SEW PERIODICAGII. Elie Pen n Sfont/dy comes -foi; - redire= , smiting the Pennsylvania University. It-.con thins really thoughtful, well-infornied papers on ftiur different topics. The analyst§ of the Norse element in later English history, a capi tal tittidy, - contains this sagacious hint';; on * the relative weakness and strength, of Shtikespere, . -and Ben Jomon (whom, however, its careless compositor spells Johnson): " The :Norse is a man of ideals,a than of the hills, as the Saxon of the plains. 'He values enthusiasm more than common sense ; intense convictions more tha - n - bioa views. His - face is long; the Saxon's is round. His blood is hot, while the Saxon's is cold. The Saxon intellect had its noblest embodi ment in . " this period, in the person. of . ShakesPeare; who„ both in what he is not and what he is, best represents its method and tone. Few men have described . hutnan act,. passion and character with so little of subjec tive feeling ; few have ever so thoroughly taken the world as they found it. He sees worth and unWerthiness with : the same clear, dispassion ate eyes ;no tremor of the.. heart ever shakes kis hand in their portrayal. He analyzes every thing with the same coolness of the blood. His "common sense" is infinite, add has led mut- • fluides of people -to. s regard him as being as broad as life itself. Yet, see how imperfe.ct his picture of even his own time ! Who could infer, from his writings, that he lived in a - time when the civilize wordwas-, convulsed by . a great religious struggle ? His " as "under the sun; " he is as indifferent as Comte , tertnanAn.itis-relation to any thing - higher greater. The Norse Ben Johnson, far his in feriorin intellectual foree, stands much nearer . to the truth here; and this probablYjaccolints'. for the 'high esteem with whichihis 'coteinpora ries regarded him—an esteem scarcely, if at all, inferior to their regard for Shakspeare." . The absence in Shakespeare of all Observa tion on the religions 'opinions of. his age is however noticed byWbipple Literature of the Age-of-Elizabeth." A good practical survey of Paris,, a, little .in the style of the letters Mr. _Joseph S.-Silver used to - sendlo the Ledger, is commenced in this ouraber: _The.Penn..Monilaglas no_great choice of reading; but we have seep number which - did not - express - authentic and valuable thought. • " The Mystery of Mr. E. brood," iti Punchi _ 7iello, is far from wanting in ingenuity; but its joke's seem to done 'like sums by; a calculating-machine': they creak over Dickens's grave with 'a ghastly sound ; and then,- they, sometimes express themselves with thi§ kind of' delicacy : . "If you want to let's have peash, why don't you go fishing whenever there's any fighting talk, shir ! Such a course, is not, You'll Grant, unpresidentbd." . ' PUnchinello 'bass for July"lGLua large cartoon satirizing thb women's movement, and a delicate- - draWing,-fulf.lof -it:Yre-andSiTeganceily --. August is Irdppin;Whom if Pancl inellek. can secure as a pbrinanent stair-offictr it will be siii e each week. of seine admiration. Leisure- an agreeable hfteen-cent --Inouthly-published-at-83- -South- Sixth-streetOa received 'for July. The really' • interesting - . quality of this Magazine is marred by trilling ;solecisms; the proof-reader should be 'distinctly told that the' occurrence twice of theloovains taking form attachted instead of attacked," in the article "Benvenuto Cellini' is a luxury of-=syntactical - terminations—that- _cannot - Am afforded. received from lilessrs—Daughaday. Becket', 1031 Walnut street, a speci ----men-OtAlie----July—numboi- of-that Well-known and pleasant publication, .Our Schoolaay Visitor, now in its fourteenth year of issue. Each number comas with improvement and new:features, not the least of which is the " Stairway Department," under the editorship of Artemas 111artin, whose reputation as .a mathematician is wide, and whose problems have attracted the attention of the figure-loving public: Charles Jingo on London X. Charlei Hugo, son of Victor, who has been paying London a visit, describes his hn pressions in the Ramie!. He 'found there four millions of men, and not a single lounger. SfeVerish and phlegmatic circulation in fog. Everyone rushing in pursuit of business, for time is money : the second is worth'a shilling, the minute a guinea. Everything circulates pell-mell—the. penny boat ou the river, the wagon in the street,. One has a railway over head, another under-foot; a railway to the right, , a railway to the left. The Thames runs between two trains, one of which passes over, the other under. the . river. The, penny boats lithe a - locomotive under the chimney and an other 'under the wheels." We are then told that St.ratil's looks as if it were built of sugar, W - esiniinsfer of pasteboard, and : the. Tower of London -of dominoes. The police are dressed in green. Now and then there is a red soldier with his hair parted behind and a stick in his hand. High over the trees of Hyde Parkrises the equestrian statue of Wellington,- with his cocked hat under his arm. " Sugar all thiS'over with 300,000 women of bad charac ter, and you have Loudon—a prodigous night mare, where everything is of iron, mud, coal and rain, where tunnels are suspended and bridges are subtenanean, whose . houses are tombs and/shopkeepers phantoms. Chiuoiserte) de Pipieerie, Sodome de la bank note, Go . 2norrhe . colon, liabylonq de la cassonade Tlie note of admiration which follows Babylon of broWn sugar is by M. Charles Hugo, who then proceeds to tell us bow he visited Louis Blanc, who lives in one of the best quarters of London, and had to pay five shillings for half an hour's mad. gallop--“ that is, 7 francs 25.centirues - ." He dined with Louis Blanc ._._ and ,tnbt Mr. ~Smalley,. who is an amiable man, "'and an amiable American is worth two charming Englishmen." The conversation turned on Rochefort and FlOurens, and M. Louis,Blanc assured his guests that the latter had always expressed the greatest repugnance for political assassination. It was remarked, boyvever, that Napoleon 1., founder of the pre sent dynasty, had iastalled the statue of Brutus lathe Tuileries what first consul, and had left a slun4ifmoney in his will to Cantillon, who hajd fired at Wellington. The next day M. Louis Blanc took M. Hugo to the Tower,where :: they saw; all the Crown jewels, but the Kob-i -noor, that fatuous diamond stolen from India, Queen keeps hidden in a drawer, so to have 100,000,000 f. in her pocketin case of revolutiqn. In the court -yard the spot where Anne Boleyn was beheaded was \ pointed out. "And they reproach us with '03," sighed-Louis Tennyoodin Court. Mr. Tennyson and Messrs. Strahan & Co., „publishers, have raised an action in the Court Session, Edinburgh, to recover damages frmo.,Mr. Robert Forrester, Stockwell street, plas g ow, oust& the booksellers against whom unAnterdict was recently granted, restiaining ' them from selling copies of Mr. 'rennyson's printed in foreign countries. In the 4 oers in•the case it is stated that 'Mr. `Fenny - lirtic,,proprietor of the copyright of the li m i iri poetical Works, and is entered as er's Rail. The other pursuers, Strahan & Co., carrying ou business as publishers in London and. •Edin- Jatugh,. _have by—agreeinent__,With Mr. Tennyion, the sole and exclusive; right to print and , publish . the workg • Within pie -- dominions for - five yoars,, from the Ist 'of January, - 1800,. the . whole of which works were first composed, written, and,printed within the United Kingdom. It is then alleged that, in violation 'of the law of 'copyright, and of the rights of the pursuers in the works, '"the 'defender, in the.. months - of, becember, 1809, and January and February', 1870, - imported, or caused to be imported, into this country, for sale or hire, copies - of the works reprinted in a place outside the British dominions,- or - knowingly- sold,- published, or exposed them for sale within his place of busi is stated that the reprints were printed in the United States, and published thereby Fields, Osgood' BoSton. The pursuers say that they have suffered pecuniary loss and damage by the defendant's conduct, the copy right of the works being a property of very great value. The damages arelaid at £5OO, ANITISERIEB TS. —At Fox's, the only theatre in the city that is open, a first-rate performance will be given every evening, and on Saturday afternoons. A number of excellent .artists, including Miss Lillie_nall,_Jolul_Mulligan_ and_ Sam ..Devere has been added to the attractive company. This evening a new pantomime entitled The .31agie Flute will be produced. —The Infant Sappho will give her perform ance.s at D_nprez &__Benedict's_Seventh_. Street Opera House every evening during the weak. CITY BULLETIN. —The. New Orleans., firemen left this city for New York last evening, starting from . -. pot .in West Philadelphia. They were - accom partied to the. train by .a large number of Phila delphia &Omen. PreviOus to their departure they preSented to the members of the Mechanic and Neptune Hose 'Companies the following ad dress " Gentlemen, of the Philadelphia Fire De, partment, : We, regret that the time has :come to bid farewell to:the city of Philadelphia and , to the Fire Department which , has extended hospitalities ,to the, citizens- of New Orleans. As oar forefathers did in days of old, we came to you' as stiarigeii..:frotia afar, but we leave kind„friends_behind"ns Who .shall - rieter,be.for-- gotten: — Gentlemen; we go home Wl:create; Undying-16w of gratithde-between-the citizens of New Orleans and those of Philadelphia, hoping that the day may yet come when_ the Fire Department of Philadel phia and that of the Crescent City will join hand's and - lie "held ip onanipotence. When looking, around--that glorious city froui whence so much brotherly love has been ex tended to American - citizens, it Creates an emo . hon. Winch cannot be expresSed by man. Tills occasion will. cement the love of Phila delphia, and that of the CreScent City. Hoping that the Fire Departinent of New Orleans may have the opportunity of extending the hand of welcome to that of the citizens and department of Philadelphia-; -wishing that you may all live in prosperity,' we will one and 'all bid you a kind farewell."' • - -=-Judge Stria - fig - Sat ihthe United States Cir cuit Court,-.yesteiday i to. hearin.argthrientlia he matter of the Philadelphia and Reading ltailroad Company, the. Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, the Harrisburg, Portaranith, Mount Joy and LancaSter -Railroad - 'Company, the -- iAlte - Supertor mad -- Mississippi - Railroad -- Com-'• parry, and the Philadelphia and Trenton Rail toad Company, vs. William H. . Barnes; Col lector of Internal Revenue,. and others. The chief question under the pleadings in these cases is whether or not the tax of five per centum on the amount of the interest, coupons, dividends, and profits ,_of railroads, turnpike ;: -eanal- navigation and slackwater companies, imposed by act of ' Congress, is subject to .the limitation which -confines-the-tax-on-gainsrprefits-and income of citizens and others, to those of the year end ing- on-the3lst-of -December, -1809. - -On behalf of the railroad companies, Messrs. Gowan and Chapman Biddle argued that the tax is limited to the interest, coupons, dividends and profits declared or accrued before the end of the year J x'69 ; while Aubrey H. Smith argued that the tax extends indefinitely until otherwise pro vided-by-law. - -While proceeding to the fire in the upper part of the city, last evening, when at Sixth and Coates streets, the United States engine began a race with the Vigilant steam fire engine. They turned into Eighth street, and when near Parrish overtook a car. Both engines turned oth right and left, to avoid the car. In 'veering out of the track the Vigilant engine track the hind wheels of the United States engine, and the jolting threw the driver of the former to the ground, and he was dragged about thirty feet by one of his legs, which was broken in two places. The horses proceeded on by the ear, and struck a cab which was standing in the street, and de-, molished it. The driver of the carriage was thrown from his seat and seriously injured. His name is Robert Lloyd. He was taken to his hnine, in the vicinity. Hugh Dougherty is the Mime of the man who drove the Vigilant steam Ore engine. He is thirty-six years of age, and• resides at Dillwyn and Wood streets. lie was atirmitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital. —'he members of the Order of United ./merican Mechanics that left this city on Sat nrda..X last on an excursion to Trenton, Newark, N. J., and New York, returned home hist evening, reaching Market street. wilful* . about 9 o'clock, They were met at the wharf by delegations from Fame Council, No. 15 ; Hand in Hand, No. 14; Science, No: 30 ; Ken sington, No. 0; Vigilant, No. 12; Star of the Union, No. 150 ; Northern Liberty, No. 23 ; Radiant Star, No. 45 ; .Elm Tree, No. 20: Ex celsior, No. 'lO Pennsylvania, 'No. 0: hide j,eiident; ; No: 47 [Friendship; Washington, Western and other Councils. —Samuel Escott - , - a young man, had a hear-. ing upon the charge of the larceny of jewelry and other articles to the value of :woo, from John Smith, residing at No. 245 South Water street. The house was entered on the night of the 4th, and defendant was suspected of com mitting the robbery ffom - the fact that some time previous he was caught in the act of attempting an entrance. Samuel was held in $2,000 bail for a further hearing. —ln the 'Common Pleas, yesterday, Judge Allison granted a preliminary injunction re straining John Stotzer from acting as Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias, as op ik)sed to Philip Lowry, who claims the (Alice. Ile merits of the controversy Will be argued hereafter. —Alfred Beck, who has . served terms of iniprisonnient for arson, had a -hearing upon the • tharge of assault and battery upon his wife, Martha Beck, residing at No. '7 Flora place. The affair occurred yesterday. . He beat, kicked, and otim'wise abused—hen— De= fondant was committed for trial. - -The small' frame - building; No; 12:35 Warnock - street, occupied by Theodore Lutkenbaus as-:a bottling establishment;' was destroyed by fire• late yesterday afternoon. The loss is about $BOO, which is fullycovered by insurance. —The Board of Aldermen met yesterday,and agreed that, for the election of canvassers, daily sessions from four to six o'clock .P. M. shall be held ; commencing on the ?first Monday in August. —A negro " doctor " in Louisville has come 'to grief by carrying snakes in his bosom and giving " charming exhibitions." The' police justice Seta him up and 'an officer destroyed the 'reptiles. Lau •.i g. -,ig F. ,-.,: :. .IN:a. BULLETIN, THURSDAY, JuTirt...1.74,;',. the potent arguments which led the authorities to pie- Chase the Camden Water Works, that immedi ate steps would' be taken,.atter the transfer had been consummated, by Council, to furnish the citizens: with - a. -- :bettet. ; quality - and = a, more abundant supply of - :water.' ' - The transfer was made on the first of the: present Month, and already measures are being taken, to lay la large main along Broadway. This avenue bhould hive been made the summit of the water-shed, and then this main Would have been elevated tin the highest points in the city._ But the_ main in it will .answer _all_ practical purposes, and do what the people Want, furnish an amply supply. • The water plugs are also to be frequently opened, in order that the dirtrand.Sediinentary collections may bb forced out of the. pipes. This will give a better quality of water, and help to - purify 'it. The Council are determined to put the works M splendid condition, and make them profitable to the city. -O LEBUATiox . . The various Councils of American Mechanits . of West Jersey have made arrangements for giving a grand celebration at Medford, to-morrnw. There will be music, speeches and crthei entertainments, and a very large attendance is anticipated. The Order in -South and Westlersey - is said to be in. a de cidedly flourishing condition, and new mem bers are constantly being added to nearly All the Councils. DEA.TII FROM HENT.-A little child of Mr. sermon, who resides on Fifth street, Camden, last week was so niucli' overcome. 'with heat that he has since died from the effects. Dr.moellACY:=The - DealocrittiCeditofi - of New Jersey are organizing an association for mutual business and political purposes. They are to meet in Caniden early in August tocom plete their organization.. TBEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, JJ BRIDGES, SEWERS, &c.—OFFICE OF CHIEF COMMISSIONER, No. 104 SOUTH FIFTH — STREET.," PIIMADELPHIA4 July 7,1870. NOTICE TO CONTRA.OTOTtS. . SEALED PROPOSALS'wiIibe receiYed at the office of the Chief Commissiond'of High ways until 11 o'clock, A. 15.t.,,,0n MONDAy,. nth inst. r for-the construction Of- . MSewee' on the line' of Poplar street, from Sixteenth street to two hundred and Thirty feet west ,of said Sixteenth 'street. Coates street, from Sixteenth street to Nine teenth street. - _ Twenty-first street, from fifty feet south of Wallace - to - Locust - street. - Cherry *street, from Friedlander street to Clayton street, thence on Clayton to Race tit. Master street, from Twelfth street to Camac, and on Camac and Fawn streets from Master t o Jeffenion street. ._ _ •On Kessler and Ninth streets, froth Parrish to Ogden street, and on Ogden street from Ninth to Tenth street. • On San Sam street, to. commence at the sewer at Twentieth and Sansom streets; and .to extend eastward to the east line of Nineteenth street, the above sewer to, lie .three , fe:et in diameter. Alvo,. a two feet six inches sewer on Eighteenth street; irony Mount Vernon street to twenty-five feet south of the south - line of :Wallace street. With such man holes as may be directed by the Chief Engineer_ and Surveyor. derstauding to be that the Sewers herein 'ad vertised are to be completed oil 'or beforothe 3Oth day-of SeptemberoB7o, And the Contractor shall take bills prepared hgaiust the property fronting on said Sewer to the =mint - of one dollar and fifty cents ' fOr eaoh fabt Of front on each side of the street as so much gash paid ; the balance, as limited by Ordi nance, to be paid by the city ; and the ()Contrac tor will be required to keep the street and sewer in good order for three years after the Sewer-is finished.- When the street is oocupied by a CitY Pll4- seuger Railroad track, the Sewer shall be con structed aiong_side of said track in such„man ner as not to obStruct or. interfere with the safe passage of the cars thereon ; and no claim for remuneration shall - be paid the Contracts by the Company using said track, as specified in Act, of Assembly approved May 8, 1860. Each Proposal will be accompanied by a certificate that a Bond has been filed in the Law Department as directed by Ordinance of May 25th, 1860. If the Lowest Bidder shall not execute a contract within five days after the work is awarded, he will be deemed as de clining, and will be held liable on his bond for the difference between his bid and the next lowest bidder.. bpecifications.,may be bad at the DepartMent of Sufi , e* which will be stoictly adhered to. ' The Department of xighways reserves, the right to reject all bids not deemed satisfactory. All present at the time and , place of opeiiing the said Proposals. No al lowance will be made for rock excavations except by special contract. ' MAHLON H. DICKINSON . ; ,i3'7 3tl Chief Commissionek of HigWays. ~a OFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVA- A t.:0B1 PAN Y FOB INSURANCES, ON 4..] YES AND GRANTING ANN UITIES, 304 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA, Jn sth, 1870. The Directors have this day declared a dividend on their Capital Stock of Seven and a Ilalf Per Cent. for the last six months, payable on demand clear of all tax. W lamp" B. lIILL, jy6-3t* Actuary.•. THE BANK OF N ORTH AM ERICA. PHILADELPHIA, July 2, WO. The Directors have this day deehtred a dientend of Ttn l'er Cent., for the lust six months, clear of taxes, pa) able on demand. to tL s 21§ . JNOAL VATT, Cashier. OFFICE OP THE SPRING GAR DEN INSURANCE COMPAN Y, N . W. CORNER SIXTH AND WOOD STREETS. PHILADELPHIA, July 1, 1870. The Board of-Directors have this day declared a divi• demi of tiik Per Cont.out of the earnings of the Company lur the last six mouths. payable to the stockholders or their legal representatives, at the office of the Company, on and after the lath inst., clear of all taxes. JOHN A. FRY, jy6 to th s 6tf, • Secretary.® n. OFFICE OF THE MOUNT CAR BON RAILROAD COMPANY,. PITILAPIr.I4IIIA July 5,.1870. The Boartrof Mana g ers ilaXe this daY•declared . a divi dend of THREE AND ONE-HALF per cent., payable on demand and clear of all taxes, M. WILLIA ,ROBINSON, TrOaSUrer. u NOTICE-OFFICE OF THE GER MANTOWN PASSENGER RAILWAY (OM• PANT, CORNER SIXTH AND DIAMOND STREETS. lIILADELPHIA, Juno 28, 1870. A Dividend of 0 - ne Dollar and a 11aIf Per Share on the Capital Stock of this Company was this day declared, pa) able, clear of t4l7:oB' ' et this office on and after July 15; 1870. Transfer hooks will he closed on the let and (moped on the 15th of Jnly. je•2o-w f m 7t* JOSEPII SINGERLY, Secretary. 11- - PENNSYLVANIA RAIL RtiAlSTAiiii: PANY, TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. P 111 LfQ.! E 1:!1 . 1A, a. , May 3,1870. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of Five Per Cont, on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of Notional and State taxes, payable in cash on and after ,lay 30,1870. • Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting Dividends can bo had at the Office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD street. The Office wilt be opened at 8 A. M. and closed at 3 P N. from Nay 30th to June 3d, for the payment of DM (lends, and after that date front 9 A. 31. to 3 P. 51. T.IIOAIAIi T. imam my 4 SOOT§ • . Treasurer.. u , THE PENNSYLVANIA MINING COMPANY OF 11 DAIWA N.—Notice is hereby given that all personsholding the Bonds of thePeunsyl t ania 11 Ming Company of Michigan, secured by a cer tain Deed of Trust, oxeatted' by said - Main:my-on-the 12th day of December',lB66 ;and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the county of Keweenow, State of. Michigan, on'tlieBth day of January, 1867, to-Charles' W. Trotter and Samuel, flotTinan, aro mut red.RY li` ac cree of the Circuit Court of said county; sitting in Chancery in a Cause pending in said Court, wherein Charles W. Trotter. and Willies:L.l'* Weaver aro com plainants, and the Delawarelßlulug Company of Michi gan, the Pennsylvania Mining Company of Michfgan, Samuel Hoffman, Joseph Wharton, Edward 11. Trotter, o,so:ge Trotter, Jacob P.J ones, Joseph L. Moss, George It. Oat, Mamie Freud and Julius Freud are defendants, to deposit suet, Bonds with the. Register of said Court, on or before the sth day of August nbxt - , to- the end and purpose that all such lion& may be paid, iu full, or iu a proportion of the amount thereof, from the proceeds of a sale directed to be made of the mortgaged premises by said decree H. H. NEWCOMBE, Speciel Commhtsioner, • • Dated EACILn RivEn,June 22, 1870 . y6-18tIf . , FOR RENT—LARGE DOUBLE aaglL Moro Proportr, sonthword nor. .Diarkot and diath atroutri. J. K. GUMILEX & 50N5,7:33 Waluutot. 1 1 4 Jicsiser aiwirriams. PROPOSALS. Ft] iii 1 111 416.0 lalal3o li 011*..1 1.1 oTillm TO STOOHIiOLDFRB SPECIAL NOTICES. AMILISEM'ELY'rei. .111J.PREZ..7 - BENEDIOI"S --- OPERA HOUSE; Seventh Street, below Arch. THE INFANT SAPPHO TRW' EVENING F OX'S AM" L i S i gII( I XT E t ' X r"E. TONY PASTOR'S COMBINATION. IMMENSE •BILL OF , ATTRAOTION...' DOUBLE , OQMPANY, Grand Baßet, E9lbo o pr. , n Dancpl SATURDAY NIGHT, TONY PASTOR'S BENEFIT. FOR SAL RARE CHANCE .2 TO BUY OR RENT • ELEGANT COUNTRY. RESIDENCE' FOR SALE OR TO RENT—What is acknowledged to be the handsomest Country dent, in 'regard to natural beauty and location, in America,- situated on the Old York road and County Line, Chelton Hiller, adjoining City Line Station IC P. 1t..R., 2d minutes' ride from Philadelphia. comprising 60 acres of highly improved land, covered with beautiful old Oak, Elm, Chestnut and other deciduous trees ; also, handsome Lawn, carefully planted with beautiful grouped Evergreens, diversified with stream of water, woods and rolling grounds, all in perfect order. The Mansion terrace, conspicuously platted of a commanding natural terrace, with a fine foreground of park surface 'below. It 'is a handsome, substantially built, pointed-stone Residence, with Mansard roof, con taining 27 rooms, besides three bath-rooms, butler pan try, nurseries, store-rooms; closets', &c. Is finished throughout with hard woods; oiled; plate glass in all :windows, imported_ niantele_. and_open_rates-in-all roouie ; it alsoheated by steam. Large laundryi pro vision vault, ice house, with water and gas . work s at-- Molted. Also, handsome Stabling for 25 bead of Horses and Cattle, Gardener's Cottage, Porter's Lodge, and all necessary outbuildings. There is also a large variety of fruit, berries, vegetable garden, hot-beds and everything to make it a home. Ito DOBBINTh - Ledger - Building. jell s to th tf§ WM' FOR SALE—SOUTH • SIDE W--AL SOL nut street, near Eleventh very desirable reel _deuce, 22 feetfront..__RlCßAßDSON-&-J N ICY, jyl fea w 6t* 206 South Fourth street. GERDIANTOWNFORT)SALIE_:.It jigiLhandtionle country seat; eontattilug over two acres of land, pointed stone- residence; with 'every city con venience ; stone stable and.catriage-house; and grounds improved with drives, walks, Shail6 and choice shrub bery, situate on a turnpike road, Within five minutes' walk from a station on the ,Gernianto*n Railroad. J. M. GUMMEY d SONS, 733 Walnut street. GERM - A N—FOR SALE Elia —two now pointed - stone cottages, with every city convenience , -built, situate within, live minutes' walk from Church Lane 'Station,. on the Germantown .Rallroad.,•. 84,000. each., J..911M MEY & SONS,- No. 798 Walnut street.„-' • FOR.SALE.—PINE STREET (1.809) BEF..Modern Residence, four-story brick, tlfgee- . stery back buildings, two Lath-rooms, water closete, and all other conveniences. Lot rune through to Kearsley street. Terme to suit. FRED. SYLVESTER, 208 South Fourth. - - , El -- , . FOR SALE OR:RENTZEITETIA.ND , . ' some tbren.story brick Residence with, three -atom double back buildings -; sitlisfe, - No. 2122 'Vine 'street; has every model n convenience and lineroVereent. Inv mediate possession given. J. M. GUM :OW tk SONS, 733 Walnut street. - . ' - FOR SALE—THE 3TOR --- BRICK — Y MU residence, with 3-story double back buildings and_ -every — conyenionee. — No. 313" Lombard street. J. M. GUMMEY & - SONS. NO. 733 Walnut street: fflA GERMANTOWN.—FOR • SALE OR Rita Root, several desirable Germantown Properties. near Railroad Stations. Apply to EDWIN .T. COX,• • k25 - 12t` 524 %Val nu st rget. re FOR . SALE-THE ,DESIRA.B,C,FI Ea Three-Story Dwelling. with three-story back build ings, No. =25 Spruce street. With all modern improve ments. Immediate possession. Terms easy, Also other, properties on West Spruce street. Apply to COPPER:I/c t JORDAN, 433 Walnut street. n FOR SALE-GREEN• STREET LIEL The handsome residence. marble, first story; 20 o•et front, with side yard. and lot 197 feet deep though to Orandy w in e street,NN 151 K • No;1021 CLINTON _STREET—Three-story_dwelling, ii . it h throe-story double back buildings. Lot 20x115 feet . to a street. -• _ • CHESTNUT STREET—Handsome u for-sto - ry resi dence, with large three-story back' buildings! Situate feet front by 235 feet deep, to Sansorn street. Situate _Weill.- of Eighteenth street. WEST LOGAN -,SQUARE.—FOR SALE—The leindsomo four-story browii stone Testi] ence,2l feet front, O haring three- story_douide back_ bnildings-i-si mate P o. Weil Loran Square. perfect order. - .J. DJ. GU3I AIEY- & SONS,'l33lValriut street. - - IA• NEW .13.1WW.NSTON.E.,_110.USES, NOS. 2XIO . AND 2010 SPRUCE 'STREET _,* ALSO, NO 2116' WALNUT STREET,• FOR TALE. FINISHED IN WALNUT IN THE MOST UPERIOR MANNER. ANT) WITH EVERY MODERN CONACEN'TENCE. E. 13, WARREN, 2013 SPRUCE STREET. APPLY BETWEEN 2 AND 4 O'CLOCK P. M. rnh2.3t f BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. liliEil have for sale, on easy terms, fifteen minutes from the city, on the Germantown Railroad. an Elegant Resi dence, beautifully and completely lilted out with all modern conveniences. It has been ncca pit - 41 for ttvo years as a beittiling=hotthe end has a good winter and summer patronage J . AI: qU 1114 E) _dc tiONS .733 W ill, Urea. . WHARF PROPERTY.—FOR SALE—A valuable Wharf Property, having Pier 70 feet wide, with Docks 30 feet wide on each side, situate on te huylk ill, near Penna..oentral Railroad bridge, J. M. k SONS, 733 Walnut street. W EST PHILADELP HIA—VERY &liftable Buthliug Lot for sale—Fort--first street below Pine. GO 14.160 feet. Only untinprpyed lot in the block. J. M. GUMMEY & sons. 733 Walnut street: VV EST SPRUCE STREET.-=-FOR SALE -the Desirable Lot of Ground No. 2102 Spruce t root. , 22 feet front by ISO feet deep - to a street. J. M GUMMET S 50N5,.733 Walnut street. IrCritENT. HANDSOME OFFICES TO LET, For Bankers, Brokers, IN, NEW BUILDING, N. E. corner Third and Chestnut Streets. W. E. LITTLETON, • 91. v . 514 WALNUT STREET. 155 TO LET The New Five-Story Store, No. IS South Sixth Street and No. 9 Deets. tor Street. , Will rent the whole or separate Snore t with or without Steam Power. THEODORE MEGARGIEE, ttp2l-tt§ No. 2D South Sixth Street. A SIX-ROOM COTTAGE,- WITH. Stable, at Clitymont, Dehtware to rent for the balmier, of the season. Apply to WILLIAM P. (Inns soN,ciaymonc,Delaware.jy7,6t.' tra TO. LET—A VERY DESIRABLE Mint Residence, with all the modern conveniences, on Locust avenue', near Willow avenue, Gerinantewn, three minutes walk from Church Lane Station. Immo• diate possession. . Apply to SCOTT & DAY, 38 north Third street. to that* f ARCH. STREET, No. 2040.—A HAND LI:iLL 801110 four-story brick Residence to rent, with all the modern conveniencea. Immediate possession can be given.. MIN B. COLAHAN, jy2 s,tn,th No. t 24 Walnut street TO RENT.A FURNISETED HOUSE zia in Price street, Germantown, until October 1. J. L. ETTWAIDS, 33 North Water street. Mit AR D. CH STREET BUSINESS - STAN, Ttoino', 20 by• 00 feet, with two' additional rooms, same size, with 3-story factory in rear, for rent. DRUM, jyti3t*' rial Arch street. ea- TO -.LET MODERN KOUSE NO o 1023 Vino street. All conveniences. Apply . to II NVIIEELER, 113 South Fifth street. Jys-30 i TO LET—AT CAPE. MAY—TWO fine furnished Cottages, near the beach: Full ocean view. Apply to HILDRETir &, TAYLOR, :Perry, street, opposite Dlansion street, Uspe.illay City. jy26q el TO ItENT—ROOMS OF ALL SIZES, Ma well lighted ,huitable for light manufacturing bust* PONS, in building No. 712 Chestnut street. J. Y 111ESONS, /133 Walnut street..." el CHESTNUT STREET.-FOR RENT-- Ili the Valuable. Store. Property, N 0.1026 Chestnut street. J. M. GUAINEY & SONS, 733 Walnut street. ,1 1 74011 RENT.— HANDSOME COUN- Bak. try place., with several acres of land, on Old York =I live minutes' walk from Oak. Lane station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, FURNISHED COUNTRY SEAT, within two • min utes' valk from Haverford station, on the Ponnsylvania Central Itailroad...J.7fl, GuaunEy a: SONS, 733 Wal nut street. ife:! : FOR RENT ; FURNISHED, THE Stone Mansion on the west bank of the Schuylkill, opposite Laurel Hill, adjoining the .Park ; with all modern Improvements ; fine garden, lawn and stabling for 6 horses. 'Nor full particulars apply to COPPUUK & JORDAN, 433 Walnut street. • . --- CHESTNUT ;STREETFOR RENT-- SEA the two Stores, Nos. 1023 awl .1027 Chestnut street, immediately in front of the Academy of Fine Arts. DI. GUMMY JP. SONS, - 783 - Walnut street. - ' ta: TO LET SCONO-STORY FRONT ma. Boom, 324 Obestnut. street, about 20' 28 feek.ti Suitable for au office or light business. jals tf rip - - - -FARR & -.BROTHER) , , maFOR REND-THE VERY ! DESIRA DWI" four-storyl)rick Storo, - giturad No. 322 Mar ket street. J. I. GIIMIIIEY di BONS,No. 733 Walnat fitroot. OREESE & AI oCOLLITAI , BRA L ESTATA AGENTS. Office,Jaelcson street, opposite Mansion street, asps Island, N. J. Real Estate bought and eold. Porsonl desirous of renting cottages during the Beason will apply or addresi as above. , Respectfully refer,to Ohne. A. Rubtonm,Heuri ssumM. Francis plollvain, Augusta Morino John Davis and W. W. Juvenal. feB4o 'VEAL ESTATE SA.LES,, 110 - 01:tekl.211sitir U 0 URI 5A:1.410- - ESTAIIO -, YbW , of John oN,, , lllaner, deceased.—Jatnes Fraetnan, Auctioneer.—Under authority of the Orphans' for the itY.and County of PhiladelPll lll l.o ll •WeducsditYt , July 1304,1870 at 12 o'clock, neon, willllo sold at Public sale, at the pi/od e /Min Exchange, Alto following described rea l estate, late the property. of.- John:A. Dauer, &ceased Ong t No. 1.-1 our Rtory Brick Bien and Dwelling, Ivo. 212 Lombard street. A four-story brick immune and lot of ground, situate on the:Borah Side of Lombard street, between Delaware Second and 'Xiiird *Arcade, in the city of Philadelphia ;'Containing 1111 front on said Lombard street DJ feet, and extending in depth of that width 77 felt, then narrowing by an otrAot to the width of ld feet, and thence end ing the further depth sontliward of 24 - feet , moreer less,' to the rear end Of the Gaskill street lots. air Clear of incumbrance. No.2.—Threettstory - Brick Houses,' 'No. 939 Abler street. Two three-story brick court houses and the lot et ground situated on-the- east slile_of_Altler-street, in the District of Penn, commencing at the distance, of 332 feet 0% inches northward from the N. F.: corner of said Alder street and Poplar street, containing in - front on said Alder street 10 feet. and extending in depth east ard.between parallel lines at right angles with said A liter. street 40feet hid uding in said width the half of a 2 feet wide alley laid out between this and the adjoining lots to the southward, and leading eastward irons the said Alder streetto thedistance of :15 teet. - -4 No, 3.' Tavern Stand and Dwellings, southwest cor ner Twelfth and Olive streets.—All that certain lot of ground. with the one two-story and -one t liras-story brickinessuages thereon, eituate on the southwest cor ner of Olive, and Twelfth streets, containing in front on sold Olive street 19 feet, end extending in depth south ward On the west side thereof at right angles - With the said Oli ert street 57 feet - 3 ,incbes, end on the Oast, line thereof along the said Twelfth Street 63 feet 6';l inchesi gradually widening as It extends to the rear oraeuthern end thereof, where this lot centsius in breadth - 30 feet inches. Subject to &tlB ground rent geranium. No. 4.—Three•story Brick Dwelling, No. An North Fifteenth Street. —All this: certain three-story brick niessuage-and lot.,:sknate or,-thee east side-of -Ftfteent h street, at the distance of IA feet nortlnvard from the north side of Ogden street, Bit the Fifteenth Ward of thd city of Philadelphia,- containing in trout on said Fif teenth street 15 feet, and ex tentlin g in depth °lndicant of that width between Parallel dines with said. Ogden street 60 feet. 1111;ir , Clear of Incumbrance. , -1 No. - 57- 4 Three-atory Brlck - Vsiellieg, No. 948 - Norilt Tenth street. All that certain lot or' plece-of ground, with the three-story brick meaning. thereon, situate on the west side of. Tenth .street,, , conintencing,',32B feet 104 inches northward from the llortAivenr corner of Poplar end-Tenth streetb. being 16-feet frent Ai Tenth-street, by -100 feet deep to Alder' street, • including , ill. saidbretulth the half of a 2 feet wide alley laid out between this and the - adjoining bate =to • the - northWordv'aral leading east ward from geld Alder" street -to- the distance' of 35 feet, There are 23-story brick Courtrhousell erected in the rear of the lorfrontinron Alderatreet.' Subject to 665 ground rent per annuli. No, 5,15.8t0re and dwelling, No. 9 8 North Tenth street—All that certain lot of ground ,w th the improve ments thereon, situate on the weAt able of , Tenth etreet, atijelnilig.' the above, to the tiorth, p, , ) ng 16 feet by 100 feet' deep, tVAlder atreet,ineluding in aid breadth the Em two feet wide alley running 85 feet ail - ard from Aider street. The improtenwnts repute ,'fa t o:toiir brick stare and dwelling /naling' on Tenth steeet.! anti tivo3 , 3,nry brick rourt hoonles ft unttng on Alder streetl Subject to 865 ground rent per annum., • No. 6,—Two•story,brick houee No. 151 Janie street. —All that .certain two-story brick me image and lot' situate on the north aide of Jarvia scree , widened to feet., 97 feet 6 inches eastward of Second street, 'in the, /I irk Ward, being 13 feet front by 62 feet 9 inches,' Clear of incumbrance, N Lot,..'rwenty -ninth. rent. Twenty • eighth Ward,' All theCeertiiin-loVer- -lece-er ground' marked iii a certair plan of the North Pe it-Vittag,,., No, 353. situttpton the Weat.--shie-of Landing • avenue, 73 feet IoK ineheu ,^41.431" Emmet street, 18 feet 534 inches front by 110 feet deep. Clear of encumbrance. .100 to be paid on each at the time of sale. - By the Court, JOSEPH MEGA BY, clerk O. C. HENRY 'A. BAIIIOII. AAtninistrator. -- .I.A.RES-Af.-Y.REESIAN,.. Auctioneer, jet 30 jy7' 'Store. a/ Walnut, street. ORPHANS' COURT. SA...LB.—ESTATE kliiilof Mary 'finny. deCettsed,—James A. Freeman, Auctioneer. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, July-18,34M at 12-o'clociconwin, -will be sold at onto, at tho Philadelphia Exchange, the following (le; scribed real estate. Into the property of Mary littll3l, de ceased : 3 stony Brief; Hnusn, No. 1426 Philip street, See enteenth Ward. No, I. All that certain lot or piece Of ground with tha brick tuessuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on thw west side of Philip street 141 foot snntlifrom-the south side of Jefferson street in the Sev enteenth Ward of the city. Containing in front or tireadth on 'said Philip street 16 feet and in depth extend ing westward W pet, incite' ing• the eouthweet side a moiety of a 2 feet PI inches wide alley, and also tt,trit, of __ground of the ,prettilses above liffr,rilw , ivbtginning at It-poititatAlie7distatir_t,afatileEt, southward .Irom.the south .side of the said Jefforson _ street and C 5 feet ft inches eastward from the east-side of-. American street, thence extending southward on a line parallel with American street IG feet, thence eastward parallel with Jetterion street 6feet; thence northward on parallel with American street by rear end of the beet describtal Pa 16feet, and -thence westward in a I ine-parttliel-wftli-Jefrersoir street-- 6 feetro - the place - of -- beginning—Subject..ieu.espects_thatinit ahoy bed_ lot of ground, to the payment of 'a ground•rent of per F 411111117. Po. above lotstentain a front of 11; led on Pltitip Mt'al it 56.ftet . Three:story Erick 'Dwelling, N 0.726 Jefferson street . No .2. All that certain lot or piece lit ground with the three-story -'`brick inessuage or tenement thereon , q•ected. situattron the south side of JettPr4n - n — gtro.tT sr tlr distance of 84 feet westward from the w.-et ,ible of Eranlilin street, in the 'twentieth Ward of the city entaining In front or breadth on Jefferson street p, Pet, and extending in length or depth northward of That-width 15-feet to the line -of- the first - brick- house front rile on Perth street. the said premises being subject to a Inert gaffe of LOW. By the Court , JOSEPH 31EG HY, Clerk I .C. ' ,i3luituistratot JAME - S - A . E IA.N. Auctioneer, je2.3 30 jy7 Store, 422 Walnut street. g a l . EXECITTOIrg'PEREMPTO rtr - sAtLE — La—Estate of Edward Royal. deceased. Janice A. Freeman. Ato ti.meer. Two Ground Rents of 824 50 per annum cacti, payable in silver. Pinter authority con- I mined in the will of the late Edward Royal, .lecease.d,on Wednesday. July 13. 1870, at 12 o'elock noon, will to, sold at public sale, ii itheul reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real estato, viz.: N. , . 1. A ground rent of 4 , 26 50, payable by Horatio S. `•tepheits, heir:, and assigns, on the first days of 'arch and September In each and every year, clear of taxes, ono of and for a lot ofground on the northeast side of Wayne street. 271 feet 113 i inches smutheest front nheLm street, 541 feet front and in depth 1.1.; feet 6 inches on the northwest line, and 113 feet 6 inches on the southeast line. No. 2.-21 ground rent of $26 50, payable by Louis H. Stephens. his heirs and assigns. on the first days of :March and Septstnher of each and every year.,dear of taxes. out of and for a lot of ground adjoining the above let on the southeast; 50 feet front on Waynen; street, and in depth 112 feet inches on the northwest line, and 108 'teet 0 inches on the southeast line. te:ir These art silt•o-r ground tents and are prompt! y Fa • rt. auk to be paid on each at time of sale. By order of Executors. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. ie30.1Y7 Store No. 422 Walnut atreet. PUBLIC, SALE.—JAMES A. FIEF ILA man, Auctioneer: —Two 3-story Brick Houses, No. 1021 Al ilton street. Second Ward. On Wednesday „I nly 13. 1070. at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at public male, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real estate.viz.: ..Nll that lot of ground with the imprOvo. melds thereon erected, situate on the north side of Mil ton street, at the distance of 169 feet east of Eleventh street;in the Second Ward of the city containing in front on Milton street Itl feet and extending in depth 50 feet to Donley street. subject to *, , 31 50 ground-rent per 4G - 3 - The intrroremmts --- 1' eons - - - a th , ---- , uie,se. tremble en Milton street," long been Dtput, and a three•story brick house front, :trtet, the lower story used as a carriare.htat ore Atones as a dwerlin c. fre - May be examined at any time. wir-ituote.tie paid at time of sale. Immediate pos session given the purchaser. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, .Ic3o-j Store 422 Walnut street OP, ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE Of .1 ram Jieiniug, dec'd.-3ames A. Freeman, A ut• tioneer.—Three-story hdo, Dwelling, No,999atandulph otreet, sixteenth Ward. Under authority of the Ot pinuts' 'Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, on Wednesday July 13, 1670, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public tale, at the Philadelphia Exchange the following described real estate, late' the proper& of .luhn Heining, dec'd.: All that certain lot' oh ground with the three story brick mesSuage thereon erected, c..ntaining 6 rooms, situate on the east side of Randolph street, at the distance of 62 feet .3 inches northward of Wader street, below Girard ayenne, in the Sixteenth' Ward of the'city; Opt aininglin front on Randolph street 15 feet 9 incheo,und eXtending in depth., eastward 71 feet cinches to 4 feet wide alley, with thbrfree use and pH of said alley. Clear Of invimbrance. $lOO to be paid at the time of sale. . . _ By the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk O. C ELF AN. IRA sTIRT MANN, Executrix • JAMES A. FREEMAN,Auctioneer. je23 30jy7 . Store. , in Walnut street el- PUBLIC SALE.-JAMES A FREE a .man, Auctioneer.—Three-story Brick Grocery i•-tore and 'Dwelling, •N. W. corner Nineteenth and Drown streets. •On IVednesday, July /3,1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will he sold at public sale, at the .Phila delphia Exchange, t h e following described real estate; All that certain lot of grountliwtOt the three-story brick store and dwelling and the three-story. brick back build ings thereon erected, situate at the N. W. ,corner of Nineteenth and Brown streets, in the Fifteenth Ward of the city ; containing in front sit Nineteenth street le feet, end extending in depth of that , width westward' along Drown street G 0 feet. Clear of incumbrance. 09 ,52.700ma'y remain if desired, Emma for St 00, per annum, and all repairs. Made expires. December 12, 1870. TAis is one of the best business stands in me,.t4fteenth Acir 4100 to be paid at time of sale... .'. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ii 02330 iy7 titoro 422 Wg.hritt stkuot • ORP,RANS! COURT SALE.—RSTATE of John. lloch, deceased.—James A. 'Freeman, A uctioncer.--Three-story Brick Lagerlieer•Saloon and Dwelling, No. 940 St. John street. limier authority 'of the . Orphans' Court for the City and County of Phila delphia, on Wednesday, july_l3, 1870; et 12 o'clock, nobn, Nvill be. sold at nubile sale, at' the . Philadelphia Etc; change, the ifollowing described real eState',late the pro perty of John }tech, deceased :• All that certain three. story brick inessuage With the two story brick and frame' back building and the lot of ground voituate on the west side of St. John street+ (No..44o),•botween Willow , and. Noble streets, in the EleYentlt Ward of-the city, con.; taming in front on St. John Utreet 19 feet, including 1.• certain alley on .t he north' line 3 f e et w ide,:3B.f ee t d es , and '8 feet high, and extending-in depth at right angles. with St. John street 69 feet b 3 inches.: Clear ofliticuin-s brance. ilOO to be paid at time of sale.. ; By the Court, JOSEPH ALE 0 A.RY,. • PRANCES HOCH, Adminletratrix. JAS. A; FREEMAN, Auctioneer, ie23 jy7 storcli 422,Walnut . BOARDING. A . . . _ ,A . FEW PERSONS - CAN BE ACCO'Z' modated with . Bourdlng in the country, by calling or ntldreesingß,ll., Patkerville P. 0,, Chester county, retina, ii6-3t . • - -•- • \ , EAVESTATE SALES: -- t ----- PUBLIU"SALEJAIVIrES man . Auctiorieer.-rVery- Desirable Building Lot, p _ . E. corner -of Porty-second and illarket'streets. Os Wednesday, July 13, 1370, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be Sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, tho following described real estate, viz. All that certain fot of ground to Ituato St the , pootheisi l l. corner ,of Irony Second atreetias to r 1 , wid;ned to, " feet/and 1 lharket Street ;in the TtstritpCfettrt lir,ard 0 - the city; In front on Dlarkstatree .35.feeti and in depth south ward of that width aldng Forty.socond street 100 feet. hubject to $lOl 00 ground rent per annum. , The above is vatnable lot gf terottnti , situate at the cor ner of Forty-second (as widened to 60 feet) and ,Afarkft Streets, Forty-second street being tho nrinciPal. entranel to_ . the Park, as laid down on the plan by the Park Commis sinters. _ be paid at time otsaio. • 303r7 JAMES A. FREE: MAN, Auctioneer. -btore, 422 Waltait atreat ORPHANS' COURT SALE-ESTATE Ma of Peter H. Bock, deceased. Thomas 84 : Hone Auctioneers. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for the City end County of Philadelphia, will be . sold at public sale. on Tuesday, July 19th, IMO, at " o'clock ~noon, at the Philadelphia E'xchange, the tot lov‘ ing described property, Into of Peter R. Beck, do• ceased, viz.: No: 1. fhree-story.:Brick Dwelling, Z(o. 226 Marriott street. All that lot of ground, with too tLree• story brick messuage th - ereon. erected, situate on. . the south side of Marriott street, 22 feet 10 inches east ward from a 30 feet wide street, called Lewis street“ Pen nington etreet, extending from Marriott street to Car penter street: Second Wurd. City of Philadelphia, No, 226 containing in front on Marriott street 11 feet 5. in- . chem.:lnd extending in depth southward, - between par allel linesoit right angiea witlebbirriott street, 41 foot 6 inches to a 3 feet wide alley, . extending westward into Lewis street. Bounded northward by Marriott street; eastward by a tneioniage and lot granted or intended to be grunted to Samuel B. nova, southward by said 3 fret wide alley, end westward by a messuage and Pit greeted or intended to be granted to Win, W. White. Iteing-thesa)ne-premises-w,hichrLUnls• indenture dated April 20, I). kW, recorded to Deed `Book B. D. W.,, N 0.121, ,page 652, granted"*and convoyed unto Peter M. Bock, 41/ fee. No. 2.—Lot, Walnut street. east, of Fifty-third street. All that lot' of ground', satiate' on 'the - entitle-nide 'of Walnut street, 120 feet omit of Fifty-third atreat, Twenty fourth, Wardi_cfity r c.f bita.dei ht.:, tairting. trout vif Wan - tit street th feet, 1111 , 1 extending in depth south ward .155 feet 416 inches to a4a !yet, wide street. Bounded • - neat-ward rind Wentward by otber ground- lute of " The West End Land Assochition,th "sonward. by said 40 fast • wide street , anti northward by Walnut street. aforesaid, Being'the einnt prealfeimt winch aald Association, denture' Marti; January: 7, 11.,8 . 1 1), 1858, re9orded in Na.NO. 74, page 2 S, Bcc., granted uud con vey m ed ato Peter 41.-Iteek, in tee. . By the Cotirt,JOSEPll 61F.t Ant Clerk . . M. - TllO/51AS k 80.N15, &meth:Meets' _ - Iho luid:l4lBmiOf Fourth Street,. ORPHANS' C(..)URT.I_)EREINI.PTORY, NA sale.,-Estato of Frank School, a Minor.—Thignas & SonK, Auctieneerii.--Thriaestory Brick Dwelling, No, 328 :!both Twenty.fourth street, south et Factory street. •. lietiveen Spruce and Pine streets, w Bib a three-ntary„' brlek dwelling in rear. Pursuant ta an order of--'th , , - Orphans' Court for - the ,City and County - ot. Us',Ph will be sold at public kite, without relate, on, , 'f nevi ay, Julylialt, o'clockr-boone- Philadelphia Exchange, the • followlag,ileacribed pro-, perty, belonging to Frank Schaal. a . minor vie.:: that lot of ground, with the tipililings: and improve-1 inenta thereon erected, situate on the hest side of Tweet) -fourth lateßeaCh I great, 46 feet South - of • Fee-t. ton , street, city of Philadelphia ; containitig in front on , Beach street 15 feet oind extending in' depth westward ocieot. Bounrital northward partly. by ground formerly Vi'llutbliabpits, , detcaysl, and Partly:-. by. a - 4 leer widlyzA alley leading northward_ 4nto _Factoryi - street-; , aout:ll4- - , vard.-pertty -bi- 'other- wound- now or lato -of -- .14014%,, School , and partly by the lie:aro( a 4.feet IA - id6 alley . leading southward into`a 25-. feet .w.ida! - Street or'4ller,'Y-41," mulling parallel with Factory street z. • westward by ground how or late, of Abraham ' Denny en, and' aut. , ' ward by', Twenty-I'ollrib or %Bosch. atreat, aforOaafdr , ;R' newt/ the mune premises winch Isaac ,51, Graham and little Ann, wifo, lade:lolre dated Janis 1.6; 185 i, recorded at Philadelphia, in, Deed Book -A. B. IL L . •• • No. 13.3. page 5:36, ttc., granted and conveyed auto John 1 School, his heirs and assigns. • • ‘.•'• Sale A bsolnte. liy the Court, .If/SEPI4 ItlTsf ITI3 Olerk 0.0 . THOMAS h 5085., - Auctliineers, ~ie.230- 2.16 AO and 141 South Feurfitstreet. fiALE.—MALE. SOrraO, litTi..Ato..tion4serst.—lressiralsla ounfry Flare, 3t a Rere4g; '' Fisher'ng Tvit l'etand Wartfi nidlrs ust t, I.anu Station, or, the borth Pennarl‘ unix, llailroad. and of at mile of Oltin). On Tfro , ,aay, Jtity 19th, 11370 1u 12 o'ultick, noon, will be sold at publia half, at the I'llllndelptila. INrhange, all that aaastalfint eiAtior,s'.i-acres. liituate on the, north aide of W ) riming at vow , e-iet of SProntrbtriet, and tsbont 1s of 0t.01ue.3 Tts tutt.v_suttoull A$ ard..„ _Tha_lnaprovel,_ fienitnure•l4l3l , o-10urY_Jramr. earefling-contaluaia frump barn. chlckcst-h0u ,, .. .11 . nu around It in built of Lultrt.illon . ,'...etretable exianirive I AV ai sturrouni'iil with fruit, bliatle and iihriibbanf. A_ .00,1 inn) -ft main on inortghr, f t. • 11x11 b..rbuwn by the owner anti occupant, Mr. Jolla-- GI .dilniff. THO7if AS SflNft, Anctionsttra, „II 2 rt 1%4 is nd ill South rosstikttiert fral PUBI., re SALE—THOMAS & SONS, JEL.''IL All( IWU rs Y \Veil ,'cared 1 rrrdt ana4bla u ss tut 10 ute back 9111.0 y our, -try slicer. -"- Cll. 11111 , 04 S . July lao. tit 12 clock, 110011, trill bi old nt public the I'lel/ette Ipitia d..xeltatsge; the ru v,nx /I rrnte,rlz No.]. All that d.' , onbic - re-irly-gro iiiirlire_ftt of - ell I mill , el 1 -Ilitns.i foii int.. on tie first day of mud altn , and 2. " 1111 .g / 1 14 lot of ground.uftft tic thr, ..WO tll erei to i 41.4.1t0 it the ka.t side of 1 a 11.1 ( '‘. r eel fornicrl)• Whisou'a 11 .•.a. 4 1 'tai.' - ti-art pletele,e - rAtt s ran. /111IITIg 11 , Mt VAnde-11 r re. l , t ant 2 , t , et le tee ilea, it , . nig No. 221 11 ii ut II tee - cured and panctevelly paid in setter: t. irf ffi.litalt/e Jr earl v rtoutod, rent of -- 510 f',o -, Sparti‘b nilsor flullars payablo on the hr t day 02 „Into , And 1 kecs ndst r. •111 , 1 issuing on& of all that.tut of-tnnunel—ust4-111 ,, et leroe-mtuty lir k -ntas2sursze t is , •rcon tf Fail/ate ru the west nide of litispherrr r•tt. t nt 110• .le.tcoce of 20'J feet north. of L Spruce htlreet ; c..ntalueng ut front un lin.,pborry street itt feet, and in depthe-tu,t fs , sd 3 Suchess (being No. 23:1 Raspberry -tre..ll It lei la.-11 fit curt d, stud punctually paid In F 11( ( I• 31. TIIO3IAS k SOM. Awlloneers, 2 9 16 139 and 111 South Fourth ntreat; P BL I C SAL AS 6ONS 'La A ti , t kni.Pre. Modern Three-story Brick Best donee. with :stable and Coach lionise; Tioga street, east of T windy dim; street. third house went of the Railroad Station. on the Germantown Railroad • Tioga. Twenty,- erg lah Ward. On Tuesday July 19th; lafd,at'lTo'cleck. neon. 0111 be Fold at public the Philadelphia. Ex.:bailee, all that modern three-story . Laffek, plastered) ine-suage, Ivith two-story back but:ding and lot of ground, nitwit(' on the northerly side of Tiogit'atreet, tkird house Oct. , st: the tiermantowu Bailroad, Tioga, Tt onty-oightli Ward ; the lot containing In front on, Tiogaatrek 50 feet. and extending In deptll2lo.feet Atlantic street. The houso has parlor. dining room. Fit t rOOlll and kitchen on the first. floor . ; BY,e chain- Leta, gas, bath, tlatares for but and cold water, Balti more heater. &c. 'Also, a stable and couch henna, vege table garden, fruit and - shade trees, fie. • ... • Terms--2400. now on, the propertro May renirtin balance' On eCelellelefiet leg lerele. „ • - Immediate ponneasion. May Its exa m ined. 31. Tllo3lAS4SONS..Anctioneere, 131 and 141 South Fourth street: fffq ORYB S' CO URT SAL IiesESTATB' of George Wi Benners, , ',deceased tAc -Suns. Auctioneers. A_very .. desirable. :country ; seat, niatiircik;ltiitie and Coach house, 8.'.4• acres. known as •• Maple Lawn," lielinetiblerg.LYwenty third•• Ward,'• Pennant to an order - 4411M Orplian'ir - 604141 fox , the city and county of Philadelphia, will be sold ar.plAti4c - salli, ou Tuesday.. Tilly Pith, .1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, at tho I'4osiielniiia Exchange, the following described pro " Pert Y late of George I\r ' Betillen ' deceased: that ihrite , story, roughcast frame- inesetiagocstene stable, outbuildings, Aleile, and lot ore round, situate in • the Twenty third Watil of the city of Philadelphia; 4 beginning at a corner of the southeasterly side of Holm° • venue. in the Middle of a public road, leading from liehmsburg to Taceny, containing H acres and' 30 Perches •of land. The improvements ore n handsome three-story roughen:it dwelling, has the modern con. i•DIVDC , ..4. stone stable and earriage-houso and oiltlmild jogs ; garden of fruit and shade treow, 3/c. Terms—>rloAm any remain on mortgage.' • tell - immediate possession. By-the Court. JOSEPH. 31EGATtY. Clerk 0.0. JOSEPH W. BAKER. Guardian, „U. THOMAS Ar. SONS, Auctioneers, ye2ojyll 16 139 and 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATR—TROMAS & SONS' n Sale.—Modern.Three•story Brick Dwelling; No. 1215 Greco str, et. west of Twelfth street.—On Tuesday. July ligh, 187(l, at 12 o'clock, Exchange besold at pub lie sale, at the Philadelphia all that modern • tlitee4itory Mick inessuage; with , three-an:My 'back building and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Gree street, non of welfth Street, No. 1215 ; contain log i front n Gree street 17 feet. and extending in &pill on the east line 81 feet 31 Welles, and on the west Hire 81 feet 474 Inches, more or loss,. to a 20 feet wide Ft reef. Subject to the restriction; that •no building for. offensive occupation shall over he erected' on said lot. The house has parlor4eining-fotini and kitchen - on the Mei floor ; two chambers, sitting-room, bath and store- • • room on the second Boer ; gas, bath, hotand colt' water, wan or-closet, furnace, cooking range, stationary wash -600l , . • n•-•, Tee, story brick its,tt as .a 'lug' On Donley use and the up- rine—S4 ,000 may remain on mortgage, Immediate posseeeion. 'May be examined in the morn h;g. At. TIIO3IAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 291 G 139 and 141 South Fourth street ' WAN TED TO RENT ''=A STORt ail 1 on south Bide of Chestnut street, between Ninth and Thirteenth tarots Address jytt 2t* 1"21At9 Ie.I.XTITRES.,-,MISILEY 'MERRILL & TNAORANA, No. 718: (Mantua 'street,. Menu. faeturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &0., Bce" would Joel the often tioA of the - public to their largo and',ologarit as soorpont of Gas Ohandelierei: Pendants ' Braokets . , &o. They also introduce gas pipes Into dwellings and pnblio builoings, and attend to extending altering and repair", re rae nines. -An work. warranted, • • • 'IDOALtAND • b. p...n.cON LINES. • 701114 EIHEA.FY /TIRE UNDERSIGNED INVITE •TION•to their stook of • '-‘ "' • Spring Mountain, Lehigh find Locust Vonntain Ooat winch, with tho preparation given bY,l l syNe•tkijak not bo excelltd by any, other (foal:' Oinks. Franklin Institute Buildinit , NO. is S. tiodentti • etttet. • . • 'IIINNIL& SHEA gr, nlOt Arch Street - Wharf. So IG. P. ..P.O.NDINELLA; TRAMPLER, OF Singing. Private leasoru • i olatiaba, Residence 8. Thirteenth street. . • • atuta-to now landing from steamer " Pioneer t _Vflom Witching-. tod, N. 011, awl, for sale by 0001 - I#,Nr.IIIIBI3ELL & .IllClieetiA4 stroot. . QPIRITS TURRENT/NBirn322I3A.R.RELS 1.3 Spirits Turpentino now landing from steamer “Pio noor." from Wilmington, N. 0., and for sale by 00011• RAN, RUSSELL 64 CO., 1,11 Ohostnut Amt. MEM """ " 'NV. (j. "BII,LI,F,TIN ()nice 4 S I AN M:EMM
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