NEW PIJECICA CIONS: • The Life of Bismarck, Private and ' Poll- Beal. By John GeOrge Louis Hesekiel. Bvo, pp. 482,41 ere is_a_ (* . Gothic edifkOf raphy, rudely and brusquely built oyera gular character, such tile politics of Europe after a few generations more The type of all that is 14idati4 goVeininent, - as opposed to the moderridiglitSl whichdeclare government to be i',4sclente,-41ie typo of all the rough, prompt vassalage that arms, or power of brain, or birth could pay the warrior kings, of . stands,,like, a loyal. robber knight on'some lieadland'of the Rhine,. with his face to the feudal past, and hts bit& to the corning dawn. ,W,howere his.anes.stors,— (the first family residence known is the Tower of the E pee, still. :Wading on l:lie,Blese;aUd 4iatned : ftomilie_B_iamarckk Louse,•a•fahulous insect which the foniftiedieVat "nabs ea were" compelled to, .feed,Show •he • was , born at Sehonlausen r ---how •he duelled at college, and . has diegiiida - eVeralifee;::liiiiiniiiiia•\Vetlabig' tour, In. 1847, he •,Met King .Frederiek William 'at Venice and •won hisliking, and instantly be gan to defend The throne:against . and bow•sagiciously he guarded that policy of privilege until, in 1864; he won Schleswig and •• 11olatelmto - Prnasiai- - -Land - how - he --now peace=.- fully-drinks and-smokes-hinisell to death-inthe Getman fashion, are . all gravely and •dheetliand impartially told by the biographer. It is iexcessively sparingly that we get one of these 'geed contemporary biographies. Nothing .could 'be more honorable and frank than the writer's way of placing Bismarck distinctly on the basis -of caste and .priyilege, and in defiance of the liberal teidiiicierOrtliiiige7 - Oftititit -6- -doe - the hook, but the. excellent_ synopsis of it, with selections from the capital --illustrations;given-lastmonth-by:the publishers in their:magazine, goes far to relieve us from tbe respOnsibility,Published by Ilarper&Bros: - Soldhy Turner & Co. Paris by Sunlight and Gaslight. A Work de scriptive of the mysteries and miseries, the virtues, the vices, the splendors and the' crimes •of the -city of Paris.. lllceabe; - Jr., author of "The Great Republic-,7 &c. lustrated with 150 tine engra,vings, by Dore, Ficbot and other celebrated artists of Prance. TIIE OPIUM TRAFFIC AND onium_vv.A.r.. A missionary was driven out of flo,nan by a mob led on by the native gentry, , whose feeling was shown by shouting these* words after him : "NM!, burned our palace; you killed our Emperor;-you sell Poison to our people; pow. 3on mine ofessitigt o: teach•_ . _us 'lhe opitantratlic. in. India and China is the dal kest Stain upon the Christianity Of the teenth century. Its calamitous effects are felt wherever the _peple of China emigrate, ational • Phblis - hing uo.=h i and- wherever. the products Ter: China this large'and handsome hook; by' dint of de- are milled over the whole world. In the, tail andliains;:- Idr, McCabe has succeeded iu arrest oi' it the citizens of the United States giving -art extraordinarily life-like picture of the are MO/e. deeply ion:rested than any other people outside of China. Opium puts a great capital of civilization. The . readerseems j greatstoee in the path of the. commerce swab. to tread the thronged streets, to trace the Eastern! . .Asia; it hieders the development of . endless vistas, ; department s-orilidtiSt ry-on--our ,Pattifie- - Coast,- to enter tti - e inferiors; and penetrate-the -which : would -discover-and litrnishnumerous.., usefultuaterials_ and _manufactures. 41i - e -various or - _ that commente and thus -_tender groat henfits ders .society.; and finally to arrive at Cho to either continent; it is planting seeds of eau condition for': judging the parisian of the nice- I vation, Crime and disease in the Chinese who teenth century .(who fluctuates.". in people's i are coming to our shores, and creating corres- OpiniOnshetWeen a - 'disg,raced profligate-aad a pooling vexation and injury to •us ;.it makes • -the-benevolent ester s of the preacher of the heavenly-Dante able to take the:' good n good Ame gospel of - mercy; and of - the Christian physicianT can" to his . earthly paradise), and discovering and teacher, appear like shallow and abomina that he_ia . of one blood. with ourselves, only a ble hypocrisy:and the Wot dof God itself some - little:livelier- and-more-agreeable- thing:fat - SO iindlatefid; Mien offered 4* 'hands - . tude 'of exquiSite wood-cut illustrations,—for imbued with so stupendous a crime against-hu the and justice, amiinst the conscience of magnifying - and einbaitation of which, the -- . man, and against the laws of Heaven. - eloquends - Was`tprobably - writtenhave been - AMERICAN COMPLICIT - 1 WITH .THE OPIUM picked_upfin _some' of the :great' publishing .. - _establishments on the south bank of the-Seine, Would that it were possible: to say that the and form the excuse and reason 1W existence t hands of met lean merchants have not been of the afiltir.:_. It is altogether a rich picture- stained by connivance 'with the crime of the _ opium..tratie in China! We are grateful to gallery__ and wonderhilly agreeable Paris guide. :"God- that-it lets nut been made "an official . I and national" business "to cret, manufacture . The strange reserved character of the Baron and expcnt the drug" by any other nation than Gaston de lierdiat,.and the beautiful fidelity of Great Britain and its 'lndian dependencies. his young valet, form the interesting features t But our ships have helped to convey and dis of " Carlino," a gory jusN.epublished by tante:the poison ; our ''therelfalits have par taken to some extent lit the profits of the Messrs. Lippincott & Co., from their magazine, work; Z,lld I%e have given it. a garment of re- Good Words. It is by Ituflini, author of speetability by the deceitful pleas with which "Doctor Antonio," "Lorenzo Behold," etc., we have palliated its enormity. and whoever has read .either of ,those tales I TEA-nmis WINO IN cIIINA AND TAIITART,. needs not an assurance that in " Carlino" will Tea-drinking prevails to au almost equal extent in regions fat oeyond the Great Wall. le found a_subtle. study of Continental man- John-Belh,orAtiterniony,--found-it universal- 1 never tletoughout the wilds and steppes of Tartary. Wherever the genth-men of his Russian em bassy stopped in those regions, scalding hot tea was served tip to them. But the Tartars had flue disagreeable custom of frequently mixing soli ent mutton fat, and even salt, its their tea cups. It has of en been said that Asia may be divided into " Tea-drinkin , Asia" and "Coffee drinking Asia." Where the use of tea ceases that of eoffie hegins,and is quite as frequently in requisition. The fug advice is from a native Chi nese writer as to how best to make tea. " Whenever the tea is to be.defused for use," says Tung-po, "take water from a running stream and boil it over a lively fire. IL is an old custom to use running water, boiled over a lively fire; that from springs in the hills is said to be the best, and river water the next, while well water is the worst. " When making an inftTion do not hoil the water too hastily, as first it should begin to sparkle like crabs' eyes ' then somewhat like fishes' eyes, and lastly to boil tip like pearls hi numeralle, spripging waving about. This is the way to boil the w a te r ." The same Cl.inee author gives the names of six Mfierent kinds tea. all of ,which are in high icpute. They are these: the ",first spring tea," 11w "e bite d, w," the “coral dew," the ,"dewy shunts," the "money shoots," and the "iivulet garden tea." Ben, the Luggage Boy. By Horatio Alger, Jr.—" Ben," for a wonder is true, and is no fraud. We hate Mr. Alger's word for it, and that Ben really was a born phenomenon ; from near Philadelphia, who engaged in the trans portation trade in New York at the age of ten, and was fortunately met and sketched by the literary gentleman somewhat later. Ben, in three years, saved enough money breonveynig .luggage (we wish we were certain of the sense in which he "conveyed" it), to clothe himself nicely, return to his mourning parents (always near Philadelphia), and explain to them how improving, and moral, and sure of promotion the business of being 'a ragged lad in a ju venile book really is.—" Ben" is next to the last of the "Ragged Dick" series of chiffonier- literature: The industrious Mr. Alger is sure be can bring out the final voluMe, "Rufus and Bose," by next December.—Published by Lo ring; sold by Turner & Co. Juicy: MAC AZINES.—From Turner & C we receive : Arliar's Home Maga:line, for June. It be gins with a line plate engraved by Lauder bach, has a story, "Jacqueline," by Virginia - F. Townsend, and is altogether a brisk and, en tertaining number. Arthur's :Children', limo. ; for June. ;Still, .as ever'; piquant and vat ions. On the titl page for vol. viii, the head of a child, by Lau derbach, is undoubtedly one of the most bril liantgems of wood-engraving ever cut in this - -country. •Godey's Lady's Bonk, for June. It has a steel-plate landscape, "Waiting at the Ferry," a tinted steel fashion-plate of six figures, plenty of wood-cuts to assist the work-table and _plenty 4 .of_ pleasant, , Jeading _to: recreate the venire-table. Marion Ifarland and ti. Annie Frost contribute. Tke Lady's Frienfl, for Juno. Edited by Mrs. Henry Peterson. Full advice about the fashions, and plenty of, agreeable family litera ture. —Dr. Franklin described the farmer's con aa follows: " Farmer at the plough Wife milking cow; Daughters spinning yarn, Sens ihreshing in the barn - - All happy to a charm." Another writer gives the account of 1870, as follows ' applicable, at least, to someo : "The farmer:gone:to see a idioNYI Bis daughter at the piano; M ad am e gaily dreaittlin satin— " All the boys are learning Latin, With a mortgage on the farm!" --An old--gentleman ~ n amed Mao threw himself down from the July Colutnu in Paris, the, otbo day and died instantly. He corn 71roitted ll:deltic - because his brother, a naval heutenant k had-perished some time ago at the shipwreek 'or the frigate Gorgtine. The grief at hie bretiteVe death had made him almost • crazy. 1111 E CREAM OF THE' NSW BOOKS. Speetos China and the Vatted *kitten. We skim- today the pages. of :" The ph,leit, and The ifetrest \ -•Empire I China' aiitY lie', - triiifed - Strifeo - by*fri..Speer; D.)217, crlillii. - ' - 'itielPhifin, foo4er liiielionary-;WChina :filidite: : the.ChibeseinlCtilitoinill, anti itbei CorOspoed ing 84.retaiyi, of 4 Presytorlan Board, of Education. Xnt tbe.iehrs IMO to '42 the bphint_ litikjitisongli• 'tire* Ili% Speer's attention ,to- ward China, where was presented the strange.. spectacle of a heathen butleivi ized nation suf fering the bombardment and , destruction of numerous cities, and the slaughter of thousands of its people. in its natural and • righteons, but yain,„resistanee to the fraudulent introduction, atoong s tlem of what, is justly style4. l .! a geed ofipoison, the track of which in society was black .. and: desolate.. as that of a stream of lavaa• down a mountain's sidet ll77 :llB46 - lie:was se•firbrtiie7,, Fleshy t erian BoardofFdreign.lassions to the, • proVinee, el Canton, and in 1862 to, California, Wliew:lie- - :was-...-the - ±4rst:to..preaCh..titegeVeLiti - • their own language to the Chinese coining there. Dis-observations and experiences are . accumulated in the work before ps, which will shortly be published by S. S. Scranton & 'Co., Dartford. We should not omit saying that the book in question is a tribUte to the superior exec:Hence and cheapness _of Philadel i type-setting; it is one•of the many which Barb been placed in the hands - of - our - stereo- typers, by publishers in various distant cities, from. a conviction of the superior advantages to be obtained in printing establishments here. This work is at least equal in typographic beauty to the best printing of the ItNerside ---Press,--arid -- ,-is7executed—br our Westcott & - Thompson. Without further pre face we take off, on a superficial exaniiiiation, a little of the most attractive part of Dr. Seer's book .1NI) SOM111:111 Sugar is not made, as many suppose in this country, frOnt ti e.sorglnon,which was brought to us I,y the Fiend'. This plant is there com paratively I known, and is only used for fodder; and the Chinese are surprised at the ingenuity which has inanavd to extract so excelient an article of sugar as we do from its ' uiCe. I=2 'llse teal condition of ladies in China, and the position I.hey bold iu society, are not yet very accurately known. They are seldom seen in the sheets, it is true. but that is sufficiently accounted for hy - i heir inability to -- Walk with ease: and as they do sometimes appear abroad, and toe often obsolved at the windows,without making any 'attempt to conceal their faces from strangers, it is evident they enjoy far More liberty than the Tut kish ladies, 'although it is not the custom fir the sexes to mix to gether in general society. When a mandarin gives a grand entertaitunfoo, his wile frequent ly invites her friends to witness the theatrical performances and various amusing exhibitions that are going f.rward during the dinner. These they can see.withont being seen, from 'a latticed gallet y provided for that_purpose; and thus they are not enthely debarred from the enjoyment of the festivities, although they do fibt mingle with the guests. • --But --we -must- con.iider the 'am -- degraded wherever the system of polygamy' pr ev ail s , and wherever (as in China and all these East ern countries) men add to the number of their wives according to their Wealth and rank. An other source .of lmmiliatibu should seem to be the common pwitee of. 'buying and selling women.. ,All c ,iarldtr of Chibeie present some equivalent tO.t e paretha - Or: 'guardians of the women' they naaiTy; - k faftilly of • handsome da4liters; particularly if well trained in cere monials and Chinese _acctimplishmeuts, arc t4eagigotikft ' '\ IA EVEN'ING BULLETIN. WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1870. s. often a source of great pretittoi t.;l-t P.tEepts. • : • Smokingrio ing is t confiile \ d the male ses'il lo•`11ie lower class. of females, but even a . s ehibese lady may have;her richly-ornarnented tiendage if it did not involve so unfeminine an indulgence. It has become quite conwinn for men, And even women, to intoxicate them selves by smoking opium. The nituirempley=t melds among wealthy Chineses' ladies are-- IVOI king embroidery, playing on — dfQerent'.. musical instruments and painting on Billy `:and' rice paper. Yet some ladies are welfeduCated, and there are families where private tutors are emploYed, and the girls are allowed to partici pate, to a certain extent, in the studies of their brothers. 1r: : THE QUEUE. • It. is'ratber 'curious'ilnit amotigthe personal decorations , of the Chinese there "is not One they prize -more biglily;'or . 'on Which'they be- . stow more attention, than the plaited queue; vvltieby7atL-Ilisf i —Was--detested-as-a diigracoful- ; liadge.of.dependence, and is still a sign of their si.hjection to the 'Tartar rule. The beauty of the queue consists in its length and thickness, :::andairany-who Irave,-not-hair.enough,,,ke a handsome braid supply the deficiency with false. 'hair and silk;'but Whatever' pains and cost, a man may be.stow.upen.impioving his ap pearance by the aid of art, he can have no pre-- tensions to personal attraction unless his figure indicate that be bas not been kept upon spare diet. , • CALIFOHNIAT;-=-111PONTANCE - OF - THE - CHINESE7 A Merchant doing a large business in one of the principal cities of the American interior wrote as folloWs " It is impossible for me to give an accurate : estimate of the amount of goods sold in this city to•Chinatnen. I have conversed with several of the mountain mer chants, and they give It as their opinion that • mine than 'three-fourthi of their „sales to - Cidnarneri Aniericaripro-7- dricts. I Almost every merchant. in the-, Mines 7 - has- more • or --less 7 Chinese trade, and a good many of them are dependent -al Most,:entirely=o n -them-for theirdiusitiess i he-- following are the kind of goods; provisions, -etc.; they -consume the:most oft_ potatoes,: cab-_ bageamf - chicken sillom—and - alrnost tevery article of vegetables raised in; this State; they buy clothing, , shoes, • boots, blankets, American . brandy, whisky, gin, baths, _beans, • lard, codfish, lob sters and almost - every article of American- pro- - I (l4db:in,. to - sinire . e"Sttetit. • ": - AS - 'ttier become AMericardied; the 'deniand- Tor AtheriCan pro ducts increases with • them: Their trade is valuable, ; being :almost entirely cash.. They are:gencr'aily-prompt-in weetint,m7-theircon— tracts. 'I hey are shrewd and • close .dealers, but spend their money freely for luxuries and comforts. It is said when -a Chinaman does not live well ft is because he has not the money to procure such as he would . like. The Chinamen say that the estimate is made that seven-tentbs; on an averap,e,_of all . the moiley tliey make. ; Dealers with them in the mines are_ of the opinion.that their estinr is :nearly = correct; it iis the opin ion, at least,.of those I have conversed With. :MISSIONARY LABORS. AMOIN:;G THE CALI , EON:NIA CHINESE. ' The first religious body to send the. Gospel to the-Chinese in_Californin .Waslte.Prosbyte, rian Hoard of : - 7 .Foreign• : =writer ofThe ,riter7- of this volume went in 1852 to San Francisco to meet the thousands of These people then : pouring . monthly --intO—the7eountry,-sorife - Of the course slirlil pre vions residence in China. His labors. Were be gun among their sick, of whoM there were - great ntimberS - on , -account of: - -their crowded condition -during-their long passage over upon the - ditrand. rotten ships: which -were • engaged in transporting them, and the bad and• •cient _toed ,given . to them . - on shipboard. These labors were contimied, while he remained there, in • a dispensary, with the assistance of some medi cal-friends. Regular preaching in their own language was commenced during the winter, which was well attended. A church was or goni7.4l November filth, 1853, composed ..of several men Who had been'inembers in China. 'lbis was the first Chinese church in the New World. The first elder, Mr. Lai Sam; was the brother-in-law of the well-known Leung. A-fah, so often mentioned in the Life of Dr. Robert Morrison,-who--was --the first native 1 Protestant preacher of Christ in connection 1 with modern missions to China.- The . ncxl Step vas the — opening -- of — w - nighl school. with which was often connected lee- tiii•es on astronomy, geography; chemistry and other sciences, illustrated by proper apparatue (ir a magic lantern. To reach both Chiuess and Americans throughout the State and out side of it, a newspaper named The Oriental was commenced and published, atlirst weekly, afterward monthly. Mr. Lee Kan, who had teceived a good English education in China, was the assistant editor. It was lithographed in Chinese on the, one side and printed in: English on the other. The information dis seminated -in this sheet was of material benefit to the Chinese. Twenty thousand copies of it were distributed the first year. The Chinese, during the second year; paid fOr the lithograph ing of their side by contributions . from the companies. The influence of this paper, of pamphlets addressed 'to the legislature and largely circulated over the State, and-.of other agencies—to which many of the most influential gentlertien of the State, con netted with various departments of enterprise which were benefited by the presence of the Chinese, and many intelligent and Christian people, lent their aid—were the leading means by which the combination of powerful enemies, ho had succeeded in having a law passed in 1854 designed to expel the Chinese from the State,• or to degrade them to a condition of peonage or slavery, Was defeated, and a repeal . of the law triumphantly carried during the . next session of the legialature. Five years Of this excessive labor brought the -missionary to the borders of the_grave; and he was coMnelled to quit the field. • In 1859 the Rev. A. W. Loomis, formerly of Ningpo, China, resumed thework of preaching and teaching in the Mission Hotise. His faith ful and incessant efforts for the good of the Chinese have been followed with success. Con verti flom time to time have been added to the Church, some of whom have been men of most sincere and active religious character and very useful in Christian labors among their own countryinen. From -this cells. tre_an influence insa been exerted over thou- sands coming and going through the port of San Frafitisco by tracts and other means. Fre quent contributions from the pen of Mr. _Loonris in Americafi periodicals have served to enlist-a general interest in the missionary work. DAPTIST, EPISCOPAL AND METHODIST MIS SIONS. The Rev. J. L. Shuck, of the Baptist church, during several years, commencing with 1854, performed a considerable amount of mission ary labor among the Chinese at Sacramento, in connection with his pa§torate over an American cengregation.'i The Rev. E. W. Syle, Of;,the Episcopal church, spent usefully, In thessame. cause-parts of the year 1855 andlBs6, in:Sau Fianciseo.l Eaeh.:of these.,:gentignaga had. previously resided in China, as had also the Rev. 0. Gibson, of the Methodist Episeb, pal church, who began to labor in San- Fran cisco in 18118, and promises to be the means of engaging that numerous b9ily -of Christians-in effective Sabbath-school and _ other instruction . of the Chinese; ' • TnL iittniquicicifAr, AND COMNIERCIAL I.IDI.CES ENOLIHILACCOUNTS. ' Therels inueli - that is valuable in the, books written by servants of the British governMent, of by Bakal ira4lere. 303910narie$•. Yet , two Itiiabinfluencb.wdertlipt ifiost Of their coneep- Ilona of the -Chinese patkild system.. The 'first ;*that of: thi:ir previous monarchical ideas. •:'llip.secoild. IS that of the , immense stake which national conscience and judgment are perverted, se far'asju'stice to the Chinese is concerned,by hd one filet that Great Britain supporta her Indiiii.wovernikent,:coriches multitudes of her subjects,and 'preserves the-control of Oriental .conimerce;:hy.the cultivation in India:and an . mud:sale to'China of fitty.millions of dollars' :worthof opium :' .These'people dare - not con 'side)! the virtues of the innocent fainily whom" they are robbing, and whose house -they - are(' burning over their lieads. nityrisit COMMERCE nnovirrixa m 12,000,000 01 ' 1 1P47EAMts• If we would form a more exact conception of the greatness of the 'injury, wrought by this poison; we .must follow to the -homes' =of= tliose who ••• use it, '.'aMounting •to not --leiis-than-tWelve-millions-OradnltsTrepresenting tho interests, thd moral character and the hap piness of sixtymillions Of' the population who staler directly from its effects,. • 'The profits, of- the opium "-trade to Great Britain are enormous—not less than twenty to twenty-five millions of dollars a year. Accord ing to the estimate of au -English' newspaper published in China, the' total profit from the time when the trade began until the year 1854 was, in round numbers, three hundred and ten millions of dollars, and frourthat time ,to the presents it is three hundred. - and forty Millions - more. The total -- is - ahoursix. -- hundred - and fitly millions- in ,sycee 'silver—that is, 'silver without alloy, paid by weight., This is the actual net profit to the producer upon a trade which amounts to from sixty to eighty thou sand chests a year, which are worth in all from forty to sixty millions of dollars. • The extent of the, responsibility of the. British Government-`for the - production and --- saleof - opirrm - 1 yr !ferto-stath-iirthe—words-of one ()fits - own subjects. The 'Calcutta corms - ponder% of 'the - Loudon - Timm thuS - presents the case for the consideration of the readers of ---that-hifittential - paper4 , - • " What are the facts? As to Bengal I have gone- through- the =poppy-fields -of-Shababad, and have witnessed every detail Of the in:aim facture in the enormous go-downs of Patna. Under a severe contract laW, twice as penal as any_that leas ever been . proposett•for ordinary agricultural progress, and scouted by England, did ances of money ai.e annually Made to The - PeaSents of Behar, - Bebars and elsewhere.. The state lies out of these . adValitages for a year. Its establishment of highly-paid,oflicials and-oppressive or colluding native subordi - detail-oas --- iiallciTstifervises 'every-detail--the.-preparation of the lieldS, the sowing, the weediag 9 the scraping of the capsules, the collection of the crudejuice, its transit to the'state factory and its sale in Calcutta. Yet, in spite of its es tablishments, smuggling is the rule: " The state of the case is this : China will -have opium-just-as : England will have—gin and- Scotland facts:- go to show that the abuse of opium in China, while great, is. by. no means equal tolbat,_of_ralccilioLin rope. The. moral question is not whether China may be supplied with opium,but whether England as a nation,_aS_ the ruling power of India, ought in iht quiciai and national charao -1(1., to-grow; manufacture and-export the drug, the uSe - of which .has.after two or three wars been legalized Yet this_ is thel-posir._ tion ofEngland at this moment in relation to i three,fOurtbs.".:of...thiloPlimi__eXpOrted._ from India." - MILLINERY GOODS. GEO. L. HAYES & CO.; No. 216 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. NOVELTIES IN RIBBONS. - -,-,ATIOPICE ASSORTMENT OF FLOWERS, LATES'E bank - LE OF H ATM, BONN ET AND HAT FRAMES, AT A VERY SMALL PROFIT. ap9-8 w 3m COPARTNERSHIPS. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. The partnership at present existing under the style of BICE EY , FII Ali P & CO.. will be dissolved by mutual consent on the 30th day of June, Ib7o. HICKEY, hiIIARP & CO. • .CARD. I.4`e R llf Sidi our entire stock of DRY GOODS, embra cing an unrivalled assortment of SlLKi.s 3 aricl. • • - BRITISH, FRENCH, AND OTHER CONTINENTAL DRESS GOODS, in the most approved fabrics, of very recent importation, •it very low rutes,in ordor to close out prior to July Ist 1870. Strictly one price, and no deviation. RICKEY, SHARP & CO. 727 Chestnut Street. ap23tl PHILADELPHIA. HARDWARE. &C. BUILDING AND HOUSEKEEPING HARDWARE. Machinists, Carpenters and other Me chanics' Tools. Lunges, Screws, Lodtcs, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Ooflee &e., Stocks and Plea Plug and Taper Taps, Universal and Benill Chucks, Planes in groat variety. All to be had at the Lowest Possible Prices .1d the CHEAP-FOR-CASH Hard ware Store of J. B. SHANNON, No. 1009 Market Street. deli-tf TRIMMINGS AND PATTERNS. - Ai - , A. BINDER'S TR.llkiklNd- LACES AND PAPER PATTERNS. 1101. N. \V COIL ELEVENTH and OIIRSTNITT. NOVI:LTINA.IN TUCK ED-AND tiPRIG 111DSLINS. Piques, from 2.1 c, to I. French ninal ins, 2 yards Vi Wide, We. Elegant patina, 75fer yard. Tom lma) fringes. per dozen. I' RA 80I.S. MADE-VP LACE GOODS. •• Black Thread, oai,nre, Pointe Applique, Laceti, Litre 7 . lollllllgf.ii all the styles in use. • Cotton gimp. and I' ringes. ..1, 3 ep1, l td glinCel, W 1 envearranted. - Bridal yells and wreaths, itch eWelry, corsets and hoop skirts. Golrering machines, 810, If you want a handsomely-fitting, tvoll,tuado cult, at i,liort notice, Soto ‘. MRS. BINDER'S. Sim nexer disappoints. It Is truly ii wonderful estab lishment. TIM above goods cannot be equalled in quality or my2S ars, REAL ESTATE SAipES. lt EAT, ESTATE.—JAMES A. Ir E Mit MAN, Auctioneer.—Desirablo Residence, No. 621 Vine Street, opposite Franklin Square. On Wednesday, May 2,6 th, 1070, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public male, at the Philado'plria Exchange, the following , : de scribed , real estato,yl4: All that.dosirable three story trick residence, double - three-story back buildings, and lot 'of around thereto belonging, situate on the north solo of Vine street (No. 621), In the Thirteenth Ward of the city. being 17 feet front and 90 feet 2 inches deep to a 4 feet alley Mailing into Marshall street, and ith thence thereof. Subject to an irredoetnable ground rent of &723 (0, silver, per annum. parlor and plate.g 'ass err The liewe has been Pia in complete order for its ahi in the rear. Per n.itt,: late occupants, the cellar laid ,in cement, with . coat bins Y er_ehambers, gas fittinKs • and a ia,ni d d a en t it i v • chandeliers included in the mie, 3 neater•closets, and .all -comet, icirre.l,--Arets sange.acithitot_andrmitt gthii.siot) frith the Deed. )(eke At No. 611 Vino street. -Threo-fintrtloi of the purelmse money- may .remain on mor tg a ge... aw) to Io paid wliou 9190 iiropurcy la. struck JAMES A. 16FERE MAN, Aoctionoor, niyi7 It Shiro 922 Walnut street. fa - As - FIXTU'RE • . AS. ,FIXT:ORES.—M ISK EY, MERRILI; G & .TBACEAR4I3 No. 718 Chestnut street, manu facturers of 'Otis Fixtures, tamps,Ac,, dic., would call the attention of the public to theirlarge and elegant as sortment of Gas Chan&Nora, Pendants ' Brackets, &C. They a liiiintrednee gas pipes intudwelllngs and puhlto buildup. and attend to extending. altering and repair ing gas pipes. All work warranted. • SggaigiaiiiMWMtM=NiMiSOMMlMNl POCKET BOOKS, &C. },"~ ~.~ ,~y Ram. \ 1 SI ney Mathew Writin lieski in nll styles. . inb22 3m SAFE HE 'rHILAI) 4 I;PfgA Tlttft3T, SAVE, DEPOSIT - - 1 1 1131D1INISITRANICIE - COMPANT, - = OFFICH AND BUROLAR•PROOV VAULT» IN TUE DIIILADELPIIIA BANK BUILDING, N 6.421 CLIESTNOT STREET. CAPITAL, “500,000. It'f•r SAPP:KM:PING Or,DOVRIItIMENT.BONDS and Other BY.CURITIIIR, FAMILY FL.ATTI.JEWALRY.Ited Other VAMP A 'Met , , under special guarantee, u. tho lowoot nitre. The Company alma offer for Ront ht rates varying from 816 to 875 per annum, tbo renter aloho holding the key, 6EtALL SAFES ix Trig SURGLAR-P ROOF VAULTS, affording abnointe SECURITY against FLEE, THEET.BGR . GLARY and Aegynuwr. All fiduciary obligations. snob. ne.Tanars. GIIAUDIAtt.-- 6111 PS, EXECUTORKIIIPd, etc., trill be undertaken and faithfully discharged. Circularo,giving full dotalio,forwarded on application. • .DIRECTORS. Thomas 'Robins, Benjamin B. Comegye, Lem iff R. A Hilburn, ' A u„ , nuttut J. Livinontou Erringer. Ratchford Starr, " R. P. bicCulingh, Daniel Haddock,' r., Edwin AL Lewis, Edward Y. Townaond James L. Claghorn, John D. Taylor. Hon. Wm. A. Porter. ' President - LEWIS R. AF3I (JUST — • Vtce Presidem—J. LI VINOSTON ERRINCRR. • Scretary and Treantrer-11. - . Pr - AlcOl L.LAGIL Solicitor—RlCHAßD L. 'A SR Fl GUEST. fe2 'we enti ICE COMPANY: 18740 k. 1870. KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY. Established 1832. Incorporated Mi.-- Office, 435 Wielnut Street,: 'PHMADELPITTA.. . . North Penn'm -Offices •Strent Wharf, and Master pt. Schuylkill, idge road and Wit- _ No. 4,133 'Main street, low strett. Delaware avenue. Branch - J., 221 k riatuilton sts. and Ninth et !It'd Waslt• Cape May, Naw Jet-, ington avenue. uepols. sey. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in and Shippers of EASTERN ICE. Semi your orders to any of the above offices For prices, Eret' card.g. WM. PARSON'S -. "IMPROVED PATENT SOPA BED rushee a handsome Sofa and comfortable Bod,, with , Spring Mattress attached: Those wishlngro economize room should call and examine them at .tho extensive first-clues Furniture Wareroorns - of -"- - & * ' _Farson Son, No-228 -S. Second Street. _ Also WE . PAPSOIV:3 PATENT EXTENSION-, - TABLE-FASTENINGS Eren-tablowhonld-hare-thstn - on: They hold the leimes flrWy together when-pulled - about the room:- mhl73ml Bt.l !Esc , CARDS. EDWIN H. .FITLER & CO., Cotdage kanufig P nieri and Ihldersin N. Water Street and 22A 23T. Delaware Avenue PHILADELPHIA. EDWIN R. FITLER, COERAD V. CLOTHIER WEAVER & CO., Rope and Twine Manufacturers and Dealers in Hemp and Ship ChandlerT. 29 North WATER. 23 North WHAM ES. PHILADELPIELIA R. P. A: C. R. TAYLOR., Perfumery and Toilet Sorip, 641 and 643 North Ninth street Established IS2I. "11 -- Ch - FLIMMAI4T - & - SON, HOUSE AID SHIP PLUMBERS, Jr, iyiNo. 129 Walnut Street. JOTSEPII. WALTON & LIO., ' CABINET MAKERS, NO. 413 WALNUT STREET.' - Itlannfacturers of fine furniture and of inedinin priced furniture of superiorquality. GOODS ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER: Counters, Desk-work, Acc., for Banks, Offices and Stores, wade to order. JOSEPH WA CATON. JOS. LIPPINCOTT, JOSEPH L. SCOTT. JAMES L. WILSON, ROUSE PAINTER, 518 SOUTH NINTH STREET, Beeidenee-522 South Ninth ntreot. arylo ly 4p§ HENRY PIIILLI CARPENTER AND\ BUILDER, NO. 3024 SANSOId STREET, jelo-Iyrp PHILADS.LPIIIA. E B. WIGHT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Conimlssionor of Deeds for the State of Pennsylvania in Illinois. 96 Madison street, No. 11, Chicago, Illinois. mann CI OTT 0 N SAIL DUCK OF EVERY width, from 22 inches to 76 inches wide all numbers Tent and Awning Duck, Paner-maker's Felting. , Sall Twine, &c.. JOHN W. EVERMAN, 1a26 . No. 100 Church street City Stores, IVIANTEI,g - rICC [StMtVfkkattSl 01 the !Meat and most beautiful designa, and all other Slate work on hand or made to order Allio, PEACH 130TT014 ROOFING SLATES. _• Factory and Salesroom, SIXTEEN TII and 0 ALLOW WILL Streets, WILSON & HILLER,. ana•intl MACHINkRIITIRONTait). IRON HEN Oil— 'lle undersigned are prepared to execute orders for ENGLISH. IRON FENCE, of the heist make. The most • sightly, and the most sconomical ; fence that can be need. • Specimen panels of various styles of this fence may be aeon at our Wilco. YARNALL do TRIMBLE, ralig Sin§ ' • 147 South Front street. IVE — ERBICK & SONS, at, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, "190 WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Pressure, Horizon Vertical, Beam,...oscillating,_Blast and .oorniah__ Pumping. 110lbERb—Cylinder, Flue, Tubular, &o. STEAM HAMMERS—Nasmyth and Davy styles, and of all sizes. , IARTINGS—Loarn, Dry and Green Band, Brass, &e. KOOF_S---Iron Frames, for covering with Slate or Iron, , TAN KS—Of Cast or Wrought Iron (for refineries, vvater, oil, - • GAB 111ACHINERY—Such as Retorts, Bench Castings. Holders and Frames, Purifiers, (Joke and Charcoal narrOWß, ValVes Governors, &c. SUGAR MACHINERY—Eittch as, Vacuum Pans and Pumps, Defecators, Bone Black ', - Filters, Burners, . Washers and Elevators, Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black.Oars„&c..-- Sole manufacturers of the following specialties: In Philadelphia and vicinity ,of William Wright's Patent Variable Cut-o ff Steam Engine. • In tint Utilfed States, of Weston's Patent Kelf-conter• ing and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-drainingills• chine." • Glass & Barton's improvement on Aspinwall & Woolsees Centrifugal._ Bartors Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. Strahan's Drill Grinding Rest. Contractors for the design, erection and fitting up of Ea fineriesfor working Sugar or Molasses.' C OPPER , AND YELLOW' • METAL Sheathing, Brazier's Banos Nails, Bolts and Ingot Copper; constantly_ on hand ind for sale by BENBI WniBOß & CO.. No. 310 Bouth Wharvee. POSIT Mi 4 bnt IMIZIMMWM FINAbTPIAL 6114110„UGH dpi. CO" J. W. 13A.NICPRS, .42" - . •SOUTH,. : THIR D •STREET, Negotiate Loans, Buy and Sel Governthent and other re - % s lia es Securities. _l a si: 2 n ii.::tici' .520..'5.:1i::: - ..,..4 - N1)._:::188,1-S' Bought, Sold and ;Exchanged on most "ibexul teime, GOLD Bought and Sold at Maiket hates. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS Botiv,ht and. Sold Bought and Sold on Commission Onl y, Accounts _received_ and Interest - allowed on daily b - alauces subject to cheek at sight. Y 1 l'E l . til ~,. ' - _EI ~, _ll, 40 Scvilth St., PIIII.ADELPIIIA. JAY COOKE & Philadelphia, New York and Washington, 13 A I%i S Dealers in . Government Securities. Special attention the Purchase and Sale of Bonds anti Stocks-on C4JIT4III2PAIOn r at-t tie Board of- Bro. ken In this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWEDON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS, GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD HELIABLE - .le - AtILI:OiOIiONDS -FOR - Painphtete and full Information given at our office. 1.14 - S. Third Street, /IJ:lllR.lo:.iryvtir,q mb2D-tf ry LEHIGH CONVERTIBLE 6 Per Cent. First Mortgage Gold Loan, Free from all Taxes. We offer for vale !SLIM/ NO of the Lehigh Coat and Navigation Company's new First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Gehl Donde, free from nil I.3loB.interest 41 , 11 Q March and September, at NINETY GlO) und interest. in cur rency added to date of 'purchase. These bonds are of a mortgage Loan of $2,0f 1 0,000, dated ember 6 Ivo l 7liciiixa-tvccuty4lve4-25- - )yeari run. and are 'convertible into .stock at par until .1879. Principal and interest payable, in gold. They are scented by a first mortgage on 5,6 w acres of coal lands In the Wyothing Valley, near Wilkesbarre, at present producing at the rats of TOSP:iO tons of coal per annum, with works In prOgress ,which contemplate a .large Increase at an early period, and also upon valuable Ilea) Estate in this city. sinking fund of ten cents per ton upon all coal taken from these mines for five years, and, of fifteen cents per ton thereafter, is established, and The Fidelity, Inanr ancerTruat and Safe Deposit Company, tho Trustees under the mortgage, collect these sums and Invest theta in these Bonds, agreeably' to the provisions of the Trust. I+4 frill particulars, copies of the mortgage, ac., apply to W. XL NEWBOLD, SON & AEBTSEN, C. 417. H. BOUIE, E. W. CLABIi it CO., : JAY COOKE . dt: CO.; DREXEL at CO. my] I Itu§ D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS, S. THIRD STREET. No. 121 BIIOOE6BORB TO • SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. • Every department of Banking business shall receive prompt attention, as heretofore. Quotatione of Stocks, Gold and Governments constantly received from onr friends, MD. RANDOLPH & CO., Now York, br our PRIVATE WIRE. iab•)y - - - CHOICE INVESIIMENTS. _ _ 835,000, $lB,OOO, 815.000, $5.000 Mortgages or unexceptionable character on Properties centrally eituated, for sale by inyll GO E. It. JONES, 707 WALNUT Street._ r uis sli o n o , o, of two lo _ io N a D n at •V a VE OI6I,7 , $20,000 mortgage of city' property. S. KINGSTUIV ideO r AY,. 429 'Salnnt street. myl4 4t' PiOrzTiy _:&,.._ L'alith.a),',B Florida Water, The most celebrated and most delightful of all per- fumes, for use on the hand kerchief, at the toilet, and in the bath, for sale by all Druggists and F'erfumers. --• rn w 41n, COAL AND WOOD. rs. ItineON bINEB. JOHN Y. RIMPF. rp.H,E I3NDERSIGNED INVITE ATTEN i. 'ION to their stock of spring Moan thin, Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal. which, with (lin preparation given by us, wo think can not ho excelled by any other Coal. Office, Franklin institutalluilding N 0.15 S. Seventh street. NINES - .14 BREKFV, Aroh , Street Wkarnsck u ylk ill MEIBIMINIMIIII CO., MLR Y . TRUNSIAPHIC 4*.E.TAIrrEno Aeclines,to be a candidate for the Spanish Crown. Ni'rostittc are pronounc:ed as' ineligible for parish guardians in England. , T ism areMobe nofites in Paris on the an nouncement of the vote oh the plibiscition, as was reported. , Two more lifarseiltaise editors have been sent to jail, and publicalon of the paper is sus pended for two months. •FnAbten will require Greece to pay the , ran - som of any Frenchman who may be captured by brigands in that country. JOHN. F. Dutirr, a prominent citizen of New town, N., J., has disappeared. Ire Is said to be • a defaulter for $16,000. T/IP: difficulty at Dickinson College has been settled by the recall of the :order of suspension, and the Jun',,or and Sophomore Classes have returned to their duties._ Ar Richmond, Va., registration closed last night, giving the whites 089 'majority. At the last . registration there was a colored majority of several lhundred. - - - AT.San Francisco, Hicox & ; Spear, hankers, have been victimized by some New Yorkers to th 4 amount of .$lB,OO by , au altered check: The operators were arrested, and part of the money was recovered. Sin STAFrrorin NOIIIII6DTE left New York last evening for Niagara, on the way to Winn', peg. - , Ile is necompanied Nice , awl two sons, - and - goes'on - wdiploinat!e - mission to the lied River insurgents. A CoIViTRUCTION train fell through a trestle bridge on a branch o." the Delaware and Lackawanna Railroad, near Mead's Basin, N. J., yesterday. Two men were killed and seve n! injured. Intl business - pottier' of the town of lien - .ilii•kini; N. C., u as burned yesterday wpm - ling, The believed to bave been the work of an in cendiary. A Gt.:in - :11pm despatch announces the - -- • _ Volt of the - Jitnitir - ChiSi - ot Tetntsylvania Col: lege, to compel the reinstatement of members .(1. the class suspended for-what they-zonsider a slight alenee. Tlnt Red river troops are rapidly going for ward. Several companies left Toronto yester day. it is stated that 'Mr. Archibald, member --of-the Dominion Parliament : from Nova Scotia,: - has-been appointed Lieutenant-Governor - of Manitoba. Tri Reconitruction Committee yesterday agreed to I eport a bill readmitting Georgia on Wrniricsim - ltaTtiTtbrise ac.c.of - iled Vtrgiiiia.. -11a bill contains a provision allowing the organiza tion of the militia in Georgia, Virginia, Mis sissippi and Texas. IN the Southern Methodist , Episcopal Con . ference, yesterdiiy, a . resolution was .adopted endorsing the, action of the last Conference in ---connection--with existing-colleges,--as-the best .- available _means for training young preachers. P. O:.N-Lir.r. arrived in -Washingtorl yester day, MEGA petition to Congress, numerously signed by citizens of Rhode island, asking that the franchise-be - extended to naturalized citizens in that State who are now excluded by not possessing the required property qualifies __ _ . - Charleston, S. - C., a large mass-meeting -was-held-on Monday -night,- -under a -call for all citizens,._irr.eSpeetive .of _,lnaugurate. reforsn-lin---the --St' ate -Government.- A delegation of white and colored citizens was appointed to attend a State Reform Con vention. to be held -in Columbia .on:J'-'IY-15Lh• . . , Astosn the petitions. presented in the 15. S. Senate, yesterday, was one from a woman re cently appointed Postmistress in North Caro lina, who cannot conscientiously take the iron clad oath, because she rendered offices of char ity and attention to rebel soldiers. Being poor, and having a family-to support,---she-needs--the office, and therefore asks to be relieved of her political disability. ATTORNEY-GENERAL 11-ct_ku, in, response to, questions propounded by the Secretary of the Treasury sortie montliS efrice; lies just given an. opinion that internal revenue officers are not to be excluded from receiving share's as in formers. "In order to be declared an in former the person must prove that he was first to give substantially the information required by the statute." in the case- of an inferior officer acting, under instruction, his claim as infer-tier m ust - be - d ded - try - the - nature — o the instructions, whether they are general or specific. The Protestant Episcopal Convention. The Eighty-sixth Annuli Session of the Con- Tention of the Diocese of Pennsylvania of the Protestant Episcopal Church commenced yes terday afternoon in St. Luke's Church, Thir teenth street, above Spruce. Right Rev. Bishop Stevens presided, and the proceedings were Opened with religious exercises, conducted by Rev. IL Baldy. The roll of members, clerical and lay, was then called by the Secretary, John A. Childs, .D. D., nearly all of, whom were found to be present. Rev. Dr. Childs' was re-elected Secretary, and Professor James C. Booth Assistant Sec retary. The Secretary announced the following as the-subjects - of unfinished - business,referred to Committees at the late meeting of te Conven tion with instructions to report at the present one, viz. : • • Alterationi of the Canons of the Diocese; Episcopal residence ; Parochial History; par sonages ; Christian education, and proposed' new Canons. The Bishop announced the following Com mittees : On Charters—Rev. G. Emleia Hare, D:-D., Rev. William Rudder, D. D., Rev. W. F. Pad dock, D. D., Hon. Judge Hayes, Isaac Hazle burst, Esq., and Hon. Judge 'ringer. On Claims of Clergy to Seats--,Rev. Dr.Yar nail, Iteir..Dr. Watson - and. Rev. Thomas S. Yocam. On Claims of Laity to Seats—Jai:nes M. Aertsen, William Buehler and J. C. Gunn. Rev. W. F. Paddock nominated the follow ing gentlemen for . -- Standing Committee• of, the Diocese—Rev, Doctors Hare, Goodwin, Morton, Watson and Howe;,John Bohlen, .H. Gofortb, Thomas Rollins,R. S. Smith and Charles E. Lex. • Rev Edward Leaf nominated the following : Rev. Messrs. H. J. Morton, D. D., G. E. Hare, D. D.: E. A. Hoffman, D. D., E. A. Foggia ' T. F. Davies and Messrs. - Thomas Robins, .11. S, Smith, W. F-Griflitt, R. R. Montgomery and R. M. Lewis: Deputies to the General \ Conrention—Rev. Messrs. T. C. Yarnell, D. D.; William Rudder, D. D.; E..1311 - chanan, D. D.; William P. Lewis, Ron. Asa Packer,Hon. William R. Thayer, William Welsh, sq., and G: W. Hunter, Esq. Mr. William Welsh - moved that the Secre tary be directed to have printed a sufficient number of tickets containing the names of the foregoing, which was agreed to.. Messrs: Thomas Robins. Thomas H. Mont gomery, L. Clark and J. S. Newbold were ap : pointed Trustees of the Cbristnias Fund. J: Mr. Thoffias Robins nominated Mr. B. G. Godfrey as Chairman of the. Clonyontion, Mr.: 'Treasurer - of the ChriStmas Fund, and Mr. J.V. Robini, Registrar of the Diocese. • - On motion the revised rules were suspended so far as to allow the-reception Of the report of the Board of Missions to-morrow .morning, at ten o'clock.; :• ; • ; ' On motion of William Welslt L Y.sq,,Rev.l Dr: .4owe.tintlßev; Dr. Hare ,evere.,invited - to addressthe 'Convention, as •to their mission . duty in San Francisco and Utah, at . the con- elusion of the presentation of (tie above reporti which was-'agreed to.• ' • Tbe usual pi ivileges of the `floor-`were 020 fended to the clergy, of the. P. E. ; : Cburct,j Divinity 6tudents; rite.; and, on motion; the 'sours of meeting were fixed from nine A. M. to two P. M., and from live . .to eight P. M. . A , was aPpoii.ied -to provide proper'accornmodations for the clerical and members from a distance, and on. motion the Convention adjourned. • INIPOILVAN/1 DIVORCE DECREE. The following case, the which are well known In 'Philadelphia society, Is hni portant as the first reverseal of•a bogus divorce decree, obtained in Indiana, upon. fraudulent representations: • State of Indiana, county of Porter, ss.: Ed it remembered, - thaton the ninth - day of - 'May; A. D.. 1870, the _Bur being the first .judicial day - of a term of the Porter : Common Plea. - Court, begun, holden and continued ,ht. the Court-house, in the city of Valparaiso, in, . Said county and State, on , the second Monday and ninth day of. May, A. D. 1870; the following, among other proceedings, were had, to wit: ' Martha Laffitte Johnson vs-William 11. A. Johnt.on.--Now ' comp again the parties by counsel, and by agreement_ said,. motion:.fOr a. new trial is sustained, and thereupon this cause is submitted to the Court for trial. .And „the _Court r after---heaiing-the-evidence. and -being-- fully advised in the premises, finds for the de-. Tendant, Martha . Laftitte Johnson, that all the material-allegations of the &oss-complaint are true, and that she is fully entitled to and ought to have a divorce from the said William 11. A. Johnson; the care and custody of Emma Laflitte Johnson, the infant child of said . par ties ;- and that by - agreement of, parties, she is entitled to and ought to recover of and from the said William IL A. Johnson the sum of fif - tee talrOtisand-dollars;:as-all mohy ' fine, considered and ordered by the Court that the bonds of matrimony heretofore _ existing between the said parties be and the' same that they be free therefrom as fully as though the same - had - neverexisted.' - And it is furthers edludged by the - Conti that the said Martha Lailitte Johnson have the exclusive guardian ship, control and disposal of the said Emma Laffitte Johnson 'tithing her minority.; and It is further decreed by the Court, by and with the. consent of the.parties,,that the said gartha f?a tlitte Johnson de recover of and from the said A. Johnson; his. heirs,., executors, administrators or assigns, the - sUM of -fifteen thousand- dollars as alimony, payable as fol- lows,to wit : Filfferchundred dollars on or be fore the ltith day of June, 1670, Mid` fifteen • hundred.dollars on each and every. year there after, for,the period of ten years from the date hereof, or until the sum of fifteen thousand dol- - lars shall be fully:paid:by the said`.Williauiß. A. Johnson, his heirs, executors or assigns, to the-said--Martha-Lafette-Johnson c lier-heirs r ad--' ministrators, executors or- -assigns.---And -it is further-ordered and - decreed-by the. Court-that - the said William - 13.• A. - Johnson pay the . costs of this action and all proceedings .. connected : herewith. And it is--further ordered by-the Court that the several instalments of this judg ments shall not draw interest until they fall due. ' State .of Indiana,- County of Porter,. ,w. I, S,lL.Smith,Clerk of the Porter Ceminon Pleas Court, do hereby certify the , foregoing to be a ull; true; -- and complete __• - eopy7f...lhe_- finding, judgment aod decree of -divorce - rendered in said Court, at the term aforesaid, in the case of Martha Laffitte Johnson against William R. A. Johnson, - as the same app of record and on file in totoffice. Mr -In testimony whereof I have S 1 hereunto set my-hand and affixed e- the seal of said Cotirt, at my office, in the city of Valparaiso, on this' dav of May., ..1870. S. IL SMITII, Clerk By H. S. STopnAlin, Deputy Clerk. ART ITEMS George C. lanibdin sailed' for Europe last week. —Mr. Kncedler, of the Goupil Gallery, N. Y. has just received from Paris several copies of the catalogue of the celebrated "San Donato" collection of paintings and other works of art. The catalogue IPillustrated with etchings of some of the principal pictures. As many of • e wor:s so 11 for fabulous prices t imr re production in the catalogue by etching renders it very interesting as well as valuable. —The first sale of paintings by W. P. W. Danna and others took place at the Somerville Art Gallery, New York, on Monday evening, as adiertised in the BULLETIN. Among other pictures, J. A. Hekking's Autumn sold for $l4O ; A Water Party, by Giradet, at $l5O ; Farm Horses, by Verschuur, at $160; Street View in Cairo, by Testis, at s24o;.The Frugal Meal, by Moreau, at $130; Trenton Falls, by Regis -Gignoux, at $190; Konigs See, by Milner, at s3t;o; Little Dolly, by Hublin, at $221; Near _Newport,. by J. F. Kensett, at $330; Meditation, by E. Aubert, at $450; Morning in the Highlands, by Aug. Schenck, at $880; The Wood Gatherers, by E. Mouli net, at $425 ; Grandpa, by Paul Soyer, $210; The Surprise, by Augberg, at $480; Prayer, by E. Hammer', at $145 ; The Adieu, by Becker, at $490; Reverie, by A. Jourdan,. at $650; Night at Cairo,. by Dutiony, at $145 ; Autumn, by I'. A. Bricher, at $240 ; Cherry Seller, , by Dieffenback, at $215; The Pet Dog, by Schol ten, at s3"io ; The Gray Rothe, by Eugene Ver hoeckhoven, at $2OO ; The Reprimand, by Bakkerkorft; at $350. The sale was concluded last evening. IMPORTATIONS. . Reported for the iniiadelphin E , Tetting Bulletin. 1 CHARLESTON . . SC.— Steamship Prometheus, Gray bales yarn Hay & McDevitt; 40 do 66 bales cotton Clog horn, Herring & Co; 1 box seed Collins, Alderson Co; 1 bx Claxton, Remsan & Haffellinger; 12 tcs rice 50 bbls spirits turpentine Solider & Adams; 29 tee ride Thomas %Valteon & Sons; 13 - do JJ G Smith & Bro; X, do R Nor ris; 30 bbls spirits turpentine 141 bbls rosin B 11 Rowley: 2 bxslype ALickallar. Smiths & Co; . 62.crts.pette Moog & I etwiler; 10 eke clay Willington & Astbury, Trenton; 18 do Howell & Bro; 21 cite peas J W Swinker & Co; 25 tons old Iron A Whitney & Sons; sundry pkgs nuke order. ST. MARTINS. Wl.—Borkouti no Richard Pease (Br), Rathbun-5J02 bble salt S C L Huntingdon. JAMES RIVER, Vo.—Schr William & James, Outten —85.0(m) feet yellow pine lumber and scantling Patterson & Lippincott. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. . . . . AIIIPS FROM FOR ' DATE. Smidt ' Bremen... New York April 26 Bellona .. Lonoon...Now York April 29 C. of New York-Liverpool...New York April 30 Britannia - Glasgow... New York May 3 Borussia Havre..,New,York Stay, _3 The Queen Liverpool... Now York • stay 4 Erin Liverpool... New York May 4 Rising Star IL avre...New York. May 4 Scandinavian Liverpool... Quebec May 6 Europa Glasgow... Now York. May 6' A Ilemanuirt Havre...New York... May 7 Lafayette 'nrest...Nevr York.-May 7 C. of Baltimore..Liverpool—New York via H. May 7 Cuba Liverpool... New York May 7 , • TO DEPART. Tarifa New York... Liverpool '" . May 19 Cohunbiti* New York... Havana ... • May 19 Fah-keo* New York—Bermuda.. May 19 II ansa New York... Bremen - May 19 Pioneer Philadelphia... Wilmington May 211 Tonawanda ...Philedelplun...Savannah . May 21 H Chituncey"....New York...Asolnwail May 21 Bellono New Ymk...L , ,ndon May 21 Cityof London—New York... Liverpool May 21 SouthAmerice-Now York... Rio Januiro, &n May 23 Mir The steamers de, 'glinted by,, an asterisk(*) carry the United States Malls; • . BOAR D OF TRADE. J. PRICE WETHERI . LR, • HENRY WINSOR, 1110NTRLy COMMITTEE, GEORGEN.ALLEX,'--- COMMITTEE ON. ARBITRATION. J. 0. Jamea, E. A. douder, • Geo. L. Buzby, Wm. W. Paul,_' • . 'Thomas • DIARLNE BULLETIN. rOla OF - PIitLApELPLIIA-Dinv 18 su N IttEgs, 4 51 I SUN BATaI 7T01'111911 WATER- 4 26 ARRIVED VEST RUDA r_LSltribiet:Anthrttottoillioon;24.:LiciuMilioni:NowlY • ttrit ; with nictFa to W M Baird & 00. Dui kentlue Itichord I ,, ,trise , (llr), 'lllllbint, l 7 littpß from; Bt Martins, with salt to B U D. Hantingdon—vosHol to 110 Van lion'. Brig E U Redman Itrilmitu, 8 days trom thirii4imsovith , „ k•!: • '• , l : ti PIIIIAATIELPHIA 'EVENING' till. OIOtHPI3OB to B It Howell, Bon * reiiiol to Warren al - - f Solo . row is do; 'caw, 7 ,days trolls Bssits;'itlth Knickerbocker Ico Co. ...cite - 8p.., Ilea/n.4 days from Laurel,Del, with lumb-r to Jae L Bewley & Do. t.chr NonticokeiOntten,is days from Nanticoke Elver; lumber to Jeer/116a%, .• &klo tint A/biotin, 711/tchell. days from Norfolk, Va. with cedar rails to Collins & Co. Helm Uhrt: Cailoway.3 days from Choptank River. Md. with' railroad tieorte Cblline & Co. .. • • at r ' Behr Diamond State. 'Coop.r." 5 dayw from Nanticoke River. with lumbei te Cnilina & Co. Rehr Sarah Jonetr. Cooper. 3 days from Manokin with iu.mberto /k Co. . • - -• (31,EAltkl/ YESTERDAY, • . • Ship Saran/tic. Duni/ivy. Jr. Mobile, Cope Bios. steamer J 8 Bhriver. Bar. Baltimore A Groves. Jr. Bark Bloomer ibw)..Culberg, Gibraltar for orders, L Behr A Tir-verenr, Rich, Nevi OrtaaPs.D•i3 Stetson '& Co: Schr A P Stimpeon. Salem, John Rommel, Jr. & Behr Gen Brant. Frame Newport, do tichr 13 Herrick, Baldwin, New Bedford, do Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin 4 BEADING.' May i 8,1870. Thofollowing boats from the Union Canal passod into the Schuylkill Canal, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned na follows: Elt Postlethwsit. with lumber to order; Saw Coover: do to Pennepacker & Thomas; Two Sbters, do to J Kee. ley; Terror. do to Longscher & Co; Union No 8. do to _Vt.nt Pavia & Co; Alej Anderson, bark to George .E Win tyre. - E • HAVRE DE GRAOE. May 17. Tho following boats loft this morning In. tow, laden and consigned as follows; E Coleman, with lumber to W Malone di Son; Tiger; do to D Trump & Son; Mary E Davia, do is Norcross dc Sho eta; B l Shmffer. do to ((role & Dalai ware wheat to Hoffman & Kennedy; Maggie, poplar ir'Of dto Mannyunir: Royal Arch and Sons Sono, coal to .Wlincingion, Del; Two Armies. lumber to McLiYuln 4 ush ; A Page. Son & Co, do to St George's, Del. MEMORANDA. Flap Eliza McLaughlin t lithbert. from Ilambnr4 for this port. Ivan spoken 29th ult. tat 00. lon 22. blifpp St James; Dltieki - at Liverpool lith instant from ban lIC -Ship Ellen Munroe,-Norcross,-from-Boston-30th Doe at l,en Fronelsco 16th inst. . . rltip Valparaiso. Newton, sailed from- San Francd6co 16th inst. for New York. ." Steamer Wyoming. Teal. hence at bayannah yester day. Steamer Empire. Hunter,sailod from Richmond 18th lost. fur thni curt. Steamer WtnP Clyde,frotn Cheater, Wilmington, NC yi.sterday. Steamer Morro Castle, Adams, at Havana yesterday, from New York. • • . bit inner G.O Cromwell, ClaplAfiom New Olerato for New York. at Havana yewrday. Steamer Brtoiltraggotatled trom.Liverpool 4th , fat). for - New - Tora. - . Bark Rohm Berding, entered out at Liverpool 2d inst. - for OM; Dort. Bark read fa, Larsen, 'failed from Gottenburg 29th ult, for this port. .... nark Alitlaide.LobbAt-Foivey,24linst.,from-P-knoouth to iir ad for this port. Balk Vivid. Hartz. from -London for thb. Dort, with _otd.rallo and empty Cf 111.16. put into.. Brest ithinst. Imam the moat er int endoisailing.back:to.l.ondon-wlthent re, W mdring. (as reported by cable as having pat back to London I.tb.) _ . . Erin E F - Dunbar. Nieboia,cleared at Darien 11th Wet,' for tide port. with timber. i Brig - Nellie Clifford, from Nandlien for, hiatarmae. was off Gibraltar '23d nit. . . . Wig l!dechanle. Dyer. from ragout, at Portland LSD" inate,nt. Brig fza. Williams. benceixt Portland 15th lost. Schr Nary J Russell, Smith, hence, ciente° at Sayan -nab-14th hot. for Jacksonville to load fot this pert. tichr David Ames. A mes, sailed. from Cardenas 9th lust fora port.north of Hatteras. Seta. Rate F. Rich, Doughty, sailed from Charleston yet.terday for this port . Seta. Argus E)e, Thompson, at Savannah 14th instant trou, New York Rehr 8 P Ilan. Chapman, cleared at Darien 9th Instant for this port. with lumber. Rehr 31ary E gage, Church. cleared at Eastport 9th inst. for this port. Rehr /1-11 Read, Benson, sailed from New Bedford Mb 1, at. for this Dort. ' ---Fehr fl att ie-Rose.for thls.port.which returned to Pert land on Friday, Wall becalmed awl drifted on the rocks near Portland bight, breaking her rudder and. Injuring - tier b ortom. - Shelpurgeneinttrdock for - repairs. W VabOxiiietsl-Reoyetc. from sagna, at Boston yet,tertlay—was reported-bound to-Philadelphia, PANCO.AST & MAUL] WROUGHT AND CAST IRON PIPE FITTINGS, BRASS WORK, TOOLS, Heating by Steam and Hot Water, Pipe of all Sizes Catand Fitted to Order. CARD. Having sold HENRY B. PANCOAST and FRANCIS I. MAULS (gentlemen in our employ for several year, past) the Stock,Good Will and Fixtures of our RETAIL ICSTA BLISHAIENT, located at the corner of THIRD and PEAR stre_ets, In thia_citgahat brauch_otour_busi._ ness, together withlhat of HEATING and VENTILA TING PUBLIC and PRIVATE BUILDINGS, both b) STEAM and HOT WATER, in all its 'ration, 4ystems, will be carried on under the firm name of PANCOAST & NA ITLE, at the old stand, and we commend them to tho trade and business public) as beinp entirely competent to perform all work of that character MORRIS, - TASKER & CO. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 42,1810. mhl2-tf T B 0 M 80N' 8 LONDON HITCH. ever, or European Ranges, for families, hotels or public Institutions, in twenty different slaw, Also, Philadelphia Ranges, Hot Mr Furnaces Portable Heaters, Low down Orates Fireboard Stoves Bath Boilers, Stew-hole Plates, Broilers Bookini itoyes. eto. _ EDGAR L. THOMPSON. . - . . • . • Successor to SHARPE & THOMSON, no29n w f Amts No. 209 North Second street Ati THOMAS S. DIXON & SONS, Late Andrews la Dixon, N 0.132.4 CHESTNUT Streot, Philada., I IIN!" Opposite United Staten Mint. annfacturera of LOW DOWN, PARLOR, CHABIBER, OFFICE, And otber GRATES, For Anthracite, Rituminotui and Wood Fir ALSO. WARM-AIR FURNACES For For Warming Public and Private B uildings REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, D ONIMN AN Ey OP% 00ORINGOL -RA E N S G ALE and R ES, BATH- ETBOA ILELERS WH FOR SALE. NARNS'FOR SALE. Cotton and Worsted Yarns, all numbers. Cotton Yarns, one, two, three or four ply, on cops, on. beams and in skeins. Also, Chain and tiatitiot Warps, Cotton and Wool Waste. GEO. F. MALL. CornmigsionllerehroO. - W K/LI31( Street, Boaton, Mass. rnh2s amp POLISHING POWDER. THE BEM for cleansing Silver and Plated Ware, Jowelry,ote., vor manufactured. F'ARR & BROTHER, rah] tfrp 324 Chestnut street, below Fourth. FCR SALE CHEAP—A LARGE WAL NUT Counting•houso Desk. , Address "H. Dl.,' BULLETIN OFFICE 111),205 _4‘_ l% HORSEMANSHIP. —THE PHlLA zgict-v DELPIIIA RIDING SCHOOL, N 0.3338 Mar. ket street, is open daily for Latinos ana Gentlemen. - II is the largest, best lighted and looted establishment in the city. The horses are thoroughly broken, for the moat timid. An Afternoon Class for Young Ladies at• tending school, Mondayy,.Wednesdayy and Fridays ' and an Evening Glass for Gentlemen. Horses thoronably trained for the saddle. Roma taken to livery. Hand. 101110 carriages to hire. Storage for wagons and sleighs. .SETH ORAIGE, Proprietor. D' RUGGISTIS WILL FIND A LARGE stock of Allen's Medicinal Extracts and Oil Almonds, , Rad. Rhni. Opt., Citric -Acid, Coati's Sparkling Gelatin. towable Wedgwood Mortars. Ac.' nst landed from bark • lioffnung, from London. ROBERT SHOEMAKER. & CO., Wholesale Druggists, D. E. Corner Fourth and Race streets. DRUGGISTS'. RUG GISTS'. SUNDRIES. GRAD 1-1 ates, Mortar, PM Tiles, Combs, Brusher • Mirrors, Tweezers, Puff Boxesar orn E3ooopa, Burgles' Instru ments Trusses, Hard 'arid Soft . Rubber Goods, Vial Oases, ii, o and lfflotal Syringe &o:, all at " First ;' - Hands" - prices. - . ----- • • 'SNOW DI&N - At 11ROTHER;• apedf . , ~• •XI Stirith Elirlith street. CASTILE f:3OAB—GENU.INE AND VERY lor sole Ay RU ICBT t o „. landed from bark Idea, and a. ‘ , o l . ln 4 porting Drwmfala N. V. corner Tegilltitieirlita`k' COTTON. -168 WALES ,O(Yr',CON NOW landing frbm stenmer 'Wyoming, from Sur:mush, .; (ht., and for. gals by. cocurtAN, RUSSELL. & C)., 11l -i Chestnut Street,- (iO'I . TON AND 1110 E.-37 BALES 00t, 'ton ; 719 onBkft Moo. Now binding' front stcournn Wcnroit.a, fl'olll Soymontli. On., and foronb. by LIOULi- BAN ; CO.. 111 (Thostuttt stt , ot. ' TEibE 17 - A D STOVES. THIRD AND PEAR STREETS, Plain and Galvanized For Gas, Steam and Water. BOILER. TUBES. MISCELCANEOUa. INSTRUCTIONS. DR EMI,. .1--1:i•.• !:,!:::L , S:il•• t.i...P,....1 . i1: ..... , •,•i;!•1, • • itrrg;•:whoNT.Ego,Ayi--m-Ar••,,,,1.8,-1870.,i' SHIPPERS' Gums. IV OMIT Pk.Nlikin, VAN EA. RA.JI,RUAU i —Freight Department,Notice to ithippers.—Cr arrargenients recently perfeeterlittds Company is en-; ,abled to offer unto.ul despatch in the tran•portatien o f' freteht from Philndelpidar to _O.ll paints :- or the-Lehigh,: Malisnoy. Wyoming a d Snsquehaana Vaila>s, and on at a Catawissa and Rtle Railways. ParticuLsrattention is ato,ed to the new;lino through' the Susquehanna-Valley. opening up Cie North-astern, portion of, the State to Philadelphia, embracing the towns of Towanda, Athens, Waverly, and tha ctinuties 'of Bradford, WYoming and Bugg uohanna. It also of, fere a short and speedy route to Buffalo and. Rochester, interior and Southern New Torts, and all p date in the Northwest and Southwest and on the Great Lakes. Morchardise delivered at the Through Freight Depot.! corner of Front and Noble streets, before 6 P. M. is ,lii tributed,by Fast Freight Trains throughout the Le., Matti Mahaney. Wyoming and Susquehanna 'Valleys early next day, and delivered at Rochester and ,Buffalo tvitliin fort,--eight hours from date utehloment. Newarticniani in regard to Buffalo,: Rocheater;interior York and Western Freight may be obtained at the office. No 811 Chestnut street. L.(. KiNSLER, Agent of P. W. & R. Line.] • D. S. GRAYLY, Through Freight Agent, Front and'Noble streets. ,ELLIS CLARK, General Agent N. P..R. R. Co , *LIO OSTO N.,--STEAJSISELIP LIL. 4 DERICOT,S AILING FROM EACH PORT EVER] Wednesday and Saturday.— ---- - FROM FIN It STREET WHARF, PHILADELPHIA. AND LONO WHARF, BOSTON. PROM PHILADELPHIA. PROM BOSTON. 10 A. 1. I 3P M. ARIES, Wednesday, May 4 SAXON,Wednoeday,ltlaY -- 4 - ROMAN , Saturday, " 7NORMAN, Saturday, ••, 7 SAXON, Wednesday " 11 ARIES, WednesdaY, " 1 1 NORMAN, Saturday," 14 RONAN, Saturday, - 'l4 ARIES. Wednesday, " 28 SAXON ,Wedneaday , " 18 ROMAN, Saturday, " 21INORMAN, Saturday" 21 SA)COIv, Wednesday, " 25 , ARIES, Wednesday, " 25 NORMA N,Saturday,' " 23:ROM AN , 'aturday, " 25 These Steamships sail punctually. Freight received every day. Freight forwarded to all•pohits in Now England. - For - Freight - or - Passage (superior accommodations, Apply to HENRY WINSOR & CO., 338 South Delaware avenue-. JOIHMADELPRIA, CH24.0.N - D___ ALND - NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. INCREASED FACILITIES AND REDUCED RATES FOR 1870, STEAMERS LEAVE Ev Eli If WEDNESDAY and SATUIIDA IT at 12 o'clk, Noon, from FIRST WHARF, above NA RK ET Street. RETURNING, LEAVE RICHMOND MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and NORFOLK. TUESDAYS and . SATURDAYS. , iIW - NO Bills.,of„ Lading ,signed, after 12 o'clock ,on. Sailing-Day. THROUGH RATES to all points in North and Smith Oaroling via.Seabeard Air-Line-Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynchburg, Vtt.'i Tennessee and the West vin Virginia and Tennessee Air-Line and Rich mond and , DanTille Railroad. - - Fretghtli m. eD BUT ONCJETitrattitim - TiitLi) WEB RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. No charge for commission. drayage, or any oxponse for transfer. Stoarnalhtpirtntroroatiowest rates. Freight ref:Myatt DAILY. • , State-room accommodations for passengers. WILLIAM P. U5..2 DB & CO. No. 12 South Wharves and Pier No. 1 North Wharves. W. P. PORTER, Agent atElchmond and City Point. T. P. CROW ELL CO., Agents at Norfolk - -- - JOBILA.DELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL - STEADISFIIP COIIPANY'S IIEGUE.A.F t, INES FP-014 OPEEN STREET Wil A EF. The )(CHILIES will sail for NEW ORLEANS, direct, on Thuri day, IVlay2B, at 8 A. M. - The YAZOO will sail from NEW ORLEANS, vie Havana.— May, The TONA WANDA will ash for BA.VANN&H on Saturday. May 21st , at 8 o ' clock - A:-Tl. - The WA - OWING will sail from SAVANNAH on Saturday , flay 2lst. The Pl oNE ER will sail for WILMINGTON, N.C.,on .Friday, May. 20, at 6A. M. Through bills of lading_ signed, and passage tickets sold to ell point» South and - West. BILLS of LADING SIGNED at. (OBER ST. WHARF. "for freight or passage, apply to WILLIAM L. JAMES, General Agent, • " 130 Solidi Miro Stryt_ot,-_- VDT._ _NE W__YD_R Az AND - RARITAN - CANAL. EXPRESS diTEAMBO IT COMPANY. The CHEAPEST and QUICKEST:water-communica tion between Philadelphia and New York. —Ftetuners leave-doilyfrom-First -Wharf-below-MAR ET street, Philadelphia, and foot of WALL street. New York. El ROUGH IN TW ENTY-FOIIII HOURS. Goods forwarded by all the Lines running out of Nev. York , North, East or West, free of commission. _ Freights received Daily ann forwarded on accommoda .ting terms. W3l. P. CLYDE & CO.,Agents, 12 South Delaware Avenue.. E. HAND, Agent, 119 Wulf Street, Newlfork. IV-ZW- - -EXPAESS-13.1:5.W.V0 --ALE)CAN 4„1 dria, Georgetown and Washington, D. 0., via Chas ;peak e and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex - andria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bet tol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Sonthwast. htearnera leave regularly frOm the tl rat wharf - ahoy Market street, every Saturday at noon.. • Freight received daily. WM:P. CLYDE & No. 12 South Wharves and Pier I North Wharves. - RYDIt&-TYLER, Agents at Georgetown. M. ELDRIDGE & CO.. Agents at Alexandria. Va DELAWARE AND C FIESA.PEA IC E 1.5 STEAM TOW-BOAT COMPANY.—Bargei towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre de Grace, DO •aware City-and intermediato.powits,— --- WM. P. CLYDE & CO. ' Agents; Capt. JOHN LAUGHLIN, Sup't Office, 12 South. Wharves, - - apll tf § FOR NEW YORK, VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. SWIFTSURE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, DISPATCH AND SWIFT:MIRE TINES, Leavingdally at 12 trf 1 5 P. The steam propellers of this Comimmy will commence loading on the Bth of March. • Through in twenty-four hours. Goode forwarded to any point free of commissions. Freights taken on accommodating terms. Apply to WM. M. BAIRD & CO., Agents, mh4-tf 733 south Delaware avenue. GROCERIES:TA QIFORS. &C. CORN EXCHANGE FLOUR MILLS, 2136 Market Street. Superior Family and Bakers' Flour, MANUFACTURED BY E. V . MAO H.EIT'2E. Jr. Ever ,Bair or Barrel warranted. mh:SO w• m tf§ 4 PURE OLIVE OIL.—THE SUBSCRI bers beg leave to announce to the public that they have made arrangements for receiving, and have now in the store, the celebrated Monet brand of Salad Oil, hich they warrant superior to any Oil imported into this country. JOS. B. BUSSIER & CO.. 108 South Delaware avenue. SHERR Q BERRY WINE.—A VERY SUPERIOR Y and pure Spanish Sherry Wino at only 83 00 per gallon, at COUSTY'S EUHL End Grocery, No. 115 South Second etreet,below Chestnut. CLA RETS.—EXTR A QUALITY TABLE' Clarets, at 84085, 86and SC/ per caseof dozen hot ties—of recent Importation—in story , and for sale COUSTY'S East End Grocery,llB South Seoond street, below Chestnut. •1 CALIFORNIA SALMON.—FRESH Salmon front California; a very choice article ; for FIIIO at COUSTY'S Etna Erni Grocery, No. 118 South Second etreet, below Chestnut. QEA MOSS FARINE—A NEW ARTIOGE KJ for food, very choice and delicious, at COUSTY'S Feet End Grocery, No. 118 South Second etroet, below Chestnut. NI - LITTON HAMS.--;.A. VERY CHOICE article of Pried Mutton, equal to tbo best dile I beef, for tale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. lit South Second street. below ebestnut. JUST RICEIVED AND IN STORE 1,000 cases of Champagne, sparkling Catawba and flail fornia Wines, Port,lnadoirn, Sherry, Jamaica and Santa Cruz Rum, fine old Brandies and Whiskies, Wholesale and WWI. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, Below Third and .Walnut -streets, and above Bock re stet. do 7 tf JJORD.AN'S CELEBRATED P ITEM TONIC Ale for Invalids, family use, etc. The subscriber is now furnished with hie full Winter supply of his highly nutritious and well-known bever age. Its wide-spread end increasing rite, by order of physicians, for invalids, use of families, &a., commend it to the attention of all consumers who want a strictly pure article; prepared from the beet materials, and put up in the most careful manner for home utte or transpor• Lotion. Orders by mail or otherwise prom idly sea plied P. J. JO RD kN, treat, d°7 7 • - below ThirdandWalnutstreets. DENTISTRY , OPAL DENTALLINA.— A SUPERIOR article for cleaning the Teeth ,dostroying anti:actions which Infest them, giving tone to the gnms and leavint a fooling,_ of fragrance and perfect cleanliness In thi month. it may be used daily, and will be found tt strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the (moms and detersivenese will recommend it to every one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, PhYsi pions and Microscopist, it is confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the uncertain washes formerly In " fro n Lent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the Dentallina, advocate its nso; it contains nothirm, to prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only hi JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary, Broad and Spruce streets. idly, and D. L. Stockholm°, . ,Robert O. Davis, Coo. C. Bower, Olms. Shivers, 8. DI. McColin, 8. C. Bunting, Chas. H. Eberle, . • James N. Marks, • E. Brlnghurst & 00., Dyott & 00 0. Blainer' Sons, Wyeth & tiro. For sale bY•Druggists gene Fred. Browne, Hassard & Co., U. E. Keeny.,, • , Isaac H. Kay, C. H. Needles, T. J. Husband, Ambrose Smith, Edward Parrish,. -Wm. B. --- James L. Bisphans, • Hughes & Combo, Henry A. Bower. aLTTLERI O - 11( - 4'E S' - AND WOSTEN ROL N.I'S -I."POCICET , KNIVES, PEARL and STAG RAN , ' 1) I.ES of heautifullinis'.,' RODGERS' and WADE k I.lllTell DIPS. nud the _CF.GRIIRATED .LEGO rILT It G BA %OP. SCISSOIISiti CASES -of the. finest quality, Elmore. Knives, Scissors and Table Cutlery ground and EARINSTIMMLNTS of the most noproved construction. to moan the henidng. nt P. 111API:tit Vtr, Cwlt.r uud Surgical Instrument Maker, 115 Tenth street, below Chestnut. myl tf treTION'SALES. • JAMES .tv - •FREEMA_N i ATTOTIONEE.Ht 47l Vistula strooL. • BRAL FffiTATIG'BALS,MAY , 4 714giele;oir_WEDNE , 8DAIt',-4Y( o'clock, ttoon,4f“ ; the hanbangei will include ; .35 oitalitt3, finitr LiNY Valhabla .squAre pa id undo - .intersected by ,Teettly eecotid. • Twang third, Te tzar -fourth, Twe4ntyllitb Twenty-eixih, Twenty• ti‘eentboTumberl.lidund'llantitrotratreet e , Twenty. eighth -Weed, underinid with a ante: tb , poolt of brick c l ay. - 11011 purifetilere and Wen at the +store. 'greeu tor,: Abs..ivei See', 'Esfare braham..Tiflo al. deed Noe. 233, Zl. and .318. THIRD' ST:—Valuable business groperilee—il largo tour-story brick office buildings, be - low Walnut Weft. lot 54 by 190 feet to Levant ettt3et. .1234100 may remain: • - • b N c U k dw 3 llCnHa IBT lo t, ST :100 E T e — t T wMtihry msarorY Orphans? Court Sak. Estate Jahn E. . Donahue, de.. •. • ceased; ' • NO. 621 VINE STREET:4lorlern three-story brick' residence with back bitibilima, oppoalte - Franklin square._ bot 17 gfiti feet. Three-quarters of the pyrchaso roomy may remain. , NO.I/6 BROAD iSTBEET.—Two three-atm brick dwellings and lot, Ilxby 6-3; feet. .o(Phan.e. Court Sale. Estate Bleu/bete Finneganoleteaset 15! °Olt STkEET,—Three 3 Mary brick homing and lot 4( x 463; fret 'south of Fitzwater and West of Jun lig , r si roe's.. Orphans' Court . Sale._ Estate .of. John McGar• Mo. detta• ACJIES and Improvements. Blackwood tow n road. lit. Ephraim, near Gloucester, N. J. particuears en catalogues, now ready at theAtte ticn store. —.ORPHANS' COURTSALA,on the, remises.—Edate; of GottlefhOlb, deceased. ' Property , Wtster street,: Get ma otou n, ThursilaY afternoon, May, 25th. WO,' at 4 on the Premises, will be sold : Stone flouse,l Stable. Barn. and largo lot PO by 235 feet, Wlster Street! former!) , Buy 'S lane, ' near Main street, Germantown.' (21. lir of incutpbranco. Sate Peremptory • • OliPB A Ns' COURT SAL 1.1, on the premises.—Estate of Janet Gagotray, deed Stone and frame dwellings, , Cresbelm lane. Germantown. On Thursday afternoon, May 20,1170, at 3 o'clock, on the premises; will be sold a two and a halt story mono dwelling, two-story frame: balm, frame steble and lot. ,s 2 by iqo feet. Cregilnirtli I ,, pmosearthipenter street, Mt. Airy, Clear of Incum- i brance. Safe ofbmuie. Palo N 0.1123 Monnt Vernon street. E 0101 }ULM - RESIDE NcE AND HANDSOME 110USElloLD.FUR `IITURE, MA 1- • IEL BUR ROR, 'WALNUT PARLOR SUIT, Goy bED WIT/1 GREEN PLUSH ELEGANT ETA GERE AND WALNUT UUAMBER SUIT, FINE HAIRTIVESISF.B. , BEDDINv, TaPHSTRY AND INGRAIN CARPETS. NYALN UT BOOKCASE, SIDEBOARD, KITCHEN UTENSILS • 4lic.,* &a. ON THURSDAY MORNING. May Mat 10 o'clock. will be sold. on the promisee. the .thieetierEßriciDwellina, withtwo story. brick-back t. -17-- hrt 3o feetrantrnteilbiteWrift er the reel mato, by cetalogue, the *entire handsome' Houeehold Furniture. • To Wheelwrights and Others. PEREM PTO ltY RALE . 0 F_It0,01:0 FENT_OF---WEL - Si .-- A - ST/NED - ITFCLIGUY • 'WHITE AND BLACK OAR LUMBER ON MONDAY MORNING. May - 23, at 10 o'cloek, Wilt he aold, at F.lFTlLetreet.and- UM.I3rA aretoto, aboutso,eua feet of wall-seasoned Inchon'. White and Black Oak Lumb, r from half Inch t Sale peremptory. • Peremptory Sale—No 422 Walnut street. SUPERIOR I. A TRES AND P(.OLS, PLATFORM SCALES, OR INORTON .dtc. ON TUESDAY MoRNING. May 24, at IP o'clock, at the Auction Store, three No 1 Fox Lathes. with Tools, complete. , A.leo. large Grin& 0-ne. Pcahs.Acr. • • LW Sale peremptory; on account of whom It may con cern ItTARTIN_I3RUTHERIS,AUOTI4 Iv-- .13JL ' N0:704 CHESTNUT area: above Soientli Sale al rio !Ar If 11, r.:11 street. VERY SUPERIOR WALNUT ,HOFBEIIO4,r4 Fun. NITUIIE, FINE BRUSSELS - AND OTHER 0.1.1 t. FLYS. VANE SPRING &ND HAIR ItIATRE3SES, OIL CLOTH A. &c , • ON THURSDAY nonmiNG, )flay ],9, at 10 o clock. at No: 2040 -Arch street, by cata logue, the entire Household Furniture, ,¢c. • North- Fixtb - strcet. - : SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. - ON=FRIDA - Y MURNINO. at-hlo'clock, at NO. 7526 North hi itch streot;hy catalogue, superior Parlor, Clvr , iber end Dinino Room Furniture, - Imperial and Inorain 'erpets. -- One Feather - Beds, die. .May.b.e seen_atil o'clock on he morning of sale. IMPORTANT SALE OF FINE. FURNITURE AND UPHOLnTERY Preparatory to puttith up a new front and otherwise improving hts tore. " Mr. JOHN M, GARDNER, 131 G Chestnurstfoct, will( in °rail" to make room forfhnseimprprernentat, FER AT KIM IC SALE, -- _ ON - lIONDAT MORNING: May 23, at 10 o'clock at his Warnroohni,o, selection of FINEST- CABINET FURNITURE it.UPHOL,STERN . over offered at auction in this city. - . The styles ere the newest and choicest. The guiltily and finish cannot Le excelled To_verify-thseir facts i t ie only necoesary for parties ill tending to purchase to cali and examine the Stock, - THE ASSORTMENT embraces Drawing Room 'and - _,Parlor giJ witli cover, Ines of the richest broettellee. satins, satin' damasks, vim lies..silks and terries; a variety of the most elabo rate Chamber, Tlinirg Room, Library and Hall Suits. AN OPPORTUNITY presents itself in OIL sale to those desirous of purchasing . . _ _ DIGIIEST ORDER OF.CABINET-WORK.----- - VrAUCTION PRIOES. which may never occur again. The 'irornithre w ill be ready for exwmination two days previt us to sale, with cadaloguee Sale No. 1806 Coates street. ELEGANT EBONY - DRAWING. .R00M...- SUIT; HANDSOME WALNUT CHAMBER FURNITURE, VINE .1 1 RENCH PLATE MANTEL AND OVAL DURRoRS, HANnsoniN ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS. SPRING - MATREHSES, ctrr GLASS. WARE. FINE PLATEI. WARE, An. ON TUESDAY MORNING. May 24, at ID o'clock .at No. 1806 COCVOR street, by catalogue, the entire handsome Household Furniture, Ac., Ac. May he peen early on the teeming of sale. 9111 OM A S BIRCH 4, SON._:A_UOTION I. — IFICRI3 ANYCOMMISSION MERCHA.NTS, No 1110 CHESTNUT ktreet, Rear entrance No. 1107 Sansorn street. Household Furniture of every description received on Consignment. Bales of Furniture at Due - Main attended to or, the most reasonable terms. SEVENTH CONTINUATION SALE OF A VALU ABLE COLLECTION OF COINS CURIOSITIES, AUTOGRAPHS. &c. ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON. At 3% o'clock;at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut street, second story, a valuable collection of Coins. Au• tographs. being a portion of the collection of Prof. Blentrovillo K ilson Dickesen. Catalogues now ready at the auction store. Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut street. HANDSOME WALNUT PARLOR AND LIBRARY SUITS. COVERED WITH BROCATELLE ANO FINEST PLU•II ; ELEGAN CHAMBER. FURY)... TUNE, OF NEVI EST DESIGNS; ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES AND PARLOR ORGAN. MAN TEL, PIER AND CH AMBER GLAS , ES, NEW AND• SECONDHAND VELVET, BRUSSELS AND INOPAIN CARPETS. HAIR MATRESSES. BOL STERS AND PILLOWS, ENGRAVINGS, CHINA, Ac., Ac • • • . ON FRIDAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock,- at the auction .stere. No. 1110 _Chestnut street, will be Sold, a large assortment of handsome new and secondhand Furniture and Carpets, for the Parlor, 1 fining Room, Library and Chmul.r. Alai), kitchen Furniture, Ac. The Stock of Superior Furniture, manufactured by Mr. CARL G. AIEININGER, in the best manner, for private sales. comprising— Parlor snits ' in plush anti broCatelle. Library suits, in silk reps. Library suits, in blather. Chamber suits, with Wardrobes Centre Tables.with Tennessee and Lisbon marble tops. Walnut at d Ebony Cabineta Spanish, Library and Rocking Chairs. Cane sent and leather covered Dining Room Chairs. handsome Walnut Sid boards, ,kc. The Furniture can be_,exarnined on Thursday after . _ noon, with catalogues. TRENTON STONE CitINAWARE. . At II o'clock, In the basement, a ent, will be sold, large in voice of Trenton Stone China Ware, suitable for restart 'ants. betels, bearding houses, ke. CO'XT'S ART GALLERY AND - AUCTIO.T COMMISSION SALES ROOMS, . . B SCOTT, JR.. Auctioneer. 1117 CUEBTNUT stroot, Girard Row. Furniture Bales' every Tuesday and Friday tnoroing at 10 o'clock. Particular attention paid to out-door sales at mode ratty lrattil3. .1.2 g . . GRAND •SPRING SALE OF FMB NEW AND 811P10101t FURNITURE'. BARLOW'S MANUFACTORY: TRIUMPHANT. „ 616,000 _ IMMENSE STOCK. 6,16,.000. Three floors crowded with elegant goods. No COUN TR V matte, but the best clxv manufacture. from makers el well-known reputation. TWO DAYS' SALE. • ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, May JO and 20, at R1A...61 and 75ii P. M. eauu day. will be offered at public sale, at our Waretoems, the largest and most elegant stock of tine I urniture ever off , red at ). 'turf lon in this city. The varlet y immense, and cow orises every new article in, the Furniture line, and each and every article sold accompanied by written gtian ante(), Thie sale is made to supply. the enormous do• wand for our goods, and is the last chance that will by offered to net good Furniture at your own price. Sale positive and wit. - nut any reservation. Our en tire building will lie illuminsted each evening till sale, - and open fur examination of stock, with catalogues, STILL ANOTHER GREAT FURNITURE. SALE. We have receivrd -instructions from Messrs. .1101 , D 0 co ~ or No. 46.boutli Second street. owing to a dissolution of the long established firm, to 'offer at public sale their eoormous stock of line Furniture, tunountitur to 660 ties. ON WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, May 25 and 20,nt 10 o'c ock A. M, each day. Particulars hereafter. We - bare also received adv loos from Dir. FraiikS heri dun. of 014. Arch street, who is declining business. to sell his entire stock , - at bin Warerooths. of Hansel and .Pier litlirtors.Guld and Walnut Fraines; flouquet Tablssi , Paint,ingB elbrunios. unit' Engravings; frarneirla - greri, * style Photograph' Frames.. all styles and sizes. Fire proof' still (Alice Furniture will also be sold. Salo positive. . • . • TA. - RiceLlfilf,AiAND; "ArfCTIONEER, - 11219 E EA` SAPP tv estt orir P e rsonal attention given to dales of }leasehold Furniture at'Pwolliagn. - ' 91 1 47 - Public Sales of Furniture at the Auction Rooms, 1219 Clletittmt street,-every Monday and Tttrsdur - ' Mr For particulars see Public Ledger. - • N. A.—A superior class of Furniture at Private Sale' 9 1 L. AiStinit ID t/ OTI ON. J.. EBBS. No. boa ItIAIIKET streetAbovo Fifth. ATTCTION SALES. THOMAS & 80N8 A UOT u talW. aOO STOOKS AND REAL Pnblio cabaret the • ik0440/W 01 LI IM 1111 TSDAY t at o'clock. ir ti g i ttlitiro Wes ot .. the, A m non, 11 . ,0r0 :11111111pr , ST Sales at Roaldenoo, receive timbal. stiontioa MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS FROM LIBRAILLWA. •,. .ON WEDNESDAY,AFTERNOOIL, May 18, at 4 o'clock. Peremptory Sale at the Atlantic Oil lieSnery.lifturasiatt lane, quarter of a mile below Point Breeze Gee BRICK. AND FRAME BUILDINGS, ENGINE ~ B OLLEIr. ' TANKSLTOOLS. TUBS; qktr.' ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. May 18, at 4 o'clock on the premises, the 'rhea rigid frame buildings, 'c &c., belonging to the Atlantio 011 ft. finery, at Point Breeze ,vis.; , l;loo,berrel with fi re doors and lire bars, braas etay soda; I oorbienaing tub, sillier° original); about 400 feet of 2 inch pipe; I condensing tub, square (new); 800 feet of pipe; .1 briar receiving bonne; 2 receiving tanks, capacitr 000 galloms each; 1 crude oil tank. 1 000 barrels:. I engine house, treating bodge and settling , bonnycombinen ; 1 • frame warehouse. about W by 100 feet, oue-story; I (raise cooper shop, about .40 by 100 feet. oneostory; I frame stable. A leoTrtreetl tirtatikVCalWitt - 4 - ,ooo — orginatiC; tubular boiler, about 8 to 10 horse power. but little Used; 1 portable engine, &beat 8, horse pewer;, , 3 .lerge, oil pumps, nearly now;' pum p blower for - agitator; 2 - largo settling tanks, about 3,000 gluteus each; 1 large settling tank, about 3,000 galtens; 1, spent acid -tank; '2 pleats lined tepee; I copper glue bottle, for ,steam; quadri' tools; shout 3,800 feet of iron pipe ; - flom'h of ad inch to 2%. Inc hcs diameter; 1 largo lot oestone, bricks, lumber. &c.; globe valves, cocks, etc ; shafting,leather belter,&c.: • 1 bench and vise. The buildinge and machinery all to be removed by the purchaser within ton days from sale. FxteWsive Sale at the AnCtiOrt *Mum, SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITCIRE.' PIANO, - ?MBCHB, FIREPROOF SAFE, CARPETS, SM. ". ON THURSDAY MORNING,' May 19, at 9 o'clock, at the Auction Rooms, by. cata loguer a-large assortment of-euperlot-Pariort IShambitt. — Library and Dining Room Furniture, TO8 1 3W00(1,194110 Forte, line French Plato Mantel. and Pier Mirrors, 3 perior Walnut Bookcases, . 8 largo painted Bookcases, Walnut Wardrobes. Sideboards , lExtonsion. Centre and Bouquet Tables, Lounges, Artu Chairs, Chamber and Dining Room Chairs, Etageres. Hat Stands, Office Peaks and Tablas: fine Hair Morasses; Feather Bolsters and Pillows,- tine India and canton China Ware, Sue Cut Glassware, superior' Fireproof safe. made by Evans St Watson; Refrig..rators, Stoves, Velvet, Brussels and oilier Carpets, Matting, &c. • • Rale N0..737 Spruce street _ nOt_FSNIIOI4IITURNITILREiL French Pleti, Pier Mirror, Vino Velvet and Oi _ - - ON MONDAY MOANING. . May 23. at HI o'clock, the superiar Walnut Parloi and Dining Boom Furnitnre: Oiled Walnut and Mahog.tny -re-handier-lc urni tureillne--French-Plate-Pier=itiirrat—, Feather Bode and Untied flair Irtatreqapta, Genoa - ware, Cooking Dtenaila, &c. . BUNTING; DURBOROW C 0.,, • • AUCTIONEERS. • NOR. 232 and 234 blarlotatreet. corner of Rank. LARGE SA'LE Or FOREIGN • AND DOMESTIO DRY GOODS, • • • ON THURSDAY MORNING. • ' •-• May 19, at 10 o'clock, on tour months' credit, DOMEST ICS. Bales bleachstl and brown Rusting and Drilla: - do • all wool, bowies, Canton and Merino Flannels. Cases Blue Checks, STA pee, Den ims, Cottoustles. do bladder Prints,ll mucky and Corsa Jeans. - do •Cambrics, Jaeonets. "-Desists, Ginghatris, do Cassimeres, Satinets . Waterproofs. &c. LINhN GOODS; Cases Spanish, Blay and Mantle Linent!,Cantm. TRW. , do Irish Shirting L'inens, 'Barnsley Sheeting', do Biesched and W. Damask, Table Cloths, Nap• kins. do Toweling, Crstsh,Diaper, Doylies, Hollandadtc. • MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS. :Pieces French, English and Saxony black and colored all wool and Union Cloths. do BOIR/0111. black Doeskins, English Affeltons. - - Twilled Cloths. • • do _French Fancy Caseimeres and Coatings. 'Plicate. db --- bilk - Mixtvres, black and colored-ItallanSiSatin— (is Chines, — DRESS GOODS. Slt - EB - AND 5111 AWL S -.— Pieces Paris Dareges. Grenadinesirdozambiques.Lonosr. _ - _dp__ - _London;_black: and: -- colored - Mohairri • Ginglinms, • • - • - - do black and colored Silks, fancy Spring Shaerlai Clunks. de •Ls wes. Pores les. Piques. Deist nes, Poplins, o. 000 PRINTED - PARIS CACHEMERE SHAWLS. - rmb cing high cost goods, and the richest offered this eason. Full line iintriburglooni Edgings and insertions Fgll line Cami.rie Vendlework Edgings. Full line superlino.White Swiee . • • • „Hosiery _ Balm oraL.,and,Room.Sklrte4-..Biar, - .. ifeilles and Honeycomb Quilts, 'White Goods TrayelinE • and. Under. Shirts and Drawers,- dewings, Umbrella/4. Suspeila era, Silk Ties, Tailors' Trimmings, #e, _LARGE .. PALE • :eV CARPETINGD • 500 ROLLS - WHITIFC, RED CiFECR' AND -FA NCY CANTON 1 TINOS, lee. c - ON - FRIDAY - MORNING, - • - " May 20.• at 11-o'clock, on -fonr months' credit, abont 200- pieces' ingrain, Venetian, List; Hemp: Cottage and Reg Cametings, Canton Idattings, Oil Cloths, &o, . LARGE BALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EURO PEAN DRY GOOD S ON ON BIONDATAICENINIX May 23 - ,Taltlii'6l - 66k,0n tour months' croda. BALE OF 20c0 CASES' ROOTS. BROEB,, MAMAS: ON TUESDAY MORNING. May 24, it 10 o'clocr,Thra four months' credit. , ' py BARIUM` & CO" AUCTIONEERS, CASH 'AUCTION HOUSE, Nn. M ARK ET street. corner of Bank street LARGE SALE-800 OASES BOOTS, SHOES. BR°, GANS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, STRAW HATS; SUNDOWNS, Ac N O THURSDAY MORNING, May ]9, commencing . at 11 o'clock. • • . DAVIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS, (Formerly with M. Thomas do Sous.) Storo No,. 48 and 80 North_Blath street. 16 1 " Sal , a at Residences recrive particular attention. AlEir Salesat tho StomoverY=Tuesdasr-------- THE PRINCIPAL MONEY'ESTABLISH MEET, S. E. corner of SIXTH and RAGE streote. Haney advanced on Merchandise generdly—Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds. Gold and Silver. Plate, and on ail articles of value, for any length of time tweed on. WATCHES AHD JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE: Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom end Open Face English, American awl- Swiss • Parent Lever Watches ; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Le pine Watches ; Fine Geld Duplex and other Watches Fine Sliver Hunting Case and Open Face English, Ame rican and Swiss Patent Lever and Lapin° Watotme ; Double Case English Quartier and other `Patches . La-. dice' Fancy Watches, Diamond Breaatpins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Studs, Arc. Fine Gold Chains,Medal lions, Bracelets, Scarf Pine, Breastpins, Finger Rine, Pencil Cases, and Jewelry generally. • - FOR SALE—A large and valuable Fire-proof Chad' s suitable for a Jeweller ; cost 8650, Also. several Lots in South Hamden, Fifth and Ghost not ,treat,, LUMBER,. MAULE, BROTHER & CO., 2500 South Street. 187 PATTERN MAKERS. 870 . PATTERN MAKERS. ° CHOICE sELgariari. OF MICHIGAN CORK PINE FOR PATTERNS. 1.870. 5 P - MWEAIwAND 1ME48891370.' LARGE STOOK. 1.870. IrL g i c l ial 1870 CAROLINA FLOORING. . O . VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING' *.• ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING.. . 1870."1 9 1,IDD - t.iffgrattB)8D. 'lB7O. RAIL PLANE. • BAIL PLANK • • . 1870 wAia4l.l 7Pß eti p ANDIB7O 'WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. ASSO y R o T R ED OABINET DIAKERS. BUILDERS &O. _ _ 1870 IT N D i E u IgUAC ER B' 1870. HNDERTARERS' LUMBER. . RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1 87 0 SEASONED* POPLA4. 87 V. SEASONED CHERRY. 1 0 • • ASH. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. I.Brfi CAR A O R L O INA R SCAITL M IN G . 1870 NORWAY SCANTLING. EDAR SHINGLES. 1870 CEDAR SHINGLES. V. CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT. FOR SALE LOW. 1870. PLASTERING - LATH. 1.0) PLASTERING LATH.. , . • LATH. REAujug BROTHER dc 2WO SOUTH STREET. 1870. SAW AND PLANING MILL, DICKERSON STREET \MARE. Porticular attention given to Flooring, Irenclui and Surfacing. Bard und soft wood _ , a)2B Irue „ ta lt TE TREPO. VELLOW PINE LUMEER.—ORDEES -11-tor cargoos of every deacztitO w nftod - Lambor - exis. ontod at short noticoinall subject to inipoottoa Apply to EDW. H. ROWLEY. ar nib wb axves . - EIKCAL rilii F, WONDERB .. ' ACCIOMPLMEigni 7; _l_ through the agency oY the genuine ,Ced-Liver,„ fist in Scrofula, Bronchitis,' and even °engem ption , ahnkst warms Ottronic Cough , tris Jost[ .', -0.-Ba KIM- ...AR% EV "Tare Nonlethal O t l li glior Oil" ' 2 each bottle of which is accompanied by inedica guano'. toes of the highest ordor.l-the public have the . hep w brad of the preparation ttpwa to the.;.whma' JO 1N C. BAK Eft & .., N 0.718 Market striset,Phila dellttial Penn. \ ' lirt. 7 1 or sale by all draggles. let tit '~'i }'tifiy4' : ?a'.§n Yo-. -td,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers