GIBSON PEACOCIC. Editor.. hARTA CLOSET COMPANY'S CO M NOUNS and apearatue for fixed clonete, at A. 11, A N Oli•OUS (I; td3 litarkut et. deLltu th 8304 TEDDING INVITATIONS EN _graved In the newest and beet manner. LOUIS stPRIMA. Stationer end Zngraver. 303 Z Oheetnnt reet. few LI BOTER.—On Wednes DlE day,l9t D h Inst. Martha, bonne eat daughter of Georgette B. and Eliz a Boyer, aged 18 months. The relatives and friends of the family e invited to attend the funeral, ir,,ra tho residonce of bar grand. father, No. 2121 Green street, on Friday morning, 2lst inst., at 10 o'clock, GUMMERE.—In Burlington, N. J., on the 18th inst., Maltilia It. Gun/mere wife uf William (Summer°, and daughter of the late William 11, Morrie, to the 11th year of her age. . Due notice will be given of the funeral. tig JAMS.-1n West Chehter. on the litth Ins' of con sumption, Hibblila E., wife of Wm. L. James, i the 30th year other age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, Nn._ . ..40 West Market street, Weat Chester, on Saturday, Zal. that., at 2 o'clock P. M. Relatives and Mende are in vited to attend, without further notice. JONES.—On Tuesday, January Jell', B. Muse Jones, L the Mt year of his age, The relatives end friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from hie late residence No. 1.V.3 Walnut street. this (Titureplay) afternoon, at e , o clock, without further hoticv. To proceed to Laurel i Mill. RAlllllo.—On the 19th inet., Audio,oungest deugh• I trr of William B. and I.lzzle A. in the 6th rear of her age. VAC X --Oa Fifth-day morning, Fleet Month, 20, PO, Elias 21. Vitus, aged Aito. th prw Q e. eid -u t n daug n er s of Margaret 9 a th d in he a la t e A ohn D. Ward . The relatives and fritnde are invited to attend the in ners!, from the reeldenco or berusother:lo9Sunth Twen- i Beth street ,ezi Saturday sueralncat 9 o'clock. It FAtieY SILKS, REDUCED IN PRICE TO CLOSH THEM. LIGHT SILKS FOB EVENINGS WHITE CLOTHS and AfSTRACHANS, for the, Opera BEST BLACK SILKS IN THE CITY. • EYRE & LANDELL. SPECIAL NOTICES. 'rho cod Clothing ao«titut JOHN WANAMAKER etetk h a been we must Chestnut Street. room for Ito virtimous rrii ins 10-. NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANE OF riIILADELPHIA. • t FuttApetrnia, Jan. 14, At the westing of the Stockhohh.r.s. of this ank, held on the Ilth instant. BENJAMIN BOW. AND. Jr., WILLIAM. B. RtIAWN. CHARLEI BICIIARIASON, WILLIAM M. SEFFEKT anJ FItEDERIC A. HOYT, were duly elected Dtrectorsof this Bank. At a meeting of the Board of Directory. held this day, j3XNJ. ROWLAND. Jr.: wee elected President, and WM. U. It HAWN Vice President. Arrangement* have been made for consolidating and this bank with the National Bauk of the Re - 'public. of Philadelphia ; and for this purpose) the Na tional Exchange Bank will. at a feeparatenseeochstion • Ro -Into diquidation at the close of Dewiness on thee /3th in• t latent, in accordance With a vote' of the Stockholders and a resolution of tho Board of Directors ; and its et—iets, -Looks and acconute having been assigned, to the Na. Coned Bank of the Republic, they will be removed to its teanking-house. at Rue and MI Chestnut street, where the affair* of ChM Bank in liquidation will be conducted by the National Bank of the Republic, tatter the 13th lust. Checks drawn upon the National Exnge Bank bUllitlCo3 reniairdng to the Credit of itsdeposito after the 15th instant, will be paid at the National Bank of the Be_publio. The resignation JOHN W. GH, as of this Bank, ha, of been accepted, , I LBOUGto take. effect C on l and after the 15th instant. By or4er of the Bolin! of Direetnnt. - B. ItOWLANp - fir;;Pmlllui. w. Vice President jal,6t rp . Lc?. YOUNG MANNERCHOR GRAND BAL MAS LIE E , MAI, MAS lI K , AMERICAN -- - - ' DAL AO BI AD .YASp MII, OF MUSIC, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY' 27TH, 1870. TICKETS,. ADMITTING A GENTLEMAN ONE AND LADY. • FIVE DOLLARS. EXTRA LADIES' TICKETS. EACH ONE DOLLAR. FOR SALE ' • • AT THE' PRINCIPAL Blume STORES, NEWS STANDS. CONTINENTAL HOTEL, . . AND OF THE MANAGERS. ja6lh a6t Mtn) - - ANNIVERSARY OF THE MER CRANTS' FUND.—The sixteenth anniversary ol p f .' Z ' lllerchantsl Vaud will be celebrated at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, On WEDNESDAY EVENING, Feb. 2, at TS o'clock- -- . The annual report of the Beard of Managers will be read, and addresses will be delivered by Hon. WILLIAM STRONG, Rev. J.• 1.. wiTtiEnow, lion. JAMES R. LUDLOW, GEORGE H. STUART. Esq. • The orchestra will be under the direction of MARK nAssLE R. Cards of admission may be had gratitously, by early pplieation at S. E. corner Third and Walnut streets, No. 110 North Delaware wvepue, No. tild Market street, No. 51 South Fourth street, or of either of the following amninutiee: WILLIAM C. LUDWIG, JAMES C. HAND, A. J. DERBYSHIRE, THOMAS C. HAND, JAMES B. 1 1 1eFARLAND, jal2tle2rp Committee of Arrangements. OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE, TiAIIITAN CANAL TRANSPORTATION All BOY RAILROAD • AND COMPANIES. scrip in The holders of the new scrip in the above Companies are heroby notified that the tune for paying the last in stallment will expire February 10, 1 8 , 0. at any time' before that date it may be paid by those holding the re ceipts of RICHARD 8. TROWBRIDGE, Cashier, or F. CONOVR Transfer Aoent,to Mr. TROWBRIDGE, ut his °Mee, who its authorized to nceipt for the same , on the buck rf the receipt for first installment. jaW-tfe9rp RICIIA_RD STOCK ON, Treasurer. NOTICE.—THE DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL COMPANY AND Tut VANDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND TRANS TORTATION COMPAY. On and atter February I st, 1870 i-the S teeiziaoidi" of the abmo Companies, of January 15tb, WO, are entitled to a dividend or Five (5) per eent.,payable at ltl Liberty rtreet t New York, or tkitiSouth Delaware oTentte, Phila- TRIINTON, N. J., January 17th, 1870. 12trp RICHARD STOCKTON, Treasurer.. HIGH SCHOOL ALUI.SINI.-A special meeting of the Association will be held at the Lecture ROUIII of the Rich School building', on :6 A T Uft DAY JCV EN IN() , January 29,1570, on btlfliDed/3 Of great importance. Members are earnestly invited to attend. 13y order of the Board of Managers .., ... - . . . , ------- .. . I . . L , '. 4. I ..,,,, • . ~..• _• . _,.,,,., ;..•..,,,. ..,...,..,,T!..,...., t. -:i . . ~ e , •. , '' - ' . , . , . . . ~1 {, • • • •,., . . •,, ' , • ~ y.. i .-......... . . . . . . . ..., . • , .., . . . . . , . . . . . , . . , . .. . 1 , . . . . . , . ... I . • ' •,. . .. , . . . . n. . . . . -..___ . _ , , . . , • , . Chestnut Street willtig Clothing now, Establishment, 818 and 820 leas than , SPECIAL NOTICES. ACADEMY' O MUSIC. THE STAB COURSE Or LECTURE& • The Second Series, Openfinr Pole 'of Season Tickets To. Day ORDER Or TETE LECTURNS WENDELL PHILLIPS, January 31. Subject—The Quet Goias of Toitnerrow. PETROLEUM V. NASBY (D. R. Locke), February 3 Subject , —Tho Ler Is of Creation. • RALPH WALDO EMERSON, February 7. Subject—Social We In Auk:Nee.: • Rey. E. H. CHAPIN. D.P., February 10. Subject—The Roll of onr. DEO. WM, CURTIS, February 24. - Elubjeet—Our National Folly—Th.4lDM Sorwice, • Prof. ROBERT L. ROGERS, February 23. Subject—Chemical forces in Nature and the Arta. BAYARD TAYLOR, 3larch 3. Sullied—Reform end Art. ' • : JOHN 0, SAXE, M Subject—Frouch Folks at time. arch 21. Prof. HENRY MORTON, March 21. subject—ANNA U. ADICKINSON. April 7. Subject—Down Breaks. SCALE QF PRlCES.—Admission to each Lecture 50 cents ; Reserved Sesta to each Lecture, 76 cents; Re served Tickets for the kisirtes of Ten Lectures, 4I 5. The opening toile itif reserved seasen tickets will com mence on THURSDAY IlltilttflNG, January TA , at 9 o cloilott Gould's Piano 1t00m5,N0.92.3 Chestnut street, and will be continued until the end of the present week, after which no more season tickets will be sold. • The sale of reserved seats to A NY of the single lecturi4 , will begin on MONDAY MORNING . , Jan. 24. jaat-tf ?TOW WITO - Fr 1 0HAILROAD COMPANY. OFFICE 224 SOUTH MLLAM, ARE AN ENUE. PUILADEI;PHIA, Jan. 19,1970. The Directors have this clay declared a semi-annual Dividend of Five Per Ceut. upon the capital stock of the Company clear of taxes, from the pronto of the six months ending Decetuber 3/. Pge, payable on and after February 1 prosuno, when the trismifer books will be roots nec. ja:7J tifeinc J. PA 1.1()RRIS, Treasurer. THE ANNUAL AIEETILSG Or THE -..._.. Stockholders of the WOLF CREEK DIAMOND COAL COMPANY will be held at their office, LAS South Seconcl street, on ‘VEDISTEISDAY, Fehrtisit7 2. et UM. par 2t§ It. It. ROBLl,Secretari. !dry ^T. /109 BUSMAN AND PEIINUHDD BATHS UkRARD STREET DE-partmems for Ladles Baths ODIM from 6 A. 11. top P.M. fY kit/WARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 wthx - ault 1520 Lombard tmat. Dispensary Department. to teeball treatment and medicinal's' rnlabad gratuitously pow. • A BUIJTE A Young* Turkish Wife ha the Mows Couuty Peultetitlarytetteue by Con. ettl•Genersit Osennyno«...Retoilektory Tomah tneot.....The Girl to be Sent Hoek • to Turkey. The New York i'.:11%) silVB : About two years ago, a beautiful and well educated young Turkish girl, named Hentits Harootaukbwas inveigled trent her hoineunder a promise of mating° held out to her by a countryman named Tatcosyan, who had been some time a resident of the United States, but was then on a visit to Turkey. She had seine money, equivalent to $lO,OOO in gold, which she entrusted to her seducer. Thev came to this port, and with her money Tai cosyan, who had assumed the name of C. IL Christian, opened a confectionery in Fulton avenue, East New York. They were married, and lited comfortably awhile. The husband hada son and (laughter by a fanner marriage, and itis believed that they interfered with Mr. and Mrs. Christian's con uiibial Re became very abusive and greatly neglected his wife, so that she was left almost naked and barefoot, and was com pelled by him to do the roughest work of the household. When she asked for money to replace her outfit she received abuse aad beat ing. And once when she went to learn machine-operating, intending thereby to earn a livelihood for herself; he abused her so shamefully that in self-defence she threw some crockery at him. For this he had her arrested, and on the charge of malicious mischief and the false pretence that she was Christian's servant, the poor woman was sent to the County Penitentiary. Her husband was appointed her interpreter by the Court, as she did not know a word of English. Of course he asked such questions and gave such answers as he pleased. When the wife's term of imprisonment expired, she again sought her home, and begged admit tance, but the door was shut against her, and a policeman, who found her weeping and wandering in the streets, teak her to the police stati . on, where she was locked lip . all night, She went to her home again, and again her brutal husband had her arrested on atrinuped-' up charge that she intended and had threat ened injury to his person and property. Christian's son was apnointed interpreter tins nine, and the question being put to her whether she would bind herself to keep the peace toward her husband, she refused natu rally enough unless a similar bond was exacted from him. She was again sent to the Peni tentiary, December 15, 1869. ' And so ignorant was she of the nature of the proceedings and the sentence of Justice Lynch, that she did not know where they were taking her to in a carriage, and the term of her imprisonment. - lint, finding herself back in the same place, and remembering her former treatment, she wrote to Mr. Oscanyan, the Turkish Consul here. Mr. Oscanyan had her released on a writ of habias corpus,and instituted a suit in her name against Christian. This was a turn in the. Wheel which he did not expect, and so he sent his daughter to intercede, and Consul Os cayan agreed to drop the suit on the condi tions that the scoundrel should restore the 510,000 to his wife, pay her passage back to Turkey, and pay the costs of the suit. The daughter accepted the terms, but the father deemed them too hard and begged off, and, by fair promises and lying phrases, he staved off the evil day until Tuesday last, when Mr. Os canyan laid his official hands again on him, and Tatcosyan Christian in jail await ing his trial or to get bail. TORTURE IN SWITZERLAND. A Belle of the Dark Ages, M. Berel, member of the Assembly of Lu cerne, Switzerland, has proposed that infor mation should be asked from the Federal Council as to the torturing of a prisoner in the Canton of Zug. The main in question was accused of theft, and acknowledged to the Criminal Court that he had appropriated the .missing articles, b itt he.refused to admit that ho hadstolen theini - and - insistirittinat he had accidentally found them. The Court then ordered further inquiries to be made. "From the :26th of October to the 10th of November the pris oner was put on a bread-and-water diet; but he made no confession. Thumbscrews were then applied to the'prisoner, but still he made no confession. Sim blows were next given him with a stick; he writhed and groaned, but declared he could say nothing more than what he had said already, upon which six more blows were administered. If you kill me, Mr. Judge, I cannot say anything else.' The prisoner - was then brought before the court, and once more earnestly questioned, but he adhered to his former statement. Upon this the prisoner was again placed on the or dinary prison diet." —The Paris Pubtic, - in order to 'add to its subscription list, calls upon all young men and girls who are engaged to be flurried, to subscribe for a year for the Public, promising to send them, with the receipt of one year's subscription, beautiful gold wedding rings. PHILADELPHIA;. PIitiREWAY, STANTON. Secretary Stanton's Political Position is 1860. Reminiscences of 000090 of Buchanan's Adrninistration. Hon. Jere. Black's Card to the Public. To Me Editor of Übe New York Iterald : Since the death of. Mr. Stanton some newspaper writers have revived the scandalous accounts which began to be propagated, I think, in 1862 concerning his conduct while a member of 31r. Buchatum's Cabinet. It is asserted that be came into that administration with views entirely opposed to those of the President and the men who were to be his colleagues, all of whom, except Messrs. Holt and Dix, were in favor of the Southern Cdn federacy, and ready to sacrifice the Union; that supported by these two he. bul lied the rest; that he terrified the President by threats of resignation into measures which otherwise would not have been thought of; that he urged immediate war upon the seceding States to crush out the rebellion; that though defeated in thhi by the treason of his associates, he carried with a high hand other points of sound policy t ; that by these hardy - displays of hostility o the administration which trusted him he promoted the interests and won the gratitude of its enemies. This is the substance expressed in my own plain English of many statements coming from various sources extensively circulated and so generally believed that if notsoon con tradicted they are likely to be received as au thentic history. They are not only false, but they must be injurious to, Mr. Stanton's repu tation : and they are grossly unjust to others, dead as well as living. STANTON'S DEMOCRATIC RECORD. I am not the special defender of M . Stan ton and I certainly would not assail him. Be fore he fell away from the Democratic faith our friendship was intimate and close. There was no separation afterwards except the sep aration which is inevitable between two per sons who differ widely on public subjects be lieved by both to be vitally important. Our correspondence of last summer and autumn (began by himself) shows that I was able to forgive him my particular share of the injury he had done to the liberties of the coun try, and he had my sincere good wishes for his future health and welfare. His politi cal attitude towards the Buchanan administra lion previous to his appointment as Attorney- G eneral is wholly misunderstood or else wil fully misrepresented, He was fully with,us at every stage of the Kansas question, and no man felt as more loathing,contempt than be did for the knavery of the abolitionists in refusing to vote upon the Ldcompton cousti tion, when, nothing but a vote was needed to expel slavery from the new State, and thus terminate the dispute by deciding it in the way which they themselves pretended to wish. He wholly de nied Mr. Douglas' notions, and blamed him severely for the unreasonable and mis chievous schism which he had created in the party. The Know Nothingism of Bell and Everett found no favor in his eyes. In the canvass of 1860 he regarded the salvation of the country as hanging upon the forlorn hope of Breckinriclge s election. We knew the abolitionists to be the avowed enemies of the constitution and the Union, and we thought the Republicans would necessarily be corrupted by their alliance with them. As we saw the march of these combined forces upon the capital we felt that the constitutional liberties of the country were iu as,much . peril as Rome was when the Gauls were pouring over the broken defences of the city. Whether we wereright or wrong is not the question now. It is enough to say that Mr. Stanton shared these apprehensions fully. He more than shared them; to some extent he inspired them, for he knew Mr. Lincoln personally, and the account he gave of him was anything but favorable. MIL. LINCOLN'S ELECTION. The 6th of November came, and Mr. Lincoln was legally chosen President by the electoral machinery of the constitution, though the ma jority of the popular vote was agausst him by more than 'a Million. The question was now to be tested by actual experiment whether a party which existed only in one section, and which was organized on the sole principle of hostility to the rights, interests and feelings of the other, could or would administer the federal govertunent in a righteous spirit of jusuce, or whether the pre dictions of all our great statesmen for thirty years must be verified that the abo litionists when they got into power would dis regard their sworn duty to the Constitution, break down thejudicial authorities and claim obedience to their own mere will as a "higher law" than the law of the land. The danger was greatly aggravated by the criminal misconduct of large bodies in the South,andparticularly in South Carolina, where preparations were openly made for resistance. What was the federal Executive to do under these circiunstances ? Make war He had ,neither authority nor means to do that, and Congress would not give him the one or the other. Should he compromise the dispute ? He could oiler no terms and make no pledges which would not be repudiated by the new administration. Could he mediate between the pasties? Both would refuse his unapirage, for both were as hostile to him as they were to one another. Nevertheless, he was bound to do them the best service he could, in spite of their teeth ; -and that service consisted in preserving the peace of the nation. It was his special and most imperative duty not to embroil the incoming administration by a civil war which his successor might be un willing to approve or to prosecute. It was un doubtedly right to leave the President elect and his advisers in a situation where they could take their choice between compro mising and fighting.' In fact, Mr. Lincoln was in favor of the former, if his inaugural be any sign of his sentiments. STANTON'S • POSITION. The mind of no man was more deeply im bued with these Opinions than Mr. Stanton's, The idea never_ entered his head---certafatly , • tre',, - .„ - i , spasSed - his lirksitat tile President ought 'eto niake war upon States, or put the whole people out of 'the protection of the laws, and expose them all to indiscriminate slaughter as public enemies because some individuals among them had done or threatened to do what was inconsistent with their obligations to the United States. He knew . very well that no such thing was either legally or physically possible. General Scott had reported officially that five companies constituted the whole available force which could be sent to the South for any purpose of fensive or defensive.. Is it possible that Mr. n' Stanto would have undertaken to conquer the South with half a regiment? He was thoroughly convinced that a war at that time of that kind and under those circumstances would not only "fire the Southern heart'? but give to the secessionists. the sympathy of all the world and ultimately insure their success, while it could not help but crip ple, disgrace and ruin the cause 'of the Union , Nor did he feel pleasure in the anticipation of any civil war between the tWo sections of iris country. From the standpoint which he then occupied he said that war was OUR WI,IOLE COUNTR,y. disunion; it was blood, conflagration, terror and tears, public debt and general corruption of morals, all ending at beat not in the union of the 'States but in the subjugation of some to the despotio will of the others. He was apt to take a sombre view of things, and he looked at the dark side of this subject. The glory, profit and plunder, tire political distinction and pride of power which brighten it now, were not included in his prospective survey. STANTON RNLACK. On the 20 th of November answered the President's questions concerning his legal powem and duties,holding that the ordinances of secession were mere nullities; that the seceding States were and would be as much in the Union as ever ; that the federal Executive was bound there as well as elsewhere to exe cute the laws, to hold the public property and to collect the revenue; that if the means and machinery furnished by law for these purposes were inadequate he could not adopt others and 'usurp powers which had not been delegated ; that neither the executive nor legisla tive departments had authority under the constitution to make . war upon a State; that the military power might be used, if necessary, in aiding the judicial authorities to execute the laws in collecting the revenues, in defending or retaking the public property, but not in acts of indiscrimi nate hostility against all the people of a State. This is the " opnuon" which has since been so often, so much and so well abused, de nounced and vilified. Mr. Stanton did not stultify himself by denying the plain, obvious and simple truths which it expressed. The paper was shown him before it went to the President, and after a slight alteration sug gested by himself, ,be not only approved- but applauded It disappointedfohegraPted de thnat.t CHe ghesd might make secession a cause for war ; and in the draft of his message already prepared he bad submitted the question of war or peace to their decision. But the advice of the Law Department, supported by a powerful argu ment from General Cass, convinced him of his error, and that part of the message was rewritten. The substance' of the message so modified received Mr. Stanton's hearty en dorsement in everything that regarded seces sion and the treatment it ought to receive. STANTON AS ATTORNEYGENERAL. Soon after this General Cass retired. I was requested to take the State Department and M 1.. Stanton was appointed Attorney-General upon my declaring that I was unwilling to leave the care of certain causes pending in the Supreme Court to any hands but his. This appointment alone, without any . other proof I ought to satisfy any reasoning mind that all have said of Mr. Stanton's sentiments must be true. No wan in his sober senses can believe that I would have urged, or that Mr. Buchanan would have, made the appointment, it' we had not both known with perfect certainty that he agreed with us entirely on those fundamental'. doctrines of constitutional law to which we were committed. The faintest suspicion of the contrary would have put the Attorney-Gene ral's office as far beyond his reach as the throne of France. We took him for what he professed to be—a true friend of the Union, a devout believer in the Constitution, a faithful man who would not violate his oath of office by wilful disobedience to the laws. lam still convinced that he did not deceive us. If he abandoned those principles in 1862. the change, however sudden and un iccountable,is not sat isfactory evidence that ho was an impostor and a hypocrite in 1860. He did not find Mr. Holt and General Dix contending alone (or contending at all) against the President and the rest of the administra tion. Mr. Holt on the :id of March, 1861., ap pended to his letter of resignation a strong ex pre&sion of his gratitude for the firm and generous support" which Mr. Buchanan had constantly extended to him, and pays a warm tribute to the " enlightened statesman ship and, unsullied patriotism" of the outgoing President. General Dix ' was not there at all when Mr. Stanton came in. He was appointed &month afterwards, when there was no, disagreement in 'the Cabinet. Ho took up his residence at the Pre,sident's house as amember of the family,and remained there during the whole time of his service as head of the Treasury Department. Ile per formed his duty faithfully, firmly, and in a way which mett with universal approbation. I do not recollect that he had one word of se rious controversy with the President or with anybody , else. If, therefore, Mr. Stanton was at any time engaged in dragooning the Preai dent and hectoring his colleagues, he could not have had Mr. Holt and Gen. Dis for his backers. DISSENSIONS IN THE CABINET. There were dispntes and serious differences of opinion in the Cabinet during' the period of-r. Stanton's service ; but hisshare in them has not been truly stated. I am not writing the history of those times, and therefore I say nothing of what others did or forbore to do, except so far as may be necessary to show Mr. Stanton's acts and omissions in their true „... „ --' 'TEIEOCCILTPATION OF* FORT SUMTER: Before the election it was determined that the forts in Charleston harbor should be strengthened so as to make them impregnable. The order was triven, but the execution of it was .unaccountably put off. When General Cass ascertained that the delay was acqui esced irt by the President he resigaed: Two weeks afterwards Major Anderson, com manding Fort*Moultrie and apprehending an attack,' grow his garrison into Fort Sumter. Simultaneously came certain' commissioners from South Carolina demanding the surren der of the latterfort to the State. The charac ter of the answer that should be given to the commissioners and the question whether Fort Sumter should be furnished with men and provisions were discussed for three days, each day running far into the night. ACTION OF THE CABINET. On the one side it was insisted that the sur render of the fortress was so utterly incom patible with our plainest duty that the demand itself was a gross insult. To leave it in a con dition which would enable rebellious citizens to take itif they pleased was still worse, for that would be merely another mode of making the surrender, and a worse one, because it would be fraudulent and deceptive. Major Anderson should, therefore, be immediately so reinforced that ” his castle's strength would laugh a siege to scorn," and then no attack would be made. This last, instead of being dangerous, was the only measure that gave us a chance of safety; it would not bring: on Jaostilities, haii..avert , them, and, if .war must- COMeat all events, the possession of Fort Sumter, which commanded the other for, harbor and the city, would be of incal culable value to the government of the Union. To this there was absolutely no answer, ex cept what consisted in saying that the fort ' could not be relieved without difficulty and danger of successful opposition; that South Carolina would take it as an affront, and that it was tantamount to a threat of coercion. The replication was easily made :3 There was no danger of even an attempt at resistance to a ship-of-war; the statements made of the hostile _power were mere brag; if South Carolina took offence at our preparation for the safety of our own men and our own prpperty she must already be in a temper to make reconciliation impossible ; and, as to coercion, let her take care not to coerce us, and she will be safe enough. At length the President pro - aimed his deci sion in the form of.. an answer to the .coMmis sieners. While it was,far from satisfactory to the Southern mernbersOt with con sternation and grief; Then caine the desperate struggle of out alone to do what-all had failed to ,eilect, It A.NEJARY 20, 1870. was painful In the extreme, but unexpectedly P short and decisive. The resident gave up his first ground, yielded the points on which he bad seemed most tenacious; the answer to South Carolina was essentially changed, and it was agreed that fort Sumter should have men and provisions. STANTON'S SHARE IN THE BUSINESS. During these discussions Mr. Stanton was always true, but the part he took was by no means a leading one. He said many times that be was there only that I might have two votes instead of one. On no occasion was there the slightest conflict between him and me. He exhibited none of the coarseness which some of his later friends have attributed to him. Be hivever spoke without the greatest respect for colleagues, and the profoundest deference to the President. He said no word to the Prident about told me that he es would resign if si l gning did ; but when certain concessions were made to my wishes he expressed himself perfectlysatisfled. De did not furnish one atom of the influence which brought the President round on the an swer to South Carolina. Nor did he over pro pose or Carry any measure of his own, di rectly or indirectly, relating to the secession troubles. He uniformly professed to be as anxious for the preservation of the public peace as any man there. It would be a wrong to the memory of Mr. Stanton not to 'add that so far as I know, he never gave'countenance or encouragement to those fabulous stories of his behavior. ;NEB:4IIAR B. BLACK. GRINE IN CLEVELAND. Forgerlei by a Prominent Citizen-411n. aulair Developmenati. The Cleveland herald of yesterday says: Again the public stand* aghast at develop mons of fraud in a hitherto much trusted citizen. Everyone knows Frederick T. Wal lace, Esq., a lawyer, and of late an extensive real estate operator, the owner of "Park Building" on the Square, of a large block on Michigan street, and of other valuable pref petty. .His manners were always courteous, quiet and unobtrusive, and well calculated to make for him a favorable impression with all classes of citizens. Now all this fair structure of good reputation Ls gone, and the recipient of this general confidence is known to be a forger, and a fugitive from justice. Monday afternoon a note signed by F. T. Wallace, with name of H. B. Payne endorsed thereon, payable at the Ohio National Bank, was presented for payment. There being no funds it was returned to the holder and pro tested. The protest brought the knowledge home to Mr. Payne, who knew nothing of any such' note, and inquiries rapidly made de veloped other forgeries. Late in the day John. C. Grannis, Esq., agent and attorney for Mrs. Delia It. Hilliard, commenced a snit in the Court of Common Pleas against Mr. Wallace for 53,000, and pro cured an order of arrest. The petition. and .affidavit charge the appropriation of $.3,000 to his own use of money paid him to be applied on a note and mortgage which he, held. The order was issued-and Mr. Wallace was ar rested at his boarding-place early in 'the even ing. Mr. Griswold, acting as friend for Mr. Grannis, gave permission to the sheriff to' guard him in his room. Deputy Sheriff John McGrath, was left in charge. During the evening Messrs. Payne, Little and others visited him, and he seemed much deprassed, and once fainted. He retired to his bed at a late hour in a bed-room opening into the front parlor on the second floor. The officer remained in the parlor. At four o'clock Tuesday morning he arose and sat down to write letters at a desk in his bed-room, and 'continued to do so as late as six o'clock, when the officer, who was sitting in a rocking-chair, fell asleep and did not awake for fifteen minutes, as he says. In the mean time the prisoner had pulled his bed away from the wall, and opening a door against which it was placed, slipped into the ball, and made his way to the Atlantic and Great Western depot,where he arrived at 6.55, and took the the train at 7.15 for New York, baying purchased a through ticket. - No word having reached the depor, no suspicion was entertained by filly one, and of course no ob .stacle was placed to his departure. The amounts) obtained by his forgeries are now known to amount to $94,600, with doubt less many notes yet to come in. In every in stance the forgery is that of the name of IL B. Payne as endorser. It is known that he has been forging this name for over a year, but has always taken care of the paper when it came due Mr. Wallace was arrested at Meadville Tuesday forenoon, by an officer of that place, on a telegram from sheriff Frazee. The latter took the 3.25 P. M.train to bring him to this city. If Mr. TWallace is willing to accumpany him they are expected to arrive Wednesday morning. Otherwise it will be necessary to procure a requisition from Governor Hayes, upon the Pennsylvania authorities, for his de livery. Up to eleven o'clock Tuesday night no intelligence had been received from Mr. Fra zee, it having been arranged that he was to telegraph if a requisition should be needed, and the necessary .steps would be immedi ately taken here to obtain it from Columbus. It is inferred that Mr. Wallace will come of his own accord, and that they will reach this city on Wednesday. AMUSEMENTS. • —Miss Susan Galton will appear at the Chestnut Street Theatre this evening, with her company, in the comic operas, The Prima Donna of a Night and Terrible Hymen. To morrow night Mrs. Pyre Galton will have a benefit in the two favorite operas, by Offen bach, A Marriage by Lanterns, and The Prima Donna of a Night. —At the Walnut Street Theatre this evening Not. Guilty will be repeated. —Little Emily will be given every night this week at the Arch Street Theatre. —At the Seventh Street Opera House to night Messrs. Duprez & Benedict will offer a very attractive bill, including new burlesques, farces and negro comicalities. —Messrs. Carncross & Dixey announce a number of novelties for this evening at the Eleventh Street Opera House. —Signor Blitz, assisted by his son Theodore Blitz, will give an exhibition of magic and legerdemain at Assembly Buildings every evening this week, with a matinee on. Satur day. -- , -r-Thelernerican Theatre has procuked a number of new attractions for the present week. Mr: Gibbon:4, the famous gymnast, will appear nightly, and Messrs. Sheridan Mack and Rollin HOward will perform in special lines of business. .New ballets will be presented, and there will be the usual miscel lanies by the members of the regular com pany. —At Mrs. Chat'. Warner's circus, Tenth and Callowhill, a splendid performance will be giveu this evening, in which Mad. De Berg, the daring rider, will perform some of her equestrian feats. -0v the first of. February next Rev. Henry Ward Beecher will lecture at the Academy of Music under the auspices of am Young Men's Christian Association. The subject of his discourse will be The Household," The, next and last lecture of this very interesring and successful course will be delivered by Hon. Horace Greeley, ou the 22d of February, upon, the theme,'" The Woman Question." It is likely that Mr. Greeley will handle his sub jeer, vigorously, and present it to his hearers iu a. novel light. The sale of tickets for these leetures will begin at Ashindad's book store owthe 23tb, inst: • F. I eRIOE THREB OENTS; • "LITTLit git'Llr." • —lt is a matter for regret that Mrs. Dreva lit compelled so soon to withdetiar Little Pettit from the stage of the Arch street theatre: In many respects the pOrformance atfords olte , of the most delightful entertainments give" In this city for many years. The , play is xi nearly perfect as any dramatization of a lens and intricate novel can be; and it has this higher merit, tbat while familiarity with its i source is necessary to complete eajoyment it, it still has intelligibility and interest for the spectator who Las never known the delights of "David Copperfield." While wernias fro= the play many of the voices that speak from the pages of the story, and feel that the dile; matist has omitted, perhapa frod: necessity, some of the finest episodes, ire ' ars grateful to him for the ingenuitY with whieli he has told the piteous story of "Little Panay," made her sorrow real, and given ate tual life to the quaintest and most heantiftta figurea of the novel. The incarnation of a character with whom we are eaquainted only fronadescription, always postiesses strange terest. We like to realize palpably, ,the cons ceptions which seem shadowy anitutuantl, even when formed from most vivid and minute word painting. Whether It is eatable hero like old' "Peggotty," or a villain like "Heep," it is intensely- satisfactery tee see the actual person, represented i flesh and blood, stalking upon the stage, uttering the very language, that we are sure is best suited ea his lips. An ordinary play has no such charm as this; for we know the figures only in their embodied form, and they are not a fulfilment of any preconceived notion. The difficulty with dramatizations, however, is that the author's conceptions generally suffer at the bands of the actors; but in the case of Little Zell at the Arch Street Theatre, we are saved from this disappointment. The per formance is nearly completely good; and where objection may reasonably be made, the fault is, to be attributed rather to error of judgment than to lack of ability to interpret the characters truthfully. The best realiza tions in this instance, are, In our opinion, Mr. Mackey's " Heep" and Cathcart's " Peggotty." Mr. Mackey adds tat unusual •ability as an artist, the nicest and most scrupulous carefulnesei of detail. " He presents a figure of " Uriati" that is finished With an intelligent regard for the weaning of physical peculiarities, down to the very dia_ coloration of the teeth and the pallor of the linger nails. The effect of this minuteness is enjoyed by everybody; but, the carefulness that considers its necessity and the skill that executes it, rarely receives proper recognition and encouragement. If wo might find any defect' in Mr. Mackey's preparation of "Uriah's " person, it would be that he has given hire more years than , he should have but this mistake is not an unpleasaut one, and we can afford to forgive it in consideration of the excellence of the general effect, and of the consummate ability with which hateful qualities of the fawning scoundrel are represented. Mr. Cathcart's treatment of " Peggotty "'de serves equal praise. It is so natural, so goad, so true to the character of the kind-hearted. gentle, loving man, as the author drew hint, that it has surprised many who bay° seen ale. Cathcart in less satisfactory personation% Upon the first night of the season, Itepleyeil. "'Alfred Evelyn," in . Money, and played it superbly; since then, perhaps for want Of opportunity, lie haa rarely equaled that performance, and some who haveseen hart eta disadvantage, have no notion of his powers. We knew- that heliosseased rare ability: as an actor of pathetic cbaracters r and the exquisite: tenderness of his treatment of .devoted" Peg gutty" proves that his greatest in -that direction, and confirms the judgment paSsed upon him by us after his first appearance. There are, however, passages in this persona tion which, we think, might •be improved. In the scene, for instance, where " Mealy's" 'light is announced, Dickens makes the old man stand y b a while, u and filled with silentl unnatu y for ral calmnessst bypefied the awful blow which has brought such desoLation to his home; and when he does speak it is in soft tones which express most forcibly his deep feeling, and the mightiness of his purpose to seek for "Panay" through the world. This :you'd be more effec tive play than noisy and violent demonstra a tion, anti we would respectfully suggest, the fact to Mr. Cathearawho ought to try to make perfect a performance which is already worth* of hearty eraises Mr. Craig's Micawber," is hardly entitled to unmixed eulogy. As a bit of splendid low comedy it Is equal to anything ever attempted by this excellent artist. It is so extravagantly funny that the most stolid spectator cannot look at it without hearty . and contlintal laughter. But in our opinion it is too fanny. alica.wber " was not a hopeless buffoon, and it is entirely impossible either that he. should have indulged in the comic busi nessof drinking punch while lie is embracing his wife, or that he should have lacked franti- cally while "Traddles" bolds him in the air to prevent his assaulting " Heep." " Micaw ber," as Dickeus drew hire, is a caricature, to be sure; but be is only an exaggerated picture of a weak, amiable, conceited, shabby gentle man, who is unconscious of his comical aspect and the comical character of his speeches. If Mr. Craig would refine his personation to a closer similarity to the anginal, the effect would be better and the results would be more creiitable. It is desirable, perhaps, that the audience should laugh at the queer action! and the queerer langurge of "Micawber ;'• but this is not the only compensa tion that such an actor as.. Mr. Craig desires. Any good comedian can invent ludi crous situations and indulge in comical tricks which will set the house in a roar. But an artist ought rather to endeavor to present a faithful likeness of his original, and to in terpret truthfully the text; such an effort may not secure loudest demonstrations olapproval, but the spectators recognize its value, and carry away with them heartier respect for the ability of the actor who makes. it. We like uproarious fun as well as other people, and we have been treated to it often enough by Ma. Craig to know that he .an supply it in it's bast shape. But we know also that he has the capacity to play this character more truthfully than he does play it, and to excite mirth by a personation winch shall be less extravagant but quite as amusing. Of Mrs. Drew's treatment of the difficult character of "Martha" we have already spoken in terms of warm praise. Miss priest: '' Little Em'ay;" Mr. James's personation of " Ham' ," Mrs. Maeder's "Mrs. Micawber," and Mrs. Thayer's " Betsy Trot Wood," also de serve mention again for their exeellence. , We are glad. to know that Mrs. Drew pre poses to re-present this drama when Mr Brougham's etigagement ia over. It, is wen - worthy of prolonged success, and we do not / a doubt that :sill have it. I r IV ZA I'4l MOE ?I • ,");4. i. .~~"r • , . 1-1 n~ , ~r~7'ltl.
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