CORRESPONDENCE. zigT3rEn FROM LONG BEACH. - - ~._.. _ _ _ Tumble wenterloypplariqi- ItorTiononaonce cd the Philadelphia nivetinst Low BEti CB, •• Nr , J.,e",dtirts,lo Ir 7D -• EDITOR: 'What plac sur er. 4 .!” sojourning is there irethow 16 ids vtqld to en, ta pare with Long Befich--Tithelf only its ,", n great parallel ? :The lumns bf our jentiAls' are filled to rePletion WithvinteMstin tindinge from the various other resorts whither Phila - delphians are wont-to wauder,-when the- climax. of .the summer. solstice .make,s. even- the most • comfortable of homes uncomfortable to them ,_ ; . but as yet ;Jib Wind' has come froth , , Leng - Beach to advise mankind that she still survives desolate beauty, with old :ocean still thundering .along ,her romantic Strand, and with the lovely bay, with, its wide' 'expanse of , water and, glorious..effeets. of sky . and cloud, still, as of. old, irresistibly tempting .the land sick denizen of the'crei - rded town to the, enjoy inent of life upon its fair' bosom. In Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter is con tained a letter written to the poet by a yo ung . fernale . friend, iisident of one of the Orkneys, . , . • ref:Minting - her experiences during a visit to the Mainland.. She findslhe country, with' its ma estic 'mountains and forests, • unendurably monotonous; it is fat' froth • compeniating her for her abSence from' the eternal Variety - and motion of the seaoinkshe concludes her corn plaintWithtli&-avoit al-that -notlaing_zshalCever_. tempt her- from the " wind-swept Orcades " again. Not - forgetting - Dr: - .Ho Imes's ;beautiful paSiage - entlin "Life of the Woods" in Elsie Vernier, there is a fascination, think, for Most of us; which the sea; and its sUrround ings possess; that nothing natural scenery can equal, 'and Sir Walter's fair correspondent's abed* . for, the .seaside is universally. under th,oOd and appreciated, the manifestation where ' of is thOeaward journeying throng which an nually peoples the desolation which for the rest - the year reigns' supreme from Mount ----Desert-to-farthest-Flotida. =Do not; pretend to believe it is fashion,Ur a desire to • partitipate in the • excitement and 'diSsipation which un feat:irately prevail at all popular resorts,. that gives the principal „impulse to this hegira. Nobler and :more natural 113 the Motive.. 'But, w' Beach," Of Places, to philosophise, or to-become didactic.- • Heaven forbid I When • the-day conies when the goodly company which each returning summer finds.. there congregated shall find themselves encumbered with a sense of the necessity of-heingserisible,- logicalond-of ; Wu-- dueling themselves 7 on all occasions; with an eye vigilantly regareful Of the proprieties, then farewell, forever, to the -great glory of Long Beach ;' destroy the old house, with all its odd assoCiatimig, • . kill - .of Captain':Bond -, .and , ~ and the happy, careless crowd of- fishermen (with one of. whom It is, my_chiefest delight to sit, day - len& litrein hand, either talking delightful non ' sense or enjoying, beyond measure or expres , . skin; that -,.glorious vhpg, the mind is secant as the incorporate air, which only the fisherman knewii) ; trimly dress the Island s into --- the'seniblance - of - nlovely - garden - ; - erect - a hotel and, with velvet CarpetS, - mirrors and, grand pianos, and the other inevitable adjuncts, and project daily . excursions '-hither._ __Perhaps the- average sea, sible intelligentlanerican citizen of the, period - 7 - 7. - atiticipates=the - _coming-pf_that day•withp_eculiar pleastire ; _but. _how,ever _ valuable, such_ a_Phe norrienen. may be in the outer world, his presence in our Long Beach sphere is not, at all desired, and we humbly trust that he will find it eonVenient to abide aChotne or journey • else Where. I hear ' -many projects discussed concerning the improvements of Long Beach, all the while fervently praying that the schemes of the inno vaters may'conie to Far from - being conservative in matters of opinion, I'do desire that Long Beach may perpetually remain Long 13eatlijorTintaiVeidents — Will - lie Sts certa;iu - deaf , _ Once "a, fatal spirit of change" begins to prevail, and it loses its interesting and fasci nating identity, and becomes merged in the Atlantic Cities, Newports and Cape Islands - • characterless places, where people enjoy them selvs secunclum formant, and reason and think, and habit themselves in good apparel, and have everything for their ,outlay but genuine recrea tion and Improvement. So I hope some influential friend of the evilly-disposed man who, as I am told,seriously contemplates introducing a line of steamers from Atlantic City to this isolated paradise Will, by serious counsel and urgent persuasion, induce - this really imprudent man to desist. Spare us the inevitable contamination ! Thank Heaven,there is one spot old-fashioned island, away out at sda , here—which has, thus __ far, resisted the inroads of civilization, and whither the dread steam-whistle never comes—and may it never—to one's ears. Though, perhaps, when I it never comes, a regard for the strict truth should compel me to greater accuracy. Let me not, in just re cognition of transplanted Teutonic enterprise, entirely forget the Eureka. Weekly our sense of the eternal fitness of things suffers a rude shock in the distant shriek of this craft as she rolls' her way-slowly and uncertainly -out of Egg -Harbor river over there, bound for the distant port of New York. The Eureka is a wheezy old propellor, the. representative in . these waters and on the high seas of the business • enterprise of Egg Harbor City. I have often - watched this venturesome pioneer as she pitches away through the heavy seas that course along this Jersey coast, confidently ex pecting some day that she will roll over and roll under with her passengers, crew and cargo; for an inebriate's gait is a rectilinear marvel compared' with the unsteady wriggle - that-characterizes - the - course - of this unique pride of the sea...-. Thus, with her tt descent ~to_ the vasty deep," will poetic justice be dealt I in proper measure to those who, with sacri legious hands, have so presumed to disturb the secluded precincts of this romantic bay. Necessarily, in this changeless locality, the ex perience of one season is identical with that of the preceding ones, so that of news, for trans mitting which letters are oftenest supposed to ke iaditel, I have scarcely any to send you. Theold house here, known to our grand parents, still stands its ground, and is still un der the attentive and experienced management. of Captain Bond, whose great affability and --- gentlemanly courtesy, added to his natural genius for boteliWeiiing, contribute so much to the comfort of his guests, noticeably the ladies, who, deprived of his daily and thought ful attentions,—what is more delightful than • the gallantry of a middle-aged bachelor,— would, I fear, pass their time but wearisomely while away from the gentleinen whose honie in,the daylight boars •is upon the deep. That proper credit may be accorded to this sponta neous tribute to a worthy gentleman, 1 here upon my honor protest, that it is by no means prompted-by any promise or expectation of any _ deduction.from my customary board bill; nay, let rue assure you, that to avoid, even the pos sibility of such an event,_and to save mine host the temptation of the generous offer, I have paid him with a blank check in advance. Rising from a sick bed, and counselled by my-friend,-the- doctor, I am here to " COLL ra 'ogee." And 1 know no place in the country - that is so favorable for recruiting your powers , when they have been weakened by, sickness or ,There is a magic and a. healing virtue air-of this narrow island, anchored •in .14 e . j r, lll /., i l t. se - a here, Which, comparison, lam sure • : .., , ,,ermetintains-noF-mitaeradspritrpos3etsi --- ~ - fif t ylmalid friends credit me, and Were tley no, took now , rwe Alder, ' • not the chained servants of fashion's arbitrary ' decree, they would hasten hither, instead of vainly seeking what they never find in the re sorts that are most favored by onr city tot - fiakiii - g blelliiiii.',4 Silt lam not unfit th4tEi 'O -1, to come wn here. lam wicked IselfLelt' enough net to care to see them. t:',,,vill 1) .- 0`r... all, good itikerslaSsisting*Otitve the good)) d ', gplitde popular. I,l'wonlp hayn'thlegrefk ',': ea-tncutle'd island very ranch m• - 11--liatrig t': niw i --tjuite to myself, save with a ',fewtongs niatspiritsj whe fly with from the roach of liostr-cflices • and 'telegraphs--4orsair inglevery dare, and eager to 14 drop the shop." I prefer 1 to enjoy alone this solitude where none intruder and Watching the•foaNing ripples on the beach And tender, curving lines of creamy spray, to be, in imagination at least, the monarch of all I survey. I will share my, dominion within reasonable limits,,but I do not care to abdicate int - VI - lir Of any:repnblic. -- ' • • - • The lovely:moonlight of• those never-to-be- . • ihrgotten nights. of mid-June here, which' so • charmed an unromantic fisherman that be for got himself in venturing- to say that it was " pooty,",are•gone;and the mosquitoes, delight- ing in deeds of ':darknessomtv:ccintest my hitherto-chinfortable ' reign. I wonidloe,,glad to nrake, with them, a practical applicationof -the divide etimfiera doctrine, but-they•are _a faithfid :band .of brothers, and my insidious solicitations, I know, would not• find fksingle willing ear in theinbusy -camps. So, dreading a fight with an outnumbering foe,l drOP'iny pen to prepare' to abandon the' field; unless my Blucher, in the shape of an easterly Wind; ar rives aiarouspicious•mornentto disperse these maliguants.. B,ut before I hoist my sail for the mainland,let me do proper honor; to, the skill and - Science , Tuckerton -- Bay.' For -- th - is that wonder of marine engineering; is receiving the •finishing touches as it slowly.fades.from my view. Unaided and unencouraged, by any as sistance from government whatever, this noble work was in sim daYs completed. That you may have a faint conception of the grandeur of this. structure as it stretches away out into' the blue waters of the bay; let me call to mind its diminutive brother, the • graceful 'steamboat landing at Cape Islandl - and that all the glory may be, accorded, the bold mariners whose triumph I now record, -knoW that our pier was , constructed`amid storms- awl:other — sea perils that were never • dreamed of at , the: Cape or elsewhere. Finis coronet opus: • C. ART 'TEALS. translitar froni - the - Paris - Diable some droll souvenirs on. the_part....of M. Champfleury of the early days :of the 'realistic school 'in France. This development ,corresponded, in that country, with the birth of preraphaelitism in England.--The—principal .apostles,:Combet.. and Manet, could not for a long time get their eccentric but able paintings admitted to the Salon their works thereupon became the stars of the'" Salon; of the Rejected." - During - the Exposition of 1807 both these painters set up neat:galleries in the neighborhood of the Champ de Mars, exclusively devnted to the display of their own works respectively. Tri COUrbet'.s - gallery the latest painting Was a country . funeral scene, " l'Enterrement d'Ornarts"-oarse- and vigorous. A brewery of the - rue Hautefeuille - saw the - birth this phenomenal painting 'of the " Interment at Ornans," and the scenes in that beer-shop, in the reminiscences of M. Champfleury, are . re = vived.with much spirit. -- - : - At - thatepoch politics, - in the -- Latin quarter, not come up.- was the cry of the day, And took gigantic proportions. Gustave Planche, the critic, used to come and talk aesthetics with the reformers; Courbet, the confident - and ready, was like -a physician in his office, giving consultations readily on every conceivable subject. Dianet is-a -rich, fautastic--amateur, a pupil of Gleyre, who iised---to: say to 'his diseple H You will be . the Maack Angelo of bad art." "After din - icefetich evening," S"ayiß. CEtuni; ileury, " there were usually discussions on Poetry; the views expressed would raise the hair of poets attached to the methods of the old French lyrists; for the new church did not admit rhyme. Here is one of their songs, of which Gustave Plauche was particularly fond : " All the boys used to sing, Met at their inn, each evening. All the boys used to sing, Repeating this refrain : Tra 1a la, la, la, la, la, la, &c. " I have no doubt that even at the present day some notaries and lawyers may hum it oc casionally while hunting through a docket, or country doctors sing it in their gigs while visit ing their patients, to so many classes of life be longed-the--initiated of the brewery or the Rue Hautefeuille." —Readers familiar, by photograph or actual inspection, with the Pompeii wall-paintings, or the famous Nozze in the Vatican, will be pleased to have Mr. Jarves's account of the only existing example of Grecian easel-paint ing "It is interesting not only in. itself, but as affording a new evidence of the suggestive truth that While the world, in two thoUstand years, has advanced so greatly in morals and science, it has stood still, if not actually retro graded, in the fine arts. It was," as he re marks, " a mooted question whether the picto rial art of the Greeks was on a par with.their sculpture. This question has been setted in the affirmative by the discovery of the remark able painting known as the Muse of Cortona,' a name derived from its subject, and from the ancient Italian city inwhose guardianship it is preserved. The picture was found in the last century by a peasant, iu . the earth of his farm. After sundry adventures, it came into the hands -of as peison Who iinderstObil , its value;-and : pre-' sented it to the Museum of Cortona, on condi tion that it should never be allowed ,to leave that City. • " The Muse,' " says Mr. Jarves, "is one of those lure surprises which makes the mind realize the meaning of the poet's 'joy forever.' It is kept in a little cabinet in the museum. When this is opened, the sight transports the visitor back to the best period of Grecian art. Ile sees 'the head and Dust of a young girl, one third life-size, painted in a wax medium on a fragment of slate. There are sundry abrasions, and some loss of shadow wad gradation nf tints, but these injuries are slight. indeed, compared with most paintings of the best Italian period,' it is so sound as to offer an- argument In favor of the vehicles used and the substance on which it is painted. At first glance its statuesque pro jection is very remarkable. Evidently it was painted by one trained to the practice of Zeuxis, of modelling his figures in terra-cotta before painting them. No modern painting that I have seen on similar material gives other effect than a flat and reflecting surface. This is surrounded by atmosphere. The eye reposes on a transparent, harMonioug, grayish purple ether, in the midst of which stands a low- brewed girl, just bloominginto womanhood, not idealized ' into monotonous - regolarity df outline, hut with the freslfness, variety and flexibility of modelling 'united into an expres sive whcle, such seen only in the finest living examples. , "Masses of golden brown hair fall over the shoulders and stray in delicate lines to the • front, intermingling on the , brow with a laurel Iwreath. The right bosom, of virgin form and I tint iS exposed. A naesParent drapeiy -height( ns the effect- of the sat carnation:of-the shotdiler and the delicate-flesh of the other pm - L.B - O.IF 4 T 4 P.IITA EVENING;. DL .q4E,TIN, - THURSDAY, JULY `7, 070, bosom, whose sweet beaulptinflestiY Veils.: Drooping eyes give a Ws*, oo'kto, featuAsi the intelligence of Whichtc: ceia spends. copeliness. It seepas s- sitritually super sense MA; Whit the V enus - di 'WM teeri, in,early girlhood, with the possibilities 4 the ooddess mother nascent in her; in , hand some, healthful child of earth, whose pure in stincts are as yet untested byyroirife, leav ing the beholder in ' on of the lovely being before himiwhilo,%iiiieterniined as to her destiny. She rmallt'#ebtiecie , a SapPho, .an Aspasia, or a Cornelia; Which. ,There she stands, More likelifitthinanY-femalik_ figure I can recall of the cold:nituiters" or of recent painters. In some technical details the beht of them may -have- done= some-things - superior to points of execution in this picture. But the Muse' combines that perfect 'adapta tion of color with forr4-20 1 41,....be5t _expresses the complete science and inspiration of art." From Johnl Ritskin's i‘ Stgakes on Art," just pUbliglied by Macmillan .& C 0.,, we take this passage:: • ' " There is an evil spirit whose dominion is in blindness and-in cowardice, as the dominion of the spirit of wisdom is in, clear sight and in courage. And this blind,and ?Owardly,spirlt is foiever telling you that evil;things are pardon able, and you shall not die for them,, and that good things aredmpossible, and you.'_need_ not live for them ; and that gospel aids is now the loudest that is preached in your Saxon tongue. Yon:will find some day, your cost, if you be lievnthe first part' id - it, that ,it'is,not true; but ,Yoton may never, if y4u.,;belieyp the second part' ,• pf it, find, your gain, that. also untrue; and, therefore, I pray you,'.with. all _earnestness, to prove, and know within your hearts,' that `allthings lovely and' righteetia - afe - riOSAble - fortheSn'whe believe in' their possibility, and who detdimine that,for their part, they will ,make every`: day's work contribute to, them. Let.every diiwn of morn ing be to you as the beginning . of life, and every setting surt'be't,6yon Us Pike ; then let every one of these short live's ladVe its sure re cord of some kindly thing done, for others— some goodly strength or knowledge gained for yourselves; se, from daytto' • day, and Strength to strength, you shall build up, indeed, by art, by thought and by just will; an Ecclesia "of England, of which it shall 'not be said, , See What manner of stones are here,': bfit, 'See What manner of Men.' • —George Inuess, one of the best American landscape painters, is now in Rome, We could have no better representative there, now that- Iletehkiss -has -passed into the land.7wher,e shadows have - :no sad significance_ and.; the. lights are those of real heavea. Of the eventual rank and worth . of. EfotChilss 'as, a landscape painter, we have no fear; but is'it to be that he is to lie in the graveyard at Mes sina without a stone to mark the' place of his hope net. Lerhis — effeetn - be sold and the proceeds'be expended in conveying his remain§ to Rome, and in erecting a, beautiful and fitting memorial to his memory. When he died, American art lost a man --it- c,ould_ _not alibld to spare—a mind as noble as any coun try could boast. It is a burning shame that he should have lived so little known to his countrymen. t—A correspondent of the Eventlig Post thus speaks of the picturesexhlbltbd, this year iii the Paris Salon,by F. A. Bridgman, a young painter and- comrade-of---Mr.--Robert-Ntrylie during his studies in Brittany_: _"Bridgman, of Nnw Tork; - giv - ds as- g - CirCus Scenes' - two , very ambitious works, and full of pronaise." —The sanie. correspondent says : "The new establishment of 'Goupil 4 Co., Place de l'Operajs-fitted.up in the most elegant, and artistic manner. All who are: einployed by them speak English and German, so that any one will be understood who may show a dis position to cultivate the fine arts through the medium of the house." CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND COERIERCIAL ACADEMY, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS,"No.IOB B.„TENTH Street A Primary, Elementary and Finishing School. Circulars set Mr. Warburton's, N 0.430 Chestnut street ray9tft - - ei ANtIHEGABAY INSTITVTE,NOS.IS27 NJ 1629 SPruco street, PhiladOlPhia; . vall reopen on TUESDAY, September 20th. French is the language of the family. and is constantly spoken in the Institute. jel6-th s to-fini§ MADAME D'HERVILLY Principal. Celebrated Patent Sofa Bedstead is now being manufactured and sold in large numbers, both in FRANCE and ENGLAND. Can be had only at the Warerooras of the undersigned. This piece of Fur niturels in Almform_ota_haudsome PARLOR .SOP A', yet in one minute it. can be extended into a — beautiful FRENCH BEDSTEAD, with springs, hair mattresses complete. - It has every convenience for bottling the bed Clothes, it easily managed, and it is impossible for it to get out of order. The use of props. or hinged feet to support the mattrets when extended, or. ropes to regu late it, are entirely done away with, us they are all very unsafe and liable to get out of repair. 'The BEDSTEAD is formed by simply turning out the emit, or closing them when' the SOFA is wanted. They are, in comfort, convenience and Appearance, far superior to and cost no more than a good Lounge. An examination is-solicited. H. F. HOVER, No. 230 'South SECOND. Street, Philadelphia myl9 th to 6mS, PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Orders for these celebrated Shirts supplied 'promptly brief notice. Gentlemen's Furnishing, Goods, Of late kyles In full variety. WINCHESTER & CO 706, CIIV,STTUT. felltri th a tf‘ • • - EDUCATION. ROBERT H. LABBERTON'S YOUNH 'JAMES' — Ao4l.tElrir, 338 and MO South FIFTEENTH Street. Next term commences September 19th. jel3 4m H. Y. LAUDERBACH'S SOFA BED, ilovEdrvs CENTS' 'FURNISHING GOODS, CARRIAGES The Lightest'and Neatest Finished PARR PHAETONS, EAROUCHES, • CLARENCE COACHES,• - PIEYSICIANS' PHAETONS. And various other r e e tzl u e: ,s o d f v ( r lr e r s intro y s 'are now offereda J. GEORGE LEFLER, SIXTH , AND GIRARD AV .gI4ITE tnyl7.tit th 2m§ HARDWARE. &c. BUILDING AND HOUSEKEEPING IIAnDWARE, Machinists, Carpenters and - other Me ohanics' Tools. 111 - 13 VP, Screws, LOCkli, 10113/011 and Forks, Spoons, Coffee Mills, &a., Stocks and Dies. Plug and Taper Tape, Universal and scroll Chucics, Plaunii in groat variety, All to be had at the Lowest Possible Prices At the CHEAP-FOR-CASE* Hard ware 'Store of ' .J. 13.". SHANNON, • No. 1009 Market Street.. dog-if Al AN TELS, &C MAIV-ViktMiNcl,R;l ;Of the RiteSt and din t beantifal designs; and allotber slate work On band or made to order _ Also, ;PEACH BOTTOM ROOFING SLATES. ' Factory and Salesroom, SIXTEENTH and CALLOW BILL Streets, WILSON 4; _MILLER, spl3-6=13 - , . STIMMERIZESORTS Philadelphia and Reading Railroad • And Branches. • • , arAir••2o;lB7o. MANSION: HOUSE, IT CARBON, :Mrs..Uarolirie Yirttrider, 'Pottsville P. 0.. Schuylkill co - -41,14CAIIDIRA HOTEL, - • Itirs.M.L . .lllllorausicarora P. 0., Schuylkill county. MANSION HOUSE, Smith, NaltanoY,,,City 0., Schuylkill county.. MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, Charles Culp, Mount Corbel P. 0.. Northumberland • • WHITE HOUSE, F. Mayer, Beading P. 0., Berke county. ANDALUSIA - ALL, Henry,WeaVer, Reading P.. 0 i - ,Berkii county: CEN ORAL AVENUE HALL, G. D. Davie, Beading P: 0., Berke oodnty.'• SPRING MILL' 1$ EIGHTS, Jacob ll.Dreisch, Conshohocken P. 0,, Montgomery cp. BOYEnToWN• SEMINARY, L. M; Boons, Boyertown P.'o.', Berke county. • • LITIZ snactous, Gee. F. Greider, Litiz 0., - Lancaster. county. . LIVING SPRINGS notzu„ . Dr. A. Smith, Wernersville P. 0., Berke county. COLD SPRINGS - HOTEL, . LEBANON COUNTY, •Wrd:Lbich,l3r,, Pines Grove 0., 'Schuylkill county. • EPHRATA' SPRINGS, John Frederick, Ephrata P. 0., Lancaster county. "PERK.10111:11i BRIDGE HOTEL: - Davis Longaker, Collegeville P 0., Montgomery co. - • ' PROSPECT TERRACE. Dr. James Palmer, Collegeville P. 0., Montgomery co. DOUTY HOUSE, Geo. S. Burr, Shamokin, Northumberland county. Excursion,Tieketowillbe. sold , at... Philadelphia to and from - above points at reduced rates, good for same day issued and on, gOod until following. Monda- _ my232m§ :iyrQKNTATNT-TfovsE; CRESSON SPRINGS, PA. ,Thilitavorite resort has -boon ..onlarged andimproved since last spason. Will be open for Guests Jtine 15, 11470. EXCURSION 'TICKETS' sold. by the Pennsylvania Railroad at 'Haw York; Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh. 'All trains stop at Cresson. ' Rooms may be secured in suites or simile. FEHLING'S CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA HAS BEEN ENGAGED FOR THE SEASON. ' .For further information, address •G. .W. BILIILLIN, Proprietor. ONE_ FURNISHED COTTAGE TO RENT. jeY - LORETTO SPRIN:GS. Loretto Springs, - CAmbirla - County, Will be opened on the FIFTH of JULY. For Circulars and other information, addreee P.O. as above. VIAND:S. A. GIBBONS, Proprietor. jyftf — - _ UNITED STATES HOTEL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Will open for the reception of Guests on SATUBDA June 2.5, with a , ••• Reduction of Twenty Per Cent. in th Price of Board. Music tinder the direction of Professor M. F. Aledo. • Terms, 6 , 20 per week. Teisonideetring to engage coons will addres's BROWN & WOLLPPER.Proprietoris, .ATit mum . . . _ Or No. SF RICHMOND Street, Philadelphia. _jetw sin 2in§_ _ _ _ _ • Ocean House Cape May, N. \J. The beet table on Cabo - Island, niiii;Pbus Iforne-like comforts, location within BO yards of the best bathing on the beach., are the-principal advantagea_possmso - this liret-claes family_ hotel. No bar on the premleoB7 -- LYCETTE & SAWYER, Propkid6rs. STOCKTON HOTEL, CAPE MAY, N. J. - , OPENS FOR THE RECEPTION OF GIIESTS - .TUNE 25: - At - IWe tinder the direction of Proieinfor CHABLEE3 B. „DOD-WORTH— _ _ _ Terms—s 4 60 per day, or 'VS per week. CHARLES DIIFFY, Proprietor, Forrnerli , of Continental sistel, Philadelphin je2o tiy 16 Chittenango, WHITE SELPIVUE SPRINGS. Madison county, Now York. First-class Hotel and every requisite, now open. Drawing-room and Sleeping from Hudson River Railroad Depot, New York, at 8-A. 81. and 8 P. 11.1., without 'change to Chittenango Station, 12 miles east of Syracuse. For Illustrated 01 - r- Atulare address as above, or-0.-H. OLIVER, 7 Beekman street:N.Y. ' je29.lm§ 11. EN VC , ROUSE. RENO O;; PENNSYLVANIA, On Phil ad Iphia and Erie Railroad. W . H. IV AL, F'_r_opr i etor. This capacion 8, airy and well-appointed Hotel open for the reception of guests. To invalids, and all who want rest and restored lien this sweetest and best of all locations in .I'ennsylva is commended. 'Bltiiiifed on the west branch of tite Busevehanna river (with good trout fishing near), and surrounded with splendid scenery, it offers good cheer and health to all. . . - CHARGES ]IODERATE. ,SCHAUFLER'S• HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. Ar. The beet location on the island ' with an'A No. I table, and the best attention paid to its gOests. Eighty fine bleeping chambers, with beds, etc., nnsurpassed. U je27-2m§ ALOIS SCHAFLER, Proprietor. Cape May-- . -Change , of Proprietors. NATIONAL.- HALL, Formerly kept by AARON GARRETSON, to now to be opened under now auspices, under the lillpbryißion of YO. B. MlLLERrformerly Proprietor of'Congress Hall) awl Superintended by WILLIAM: WIIITNEY. "The House commands Iv fine•view, of - .the. Ocean; and • Will be opened on the TWENTIETH, DAY OF JUNE NEXT, as a • • • Family Boaraltorliouee. No Bar Attacaed to the House. The table will be Well supplied with all the SUISSTAN. TIALS and DhLIC'ACIEB OF THE SEASON, without the "Entrees." Stage always in readiness to convey Quests to and from the Depot and Bathing Grounds, fretrof charge. The Subscriber - would' respectfully solicit your patronage anibpromises to spare no pains or expense to make the NATIONAL a desirable home for those who wish comfort and the benefit of Sea Air and Sea Bathing without the expenses of a fashionable hotel. Terms---$15.00 per week or $3 00 per day. Liberal arrangements will be made to large families remaining from font - to six weeks,: - For Roc-ins, &c., address • WILLIAM WrIFIVNEIr, jalo-tf§ NATIONAL TIALL,'OAPE MAY, N. J. Q.IIMMER BOARDERS WILL FIND lo the Air. Water and Scenery on Cushion ''Mountain unsurpassed in tide country: time and see us. Toms, ell() ,per day; *7 to SIP per wok; !Zti t0..835 per month, according to room. P. and it. RR. to Werners illlo. in three hours, without change. BROWN A; IBLDDLENAUFF, Wernereviile, forks county. Penn eylvenia. jy6 it* UNITED STATES . FORMERLY Sherman House, (Jape Inland. The tnuleksigned reepectfully !Worm the public , that he hits taken the iibove hotel, andAvill I,:cep.a plain, coinfortablahounool good table. and-the bent wire and liquore that ho can procure. Price of board, $l7 60 per week. Will open July Ist. - JERE IlicliaßßlN, ' je29lmo. Agent. . . cM ATLANTIC HO-TEL, CAPE NAY, N: J. - new Atlantic is•now opon._ roy2s wfin3ni JOHN IIIoMAKIN. Propriotoi. ippit M oAD TOP OUNTA — IN HOUSE, JJ BROAD TOP,'HUNTINGDON COUNTY, PA. Will open for taception of guests•on-MONDAY. June AL • • •• . W. T. PEARSON, fell Proprietor VpitATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LANCASTER COUNTY, ,PA. This delightful suuanor resort will ' be open for the re caption of guests on 15th June, under .the superintend once ,of Whltehousa(late,of A.tlantio•City). - Pox' particuSF4, Wrest, W, FREERICK, iny2.524 ' • • • '' Proprietor. .SUMMER-RESORTS Congrs3s Ha.ll, CAPI4I . -MAY. N. J. • , Opea!i,Anne Ott9ber,let. 1titm5443.5) , -per day, Juno and Bentember. '4lO. 00 roStlday July and , Anguirt. Tho noy wing is now complPted. larlt and,Simoia Maoist 's full litilltary Band and Or cheitrii.of 20 pieces. '• Applications for Rooms, address - J. F. CAKE, Proprietor. aml6 19 22 26 29 & eol taxtlg _ • PROSPECT " TERRACE; Fret:Aloud, Illontgomery County, - Pa.. This delightful SUMMER RESIDENOE will bo open for tho reception of guests on and after Juno I. ' • For Circulars, Terms, ' apply to JAMES PULMEB lz CO., 939 MARKET Street, Phila., or to the proprietor, COlietievitle P. 0., Pa. tnyla to th s ihnS • , IVI ' 1414.1 C, IN ' S ATLANTIC - ERA`EL CAI N MAY. Rebuilt alnico the late tire, and ready for Gneete. Open.- dnrlng the year. Ta directly on the Sea-bhore, with the heat Bathing Beach of the Cape. Terme for the Summer: :,53 t,O per day, and W per week. Coach from the Depot, Free. No Bar. JOHN McbtAKIN, - myt'A•tti th e3m6• Proprietor. fIUSINESS CARDS. IL P. A C. R. TAYLOR, Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. 691 and 643 North Ninth street Egtablished 11121. WM, G. FLANAGAN di SON, HOUSE AND. SRIP PLUMBERS, No. 129 Walnut Street. JOSEPH W A TUN' 8c CO., . CADINET• MAKERS, • • , ' NO. 413 WALNUT BTREET:` Manufacturers of finpfurniture and of medium priced furnfturo of superior quality. GOODS.ON HAND AND MADE TO - ORDER. - Counters. Desk.,work, ,for Bonita, Offices and Stores, made to order. • JOSEPH WA LTON, • , ,JOS. W. LIPPINCOTT.§ JOSEPH L. SCOTT. AM E - SL. WILSON, J • ROUSE PAINTER, 518,9013 TH NINTH•STREET , ap3O ly 4p5 Residence-522 Sofith - Ninth street. T.TENITPI.II.I.LIPPI, CARPENTEIL'AND 111111;15EK"., , 102.SANSOM-13TIMET,___ jelo-Iyrp l'llllA.l/ELPIIIA. F a B. WIGHT .. ATTORNZY-AT-LAW, Oommissioner of Deeds for OA/llinois gelato of Penny,lvan% I I. . .911.Nadison atreet„Aa.ll,43hlcaga,lllinaia. anntil ----. CIO TT 0 . 14 SAIL DUCK OF ir,vEyol IL) width, from 22 inches to TO inches wide, all numbers Tqnt and. A wning Duck, raper -maker's Felting, Ball 'Twine, &e. JOHN W. EVEIMIStaII, *VI NO:103 Church grant Clity Stored. NEW PUBLICATIONS SIINDAY SCHOOL SETPERrNTEN dents, get Prof. Hart's admirable address, "How to Select a Library,'! at the Sabbath School'iimporium, 608 Arch street. Philadelphia. OLD AND NEW. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE-Falt TIIZ-PEOPLE. Edited by Rev. Edward-E. Hale. TERMS.—Yearly Subscription, et 00; Single Num ber; SS cents. Specimen number Mailed Qu receipt of 35 tents. - • - BUBSCRIP_TION 8 rnaylkegin age on- the Magazine la 3ticernig a year, -payable quur , terly at the office where it is received7 - , - f ------- ' -- BOUND VOLUMES of .- "OLD-AND NEW," 8 - 3 00. 00 1 1E128 for binding, tO cents. Any person sending the six numbers omptising) a *llama to the office of "OLD AND NEW," can have them handsomely bound on payment of 45100. . ADVERTISERS will be good enough to send in their orders before the first day of the month preceding the month of issue. THE TR.4I)F, supplied lg the Sows Com . panies. ROBERTS BROTHERS, PUBLIBIIERS, BOSTON 111:7 All communications relating to Advertisements Suli l erixlicaisetc..,jor.l,l) N addressed Co GEO. A. 900LIDGE, Office of "OLD AND NEW," 143 Wudtington ;_'(reef, Boston IMPORTANT TO BUSINESS KEN. THE " CAPE MAY DAILY WAVE," For the Summer of 1870 The publication of the Bixth Volume of the "DAILY WAVE 'will be commenced on or about July let, and will be continued until September let. It will present each day accurate and full reports of the Hotel ,Arrivals and Local Events of this fashionable resort, and will be a paper not surpassed by any in the State. Business men will find the "DAILY WAVE" a most advantageous medium for advertising, the rates for which are as follows One inch space, 610 for.the season. Each Pubsopt fiut inch, 6'S for the season. On the first page, 62 per inch in addition to the above rates. Address, O. B. 151AGRATH, Editor. N:IGRATII GARRETSON, Publishers. je2o-tlaii3l§ THE, NEW YORK STANDARD, PUBLISHED BY JOHN RUSSELL YOUNG, NO. 34 PARR ROW, NEW Containing full and accurate 'Telegraphic News and Correspondence from all parts of the world. TWO CENTS per single copy, or Si* Dollars per annum. For sale at TRENWITH'S. BAZAAR 611, Chestnut street. • CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY, 1505 Chest nut street ASSOCIATED NEWS COMPANY, 16 South Seventh street. CALLENDER, Third and Walnut streets WINCH, 805 Chestnut street. BOWEN, corner Third and pock streets. And other Philadelphia News Dealers. Advertisements received at the office of the MORNING POST. • rny23 tf§ ' MEDICAL • 14ER'S I,,E;'l*4slgPirle. ~ 10 ,0 E. DR EC • • Is aquick, safe and effectual remedy for BLEED ING, BLIND OR ITCHING PILES, CONSTIPATION 01? TILE BOWLLS, Atn. 'lts principal virtues ore derived, from its internal use, regulating —the Liver an,d.Kidnvys, and imparting health and vigor to the whole alimentary canal. It is specific in Its action, completely controlling the circulation of the blood in the hemmorhoidni vessels. It,has the. double advnittage,of. beig . 'harmless and . Pleasant to the taste, While itS operations are 'reliable and Satisfactory. - • ' ' The afflicted can rely with tho utmoet confldence fin this medicine. because the great success that it has met with mule() its IntrodUntiouls a sure indication of b s real r nine • ' .. For inward end. outward applteations, if 'used as di— rected, It cannot tail to giro the, fullest satisfaction. riticr ()Tr sncoLF., tiorrim, $l. , .SIX BOTTLES, A. - ALL REBPECTABLE•DEALERBAND DRUGGISTS BELL , • Prepargel Only by B. FtiALtiAGHt:R je2l-214 Ao. 308, . ThiTa etr9et t P41).0000.. ,r 2 L , - afcoit, Williamsporttity 6 Per_Ct, Bonds. Tits Loan IS Iponed In Coupon 'fonds,' interest PaYkilile March Ist and Sept. let. For further irtformativz apply to P. S. PETERSON r & CO.' je24.1. 39 , 50UTH THIRD JAY COOKE & • 9 Philadelphia, ¶Jew York and Washington, Dealers in . Government Securities.; Special attention given to the Pnrchase `end Salo o Bonds and Storks on Commission, at'the Board of Bro kers in this and other cities..., IV7 ki S 44g YDE I2 I nI,IY RAON2IN TS .. grsvp ABLIAELE RAILROAD DON.DS 'FORIIVIEST• .) 1 2 . • • Paulublete and foil inforuuttion given at our aloe. NO.. 114 S. Third:Altreet, m6.29-tf rp D. C, WRBTON 8111ffil & CO,, :BANKERS ANTI BIP:OURSI NO. 121 S. THIRD STREET; eucczisosEigio , • SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. Xvery department of itanklng. 'business shall receive p_rompt attention, as heretofore. Quotations_ or Stocks, Gold and Governments constantly received from our friends; E. 13: RAIYDORPII4 OO.,:New York& by our PRIVATE WIRE. is 6-17 6 - I)6f-Edit:Fittilifftg4gddliiiii; Wo offer for sale 431:760 .0(4 of the'tetegh Cna.) and Navigation Company's new trat Itortgago 'Six Per Cent. Cold Bonds, free front all taxett, dpe 3:tareb_ and September, at ,NLNETY faU) ntnl Intere#t In cur- rency added to date of purchase.' - These bonds are of a mortgage loan of s2,ooo4oo,dated October 6 110. They base twenty-flee 26) run, and are eoneertible into stock at par . until JEN. Principal Mid Interest payable in gold. They are secured by rst mortgage on 5,600 acres 91 coal lands In'the Wyoming Valley, near Wilkesbarre, at present producing at the• rate of AlO,OOO tonsiof coal.pee annoin. with works in ,progrees which contemplate is large; increase at an early,,period, and also . upon Valuable Aleal Estate in this city. - A sinking fund of ten cents per ton upon 41 oat taken from these mines for fire years, and of Miceu cents per - ton thereafter is established; - and — Fhe ance,Tritat_and_Bafo_,B_Unsit_ BOtnnsnr,_the_Trusteeo__ underlhemortgage, in these Bonds, agreeably to the prov 111014 oft be Trust, For full particulars, copies of the mortgage, lac. apply to • 'W._l7. NEWBOLD, SON it AERTSEI4 I , _ E. W. CI.ARIC h CO., JAY COOKE A: CO., 1111.1 ± M dc CO• jo 11 COUPONS OF =U CENTRAAVACIFIC R. R. ; r7gß est Aurt ) {: vratti",i. ,L7O/4 '7 Per Cent. 451-old FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS COUPON OR REGISTERE% FREE OF 11..5. TAX, Burlington, Cedar Rapids andldin- , nesota 'R. R. Co. We are still offering a limited quadtAty for sale AT 90 AND INTEREST. INTEILEST . PAVAtIiE MAV,AtIto 110341MBER. These bonds have CA years- to run, aro convertible at the option of tho holder into the stook of the Company at par, and the payment of the principal 18 provided for by a sinking turd. The convertibility privilege at tached to these bonds cannot •fail•• to canes them at no• distant day to command it market price considerably above par. The greater part•of the road is already completed; and• the balance of thmwork•is•rapidly progrotitiing. - The present advanced condition and large earnings of the road - warrant us - In unbesituthigly 'recommending these bonds to investors its In every respect, an un doubted security. • • - ' .United States Five-twenties, at present prices, only re turn five' percent.' intelrest, while, these pay eight, and one citlarter d per cent IOGold; add. e regard the security outu} The Compliny'reserve the l'i•g4t:Withou *dice ti ad vatir the price.'- " • •HENRY.CLEWS , '&` , CO ' 32 Wail Street, N"ew TOWNSEND WHELEN 4Sz CO., Piila., Pan. BAAREginiOS , co.t ' 6 KEETZ & HOWARD, BOWEN . 861'074 DE DAVEN.&I3RO.-; _ s lo.9 u u $5,000, TiTTN - v4sk 2°A ll oot, l9 tkaivo, , 11.,MORRIki, .• • •.-; 233. Tenth-groot— FREE OF TAX. At 80 and Aperued Interest. -PHILADLI.PHIA.i LEHIGH CONVERTIBLE Free' from all Taxes. GOLD UNION PACIFIC R, R. CO, BOUGHT AT BEST RATES. 4.0 South Third St., PIffIWIDEILPHLI. ISSUED BY THE J. EDGAR I'llolllBoNi Truateee ORAILLES L. FROST, 5.1111 IMEN 1,1 tl ---' 1 4i ? F._ - - k`:,. 11==1=EM ~ ,,: misatosumuto firit; • • u9mcs teL P"-is_to SECAETAZIC FUR return to Washingtonto-day. No proclitagfore 1 , 14 ,- Ittiallitnitty dogma will be hailed before - J I ;AliEs,Verttn q 4e'SpanLsb gortes yokedby ihe mr try for July" 26. • A PAlns journal is so ladignent over the - tfohenzollern i alfili that it calls for war against Prussia. ` Tu*,Dfutualilase Ball Club beat , theMdte ;; Btoct;logefit New York, yesterday, by,o; 'score of 13 to . • N . HON. A. T..4l4%,:pnbrAY Is expected to enter I,lpol:fins' 'duties us Attorney-General to-rbor- _ PRINCT., X.rop,orn, of Hohenzollern, has ac tepted the' 51faulbh crown:': Engiand approves, but France 'offers a firm AT Milford, Conn., Nathan . Fenn was shot dead by a burglar,in his own house,at halt-past twq;o"clock yesterday morning." ' . • derMaittoWn Crieket Club, of .r this city, beat the St. George's' of New York, at Hudson City, yesterday, Ify a. score of-144 to 119. c;~..;. t ~.`.. ~~.{ ~`~. ~IW; Pitt4ivania county, Va., on Tuesday -- mightilfr.Arideison; father of the State Senator from thrOistrict, was murdered, and his store., was robbed A FULL investigation of ex-Collector Bailey's`, account§-toadnnt the Internal, Revenue office, _ shoWslnadefiCiencY to be $131,000. ___. __ REPRESENTATLyE• GrAFF/ELIf -has been ..„,unanimously renontioated for Congress by - the - Ilepublican - COovention of the Nineteenth Dis - tract of Ohio. . Tim Moravian Female Seminary at Beth lehero, pa., held its annual comp:ricer/rent y,e,5, 7 teratiyeLTThe eXer,eises were Ilargely., attended, aniEthe ddY was wound Up' With a “ hop:" '' , -Ix the, .11,ferrjeari,,Claims,_ Cottunission at WashingtoA yfaterday;:the claims of-W. W. Wills against MOW, and Melguiede-abd Jo-- site, Chaves against the United States, were dis allowed 6 '7 : ff ~,' ' - • .- - --THE- ateamship - California, --- on' her ''vtiyage" from San, Francisco to Portland, Oregon, caught fire on July 4th. A panic occurred apong, the passengers, but ,t49 l laales were . ox ~.7, - -.704,13, a e.! itl. 14,tbil-Autif: Wavy •of :the - - Gulf is to hold its second annual reunion In - - Boston ; -on--August 6: Ad mtrallarragot - tr, - to hie preside and General-Banks deliver e oration. A large assemblage is expected. A DELEGATION' of Sioux Indians, represent , lug the Ilitmetobjeur, Bans,.Arc and Two_Ket.-.. - - "tie Tribes, are now In Washington, to ask for food and goods. *, Red Feather" is their prin cipal man. • AT Boston, on Tudday rfight,NetthtNelson, • - aged eighteen; committed` suicidehiller - inoth er's house, by shooting her Self. The cause is said to be betrayal by a young man, named George Jones, who is under arrest- Tim supply of Cioton water at New Ydrie is getting short,: and the people' -- .l2aie - been ~ warned not to waste it. The water wasted in that city is estimated . to - amount to 50 0, 0 00,000_ . - - -- gallons daily: `' t` l qcualioutiFort -, Tettentratrzt ekorr—iti dian:deprettation.Vand;state that all the North ern 'Cheyennes , and Arrapahoes. who have hitherto been peaceable, announce their inte,n- Lion of going on the war_path. - TH.E escort - to l 'We New Orleans _liremenk -Neverink- as oidered -by tiler Fire - Depaitthent -of that eity,will consist of elm hook and ladder and two engine ectliManiei r These will march through the principal streets of the city to their hotel. The French G'overntnent and the npanloh Crown. Penis, July 6.—ln the Corps Legislatif to --Iday the-Duke de Gramont - , Minister of Foreign 4..onlirs, said it was true that General Prim had ~ciffered the throne of Spahr to the accepted—ifi _ ! ,(hilt the people of Spain had not pronounced on /the transactiourandTrance had yet to know details of an affair which had been con ,o-wcocted in secrecy. The French government :.would persist in neutrality, but under no pre text would it permit a German power to place .one of its princes on l the throne of Charles ,the Fifth: He hoped, hewever, that prilderice Gernianyand;vvusdoin in Spain wank! 'avert extremities. - - The I'aris joiunal.s unanithously oppose—the project o enePriu. ' • .1-119 "Pays (ImPelialist) Pnblishes a violent article, crying out for war. France, it declares, has recent diplomatic defeats, , aswell as Water loo, to avenge, and • Frenchmen are ready to take the sane road to-Jena and Berlin - which their fathers tooki, The*French journal coils attention to the fact:Abet the , German fleet is, tlinllediterranean._ The Berl press has represented that it was simply on an excursion, but now the fact ap pears:: portentous totsencif nateWsts: i .ratir' 6 oo . Mft'Ming scene in the Corps ' LegislatlftO=day. -After the • declaration made by the Minister of Foreign- Affairs, Deputy Pittard deigatided further 'information for the • -C'hamber.' It was the first duty of the depir 7 ties not to allovr France to be engaged in war without the assent of her representatives. .-M. Cremieux supported the demand, 'and added that war now meant war with Europe. .lle protested that he and his followem deemed peace imperativeiun.less their \ own and the dig nity of France required war. 011iVier, in reply, said the declaration of •the Duke de'Grarnont left no 'doubt that the .government ardently desired peace, and be felt sure that declaration would secure peace. The Chamber must know that the government sought to attain its object . in'a straightforward! \ manner. If it wanted war it would say so. It eri . woulet engage France without, consulting .he Charnhefs.- ;Te - latter should "'' decide ' If ethey,had no ~confidence In the • Cabinet they ,must throw itliside, and confide the interests of the ebniatrY . ,.to others deemed more worthy of taking care of ihem. , .DepatYßLlTtiaireasked by what right Gen. prim offered the crown to the Prince of Ho-; lenzollern. 011ivier said.he could not answer the ques-, ?ion 'of the Deputy, as he' was not yet .informed . of-the detalla of the negotiation. , • Some DePuties exclaimed that the Minister of Foreign Affairs: had been imprudent in making his declaration; -M. AragONvisbed to sPeek, butthp'Presldent, declared thadebate, closed.' , - • .11.Arage•replied that , the government mast" be afraid, of I.discitssion. He' accused it 'of laving madellohei!iz,:illern king, and then,de 7 daring boar,;',' . • , The president,'„derriareled- Order, arid en deavored tlibringtip the budget as the question for del:late; ,the Deputies .replled - with .patril otio sentiments: . The Chamber_was too •ex cited 'to diseuss tinenees 'and' he , sitting was diesoly d. PARI, July 6, , 81). is asserted' 'that" , the Fierlehlninkiter at Berlin was'recalledat4 CO-daY., „ . , A The'Spansh ambassador here was sent for-!. to day, by the' , Emperbr, with whom he had a „Icng interOl'eVi; P, lepotiVa Puttitre , 4i4tig. bieninn, July 6,.Midnight.—At a meeting of the Cabinetibis afternoon Regent Serrano and this Ministers unanimously confirmed General . Prim's selection of Prince Lec•poldinf Holen :zollern; for King ,of , Spain. The friends of, the,,adminietratiOn declare that tire CorteOvill.giza..a."_majority- eta_ least_t.wo_ dred in favor of the • election of Prince Leepold throne. 'the 1 mace will enter 'Spain <".•• ~~~` r. abot3i4 bttitygetolZr-iart, andes cOrtedlitini a i Spanish -Therele - great rejoicing in -the -city to-night ' over the final selection of a permanent ruler for 8 0a/a , tbil neiv'XitkWillbe, heartily well el;f , I,Copold's occupancy of, the' Spanish throne is now considered a toregtme 0114-Ihrs,t,owsiress—seeoriti sepst4n, LfiV.the Dated States 'Senate, yesteidayafteif noon, the Rivet and Harbor Appropriation bill was pissed amendments. A conforen'c'e report on the Post-office bill was agreed to, also, , the-feonference report, on the Currency - Thelatter provides for the issue of $54,000,000 additional currency instead of - $45,000,000. The Naval Aripropriation bill was taken up.'"TAn evening ,sessionwas held, but nothing Of general interest:was transacted. In the House; f Representatives a motion to impend the rules to adopt a resolution paying .$2,000,-to. George Tucker for expenses of con testing(Mr. Booker's seat failed for want of two-thlrds majority. Mr. Cessna, from the. Electiori,..Cornmittee, reported in the Indiana case of Reid vs. JuLan, that the latter, whd is the sitting is entitled to the seat. Va riottsJocal bills Were acted upon. Bill were also. :passed to . carry`out" decrees of U. S. Courts for payments for illegal seizures of British vessels. On motion of Air. Schenck, the Secretary of the Treasurywas called upon to furnish statements as to the vablic debt since the'organization of the „Government: A bill was passed allowing the Secretary of the Trea sury to increase the pay of customs inspectors.. The ,motion, , reconsider • the vote „the Louislina:tasts of Darrell _ vs. Bailey, giving Darrell tbe seat; was tabled,--and Darrell --was - sworn in. A conference repert, on the Pension bill was agreed to. Pending consideration of the case , ,of rattlek lYnods, the liouse ad jonined. Ig Bunorteigit9filektetceaZi Bulletin. BLABS. BE, JA.—Br fintdee, IdcDonald-70 tons logwo 25 or casks rum N W etzlar dc IUo. NASBAD.;NR.—.43thr. ritarb Johnsen-4000_ dozen pine apples s B , Beatteigood & 00...' , .. • .;... ' ' FILOVEREN -.--- TO OF OCEAN biTEASILEALS. ,- - t '-, I . ! . ... TO AERIVZ :. , 'AIM ', FROM lron ' Deli. • Weet 'tiNetrinolist.Bremen...New York • . June 21 Caledonia -. Glaagovr...New York June 22 Peruvian-. .'.44-Lisgrpeel,«Queben... .. June 23 C of 11 ens hester-LI verpbol...N ow York June 25 Cbius...-....;... .. .. .. Liverpool... New York June 25 Holsatia - 4:..:..:,.....11avre.i.New,Y0rk - June 2. Hermann i i Havre...New - York- June= „e TcP.DEPAAT. 1 3"'W - nre n PnlladaL.Charleiton-.....-- --July 8 i_- - Pereire-... - .4. - ..:',..New York-:-.11avre;...... -:..-:-.:...Ju1Y 3 Wyoming...,....l . biladelphis,Javannab- ._ July 9 0. - of Ilreoklyn.Nrir YOrls..:Liverpool —..-..:....-July -9- - Thilsatite _. New York... Hamburg July 12 C. of Iderldal...New Yorka.Yera. Cruz, ne .... --July 12 C. of Baltintore..New York... Liverpool via IL . July 12 Nevada" .New'York-Llverpool - July 13 China...-......u.i..fiew Yerk....Liverpool :.- Jul y-1.1 Caledonia.- .... ::...New'York...Glaegow JulY 13 Batarls New York... Liverpool—..-- ...... July 14. ,-- Morro - CluttleZ.New - Yorit;:llassana - - - - ::::.......Ju1y 14 G. Weehington-New York... New Orleans July IS City ntiirele-New _York...Liverpool._ July 16 Inata.:.a...-. - New york-Giargow ruly 16 mar The rt °am ere de*iirnated by an asteriek I • Icarry • the United atioten klaile. • • THOS. BOA RD OF T p RAE. CH RI BTLAN . HOFFMAN, idosTaLy Coma:lrn:3z THOB. C. BAND. . 1 MARINE BULLETIN.- fQBT:;OF•PHILADELPIIIA=Joix 7 Bum 'lnizs,4:37 I SUN BETS, 7 x3l HIES WATER . .,4I 49 _ AB.YED_YRSTERDSIt-1 . SlertnerTlLTtley ßl , Davis, 24 houre tram New fork,witb deb to W 31 Baird A: Co midse to - W - M - Batrd - & Co. Bark_Rebeob...,Pennoil, Reed, 'from Portlani;iri Val . at to Workman le Co. Bark Linda, Fleming, 4 day, from -Now York, in bal at to D 9 Stetson &Co. - Brig Bakke( BriadcDonald,l7 days from Black River, Javvotltitie'vrodand rarintolb - - - 21:Metalar - &.cn: - 213 d ult . 240014 7 83 25, spoke ship Mary. Russell. from New-Orleane-for- Amsterdam; 25th. lat 24 28, lon 8025, s-pk c brig John Sherwood, from _Matanzas forPhilivia. Brl e g 5I d. B(Br), Estes, 21 days from Black River. Ja. with logwood and rum to") B Wetzlar le Co. • , Schr Star (Br). Johnson: 10 , days from Nassau, NP. With pine applei to SB.Bcattergood & Co. . Scam Frank Jameson, Jameison,.4 days,from Provi dence, wltb mdse to Chas 'Malan] & Co. - •- - Behr Delmont, Gates, from' Bath, with ice to Knicker bocker Ice Co—vessel to. Warren /a Gregg.. Schr Nary Riley, Rile', 5 days from Boston, with mdse to Chair - Basle= & Co. . -- - - - Schr H L Sleight. Wit Letts from Boston _ with ice to order. BELOW. Scbr Rescue (Br I, Hatfield. train Havana. AT CHESTER. Erit - Protennalfall,l3=day a-frottt =ldatanzas,aith mo biseee to Thomas; iVattbon Sous—vessel to Warren & Gre&g CLEARED YESTERDAY. - Steamer Saxan,Sears.Boston; Wiksor & (Co. 7_. Steamer E N Faircbild.Trant.N.York, W M Baird&Co Steszner li L Gaw, Der, Baltimore. ,A Groves, Jr. Brig Jae Davie. Stowers. Boston; J C Scott & Sons. Schr Lizzie Frambes, Boston; J Rommel, Jr. & Bro. Schr Ceres, Trefethen, Dover. NH. Schr John Stroup, Crawford, Boston, . do Schr Br Et Dennis. Lake, Boston, , . , do Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. boats from July: is, 1810. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigiwi as follow!: - ?nary, with lumber to G W Hein; S 31 Blackford, do to Bolton. Christman it Co• Tiger. do to Watson ?Malone Co; C,i W Wagner, do to R olk B i, Bean; Leh Trans Co No 31; pig iron to Cabeen A: Co. . P. • ; —HAVRE DE GRAOR.4nIy The following hints left this morning in tow, laden and consigned as followe: NVest Drench and Battle & AHce,lturiber••to Taylor & Bette;, Addle.and W 8 Taylor, do to W Malone & Son; Helen '& Harry, lordlier to Glitinghard& Co; - Delaware, grain to Hoffman & Kennedy; John It Gloyer, shinglee toloatterson &Lippincott; li-J-Gurtithluirther-to Saylor, Day & Morey; Chas Debart, do to Dodge & Co. • • • • LEWES. DEL.O.nly."4:l:• yeetertfity, sebr Beeeue. Went to yea, brie nvanneb.'l At rho Breakwater, barks Aberdeen and Sarah Dndman; brig B F Nash, and a' brig and , 12 setae, nnknown... ' . MEMORANDA. Ship HermOriollinott, frothyßoston 16th Feb. at Cal cotta previous to I,t inst. Ship 8 Curling:Morse, from New York 2d Feb. in the oiling. Callao,26th May. • Ship Harriet . Erving, Gunnell' from ,New York 16th 'Jan. at Sydney. NSW, prior to 24th May. - Ship,l 1.1 Boynton, Waycott, sailed from innburg 23d nit. for Sweden. . . . Stehmerilremen.Leist, from Bremen 22d ultimo via Southampton, at New York yesterday. Steamer Norfolk, Platt. sailed from Richmond sth inst. for this port Steamer Samaria (11i); Marlyn, cleared at Now York yesterday for Liverpool. Steamer Rising Star, Maury, for Aspinwall, cleared at 'New York yesterday. , Steamer Pioneer Mr./f.Shaokforcl, at Havana 3d inst. from New York. • Steamer Morro Castle, • Adonis. from Havana, at New York yesterday. ' Steamer St. Laurent, Lemaire, from New York 24th ult. at Breet sth inst. for Ravi - 0. • Stenmor Teutonia, ,Bereuda,, from .New York 22d ult. Il or uviburg. at Plymouth fah inst. 8t b ul Bark Wt Tan Name, Craig; unc, remained at Cadiz t. Bark .11,P Lord, Thompson „hence for Matanzas woo spoken 26th ult. lat 2815, lon 75 45' Bark Arcturus, Zielke, from AntWern, was below New York yostorday—bas been reported, bound to this port. Brig Southern Crosa, Brown, at Mayaguez 19th ult. for this port • Brig 0 C Clary_, Gould, remained at Smyrna Ilth ult. - Brig Caroline Lddy, Goon, cleared at New York yes terday for Pernambuco. , Behr Thos J yrazer, Madge, at liaracoa 20th ult. from New York. DENTISTRV; kips LTIIIRTY . YEARS' ACTIVE PRA°. TICE:4pr. FINE, No. 219 :Vine street, below Third, inserts the handsomest Teeth In the city', at Pikes 'to suit all. Teeth Plugged, Teeth Repaired, xxchartod, or Remodelled to suit. Gas and Ether. No paiti.lnextracting. Office hours. Bto 6. .tah26-B,m,tu6m§ ,OPAL DENTALLINA.— A SUPERIOR artiste for cleaning the Teeth,destror leg animalcule , which infest them, giving tone to the gums and leaving a feeling, of ,fragrance and. perfect cleanliness in the month: It, may, be need daily and will be foetid tt strengthen weak and blending game while the aroms and detersitsenesewill recommend it Co every one. Be. ing compostidWith.the assistance of the Dentist, ,Physi• elanClixid 'allesVeconist, It is confidently offered as a reliable "finlistltatti for the uncertain washes formerly in intrient Den'tists4 acquainted with the, constituents of the Dentallitia, aavocatqlts use; it' contains nothing to prevent its rinreetrainedereploymeht: •Hade, only br • • "JAHEIi T. SHINN, ApothebarY4 ion sale by Druggists , Broad and BPrace streets. g nor__ a • red :Browne , D L Stackhcrase, Bossard & ; Robert 0: Davis, O. B. Heen,f," ower, /easel .Ha y , ;. ' ' Cha s ', !Shivers, . - ' 10. IL , ;Mies, : B. T. J. - B.o.Bunting, - Ambrosia Smith, ' ' Chad. H. Eberle, Hdward Parrish, James N. Harks Wm. B. Webb E. Bringhurst d 5 .00., • James L. Bispliaim ' Dyott & C 0.,. • - Hughes &I3ombe,, H , O. Ulair'e Sons, • Henry:A. Bower. t Wyeth & Bro. • TLEWY . ODGE .R S' :AND ,; WOSTENHOLINIS POCKETKNIVES, PEARL and STAG NAM LES of beautifnUflnieb• RODGERS' AO -WADE, & BUTONEWS. and the , CELEBRATED LECOOLTRET RAZOR SCISSORS IN OASES of theYfineetc Razors; Knives; Bantord and Table Cutlery ground and - tiollshodrrEß - INSTRUMENTS - of th-o-nfoortrbboved conotruotion to mist tbo bearing, at P. MADEIRA'S, Cutler and Surgicatlnetrumentilaker, ILI Tenth et roe. bel w Chestnut. tayltl PT ILAI)ELPHIA-11VtNING BUI4LETIN , ;;TRURSDAY, JUL 7, 1870. 1 `, ,- '', .i;' - l'i• - i 7 ...' - ',,• .. . -MM.ROO-e• I' INSURAROE-OffiVIPA-NY-- NORTH '.A.MERICA. Fire, Marine and Inland. Insurance Incorporated 1794. Charter Popetua Capital $500,000 Aisets, Jan: Ist, 1870, $2,783,581 Losses Paid Since Orgarti zatiOti, 826,000,000 Receipts of lemlacols, l 69, $1,9E01,837 45 Interest:fr.:nil lirreistilients, 1669, Losses paid, 1869, STATEMENT OF TNE ASSETS; First Mortgage on City Property.-- $766,450 United States Government 8 4 nd other ' Loan Bonds... ......... . .. ......1,122,846 Railroa‘,l, Bank and CallidStakti,— 6 . 5 5 , 7 08 Cash in Bank and Office 247,620 Loans en ColiatSral 5ecurity.......... 32,688 Noter - :Reeeivable,"mostly= Marine • Premiums ...1....J., 321 944 • Aecrued Interest 20,357• Premiums ,in course of transmission,. 851198 Unsettled Marine Premiums.... 100,900 Real Estate, Office of Coziapany Phila.. 30,000 Totat Atieby Jan. 1,1870, . $2,783,581 ARTHUR G. COFFIN ! • FRANGIS B. COPE. SAMUELAr. - 30NE8; -- • EDWr: HT - TROTTER • JO/IN A. BROWNY • • EDW. S. CLARKE, - - • CHAS: TAYLOR: T. CHARLTON HENRY AMBROSE WHITE. ALFRED D. JESSUP J ___ WM. WELSH, LOUIS*O. MADEIRA,' S. MORRIS WAIN. • CHAS - . - Vr; CUSHMAN JOHNMASON, - CLEMENT, A: . ORTSCOM GEO. L HARRISON, WM. BROCKIE .• . ARTHUR G. COFFIN, CHARLES PLATT, MATTHIAS iviAms, Sicreisry: 0 / H. REEVES, Atisiiiant Secietai7o Certificates of 111arine_rIrtsurance—Assued (when desired), payable at the Colpting.lloase of :%le.s - rs: Brown, Shipley & Co., LOndon. felt; th , • . 4829 %MASTER" PERITTUAL.IB7O FRANKIaN FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, , OFFICE--435-and-:437 chestnut St, • . Assets on January 1, 1870, *2,825,731 67. 'Capital $400,000 , Accrued Surplus and Premiums 3,416,731 ; INCOME FOR 1870, LOSSES PAID IN .- 5.510,000. $144,90S 42 LOSSES PAID SINCE 1529 OTEII $5,500,000. t'Persernal and Temporary Policies on LiberalVeniti. The Company also issues policies upon the Rents of all kinds of Buildings. Ground Re DISPUT ED mtgges. The .` FRANKLIN " has no GLAM. -- DIRECTORS. Alfred o.33aker, Alfred Fltleri Samuel Grant,Thomas Sparks, Geo. W. Richards, Wm. S. Grant, Isaac Lea, ' Thomas 131 Ellis, George Pales, Gustavus S. Benson. ALFRE G. BAKER, President. GEORGE 'PALES, Vice President. JAB. W. AIcALLISTER, Secretary. THEODORE DI. SERBS; Assiattutt Secretary. fe7 tde3l§ THE RELIANCE INSURANCE 002 d PANT OF PHILADELPHIA.- Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual. Office, No.loB Walnut street. •-• CAPITAL $300,000. Insures against loss or .4amage by FIRE, on Houses. .stores and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and or Furniture, Goods, Wares and Mercikandiss in town o) +onntryLO 13ES PROMPTLY AD lISTEICAND PAID. &seats, December 1,1869 ----- $401,872 41 Invested in the following fiocurities,vi ss First. Mortgages on City Property, well se- • • cured. .. . .....$169,100 X United S t a t es ffoveinmentloans.' ' 82,000 IX 'Philadelphia City 6 Per Cent. Loans. 15,000 OC • Warrants 6,03510 'Pennsylvania $3,000,000 6 Per Cent Loan... .... .$O,OOO CC 'Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, First Mortgage sap 06 Camden and Amboy Railroadompany's 6 Per Cont. Loan_ ' 0,000 00 ;Huntingdon and_Broad Top 1 Per Cent.. Mort- Bonds ' 4,960 06 "' County Fire Insurance Company's Stock." 3, 01 0 0 6 Mechanics' Bank Stock. 4,000 OC Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock. 10,000 00 Cnion,Mutual Insurance Company's Stock 19000 itte s i t i o a c n k ce .„, ln . .................................................. •- 4 1,200 00 flash in Bank and on ... ....... 16.31612 . T .. .O tT ß bam Worth at .par.......... ... ..:... .... .. ' • "..IBM 0372 43 rn .._ Worth at present arka prioes. • $409.696 53 111BEO ' . , Thomas H. 2doore, nel Bastmer, Janes T. Young, Isaac, P. Baker, Christian T. Hainaut, • Samuel B. Thema*, . d Bite r. %LAB O. HILL, President.. 22,1861 jal-tu th i ti Thomas U. Hill, William Musser, Samuel Bispham,i H. L. Carson, Wm. Stevenson, Benj. W. Tingley, Edward THO, WM. CHUMS, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, December THEE PENNSYLITAN.L4. FIRE INSU RANGE COMPANY. - Incorperated 1825—Charter Perpetual— No. 510 WA.fiNUY street, opposite Independence quare. This Company, favorably known to the community, for over forty years, continues to insure against lose or damage'by fire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or Torn limited time. Also onFurniture, Stocks of Goods and Merchandise generally; on, liberal The rapttal, together, with a largo Surplus Fund, is invested in he most - carefu manner,which enables them to offer to the;inent•ed an undoubted security in the case of loss.' Paniol Smith, Jr., Isaac Haziehurst, ornasitohins. John Doverous,, Franklin • ' DANII! WILLIAM G. CEOWELI frIHE COUNTY EIRE INSURANCE CON- J., PANY.-offide. Np. /18 South Fourth street, below phestnut: ' • • • *lnto rire Ineurance Opmosny, of the gouty of Phila.. diliphis.” incorporated by theLegialatu're of Penrisylva• . his in Igo, forindemnity against loss or daMaiie by are, exclusively. - MART= PERPE'BtTAL, This °bland reliable institution,' With ample capital and contingent. fund carefully li:wetted, continnee to in buildinge, furniture, merchandise, &a., either per • biationtly kr for a limited time, against lose or damage 1,3 , fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety' of its customers. 4%sses adjusted and paid wjle...a..i!poesible despatch. . • DW2l33:thi " '. kill as. J. Butter, Andrew or, Howl Budd, , ' • James Mane, J o hn• Horn, Rdwin Reakirt, --Joseph-Moore, • --Robert.V-Maseey, Jr; • Nark evine. 431°°r g e Diecke ' OHARL BJ. BB TIM, President. HENRY - BUDD. ice President. BENJAMIN F. SOEUELEY. Secretary and Traaanr 114,698-74 $2,X06,534:19 $1,035,386 84 DIRECTORS. PRESIDMtrfi, ntnnoTons. Thomas Smith, Henry Lewis, J.. Gillingham Foll, Daniel Haddock, Jr. i . A. Comly, :1, SMITH,' Jr., Presiddnt ,Secretary. twwitmer., -Lonoh aid: Globe. it.iG:o. sset:s Gold, i8,40dt,000 Da4 Receipts, $20,000 Preiniti, r ms in 7869, $5,884,000 LOSSeS in-i 869, - $3,2 I 9,000 No. '6 Merchaws' Exchawge, Philadelphia. INSURANCE COMPANY NORTH. AMERICA. Fire, Marine and Inland Insurance. INCOIIPORAT*D TIM - 01(111VER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, • • • • 8600,000 AJSISETS January let, 2.870 • • 02,783,681 Losses paid since organism._ _ _ lion, . . . 423,000,000 Itseelpts of Premiums, 1809, 41,991,837 X 46 Interestfrom Investments, - - - 1089 • . . . • 114,698 74 Losses paid, 1889, _ ° •.:... , - STATEMENT OF TUE ASSETS: - First Mortgage on CityYroperty... - G 266,450 00 United States Government and other Lori Bonds.— - 2,122,346 00 Railroad, . . ----- - - 55,7G8 B QQ Cash in Bank and. office.. .... 20,620 00 Loans on Collateral Security 82,668:00 Notes Reoeivable, mostly, Marine Pre miums. • F 21,944 00 Accrued Interest • ' 20,Ssi oo Premiums in COllllO of ..... 86,198,00 Unsettled Marine Premiums.- 100,90000 Real Estate, Office of, Company, Philadel7 82,T83,661 pp' - • - DIRECTORS. ' • Arthur o:Coffin, ' Franoje R. Cope, Samuel W. Jones, Edward-H: Trotter, John A. Brown, Edward 8. Clarkd, Charles Taylor, • T. Charlton HenrY.- • Ambrose White, Alfred D. Jessup, Wilma-Welsh; - Lonis_o.• Madeira . • iLlfforris - • :- • Cho .WC: . . Cushman.' lohn Mason, Clement A. Griscom, U - Brocklo ec"4lirrie°ll Aß — TErtr — ii G. COFFIN, P‘eaident • CHARLES PLATT, Vice7Prea't. MATTI:I7AS ELAIkIB, Sereitary, O.IH. Rams, Asa't.fiecretarr. certincausg of Marine Initurance: leaned (witen de sired).--payable at .the Qount;ing , ,Honee of -Messrs. ct Ce4London. • ASSOCIATION 7 . - oi - -PHILADELPHIA. - Ineorporated ilarch, 27, , Offioe6 , .' , No; 34 Nortirri ft h 'Street. INSIIBE-HUADINGff, -HOUSEHOLD EiTIINITURE AND DIEBA/HAIs;DISE GENERALLY FROM. LOSS - BY FIRE, (In the city of. Philadelphia only.) Atissetei January ,1x.:1870, 01,4572;732. „267. • - - -- William H. Hamilton, um il'e• P. Bolters John Darrow, • Peter Williamson, George I. Youni, . Jesse Lhtfoot, Joseph R. Lynda!, Robert Shoemaker.. ..... Levi P. Coats. Peter Armbruster. gunnel sparhaia, - M. H. pitc;dneon s ;.= Joseph - D. Schell.-- - -; •- -- WTI. II..HANLLTON. President, SAMUEL BPARHAWR, Vice President. WM.. T. BUTLER, Secretary. - riEL - AWAttE MUTUAL SAFETY INSII. RANCE "COMPANY, incorporated by the Legit,la- Baur° of Pennsylvania, 1b.35. , • • ffice,S.E. corner of -THIRD and WALNUT streets. Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES . • On Vessels, Cargo and Freight to all parts of the world • MANI) INSURANCES On-goods by riser,.canal,lake and .land carriag ""t6 all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merehandise gener'idly ; on Stores, Dwedings, _Houses date • ASSETS OF THE COMPANY . States 1,1800. •-• • - *1200,000 United States Fife; Per Cent. Loan, ten-forties. ...... . . * 1216,000 00 100,000 United States Six Per Cent. , Loan (lawful money) 107,760 00 50,000 United' States Six Per Cent. • Loan, 60,000 00 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 213,950 00 200,000 City Of Philadelphia Six Per • Cent Loan (exempt from tax)... • 200,926 00 100,111 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan ' 102.000 00 20,000,Pennsylvania Railroad. aFirst Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds.:. ' 19,430 00 26,900 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds.:: ' 2 3 ,000 26 26,000 Western Pennsylvania,-Railroad - Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Pennsylvania. Railroad guar. mama) ~....,t.. . . *1,000.00 30,000 State of Tennessee 'Five ' , Der ' Cent. L0an............... L 5,030 06 7,000 State of Tennessee . SiX . Per' Cent.. Loan 4,270 00 12,500 Pennsylvania • Railroad Com- ' • pang, 250 shares stock 14,000 00 • 6,000 North Pennsylvania _Railroad Company,loo shares stook. .. - . 3,900 0 10,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company, 80 shares stock. 7,500 00 246,900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Properties 246,900 00 Par. Market value, 411,255,270 00 Cost, 11,216,622 27.. Real Estate...-. 56000 OC Bills Receivable for Insurance made • • - 323,70011 Balances due at AgenciesrPre miums on Marine Policles,/Ao trued Interest and, other debta due the Company 65,097 sb Stock, Scrip, &a,. of sundry Cor, porations, $4,706., Estimated value c 1,740 30 Cash in Bank $168,M8 88 Cash in Drawer. ... . . 972 26 " 169,221 14 titxti.too • , , DrGEOT °Rib Thomas O. Hand, Samuel E. Stokes, !John C. Dacia, William G. Botdton, lEirnund E. Solider, Edward Darlington, iTneophilus Paulding, • - H. Jones Brooke, ;Janes Traquair, . _Edward Latourcade. , .Henry Sloan, , Jacob jtieuel, illenry C. Dallett; Jr., Jacob P, Jones, James O. liand , Jamet B. WFarland, William O. Ludwig, . Joshua P. E rlca n erei li H;oosep, Seal; , , Spencer Bl' , 'High Craig, ~ , , , . ~. 11. Frank B t obineen i , ~ ... 'John D. Taylor, ' '' J. B. tieeple, Pittsburg, ,George W. BernadOtt; :A. B. Borger, ' , l William 0. Houstonb lomA g e T . .ll A ol l izn i i reatdolt. _.' JOHN A. ;AVIS, Vic@ President. HENRY I,YLBDEN, Secretary. HENRY BALL, Assistant Secretary, ITNITED FIREMEN'S INStritANCTi 1 1,) OOMPANT OF PHILADELPHIA. This Compan takes risks at the lowest rates consistent with sa f et y , an d confines its business exolusivelr to FIRE INSURANCE IN THE - CITY OF PI lA. OFTIOE—No. TES Arch P str H eet. Fourth National Bank DIBEGTOBS • w lo m hu A ßi a rs o t iin. Thomas J. Martin, Henry W. Brenner, • Albertue Ring, Henry Btunns, Ntn ,„ „ gaut James Wood j William Glenn, Charles J u ge, James j„„ r J. Honyy Askin, • Alexander, T. )7ickson, Hngh eiulligan Albert O. Roberts Philip Fitzpatrick. • .. James F, Dillon. CONItAD B.ANDBEBB, President, .WM. A. "ROLM, Traul. WM. H. FA.OIIII. BOOT. - A MERICAN FIRE INBUAANOIO COM. PALNY, inhorpbeated 1810.—Ohartor perpetual. No. 310 WAL.I.MT etroet, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large pal3-up Capital Stock and Surplus in. vested in sound and !available Securities, continue to , Insure on dwe ll. llings, stores, •futaiturc, merchand ise'"merchandise'" 'vessels in port ;and their cargoes, end other Persona property. , 11 lessee liberally and PtomPtlY adjusted. Dit.litCTOS. Thomas ll:Maris, Edmund G. Dritilh, John Welsh, Charles W, Poultners Patrick Brady, Israel Morris, John T. Lewis, John P. Wotherlll, William W. Paul. ' • . , - TllohlllB B. DIARIS. Prestdant. ALisztv O. 0 amwont). Eleoretarr. VAMEI INSURA.NOIO COMPANY, NO. -L BOP CHESTNUT STREET. • INOOBPORATED -1856. °GARTER PERPETTIAL., CAPITAL,B2OO,M. PIRG nisulteilolll EX C LUSIVELY. arumres against Lou or amage by Piro, either by Km' "I veinal or Temporary . Policies. .• • aritacrcas. • o..arles 'olitirdatet. R o bert Pearce, Wm. II: uhawh, John Kessler, Jr., M. fieYferto 'Edward B. Orne, John F.•Strultb, • Charles Stokes, • 4 Nathan Hllles' ' ' --John W. Evernians, George. _ Mordecai Buzb_r pH/LIMES ZOHARDBON_ es,Pr' Melds WM. H. BRAWN. Vioe•Tresidest. • uademe BupsoaanDiOemum *put CHARTER PERPETUAL • . .• • MUTUAL FIRE INSORANO_E'o,ooszletirrtqf Ana:. MA STOWS OFFICE NO. CZ Montgomery: Take Risks in" Philadelphia and Bucks Comities, en the most favorable terms, n_pon , DlVellings', Barna,.blerchandise, -.Furniture , and Farming Implo meuts,including Hay, Grain, Straw, Act., etc. DIRECTORS. . , • Spencer Roberts, " Nicholae Rittenhouse, John Stallmon, Nathart...,Le. Jones, Albert Ashmead, James Langstroth, Joseph Handsherry. Chas. Wm. Ashmead, M. D., Joseph Boucher, Abram Rex, Chat. Millman: ' . Stokes. _ IR ItOBICRT. President.... etary and - Treasurer: M. H. LEHMAN, • • Assistant, Secretary. SPENCE BRAS; H. ATOKES. Seen my2B to th "m sox ~is~a INSURELNOIII VOW PANY of Philadelphia.-0111oe,No. 24 North. littti street, near Market street. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Charter perpettal. Capital and Assets. If 160,000. Make insurance against Lose ordamage by Fire on Public. or Private Buildings, Furnit Ore, Stocks, Goods and Mar. ',bandies, on favorable terms. DIESOTOES. . Wm. MODSvidds . Edward P. Moyer - --- Israel Peterson,: Frederick Ladner John F. Delsterlln , Adam J. Glues, Henry Troemner, Henry Delany, • . Jacob Schandein, , John Frederick Doll, Christian D. fhb*, Samna Mier, w i n i em. D =LI : Fort, WILLIAM McDANIELL, Preaent. ISRAEL PETICBSONVice President Pam, Z. Clotarsten. Secretary and Treasurer. T Itit ACI T$ LNSIIIIANOR COM. PANY.—OHAIITER PERPETUAL. ißlice, Nor 311 WALNUT Street, - above Third, Phileds, Will insure against Lou or Damage by Fire on Build- Inge, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and MorclumdisageneraUy. Also, Marine Insurance' on Vipsols, Oargilei and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. L. DDEIZOTORS. • 1 William Eimer Lewis Audenried, Wm. 31. Baird: John Ketcham, - John R. -Blactiston, _ J. E. Baum William F. Dean, John B. He , - Peter Sieger Samtied H. Rothermel. WILLIAM SHE'R, President. WILLIAM.IP DEAN, Vice President, Wm. M. SatrrnXeoretarY. _iantn than. 92,108,53419 191,055,386 84 Security from Low by Burglary, Bob., • • . ' bery, IFlte , O* Accident. , - THE FIDELITY' INSURANCE,TREST AND SAFE DEPOSIT 'COMPANY, OF PEtItADELPHIA, •J IP THEIR. NEW MARBLE. FI.RE-PROOF BUILDING, • - Nos. 329-33)L. Chestnut. Street._._- - Capita/ ittbscribed, $l,OOOOO ; paid, $550,000. COUPON BONDS, STOCIN, SECURITIES,FAciTI; Y PLATE, COIN, DEEDS and VALUABLES of every description received for cafe-keeping, under guarantee, at very moderate rates. The Company also rent,BARES.INSIDE...TIIETR ' I3 IIIIGLAR-PROOF - YAULTS, at prices varying from, ela tO 1575 a year, aohording . to sire. An extra bize_for L_Corporatiorul .Booms-and desks adjoining vaults provided for Safe Renters. , - DEPOSITS OF MONEY' RECEIVED ON INTEE EST, at three per cent.; payably by, check ,''vrithout no tice, and atfour per cent., payable by check, on ten ' days' notice. . TRAVELERS' LETTERS :OF ClREDlT — fitmistied available in all parts of. Europe. INCOME COLLECTED.and remitted , for one per ct The Company act as EXECUTORS. ADMINISTRA TORtirrnd GUARDIANS, and :RECEIVE and EXE CUTE TRUSTS of every description, from the 'Courta corporations and Individuals. • . N. B. BROWNE President: -• C. H. CLAMS.; Vice President: ROBERT PATTERSON, Secretary and Treasurer- • DIRECTORS. • - N. B. Browne, , Alexander Henry, Clarence ll:Clark, - • Stephen . A: Caldwell,' John Welsh, George F, Tyler, Charles Blecaleater, Henry C. &limn, Edward W. Clark, _,*- - - Henry Prate . myl4 tu • , • THE P.HILADELPHIA TIVITST -SA.-FE DEPOSIT _ AND INSURANCE COMPANY, AII TI 4/l ir t m THE PIINSII7aIMAG. .No. 421 CHESTNUT STREET. FOT SAKE-AREPING Of GOVERNMENT BONDS and other SECURITIES, FAMILY PLAZE,Jawur.riv,iind ether VELII. ARLES, ender special guarantee, at the lowest-rates: Thetdompapy also offer for Bent at rates varying from fo'S'7s per annum, the renter alono holding the key, SMALL SAFES TN. nr.tE BUEGLARTROOF VAULTS, affording absolute SEPURITY against FIRE, THEFT ,BITE. GLARY and ACCIDEIjT. . All fiductarfobligatione, such as Tattsrs,ArtniArt• EXECUTORSHIPS, etc., will ba undertaken-and faithfully discharged. . _ _...._. Circulars givin g fultdotails,forwardod on application '• - ' DIRECTORS. Thomas . Bobins, Benjamin B. Oomogye, Lewis R. Asiihnret, Augustus Heaton, J. Livingston Erringor. P.'Hatchford Starr, B. P. llicCullaffh, Daniel Haddock, Jr., Edwin hi .I.ewim, Edward P. Townsend . James L. Claghorn , John D. Taylor, Hon. Wm. A. Porter. OFFICERS. President—LEWlS R. ASH.IIOIIIST Vice President—J. LIVINGSTON ERRINGEB. Secretary and Treasurer—B. P. McOULLAOH. Solicitor—RlCHAßD L. ASEHUBST, GROCERIES. LIQUORS. &C. Curing;Packing and Smoking Establishment JOHN BOWER it`C 0., Curers of Superior Sugar-Cured Hams Bayard Tongues, and Provisions Generally, S. W. COI% Wweniy4o l arth and Brown Bts. mr2.44n th n3rtis SHERRY, . VERY SUPERIOR and 'pure Spanish Sherry Wine at only $9 00 per gallon, at COUSTY'S Eust ilnd Grocery, 110 South Second street, below Chestnut. riLABETS.—EXTRA QUALITY TABLE 'NJ- Clarets, at 841 cm 86 find $7 per case of dozen bot -tles—of recent Importation-,in store and for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Becloud street, below Chestnut. . CALIFORNIA SALMON.--=FRESH Selman from California ; avery choice article ; for ertie at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 11S South •Secoud street, below Chestnut. !EA MOS.S•FARINE—A NEW ARTICLE )j for, food, very choice and delicious, at OOUSTY'S ,Eitht End Eirdcery, No.llB South Second street, below ChesAnut. iIIifIITTON HAMS.—A VERY CHOICE 111 article of Dried Mutton, equal to tho beiit dried beef, for sale at COUSTVS Eaat End tirocerY i No. 112 South Second street, below Ottehtnut; 81,852,100 04 JUST RROErVED AND IN STORE 1,000 cases of Ohairmagne, eparkling.Oitawba and Vail ferule Wines, Port;llladeira, Sherry, J maica and Santa 'Craw, Rum, lino old Brandies and Whiskies, Wholesale and Retail. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, Below Third and Walnut streets, and above Dock street. de7 tf T ORDANB CELEBRATED PORE TON Dcl, - • A101'1:4'111Val ids ;- The subscriber. ie now, furnished with his full Winter supply of MS highly nutritious and well-known borer 'age. Its wiclo-spread and increasing use, by order 01 physicians, for, invalids, use of families. ctc., commend it to the attention of all committers who want a strictly pure article ;,prepared from the best materials, and put up m the most careful manner for. home use or transpor. tation. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly supplied, P. J. JORDAN, No. 220 Pear street, de? below Third and Walnut streets. AIACHINERY. IRON, &v. 'MERRICK & SONS A SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, MO WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, STEAM ENGINXS—Righ and Low Pressure t Horlsoti tal; Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and Oornisk _ BNILIVIN-fOilinder, Fine, Tubular, &o. STEAM. HAMBIERS—Nasmyth and Davy styles, and ot a sizes. CASTINGS—Loam; Dry and Green Sand, Brass, 80. OOFS—lron Frame s for covering with Slate or Iron. ,TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Iron,for refineries, water, oil, &c. GAS MACIEILGERY—Sach as Retorts r ßeneh Castings. Holders and . Frames, • Purifiers, Coke and Ohareoa/ Barrows , Valves, Governors, &o. SUGAR MACHINEREI—Such as Vacuum Pans and Pumps, Defecators, Bone Black Filters, Burners Washersand Elevators, Bag Filters, Sugar and Bons Black Care, dm. Sole manufacturers of the following specialties:— In Philadelphia and vicinity,of William Wright's Patent ; Variable Cut-off Steam Engine. In the United States, of Weston's Patent Self-center ins anti Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-draininglffa• chine. Glass & Barton's improvement oh Aspinwall & Woolsey', r Centrifugal, • lilartal's Patent' Wronght-Iron Iletort Strahan's Drill Grinding Rest. • . ,Oontraators for the design, erection and fitting tip of Re • finerlesfor working Sugar or Molasses. CIOPPER 'AND YELLOW METAL 114,) 13 halal/log, Briizier's Cooper Nulls, Bolts and Info l intrior r4r.l4.°°l26llgligniri t f u r solo by HE"' rye'. • PROFESSOR JOHN BUCHANAN, M. D. can beeonsulted personally op by, letter in all dis eases. Patients can rely upon a safe, 'speedy, and per. inanent cure an the PrOfesimv, prepares and-furniahes new, eoientitlo and Positive remedies . specially'adapted to the wants of the patient. Private officee in College Building, N 0.614 PINE atroet. • Wilco lumre from 9 A. r3,t09P.M.. ly E=M Ohat;. SAFE DEPOSITS. CAPITAL, $500,000. fe2 we 6lni 'PERSONAL --g..,==-4,-,=7 .:' 7, x.,if1 4 .09e„4 1 g m ' AUCTION - NALEs+ 4.1.11..• :_itir_wsortuttua jaa ,stefuitulmok- Nos and 141 p ontitfitOlTATll NUMB Ot STOOKS AND IionAI , 7OBTAT/IN , t• •, INT Pubito sales at tha Ptllladalid#ll Axlangts fors7f TlTEedit& la alclacit„.. •-• • •/ ~ ...,- , or iiiitiri sales it ihi Atuottini st o re' mats THURSDAY. ._•_, , • , . . ••• _ • NT Baler at VAlddencesmi3fitintiectial attantlaa . • IdISOELIANFR)OiI 1100 HE 11120 M: Littneures, , ON TIIIIRSDA1( AFTEENOONv July 7, at 4 •o'clocat, r • • . • Sale'. No. 1820 Arch street,' ' - ELEGANT FintNITURE, Jac. ON MONDAY MORNING, • July 11. at 10 o'clock, at No. 1820 Arch' street, by. cater . loguo, the entire Furniture of a - gentlemen goingika, Europe, comprising—Rosewood Parlor' Suit, - covered with crimson satin; Centre and Bouquet Tables, BOW wood Plano; made by Nonni; ./t Clark; 'elegant Bleated and Pier Mirrors, fine Lace - Ourtains,Carvkl Gilt car 1111C08: firved Swiss Walnut lock-and Ornamenta l Walnut BallFurniture,Pining Room Furni ture, Extension Table, Chitia_Olass and Plated Ware, - Secretary Bookcase, superior ' Walnut Chamber Furni ture, fine. Spring and Maw Matresses, Bolsters 'and •P/1- Tows, Wardrobe, mirror doors; elegant Axminster; Vel vet and otber Garnets, Jorge Musical I Box, bandsonts. Gas - - Chandelienrcand-Fixtures, small-Fireproof Saris made by_Ferrer k_BerrinkL Kitchen Uterisils, - Bm. firir Furniture made by Moore & Oamplon. Sale N 0.701 South Second street. ' • FIXTURES OF AN ICE' CREAM SALOON. AND CAKE HMI ERY, -COUNTERS,' SHOWCASES, MARBLE TOP TABLES, SOO& WATER FOUN TAIN, ICE OREAM AIANS AND MOULDS, B&KR PANS, &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING. Julyl2, at 10 o'clock by catalogue, at No. Mt R outh' Second street , the entire Fixtures, comprieing--02oun tere, Showcases, marble-top Tables, Chairs, Velvet Car pets, Oil Cloth ,. Soda Water . Fountain-and Apparatus K a - large ptiantlty of Ice Cream Cads and MouldsvOopper Kettles Bake Pane, . Jelly Meulds, Candy , Slabs. arid - Cntters', Bread Ttoughs, Ice Cream Plates,CakerStatales Glass Jare, Lc: . , May be examined on the morningioreale at 8 o'clock. ' Sale No. WO Marshall street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BENDING,. CARPETS. HORSE AND CARRIAGE; HARNESS...tie: . ON TUESDAY MORNING, • July 19; at 10 o,'elock, at - N0:990' flartithallatreet, Girard avenue, the 'Walnut and Mahogany Houselfold' Furniture, Bookcase, Piano, Carpets, Bedding, Refr/ge-' rater. &e. Alec Bay Hone, 8 • years old; about 13K- . hands high: Also Doetor'gCdrrlage, Harness ; ihoo, • 1 May be examine on the mosining or sale at 8 o'clock'.; rimomas BIR 'Bt SON 2 AM-11101M -1 BEES AND. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No, 1110 CHESTNUT etreot, • • Bear entrance No. 1107 Sansom street. Household Furniture of every description , received on Consignment. -- . Bales of Furniture at Dwellings - attended to, on..the most reasonable terms. • •- • - . Sale No. 1110 Cheiirntif street: • HANDSOME WALNUT PARLOR, CHAMBER; LI- , BRARY AND DINING. ROOM OFURNITURE. BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS,,__MANTEL` -AND-PIER GLASSES. OIL PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, SPRING AND' HAIR MAT BESSE% BRONZE MANTEL. CLOCKS, DEOO - CHINA TOILET SETS AND SPITTOONS. COTTAGE FURNITURE,. SILVER PLATED, , WARE AND TABLE CUTLERY; CHINA AND. GLASSWARE, Ac. ON FRIDAY FRIDAY MORNING: at 0-o'clock. at -, -N0.,1110 Chest street, - -'lollLbe'llati' - a large assortment of New and Secondhand Hotniehol Furniture, Carpets.- Mirrors, -Pianos,- Paintings and --- Engravings, Silver-Plated Ware; ChinacOlassware,Ale• --- SECONDHAND FURNITURE.' Also, a large assortment of Secondhand Furniture. • from familes. • EAST INDIA, LACES, _OPERA CLOAKS. 'etc. • • : Also, at 12 0 - clock, Will be Bold the following— . I lady 'a East India Lace Sash. Handsome Coshmore--OperaCloalts,--riehlY'embro,4' ered•with silk. 12 rich Handkerchiefs, embroidered edges. • 1 Bamboo Cloth Dross Pattern. 1 Chinese Silk Dress Pattern. 2 Elegant Eastlndia ShaWls. Sale at No. 913 Chestnut street: - - - ENTIRE STOCK OF , FINE CIGARS- AND TO BACCOS, MEERSCHAUM AND FRENCH CLAY PIPES. LARGE CHINESE VASES,. 3 SILVER MOUN TED SHOWCASES. - COUNTERS, SHELV ING, JARS, GAS FIXTURES; MIRRORS, EN GRAVINGS. SIGNS. &c. ON SATURDAY" MORNING, July-9. at-10 o'clock, at-No.--013-Cheetunt- street, -- be - sold. the entire stock of One Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, Ac. Also, three silver-mounted • Showcases. with French Plato . Glass; Counters; Shelv ing, lino Meerschaum and Clay Pipes, Engravings.Mir.i;,- Kora. Rm. PAttlirINGS, OIL-CLOTHS, &c' Also, a:portion of t - ha:.Honßohotd , ,,Fnrnitur - e,-eompris-'-,- ing large Bookcase ;Pier Table, Pahalinge and Oil Cloths. Ac; • - ' TAMES -A. .r.REEM - AN;AITUTIOMMi k " - Xi). 422 Walnut alma }MAL .118TATn BALL JOLY , I3, UT& on — next — WZDNBSDA.I - ; -- st 7- 12= - 4P - olook. --- noon, at the - Exchange. , will Include— r.‘ ' No: 212 - LOMBARD BT--Derrltable 3 etory btlok atom - rind dwelling, - and - lot; 20 - by. 101 feet. Orphans' Court. Bale. _Estate of John A. Batter, dtc'tt. ' No. P6l N. FIIrTEENTII ST-3-story brick dwelling and lot, 13 by.6o feet. Orphans' Court Sale,.— tate. TWELFTH' and OLIVE STS—Taverit: Stand' and, dwellings, at 8. - W. corner, lot 19 by 58 feet. Orphans' Court Sale. Same Estate. - No. 947 N. TENTH: ST-3-story brick dwelling and 2. : brick court houses and lot, 16 by 100 febt to Alder et. Orphans' Court Sale. Same Estate. ST - 3 . story'brtek'stere'aud - digell.-- hig and 2 brick court houses one. lot, 16 by 100 feet tto Alder st. Orphans' Court Sale. -Borne Estate, - - --No: 939 ALDER ST-2 three-story brick court .houses and lot. 16 by 40 feet, above -- .r_c_iplar_ot. Orphans! Court Stinte'Esta.T67 - • N 0.139 JARVIS ST-2-story brick house, Ist Ward, lot 13 by 63f00t. -Orphans"Court Sale. Same Estate. N. TWENTY-NINTH ST—Building lot, 1814 by.llo feet. - above Emmet street, 23th Ward. Orphans' Court Sale. Same Estate. No. 999 RANDOLPH ST—Three-story brick dwelling and lot. 16 by 7/.5i feet. Orphans' Court Sale. Estate of John Heining, deed. No. 440 ST. JOHN ST-3 story brick lager boor en loon and dwelling and lot, 19 by 70 feet. Orphans' Court , Sale. Estate of Job& Hoch, decd.• -• B. E. COR._42D and IIIARKET STS—Valuable build ing lot 85 by 100 feet. 'Subject to 8104 50 ground rent. 19TH' and BROWN STS—Three story brick gro :cery store and dwelling, at N. W . corner, lot 16 by 60 - ft. 2700 fluty, remain. No. ' 1426 PHILIP ST—Three-story br'ick house and' lot 16:by 56 feet. Orphans' Court Sale: Estate of Mary !Rally. dee'd No. 726 JEFFERSON ST—Throe-Story brick dwelling and lot, 16 by 35 feet. corner of Perth street. Orphans' Court . Sale. Same Estate. • -' - No. 1021 MILTON E4T-2 three•etory brick houses.2nd Ward, lot 15 by 58 feet to Donley et Subject to 8313 i ground rent. GROUND RENTS-2 of 82631 each, payable in silver and promptly. paid. Executors! Sale. Estate of :Edward Royal, dec'a. ,y B - BABBITT & CO:, AUCITIONEMIS s : CASH 'MOTION HOGBEi t No. 230 'MARKET Wrest. comer of Bank 'steet ASSIGNEE'S SALE—BY OATAI4OGUE, ON FRIDAY MORNING. , July 8,, commencing at 10 o'clock, by, order of B. L., • Temple, Assignee, large stock Gents' Furnishing Goods. 36 dozen best quality custom-made Dress Shirts, 60 dozen pure linen Shirt Bosoms. Also, 6 cases assorted Dry Goods, Silks, Cloths. G&W mores, &c. Also, 100 lots super quality Ready•made Olothing. ' Also, 200 lots Miscellaneous Goode, Hosiery, ors &c. Also, caseallion.'s mul Boys' Straw. Hats.. dTIN BROTRERS, AUCTIONEERS, No. 704 CHESTNUT street. above Seventh, Salo Otsego street below Washington avenue. '- FIXTURES OP A FIRST-CLASS DISTILLERY, CISTERN. COPPER STILL COPPER WORK, • MASH TUBS, FERMENTERS, PAN BLOWER ' . WATER PUMPS. 2 HIGH AND LOW WINE- MILTERS, LARGE LOCOMOTIVE BOILER, ! SMOKE STACK,IRON AND COPPER PIPE, ' YEAST CANS. TUBS, dm • •• •.• ON TUESDAY MORNING." July 12, rit 11 o'clock. by catalogue, at the Distillem.; Otsego eyelet, below Washington avenue, betwesa-Nront and Swanson streets. DAVIS & HARVEY , AUCTIONEERS,. (Formerly with M. Thomas at Sons.) Store Nos:4B and iio North Sixth street. par Sales at Residences receive particular attention. 111:,1" Sales at the Store every Tuesday. . SUMMER OF 1870. W NOTICE.,-e will continue our Regular. Salon Of Furnituretc., at our A notion Rooms. every :117E SDAX MORNINeg during the Summer. ....* T A. MeCLELLA_ND, AUCTIONEW , 1219 CHESTNUT Street. - • • • Mgr Personal attention given to Sales Of nonsehglif Furniture at Dwellings. ' ' • 117' Public Sales of Furniture at the Auetlon Reams 1219 Chestnut street, every Monday and Thursday. MET For particulars see Public) Ledger. ' • Mid' N. 13.—A superior °lase of ifurultare•at Priiitife r y Sale. TIRE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLIW MENT, S. E. corner of SIXTH and RACK streetiC,?' '• Money advanced on Merchandise generally—Watehext,A • ' Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and •on all . articles of value, for any length of time agreed og WATCHES AIM JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SABELZ Fine Gold Hunting Casa, Double Bottom Ands • Face English, American and Swiss ' Patent Letetc,';" Watches ; Fine Gold Hunting Cane , and Open Fae0 0 1,044 - 4.''''‘. pinoWatchea; Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches 4 . Fine Silver Bunting Case end Open:Face English rican and Swiss Patent Lever and. Lenin° , Watcher" Double Case English Quartler and otheriVatobeWLigt , dies' Fancy IVatchee, Diamond , Breastplue,., Flrigato , ' Rings, Ear Rings, Studs, &o.• Fine Gold Maine, Medal. • lions, Bracelets, Scarf Pine, 'Breastpins, Finger 141100 Pencil Cases, and Jewelry generally. .• • • FOR SALE—A largo and valuable Fire - prO9r. V4l!Vlll*it suitable for a Jeweller ; cost ,S6to. Also, several Lots in South Camden, Fifth and , ObeitV,' . nut greens, BUNTING, Dußppßow &Tao. kiferroixisuifil • ' Noa. and 234 Blarkett. ofteet. corner of -134kuk. i -+ T. L. A1311.13E1D GB & BEng. No. MB 11A1111111Tstreet:aboirt' ,I[IVST ITCT.ICONS ... . ... _ kti :LE . PH ]A 6 111 1 D IN 1 0 G . dil - oC l iri t o .%34lar , : ot, ti root, is own daily for Ladles andii t tisettlientin.! - ,1t1i:..: a tbo largest, beet lighted and - heated ea atilmettz .-=----;;;- •'- ho city. Tho horses are WO thoronghl . broken, for: ! ' ' .. oat timid. An Afternoon Class for 0103,8X44144 .14,17', 1 64 ending school, Monday, Wednesda and , irrlditYfhren' n Evening C lass for Gentlemen:- .. ;.. 4 . • • , trained for the saddle, Bones taken . to, . -," ii, , * °me carriages tahire, ? Storage for. ea :ii ' i ' ' • t„ 13 34 i' I v .. ( 1 .-- SPIRITR •'T OR D•T. 14 - 'al TAB. -3A4 Wile. Spirits TurPqAtlik 3 Virgibia R 08112; 201 bblo. No, 2g.. mington'"far; landine fro. , Pale by 8.11. ROWLEY 16
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