facilities is leading to All isbit at illy r^ueC 0f 1., uoineso lit tile Stock Eat aange dorit g the snrinfier sia.son, '1 he only . influence - to cause higher gold i- the rdurn ot our b. , nds trout Europe, and et the uf that influence in affecting, the premium fie arty be able I-. from the premises that 7111:1112.' Will .4.11t1 Us air the 1,11.. tat that she is without fitedties for st being them ii re, while it is dcaddial, Vvolt if her ports v ere pet, and le .r steamship lines in operation,s% hcthsr the arnuant would be -4 - any in) p,rtanc'e. when we re n.,,ml.-r that the Bank of Berlin hoc agrted to acc.r..pt ~ u r bonds as collaterals for luaus, a polio', which' will pr.-v• ut reallzatimi upon such lit are held upon margins or Ly parties miximis for money accoultriudation. France holds v ery tow of our bonds and the capitalists of Epgiund are too shrewd not to know the soundness of sash Ytt7tiriti e. The t:overnbe-tt market. lief" has been heavily evvl sold by the I oreign bankeri reCideot among nt , , tsllo6t. , Contetr4uranton. , purchases of gold Lase been e main , allte of the ad, anciti the premium, the rise in gal,; thus stimulated b.,s rparyl , ly drrcpro vs' the erguimmte that a foreign war-- ~ -benefit-- this coun try,' and 'hence the - mate of °inside s pcculai ors have enteied the Gold Rowe tempted by the hope of a greater rise. Ilene-, when ripen the false report that BuSsia had Mined Prussia, .cold ran up to the outsiders came in and were saddled u ith the gull; which the foreign hankers had run up to that trice. The outsiders Si ero cons,- quentl3 beaky losers in the subseanent declitic to lid', a point trofn which the market dually reacted to and eluse;i i keille upon the announcement that on :Sal , at it Ara nice ins of the directors of the Bank of En,t lan , the discount rate had l.eu raised to four—an vatee in all of ore per cent during • he week. The stuck market was given t decidedly downward plunge by the sharp advaLee in gold, and failed to to act with the subsequent decline in the hitter. While the lowest prices were made on Friday the decline it as simply arrested by heavy purchases to cover outstand ing sho -t contracts, and by ventures on the part of a few who bought for a temporary reacttou .is well as with the hope that with p"-i:e in Europe the market would suddenly rebound. Them is little doubt that u cudden settlement of the diffieultie: , bet We(11 France and rruscia would occasion a vet,- sharp and large advance in the prices of stocks ; but• now the outside public have boon sh.tro of their strength by the gradual obli:o rations of their margin, and those W lb) capital enough to re-enter the market are deterred by the prevailing impression that in the activity of legiti mate business hero such as would follow a uar in Europe, all the .bile capital with which stocks are now floated would be withdrawn from the stre,t, and the effort to maintain prices would ran ler money worth anywhere front a half to five percent. a thy 'to carry studio, Hence it woo that, despite the decline -in gala from 123 N -, to 116;`;, stocks did nut go up again. The market has lost its buoyancy and capacity for higher prices while war 18 imminent in Europe. . Government bonds have fallen to the lowest point tenchet in many years, but their currency price secure to have touched bottom. The fluctuations abroad now affect the price of gold onl y. . . The money market was more active, and gold interest was-paid in some transactions during the . week. *At the close thereto on caß hadfallen to five to six. per cent. The previous activity was duo to the fart that lenders. perceiving the high rates paid fur carrying gold, called their loans on sleeks and transferred their money to tho use of the Gold Boom. IQIOSIN.-426 BARRELS ROSIN NOW _Lau landing from eteamer E roman. from Char ton, 8.0., and for sale by COCA RAN, RUSSELL ,t CO. H) ()heath ututreet, POTTON.-45 BALES COTTON NOW sanding from steamer Wyoming, from Savannah, Cia., and for solo by COCIIRA_N, RUS_hk'LL Lll_ 70boottrutmtroet.-- O$lN.-207 BARRELS EOSIN "'NOW' innaiog from atettmer Pioneer, from Wilmington.' .C. anti for aalq by court HAN, RUSEL'f, tt1.31)., Chestnut street.. : • PIETLADELPIiiit 'EVENING BlIZTAITIX„/M6gDAY: J tILT 25,1870, THIRD EDITION AFFAIRS IN NORTH CAROLINA United states Forces PoweriesS Additional Trouble Expected f Special Despatch' to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.] Ti lie Di, norbances 211Ortli Carolina. W.AsnEgo-roar, . July. 25.—ahe ..War Departf ment has taken means to inform itself on the condition of affikirs in North Ca.rolina throngli. officers stationed in that State. , . , The Government troops are at the county seats of the three counties where the principal trouble exists. The. Department, however, finds itself al most powerless in the matter. - The :United States forces can only act in special cases and when formally called upon by officers of the civil government, and most instances of mur ders and other outrages complained of occur at night,and the oftbnders are out of reach 'be- Tore any help can be obtained from the tko'cips. Ativices from; officers- on duty represent that the accounts of the disturbed condition of affairs have not been exaggerations. It is not all due, however, to those persons against whom Holden's troops have been acting, but from official accounts it is evident that Kirk, the militia-colonel; is .also. committing_many. excesses in his attempts to suppress those of the other side. From the latest information it seems that the courts are only given Holden half-way support, and rauchailditional.trouble is expected front this source. * (By the American Preea Asanciation.) NEW HAMPSHIRE. A VIMe Mitrderer Arrested. MAticuEsTEß,:July 2;7;.—Nicholas Riley wax arre!-tell and Indeed in jail on the charge of having beaten hi, wife to death with a chair on Satnratiy, t•he :being intoNd i cated at the time. 13(•TON, jnly 23.—A young man named Ed ward Murray, aged 19, was drowned yester day while bathing. - (By the American Pram Maurlation.l 'MARYLAND. Death of a .11eicliont. • BALTIMORE, .July 2.s.—Daniel Miller, Esq., <,l the thin of Damel Miller & CO., extensive goods dealer st - in this city, died suddenly this morning,.at one o'clock, of disease of the exit. NEW YORE FINANCIAL AFFAIRS. Money Market Easy--Gold Firm .and Advanced—Governments Firmer and irregular. fßy the American Press Association.] NEW . Street,_,Tulv 516 - iielye - asy ner cent. on call. overnment bi5Ml.; are tirmer -- and abont — l Per cent. higher. Gold opened at 1202, and advanced to 121,, and retuatns.lirm. _ _ Sterling exchange k dull and nominal at - 11,!1a11it for sixty-days' bills. . Southern Mate seettrities are quiet. O 1 TeDlleSSee, : new do., 611. The *stock market is dull and irregular. New York Central, 93 ; . 11eading„ ; - L;the Shure. 141; ; Northv,e.‘d, Si 3 ; do. preferre , l. Island. 112 ; Ohio, Pl,l Mail, .10.: Boston, Hartibrd and Erie, 3 bid. WALL STREET. 1 P. .I\l.—Gol , l, since noou. klf , clint-d to 12o ! , and is now quiet. The rao,, , paid for cam ing were 4 to 7 per Cent. Pacific. Railroad mortgage!: are firm for Unir ns, and for (lentrals. Panama sold at fro to and closed at 91)? to PO . li.e4oorted for the PhiladFdDhla Eccming Bulletin LEll3l(l—Brat; (gar Kyrre, I,...rFen-999 cant.irs I.riinstone.ll73 I , xe lemons 1109 bags sumac Paul Pohl, .1r; 614 bx 4 lemons S S Scattergood & Co; 60 do Dallett Son: 196 do Isaac Jearies & Co. . - CARDENAS—Brig J H Dillingham. Mudgett-9J hb.ls Lu b« engar 333 hit& 35 tea inola , qes. INDgOlt, NS.—t , cliir John Stine!, Heath-250 tons - 13111 F Ft' Solider 5: Adams. WINDWIt. NS.—Schr Kate P Lunt, Lunt-310 tons plaster Sonder S .dams. WINDSOR. NS.—Schr Louisa Crockett. Flanders-360 1.01/S plaster 13 Crawley & Co ST. JOHN. NB.-Brig Poste, Smith-993.700 lathe T P Galvin & Co. BANGOR—Scht Nellie. French—M.:MO laths 83,8;S ft spruce timber T P Galvin Sc. Co. BA IcGtllt—Schr Mary Ann McCann, Whiternore -595,14Al laths 741.074 feet spruce timber T P Galvin „t Cu . PCBTLAND—Schr Flight, Crowell-2.53,000 lathe 10,- 000 pickets T P Galvin & Co, A. C. BRYSON & A. C. BRYSON &. CO A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., • .. C. 131tY,SON Sz. CO, A. C. 8RY . 901.51 - CO;' -- A. C. 'BRYSON CO., A. e..nr.VSONI A CO.; 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St 607 Chestnut St. & i3Ol Jayne St. 607. Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. (.% 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 601' Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Cheetnnt St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Cliermut St. a 604 Jiyne St. (Bitllel tßock Philadelphia ) raid .7o Pr intera, Book and Job Printers. Book and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers, nook and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers. Workmen Skillful. Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. Prices Low Workmen Skillful. Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. • Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. Pikes Low. wvln i ln o tiggi i i . l. Prices Low. GIV.F. US A TRIAL Prix " GIVE USA TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US A: TRIAL. GIVE US ,A T.RT A T.. GIVE USA TRIAL. - GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE tis A TRT AT,, "ItTarei r- VAIVENICE TURPENTINE.-100 banota 73rtat Tarnish; 30 do. genic. Ttapflutine. , ..Fpr sale bi.f.,ply. LEY,Is south tPront 'mart , ' , ftITALK..-FOR SAI,E, 180 TONS 'OF' Afloat. ADDIY tO WORKMAN SAO., . 19.9 lit plant tar lot, 215 ceCaook; , . BY TELEGRAPH. WASKINGTON.__ FROM WASHINGVON. FROM NEW ENGLAND. 3IA Sk,l C RLF4ETTS Drowned. FROM THE SOUTH: IMPOE.T ATION PRINTLNL*. f:- 1 -QUItTit'II):ITION BY 'I`EIAEGRAPH. LAM BY CABLE. Vicomte. Tieilhard to STlceeed' hi rrralTerrnrapi A Prussian. Raiding Party Destroying Railway, Communication. _ - Financial and Commercial Quotations WASHINGTON NEWS. Secretary -13outwell's Summer Trip FROM EUROPE [By the American Pima - Association. FIVILNCE. Farad°Ps Soceessor. PARIS, July 2.o.—LVicomte Treilhatd has been officially. iotified.of.bis, appoinhnont to. fill the vacancy in the French Mission at :Washington, caused by. the death of M. Pre-. volt-Paradol. Another Postponement. PARIS, July 2,s".—The Emperor Napoleon has postponed his departure for the seat of war until the middle of the , present week. PIKUSSIA. ' Prussian - BMA But IN, July '2s. 7 YesterdaYthirty Prussian lancets,SecrctlyeroSged the fiontier in the . cinity of Saarbruok," arid, ayoiding St. Avoid, reached a point southeast of Saarbruelc and between that place and Sarreguernines. They struck tbe'rallway connecting Sarre gueruines and Bguenau, a fortified town of the Department of Bas Rhine, on the Mo der, sixteen miles north of Strasbourg, and tore up the rails in several places and de stroyed the road bed. They also blew up a viaduct and otherwise inflicted serious damage to railway communication. ENGLAND.. Awaiting An Attack LoNnoN, July 252L-TheP i russian forces are being withdrawn frord-the advaneed positions - , and various corps are being concentrated in positions. where they are evidently awaiting a French attack upon thelin-of-therithi no., - Financial and Commercial. LoNnoN, July 25, Noon.—Consols for money and bond account, sug. U. S. bonds of 1803, 82; 1867'5, 81 ; Ten-forties, 80. Illinois Central, 1(14: Erie Railway, 16i ; Atlantic, 22. ,LiVERPOOL i July 23, Noon.—Cotton steady ; sales of 12,000 bales.' Uplands, 8; ; Ir-I(4ms, ti' L `. Breadtutls.--Wheat r Ualifornia, lls. 9d. ; Winter do., 10s. 11d. ; Spring do., 10s. ltl.; 6cL..; Corn, 355. -3d.- Lard, 7:is. (id. Cheese, 635. -AN•rw El - n(1 -July -25.-(- - Petroleurn-50 francs:- FROM WASHINIUTON. (Special Despatch to the Pinla.Evening Bulletin.) Secretary Boatuell's Summer Vacation Asm To N, uly 2.s.—Jodge Richardson is exliected to night, and Secretary Boutweli hopes to he able to leave for the East :0-mor row The Judge probably will discharge the duties of Assistant Secretary during the sum mer and early fall. An Excursion that Didn't Come OM The quiet of the Potomac has been disturbed by the proprietors of a favorite place of resort about thirty miles down the river. A club of colored persons had made all the arrangements for an excursion to this place, and had adver tised extensively and sold many tickets. This morning the proprietors informed the Washington public through the newspapers that this conipany Of colored people will not even be allowed at his wharf. [By the American Bread Arsociationj Convicted and Sentenced. WAsHINGTON, July 25.—Charles Sohenig, convicted of rape upon Amelia Tenney, has been sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment in the penitentiary. Arrival of the V. S. Steamer Benicia in ' - African Waters. - • • Commander Nicholson, commanding the U. S. S: Benicia, despatches to the Navy Depart ment from Simon's Bay, South Africa, an nouncing the arrival of his vessel at that point on the 2d of June, after a boisterous passage of 27 days froth Rio tie Janeiro.. All the olli airs and crew were in good health. The Asiatic Fleet In the despatches received to-day from the Asiatic 'fleet, dat.d Yokohama, April 30th, Rear-Admiral Rowan states thata.4 eo. Peacock, Quartermaster, and Thomas Wilton, seaman, were wounded on board the U.'S. steamer Iro quois, while tiring a salute in honor of the Duke of Edinburgh, in the harbor of Hong Kong, anti . subscription Was -, raised among the English re:iicleuis of the Colony for their relief, amounting to 149 poundS 10 shillings. The Fiteitie Fleet. Rear Admiral Turner, commanding the Patine fleet was at Callao, June 20th, expecting to sail in-about two weeks for San Francisco, where he is to be relieved by Rear Admiral John' inslow. Naval Orders. Surgeon Thomas W. Leach, to Portsmouth, N. H., Navy Yard. Paymaster H. P. Tuttle is detached from the Terror and ordered to settle his accounts. General Nlterldan, who has been staying at the Arlington House for the last day or two, left here last night for New York. He sails for Europe on Wedries- - q day. He will be accompanied by Majors Geo.A. and James W. Forsythe, of his stair The Naval Appropriation 11111 appropriates this year $2,000,000 in excess of last year's appropriation. Revenue Business. Supervisor Presbrey leaves here this even ing for the North, on important business con nected with the Revenue Department. Appointment. L. 31. hlansee was to-day appointed chief of night inspectors in the San Francisco Custom House. The Alaska BMOC Secretary of the Treasury Lloutwell, to.day, further considered the Alaska, bids,and finally, concluded to make no award till to-morrow. S. Clinton Bastings, of San Francisco, who bid $163,000 for the contract, this morning, withdrew - his bid,first, because he was satisfied it was too high, and second, because he did not believe be came within the rule declaring that no bid will be considered trom anv party not having experience in the seal fishery he- C. M. Lockwood,- ; of Oregon; Thoimv W. Sweeny, of Philadelphia; 'l'. Adams . Soo, of Philadelphia; Lo ttle A. Welton, of, Now York, and 'Tolbot T. Fowler, of "Waahingtoil l ' I). tt.,•were all ruled out on the latter grOund,-, , leaping but eight contestonto for the AlOoka . prize.. VP/cmlc. The Position of the French Army FROM aii-LE A,Sril EFFECTS OF THE HOT WEATHER LoNnoN, July ps.—The. French army, strategically, is posted'in adVantageous array. The French base extends from StraSburg northwesterly to Thionville—the centre rest ing on Ilitche and St. Avoid. There is also a second hne commencing at Metz, which is capable . of being .extended :northerly to the centre 'between Bitche and St. Avoid, and due north to Thionville. [By the American Preen AssociationA Arrivat of a Now.hiteanter. NEW YORK July 25.—The new steams hip ltaly, Captain' Grace, arrived at this port this morning, having left Liverpool on the 13th inst. and Queenstown on the 14th: She brings 674 passengers. The Italy was built on the Clyde and is considered one of the finest steam ships afloat. - The Racism Yachts. - The Dauntless was spoken on the 13th, 1,700 miles from Sandy . Flook, making an average - speed of 139 miles a day. At this rate she will reach here thiii afternoon. On Sunday over 10,000 citizens of New. ork Were down to sea to get a view of the yaChts, ..dlould th/3y come in All yachts of note 'fire cruising.outside the Narrows. The Weather.. On Sunday the thertuoineter reached 9ti de grees in the shade. To-daytt is about the same. - Hot Weather in New York. - The heat is intense and prostrating. The harvest of death promises to-be still more enormous this week than on the preceding week, unless there is some change. There were eight deaths from heat on Sunday and nine prostrations. the Funeral of the Austrian Consul - General. Baron D'Loosey, took place--this-morning at —St: - Stephen livered by the Rev. J. J. Griflett, after Which --the -Austrian- National Hymn - wasplayed on the organ with harp accompaniment. Pall bearers—Difene Dinh], M. Icy Merritt, Albert ColiiitTra - fie26s - 4"; =3L-r7g . iq and William H. Hurlhurt. The remains were interred in Greenwood Cemetery. Marine intelligence. NEW Yonn, July '_'sth.—Below—Steamer City of Paris, from Liverpool. Steamship Italy (new) arrived this morning from the same port. SANDY HOC.IN AND THE FIDATLANDN, July 25th, 1 P. M.—There is no sign of the yachts. Wind, West. Weather, clear. 1.870."1 9 aM fIYNAIR2 B :IB7O. BAIL PLANK. BAIL PLANK. 1870 WALNUT AND PLANE. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. ASSORTED CABINET MAILERS, BUiLDERS,AO. 1870. UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER RED PEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1870. SEASONED POPLAR. 1870: ASH. WHITE OAK PLANK Y AND BOARDS. HICKOR. OA_OLINA SCAN TLING.i ury. 187 R O.:.IOAROLINA. , II.- T. BILLS.:1.0I IL NORWAY. BOAR Timm. liQryn SPRUCE AND- HEM LOOKi 876 iU. SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK. .1. LARGE STOOK. 1870 C )AE S S I II 1%111 1870', OYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT. FOR SALE LOW. 1870. PLAITPERRIZYL.W.H . 187 a BELLOW PINE LUMEER.ORDERIS -- for cargoes of every description Bowed Lumber axe outed at ,short notice—quality subject to inspectler Apply to DOW H. ROWLEY .16 South Wharves. MALT VINEGAR, M. DAWSON RICH ARDS, PHIILAIIIELIE9III.4t, • 'lottitu th a tf —— SItE . A.II-1114`0 -- TYLIC—:TEN VISA Englinh Sheathing Felt, for Halo '.l:l+ ' PETER,' RiONT, & Flt)Nti: 115 Walnut street . V9_ _ XO.O. OIL;:t4TBAit.R.ELS, ~..(4 1 0111‘.01, opsyeet if tab 011,Jow.pricod, 1!&10 it rimr - GIOY. Pont?) ,Wrnnt Omni' ; tIOTT N. l -60 BALES' COTTOI'NOW NJ landing anal for ealo fir ()OUTMAN, it 'SIM , L. 41 CO., ill Chestnut otroot. IFTit.:,i:EDITioiN BY TEI•kiGRAPH. LATEST BY CABLE. FROM NEW YORK, FROM EUROPE. [By the Amerioe Prase Association.) ENGLAND; The rreheh Army. FROM NEW: ENGLAND. [By the American Press Association.] MANSACILIUSE CTN. Terrible Calamity—Two Hen Killed. BOSTON, July 25.—A horrible disaster occur red in this city about noon to-day in the falling, of the Lowell Grain Eleyator. As far, as can, be learned at present two men were instantly killed, and it is reported that three more lie buried in the ruins: A boy was partally buried by the debris, buCsueceeded, in Making :his FROM NEW YORK. LI) AJMER. MULE,. BROTHER & 00.➢ 2500 South Street. 1870 PATTERN MAKE AKERS RS. PATTERN MAKER RS. CHOICE SELECTION or !dIC FOR PA 1870 • FLORIDAA9I,I2ia ITIOOts TITTG . 1876. ROLINA FLING . . VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELA ASH F R L WAE O F OLROINGORING' . WALNUT FLOORING. . . LATH. aLA.ITILE Blt o Tii ER it CO. ' . 2510 SOUTH STREAIT PURE A Superior Article for Pickling or Table Use Successor to Davis & Richards, ARCH AND TENTH STREETS, 4:30 O'Cilook THE CONTINENT. NT. LOUIS and FOKE lAA ABNEY NPANNED BY A RAILWAY, - AND -CONNECTING-- WITH- THE UNION PACIFIC AT FORT KEARNEY. • Capital Stock of the Co.. $10,000,000 Land" Grant, pronounced - 1870. SPIRITS 71:TRPENTINV.-BA — R.RELS spirits Turpentine now landlnafrourstearner "Pio. neer," from Wilmington, ontl for Pato by coun t RAIN BA.IBBELL S Co'., (pus tnutstroot. 01JET:AIN MATE RIALB. TITROLSTERY MOSQUITO CANOPIES, The Latest Invention., NEW STRIPED AND PLAIN GOODS FOR FURNITURE SLIPS, Made. Up at Short Notice. Lace and Nottingham Curtains. WSND•7 sur.A.DpS, WITH SPRING FOLTURES, The Most Complete Patent. HAIR AND SPRING MATTRESSES Of the Best Material. ) .L.:.' , 7wAuRA:VA-.& MASONIC HALL, Na 719 CHESTNUT ,S REEL rII , FANCI FREE FROM U.S. TAXES: Eight per cent. per amino. hi Vold. A perfectly Safe Investment. FIRSTS MORTGAGE BONDS tOrithe ' l6sue of $1,500,000, ST. JOSEPH AND DENVER CITIf RAILROAD COMPANY; Twined in denominations of 81,000 mug 11500, Coy 11013 or Registered, payitble in 30 years. Kith Interest payable 15th Angling and 15th February, in New York,London or Frankfort, fpee of tax. Secured by n mortgage only on a cOmpleted and highly prosperous road, at the rate of 013,50379 per mile. Earnings in excess' of Ito Willies. This line being the Middle Route, - is -- pronounced - Hie -SIIORTEST • rd-BIOST-NATERA-EONEFORPRETRHE- AND PASSENGER TRAPEIC ACROSSI value of - - - - First Mortgage Bouds, The remaining portion- of this Loam now for sale at 971.2 and accrued interest in currency. Can be h.d at the Coin. pauy's Agencies in New York, Iranuoilfda Co., Bankers, No. 49 Wall Street, or W. P. Converse ES: Co., No. 54 Pine Street. Pamphlets, Maps and all information can be obtained at either ot the above named agencies. The attention of Capitalists and Invest. tors is particularly invited to theie Seca. ruses. We are satisfied they are. all that could be desired, and unhesitatingly re. commend them. TANNER & CO.. Fiscal Agents, 49 Wall Street, New Y9rl4 W. P. CONVERSE & C 0... Commercial Agents. 54 Pine Street, New York. je3 6ptf DREXEL & CO., No. 84 South Third Street. American and Foreign Bankers. Issue Drafts and Circular Letters of Credit, available on presentation in any part of Europe. Travelers can make all their financial ar rangements through us, and we will wheat their interest and dividends without charge. DREXEL, VITNTHROP & CO., New York. DREXEL, HARJES & CO.. Paris. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS.- THE UNION BANKING (.70ItIPANY, CAPITAL DUD IN 60)0,40),' WILL ALLOW 4 (FOUR PER CENT. INTERE6T ON DEPOSITS PAYABLE ON DEMAND BY CHECK, N. C .IRUSSELIVIAN, Yroakient, JAB. A. DILL, OaHlifer jeB-ticarp§2 JAMES S. NEWBOLD & SON,_ BILL BROKERS AND GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENT . IL jylB-3xurpi 126 MAUR SECOND STU InET. SEWING MACHINES. 1' 11 E • WHEELER & WILSON - - - SEWING 11/A.CEINES, The Boot and sold 913 the Eaeket. PETERSON CARPENVER , 914-CHEST AI UT STREET; in ill 3yrp - 5 8,000,000 1,500)000 $19,500,000
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers