AsmilliffFNTo. '..:On Friday night - next, - Mr. - John 'Toy, - well andiavurablytknornio Ahs-poMmilnitp alt an'anitisenteut' (edam . ; tWtil ilhave Aosti-1 menial benefit 'at the Aradbmy.'of4l. - usie: A' magnificent programme has been arranged for the occasion, and a large-number of popular and talented artists have volunteered their senicesk.and will appear, in--specialties, Mr. Robert 'Craig and 1 0 , Mackentwo of the best actors upon the Philadelphia stage, will give personations,while Chas. W.Brooke, the:entertainment. Amon the other-participamts,we-M ay. imention Itra; Susan* Galto*Kelleher, • Mr. -Alfred , Kelleher; Miss Blanche Galton, Mr. Thomas Whillin,_ Signor Blitz, Theodore Blitz, Prof. Wyman,. Th 7 F; Duane; Prof: Lubin, and others of -eqpal nbte: '•Of=i3krursti. With this array !of , . diiretsei talent there will be .plenty of variety in the entertainment, and* every person will find something to his taste. The attraction offered is so great that the house ought to be crowded-- to the ecief ; and we'sincierely hope it will' be, for the sake of the beneliciary,who is a worthy and estimable gentleman, who deserves the hint/scliest 'testimonial- given -, ;in; - this -4 city daring the present season.. • ' • • —On Monday night neat the Chestnut Street Theatre will be occupied by a Boston company, under the management of Mr. Jos. Pilgrim. The company includes .a : burlesque troupe, the.•Morlacehi Ballet Troupe, and a company of negro minstrels. Mr. J. W. ,Tester, who is announced as "the man with the talking hand,",will - also appear. —At the Walnut Street Theatre, Mr. and , Mrs. Barney Williams in The Emerald Ring, and_The Rough Diamond. To-morrow evening - splendid bill. On Monday evening next .the military drama Not Guilty will be presented. —Fritz will be repeated at the- Arch to night by Mr. J. K. Emmet. To-morrow eve ning Mr. Emmett will have a benefit. —At the Chestnut, to-night. Pet of the Pet ticoats will be produced, and Mrs. Oates mill ,have_ti, farewell benefit. —At Fox's, this evening, a variety enter tainment, including burlesques,,pautomimes, ballet -dancing, and vocal and instrumental music,- will be given. —At • the Eleventh Street Opera House, Carneross Dixey's Minstrel Company will give a first-class performance. —The exhibition of Sheridan's Ride will be postponed for a few days, the Academy of Fine Arts having been injured by the storm. --McEvoy's II ibtrnicon and varieties, rep resenting scenes in Ireland, will be on exhibi tion at Dnprez & Benedict's Seventh Street Opera House every .evening this week, and on Saturday afternoon: —Mr. Carl Wolfsohn will give a concert in' the foyer of the Academy of liusie, on Satur day evening next. The occasion promises to be a very delightful one. —A concert will be . given at the Academy of Music, "this evening, by Mr. James' Pearce, the organist of St. Mark's Church, as sisted by two boy choirs, for the benefit of the Bedford Street Mission. The worthy object of the c,oncertalone should be enough to till the - house. i-- BIULLE7 4 I.N. _ its sixty-second . annual meeting the Pentisylvania_Bilde.SOCiety elected the follow offieers and managers for the enSuirig . year : President—Rev. Albert Barnes; Vice P rest denrtsßevJohn—Gbamberse-v—Ek—A.- -Boardman D. D, , ,--Rev.-13.- 5. , -Sehenck f L.Rev: - J. T. Pressly, D. D., Bev. H. Malcom, D. Rev. Bishop Simpson, D. D., Rt. Rev. W. 8. - Stevena;D:.• Prof. 'M. S: StAever,Hen. William--Strong; 'Corresponding Seeretar'yi— J6seph IL Dulles ; Recording Secretaryßev; ..RieliariENeWton, Treasurerenjamin G. Gedfrey;--- Secretary - alt.:East . Penn . sy/vanin—Rev. Irvin. EL Torrence; retary of West Permsyinardo Rev. W. W. Ells • Depositary John P. Rhoads; Maneigcrs—Joseph • H. Dulles; J. Fisher Learning, Arthur G. Collin; IleV. J.:B. Dales D. D.,. Thomas Waitson, Rev. J. H. A. Born. berger, D. D., Colson llleskell, Rev. Richard Newton, D. D., Rev. Charles P. Krauth, D.D., Hon.-James _Pollock,..Leonard , Hon. Wm.. Strong, Abraham R. Perkins, John A. Wright,F..liatchford Staraern uel Cetlin,Wm. M. Whitaker, Gustavus S. Benson, Richard 0. StOtesbury, John Wiegand, Wm. N. Allen, LL..D., Hon. William A. Porter, John Wiest, John 11. Watt. The annual report Vas read by J. H. Dulles, Esq. The Treasurer's report showed receipts amounting to $54,426 17, be ing an increase • over the ppiions year of $4, 9 90 10. The disbursements were $54,357 97. The circulation was 104,098 Bibles and . Testa ments, in twenty languages, amounting to $40,307 59. The Society superintends the work of Bible distribution in this State, and also receives and transmits money fof circu lating the Scriptures in other parts of the world, while contributing largely of its own funds to this purpose. —Under the auspices of the Celtic Association a mass-meeting was held at the ACademy of Music, last evening, to protest against the " threatened extirpation of the Irish people at home through the operations of the Gladstone Coercion T. Leslie Riley presided. Ad dresses were delivered by Chas. W. Brooke, Es4f., John Mitchell, J. Duross O'Brien . and others. Letters were read from General Meade, Senator Chandler, Congressman Cox, Judge Peirce,norace Greeley, William R. Roberts and others. A preamble and resolutions were then adopted, Which declared the Peace Pre solVelon Act, passed by Parliament in the early part of April, 1570, to be a tyrannical law. through the operation of which the people of Ireland are suffering the most degrading po litical slavery ; pledging themselves to do all in their power to relieve them from the oppressive tyranny.; taming that England-is incompe-' tent to le.gilate for the peace of Ireland, and that it is time that Ireland should make her own laws. and control her own affairs; while pledg ing themselves to defend the free institutions of • the United States against all thair•'enernies, at the same time they could not refrain from en tering their solemn, protest against the foreign policy of the present Administration,which is • calculated to degrade the Ainericari people in the eyes of foreign nations ; that it is the duty of the present Administration to demand at once the release of American eitiz.ens incarcer ated in British prisons : that they demand the immediate settlement of the Alabama claims, and that in the approaching elections they swill Withhold their support from every candi date-who—is-not-pledged to secure the - release of American citizens confined in foreign prisons and to the immediate settlement of the Ala bania claims. _ —The Board of City Trusts held a ineetir , yesterday afternoon. J. 11. Windrim, archi tect, was appointed to design plans for the COW version of certain dwellings on the Girard row, ' on Chestnut street, into stores. DrS. S. Hol lingsworth and J. B. Biddle were appointed physicians to Griard College, at -a salary -4.) Stioo each. Authority.was granted.topurchas cadet muskets for the military company of the • college. Henry M. Phillips, Esq., was elected Vice President, and Mr. 11. W. Arey, Perma nent Secretary of the Board: it was agreed that the excursion of the scholars to the Girard coal land shalt take place on Friday next. —At a meeting of the Law Academy held last evening the following officers were elected for the session of 1570-71 : Pr au ost _George_ StrarAood I. Clark Hare, E. - I;pencer. Miller, Richard C. a. Ilawle, ,Clment B. Penrose. ; President— :• Samuel S. liolling,sworth: Vice President -Treasurer—Chas. A. James L. Ferriere ; • Lagen; Secretory-11am T: Kingston; Assis rcntßrnrelrtry—B. C. Satterthwa.ite; rian—George Sharswood, Jr.: Reeorde ., Theodore Barrett. _ , revenue officers made a -- rald — on the . . Richmond• whisky district, 'yesterday. The y ' captured one Man, but were attacked b r a mob, and the prisoner IM!ttli= ISM= • , -,The fat - owing is a list of - Philadelphians registered at the Banking House of Drexel, llaijes& Co., 3 Rue Scribe, Paris, for the week ending April 27, 1870: Miss E. B. pay, Mr. Charles IL Meyer, Mr. J. M. Fisher, Mr:Henry Lewis, Mr. E. L. Abbett„Mr..T.E. Josephine Loughead; lAiss'lT. H. Sheirey, Dr. 0. M. Prevost and daughters; Mrs. and Miss ('oles, Mr. and Mrs. Neilson Brown, Mrs A. is!. watti. McDride is the na'tne of the boy Who was run over by a• lumber wagon, at Sec ; • ,-street-and7 - elrard avenue, — en vening, as stated in the BULLETIN of yester day. The little saffeinr as removed to the Episcopal wheie. w lie died yeSterday. Deceased resided With his parents in the rear of No. 1212 North Fifth street. —The celebrated five-mile trotting herSa," . Prince, died last evening, at six o'clock, at the -Club 'stables, -Arch _ street, , above .Second; _of' congestion of the brain. His body. was taken obarge of by, the Pennsylvania - College of Veterinary Surgeons for dissection.''His skel eton will .be mounted on wire and - placed - in their museum at the College, corner of 'Sixth and. Columbia avenue. ' NEW JERSEY NIATTERS. . , BOARD or Fu.r.r.novulims.- 7 7 - kne Camden Board of Chosen Freeholders held their annual meetiitgin the .Court j3ouse, yes terday, for the purpose of organising for tfie year. The following list of new members was received - frem the Clerk of the county-as-they -had-lienii=retiarried_to_his_officei_ - • • - _North Ward—Charles Watson. Middle IVard—James 'W. Wroth.. South Ward—John Doyle. _Newton Township—lll:minas Q. Moffitt.. RacNon Township--TRichaid Snowden. Gloucester City—John S. Stinson, • Stockton Township-:Joel Horner. :Deicurare---Isaac - - - - • - Centre—James Bell. Glovccitter—Charles Buckman. Monroe—Clayton B. Tice: 11 7 u.shington-rHiram . 'Waterford—Samuel S. Cake. IVinsloiv—Andrew Ross. Politically, the Board stands seven Republi- Cans and seven Democrats. Some warm dis cussion took place in regard to the seats of Messrs. Wroth and Doyle; from Middle and South Wards, as their election had not been legally vouched for by the Board of Election, and they were not allowed to act until the proper certificates were rendered. The Board being a tie, and the two memberS Democrats, the event naturally - excited the -- severest -com ments of the spokesmen of that party, who charged the Republicans with an attempt to de prive the members of their seats for partisan purPOseS. Threats of mandaniuses. quo war ran-tos, and other terrible ukases, were made, and for a while things looked as if a lively time -was impending..- :But-the .great healint , balm— a good dinner—allayed the asperities of -the it- ritants, for which Mr. Parsons ought to be thanked. After that __everything went on smoothly. ._ _ --The-Board was organized by the election of Samuel S. Cake, of Waterford, as Director; - and J. L. Howell, Esq., as Clerk. These were ttidiclatGs tied uporrby - a - committee - of-con--- `forente - from -- the two-parties,-the-Directur 'being a Democrat, the Clerk Republican. A communication was received--from. Mr.- Apgar, State RupeririFerdent of Pithlic Schools, stating that the State - Board - of 'Education had ppmnted the Rev.: Mr. - Blade - SuPerinterident k;•f• Public, Schools of Camden county, and askingthe Board to' torffiriii- the nomination. several remonstrances against the confirma tion were also presented, but after dile con -fideration the appointment was confirmed. After ordering the payment of numerous ills, atnl the raising of one hundred and linty thousand dollars taxes, the Board ad turned. Tvrl MoNumENT.—A petition from the iiembers of Test . N.O. (. - Grapd' Army-orthe to the Board of Freeholders, asking hat body to remove the sink in the Court House yard, so that the new monument to the oldiers may be placed! in the south side, was id on the table. It is said, however, that the nonument will be placed iu that part of the - quay). _ . PETTYS ISLAND 131 PI tOYE.MENTS.—The Messrs.' Mauderson are. soon to extend their Wharves on Petty's Island ten feet beyond low water mark, in the Jersey channel, which will make a fine improvement. THE .LITHOFRACTURE Deeply Interesting Experiment at Iran [From the Bt. Louis Democrat.] Last Monday a number of stockholders of the Iron Mountain Iron Company, with their President, Mr. Harrison, and some other in vited gentlemen,assembfed at Iron Mountain to itness the experiments of a new blasting ma terial, lately invented in Germany. The in ventoes representative for America is the min ing engineer, M. Lewis Schmid, who in per sou,showed the great advantage of this new in vention in the following way He filled up two horeholes of 12 and 27 inches depth, respec t Ively, - witly scarcely two - pounds of the - new- Idasting material,called " Lithofracture," which is in appthance a black - substance, that can be kiieaded like dough. After the spectators had for secure plces, the fuse was lighted, the ;.plosion ensued, and the effect was a tremen ...ins one. About 22 tons of ore were scattered 10 pieces. 11. Schantl declared the boreholes entirely unnecessary, and illustrated that, in a second xperithent by putting aboutpounds of the I.ithofracture on top of a solid block of OS cubic n - ct Containing about IS tons of ore. To show free/from all danger the hindling of the material is, he did not even take his burning ciaar from his mouth. After the terrible ex ptosion the enormous iron block was changed into a heap of: little fragments—not seattered_ about-but all lying in - one pile that could be (moved on wagons without difficulty. The use of the Lithofracture for future blasting at Iron-Mountain _would reduce_ the_costs at-least tifty per cent.; all the expensive boring being ,:one away with. To gratify the wishes of those that take an interest in this netv Schutt:l - W them an opportfinity t„ witness the blasting of the large cannons at Tim East St. Louis rail mill, on next Saturday May 7),- at 5 o'clock P. M. The cannons %% over 9,000 pounds, and are of the firm est and toughest material to which the Litho aeture may he applied. Any further infer :, altan'M'r: Schantl will give at No. 100 and orth Mai u -street. a. . , Tragedy in Columbia, Pa.••.Bniclde of a Itempectable Woman. 'Clic Harrisburg Topic says Yesterday morning, between nine and ten o'clock, the wife of .John Kramer, inn-keeper of h runt street, Columbia, committed suicide by cutting her throat.. One account is that she had gone into her room to prepare for ,church, and committed the act while dressing. An other is that bile had dressed herself - with the - : intention of going to Baltimore, and on being Informed by her_husband—that-there—was no train running on Sunday, had retired to her — roam - to - change fifteen or sixteen years,'on entering her room, found her in the act of cutting her ihroat,'and ran down stairs and told his father. : On get ting . up stairs, the husband found her walking from one room to another, leaning forward and drenched with blood. Mr. Bruner was at once summoned,liut found that the jugular vein had been severed, and in fifteen minutes she was a corpse. Just before she died she asked' for a drink of water, and said, "May God . foratve - uie ." =Val P..4.lAiip gi.. 4 V:-.TirA.,..P . Y.F4:NIN.p - i- p.T,T,.4.PT,AIT.;;.•TrP.-p..ttF,,D,A:Y.;7';.M.A.(Y-i'l..w:.-t5.79. flonutulu. Vandalism. An atrocious act of vandalism f lt. is said, has recently been perpetrated in the, ancient city of Santa Feiby Ira M. Bond, Secretary of the Territory,formerly of St. Louis, and other pub lic functionaries, who, befog Ilnorant,of their value and importance, have been engaged in destroying and selling for ! f asts paper the or : - Chives of the Territaty,‘ some of them ,two or' three.handred.yearspid,aild. entisisting..o par pers of rare interest and inestiaiible - , ialne In a historical and legal point of view. Some of eiiataperkmere_old visions, and letters containing interesting torical and family data highly the old citizens of the. Territory; whose. titles; lineage and ancestral services they attested, and were therefore cherished by them with zealous care, and.protected 'with religious ititertist: Great' indignation is expressed at the conduct of these unappreciative officials. A public meeting was, held on'the 10th ult., and a committee of in vestigation appointed, with a view to petition the President_ or the removal of. the _ (deaden; from office.__ _ Oxygen 6fts. The Opinion. Nationale of Paris sayi: The new prefect of the Seine has just definitely . authorized the Company of I:essle, du gota.y et Cie., to lay down'their underground lines in Paris for lighting it with oxygen:gas. ----" A network --19 f--pipes will—extend from Panda to the Boulevards, and in a few months all the, dwellings _ between' the new_Opera House and the. Passage Jouffroy_ will be able to prolit-bytlie—ifiiMenStrialvantages—whieh-th new means of illumination offers over; ordinary gas. Already the oxy-hydrogen barriers hasve been erected at the entrance to the European Bazaar,. near the Passage Jouffroy,,which give out a light so purely white and ,of such extra ordinary brilliancy that the old gs.s.looks singa latly pale and y_ellow by the sido • Oilre cannot but congratulate. the,Prefect;ol the Seine upon having ratified . a Irma:sure so adapted to the generarmtetest, and seems to us the indiiriensable' 'corollary Co the. great - public enterprises - andertaken - during the last few years in Paris." ' ADIUSENIENTb. . • AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— 1117 TILE EVENT:•I GRAND TESTIAIUNIAL BENEFIT TO• • MR'. - JOHN TOY.: To be given - him by his friends and fellow-citizens, on FRIDAY EVENING. May l 3( ISM When the following distinguished Artistes and friends of tho Beneficiary - MB 8 - BUSAIT GVETONICEL - EKEIER, • MISS BLANCHE GALTON, • CHARLES W. BROONE, EsQ., MR. ALF. KELLEHER, MR. THOMAS WIIIFFIN, . 111 R. ROBERT CRAIG and F. F. MACKAY (by permissloh of Mrs. John Drew), B. G.DIreiNE. Xi T. R., . .510. BLITZ( 'PROF. WYMAN, • PROF. LUBIN, . . .. • • • • PROF!. TIIEO.-BLITZ,- THOS. Tickets con he procured at the Assembly Bnildinget Turner Ham ilton'a,lo6 bonth Tenth street; P. E. Abel's Dramalle - Repository, 131 South Seventh street, and CO vert's Bookkand, Continental Hotel. mylo-tf MAO EVOY'S - I rBERNTCON.• " DU PREZ & BENt'DIOT'S OPHRA HOUSE, Seventh street, below Arch FORA SHORT SEASON. ' • Ev nry_.E rim Mg_ at. , and. W_ednits day. Afternoons at 2 o'clock. Famous and Original Hihernicon. All the beautifill 'Tenet - ) .of an reld 'portrayed. Melody, Wit and Art combined. Mr_ :ferry - .Cohan - as -Barney_ 'the -G nide; Marie Dalton Alan ffvoy as Nora; Miss lu'atts flalpine as Mrs. O'Callaghan. Interesting historical de scrip tions'or greatbattlewilrish scenery - and- Antitinitieh . by The new Hallett, Dails & Co s :'s Fifurtre'Grind Octagon Piano is from the warerooms of Rdtlfhld, Phelps A: Co., 927 Cbestnutstreet. • . . _ mvlo-st. ACADEMY - OF MUSIC. - - . tl BEDFORD STREET :MISSION. CHORAL AND 0 RCH EST RAI. CONCERT, ` , ll fIRSDA Y EVENING. May 12.1870. The BOY CHOI RS,ftgaigted by Mrs. SUSAN °ALTON ELLEHER. Director—JAMES PEAROE, Mug. Bac.. Organ kt St. k's Church. ADMISSION, FIFTY CENTS. Reserved,Seatg (Cue ) now ready at Boner's Music St Ore 1102 Chestnut street„ In y 7-60: TAT ALN CIT STREET TREAT RE, VV 5 TI1I51TIIII11SDAY) EVENING; Miiy 12, • • LAST WEEK OF • MR. and MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS. IRELAND AS IT WAS. Barged Pat. with Song , Mr. Barney Williams Judy 0 Trot Mrs. Barney Williams With the celebrate 1 Ironnybronk Jig, A tier which the laughable Comedy of CON NEC TICUT COr RTSII I . To conclude with the roaring I , ,trett of THE IRISIITUTOR. L'ltA .I(EENE'S Betrins at 8. ESTNIIT-B . TWEET THEATRE. - LAST WFH OF 3IRS. JAS. A. OATES'S BURLESQUE rOMPANY THURSDAY EVENING, May 12,1870. The beautiful operetta. PET OF THE PETTICOATS. FAIR ONE 'WITH THE BLONDE WIG. -FRIDAY EVENING. Mayl3, 1870, - BENEFIT OF MRS,_JAS. A. OATES. DAUGHTER OF THE REHTMENT. FAIR ONE winr THE BLONDE WIG. (VHESTI UT STREET TtrE AT E. JOHN STETSON LeHsee and Manav:r JAMES PILGRIM • Actlng and Stage Manager GRAND OPENING NIGHT the great Company from the ADELPHI THEATRE; BOSTON MONDAY EVENING, May 16th. Aud.every Night. and Saturday Matinee. EAIINENT STAR COMBINATION, FULL BURLESQUE COM PA N Y GREAT MORLAOCIII ]AL. ET TROUPE. The world's wonder, MR. J. W. JESTER, •• • . . - . The Man with the Talking •Hauti. TOE ETHIOPIAN DEPARTMENT Seven Creat Comedians, under the direction of the renown , d Comedians and Philadelphia Fa•ori tee, LEW SIMMONS and E. N. SLOCUM. PELERANTY and lIENGLER, W ALTER BRAY, Prices of admission as usual IJANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY, ILIi compliance with the wishes of many of the Irian& of the Society, a OBAND MIS - CELLANEOUS CI NCEILT Will bo given on WEDNESDAY EVENING, May 19th, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. The Programme will embraco CHORUSES, CONCERTED PIECES, and SOLOS, • By members of the Society, assisted by the following eminent talent • MISS H. - .ALEXANDER, , BItS. RATE GODWIN, MR. JACOB GRA ME, OLIN W. MILLER, and MR. It. BA RNHURST. The Ivliole under the directiotrof PROFESSOR L. ENGELKE. CL ALIKE. Tieliet;tilients awl' :tote) had at all tlieltusic Storetl, er from membere of the Society. myll to aiyl9§" F OYER OF ACADEMY OF MUTICT. NNT 0 _L_ F__SS) _II ' S CA-RIB CONCERT, SATURDAY EVENING. MaT 14th, Ib7o Programmes and fall , dm hi mile tutee, myl m i laW r i4 ; DREW'S AR n C o g ng S B TAE oc lja FRITZ A lIIT. SECONDIVICEK. of the Ytiung Charm:tor Comedian • MR, JOSEPH K. EMMETT. ' TO-NIGHT, MONDAY, EVERY NIGHT And SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 2, Charles Gay ler's Buceessfol Drama of FRITZ. OUR COUSIN GERMAN. ' JOSEPH K. EMMETT AS FRITZ FRIDAY-DENEFIT OF MR. EMMETT. SECOND FRITZ MATINEE ON SATURDAY. FIFTEENTH -WEEK. The moat beautiful and popular Exhibition ever in lyiiiiiideiphia le liiiii ill CONCERT HALL. BEN EFITS—Wed neaday—Matinee 2.30 P.M. Evening_at B—Sparta Lodge, No." 10 K. of P. Thormlay Evening—WeleomeLodge, N0.'66, K. of P. 'Friday EVo7llllC—Analltle DIVIHIOn, f• 3 of T., 10,3," Baturday—Matineo 2.30 P. M, . Evening ... - P. 11 E - 1' I . L,G B, I M . Mill ;It F OX'S AMERICAN THEATRE, , MONDAY EVENING. May 9th; and all tho week: NEW COMIC.TRICK PANTOMIME. Mr. Volix Carlo, the Great Clown; Now.Spauloh Hallett; Mlle. De Rota, Mllo - PirltratOtarlo Brethojirt-Polty-lhtley; • Matlneo on Saturday at 2 o'clock. Q,E N T Z-Alq csL-ER 17 kinvical Fund Rail, 1809-70. Every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at-3% oclock. • oolg-tf The Loaf MatinCe of the beacon will be given 'ou BA TWAY, May 14th. , NW 'ELEVENTH STREET OPERA ROUSE/ 'IRE EMMY RESORT, EA.RNCRoNS t IMRY'S MINSTRELS EVERY EVENING. , J. L. CARNOROSS Manatier. 7HE ACADEMY'' F. 1 1 ,4 ARTS _ baring been Injured bribe recent storm,the 'Exhi bition of tho'pfe.stEEßld P D in AaN'tinSg . SII pontponetl for a for days, FOIL SIIEILIFF, 1514, •. _ . F. ~ R., WA , L1T0N , ..7 Stibint to the decision of the Republican Convention. anylOtiels - .- . Oa 470. - • :- . ..__ , F6Fe.-.EittEttiFt_ GENERAL HENRY H. _BINGHAM. subject to the mien of the Republican Party. • ray? 6trp§ . , 1870. 1870. WILLIAM H. LEEDS.. Subject. to Ropilbllpan. Bubo& , • my, tOa THE REM:MI:MAN CITIZENS NIGHTIE wAno, FAVORABLE TO THE NOIiSINATION. OF JOHN PRICE WETHERELL VOIL CONGRESS SEDOND_DISTRIOT, WILL MEET AT THE lIALL,, ••• •• S. W. CORNER WALNUT AND BROAD STREETS, On THURSDAY EVENING, Dint 12, 1870, ntlB o'clock. Voters of tho•Dletrianre invited to attend. " • tnyll ea. At a Meetilig of the stockholdera Geld this day, the following persons were dttly elected President aud Directors: PrOHO out.. W. H. KEDBLE. . . • • Directors, WK. IL KERN, CHARLES A. HILLER, • GEORGE J. RICHARDSON. GEORGE J. G.RO WILLIAM ELLIOTT, ILLIASI And at trtneeting Ortbe, Board of Directorg, WM. If. TABER was elected Cashier. W.. - 11. - IrAIIER, Cashier, MAY 6, 1870. The Bank ‘6ll be opeu for Imeineet. on MONDAY. May oth, at 411 CHNSyNUY Street. myti otrp§ N - CiTillE.—A • SP - EMAL . 'STEP:TING of the Stockholders of tho PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN and NORRISTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY will btiliehl In Room No.'2t, Philadelphia Exchange., on -TII tutspAy, the 9th', day of IOW: nosh ut 12.02c10ck 111•:, for the consideration of 'an Actor the General Assembly lir tho (16111reeniyealtb'of - Tontisyl*a; on. entitled " - An Aot to authorize the Philadelphia, (;ermentown and Norristown Railroad Company to in - cr, , ltio its capital stock," approved the 29th day of March, 1870. • By order of the Board of Managers: • - - - toy2tje9} , .;. ,_ A.ll•:.Dol.lGHERTY,Sccretitry. fu. , AT A MEETING OF 'THE STOCK , holders or the AIIIERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COAI PAN Y, held sigreosbly-W_Oharter—on_ AIIINDAI,_ lie 2,1 day of INltt . ,Thl'n.tlie following . gentletnen were i•lecti , lpireetoro tor ty , enining - yeat -.-- ' - - ThOIIIIIEIE.. 3latie, I Edmund G. Dutilli . .lobo Welsh, • i Chariot W. I'oult 'ivy , Patt lel Brady, ' Ihkrael 3lntris, John T. Ler i, -- " - ' John P. Wetlierill, Min. W. Paul. slid - of il - meeting of 11L Direerors - on the 1 lin inst. T LOS R. MARIt. was unanimously reelected Presi loot.. A. O. L. CRAWFORD, • It C . _ -- _ Secretary. . _ • sr, m. 1 - -ANN UAL EX A LNA lion of Calidfilates for Certificate& of Qualification for teachers in the Public Schools of the First Soltuol District of l'efiwirltanDovili he held in the Zane Street : , chool House. Filbert street, whove Seventh,on THURS DAY and FRIDAY, May 12th and ISth, Pi7u. The ex amination will commence tit I O'cloelfP. bt., - precisely, on Thursday, and at 9 o'clock A.M. on,Fridity; No ap- Beant under seventeen pears of 0,1V2 will be examined, RCCVIInn , r. with the resolution of the Board of rOnl rollers...NO PUPIL of the Public School' will he ~,,amlned who has not pursued at least a two years' coorst• of study i n the Girl,' Normal or Central High itchool of Philadelphia. _An av-vritac.of-motte::ialltattß! is required far a first-class certificate ; en average of not less than 65 I or a second -c late: certi licate, and an average of not leas than R) lot- a third-class certificate. By order of the Committee on Qualification of Tea . chers. my 2 5 9 12§ LEWIS ELR IN, Chairinan. UPRO VI DENT LIFE AND TRUST 0011IPA:Ii Y. • ' Puma DELVRIA, Fifth I'O.lK 1870. A'Srerial meeting of the .a,eitholdersof the Provident Life and Trust Company will he held at the office., No. 11l South Fourth street, on TEI BAY, 2))h instant, ,it 12 o'clock, to take action on the, isubject of in criaiging eapltal stock of fatid - Compank, By order of the Board of Directors.- : Attest—ROWLAND PARRY. Actuary. SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY... - mylo-tu th s 6ti President. NOTICE.—A SPECIAL MEETING of the cOMMEMOIAL 'MC:LANG E will 16 - • held sit thy Pall. No. 121 tltreet, on TEL 1.1111.4 DA 31 ay 26th. 1670, at 12 o'clock 31 , take final arton en a Sitnrilunient to an Act to Incorporate the Commercial Exchange of Philadelphia, and to Heeiac the By-Laws. NATHAN BROOKE, prt,„i,k,,t. NV A All I NGTON J. JACKsoN , Secretory. 111 Y 1.12tj KEYSTONE ZINC C(VaTAN V. PHILADELPHIA A. May 10. 1870 • An adjourned tneettng of the Stockholders of the Key atone Zinc Cowpony will he held 111 Iho office of the ColnitattY, No, 22,i Willant ittreot,on TuKSDA.Y, the 21th instant, at 12 o'clock DI . OSCAR TO OM PSON. yoyll t2l§ Secretary. LTHE ANNUAL NIERTING.OF TETE' -..,' Stoe'S holders of the 11L003ISISURGI RUN CO tl - he held at the Company's railer, No. 122 Race street,Thiladelphin, on WEDNESDAY. May 25th, 1470,• for the purpose of electing Directors, and transacting other business. " WM. E. B. RAKER. my7.llt• Secretary and Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE METALLINE LAND COMPANY, No. 321 Walnut street. PHILADELPHIA, May sth, IN7O. The Stated Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Metalline Land Company 1;011 be held lathe Office of the Company on MONDAY, June Gth yroxlmo, at• 12 o'clock, M. M. 11. ROFFMAN, n , tjeG§ Clerk. 110. RN, &C. myl2 3t The Board of Directors linve 7 this declared a semi ammul dividend of Five Per Cont.-on-Om Capital Stock , •1' the Company, clear of National 1111 , 1 State taxes, payable in cash on and after May 30, mid. Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting Dividends can be had at the Office of the Compmy, Nu. 236 South THIRD street. . The Office will be opened at 8 A. M. and closed at :1 P. M. from May 300,16 Jiine 3,1, for the_paythent of Dlyl tlends, and'after that ditto frem 9 A; to 3 THOMAS'T. inv4 001 r 6- Treasurer. IV - ANTED.—AT CHESTNUT HILL, , till or upper part of Germantown, a Furnished Mins° for the E urnmor, with all conveniences, for a flintily of ladies. No obiection to retaining the coachman awl ..writtgc. Address, with full particulars, "J.", this of-. • It' POLITICAL NOTICES. MEUEMI SPECIAL NOTICES. PEOPLE'S BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, DIVIDEND NOTICES. a --PENNI:3Y LVAN A RAILROAD COM PANY, TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. PIIIIA.DELPIIIA, ALLY 3, 1. 70. NOTICE TO STOON !TOL DEIOS WANTS, WANTED A SART LAD, FROM, M fifteen to seventeen years Old, as clerk in 'the of. , flee of the American Pro's Association, No. 135 South Third street. .A Iligh School boy preferred. Apply between ton and twelve o'clock, A. at the of fice. • •' myll3t WANTED, A 1100ICKTI•gl , Elt. One r tiewieinted with the 'Trott end Rag ., inisinest, A Friewl preferred. Address, niyll-3t* this °flies. UtpIANTED.:--A PARTNER, EITHER AC- V V . the nr silent, in a Jobbing House in thin eity.who eon control from fifteen to twenty-live thousand dollars. A - good - on•portnnlty - in offered; • • Address, idyll 3t" • • • BULLETIN office. REAL ESTAtE AGENTS FRED. SYLVESTER, REAL ESTATE BROKER, n 10S - S 4 MTH FOURTH-STREET, del.BlYra 'MEDICAL rpHE WONDERS A(CO 9 11 PLISIIai through the agency 'Of the. genuine , God. Live r. Oil in Eibrofula, Bronchitie, Chronic Cough, Asthma,' and even Consumption, altoodt surpasslellef. In Jorthi eachagni * 8, Puro , Med lethal , Ood-Liyor s OSP— , bettleOf which is accompanied by medical 'guaran teed be the higheot order—the public hey° the hest brand o - f - the - Tymeparation -- knownl'. to 'the, scientific , world, JON N ifY & 00., N 0.718 hlarkot, street, . del hta ¢ Penh.hid dale hi , ell hts. - ' 11- FS • OIL.-50ItiGELb ILIGHT4:I4jI; ornd moot Fish 011, low-priced, for onlo by EDW H. ROWLEY, 16 tiouth Front street . =22IIVIZEIMEMI2== r i t BROWN, STONE EESIVENVE 111-` FOR . SALg O , No. 1922 411,100 STREET. Elettant Brolin-fliono ,nosidonoe, throe station as', man 8 a rid, rOof ; very cornmodlous. furnished With every odetn, oonvonloncoi and built In a very superior and, itbstiintinl manner. Lot 26 foot front by ItiO toot deep to uthbort street, ou wilier/ , th,orootod it itandsouto brioki Stable and Clonoh nous*. ... t •', F I , J. N. GubtlitErir tic 80Iffie tnh26 ti rd S ~ T,3 .WALNUT Strooti iO Illt KS i870. : ' -------. • 1 ', -1- , ----- 7,7 - 7 ------ , - , ----- la I For haler F l ititi'inioattnent'irice, a comfortable • ~..• 'alai /1. AND. WINTI4It IRESIDIGI•igE .., Oh. bcdte i'}tati, hater; and alx. aurae • val 014,14,M1,,, ear'tlio depot. '', With , tow trains daily ~ c nimbi°, Ftraporyl greenhouse , and icehouse. Vogotablee ready planted. ...Plontr of 04ade and trait _frac*. ' - • ' I ' ' • , ' - -, .. , • ~J,,X. .:111ITOUELL, , toe 12 14 3t.', - - 'T - : , -- .7 -.,. 7- ' - ' 3lO York avanue: -I FO,R ' 8 ALB, AT RJYARTON, ghNtr, .To soy, on river Ttelaware, desirable, firm.elats... doable house, 40. fent front', adorn Genreniencea farnace, range, hot n 04104 * m 4 abor t bath-roo and teahouse.. 1.dt,100 feet front on ,b 1 Ala btreet, and 244 feet deep on' Thfrd street 1. For particulars apply to :niylo-50 dv - 4 CHESTNUT HILL.'-- 2 FOR SALE:—A Pohited-stone,dohble house, welt built; with all modern improvemon ts,' and about two acres of ground, with fruit and shrubbery. •• • WILLIA3I if. BACON, my9,6t* 317 Walnut atreet. fa FOR SALE-THE ELEO 7 ANT . M A R,- ble-Front 31analon. Noltool Cheatnut street, re; plata with every modern convenience.- A small pr oporty would be taken in part pay.' FOX A' 111111 K ART. 221 South Fifth street. SALE. , —A ' Vllla,eoutaluing 14 rooms : tienr-tlio Dspot.- TC•rllfis'iia9Y. ()Ii A - 1:3711, - STO lUDS; my3-113t. ." No. 4829 Wain street, Germantown.' ; FOR SALE..--A MODERN AND DE `gambit, Betililenco. 40. 1703 Spruce otrOot. Algo horse; carriage and bornens, clomp. Apply to CHAS. Pl. "[ART, GO2 Walnut roOt. • apUt tt§ iF2 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. WE lairecor sale, oneasy tarots, tifteen• minuttai from the city, Oa tits Germantown Railroad, an Elegant Bed, beautifolly and completely fitted out with. ail m n mada convenieces. . , It tons been occupied for two years as a boartling-Imuss, and taw a good winter and summer patronage*. J. AL (:UMIIEY h SONS, 733 Walnut street gra FOR SALE—FOUR-STORY BRICK D welling, with. back _buildings. eaLevery_moderia convenience, situate N 0.1711 Filbert street . lotZi feet front by 117 tees deep to a 40 feet wide street. J. M. GUMMY S. SUNS, 733 Walnut street. Viz FOR SALE—THREE-STORY - BRICK ekrlciiing. with every modern convenience, situate No. 1309 South Tenth street. Forty possession given. J. DI. GUMMY* SONS. 733-Wni nut street. - el FOR SALE—THE THREII:-STORY LS:Brick Dwelling with tittles and back building, sit• onto No. 348 South Sixteenth street • tivery modern con venience. linnusilate posseown, 'J. M. GUSIME & SONS, 733 Walnut street..,. . . . f g-NEW. • 'BROWN • STONE HOUSES, XOS. 1020, 2oos AND 110 'SPRUCE STREET FOR. F-ALEFINISIIED-TN-AYAT,N UT-IN-TLIK-11108T SUPERIOR M A KNEE. AND WITH EVERY MODERN' CONVENIENCE. P. D. WARREN, .2113 SPRUCE STREET. APPLY BETWEEN 2 Al`.D 4 O'CLOCK P. B. mlaraf -WEST I' HILA DE LPIiI A II AND- It" ii tiotno modern ciotrige,siith every convenience, and lnrge lot of ground, eolithween corner of Pion and Forty-firet etreets. J. (I (RAMEY SONS, N 0,733 Walnut street. M.1.;11t ILLE, O ti _ . ahem for BP, re re itriften' - walk nta - Nrerisrefe4 - et ratan, Till IIiTY 3IINITTIX4 FllO,l FRONT AND' DAUDET STUFF:TS, . Plinatielpl/12i. , l'are 1.4 the Apnoal Ticket. Beta. per . trip. Atltireks . J. W. VOIIP.EIr. pig ' "Ntr. - 11.1 elleetilut treet.,Thiladelpitia. TO D YERS-FOR SALE . OR TO LET O GROUND lIENT.-A largo lit or ground, - cart a tit ipp-42,.597'm mtre fo.ttty-Pxtotiding-ft4nu-.Bov , tdh- Fagnth, bat weou.Tioga and Vonaugo. atoont, _with. a.- Atreate el pure molt water muffing through it. Price e 2400. APply to JOON TURNER, uoar SlNth Ntroot and "fending Railroad. . anti Ito' , 910 CAPITA L ISTS. AND 1 Pot salo-A largo and rapidly-improving LOT, NORTH 131t041) STIMET, netwo_en iforrim 10l Dia mond ;Ih2B feet deep fh TIT I RTEII NTH STIIEE T, I lour. boctodia PARK AVENLM, FittniTs. 11,118- lrq ' Apply No. = Chestnut street. *47,43,00,01 to *2.0,000 Trnst Funds to Invest in First-Class City Mortgages nt pot*. Also, Severnl krt. me-Mortgages of 83,00 0 to tgi,ooo. For E. R. JONES, 707 Walnut Street. niy7 6t5-_ MAULE, BROTHER & CO., 2500 So'nth Street. 1870. P AT TERN Y M AKERS. IST°. CITOICE 8 0 / 1 1 , ;LECTION MICHIGAN COBH PINK FOR PATTERN 23. I,B7O."YpuRMAP.E'?, I IIE,E2IIVK:IB7O. LARGE STOOK. • Q ryn FLORIDA FLOORING. O. FLORIDA FLOORING. 1870• CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA. FLOORING. DELAWARD FLOORING' ABE F'LOOKING. WALNUT FLOORING. ' 1870.FLaliall' 'lB7O . RAH, PLANK. RAIL PLANK. 870 NVALIs BOARDS ANDIB7O • PLANK. .WA.LITUT BOARDS ANI) PLANK. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK, A.SSORTED VCI ' CABINET MAKE2I3, BUILDERS, &C.' 1670 UNDERTAKERS' 1870 - LUMBER. ' RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. , 1870. "M j a 1 07?) &tie . 1870. ASH. WHITE OAK PLANK AND HOARDS. HICKORY. 1,870. "MM ge. n'ReG•lB7O. NORWAY BOANTLING. 1870. CEDAR SRINGLES. 1870 CEDAR SHINGLES. CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT. - FOR SALE LOW.. ..._.__________ LATH 187 O. PLATTIgaffLATH. 7 1.87 Cr.. • • 'LATH. • . • BILMILE BROTHER. ilk Care . , ' .2500 SOUTH STILEIST. tt AND PLANING MILL, DICKERSON 'STREET WIIARF. rarticniur attention given to Flooring, Fencing and Surtaxing. Ilurd antlaolt wood. • • , ap2B lzno" • .. WESTER & TIIEGO. 'VELLOW ..19148 LIIN-BER.--ORDERB for cargoos of every description Sawed Lumber °zo nated at short notice—qmility subject to inspection ..Apply-to EDW. H. loywillY.l6 Borah Wharves. -MiWsl / IRON FENCP3.=- . . • • . ' The undersigned are prepared to execute orders for ENGLISH IRON FENCE, • '‘of tho best make. The most sightly and the most economical fence that can be used. r3peeimen panels of various styles of this fence may be seen at our office 3mg - - MERRICK & SONS_ L • BOUTHWARS FOUNDRY, 430 WABUINGTON Avenuo, Philadelphia, MANUFACTURES E,TEAX ENGINES—High and Low Proflanre, Horizon , vorticol, -Iloam, Oacillating, Blast and Oorniah Pumping. • • : • DOlLERb—Oylinder, Flue, 'Puhular, &o. - • • BTRAnt )4AmniExto-- - gatapyth and Davy, styles, : and of CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Sand, Braes,&o. ROOlvi3=-Iron Frame _,a for covering with Slate or Irony TANKS—Ot Cant or Wrought iron,for rofinoriekovatarp - oil, &c. • GAS IdAOIIIIIERY,Sneh 13 Itetorts,ench.flastingsf -I:folders and Frames; Purifiers, , Goke and - Charcoal Barrows , ,Yalves,_ Governbrs;&o..• SUGA.B...kIAGILINEUY-7Sueh as Vacuum Pans and Pumps, Defecators.., Bone Black Filters, Btu - nerth Washers - atulElovators,Bag:Filteni, Sugar and Bons — 7estaen - Ourti - i . • - - Sole manufacturers of the following Speclalttes: In Philadelphia and-iicipity,of William Wright's Patent ,Vitriable thit,off• Stettin Engine'. • 'ln the United States, of Weston's Patent Self-center . inf and Belf-balancing Centrifugal fingar-draininglds• , Glass & Barton's improver . nont on Aspinwall &WOolgo 1 . 1 ! .BartoVs_Patent Wronght-Iron Retort laid. l ":' •.• ' Stiahatt's.Drill Grinding,Beet.. . . ;Oontrtu3tord for thddesign, erection - kid tltting nt ße. fineriesfor working. fittgar.OrildolasseeL C°I'PBE i,TX-Vas.LOffir.. MET.4I.Ie Shofithitig, Bray:hien uoppor nods arid 'Lipbt Copper, constantly on' haul end for sale by MINIM WlkO3OE. do 00.. No .032 boutil Wharvoi. 2 N. Front t•trt.lset.Vfj.l4l3plllitt - 111ORTGAGES: IU I%UER.. NERIri 7 -IRON YARNALL k TRIMBLE; 147 South Front street. TO RENT. ff Store 140 North Eighth Street. hr iptitare at 338 YOfk. Avenue I • TO LET ; ta • ' The Now'Five4itory Store; 910.1 S South Sixth Street and No. 9 Deco. tpr tree • 4 I 2614 APPIT to THEODORE MEGARGpg , ap21411 N 0.2 0 South dixth Street,_ ; ,TO LET,' :140i 2301 WEST , (RDEN Street.—A three-story brick house, In good condi t on. Apply at 1716 Green street. myl2 Itt• ta:TO RtNITFOrt:4TFTE •":SEASON—A. small Farm Iloune.tfurnlshed) and Vineyards; . highest pub!{ to .o.kertey conoty. Two ik9oro. Grapes 1 rest' front 11 114VYoratfuptitottett.`Addt000 VIN GIILLISTISr °Minn •r - "". = myl2-31" , . . . for T , RENT-LF OR YE AR,' ' F.R: kEs, ,:wantowti,: a :thoroughly furniehod bones, clew : in good order, with and and large lot.;lra inlulitea , walk from Railroad Dapot: Addresa • • . ' • • le" . • • • • Gormantown,P:o,, : l'l FOR 11.FoT FOR THE BLT hi MID A FurnlainN,l Reeldance. corner of McKean arenno • , and' Monlielm atreet, Germantown. 'lnquire on the prentleee • mylo tu th a3t.. Et.,EUR,NISI - 114.;D HOUSE TO.,RENT. - tot tllo Sommer, N0:172t Filbert otroot• mod ern conveittiqicob,_ ApplronillY_Protoise6,:-- InY/I-20 ' TOR 7 ENT:—A FUItNISHEI) ElO - 6 WE LEW FOR VOlllt ISIONT118 , • APPLY AT 252 BOUTU 1 4 1;VENTEENTI!, IiTREET. RENT, 6'65 111UNTil. • rnyll4t!, - V.!' "L TO ET---1103ISE• NO. 1008 NOItTII mrsixthtatreeti-ailibrinollertrArdprortinetrte'-Pott.--- twelolon 18th inst. Apply to JOUN EILLOORE. No. 516 00(1 ytroot. my9.6t• Al ARK ITT 1` T B.ItEET, 8 T O -It bl—TO ID rent for a terto of 4 yearii,t the Flyeettory Store No. 332 Market street. .1. M. 01.:1111HEY S SON.S, 733 Walnut street. 11, lOR RENT,--STORES• 0 : 237, 239 North Wnter otreot. 'Urge mail-loft fryer Um t x toreP. Apply to - fi: 11SlfE.fl, . -tityol2l' t'ututtsurce-strauL— fras FOR, A.NSION HOUSE nod , ttrottods, northeast onrner. of .Thtrty 'AWL and Locust streets, on fuvorahht a run. Ou the grounds are a largo assort nwnt of fruit trees and an ex tensive hot-hone, filled With a choice collection of gtapo•vhos. Apply to JOS. S. FISHER., tOl Commerce otreet. .C4EIt M A 14T011'" N.---SEN'ERAL COT togee to rent nod for sale. onA 8. H. 8 rd}(118, r0y.3.16t* "NO. 4529 etrout,Gerttutotown, 01V..R.—.S.77iltri LN 1 B E GE/t3i rt. within. Cattage to rent for Isix 111C8I nAli. sToKts, 11 . t ;:y ( 3' f plil ". No. 4819 Morn etreet, Germ:A.o4mm. I TO RENT—THE • STORE ,NO. 1311 -fta Arch otrtet.TlP' At • iikl2.l2t* 0.109 'Walnut atreet. t: - LiiirNISTIED Country -Residence. with 4 acreto of ground, Vonlielyn street, Get thautown, threo mmatoal walk from Wayile :Station. All klwlx 16114, line itorliv gable for liorpeA and enmt. with all awl every improve- Went. Apply to 011'1' et:li 3 JORDAN, 433 Walnut street. tr. , "y ,TO ItEN'l'--AN ELEGANT COHN- tr with about is aires rot lend, on which fere are i hc.ittes n • comfortable farm lionso, tenant .I*.itise.etnhic';'(•//W 6ad chicken /lOW , .11 le Situnte-tat - - j unet or.asay_!. lanc_and_3l-arehall road 4,stat 01 6 ilia. with Ch(aarlat street. from Icb bridge it la roily ilLreo miles. Very easy of access: Terms reasonable.,. Heys ark] Infornistion tit lIATtPIi ft & 'eft P.PPIJ'e Id entrance Agency, No. :137 Walnut 'street. 111 4 .'NT 41ANI/C/11F G . FOR, • 1 • - _ • try place: with serernl nertei of-land 011 York-- - Mid five minutes' walk from 4jak Lens station, on the rth Pcnw.livatnia 14TIVNIElf1) COUNTRY SI;AT. within" tyro Jnin• n waiiilrout If tiv , Ti orti-ktigion. nit - trietlion tis Oran , -Centent fletlroad, , J, 31- 0-1331311 W tiON • . sr" .TO LET.--A FI NE THIRTEEN roetned Mansion, Iteitr...Frunkfor.l, with lawn., Plmikn., stabling,carriage.huuce, : In quire ma Girapl avenue.. _ - ftpe r,o _ TO ItENT-ICOO3I - 8 OF ALL . , • -trol i-llgitted-omitrtble-fori l.khtrgntttlgo, turf ng - Ir+B. building Nw. 7i2 ill , smut etroet. J. M. GUM -311.:Y h SONS, Wnlitilt 4;74, TO RENT—A Fill/N . /SHED I/NV log, No. 4410 kiental Ninth totre.t,' yritb alllmprore• 111 , 'Dta.; a at, frabitA laratiaa ; 1 , 111 to. rennet een evna ble. to it !wild truant ; - ,o.tonfrool 'ln , / of .MAY. Alto, on.3liles helot* SY-Arttit street and ti bore Tenth street, for three horses and Carriages. Apply to (.;0 P JORDAN'S!» Walnut street. .„__ _ . . _ ME • CI -- - Fttit l is proftp•rty. Nn. .I.`i South Yagiitli etrixtt, oornor of Jayne. owl tirgt oboxo Cho.titut street. J. 31. 1.4r3.1311:Y et. SONS, 7:33 Walnut street, FOR RE NT—FURNISHED—A IlliMiS(11110 fonr-story brick dweltdig, With Wk libildings and - every modern convenience. situate , Bromd street, below Pine. J. N. (11;31.1.1EY dc SONS. N 0.133 Walnut street. el FOR RENT—FURNISILED OR TlN furnMiesi, the three-story brick dwelling situate o. 13x3 .North Twelfth street. J. N. Of.J3I3IEY EONS, 733 Walnut street. - WI TO LET—SECOND-STORY FRONT 1101nr, 324 Chestnut street. about 23 x 24 feet.) Suitable for en office or light bnsiness. yaltitf rp BLUR 3: BROTHER' r, FOR SILE WEST :.LOI - }AN esinare.—No. 244—Pour-story brown stone resi dence. withlbri-e story double back buildings. Lot 24 feet front by 144 feet- deco , No. 1021 CLINTON STREET—Three-story dwelling with three-story double back buildings. Lot '20x11.5 feet toton street. . CHESTNUT STREET—Handsome four-story with large three-story back buildings. Lot:2o feet front by 230 feet deep, to SansoM street. Situate west of Eighteenth street. , A lien STELET—liandsome fourditory brick rust- Ones, 22 feet front. with every COLlVClllellecl, N. NV. : corner Twentieth Street . IA BCH STII I:ET—Handsome modern four-story brick residence,with three-story double beck buildings. Extra conveniences and fu perfect order. West of Eighteenth street, south- side. J. N. OIf3IBIEY .4 SONS, 733 Wolnut street. flLil 0 It EN T THE , SECOND-STORA" Rooms, or Officer. of No. 42 South Third street. Inquire on first floor. ruy7 a tint, tf; A . P. HILDRETR. HIL OREM CAPE NAY REAL ESTAT}LBROKERS,, 11 th ce, Perry street,• opposite Mansion stritot, CA PE MAIL CITY, N. J. L Befer I.y special pertnissian Knight. William Potts. M tthew. W. Baird nnii John 0. Sul - I itt . Emig., of Philadelphia; General W Idiom J. Sewell, of Camden, and J. F. Cake Esq., of..oape bitty. 8.-;;Particular attention given to the scintilla of cottages, Ac. rityjto-jyli °BEEBE & M COLLITM, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Offico,Jackson street, opposite idansion street, Cape Island, N. J. Real Estate bought and sold. Persona desirous of renting cottages during the season will apply or address as above. Beer ectfnlly refer to Chas. A. Bub team, Henry Bemm Francis Idellvain, AuguatuMarino, John, Davie, • ' 'EL - Fda Pb NTC}: = C " tbe Ptconit COMPANYS / COLOTLY.D PAINT (costhig $1.21.0) will t. pnt much no 21.0-lbs. of Load, iin ai d wear lamer.' NOY imrticulars, COST Sec'y., br0.1.50 iny - 112A 3nl _So_yerPs Patent tombineir Dridng,Room Water Coolers and . 1.--siew--, 5 ...•_. It being ma le of Caht .Iro-a,,Porco -5- I lain Limit, id Walnut Carlos, doom rzi—Tr i Lo, :: not filnovaTiwknarsl.clam, le pr , smo!I L L .-F4-1-1 k . ‘ Vreaso call and examine. r --- • --- --ir -- •• • JACOB F. HAND,,Jr..,. Retail Depot, 620 bIEiItICIDT Street, tll I II 26t_ FOR SALI-u. 'YARNS FOR SALE. Colton and .Woratod Tame, - all 'COriOn Yornß, ono two, Omen or form ply; on corgi, on brim* ', unit in skeins. AlgO, Chain and Satinet Warps, Cotton and Wool Waste. GEO. F Commtlimion Ilterebant.•. - 071UL/3X 43tr00t,-130,it0b.; I 1 I ' EO Lep'',r 0 4RRY TOO TFT WAS,II7 : It e i lt t a gg t'cl° 3% R' ? b estlenf' yir toeroml, ,Rtur„dpn, Ttgn, ind *Whitens the , Tuetli-1----7i;_ uvigorates and Soothes the Oums ! Parities and Perfumes the Breath ,t ; ‘' • FreventaAccutaglation of _Tartar 1: cleanses and Purifies Artificial Teeth - I.' ` n Superior Article for.Ohildron I ; ' Id1 " 11- ''' "";e:ht. ly;rp§ Ninth and Filbert streets, Plitladellihia. 'DOLIt3,II.IIIG, 7 3 0\VD.E.11:. TffE 7 l3p6T, , JJ icir cleabidng Silver and Kated'Vlare, Jewidtir,eic.,- Ver manufactured.,. • - ; • • ' • " - FARR & BROTHER, 124 IThistniMatront;:bnimr-Filtriffe----- mhl tfrp 70R.SAI,E, I - WA.L. •NUT,Connting-hotiso Peals. Allilrenao, . • : . :1111 1 .- 41 4- ENS WnlBol33lffFelt for --aide by PETER iiclY4lBl3lalnut groat. NAMBY. A Friend of Nubby DIT•Pu 4 4I IO -S* - .Iteverend Writes tibi Ob edam, of the Lite mod/let iff iitwi'atady f From the Toledo Blade:, RAMP 13'LOON, WAitn; Noo Yolut, April 30, 1870.—A blite hex fallen onto the Sixth Ward! Last pita .at pteeisely 3 o'clock this morniniez near ez we. kiu learn, Patsey MtGroggin departed this lifelf t liwp crisy hez lost a piller, my bar a cougant&lityl,l prompt-payin customer, and Father McGrath a parishner with never refoosed his mite to roll gierturpurpotes-wherr-his-finansliel-olierutionso lied proved successful. Patsey MeGroggin is gone! .He met his fate. attemptin to get out uv the area whider,uv the house uv a blotid aristocrat in the upper part uv the city. Patsey and a friend uv bizzen knowd ez English Pill wuz in the house, wen, owin to an alarm wuz made, they become aware that they wuz considered in the lite uv introoders. They bed gathered together 41,,,ppeket-hook, so le 04 11 watches, silver plate' dnd and'ivuz at temmptin-to the house -quialy;-when-Pat sey wuz seezed by the injoodishus proprietor thereof, I'eatsey, in self-defense, knocks him down with a billy, when the wretch levelled a pistil at him and Shot him dead. And not eon tentlwith this he, procoored thu.ttrrest . uv -ling- Jish pill qn -the ,;ctutige ; `;111/ binglaty ! two' us , my customers is cut off at one stroke ! Patsey MeGroggin wuz born in County Clare, Ireland, in the, year 1833, Ile made his appearance in public, life in London in 1848, where be wuz arrested ez a pickpocket, and by a tre'oodist jOory, which bleeved the statower nv a citEeli wno swore hesaWififik . aa poekit, hb was sentenced to a prison for boys. On his releese Patsey went into partnership with • a dlititi&ialied arid brilliant burglar, and after a variety uv advencbers he found iii.sself in Botanyißay;bis goin there hided uv ban hung iti . ::.Eug,land bein a insertitable mystery ,, _w icb be hissed wuz, never able to 80iVe. • But Botany Bay wuzjnot destined to hold tint. Rini a guard or two he made his es— cape on a winder, and landid uv course in the City uv Noo York, wick he knew wuz mostly set tledtand entirely eontrolleid by lhat class uv las countrynien wich wood synipathiie with one in his sitooashen. Ilere his career wuz a billy ant one. lle immejitly ,fined the Dimo cratic party to with his instincts naturally led,. him, and he yroved a useful and activetuiern-:( ber thereof. lie commenced first ez a bumble repeater, but the activity be s rnauifestedisoon made litni a marked mani , '(4,ite—,diey lko:nteit twenty: eight. times, and once he performed the -astoundin feat _uv votin_sixtimes_at the.same polls ! lii knowledge uv pugilism and his the cluVsooli grit Lint at the head uv a clan btrong .enutt to bid the po ltece defiance, and his Metier Wuz ashoored. Combinin politics witb•burglary he made a baucitone .11i3 jle,wa.s seiondsin more than twenty prize-tights, and alentliocislastie patron of- - ithe rat-pit Ilia ` pet Pet, traiiiif.o be remembered, won the match :On Yaller bleKt e's dog Terror, with resulted in a shindy betueen:lbeprincitWs, Celt nattikallYiMsulted in AleKeeN ' deditase; fat "win aCCident - and" boraycide jilt afterward, he served two years An_important. electiartAikkurin_ anti bib services bolo ,ticcdcd, he wuz pardoned, out. Az the recognized hearl.nv the Sixth . Ward. Throat Slashers,-- uv- -Course : be _ posishens uv honor and profit: P.itsey and his friends curried Connecticut three or four years ago, and az a-reward wuz put into the School Board, Father:McGrath backio :his claims aitd aprteinto sign his (i'atie.y's) name v.-believer it wuz necessary. Shortly afterwards he wuz elected Alderman, he held a contract; for street cleanin, .wuz made keeper .uv the butts ter muskets in one-uv the armories, and tvitz, last year, a member nv - thel.e,4sliteher,TAlOtst pashlien didn't sect birth AZ the - other Members from the City known) the intrudes ur legis la.shen better yru)sed to get his vote frekently without pavinior it. Wat ho liked' best trtlz contracks fiir 'street eleanin. Twnz he wi'h taught me the mysteries riv that bizzness.. die unst lied `to' bid close 'again 'an Unsephis- . Chat id contractor, who spoied the streets reely bed to be'eleam;(l, and l wit/ stirpried" at the' low heeds he took it at. " Patsey," sez 1, .‘ yoo'l lose money on that contrae4c. , It'll cost more .- to do the work. than - yontet for it: " It. is; cussed low, - he replied,-"but ez we don't never do the work at all, I kin live at it, of I don't hey to divide too much." l'ats - eywas an ardent friend of Ameriky its inStitoosbetiS, Cartickerly the Dimekratic party. When be wnz put onto the Skool Board, and wnz at the same time in the Legis lacher, his heart Idled over with love for his adopted country, and he wuz not backered in expressin' it. . "In what other country than Ameriky, and' in what other party than the Dimekratic," said be, sobbin' with emoshun, " cood I hey atained such grandjer ! Why, bed I stayed in London I would hey been hung ten yeers go." But 'Pat sey'S e.ont rolin pp un wnz` an in tense abidin hatred uv England. fle was a mem ber of all the Fenian Circles,and collected more money for freein Ireland from the tyraniklc rool uv England, than any, man in Noo York. He alluz wept when-lie thot of the oppreshun the Irish wuz groanin under. But this feelin wuz eklipst by his hatred uv the nigger ) , as an evidence uv which I might mensbun that a circle uv which lie wuz a member actilly ap propriated a- thousand dollars which they bed raised to free Ireland, to fund to,. put down anti-slavery, agitation '-in ;tis , country. Patsy - , hlsself se- rionslf Ccinieniplateid at "one tithe !gciiii Stith that be might hey a legal rite to kill a nigger. But lie thought better uv it. Ile cood do it jest ez safely in Noo York. He led the Throat Slashers in the famous riots uv 18113, and his wuz the hand which put the torch to the nig ger orphanasyluni ; with his . 'own' good right hand - he - A:watt:rut the branes nv two niggersir and wept becoz two more that lie bed in a cor ner escaped him. His death' is lamented b}' all 'iiv the 'lrelteiit ers uv mylionse: Had be lived he *bold hew bin put upon the Police Board and the,appoint inents he woo& hev Ontrolled wood have saved his friends • and: - partners a- deal :of:; trouble and , molestaalten. Heil he bin!' on that Board English Bill wood,- not now be languishin in a Basteel. The devoshun ItV his friends Melted me. It help intimated that money wood be reijiiire& to luiV the proper masses died for the repose of his spent,--every enie tiv his friends rushed out iminejitly to pro cure enuff to ,do it handsem. Two uv them succeeded in gOin through a drunken cotintry man' wich strayed into his vicinity, and getting a watch wich they pawned, and others for this pious purpose garroted - a man within a square nv Broadway. Patsey's • fader -is therefore assured: , •,, . _Out by reSpect to the deceest I shut my bar and-put crape onto the door for jest an hour, wich wuz ez mach • greef ez I could afford at that time.. , Peace his ashes! It is perhaps ez. well that be went befiti. - The --- Fifteentlf - Amemt .7 . mentl is a reality: a') lied_lied_he' . stayed he mite have bin compelled to affilyate *with niggers i rOmir : dir (Inn hi, whethdr his timber eded bey endoored 4 so sudden and seyereta,strala. , TG is perhaps are). for him that he died when he did,,pertickerly ez he hed just paid his bill_to my bar. rfe'coodent hey gone —at-a-better time, '. • PETROLpELTy VaNAssY, wuz - Postmaster.) -- .. lUN Vir — ifidiEl7 lBo7ll ki • Mom AO Andy to moILIC Wan LEGAL NOTICES. I.:STATE OFEDUUNDEtWAKE6VNG, dec'd.—LettenCed Acnolnietr 11 upon t +bow' to hating hiten granted ao t ndensign the Register of Wills for the City and County of Phi adol- Phil, all persons indt bled to the said Estate will make payment, and those having claims samn Present them to JOSEPH BALL, Administrator, No. 01, North Sixth-street, or to , his Attorney, SAMUEL WARRLING. 622 Walnut et., Philadelphia. ap7-thlit• . TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE 11 City and ConntY of Philadel bia.—Eetate. of CIIAS. LI4.X, rieased.s, RoUppointed tr_the at rlh deCo_tlnt of ,J.A9I ES Vor..rt.t_ lo atl riettlkan AltsiOE at YRIIDIN N .1411 ER. executora 'of the last will and testament of CHARLES N. LEX, deceased, and to . retort distribution of the balance in the hands et 'tho accountant, will meet the fpartlevnterested - fort fe=purposes-of-his-appointmont on MONDAY, the 22d day of Afar, A, P. 1070, at 4 o'clock I'. M.. at his office, No. 271 South Fifth street, in the city of Ph indelphia. JOSEPH A. CLAY, rtIYL- 8,0600 5 1 "r• ---- DI S TRICT'OUI T OF E United States, for the Eastern District of Penn sylKania, CHARLES P. BARNARD, late of Philadel - phla• now of Baltimore, Maryland Bankrupt. baying petitioned for his discharge. a meeting of creditors will be held on the 7th day of tune, 1870, at 10 o'clock, A. M., before the Register. WILLIAM bleldiCH A EL. Esq., at No. 419 Walnut street, in the city .of ;Philadelphia, that fithe examinatiOn of 111:0 nankin 96 May hp anisttedi and any business of meetings required' by if °ending 2Z or ..28 of the art of Conftresa.f March 2d OW. transactor'. "The Register will certify whether the Bankrupt 1111 , 1 conformed to his duty. A hearing will also be bad on WLDNESDAY, the 21st day 0f..1 one, 1870, before the Court. at Philadelphia, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. when par ties interested may show cause against the discharge. , Witness the Hon. John eadivalsuter. Jatige #n) A L.l of tho said District Court, and the seal thereof, at Philadelphia, the llthday of May. A.-.11).3111p. WlLlttPX,;elerk. .rAtteit-I.WILLIAM3ickIICIIAEL,Rediaterf. myl2-til3r NEW PUBLICATIONS SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPgRINTEN dents, get Prof. Hart's admirable addrece. "flow to Se ect a Library." at tho Sabbath School Emporium, 608 arch street, Philadelphia. ...T,Epuc!,ili.,.(W, - .. , ..911 . • PRICES; RY THE American Sunday-School Union. Caialogiies furnikdied graiultly. at Die Depository,No. 1122 CLIESTN!yr STREET, • Philadelphia. mylo it/ tb N tit Wr f._/ —A. N th.> o nly , cat t o afitalin4ii•CPiano and ,Musical Dlxt .ter." Pronounced by coninetetajudges the inoqt Perfect 'man . tion boot ever written for tho piano, and a coot - _pendiuntot ninsicaLinfonnqtion— f 4 ohl by_all_ music ; and book dealers 801001 edition, 112: bibrary edition, *.3. Fent fr.o. Liberal. direonnt au quantities. WHITE, banTrl - Itr: PERILY, 278 atr 300 Vo gton ktreet. Roston. ATliill • •H. - LAU DERBACH'S. •••. Tr.i.A.s 1..31 Q. 51 ,0 ,k-GIE - .NTIFIO AND GO . I3IEttCIAL ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, No. 108 S, TENTH StreA. A Prim.srv, Elertwntnry and Fitilfthing School. _ Clrrnlara nt 14. V,:arbartun's, N 0.130 Gbetstnut otreot. SAUNDE It 8 COLLEGE. WEST Philadelphia. lecture - erery - IIONDA Y- EVE apVi.inf S. P. BONDINELLA. 'IT.ACHEIf. OF Sinai . Private lessons and classes!. Residence. We B. th street.. . an2s-fli TIIAVELERS' GUIDE CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD Cif ANGE OF ffOCII.S. On and after HONDA Y,Way Eth,"lB7o, trains leave Tine Street Ferry 05 fsdloor; • F4)11 ATLANTIC CITY. 8 00 - A. M. Freight. m itit Pass. tiger Car ' 9.15 A. 31. Atlantic Accommodation 3.45 P. 31. TIETERNING-LEAVE ATLANTIC. 3lcil 3.00 P. M. • ' I' re 11.45 A. M. Atlantic Actonmesiation....-,.' 4.14 A. 31. - LOCAL T ItA 1 - 3,6: - For fladdentiebt.....l9 It, A. II ..'.OO P. M. and 4 00 P. 31. Tut ARO awl Intermediate Stations. 31. and 4.00 P. 31. JRETIIIININC-LE YE iladtiones•l4 . . . A . 31., 31. 501,38.16 P. /.1 . . ...... A. M. Slid 17,11.3 Noon. TI„, coin ,No. 823 Chestnut street. C o noperdelMetel, will call ter. and check bagga,ge. to destination..`Tickets also on gala. : • It. H. MCNDY, Agent. 1311ILADELPIELIA- AND • ERIE, RAIL ROAD-WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 1.5, 1849, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows' from Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia : - • WESTWARD. Mail Train letives 9.35 P.. M. 44 4 Williamsport .... 7..40 A.. 31. " arrives at Erie. .-„.„ „ ........ ........ 8.5) P. 31. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia . 11.40 A. 31. " " Williamsport • -. 9.00 P. M. " Erto.,.. - »10.00, A. 31. Elmira Mutt leaves ..... ....„ 7.50 A. 31. " • 6.00 P. M. o U arrives at Loc Ellven 7.20 P. 31. EASTWARD. Elan Train leaves Erie 8.40 A. 31. 64 41 Williamsport ..-.925 P.M. arrives at Philadelphia. Erie Express leaves Erie4.oo P. 31. 4,4 " Williamsport_ 3.30 A. M. . arrives at Philadelphia ............_.-.12.4.5 P. M. Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven 8.00 A. M. Williamsport- 9.45 A. 31. " " arrives arPhiladelphia • 6.50 P. M. Buffalo Express leaves willlamepert 12.25 A.M. Ilarrisburg. 5.711 A.M. arrives at Philadelphia_ 9.25 A. M. Express east connects at Corry. Mall east at Corry and Irvineton. Express west at Irvineton with trains on OH Creek and AlleghertY River Railroad. _ALFRED L. TYLER. General Superintende . XT OR TH PENNStLVANIA ILIIO -Freight Depaitment.Net ice . 'to Bhi Ppeas.-By arrangements recently • perfected, this Company is en abled to offer unuvual despatch in the transportation of freight from Philadelphia to all points of the Lehigh, Malianoy,-Wyoniind and Susquehanna Valleys, and on the Catawieett anti , 'He Railways. Partilculanatten on ts.asseil to the new line, through the Susquehanna Valley, opening up the Northeastern portion of the State to Philadelphia, embracing tile towns of Towanda, Athens. Waverly, and the counties . of Bradford, Wyoming mid Susquehanna. It also - of fers a short and tipeedy , Buffalo and Rochester, interior and Sim t herniNewribrk , and all paints in the NOrthwest and Southwest and on the Great Lakes. Merchandise delivered at the Through Freight Depot, corner of Front tool Noble ktreetS, before 5 P: M., is dis tributtsl by Fast Freight Trains throughout the Le• high, 31shanoy, Wyoming arid Susquehanna Valleys early next day, and deliVered at Rochentee apd,Buffalo • within fortyseightlinnrs from date of shinment. ' [Particulars in regard to Buffalo, Rochester, interior Now York and Western Freight nary be obtained at the office. No Flt Chestnut street, L.C. KINSLER, Agent of P. W. & D. S. GRAFLY, Through Freight Agent, Front and Noble streets. ELLIS CLARK, _ myl0 ; General Agent N. P. R. R. Co. 1101ENNSYLTANIA:" CENTRAL RAH, ROAD..--After .8 P. M., SUNDAY, 3t y' Ist, 1810— The trains of the Pennsylvania Contra' Railroad leave the Depot,at Thirty-first and Market streets,which 'is reached directly by the cars of the Market Street Pas senger Railway, the lost Oar connecting with each train leaving Front and IfinOtat street ,thirty•minntan before hose.. of ;the). Chestnut 'and Walnut Streets Railway run within one square of the Depot, __Meaning Car Ticketeran be had on application at the Ticket Office, - Northwest corner of Llnth and Chestnut - streets. and at the Depot..- , • _ Agents of the Union Tiana - for Company - will call for --argil/other-Baggage at-the-Depot.__Ordeoleltat_No. Che 4 tntit street,lio. 116 Market - Urea,' will receive at tention- 'TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT VIZ.: Mail Train.... Paoli Accent aL16.30 A.M.12 tio and 6.50 P. M. Fast at 12.30 P. st. Erie Exprees at 12.30 P. M. Harrisburg Accom-- at .2.39 P. 51. Lancaster Acton/ at 4.10 P. M. Parkaburg Train at 6.30 P. 31. Cincinnati Eipreae ' at 8.00 P. Erie Mail and Pittsburgh Express at 9.45 P. M. . Way Passenger at 11.20 P M. ' Pacific Express at 12.00 night Erie' Mail leaves daily, except Sunday, running on Saturday night to Williamsport only. On Sttuday night passengors will leave Phliadelpilla at o'clock. _ Faelfic- Express leaves daily. Cintinnati - Ex= • Mae daily, incept Bata, day. All other trains daily, except Sunday. The Western Aeconialodation Train runs daily, except Sunday. For this trnin Dakota must ho procured and baggage delivered by 5,00 P. M., at 116 Market street. TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ : Cincinnati Ex areas at 3.10 A. M. Philadelphia Express.... at 6.30 A. M. Erie Mail t-at 6.30 A. M. : "Paoli Accommodation at 8.20 A. M. and 3241 & 6.25 P. M Parkeburg_TrattL. • at 9.00 A.M. _ Buffalo Express, ' atil.3s - A. M. Fast Line • at 9.35 A. Id Lancaster Train at 12.65 at 12.155 P.M. 'ontytern Express . at 7.00 P.M. ---'Virer111111111:r LAT& i i hbL Aqi .144 VA 0138 oci, i.w i. lar Pacific Exams - at 2.65 P. M. flarrieburg Accommodation at 2.50 P. M. For further information, apply to JOHlli F. VAFfPFER,jii., Ticket, Asent49lohestnut FUNK, Ticket Agent Old Market street. —BAMITIOLM.-WALLAGB,Ticket=Agent atthoDepot.. The PenneYlvaniataidirmeliDempany.will not assume any do t for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and B u m twit - responsibility -to One Hundred uollare in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in Table will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by special con. trac t.A. 3. tIASSATZ, General Enperintendent. Altoona, Fa.' .9011 00., ',Atseel BECIAJETIN, THU - 1181),AT4 ,MAY. 12.'1870. ANOTHER MUSICAL IMA sfEL E REI!,O CI I DEN ylrr;.; NEW _ [O.I3,K.—THE OAMD :LI, ' BEN A II raCiAllo n d COMPANY'S L b 1 1 ,114 1 .1t 13, AND biladelphia to Now York, and way places, from %Nal. nut street wharf. Fars. At 6.30 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom.., 02 26 At BA. M. via Camden and Jersey Oity Bs. Mall, SOO At 2.00 P. 51. via Camden and A mboy-Uspresa, 3,00 At 3.30 P. M.; via Camden and Jersey City, Accom. 225 At 6 P. M. for Amboy and Intermediate stawons At 6.30 A. M.. 2 and 850 P. 31., for 'freehold. At 2.00 P. 51. " 10. Long Branch and „Points on At4ai e i k ..a ' 51,2.9.30 and 6.001% M.. A. ,for Trenton. At0.30,f and 10 A.M., 12 M., 2, 8.30, 5, 6;r and 111.30P.M., for Bordentawo.Florence,Barlington,Beverly and De lanco and Riverton. At LSO and In A.M..12 M. SAO, 5,6,7 and 1130 P.M. for - ' dgewateriativeraiderßlvertonrand-Palrnyrs. At 6.. 0 0 and 10 A. M.. 12 M., 5,6, .7 and 11.30 P. M. for Fish lionsh. W The 11.30 P. M.' Line ; leaves from -foot of - Market street by upper ferry. From Kensington Depot: At 7.30 A. M., 2.30,3.30 anu 5 & 6 P. M. for Trenton and Bristol. And at 10.45 A. M. and 4 P. M. for Bristol. At 730 A.M.,2.30,1 and 6 P. M. for Morrisrilla and Tully- At 7.30 and /0.43 A. M.. 2.30,4,3 and 6 P M. for A a k " amok's, ! NadlnFton, Cornwelle, Torresdale and ilulniesburg Junction. /it 7 A M and 7.30 P.M. for Bustleton,Holmesburg intid jardniestinrk Junction:, 'At 7-and 1n.45 A . . 111., 1;1.30.'4,3.15,6 and 7.30 P. 21. for Tacony, Wipsinonting, Bridesburg and Frankford. From West Philadetnhin Pepotvi tionnetinua natiwayi At 7,9.30 and 11 A. M., 1.20, 2.45,6.43, and 12P. 111. New York F.:preen Line,yla Jersey City 89 25 At 11.30 P.M. Enili i rant Lino. 200 At 7,9.30 and 11 A. 31., 1.20, 2.45, 6:45, and 12 P. M. for Trenton. At 7, 9.30 and 11 A. M. 4, 6A6 and 12 P. M., for Bristol. At 12 Cal.( Night)for Morrieville,Tullytown.Seherick'S, Eddlpgtott Cortelvelle,:e;TOnllEldaltA 'frollnefibtlfg 91 1 .110 n. .-Tacony,:"Wirdinonaing, Bridesbttrg.. and Fran ford. The 9.30 A. M., 6.45 and 12 F. M. Lines rim daily. All other's, Sundays excepted. For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars on' Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half an hour be fore departure. The Cars of Market Street Railway run direct to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut within one square. . BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES frpm-Kensington.Depot At 7.30 A. M., for Niagara Fall,, Buffalo, Dunk - frit,. Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Biughampton Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkesharre, ilcireeler's /fountain. ac.., At 7..9/ A. 11. and 3.30 P. M. for Scranton. Strouds burg. Water Gap, itelvidere;. - Ralston, Lam bertville Flemington dm. The A. 311 P. M. Line con• nects direct with the 'train leaving Easton for Manch Mina- Allentown; Bethlehem:3re.; • Ati Pl3l . epringtmipepot,fer Idimbertirille.and intermediate Stations. CAMDEN-AND BURLINGTON_ CO., AND_PEMBER-.. TON AND IMOD TSTOWN RAILROADS, from Mar ket street Ferry (Upper Side.) At 7 and 10 A. 11.,1,1.15,430,5 A 6.30 P.M.,and on Thurs day and Satarday'prghte at 11.30 P. M. for Merchant*. ville,hloarestown'; Hartford, Mitsonrille, Hairurport and Mount Holly. At 7 A. M., 2.15 and 6.30 P. M. for Lamberton and bled- At 7 and 10 A 31., 1, 3-3/ &6 P. M., for Smitliville, EwansvilleSincentown,Birmingham and Pemberton. At 10 A. M. for Lewistown, Wrlghtstewn, Cookstown, New Egypt 4rd Hornenetowtiri • *- At 7A. S) ..I and 3.A1 P.M. for Lewistown, Wright's. town. Cookstown , New Egypt, Honaerstown, Cream Ridge, Imlaystown. Sharon ightstowzr. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anythingtru3 bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid tor extra. The Company lim ; 7their It et 2C l 4 -I rll d We l i t t rre f fi r ab t int;t e tt - Pag l gn l n t eVerf r e g und, ox cept by special contract. - - • Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct, throrigh to Boston,Wercestey Sprrngfield artiotd,- New Ilaven - Pro - Oder:lce,' Nevi °rt.; Albany; Troy 'Saratoga, Utica, Borne, Syracuse, ochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge. An additional Tfeltrff Office %located at No.BM Chest nut etreet; where tickets ito New York, and all .impor tent points - North and' East, -may be procured. „Persons purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their bag gage checked from resident...4s or hotel todestination ,by Union Transfer Ile ggage Express. 'Linea from New; ork for Philadelphia will leave from foot or:Cortland etroet at 7A= 61.,1 and 4P. M ~via twee, City and Camden; -"At R.40,9 - .30 - and 41 A:11., 12 30,3,'d and 9 P.N., and et 12 Night, via - .lersey - qty - and - West - FM% rielphia." I ; . N From Fier 0.1, N. River, at 6.30 A. M. 'Aceommods- Holland 2 P. 31 :Express, via Amboy and Camden. Ma/ 9rb. 1870. -' WM. 11. 11ATZDIER. Agent. H &DELI - all-41, Li .4 - M ANT 0, WIN .1 AND NORRISTOWN t RAILROAD. 'TIME TALE. 011 arid afterTHURSDAY._ April 21st, 1870. FOR 0 E ICH AN T 0 tVN Leare I'IfILADEVPIIIA 6 7,8, 9.01: - 10, 1l: 12, A• M. 140, 2, 314, xsx, 4, 5.05; DU,. 0,.6%,-7„. 8, 9307 - 10.0 .- - - 11, 12, P . : 11 - ; - • Leave GERMA.N TO WN 6, 6.55, 8, 8.20, 9, 10. 10A. 12. A. M. 1.14• , , 2,3, 3.50, 4h', 5, s!ii, 6,6%, 7,6, 9'SO. 10,11, P. M- " - • I% The 8.211 Dome Train:and 37.11atid 53.; Up Tinins veil) not stop an the Germantown Brandt- _ O,N .hUNDAYS. Leay . ePHILABEL PHIA' a&.l, A :1r: 2, 4.ostairi., . --- Leave GERMANTOWN atabl, A. 11. 1,3, 6, and 94 '' P. AL CHESTNUT Brit. RAILROAD. f oI atI:;TRILADELM4AT,s;IO, and /2,A. M. 2. Mi; s'„ 7,9.e21 and 11, E., , • Leave CHESTNUT HILL', and 11.40, A. M. 3,a), 6.40,6.40,9, and 10.40.1'. 11. . -- • ON SUNDAYS. Leave PP I LADE LP II IA at 934, A. M. 2, and 7,7. M. - Leave CHESTNUT LULL at 7.60, A. M. 12.40,5.4 u, and Pa ,, sengers taking the 6 - 45, 9 iv14..10.60J. 'Sad 5.50 P. M. Trains from Gfratantown.will inak.!.elose eon , m aions with Titans for New York& In Station. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN teaVe. P HILAVELPHA 16-;714: 9; and ILA, N. 31. 114. 3,43,1. 5. 51(. fn. 8 - .05,10. anti 113.1, P. 31. Leave NORRISTOW 534;6.25. 7, 7.34,8.0, and 11, A. M. 114, 3,434,614, 6, and 9,,(:, P. 31. , ON SUNDAYS. - Leave PHILADELPHIA at 9, A. M. 234, 4," anti 73.;, P-M. Leave NORRISTOWN, at 7, A . M K . 1,131, and 9, P. 31. FOR MA N AYUN ,Leave Philadelphia : 6. 9 and 11.05 A. hl.: 1.11 , , 41, 5. ”4. 614%8.05, 10 and 113( P. ht: • Leave Mann) unk • 6, 6.35,5%, 8.10, 920 and 11.34 A, 31.; 2.33_, 5, 6.3(.31-4 and . 1(1 P. 51. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadflnn is - 9 A. M., 21(,4 and 714 P. 31. Leave Nana vtink 7 . 14 A. 31.a:4;634and 934 P. M. PLY Mt/11TH RAIL ROAD. Leave Philadelphia ; 714 A. 31.. and 51'. 31. Leave Plymouth : 51( A. M. and 43( P. 31 Thei% A. ht. Train , (rum Nffristoren will not stop at abgee's, Potts' Landing. nontito er Schur's Lane. Tar 5 P. AI. Train from Philadelphia will stop only at School Lane, Mannyenk and Cen.thehacken. Passengers taking the 7.9.0. i and 11 A.M. and 4 P. M . Trains from inth and Green streets will make ekst , connections with the Trains for New York at Inters-v.- Oen Station. . , _ The le A. M. and 6 P.M . Trains from New York con ic& with the 1.15 and 9.20 P. 31. Trains from German town to Ninth and Green streets. W. S. WILSON, _ • General Superintendent. WILMINGTON AND 1 BALTIMORE. RAELE-;AD-TIME TABLE. Com mencing MONDApri 4th, 1870. Trains will 'leave Depot, corner Broad' and Washington avenue, au fol lows: WAY MAIL TRAIN it 8.93 A. M. Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all Regular Stations. Cdh. necting with Delaware Railroad Line at Clayton with Smyrna Branch Railroad Maryland and Delaware R.R.,tit Barrington with Junction and Breakwater R.R., at Seaford --with ,Lorchester and. Delaware Railroad, at Delmar with Eastern Shore Railroad and at Salisbury with Wicomica arid -Peceta'oke Railroad. EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00.1. (Snnuays excepted l ,for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville :and 'Havre de Grace. Counecta at Wilming ton with train for New Captle. _ EXPREOPPRAIN'at4nO P . M.( Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington,, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, , Claymont, Wihnitigton Newport, Stanton Newark ;- Elkton, 'North, East, Otiarlestown, Perryville, Havre. do Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Ed'gewood;litaittiolirt,,Oblisesand Stemmer'a 'Run. NIGHT EXPRESS at 11.80 N. (daily ) for Baltimore , and Washington., Chester, Lin wood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark', Elkton, North East; Perryville, Tray rn do Grace, Perryman's and Mag. Pageant/ l ent for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 12-W WILMINGTON TRAINS.-Stepping at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington. Leave • PIIILADELPHIA at 11.00.A.M. 210, 5.00 and 7.00 P. lit,' •Thio..oo P. M.-train connects with Delaware RailroadßM Harrington and Intermediate stations. 'Leave WILMINGTON 6:45 and 8.10 . A . M., 2.00, 4 A and 7.15 P. M. The 'O.lO A 31. train will not stop between Chest r'. and ;Philadelphia. The 7.15 P. M. train from Wilmington , rime daily ;OlLStherAccommodation Trains - Sintdays oxceptetL' •- ' Trains leaving lvTravrirrcoroYat 6.45 A. M. - and - 4:00 - P: M'. will connectat Lamokin .Junction with the 7,06 A,_ M:and 4.34 P. 3d. Amino for Baltimore ()entrant. R. 'Front BALTIMORE to PHILADELPHIA.-Leaves Baltitabre 7.25 A. lif., - Way Mall. 9.40. A. M., Exert 88. 2.35 P:lll:,ltx . preas. 7.25 P. AL, Express. SUNDAY T,RAIN FROM BALTIMORE.-Leaves BALTIMORE at 1.25 P.M. Stopping at Magnolia, Per - ry,man's; Aberdeen, liavre-de-Grace,Perryville,Charles town, Noith-East, Elkton,'Newark, Stanton, Newport, -Wilmington, Claymont, Liawand.and.Gheater, Through tickets to all points West, South, and - South= west may be procured at the' ticket office, 828 Chestnut street, under Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms_ and Berths in Sleeping Cars can be secured during the day, Persons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their resid.ince by the Union Trans' fer Company. H. F. KENNEY, Sup'(. WEST JERSEY RAILROADS COMMENCING MONDAY, April 4,1870. Leave Philadelphia, . Foot of Market street WW I Eerry:Pat--- 8,00 a.,, M., Mail, for Bridgeton, Salem, Millville,Vince land, Swedeshoro and all Intermediate stations. 11:45 M . 'Woodbury Accommodation. -835-P hlail, .for_ Gape May, 'Hilly ille, Vineland and way stations below Glassboro. 3.30 P. M., Passenger, for Bridgeton, Salem, Swedes bore: and all intermediate stations. -6.45 P. M.; Wobtibury, Glassboro and Clayton •. accom modation. EX.TRA TRAIN FOR' OAPE MAY. . • (Saturdays- only.) Leave Philadelphia, 8.00 A. M. Leave Cape May, 1.10 P. M. Freight. train leaves Camden daily, at 12.00 o'clock, -Freiht received -in Philadelphia_at second covered wharf-below Walnut street. • . Freight delivered at No. 228 B. Delaware avenue. • . Commutation tickets; at reduced rates, between Phila. and all-stations t , " Vll1 -a •wri..taeld J. BEWELL.BnPerintandentt April I.nau, VAST FREIGHT LINE, VIA NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, to Wilhosbarre, Mambo,' City, Mount Oarmel t Oentralia, and all points on Lehigh Val l ey . Railroad and its branches. By new arrartgementai perfected this dayClimgooconad is 'enabledlogive incrattaed despatoh-to-morc s._ !signed to the abovo-named Dolnta.ig, eloolTerod at _Thro g. Fro ht DoOot os. ° N. cor..a rout and Nobleatreeta, Before SP. M., reachWilkeabarre, Mount erred. Mabanoy City, and the other atstiona In Mebanoy and Wytastni Taney Oxley. A. M. the succeeding der. ; CLASS, Agents ;TRA.VELERS? • I _ . A.l), rtink :One from L Phlitidufahlit Of the' Ante Or ,of Pennsylvania, the , fichnylkill,littaitteharina; Crunbar. itn 4 4"4'Wrianing Valleys. tho - Rorth,'• - hOrthwest t and t 0 , a ma ss,, Spring Arrangement of Patuumger Traina,' April 18;1870. leaving the Company's Depot; Thl'loololl and CalloWhill'streeta,Philadelahia,• at the 161101 , 1 13 3 _ MOANING - AtaIOMMODATI.QI.I.--, A.tii , for 'R ;A intermediate' Stations, and Alle town. tilletstrningaeares Readingkat6.3s.P. 31:, 'arriving in Pbilodelphia at 9.25 P. M. MORNING EXPRESS.-At 8.15 A. 'at. 'foi Reading , lothanon ;Marcia:mu, Ppttsville, Pine GrOve,Tanta4na, Elnubury,,, , ,Willfamsport, Ninira, Rochester, ./qtaAttra Pella i . Dnilalo,' 'WI lkesbarit 'Pittston,. York, 'Carlisle Obaroberebttra l Hagerstown: ie . .' ~• r , , , ,' , ' • , -Thel,loA. AL. train connects at .ileatiling With the East -Peausyratailroad e.., , ia s for A Ilenthwn,4s., . . . . 9.16 A . .Iralti connects witlx,thor Uhlman Val ay train fair HS atotttli &o.; at;Port Clintbn "with Catawissa R. R: trains Sat WAllianisport, Lock haven. Elmira, to at Harrisburg with. Northern ; Control, Ctunberland al. l oy.and Schtirlkill - abd Susanehatina trains for North ! tunharlatid, Williamsport.; York, °hatch rebtirg, Pine. grove, are. ... ,AY T KEN 00N ., EXPRILIIB.- Leaves: Philadelphia at 3,30 P-: kl.for Reading, Pottgaille,Harrisburg,3o., con. nectintwith Reading and Oalumbia Railroad trains for CoIum 'POTTSTOWN' , ACCOMMODATION.-=Leaves -Potts toWn at 6.25 A.M.,atopping at the intermediate stational arrlv,es in Philadelphia at 6.40 A. M. Returning, !cavil Philadelahis at 4 P.M.:arrived intottatown at 6.15 P. 31. READING AND POTTSVI IX • ACCOMMODA• --PION .-Leaves-Pattavllleat 6.40 A - .... and Reading -at -7.30'A. IN.; stopping et all way 'stations: arrives in Phila. delphist at 10.21 A., lit. . , • , _ Deturning..eaves Philadelphia at 5.16 P. M.; arrtses in at 72.5. P. K., and at Pottsvilleat 9.40 P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8.10 A. M. and Pottsville at 9.00 A. 11., arriving in Philadelphia at 1.00 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 2.f0 P. M.. and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Phil's delphia at 6.45 P. M - . • .: • . ,_ ,- Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Iteatilag'at.7ls A. M., and Harrisbn rg tit 4.10 P. M. " Connecting' at Read ing with'Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.35 P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.25 P. lii. . • Market train, with a Paseenger car ' attached, leaves Philadelailti at 1230 noon for Reading and all Way Stations; leaves Pottsville at 6.40 A. M. connecting at Beading with accommodation train for Philadelphia and all Way Stations , --,- • , ._.. - AlLtlmabay_e_tralua run dally,Stindays excepted. --- - - Sunday trains leavo r Pol.HVIIIT3 atlf - A... - 111: - , - Mid - PlifM -- . - delphfa at 3.15 P. M.;leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8.00 A: M.. returning'from Reading at 4.25 P. M. • CHESTER. VALLEYi RAIIXOAD.-Passengers for Downingtown and intormediate points take the 7.30 A M.,12.50 and 4.00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia,retnin. ing_frorn Downingtown at 6.20 A. M.. 12.45 and 5.15 P.M PEI:1E10M EN RAILROAD .-Paasengera for Schwenka. villa take 7.30 A.M., 1.23 n and 4.14) P.M. trains for Philo, delpbia, returning from Schwenksville at 8.05 A. hI., 12.45 noon, 4:15 I'. M. Stage lines for various points in Parklinnero :Valley connect. with trains at .Collegevilla . and Schwenksv ill e. COLKBICCOKDALE , BAILKOAD.-Passengers for Mt. Pleaaant and intermediate points take the 7.30 A.M. and 4.00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia; returning from fdt. Pleasant at 700 and 11.25 A.. M. NEW YORK •EXPRESS 808 PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.-Leaves New-Yorkat 9.00 A. M. and 5.00 P.":__ M., passing Reading 'at 1.45 and 10.05 P. M., and connects, at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pitts. burgh, Chicago, Williamsport, Elmira. Baltimore. dtc. Returning,Express Tram leaven Harrisburg on arrival ofpcimayl ramie. E spread from Pittsburgh, at 5.55 A. Id, and 11.25 A. DI,, raisins Reading at 7.23 A. M. and 1.27 ' P. M., arriving at New - York at 12.05 noon and 6.00 P. M. Sleeping Coro accompany these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh. without change. , ' • Mail train for New York leaven Harrisburg at 8.10 A H. and 2.50 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves hew York at 12 Noon. BC Li U YLK ILI,' VALLEY RAILROAD-Trains leave Votteville at 630 and 11.30 A.M. and 6.50 P.M... returning from Tamaana at 8.55 A. M.. and 2.15 and 450 P. M. . -SCHUVLIIILL-AND -SC'SQUELIANNA-11A_ILROAD__ -Trains leave Auburn at 8.55 A. M. , for Pinegrove and Harrisburg,- and at 12.30 noon for Pine grove, Tremont and Brookside; returning from liar risbur_g at 5.40 P Id; from Brookside at 4.3.1 P. M. and from Tremont at 7.lsA:hi and 5.05 P.hl. TICKETS.-Through first-mass tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Canada. _ Excursion Tickets from . Philadelphia to Boeing and intermediate Stations . ; good; for day only, are sold by Worning Accommodation, Market Train, Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Traida at reduced razes. - ' - - - Excursion Ticknli to Philadelphia, - good for day only .-- aro sold at Pottsville and Intermediate Stations bY Read ing and Pottsville and Pottstown Accommodation TTIOTIP at reduced rates. '• , The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, N 0.227 South Fourth street Philadelphia. or of G. A. • Nicene, General Superinten dent, Reading: - Commutation Tickets,at 25 per cent. discount. between any points desired. for families and firms. - . .._ ... Mileage Tickets, good for 2.ooomiles, between all points . at $47 00 each for families an• 4 firms. - 'Sea'on Tickets, fur wc.three, six, nine or twelve months. for holders only, to all points. at reduced rates. Clergymen residing on the lino of the road will bet fur lished- wit hc - ards, entitling thernselyos and wives to• tickets at half fare - - Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta• Hone, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at re. tnre, to be had ; the 'Ticket Gilloo,,at Thir• tenth and Calle - Whiff streets. - • FIIEIGHT.—Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight depot, Bread end Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 4.35 A. M., 1.2.30 noon, 5.00 - and 7.15 P. M.. for Beading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all-points-be yond. Mails close at the Philadelphia Postnfficetor all places on the road and its branches at 6 A. 111 ~ and for the prim ^ipal Stations only at 2.L5 P. M. • BAGGAGE. Dungim's Express will collect Baggage for all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can he let at No. 'w.25 South Fourth street, or - atthe Depot, Thirtemith and Callewhill streets. • . _ WEST CHESTER AND PHILADEL. PHIA RAILROAD OOMPANY. On and after - MONDAE - ; - April 4, /810, trains will leave the Depot, THIRTY - FIRST and CHESTNUT, as Vol lowa . FROM PHILADELPHIA. .45 A. M.-for B, 0. Junction stops at all stations. .15 A. M. for West Chester, stops at all stations west of bleiliti( except Greenwood). connecting at B. C. Junc tion for Oxford, Kennett, Port Depoait,and all stations on the P. and B. C. R. R. 9.40 A. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. 1110 A M. for B. C. Junction stops at all stations. 2,30 P. M. for West Chester_stops at allstations. _ 4.10 P, 31. for B. - (.IJuti -, -tion stops at all stations. 4.40 P. M. for West Chester stops at all stations west of Media (except Greenwood), connecting at B. 0. Junc tion for Oxford ,Bennett,Port Deposit,and all stations on the P. & B. C. R. It. 5.30 P. M. for B. C. Junction. This train commences running on and after June Ist, 1670,. stopping at all stations. 6." P. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. 11.30 P. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. . • FOR PHILADELPHIA. 5.25 A. M. from B. C. Junction stops at all stations. 6 30 A. M. from West Chester stops at alt stations. 7.90 A. 31. from West Chester stops at all stations be tween W. (land Media (except Greenwoodkconnect- Mg at B. C. Junction for Oxford, Rennott, Port De posit. and all stations on the P. & 11. 0. R. It. R. 15 A. 31'. front B. C. Junction stops at all stations. 10.1s1 A.ll. from West Chester stops at all stations. 1 05 P. 311. from B. C. J unction stops at all stations. 1 55 P.M. from Weft Chester stops at all stations. 4.53 P. 31. front West Chester stops at all stations, con necting at, B. C Junction for Oxford, Kennett, Port Deposit-, and all stations on tin P. & B. C. R. R.- 6.55 P: M. from \Vest Chester stops at all stations, con necting at B. 41. Junction with P. & 8.0. R. R. 9.00 P. M. from B. C. Junction. This train commonces running on and after June Ist, 1870, stopping at all stations. West ON SUNDAYS. 8.05 A, M. Dir . West Chester stops at all stations,connect ing at B.C. Jianction with P. & B. 0...11, B. ' 2.30 P. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. 7.30 A. M. from West Chester stops at all stations. 4.50 P. M. from West Ches or stops at all stations, con necting at B, C. Junction with P. & B.C. R.ll. W. C. WHEELER, Superintendent. ipi HILADELPITIA AND BALTIMORE L CENTRAL_ .1.3,/,01.110M). CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after MONDAY, April 4, 1870, trains will run is follows : • - LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, from depot of P. W. A- B. A. R., corner Broad street and Washington avenue, For PORVDEPOSIT, at T, A. ht. and 4.30 P.M. For OXFORD, ut7 A. AL, 4.30 P. SI,. and 7 P. M. For CHADD'S FORD AND CHESTER CREEK R. it.. at 7A. M.. 10 A. M., 2,30 I'. M., 4.30 P.M., and 7 P - Train leaving Philadelphia •at 7 A. M, connects at Port Deposit with train for Baltimore Trains leaving Philadelphia ut 10 A. M. and 4.30 P. AI., leaving Oxford at 6.05 A. 31., amyl ' leaving Port De posit' at 9 15. A. 31., cohnect at tllauld'o- Ford Junction with the Wilmington and Reading Railroad. TRAIN S , FOR PHIDAD,ELPHIA leave Port Deposit, _at 9225.A.111—an1.4.25.P. 31...0u _arrival _of,it rains front Baltimore . : ' •- • " • . •• - OXFORD 5t6.05 A.M., 10.35 A. M. and 5 30P. M. - ell ADDIS FORD at 7.26 _A.M.,_k2.011 AL, 1.30 _P..1., 4.451'. AL and 6.49 P. M. On SUNDAYS kayo Philadelphia for West Grove and intermediate stations at 8.10 A. M. Returning leave West Gr4vont3.sB P. M. Passengers hre allowed to take wearing" apparel only as baggage,, the Gompanrwill not lie responsible lot an amount . exceeding ono hundred dollars, unless a -speclattontrnarig made-for_theLeame. HENRY WOOD, General SunerintendenC tiAikiliEN AND ATLANTIC RALRO AD On and after Friday, April 1,18711, trains will leave lee Street Ferry as follows: Mail and Freight 8.00 A. Td. Atlantic A ccommotlation • .3.45 P. M. Men Accommodation . 10.15 A. M. and 5.30 P. M. RETURNING LEAVE ATLANTIC: Mail and Freight 1.48P.51. Atlantic Accommodation • 6.05 A. 31. Junction Accommodation from Alec, 0.22 A. M. and 12.10, Noon Haddonfield trains leave Vine Steet Ferry, 10.15, and 200 P. 31. Leave liaddonfield. 1.00 and 3.151'. M. EXTRA TRAIN FOR ATLANTIC CITY. --- 'WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS An Eitra Train will run every Wednesday and Satur day in advance of the Slall Train— Leaving Philwielphla at 8.00 A. in Leaving Atlantic (Sty at 300 P. M. Allowing nearly FIVE HOURS on the Reach. The Union Transfer Company. No. 828 Chestnut street ontinental Hotel), will call for and check baggage to destination. Tickets, also, (nasals. D.H. MUNDY, Agent. REAL ESTATE SALES. PLrRREMPTORY .SALE.-.BY; Order of 'Heirs, estate of • Jolt . 47tirYerrden , ci lntnee A.- Premien, AllCllollool 4 .—Thren story Brick , - 11011,8 1 111,10;0;71MPOrtliiistrittreetrt e en tlr--Wapt:—On.l- ..., "lem.Olv151114.18,;1870, at 12 o'clock, noun, will its' .sold Ut, pubito sale, at the Philadelphia Fixeliatige; the 'followtag described real estato : All that certain three !eery buck mopsuage, .contaluing ti rooms, mid lot of :ground. situate on tiln eolith side of Portland litre t tb (ox --...---I"d.ilittriLln I _ llo ,l lo fiVOT111•1 to E IM lOVltil etrefit), tonne eclllo ar iirtfrit e cilitiefo feet of incites trAilt— • by 40 foot 'Pep. • 140 — Subject glut mil rent per annum. rare iou to he paid at t Imo of sale: Salo absolute. • , By order:Q(1101m • . .• .• JAmtia A. imßpiA ,Anopols, 10 - 5 - 12 - • •••"- • •-•-• atmir, REAL'ESTATE BALES. 011 kik A <IAA VA. —uUl A. .r.A 1 at )IClizpbtli''llaincii, deceased.-James . 'A: r roe .Mann,-Auctioneer. Under . authority of therOrph ins' -Colin. for the Chty, and thrtinty of Philadelphia, on. Wed nesday, May 18, 1870. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale. ,at the Philadelphia Itttelrtnge, thelel hrtvinge..deliettbed Veal estate, late the property of 'Eliza befkMainesidecesecit. No, I.—Genteel three-story ; brick dwelling, No. 1238 North Tenth' street, aborn Girard avenue ell that 3. (nary bria ,inetainage', with, ,the two-Atory hack build ags,,and lot ofig_round on - which it is erected, sitivitenn_ the west tide of Tenth street, at the distance.of 338 feet north of Girard avenue, in, the Twentieth Ward of the city ; containing iw front on Tenth street 17 feet and •tettending ,, in 'depth bet Ween Intranet .11nes with Girard avenue 70 feet. Togetbet7with the free MO, right, liberty and privilege, at all thrice forever, RR a passage nY-and-warepiormrse,,ottrcertalo thre, eon mi ncing''at heVetdernotest side of said premises; leading Into Alder streetvs Subject to two utortgages,one far the sum of Ml,BOO. with, legal interest thereon, and the other fo r;thesum of 01;900. Rai saloon parlor, with Baltimore heater;' fltnlng-roont and kitchen, with rangeonfirst floor,' atm. - kWh, hotand cold water, private By ,the e rt,J, &CPT' IitGABY; Jerk 0.0. , —.No:2:--Saler'.try - order -of—Metre, :Genteel Three-story lleick,Dwellings; Nes. 1235; '1236 , Hutchinson street, be low thaVneas three-etorr brick a ith the tiv 'dirty:brick' back „iiniblinge,. and the dot of ground on . which it is erected, situate wither mist side of Mitchinson striet; at the distance of -JOS feet 4% Inches southward of Thompson street, iu the Twentieth Ward ofthe city ; containing in front on Hutchinson •It reerlffTeet:n tending 'in dept hB2 teettua - 20-feet wide-- street. called Pero street. SilbjeCt a mortgage of $2.700„_ • No. 3,—A1l that certain three-story brick . dwelling. -- with the two-story brick beck buildings, and the lot of ground,sit nate on - the west side of 'lf ntehinson , street, (No. 1231) at the distance et 170 feet 4%, inches south of • Thompcion street ; containing in flout on Ilutchinson street 'l6 feet; and in depth B'2 feet .to' Percy street. i Mir Each has Saloon Parlor,. ✓Dining-room and Kitchen on same floor Marble Mantel,Stationary . Washstand, Bath. Range, and ,Cold Water, private Stairway, Bell Calls; Latrrbe Heater in Dinmproom, Hearing Baek Building, Heater in cellar,. Wash - pave in front, , ,Gas and Gas - AI:I/Ms 'throughout, te. Sale absolute. Subject to a mortgage ot 82100. 8100 to be paid on each at time of sale. Sale by Orderof Heirs. JAMNS_A . FEENHAN,. Auctioneer', itere.„422.ainutatree a pll3 mYS PUBLIC SALE.—JAMES A. 1 0 BEE 7dAN,,Auctioncer.—On Wednesday, ltlay.lBth, 1070, at 12 o . clockoMen, will be sold at public sale, at the Pnihide phia 'Exchange, the following described real estate: No.l:—Three story brick iitore and. Dwelling, No. 22113 Howard street All that certain lot of, ground with the three-story brick ruessnagmand the two-story brick buck building abd bath roinn,and the lot of ground oti which it is erected, situate on the east side of Howard street, at tho distance of 497 feet southward from.Dan= pliin 'street , in- Ihe N meteenth-,Werd -oftlie- city 4- c,om mining in front on iloward street 16 feet, and in depth eastward 64 feet-6 inch 09 to the middle of a certain 4 feet wide alley, leading from Dauphin street to Susquehanna avenue, and with the privilege thereof. Subject to a morhage of E 1,600: Rouse has pr irate entt ante, store room,gas ,bath , range, hot and cold water, gas fixtures, and is in tompleteorder. Has been renting /or E4O per month. No. 2.—Three - story - Brick_ Dwelling, 2249 Howard street. All that certain lot of ground with the three story brick rues:wage, with the two-story back buildings. and the lot of ground, situate on the east side of How ard street No. 2249) •, containing in front ou Howard street 16 feet, and in depth 64 feet 6 inches to a 4 feet wide alley, and with the privilege thereof. Subject to dl ,COO mortglfge. Douse has gas, bath, range, hot and cold water, gas-fixtures; lower story and hail rwired, Ac. Rents for 6360 per annum. trysloo paid on each at time of sale. JAMES A FREEMAN, Auctioneer, an2.9mys 12 . Store 422 Walnut street. - ' -PEREMP'I7OItY .SALE.—JAMES A. - .M...iFreetnan-A-uctiotrem"—On-Wednesday,May-Litlt, 1670, at 12 o'clock. noon, wilt be sold at public title, itlmut reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol lowing-described rt al estate: No. 1. Frame Dwelling and Lot. 40x190 feet, No. 1223 Palmer street. All that eel Lain lot of ground, with the tnreu-story frame dwell ing - end the two-story frame stable thereon erected, situ ate on the easterly side of Palmer street, at the distance of 10 feet northwardly of Girard avenue in the Eigh teenth Ward of tbe city ; containing in avenue, on Palmer street 40 feet, and in deptli parallel with Girard avenue ..191‘. feet._ 09 - Clear of incumbrance. Sale absoldt . No. 2.—Frame Dwelling and lot 20by 190 feet, No. 1220 E. Montgomery avenue.! All that certain , tot of ground with the three-story-frame-dwelling -thereon erected, .ituste on the Westerly side of Montgomery avenue, at the distance of 230 feet northwardly of Girard avenue. in the Eighteenth:Ward of the city ; containing iufront on Montgomery even ue 20 feet, and in depth PM feet. Cte of. all encumbrance. - The - aborelovie - within 10 feet of Moyer street: as laid down on the map of the city. sale Peremptory-, • Plan and survey of the stirveyorat the kurtion .5100 to be paid at than of sale. ; • JAMES A..F.SEEMA.N, Auct4eneer„ ap2BmyB 32._ .Store:422 Walnut street fffi-: ORPHANS' COURT SALE ON. TfIE , Premisec—Estate of, dottleib - Kolb,,dedetuied,— .11u:neti 'A. Freeman, Abaticineer: Dwelling 'and Large - Lot, Wittier street, near Maid, Gerthantown. On Thurs day afternoon; Nay 26, 10.1, at 4 o'clock, will be sold at public Hale, on the premises, the - Villowing described teal estate, late the property of Gottleib lisOiNsceaseil All that certain mensusge and:lot of ground, situate on the northwesterly side of Wieder street formerly called Day's lane) in the Twenty-second Ward of the city ; be cloning on the South tilde of said Wister street, at a corner of this and lot of ground conveyed by the said Gottleib Kolb to Wm. Mills; thence by the same N. 52 deg. W. 235 feet to a corner in—the- line of F. William Bockius's land ; thence by the same IV.:l9.)deg. E. 100 feet to grotaid of William M. Alburger ; thence by the tame S. 52 deg. E. 2.35 feet to the Hide ef said Wister - street ; thence along the same S; deg. W. 100 feet to the_phiee of beginning. Oar The imprerrtnent . s are a six-roomed statehouse, ,tableandltaYn. Thglot to large, 100 by 215 feet, with fruit trees and shrubbery, anti is well situated for any manu facturing purpose. brewery or - distillery; bring within too _fee af Main street. and five minutes' walk e Day's Lane Station. IVi.iter street has gas and water intro d ored,a mi is macadamized. OGT Clear of incumbranco. Sale peremptory. S:100 to he paid nt time of sale. By the Court, JOSEPH MEC ART, Clerk O. C. CHRISTIAN KINZEL, Administrator. JAMES A. FREEMAN, 'Auctioneer, to 19 !amyl, 422 We In 10 mtroot. Op of Abn L. Cullen, deceased.—James A. Freeman, 'Auctioneer. --Three-story Brick- House, No. -741 Bain bridge street, late Shipper'. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County 'of Philadelphia. on Wednesday, May 18, 1870, at 12 "'deck, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Phila delphia I.:Jell:lnge, the following described real estate, -late the property of Ann L. Callen, deceased. A lot of uremia and the three-story brick messuago thereon erected, nit nate on the north HMO of Bainbridge street,at 't he distance can feet eastward from the east side of Eighth street. in the Fourth Ward of the city ; contain •iug 111 front on Bainbridge street 14 feet and extending of that width southward between parallel lilies at right angles with Sbippen street, 60 feet or thereabout Sounded eastward by ground now or late of Dr. Moore. floriliwarti by ground now or late of Joseph E. Britton westward by a 0 feet wide alley called Baden street, lead log trout Bedford street to Bainbridge strent, and south ward by Bainbridge street aforesaid. Subject to. In ground rent per annum. WV ft WO to be paid at time of rude. By the Court. JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk O. C. CHARLES C. LISTER, Atludidstrator. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer; ap2B my 512.M0r0 i22.Wsluut street. Ma ORPHANS' ()OMIT SALE.. ;ESTATE NO of Joeoph Gray, deceased.—Jatnets A. Freeman, Aucticineon—Businees• Stand.—L ager 'Beer Saloon. No. 1030 Ridge avenue. Under authority of the Orphans' court for the city and county_ of Philadelphia, on Wed nesday, May 18t11, 1870, at 13 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the PhiladelphlaExchange,the follow tug described real estate, late the property of Joseph Gray, deceased.`—Ali that certain. two atura-half-stt - try brick inesatutge, -with two-story brick back building, and the lot of ground, situate on the westerly side of Ridge ave nue, beginning at tha„distanee of 29e feet northwestward from Callow - hill' Street., in the Fourteenth Ward of the city; thence southeastward 80 feet; thence southwestward lung a lino parallel with Ridge avenue, 19 feet 8 inches; ;thence northwestward 80 feet . to Ridge avenue, and thence northwestward 19 feet 8 inches to the place of be inning. Subject to a mortgage of $1,500. tit 200 to bo paid at time of sale, By the Court, :JOSEPH MEGARY,CIork' 0. C. WILLIAM. 111N1ilbir., Trustee. • JAMBS A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, a Vitt in y 5 -12. btore,422 Walnut street. a ORPHANS' COURT SALE—ESTATEfi T. Yaukirk, deccased.--7Jaines A. Free- Auctioneer.—Lot, Hedge street, near Oxford, rankfortl.—Under authority of the Orphans' . Court for ~ he City and Count yof-Phillidelphia., on WettnesdaT May ,irth,leg), at 12 O'clock,noou; Bale; ; the Philadelphia Exchange, the following 'desciibell 081 estate, late the property of Joseph 'l'. Vitakirk, de : -eased : All the right; title and interest of Jogipli T. Tankirk, deceased, of, in and to all that curtain lot or ,iece of ground, situate iu the borough of Frmikiorif, ow the Tiventy• third Ward of the city of Philtidelphl n the southeasterly side of hedge street, 3o feet wide, bout la/ feet, southwestwardly from Oxford greet, bo ng 40 feet front on fledge street, and extending in depth lOU feet. —Ol7 - -43-100-to-be-pald At-time-of:sale . By the Court, JOSEPH 111E0 ARY. Clerk 0. 0. LOUIS D. YANKIRK, Executor. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. up2B tnys 12 • Store 422 Walnut , street. • ORPHANS' COURT SAL E.--ES'PATE & ti t of Emirs Faunae, deeeased.- James A. Freeman, Auctioneer.— rick and Frame Rouses, Nos. 1234 and 231 i Otis street, Eighteenth Ward.—Under authority of tie Orphans' Court for tho City and County of Philadel on-Wednesday, May 18th, 1570, at 12 o'clock, noon, 11l be sold ut public sale, at the Philtfdelphia. the followleg described real estate, lato the ,roperty of Henry Pounce. deceneed :—All that certain ' .ot of ground, sank° on the southwest side of Otis tit., .etw eon Girard avenue and Thompson street, in the , Eighteerili Ward_uf the. LeopyiltiinA in front on .lite street 80 feet, and in depth along Moyer street 142 feet. On the alio% lot are erecteda two-ant -a-half story rick dwelling and a two story frame house. Also, the , wo-story frame house with frame kitchen attached (No. , 232) Is included in the side. Clear of incuntbrauco. fa" WO to bo paid at time of sale. lly the Court, JOSEPH MEGAItY, Clerk O. C. JAMES A.. FREEMAN t __Auctioneer, ap2Brn y 8 12 Store, 422 Walnut street. 0111)11ANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE tit .4. of - Isaiah Butler, deceased.—Jantes A. Freeman, Auctioneer—Two-story Brick Dwelling, N. W. corner of Ninth and Watkin streete,Firat Ward, Under audio -ritrof the - Orphanio-Court•for the City-- and---12ounlY-ot Philadelphia, on Wednesday. Mai , 18,1870 , at 12 o'clock, --;toon,- sold e-t--publlosalaitwtitteut_resuvo,..til the Philadelphia Exchange. the -following devcitheir fair estate, late the property of hrtioli Butler, deco aced: AB that certain lot of ground, with the two-story oriek 111QMIlt1 go thereon 'erected, situate on First wary). corner of Ninth and Welkin strieta,in the First of the city ; containing in front on Ninth street 18 feet, and in - 7tuotti -- Went \Vivi along Watkin street 70 feet. - Ntul•Jeet to S2l ground rent per annum. Solent/solute. 7 . 11 W' diPO ft/ ho paid at time of sale. • • • By the Court. • JOSEPH MEGARY, tlierk 0.0. OICORONI B. WIT LE Adeiler, • JAMEB A, FR EC Elifti N. Auctioneer, ap2 , 3 myo -• • - -•••-• Store. 472 Walnut street. REAL ESTATE SALES. ke.P.NI ENI ''.l SALE-4A AO .(x". ii,tictioneer.—Butlaing =Lot. ‘Fiftyitirst rot.d Locust streets.- On Wednesday; at 12 o'cloclantott, May 18. 1870. will be sold at pupils saleiwithout reser%) a, at the Philadelphia Exchangdithe, , followiTdesoribW -Real Estate : • All that certain lot ftf groan ,sltuatu at the N. W. corner of Fifty-first anti Locust at etre, frith° Twenty-seventh Ward of the niti,Lthenne , extending northward alorgtne Went side of giftyfirst street 81 feet 84 inches, thence westward, t ffght tingles with. Nifty tint street, 32 feet3s(ciatheti, tlient.egouthward 82 -.feet to Locust strait, end' thence north; along the same, 16 feet 5 Inches, to the place of 'beiginning: Clear of in cumbrance. Sale absolute. 4150 to be .paid at tbe '*F.ltZEidAl7,l4tictionder, - ip2s . 422' Walnut street.'„ ir•xl • eintkAW - Prirraftir - '4 - A -- ''lll' -Estate of -Abraham Tit ow, deceased.-James A. roman., Auctioneer.-Yed able Senaros• of Ground, containing together 35 Acres, Hart Lane,Twentrefighth Ward, Intersected' by Twenty•second, Twenty...third, Twenty-fourth,Twentrilfth,T wee ty sixth and Twenty seventh streets, and-by , Cumberland and •Huntingdon sheets.-Under authority contained in thet will of Abraham Talmo; &Ceased; On- W. drPsday, May 25th, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, it bout reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol- • lowing described real estate, viz.: All that certain tract of land beginning nr a Point Wainer La ne, 37 'feet 65; lychee northwesterly, from the southwest corner of the intersection-of the sold' - Hart .Lane and Twenty seventh atreet, as now laid down on the Plan of the City; Hience_sonth 72 dcg. 43. min-east .23.34 -perches,thenco- -- still - further along sald Hart Lane ninth 73 eleg. 7-min, east 118.95 „perches tea paint in the intersection of said - Hart Land and Twenty-second street, as now laid down in the Plan of the City, thence south 11 deg: -23 ihlhi 'west 39.3 perches to a point in the intersection of •Cluiri berland and Twenty-second streets, as now laid down in the Plan of the City, thence north 73 deg. 17 min. west 143,26 perches to A point. thence north 15 deg. 55 min. cant 39..22•perches to the place of beginning, Containing sa argent of land. The above Tract will he divided into Twelve Tyact.n.-• and sold according to aplan made by the, District Sur veyor fellows ; • . • . No. 1.-A tract beginning at the centre of the interim, tion of Twenty-third and Huntingdon streets ; thence eastvvardly. along the centronf said Huntingdon street about 460 feet. to a point be 2 oral „the centre of. the inter, section of Twenty-second street : thence non h 14 (leg. 28 min. east, about 113 feet-to Hart - lane .. thence west- - a ar. tefeafff - thlrsoittlrillileOf Harliane 456 - feet - 1031 - ioulyen to the centre of Twentv-third st., and thence south along the said Twenty-third street 162 feet to the - place of beginning. , • , ' ' • • , No. 2.-A tract of land adjoining ; O. 1 on, the shah', extending southward along the m iddle Of. Twenty•third greet 496 feet, more or less ; 1 hence 5173 deg. - 17 min.; 335 feet, mentor lesa r to a point in the _intersection] of Twenty -second arid Cumberland streets ;thence N. 14 deg. 28 min.-E. M 3 feet 11 inches ' 'mein:Or less; to the tersectiotiatTWratty,-second and Huntingdon streets, and44s feet. airing Huntingdon street. _ • . • No. 3-A tract bounding No on the 4oitf;46treet3 - inches along the middle of Huntingdon street ;' 156 - feet •irg , inches along the middle 'of Twenty-third street to Hart lade ; 195 feet 25.; inches' along the., of Twenty-fourth 'street to Hart lane, and 452 feet along the south side of lane. • • • • Ni,.• 4.-A tract of land adjoining -No, 3 on the smith; - extending southward along the middle of Twenty-fourth street 4:3 feet 8 inches; thence - south 73 • deg. 17 min. east 422 feet 1.1 inch to the middle 01 Twenty-thint street • thence northward along the middle of • .Twenty-thir d street 491 feet 30 inches to the middle. of 'Cumberland street, and 4:0 feet 3 Inches along Cumberland street to the place of beginning. ' ' • No. 5.-A - tract of land adjoining Nov ,*3 on - the west, bre inning at a point the centre of the intersection of Twenty-fifth am,' Huntingdon streets ; • thence north ward along the middle of Twenty-fift h street 238 feet 303.; .inches to 'Hart lane ; thence along the youth of Hart lane eastward 152 feet 8 inches to , the middle of Twentl -fourth street; thence-southward AO feet, more -.• or 'IeSS, to the4•sniddle nf Huntingdon - street ;=thence thence T westward 4:0 feet 9% inches to the place - eif beginning. adjoining..Nn. _on ..the south ;rheum southward along the noddle. of 't wenty-frith street 411 feet 3?,g inches ; thence south 7:3 deg. 17 min 452 feet 6'£ inches to the middle of Twenty-fourth street thence . northward 418 feet 11% Inches tonne middle of .11unting don street, and 450 feet 9% Molten along the same. loo: 7.- A Tract adjoining No. ft-on lice west. 282 feet 7% inches nlong the middle of Twenty-sixth street.; 452 feet 1.1.1. inch along the middle cif Huntingdon' street f. 243 feet. 63; inches. along the middle of Twenty- fi lth nil eet, and 461 feet 3.7 Inch along the south sidc Of. „Hart lane:No Tract adjoining No 7on the ; 368 feet 9;4 inches alunft:the midelle,•of , -Twentymixth• street; thence 73 deg:l7 miff. east - 423 feet 11 inches to the mid• die of Twenty-fifth street ;•• thence northward 401:. feet 7 inches to the middle of Huntingdon street, nnd feet-- 1% inch along the middle of Huntingdon street. No. 0.-A" Treet adjoin wg No. Ton the west;'• 323 test inches along the middle of Twenty-seventh street to I 7 rt lane ; 453 feet 1 inch along the south, side of Alert lane to,,the,middle .of Twenty-sixth: street; thane& 2.47 feet 6 itches to the in Wine of Mintingleit street, - and:4so Nit along the eared. r'• ' • ' • • • " No. lti.z-A tract- adjoining No, it on the south ; extend. , ma southtidfd the -,*iniddis,4or.--Tyesety-se!sath..._ . street 326 feet 43.4 Inches ; thence :S. 73' deg. 17 rain., E. 451 feet' 9% Inches to the middle of Taeuty-sixth street ; thetwe northward 364 test , to the middle of linutingdon ' street, and 4.0. feet along the middle if thosame. No. 11.-A tract adjoining No. 9 on the - west :87'teetWi- . 'gong fbe•middle of Htfutitfgden street. and nt feet og -inches - along - the -- middle -- of - Twelityneventh -- street to Sian lane ;. and ,63 feet ; along the south side of. Hart lane, the weiternmost line. being . 339 • feet 54",inctiais long. • , No. 12.-A tract adjoining No. 11 on the tooth ; ' 9l feet. :IR, inches along the middle of Huntingdon street ; 321 , feet - 956 invitee along the middle of Twenty-seventh street ; 114 feet 8% inches ,on the - southern' line, and 314 tent inches along the western line. - • . . tBl The above property is believed to be Underlaid with a deposit et line. Brick Clay. The rapid exten ; sion of improvement:W.ln the f wen ty-e'ghth - Ward, will soon tiring it in the market. • The ground lays well, • and is but a few feet south of Lehigh avenue. which is opened be feet wide from Twenty-ninth street to-Ridge - at none, and will soon be opened te'llread st, Diamond' street is to lie 70 feet w Ida; and -wi fl , be opened through' or around the Odd Fellows' Cemetery, and It is intended hy paving. it in the most improved manner, to make it of the most at , re ct Iye drives to tiro Pllrk. • Twenty-si.eth street and York street are opened within two , 3or.are.i. The tracts tvi II be sold _ta.the..eentre of the streets, and the fronts on the' area's are. omen on the p an. Earl tam trill sown be vacated, by which alLthe north tine the tract mill be extended about 20 feet:? Clear of ia cumbrance. .If2t'o to be paid on each at time of sale, • Sale of the whole estate peremptory. DAVID ¶ITLOW, Executor. JAMES A, FREEMAN, Auctioneer, inys 12 19 Store 422 Walnut street, • OE!: .ORPILANS7-_COURT-BALE---ON-THN 29aPremlses.—Estate of Janet Galloway; deceased. Janes A. Freeman, Auctioneor.--Stond and Frame (3teeeliani lane, above Carpenter -street, Germantown. Under authorttv of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, `on Thursday, klay 26, 1870 , at 120 clock, noon, will ho sold at public sale, without reserve, on the premiaes, the following described real estate, late the property of Tanet Gallo way, deceased;—All that certain' lot of ground:with messuages thereon erected, situate in the late township of Germantown; now the Twouty-second Warddif thecity, city , on the nort heastwardly side of Crites ham road. be-. ginning at a corner at the distance 041 feet 8 inches (or thereabouts) sonthweetwardly, measuring along the side of said Creesham road from;' the Inc- of 'Daniel Suut's laud, being near the centre: of a, largo willow tree and 33 feet distant northeaatwardly from' it Mono wall 'erected by Geo. W. Carpenter on the ' sbutlionst madly side of said road; thence by a lute parallel: to and 40 frdistatit from the lino of Don't rauFsjand.N.43 deg. •au lam. E. 160 feet to a stake sec for a corner; thence S. 46 deg. at min. E. Pk feet to a stake set for a earner; ; t hence S. 43 deg. 40 min. W. 112 feet Cinches te Creesham road (at the distance of 3.3 feet non luntstwitrdly front the aforesaid wall); thence along the said road N. 32 deg. 12 min. 1V.83 feet 4 inches to the place of beginning. air The'abere lot is S 3 feet 4 inches on Creeshant road be 110 deep on One lute and 172fese deep on the other, being ,80. feet wide on the rear. The imProvements consest of a true-and-whalf-story stone dwelling: containing 9 rooms, n two-story frame house containing 4 rooms, frame stable, b•e. • 'Large. side garden, with grape-vine and arbors, gooseberries, currants,pla plant trees, ,te. - $lOO to be paid at the time of side. By the Court, J OS. MEGA RV, Clerk 0. 0. FOUNTAIN WA BD, Executor. JAMES A. FRRE &lAN Auctioneer. "m y 5 12 19 - Store. Nu. 422 Walnut street. al ORPHANS' ,COURT SALE,-:-ESTATE . Egg of Elizabeth Finegan, decensed.—James, A, Free -111111. Auctioneer. Three-story Brick Dwelling, lot 17 by 28N feet, No. 718 S. Broad street. Under authority Of the Orphans Court for the eltrand 'county of Phila-. )delphia, on Wednesday. May 25th, 1810, at - 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without, reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange,: the following 'described real 1 estate. htte the property of Elizabeth Finegan, deceaSed : All that certain lot of groalud with ,the. buildings t herein) erected, situate on the west side of Broad street, at the distance of 123 feet southward of Sid preni street. in the Twenty-sixth Ward of-the -city.; containing in front on Broad street IT foot, and. in : depth westward 28 feet 13 inches to Lloyd street. On the above lot'are erected a three-spry brick dwelling, .fronting on Broad street, •rentnininit .fire r0w,...), and ;!thrre-slory firiek house froat Lloyd street, contain ' ingiliree rooms' Bar Clear of incurnbrance. • 18100 to be paid at time of. sale. By the Court, . TOSEPII MEGABY, Clerk 0. O. r JAMES A. DIE EM AN, Auelioneer, ni y 5 33 19 Store 422 Walnut street. _ 0 ORPHANS' COURT SA L E.—ESTATE of John E. Donahue, deceasil.—James 'A. Frem ;man. Auctioneer.—Three-story brick Direlli 100S__Chrtallan_street,_441th_three-story briek house on 'Donley street. Ender authority of the OrPliatte - COure for the City and County of Philadelphia, On Wednes day, May 25,1F10,itt 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at pub :lic sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following de scribed real estate, late the prop wty, folea E. Donahue, deceased: All that certain lot of ground with the three-FAO) y brick messuag,e thereon erected, situate ;on the south aide or Christian atreet at the distance of !143 feet westward of Tenth street, in the Second Ward of the city, containing in front on Christian street 15 feet, !and in dorth about 100 reet more or loss to Donley street, ion Which is erected a three-story brick house containing '6 rooms. Clear of incumbrance. IlErS'loo to he paid at limo of sale. • By the Court, JOSEPH 51 EGARY. Clerk 0. C. to W5l. KNIGHT Sli YROCK, AdmY. TAMES A. FREEMAN. A uctio neer, Store. 42:2•Walnlit.street.... my 5121 9- dtpl ORPHANS' COURT SALE ESTATE' 114 of John McCarthy, dotomised.--Jaines man, Auctioneer. Titres -story brick house, Moore street, west of Juniper and south of Pitawater street. limier authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday; May 24', 11770, at 72 o'clock, noon, will be sold at 'public sate, at the Philadelphia Exchange,. the following, described real estate, lets the property of Jidin McCarthy. deceased: All that certain lot. of ground with the-$ , threo-storY brick no theroon erected, situate on the south side of Dloote street, at:the distance of 64 feet 10 inches eastward front Espy- street. between Juniper and Brand streets, so the7Third Wartrof - the - City- ;- containing in"- front on Moore street 40 feet,and in depth of that hrtoulth 746.r6.6n3-Incillia-AYlTable,*-tcreVrltioural-Trerx. nun). WO to be paid at timo of sale. 1. the Court. JOSEPH MEG CRY, Clerk 0. C. FELIX cilA Pa HY , Administrator. _ JAMES A...FREEMAN, Auctioneer, i»va 12 19 - Store 422 Walnut 'greet . IM-103 CASKS RICE 'NOW LAND. R Ing ft( zn steamer J. W, Branum." from Charles ton. 8. 0., and Tor; male by COWMAN, RUSSELL 14 CO., DI Chestnut street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers