===Ml==ffiMai Sl' kg It! ESIS NUT ICES. _lo Aiurierlearrivisvoiera in 6lertntany» Ifotetitronprine. in Breeden. Englieh spoken by tho preprietor and the attendants. Comfortable, well-fur- Wished rooms. central abd pleasant location ; good table 447,1)te and moderate fixed pricee, - are the'inducoments offered by thiafirst-elaes Hotel. . & Some G C Rrand Sq ABL u areIKB and BLASI Uprigh US t Pianos. . . Bole Agent for the Sale of the WORLD•IIBNOWNED PIANOS. ....... At the Ohl Wart-Bootee, No. 1 0 06 Ohestnut street. Auent for fatp , novity A Sons since 183,LY %be Pkesw tided. eland Grand elquare. an hernist_CaUCHXHING GRAND_UPRIGHT 'PIA.NCtS Surpass all others. Groat feduction ln PIMON. DUTTON'S, ,Nos. 1126 and 1123 Chestnut street.' Geo. Stools dr Ca.'s Grand, Square aud Upright Pianos. Pianos to rant. J. E. GOULD. WA ' No. 923 Chestnut street. CITY BULLETIN. State of.Therniemeter This Day at the Bulletin Office. • WA. K.-62 deg. 12 111.....:70 deg. 2P. m 69 deg. Weather clear. Wind Southwest. THE UNION LEAGUE A MAGNIFICENT ENTERTAINMENT LOYAL HOSPITALII BRILLIANT SUCCESS - The grand reception of the Union League, given last evening in celebration of the fifth anniversary of the occupation of the new house on Broad street, as was to be expected, was tko.most magnificent affair of the kind ever given in the city. For, the event' great preparations were made, and the decorations - arid general arrangements - of thill - ouse were in such exceeding good taste that they not have been surpassed. The ladies' invitations were very handsomely engraved by. Dreka. Three thousand of these were issued: The carriages • containing' theguests began tour rive a little before eight o'clock, and 'from that time until midnight there was a• continuous stream • of arrivals. For theprotection Of the ladies from the inclemency Of the weather the steps in front of the house and the pavement in front of them were roofed over, and carpet was laid up to the door. At the entrance to the building the decorations began. The porch and vestibule were filled with-:specimens of palms, Sm., and the door leading to the main hall was bung with ever greens, interspersed with lilacs and other ti owenyin - graceful - f estoons: - ' Suspended-over: the door was a rustic basket laden with exqui site flowers. On the walls of the main hall were displayed the portraits of various gene rals,.and other paintings. There were also ar ranged in the hall various specimens of tropi cal plants and trees. An arch of evergreens. lilacs, &c., was in the centre of the Italica little west of the_grand stairway, and all of the door-.. ways along the ball were festooned in a similar manner. -The-balconies were covered with handsolne awnings and enclosed with shrubbery, form ing a very pretty 'feature of the decorations. The various spacious apartments of_ the house were profuSely:.•decorated-With--rare-flowers- evergreens, bunting, rich drapery and hand some Mirrors. The floral decorations were by thawellknownilerist.,Tames_eraham, and all:- other decorations by_W.=.ll. Carryl _.& , Sons._ The billiard-saloon was converted into a ladies' dressing•room, and the basement-hall- and adjoining rooms were appropriated to thegen- The pavilion for •dancing, erected in the rear. of the house, expressly for the oc casion, was a very handsomely-arranged affair. The entire space of the large garden was floored over on-a- level with the rear piazza of the building, and covered by a lofty canvas pavilion, so supported as to leave the entire space free for the orchestra and the dancers. The floor was covered with linen, and was exceedingly well adapted for dancing. • The walls were neatly draped with bunt ing, and the entrance_was decorated with evergreens and flowers. The musicians were arranged on a platform at the west side; behind a row of evergreens. On the west wall • was hung the handsome harmer of the League. , At each side of the orchbStra were a series of gas jets supported by bronze soldiers in armor. Suspended in the centre of the room were four splendid chandeliers,Vach containing twelve burners. On the side walls there were a large number of three-light chandeliers. This great profusion of light added greatly to the brillancy of the scene during the dancing. - The gas fixtures were supplied by Miskey, Merrill and Tbackara, and the construction of the, pavilion was the work of Mr. John Crump. - There was an abundance of music. In the pavilion 'there were stationed an orchestra for dancing music, under Mr. Wm. G. Dietrich, and a promenade band, under Mr. George Basted. In the reading room there was a band, under Prof. H. Oberkirsch. As before intimated, the attendance at the reception was large. The ladies, of course, predominated. All were in full dress, and the dresses were of the most elegant and costly stale. During the dancing and promenading the scene in the pavilion was very beautiful. Among those present were His Excellency, Governor Geary, Major-General George G. Meade, Major-General Stewart Van 's.rliet, General George H. Crosman, General Chas. P. Ruff, Col. C. H.. Hodges, Commodore J. B. M archand, U. S. N., Commodore Jas. M. Fraile U. S. N., Paymaster RebertPettit, U. S. N., Major James Forney, U. S. M. C., and other officers of the army and navy. These officers Were in full uniform. Dancing began about half-past nine o'clock and was continued until nearly two o'clock this morning. During the entire ,evening refreshments were supplied in the restaurant and also in the grand banquet-room. Use of the rarest charms of the Union League Reception consisted in the fact that 'Jenkins" tees not there. "Jenkins" is a nuisance. " Jenkins" prowls around and de scribes the dress of " the lovely Miss A— B—," and ' the charming Miss C-- D—,"_ with absurd minuteness, utterly forgetting the equal charms of " the fascinating Miss W— X—" and " the enchanting Miss 17-L--- I—." So Jenkins was left out in the cold, and the Indies were allowed to drenand, look . their prettiest, without fear of being rushed - into invidious print. to-day. _ This elegant reception will lone. be remem bered b;t , all who participated in it. In every respect it was a brilliant and delightful affair. The complete success of this grand enter• tai um ent'n as the theme‘of universal congratu tion among the brilliant compauy of ladies and gentlemen who participated in it. The -management of- a reception-which could-not have numbered less than three thousand per sons, was no easy matter, and great praise is due to the various Committees of gentlemen to whom were entrusted the several depart meets of tlie entertainment. These Com mittees- were organized as follows: Floral Decorations-Chairman, Mr. Alfred Devi:- N.IIX ; General Decorations-Chairman, Mr. Wu). E. Littleton; I:totem-Chairman, Mr. Edward Samuel; Music-Chairman, Mr. F W. Funeral!, Order-Chairman, Mr. IL C Kennedy; Refreshments-Chairman, _ MAL. J...-E. Addickaintinee -II hairtuatt,_M r.._ (Thitrles K. Idei invitations-Chairman, Mr. Lewis Wahl Sinai). TheSC, gentlemen, with their respective colleagues, labored most assiduously, under the general direction of • t 1 r. Samuel B. Thomas, Chairman of the Ex ecutive Committee,'amt the result way, fl, most II pia, lannioniom and satisfactory working of ..the whole complicated machinery of the occa sion. There was neither crowding, confusion nor diseatinfort of ally hind. Every arrange , meat was weihnlanned and admirably carried " imt. - The chi:di:rooms, t he refreslintent-rooms. the _eittrauce telit exit_ of j1t4,...,g o lvo, frpqrairy tilleiT sources or difficulty and (compissatisfaction, were managed with the most retcomplete;success. mid as the largo company. f gau to disperse, therewas i , e,ry_w_e_see_. hr the eNpresslotts of pleastrd setprise and cOrdial commendation over the exec lent eon ' duct of an entertaiDUlNll which 4 :0 ,0,1 ~„„,,,,Ry have been , expected to pass oli w i t h out , mni r e lirawba . (lti. Everything was--ie good tasit .vi ryt lii ng was, liberally and bottuti fully dt',- • jai: i •o, i.verr thiitg Wit. eon ideratetylout c,a,.,_,. ==i2M=Ml 'ully espied" ibto sneeeSsful effect; and the - - ig hest praise belongs to all who wore in any wsp connected with the preparation and prosecution of the most superb Rte that has been given in Philadelphia slope the Mos vhianza Ball. ' In order that the public may have an op portunity to view the bandsome decorations. ' , lie Union League will be open to visitors to day and to-morrow, until 10 o'clook,lP. IC A tine band of musicAvill ba.present during the •-vening. • THE CADETS OF DONOR AND TEMPER ' Their Ananed Parade. Once a year the army of lads who constitute this Order of Cadets turn ont in grand parade. We are glad to be able to say that the num bers of'the Order are considerably increasing. The annual duty Of reporting the particulars of the display is among the most pleasant duties we are called upon to perform. As the Christmas.tree of a twelve-year-old child Is decorated with the accumulations'of previous years, the processions of these youngsters are —now-enriched by-the banners and decorations - liresented to them on former occasions. The consequence is that the procession of to-day was brilliant beyond any of its , predecessors, and that'in all respects it reflected credit upon the enemies to whisky under whose superin tendence it was devised and gotten up. Bad the day been made especially for the occasion it couldn't have better provided itself with sunshine and blue sky. That the streets were not in, ecivally good condition was com pensated for by the state of Matters and things overhead. Employers of youngsters generally applaud the purposes of this society. They do it even though personally dealing -in:, whisky. Ia of tins reason every cadet to-day has a holiday, and is making of it ono of the best. of uses. The line formed at 10} o'clock, in Broad street, with the right resting on Spring Gar den. It moved promptly at tho moment in dicated. Its Chief Marshal was the Grand Governor of the Order, William S. Stiles. Els aids wereß. Dothard,_ll...B. Potter,_P. Moore, G. Gabel, R. Maris, James Pollock, Jr., S. S. Ketchum and R. Rang. The material of the line was thus arranged in order FIRST DIVISION, Marshal—William H. Schreiber Oriental Section, No. 1. ! Brotherly Love, No. 1, of N. J. Putnam, No. 2. Hamilton, No. 3 sn'coND -- .Marslial—A. Russell liinnebabi Section, No. 4. Peabody, No. 7 Grant, No. 9. leidelity, No. la THIRD DIVISION. Marsbal—Joseph M. Kirby - Coliocksink_Section, No. 35. Brotherly Love, No. 14 Peace, No. 15. FOURTH DIVISION. Marsbal—Charles ICelly Fredonia Section, N 0.16. George Washington, No. 17. Lincoln, No. 18. 7 The appearance of the several sections was effective and picturesque. The order of march of each respectively was thus : Band. • Governor, Marshal, Governor: Outside Protector, with Staff. • Banner:. Gram] Arebbn,supperreilbyilie - Treasurer and Assistaut Treasurer. Grand Vice Archon, supported by the Secre tary, Assistaa Secretary,- Usher •• - and -Assistant-Usher-, Past Grand Archons, four abreaSt. Members, four abreast. inside Watchman, supported by a Governor on either side. There was-no - deviation from the arrange. , vents 'as to route as pre-announced - in the BULLETIN of yesterday. The little fellows as they trudged along appeared to have the good %rill' and good speed of everjibody. That the ,idewalks were - margined__ with admiring mothers and sisters was as Eraceful as it was natural." That au occasional Idiss -- dit,d — tif — y the line to place in the hand of some juvenile admirer an appreciative demonstration of re gard in the shape of a bouquet, was alike in nocent. The procession was headed by a platoon of policemen. The young pioneers lOoked especially well. They wore the customary red darnel shirts and suspenderless pantaloons. 'the music was also Rod. The movement of he Second Division was enlivened by a band of colored musicians. In the centre of Peace Section was the ambulance of the Har mony Fire Company. It was occupied by little girls, attired in white. The Athletic Cor net Band accompanied the Vredonias. In the line of Washington SectiOn, that brought up the rear, was carried a handsome oil portrait of the hero of the cherry tree and• hatchet. SWATARA FAI.LB COAL CoatryiNv.—The -tocitholders of this company held a meeting at the office, No. 208-South Fourth street, this afternoon, to take into consideration the present condition of the company, in view of the seizure by the Sheriff of Schuylkill eounty of the property of the company in that county, under an execution issued upon a judgment entered against the company by Charles T. Y erk es, Jr.,upon a bond of $Bll,OOO. The property is advertised to be sold on the 18th instant. General Hector Tyndale pro sided at the meeting, and Mr. C. C. Rhoades acted as Secretary. After considerable discus ,ion, resolutions offered by' Mr. H. W. Gray, and providing for the appointment of a com mittee of five to confer with Mr. Yorkos and !o request a stay of proceedings on his judg ment, and to make an examination of the Kooks and papers of the company, with gene-1 ral powers to act on behalf of the interests of !he stockholders, and to employ counsel for :tn injunction to prevent the sale of the pro city pendingAnvestigation and negotiation, ere adopter l The following committee was ppointeci : H. W. Gray, Byron Woodward, I ,olin E. Meehan, Rowland Kilpatrick and T. It. Beck. RELIEF FOR THE - RICHMOND SUFFERERS.— ; oS. Patterson, Esq. ' Treasurer of the Fund lq • the Relief of the Richmond Sufferers, re . aired the following additional contributions : )111 cers off he United States Army, per General Meade Str) 00 Wilson,. Childs & Go 50 00 t 'has. Wheeler, throtigh the Church of the Epiphany, by Z. Lock, Treas... 100 00 Ponway, Bros • , • 25 00 .1 osepli Beekhans 50 00 Jacob Bech 25 00 F. inploy es of Joseph Beckhans 20 50 Lakin & Smith. 500 .• Social Six" . hiller & Bro., per B. Geiger vtansly - liettli owleTtged .lorTlNGs.—The relief iii the shape of sun ne this morning, after foul' days of atmo pherical pouting, has brought out a multitude f ladies. The storekeepers are to-day getting kink taken out of their spinal columns and lie puckers out of their foreheads. In the markets we every spring used-to buy title buncheS of the Lily of the 'Valley. We aven't this season seen a single specimen. Whether this is because we don't rise .sutli lently earlY, or - because they are.no longer hrought to the city, is more than we know. The meadows below Penrose ferry bridge are in a very swampy condition. The cant pagna thereabouts is extremely uninviting. To catch the agile and fever a week's rest -414 nee ought to be a sure recipe. '1 he police force are out in new felt hats on the top of their heads. With the brogue that issues so .sweetly beneath so many of their noses these new bats are not precisely en . rapport. •-• Ntr of a serious actident which hapnened ycster- - day afternoon to James — Morrell, Esq., the venerable and highly-respected Secretary of __thePhiladelphia_and2frento n road-4:om puny. As he was going lip-stairs at his_ reni deuce, tiff b 1 at -shall street, be fell over the bal ustrade, a distance of twelve or fifteen feet, to ihe floor, breaking his bin, leg. and arm. His i-uffetings are very great, and his'extrenie age. bb ngTh his , eighty-fourth year, causes g1'.1,„,i,„ aniOnt 31.V.14:•440fiiin PHILADELPHIA` EVENING BULLETIN, TII0140)21.1 7 ', MAY12,..1870. ' " Simons AssAuvr.—Jamea Carrell got into a fight with Charles Chatting at a tavern, at Sixth:and Lombard Streets, last night. It alleged that Carroll picked up a heavy turn bier, and with it , struck Chatting on the head, badly injuring him.' Chatting was' taken to his,bome at - Fifth and• .(litckley streets, and Carroll was arrested. The latter had a hear ing this morning .before held. Carpenter, and was committed to await the , result of the in juries inflicted. ...• - - ' Pomo) DROWNED...-.The body of au un known man was found in,the Schuylkill, near Eastwick Park, yesterday afternoon. - This Morning the body- of an unknown white man 'was found in'the Delaware, oppo site Market street. It had. evidently been in the water ior along time. 'The deceased was about 35 years of age,s feet 7 inches,ln height, and wore dark coat and vest and plaid pants. , Knocnun . Commack was arrested at Seventh and South streets for as sault and battery on Patrick Leonard.. The latter was knocked down and kicked in the abdomen. Cornmack was taken before Alder man Delaney, and was held in $l,OOO bail to - answer-at Court;.'— 'OLICE.2II:AN ASSAULTED.—POIICOMaII Mc- Cullough was attaeked and pretty roughly handled - at Seventh and Baker streets. John Whalen and John Mooney, two of the al leged assailants, wore arrested. They wore committed by Ald. Bonsai). CRICKE T.—The watch between the first eleven's of-the. Germantown and - Young Ame rica Clubs will be commenced on the Ger mantown grourid,:near WaViae station, on Friday, the 13th inst.,at 2.30. !Game to be con tinued on Saturday at 9.30 A. • StENZT i.sm..l—The_ruinsLof_Pollocles_ mill,at Twenty-fourth and epruce streets,were set on fire at an early hour, this Morning. The flames were discovered and were speedily cif.- tinguished . by Policemen Lynch and Duffy. MAD Doo.—A mad dog was shot at Broad and Walnut streets by telegraph " operator Cromwell, of the Fifth District, yesterday afternoon. ALLEGED' WIFE 'BEATER.---Jobri Hurst, re siding on Essex street, above Christian, has been beld. in $6OO bail, by Alderman ,Bonsall, on the charge of boating his wife. CHANGE OF TimE.-.-The Camden and At lantic Railroad Coinpany,for the better accom modation 01 the public, has made an altera tion in its time-table. The morning mail-train leaves Vine street ferry for AtlantiC City at 8 o'clock, and returning leaves Atlantic at 4 P. M. The company has put, on„an extra train, which leaves at 9.15 A. M., and returning leaves Atlantic City at 11.45 A. M. The ac commodation train leaves at 3.45 P. and ;returns) at 6.44 A. M. It mill be seen that thiTe trains daily now inn to that celebrated watering-place, and portions can spend six hours_on._the sea,shore andieturn_an_theLsaine train in which they started. This company does everything in its power for the accom modation of travelers. This new arrange ment goes into operation on Monday next. To THE CITIZENS OF PFIILADELPHiA.—You are hereby respectfully informed that the Gal leries- of the Of'Design for Women, Northwest Penn Square, after the hard work of twenty years in an effort to create an institution of which you may all be proud, are' now open for your inspection. T. Voil, BRAIDWOOD, PFlAcipal. • JACOBY'S VICHY LOZENCIES.—For. Aridity Stomach, Hearthum.lilatulencyAnd Indiggstion. 937 Cliebtunt otreal. _ _ . GENTLEMEN SHOULD go see Gilberes patent Commode. • Forgele by ittravi . O. SToNti uo - .; 'No. 213 South Fifth street. Ifm , r3rEny 729 Chestnut street : . are daily receiving now t7litypoa in Ladies' Hata, Bich Saeli Itilkona, and Finn Laces.' MoTns.—Furs, Blankets, ....rearing apparel, Car peiF, &C., effectually protected -from those poste, by JACOBY'S Irisacr POWDER, 917.Cheetnut etreet. Two COMMON spoolB, no troublesome 'bob bisvor-8184.1e8,--nre--osetl7om-the-G.891,811,&,-.BA 5> wrxc AlAcnr ' ." KENNEDY 85 BROS., No. 729 Chestnut street, importerft_ of_ rine Millinery ,GoOds. Wholesale and retail.- ALL TEE LATEST STYLES AT CIIARLEB STOKES'S, N 0.824 CHESTNUT STREET BillNwrr's OntENTAL Tooth Wanh in an et fee &nal detergent nfter smoking. liENNtnv & BROS., No. 72) Chestnut street, urn quoted ns the highest authority in fashions. Prices very moderate. OARFOIiD'S Latest Styles of Ladies' and Misses' Spring Hate Can be had at their Store, 831 and 836 Chestnut street LADIES visiting the city should not lease without geeing the new Millinery Emporium of KENNEDY R Enos., 729 Cheßtniit street. SUROICAL INsTRIIMENTS and druggists sundries. KENNEDY & Chestnut street, are the acknowledged leaders of Vashion in Ladies' Round H ate and Bonnets. Their • French Flowers are Very superior. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH • , treated with the utmost success, by J. IsAnce, M. D.. and Professor of `Diseases of the Eye and Ear (his Hpocl ititY) in the Medical College of Pennsylvania,l2 years ex perience. No. 805 Arch street. Testimonials can be seen et his office. The medical faculty are Invited to ac company their patients, as he has uo secrets In his prac tice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. Coma, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 916 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. EENNEDYS' TRIMAIRD HATS are .perfect littlo gems ; their Bonnets are unequaled.. To (limn., soothe,and relieve the pain of children teething, USO BOWER'S INFANT CORDIAL. Sold by all druggists, GENTS .BATS! GENTS' HATS! The beautifut.Spring StylsAil are now roady at OAKFORDS% under the Continental FIRE ON THE HEARTH INSURES PERFECT VENTILATION. LOW DOWN AND RAISED GRATES. STEAM HEATING APPARATUS. MOT AIR FURNACES AND RANGES. ANDREWS. HARRISON -&-Co. 1327 mAnumir srnEer. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. an 7 th H tu 3mrp $357 50 $11,228 7 -- ifENT - 6 1-- TUIMSEING - G00120: - Fine Dress, Improved Shoulder Seim PATTERN SHIRTS, MADE BY R. EAYRE, ,• , . ONLY, 58 - N. Slactli Street, below Arch. ci102,1-. th 4mrp - suirvElr NOTICES. - VlTATtitii ENT OF SufiVl :IS, DVPTITE. T./ OF O.IIIEF ENGINEER AND SUR YEVOR Duplicate plans of the revision of street lines south of the Navy Yard and east of Front .street, iii the. First. Ward, and of the line an , ' grade regulations of Main street, 1311.3 AletLin, ,111%tbe Twenty-third Ward, are now ,prepared and deposited ; the "former at the . ~t r it z iA.R.Lats_s_c•fDP.M. Regulator, No. 331 REED Sireet, and -the .latter at,the °thee of ISAAC SITALLCROSS, Surveyor and Regulator, FRANK - I.'6RD ; and _ i d s 0-11 t-th ia-nflicci_oLthh.Departinen S. Street. And the Board - of Surrily— ors have .appointed MONDAY, the httli da2; of Al ay,1870. at 101 o'clock, A. M., to consider , ally objections that may bo urged thereto by `any citizen interested therein. . • , STRICKLAND RN - PASS,. ifingiiwor auji 6u. v;yox. CI T OTI CBS OF COATINGS. PANTALOON STUFFS, AND VEsTINGS Far Spring Wear, NOW ARRANGED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION, SNOWDEN & BROTHER, 23 South Eighth street EOW - LIMVINFGRATES May 2d, 1870 =Zias=:==l:Ei= 500 PIECES jrcnirw onossi.,Ey - & SONS' BEST ENGLISH TAPESTRY. BRUSSELS CARPETS rtukrilTUßE. &C. GREAT SAL OF FURNITURE HENK AT ELS', ' '1 hi rteenth and Chestnut Streets. $lOO,OOO WORTH AUCTION PRICES. All Warranted as First-ClaEs Goods, -mro§ GEO. J.- HENKELS. I FURNITURE. JOHN M. GARDNER, 1316 CRESIIII U'l' STREET, 4 t t i y a L ur o i r eutionably some of the newest end prpttiest FINE - .FURNITURE ------ . ever before produced. In regard to quality and finish beg - oods - ennnot beenrp 4 ossed. aIV" Bfr. - GABUDI iviteslbi) . attention of these in tending-toporehase to all and e xamlne. his stock,which rill be sold at priceatbat mnst prove tempting. frITIRft- TO/ TB E UNIVERSITY MEDICINES .Are the Favorite Preseriptions'of the New York Medical University. • RELI - NBRE—REHEDIES - of-a highly scientific char acter, designed for the cure of all diseases. THEY ARE STANDARD, having, during many years, been thoroughly tested in an extensive practke in New Yark. • - They are taken in small doses. They are pleasant to the taste. Their effects are almost instantaneous. They are safe and never reduce a patient. Never render any one more liable to take cold. Never oblige a person to leave businoas. We have no ONE CURE ALL for all diseases, but a REGULAR SYSTEtd. OF REMEDIES for ouch distinct clues of MALADIES. A LIST of cur remedies and a valuable MEDICAL BOOK sent free to any address. A COMPETENT PHYSICIAN in attendance. MEDICAL ADVICE FREE. • lil at the Philadelphia Branch, ' N. F. cor. Se renteen th and Chestnut Sts. • JOSEPH C. HARROLD. m y 7 A to th 13trp PAPER RANGINGS PAPER HANGINGS AT RETAIL, At Right Prices, JOHN H. LON GSTRETH, No. 12 North Third Street. mvsl2trp§ CARRIAGES, D. M. LANE, CARRIAGE BUILDER 3432 8434 and 3436 Market St. ' WEST PHILADELPHIA, A large assortment of Carriages of every description constantly on band. Especial attention paid to tr.rafrin a. jal4 a•mr.§ REAL ESTATE, SALES. aO CAPITALISTS, OPERATORS; nod others.—James A. Freeman Auctioneer. Very Valuable Business Properties, Office Buildings, 233, 235 and 237 S. Third let; 10t.54 by 195 foot. On ViciinettlitY, Play 28th, 1870 at- 2 o ' clock , noon. will ha ~old at public. sale, at thn,Bif ladelPhia Exchange, the follioning..flezerihed rear anal),All that ceptin lot or piece of groued.wlth the 8 several "Itirlak mosnuages thereon erected, situate on the east side of Third street, between Walnut. and Spruce streets, in the Filth Ward of the city; two of tno said houses fronting on Third street (IV os. 233 and 238), anti the remaining 6 on the rear 'end of said lot of ground, containing in front on Third street 31 feet, and in depth 195 feet more or less to Levant Arcot. Also, all that certain four-story brick messtinge with 'the throo-story brick back buildings. with the lot of ._ground_Altereto_itelonging,.sithate on_the_east_gido'nf.. Thild street, between Walnut and Spruce streets, in the Fifth Ward i bounding the above on the south(3lo. 237), contnining n. front on said Third street 23 feet 6 inches and extending in depth 119 feet, with the use of a four feet wide alloy 10toli op into York street, The abc've 2 lots 'Twain It gaiter 51 feet front on Third 'lre,!, and on it are erected 3 large 4-story brick buildings with attics avid bets, victim and a -3-story brick messuages in the 'rear fronting it .11eytr place and Levant street. The. it rents to good Monts for 89.605 lei annum. Play be esninined on application to Hobert IttitcCrogor, 11,51.. on the premises. Terms.-123,40 may remain on stiorjr,tes e. .e. COO to 1.0 paid at time of sato. J A AIRS A. FELL ill A PI ; Auctioneer, • inyl2 10 Store, 122 IN alnut street. AIRA .--- P &MO "8:A LE—JAMES A. FREE= En man, A netioncer.—llatlpoulo Modern Residence, , o; i t n eVi; •e t t r n ti i ili y o. , , 11 3 f. house, Fisher's ' i tt a 11r, o f f l , ti o rAan t i e , () m o l l . I will be sold, at public male. at the Philadelphia Exchang.., the following deneribed real estate, viz.:'All t hat handsome modern residence and • twe-story stone ; rough-cast etable and coach house,and the lot of ground I an „lo t h they are erected, situate on the south side, :of Fisher's nine. elect 2. 0 feet west of the GermantoWn lialirend, in the Twenty-second Ward of the city, con tenting in front on Fisher's lane -about 160 feat, and; In depth 200 Net. • , „ 17te rnsidenee is (1 three-story brick rough-cast house with 1 h u t, r . , t ` ii iosh Garment, and a perch around the dining.roort; - kilchen: - OWir doashifonse . in - lower - stern. Parlor en one stile, hall in the mare, tit rt-rowir on thi etnekciinfrfirhaor; right chambers above : , has h at and cold Water, bath . . w d ater-osv, //trot/She/a, tang ,. awl every ronvenyttre ; is iii thorough order !brut ghoiit, aciVbteilt in'the most substantial manner. - The ground ip bandsomoly.improved with overgreene, ground drainage. ; iron railing around the front On rtsoveslano. if he situation is high,commandlng a beau. tit ul'view'of the limn:module country. • Plcy.be exr mint tin tIY tiny provioul, to Bobo.. T.. t olsescrtdinoy v. main. ' •.• , , immediate ponsegrion given:ft. - Ibn v pttrolattier oo tO be paid tit tinncof. sale.. • t . : - Ancitioncer:, • tett'tc, 122 Wuhan( street. -r7 J.F & IL • . STR 90,4', CHESTNUT 'HOMER, COLLADAY & CO.'S mciusrr nv. SCOLD OUT lESY Ist , JUNE, including their immense stock from the Wholesale Depart- In all the !New Styles and Fabrics imported this Season for 2 0 C 9L" S. PER, YALW AND UPWARDS. tnl7 a to th HOMER, COLLADAY & CO. SUITS OF ALL STYLES AND MATEPIALS my 7.9 th A Garment no matter how elaborately trimmed, unless weil•dtting, never gives casenr satisfaction. MADAME DE SOUCHE'S, First-Class Dress Making Establishment, No. 1003 Walnut street. A porrect system o; Measurement and Fitting. Prices as low no is consistent with first-class work. Black Silk - Suits- always -on hand.- An inspection t;eepactfially solicited. , m 111.5 to th s 26trn NO w .cmpv,*(wa. 1 - 50 - - - PER SEMI ANNUAL- SALE. SPRING DRESS. GOODS MARKED DOWN TO EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES SPECIAL SALE, To Commence on IVlondayi,Lay 9th, MOST ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS their paii..ticular trade, and suitable for every variety of costa e, and will be sold at prices ranging, from GRAND OPENING. OF SUITS VERY LOW PRICES. WILL COMMENCE THE SALE Of their large and magnifioent stock of Very' Great Reduction in Prices. 1412 AND 1414 CHESTNUT STREET. LADIES' DILESS GOMM. - O.IKWING - MACIIINES. THE WHEELER • & WILSON srvv - I M.SLCHINES, The Beet 'and sold on the Easiest Terme. PETERSON - & CARPEilithat, • • . . ;,- 914 CHESTNU . T STREEt '. '8 e ttt ,th /YSP R::;j,: F . ~ .; STOCK OF went, which have- - all-been FOR THIS AND-CONTAINS THE NEW CARPETING-S. WE ARE NOW OPENING A FULL LINE OF FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS AND , M A TTINGS, OF ALL GRADES, t WIIICH WE ARE OFFERING AT GREATLY RE DUCED PRICES FROM . LAST SEASON. LEEDOM. SHAW & STEWART 686 MARKET ,STREET. 'O2l 3nabg , ' HE- EARTE CLOSET , COMPANY HAVE REMOVED ' 1 6trl 122 VARKE 4 T - sTarg. T r . - t , nr~t ii2p • liAltrEl'llll US, Ott,. EARTH CLOSET% Yheir"oillec an 4 Salesroom TO 'W. G.- RHOADS', BE=
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