CITV HULLtfrUI. ’ TUB BEDFORD STREET DISTRICT RESULTS OF THE LATE INSPECTS Action of the Health Officer Movements of the Tarions Authorities ,A. detailed account of the visit of the Sani ytb Committee of the Board of Health to the Bedford street region was given in the Bulletin last week. It was then stated that Mr. William P. Troth, the Cliief Clerk of the Board, had taken copious notes of the different plactV which required immediate attention. ■ These places were on Alaska, Stafford, Baker, Lisbou, Darcy, Gousha, St. Mary, Cnllen.and Seventh streets, and Dockertles’ court, Cove place, Madison court, Brown’s court, Mo Cann’s ‘ ediirt,. Kain’s court and O’Harta’s court. This list, by order of .‘the Chairman of tlie Sanitarv Committee, was, on the23d inst., presented to Mr. John E. Addioks.tho Health Officer, with a request to' have the nuisance? there complained of abated, according to the rules of the Board, after the Usual notices are served on the property owners. Orders to'ttae Inspectors. Mr. Addicks on the same day (23d inst.) ad dressed Messrs. Merritt Gibson and Win. L. Williams, Inspectors, as follows: , “ You will with all possible despatch notify the owners or agents ot the above properties to have the nuisances ahated accordmg to the, rules of the Board of Health; no extra time to he allowed—and reportpromptiy to the. i It required some little time to hunt up the owners of the different properties marked by- aftpr notice was given, street-cleaners, white-washers and sink-cleaners were busy at work, and are still engaged in removing the nuisances and, purl-, fying the filthy places. The Attack on the Kookerics. i The following note was addressed to the,. Building Inspectors, ontho 23d: “ Gentlemen—l beg your prompt attention to house bio. 710 Alaska street, .!' ourth Mr ard. I t • should he torn down. Also, 531 Lisbon street, .Fourth Ward-a dangerous building, caving in It should be torn down. Throughout this district are a large number ofshan-' ties and rookeries, uangorous to life and ■limb, positively injurious to health, anil the direct ciwse o/diseases. I ask your thorough inspection in-all-this neighborhood, and speedy action. Respectfully, 1 «• John E. Addicks, Health Officer. lu-accordance with this request, the Build ing Inspectors have been making an inspec tion of the neighborhood complained of. Yes terday the Board was in that locality nearly the entire morning, and agreed to notify the owners of about twenty houses on Alaska street, between Fifth and Eighth; Lisbon street from. Fifth to Sixth ; Baker street, be low Seventh, and on some of the small courts in the rear of South and Bainbridgo streets, to -■ have the buildings removed. The Hlayor Notified. Mr. Addicks sent to the Mayor, on the 23d, the following communication • " TlnK P.M. Fox. Mayor.— »Sir ■; The Street Contractors of the Board of Health complain that they are blamed for filthy -streets in- Alaska street, Fourth Ward, and adjacent streets and alleys of that district; and, although they may faithfully clean said streets to-day, they'will to-morrow be in amore or Jess filthy condition, owing to the fact that the inhabi tants during the*night-throw- all-their filth, garbage, ashes and rubbish in the streets. Allow" me to ask that you will order your Police officers to correct this evil, and if in your judgment required, detail special officers to patrol that district and assist to punish all —offenders. : I__ “ With high respect, JIJUHN.K. Addicks, Health Officer.” The Mayor, on receipt of this note,promptly directed Chief Mulholland to instruct the policemen to arrest aml prosccnte all persona found throwing filth and garbage in the street. In regard to the detail of special officers to patrol the Alaska street region, he declares that his force is hot large enough to make such a detail. As far as he is able, be will heartily co-operate with the Board of Health in abating the nuisances which exist in that section. Bedford Street to be Washed. The' Board of Health, at its meeting on Tues day, received the report of the Sanitary. Com mittee on this subject. ‘ It was then resolved to furnish a hose for the use of the Rev. Mr. Cong,in order to purify the street in the neigh borhood of the Mission-house. Wm. H. Grimes was elected an additional inspector for six months. Tbe Duty of Physicians. There are frequent rumors that contagious diseases are prevailing in Alaska street, borne time since it was said that relapsing fever was faging extensively there, hut the mortality re ports thus far fail to show any deaths as hav ing occurred in thatportion of the city. The general health law of 1818 has a provision in regard to contagious diseases, and as pliysi-. cians either neglect or are not aware of it, we publish the section: “ Section XXV. Every person practising physic in the city, districts and townships aforesaid, who shall have a patient 'laboring under a pestilential or contagious disease (measles excepted), shall forthwith make a re port in writing to the Health Officer, and for neglecting so to do shall be considered guilty -of a-misdemeanor, and subject to a fiuu-not exceeding fifty dollars.” ~ Hnlnrln and the Uunrdinnsof the Poor. On Tuesday the Health Officer received an anonymous note stating that a man and wife were, lying- “sick-with a-coatagious. diaeawtr with no one to help or to care for them,” at a house in Cross alley, St. Mary street, beliw Eighth. The matter was referred to Dr. Good man. the Port Physician, and he made an in vestigation. He foumla colored woman, An nie Murray, sick with malarial fever of a low type, not contagious. The husband had suf fered with the same disease, but was able to walk out. ■ The family were destitute, and Dr. G'oodman recommended that the attention of the Guardians of the Poor be called to the case. Mr. Addicks at once sent notice to the proper officer of the Guardians of the , Poor 7 but there was nobody in the office au thorized to issue an order for the admission of sick women, into the Almshouse, and she had to remain in her dirty and badly-eared- i for room, at the risk of her life, until trie next day. The Guardians of the Poor ought to pass a resolution authorizingsuoh paupers to be admitted to the Almshouse on an order of the Health Officer, as such cases are more likely to come under his notice than that of the District Visitor of the Poor. Denib and Destitution. Another circumstance which tends to show the misery and danger existing iii this locality has just transpired. Inspector Williams, in going biß rounds on Monday, accidentally dis covered the body of a'man which had been locked up in a room in boiisfe No. 70b St. Mary street for eleven days. _ When the Coroner held an inquest in the case, the parties in ‘ teres ted said that they would attend to the burial, but for some reason, most probably poverty, the matter was not attended to, and hut for the-accidental discovery by Mr. Wil liams, the body might have remained there for weeks. Tue reader can imagine what ■would-..have been the result. Upon uotiflca tioii, the remains were buried by the Coroner*. The Filth Mountain Attacked. 'During the visitation of the (Sanitary. Com mittee, last week, special attention was at tracted to an enormous motiild of ashes ’minglftd'with'cveiy'hnaglnablo 'and nnimagi-- : liable description of filth, about forty feet in length and lour feet de.ep on the level. The sickness now existing in the District seems to radiate from this horrible centre, which has been utterly unmolested lor five years past. East week, the necessity, for its immediate removal was strongly urged, and we rejoice to he able to report that it has been attacked in earnest, aud is now being rapidly removed, The neighborhood will experience a long-lost sensation o'f cleanness, when this mountain of filth disappears. Deugrheriy’s Hovels Tumbling Down. One range of the miserable hovels in bougli ert v ’n court' saved the Building inspectors ome trouble, - yegferduy.'by turobUng down of -hemw-lves. Boards and rubbish' had been jiiled upon their flat roofs in valto efforts to ieep out the tain, the rotten rafters gave vray under the weight.. Tho roofs only had ibout seven feet to-fall, and thd-brisb'was not iccompanicd by aiiy lqss.,: The inmates were mostly in the open air, .and the furniture Of the entire-row was not worth five dollars. The Death of Michael Mahan--Tub IN QUEST INTO IT BY CORONER . TAVDOB. —TIIO death of the Unfortunate' Mahan, at: the Epis copal'Hospital; on Tuesday last, hasbeon. al ready reported., The man was admitted to It on March 30th, with a leg then al leged,in the course of a belligerent demonstra tion against him on the part of his wlte. The parties lived atao, 1218 Maple street. Malian was a laborer. Mary Mahan is appa rently a virago, from whose face every vestige of God’s image seemed,, this morning,.to have been battered out. Bum seems to have been to her a destroying demon. She had been ar rested, it is said, for and for various excesses while laboring under vinous excitement. ' ... , , . An intelligent little girl; daughter of tluv, parties, was the first witness called. Her testimony was that on March 30 her mother, came home in a .state of intoxication. The woman ordered her- hysband: to go to work. She accelerated his movement, to.the side walk, first by throwing atbim his boots, and follow ing it up by hurnna against him his trunk. By this lie was knocked dowii.' Kef ell against a stoiie door-step, .and fractured next to the patella the most seusitivtjportion of the osse ous structure of the human frame, the head ot the femoral bong. Tlie child upon the .wit ness stand didn’t deem,her father to be more than an occasional tippler. Her mother, she said, was. kind’ when sober, but was. a Fury when liquor had ascended to her brain. Her father at the time of the occurrence.,of till? aflair'would have been indulging in a prolonged debauch. ' . .. Doctor Shapleigh’s post mortem examination showed a fracture of tlie : neck of the right thigh-bone. The reunion ■ had .been com meuced, and the injury should not have been ' fataii. There was a very great 'collection of water in tbe brain and in its appendatory ventricles. This suffusion caused the man’s death. It is the almost inevitable, result ot ex cessive drinking,. In cases.:of delirium tre mens these symptoms are rarely absent. Let a drinking man meet with* an accident to his bones, deposed Dr. Shapleigli, especially -a man suffering with fracture ot -the leg (so that he caiinot'niove), and dd/rium almost in vari ably sets in. This fracture is an element in the cause of this man’s death only because it’ 'involved.'"-tho necessity for keeping the man quiet. The man himself admitted| that lie had- been stricken: with jnania a potu foe .-ome time previouß.to. the .hour Lis release by death. In a case like the present the evi dence is not only presumptive, but conclusive, The fracture of the femur was but a remote . Cause ot the man’s death. After the witnesses and listeners bad retired, the jury and the Coroner returned a verdict that the deceased _ lost his life from the effects of alcoholic stimu lants, intensified and heightened by the en forced restraint of a disabled limb. ■ The Begistration of Codobed Citizens. —A meeting of the Bepublican City ExecU ' live Committee was held yesterday at their headquarters, 1105 ..Chestnut street, John L. . Hill,President, in the_chair; Messrs. McCul lough and Gill Secretaries. ' , . -The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: • — Whereas, Tho Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitu tion of the United States proriaea for Uu cnfranenise mmt nf the colored race: and. . „ . Whereas, The present rules of the Republican party providing for tho election of delugatcs to nominating - conventions oxcludo.from tlie. registry of Republican voter# oil persons who did not voto the Kopnblicftu^ -t.ckutat-thoJast general.electioji! and it _ necessary so to amend tho B»rao as to admit the registia* - non of our colored-fellow.-cit-izons, and qxtqjaq to tuoni ' the right ofTOtrug delegate oloctionßrto be hold , «»h the second-Tucsday of June next ResoH'etli That the registering the Ropubll* : can party, in preparing tho registry provided for m the rules of tlie party, be and they aie horeby directed to place upon said registers the names of all colored persons enfranchised by the Constitutional amendment aud en titled to vote in tho city of Philadelphia at tho next gon : »ra) election; provided, that no person shall bo registered vrbo does not enrol himself as a member oi ' the Republican party. , , , —Therfallewvng-resoluiioa^wafi-also-aaoptfid: -— lict-dlvtd. That tlie lorewho served at tho genoral cloctiouin Octobor last, rtltall conduct tho delegate election in Juno next; and , vacaDc-i«s^occurT-.AUch~vacancii)B r _Bhali-b.o Tr aMea^ tiv the remaining election officers* ju.conjunction witu iho threo members of the Division Executive Com mittee. . • Chamber of Commerce, — The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Chamber of Commerce was held this morning, at 12 o’clock, at No. 421 Walnut street. Mr. S. 1. c.'omly was called to tbe chair, and Mr. John P. Bankson acted as secretary. Mr. Alex. Derbyshire offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That a vote of thanks be tendered to the President, Treasurer and Board of Di rectors, for the faithful discharge of their duties during the past.year. The following ticket was unanimously re elected : President —Howard Hinchman. Treasurer —Samuel L. Ward. Managers —E. G. Cattail, C. ,T. Hoffman, C. H. Cummings, Senepa. E. Malone, John H. Michener, Charles Knecht, Nathan Brooke, George L. Buzby. Banner Presentation.— The ceremonies connected, with the presentation and dedica tion of tb6 banner of Mary Commandery No. SB, Masonic -Knights Templar, will take,place this everting at the Academy of Music. St. John's, Philadelphia and Kadosh Comman der! es, of this city, and Cyrene Commandery, of Cgmden, will participate in the exercises. A very tine programme has been prepared for the occasion, and, in addition to the Masonic ceremonies,there will be a concert by the Ger mania Orchestra and the Young Mannerchor, under tne direction of Mr. wm. Hartmann. At the conclusion of the programme the audience will be admitted to tlie stage to inspect the. banner. The Nineteenth Ward Shooting.— The •’oroner’s inquest upon the bodies of Hugh durtagh and James Walsh, the young men who were shot and killed by Policeman Charles Max, on Third street, near Columbia avenue, early yesterday morning, will take . place this afternoon. Detective Gordon, who ; has been investigating the affair, has suo i ceeded in finding several persons who wit nessed the occui-rencc, and thei)r testimony, it is said, all goes to confirm the statement of the officer in regard to the attack upon him, and his being thrown down by the deceased and kicked, previous to the shooting. Docai, CnowDEß—Dew fell last night; it soon disappeared beneath the kisses of Old •Sol. Paper collars are looking wilty. Things at the. Navy Yind are very quiet. The workmen move languidly. The unom iployed outside regard them with jaundiced ,cye. City Councils will, to-day, consider the sub ject of erecting public bathing-houses. The project looks to the construction of three, two ;ro he anchored in the Delaware and one upon - the Schuylkill. Tlio plan of' the Delaware bridge provides also for the construction ot bathing-houses in connection with irk abut ments. - Pickpocket Arrested.— Charles Taylor, an old offender, was arrested yesterday by .Detectives. Miller and Fletcher upon the . charge of having picked the pocket of Mrs. . Itobiuson, a resident of Walnut street, above Thirty-fourth,ofapocketbook containifl'g'®l9in rash and a check for $285, on the Chestnut and Walnut street passenger cars, on Tuesday. Taylor was identified by the conductor. He .was arraigned before Aid. Kerr and was hold in $l,OOO hail for a further hearing this after -110011. Drowned.— A young man named Edward Einrtineyer went out sailing in tho yacht Wil liam Tell yesterday afternoon. When off Pet ty’s Island he fell overboard. All efforts of the crew to save him proved unavailing, and [hevvus drownedr - The-Harbor Police; urtuor’ Lieutenant Pritchard, subsequently grappled I for the body without success. The unfortu nate man was the son of an old sea captain. . Assaulting a Policeman.— John Gabon and James Buckley were arrested, this morn ing, in a house at Seventeenth and Wood strcelsrupo ll the charges of having rescued a prisoner3tnd beata Sergeant, ami a Policeman, at Seventeenth . and ‘ Callowhill streets, on Easter Sunday. They were taken before Aid. Pancotst and were held in $BOO bail for trial. Mad Doq,—A dog, supposed to bo mad, was killed yesterday afternoon, at Second and Brown streets. PHILADELPHIA M EKTINO OF' BAPTISTS.—This afternoon, at 3 o’clock, there is to bo a meeting pf dolor gatesfrom'all the Baptist pbiifolies ;of ,tUIS 1 city at Betli-EdenChurch, Broad and, Bpruoo, i streets, to consider, wh-ethet 1 this now: church (Beth-Edenj slihll bb feboitnfzed.' In the even ’ will bo'interesting sorvlCos iti con nection with the recognition of the churoli. To be Extended. Y-Tha Green and Coates ; Streets Bailway Company- bavo bommenceil laying a connecting track to Fairmount Park, a distance of some five.'hundred'feet.:' After completing the track: the: cats belonging to the line will nth directly to tho. Park, -afford : ing great facilities to persons desirous of.yislt i ingthis delightful Spotu- Sdiciht F ires,—Last night,aboutll; o’qlobk, I dwelling house No. 1517' Marshall street was slightly damaged by lire. This lnorning.about seven o’oldck afire oc curred in. a stable in. the rear of No. 2212 Wood street. Damage trifling, The fire is supposed ; to hove been the work of an Incendiary. Death of a Lodger.— Mary Ann Shearer, aged 85 years, was accommodated with lodg ings in 'the. Twelfth District Bolide Station last night. This morning at eiglit o’clock she was found,dead in the cell.' Her death is attributed to disease of the heart. . , A Savings Bank Stolen:—' Tho o .residence: of Police Sergeant Jones, m; the rear of Ho. 420 North Tenth street, Was entered by thieves last evening. A child’s savings hank; contain ing about nine dollars in five-dent pieces, was stolen.'' Cricket. —Tlie first, of a series of practice games, of tho Philadelphia Cricket (Club, First Eleven vs. Twenty-two, will be played at tho : Club’s ground, at. Camden, on .Saturday, 30th just., commencing at 1 o’clock: P.M., . The Public Squares.— Mr. Pugh, the Com missioner of City Property, has had all of the Public Squares put in thorough order, and they wilt be oponed to the public, on Monday next. ■ ; Fatal Bailboad Accident.— James P. -Byanj- a-train-of-cars-on :the .Pennsylvania;'Bailroad; above Mantua, yhsterday,idied this,morhing at the "Penns yi-- vania Hospital. . , Bobbebv. —The store- of the- Merehants’ Transportation Conlpahy, on Delaware av enuo, near Bade "street, Was entered last night; - and Was robbed of a number of articles. Accident.— Henry Galagher,age(l 25 years, residing at 3824 Filbert street, had his too maslie'd this morning,by a car at Point Breeze, lie is at the Pemisyivania Hospital... Found Open.— The Third. District Police found five doors unfastened during last night. TiißitE are ndw on exhibition at Scott’s Art Gallery. 1117 Chestnut street, about -200 rare and valuable Oil Paintings, by some of our most, eminent artists, to be sold on Thursday and “Friday evenings, April 28th and 2'.)th. Among tho collection will ue found beautiful specimens of American scenery, views on the Hudson, Mohawk and Delaware rivers; also views of-the Catskills, Adirondack, Blue and White Mountains ; Fruit, Figure and Scrip tural pieces. The Crystal Medallions ate really splendid. Sale commences at 7J o’clock each evening. : ■ Asher’s Ball.— The sixth annual May ball and examination of Professor Asher-will take •place at Musical Fund Hall on Monday, even ing next. After the grand march, at eight o’clock, the examination of the Misses and : M asters who have been under the tnition of the Professor during "the past season Will be made. At JO o’clock the ball will be opened with ‘the Professor’s original grand.: march. The entire affair will be avery pleasant one. - Memorial Service.— At .the TJnion M. E. Church, Fourth street, below Arch, to-mor- Tow. at half-p:lst ten o’olock A. M., there will in- commemoration -of Bishops- Thompson and -Kingsley,. The memorial ser mon will be delivered by Bishop Simpson. Nisi Phius— Justice Sliarswood.—Today was fixed for a hearing in tlie matter of tho application by the Road • ins and other Railroad Gopipspies .fot_%p ri strain tho collection of an incomo tax for 1870. The vorigitml application Wftfl made to Cliief JUKticO'Thomp son, by whom tho tpmporary injunction was granted. Tliif* morning tho Chief Jußtico waa not in Court, and SiiarßWOod decUried'-to- lleur the ciibo T but COn-.. tinuod the injunctioo until Saturday. - i-. _ Grocers sell the Old Dominion Table Sauce, and.find it a popular article. IVpot: 018 Commerce street; Bargains.— Solitaire Diamond Finger- Rings, Tory lino, at T. W. Baily's Watch and Jewelry Store, No. G 22 Market atreet. Simple, durable,quiet and of great capacity; no Sewing-Machine gives sucli ultimate and general satisfaction as thoGnovEß * Bakkr. Dr. O. W. Holmes recommends Whit comb’s Asthma Remedy. Jacoby’s Vichy L6zEngeb.— For Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, flatulency and Indigestion. 917 Cheßtnut street. Kennedys’ Trimmed Hats are perfect ittlo gome ; their Bonnots aro unequaled. Moths,— Furs, Blankets, wearing apparel, I.lacoby’s Insect Powder, 917 Chestnut street. Solid Silver Table and Tcaspobns, Forks, Bodies, Butter-Knives; nl«o v Fine Table Cufcloryi nt low prices, nt T.W. Baily’s Watch and Jowelry, Store, No. >22 Market street. Kennedy & Bros., No. 729 Chestnut street, importers of Fine M.llUnory Goods. Wholesale and retail. , t i Kennedy & Bkos., No. 729 Chestnut street, igro quoted aB tho highest authority in fashions. Prices very moderate. I Kennedy & Bros., 729 Chestnut street,, are 'daily-receiving new shapes in Ladies’ Hats, Rich Sash Ribbons,andFinn-Lacos. Carpets and’ Matting made up and laid. MalraßßCßirndo over. Furniture rc-apholstsred and varnished. Nonebutthobest workmen employed. - ALBERTSON & CO., Fifteenth and Chestnut streets. Kennedy & Bros., 729 Chestnut street, are the acknowledged Isadora of Fashion in Ladipß' Bound JlaJs and Bonnets. Their Fronoh Flowers aro vor, superior. ' ! Ladies visiting the city should not leave jwit'hout soslng tho new Millinery Emporium of Thos. Kennedy & Bros., 729 Chostnntidroot. JjiTffNTrRtrEETjITIN; THtMiSDAYrAPRlte’MmgfO.' THE COURTS. CITY NOTICES. Base Ball and Cricket Pants Three Dollars, All Wool, At* KockiiftL «& WILSON’S. No. 603 and 005 Chestnut street, All the Latest Styles Coatings, Fantaloon Stuffs, and Vestings i: For Spring Wear , Now Arranged for Public Inspection, At Charles Stokes’s, No, 824 Chestnut Street) Oakford’h Latest. Styles ot Ladies’ anJ Misses’ Spring Hats . (tan bo hail at thelrlitore, ' “834 and 836 Cheated*street. |“ Gents’ Hats! Gents’ Hats! ' . I Tho beautiful Spring Stylos . v i i > ■ aro now ready at • i OakfordS’, undor tho (Joutinontal, I Surgical Instruments an 1 - druggists •sundries. . i Snowden A Brother, , , 23 South Eighthstreot.-- Corns, Bunlomv Inverted Nails, skillfully ’freiitt-a'bj'BrrJr Davldsonv'Noc9l6 Ohestn'ufstreet-.- OharL'oa modcrato. • ' ‘ ' To Quiet, soothe and relievo the pain of •children teething, übo Bower’s Infant Cordial; Sptd ]by.all druggists. ' ' ; » I Deafness,- Blindness And Catarrh itrented with the utmost buccobb, by J. Isaacs; M. D., tanci Profesßiir of DisGisi’S of tlio Eye and Knrdhis spocl-. '-aliv) in tliiTMertlciil College of l’emisylvanla,l2 yoars'-ox ■ncilouce. No. 805 Arch street: Testimonials enn bo«°™ at Ids oifico. Tho medical, faculty aro Invited to ac k omDany thelr'patlents, as'ho has no secrets In his prac tice. Artificial oyos Inserted without pain. No charge for examination babtcbls kosin'land ! Ik l ivia !r«m nteuniship IMouoor* and for salebyOOOH iIAK/RUBSEUi & 00., Ul Chestnut stroot. m PU BUG SALE, ON THE'PREM ISE3. ■SI-ThointU) &, Ppns. Anctloneeni,— Very oloiant counti y .tuat. laanßion eoaelt-house. aorwij known ne•' Btechwoodv'’at t»o.Jonkintown etatlou, oil tho North PonPsytyantei Railroad, residOuco of W. O. Kent, Eeq. On Sr.tunlay, May Slat; 1870, at 4 o’olook P. JU .win ho sold ntpuhllQsaio,<in the premises, nil that clccnut Country-sontiSSacres, known iiat! Rod6h*<>od.ri: Bltnnle at i|io Jonkintown station, on tho North Penn eylvnnin Ruilrood;4o minutee by rail from tho depots Tho iniprovtmonU oronn ologant "tono man sion, lmndßOinoly papered and painted thrnnghont; htus lnrceliall, parlor, dining-room, lllirarv, 2 ktohens,with lnrtri* rtore-room attached, and two china closota on tho firßt floor,wlth hot and cold water i Schurobera and storo -Ir. om. hath and watcr-clo>ota on tlio socond floor; four chambers amia largo. closets - on- tho. floor; gas pipes, lnrnace, raiiges. : bell callß.lorgowamr. ■ tank* Inrge porcjbvtwo*Btory from© laundry* with tubs* hot mid cold watdr, range, 2 chambota over collar, &c. ißtono eltthjo mid coacli-houßo, ooachm&n a room v hurnostf room, cow-hou«e, grounhoußO, !co*nouao ( filled), with provision vault* Bmoke-bhUße, chioken houflo and ouMiundings;. largo voeeiable Mrdoi 4 (plflntcd),y6untf orchard ot choice bearing, small fruits, ftbundanco of ohl Bhodetroos, ever sreens. Ac.; large and handsome lawn, underground ■ dralnago; inclosed in from on Greomvood avonao ty « substantial stono wall- and a spruce ho<lgo, ami on the southw est.hy a high hoard fenco and ghicust hcwige. Tho Jonkintown station, on the North Benusr 1 vnnlnjßail road; Is at tho foot of tho lawn,about 300 yards from the : frontdoor, and shut out by a beautiful woods. Halt a milo from Jenkintown, wt.ore there «». chnrogM, ■ schools', stores,’ (lc. Situation high,commanding a beau tiful view of tho country for miles around. boo Photograph at tlie Auction Rooms. Terms—B2o, OOO.may rornai non mortgage. Immediate ; P KLEGANT FUBh/ITDRE, HORSES, Oowa.l’AßM - , , ING'UTENSILS, Ac.—Tho entire Household Kurul ture.Horsfß; Cows,‘Farming Utonslls. fte„ muy ho had by the purchaser ortho place at a valuation. ‘ ■ Mav-ue oxomlned dnring'the week from Wednoeday until Saturday, inclusive. , : 'Trains leavo depot of tlie’North Pennsylvania .Rail-, road for Jenkintown at7!80,8.15 and 10.45 A M., Lie, 245 , 4.16, 6.0), 6.20 , 8.00-and 11.30." P:M. Returning leave jeiiliintown.for .'Pliiladelphia nt 0:68, 8.01, B M, 10 02 A M., 2.36,3.60,6:14,0.34 and 8.41) P. M, . ' i. TiIOSfAS A SONS, Auctioneers. ap2B,roy7. Jl2l , . 188 and 141 South Fourth street. r SB Sale.—Estate of Charles. ! E,;iiOx, deceased.— Thomaß & Pons, Auctioneers.—KottV modcrp \S-atorjr. brick dwellings. Nob. 2140, 2142, 2144 and 2146 Jcrnsraon , street,woßt of Twenty first Btroet. ' On Tuesday, May 17. 1870, at 12o’clock, noon", wiilfct sold at public aato»UMWi out rrserve, at the Philadelphia Exchango, the folio wtnt dt.stribe.d properlits-, viz.: , . , , ' i; __'. No. I.—AH that throe-story brick messuage, with two story lack building und lot of ground, sitaate on the, south Vide of Jefferson street, No. 2110; containing in front on Jefferson street 10 foot; and extending in depth -,^24notJo-ir2-roiiU\irdujillji,3*Uh.illo.Jjriyllogothoroof, .he's nnrlor, dining-room. sitting-room, Jcltctiin and ♦ chambers, gas. both, Bttltimoroetore, range, *c. v Subicct tonninrtgnge gf 81,200. , . Immediate poseeßßion. ■ . , , No. 2 All that 1 hrec fltory brickmessuage and lot ground, adjoining the above, of' same sizo and deecrlp tiou, being No. ?142. . , . - Subjectto.umorigagoofJsljSOO ,0 tlint tlirco ntory brick moamidge niy' lot of ground, ixiioinlußllipobovn, of name aizo nn.l fleacrip tlHubjict’to^liiortgaeoof Inlincdititepossesion. JSJO. 4,—A1l tlini flirtsri Ktory brick messuage And lot oi ground', adjoining the above, of same Blze and deacrip- mortgage of $1,350* lirnnedUts fcoaaos* sion.. ..• . . r -. Sala absolute. TH^MA g & sons, Anctlonoorsi ' 139 and Ml Sobth Fourth Htroot *s> HEAL ESTATE.—THOM AS & SONS Hii;! y a ii..—Large nnd Valuable Kosidouco, Browory. and Workshop, No. 1«5. North Tenth. stroeU «on«i of Oolumhia Bvcpuo, 30 feet front, M 4 feet doop to Hutch-. Inson etroeti 2 frontß. On May 17th, ,lHro.*t 12 o'clock, noon, will be aold at public tho Ph 1»- delphiii Exchange, all that lot of ■ ground and the Im provriheritu thereon erected, situate ou the eastsldeor Tenth street, south of Columbia avenue; containing in fronton Tenth streets feet, and extending in doptb I*4 leetto-HntcWnson-etreet—Zfronts. -ThoimproxomeutH ur* a large and valuable three-story brick reaidenco, i routing on Tenth street; has two-story back buildings, parlor; dining-room and 2 kitchens and work-room on the first floor; 7 chembem. gas, bath, hot-and cold water, water-closet, 2 furnaces, cooking-range, Aot* A three-story brick building 40 feet front, fronting on Hutchinson street, supplied with a 30 boree powor en gine,and all-machinery and fixtures requisite for car rying on n first-class brewing business; is now orctipiM ‘• sib tin’ale and porter brewury.'and doing a-gopd bu*i ness. Also, a two-story brick building, fronting on Tenth street, used ns weaving rooms. Terms— remain on mortgage. • -„, leased T for6years,Jrora Roy, 24., J 869, and the residence for one year. M. THOMAH-dr SONS, Auctioneers, np?Smy7l4 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. mJtUSAJL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS’ sale,—Business Btaiid.-Tliree-Bt.ory Brick Store and Dwelling. No. 314 South Second street,'below Spruce with- S-thrce-Btory brick dwelliuKeOu the rear, -forming a court, known «a Buchanan Place, M hyBJ) Teet to Comptroller street. On Tuesday, May 10th, 1370, _at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public Bale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable threc-Btorr brick niesßitage, wiili two-atory back building and lot of ground, situate on the west Bide of Second street, south of Spruce Btrcct, No 314: containing in street 20 feet, and extending in- depth of that.wtdth 4S feet,then widening on the south side to 21 feet 8 inches, and extending of that increased width 142 teet. more or less, to Comptroller street, reserving so much of the rear end of the lot as has been taken off to widen Comptroller a threo Hton’ brick atore and dwelling, with .tw^mrTbnt^hundhut^fronthig^ the rear forming a’ court, known as “ Buchanan Flaco.” :-::' renT ' t^n “ lfC ltl" h'j'HOJrAis:*:SONS.AnctloneerBr -1 an2B3oniy7 139 and 141 South Fourth street. PUBLIC SALE.—BY ORDER OF the Bonrd of Trustees of I lie St. John’fc Reformed Church of West Philadelphia.—Thomas & Sonß.Auc lot..and_Btoiio_Ghap*l, Thirty-filth Blroet, uorth of Powelton avenue, west Philadelphia. On Tuesday May 10 h, 1870, at 12 o clock. noon, will ho sold at public anie nt the Philadelphia Ex change, all that large and valuable lot of ground,ettnato on Iha west aide of Thirty-fifth etreet, 105 feet north of -J»owelton avenue ; thence extending along the weetaldo iff Thirty fifth street 93 feet 6)4 inchee to tliemlddle of a 3ffieotwido street; thence extending westalongrtho, middle of said street 160 feet; thence south, on a!lino parnlßk with Thirty-sixth street, S 3 feet 8, l i Inches r thence eastward 163 feet 2’4 inches to the nlace of begin ning. Subject to certain restrictions as to building. Particulars in catalogues. ' ~ " t ... On thiß lot is erected a etone chapel, 30 feet front by alioiit 06 feet deep, finished in modern stylo, and capable of seating over g & £ Auctioneers, np2B 80my7 139 and 141 South Fourth streeL^ ~Tu"blic sale.—thomab & sons, Auctioneers.—Modern Two-story. Btone Cottsgo, No.-311 BonHon street, Camden, New Jersey, between Third and fourth streets, south of Stevens Btrcot. -On Tuesday,May 10th. 167 U, at 12 o’clock, tinou, will bo sold, at pu® : Vale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern two-fetory atone meueungo iVrench roof), with two-Mory.hack building find lot of ground, situate No 'ill IteußOTi street (firet street below Stevens street), Cam*: den,New Jersey; the lot containing in front on Benson ftreetSfi feet 3 inches,and extending in depth 110 feet.. The house has parlor. dining room and two kitchens on . the first floor, four chambers on the second, and tvr;o above batli, hot and cold wator, water-closet, fur nace, cooking-rango, &c. . Terms—S3 £OO may Jeniftin on mortgage. Immediate possession.. , ;; i: House open for examination. 11 • M. THOMAS. & SONS,Auctioneers, | ap2BSomy7 . 139 and 141 South Fourth street. •te? ’ BEAD ESTATE.—TH OMAS & SONS’ itiliil Bale —Modern Tbreo-story Brick Store and Dwell ing, N; AV. Comer of Sixteenth and Stiles streets. On - Tuetday, May loth, IH7O, at 12 o’clpck.npon, will ha sold at public 1 siiio, at the Philadelphia (Exchange, all that, modernthrec Btory hrick messuage, with two-storrback building and lot of ground, situate on tho west sido ot 'Sixteenth street, corner of Stiles'street, No. 1230; con milling ill front on Stiles .street 1, feet, anil extending in iloptli along Sixteonth street 66 feet to a 3 foot wide alley, with the privilege thereof. It-is occupied as a storo and Iwrllina; has gnß, hath, liot and cold water, Kc. v fjST Clear of all incumbrance. Torms-Cash. Possession aD jj® r rfjjbiiAS & SONB. Auctioneers, 139 and HI South Fourth street np2B 30 m; m re'Xl ESTATE.—THOM AS & SONS’ BiS Sale.—Modern Three-story Brick Residence, No. I 4B7Mnralinll street, between Noblo and Buttonwood streets. On Tuesday. Mny 10th. 1870, at noon, will bo sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex- I change, all that modern three-story biick messuage, I with hack bulldiog and. lot of ground, situate on the east sido of Marshall Btroot, north of Noble street, No. 467: containing in front on Marshall street 22 feet 6 inches, and exfinding in depth 93 feet 6 inches. The liouße nas the modorn couveniencoß ; gas, Bath, hot and cold water, furnace, eopkinffTShgo,; Under-ground drainage. &o. Thiß property is situate in a delightful locality, and in the best souare on M arshall street. Terms—B4, OOOmny remain on mortgage. ' 5 , ju,. THOMAS & SONS; Auctioneers, ap23 SO my 7 .' 139 and 141 South Fourth street. wjs BEAL E&TATE-THOMAS & SONS’. EM Bale.—Valuable Business Stands.—2 Threo-Btory' Brick Stores and Dwellings, Nos. 242,212)5, 244 and 246 South Sccofid street, OnT.nesday, May 10,..1870, at.l2 o’clock, noon, will bo sold at public sale, at-tho Phila delphia Exchange, all that lot or ground, with improve ments thereon erected, situate, on i the west sido of Second street,24o foot 6 inches north of Spruce street, Noil 242,242)4,244 and 246 ; the lot containing In front on Second etreet 46 foot 11 inches-,and extending in depth 110 ieet; toeethor also with 2 nieces of ground, one of ‘ ihem adjoining tlio nhovo oil tho north, 4)4 inches front on Second street, by 70 feet in depth, and the other situ ate in the rear, 7 foot by 76 feet. Tho improvements consist of 2 tbreo-story brick buildings, occupied as 4 ; Bt of all incumbraaco. " Termß—Bl4,ooo may remain onmortgago. ■ ’ M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ! tt p2BSomy7 139 and 141 South Fourth street. §OBPH ANS’ COURT BALE.—ESTATE of James B. He Bcimnvillc, decoased.—Thomas & . AuctlonecrH.— Throe-story Brick Dwelling, N 0.613 T.ombard streot, west of Fifth street.—Pursuant to an 'f)rilcroftboOrphans’OourtforthoG|ty and County of •Philadelphia, will lie Bold, at publlc-Balo. on Tuesday, May 17th, IWO, at 12 o’clock, noon, at tho Philadelphia ipxehsngo, the following described property, lato of Jos. Is Do BtTnnovlllo. deceased, viz.: *Alf that three-s-orv brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on. tlie north mldoof Lombard street, between Fifth and Sixth streets, -Btroot, l6 .feet, : Bn iy e thoC J ourt! P d -°.- ‘jOSEPIi siEGART, Clork o_, O.; I: By T. , M. THOMAS ft SONS, Auctioneers, 1 ‘ap23 my7l4 ‘139 and 141 South Fourth street. SATjE.—THOMAS & SONS, ' ftiid- 1 vttluaVlo Hot. corners of> Walnut., und Oopo , eft-oat, ,bo-i 'firuVn - iTwentvjthlril. and Twdnty-roilrtU -uttsyts,; atTji “ct fnwum fttideepio Sunnom striot, On -rnoedaf, j0t1,.187J. nt ]!! n’olock»Duon, wl 1 lipflnld at ppbl(c : KatWmiMolpniefa*oliaa^ •'vnh'ubk* lot nl grt»uiiJ )^i‘W^ l o a t Drtrfior ! «*» eftf at ,JUi : !uuttu ap»!»mj’7 • A 1 13K'*iM 141'8oi}tU GourtlrttroM; . OAK H ALL • E NILAR Gt E D -L<mge expires Oc-' WAN AMAKER THEN' TO BE FULLV THROWN OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. WA N AMA RE R & BROWN, WANAMAKER & BROWN. TWICE ITS ; Former Size. A . High and a Basement, Full from Top to Bottom j with Men’s and . - | Boys’Weak-. i . ; jl ’ In vite (he C itizens of Philadelphia to a view of their NEW BUILDINGS, OAK HALL, ’KKIKCi 10,672 Square Fee 4HD >— ■ SIX STORIES HIGH, EEVOTED TO THE Manufacture and Sale READY-MADE CLOTHING; Suits, $1 Coats, Pants, and upvrnrd to tlie Finest and DlghestClf&ae of Elegant Spring A it * r © FRENCH HOWELL, FINN & CO., g. "W. Corner Ninth! and Chestnut Sts., Having mtde special arrangements with leading Frerioh manufacturers for the exclusive sale of their goods in the United States, we are now re ceiving Cretonne Paper?, with the Furniture Covering to match; Imita tions of Stamp Gobelins, Tapestries, Brocades, eto., toge ther with a large variety of low-priced Frenoh Papers-—all personal selections by on aofc ur firm at the rn a f! u J a^!, T ,eB J n Pari ®: And * e K ® ha h J be in receipt of all that is new in desjgn and pattern as they are brought out in France. ' .7": We give particular attention to our ■RETAIL DEPARTMENT, and send our Paper Hangers to any part of the country. '■■■■ I '■ :HOWELtj Sc CO. np2i tMlutliltS 3nd ofr-. ■MAY, MON DA i O iff SALIi MONDAY, MAY 2d, MON D AY, M AT Slid. PAPER HANGINGS. The Best, Cheapest, Largegt Jtock ofV Fine Ready-Made Clothing ever manufactured, n otv o ire red with fits for IMPROVED IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS. BROWN Beauty, Chca ncs»,our Goods Surpass all competition, and arc sure to command a s pccd 5' Sale. OAK HALL, LABOEST CIiOTHINCt AMERICA! HOUSE
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