NWT ITEM . —Tbe queition whether copiett ate of use in. a provincial museum .1 is iline often bandied, and the obvious answer is,: that every thing depends on the quality. of .:!the cbpy. - Nobody would deny that'Blgalon's .great study of the Sistine Last Jtidginentli of 'use to the. Nicole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, which ordered it. Nobody, inspecting the copy of one of Rem brandt's self-portraits, now at Earles' Galleries, eOuld 'doubt that repetitions of this: grade are . excellent nieans of giving outsiders ConceptlOb fif,:the ; The study is made with positively virile force, and has a great deal of the golden-gloom of Rembrandt.: An interesting , original. work is expesetl , near by, which no one would attribute to' the same Band,. though such is . the case. It :is: a: Mar guerite, a half-length figure the size of life. The : beginnings of a strong originality and high poetic taste are evident in this delicate and life 4e. figure. Behind, in shadow, leans the Ntropter. Marguerite,, disrobing, holds a mirror ith6entlY, her 'adolescent form s'i r iceusaizt , be- Leath the* tunic, while "her rich' attire creeps ilistling to her knees." The triviality of an elaborate fly on the mirror—which only sug btsts 111 r. Every body's fruit-pieces and bijou terie—would have been steered clear of by a More experienced artist, but it is a piece of girlish love of detail, too, and almost sup gists the butterfly on a Psyche.- The painter of the Rembrandt copy and of the Marguerite is Miss Anna M. Lee, a Philadelphia art-student now u Germany. --A meeting of the New Tork Museum of Art Association was held at the. Century Club, New 'York, on the evening of the Pith, Ex foiernor Morgan presiding. Two tickets for officers were presented, when a committee was appointed to draw up a third ticket, which presented the name of John Taylor Johnson for president. Nothing can be done until the net meeting; to be held on the 31st inst. —The current number of the Illustrated, :tendon News contains a portrait of James , Sint, elected a Royal Academician at the -last saeeting of the body.- TUE GERMAN TOY INDUSTRY. The correspondent of the New:York Evening Post says Dr. Kohl, of Bremen, whose name ,is well knoith to Americans, says :—" A merchant of Nuremberg presented me with a really remark able document—a catalogue of all kinds of children's toys in which his house dealt.. This catalogue was the most complicated list of wares that I have seen. It includes more than 12,00 articleS. Every species of wild and domestic animal, horses, cattle slieep, had its own number; every race of men, every nationality, every army, every species of arms, soldiers on foot and to horse, the ar tillerist, the lancer, hussar,. the Bavarian, Austrian and Prussian soldier, were all cata logtted. Each of these thousands and thou- Sand's of artieles had there its price; in more or leaS costly material, in larger or smaller form. •By every number there was a short Atscription,of the article ; everything was so arranged that the foreign toy dealer had only to mention the number in the catalogue to the wholesale dealer in Nuremberg to procure • just the article that he wanted.. There , are houses making a profit of five to six thousand guldens yearly in children's KJ:tick-Knacks, Noah's arks, &c. These dealers need, how ever; great discretion and „ jinlginent. The most of these wares come from Sonneberg, in the Thuringian Forest, and many from the "Erzgebirge." • The cheapness of the Sonneberg toys is something incredible ; 1,000 slate-peneils cost there only from 12 to IS silVer groschens (27 to 43 cents), and 360 unpainted children's trumpets 25 Sillier groschens (60 cents). This cheapness would not be possible without the minutest division of labor, the first workman merely preparing the piece of , wood, the next giving it the rough form, and the next com pleting it. The packers are again a class of people to themselves ; they can pack a Noah's ark with the greatest skill in a relatively small boi ; in such a space, indeed, that it is diffi cult for any one to put the animals again into their home' when once out. • • The worluwen soon acquire an almOst tabu ' 'lons skill rand, rapidity, otherwise the cheap • prices would•not be possible. Besides, every member of the family, men, women and chil dr,en, must aid. •• Though the work of each family may appear small, the production of the Whole district is very large. There are in Son neberg twenty-six wholesale toy-dealers; and single firms of these have a yearly business of over half a million thalers! The traveling agents of Sonneberg toy-firms carry with them a book of samples specifying 16,009 different articles. An enormous amount of• wood is consumed. The Meiningeu forests furnish 5,000 cords of pine wood, at 100 cubic feet per -cord .yearly. .or.. the, .making.of . 4,080 dozens of little wooden post-horns only 126 cubic feet of wood are required, and this ' may allow of an inference as to the immense number of toys sent out every year into the - Of late years there :has been a greater demand for articles of taste, and it became ne cessary for the Sohneberg people to see after improving their standard. The Oberland Art andlrade Union, as well as the hereditary prince,• therefore, lend the . manufacturers modeoys; and the government has estab lished two institutes „for' giving instruction in irawing and modeling to the children of poor parents, who have talent and desire to devote themselves to the plastic arts. The lessening of the forests and the increasing competition of other cities have of late years compelled the introduction of wood-working Machinery in stead of the ancient handwork. By the old methods only the best parts of the tree could lie used up, but the machinery uses up nearly every twig. LITER RI. The London Athena - u) appeared on the Ist of January under new a pices, Mr. Hepworth Dixon having been su ceded in the editorial chair by Dr. Doran. "be body of the paper is printed in larger type than heretofore, and the leading columns are henceforward to be riven up to literary essays, in place of the elaborate review that has always appeared in them. The nickname given to this journal by Lord Lytton, of Assinevm, may cease to be apt' under' the new regime, but such soubri= quets like Thackeray's Supedlne Reeiew, baye a tendency to endure. We receive Childs's Publishers' Circular for January 15th,with the usual entertaining news of literature and foreign letters. According to this. periedieal the-total number of new books and new editions issued during the year 1809 was 4,500. This represents the growth of the Library of the British Museum by act of Parliament, exclusive of purchases and bequests, each pub lisher being required to deposit a copy of every new hook and new edition issued from his house m that library befere copyright will be awarded hint. Or the 1,500, theology claims wore than 1,000, While 101 are novels. For the rest there are 500 works for ,children, 28S hooks of travel, 202 biographies Or. histories, JtiO medical treatises, 142 laiv hooks, and 2'74 works under the class of "poetry and drama." It Is curious as illitstrating the connection be tween reading and the tirCsi4 that the num ber of hooks published increased from 249 in September to 522 in October, 1111 in Novem ber,' reaching the largest figure or in De eexnber. This. latter activity in the tr 4de is due in some Measure to the. CluiAtnas publica- IdOns: • -- . l.lelen Faucit took her farewell of the E,l Inburgh r,tagre lately in the character of line The ;,tpplitilso was most enthusiastic. HARDWARE, &C. BUILDING AND HOUSEKEEPING'` II ARDWk E , Madilnisto- . `-earponters'• and , tither , Me-. 'olianics''Toolo , Hinges, Screws: Locks, naives and Forks, Spoons, Coffee Hills, fie., fitockh and Dies. Plug and Taper Taps, Universal and Scroll Chucks, Plants in great variety. All.to be, hadat tue Lowest, Possible Prices , . At the"' CHEAP-FOR-CASE! Hard ware Store of ~ - ' ' ' J. B. SHANNON, ...... No . -100 9 -Market -Street.. deB-tf .._.z.: •,--:_ - :7_.. - .:. -_-: (LOFTS OF RAED W.A.R.E. • : . 1 ILA Table Cutlery,, with ivory, ivoryide, robber and other,bandles, end.plated blades ; Children'iKtilves and forks, Pocket, !Knives, Scissor Hatchets, Razors, tiny ticket Knives, Scissors,l3azors, Pinders, Sic:, for charms ; Boxes mid Chests of Tools; from $1 to s7b; Patent Tool Handles (twenty tiliiiiaturo tools in there); Boys', Ladies' and. Gents Skates;.Clothes Wringers ( they'll save their cost in clothing and time); Carpet Sweepers Furniture Lifters, sets or Parlor and Field Croquet. miniature Garden Tools, Carpet Stretch. ers, Plated Spoons, Forks and Nut Picks, Spice and Cake Boxes, Tea Bells and • Spring Call Belle, , Nut Crackers, Tea Trays and Waiters, Patent Ash Sifters um) , for themselves. in coal . saved);• Carved Walnut Brackets, Gentlemen s Blacking Stools, Boys' Sleds, Ap ple Parers, and Cherry Stoning Machines, Patent Nut meg Craters, and a general variety of useful Housekeep in_g Hardware: Cutlry, Tools; ,keitit TRUMAN & SHAW'S, N 0.835 t Eight Thirty-five) 'Market street, be , low Ninth. Philadel Chia. . . . FINE AitTl Established 1795. A. S. ROBINSON" FRENCH PLATE LOOKING GLASSES Beautiful Chromes, ENGRAIIIOS r AN;D i PAIN TINGS, l id Looking-Glass, Pic ture eFrames. 910 CHESTNUT STREET. Fifth Door above the Continental, PHILADELPHIA. CORSETS. RATET. 0 0 R'S E T S TOURNURES, ' PANIERS. 112 S. Eleventh St. 'OCKET BOOKS, &C. ' C. F. RUMPP, 1161:118 N. 4th 81 PEEILADA. Manufacturer and Importer of POCKET-BOOKS re"' 7h. 1 0 .t• 44' u 0 Ladies' & Gents' Satchels and Towelling Bags, In all styles. Rosewood Fancy and Mahogany riting. LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS for the City and county of Philadelphia.—ln the matter of the petition of ROBERT LINDSAY, Tru.deo for ELIZABETH L. PRYOR, for an order authorizing the Recorder of Deeds to enter satisfaction upon the record of a.ci rtain mortgage for &100. given by ELIJAH COPPER and ELIZABETH, his cite, to WILLIAM BINDER, dated July 11, 1816, and recorded at Philadel phia in Mortgage linok M. It., No. 3, page 314, Ac.,, on premises situate on the east side of Front street, between Green and Coates street. in the Eleventh Ward of said city, 18 feet front and shout 81 feet deep. Allfl now, January 8, 1870, it la ordered by,the. Court that the Sheriff shall giveoublic notice by publication, requiring the h dire and legal represmtatives said WILLIAM BINDER. deceased, and all persons inter ested, to appear in Court on SATURDAY, the 12th day of February, 1870, at H o'clock A. H., to show. cause why the 011.3 er of said petition ahould not be granted. PETER LYLE, Sheriff. Stiklitry's OFFICE, Jan. 8, 1870. • ja3 sot` 1N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE 1 City and County of Pbiladelphia.—Estate of MARIA SCHIVEL Y. dec'd.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the first and final ac count of GEORGE S. SCIIIVELY-Executor of the last will and testament' of MARIA SCH UV ELY, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, on MONDAY, the• 31st of January, A. D. 1870, at 4 o'clock P, 31.: at his office, No. 271 South Fifth street, in the City of Philadelphia. jalB w f m 5t JOSEPH A. CLAY, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE .L City and County of Philadelphia.—Estato of PAUL C. BURDSALL, doceaseil.—Netice is hereby given that ANNA MARY BURDSALL, widow of said deceased. has filed In said Com t her petition, for the allowance of three hundred dollars in cash, which silo elects to retain out. of said estate under the Act of Assembly of April 14, 1851, and Its supplement, and that the same will be approved and allowed by the Court on SATURDAY, January 1870, unless exceptions bellied thereto. „ 'loBtu th4t* A. LEWIS SMITH, Attorney for widow. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE City and County of Philadelphia.—Estate of SARAH E. SN YDER, deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of THEO DORE ARBETT, Administrator of SARAH E. SNY DER, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, on TUESDAY, January '2sth, 1870, at 4 o'clock, P: AL ,at his office, S. E. corner Sistlit anti Locust streets, in the city of Philadelphia. . jal4-f m wst§ C. CATHCART TAYLOR, Auditor. 1 N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE City end County of Philadelphia —Estate of A. T. HEINS, dereased.—Notice is hereby given that DULY VEINS. widow of the said decedent, has tiled in the said Court her petition and appraisement of the per sonal property of the said dectment, elected to be re -wined he her under the act of Assembly. of April 14th, 1811, anti its supplements. and that the same will be ap proved I.y the Court on SAT URDA.Y, January 28, 184, 1111iOn8 exceptions I.e filed thereto. W. W . .11,7 Y Fl lc A I. Attorney for Widow. inn tu,th it" N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE Oit', and — County of Dbiladelphia.—Estate of E SAMUL MUSTER, deceased.—The Auditor appointed count Court to audit, settle and adjust the Trustee ac cf JOHN 11. BRINOHURST, Esq., Trustee to make sale in partition of the real estate of SAMUEL TElt-ITER, deceased, and to report distribution of the Wan 'e in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, on MONDAI , January 24th, A. D. 1570, at 3 o'clock, P. 31., at his office, No. 128 South Sixth street, iu the city of Philadelphia, JOHN C. REDHEFFER.. jal4 f m wits Auditor. IN THE COMMON PLEAS COURT FOR the City and County of Philathilphia:—Estate of ALLEN J. BURRS, a aoi b he Cou Lunatic,audt d e s c e e t a tlsee.d .—dT h a e d Auditor fi pp t anddfinaltacounrtofoCATHAßlNEanUßßjSsComm mittee of the person Owl estate of ALLEN J. iICHIN, a lunatic. deceased, and to report the balance in the halide of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, on TUESDAY, January A. D. 1870. at 3 o'clock P. M., at his office, 128 South Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. JOHN C. REDHEFFER, Auditor: TN TEE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE IN City and County of Philadelphia.—Estate of THOMAS O. WEBB, .deceased,—The Auditor pointed by the Court to audit. settle sund adjust the ac count of WILLIAM ERNST, Executor of last twill and teFtament of 'rtIOMAS 0. WEBB, deceased, and to report dhitribut ion: of the balance in the Lunde of the accountant, will meet the parties inhrrested, for the purpose of 'lib appointment. on THURSDAY, Jan uary 27th. 1070, at 3% o'clock 'P. M . at his Wilco, No. IZS South Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. JAMES W. LATTAito, Audr. jal3lll s tust* STATE OF MARGARETTA LATTA, deceased.—Lett ,, rs of admihistration having beau granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having (lithos to present them to JAIIIES W. LAT PA, Administrator, It o. 128 S. Sixth street. de3o th 6L* N THE ORPHANS' COURT. FOR TETE City and County of iradelphia.—Estate of NA THAN BROWN, dcc'il.—Tl e Auditor appointod by the Court to audit ,sett le und'ailjtirit the that and final account of THOMAS. BROWN and J A MRS IRWIN, Executors el Estate of ATHA N BROWN, deceased. and to re port distribution of the balance in the hands of the or erribit tad, will meet theparties Interested for the porposo of hit appointment, on - TUESDAY, January, 22, It7o, ut 331 o'clock I'. 81., at his office, No. 128 South Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. JAMES W. LATTA, Auditor. ja1341141.th-Gt* ESTATE OF LEWIS WALTON, DE ceased.—Letters teotamontory having boon .grontod to the undersigned, all persons haVillg claims against the estate aro requested 10 present them, and those owing to make pa yroont JOHN W UNDER 1145 Bunto ot r o et. Exe n cutor. roet. ROBERT INGRAM, 4J Walnut fared. Or hio Attorney, jitir, 4 ING BULLETIN — PEILADEi pm A.' P,, , S I )AY, JAtc VARY 20, 1870. . , NIOTIC.EI 'is HEREBY.. GIVEN .1. 1 1 the !limited partnership heretofore Wilting, be tween 'Richard D. Josiah Dion, Be*PITT V. irt sK sh,Lowis mayward, Henry ndersOn, Menem AV offhand Sarum P Godwin i-nuder hell 7 lof Wood, feral, HayNvaid k, Co., terMlel,ateli4is da its own . -The huffiness will be settlOd. at 1 30t1 . Market Streets PntbAnEt , rniA , December 31541889.‘ L'Ali' TED PARTN.EESI4O,—THE SUB scribers hereby give notide that 'they have entertfl 'into a limited partnership, agreeably to the laws of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnership. That the mune_or firm under which said partnership is to be conducted is WOOD, MARSH, lift I'N,V ARO k 1.10. That the general nature of the biainese intended ,to be transacted is the Dry Goods and flotloilehbtug nePe. That th names of all tho general and speeild part nered ntere'ted th , rein are Illmjamin V. Marsh, residing en West Walnut Labe, Germantown," Partner; Lewis W. riven), residing at Hp. 243 South Eighth street; Gent; Pittner ; silty 41 erul4bsen, residing on._ Chew street, terbriantown . , l General `-Partner ; filch kill • Wood, residing at N 0.1121 Arch stree4General Partner ; Simnel P. Godwin,' reeidinat No. 913-Pine street, neral Partner and Josiah Bacon, , residing at No. 467 Mitrehnil street, Boccie" Partner •' ' -Tilsit the amount of capital eentributed by the apedal partner, Bacon, to, the counnori , etock, is fi fty thousand That ' 'period At which said partnershin'iite Com mence is the3lst flay of , December, A. D. 1869, and the ' period. at tvbieli terminate is the 31st day of De cember, A. D., 1870.. , • . JOSIAH BACON," • . _ ,•, . Special Partner. DINJAITIbI V: MARSH, LEWIS 'W HAYWARD, • • 'll ENRY HENDERSON, RICHARD WOOD, • • SAMUEL P. GODWIN, jal 36t§ General, Partnere. RENEWAL AND .CONTINUAN OE OF LI:MITED PARTNE7SIII , subscribers hereby give notice 'that the h ire renewed and con tinued the Limited Partner/ill p agreed upon and entered into by them on the thirty:first day 'of December, A. D. 1166, and which will expire on tho thirty•first ay of Dec e mber, A. 1889. recorded In the office for recording &tale, Ac., for the city and county 'Of Philadelphia, in Book L. P. T. H., No. I, page 60i5, under the provisions of the acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania to such eases made and provided; said renewed and continned partnership being made without modifica tion or alteration of the terms and conditions of said original limited partnership, except as to the residence of one of the general ners, TIP /31 AS G. ELSE, who has removed to No. 1428 North Fifteenth street, in tho city of Philadelphia—as follows: First—The name of the firm under which said con tinued and renewed partnership shall be conducted is SHULTZ kELSE. • Seand—The general nature of the business intended to be trat eacted is that of buying and selling Boots and Shoes ; said business to he carried on in the city of Philadelphia. Third—TlionatneB of the general partnere are; WAL TER F. SHULTZ. who resides at No. 2137 Green street, in the , city of Philadelphia, And THOMAS C. ELSE, who resides at .No. 1428 !North Fifteenth street, in the city of Philedelphia ; and the . name of the special partner is HIRAM BROOKE, who resides at the Union Hotel, No. 319 Arch street, in the city of Philadelphia. FourM--,_ The amount of capital which said special part ner, HIRAM BROOKE, originally contributed to the :opinion stock of said partnership ~was ten thousand dollars( 10.000 . 1, paid in cash, no part whereof has been paid to or withdrawn by said special partner, HIRAM BROOKE. but the came still remains undiminished as parr of the comfier, stock of said partnership, in the possession of said general partners. Fifth—Said renewed and cautioned partnership is to commence on the thirty-first flay of December, A. D. 1869, find is to terminate on the thirty-first day of December, A. D. 1872. W ALTER-P. SHULTZ, THOMAS C. ELSE, General Partners. HIRAM BROOKE, • Special Partner. MED LIMITED PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. The undersigned . have formed a Limited Partner ship, in accordance with the laws of the State of Penn sylvania, on the following terms : The name of the firth is FRANK & STRETCH. The general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the wholesale Queenswaro business, to be carried on iu the city of Philadelphia. The General. Partners are SOLOMON FRANK, residing at No. 550 North Six teenth street. in said city, and CHARLES B.STRETCH, residing at No. 1103 Jefferson street, iii said city' and the Special Partner is ISRAEL H. WALTER, residing at No. 802 Marshall street, in said city. The amount of capital contributed by the said Special Partner. ISILAF.L 11. WALT-ER, to the common stock of said firm,is Twenty Thousand Dollars,in goods and merchan dise, duly appraised by William Plows. au appraiser ap pointed by the Court of Common Plead for the city-and county of Philadelphia for that purpaso, which appraise ment so made, showing the nature and value of said goods and merchandise, has been duly recorded` in the office of the Recorder of Dee,l4 for said city and county. The Partnership is to conience on the first' day of January, A. D. 1870, and terminate on the thirty-first day of December A. D. 1872. SOLOMON' FRANK. General Partner. CHARLES 13. STRETCH. ' . General Partner. ISRAEL H. i R WAL TD Specal Partner. OTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. _LI —The subscribers have this day formed a limited partnership, according to the provisions of the act of Assembly of March 2418.M.entitled" An act relative to liMited partnerships." and its several supplements, the terms of which are as follows : 1. The name of the firm under which Said partnership shall be conducted is JAMES M. VANCE & CO. 2. The general nature of the, business Intended to be transacted is the business 'of buying and selling Hard ware. 3. Tho.only General Partners are JAMES M. VANCE, residing at No. 11129 Girard avenue, in the city of Phila delphia, and WILLIAM C. PETERS, residing at No. Word street. in said city ; and the only Special Part ner is HENRY D. LANDIS, residing at Chestnut Hill, blintgoinery county, State of Pennsylvania. 4. The amount of capital contributed to the common stock by said Special Partner is t5r0,000 in cash. 6. The period nt which said partnership is to commence is the first day of J anuary.ls7o, and the period at which it will terminate is the 3let day of Dec ST VANCE 1870. JAMES. WILLIAM C. PETERS, General Partners. HENRY D. LANDIS, Special Partner. jal-s6t§ ILADELPITIL, Dec. 31.1869 LIMITED P4RTNERSHIP. The subscribers hereby give notice that they, have entered into a limited partnership, under the provisions of the tinac Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania such cases made and provided, upon the fol lowing terms : First—The name of the firm under which said partner ship shall be conducted is EDWIN L. MINTZER, J. Second—The general nature of the business intended to be transacted is that of Foreign and Domestic Fruit and Produce business, said business to be carried on in the city of Philadelphia. Third—The name of the general partner is EDWIN L. MINTZER, Jn., who resides at No. 261 South Third street, in the city of Philadelphia and the name of the special partner is HARDING WILLIAMS, who resides at No. UO5 North Tenth street, in the city of Philadel phia. Fourth—The amount of capital contributed by tbe said special partner, HARDING WILLIADIS, to the common stock of said firm, is ten thousand dollars (.110, 000) in goods and merchandise, duly appraised by ILLIAId H. DUNLAP, an appraiser appointed by the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Philadelphia for said purpose, which said appraisement, so made, allowing the nature and value thereof, hail been duly filed in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for the city and county of Philadelphia. Fifth—Said partnership is to commence on the Bth day of December, 1869, and is to terminate on the Bth day of December, 1871 EDWIN L. MINTZER, Jitos "Gelleral Partner HARDING WILLIAMS, Special Partner den 36t§ COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDER , - SIGNED have thisday formed Copartnership for sale and shipment of Coal, Under, the firmer REPPLIER, GORDON & CO., at No. GEORGEtreet. S. REPPLIER, • N. P. GORDON, H. P. REPPLIEIL PHILADELPHIA, January 1, 1870. DISSOLUTION. THE COPARTNER SHIP-- heretofore existing under firms of CALD WELL, GORDON & CO..at Philadelphia mei New York, and oIIIALL, CALDWELL & CO., at Boston, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either party will sign in liQuidation. S. G A AL H D A NVELL, JR., . A. LL, N. P. GORDON, S. B. YOUNG. PHILADELPHIA, December 81,1180. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED .1 a Copartnership under the style of HALL, BULK LEY & CO., and will continue the Coal hioduess at No. 144 State street, Boston, and 112 Walnut street. Philadel phia. F. A. HALL, E. R. BULK LEY January 1,1870. jai-lot" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT under the tends of the articles of Copartnership of FITLER, WEAVER & COMPANY, of the city of dPhiladelphia , lllHnutacturers hf Rope and Cordaqe, the Interest of MICOAEL WEAVER. in said firm will ter minate, as will also said copartnership, upon and after the first day of January, We. EDWIN 11, EIMER. THE UNDERSIGNED GIVE NOTICE that they have this day formed a Copartnership under the firm of EDWIN 11. FIVER & COMPANY , and will conduct their business as „manufacturers of Rope and Cordage' tit the bld stand ;Nos. 23 North Wa ter street and =Worth Delaware avenue, Philadelphia. EDWIN 11. FITLER • CONRAD F. CLOTHIE . III . jaltmi H to th 9t9 January 1, 1870 rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED a Copartnership under the firm name of GRA.EFF, it OT HERM EL & for the purposo of earryina on the W boleti:do Coul Business, to date from January. Ist, IS7O • JOHN E. GRAEFF, SAMUEL 11. ROTHERMEL, LEVI MILLER. DANIEL. R. MILLER, JlB Waluut streut, rhihkthilphia 76 Trinity Building. New York.' IS Dime et reA,M,Hton. lIMIE FIRM OF WILMER, C ANN Ef..L & _l_ CO. is this flay aissolved by mutual convent. The business of the firm will ho settled by the late partuaiss. at 242 Chestnut street. J. RINGGOLD WILIER. 8. \V. CANNEL', JOHN EARDNER rIIII.ADELP3ITA, Dec. 31,161,0 GAS FIXTURVS. GAB FIXTURES.MISKEY, MTERBILL -- & THAOKABA, No. 718 Chestnut street, manufac turers of Gas Fixturem, Lampe, &c., dn., would cpil the Attention of the public to their large . and elegant assort ment of One Chandeliers Pendants, Bracket°, &o, They also introduce gee pipes into dwellings and public build tngn, and attend to extending, altering and repairitis gall pipes, All work warranted; PHILADELPHIA ~; rilittSl l , SAFE` 10EirOSIT AND INSURANCE COMPANY. Chartered by the Legislature of Pennsyl• vanla, April, 1869. Capital, 6500,000 Established for the Execution of Trusts, lExeentorSitiliti v EtOt the, Sofa Keeping.. of ltilftitibles, rind the Renting of Small Sates in its Iturgior•Proof 'Vaults in the Grautt4l , Fire. Prtnd'..: !Minding: , 'lir the .PittiOdel pine National llttnit,Chestnut Street. - - This institution is now open for the transac tion of business, and ,the Cpnipany is in readi neAs to receive SpEcrALDtrosurs for the BArB , KEEPING of GoVERIsDIENT Deices and other SECURITIES, SILVER and GOLD PLATE, JEW EL-nvotud other, pciftablo , VALUAttLES, under st'ecialquaranty, at, Xates• .similar to those v charged i other SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANIES in the principal cities of the United States, and to RENT SMALL SAFES inside its BUR GLAR-PROOF Vaults at rates : varying from $lO to S'itis'per year, according to size and loOation. These Vaults aro well - lighted and ventilated, of enormous strength, and no effort or expense has been spared in their construction to ren der them ABSOLUTELY BURGLAR-PROOF. Watchmen of undoubted character, vigilance and inteliigence• wilt be on duty day and night (Sundays and holidays included) inside and outside of the premises • and every conceivable precaution has been adopted in the internal arrangements to preclude the possibility of stealthy or sudden theft. Nothing has been omitted-to provide for the convenience and most perfect attainable security' of Depositors and Renters, and afford absolute SAFETY against FIRE, THEFT, BURGLARY and Ewer- DENT ; the means for which as adopted by the Company aro not, it is believed, excelled in the country. , • • „ Er All fiduciary Obligations,. such 'as TruSts,Guardianships, Eiecutorshiph, etcetera, will be undertaken' and faithfully discharged. lam" Coupons, Interest and other Income will be collected when desired, and remitted to the owner 'for a small commission. 11:7 - Suitable accommodations are provided for the convenience of ladies. ' Cr Circulars, giving full details, forwarded on application. Wee Hours : 9 o'clock A. M. to 4 o'clock P.M. DIRECTORS: THOMAS ROBINS, LEWIS R. ASHHURST J. LIVINGSTON ERRINGER, R. P McCULLAGH, EDWIN M. LEWIS, JAMES L. CLAGHORN, BENJAMIN B. COMEGYS, AUG USTUS HEATON, F. RATCHFORD STARR, DANIEL HADDOCK, JR., EDWARD Y. TOWNSEND, JOHN D. TAYLOR, HON. WM. A. PORTER. OFFICERS: President, LEWIS R. ASHHURST. Vice-President, J. LIVINGSTON ERRINGER. Secretary and Treasurer, ROBERT P. MoCULLAGH. Solicitor, RICHARD L ASHHURST. nlstuth 9t6 SECURITY AGAINST LOSS BURGLARY, FIRE OIL ACCIDENT. THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY IN THEIR New Fire and Burglar-Proof Building, Nos. 329 and 331 Chestnut Street THE FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. Capital, DIRECTORS. N. B. Browne, Edward W. Clark, Clarence H. Clark, Alexander Henry, John Welsh, Btephen A. Caldwell, Charles Macalester, C G Ge , orge F. Tyler, Henry'. ib t3Olll. President—N. B. BROWNE. Vito President—CLAßENCE H. CLARK. Secretary and Treasurer—ROßEßT PATTERSON Assistant Secretary—JAMES W. HAZLEHURBT. - The. Company.. have provided, in their new Building and Vaults, absolute security against loss by EIRE, BURGLARY or ACCIDENT, and BEOEIVE , SECURITIES AND VALUABLES ON DE POSIT, UNDER GUARANTEE. Upon the following rates for ono year or less period: Government and all other Coupon Se- . entities, or, those transferable by de livery $1 00 per $l,OOO Government and all other Securities registered and negotiable only by in dorsement &I per /1,000 Gold Coln er Bullion • $1 25 per 1,000 Silver Coin or Bullion $2 00 per 1,000 Silver or Gold Plate, under seal, on'owa- or's estimate of value, and rate subject to adjustment for bulk 31 00 per $lOO Jewelry, Diamonds, Ste - $2 00 per $1,090 Deeds, Mortgages and Valuable Papers generally, when of no fixed value,sl a year each, or according to bulk. These latter, when deposited in tin boxes, are charged according to bulk, upon a basis of lYi feet cubic capa city, $lO a year. Coupons skin] Interest will be collected when desired, and remitted to the owners, for one per cent. The Company offer for RENT, the lessee exclusively holding the key, SAFES INSIDE ME BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS, At rates varying fromilJsdi t o to o $75 e ach per annum, am corraz • Deponita of looney received, on which interest will be allowed :-3 per coot. on Coll deposits, payable by Check at sight, awl 4 ir cent. on Time do- posits, payable on ta ten days' notice, • Travolera• Lettere of Credit f Euro p urnigh e. d, available fa a par' This Company is leo authorized to act as Executors, Administrators and uftrclians, to receive and execute Trusts of every description from the Courts, corpora tions or Individuals. N. B. nuownrE, • President. ROBERT PATTERSON, Beeratary and Treasurer n024-w th t 2171 , BUSINESS CARDS., Established 1821. WM, G. FLANAGAN & SON, HOUSE AND SILEIP• PLUMBERS, No. 129 Walnut Street. iyny§ JAMES A. WRINUT, TIioRNTON PIKE, CLEMENT A. ORM. • cam, THEODORE WRIGHT, FRANK L. NBALL. PETER 1 ,4 RIGHT ISt SONS, Importers oanf e d arthenware • f3hipping. and OommlHsion Merchante,. o. 115 Walnut street, Philadelphia. EB. WIGHT, .ATTONNEY-AT-LAW Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Pennsylvania in ' Illinois. 90 Madison street, No. 11, Chicago, Illinois. atil9tf4 COTTON width, from 22 inches to 76 inches Wide, a'A numbers Tent and Awning Duck, Paper-maker's Felting t Sail Twine, Ac. JOHN W. NVERMAN, ja26 No. 103 Church street, City Stores._ COAL AND WOOD. 5. MASON limns. JOHN B. eHrAVV, quilt UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTEN. tion to theft , otock of Spring Mountain, Lehigh and "Locust Mountain Coal, which, with the ipreparationgiven by us, we think can not be excelled by any other Cloal. _ Mee, Franklin Institute Sal din Soil' EL Eleventh m ee t. ssiN S IikIAFF. $lO-11' strOt barf, fioltuylMll. D.' C. WIIARTON SMITR & CO. DANILSDS AND DIIORDES, No. 121 S THIRD STREET. - • ,ivOUESSUBB TO SMITH; RANDOLPH & CO: . •• Every department of Banking briefness shall receive prompt attention; as heretofore. Quotations 'of Rocks, Gold and Governments constantly received from our friends, E. D. RANDOLPH tt CO., New York, by our MI/ATE WIRE. )ab-ly BANKING HOUSE JAYCIS &Os 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. We will receive applications for Policies of Life Insurance in the new National Life In surance Company of the United States. Fail information given at our office. SEVEN PER CENT. INTEREST Payable May and November in New York and London, FIRST MORTGAGE CONVERTIBLE - SINKING FEND BONDS AT 95, ISSUED EY THE Burlington, Cedar Rapids. and Minne Yielding about 10 percent. currency ; principal Mir years to run, payable in gold. Secured by the railroad, branches, depot grounds, rolling stock, equipment and franchises of the company. • These bonds are only issued upon each section of the road Rifest as the same is completed and in successful operation. Two and a half millions of dollars have been expended on this road. Eighty-three miles! arc nearly completed and equipped, and already show largo earn ings, and the remainder of the line is rapidly progressing in construction. This Loan has been selected by our firm after a thor ' ongh and careful investigation, consequently we have no hesitation in recommending it to our friends as a perfectly safe, profitable and iirst•clase security. Our opinion is fully confirmed by the following strong letter from the experienced and eminently successful ma of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company : ' PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. PREIIDENT '8 OVFICE. PHILADELPHIA, Slay 114:1. Messrs. HENRY CLEWiii k C0.,..1.1 Wall street. Gentlemen : In answer to your request of the 7th tilt., for our opinion u to the condition and prospects of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Minnesota Railway, the character of the country through which it passes, and the probable success of the enterprise, we would state, that before accepting the trust imposed upon tie by the , First Mortgage Bonds of this Company, we had fully satisfied ourselves as to the practicability of the outer prieo. The Road itartsat one of the most flourishing cities on the Northern Mississippi river, Itiffi runs in a North westerly direction uptho great rich Cedar Valley, con necting at prominent points along the lino with six dif ferent Railroads, now in active operation, nearly all of which must be, more or less, tributary or feeders to this Rood. This enteiprise is destined to become, in connection with others now in operation or being constructed, one of the great trunk lines from Lake Superior, via bt. Paul, Cedar Rapids • and Burlington, to St. Louis, and to the Bast, over the Toledo, Peoria, and Warsaw, and the Pennsylvania Railroads. which we present. But aside from this, the populous condition of the country along the lino of this road, its great productive ness and wealth, give sufficient guaranty of a good local business, which, for any road, is the best reliance . • 61,000,000 EINANCI IN GOLD. Free of Government Tax. sota Railroad Company. or success. A good index of the prosperity and wealth of the country through which this road passes May be found in the fact that the Company report overa mil lion and a Quarter dollars subscribed and expended by individuals residing along the line in noshing on one hundred and sixty miles of the work, and it also a efrong proof of the local opularity and necessit for the road. Yours respectfully, J . EDGAR TIMMSON, President of the reuu'alt. R. Co. Trustees . CRARLICS L. FROST, Pres't Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw It. R. Co. As an evidence or the resources and immense traffic of the section of country through which this road runs we present the following OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF THE SL•BI'LUS AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS SHIPPED BROX THE STATE OF lOWA by the different railroads therein, dozing the year ending April 30, 1849,just. issued by the ecretary of State Number of horses, Nmober of-cattle. N umber of hogs. Number of sheep 62,733 Dressed hogs, lbs 13,418,776 Lard end pork, lbs 7,682,579 Wool, lbs 2,856,196 Wheat, 9,196,649 Corn, bushels 2,210,303 Other grains, lbs .35,478451 Other grains, bushels 1,808,017 Other arrlcultural products, ILS 27,608.707 Flour, and other agricultural products, lbs 324,703 Animal products not otherwise specified, lbs 10,983,110 The preceding official statement is made up almost ex clusively of the shipments Eastward. and does not in clude the amount of Produce shipped Eastward from Dubuque or McGregor; which would swell the totals materially. If the shipments Westward by the railroads were given, they would Smell immensely this surprising exhibit of surplus products. THIS ROAD ALSO RUNS THROUGH THE RICH AND GROWING STATE OF MINNESOTA. Refer ence to the map of the United States will show that THIS ROAD PASSES THROUGH TILE MOST EN• TERPRISING AND GROWING PORTION OF TILE WEST, AND FORMS ONE OF THE GREAT TRUNK LINES IN DIRECT COMMUNICATION WITH NEW YORK; CHICAGO and ST: LOUIS, being to the latter city 90 miles nearer from Northern lowa, and all port ious of the State of Minnesota, than by any other rbad now built or projected, and also the nearest route Iron% !entre! sad Southern lowa. I This road is• required by. the wants of that section where it large and increasing traffic is waiting for It, and needs railroad communication. THE. B UYER OF 24LESE BONDS IS THEREFORE GUARAN TEED BY A GREAT BUSINESS ALREADY IN 016TENCZ7AND JIA - SNOT TO ...RUN-AN 1"--0E -911E CONTINGENCIES WHICH ALWAYS AT TEND UPON THE OPENING OF ROADS INTO NEW AND UNSETTLED COUNTRY. W offer theSe bonds for tilM present at 95 and accrued Mt, r. t. WE RECOMMEND THEM TO IN VESTORS AND OFFICERS OF FINANCIAL IN- S 3 Fi TIONS, WHO DESIRE TO CHANGE THEIR RIGH-PRICED INVESTMENTS FOR A S,ECURITY WHICH PRESENTS EVERY ELE MENT OF SAFETY, AND AT THE SAME TIME WEEDS A mum lEWHER RATE OF INTE REST.. Pamphlets and full particulars furnished by HENRY CLEWS & CO., 32 Wall Street, Financial Agents of the Company, BOWEN & FOX, 13 Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. )rf,4 24trp§ FIRST MORTGAGE SEVEN, PER CENT. GOLD BONDS OF THE Fredericksburg and Gordonsville Raihead Co.. of Virginia. Principal and Interest Payable In OW., ' These tends aro secured bye. First and Only Mortgage , on the entire real ostatm road, personal property, fran chise end rolling stock of the Company, given to the Farmers „ Loan and Trust Company of New York, Trustees. The row is 62 miles in longth„connecting Fredericks burg with Charlottesville by way of OrangeliCourt House, posing through a section of the Shenandoah Valley, the local - traffic of which, - alone, will support the roadovidle, as part of the great through lines to the Southwest and West, the satety .and security of the Oomputy 's BMW are placed boyend question and doubt, We offer a limited amount of these Bonds at 9A16 and interest from November 1, 111 currency. • Pamphlets, maps and Information furnished on appli cation to TANNER & CO., No. 49 WALL Street, New York. SAMUEL WORK, Aro. 25 S. TIFIlln Street, Philadelphia. de9 tf§ 5-20'S AND 1881'S Bought, Sold and Exchanged on most liberal terms. GOLD Bought and Sold at Market Bates COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC RA ROAD'BONDS liought and Bold. r r C IC, Si Bought and Sold on Commission Only. COLLECTIONS Made on all Aceefudble Point. &Do, t 40 South Third St., PHILADELPHIA. 'NEW - PUBLICAT lON AY SCHOOLS DESIRING THO to*t pubticottotot.seott to J. C. GA REIGUES CO,; at the S. S. Emporium, No. t.t.ts A rcb St., Mita. American .Sunday•Sohool Union'Es PERIODICALS, REV. , EICHAED NEW 703, D. D., EDiToR THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL WORLD . for Sonday•sthool Teachers, Bible classes, Parents, and all intorestrsi in the religious training of the Yonng• The volume for 15.70 will contain a new course of Ser mONDsERS. ons for Ch ' ildren anda , oew by t eerie, ot Lehe Edit on " NATURE:EI W" or, ssons on the "LIYE OF CHRIST," with notes and illustrations. It will also. during the year, CODWAII Editorial Cor respondence from abroad. It le published monthly, It pages quarto, at the low rate of FIFTY CENTO YES ANNUNI THE CHILD'S WORLD, a beautifully illustrated paper for.'children and youth, Published twice a month, at the low rate of ^..4 cents is copy, r annum, when ten copies or mere am sent to one address; and it can be bad monthly, complete as thus issued, at one half the above rates. Postage, in all cases, payable nt the office where received. This paper also will contain letters to the children from the Editor while abroad. err Catalogues of the Society's publications, and sam ple copies of its periodicals, furnished *reit:ll'oll4dr, on application at the Depository of the AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, 1122 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. jal tu th riot ZELL'S POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIA, A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Publisher, 17 and,lo South Sixth Street. no 3 w s ling •THILOSOPHY OF MAIIRLAGE.-A new course of Lectures, as delivered at the New c l irk Museum of Anatomy; embracing the subjects; How to Live and what to Live fur; Youth, Maturity and Old Ago; Manhood generally reviewed; the Cause of In digestion, Flatulence and Nervous Diseases accounted for; Marriage Philosophically Considered &c., go. Pocket volumes containing these Lectures will be for warded, post paid, on receipt of 36 cents, by addressing W. A. Leary, Jr., Southeast corner of Fifth and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. fen ly OOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS. 1115. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS, Commencing Saturday,'December 4, And will bo continued until January 1, 1870, with prices marked down to and below the wholesale gold priced,. affording an opportunity for unprecedented bargains In first-class HOOP SKIRTS and CORSETS for the time above stated ONLY. 15,000 Hoop Skirts for Ladies Misses and Children in 400 varieties of styles, size, quality and prices, from 1.5 c. to 8 2, many of them marked down to less than ons.third price . Over 10,008 Corsets, including 83 kinds and prices, such as Thomson's Glove fitting Oorsets, in live grades; Jas. Heckel's Superior' French Woven, in all qualities; R. Werly's, in four varieties; Mrs. bloody's Patent Self-ad usting 'Supporting Corsets; Madame Fey 's Corset and Skirt Supporters; Superior Hand-made Corsets, in all grades, bl hoes', Children's, &c. Together with our own make of Corsets, its great variety. All .w hich. will. be. MARKED DOWN TO PANIC PRICES. Call early, while the s k toc remains unbroken, as there can be no duplicates at the prices. At 1115 Chestnut Street. WM. T. HOPKINS. de6 Sin§ DRUGGISTS WILL FIND A LARGE stock of Allen's Medicinal Extracts and Oil Almonds, Bad. Mei. Opt., Citric Acid, Coze . 's Sparkling Gelatin, genuine Wedgwood Mortars..kc.,i net:landed trormbarlt Hoffnung, from London. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Wholesale Druggiste, N. E. corner, Fourth and Race streets. TARU GIISTS' SUNDRIES. GRAD 17- .1J atos, Mortar, Pill Tiles, Combs, Brusher r Mirrors, Tweezers, Puff Boxes,Horn Scoops, Surgical Instru ments, Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber Goods Vial Cases, Glass and Metal Syringes eze., all at '' First Rantb9"pricop, 13NOWDION & BROTHER, apfl-tf 2 3 South Eighth street. --- (IASTILE - SOAP—GENUINE AND VERY . superior—lhsl bozos just landed from bark Idea, and for sale by ROBERT SHOEMAKER Sc CO., Importing IDroggiabi, N. F. corner Fourth and Rpm) streets. 1115 DRUG'S; RELEEIKAPH 81111111 ANT. TuE lowa Senate has ratified the frifteenth Amendment. , Slinrous riots have occurred „ at •Ballanaz, in .Spain. PREHIDENT GRAST gave His second Stlte;. dinner yesterday. PRIM is accused by Prince .F,nrique de Bourbon of conspiring ' with the ex-Queen Isabella. A NUMIIER of Belgian Journals have been intercepted and seized by the French authori ties. • „ A Pima the corner of Hanover and Salmi' Streets,' in Boston, yesterday, destroyed.s7o,o9o worth of property,. THE latest adviceB from. Pembina confirm the report that the Sioux Indians had begun a movement upon the . Red River insurgents. THE Maryland Legislature has elected Mr. Merryman State Treasurer, he receiving 62 votes out of 111 cast. PRlNcri ARTHUR is expected to reach New York to-morrow, and to proceed to Washing ton on the following day. THE President yesterday nominated Jona than Emerson to be Postmaster at Smyrna, Delaware. ATTORNEYS have gone to Washington on be half of, the distillers at Newburg, New York, whose stocks were seized for violation of the revenue laws. GEN. (;ANnY yesterday directed James C. Taylor, Attorney-General elect of Virginia, to assume his office, Congress having removed his disabilities. A nua. was introduced in the New Jersey Legislature yesterday for the -construction of a railroad from Flemington to Point Pleasant, on the Delaware. THE Postmaster-General has arranged for shipment of mails from New York for Great Britaimon TUesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays of each week. GOVERNOR STErroisow's message to the West Virginia _Legislature, sent in yesterday, shims a favorable . condition, -financially and otherwise, of affairs in the State. The Gover ner recommends care for the interests of free schools, and invites immigration. Tot: annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of 'llasons,of N.J., was held yesterday in Trenton. The following. officers were elected: Robert Gyand . Master; William g. Pine, - reputy Grand Warden ; W. W. Goodwin, &- ler Grand Warden ; J. H. Patterson, Junior • rand Warden; William .It. Clapp. Grand teasurer ' • Joseph A. Hough, Grand Secre ty and William D, Ratan, Deputy Grand kretary. rirn New York State Canal Convention It at, Rochester yesterday. Resolutions were opted denouncing the present contract system fetnrairing canals, recommending immediate brovement, reduction of tolls against compe tltn, and requesting Congress to abolish the Image tax on canal boats. ESTERD.A.Y stonxiNG warrants were issued fore arrest of some thirty meichanti do:ug butess in the Thirty-second New York disict. who are charged with not paying the Spell tax levied upon their, business. War rantwere issued also for the arrest of twelve perms who have not paid the amount of theisicome•tax. This action was Ulcer' at the Ltance of Collector Bailey. Instrarst c05ivmai........8 04 , 05i n Session. Thilinited States - Senate yesterday, after the cle of our report, continued the consider ation tthe Virginia bill, and a vote was taken on themendment of Mr. Edmunds to require the inbsition of an oath upon State officers that tlr. are eligible under the Fourteenth amendrint, which was agreed to—yeas 45, flays lUss follows: Its-Messrs. Abbott, Anthony, I3oreman, Browalw, Buckingham, Cameron, Carpenter, Cattel; 'handler, Cole, Conkling, Corbett, Cragii, Crake, Edifilieds, Fenton, Gilbert, larlin, Harris. Howard. Howe, Mc- Donal!. 3orrill (Me.), 3forrill (Vt.), Morton, :Nye, edxru, Patterson, Pomeroy, Pratt. ILam scY, Ike Robertson, Sawyer, Schurz, Scott, he a, Spencer, Sumner, Thayer, Tipton, WarnetWilley and Wilson-45. NNYA-31essrs. Ba.yard, Casserly r - Davis, Ferry, Fwler, Hamilton, Kellogg, McCreery, . `NettOn, loss, Saulsbury, Stewart, Stockton, ThuimatTrunibull and Vickers-16. , Mr. Ny voted aye; and afterwards changed his vote, inarking that the Judiciary Com mittee hanleserted their ground and he fol lowed the example. . Mr. Edmunds then offered anamendtnent to add the words, "That the rst clause of this act shall take affect on Duch 1, 1870, and the residue th'eriof on is pas Sage." He said this amend- ' meat woulthrevent the admission of Senators and Repreentatives from Virginia into Cengress rail March Ist; that in the meantime thtaking of the oath required that - legislation staid be proteeded With and' the possibility of Legislature repealing its ratifi cation of tilt Fifteenth Amendment averted. Messrs. Conithg, Trumbull and Howard op posed•the amedment as inconsistent with the sprat of the lie, its etfect being to deny repre sentation for a.ime to a • State whose right to it was allirnted Another objection to it was. that as a remthl provision it implied the right of . Virginia to rconsider and reverse her ratifi cation of the Fifteenth Amendment. The amendment wa then withdrawn. No further action was take on the bill. In the Houseil Representatives the League Island-bill wenover at the expiration of the morning hour. 'Air. Schenck, from the Com mittee on Waysand Means, reported a joint resolution for titt• continuance of the income: tax, as follows: f"fhat whereas doubts have arisen and conOting deeisioris been made in the different deprtments of the Government in, regard to the construction of the laws re lating to tax on incomes, it is hereby declared to be the true innrit and meaning of the acts relating, to that übject that all persons are liable to the payment of their proper income tax accruing and la accrue for and daring and up to the end of tie year 1870, and that the assessment and collection of any such tax accruing in the yeir 1870, and remaining un paid on the Ist lay of January, 1871, may under, the existing provisions of law be made in the said last mentioned year." The resolu tion was adopted. The pension bill was passed. It appmpriates for army invalid pensions, $9,537,500; for Revolutionary pensions, $lO,- 680,562 ; for navy invalid pensions, $147,403 ; for navy pensions of widows, &c., 5334,475. Total, 530,900,000. Pennsylvania tegislaltare. ,the -Tenniylvania-Senate ; -yesterday i -Mn Connell introduced a bill authorizing turnpike,. canal and Plank-road companies to issue bonds and mortgagee, and to abandon portions of their lines; also, authorizing railroad compa nies to lease and become lessees with other railroads. Mr. Nagle, a bill forbidding Justices of the Peace from acting as attorneys-at-law. Mr. White, a bill extending the New Jersey law to elevate the medical profession (requir ing professors to be graduates) to Pennsylvania. Mr. Connell introdUced a bill enabling the :Philadelphia Library Company to act as trus tees under the will of Dr. Rusb,and to ask the Courts for such amendments as will enable them to do so. Referred to the Judiciary Com mittee. The senate bills incorporating the Women's Branch of the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and for the better scentity of buildings &Om tire in Philadelphia, passed. , In the House of Representatives a number of bills were introduced and referred;' among them one to restore .•.the spring elections,,re plying separate ba/lots, to be plat-rod in single eoelopes and 'numbered ; one to allow alraints before Aldermen, without regard to Amount of judgment, to be appealed to the Coirtrhon Pleas; one 'Authorizing the parties to any'notO, bend or single bill,'or their written obligation,', to lawfully contract, ..for .the payment of . any rate ot interest not exceeding • eight per cent; provided, that if no such rate is ',,speci fiectalk per eent' . ...;onfy shall be collected; and one repealing - the tretent law in relation to the appointment Controllers of the Public tichools In Philadelphia, and proVidlng for the election of Controllers by the people. Mr. eflunn moved to reconsider the vote by which the House had discharged the contested elec tion' committee- the - case -- of . Graham - vs. Mooney. Not agreed to, there being but three votes in the affirmative. • SMALL PDX PDX WN NEW TOOK. Shwaling Spread of the Disease. The New York Herald says : The efforts made by the health officials of the City to keep the actual facts as to , the small pox epidemic from the public, so as to prevent unnecessary alarm, for a time Were successful, but the loathsome disease obtained such headway and assumed such pro portions that the secrets of the Board of Health could no longer be kept, and the pub lic, who, with timely warning, might have prepared for the worst and •guarded against the disease, were hilted into inactivity. The Sanitary Superintendent in pursuing this course was, doubtless, actuated by the best of motives, but it does seem that ho has been ill-advised in keeping the actual condi tion of affairs within his (Mee until the press exploded it. The inspectors and medical officers are working indefatigably to prevent the spread of this frightful scourge, and ate partially successful; but, the danger is by no means passed. In some districts the disease is slowly creeping 4:?nt into other portions of the neigh borhoce& most thickly populated. The doc tors and their racelne matter do - not keep the ghost down, and in some districts it has even reached the schools. There does not appear to be any cause of complaint with the present energy of the medical, officers, but certainly somebody should be held responsible for the introduc tion of the disease originally through quaran tin, and its neglect until the eleventh hour. The health officials give assurances that it is•now under thorough and complete control, but this is the statement rung in our ears ever since it assumed an epidemic- form, and it would be difficult to draw a line of demark tion between the points where it is and where it Is not under complete control. —ln the Common Council of Janesville, Wisconsin, the question of ordinances rela ting to dogs was under discussion, when the records were referred to, and one was found to read: "All dogs to be muzzled or shot, ex cept dogs from the country coming in on busi ness." iwpoRTATrs)NS. • Reported tor tbe rbliadelphts beetling Bulletin. CARRENAS—Behr Jas 31 Flanagan, dbavr—idi libde euger 42 tre da Jobu Alaimo tr. Co. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN tiirkiviliEMS: TO A.B.RIVE. 6111P9 PROM FOli DATR. ge110na....---;.. Lonoon-New York.. -tau. 1 The Queen-......L1verp00h-N ; ew York--.......v.-.Jan. 2 Marathon.....--.Liverpool-New York .Jan. 4 Nevada I iverpool_Sew York Jan. 5 C. of Brooklyn...Liverpool...New York.- Jan. 6 Santiago de Cuba.....Harre....New York .Jan. 6 Nova Frotiaa . liv erpool-Portland . Jan. 6 1ndta......-.-....-... Glarigow...New York_ ...... ____Jan. 6 t'alabrte. Lirerpool...2jew York_ ....... ___Jaa. S Holeatia-- ..... ___.lla)r.-.....Ner.• York -..........-lwe. 8 Cleopatra__ ....Y,ra Cris... New York I'M 1.1 - .....Jan. 10 Ilatisa.-,.........3:41Uti11impt0n.....New York. Jaa.H Palmyra_ Ltv ,, rpool...New York__ .... __j a i l . 11 . " TO DEPAItT. Prometheus ....Pb f lad elphla-Charlerton__-.-........Jart. 20 Alaska,..... _......N , -w 1 ork...2apinwall-_-_-___Jan.2l Europa__ .. ... New York... Glasgow .-..-.....-._.Jan.= Pior.e,r__- :Philadelphia...Wilmington - Jan. 22 V% imuiar Phdivdelohia...Savannah...-......-.....1an. 22 The quern._ ..... New York...LivPrpooi . . . . J an. V. C of Htwohlro-New York-Liverpool-, ..... -....._Jan .22 llierrithack.-.....New York.-P.a, Janeiro. dre-.......Jau.23 city of Boston_ New York...Li v , -rn•ml via if JAI, Vi . 11 oleatia ._ ..... ....N'W York-Hanthrtrg Jan. 25 Wes-r _ 'sew Y,.rk...hrenn.o Jan. 29 Denmark New Y0rk...hirerp001.....,.._ Jan./12 Itellona. _. .Nreli Ytrk...l.,nrion Jon. 2) India - ........... ..--New York...Glaegow_.—....--Jan.22 BOARD OE 'TRADE. E. A. 1301'111C12. GEO. L. BUZBY, j MONTHLY CoultirrEN. GEO. N. TATLIJOI, MARINE. BULLETIN. PORT or PHILADELPHIA—JAN.2O. - Berl RISER, 7 12 t SUN 1:41:T.9. 4 441 Iliaa . WATea., 4. 37 AARIEED:YESTERDAY, Ship Brit, (3 - 67,71 . 4iTt . ;h7rn — ,17175 7 iWn; Kew York. in ballast to Petrr Wright A. Sons. Towed round by tag America. hair Jae /I Flanagan, Shaw. 10 days fr,iin Cardenas, with sinter to John *arson & Co. Schr A h. Cain, Simpson. from Boston, with saiphur and powder to order. CLEARED YESTUDAY. Steamer New Orleans, Pli.ladeiphia and howl:ern Mail SS Cu. Stenmer salon. Elears.Bonton. B Winsor Pr 70. hienmer It NV illime.Ctindiff. Baltimore. A Grovel:, Jr. Bark Frigate Bird (Nor9,Lippe,Antwerp, S L Merchant A Co. Brig Portia (Br). Thompson, St Jolinc,B F. A F Damon. etbr Ella Amadei, , Smith, Barbados, knight .4 Sons. MEMORANDA. Skip Tyro (Br/. Baker, hence at Hamburg 17th inst. Ship Yleetwtsg, Thacker, for San Francisco, cleared at Mew York yesterday. Ship David Stewart, Prentiss, from Guattape Sept. via Payta, with guano, at Tort Monroe yesterday, for ship Best - ante. Freeman. at Queenstown 17th foetal:it - trout Baker's island; Ship Golden Horn, Cutting, from Baker's Island, at Queenstown 2d inst. Ship California. Willcomb, from New York for Saw Francisco, wan spoken 2Stii nit. lat 3N, ion 38. - Steamer Morro Castle, Adanos, from Havana, at New York yesterday. Steamer Volunteer, Jonee,at Wllmingtnn; yester -- - - day from New York. Steamer United States, Smith, tailed from S W Pass 13th inet. for New York. Steamer Regulator. Pennington, at Wilmington, NC, 18th inst. from Now York. Steamer Norfolk. Platte. to-nce at Richmond 18th inst. Strainer ptiCial, Bri, Laird, cleared at Palermo 27th nit. for New York, Steamer Nevada trom Lirtitrypol,-at Now York iciptertlaY . Scotland (Br), Roche, hence at Antwerp 15th instant. Bark Schamyl „'N'or), Sorensen, at Marseilles 3let ult. for this port via Came. Bark Freiliandel (NG), Wachter, cleared at New'York yesterday for tide port. Bark Yamoyden, Burgess, at Rio Janeiro previous to =tl ult. from Baltimore. , . . . Bark Mary, Bentley, Clark, clearA at Palermo 24th It. for Boston. , , Bark Ellsworth, Woodward, sailed from Calcutta 15th 11)3t. for Boatom. Brig Eliza McNeil, Small. cleared at Palermo :list ult. for tlua Dort. Brig G C Clary. Gould, cleared at Palermo lith ult. for .New York. _ . Britr Protege (Mr), Knowles, cleared at Boston Mb inst. tor Melbourne. Echrs S t F, Corwin, Brower. and Francis Batch, Young, c/carad at Gtorgetawa, DC. 12th initant for this port. Sein L Q C Wiphart, Meson, cleared at Georgetown, SC. 12th inst. for New York tichr D Collins, Townsend, cleared at Wilmington, NC. Mil inst. for New York. Edward Laruoyer,Gorman, from New CAM for j.New buryport. wailed from Holmes' nolo AM 16th irnammt IL , chi- Maggie McNeil, Irene, cleared at Pensacola Bth Inst. tor this bort ticlar Emma It Finney, Symmed, sailed from Matanzai 7th inst. for Havana. deter Alex Young, hence at Charleston yesterday MARINE MISCH L L ANY - . - - - . The..kinerican ship Mermaid. Captain Coward, which cleared at Mobile 11th lust. for Pensacola. wont aShOre nu the west bank of the outer bar 18th. Efforts were made to pull her off, but they failed. It is hoped oho will he rescued. The Britian ship Indian Chief, from Cardiff, with rail road iron, nreviothily reported °shore on the miter bar, Idebile, went to pieces loth inst. The crew and MO bars of iron were raved. ___Bark New..Lenxion,.orliat has beet absent-l 3 rears In May next, is to come home for repairs. During her lung abeenco she has taken ?AO bbll sperm and 9400 do whale oil. Brig Jennie Clubman, Burley, from Cadiz 24 nit. for Booton, aaN tower! into Fortrrus Monroo Itlth imit. by revenue cutter Northerner. haying been diemaatod on the 24 off Bermuda. nein. I P H azitrd arrived at Newport 16th instant from Point Judith, with 50 tone of logwood from wreck of Br brig Meteor, ashore on that point. About 200 tone of her eargoyet remain. &lir B J Allinson sailed from Bdgartown 17th instant to secure chains, anchors. &c. from the wreck of brig Golden Lead on Skiff's Maud Shoal. ' NOTICE TO MARINNUS. Exof utit CIIANNEL-LIGHT ON TIM WOLF ROCK.- Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the advertise ment issued from this house dated 27th' July last, are volving diontric light of the first order, showing alter nate illlllllO2l of red and white of equal intensity at inter vals of 30 seconds, wax exhibited on the evening of the let inst. from the lighthouse on the Wolf Rook, and will henceforth be continued every evening from sunset to minrise. The light horns at. An elevation of 110 feet abotio the mean level of high water, illuminates. the entire circle, and will be visible in clear weather at a distance of about 10 miles. . • . A fog bell will be shortly fixed, and will he sounded during foggy weather three times in quick oneconsirgi every anarter of a minute; • • • By order. ROBIN ALLIONi Secretary, Trinity Ifouso, London, Jan 3, 1870. tug:iyAlit k„*.ififilfttitlittkii:o4o.ititiiD,ltts,Pßli;'..T.,lll:llt.fi#At'ANlT.ol...:..'2.o,4Bl.o. Sale N 0.1775 Adler street. NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, METER PIANO FORTE. CARPETS, &c. • ON MONDAY MORNING. Jan. 24, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1775 Adler etrest, (between Tenth and Eleventh streets, and below Montgomery avenue,, the Neat Household Furniture. comprising— Wainnt Parlor Furniture, Cottage Chamber Furniture. China and Glaesware, fine-toned seven•octase Piano Fort. , Wade by Moist.. in rosewood case; tine Ingrain Carpets, Cooking L teneile, Ac.• Sale at No. 1506 SD race street. NEAT 110114FHOLD FURNITURE, SINE RAUL. SELS, IMPERIAL AND OTHER CARPETS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, ire. ON FRIDAY MORNING. - Jan. 91, nt 10 o'clock, at No. 1.504 ;Spruce street, above Fifteenth street. by catalogue, the Neat Household Fur niture, comprising—Walnut Parhr Furniture. Walnut Etagere. Walnut Oval Centre Table, 3lahogany Dining Room Furniture, Mahogany Extension Table, Maho• gang Sideboard, titre French China Diener and Tea Ware, Glassware, Walnut and Cottage Chamber Furni• tnre. tine ‘Brusseta, Imperial and Damask Venetian Carte-ia,Gflne.Engravings,in Walnut ifrantee; Cooking Utemils, Sale at No. VA Spruce street. NEAT 110tibEHOLD "FINE r.Rlis t4},LS. 131PELIAL AND OTHER CARPETS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, Ac. ON FRIDAY 3fORNIING. Jsn. 23, at 10 o'clock, at No. Iw6 Spruce street, above Fifteenthatreet.. by catalogue. the neat Household Fur n'hure, comprisine—Waluut Parlor Furniture, Walnut Etagere, Walnut th al Centre Table, Mahogany Dining R6VIII. Furniture, Mahogany Extension Tabla, Mahn x,,yi Sideboard.:fine French China Dinner and Tea Glassware, Walnut and Cottage' Chamber Furni• Dire, fine Brus,cls, Imperial and Damask V,nati an Carpet, fine Engravin,ga. In Walnut frames; Cooking L tonsils, Ac. THOMAS BIRCH & BON, AUCTION. A. .SERB AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N 0.1410 CHESTNUT etreet Hear entrance N 0.1107 Srsnsom street. Household furniture of every description received oil Conaient. Sales or furniture at dwen attended to ou the most reasonable terms. Pale at No. 1110 Chestnut street. NEW AND SECONDHAND HOUSEHoLD FURNI• TUBE. ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, MANTEL AND PIER, °LASSES, BRUSSELS AND OTHER, 'CARPETS, CHINA. GL O .SSWARE, STOVES, Ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock, at tho auction store, No. 1110Chestnat street, will be bold. a large assortment of Furniture, Carpets. Ac., comprising—Elegant Parlor Snits, in br,e catelle, plush. terry and reps; 12 superior Walnut Cham ber SUNS, Library Bookcases. Wardrobes, Sideboards, Extension Dining Tables, Centre and ,Bougnet Tables, Brussels. Tapestry and Ingrain Carpeta,Spanish Chairs, Walnut and Oak Cane seat Chairs. Mantel and Pier Mirrors. China, Gismo And Plated Aare, Dressing Bo • re sus, Washstands, Mantel 'Vases, Office Tables, Table Cutlery, Engravings, Paintingn,Ac.. PIANO FORTES. One Rosewood Cabinet Piano Forte; 2s4p:tare Pianos, one Cabinet Ortran, FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. One snnerior Florence Sewing Machine, nearly new, cost tllO. Also, one elegant Table-Plateau. PAPER HANGINGS. Also, 1060 placers Wall - Paper. • BAGATELLE TABLE. • Also; tr, Walnut Bagatelle Table, Balls; Cttee. AC. • JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIOMMIA No. Ca WALNITT streat. SALE or HORSES, COWS, PIGS, WHEAT. 006:P, HAY. POTAITigS, - FARMING IMPLEMENTS, . . • ON TUESDAY 'MORNING, January 25, at 10 o'clock., will be If oid at public sale, under cirection of the Court of Common Pleas, at the Farm of Wm. Patton,on the Red Lion Road . , Wut Wnitelmui TotwishiP. Choler (aunty, Penn'a, 5 minutes walk from Whiteman station, 01 the t ennlat/entral B. It., and four miles from West Chester, the entire farm ing stock, Bc., including-4 Eforses,l3 Cows, 11 Calves, 1. Bull. 27.Piga, blower and Reaner, Corn bhelter. Har rows, Plows, ',eta, Harness, 500 bushels Wheat, , 541 bushels Corn, WO lansliels Oats, 25 tons Hay, about lOW bushels Potatoes, Household . Furniture, kn. 11Wr Sale Peremptory and Term.t Cash. BY BABBITT & CO.,_ AUCTIONEERS, , CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. 230 MARKET Arent. corner of Bank street. 11F1GULAR. SALE OF 400 LOTS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, HQSIERY. NOTIONS, &c., &c., ON FRIDAY MORNING, San. 21, at 10 o'clock. Also invoices o I Boots and Shoos, Hats. Cart. Hoop Ekirtei Shirts and Drawers. Overalls, Table Covers. Fc. READY-MADE CLOTHING. At 113; o'clock, 100 lots Reedy •made Clothing,in Coati, Pants, Vesta and tiaita. Boys' ClothnoZt ,to. T A. 31cCLELLA.!%.ID, AUCTIONEER, 1219 CHESTNUT Street. Personal attention given to Bales of Household Furniture at 'Dwellings. Public 8.1414 , R of Furniture at the Auction Rooms, 1219 Chestnut street, every Monifay and Pnursday. • Mr For particulars see Public Ledger. N 111.—A superior claw of Furniture at Privets Sale. SCOTT'S ART GALLERY AND AUCTION COMMISSION SALES ROOMS, B. SCOTT, la., Auctioneer. 1117 CHESTNUT street, Girard Row. Particular attention paid to out-door tittles at mode. rata remit. d 029 tf C . D. McCLEES & CO., AUCTIONEERS, No. 506 MARKET street. ROOT AND SHOE SALES EVERY ➢MONDAY ANI THURSDAY BUNTING, DUBBOROW & CO. AUCTIONEERS. stutZ34ELARR.ET etroet.oor&or of Monk street, Sticoessora to JOHN B. MYERS & CI ). D A.vis & ELARVEY, AI:TUTU/NE=3 (Late with M. Thomas & Sons.) Store Noe. Oland 60 North SIXTH street yaARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas & Sons,/ o. g CHESTNUT street. rear entrance from Minot rTi 1. ASHBRIDGE 8t CO., AUCTION. 1. ERNS. No. MS MARKET street. above Fifth. ITH.E PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISH. AA went—S. E. corner of SIXTH and RADE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise generally—Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and on all art lei 09 of value for any length of time agreed op. WATCHES AI4D JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALMI. Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Open Face English,. American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Levine Watches; Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hurd' ing Case and Open Face English, American and Swiss intent Lever and, /Covina Watches; Double Case English uartier and other Watches; Ladies , Fancy Watches; iamond Breastpins; Finger Balms; Ear Rings; /Ruda; ho:; Fine Gold Chains; MedelHons; Bracelet.;_ Seen Pins; Brea/Tug Finger Binge ; Pencil Cage and inw ely general , FOR SAL A large and valuable FireproOf Chest, suitablefor a Jeweller; cost $660. Also, several Leta in South Oamden, Fifth and Chest. tint streeti. 2 AU UTHOMAS & BONS CTIUNEEIiki, 1 ° Hoe. 130. and lit Woutn FOURTH street. SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. AFT Fulfil° sales at the Philadelphia Exotuango ogarl TUESDAY,at 12 o'clock. ' l6O- Furniture sales at tho Auction Store VIEW THURSDAY. 1 Ilfr Sales at Residences receive otintxtfal attention, BEAL ESTATE SALE, JAN. 25. Will include— Orphans' Court Sale—Entato of Francis Gallagher, THREE.STOItY BRICK STORES and DV/SL INGS, N. W. corner of Tenth and Federal PIN. Same Estate—THßEE STORY BRICK, STORE and DWELLING, 8. W. cornor of Tenth and Wharton eta. Sento Estate-THIIE kl-tiTOWY. BRICK DWELLING, outir Tenth street, below Wharton. Some Estate—THREE.STORY BRICK DWELLING, Wharton street went of Tenth, Same Estate—TllßEE-STORYBRIOK DWELLING, NO. 1012 Wharton at. ' Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John Farrell. deed-- TWO-STORY BRICK .1/WELLING, Fronds street, Went of Fifth. 9 - LAItGE - and - VERY - DESIRABLE LOTS, Breed' Way, Sixth, Seventh, Clinton, Boyden, Franklin and Pine atrents,Caniilek,N, J. • , VERY VALUABLE COUNTRY HEAT and FARM, known es" W oudelde 195 ACRES, junction olltrestlY• Wine Springs and tiSare reads, intillitlantr, NOW Castle County, Delaware, .3!.;" miles from Wilffiltigton: HAND/WAIF, MODERN FOUR-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 2115 Arch street. line the modern convenienees. Immediate pornennion, . 3 THREE-B'lOR Y BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. 5, 7 Bud 11 North Thirty .sevent it street, above Ilt.rlot. Peremptory Sale—llUSlNEtits STAND—FOUNDRY, Steent Eugine,lduchlttery, Tools and Fl stores, /front street moo No:Ugl klechaele street, Ealgon'e Point, N. Jereey. THREN-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 3106 Baring street. Twenty fourth Ward. 8 NEW THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Ellswort h st root, west of T wonty•nret. THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING, No. 5(11 North Eleventh street, above Poplar, with Three-story Brick Dviellinga In the roar. BUILDING LuT, S. E. corner of Eleventh and Olive streets BUILDING LOT, Eleventh atrftet, Noah of 011ie. 8 BUILDING LOTH, Front tartlet, north of Dimond loeteenth Ward, TilltElC-STO ICY BRICK DWPILLING, No. 916 South • int/Leant!' street, below Christian, TI/REE.STORY BRICK W ELLING, Sixth street, .uth of Watkins st. 1111115DEEMABLZ 011011 ND *CENT, 840 a year. STOCKS.' 10 shares Seventh National Bank. 14 shares Chestnut and Walnut Streets Pa 99, It, It, 6hartg Philadelphia and Caurpane Sulphur tifiu• Wit 100 ennres Northern Co. Liberties Gait Co. 65 Shares Third National Bank. 10 shares Central Transportation Co. Sale No. 16020m:one street. above Oxford. between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. FIXTURES AND TOOLS ON A BRASS COCK MANUFACTORY, To Close the Estate of Albert Pryor, deceased. • ON FRIDAY MORNING. January 21. at 10 o'clock, the Fixtures of a Brass Cock annf.ctory, comkrising. three Lathse, large lot of Toole, Vises, Work , Bextches;Patterns, Clore Boxes, Iron Moulding Flasks, &c. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ESTATE OF 43IES LONOACRE, LATE OF TIM U. 8. MINT, PHILA. VALUABLE _COLLECTION OF COINS AND ME. DALS, AMERICAN GOLD, SILVER, COPPER AND NICKEL. PROOFS AND RARE PATTERN PIECES, UNITED STATES MEDALS, &c., &c. ON 'FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Jr, n. 21, at 3 o'ciock. Cato] , rues Three Claps previous to sale. Mir The valuable' Library and Collection of Bare Eugrayinas. Paintings. !c.. will ba 'sold early in Feb ruary. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale ====! • 111‘. tritAtvklit. , FRANKL.IN - ,:!'• FIRE !NSUR&NCE COMPANY PECILA.DtLPIIIA. 1829 CHARTER PERPETUAL, 1870. CAPITAL, - - LSSM, Statement of the /Wets of the. Company on Jamiary Ist, 1870, Publihhed in conformity with, the proviolon% of the Sixth fiectien of the Act of Ansembly pf Apri15,1642: MORTGAGES. On property valued at' over 05,500,0110, be ing First Mortgagee on Beal Ertato in the 'city anal county of Philadelphia, except 030,011 1T in the neighbeiing county 02,34r,239 98 36049**91; Temporary Loans on Stocks as collateral security (salsoxi at 882,3691., $40,000 U. H, 19-40 Registered Bands e2.5.m0 Philadelphia City Loans, nut tax• $8,003 Pennsylvania State Six per cent. Loan, May, 1861 $6,000 North Penna. R. R. Bonds, 61 WACO North Penna. R. It . Bonds 7s $5,000 Lehigh Talley R. R. 'Co.'s First Dlortgage Bonds • 91 shares Franklin Fire Insurance Com- • pony of Philadelphia 13 shares Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania 150 shares Insurance Company of North • • America • 200 /hares Bank of Kentucky .17 allures Northern Bunk of Kentucky 100 shares Commercial National Bank• 590 shares Pennsylv ania Railroad Company, 200 shares Southwark Railroad Company 16 ehares Contiueotal Rotel Company 81E0 rbilacielphla City Warrants Total Market Valne $194,367 50 Cost 64,788 NOTES AND BILLS RECEIVABLE 2456 REVENUE STAMPS 61 REINSURANCE DEPOSIT PREMIUMS, 2,869 00 CA SR ON *30,361.60 iu hands of A gent 5.......; 22,536 01 TOTAL CA AH STOCKtiI. Market Price , (Ault, as above .Advance in Value. LO MIES BY FIRE. Lnap , r.o PA ID do ring the year 1841. DIRECTORS. ALFRED G. BAKER. ALFRED FITLER, SAMUEL GRANT, THOMAS SPARKS, GEO. W. RICHARDS, WM. 8. GRANT, ISAAC LEA, THOMAS S. ELLIS, GEORGE TALES, GUSTAVUS B. BENSON ALFRED G. BAKER, GEORGE FALES, VICE PRESIDENT JAS. W. MeALLISTER, SECRETARY THEODORE M. HEGER, ASSISTANT SECRETARY ialB th e3t THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, NO. 111 SMITH FOURTH MEET. In conformity with an act of Assembly of April 2,1958, this Company pnbliah the following list of their users and statement of bnainesslor the past year : OAPITLL Amount authorized; fully paid in ..V50,000 00 Contingent fund (surplus earned).. 56,x.89 Actual capital ASSETS -Bonds and Mortgages $74,052 30 mp() u. s. 6 per cent bonds, 1881 .. . ... ....,..... 61,100 00 12,200 do lio do 5.99, 1862 ma n 13.788 00 51,900 do do do " 1864 ma n 58,770 00 74,500 .do, do do " 1.365 m. i n 84,671 01) 9.500 do do do " 1665 1a I 10,640 09 41,240 do do do " 1857 A 1856 46,247 00 140 do 5 pier cent. do 10-40........,...._.-..-1,752-00 ' 2,500 State of Penasylvaniaelx per cent. bonds 2,&50 00 9,600 City of Philadelphia six per cent. bonds 9,504 (X) 10,(00 Pennsylvania Railroad six per - cent. bonds. 9,800 00 10,000 Philadelphia and Erie 'Railroad. ' - seven per cent:bond:4. 8,91)0 Ot) 10,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad six per cent. bonds 8,800 00 13,000 Elmira and Williamsport Railroad seven per cent. bonds 10,000 Camden and Amboy Railroad six per cent. bonds 7,500 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com ' pony six per cent. bonds 6,262 09 300 Salem County, N. J., six per cent. bonds 2.000 Elmira and Williamsport live per cent bonds 1,200 00 3,000 Allegheny County, Pa.,llve per cent bonds s,oooJunction Railroad six per cent. bonds 226 shares Central National Bank 100 shares Farmers' and fifechanics' Na tional Bank 11,700 00 80 shares National Bank of the Re public 8,000 00 350 shares Lehigh Valley Railroad 7,250 00 50 shares Fidelity Safe Deposit Co 3,750 00 Sundry Securities held In Trust 7,050 00 Loans on Collateral Security.. 403,563 02 Premium Notes secured by Lien on Policies. 107.125 31 Cash on hand 45,133 74 Office Fixtures 3,000 00 Cash in hands of Agents Deferred Premium/ EERINESS OP THE COMPANY Fon.leo RECEIPTS IN 1869. Premiums Received Interett, on Premium Fund and Annuity Fund 23,035 93 314,468 66 Cosh in Hands of Agents and Deferred Pre. mining Interest on Other Investments. EXPENDITURES IN 1869, Agents' Cennuissione Ite-Insurance Expenses, printing, advertising, office' rent, 14 a I 'tries 44,891 95 Losses, numbering fourteen 47,600 00 Amount paid annuitants 1,634 DI 90 Policies issued in MO, insuring., 2,578 Outetaliding 12mo. 31, 1860, iniindug . ...157,637 853 00 ]3 A nbuities Totai number of loathe from the origin of the Company,3l 894,000 00 Amount owing to depositors.. Amount owing to Trust funds SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY r President • Wilt. LONOSTRET/if, Vice President, ROWLAND PARRY, Actuiary. j+ll3 th a tti Gt $400,000 00 - $2,826,731 67 . - 24,38/ 06 STOCK& 52.897 70 82,786 5 152 41 e. 191,367 50 154,783 24 89,579 26 K 2,825,701 67 014-I,OOS 42 PRESIDENT SM,2M 89 11,700 00 $12,039 47 51,119,317 37 77,469 5.3 ___-- 89,532 00 $1,208,801 57 311,432 83 89,63" 00 ' 124,000 Gti 548,905 03 443,032 38 2,993 Ji $130,069 05 $2,722,525 00 .$ 12 ,770 08 $399,272 95 ,75,852 6i INIUItAN(!E. ASSOOrAPION ( 1 ;;;" . t PHILADELPHIA. ' Iftictiortiortittd 27,` Ng*, toffioe---Nci: 84 North Fifth Street. ' obußn ° l n ilittti.,"EVlVillathrPPlll7" AND fel , 088 pit _ " 11 1 115 Aeleietn, January' 1 . 1869 , 151,400,005 OS. r William li. nosollton, ( 2ptsries P. Bower, John Ontrow, eso Lightfadt, George I Youtijs. Itobqt tiheemaker. Joseph U. Potry Armbtostor t __ fwd. PAJoats, At.il .PkAfineonf - Damao! tipOrhalatil m Peter wilimmeoni .Ang,Beogor, %VIII. If. IMMiLTON,Preeldent, BPARHAWK, Vico proeldenll. 3VN. T. iIIUTLICR, fkerstary. IE FIDELITY INS tritikNCE, TRUST AND b'APP DEPOSIT COlll PANY. , Pilibanni.Ptibt,Jan, 1711070, 'llia following 'detailed statenicat of the nosata be• lilngilig to thh4 inotittition is puhllahed in itcoordafice with Ow sixth section or tho Act of Assembly of Aptll 5, Blortgagas,being the first Ihnt on real estate liti the city or Philadelphia ' 1P327,991 34 Camden and Amboy Railroad six per cent. mortgage bonds of NO Rin,ooo Lehigh Caul and Mitigation first mortgage railroad loan 10,000 00 PltiladelphiA City six Per. catit• 101111, frol lll7 taxes 50,000 00 Philadelphia City warrtinte . 3,447 50 101wouri t , taln FIN per cent, loans 75,000 00 Chicago, Rock island and Pacific Railroad seven par cent. mortgage bonds 10,000 00 Wilkasbarra Coal and Iron i'ompaey first mortgage flight rat cent. bonds 2,000 00 Labial' Coal rind Navigation Company ctin• verttble gold loam . 3 1 00 0 00 Time bilk. WTI/ red by 011atarn le 011M50 00 Penland lOnn.darenred by collatatals ..... ~... 9111,593 00 Real eatato t 329 and 3.31 Chestnut streotovith vaults and Rarest...—. 2143,1152 21 (Nigh In office 03123,517 12 Calfh in batik 120,1015 tpfl ' Tutql..., P 92.600.48 N. h. BitowNE, Proshrolt. ROBERT PATTEIMN, Hecroitry nutt.Treng. J JEW 30 QTA'I Fdd ENT Ole TM IS ASBETM BE - NJ longleg to TITS FIRE INSFEANCE COMPANY OF TIIE COUNTY OF PIMA DELPII I A ou the 314 day tH,Vorcruhry. 1849, published agreeably to the act of Aasetubly, t 6 Nit: • • Hungnam) lot No. 110 South Fourth street 121,r411 49 GrOUtid rent or Ngltll per annum 2,550 00 Mortgages, Arai , 121349 00 and Stock of Elmira Williamsport R. It, C 0..... Ir 4 00 Other sccurilleo _ 38,341 35 Interest moneys due • 2,199 29 Cash 3,115 25 Total ... 193,929 36 JalB-3t§ BENJAMIN F. 110E0KLEY, Socretari• FMB MELCA.MO.F. INHUB.A.NOE C0M ..1. PANT OF PHILADELPHIA , Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual, Office, N 0.506 Walnut street. CAPITAL $300,000. _. Insure. against loss or damage by FIRE, on Roome r Stores and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and en furniture, Goode, Wares and Merchandise in town or aonnty. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Assets. il/ 437,603 el Invested ID the following &enmities, ir,—...........,,iz.: cur lint ed Mortgagee on City .Property,, well se- United Staten Covernment Loans ......... ....$168,800 00 11700 00 Philadelphia City . 6 Per Cent. Loans 76,000 00 Penntrylvanis /3,000,000 6 Per Cent Loan...—... 3 0 . gum no Pennsylvania Railroad Bonde L Flrst Mortgage pap 09 Camden and Amboy Railroad company's!! Per Cent. Loari... 5 1 660 00 Loans on Collateral?, i ./ 500 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 Per Cent. Mort- gage Bonds— 4,550 00 County Fire Insurance, Company's stack,...., I ~. 100 Mechanics' Bank Stock 4 ll' 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvanhi, Stock 20,003 00 Union Mutual Insurance Corn party 'e /Roar. 88000 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia Stock 3,250 00 Cash in Bank and on hand 17.„138 n Worth at Par 8437,608 87 Worth Me date et market Prlooa. DIBEWOEIB. Thomas C. Htll,l nomad H. Moore, William Musser, Ratonel Castner, Hamel Illsphatn, Jamoe T. Young, .11. L. Carson, . Inane rf.. Wm. Stevenson, Christian J. lioffinati; Beni. W. Vogler, Samuel B. Thomas, Edward Biter. THOMAS O. HILL, President. Ws. Cause, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA. February 17,1869. jal-ta tb s tif rrfHE COMITY FIRE INSURANCE COM. 11 PANY.—Office, No.llo Routh Fourth street, below Chestnut. "The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila delphia" - Incorporate& by the - Legislature of Pennsylva nia in 101, for indemnity against loss or damage by Are, exclusively. MARTEN PERPETII4L. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in sure buildings, furniture, morchandiec, Izo., either per manently or for a limited time against bee or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consiatant with the absointe safety of its customers. Losses adjusted andet d with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS; Mag. 3. Sutter, Andrew 11. Miller, Henry . Bndd, James N. Stone, John Horn, Edwin L. Reakirt, Jose - ph Moore, Robert V. Massey, Jr. George Mecke, Mark Devine. CHARL BJ. BUTTER, Preeident. HENRY BUDD. Vice President. BENJAMIN P. HOECKLEY, Secretary and Treasurer. THE PENNSYLVANIA PULE INSU RANCE COMPANY. —lncorporated 1825—Charter Perpetual.' No. 510 WALNUT street, opposite Independence Boners. This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to Insure against lose or damage by lire on Public or. Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goode, and Merchandise genera ll y, on liberal • terms. TheirCaMtal, together with a large Surplus Fund, is Invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubte d in the ease of loss. Dravyrons. Daniel Smith. Jr., -1 01,12 Deverepx Alexander Benson,' home/ Smith, Isaac Harlehurst, Henry Lewis Thomas BObine, J. Gillingham Well, ' Daniel Haddock Jr. DANIEL SMITH, JR., President. WM.. G. CROWELL, Hoarder,. • apl9-tf T(NITER FIREMEN'S INSITRANUE u COMPANY OP PIIMADELPHIA. wi T tnat m y, P 2XVga i e s ttl i b t esiVeTeigt a uli e :e e ll r e teni IMF INBUSAIIOII IN PULATHE CITY OF PRILADIIIp BO uildi FFI , E—N0.723 •rc • mane , Four • a' oral ink ng. DIRECTP,RS Thomas J. martin, usury W. Brenner, A ibertus King, John Hirst, Wm. A. R a n henry Bumin, James 11 ongan, James Wood, William Glenn, John Shalicross, James Jenner, J. Iken_ l 2' Arkin, Alexander T. Dickson, ' , mg.' , mulligan b Albert C. De erte Philip Fitzpatrick, James F. CONRAD B. ANDRESS, President. WM. A. Bolsi,. Treat'. WIC H. FAGAN. 800'9. JEFFERSON FIRE. INSURANCE COM PANY of Philadelphia.-oMce, No. 24 North fifth street, near Market street. Incorporated by the legislature of Pennsylvania. Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets. $166,000. Make insurance against Less or damage by Fire on Public. or Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks, Goode and Mer chandise, on favorable terms. DIREO/ ORS% Wm. McDaniel, IVIWATCI E .. mayor Israel Peterson, rArlartr Ladne r John F. Belsterlin , Henry Troomner, uenry Jacob Sehandem, John Elliott, Frederick Doll, Christian D. Prick, net Miller, George B. Fort, William D. Gardner. WILLIAM McDANIIIL President. ISRAEL PETERSON ,_Vice Preeidont. PuTur lI.Ce.LSIdANI Secretary and Treasurer. A NTHR AC IT E INSURANCE COM rt. PANY.—CIIA HIER PERPETUAL. Office, N 0.311 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadle. Will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Build ings,either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandisegenerally. Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels ' Cargoes and Freights, Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. William Esher, Lewis Audenried, M. Baird, John Ketcham, John IL. Blackiston, J.^E. Baum, William F. Dean, John B. Heil, Peter slegor Samuel 11. MU:l%7nel. SHER, President. WILLIAM F. DEA,N Vice President. Mottnr,Secretars. - ' tam tha If AMERICAN FIRE INStikatiCECo3f: PA NT, incorporated 1810 - Charter perpetual. N0..310 NVALN UT street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large pat i•tfp Capital Steel{ and Surplus in vested in sound and available Securities, continue to insure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise. vessels In port, and their cargeee, and other persona property. Alt losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. Thomas R. Marie, Edmund G. Dittilh, John Welsh, Charles W. Poultney, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris, John T. Lewis, John P. Wetherill, William V. Paul. THOMAS R. MABIS, President. ALBERT O. OBAWBORD. Secretary. ,MIAME rNSITRANOW - OOMPAN kr, NO. ..1.7 809 CIIESTNUT STREET. INCORPORATED , PM - CHARTER PERPETUAL. CIAPITA.L, e_2oo_,ooo. I • • FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. • Insures against Logs or. Damage by Fire either by Per. petual or Temporary Policies. • ". DIRECTORS. L . Charlea Richardson, . Robert Pearce, , Wm. 11. Rhawn,, ' John Kcisiler,../r:', William DI. Sertert, , - Edward B. Orno, ! John F. Smith,' Charles Stokes, :. Nathan Hilles. , . John W. Brennan, Guerra A. Wet ' Mordecai Busby, - 0 ARLES kl ICHAELSON,PreseUti WM. H. lIHAVN,Nico-Prixtident. WILLIAMS I. BLANOHARD,idocrotari. opt tt 2 4 ,60 2 7 .-- ..... 8444,381 32 Adam J. (ilasz, '. ~~►~tr~J ► l~►J t~;~. /EV Leis :4l:' CO' Globe Ins. Co. ;:iffs`sets Gold,g 17,64b,1qa c( 'in the - United,Statei 2,000,06 c) -z)aity Receipts over $2,ci,060.:3, Premitims in, I' 868, $5 ,66 5 ,0 75. 0 q Losses in 1868, $3,662,445.00 No. 6 Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. 00 I ---NicL.A DRAEU IUTUA,Ia SAFETY' INSII ; . ANO I 2I COMPANY, incorporated 'by tha Legilier lature of Pennsylvania, , • ORIN ' S. Learner of TIIIRD and WALNUT straitly, Philaelpbia MARINE it URA RUMS On Vessels, Clarfie and Pre I:ght_ to all parts of the world, INLAND INSURANViII ' On goods dr river, canal, lake and land Carriage , to mitts of the Union: rum INSURANONS On Merehandise generally; on Stores; DWellinge,' Ronan', & L .; , ABORTS OF TllBl COMPANY . Novemner I.lBoe. 18200,000 United States Pito Per Cent. Loan, ten-forties, 112111006'106 100,000 tinnedM States x Par Cent.' • Loan (lawful money) 107,710 al 60,000 finned Stenti Six Per , Cent. Loan, 1 8 81 PLOW" 200,000 State of Pennsylvania SIX "Per Cent. Loan , ... 918,0110.• 200,000 oity of Philadelphia Six Per Vont Loan (exempt from taxi,. WORN 100,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan 102,0 W 811 , 20,00 q Pennaylvatda Ral lroad lrirat Mortgage Slit Per Cent, Bonds-, 11,461 II 26,000 PennFrylvanla Railroad Second Mortgage 815 Pot Cent. Sonde.:. 111,62 26,000 Western Pennsylvania, Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cont. Bonds 'Pennsylvania Railroad guar. antee/ 20,000 80,000 State of Tennessee Fire Per Cent. Loan 15001111 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. Loan 4,lft 00 19,600 Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, 250 shares stock, 14,000 00 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 100 shares stock, 1100 09 10,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mail • Steaship Con,pany, 80 'Mares stock m 7,600 II 846,900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Properties 946,900 ,00 . . Market value, $1,250510 011 Cost, $1,215,622 21. Real Rotate 56,008 08 Bina Receivable for Insurance • ' made 1123,700 Balances due at Agencies—Pre- mining on Marine Policies. Ai, rimed Interest and other debts dna the Company ‘, 62,097 RI Stock, Scrip, &0., of anndry Cor. partitions, $4,700. Estimated ' value 3,710 98 Cash in Bank 6168,318 8.9 Cash in Drawer 872 28 ( 169,29 i 14 $1,852,100 04 •1,231400 Par , DIRECTORS. _, Thotnas O. Han d , SA 111 nei 14 . tStokes; , John C. Darin, William 0, Boulton • Edmond E. Sender, Edward Mutineer', Tbeophilua Paulding, H. Jones Brooke, James Trnenair, Edward Latoureade, Henry Sloan, Jacob Riettel, Henry C. Dallett, Jr., Jacob P. Jones, James C. Hand, James M kViarlandt, William C. Ludwig, , ' Joshua P. Eyre, • Joseph H. Seal, • Spence!' ill'llrain, Hugh Craig, J. B. Semple, Pittsburg, John D. Taylor, A .R.Berger, George W. Bernadon, D. T,Morgan• 14 Williatn C.Monston, THOMAS C. HAND, 'President. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY BALL, Assistant Secretary L.,fblßUrf,TirdfAND TRUStdti. _s_.4 THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANNCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY OF. PIILLADELPLILA..— OFFICE, 44 CHESTNUT STREET. ASSETS, 53,083,643 34, JANUARY 1, MN. The oldest Company of the kind but one in the States continue to insure lives on the most reasonable terms and declare profits to the insured for the whole of life. Preminma paid yearly, half yearly, or quarterly. They receive Trusts of all kinds, whether as Truatess, Guardians, or Committee of Limner. -Also, not as Executors and Admielstratore, to the duties of which particular attention Is paid. Deposits and Trust Funds are not in any event liable for the Debts or Obligations of the Company. Charter perpetual. THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. SETH I. ()ORLY, Vice President. Jolts F. JAMES, Actuary. WILLIAM H. STOICVER Anal Actuary_ N. B.—Dr. S. CHAMBERLAIN, No. 1411 LOCUST street, attends every day at I o'e.lock precisely at the,- office. 00'27 3m GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &U. DAVIS CELEBRATED HAMS Just Received. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer in 'Vine Groceries, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. NE.Nt MESS SHAD A_ND SPICED Salmon, Tongues and Bonn d , prime ' order,Just received and for sale at COUSTYII No, 118 South Second street, below 43b=nate Grt"erir 13 IhTIRE SPICES, GROUND AND WHOLN .Mustard —rove English by the pond -- .Choice ite Wine and Crab Apple Vinegar for pickling_in store, and for sale at C01.1871'8 East End Grocery, No. 14,8euth Second street, below Chestnut street, • NW GREEN GINGER.-400 FOUNDS of choice Green Ginger in store and for saleat COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No, US South Second street, below Chestnut street. QOUP B.—T OMAT 0, PEA, , MU CK Turtle And Jolllen Boons of Boston Club Nations°. tura one of the finest articles for pic-nics and sailtal parties. For sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No, Its South Second street, below Chestnut street. IVHITE /MANI:TY. FOR PRESERVING. —A choice article kid recnlved and for sae at 138 TY'S Eaat End Grocery. No. 118 South Second street', below Chestnnt street. HEATERS AND STOVES. 4THOMSO N' 8 LONDON HITCH. enor, or European Ranges, for families, hotels or public institutions, in twenty different Waco. Also, Philadelphia Ranges, Hot Air 'furnaces. Portable Heaters, Low down Grates, Flreboard Stow*, Bath Boilers, Stow hole Plates Broilers, Cooking Stores, etc., wholesale and retail I the manufacturers, SHAH EAs THOMSON, no29m w f 9m5 No. 209 North Second street. THOMAS S. DIXON & SONS, Late Andrews & Dixon No. Int CHESTNUT Streot n , aiads., Opposite United States Mint. anufooturoro of LOW DOWN, PARLOR., CHAMBhiI, OFFICE, And other GRATIIR, Tor Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Tire; ALSO WARM-AIR FURNACES Tor Warming Public and Private Buildings, BEOISTERS, VENTILATORS, . • AN CHTIKNEr D OA PS, COOKINGRANGES, BATH-BOXIERH. WHO f,ItBALR and RETAIL. - WI 14 - E g ANIYLI II:TOltg:- _MISSOURI WINES. The steady and increasing demand for those Winos, the growth of a State peculiarly adapted hi soil, climate, kc., has induced the bubscriber to give Mein special at tention. It is well ascertained that the rich and well ripened grapes of that particular section impart to , the wine flavor, bouquet and body renal to the best foreign wines, and of a character peculiarly its own—the Immo,- moua opinion of experienced connoisseurs Of this and neighboring cities, The undersigned fus' accepted the Agency or the cele. lasted " OAK lIILL VINEYARDS,' of the townahlp of FA. tonid ; and being in direct and co - natant conntinnication, la prepared to furnish to con signore the product of tlicoo Vinoyardg, which can h relied upon for strict purity4n addition to other analitio already mentioned CALL—FOR BALE, 180 TONS OP ll lk, Ano. 4 ' Noply to WORKMAN A Waling attOott 00, us P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear etroot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers