• 1:43i01.1:1", =IEI } _, _.: ~ :~=. ~18. ._:~~~'Q lttlii-Atini,iiiitetti;iillrleilitligtittikr;.• r .4tesay. ' I..II)TEL EILONP;!dINZ. 1N DRESDEN. Eueflab opekeo l t too ilimriotor nod the ottendAnt , Coodoriohlo;okfell-lundOld Booms; cold' atl and Pitta.tat . t' ionllol3. IZ'oiA; toblo d'h , te• or l d'.t4derol e, fiNed rif t' p are the inchirenintitii ed by thiA firnt -elate+ lintel. ttsurad 17eyer. EnTi.aster and - ltia (mass . tuner of the celebrated Iron Frame Piano, has recetvea the prise Medal of tle , World's Great Exhibition. Lon don, England, . The highest prizes awarded when and cabs , ever exhibited. Warerooms,722 Arch street. Established 1823. myl e m wtf§ 61€70. - I — Sfick 49t Co.'s 431 rand; - Square and - Crrwht Plums. Pianos toront. J. B. GOULD, • tn 28 eve tfc, No. 923 Chestnut Oltreot CITY BULLETIP. State of Thermometer This Day at the Bulletin Office. • ID & M........ 71 deg. 12 Bit 72 deg. 2P. deg. Weather raising. Wind Northeast. FUN AND FORT RTE.—About twice a year the unclaimed packages in our express com panies are so.d at auction. They are supposed ptp_revionsly to have been opened. The Messrs. Martin. Brothers; Auetioneers, yesterday sold 1.500 packages accumulated in the office of the Central Express Co. A.AUSIIIII, the sale drew a good gathering of people. The Lidding,. however, wasn't as spirited as we have seen in times gone by. Two years ago we saw people draw valuable prizes in this auction lottery: . A negro porter got a. camel's hair shawl, and an errand boy, for less than $2, found himself the, possessor of a gold watch. • __ln.the present case the bidding was done shyly. Our reporter went in fora dollar'S worth of luck.l For that sum he became the owner of .a cigar box. The box looked.' as if filled - With regalias. - Its actual content; were stencil plates. They. Pore the name of J. J. Scroggs. If Scroggs wants 'em he can have The goods were sold in the Morning and de -livered-in-the-afternoon..—The-delivery—wa.s - _made in, the basement of the premises. Nearly everybody, opened his package as soon as put into his hand. There were few ladies among the buyers. One of 'them we have regularly seen at corresponding_ sales. for at least ten years past. She is a fine woman, with figure tending to embonpoint. - For three dollars she ._secured_a_baby%.,,drass;.__As_ slie_neVer W4B_ married. he article will probably be presented to some one who is. One man got a nice dozen of spoons for sixty cents, while a third got a marking punch in the. name of a quack doctor whO either is or ought to be in Mori- • - .3llo:o44.Pristiri.lit ce. - old - gentlenaan:. with - a bald.bead. got' -for . - five siollars.a lady's. Wig,_ orth thirty. dollars. Having a bald aunt, the auctioneer's salesman magnanimously•took•it his hands. ' M any of thrlpackages thus sold are refused by the persons to whom they are addressed. - Comparatively few fail to reach the locality of their destination. The accumuletibii lathe' greatest during . the month of April. The April fool game is common in the country. Of June fools we yesterday saw a good many. An . imitation rosewood box was run up to-,sl2.by . one of.this pattern. It was entirely_empty...Lt was addreSsed to a lady- up town. Many of the.packages contained patent medicine. A box, for which a foolish fellow paid $lB in the expectation that it contained a watch, bad in it only a new-fangled syringe. The sale was conducted alternately by the Brothers Martin. In both gentlemen runs a vein of quiet humor. __While they congratulated_ those who were - lucky, they sympathized with those who were --_stuck.__With_-__a_7_clerical=looking=gentleman_ who gave eight dollars for a book of indecent pictures they joined in lamenta tion. In this case you pay your money with - out hay i ng-your-choice.— This-was---th- your-choice.— This-was--the--case with a chap who get a pair of spectacles of - such-tu agnifying : power that-he -undertook-to kick, on the opposite side of the basement, a , Alogthat looked AS if just preparing to take a - taste of his-leg. The bidding was short and to the point. One man who had deposited_ fifty dollars previous to the sale got almost as many packages as he spent of dollars. With 'the exception of a' bottle of hair dye and a microscope worth about five dollars, he abandoned as worthless the rest of his chaWeS.. - A Vary little Woman with-a face like -an ad2O - got handSonie tibawl for - 81 - GM - - A well-known eitizen,who fears dogs EL9 be fears hydrophobia; paid $8 60 for - a box of powder -to-cure—the= inarig,e-The powder- -lies ---wberobe'indiknalftlythreW•iirr--thirodaitre ._ofßansorn strt.::et. A firlditat butter brought'lla-cents a pound. It - had degenerated into oart..grease. It was bought by a woman who looked as if he kept boarders. Her frock was rich•in the ma terial of which people make soap. A set of false teeth fell to a gentleman who could bite corkscrews; steel pens or gimlets—the style of teeth that think no more of going through a - tough steak than a bullet think.s of passing through a cheese. ' -- "Take it altogether, and we incline to the ciphion that buying unclaimed express packages at auction is a rather 'slow way of making money: While we enjoy the humor of the thing, we don't care to dip into it very deeply. INDEPENDENCE DAY.--The proposition to have a parade Of the First Division National Guards on Monday ; the anniversary of Ame rican Independence, failed in consequence of the refusal of City ouncils to make an appro priation to pay the necessary expenses. Therefore there will be no public demonstra tion in celebration of the day. Of course therp :will be a universal suspension of busi ness. The Post Office will close at 10.30 A. M. The carriers will make the 7.30 A. M. delivery and theA P. M. collection. The juveniles will indulge in their usual habit 'of firing crackers, torpedoes, Scc. not withstanding the strict orders to the police to prevent such doings. The proclamation of the Mayor on this subject is as follows : "JULY 1, 1870.—Notice is hereby given that the police force . have been instructed to rigidly enforce the ordi maks prohibiting the tiring of crackers, squills. chasers, rockets und other fircwor%ts, and the firing oil of guns, pistols and other firearms on-the coming -4th inxt- Parents, guardians end others, the heads offuei lies, are eatuestly requested to co-operate with the officers iu this respect, so that the good order and quiet of the city may be maintained, and casualty by fire in a great measure avoided, " 113' order of the Mayor." The State Society of the Cincinnati of Penn sylvania Will hold its annual meeting at Au gustin's, N 0.1105 Walnut street, at 10 o'clock A. M. The Soldiers .of the . War. Of 10.'4 will-hold their usual - meeting in The Supreme Court room, at 10 o'clock A: M. " In Independence Square; at 3; o'clock P. . M., a mass-meeting will be held under the auspices of the Temperauce Blessing, Charles Heritage, chairman. Hassler's Baud will be present, and addresses will be delivered by the :HOD. S. C . . POmeroy, of Kansas; Hon. jamcs Pollock, 11ev: J. L. Witherow, Rev. II A. Cleveland, and others. Professor H. Adams will recite a poem written for the occasion by ;John Dickey. Col. Win. H. Maurice 'l'oll re cite the Declaration Of Independence. Fires are always numerous, and, notwith• standing the trivial character of ,the most 01 them; the firemen turn out in large numbers, and the streets are kept in a continual dill. In order to avoid noise and confusion, a , much as possible, the following note has been • addres.,(:(l to each fire company : • • " OUNTI.EMEN would Tliglletit that you eolith], our son ices to your own neighborhood ou the f u urth ‘A - July unless copeelall, sent for. ' " Ari 711.111H:rotH tiros occur on, that day, 1. trust you will m,!e the propriety of tom ply fug with this request. ' " Sours, very respectfully,' GuoßpE DOWNEY, .• Chief Engineer Fire Department." Fourth of July excursions have been ar k ranged by the different railroad companies having their termini iu the city, and by the various Fteaintoats plying on the rivers. Full P A ;infOrimitien regar ito these excursions can it: 1 ! - be, bad refereime to our advertising . ;7g.l.4i3ltinins. : AS there will-be. - two-days of lei-. inany:perSoini will aNail'ilrenii-Eilves of thci ' 3 iipportainity of, et 4 Caping from the hot brick. tpd' Mortar rite thi: shady and cool groves of fa ecuntry. • •W In the evening there Will be' displays of 'eWorkkin cyeryportiou cif the city. in Se ,•13- I, l 9'eettOliticitizens have roan ned n sharing ItAV„.xpetise and there will be very band6oPle ' 'rtit _of deerieS of matches I , et ween the c Base Club, of this city; and the itticoflrewA r- orkTfor - tho - chmnplini= 13tates,:vall he played on kincto;if the Athletic Ohl, Seventeenth littphia:aiopmei at thrtfe : o'cloclF P. M. kniOuleAViliodriallie City Arsenal, has been directed by tip Committee .on --feriae - and --Proteetiou r Nvitli-the approval of. 'his Honor, the Mayor, to fire a national ate. lute of 38 guns, at • sunrise, on the 4th 'no: .44t Broad and. Master streets, and has,detailed the Keystone Batter:Waymire John V. Creely commanding, to Jake • charge of , the affair. I'ersons living in the immediate vicinity .p.A requested to raise and lower their window•smh to avoid breakage. - - FACT Aka FUN FOR TnaFounrii.—Persons who bay.e an American Eagle on Monday, can make him soar by chopping a piece out of his leg. (The play upon the word "sore!' will be - explained in our edition . of Tuesday.) Parents are cautioned against permitting their children to carry loaded bowitizers around in their pantaloons pockets. Fatal accidents have re sulted from such carelessness. It is understood that Col. Maurice, who will Speak the Decla ration of Independence from memory on the Fourth, does not wish to receive encores more than fifteen successive" times it-the weather is oppressive. Persons should watch their older boys, and positively prohibit their tying their little....brothers to the large size skyrockets previous to setting them off. One poor child who ascended from this cause on the Fourth of July, 1812, has not come down yet, and his parents are - afraid they will not recog .nize him .when he does. Do not 'attempt to crack torpedoes with your teeth. John Hau cock always avoided this praetice,•and wisely too, for a set of . false teeth cost a large sum when your mouth has been very much enlarged all of a sudden. Children - under two years of' age will not be. admitted to Inde pendence Square to hear Colonel Mathice speak, and any attempt on their.part to force an entrance will be boldly,resisted by a strong body ; of pplice.--Persons who -have not been Vaccinated\ should keep away , from the btatue of Washingto.ii .on the FOurth, for it is understood--that the General once had an aunt who died of scarlet fever in Georgia. The Board of Health should leek after this matter. Boyewho-carry large quantities of torpedoes in their bats should - lid careful not to stand on their heads unless their father's skylights are. iii.s ligaifis niedtdamage by coact :with ex ,ploded boys. -- GenerarOTant - never - stood - on Ids head with torpedoes in his hat, and yet here he is President of. the. United States. What a lesson for youth ! If anybody wants a good American eagle,one can be extemporized out of a rooster with the aid of some . glue and lampblack. It is not known positively whet her - G en eta' - GeOrge" Washington ever wore an undershirt, but it is understood that Mr. Logan, of the Sixteenth Ward, is hunting for an authentic garment of the kind. If he tinds it le will deck his manly form in the relic andstand upon she State Housestepsi _all day Menday,sniiling at theatathe of the Father' of his - country. -- Small b-ovsairitreverent-dis positione will be prohibited by the-police from cracking jokes at the expense of this patriot. • THE FIFTH DISTRICT POLICE . 'STATION: The contract for the erection of the new Police Station house on Fifteenth street, above Llietiati, - having been tiviarderl, Worlc men will begin to demolish the old structure no: -- Week. For a temporary station-house the Mayor has leased the Pritchell estate, at the corner of._Eighth and South .streets.. Th 6 property has a front of nearly twe.hun dred feet on each street, with a house in the centre of the lot. The property was fitted up years ago by a gentleman for a commodious residence, With stable, outhouses, &c., and a garden containing an abundance of fruit and shade trees. Of -late years, owing to the inroads of disorderly persons, the shrub bery. a nd frnit trees have nearly all been de, st r oycd, and the house has been considerably injured._ The place has-been- unoccupied for some time - past, .and has been a resort for a vicious class of persons, comprising_ men and Women. boys and girls._ When put in some . what better order,-he- property make-a good Station-house for temporary purposes ; -and-the-presence.- of.--the-police-will- rid--the neighborhood .01 the bad people above re ferred to. . CITY MORTALITY.—The number of inter. ments in the city for the week ending at - noon io-day was 414, against 302 the same period last year. Of the whole number 189 were adults and 225 children-133 bein4 under one year of age ; 212 were males; 202 females; 116 *toys ' , and - 109 - girls. - Tbe-number- of deaths in each Ward was: Fourtk Sixth Soventh Eighth Ninth — • " Tenth Eleventh.... Twelfth Thirteenth. Fonr:eenth Fifteenth... The principal causes - of - death were: Apo plexy, 7; congestion, of the brain, 13; constunption ' 48 ; convulsions, 27 ; di arrhcca, ; diphtheria, 2; disease of the heart, 5•, debility, 14 ; scarlet fever, 23 ; ty phoid fever, 14; inflammation of the lungs, 1,0 ; inflammation of the stomach and bowels, 11; rnarAsmus, 21; old age, 10;. palsy, 7 ; re lapsing fever, 13 ; coup do soliel, 6 ; cholera infantum, 31; inflammation of the brain, 13. Tn. MUNICIPAL llosprritt..--The follow ing is the report of the Municipal Hospital for the present week : 40filee. Of the- Board of Health, Philadelphia Saturday, July, 2, 1870.—Municipal HoSpital J. Howard Taylor, M. D. Patients remaining, Saturday, June 25. Received since, relapsing fever it other diseaes Total Discharged, relapSing fever • other diseases.... .:.. Died, relapsing fever " other diseases. . Ilea:mining this date .. 1145 Published by order of the board of Health. JOHN E. ADDICICS, • Health °dicer. ALDERMANIC FINES.—The following re turns of tines and penalties for the month of June have been handed to the city : Aid. rancoast .$5B Ald.(3aipenter. Ald. Neil Ald. Dallly Ald. Godbou Ald. Massey Aid.. Morrow AAth - Tobind; A' FLUSH PRISONEE.—A man who has re ently returned from California was arrested ast evening by the Schuylkill Harbor Police, at, the entrance to Fairmount Park, for drunk: illness and disorderly conduct. He, was ta ! ken to the Ninth District Police - Station. W hen searched, 35 twenty-dollar gold pieces, and Sl7 in paper money, were found in his nossession. The money was taken in charge Lieut. Sonder, and was returned to the ~ c aner this morning. LIE STREET CONTRACTORS.—The Board of Health, during the past week, had before it all .if the contractors for cleaning the streets, and ustriicted them that the work must be done ,otter and more promptly. A resolution re it - tiring the 'lnspectors to make their reports alder oath 'was adopted. The warrants for !he payment of the contractors for June have been withheld for the present: PERSONATING :A PomcEmAN.—Henry :jams alias George Elliot, was arrested last !tight, at Broad and Sausom streets, by Lieu tenant Flaherty, for personating a Sergeant , t 1 Police and attempting to blackmail some women. He was locked up for a hearing at lie Central Station: TILE FIBEDIES"-Thtl New Orleans firemen now on a .visitao thiN city were driven around Fairniouilt Park to-day. . Trite CAPIt MAY ThAtXs.--The summer ar; rangements of the West Jersey Railroad have been completed, and extraordinary facilities are: now. ()tiered -to travelers and pleasure; seekers. An extra cape . 'May.train has beeii Put on, Which leaves Market street:ferry at 4 o'clock P. M., and arrives at Cape May at about 7 o'clock. Visitors to the island will find this train very convenient, as it not only does' not. stop at the way stations, but it arrives nearly half an hour earlier than the 3-.113-PT-M7truln7-11-mercd-W-nr.---jowell;-tlyit worthy Superintendent of this road, has done everything in his power to further the coma. fort-and onvenience of- passengers. Ror full parttc ars see advertisement. PHILAPELPHIA. EVENING.:I3.VT4LETIN;:::::Ar-0T,111344117;4..-,:..J1TLY:..2 Sixteenth ScventeczttlL Eighteenth— laileteentit Twentieth......... Twenty-first Twenty-second.: ' Twenty-third.... TiVetitY:feetth.. Twenty-dlfth Twenty-sixth Twenty-seventh Twenty-eighth.. Unknown ANOTHER STEP TO THE WESTWARD.—The tendency °Ube business community is toward. • the perfection of the arrangements for tranii acting their business, The days of dinginess and close quarters in stores in American cities se rapidly passing away. The stores of the Cheeryble brothers and of Mrs. Clennam, of described by . Dickens, find occasional f; 0 similes -among business fossils in Philadelphi;-, hilt the man who now-a-days undertakes to do business in a hog-pen, is very likely only to have hags for flis customers. What is true of stores is true, also of count ing-rooms.---Time was that Men who spent one-third of their lives. in their business of fices spent it with nothing - bier& picturesque in the way of surroundings . than a pewter inkstand and a couple of spavinedstools.• At the present time Philadelphia boasts some of the finest business edifices in; the United . States. We know of- none more stately or better supplied with modern conveniences :than that, of Messrs. William T. Snodgrass & Co., at . thenorthwest corner of Ninth and Market streets. When the erection of a busi ness structure is in question the best architect is the merchant.- At planning the new Ma sonic Temple or the big Synagogue on Broad street, in all probability Mr. Snodgrass would have made a failure. As lt is, the premises at `Ninth and Market streets, in point of 'convent enceand labor-saving appliances, have proba bly no superior in the United States. lot is 112 by 26feet in area. Just in this locality the.. title to the soil is of some little value. For this reason the confirmed fogy is theonly person who permits an inch--of- it to go a-begging. Of their lot the M.essis. Snod grass haven't lost a barley-corn. Beginning with a splendid sub-cellar-the basement above is as hand Some a room as it ever was our privilege to - enter. - The - cloth . .trade want light and here - they have it. The-room ex tends: entirely under the sidewalk, both on Market and on Ninth streets; The pavement is the Hyatt light—circletis of convex glass set in . cast-iron fraine.. To get this light alone cost,the neat little Sinn isf 54;J00.: 'The price of the article is eq 80 per square foot. --But,,dear as it seems, it is-cheap_in_the end ! This basement is the equal in convenienee, and; of course, so,n3uch larger than the room upon the ground-floor. The room upon - the latter is among-the finest 'we have, ever seen. To do -business in such premises an be at tended with nothing- but pleasure.- As we, have said, no one 'can so contrive a business house as a. _business tnan, .In. tbe. disttlhation of light-an d .the -Messrs. Snodgrass have proven themselves'independent of either Pro . - lessor Morton or. Sir Isaac' Newton. People who buy cloths from them, buy -them where the blue sky looks down upon their bargain. The :windows -are of the most-transparent. plate:glass, Whose screens, plabeir upen a' rail road track contrived for the purpose, retire in day--time-to. a closet.. Hoistways . and hatch ways, gas and water are just wherethey should be. The store is in the _right place, and the firm .in theirs. If the accretion of busi ness has enriched them, no,one be grudges . them the fruit - of their - upright labor. It was the axiom of a celebrated politi cal economist that no business transaction is a healthy one unless it brings corresponding benefit both to buyer and to seller. In no city is this Makin' kept More closely in - view - than in this goodly place.' .What we are glad of is that for their -very extensive jobbing as well as retail trade; the Messrs. Snodgrass now have adequate accommodations. - The cloth trade per se is full of interest. - No trade re; quires closer watching, or ,a more. intimate acquaintance with the business. From the ..parlor window of the - man who_ goes into it without first haVing his eye-teeth • cut, a _sheriff's flag_ is_rpretty_sure__ulltiniately_tg.ily. -,.Because the - Messrs: Sriedgrals - s - ate - iiiii..stiilti cif their line of _trade, they have erected this beautiful store at- Ninth and Market streets, and removed theirhusiness.to alocalitT more commensurate with its magnitude. . _That_manymerchants_from..other_cities_will model stores after' the plan of-the Messrs. Snodgrass is very probable. Their - visitors are very numerous. With the,Oriening - of the Fall trade..they will be prepared with - one of The largest' and finest stocks ever seen on this side of the Atlantic.. .We spent a pleasant hour this morning with the genial head of the firm. We heartily second his invitation to evens readerof the BULLETIN to call and visit the firm in 'their new Ideation. ExcuusioN:—The delightful excursions to New York by water, which wore participated An-and-enjoyed_by..such-a-large—number_of. -- persons - last year, renewed and-will undoubtedly-be- aB-pleasant _as in. preceding years. The first excursion of this kind this sew•on - will take place op the Fourth of July. The party will be accompanied_by_the First Regiment band, which will perform choice selections. The reputation of this band needs no comment. It is .known - to be a first:class organization, composed Of .able performers. The party will leave 'Walnut street ferry at 7.30 A..- M.., on Monday, and proceed by a specialirain over the Camden and Amboy Railrolfd to South Amboy, from whith place a steamer will convey it around New York Bay and up the Hudson river. A view of - the Battery, the East. river and the boaiittful scenery on the andson is afforded. We have no doubt but that everybody who joins in this excursion will be delighted. A rare chance is offered for those - Who wish to escape from the dust and beat of the city. Tickets can be pro curea of Henry Coleman, 1075 Germantown avenue, and at 828 Chestnut street. ATLANTIC ClTv.—The can't-get-aways will now have a good opportunity , of spending a couple of days at the seaside. The Camden and Atlantic Railroad Company is Making . ample treparations for the accommodation of the great throng .of people who are expected to go to Atlantic City to-morrow and Sunday to remain until Tuesday. To relieve the pres sure on the ticket-office at Vine Street Wharf, arrangements have .been made for the sale, of tickets at No. 828 Chestnut.street (Continental Hotel) ; Trenwith's Bazaar, 614 Chestnut street; and No. 116 Market street .A.morlef the very few remedies for the pecu liar diseases of the season that have kept their hold upon popular favor through many long years of triabliowans'lNFANT CORDIAL holds a first place. Prepared by an experienced druggist from the best of materials, and con some of the simplest and, yet most effi cient agents known to the profession, it is a most admirable remedy for all diseases of the bowels—equally good for babies or men. Try it and you will not consider the domestic medicine, chest, hereafter complete without it FOURTH Oir * JULY ExcunsiONs.—The North Pennsylvania Railroad Company ,has made arrangements to give excursions over the road on the Fourth of July. Excursion trains will run on July 2, 3 and 4th to Bethlehem, Doyles rown, Quakerte - wn, Sellersville, Easton, Al lentoWn and Mauch Chunk. The tickets will good to return .011 July Gth. Tickets will also be issued for 'Williamsport, Wilkesbarre and Scranton, good to return two weeks hence. For full particulars see advertisement in another column. PEILADELPHIA CONFECTIONS AND CIIOCO LATE.—If we failed to call attention to the celebrated confections and chodolate manu factured in Philadelphia, we should be doing injustice to our ' readers, • and especially to -trangers in the city, to. whom fine confections and chocolate are a subject of interest. The honor of making the best chocolate and con fectisms rests with Messrs. Stephen:F. Whit- MAD Son, corner of Twelfth and Market THE SWIMMING Scheer..—The proprietors of the Natatorium and Phy. teal Institute; Broad street, below Walnut, teal a change of hour. The. ladies' hour will close hereafter at 1 o'clock P. M. The Swimming School will be open on.the Fourth of July for gentlemen swimmers' only, and will, un= doubtedly, Up crowded, as it always is, with Men Ana boyS i indulging:in. this healthful ek ercise. . ton Logic BIIANCIL—The arrangements for Long Branch, via the Camden and Amboyand New 'Jersey: Southern Railroads, are an nouncecL tour trains, daily, now tun to that delightful watering-place. Beside the :attrac tion °flared by the superb bathing and the fine hotels of Long Branch, a special inducement is offered by the low fare, which is but $2 50. (Tdd ONYki of N orthwestern Penn- Sylvania will have a grand celebration at Meadville, July 4th. Addremes are to bo de 'livered-by -Vice Prebident ellfax and also by Past Grand binstor John W 4 Stokes. THE COURTS. • Tlie 017 n AND Tuasiltma--Judges Ludlow and n.—Thomas Hill, colored, corivieted ot manslaughter in &silting the death di John G. Nagle, in Letitial street,_was sentenced- to eight years in the Eastern Penitentiary. The Coopers. QUARTER Saskoris—Judge rtidlOw.—This wonting William Attridge; the cooper con victed of arson in firing the old Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon, was sentenced to six years in the Eastern Penitentiary. It will- be remembered_ that at the_ time of . the oornmis-_ sion of this' offence, the .coopers of .the city were on a "strike," and on the evening of this fire six other cooper shops were par-, tially destroyed by incendiaries. QuAnTrat SEssioris—Judge Allison.—The whole morning was occupied with the con tinuation of the hearing of the case 'Of Mint zer vs. Mintzer. Several years ago. Mr. Chas. A. Mintzer was ordered to nay $6 per week for the support of three children. He now asks for a modification of this ~order; in, as much as his health is seriously affected, his hearing defective and his ability •• pursue his profession as a musician is im paired, while, the _three children_ore re-. spectively 19, 16 - and 14. years, and the mother has an income, from a separate - estate: The application-was resisted , and several witnesses were examineil, some of them stating that Mrs. Mintzer has three other 'children at home, the oldest being 30 years of age, and yet' no board being exacted from him or the others. The Court modified the order to $4 per week.. • - • ' - - CITY NOTICES. THE - KITCHEN - KOIHNOOn.—To bring to perfection a roaster a Moll, your , kitcheti range must first be properly humored. The cook who is unpro+ vided with 'first-class coal, is A cook' who is laboring under depressing discouragement. For this reason'aa runny people procure their coal exclusively from, the coal . yurds of fide - Afire. Mitchell '35 - Wroth - , - Nortlieast coner of Ninth street and Girard avenue. The rank is only tb6 Stamp of the guinea. What-thh pebple want is not - n - " hifalutin - name, but a coal of first-clues-charac ter, and served to'them in Bcriptntarweight. The Place the lowest, innrke , ,t pricn is at Nitith - street ir and Gard'avenufr. 17Ceboldif Article of White Ash Coal, large nut size, now Belling at Q 5 75. HOBSON'S Cflorou.—Whoever attempt:3 to restore gray hair with the ordinary preparations, lutist choose between the taP•like dyea end tno 'buddy color ing fluids. Both are dirty. PIIALON'A VrtmaA.,,ioa SALVATION eon THE HAIR, 18 the only article in ex palit.• dirdedtik'graytedr - to - rely • mould , shade ; it is transparent, fragrant, limpid and infallible. Bold by all druggists and fancy goods dealers. BROWN'S ESSENCE: OF JA3IAICA tIENOER. —This article .le now deemed indispensable in hot weatlair.. As a gentln and healthful stimulant ginger -has no rival ; and in the e byr.Treieck B pecu w li n ar -lona i n-wh h ielii t t eitsnnreo of-F d fth l nd Chestnut streets - . t a s thenore-e as ven w n r and.palatablo. Those who_ , esign making voyages AY. land or - water should.not be.without the essence. JUDIC.IOI7B MOTHERS AND .. NUMSES 11503 Dowrat's INFANT-CORDIAL, because_ it OLIO Of th£ most delightful and of icaciona remedies ever discovered for curing the various ills to which infants and young children aro subject. UFF FOR THE SEASIDE.— But before you go, call upon Br.o.mc, 80& Market e'reet Be hag an infinite vitrieMot Bathing. Dresses, Oil Caps Strew Bats, Leathet Beltg, etc.; for Ladles, Gentlemen Migiiesadastere end Children. LADIES OF FINE TASTE- get tfieir Frentt flowers at Thos. Kennedy & 8r05.,729 Chesnut street. VANILLA BEANS.—Four cases prime Vanilla Bean., insVreceived and for pale by STEPHEN F. WHIT MAN lioN, S. W. corner of Twelttli and Market streute. BARGAINS IN TRIMMED HATS.—Thos. Ken nedy dc Bros. are offering great inducements to close out the balance af . theti )1 le millinery,. 729 Chestnut street. LADIES can find every description of Corsets at-114)] , k nial-iiaL)p Skirt, Corgat mul Ladled' Uuder-gar men CEin porhYm, 11115-ChivqtlilitAtre-et. LAti TES' HATS MARKED DowN.--Ottr'ontire wholesale stock at retail VERY CHEAP. Thou., Kennedy Se _Bros., 729 pheatnnt street.. _ _ • BARI:S.' MF.DxCIIrE ..CASES Pon: StnrSIER TOritlS - T - CONTRINING - ThE - "..1108T A PIlloVET) R E3IE Di E 5. PRICE ONE . DOLLI:AR. /WO Ancu STREET. DEAFASS,- - - -BLINDNESS- AND .•CATAR.III3 treated with the ntmost success, by J. Isaacs, M. D.. and Professor of Dibeafieß of the Eye and Ear his speci alty:lin the Medical College of Pennsylvania,l2 years ex ponents. No. SAS 'Arch street. ; Testimonials can be seen at his'office. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he lies no secrets in his prac tice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. • STRAW ITAtfMessrs.'C. OakfOrd in the Continental If otelorrnot)nco that—they- have-re ceived another lot of those One-Dollar Straw Hate. The greatest bargains over offered in America. --Tmos._l3.lErrNuDv-&--•Rups —.729_ _CaE STREET - cthe - largest -111)porters -Of fine are offering great induixmente to close. their spring Im portations. - CoRNs, - Butuons, Invi3rtd Nails, skillfully treated ,by Dr. J. Davidson, No. O 1 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. - - LA DIES rmlng to the country or seaside Should procure one of those • Elegant and cheap Bandon - as from VAKFORD 541 and 836Eliastnut street DELICIdUS COLD SODA WATER AT BAKES' IMlAncu BT. SURGICAL INSTRUMENT and dragguitii sundries. _ SNOWDEN & BROTHER, 2. South Eighth street. LOW DOWN GRATES FIRE ON THE HEARTH • . - INSURES PERFECT VENTILATION. LOW DOWN AND RAISED 'GRATES. STEAM' HEATING APPARATUS. HOT•AIR .FORNACES AND RANGES. • ANDREWS. HARRISON dr 1327 HAMLET STREET. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. tir7 the to 3rarr GENTS' FURNISHING GOODs. Fine Dress, Improved - Shoulder Seam PATTERN SHIRTS, MADE BY R. EAYRE, ONLY, 58 N. Sixth Street. below Arch. mh26•n to th dmrp I . B29UnpiRTER PERPETUAL. 1870 FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE-435 sand 437 Chestnut St. Assets on January 1, 1876. $2,825,731 67. Capital 31400,000 Accrued Surplus find Premiums 2,425,731 INCOME FOR 1870, LOSSES PAID IN tilSlo,ooo. 8144,905 . 42 , LOSSES PAID SINCE 1829 OVER r $5,000,000: — Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Torino The Company also issues policies upon the Rents of a! kinds of Buildings, Ground Rents and Mortgages. The " FRANKLIN " has no DISPUTED CLAIM, DIRECTORS. Alfred G. Baker, Alfred.Fitler, S(1111116 Grant, ' Thomas Sparks, Geo. W. Richards, . .Wm. 8. Grant, Isaac Loa, Thomas S. Ellis, George FILM, flustavus S. Benson. ALPER G. BAKER, President: GEORGE FADES, Vice President. JAS. W. HcALLIBTER, Secretary. , THEODORE. M. HEGER, Assistant Secretary. fe7 tde3l§` . FIRE - ASSOCIATION r lpp A PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated : : •111firch, 21, 1820. 0110 . 0-Noii.B4 , 'Nerth :Fifth , Street. INSURE BULDIIOII3,=•HOUBEHOLD FITBNITUB! ANDbIiRIKMANDISEici r ENBRALLY F801514.. 181d. . .1 the city of • • - Asiiets Jitnutt,r3r 10'1870, • •, TRUSTEES: William H. H am m au , . Charles P. Bower, John Oarrow, Peter Williamson, George I. Young, • Jesse Lightfoot, •• Joseph R. Lyndall, Hobart Shoemaker Levi P. Coats, Peter Armbruster Samuel Sparhawk , M. H. Dickinson, Joseph . Bohol,. - W BA M mi II E . L HAELILTONresident, , Floe Prests.en.. WM: T. BUTLER, t c!c P agr A. . - V1:0.11 - 01i tli - 71 45 h 0AAMITEILlfL - TGIIT-OOL MAME ICI /Luta WIZ-44g: for b y "w , 1870:* WILLIAM T. c - r, 'T' p FAR : 1!@; ; • HAVE REMOVED TO: THEIR NEW STORE. N. W. CORNER NINTH AND MARKET STS. FURNITURE. &U. PIIRCIIAAEUS or COTTAGE CHAMFER , SUITS And tho'i , arlous styles of Bedsteads Bureaus, • Washstands Wardrobes ,Sic -4 ' Finished in imitation of Walnut,'Dfaille or °Mei "hard woods," and now generally, known us.," Imitation .' or Paluted Futnituri;, ar:o hereby, informed that every article of our manufacture; is Stamped, with our Initials and Trade. .• :Mark, ••• • And those wllo4loll.te_obta In goods of our make (there being, at the present time, nutnerotrs imitations in the rnarket!,should invariably ask the dealer of whom they are purchasing to exhibit our stamp on the goods, and take no other, no matter Avlint• 'representations may be made concerning them. KILBITRN Zi/GTE§' Wholesitle Mantyacturers g4Cotiage - FUl'n it ?ire, No. (319 -MARK STREET, PHILADELPMA 3025 s m w 6mrp , ' : Titili.iiii , litts: f:. - NEW STYLES OF LOOKING - AGLASSES All the , very 'lowest prices. New Engravings. New chroinos. - • Pidge FraineB-=-Every Variety, • At BeviSedlLotv Prices. ogers's Giro - ups , SOLE AGENCY. Rustic Frames, Easels, Porcelains, &e. GALLERY OF < PAINTINGS OPEN'' FREE AT' ALL TIMES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, sl6 Chestnut Street. SEWING MACHINES. THE -WHEELERAL-WILSON PEWING MACHINES, The Beet-and gold on the -Engraft Terms. PETERSON & CARPENTER; -914 CHESTNUT STREET. REAL tSTATE SALE r BLit: SALE—THOMAS & SONS; uctiourers. 2 Well secured Irredeemable tollll.l each ell) fo a. year, - payable in sifter. _lueselay,3uly.l9tll...l::7o,at 12o!clock,noon,wil) -be mohlBt public sale. at. theltluladelpiths.EXCliange,_ 111 f 2; Inlloy dn¢ dewribed R 701.nd rue to, viz : No. 1.. 1 :\ 11 that yearly ground rent of 6 . 19 at.(SPanlell till , or milled dollars,. payable on the tirst day of December and June. and out of all that lot of ground.with the three-story brick messuage thereon erected, situate on the east aide of-Vandeveer street, formerly WattiOn'n ,alley. a distance of 319 test north of Spruce street • con taining in front on Vandeveer street 13 test. and in depth eastward 211 feet 6 inches, dieing No, 221 Vandeveer Street.) It is well secured and punctually paid in silver. 2.—A1l that irredeemable l early glound rent .of " 60 , Spanifh silt er milled deniers), payable on the first day of June and December. and issuing out of all that lot of ground, with the three•story brick messuage thereon erected, situate on the west !dile of Raspberry street, at the distance of fdlti toot north of Spruce street ; containing in (rout on Raspberry street 13 feet. and in depth westward 38 feet 3 Inches t being No. T3B Raspberry street). It is well secured, and punctually paid in silver M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 111 South Fourth tits. et SAL h.—THOMAS & SONS, • MU Auctioneers.,— Dlodbru Three-story Brick Resi dence, with fttable'and Coach Bouse,, Tina street , oast of Twenty-first street, third house west of the Railroad zitation, on the Germantown Railroad. Tioga Twenty eighth Ward. On Tuesday July 19th MO, at 12 o'clock, I noon, will be sold at pub le sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick i plastered) messuagi.t, with two-story back budding and tot of ground, situate on the northerly side of 'nova street, third tonne we t of the Germantown Railroad, Vega, Twenty-eighth .Ward ; the lot 'containing in .front on Ttoga street Ri feet. and extending In depth ZS) feet to .Itlantic street. The house has parlor, dining-room, sitting-room and kitchen on the first floor ; five chant bars, gitti, bath, fixtures for hot and cold water, Balti more heater. kc. Also, a stable and coach house, vege -tabie garde <ealfruit and shade trees, &c.,- Terms-62,Mb now on the' property,'•nitty-- remain ; balance on accommodating torms. immediate possession. fday be examined. 1. 'THOMAS SONS. Anotintieers; , - . • e ' , 119 and 141 Sonth Fourth street. 11-11;81./ ESTATE.T.IIONIAS & SONS' Sale.—Modern Three-story Brick Dwelling, NO. 015 Green street. west of Twelfth street.—On Tuesday. July 15th, 11170, at 12 o'clock - , noon, will. Leonid at- pub lic sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story biick reessuage, with ffiree.tttry back building and lot of ground. situate on the north side of Green street, west of Twelfth street, No. 1215; contain ing in front on Green street 17 feet. and extending in depth out the east line 81 feet.3%.incnes, and on -thewest line' 81 feet qg inches, more or less, to a 20 feet wide street. Subject to the reidrietion t hat no building for offensive men patioff shall ever be erected nu - soul lot. he house hastiarloi4lning-icoom antrkitiMen • • on the orst floor; two chamberiif sittbig-roOm, bath antbstore roan owthe secend floor ; gas, bath, hot and cold water, watet-clret, furnace; cookingyange. stationury wash ' :Terins-e4,oooinayi'emdin on uiiortgitge.' - Immediate possession. Nay be examined in thnmorn ing. . Al. THOMAS 8610, Auctloheere, - 139 and 141 South Fourth etreet. rUZLIU SALE--THOMAS & M.EIL Auctioneers.—Moderu Three-story Brick Cottage, )tenl street. northeast of Main street, Germantown. Twenty•Becond Ward. On Tuesday % July 19th, 1870, at 12 o'clock noon. will be. sold at public sale, at tho Phil adelphia Exchange all that modern 3-story brick rough cast messnage, with French roof, end lot of ground situ ate. on the north West side of btehl street, between Main and Wakefield Streets, 318 feet IWailOrtht of Min street, Gornumtewu ; the lot containing in front on Mehl street 32 feet,•and extending in depth 108 feet 0 inches, more or less. It centains 8 rooms ;-has the gas j; fruit and cold water, cooking-range, &c.; fruit and to trees, q&c... . , . Tem.-5 . 2,000 may reinairi on mortgage (e2O payable. monthly). Kir Immediate ;possession:. May be- examined. M. THO3IINB SO.NEI'; Auctioneers, n 141 Mt ;not 141 tiouthlPourth street.! CI PUBLIC SALF,.-Tl-1:01A8 - ;SONS,B. AllaAnettoneers,—Deelrablo Vountry Place, 33.1 acres. Wymuing IlVerine, Twenty-second }lard, 1 mile of Fisher's .'Lan Station •• on, the North POIIIIHYIVRIIitt ittlilrOad,lll/(1 , of' Olney. Ttiesoity, July Nth, 1870, fit 12 _o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that' desirable - country place, 3.'•4 acres, situate on the north side of 'Wyoming avenue oust of Second, street, abd about 7.4 of smile of Otricil-i' Twonty-pecond 'Ward. The 'improve ments-are a two-story frame dwell i ag:Otintains 10 rooms ; from() barn, chicht it- house, &c. The ground is in a high state of cultivation; vegetablo garden, extensive lawn , surrounded with'frait, shade trues and shrubbery, &c. . . . • . Tennis—&4,ooo may remain en mortgago. •Will be Shown by.thii-ownor and ,occupant, Mr. John „ Madding. ' AI:THOMAS .& SONS, Auctioneers, to , o and Smith Fourth street.. - HEAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' .haSale.--,BueinessEtandll'hr..o,fitory brick Store and Dwelling, N. E. corner of Nineteenth and Snippet' etrems.—On Tuesday, July 19th,1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public 81110,11 t Exchange, till that valuable three-atory'brick meeenage and lot of ground, Billie.' 0 at the N. E. corner of N Multi' and streets Shippen (now Bainbridge) containing n front on Nineteenth street 18 Mot, nod extending in 72 feet 218 inches. -The houamie new-, heti very fine atorei m 7 .elety roma, dining room, parlor, kitchen, chamber, • Subiect rodeo - n[)10 currency grounii rent!of Sao • annoiltate peaseatiion. . TittimAs & BONS, 'Auctioneer'', WILLIA:M • Jr 2 0/0 ouct 141 south It/tit - az street. • jel6 tl ocl2rn4 • ....• . , , . RE '.NI 0 V' .- A!L‘ • • ... •L•ti:,;,• - ,• • ' SNODGRASS A' WILMINGTON AND READING RAILROAD • 0. SEVEN PER VENT. BONDS, Free of Taxes. Re are offering 11200,000 of the Second Mortgage Bonds of this Company • AT S 2 1-2 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. For the convenience of itivestors,• those Bonds are issued in denomination, of 1,0.00 9 5, 500 9 s and 11.00 1 s. The money is required for the purchase of addition Rolling Siock and the full equipment of the Road. The receipts of tho Company on the ouo-half of the ' Road now being operated from Coatesville tolVilmington Oro about TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS per 'Month, a }itch Willbe more than DOUBLED with the oPoidng at.. the other half, over which the largo Coal Trado of the Road must come. Only SIX MILES aro now'reduired to complete th Road to Birdsboro, which will be finished by the mid of tho month. ' WM - TA INTER & CO: BANKERS, • . . . No. 3 . 6 South . Third Street, , . PHILADELPHIA.. • nye 2mrpg. ; ~~~~{ OPTICIANS THERMOMETERS For town or cOviiir?.i, indoor.4 . Or ottt traveling, self-ref/leering, plain and primirri-ental. AT VERY. LOW PRICES. FAMES W. QUEEN & CO.' OPTIOI.ANS, No. 924 Chestnut Street. e zv.atr• ,t; FINANCIAL.. BEIM CENTRAL RAILIOAD CP .NV 235 1111ILEg liV LENGTU. NOW NEARLY COMPLET'ED. This Company are Vow pieibitig - their work" forward with great rapidity,and the entire line necettsary to connect St. Louis and St. Paul is graded and under contract to be finished this acaUttlt.-..4be tact plat this eriterptise has-been_ undertaken by a ctirithinatioii - of ' leading bankers,and railroad capitalists _of P_ - wealth, experience - and-ability; insures itg early completion and future succele. The road runs through the - richest atuttnest thickly settled portion of lowa, and is built in the interts of the great Northern systetit of • roacis - which centre at St. Paul. The FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS of the Company pay 7 per cent_ Gold Interest, free of Governmouttax, and are issued for the very small amount of -$16,000 per mile. ~tO 4 ST" the present, die unsold portion are .offered• at 115 and acdrued interest: The - attantiOn ve...tors is invitedito the fact .that , the - road is nownearly finished. and that . the Security is -tliorefore-entitleiLto In our opinion, no class of investraents has been found so uniforrolysafe and profitable ms First Mortgages on completed railroads. Of 235 companies operating _30,000 miles_ of railroadin the Northernand - IVE.Afitu7Stateic on which there is a, bonded debt of itie41,1)1)0,000, «o know of= but two that - do'not pay , tlielr - in- terest regularly. • • W e believe there Arill be no more tO;tor -able time to sell Got erumeuto; and box really First-cline . ltallreeol Saeoritlet, Ouch am these—Mon the isrement. Pamphlets, daps_ and_full-information-may be_baAl of- tho Company's advertised-agents. 'W. B. SHATTUCK. kfter afull examination, we have accepted . an . Agency for the Sale of the above first 111 - Ortgage Bonds, and desire to recommend them to our customers ASA TILIOROOMILY SAFE, AS WELL AS PEOEITABLE, IN VJi E NT. We have.no hesitation in saying that, in our opinion, the CENTRAL _RAILROAD or• lOWA will be one of• the most important and valua ble roads in the west. JAY COOKE & CO., 130 WEN & FOX, B. IC, JAMISOIi! & CO je2S to th s titrp§ DREXEL & No. 34 South Third Street, American and Foreign Bankers liiafts and Vireolar Letters Of available on presentation In any part of Europe. Travelers can make all their financial 'in% rangements through tiaTtindwe will collect - their interest and dividends without charge. . , DREX.EL, WINTHROP & CO., Newidrka' DREX_EL, HAWES $ CO., POLITICAL NOTICES U° 1870. -H - E R IMMA Tre;,a - suzet.:._l, 1870. LEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers